HomeMy WebLinkAbout17-096CITY OF LAKEVILLE RESOLUTION NO. 17-96 RESOLUTION AWARDING A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT, AUTHORIZING TRANSFERS AND AMENDING 2017 BUDGETS FOR IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 17-04 WHEREAS, the City of Lakeville received sealed bids on Friday, June 2, 2017 at 10:00 a.m. for portions of the Marrinan Addition, Overland First Addition, Bentson Addition, Berres Addition, Rhoda Tomsons Addition, Wright and Balchs Addition, Hewitt Investments First Addition, Lakeville Village (Town of Fairfield), DHY Addition, Lakeville Senior Housing Addition, Market Plaza, as well as those metes and bounds parcels located along Holyoke Avenue between 202nd Street (CSAR 50) and 215th Street (CSAR 70), City Improvement Project 17-04, and WHEREAS, the lowest responsible bid was from Pember Companies, Inc. NOW, THEREFORE, LET IT BE RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Lakeville, Minnesota: 1. That the City Council hereby awards the contract to the lowest responsible bidder that meets all the bid requirements, Pember Companies, Inc. with a base bid in the amount of $1,946,766.70. The construction is proposed to be completed as specified in the contract documents. 2. The City Council authorizes the following funding sources and the corresponding transfers between the Funds for the amounts noted, and up to 10% additional costs to any of the identified funds based on additional amounts incurred during the project, in accordance with the Lakeville Policy Manual Change Order Policy (Policy 5.15) Property Taxes $ 1,291,583.00 Special Assessment - Streets $ 507,146.00 Special Assessment - Signage $ 10,614.00 City Street Light Operating Fund $ 400,000.00 City Communication Fund $ 98,103.00 City Pavement Management Fund $ 37,759.00 City Building Fund $ 94,966.00 Dakota County CDA TIF $ 65,000.00 Dakota County RIG Grant $ 250,000.00 City of Lakeville TIF District No. 3 $ 158,146.00 TOTAL PROJECT COSTS $ 2,913,317.00 3 3. City staff is authorized to amend the 2017 budgets, as appropriate. ADOPTED by the Lakeville City Council this 17th day of July 2017 CITY OF LAKEVILLE I reg1rasl?"Anderson, Mayor ATTEST: Charlene Friedges, CityC/erk