HomeMy WebLinkAbout18-154CITY OF LAKEVILLE RESOLUTION NO. 18-154 RESOLUTION AMENDING THE 2018 GENERAL FUND, COMMUNICATIONS FUND, BUILDING FUND, IMPROVEMENT CONSTRUCTION FUND AND LIQUOR FUND BUDGETS BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Lakeville, Minnesota that the 2018 General Fund budget, the 2018 Communications Fund budget, the 2018 Building Fund budget, the 2018 Improvement Construction Fund budget and the 2018 Liquor Fund Budget are hereby amended for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2018 as per Exhibit A, B, C, D and E, as attached hereto. ADOPTED by the Lakeville City Council this 3rd day of December 2018 Dougla p. Anderson, Mayor Charlene Friedges, City)Clerk Exhibit A 2018 GENERAL FUND BUDGET 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 YTD 12/3/2018 Final Adopted Amendment Amendment Amended Adjust Amended Budget Res. No. 18-099 Res. No. 18-063 Budget Res. No. 184** Budget Notes Revenues General property taxes $ 20,055,586 $ - $ - $ 20,055,586 $ - $ 20,055,586 Licenses and permits 2,356,882 - - 2,356,882 30,000 2,386,882 (4) Intergovernmental 1,005,921 - - 1,005,921 35,966 1,041,887 (1)(7) Charges for services 2,926,300 - - 2,926,300 212,750 3,139,050 (3)(11)(12) Court fines 425,000 - - 425,000 - 425,000 Investment income 90,071 - - 90,071 - 90,071 Miscellaneous 47,303 - 10,000 57,303 - 57,303 Total revenues Expenditures 26,907,063 - 10,000 26,917,063 278,716 27,195,779 General government Mayor and Council 107,230 - - 107,230 - 107,230 Committees and Commissions 87,600 - 10,000 97,600 - 97,600 City administration 478,570 - - 478,570 - 478,570 City Clerk 201,157 - - 201,157 14,000 215,157 (2) Legal counsel 80,000 - - 80,000 - 80,000 Planning 585,768 - - 585,768 - 585,768 Community and econ. development 366,222 - - 366,222 21,900 388,122 (7) Inspections 1,225,953 - - 1,225,953 30,000 1,255,953 (4) General government facilities 557,962 - - 557,962 11,900 569,862 (8) Finance 781,534 - - 781,534 - 781,534 Information systems 673,236 - - 673,236 - 673,236 Human resources 511,685 - - 511,685 12,000 523,685 (6) Insurance Public 285,000 - - 285,000 140,000 425,000 (15) safety Police 11,259,374 - - 11,259,374 172,838 11,432,212 (3)(13) Fire Public 1,855,127 - - 1,855,127 35,066 1,890,193 (1)(9) works Engineering 974,588 - - 974,588 - 974,588 Operations and Maintenance 587,152 - - 587,152 - 587,152 Streets Parks 3,194,298 - - 3,194,298 169,000 3,363,298 (10) and recreation Parks 2,643,982 - - 2,643,982 - 2,643,982 Recreation 700,028 - - 700,028 9,750 709,778 (12) Heritage Center 129,549 - - 129,549 - 129,549 Arts Center 510,370 - - 510,370 8,000 518,370 (11) Other (43,090) - - (43,090) - (43,090) Total expenditures 27,753,295 - 10,000 27,763,295 624,454 28,387,749 Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures (846,232) - - (846,232) (345,738) (1,191,970) Other financing sources (uses) Transfer from other funds 765,232 - - 765,232 - 765,232 Transfer to other funds (660,864) (125,000) - (785,864) (172,162) (958,026) (13)(14) Committed Fund Balance - EAB - - - - - - Total other financing sources (uses) 104,368 (125,000) - (20,632) (172,162) (192,794) (2)(6)(8)(9) Net change in fund balance (741,864) (125,000) - (866,864) (517,900) (1,384,764) (10)(14)(15) Fund balance, January 1 14,288,353 14,288,353 840,570 15,128,923 (5) Fund balance, December 31 $ 13,546,489 $ 13,421,489 $ 322,670 $ 13,744,159 Exhibit A (1) Amend Fire Relief Association contribution resulting from increase in state aid. Expenditures: Other Charges and Services 14,066 Revenues: Intergovernmental 14,066 (2) Amend the City Clerk elections budget to reflect the addional costs of supplies required for the new voting equipment and additional hours worked by the election judges. Expenditures: Commodities 3,100 Other Charges and Services 10,900 Revenues: Use of Fund Balance 14,000 (3) Amend the Police Department for security coverage at Samaritan's Purse during the months of Nobember and December. Expenditures: Personnel Services 195,000 Revenues: Charges for Services - Police Security Services 195,000 (4) Amend the Inspections Department budget to account for the increase in contractual electrical inspections expense and the offsetting electrical permit revenues. Expenditures: Other Charges and Services 30,000 Revenues: Permits - Electrical 30,000 (5) Amend the budgeted (estimated) January 1, 2018 Fund Balance to reflect the actual January 1 Fund Balance. Actual Fund Balance, January 1, 2018 15,128,923 Budgeted Fund Balance, January 1, 2018 14,288,353 Increase Fund Balance, January 1, 2018 840,570 (6) Amend the Human Resources budget to carry forward appropriations in the 2017 Adopted Budget for the Compensation and Classification Study completed in 2018. Expenditures: Other Charges and Services 12,000 Revenues: Use of Fund Balance 12,000 Exhibit A (7) Amend the Community and Economic Development budget for Darts bus service (6,900) and senior chores/repairs (8,000) funded by CDBG. Expenditures: Other Charges and Services - DARTS bus services 6,900 Other Charges and Services - DARTS Senior Chores/Repairs 15,000 Revenue: Intergovernmental 21,900 (8) Amend General Government Facilities for added health insurance election that was previously waived. Expenditures: Personnel Services 11,900 Revenues: Use of Fund Balance 11,900 (9) Amend the Fire Department for increase WC insurance rate increase determined after the budget preparation. Expenditures: Personnel Services 21,000 Revenues: Use of Fund Balance 21,000 (10) Amend the Street Department budget for additional salt purchased for inventory. Expenditures: Commodities 169,000 Other Charges and Services - Revenues: Use of Fund Balance 169,000 (11) Amend arts center facility budget for the cost to Charter for fiber contract and increase in contracted performers. Increase is offset by increases in rental income. Expenditures: Other Charges and Services 8,000 Revenue: Charges for Services - Facility Rental 81000 (12) Amend the Recreation Department for increases other contractual services resulting from increase recreation program revenues. Expenditures: Other Charges and Services 9,750 Revenue: Charges for Services - Recreation Program Revenues 9,750 (13) Amend the Police Department budget to transfer unused appropriations from the operating budget to the Building Fund to cover the additional cost of the building display project. Expenditures: Other Charges and Services Transfers out (22,162) 22,162 (14) Amend the general fund transfers to transfer $150,000 to the Improvement Construction Fund for street reconstruction design costs. Expenditures: Transfers out 150,000 Revenues: Use of Fund Balance 150,000 (15) Amend the General Fund insurance allocation to the Municipal Reserves Fund. Expenditures: Other Charges and Services 140,000 Revenues: Use of Fund Balance 140,000 Total Expenses 796,616 Revenues 278,716 Use of FB Reserves 517,900 Total Funding 796,616 Exhibit A Exhibit B 2018 COMMUNICATIONS FUND BUDGET 2018 2018 2018 YTD 12/3/2018 Final Amended Adjust Amended Budget Res, No. 18-### Budget Notes Revenues Franchise fees $ 688,473 $ 688,473 P.E.G. fees 60,858 60,858 State -aid pensions 516 516 Charges for services - 22,007 22,007 (5) Investment income Total Revenues Expenditures Personnel services Commodities Other charges and services Capital outlay Total Expenditures Other financing sources/(uses) Transfer from General Fund Transfer from Enterprise Funds Transfer to General Fund Transfer to Improvement Constr. Fund Total Transfers Net Change in Fund Balance Fund Balance, January 1 Fund Balance, December 31 753,002 22,007 775,009 446,728 446,728 9,279 9,279 488,930 94,573 583,503 (3) (4) (5) 996,287 94,573 1,090,860 260,864 - 260,864 169,121 35,735 204,856 (2) (78,663) (78,663) 176,322 35,735 212,057 (66,963) (36,831) (103,794) (2) (3) (4) 331,225 271,951 603,176 (1) (1) Adjust the budgeted (estimated) January 1, 2018 Fund Balance to reflect the actual January 1 Fund Balance Actual Fund Balance, January 1, 2018 Budgeted Fund Balance, January 1, 2018 Increase Fund Balance, January 1, 2018 Exhibit B 603,176 331,225 271,951 (2) Amend transfers in to include the Liquor Fund's share of the Marketing Specialist costs incurred in 2017. The transfer was appropriated in 2017 but was inadvertently missed in 2017. Other Financing Sources: Transfers In - Enterprise Fund Increase Fund Balance 35,735 35,735 (3) Amend the 2018 adopted budget for the Phase II Fiber Project that was carried 36,831 over from 2017. Funding from other funds was transferred in 2017 and 94,573 adjustments to 2018 based on actual costs. Expenditures: Other Charges and Services - Fiber Project Phase II 242,148 Revenues Use of Fund Balance 242,148 (4) Amend the 2018 adopted budget for the Phase III Fiber Project that will be carried over to 2019. (Will be referred to as Phase IV). Funding from other funds to remain in 2018. Expenditures: Other Charges and Services - Fiber Project Phase III (169,582) Increase Fund Balance 169,582 Total Expenses 72,566 (5) Amend the 2018 budget for Dakota County's share of the fiber cost. (Phase III) Expenditures: Other Charges and Services - Fiber Project Phase III 22,007 Revenues Charges for services 22,007 Revenues 57,742 Use of FB Reserves 36,831 Total Funding 94,573 Exhibit C 2015 BUILDING FUND BUDGET 2018 2018 2018 2018 Res. 18-099 Res. 18-131 Final 12/3/2018 Final Adopted Budget 9/17/2018 Adjust 11/5/2018 Amended Adjust Budget Adjust Res, 184## Amended Budged Notes Revenues General property taxes $ 400,000 $ - $ - $ 400,000 $ - $ 400,000 Charges for services - Antenna Rental - 403,000 403,000 - 403,000 Investment income 14,076 - - 14,076 - 14,076 Donations - - 63,181 63,181 - 63,181 Total revenues 414,076 403,000 63,181 880,257 - 880,257 Expenditures - Capital outlay General government 149,500 - - 149,500 - 149,500 Public safety Police 113,486 - - 113,486 22,162 135,648 (1) Fire 40,350 - - 40,350 - 40,350 Public works 46,000 - - 46,000 - 46,000 Parks and recreation 365,635 - 63,181 428,816 - 428,816 Total expenditures 714,971 - 63,181 778,152 22,162 800,314 Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures (300,895) 403,000 - 102,105 (22,162) 79,943 Other financing sources (uses) Transer from -'General Fund 300,000 - - 300,000 22,162 322,162 (1) Total other financing sources (uses) 300,000 - - 300,000 22,162 322,162 Net change in fund balance (895) 403,000 - 402,105 - 402,105 Fund balance, January 1 713,008 713,008 713,008 Fund balance, December 31 $ 712,113 $ 1,115,113 $ 1,115,113 Exhibit C (1) Amend the Police Department budget to transfer unused appropriations from the operating budget to the Building Fund to cover the additional cost of the building display project. Expenditures: Capital Outlay - Police (22,162) Transfers in - General Fund 22,162 Exhibit D 2018 IMPROVEMENT CONSTRUCTION FUND BUDGET Revenues General property taxes Intergovernmental Investment income Miscellaneous (Escrow) Total revenues F=e�ndiittures - Capitals Public works Total expenditures Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures Other financing sources (uses) Transfer from General Fund Communications Fund Water Operating Fund Issuance of Debt Total other financing sources (uses) Net change in fund balance Fund balance, January 1 Fund balance, December 31 673,315 - 673,315 12,086,013 - 12,086,013 12,086,013 - 12,086,013 (11,412,698) - (11,412,698) - 150,000 150,000 (1) 175,000 - 175,000 230,000 230,000 11,412,698 150,000 11,562,698 - 150,000 150,000 279,959 657,265 937,224 (2) $ 279,959 $ 1,087,224 2018 2018 Res. 18-### Final Adopted 12/3/2018 Amended Bu et Adjust Budget $ 50,000 $ - $ 50,000 457,500 - 457,500 673,315 - 673,315 12,086,013 - 12,086,013 12,086,013 - 12,086,013 (11,412,698) - (11,412,698) - 150,000 150,000 (1) 175,000 - 175,000 230,000 230,000 11,412,698 150,000 11,562,698 - 150,000 150,000 279,959 657,265 937,224 (2) $ 279,959 $ 1,087,224 (1) Amend the 2018 transfers in from General Fund for street reconstruction design costs. Revenues: Transfers In - General Fund Increase Fund Balance Exhibit D 150,000 150,000 (2) Amend the budgeted (estimated) January 1, 2018 Fund Balance to reflect the actual January Fund Balance. Actual Fund Balance, January 1, 2018 Budgeted Fund Balance, January 1, 2018 Increase Fund Balance, January 1, 2018 937,224 279,959 657,265 2018 LIQUOR FUND BUDGET Sales and cost of sales Sales Cost of sales Gross profit Operating expenses Personnel services Commodities Other charges and services Total operating expenses Operating income Non-operating revenue (expense) Intergovernmental Investment income Miscellaneous Disposal of assets (net) Total non-operating (net) Income before transfers, bond expense, and depreciation Transfers to other funds Depreciation Total transfers, bond expense and depreciation Change in net position Net position, January 1 Net position, December 31 Exhibit E 2018 2018 Res. 18-### Final Adopted 12/3/2018 Amended Budget Adjust Bu—dgct Notes $ 15,003,435 $ - $ 15,003,435 11,307,073 - 11,307,073 3,696,362 - 3,696,362 1,693,665 - 103,665 77,818 - 77,818 1,037,408 - 11037,408 2,808,891 - 2,808,891 887,471 - 887,471 3,900 - 3,900 19,110 - 19,110 3,600 - 3,600 1,799,601 - 1,799,601 1,8261)211 - 1,826,211 2,713,682 - 21713,682 (848,577) (35,735) (884,312) (93,345) - (93,345) (941,922) 35,735 (977,657) 1,771,760 (35,735) 1,736,025 4,245,048 121,281 4,366,329 $ 6,016,808 $ ' 85,546 $ 6,102,354 Capital outlay acquisitions $ 7,300 $ - $ 7,300 (2) (1) Exhibit E (1) Adjust the budgeted (estimated) January 1, 2018 Net Position to reflect the actual January 1 Net Position. Actual Net Position, January 1, 2018 4,366,329 Budgeted Net Position, January 1, 2018 4,245,048 Increase Net Position, January 1, 2018 121,281 (2) Amend transfers in to include the Liquor Fund's share of the Marketing Specialist costs incurred in 2017. The transfer was appropriated in 2017 but was inadvertently missed in 2017. Other Financing Uses: Transfer To - Communications Fund 35,735 Decrease Net Position 35,735