HomeMy WebLinkAbout17-189CITY OF LAKEVILLE RESOLUTION NO. 17-189 RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE 2018 PROPERTY TAX LEVY BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Lakeville, Minnesota that the following 2018 property tax levy is hereby approved and adopted. Purpose Debt Street improvements Police Station Central Maintenance Facility Ice Arena Total Debt Levy General Fund Pavement Management Fund Street Reconstruction Fund Equipment Fund Building Fund Park Improvement Fund Trail Improvement Fund Total tax levy TOTAL 3,650,417 555,918 970,583 292,500 5,469,418 20,079,382 1,191,550 50,000 525,000 400,000 175,000 111,200 $ 28,001,550 ADOPTED by the Lakeville City Council this 4th day of December 2017 CITY OF LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA Y' Dou as P. Anderson, Mayor A' Charlene Friedges, City Clerk Schedule A - Debt Service The following is a schedule of all debt which, at the time of issuance, included a certification of future property tax levy. The following schedule provides a list of debt listing actual tax levies for taxes payable 2018. The difference between required and certified is due to changes in funding sources such as interest on investments, Liquor Fund contributions, special assessments, General Fund (operating levies) and other contributing factors. BOND DESCRIPTION SERIES REQUIRED PAYMENT PER DEBT SCHEDULE 2018 CERTIFIED DEBT LEVY STREET RECONSTRUCTION 2009A $ 425,161 $ 341,880 REFUNDING 2009B $ 394,223 $ 223,415 IMPROVEMENT 2011A $ 150,135 $ 130,135 REFUNDING 2011B $ 83,627 $ - IMPROVEMENT 2012A $ 507,441 $ 23,438 IMPROVEMENT 2012B $ 2,086,035 $ 1,950,897 IMPROVEMENT 2013A $ 327,258 $ 127,258 IMPROVEMENT 2014A $ 974,426 $ 84,470 REFUNDING 2014B $ 1,235,524 $ 745,524 IMPROVEMENT 2015A $ 679,209 $ 350,048 ICE ARENA LEASE REVENUE BOND 2016A $ - $ 292,500 GENERAL OBLIGATION 2016B $ 638,708 $ 548,294 GENERAL OBLIGATION 12017A $ 676,559 $ 651,559 8,1782305 524692418