HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRNRC Minutes 08-15-18 DRAFT
August 15, 2018
Chair Swan called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. in the Lake Marion Conference Room.
Members Present: Jeanne Peterson, Jim Storms, Bob Swan, Holly Weberg
Members Absent: Lori Bovitz, Patty Zuzek, Tom Goodwin, Alternate Tony Wotzka
Staff Present: Parks and Recreation Director John Hennen, Environmental Resources
Manager Mac Cafferty, Recording Secretary Stella Eskelson
1. Approval of August 1, 2018 minutes
Minutes approved as written.
2. Citizen comments
No citizens present.
3. Staff Report:
The Juno Trail reclamation project is progressing on schedule, paving of the trail was
completed on August 15 and further restoration will continue in the coming weeks. A
pedestrian crossing will be installed in the late fall or spring.
Playground equipment and a shelter have been installed at Legacy Park. Staff also installed
fibar and the contractor is in the process of seeding and grading the site. This park will be
open for play this fall.
Construction is currently underway at King Park; the installation of drain tile will help to
correct some of the drainage issues this site experiences. This project is slated to be
completed by this fall.
Next week, the concrete walk at the Arts Center is planned to be poured as part of the
grounds improvement project. The site will be mostly completed prior to the Art Festival
in September.
Roughly 70 youth graduated from this year’s Safety Camp at Antlers Park. Police officers,
firefighters and staff from Dakota County assist with teaching kids about fire and water
safety, self-defense and stranger danger among other topics.
The 2019 Fall brochure was sent out a week earlier than anticipated on August 11.
Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Committee Meeting Minutes, August 15, 2018 Page 2
The budget process continues, City departments were asked to make some preliminary
reductions to their proposed budgets. Administration will be reviewing the proposed
budget in the coming week.
4. Kenwood Hills Third Addition Preliminary Plat:
This plat consists of 15 detached townhomes and an extension of Jurel Way to intersect
with Kenwood Trail. There are parcels of City owned property that will be utilized for the
road construction. There will be no impact to existing wetlands, wetlands and wetland
buffers will be placed in an outlot that is owned by the City. A tree preservation plan was
submitted, any trees that are removed will be required to be replaced at a 2:1 ratio.
Motion made by Peterson, seconded by Weberg to recommend to City Council
approval of the Kenwood Hills Third Addition Preliminary Plat subject to the
recommendations as presented by City staff.
Ayes: unanimous
5. Edison at Spirit of Brandtjen Farm Preliminary and Final Plat:
This plat includes 160 dwellings with 5 secondary buildings. The development of this site
will continue the progression of the Dakota County Greenway, once complete this
greenway will provide connectivity to surrounding municipalities. There are no existing
wetlands or significant trees identified on the property.
Motion made by Weberg, seconded by Storms to recommend to City Council
approval of the Edison at Spirit of Brandtjen Farm Preliminary and Final Plat subject to the
recommendations as presented by City staff.
Ayes: unanimous
6. NRPA Metrics Follow-Up Discussion:
Committee members were asked to review the NRPA Metrics that were provided to them
at the August 1 meeting and come prepared with questions. There was some discussion
around the ratios that other communities had provided in relation to full-time staff,
facilities and number of visitors they have to their facilities. It was determined that there
could be some ambiguity to the answers that different communities provided.
Committee Member Storms clarified that the purpose of the metrics were to provide an
overview of Lakeville’s park metrics to the committee and City Council for review and
draw their own conclusions as well as brainstorm what areas to improve upon.
The committee members were asked to come prepared for more in-depth discussion at a
future meeting, the contents of this discussion would be summarized and provided to
Committee members who were not in attendance at this meeting.
Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Committee Meeting Minutes, August 15, 2018 Page 3
7. Envision Lakeville Workshop Discussion
Staff touched on the various items from the PowerPoint presentation that pertained to
the Parks and Recreation Department. Some of the community priorities based on
responses included; a variety of recreational opportunities, open space preservation,
open space/natural areas and parks within neighborhoods among others.
8. Other Business:
No other business.
9. Announcements:
The next PRNRC meeting is scheduled for September 5.
10. Adjourn:
Meeting adjourned at 7:33 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Stella Eskelson, Recording Secretary