HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-23-17CITY OF LAKEVILLE CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION MINUTES October 23, 2017 1. Mayor Anderson called the meeting to order at 6:03 p.m. in the Lake Marion Conference Room. After a moment of silence, the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag was given. Members present: Mayor Anderson, Council Members Davis, LaBeau (arrived at 6:11 p.m.), Hellier, and Wheeler Members absent: None Staff present: Allyn Kuennen, Assistant City Administrator; Daryl Morey, Planning Director; Chris Petree, Public Works Director; Jerilyn Erickson, Finance Director; Tamara Wallace, Deputy City Clerk 2. Citizen Comments There were no citizen comments regarding non -agenda items. 3. Comprehensive Plan Update Mr. Licht and Mr. Morey provided an update on the 2018 Comprehensive Plan following feedback from the previous neighborhood meetings, the developer's forum discussion, as well as results from the resident online survey. The overview included a timeline of how the plan would be reviewed by the City Council, Planning Commission, ISD 194, and Economic Development Commission at future work session meetings throughout the remainder of the year. Mr. Licht also outlined regional issues the Metropolitan Council's Thrive MSP 2040 plan would like Suburban Edge communities to prioritize. These issues included: the development of workforce housing, preservation of open space/ natural areas, water supply/ water recharge capacity, the development of future transportation systems, and sustainability efforts. The Council clarified the ability to make modifications to the Comprehensive Plan once adopted, methods to incentivize developers to bring in more workforce housing, additional expansion opportunities to I -35W, sustainability efforts such as the recently approved Green Step Cities Program, and future discussions on specific stops to add to the transportation line. 4. Transportation Update Mr. Petree provided the transportation update which included the following projects: final steps for the 2017 Street Reconstruction Project, miscellaneous trail work throughout the City, the County Road 50 project scheduled to open the first week of November, and the Holyoke Avenue City Council Work Session Minutes, October 23, 2017 Page 2 Improvement Project which has completed most of the paving and striping work, as well as sidewalk, and light installation. 5. Utility/ Liquor Funds Budget Ms. Erickson provided an overview of the proposed 2018 Utility Fund and Liquor Fund budgets, and proposed utility rates. The Utility Fund budget considers the City's cost to operate the water system, sanitary sewer system, street lights, environmental resources, and personnel additions. Staff presented the utility fee changes incorporated into the proposed revenues for each of the Utility Funds; the changes would mean a household increase of approximately $2.81/ month or $33.72 annually for water, sewer, street lights, and environmental resources services. Staff is working with Northland Securities Inc. to perform a utility rate study to determine the level of rates to fund operations/ replacement of infrastructure. The study should be complete by mid-November, and will be discussed at the November work session. Any changes to the billing structure will require a significant communication effort with the public to consider during the 2019 utility rate discussion. The Council reviewed the Utility Fund charts which outlined the expenses, revenues, cash position, and projected rate changes for each of the funds. The Council discussed minimizing future rate changes, the irrigation sprinkler accounts, household size factored into the average utility rates, impact of rate increases on the business community, and surveying businesses about their comfort level with a 10% increase. At the November work session, the Council would like staff to provide an analysis examining the minimum utility rate increase possible, and how much of that risk the City is able to absorb. The Liquor Fund budget considers both the cost to operate the three liquor stores as well as the anticipated sale/ leaseback of the Kenrick store. Staff is currently working to refund the 2007 Liquor Revenue bonds to attain interest savings over the remaining term of the bonds; projected savings have been incorporated into the 2018 budget. Given the declining fund balance, the amount contributed towards the repayment of the bonds issued to construct the police station have been further reduced from 2017, and are reflected in the proposed 2018 budget. The Council reviewed the Liquor Fund budget and clarified the probability and timeline of a fourth liquor store, as well as current Sunday liquor sale numbers. 6. Third Quarter Financial Update Ms. Erickson provided an overview of the third quarter financial report which included revenue and expenditure highlights on the General, Communications, Liquor, and Utility Operating Fund's as compared to the 2016 year. Council members thanked staff for the transparency and detail of the document which is helpful to both Council as well as the residents. City Council Work Session Minutes, October 23, 2017 Page 3 7. Committee/ City Administrator Updates Mr. Kuennen provided an update on the Technology Committee which has met twice. The committee has focused on establishing the vision and direction for the group, desired items of implementation, a framework for how their experience will lend itself to those objectives, and a list of short, mid, and long-range goals to accomplish. The committee would like to do a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis with staff to determine the technology strengths and weaknesses within the City, and any processes that can be improved through technology. The next meeting will be held on Thursday, November 2 at 5:30 p.m. Council Members Davis and Hellier attended the personnel committee meeting where they discussed the union contract negotiations which are going well; and provided an update on how the City Administrator review process will work this year. Council Members Hellier and LaBeau attended the Public Safety Committee meeting where they discussed concerns with emergency response time, and the County possibly taking over emergency dispatching. Council Member Wheeler attended the Indoor Athletic Facility Taskforce meeting where discussions have moved to the construction of one facility (versus the two initially proposed), and the review of conceivable locations. A more detailed update will be provided at the Special City Council Work Session held Monday, October 30 at 7 p.m. Mayor Anderson attended the recent Mayor/ Manager meeting hosted by the City of Burnsville, and provided great information about future revenue bonding structures and pricing. The Mayor was also invited to attend the executive DLBA (Downtown Lakeville Business Association) meeting where he offered his opinion on how the committee could work together to establish a direction that works for all parties. Finally, he provided an update on the December work session which tentatively would include inviting guests in to talk about future legislatives priorities; and a January retreat for the Council to discuss City priorities for the upcoming year. S. Adjourn The meeting adjourned at 7:49 p.m. Respec ul ' s mit , Tamara �al ace,Kepu1*1Clerk Douglas .Anderson, Mayor