HomeMy WebLinkAbout17-192CITY OF LAKEVILLE RESOLUTION NO: 17-192 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING FUNDING FOR BUILDING DEMOLITION AND ACQUISITION OF PROPERTIES LOCATED AT 17395 KENWOOD TRAIL, 9210 - 202nd STREET WEST, AND 7385181 st STREET WEST WHEREAS, on November 21, 2016, the City Council approved the purchase of the Burger King property at 17395 Kenwood Trail, the Right -of -Way Acquisition Loan Fund Agreement with the Met Council on January 3, 2017, and the related demolition contract on May 1, 2017; and WHEREAS, on April 4, 2016, the City Council approved the purchase of the Scheffler property at 9210 202nd St W., and the related demolition contract on September 19, 2016; and WHEREAS, on September 5, 2017, the City Council approved the easement and right-of- way acquisition of 7385181St St. W. (easement to be used for future public road Glanshaw Avenue) and the related payment to the Met Council. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED 1. The final estimated costs of the Burger King property acquisition and demolition, including environmental testing are $789,599. Anticipated funding sources are listed below. Staff is hereby authorized to amend the 2017 and 2018 budgets and make the appropriate transfers between funds with respect to the funding sources up to 10% above the estimated costs. Anticipated Fundinx Source Amount !Met Council Right -of -Way Acquisition Loan Fund (RALF) $ 737,171 E ISouthforkTlF Funds 51,828 ,General Fund (for ongoing maintenance costs) i 600 - , $ 789,599 - - 2. The final estimated costs of the Scheffler property acquisition and demolition, including environmental testing are $443,913. Anticipated funding sources are listed below. Staff is hereby authorized to amend the 2017 and 2018 budgets and make the appropriate transfers between funds with respect to the funding sources up to 10% above the estimated costs. Anticipated Fundine Source j Amount Southfork TIF Funds i $ 216,565 Dakota County Community Development Block Grants i 217,396_ -- - --- `- g program --- - - - -- - - -- - - T - -- -= Dakota County -Well sealalin 900 1 Minnesota Department of Commerce- Petrofund ; 7,274 General fund (for ongoing maintenance costs) i 1,778 $ 443,913 3. The final estimated costs of the easement at 7385 181s' St. W. are $87,737. The anticipated funding source is listed below. Staff is hereby authorized to make the appropriate transfer between funds with respect to the funding source up to 10% above the estimated costs. Anticipated Funding Source Amount Southfork TIF Funds $ 87,737 $ 87,737 ADOPTED by the Lakeville City Council this 18th day of December 2017 Douglas P. Anderson, Mayor Charlene Friedges, City erk