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Date: Item No.
Proposed Action
Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to approve the City of Lakeville
2017 Legislative Priorities.
Passage of this motion will result in the City publicly stating their position on a variety of
state and local legislative issues.
As the 2017 Minnesota State Legislature gets underway, there will be many legislative
initiatives and bills considered. The adoption of legislative priorities is intended to portray
the City's positions on a variety of issues and to communicate to Lakeville’s residents,
legislators, county and state officials, lobbying organizations and other interested parties
Lakeville’s position on a variety of significant legislative topics. The policies are divided into
four categories including transportation, local control/municipal revenue and taxation,
economic development and housing. In addition the document includes an appendix that
lists other initiatives the city is monitoring during the legislative session.
Primary Issues to Consider
• How will the City Council and staff promote the City’s positions as stated in the policies?
Members of the City Council and staff will continue to be actively involved at the state
and local level attending meetings, discussing the policies and educating individuals and
groups about Lakeville’s various legislative priorities. In addition, copies of the
legislative priorities will be provided to State and Federal representatives.
Supporting Information
• 2017 Legislative Priorities
Financial Impact: $ Budgeted: Y☐ N☐ Source:
Related Documents: (CIP, ERP, etc.):
Envision Lakeville Community Values: Good Value for Public Services
Report Completed by: Allyn G. Kuennen, Assistant City Administrator
January 17, 2016
City of Lakeville
2017 Legislative Priorities
Adopted: January 17, 2017
Primary Legislative Priorities:
Transportation 3 - 4
A. Relieve Congestion Along I-35 through Lakeville
B. Transportation System Improvement and Maintenance Funding
Local Control, Municipal Revenue & Taxation 4 - 5
A. State Mandates on Local Authority
B. Regulating the Storage of Rail Cars
C. Levy Limits
D. Revisions to Data Practices Act
E. Reduction of State & Regional Agencies
Economic Development 6
A. Restoration of Job Creation Fund (JCF)
B. Restoration of Minnesota Investment Fund (MIF)
Housing 6 - 7
A. City Role in Affordable, Life Cycle and Attainable Housing
Appendix A
Additional Legislative Priorities: 8
A. Fiscal Disparity Fund Distribution
B. Transit Operations and Taxing District
C. MnDOT Maintenance Budget
D. Dan Patch Commuter Rail Corridor
E. Tax Increment Financing
F. Sunday Liquor Sales
G. Funding to Manage Shade Tree Diseases and Pests
H. Franchising Cable Service Providers
I. Metropolitan Council Governance
J. Street Improvement Districts
K. Targeting Property Tax Relief Directly to Individuals
Primary Legislative Priorities
A. Relieve Congestion along I-35 through Lakeville
Position: Lakeville strongly encourages MnDOT and the Metropolitan Council to find
ways to reduce congestion, improve safety and increase transit options on I-35 through
There is a need to expand the capacity of I-35 in Lakeville to further increase safety and
improve traffic flow. Today there is congestion from south of Lakeville to County Road
46 due to a shortage of lane capacity. In addition, between 2010 and 2016 hundreds of
accidents have occurred along this section of Interstate 35 that have included multiple
fatalities. The City of Lakeville believes the following improvements should be
• Additional Park-and-Ride facilities should be considered. Within the next three years
the Metropolitan Council has determined the Kenrick Station Park-and-Ride facility
will be at capacity and with the future extension of the METRO Orange Line service
along the Interstate 35 corridor into Lakeville as proposed by METRO Transit, it will
be necessary to expand the Kenrick Avenue Station or construct other park and ride
facilities along the corridor.
• Interstate 35 Lane Expansions: There is a need to expand the capacity of Interstate
35 in Lakeville to increase safety and improve traffic flow for commuters not using
transit. Improvements to Interstate 35 would also provide increased regional access
to the County Road 70 corridor area, taking more advantage of the improved
interchange and promoting continued corporate, office, industrial, and commercial
growth within this area.
• County Road 50/Interstate 35 Interchange Improvement: Over the past eight years
the City has invested over $20 million dollars along the County Road 50 corridor and
Interstate 35 interchange area in preparation for the future reconstruction of the
interchange. In addition the City invested another $750,000, with the help of Met
Council’s Right-of-way Acquisition Loan Funds (RALF), to acquire a vacant Burger
King restaurant for the future construction of an off-ramp at this interchange and
another 1.6 million was invested in conjunction with Dakota County for the
relocation of the 172 Street intersection on the west side of the interchange.
Currently traffic volumes are high through this area with congestion on the ramps
and turn lanes and on the mainline of County Road 50 as it narrows from four to two
lanes under Interstate 35. Several more properties around the interchange are
vacant or remain undeveloped due to the uncertainty of when the interchange will
be reconstructed and what effect the reconstruction will have on the properties.
Reconstructing the interchange in combination with constructing additional travel
lanes on Interstate 35 will provide the needed regional infrastructure to extend the
Metro Orange Line along the interstate corridor, promoting new commercial and
industrial development at County Road 50 and County Road 70 and encouraging
additional job creation and tax base.
B. Transportation System Improvement and Maintenance Funding
Position: The City of Lakeville supports State efforts to bolster financial resources
needed to address road and highway improvements. The City of Lakeville also supports
efforts to provide cities with adequate tools to fund maintenance and improvements to
local roadways.
Background: Current levels of funding for roads and highways is inadequate to maintain
existing road and highway needs and meet the needs of growing areas such as Lakeville.
Lakeville recognizes the need for additional transportation funding statewide and will
continue to advocate for additional resources to maintain the State’s transportation
infrastructure. In addition, cities still lack the authority to use additional tools for City
street improvements; such resources continue to be restricted to property taxes and
special assessments. It is imperative that alternative authority be granted to
municipalities for this purpose to relieve the burden on the property tax system.
The City of Lakeville will be financing more than $30 million of street maintenance and
reconstruction projects with property taxes over the next five years. Street maintenance and
reconstruction projects will be the most significant contributing factors to future property tax
increases. This is in addition to more than $24.1 million of project costs financed from other
sources such as special assessments and municipal state-aid street funding.
Local Control, Municipal Revenue & Taxation
A. State Mandates on Local Authority
Position: Lakeville opposes statutory changes which erode local control and authority.
Background: The Legislature has previously created or mandated additional tasks
requiring new or added local costs without a corresponding State appropriation or
funding mechanism. New unfunded mandates cause increased property taxes which
impede cities’ ability to fund traditional services.
B. Storage of Railroad Cars within Urban Residential Areas
Position: Minnesota's Federal Congressional Representatives should initiate legislative
actions to create laws or rules that would prohibit the current practice of storing railroad
cars within urbanized residential neighborhoods without the express written consent of
the City.
Background: An active but little used section of freight railroad track runs through the
City of Lakeville and a majority of the track runs through residential neighborhoods or is
adjacent to residential homes. While the railroad track is classified as an active line,
several sections are in poor condition and are not used. Therefore, the tracks are being
used for the storage of inactive rail cars without any limits as to the amount of time that
they may be stored. Adjacent residential property owners are experiencing detrimental
effects on their homes and neighborhoods due to the storage of these railroad cars
including visual blight negatively impacting residential home values, safety of children
and general welfare of the community. Lakeville City Council passed a resolution in
2009 requesting Minnesota's Federal Congressional Representatives initiate legislative
actions to address this issue.
C. Levy Limits
Position: The City of Lakeville strongly opposes levy limits and other forms of levy
restrictions imposed upon local governments.
Background: Local taxpayers hold their local elected officials accountable for local
government spending and taxing decisions. When the state imposes levy limits, reverse
referenda, or other fiscal restraints on local elected officials, it negatively impacts the
ability of cities to meet the needs of their residents and removes the autonomy of local
D. Data Practices Act
Position: The City of Lakeville supports common-sense changes to the Data Practices
Act to protect municipalities from abusive or harassing requests, and to compensate
municipalities for overly broad and burdensome requests
Background: The Minnesota Government Data Practices Act was written before the
widespread use of computers and other technology, and has never been updated to
reflect the exponential increase in the amount of data that every public and private
entity must manage in order to conduct business. A single overly burdensome and
broad request can cost a city hundreds of hours in staff time and tens of thousands of
tax dollars to respond to, and the Act largely prohibits a city from recouping any of that
cost. Further, some requests are made with the intent to harass a city and its employees,
and some requesters never intend to collect the data, wasting time and tax dollars. The
MGDPA must be modernized to reflect today’s data-intensive society.
The City of Lakeville supports common-sense changes to the Data Practices Act to
protect municipalities from abusive or harassing requests, and to compensate
municipalities for overly broad and burdensome requests.
E. Reduction of State and Regional Agencies
Position: The City of Lakeville supports reducing the number of state and regional
agencies that regulate municipal activities related to water quality and water supply.
Background: Over the years the state and regional governments in Minnesota have
layered countless regulations relating to water quality and water supply on cities, their
residents, and their businesses. Overlapping, duplicative, and conflicting requirements
create confusion, impede development, and waste tax dollars. While the City of Lakeville
acknowledges the need for reasonable regulations, the current system has become
Economic Development
A. Restoration of the Job Creation Fund (JCF)
Position: The City of Lakeville supports the restoration of the 2016 cuts to the Job
Creation Fund - $11.5 million in FY2017 and $6 million per year going forward.
Background: The Job Creation Fund provides financial incentives to new and expanding
businesses that meet certain job creation and capital investment targets. Companies
deemed eligible to participate may receive up to $1 million for creating or retaining
high-paying jobs and for constructing or renovating facilities or making other property
improvements. In some cases, companies may receive awards of up to $2 million. Over
the past two years this fund allowed the expansion of the Menasha Corporation and
Mendell Machine within the City of Lakeville, retaining over 300 jobs and creating
almost 30 new positions. The expansion of these companies and the additional jobs
created may not have been possible without assistance from the Job Creation Fund.
B. Restoration of the Minnesota Investment Fund (MIF)
Position: The City of Lakeville supports the restoration of the 2016 cuts to the Minnesota
Investment Fund (MIF): $9 million in FY2017 and $4 million per year going forward.
Background: The Minnesota Investment Fund provides financing to help add new
workers and retain high-quality jobs on a statewide basis. The focus is on industrial,
manufacturing, and technology-related industries to increase the local and state tax
base and improve economic vitality statewide. When Post Consumer Brands acquired
Malt-O-Meal in Lakeville, Post considered relocating their operations out of Minnesota.
Thanks to the availability of Minnesota Investment Funds the State and the City were
able to provide the incentives needed to retain Post Consumer Brands with over 250
jobs and allow them to expand their operations and reinvest in Lakeville and Minnesota.
Without these funds the City and State may have lost a major employer and cooperate
A. City Role in Housing
Position: The City values living options for people of all ages and stages of life. Lakeville
strives to be a community where residents can live and age in place. Lakeville will
accommodate individuals and families at all stages of life and strive to meet the
housing, transportation, education, shopping, access to health care, and other needs of
all demographic groups within the City.
Background: Funding for affordable, life cycle and attainable housing is the
responsibility of State and Federal governments and should not be borne by local
property tax payers. In addition, the City opposes any mandated housing requirements.
Cities can facilitate the production and preservation of affordable, life cycle and
attainable housing by:
• Applying for State or Federal funding from applicable grant and loan programs;
• Working with developers and local residents to blend affordable, life cycle and
attainable housing into new and existing neighborhoods; and
• Establishing standards that encourage affordable, life cycle, and attainable housing.
Appendix A:
Additional Legislative Priorities
A. Fiscal Disparity Fund Distribution
The City of Lakeville supports the Fiscal Disparities Program and opposes any diversion from
the fiscal disparities pool to fund specific programs or projects, as this would contradict the
purposes of the program as it was created for the following purposes:
• To provide a way for local governments to share in the resources generated by the growth
of the metropolitan area without removing existing resources;
• to promote orderly development of the region by reducing the impact of fiscal
considerations on the location of business and infrastructure;
• to establish incentives for all parts of the area to work for the growth of the area as a
• to help communities at various stages of development; and
• to encourage protection of the environment by reducing the impact of fiscal
considerations to ensure protection of parks, open space, and wetlands.
B. Transit Operations and Taxing District
The City of Lakeville opposes the State imposing the Transit Taxing District upon cities. The
City of Lakeville supports funding of all transit capital expenses and operating subsidies into
the State budget through the use of Motor Vehicle Sales Tax (MVST) revenues or other
statewide revenue sources. The Transit Taxing District is a funding source for capital expenses
such as transit stations and buses. These expenses account for about 10% of the cost of
operating a transit system. The operating costs of the transit system are paid by all residents
of the state through other revenues such as the gas and sales tax.
C. MnDOT Maintenance Budget
The City of Lakeville supports MnDOT taking full responsibility for maintaining state owned
infrastructure within city limits. The state has abrogated its responsibility for maintaining
major roads throughout the state by requiring, through omission, that cities bear the burden
of maintenance on major state roads. Cities should be compensated equitably for providing a
service that traditionally has been borne by the state. MnDOT should also be required to meet
standards adopted by cities through local ordinances or reimburse cities for labor, equipment
and material used on the State’s behalf to improve public safety or meet local standards.
D. Dan Patch Commuter Rail Corridor
Lakeville is opposed to any State or Federal funding that supports the study, planning, design
or engineering of the Dan Patch Corridor. The Dan Patch Corridor is a proposed commuter
rail line that would serve a region which runs from Minneapolis to Northfield through the City
of Lakeville. It was proposed as a passenger rail line in 2000 after being identified as a "Tier
One" corridor in the Minnesota Department of Transportation's 2000 Commuter Rail System
Plan. Due to limited State and Federal funding of planning, design, engineering and
construction of transportation projects, priority should be given to the improvement and
expansion of the existing road and bridge infrastructure and BRT system.
E. Tax Increment Financing (TIF)
Cities need greater flexibility to use TIF for community and economic development that
supports residents and businesses. Further restrictions of TIF would render the tool less
effective and hinder local efforts to support job creation, housing and redevelopment. The
Legislature should consider expanding the use of TIF to assist in the development of
technological infrastructure and products, biotechnology, research, transportation and transit
oriented development, non-retail commercial projects, and modifying the various provisions
of existing TIF law in order to better facilitate redevelopment and housing activities.
F. Sunday Liquor Sales
If Sunday Sales are approved, it should include an impact study to be completed within three
years of being implemented, with no other changes to retail alcohol policy occurring until the
full impact of Sunday Sales is determined. .
G. Funding to Manage Shade Tree Diseases and Pests
Lakeville supports state funding that would assist cities with meeting the costs of addressing
shade tree disease and pest problems. The resurgence of Dutch Elm disease, the spread of
Oak Wilt, and the growing Emerald Ash Borer infestation have brought about a significantly
increased need for City tree removal services which has placed fiscal pressure on City
budgets. Although the Department of Natural Resources’ ReLeaf program and the
Department of Agriculture’s Shade Tree and Invasive Species program currently allow for
addressing tree diseases and pest problems, funding levels have been inadequate to assist
cities. Cities share the goal of the state’s ReLeaf program—promoting and funding the
planting, maintenance, and improvement of trees in the state. Lack of resources to take
preventative steps to halt fast-spreading diseases by removing infected trees in a timely
manner actually ends up costing cities significantly more in the long run.
H. Franchising Cable Service Providers
The City of Lakeville supports attracting multiple cable television service providers to the City
by streamlining franchising requirements and removing unnecessary impediments to
entering the market while preserving the City’s control of its rights-of-way, local
programming, and customer service standards including PEG channel capacity, funding and
institutional networks (I-nets). Under current state law, local franchising authorities must
adopt agreements that are “no more favorable or less burdensome” with regard to area
served, public, educational and government (PEG) programming, and franchise fees. The City
believes that no case has been made for state-wide franchising. The State Legislature and
Congress should recognize and support increased flexibility in the exercise of local
franchising authority in order to encourage entry by competitive multi-channel video service
providers, without giving unfair advantage to one provider over another. Local franchising
authorities need flexibility to take advantage of opportunities to provide increased customer
choice while requiring a measure designed to prevent economic, racial or other
discriminatory redlining or “cherry-picking” that could result in creation of a “digital divide”
within the community.
I. Metropolitan Council Governance
The 17-member Metropolitan Council has 16 members, who represent geographic districts
within the Twin Cities seven-county metropolitan area, with one member serving at large.
However, they are all appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the Governor and typically fall
within the current governor’s party affiliation. To provide a governance structure which is
more representative of our respective communities, local governments (cities and counties)
should be afforded an opportunity to provide input in the selection process for members who
represent our interest in regional planning efforts.
J. Street Improvement Districts
The City of Lakeville supports the authority of local units of government to establish street
improvement districts and supports changes to special assessment laws to make assessing
state-owned property a more predictable process with uniformity in the payment of
assessments across the state. Funding sources for local transportation projects are limited to
the use of Municipal State Aid (MSA), property taxes and special assessments, and cities under
5,000 in population are not eligible for MSA. With increasing pressures on city budgets and
limited tools and resources, cities are finding it increasingly difficult to maintain aging streets.
Street improvement districts allow cities in developed and developing areas to fund new
construction as well as reconstruction and maintenance efforts. The street improvement
district is designed to allow cities, through the use of a fair and objective fee structure, to
create a district or districts within the city where fees will be raised but must also be spent.
Street improvement districts would also aid cities under 5,000, giving them an alternative to
the property tax system and special assessments.
K. Targeting Property Tax Relief Directly to Individuals
The City of Lakeville supports targeting property tax relief directly to individuals as opposed
to direct aid programs like Local Government Aid (LGA) and believes that income, not
property value, is the most appropriate measure of "ability to pay" property taxes. Lakeville
supports additional property tax relief to those in greatest need by directing dollars to the
circuit breaker program from programs such as Local Government Aid (LGA). The circuit
breaker income adjusted property tax relief program provides direct assistance to those
homeowners in greatest need whether or not those local homeowners reside in a city which
receives direct aids from the State. Lakeville believes that on a long term basis the State
should focus property tax relief to individual taxpayers instead of local units of government.
Such a program provides equitable tax relief to all property tax payers in Minnesota.