HomeMy WebLinkAboutLA159860 16357 Dunfield Dr - Permit PackRESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF LAKEVILLE BUILDING INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT 20195 HOLYOKE AVENUE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 952-985-4440 www.ci.lakeville.mn.us Office Use Only __________________ Permit Number ___________________ Received By ___________________ Date Received ___________________ Fee Total SITE ADDRESS: MAILING ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ZIP: JOB DESCRIPTION:__________________________________ MASTER PLAN: (Number or Address)____________________ LIST OTHER STRUCTURES ON PROPERTY:_______________________________________________________________ ESTIMATED VALUATION: PROPOSED START DATE: END DATE: (New Residential Only): LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT: _____ BLOCK: _____ SUBDIVISION: APPLICANT IS: RESIDENT OWNER CONTRACTOR EMAIL NEW MODEL HOME: YES NO (IF YES – ADMINISTRATIVE PERMIT REQUIRED)ISD # PLEASE FILL OUT THE FOLLOWING COMPLETELY (All Contractor information must be as listed on State License) RESIDENT OWNER NAME:_______________________________________________________________________________ HOME PHONE #:_____________________________ CELL PHONE:___________________________ GENERAL CONTRACTOR Homeowner Contractor CONTRACTOR:_______________________________________________________________________ LICENSE #:BC______________ LEAD CERTIFICATE#_______________ (PRE 1978 STRUCTURE) OFFICE PHONE #:_____________________________ CELL PHONE:___________________________ ADDRESS:____________________________ CITY:________________ ST:______ ZIP:____________ PLUMBING WORK Homeowner Contractor CONTRACTOR:__________________________________________LICENSE #: PM______________ OFFICE PHONE #:_____________________________ CELL PHONE:___________________________ ADDRESS:____________________________ CITY:________________ ST:______ ZIP:____________ MECHANICAL WORK Homeowner Contractor CONTRACTOR:________________________________________ _______________________________ OFFICE PHONE #:_____________________________ CELL PHONE:___________________________ ADDRESS:____________________________ CITY:________________ ST:______ ZIP:____________ BOND #:_______________________________________ EXPIRATION DATE____________________ SEWER/WATER CONTRACTOR New Construction Only NAME:________________________________________________ ______________________________ HOME PHONE _____________________________ CELL PHONE:______________________________ BOND #:_______________________________________ EXPIRATION DATE____________________ INTEREST EARNINGS ON THE ESCROW ACCOUNTS, IF ANY, ARE RETAINED BY THE CITY TO OFFSET THE ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH PROCESSING THE ESCROW APPLICATION AND REFUND. I HEREBY APPLY FOR A BUILDING PERMIT AND I ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THE INFORMATION ABOVE IS COMPLETE AND ACCURATE; THAT THE WORK WILL BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE ORDINANCES AND CODES OF THE CITY AND WITH THE STATE BUILDING CODE, THAT I UNDERSTAND THIS IS NOT A PERMIT AND WORK IS NOT TO START WITHOUT A PERMIT AND THAT THE WORK WILL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE APPROVED PLAN. NAME OF APPLICANT (Please Print)DATE APPLICANT’S SIGNATURE: RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION PAGE 2 OFFICE USE ONLY BUILDING PERMIT TYPE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING BUILDING DUPLEX AS BUILT TOWNHOUSE UNITS BUILDING FINAL DETACHED TOWN HOUSE UNIT DECK FOOTING CONDO FIREPLACE ACESSORY BUILDING FOOTING REROOF FOUNDATION RESIDE FRAMING PORCH FRAMING GARAGES INSULATION RES ADDN/REPAIR/RMDL DECK PORCH GARAGES LATH LOWER LEVEL FINISH LOWER LEVEL FINAL ADDITION OTHER FOUNDATION ONLY PORCH FOOTING MISCELLANEOUS POURED WALL DEMO SEPTIC TANK REMOVAL MOVED SITE MECHANICAL CITY BUILDING VALUATION: $AIR TEST FINAL BUILDING PERMIT FEES ROUGH-IN $PERMIT FEE PLUMBING $PLAN CHECK FINAL $SURCHARGE ROUGH-IN $METRO SAC METER SIZE $CITY WATER HOOKUP UNIT PRESSURE REDUCING VALVE $CITY SEWER HOOKUP UNIT SEWER/WATER $LANDSCAPE ESCROW SEWER/WATER $TREE ESCROW FINAL $MISC ESCROW STREET DRAINTILE $PLUMBING BUILDING INFORMATION $MECHANICAL TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION $SEWER WATER ZONING $OTHER CODE EDITION $TOTAL FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM OCCUPANCY GROUP APPROVED BY: BUILDING INSPECTOR: Date: PLUMBING/MECHANICAL INSPECTOR: Date: COMMENTS: OF SHEETCopyright of these documents is owned by Robert Thomas Homes, Inc. and reserves ALL rights.These plans may not be re-used, copied or assigned to another party nor shall they be modified orused in part in other designs without the prior written consent of Robert Thomas Homes, Inc.1 14 The Buyer(s) approves these Construction Plans as the final plans and agrees that these Construction Plans are incorporated into the Purchase Agreement & Construction Contract as the final approved Exhibit C. Signed x Dated Signed x Dated JMKB C.O. C.O. REVISIONS: PERMIT CUSTOMER 2/6/18 2/6/18 2/9/18 2/19/18 DRAWN BY: 1-11 13 APPROXIMATE SQUARE FOOTAGE ABOVE GRADE FINISHED BELOW GRADE FINISHED BELOW GRADE UNFINISHED GARAGE SQ. FT. SQ. FT. SQ. FT. SQ. FT. 3,116 1,130 228 662 Concept Approval ONLYSubject to Field Inspection Inspector Date 2015 MN Bldg Code 03/09/2018dmathews OF SHEETCopyright of these documents is owned by Robert Thomas Homes, Inc. and reserves ALL rights.These plans may not be re-used, copied or assigned to another party nor shall they be modified orused in part in other designs without the prior written consent of Robert Thomas Homes, Inc.2 14 JMKB C.O. C.O. REVISIONS: PERMIT CUSTOMER 2/6/18 2/6/18 2/9/18 2/19/18 DRAWN BY: 1-11 13 OF SHEETCopyright of these documents is owned by Robert Thomas Homes, Inc. and reserves ALL rights.These plans may not be re-used, copied or assigned to another party nor shall they be modified orused in part in other designs without the prior written consent of Robert Thomas Homes, Inc.3 14 JMKB C.O. C.O. REVISIONS: PERMIT CUSTOMER 2/6/18 2/6/18 2/9/18 2/19/18 DRAWN BY: 1-11 13 UFER Ground -Provide 20' Rebar in footing and stub up near electrical service panel. 12 OF SHEETCopyright of these documents is owned by Robert Thomas Homes, Inc. and reserves ALL rights.These plans may not be re-used, copied or assigned to another party nor shall they be modified orused in part in other designs without the prior written consent of Robert Thomas Homes, Inc.4 14 JMKB C.O. C.O. REVISIONS: PERMIT CUSTOMER 2/6/18 2/6/18 2/9/18 2/19/18 DRAWN BY: 1-11 13 5 5 5 5 PFH PFHShearwall6 10 4 4Shearwall 4 5 8 OF SHEETCopyright of these documents is owned by Robert Thomas Homes, Inc. and reserves ALL rights.These plans may not be re-used, copied or assigned to another party nor shall they be modified orused in part in other designs without the prior written consent of Robert Thomas Homes, Inc.5 14 JMKB C.O. C.O. REVISIONS: PERMIT CUSTOMER 2/6/18 2/6/18 2/9/18 2/19/18 DRAWN BY: 1-11 13 × -Min. 15" clearance to any obstruction from center ofW.C., 24" in front(typ). 4 4 4 4 4 3.5 4 4 4 2.75 3.5 44 4 4 4 4 4 OF SHEETCopyright of these documents is owned by Robert Thomas Homes, Inc. and reserves ALL rights.These plans may not be re-used, copied or assigned to another party nor shall they be modified orused in part in other designs without the prior written consent of Robert Thomas Homes, Inc.6 14 JMKB C.O. C.O. REVISIONS: PERMIT CUSTOMER 2/6/18 2/6/18 2/9/18 2/19/18 DRAWN BY: 1-11 13 R-4 on pipe in attic OF SHEETCopyright of these documents is owned by Robert Thomas Homes, Inc. and reserves ALL rights.These plans may not be re-used, copied or assigned to another party nor shall they be modified orused in part in other designs without the prior written consent of Robert Thomas Homes, Inc.7 14 JMKB C.O. C.O. REVISIONS: PERMIT CUSTOMER 2/6/18 2/6/18 2/9/18 2/19/18 DRAWN BY: 1-11 13 OF SHEETCopyright of these documents is owned by Robert Thomas Homes, Inc. and reserves ALL rights.These plans may not be re-used, copied or assigned to another party nor shall they be modified orused in part in other designs without the prior written consent of Robert Thomas Homes, Inc.8 14 JMKB C.O. C.O. REVISIONS: PERMIT CUSTOMER 2/6/18 2/6/18 2/9/18 2/19/18 DRAWN BY: 1-11 13 OF SHEETCopyright of these documents is owned by Robert Thomas Homes, Inc. and reserves ALL rights.These plans may not be re-used, copied or assigned to another party nor shall they be modified orused in part in other designs without the prior written consent of Robert Thomas Homes, Inc.9 14 JMKB C.O. C.O. REVISIONS: PERMIT CUSTOMER 2/6/18 2/6/18 2/9/18 2/19/18 DRAWN BY: 1-11 13 OF SHEETCopyright of these documents is owned by Robert Thomas Homes, Inc. and reserves ALL rights.These plans may not be re-used, copied or assigned to another party nor shall they be modified orused in part in other designs without the prior written consent of Robert Thomas Homes, Inc.10 14 JMKB C.O. C.O. REVISIONS: PERMIT CUSTOMER 2/6/18 2/6/18 2/9/18 2/19/18 DRAWN BY: 1-11 13 OF SHEETCopyright of these documents is owned by Robert Thomas Homes, Inc. and reserves ALL rights.These plans may not be re-used, copied or assigned to another party nor shall they be modified orused in part in other designs without the prior written consent of Robert Thomas Homes, Inc.11 14 JMKB C.O. C.O. REVISIONS: PERMIT CUSTOMER 2/6/18 2/6/18 2/9/18 2/19/18 DRAWN BY: 1-11 131/4"1-1/2" OF SHEETCopyright of these documents is owned by Robert Thomas Homes, Inc. and reserves ALL rights.These plans may not be re-used, copied or assigned to another party nor shall they be modified orused in part in other designs without the prior written consent of Robert Thomas Homes, Inc.12 14 JMKB C.O. C.O. REVISIONS: PERMIT CUSTOMER 2/6/18 2/6/18 2/9/18 2/19/18 DRAWN BY: 1-11 13 LED LED LOW VOLTAGE LED LED CFL HALOGEN LED OF SHEETCopyright of these documents is owned by Robert Thomas Homes, Inc. and reserves ALL rights.These plans may not be re-used, copied or assigned to another party nor shall they be modified orused in part in other designs without the prior written consent of Robert Thomas Homes, Inc.13 14 JMKB C.O. C.O. REVISIONS: PERMIT CUSTOMER 2/6/18 2/6/18 2/9/18 2/19/18 DRAWN BY: 1-11 13 LED LED LOW VOLTAGE LED LED CFL HALOGEN LED OF SHEETCopyright of these documents is owned by Robert Thomas Homes, Inc. and reserves ALL rights.These plans may not be re-used, copied or assigned to another party nor shall they be modified orused in part in other designs without the prior written consent of Robert Thomas Homes, Inc.14 14 JMKB C.O. C.O. REVISIONS: PERMIT CUSTOMER 2/6/18 2/6/18 2/9/18 2/19/18 DRAWN BY: 1-11 13 LED LED LOW VOLTAGE LED LED CFL HALOGEN LED DescriptionDateRevisionApril 15, 2015Project Number:Date:5.097S11Sheets: of3Print Name:Signed: License Number:Nick Hanson3-8-1846665Date:I hereby certify that this plan, specification or reportwas prepared by me or under my direct supervisionand that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineerunder the laws of the State of Minnesota.4QDGTV6JQOCU*QOGU+PE16972 Brandtjen Farm DriveLakeville, MN 550443407 Kilmer Lane NSuite 4Plymouth, MN 554416GN 612-708-3572YYYJCPUQPITQWROPEQOPLANS SHOWN LIGHT IN BACKGROUND ARE FORLOCATION REFERENCE ONLY. PLAN NOTES ANDELEMENTS SHOWN LIGHT MAY NOT NECESSARILYSUPPORT THE HANSON GROUP'S DESIGN.Somerset Model"A" ElevationMinnesota ConstructionMAIN LEVEL HOUSE PLAN SHOWNFOR LOCATION REFERENCE ONLY2S1REFERENCE PLANUPPER LEVEL HOUSE PLAN SHOWNFOR LOCATION REFERENCE ONLY3S1REFERENCE PLAN4' GARAGE ADDITION OPTIONBONUS ROOM OPTIONBRACEDWALL LINEBRACED WALL LINE (4-FT) (4-FT) (3.5-FT)(4-FT)(4-FT)(4-FT)BRACED WALL LINE(4-FT)BRACEDWALL LINE(2.75-FT)(4-FT)(4-FT)BRACEDWALL LINEBRACED WALL LINE (5-FT)(5-FT)(5-FT)(5-FT)BRACEDWALL LINE(4-FT)BRACEDWALL LINEBRACEDWALL LINEBRACEDWALL LINEBRACEDWALL LINEBRACEDWALL LINEBRACED WALL LINE (5-FT) BRACED WALL LINE BRACED WALL LINE BRACED WALL LINE BRACED WALL LINE BRACED WALL LINE BRACED WALL LINE (2.5-FT) (4-FT)(4-FT)(4-FT) (3.5-FT) (4-FT) (3.5-FT)(4-FT)(4-FT)(4-FT)(4-FT)(4-FT)(4-FT)(7-FT)(7-FT)(5-FT)(5-FT)(5-FT)(5-FT)(8-FT)(6-FT)(4-FT)(6-FT)(6-FT)(3-FT) (6-FT)(6-FT)(3-FT)PARTIAL LOWER LEVEL HOUSE PLANSHOWN FOR LOCATION REFERENCE ONLY1S1REFERENCE PLANTHE REQUIREMENTS SHOWNDIRECTLY ABOVE ONLY APPLY TOWALKOUT FOUNDATIONSTHE REQUIREMENTS SHOWNDIRECTLY ABOVE ONLY APPLY TOLOOKOUT FOUNDATIONSCONSTRUCTPORTAL FRAME ASSHOWN IN 1/S2CONSTRUCTPERFORATEDSHEAR WALL ASSHOWN IN 2/S2CONSTRUCTPORTAL FRAME ASSHOWN IN 1/S2COPYRIGHT HANSON GROUP, LLC 2018©EXTERIOR BEARING WALLEXTERIOR NON-BEARING WALLROOF TRUSSFASTENED TOPLATES w/ 8dTOENAILS @6" O.C.2x4 BLOCKINGBETWEENTRUSSES NAILEDTO TOP PLATES w/(3) 8d NAILS EACHINTERIOR BEARING WALLINTERIOR NON-BEARING WALLPROVIDE TRUSSDIRECTLY IN LINEw/ BRACED WALLPANEL FASTENEDTO PLATES w/ 8dTOENAILS @ 6" O.C.THESE SHEETS REPRESENT A COMPLETE DESIGN OF THE "MAIN WINDFORCE RESISTING SYSTEM" FOR THE ENTIRE RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURE.THE LOCATION AND LENGTH OF EACH BRACED WALL PANEL AND ENGINEERED WIND RESISTING ELEMENT THAT IS REQUIRED FOR THE HANSONGROUP'S DESIGN IS SHOWN ON THE STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS. WALLS NOT SPECIFICALLY LABELED ON THE PLANS MAY BE STANDARD FRAMING.SECTIONS SHOWN DEPICT CONNECTIONS OF BRACED WALL PANELS TO ROOF TRUSSES ABOVE, TOJOISTS/TRUSSES/BLOCKING ABOVE, AND TO JOISTS/TRUSSES/BLOCKING BELOW. THESE PANELS ARE NOTNECESSARILY REQUIRED TO ALIGN, BUT MAY DEPENDING ON PLAN LAYOUT.NAIL LADDERTRUSS TO TOPPLATES w/ 8dNAILS @ 6" O.C.NAIL BOTTOMPLATE TOLADDER TRUSSw/ (3) 16d NAILSEVERY 16"NAIL EACH TRUSS TOTOP PLATE w/ (3) 8dTOENAILSNAIL BOTTOM PLATETO BLOCKING w/ (3)16d NAILS EVERY 16"PROVIDE FULL DEPTHBLOCKING BETWEENTRUSSES NAILED TOTOP PLATES w/ (3) 8dNAILS EACHNAIL BOTTOM PLATETO BLOCKING w/ (3)16d NAILS EVERY 16"PROVIDE TRUSSDIRECTLY IN LINEw/ BRACED WALLPANEL FASTENEDTO PLATES w/ 8dTOENAILS @ 6" O.C.ROOFTRUSSESBRACEDWALL PANELFLAT 2x6 @ 24" O.C.(MIN. (3) PER BRACEDWALL PANEL)SIMPSONA35FRAMINGANGLEEACH END(4) 0.131"Øx 3" NAILSBRACEDWALL PANEL(4) 0.131"Øx 3" NAILSSIMPSONLTP4FRAMINGPLATEEACH ENDFLOORTRUSSESFLAT 2x6 @ 24" O.C.(MIN. (3) PER BRACEDWALL PANEL)BRACEDWALL PANEL(4) 0.131"Øx 3" NAILSSIMPSONLTP4FRAMINGPLATEEACH ENDFLOORTRUSSESFLAT 2x6 @ 24" O.C.(MIN. (3) PER BRACEDWALL PANEL)BRACED WALL CONNECTIONBRACED WALL CONNECTION(ROOF TRUSSES)(FLOOR TRUSSES)DETAILS SHOWN ABOVE AREALTERNATIVE CONNECTIONS TO BEUSED WHEN BRACED WALL PANELDOES NOT ALIGN WITH FRAMING.ROOF TRUSSESFASTENED TO PLATESw/ (3) 8d TOENAILS &SIMPSON H2.5 CLIP2x4 BLOCKINGBETWEENTRUSSES NAILEDTO TOP PLATES w/(3) 8d NAILS EACHNAIL EACH TRUSSTO TOP PLATES w/(3) 8d TOENAILSNAIL BOTTOMPLATE TO RIBBONBRACE / TRUSS w/(3) 16d NAILSEVERY 16"FRAME 2x4 BOXAROUND SPACEBETWEEN TRUSS w/SAME SHEATHINGAND FASTENING ASWALL BELOW(OR REPLACE w/ADEQUATE DEPTH2x MEMBER)#12 x 312" WOODSCREWS @ 16" O.C.INSTALLED INADDITION TO NAILS(UPPER LEVELTRUSS BEARINGWALLS ONLY)REPRESENTSFIGURER602.10.8.2(3)INDICATES INTERIOR BRACED WALL PANEL w/ GYPSUM SHEATHING BOTH FACES WITH EITHER FASTENER OPTIONLISTED IN NOTE 3, SPACED AT 4" O.C. PROVIDE INCREASED FASTENING REQUIREMENTS AS SHOWN BELOW.INDICATES ENGINEERED WIND RESISTING ELEMENTS TOBE CONSTRUCTED AS SHOWN IN THE DETAIL SHEETS.INDICATES EXTERIOR BRACED WALL PANEL w/ SHEATHING ON EXTERIOR FACE IN ACCORDANCE w/ NOTE 2.PROVIDE INCREASED FASTENING REQUIREMENTS AS SHOWN BELOW.(MIN. LENGTH)SCOPEDESIGN AND DETAIL OF THE MAIN WINDFORCE RESISTING SYSTEM FOR A SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE.CONSTRUCTION IS TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THIS DOCUMENT, STANDARD INDUSTRY PRACTICE, AND THE CODE.NOTES1.THESE DOCUMENTS APPLY TO STRUCTURAL ONLY. REFER TO CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS FOR MOREINFORMATION.2.ALL EXTERIOR WALLS ARE TO BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA, U.N.O., WHICHMEETS OR EXCEEDS THE REQUIREMENTS OF CODE SECTION R602.10.4-WSP & CS-WSP.A.2x6 STUDS SPACED @ 16" O.C.B.EXTERIOR SHEATHING: 716" MIN. STRUCTURAL PANEL SHEATHING w/ 8d NAILS @ 6" O.C AT PANEL EDGES AND 12"O.C. AT INTERMEDIATE SUPPORTS OR 134" 16 GAUGE STAPLES @ 3" / 6" SPACING.3.ALL INTERIOR WALLS ARE TO BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA, U.N.O.A.2x4 OR 2x6 STUDS SPACED @ 16" O.C.B.WALL SHEATHING: 12" MIN. GYPSUM SHEATHING FASTENED TO FRAMING w/ 5d COOLER NAILS @ 8" O.C. MAX. ORTYPE S/W WALLBOARD SCREWS @ 16" O.C. MAX. (58" MINIMUM STUD PENETRATION)4.ALL FLOORS ARE TO BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA.A.FLOOR FRAMING SPACED AT A MAXIMUM OF 24" O.C.B.FLOOR SHEATHING: 34" STRUCTURAL PANEL SHEATHING w/ 8d NAILS @ 6" O.C AT PANEL EDGES AND 12" O.C. ATINTERMEDIATE SUPPORTS.5.ALL ROOFS ARE TO BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA.A.ROOF FRAMING SPACED AT A MAXIMUM OF 24" O.C.B.FASTEN ALL ROOF FRAMING TO TOP PLATES WITH SIMPSON H2.5 CLIPS OR EQUIVALENT AND (3) 8d TOENAILS.C.ROOF SHEATHING: 12" STRUCTURAL PANEL SHEATHING w/ 8d NAILS @ 6" O.C AT PANEL EDGES AND 12" O.C. ATINTERMEDIATE SUPPORTS OR 134" 16 GAUGE STAPLES @ 3" / 6" SPACING.6.ALONG LENGTH OF WALLS, LAP WALL TOP PLATES A MINIMUM OF 24" AND FASTEN TOGETHER WITH (8) 16d NAILS INLAP ZONE. AT CORNERS AND INTERSECTIONS, LAP PLATES AND PROVIDE (2) 10d FACE NAILS.7.CONNECTIONS NOT SPECIFICALLY NOTED ARE TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH CODE TABLE R602.3(1).MATERIALSWALL STUDS (10' OR LESS):SPF STUD GRADE OR BETTERWALL STUDS (OVER 10'):SPF NO.2 GRADE OR BETTERDIMENSIONAL LUMBER:SPF NO.2 GRADE OR BETTERTREATED LUMBER:SYP NO.2 GRADE OR BETTERLSL:134" WIDTH - 1.55E OR BETTERLVL:134" WIDTH - 1.9E OR BETTERLOADSROOF SNOW LOAD: 35-42 PSFROOF DEAD LOAD: 15 PSFFLOOR LIVE LOAD: 40 PSFFLOOR DEAD LOAD: 15 PSFWIND LOAD:90 MPH EXP. BCODE2015 MINNESOTA RESIDENTIAL CODEREFER TO SHEET S3 FORCANTILEVERED FIREPLACE &FOUR SEASON PORCH OPTIONS COPYRIGHT HANSON GROUP, LLC 2018©DescriptionDateRevisionApril 15, 2015Project Number:Date:5.097S22Sheets: of3Print Name:Signed: License Number:Nick Hanson3-8-1846665Date:I hereby certify that this plan, specification or reportwas prepared by me or under my direct supervisionand that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineerunder the laws of the State of Minnesota.4QDGTV6JQOCU*QOGU+PE16972 Brandtjen Farm DriveLakeville, MN 550443407 Kilmer Lane NSuite 4Plymouth, MN 554416GN 612-708-3572YYYJCPUQPITQWROPEQOPROVIDE 14" x 4" CONCRETE SCREWS @ 16" O.C.THRU SILL PLATE INTO FOUNDATION AT THISWALL PORTION IN ADDITION TO ANCHOR BOLTSSIMPSON STHD14RJ EMBEDDED HOLDOWNANCHOR AT LOCATIONS SHOWN(REFER TO 3/S2 FOR ALTERNATIVE OPTIONS)PROVIDE DOUBLE STUDS ATEACH END OF SHEARWALL(MAY USE BEARING/KINGSTUDS AS REQ'D)HEADER & BEARING/KINGSTUDS AT SIDES OFOPENINGS BY OTHERSHATCHED AREA INDICATES 716" ORTHICKER PLYWOOD/OSB EXTERIORSHEATHING FASTENED TO STUDS w/8d NAILS @ 4" O.C. AT PANEL EDGES& @ 12" O.C. AT INTERIOR SUPPORTSTYPICAL 2x6 STUDS @ 16" O.C.FASTEN BOTTOM PLATEw/ (3) 16d NAILS EVERY 16"PERFORATED SHEARWALL RAISEDABOVE FLOOR SYSTEM2S2FRAMING DETAILSIZE & NUMBER OF WALLOPENINGS MAY VARYSEE PLAN & ELEVATIONPROVIDE FASTENING OF ABOVEFRAMING EQUAL TO THAT DETAILEDFOR BRACED WALL PANELSBLOCK THROUGH FLOORSYSTEM AT STRAPLOCATIONS AS REQ'DNOTEINFO APPLIES EQUALLY TO BOTH SIDES OF OPENING.Somerset Model"A" ElevationMinnesota Construction SECTION 4S2AT BRACED WALL PANELS ABOVECANTILEVERED FLOOR FRAMING(REFER TO PLAN FOR APPLICABLELOCATIONS)POST-INSTALLED HOLDOWN OPTION3S2FRAMING DETAIL12"Ø SIMPSONTITEN HD RODCOUPLER w/8" EMBED INTOCONCRETE12"ØTHREADEDROD w/ NUT &WASHER ATHOLDOWNENDSIMPSON HTT5HOLDOWNANCHOR NAILEDTO DOUBLE STUDSFLOORSYSTEMCONCRETEFOUNDATIONBELOWALTERNATE HOLDOWNALTERNATE RAISED HOLDOWNCONCRETEFOUNDATIONBELOWSIMPSON HTT5 HOLDOWNANCHOR AT LOCATIONS SHOWNNAILED TO DOUBLE STUDS w/12"Ø x 12" LONG SIMPSON TITENHD SCREW-IN ANCHOR INTOCONCRETE1'-11"±16'-2"±NOT TO EXCEED 12'-0"FASTEN TOP PLATE TO HEADER w/ (2)ROWS 16d SINKER NAILS @ 3" O.C.(1) 2x6 BEARING STUD & (1) 2x6 FULLHEIGHT STUD EACH END OF HEADERLOCATE PANEL JOINT WITHIN 2'-0" FROMCENTER OF WALL HEIGHT AS REQ'D (2x SOLIDBLOCKING REQUIRED AT SHEATHING JOINT)(2) 2x6 BEARING STUDS MIN.(3) 2x6 BEARING STUDS w/ BONUS ROOM OPTION(VERIFY w/ SUPPLIER)SIMPSON STHD14 EMBEDDED HOLDOWNANCHOR AT LOCATIONS SHOWN(REFER TO 3/S2 FOR ALTERNATIVE OPTIONS)FOUNDATION WALL BELOWLENGTH OF CONTINUOUS HEADER58" Ø ANCHOR BOLT (7" MIN. EMBED)w/ 2" x 2" x 316" PLATE WASHERNAIL SHEATHING TO HEADER w/ 8dNAILS @ 3" O.C. EA. WAY TYP.SMALL HATCH AREA INDICATES 716" ORTHICKER PLYWOOD OR OSB SHEATHINGAPPLIED TO EXTERIOR SIDE OF STUDS(NAIL SHEATHING AROUND PERIMETER w/ (2)ROWS 8d NAILS @ 3" O.C. STAGGERED & TOPLATES / BLOCKING @ 3" O.C.)SIMPSON MSTC40 STRAP ON INSIDE FACEOF WALL (PROVIDE SPACER TO FLUSHOUT HEADER TO WALL STUD THICKNESS)FASTEN KING STUD TO HEADER w/(2) ROWS 16d SINKER NAILS @ 3" O.C.1'-11"±S2FRAMING DETAILGARAGE FRONT PORTAL FRAME1NOTEINFO APPLIES SYMMETRICALLY ACROSS DETAIL.CONTINUOUS LVL HEADER TO SUPPORTVERTICAL LOADS BY SUPPLIER(MIN.312" WIDTH & MIN.1114" DEPTH REQ'D)PROVIDE 2x6 INFILL WALL ABOVE HEADER AS REQ'DLARGE HATCH AREA INDICATES 716" OR THICKERPLYWOOD OR OSB SHEATHING APPLIED TO EXTERIORSIDE OF STUDS w/ STANDARD 6"/12" NAILINGPROVIDE FASTENING OF ABOVEFRAMING EQUAL TO THAT DETAILEDFOR BRACED WALL PANELSBRACED WALL PANELFASTEN BOTTOM PLATE TORIBBON BRACE / TRUSS w/(3) 16d NAILS EVERY 16" O.C.CANTILEVERED FLOORTRUSS BY SUPPLIERFRAMEWALL / BRACEDWALL PANEL BELOWBLOCKING BETWEEN TRUSSES AS FOLLOWS:·FLAT 2x4 TOP & BOTTOM·34" PLYWOOD SHEET NAILED TO 2x4's w/(8) 8d NAILS TOP & BOTTOM·CIRCULAR HOLE UP TO 8"Ø MAY BE CUTINTO CENTER OF PLYWOODNAIL FLOOR SHEATHING TOBLOCKING w/ 8d NAILS @ 6" O.C.FASTEN BOTTOM 2x4 w/ (3) 16dNAILS EVERY 16" O.C. BRACEDWALL LINEBRACEDWALL LINEBRACED WALL LINE (5-FT)(4-FT)BRACEDWALL LINE(2.5-FT)(6.7-FT)(4.3-FT)(4.5-FT)(4-FT)(4-FT)(10-FT) (4-FT)(12-FT)BRACEDWALL LINECOPYRIGHT HANSON GROUP, LLC 2018©DescriptionDateRevisionMarch 8, 2018Project Number:Date:5.097S33Sheets: of3Print Name:Signed: License Number:Nick Hanson3-8-1846665Date:I hereby certify that this plan, specification or reportwas prepared by me or under my direct supervisionand that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineerunder the laws of the State of Minnesota.4QDGTV6JQOCU*QOGU+PE16972 Brandtjen Farm DriveLakeville, MN 550443407 Kilmer Lane NSuite 4Plymouth, MN 554416GN 612-708-3572YYYJCPUQPITQWROPEQOSomerset Model"A, B, & C" ElevationsMinnesota ConstructionPARTIAL LOWER LEVEL HOUSE PLANSHOWN FOR LOCATION REFERENCE ONLY1S3REFERENCE PLANFOUR SEASON PORCH OPTIONPARTIAL MAIN LEVEL HOUSE PLANSHOWN FOR LOCATION REFERENCE ONLY2S3REFERENCE PLANFOUR SEASON PORCH OPTIONPARTIAL MAIN LEVEL HOUSE PLANSHOWN FOR LOCATION REFERENCE ONLY3S3REFERENCE PLANCANTILEVERED FIREPLACE OPTIONPERFORATED SHEARWALL RAISEDABOVE FLOOR SYSTEM4S3FRAMING DETAILNOTEINFO APPLIES SYMMETRICALLY ACROSS DETAIL.REPLACE HOLDOWN w/SIMPSON MSTC52STRAP LAPPED ACROSSFLOOR SYSTEM w/LOOKOUT/WALKOUTFOUNDATION BELOWPROVIDE 14" x 4" CONCRETESCREWS @ 16" O.C. THRU SILL PLATEINTO FOUNDATION AT THIS WALLPORTION IN ADDITION TO ANCHORBOLTS (NOT SHOWN)PROVIDE DOUBLE STUDS AT EACHEND OF SHEARWALL (MAY USEBEARING/KING STUDS AS REQ'D)HEADER & BEARING/KING STUDS ATSIDES OF OPENINGS BY SUPPLIERHATCHED AREA INDICATES 716" ORTHICKER PLYWOOD/OSB EXTERIORSHEATHING FASTENED TO STUDS w/8d NAILS @ 4" O.C. AT PANEL EDGES& @ 12" O.C. AT INTERIOR SUPPORTSTYPICAL 2x6 STUDS @ 16" O.C.FASTEN BOTTOM PLATEw/ (3) 16d NAILS EVERY 16"FASTEN FRAMING ABOVE ASSHOWN FOR BRACED WALL PANELSPROVIDE DOUBLE STUDS AT EACHEND OF SHEARWALL (MAY USEBEARING/KING STUDS AS REQ'D)HEADER & BEARING/KING STUDS ATSIDES OF OPENINGS BY SUPPLIERHATCHED AREA INDICATES 716" ORTHICKER PLYWOOD/OSB EXTERIORSHEATHING FASTENED TO STUDS w/8d NAILS @ 4" O.C. AT PANEL EDGES& @ 12" O.C. AT INTERIOR SUPPORTSTYPICAL 2x6 STUDS @ 16" O.C.FASTEN FRAMING ABOVE ASSHOWN FOR BRACED WALL PANELSPROVIDE 14" x 4" CONCRETESCREWS @ 16" O.C. THRU SILL PLATEINTO FOUNDATION AT THIS WALLPORTION IN ADDITION TO ANCHORBOLTS (NOT SHOWN)PERFORATED SHEARWALL5S3FRAMING DETAILNOTEINFO APPLIES SYMMETRICALLY ACROSSDETAIL UNLESS NOTED/SHOWN OTHERWISE.OMIT CONCRETE SCREWSw/ LOOKOUT/WALKOUTFOUNDATION BELOWIF FOUNDATION WALL ISFULL HEIGHT TO CORNER,SHORTEN SHEARWALL &OMIT STRAP & LOWER LEVELHOLDOWN (INSTALL MAINLEVEL RAISED HOLDOWNAS SHOWN IN 4/S3)SIMPSON STHD14RJ EMBEDDED HOLDOWNANCHOR AT LOCATIONS SHOWN(REFER TO 3/S2 FOR ALTERNATIVE OPTIONS)SIMPSON STHD14 EMBEDDED HOLDOWNANCHOR AT LOCATIONS SHOWN(REFER TO 3/S2 FOR ALTERNATIVE OPTIONS)THIS SHEET IS FOR CANTILEVERED FIREPLACE & FOURSEASON PORCH OPTIONS. REFER TO SHEET S1 FORNOTES, MATERIALS, & BRACED WALL INFO.CONSTRUCTSHEARWALL ASSHOWN IN 4/S3CONSTRUCTSHEARWALL ASSHOWN IN 5/S3THE REQUIREMENTS SHOWNDIRECTLY ABOVE ONLY APPLY TOLOOKOUT/WALKOUT FOUNDATIONS               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        16357 Dunfield Drive 55044Lakeville                                                                  ©                      16357 Dunfield Drive 55044Lakeville                         ©                        16357 Dunfield Drive 55044Lakeville Burnsville Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc.  3451 W. Burnsville Pkwy, Suite 120, Burnsville, MN 55337  Phone 952‐894‐0005 – Fax 952‐894‐0925 – Web www.burnsvilleheating.com  _____________________________________________________________________________________  Ventilation, Makeup and Combustion Air Calculations  Submittal Form for New Dwellings    Site address 16357 Dunfield Drive Date 2/19/18  Contractor Burnsville Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc Completed By Alan Dobson      VENTILATION REQUIREMENTS  TABLE R403.5.2  NUMBER OF BEDROOMS     1 2 3 4 5 6 2   Conditioned space1 (in  sq. ft.)    Total/  Continuous  Total/  Continuous  Total/  Continuous  Total/  Continuous    Total/  Continuous  Total/  Continuous  1000‐1500 60/40 75/40 90/45 105/53 120/60 135/68 1501‐2000 70/40 85/43 100/50 115/58 130/65 145/73 2001‐2500 80/40 95/48 110/55 125/63 140/70 155/78 2501‐3000 90/40 105/53 120/60 135/68 150/75 165/83 3001‐3500 100/50 115/58 130/65 145/73 160/80 175/88 3501‐4000 110/55 125/63 140/70 155/78 170/85 185/93 4001‐4500 120/60 135/68 150/75 165/83 180/90 195/98 4501‐5000 130/65 145/73 160/80 175/88 190/95 205/103 5001‐5500 140/70 155/78 170/85 185/93 200/100 215/108 5501‐6000 2 150/75 165/83 180/90 195/98 210/105 225/113   1. Conditioned space includes the basement and conditioned crawl spaces.  2. If conditioned space exceeds 6000sp. Ft. or there are more than 6 bedrooms, use Equation R403.5.2     R403.5.2 Total Ventilation rate.  The mechanical ventilation system shall provide sufficient outdoor air to equal the total ventilation rate average  for each 1‐ hour period in accordance with Table R403.5.2, or Equation 403.5.2, based on the number of bedrooms  and square footage of conditioned space, including the basement and conditioned crawl spaces.      For the purposes of Table R403.5.2 and Section R403.5.3, the following applies”  a. Equation R403.5.2 Total ventilation rate:  Total ventilation rate (cfm) = (0.02 x square feet of conditioned space) + (15 x (number of bedrooms =1))  b. Equation R403.5.2.1 Continuous ventilation rate: Continuous ventilation rate (cfm) = Total ventilation  rate/2        Amount Total _________180_________    Amount Continuous _______90_________                    TABLE 304.1  COMBUSTION AIR REQUIREMENTS FOR GAS‐FIRED  APPLIANCES WHEN THE COMBINED INPUT IS UP TO  AND INCLUDING 400,000 Btu/hr      TOTAL INPUT OF APPLIANCES1,  THOUSANDS OF Btu/hr  (kW)  REQUIRED FREE AREA OF AIR‐ SUPPLY OPENING OR DUCT,  SQUARE INCHES  (sq mm)  ACCEPTABLE APPROXIMATE  ROUND DUCT  EQUIVALENT DIAMETER2,  INCH (mm)  25 (8)  50 (15)  75 (23)  100 (30)  125 (37)  150 (45)  175 (53)  200 (60)  225 (68)  250 (75)  275 (83)  300 (90)  325 (98)  350 (105)  375 (113)  400 (120)  7 (4,500)  7 (4,500)  11 (7,000)  14 (9,000)  18 (12,000)  22 (14,000)  25 (16,000)  29 (19,000)  32 (21,000)  36 (23,000)  40 (26,000)  43 (28,000)  47 (30,000)  50 (32,000)  54 (35,000)  58 (37,000)  3 (75)  3 (75)  4 (100)  4 (100)  5 (125)  5 (125)  6 (150)  6 (150)  6 (150)  7 (175)  7 (175)  7 (175)  8 (200)  8 (200)  8 (200)  9 (225)  1. For total inputs falling between listed capacities, use next largest listed input.  2. If flexible duct is used, increase the duct diameter by one inch. *  *Flexible duct shall be stretched with minimal sags.            BTU Amount for Non‐direct vent appliances ____________________                                      IFGC Appendix E, Worksheet E‐1  Residential Combustion Air Calculation Method  (for Furnace, Boiler, and/or Water Heater in the Same Space)  Step 1: Complete vented combustion appliance information. Furnace/Boiler:  ___Draft Hood                           ___Fan Assisted                           ___Direct Vent                         Input  (Not fan assisted)                      & Power Vent                                                                                   ______Btu/hr  Water Heater:  ___Draft Hood                           ___Fan Assisted                           ___Direct Vent                        Input:  (Not fan assisted)                      &Power Vent                                                                                   ______Btu/hr  Step 2: Calculate the volume of the Combustion Appliance Space (CAS) containing combustion appliances. The CAS includes all spaces connected to one another   by code compliant openings.                                                                    CAS volume: _________________ft3                                                                              Step 3: Determine Air Changes per Hours (ACH)1  Default ACH values have been incorporated into Table E‐1 for use with Method 4b (KAIR Method).  If the year of construction or ACH is not known, use method 4a (Standard Method).  Step 4: Determine Required Volume for Combustion Air.  4a. Standard Method  Total Btu/hr input of all combustion appliances                                                                                                                         Input:_____________ Btu/hr  (DO NOT COUNT DIRECT VENT APPLIANCES)  Use Standard Method column in Table E‐1 to find Total Required Volume (TRV)                                                                          TRV:_____________ ft3  If CAS Volume (from Step 2) is greater than TRV then no outdoor openings are needed.  If CAS Volume (from Step 2) is less than TRV then go to STEP 5.  4b. Known Air Infiltration Rate (KAIR) Method   Total Btu/hr input of all fan‐assisted and power vent appliances                                                                                          Input:_____________ Btu/hr  (DO NOT COUNT DIRECT VENT APPLIANCES)  Use Fan‐Assisted Appliances column in Table E‐1 to find                                                                                                                    Required Volume Fan Assisted (RVFA)                                                                                                                                                  RFVA:_____________ ft3    Total Btu/hr input of all non‐fan‐assisted appliances                                                                                                                 Input:_____________ Btu/hr    Use Non‐Fan‐Assisted Appliances column in Table E‐1 to find                       Required Volume Non‐Fan‐Assisted (RVNFA)                                                                                                                                     RVNFA:____________ ft3    Total Required Volume (TRV) = RVFA + RVNFA                                                               RV=_______________+______________=_______________ft3    If CAS Volume (from Step 2) is greater than TRV then no outdoor openings are needed.  If CAS Volume (from Step 2) is less than TRV then go to STEP 5.  Step 5: Calculate the ratio of available interior volume to the total required volume. Ratio = CAS Volume (from Step 2) divided by TRV (from Step 4a or Step 4b)                  Ratio =                             /                             =                             =    Step 6: Calculate Reduction Factor (RF).  RF ‐ 1 minus Ratio                                                                                                                                                  RF = 1 ‐                               =                              m  Step 7: Calculate single outdoor opening as if all combustion air isfrom outside. Total Btu/hr input of all Combustion Appliances in the same CAS   (EXCEPT DIRECT VENT)                                         Input: _______________Btu/hr  Combustion Air Opening Area (CAOA):  Total Btu/hr divided by 3000 Btu/hr per in2                                                                                     CAOA =                   /3000 Btu/hr per in2=                    in2  Step 8: Calculate Minimum CAOA.    Minimum CAOA = CAOA multiplied by RF                                                                                                                    Minimum CAOA =             x             = in2  Step 9: Calculate Combustion Air Opening Diameter (CAOD)   CAOD = 1.13 multiplied by the square root of Minimum CAOA                                                           CAOD = 1.13 √  Minimum CAOA =__________ in.   1 If desired, ACH can be determined using ASHRAE calculation or blower door test. Follow procedures in Section  G304.                 IFGC Appendix E, Table E‐1  Residential Combustion air (Required Interior Volume Based on Input Rating of Appliance)    Input Rating  (Btu/hr)      Standard Method  (ft3)  Known Air Infiltration Rate (KAIR) Method (ft3)  Fan Assisted  Non‐Fan‐Assisted    19941 to present    Pre‐1994    1994 to present    Pre‐1994  5,000 250 375 188 525 263  10,000 500 750 375 1,050 525  15,000 750 1,125 563 1,575 788  20,000 1,000 1,500 750 2,100 1,050  25,000 1,250 1,875 938  2,625 1,313  30,000 1,500 2,250 1,125 3,150 1,575  35,000 1,750 2,625 1,313 3,675 1,838  40,000 2,000 3,000 1,500 4,200 2,100  45,000 2,250 3,375 1,688 4,725 2,363  50,000 2,500 3,750 1,675 5,250 2,625  55,000 2,750 4,125 2,063 5,775 2,888  60,000 3,000 4,500 2,250 6,300 3,150  65,000 3,250 4,875 2,438 6,825 3,413  70,000 3,500 5,250 2,625 7,350 3,675  75,000 3,750 5,625 2,813 7,875 3,938  80,000 4,000 6,000 3,000 8,400 4,200  85,000 4,250 6,375 3,188 8,925 4,463  90,000 4,500 6,750 3,375 9,450 4,725  95,000 4,750 7,125 3,563 9,975 4,988  100,000 5,000 7,500 3,750 10,500 5,250  105,000 5,250 7,875 3,938 11,025 5,513  110,000 5,500 8,250 4,125 11,550 5,775  115,000 5,750 8,625 4,313 12,075 6,038  120,000 6,000 9,000 4,500 12,600 6,300  125,000 6,250 9,375 4,688 13,125 6,563  130,000 6,500 9,750 4,875 13,650 6,825  135,000 6,750 10,125 5,063 14,175 7,088  140,000 7,000 10,500 5,250 14,700 7,350  145,000 7,250 10,875 5,438 15,225 7,613  150,000 7,500 11,250 5,625 15,750 7,875  155,000 7,750 11,625 5,813 16,275 8,138  160,000 8,000 12,000 6,000 16,800 8,400  165,000 8,250 12,375 6,188 17,325 8,663  170,000 8,500 12,750 6,375 17,850 8,925  175,000 8,750 13,125 6,563 18,375 9,188  180,000 9,000 13,500 6,750 18,900 9,450  185,000 9,250 13,875 6,938 19,425 9,713  190,000 9,500 14,250 7,125 19,950 9,975  195,000 9,750 14,625 7,313 20,475 10,238  200,000 10,000 15,000 7,500 21,000 10,500  205,000 10,250 15,375 7,688 22,525 10,783  210,000 10,500 15,750 7,875 22,050 11,025  215,000 10,750 16,125 8,063 22,575 11,288  220,000 11,000 16,500 8,250 23,100 11,550  225,000 11,250 16,875 8,438 23,625 11,813  230,000 11,500 17,250 8,625 24,150 12,075  1 The 1994 date refers to dwellings constructed under the 1994 Minnesota Energy Code. The default KAIR used in this section of the table is 0.20 ACH.  2 This section of the table is to be used for dwellings constructed prior to 1994. The default KAIR used in this section of the table is 0.40 ACH.            Table 501.4.1  Procedure to Determine Makeup Air Quantity for Exhaust Appliances in Dwelling Units       ONE OR MULTIPLE  POWER VENT OR  DIRECT VENT  APPLIANCES OR NO  COMBUSTION  APPLIANCESA    ONE OR MULTIPLE  FAN‐ASSISTED  APPLIANCES AND  POWER VENT OR  DIRECT VENT  APPLIANCESB    ONE  ATMOSPHERICALLY  VENTED GAS OR OIL  APPLIANCE OR ONE  SOLID FUEL  APPLIANCEC  MULTIPLE  APPLIANCES THAT  ARE  ATMOSPHERICALLY  VENTED GAS OR OIL  APPLIANCES OR SOLID  FUEL APPLIANCESD  1. Use Appropriate Column to Estimate House Infiltration      a) pressure factor               (cfm/sf)    0.15    0.09    0.06    0.03      b) conditioned floor              area (sf)   4474           (including unfinished basements)  Estimated House        Infiltration (cfm):        [1ax 1b]  671.1       2.  Exhaust Capacity       a) Clothes dryer 135 135 135 135       b) 80% of largest  exhaust           rating (cfm)  240       (not applicable if recirculating system or if powered makeup air is electrically interlocked and matched to exhaust       c)  80% of next  largest             exhaust rating  (cfm):  64       (not applicable if recirculating system or if powered makeup air is electrically interlocked and matched to exhaust  Total Exhaust Capacity      (cfm):      [2a+2b+2c]  439       3.   Makeup Air Requirement  547) Total Exhaust             Capacity            (from above)  439            b)  Estimated House              Infiltration             (from above)   671.1       Makeup Air       Quality (cfm):       [3a‐3b]  ‐232.1       (if value is negative, no makeup air is needed  4.   For Makeup Air opening Sizing, refer to Table 501.4.2    A. Use this column if there are other than fan‐assisted or atmospherically venter gas or oil appliances or if there are no combustion appliances.  B. Use this column if there is one fan‐assisted appliance per venting system. Other atmospherically vented appliances may also be included.   C. Use this column if there is one atmospherically vented (other than fan‐assisted) gas or oil appliance per venting system or one solid fuel appliance.  D. Use this column if there are multiple atmospherically vented gas or oil appliances using a common vent or if there are atmospherically vented gas or oil                      Table 501.4.2  Makeup Air Opening Sizing Table for New and Existing Dwelling Units              TYPE OF OPENING  OR SYSTEM    ONE OR MULTIPLE  POWER VENT OR  DIRECT VENT  APPLIANCES OR NO  COMBUSTION  APPLIANCESA  ONE OR MULTIPLE  FAN‐ASSISTED  APPLIANCES AND  POWER VENT OR  DIRECT VENT  APPLIANCESB  ONE  ATMOSPHERICALLY  VENTED GAS OR OIL  APPLIANES OR ONE  SOLID FUEL  APPLIANCEC  MULTIPLE  APPLIANCES THAT  ARE  ATMOSPHERICALLY  VENTED GAS OR OIL  APPLIANCES OR  SOLID FUEL  APPLIANCESD      PASSIVE MAKEUP  AIR OPENING DUCT  DIAMETERE,F,G  (cfm) (cfm)(cfm)(cfm) (inches) Passive opening 1 – 36 1 –22 1 –15 1 –9 3 Passive opening 37 – 66 23 –41 16 –28 10 –17 4 Passive opening 67 – 109 42 –66 29 –46 18 –28 5 Passive opening 110 ‐ 163 67 –100 47 –69 29 –42 6 Passive opening 164 – 232 101 –143 70 –99 43 –61 7 Passive opening 233 – 317 144 –195 100 –135 62 –83 8 Passive opening  w/motorized  damper    318 – 419 196 – 258 136 – 179 84 – 110 9  Passive opening  w/motorized  damper    420 – 539 259 – 332 180 – 230 111 – 142 10  Passive opening  w/motorized  damper    540 – 679 333 – 419 231 – 290 143 – 179 11  Powered  makeup airH    >679 >419 >290 >179 NA    A. Use this column if there are other than fan‐assisted or atmospherically vented gas or oil appliances or if there are no combustion appliances.  B. Use this column if there is one fan‐assisted appliance per venting system. Other than atmospherically vented appliances may also be included.  C. Use this column if there is on atmospherically vented (other than fan‐assisted) gas or oil appliance per venting system or one solid fuel appliance.  D. Use this column if there is multiple atmospherically vented gas or oil appliances using a common vent or I there are atmospherically vented gas or oil appliances  and solid fuel appliances.   E. An equivalent length of 100 feet of round smooth metal duct is assumed. Subtract 40 feet for the exterior hood and ten feet for each 90‐degree elbow to  determine the remaining length of straight duct allowable.  F. If flexible duct is used, increase the duct diameter b one inch. Flexible duct shall be stretched with minimal sags.  G. Barometric dampers are prohibited in passive makeup air openings when any atmospherically vented appliance is installed.    H. Powered makeup air shall be electrically interlocked with the largest exhaust system.     Date Certificate Posted x Passive (No Fan) Active (With fan and monometer or other system monitoring device) Location (or future location) of Fan: Other Please Describe Here R-10 X R-21 X R-21 X R-21 X R-49 X R-30 X R-30 X R-30 X X Not applicable, all ducts located in conditioned space X Not required per mech. code Passive Powered Interlocked with exhaust device. Describe: Input in BTUS:80,000 Capacity in Gallons: Other, describe: AFUE or HSPF%92% Cfm's " round duct OR " metal duct Not required per mech. code 6"Passive Low: Other, describe: X Low: Location of fan(s), describe: Cfm's " round duct OR " metal duct Bay Windows or cantilevered areas Floors over unconditioned area Per R401.3 Certificate. A building certificate shall be posted on or in the electrical distribution panel.2/19/2018 New Construction Energy Code Compliance Certificate Name of Residential Contractor Robert Thomas Homes MN License Number BC644819 City Mailing Address of the Dwelling or Dwelling Unit Lakeville16357 Dunfield Drive Heat Recover Ventilator (HRV) Capacity in cfms: Energy Recover Ventilator (ERV) Capacity in cfms: Combustion Air Select a Type Location of duct or system: 33,50057,928 Heating Gain Cooling Load 90 180 Select Type Describe any additional or combined heating or cooling systems if installed: (e.g. two furnaces or air source heat pump with gas back-up furnace): 31,514 Residential Load Calculation Heating Loss 0.30 Describe other insulated areas RADON CONTROL SYSTEM Rim Joist (2nd Floor+) 0.30 Building envelope air tightness: 6 MIL POLY - 4" AGG INTERIOR INTERIOR Below Entire Slab Rigid, Extruded PolystyreneRigid, Isocynurate Perimeter of Slab on Grade Ceiling, flat ATTIC EXTERIOR SEALANT Rim Joist (1st Floor) Windows & Doors Ceiling, vaulted 3 Appliances Cooling SystemTotal R-Value of all Types of InsulationType: Check All That Apply Mineral FiberboardTHERMAL ENVELOPE Insulation Location Foam, Closed CellFoam Open Cell Wall Non or Not ApplicableFiberglass, BlownFiberglass, Batts Foundation Wall R-value Average U-Factor (excludes skylights and one door) U: Duct system air tightness: Fuel Type Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC): 43VP50E2 DX13SN036 Location of duct or system: Heating or Cooling Ducts Outside Conditioned Spaces R-410A Make-up Air Select a Type Rheem Domestic Water Heater Gas MECHANICAL SYSTEMS Rating or Size Efficiency 13SEER /EER Model Heating System Gas Daikin DM92SS0803B Manufacturer Daikin 50 Output in Tons: Total ventilation (intermittent + continuous) rate in cfms: Balanced Ventilation capacity in cfms: High: High: MECHANICAL VENTILATION SYSTEM Capacity continuous ventilation rate in cfms: Builders Associaton of Minnesota version 101014 NEW RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION SWPPP VERIFICATION This form must be completed and submitted with all new residential permit applications. New residential building permits WILL NOT be issued without this completed form. Company Name: _________________________________________________________________________ Project Site Address: _____________________________________________________________________ Description of Land Disturbing Activity: _____________________________________________________ NPDES Construction Stormwater Permit # C000 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ or # SUB00 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ If you are not covered under a NPDES Construction Stormwater Permit administered by the MPCA, an erosion and sediment control plan MUST be submitted with the residential building permit application. “The permittee(s) shall ensure that the individuals are trained by local, state, federal agencies, professional organizations or other entities in erosion prevention, sediment control, permanent Stormwater management and the Minnesota NPDES/SDS Construction Stormwater Permit.” (NPDES Construction Stormwater Permit, MPCA) “The permittee(s) must ensure that a trained person (as identified in Part III.A.3.a) will routinely inspect the entire construction site at least once every seven (7) days during active construction and within 24 hours after a rainfall event greater than 0.5 inches in 24 hours.” (NPDES Construction Stormwater Permit, MPCA) Contact information of person CERTIFIED to provide weekly onsite erosion and sediment control inspections and corrective actions: Name of Person: ________________________________Company: _______________________________ Phone # (24 hr Contact): ______________________ Email: ______________________________________ Entity that Provided Training: ________________________ Certification Expiration Date: ____________ NOTE: Prior to any land-disturbing activity, all erosion and sediment controls must be installed on the project site and on individual lots. No land disturbing activity may begin until a residential building permit has been issued. I understand, the above information to be true and I will have read, understood, and accepted all terms and conditions of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit (MN R 100001). The City of Lakeville may issue a STOP WORK ORDER; withhold building inspections; or, draw on securities/escrows to bring the site into compliance with the NPDES Construction Stormwater Permit (MN R 100001) or erosion and sediment control plan. Signature: ________________________________________________ Date:_________________________ Contact the City of Lakeville with questions at erosion@lakevillemn.gov or 952-985-4500 Rob St. Sauver Robert Thomas Homes 952-292-2419 rob.stsauver@traditiondevelopment.com U of MN 5/31/2019 N R 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001)))))1)1)))))1)1)))1))1)1)1)1)1))1))1)1)111111)11)))1111111)))))))11111))))111111111111111111111 ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooorrrrrrrrr erererererererrereererererrerererereerereeeeeeeererrrreeererrrrrrrrrrrrrrrosooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooosooooooooooooooooooooosoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooosoooosion anannnnannnnnnnnannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnannnnnnannnnannnnnnnnnnnannnnannannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnaaannnnannnaannnnnnaaaaannnnnannnaannnnnanaannnnnnaannnnnaaannd sediment control plan. re:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2/19/18 Robert Thomas Homes 16357 Dunfield Drive Excavation/construction of single family home 15765