HomeMy WebLinkAbout18-149CITY OF LAKEVILLE RESOLUTION NO. 18-149 RESOLUTION ADOPTING JOB CLASSIFICATION AND 2019 PAY PLAN WHEREAS, the City Council has adopted pay plans from time to time to provide for the compensation of employees in various positions; and WHEREAS, Springsted, Inc. completed a job classification and compensation study in 2018 and proposed a 25 grade, 7 -step pay scale; and WHEREAS, this job classification and compensation plan has been developed to maintain compliance with the Pay Equity Law and provide competitive wages to attract and retain qualified employees; WHEREAS, the pay plan should be adjusted from time to time in consideration of the changes in the cost of living as measured by the U.S. Department of Labor, market conditions, and position evaluations; WHEREAS, the pay plan includes a 3% cost -of -living adjust for non-union employees effective January 1, 2019. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Lakeville, Minnesota: 1. Adopts the Systems Analysis and Factor Evaluation (SAFE*) System as the City's job classification system. 2. The attached pay plan is hereby adopted for the positions listed and will be effective January 1, 2019. 3. The following policy shall be used to administer this pay plan. A. Employee Progression A-1. Employees identified as below minimum salary to the minimum of their proposed grade will be placed at step 1 on 11112019. A-2. All other non-union employees will receive a 3% cost of living adjustment on 11112019. A-3. All other non-union full-time employee will begin to transition to the new pay plan on and be eligible to progress to the next step increase on their current anniversary date. All non-union part-time employees will transition to the new pay plan and be eligible to advance to the next step after working 2080 hours. A-5. Employees hired will start employment at step 1 unless credit is given for prior relevant work experience. A-6. Employees will be evaluated by their immediate supervisor on their employment anniversary date. An evaluation that results in a satisfactory performance report will entitle the employee to progress to the next step in their position grade. A less than satisfactory performance will result in the employee being frozen in their position step until their performance improves to satisfactory. B. Pay Plan Adjustments Based on Consideration of Market Conditions and Cost of Living Changes B-1. The pay plan includes a 3% cost -of -living adjust for non-union employees effective January 1, 2019. B-2. Compensation surveys will be completed regularly to ensure that wages for non-union positions are comparable to those of other similarly situated cities. ADOPTED by the Lakeville City Council this 3rd day of December 2018 ow- On Dougl . Anderson, Mayor r 9 Charlene Friedges, City l Ik 2019 Proposed Pay Plan - 3% COLA Grade Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Grade 1 40,581.27 42,103.06 43,681.93 45,320.00 47,019.50 48,782.74 50,612.09 Hourly Rate: 19.51 20.24 21.00 21.79 22.61 23.45 24.33 Pts: 0-142 Facility Attendant (125) Grade 2 43,016.14 43,599.25 46,302.85 48,039.20 49,840.67 51,709.70 53,648.81 Hourly Rate: 20.68 20.96 22.26 23.10 23.96 24.86 25.79 Pts: 143-157 City Receptionist (145) Community Service Officer (148) Grade 3 45,597.11 47,307.00 49,081.01 50,921.55 52,831.11 54,812.27 56,867.74 Hourly Rate: 21.92 22.74 23.60 24.48 25.40 26.35 27.34 Pts: 158-173 Grade 4 48,332.94 50,145.43 52,025.88 53,976.84 56,000.98 58,101.01 60,279.80 Hourly Rate: 23.24 24.11 25.01 25.95 26.92 27.93 28.98 Pts: 174-190 Grade 5 51,232.91 53,154.15 55,147.43 57,215.46 59,361.03 61,587.08 63,896.59 Hourly Rate: 24.63 25.55 26.51 27.51 28.54 29.61 30.72 Pts: 191-208 Administrative Assistant (198) Assistant Liquor Store Manager (201) Accounts Payable Technician (193) Inventory Control Technician (200) Police Records Technician (193) Utility Billing/Accounts Receivable Technician (195) Grade 6 54,306.88 56,343.40 58,456.27 60,648.39 62,922.70 65,282.30 67,730.39 Hourly Rate: 26.11 27.09 28.10 29.16 30.25 31.39 32.56 Pts: 209-228 Evidence Technician (213) Police Records Analyst (218) Senior Administrative Assistant (225) Senior Administrative Assistant/Deputy Clerk (225) Grade 7 57,565.30 59,724.00 61,963.65 64,287.29 66,698.06 69,199.23 71,794.20 Hourly Rate: 27.68 28.71 29.79 30.91 32.07 33.27 34.52 Pts: 229-249 Environmental Resources Technician (243) Payroll Specialist (240) Planning & Zoning Specialist (235) Video Production Specialist (235) 2019 Proposed Pay Plan - 3% COLA Grade Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Grade 8 61,019.22 63,307.44 65,681.47 68,144.52 70,699.94 Hourly Rate: 29.34 30.44 31.58 32.76 33.99 Pts: 250-271 Construction Representative (255) Communications Specialist (265) Economic Development Specialist (270) GIS Analyst (255) Graduate Engineer (270) Video Production & Technology Specialist (270) Grade 9 64,680.37 67,105.89 69,622.36 72,233.20 74,941.93 Hourly Rate: 31.10 32.26 33.47 34.73 36.03 Pts: 272-294 Human Resources Specialist (290.5) Environmental Resources Specialist (280) Information Technology Technician (281) Marketing Specialist/Events Coordinator (280) Grade 10 68,561.20 71,132.24 73,799.70 76,567.18 79,438.45 Hourly Rate: 32.96 34.20 35.48 36.81 38.19 Pts: 295-319 Financial Analyst (316) Building Inspector/Plans Examiner (298) Civil Engineer (318) Fire Inspector (310) Recreation Program Coordinator (318) Senior Construction Representative (318) Grade 11 72,674.86 75,400.17 78,227.68 81,161.22 84,204.77 Hourly Rate: 34.94 36.25 37.61 39.02 40.48 Pts: 320-346 Facilities Supervisor (340) Fleet Supervisor (340) Liquor Store Manager (330) Parks Supervisor (330) Senior Building Inspector/Plans Examiner (333) Step 6 Step 7 73,351.19 76,101.86 35.26 36.59 77,752.26 80,667.97 37.38 38.78 82,417.40 85,508.05 39.62 41.11 87,362.44 90,638.54 42.00 43.58 2019 Proposed Pay Plan - 3% COLA Grade Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Grade 12 77,035.36 79,924.18 82,921.34 86,030.89 89,257.05 Hourly Rate: 37.04 38.43 39.87 41.36 42.91 Pts: 347-374 Art Center Manager (370) Associate Planner (365) City Forester (370) Communications Manager (355) Fire Marshal (365) GIS Supervisor (370) Information Systems Administrators (350) Public Works & Facilities Coordinator (370) Recreation Manager (365) Senior Financial Anaylst (353) Streets Supervisor (348) Utilities Supervisor (348) Grade 13 81,657.48 84,719.63 Hourly Rate: 39.26 40.73 Pts: 375-405 Assistant Building Official (375) Assistant Liquor Operations Manager (385) City Clerk (385) Environmental Resources Manager (398) Project Engineer (403) Step 6 Step 7 92,604.19 96,076.84 44.52 46.19 87,896.63 91,192.74 94,612.47 98,160.44 101,841.46 42.26 43.84 45.49 47.19 48.96 Grade 14 86,556.93 89,802.82 93,170.42 96,664.31 100,289.23 104,050.06 107,951.94 Hourly Rate: 41.61 43.17 44.79 46.47 48.22 50.02 51.90 Pts: 406-436 Grade 15 91,750.34 95,190.98 Hourly Rate: 44.11 45.76 Pts:437-469 Construction Services Superintendent (465) Parks Superintendent (460) Senior Project Engineer (455) Streets & Fleet Superintendent (442.5) 98, 760.64 102,464.16 106, 306.58 110, 293.07 114,429.06 47.48 49.26 51.11 53.03 55.01 Grade 16 97,255.36 100,902.44 104,686.29 108,612.02 112,684.97 116,910.65 121,294.81 Hourly Rate: 46.76 48.51 50.33 52.22 54.18 56.21 58.31 Pts: 470-502 Assistant City Engineer (480) Assistant Finance Director (485) Assistant Fire Chief (495) Building Official (500) Business Manager (477.5) Liquor Operations Manager (477.5) Utilities Superintendent (487.5) Grade 17 103,090.68 106,956.59 110,967.46 115,128.73 119,446.06 123,925.29 128,572.49 Hourly Rate: 49.56 51.42 53.35 55.35 57.43 59.58 61.81 Pts: 503-535 2019 Proposed Pay Plan - 3% COLA Grade Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Grade 18 109,276.13 113,373.98 117,625.51 122,036.46 126,612.83 131,360.81 136,286.84 Hourly Rate: 52.54 54.51 56.55 58.67 60.87 63.15 65.52 Pts: 536-569 City Engineer (567.5) Human Resources Manager (555) Information Technology Manager (560) Grade 19 115,832.70 120,176.42 124,683.03 129,358.65 134,209.60 139,242.46 144,464.05 Hourly Rate: 55.69 57.78 59.94 62.19 64.52 66.94 69.45 Pts: 570-604 Deputy Chief of Police (590) Parks & Recreation Director (585) Grade 20 122,782.65 127,387.00 132,164.02 137,120.17 142,262.18 147,597.01 153,131.89 Hourly Rate: 59.03 61.24 63.54 65.92 68.40 70.96 73.62 Pts: 605-639 Assistant City Administrator (635) Community & Economic Development Director (630) Fire Chief (635) Planning Director (610) Grade 21 130,149.62 135,030.23 140,093.86 145,347.38 150,797.90 156,452.83 162,319.81 Hourly Rate: 62.57 64.92 67.35 69.88 72.50 75.22 78.04 Pts: 640-676 Finance Director (640) Police Chief (650) Public Works Director (650) Grade 22 137,958.59 143,132.04 148,499.49 154,068.22 159,845.78 165,840.00 172,059.00 Hourly Rate: 66.33 68.81 71.39 74.07 76.85 79.73 82.72 Pts: 677-713 Grade 23 146,236.10 151,719.96 157,409.46 163,312.32 169,436.52 175,790.40 182,382.53 Hourly Rate: 70.31 72.94 75.68 78.52 81.46 84.51 87.68 Pts: 714-750 City Administrator (740) Grade 24 155,010.27 160,823.16 166,854.03 173,111.06 179,602.72 186,337.83 193,325.49 Hourly Rate: 74.52 77.32 80.22 83.23 86.35 89.59 92.94 Pts: 751-787 Grade 25 164,310.89 170,472.55 176,865.27 183,497.71 190,378.89 197,518.09 204,925.02 Hourly Rate: 79.00 81.96 85.03 88.22 91.53 94.96 98.52 Pts: 788-824 1. 6% Between Grades. 2. 3.75% Between Steps; Range is 24.72%.