HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-20-17CITY OF LAKEVILLE
November 20, 2017
Mayor Anderson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City
Hall. After moment of silence, the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag was given.
Members Present: Mayor Anderson, Council Members Davis, Wheeler and LaBeau
Absent: Council Member Hellier
Staff Present: Justin Miller, City Administrator; Andrea McDowell Poehler, City Attorney;
Jeff Long, Police Chief; Chris Petree, Public Works Director; David Olson, Community &
Economic Development Director; Jerilyn Erickson, Finance Director; Daryl Morey, Planning
Director; Allyn Kuennen, Assistant City Administrator; Charlene Friedges, City Clerk
3. Citizen Comments: None
4. Additional Agenda Information: Mr. Miller provided revised minutes of the November 61"
City Council meeting and the October 30' Council work session.
5. Presentations/introductions
David Olson introduced representatives of the Lakeville Lions, who donated $4,000 to the
City for the Lakeville LOOP senior circulator bus service.
Liquor Director Brenda Visnovec presented donations to the Police Department canine
unit ($16,410.28) and to the Friends of the Lakeville Area Arts Center ($1,068.71) on behalf
of Lakeville municipal liquor customers.
Chief Meyer presented the Fire Department third quarter report.
6. Consent Agenda
Motion was made by Davis, seconded by LaBeau, to approve the following:
a. Check register review
b. Minutes of the November 6, 2017 City Council meeting (as amended)
c. Minutes of the October 30, 2017 City Council work sessions (as amended)
d. Resolution No. 17-165 approving Minnesota Department of Health Grant Agreement
for sealing of Well 7
e. Resolution 17-166 accepting donation from the Lakeville Lions
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f. Resolution No. 17-167 vacating public street right-of-way along the east property line
of Lot 1, Block 1, Schweich First Addition
g. Findings of fact and variance to allow a commercial fence setback to be less than 30
feet from a public street right-of-way at 16258 Kenyon Avenue (The Moments)
h. Resolution No. 17-168 accepting donation from Lakeville Liquors to the Police
Department canine unit
i. Accept bids and award contracts to DPC Industries, Inc., Carus Corporation and
Hawkins, Inc. for water treatment chemicals
j. Resolutions No. 17-169 and 17-170 amending Resolutions No. 17-75 and 17-76 related
to the 222"d Street improvement project and Launch Park First Addition
k. Joint Powers Agreement with Dakota County for 2018 waste abatement community
I. Resolution No. 17-171 de -certifying Tax Increment Financing District No. 20 and
approving a Termination of Contract for Private Development (Lakeville Technologies
and Mendell Machine and Manufacturing)
m. Contract with MP Nexlevel, LLC for construction of fiber optic network and Resolution
No. 17-172 amending the 2017 budget
n. Calla public hearing to be held on January 2, 2018 to consider a petition from the
Metropolitan Airports Commission for annexation of 118.93 acres of Airlake Airport
Voice vote was taken on the motion. Ayes - unanimous
7. Public Hearing - 2018 Street Reconstruction Project 18-02
Mayor Anderson opened the public hearing on the 2018 street reconstruction project.
Mr. Petree provided an overview of the proposed project, which includes street
reconstruction and corrosion protection for existing iron watermain pipe. The total
estimated project cost is $8,881,499. Approximately $3,030,000 will be assessed to the
benefiting properties consistent with the City's street assessment policy. Bids for the
project will be opened in March, and a public assessment hearing will take place on April
16, 2018.
Mark Keppel, 16709 Innsbrook Drive, presented a written statement concerning the
proposed assessments to 13 properties along Innsbrook Drive between Ipava Avenue and
the Crystal Lake Golf Course. He asked the City Council to consider a revised calculation
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for the improvement costs to be specially assessed against the 13 properties and against
the Crystal Lake Golf Course due to the high volume of traffic accessing the golf course
parking lot.
Mayor Anderson stated City staff will consider Mr. Keppel's request when assessments for
the project are calculated prior to the public assessment hearing in April.
Mark Yunker,16102 Huron Circle, asked about the holding ponds near Huron Path and
whether the size of the ponds will remain as they are currently.
Monica Heil of WSB & Associates stated the ponds are being evaluated to determine the
volume of sediment that has been deposited over the years. The ponds will be excavated
to remove the sediment and will then be restored to their original condition.
Carole Kerl,17541 Ionia Path, asked about detours and access to the Sanasha Knolls
neighborhood. Mr. Petree stated street reconstruction projects are typically constructed
under traffic conditions. Access to homes will be maintained, and detours should not be
Mark Utz, 9301-1731 Street W., requested a clarification on the street reconstruction. Mr.
Petree responded.
Maitland Edwards,16685 Innsbrook Drive, voiced a concern regarding the high speed of
traffic on Innsbrook Drive between the golf course and Ipava Avenue and asked if traffic
softening measures could be considered.
Mr. Petree stated City staff was not aware of the speeding problem on Innsbrook Drive.
Staff will review the matter and possibly consider traffic softening measures for this area as
part of the project's final design.
Motion was Davis, seconded by LaBeau, to close the public hearing.
Voice vote was taken on the motion. Ayes - unanimous
Motion was made by Wheeler, seconded by LaBeau, to approve Resolution No. 17-173
ordering the 2018 street reconstruction project and authorizing the preparation of plans
and specifications and advertisement for bids.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes - Davis, Anderson, Wheeler, LaBeau
S. Public Hearing - Kenrick Avenue Reconstruction Project 18-03
Mayor Anderson opened the public hearing on the reconstruction of Kenrick Avenue from
the Burnsville border to just south of Mills Fleet Farm.
Mr. Petree presented the proposed project location and background. The project includes
pavement reclamation and complete curb and gutter replacement as well as spot sidewalk
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replacement, storm sewer enhancements and water system improvements. The total
estimated project cost is $2,961,260. Approximately $578,000 is proposed to be assessed
to the benefiting properties. Bids will be opened in March and construction will begin in
late June or early July.
There were no questions or comments from the audience.
Motion was made by LaBeau, seconded by Davis, to close the public hearing.
Voice vote was taken on the motion. Ayes - unanimous
Motion was made by Davis, seconded by Wheeler, to approve Resolution No. 17-174
ordering the Kenrick Avenue improvement project and authorizing the preparation of
plans and specifications and advertisement for bids.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes - Anderson, Wheeler, LaBeau, Davis
9. Cedar Crossings 2"d Addition
Scott Johnson of Arcon Land requested Council approval of the Cedar Crossings 2nd
Addition preliminary plat.
Mr. Morey presented the planning report for Cedar Crossings 2nd Addition, which includes
15 single family residential lots and one outlot on land located north of 210th Street and
west of Cedar Avenue. The developer has submitted applications to re -guide a portion of
the site from Medium -High Density Residential to Low -Medium Density Residential and to
rezone a portion of the property from RM -2 to RST -2. Mr. Morey explained that due to
constraints of the creek to the west and the regional pipeline easement along the east side
of the property, the area available for development was severely limited for multi -family
housing as originally planned. Therefore, the developer is proposing single family homes
consistent with the remainder of the Cedar Crossings site.
Motion was made by Davis, seconded by Wheeler, to approve:
• Resolution No. 17-175 approving the Cedar Crossings 2nd Addition preliminary plat
• Resolution No. 17-176 approving a Comprehensive Plan amendment
• Ordinance No. 988 rezoning property from RM -2 to RST -2
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes - Wheeler, LaBeau, Davis, Anderson
10. Pleasant Hill
Luke Israelson, representing KJ Walk, requested Council approval of the Pleasant Hill
preliminary plat.
Mr. Morey presented the planning report for Pleasant Hill, which includes 113 single family
lots and four outlots on land located west of Pilot Knob Road and north of the Lakeville city
boundary. The developer submitted a request to rezone the southern half of the property
from RS -3 to RS -4 single family residential district, which will closely match the lots in the
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Deer Meadow neighborhood directly to the south in Farmington. Pleasant Hill is proposed
to be developed in four phases, and the extension of 179th Street to Pilot Knob Road will be
constructed in the first phase. At the request of the adjacent residents, the developer will
work with City staff on the possibility of saving some additional significant trees along the
south side of the development.
Council Member LaBeau pointed out the need for, and questioned the status of, safety
improvements at the intersection of 179th Street and Flagstaff Avenue. Mr. Miller
explained that this project has been taken out of the County's 2018 Capital Improvement
Plan with the intention of reevaluating it when traffic counts warrant the improvements.
Motion was made by LaBeau, seconded by Wheeler, to approve Resolution No. 17-177
approving the Pleasant Hill preliminary plat, findings of fact and Ordinance No. 989
rezoning property from RS -3 to RS -4.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes - LaBeau, Davis, Anderson, Wheeler
11. Purchase Agreement for Kenrick Liquor Store Property
Mr. Kuennen presented a purchase agreement with The Driessen Group, LLC for purchase
of the City's liquor store property located at 16179 Kenrick Avenue. He explained that the
City evaluated this 2.11 -acre site and found there are excess areas on the property that can
accommodate additional retail space. It was determined that marketing the site, building
out the retail spaces, expanding the parking lot and managing the on-going lease spaces
and tenants could be done more cost effectively by a private developer rather than by the
City. Four proposals were submitted for the purchase of the property. The Driessen Group
proposal included purchasing the entire property, building three additional retail spaces,
reconstructing and expanding the parking lot and leasing the liquor store space back to
the City.
Motion was made by Wheeler, seconded by LaBeau, to approve Resolution No. 17-178
approving the conveyance of real property located at 16179 Kenrick Avenue and
dispensing with statutory requirements for review by the Planning Commission for the
disposal of property.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes - Davis, Anderson, Wheeler, LaBeau
12. Unfinished business: None
13. New business: None
14. Announcements: Next regular Council meeting, December 4, 2017
Council work session, November 27, 2017
Motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 8:17 p.m.
City Council Meeting Minutes, November 20, 2017
Respectfully submitted,
Charlene Friedges, City Cher
Douglas P. Cderson, Mayor
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