HomeMy WebLinkAboutSurveys 11x17CITY OF LAKEVILLE CERTIFICATION OF GRADING AND FINAL PLACEMENT OF IRON MONUMENTS Building Permit #: 175757 Legal Description: Lot 15 Block 3 Subdivision: KNOB HILL OF LAKEVILLE Address: 17903 Evenina Lane. Lakeville. Minnesota RECEIVED By Christina Orlowsky at 11:57 am, Jul 06, 2020 I hereby certify that on 25th day of June 2020 an inspection of this property was conducted by me or under my direct supervision and that the as -built grades, elevations and drainage patterns of the site and building are in conformance with the grading plan approved by the City Engineer or amendments previously approved by the City Engineer. In addition, all property corner monuments are in place as of this date. I hereby certify that this survey, plan or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Print Name: Jared J. A erbeck WSignature: _ Date: 06/26/ 0 MN License #: 53642 NOTE: ATTACH A COPY OF THE CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY SHOWING ALL AS - BUILT GRADES, ELEVATIONS AND DRAINAGE PATTERNS Approved subdivision grading plans should be obtained from the property owner or developer. General questions relating to the building permit should be directed to the Building Inspections Department at 952-985-4440. Questions relating to grading should be directed to the Engineering Department at 952-985-4500. Prior to release of the Grading Security, this document shall be filed with: City of Lakeville Engineering Department 20195 Holyoke Avenue Lakeville, MN 55044 W \Government Info\CitylLakevillc\Ccrttfication of Gradmg.doc � i " . �,�V•� � �X_ -t f � � -- >-`""� SURVEY LEGEND Propcny L�cscription:Lot I5,ei�3,KNOB HILL(l!�LAKLYILLFs,according to thc ,_ � -------- � �=-- ; „" --- � __ x'% a 4i).i , ___�---- �_ T� O ----- - _ _ rcxordcd plat thcrcof,Dakota County,Minncsota. - '� � 1V _ --"> _ _ ._ - - --1��j�'! i� >=^ � Si OriM DRAii N �-r'"� 1. Address: I7903 Evcning l,anc,L.akcvilic,Minncsota 55(144. ------ - � ---;�- - EVE ��� -- '-------i--"� � GJti(:H dA51A ., - - D4 GAT� VAi.VF 2. Wc havc shown lhc lcxation uf utilitic.5 on thc survcyal pm{x:rty by c�bst.�rvcxl cvidcncc ---- 1 - " , ----_ - - �- t, --` ,,� -� �" ��ORAnT only anJ by avaiiab)c plens. Plcasc notc that wc havc not piaccd a Gophcr Statc O�c Call ------- -- _ -_ 1 �-- � _,,�> , R�323V�� +� ,� ____-- '- o ��n ,,;;:� ` for this survcy. Thcm may or may not bc undcrground utilitics in thc mappcd arca, O_�_-7�` ~ o a 'Zr'J __ _- ~ � � thcrcforc cxtrcmc caution must bc cxcmisc bcforc any cxcaYation takcs placc on or ncar „rt 2 - __ �„' R0� PIPE N:: '+, �r^' ;,_ _� -- ~ ~ -- this sitc. Aiso,plcasc notc that scasonal conditions may inhibit our abiliy to visibly =- >--�1! 83,�7 _ _ ---� �.��vv A,K _---�� O SAN At2v NAtiF�i� obscrvc all thc utilitics locatcd on thc subjcct properq�. Bcforc di m rcq Y �� g, you aro uircd ___ -->=`' '�4 � - � �,___----� �__�.�� ,p37.5 ;;:z�Uv� t�_vt+�io'v by law w notify Gophcr Statc Onc C'aIl at Icas148 hours in advancc at 651/454•(1Oc12. __�--���q_.at -'9��Z 92g. - -�� �y��5� �ROFCSe D C_CVA-Ov Thc contractor shall dctcrminc thc cxact locadon of any and all cxisting utilitics bcforc � _- ---� "" ~ �26= � 40344 0 w�T nn, t3,��-�R po�� commcncing work and is responsiblc for any and alt damagcs arising out of'his failurc to � 927 g �' �' -�r�� ~ y:L�u�!'� ' ��6� �i HA�C t-O�E cxacHy locatc and prescrvc any and all cxisting utilitics. � f� f Y.G�-Q--"'�f ��` ; g jE.� ,I CI�.^.7RiC T RANS(ORM�'< 3, Must maintain a minimum 2"/o slopc gradicnt to accommalutc posid��e drain:►gc. � �e� - " _ ° -=`- 1 Ti T_L_P iC�E P=0=S3ni. I '-' 9��-"�" ��� � 97� 6 � - ,.' gl I...� g��. � y� � ��PK �(tFi � `, -� u; ,,T,i T� p��cc-ni 4, All sct oFlset irons�rc mc:uurcd to hundredths oFa fuat and c:an bc uscd as bcnchmxrks. ^� � 'o � � ! � ,CQQ.O I 1� ac 28.4-""`--- J �'='�- 92�.3 y1! �--� �~- ' � N � Sf"W�R S'RV,^. ,_�,p, ::". ' n �A � � �, � Q, � . Thc proposcd drivcway shown is conccptual only and docs not pur�n to show cxactly CJ ti-'r"�� rn eXiS�1NG i{ttt i _ -- N i y ('� - a'�"- �, ,n `�' � haw thc dri�cway shall bc built. � -- ' cP ti�� �;sl 4 �'� I=d`JNUScU I Rt_ f °D �`Y 'l~ W s'� t � �y' r<<OPOSi� i 2F 6. A titic opinion was not furnishcd to thc survcyor as rt of this survcy. (Mly cascmcnts � -- - � cn .-- 4'. � 5� w� p� �28.: 92g w, Oc�Ep �__; E� �uMiUCHrS �►cr thc tccordcd plat are shown unlcss othcrwise dcrwted hcrcon. �� �t �e2�2 ; 5, - �--`. �= pROP_ 928•5 - - --.� can�c�r�r � 60 � �1 g2a- g28.� N . `Q� � 1 1.0 �, ',� `� BF _ 9 2 1.� 7. P ro p o s c d g r a d c s s h o w n a d jac c n t to bui l ding foun da tion rc fcrs to top o f b lac k din. ,� � � ��;� �� � ,��x8.2 � -- CONi� �RO�(?SED � ! g .t � oLa 8 N �'� -�°��-- Cc�tv�Uu� tx�5�I�uG g. Vcrify sanitary scrvicc invcrt prior to any concrctc work. j � !� ��� y � � 01 "�,1 � GRAiNAGE AR2�JW ! �� , -:c 2 O �'� ? - C:C}NG�tz(E C�ke 9. Bcnchmark:TNH(u;Lotl,B1ock 2,KNOH HILL OF I.AKEVILLE-93p.15 Fcet. � C �y � 5� OP N`''' . o , _sah� aHv stwtH �I � � LL�I �, y � .,,. '^!: 1 . ' � N � � � � 2 0 � �� N w --» s.aRM stw�R Development PlAn Data-LO ! rn �8.2_r_�-= ,0 20• 1 p, �� ` � '� M"A+F��� Gara�e Fl�r Elevati�n =929.0 i� � � I -__ '_�- N ''� , - 4 O � ' � "���•� ���x `P 9�;;5��--� � �, s �� �R�os�o S��T r�tvct Lookout Opcning Elcvation 924.0 4 � O =' � I i K�V'( t� tr 'v � - ss�.-- DRA=w F�E fiasement Floor Elevation 921.p x--x-- li ��-{ M o� y, !� l EX�S�N�N N� l-A�E ;T t�� --'��r Proposed Elevations � � �p i pp I' �I ���� � ��9p3 E : �'t` � •-eSBI.- E3�i�i�G S�"CiACK I tN( Propused Ciara�e Floor Elev�tinn =92R.7 � �,, � O ,��^�`� � ;�gg�p�r ��,�yp�rpµ Proposed Top of Foundatian Elevaii�n �� 929.O /' � � ( � � `���`�' QD � � ; r Fru�sed Liwkewt Opeiting Elevation =924.2 ��R�� i � �� � ,���,g � ,A� �t �._ . Pro�sed 13asement Fioor Elevation =921 A - � I � �`����- ;. , � N !lsbttiltEkw�tti�as Setbacks � b � � � � , � l.'�4,� � '� o Ash�iih(;aragc F"loor F:lcvation y7K�K Min.Strcet Sctback-�2�'Living,25'Ciaragc I �� � �-� `�� � �� "1,hiailt First Floar Elevation y30 3 Min.Side Street Setback=20' � ; 30•0 : "4 ``�22 � • Asbuilt l.cx�kaut C)pening Plevatic�n � ��'4.; Min.Side Setback=7' � j ( �` ` Q�3 A � �''�' ^' � ^T '� CJ Min.Rear Setback=30' _:' i ,, z- -. �.v� � !� . I � ■g�'��� I 12 fl .... Proposed deck � . _..------�---�---- --- N � sbu�lt llard�over � i � ■9�6 6' � i ,s� 'ti I c,t Ama Itl,t)1)?S.F', � �� ' � HouSeArea i�7C1tiS.F. okni�,�c€nN��in�r7vr�st,atkTsnaesr�w� ` I _ _ ; I \ 92?7 .; r �, c � y H�Kton�nriiiiu�scu�u�.nr�no B���� �� • 922,�i � 92i.6 '�ti �� �)rivewa �1rca 7l18 S.f. - - ♦�� � , `�_ S Are� -� 57 S.F. �' W i `a � y�t ��'. r 9t2� a � ( 64 .r .., �� (` s,. �� , Sidc�ralk Ar�► _..._. (�0 S,F', � - Q � ; I1 '� � .�a,� LOT 3 __�- � 'ti «r� __ z,s3�s�E� �I �O �' �� I . ��� � __.,_ �'-4 ....._ ... - --�.-- -_'--� ��L, 2 ��OYCf8Lt6^ ��.�y'o�., � � �_. � � ✓; � ■927.'J f � k- R 92i.6 a fVP c��i��E��92�`:: Maac�1(l`r„ } O N� _. ;..y QZt�r O � � , FEr 2243€y i �,, a2+�5 � I hereby certify that this survey,plan,or report was prepared by me�r <<, �' N ' � °D 928.0 ` "g2�� under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor � ., . --- _ . ■9J7 6 ■9?Lg j� �; � 'e�a N87°28��2��E 98•46 � undcr thc laws of thc Statc of Minncsota. 1-- I � � y,� � „ �?y� 9��.a , �;i�, .�i s ■»s:�� C� Dated this 4th day ofNovember,2019. I 9743.`� ■�2�� L.V�1 1 f �J i � n =� j , '� U `i ' __ __.__ ________ ____�.__- _.-.____ ._._. I I Jare Averbeck,PI.S Minnesota I,icense No.53fi42 j averbeck(a;sathre.com J�B#:87650-190 REY{SIONS as s� _.,, ��_�. __. __ ..___..__.._ ��E q�F -, , . . Section 1 1 -Township 114-Range 20 FIELD CREW:CT DY GRADING ASBUILT O6/25J20 MA 4; op C,bRTI FIGATE OF SURV�Y - ---. �--- --- �----- --- . ;,. m SATHRE-BERGQUIST, INC. c;a�talv�� ���3t�1� -r- DRAWN BY:JPR W 20 I U U 10 2U 40 .�_�._� _,_ _.__,.. _. ��.____.__ __.�_r._�, o :" b 15QSOUTH BROADWAY WAYZATA,MN.55391 (952)476-6000 PREPARED FOR CHECKEO BY:DLS � �`%Qy �Wr STC?NE COTTAGE CONSTRUCTION __ ___ ______.__ _ . _ DATE: �0�»��9 �"b °`� SCALE Il� FEET rn SURVEY LEGEND 11x17 A 60 A A 60 L O Cn 1O O ° C O 0 0 A (n m �H 930TN1 JOB #: 87650-190 FIELD CREW CT DY DRAWN BY: JPR CHECKED BY:DLS DATE: 10/17/19 a CO N , N 03 EVEN 32 323 ',p01, tl°2a‘ 25 • 83.01 CURB i1 p 8-- `gOP 27.3 J 1 Wi TI � 928• x 928.2 928. �28.2_ * 927 7� T 927.8 926x 927.2x x 325,8 I ' 2 i' I' / f -9924- x23.I A x 9 6.6 Cs! to CO k-rn 922.7 x cn o`g �124 FIP 2203B 2+ I 928 0 OLi 928.5 x 928 4 REVISIONS x LANE>- 923 4 s10,EW*''K 4 FN0 ip 40344 926 0 926 7 x N 0' PROPp5928 Bg21.0 x -0 0 (J -- co x x IQY cn .c,, ---- O 0 �tx/\N lr x922`D BLOCK 15 / x 922.6 LOT 3 .922.4 _ x 921.6 921 5 -0-- • at't.c x-922.6_3. 921.9 928.1 N87°2811211E 98.46 x 929.(X 928.5 x 928.7 1 nT .1 L_vI 1''t' GRADING ASBUILT 06/25/20 MA �,� .5 Suf,,, 2 / \ P .z• 1 ico , % , cl'FRs PLP x 921.9 N 922 >3" 9216 x 2 o FiP 22036 920.6 _920.2 I r\-T' 1 L, L-V I 1'J A( 920 9 • 921.5 • 920.8 SATHRE-BERGQUIST, INC. 150 SOUTH BROADWAY WAYZATA, MN 55391 (952) 476-6000 4- Asbuilt Elevations Asbuilt Garage Floor Elevation Asbuilt First Floor Elevation Asbuilt Lookout Opening Elevation 0 • .972.5 (972.5) ❑H ❑E (000 o) 0 0 STORM DRAIN CATCH BASIN GATE VALVE HYDRANT IRON PIPE SET IRON PIPE FOUND SANITARY MANHOLE GROUND ELEVATION PROPOSED ELEVATION WETLAND BUFFER POST HAND HOLE ELECTRIC TRANSFORMER TELEPHONE PEDESTAL UTILITY PEDESTAL SEWER SERVICE ELEVATION EXISITNG TREE PROPOSED TREE PROPOSED TREE BITUMINOUS CONCRETE "Zip-- CONTOUR PROPOSED CONTOUR EXISTING DRAINAGE ARROW CONCRETE CURB > SANITARY SEWER »-STORM SEWER - 1 -WATERMAIN - - - PROPOSED SILT FENCE - DT DRAIN TILE -x-x- FENCE -BSBL- BUILDING SETBACK LINE Property Description: Lot 15, Block 3, KNOB HILL OF LAKEVILLE, according to the recorded plat thereof, Dakota County, Minnesota 1 Address. 17903 Evening Lane, Lakeville, Minnesota 55044 2. We have shown the location of utilities on the surveyed property by observed evidence only and by available plans. Please note that we have not placed a Gopher State One Call for this survey. There may or may not be underground utilities in the mapped area, therefore extreme caution must be exercise before any excavation takes place on or near this site. Also, please note that seasonal conditions may inhibit our ability to visibly observe all the utilities located on the subject property Before digging, you are required by law to notify Gopher State One Call at least 48 hours in advance at 651/454-0002. The contractor shall determine the exact location of any and all existing utilities before commencing work and is responsible for any and all damages arising out of his failure to exactly locate and preserve any and all existing utilities 3. Must mamtam a minimum 2% slope gradient to accommodate positive drainage. 4. All set offset irons are measured to hundredths of a foot and can be used as benchmarks. 5. The proposed dnveway shown is conceptual only and does not purport to show exactly how the driveway shall be built. 6 A title opinion was not furnished to the surveyor as part of this survey Only casements per the recorded plat are shown unless otherwise denoted hereon. 7. Proposed grades shown adjacent to building foundation refers to top of black dirt 8 Venfy sanitary service invert pnor to any concrete work 9. Benchmark: TNH @ Lotl, Block 2, KNOB HILL OF LAKEVILLE = 930.15 Fect. Development Plan Data - LO Garage Floor Elevation Lookout Opening Elevation Basement Floor Elevation Proposed Elevations Proposed Garage Floor Elevation X972.5 GRADING ASBUILT ELEVATION Proposed Top of Foundation Elevation Proposed Lookout Opening Elevation Proposed Basement Floor Elevation Setbacks = 928.8 Min. Street Setback = 20' Living, 25' Garage = 930.3 Min. Side Street Setback = 20' = 924.3 Min. Side Setback = 7' Min. Rear Setback = 30' Asbuilt Hardcover Lot Area=10,007 S F House Area = 1,708 S F Driveway Area = 708 S F Stoop Area = 57 S F Sidewalk Area = 60 S.F. Total Area = 2,533 S F Coverage = 25 3%, Max 40% CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY GRADING ASBUILT PREPARED FOR STONE COTTAGE CONSTRUCTION = 929.0 = 924.0 = 921.0 = 928.7 = 929.0 = 924 2 = 921.0 L DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS ARE SHOWN HEREON FROM RECORDED PLAT AND LABELED AS SHOWN I hereby certify that this survey, plan, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Dated this 4th day of November, 2019. Jarecl,%J. Averbeck, PLS javerbeck@sathre.com Minnesota License No. 53642 Section I I - Township 114 - Range 20 20 10 0 10 20 40 SCALE IN FEET