HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-28-17CITY OF LAKEVILLE CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION MINUTES August 28, 2017 1. Mayor Anderson called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. in the Lake Marion Conference Room. Members present: Mayor Anderson, Council Members Davis, LaBeau, Hellier, and Wheeler Members absent: None Staff present: Justin Miller, City Administrator; Allyn Kuennen, Assistant City Administrator; Daryl Morey, Planning Director; John Hennen, Parks & Recreation Director; Zach Johnson, City Engineer; Jerilyn Erickson, Finance Director; Tamara Wallace, Deputy City Clerk 2. Citizen Comments There were no citizen comments. 3. Comprehensive Plan Update Mr. Morey provided a brief update on the 2018 Comprehensive Plan. The overview included results from the resident online survey, feedback from six neighborhood meetings held in April and May, community presentations to various organizations within the city, as well as response from a recent developer forum. Staff will look to schedule work sessions in October with the City Council to present the draft preliminary plan, and obtain feedback and recommendations to incorporate into the future document. 4. Maynard Johnson Pioneer Plaza Nomination Staff is seeking to nominate Maynard B. Johnson for a Pioneer Plaza Induction based on a 2010 policy to honor long-time Lakeville residents or business owners who have shown a substantial commitment and influence within the community. As a long-term resident of Lakeville for 52 years, Maynard made numerous contributions to the city including the establishment of the industrial park comprised of over 150 businesses, the Lakeville Chamber of Commerce, as well as the annual Pan-O-Prog celebration. Jack Matasosky, Owner of APPRO Development, Inc. Discussed the nomination letter he wrote for Maynard which included his many community involvements. The Council agreed Maynard B. Johnson was a necessary inductee for this nomination as someone who had a huge impact and presence within the city; and directed staff to move forward City Council Work Session Minutes, August 28, 2017 Page 2 with next steps to honor Maynard as a Lakeville Pioneer. A resolution authorizing this induction will be presented at the September 5 City Council Meeting. 5. Transportation Update Mr. Johnson provided the transportation update which primarily included timeline information on street closures, access, signage, and next phases for both the County Road 50 and Downtown Lakeville Streetscape projects. All projects have been affected by various weather obstacles during construction, however staff is working to provide the community and businesses affected with the most up to date information possible. 6. 2017 Budget/ Fleet and Equipment CIP Finance Director Jerilyn Erickson provided an overview of the proposed 2018 property tax levy, property tax supported -funds, revenue and expenditure changes in the General Fund, and the impact on the median home and fund balance reserves. The 2018 property tax levy considers the City's growth, inflation, and debt service; and is comprised of the general fund, street reconstruction, pavement management, building, equipment, park and trail improvements, and debt service funds. The proposed preliminary levy is 5.9% increase over the 2017 levy. The Council discussed several concerns and questions including personnel additions/ changes, fleet maintenance and fuel costs, the lease vs. purchase of city vehicles, life of a fleet vehicle, the police shooting range, expansion of the Central Maintenance Facility, the Arts Center improvements, as well as an extensive conversation about the importance of supporting first responders with the staffing and training necessary to manage mental health calls. The Council agreed on a preliminary tax levy of 5.9% with an expectation that staff would further review and tighten projected numbers, re -assess maintenance needs and policies, and make necessary adjustments where possible to decrease the final tax levy. 7. Committee/ City Administrator Updates Mr. Miller provided a brief update on the compensation study contract which the personnel committee has reviewed and recommended the City go with Springsted, Inc. Staff has also interviewed four vendors to look at a utility rate study that will be completed before yearend in time to set the utility rates for 2018. Finally, the personnel committee is evaluating a retirement incentive program for employees who provide additional notice before leaving their position. Council Member Hellier attended the League of Minnesota Fiscal Futures meeting where they discussed the future of Local Government Aid (LGA). Mayor Anderson reminded the council of two upcoming events: A bike ride with the Mayor hosted by the Lakeville Friends of the Environment on Saturday, September 16; and the City Council Work Session Minutes, August 28, 2017 Page 3 upcoming Police & Firefighter's Ball to be held on Friday, September 8 at Brackett's Crossing Country Club. Council Member LaBeau added that the Police & Firefighter's Ball will also include recognition of the Police Chaplains and Reserve Officers. 8. Adjourn The meeting adjourned at 7:46 p.m. { Respe Tamara��Tallace, deputy City Clerk Douglas . Anderson, Mayor