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Date: February 4, 2019 Item No.
Proposed Action
Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to approve Joint Powers Agreement
with Vermillion River Watershed Joint Powers Organization and accept Wenck Associate’s
professional services proposal for South Creek Stream Restoration, City Project 19-06.
The City and Vermillion River Watershed Joint Powers Organization (VRWJPO) are partnering
to the improve the stream habitat, stream bank stability and water quality of the South Creek.
The restoration project targets two divergent streams that merge east of Hamburg Avenue. The
project includes reconstructing and stabilizing stream banks that are experiencing erosion. In
addition, the project incorporates additional features designed to: a) increase the diversity and
complexity of aquatic habitats; b) reduce stream width to flush settled silt/sediment from stream
floor; c) introduce features to promote meandering flow; and d) enhance buffer vegetation.
The Joint Powers Agreement establishes City and VRWJPO project responsibilities and costs.
Preliminary engineering is complete. Wenck’s proposal identifies the scope and estimated cost
of professional services to complete the project. Construction is programmed for 2019.
Primary Issues to Consider
The City is the lead agency; therefore, the total project cost (both City and VRWJPO
share) is reflected in this memo. The estimated project cost is $327,450. The VRWJPO
received a $282,000 MN DNR Conservation Partners Legacy (CPL) Grant. Project
financing (including local match requirement) is listed below:
o VRWJPO: $3,500 (In-Kind Professional Services) and $282,000 (CPL Grant)
o City: $3,000 (In-Kind Professional Services) and $38,950 (Env. Res. Utility Fund)
Proposal is subject to Master Agreement for Professional Engineering Services between
the City and Wenck Associates, Inc. approved by the City Council on July 18, 2016.
Supporting Information
Joint Powers Agreement (VRWJPO Contract No. C0031196)
Wenck Associates, Inc. proposal dated January 7, 2019
Financial Impact: $327,450 Budgeted: Y☒ N☐ Source: Utility Fund – Env. Res.
Envision Lakeville Community Values: Access to a Multitude of Natural Amenities and
Recreational Opportunities
Report Completed by: McKenzie Cafferty, Environmental Resources Manager
WHEREAS, Minn. Stat. § 471.59 authorizes local governmental units to jointly or cooperatively exercise any
power common to the contracting parties; and
WHEREAS, the Vermillion River Watershed Joint Powers Organization is a watershed management body
consisting of Dakota and Scott Counties (VRWJPO) governed by the Vermillion River Watershed Joint Powers
Board (VRWJPB) and is charged with carrying out the duties set forth in Minn. Stat. § 103B.211 to 103B.255 and
as otherwise provided by law; and
WHEREAS, the City of Lakeville (City) is a governmental and political subdivision of the State of Minnesota;
WHEREAS, South Creek is a tributary to the Vermillion River; and
WHEREAS, South Creek is identified on the EPA’s 303d Impaired Waters List for macroinvertebrates and
fish due to stressors affecting their health; and
WHEREAS, the habitat in South Creek is in poor condition and affects the health of the aquatic organisms
in South Creek; and
WHEREAS, improving in-stream and riparian habitats will improve the health of the aquatic organisms by
limiting erosion, improving dissolved oxygen, and indirectly improving stream temperatures; and
WHEREAS, restoration strategies were identified in the Vermillion River Watershed Restoration and
Protection Strategy (WRAPS) report to aid in restoring South Creek; and
WHEREAS, restoring and improving habitat in reaches of South Creek (Project) is a means to address the
stressors affecting South Creek and removing it from the impaired waters list; and
WHEREAS, the estimated Project cost is $327,450; and
WHEREAS, the VRWJPO was awarded a $282,000 Conservation Partners Legacy Grant (Grant) from the
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR); and
WHEREAS, the Grant has a minimum match requirement equal to 10% of the amount of Grant monies
received, which can be in the form of cash or in-kind services; and
WHEREAS, the VRWJPO has included staff time as in-kind match and the City has included in-kind
services and cash for this Project in their Capital Improvement Plan and will jointly participate in the design and
construction and related activities after applying Grant monies.
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and benefits that the City and the VRWJPO
shall derive from this Agreement, the VRWJPO, through the VRWJPB, and the City hereby enter into this
Agreement for the purposes stated herein.
VRWJPO Contract #C0031196
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The purpose of this Agreement is to define the Project responsibilities and Project cost-sharing obligations of the
VRWJPO and the City.
The parties to this Agreement are the VRWJPO and the City.
This Agreement shall be effective the date of the signatures of the parties to this Agreement and shall remain in
effect until December 31, 2021, or until completion by the parties of their respective obligations under this
Agreement, whichever occurs first, unless earlier terminated by law or according to the provisions of this
The VRWJPO and City agree to cooperate and use their reasonable efforts to ensure prompt implementation of
the various provisions of this Agreement and to, in good faith, undertake resolution of any dispute in an equitable
and timely manner.
The VRWJPO and City will provide technical and quality assurance for the Project. Any engineer providing
technical or quality assurance for the Project must be a licensed Professional Engineer in the State of Minnesota.
The City is the lead agency for design and construction administration of this Project, effective upon execution of
this Agreement by both parties. The VRWJPO and City shall approve the plans and specifications (Project Plans)
prior to advertising for bids.
7.1 The City will administer the contract and act as the paying agent for all payments to the Contractor.
7.2 The Grant will reimburse the following project-related activities up to the amount listed: $282,000 related
to the engineering, permitting, bidding and construction of the Project (City eligible). The City’s maximum eligible
reimbursement amount is $282,000 (Agreement Maximum).
7.3 The Grant has a match requirement to the amount of monies received. The match shall be shared in the
amount of $3,500 of in-kind services by the VRWJPO and up to $3,000 of in-kind services and $38,950 in cash
match by the City up to a total maximum Grant match amount of $45,450 and expended prior to release of Grant
7.4 No payment shall be made prior to Project Plans approval by the VRWJPO and City.
7.5 The VRWJPO, through the Grant, shall pay the City for construction costs on a reimbursement basis.
Under the terms of the Grant, the VRWJPO will receive funds in the following disbursements: (a) 95% after
receipt and approval by the DNR of an invoice from the VRWJPO; and (b) 5% after the VRWJPO submits a Grant
accomplishment report that is satisfactory to the DNR.
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7.6 The VRWJPO may refuse to pay claims not specifically authorized by this Agreement. Payment of a
claim shall not preclude the VRWJPO from questioning the propriety of the claim. The VRWJPO reserves the
right to be repaid for any overpayment or disallowed claim.
8.1 AUTHORIZED PURPOSE. The funds provided under the terms of this Agreement may only be used by
the City for the payment of costs directly related to the Project.
8.2 CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS. The Project shall be constructed in accordance with the Project
Plans. The VRWJPO and City shall approve any modifications to the Project Plans.
8.3 CONSTRUCTION AND DESIGN FAILURES. Any failure related to construction or design of the Project
shall be addressed in the contracts with the construction firm or professional services firm.
8.4 RIGHT-OF-ENTRY. The City hereby permits the VRWJPO, its employees, duly authorized
representatives and agents to enter upon and have rights of ingress and egress over and access at reasonable
times to the real property where the Project will be located for the purpose of inspecting the construction of the
8.5 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE. The City shall be responsible for on-going maintenance of the
Project or will request shared responsibility with the VRWJPO for on-going maintenance of the Project upon
completion unless necessitated by a failure due to Acts of God or Force majeure.
8.6 COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS/STANDARDS. The City shall abide by all federal, state, or local laws,
statutes, ordinances, rules, and regulations in constructing the Project, including obtaining all necessary permits
to construct the Project. The City shall follow all requirements contained within the Grant Contract hereby
incorporated by reference to this Agreement as Exhibit 1.
8.7 PUBLICITY. The City hereby permits the VRWJPO to take and disclose photographs of the Project for
use in publications or promotional material or on its website for the purpose of highlighting the VRWJPO’s
programs. The City shall appropriately acknowledge the funding provided by the VRWJPO, the State of
Minnesota, and the Lessard-Sams Outdoor Heritage Council in any promotional materials, signage, reports,
publications, notices, and presentations related to the Project. This section shall survive the expiration or
termination of this Agreement.
Each party to this Agreement shall be liable for the acts of its officers, employees or agents and the results
thereof to the extent authorized by law and shall not be responsible for the acts of the other party, its officers,
employees or agents. The provisions of the Municipal Tort Claims Act, Minn. Stat. ch. 466 and other applicable
laws govern liability of the VRWJPO and the City. Each party warrants that they are able to comply with the
aforementioned indemnity requirements through an insurance or self-insurance program and that each has
minimum coverage consistent with liability limits contained in Minn. Stat. Ch. 466. In the event of any claims or
actions filed against either party, nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to allow a claimant to obtain
separate judgments or separate liability caps from the individual parties. This section shall survive the expiration
or termination of this Agreement.
10.1 AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVES. The following named persons are designated the authorized
representatives of the parties for purposes of this Agreement. These persons have authority to bind the party they
represent and to consent to modifications, except that the authorized representative shall have only the authority
specifically or generally granted by their respective governing boards. Notice required to be provided pursuant to
this Agreement shall be provided to the following named persons and addresses unless otherwise stated in this
Agreement, or an amendment of this Agreement:
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TO THE VRWJPO: Mike Slavik or successor, Chair
Vermillion River Watershed Joint Powers Organization
14955 Galaxie Avenue
Apple Valley, MN 55124
Telephone: (952) 891-7030
TO THE CITY: Justin Miller, City Administrator, or successor
City of Lakeville
20195 Holyoke Avenue
Lakeville, MN 55044
Telephone: (952) 985-4400
In addition, notification to the VRWJPO regarding termination of this Agreement by the City shall be provided to
the Office of the Dakota County Attorney, Civil Division, 1560 Highway 55, Hastings, Minnesota 55033.
10.2 LIAISONS. To assist the parties in the day-to-day performance of this Agreement and to ensure
compliance and provide ongoing consultation, a liaison shall be designated by the VRWJPO and the City. The
VRWJPO and the City shall keep each other continually informed, in writing, of any change in the designated
liaison. At the time of execution of this Agreement, the following persons are the designated liaisons:
VRW JPO Liaison: Travis Thiel
Telephone: (952) 891-7546
Email: travis.thiel@co.dakota.mn.us
City Liaison: McKenzie Cafferty
Environmental Resources Manager
Telephone: (952) 985-4520
Email: mcafferty@lakevillemn.gov
Any alterations, variations, modifications, or waivers of the provisions of this Agreement shall only be valid when
they have been reduced to writing, approved by the parties’ respective Boards, or as delegated by the parties’
respective Boards, and signed by the Authorized Representatives, or delegated authority, of the VRWJPO and
the City.
12.1 IN GENERAL. Either party may terminate this Agreement for cause by giving seven days’ written notice
or without cause by giving 30 days’ written notice, of its intent to terminate, to the other party. Such notice to
terminate for cause shall specify the circumstances warranting termination of the Agreement. Cause shall mean
a material breach of this Agreement and any supplemental agreements or amendments thereto. This Agreement
may also be terminated by the City in the event of a default by the VRWJPO. Notice of Termination shall be made
by certified mail or personal delivery to the authorized representative of the other party. Termination of this
Agreement shall not discharge any liability, responsibility or right of any party, which arises from the performance
of or failure to adequately perform the terms of this Agreement prior to the effective date of termination.
12.2 TERMINATION BY VRWJPO FOR LACK OF FUNDING. Notwithstanding any provision of this
Agreement to the contrary, the VRWJPO may immediately terminate this Agreement if it does not obtain funding
from the Minnesota Legislature, Minnesota Agencies, or other funding sources, or if it’s funding cannot be
continued at a level sufficient to allow payment of the amounts due under this Agreement. The VRWJPO is not
obligated to pay for any services that are provided after written notice of termination for lack of funding. The
VRWJPO will not be assessed any penalty or damages if the Agreement is terminated due to lack of funding.
The VRWJPO will pay for expenses incurred by the City up to Notice of Termination of work on the Project.
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This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the substantive and procedural laws of
the State of Minnesota, without giving effect to the principles of conflict of laws. All proceedings related to this
Agreement shall be venued in the County of Dakota, State of Minnesota. This section shall survive the expiration
or termination of this Agreement.
This Agreement is the final expression of the agreement of the parties and the complete and exclusive statement
of the terms agreed upon and shall supersede all prior negotiations, understandings, or agreements.
The provisions of this Agreement shall be deemed severable. If any part of this Agreement is rendered void,
invalid, or unenforceable, such rendering shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the remainder of this
Agreement unless the part or parts that are void, invalid or otherwise unenforceable shall substantially impair the
value of the entire Agreement with respect to either party.
The City and the VRWJPO must comply with the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Minn.Stat. ch. 13, as
it applies to all data provided, created, collected, received, stored, used, maintained, or disseminated under this
Agreement. The civil remedies of Minn.Stat. § 13.08 apply to the release of the data referred to in this clause by
either the City or the VRWJPO.
The provisions of sections 8.3 (Construction and Design Failures), 8.5 (Operation and Maintenance), 9
(Indemnification) and 16 (Government Data Practices) survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement.
Neither party shall be liable to the other party for any loss or damage resulting from a delay or failure to perform
due to unforeseeable acts or events outside the defaulting party’s reasonable control, providing the defaulting
party gives notice to the other party as soon as possible. Acts and events may include acts of God, acts of
terrorism, war fire, flood epidemic, acts of civil or military authority, and natural disasters.
[Signatures on following page]
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IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the date(s) indicated below.
By ___________________________________
Douglas P. Anderson or successor, Mayor
Date of Signature: _____________________
By ___________________________________
Char Friedges, City Clerk
Date of Signature: _____________________
By ___________________________________
/s/Helen R. Brosnahan Mike Slavik or successor, Chair
Date of Signature: _____________________ Assistant Dakota County Attorney
Date of Signature: 1/17/19
VRW Res. No. 19-04
VRWJPO Contract #C0031196
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Wenck | Colorado | Georgia | Minnesota | North Dakota | Wyoming
Toll Free 800-472-2232 Web wenck.com
January 7, 2019
Mac Cafferty
Environmental Resources Manager City
of Lakeville
20195 Holyoke, Ave
Lakeville, MN 55044
RE: Buddy’s Kitchen Site South Creek Stream Restoration Project - Phase II
Dear Mr. Cafferty:
As requested, Wenck Associates, Inc. (Wenck) submits this proposal to assist the City of
Lakeville (City) with continued engineering, permitting, and construction support for Phase II
of the South Creek Stream Restoration Project at the Buddy’s Kitchen Site. In July 2018
Wenck began a project with the City to complete the initial field survey, channel assessment,
and 30% design for the Buddy’s Kitchen Reach of South Creek. The information gathered
during Phase I of this project was used to develop the concept design for the stream reach.
The City worked in partnership with the Vermillion River Watershed Joint Powers Organization
(VRWJPO) to apply for grant funds for the stream restoration and habitat improvement
project. The project was successfully awarded grant funds in December 2018 and is now
ready to proceed to Phase II. The City has requested additional support from Wenck to assist
with the completing the design, obtaining permits, taking the project through the public
bidding process, and providing construction oversite.
Wenck will complete the following tasks to continue to support the City during Phase II of
the South Creek Stream Restoration Project at the Buddy’s Kitchen Site:
• Develop 75% Design Package: Wenck will conduct a follow-up field visit to the
stream reach and review the 30% design concept for the reach. Revisions, updates,
and/or adjustments to the proposed design features will be made based on the reach
conditions to ensure project goals are met. Wenck will coordinate the schedule for
this meeting with the City and VRWJPO to allow the opportunity to provide
comments in the field. Design information conducted during this field visit will be
combined with the concept design and previously acquired site data to develop the
75% design plan set. All information will be incorporated into AutoCAD and a full
plan set, including design details sheets will be provided to the City and VRWJPO for
review and comment. Wenck will address one round of comments from the City and
VRWJPO and then provide the 75% plan set to the DNR for their comments on the
habitat features of the design. Task Estimate: $12,500
• Project Permitting: The stream restoration and habitat improvement project will
require permits from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and the
US Army Corps of Engineers (Corps). Wenck will utilize the 75% plan set to develop
the total amount of proposed stream channel and wetland “impacts” and develop
permit applications. The appropriate applications will be submitted to the DNR and
Corps. The project will require a Work in Public Waters permit from the DNR and
should qualify for a 404 Nationwide permit from the Corps. These permits will be
needed before the project can be constructed. The City has jurisdiction for Wetland
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Conservation Act (WCA) permitting for the project site and it is assumed the City will
internally handle WCA permitting requirements. Wenck will respond to comments on
the permit applications from the DNR and Corps regarding project design as part of
the permit acquisition process. The acquired permits will be provided to the City for
their project records. Task Estimate: $6,500
• No Rise Modeling: The intent of the proposed project design will be to ensure that
the improvements to the channel do not impact channel flow, including associated
flood stage flow events. This will ensure that revisions or alterations to the local flood
elevations are not required. Wenck will utilize existing hydrology models for the City
that have been previously developed (it is assumed City will provide the base
model). Wenck will prepare a “duplicate model” of the stream reach to document
that the model accurately reflects current stream conditions. Wenck will then
incorporate the project design features and channel dimensions to produce a
“proposed model”. This model of the proposed conditions will document that the
flood elevations for this reach will not be impacted by the design. Details from the
model will be used to inform the design to ensure flood elevations are not altered.
Wenck will prepare a “No Rise” memo documenting the modeling methodology,
steps, and results. The memo will be similar to the memo provided to the City for the
South Creek Golden Pond project. The memo will be retained by the City in their
records to document that no additional modeling or floodplain permitting is needed
to accommodate the project. Task Estimate: $7,300
• Final Plan Set and Bid Package: Wenck will address one round of DNR comments on
the design and review these comments with the City and VRWJPO. Wenck will
provide a cost estimate to the City and VRWJPO for review and comment at the 90%
design stage. This will allow both parties an opportunity to review the project design
compared to initial project goals, grant requirements, and grant funding. Wenck will
make minor revisions to the project design if needed to ensure cost of the final
design matches the grant requirements and funds. Wenck will then incorporate a
final round of comments from the City and VRWJPO on the design and prepare the
final engineering plan set for bidding and construction. Wenck will prepare the full
Bid Package including the engineering plans for construction, project details, project
specifications, and notice to bidders. Wenck will post the Bid Package to Quest to
initiate the public bidding process. Task Estimate: $8,500
• Bidding Assistance: Our experience with recent City projects indicates that
conducting a pre-bid meeting with potential contractors at the project site is
beneficial to the overall bidding process. The onsite pre-bid meeting allows
contractors to see important components of project access for construction and
allows for time to directly answer contractor questions which results in competitive
bid prices. Wenck will attend the pre-bid field meeting with the potential bidders and
attend the bid opening with the City. Wenck will answer questions from the
contractors during the bid period as needed. After the bid opening, Wenck will
compile the bid tabulation and will be provide it to the City along with a
recommendation regarding options to proceed based on the bids received. Task
Estimate: $3,800
• Construction Staking: Wenck will provide field staking, including known utilities to
facilitate the construction of the stream project. Wenck will also stake the access
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area along City property and clearly mark “No Access” areas identified by the City to
the contractor. Wenck will also provide stakes showing the locations of specific
design practices and stream features that need to be called out for the project. After
the initial staking the contractor will be responsible for maintaining/replacing
damaged or lost stakes. Task Estimate: $1,800
• Contractor Oversight and Contract Management: Wenck will partner with the City to
coordinate the field schedule with the project contractor. Wenck will also review the
contract items submitted for payment and provide confirmation to the City on the
completed items to authorize payment. Task Estimate: $2,600.
• Field Construction Oversight: Wenck has worked directly with City staff to conduct
construction inspections site visits for stream similar projects. Project construction is
expected to take three to four weeks to complete. Wenck will complete up to ten site
visits in coordination with City staff to ensure stream features and key design
components are properly installed and connected to existing City infrastructure. Wenck
will coordinate directly with City staff during construction and provide verbal field
updates to City each day Wenck field staff are onsite at the project. Some design
features may be adjusted during construction as the installation of a habitat feature
can alter stream conditions and require field adjustments. Wenck will work directly
with the construction contractor as needed to ensure all features are properly installed
at appropriate locations. During the last week of project construction Wenck will
develop a punch list of final project items that need to be addressed before
construction can be certified as complete. Wenck will review the punch list with the
City and the construction contractor to ensure the project design and specifications
have been met. Task Estimate: $11,750.
• Final Project Review and As-built Surveys: Wenck will review the final contract
submittals for the project from the construction contractor. Wenck will provide a
recommendation to the City on the final project status. The final payment application
will be reviewed and provided to the City for their records and processing.
Additionally, Wenck will collect survey information on the installed elevation of various
project features during construction of the stream project. This will include elevations
of items such as channel centerline, toe of slope, top of bank, and installed design
practices. Wenck will use the survey data collected during construction to create a
final as-built plan sheet that will be provided to the City in PDF and GIS format
(shapefiles or geodatabases) for inclusion within their GIS database. Task Estimate:
Wenck proposes to complete the tasks outlined above following the terms and conditions of the
current Master Services Agreement. The total cost to complete the above described tasks is
$56,700. We propose to complete the tasks outlined within this proposal under our time and
materials rates. We would not exceed this budget amount without prior authorization from the
City. If additional services are requested or out-of-scope tasks are identified, Wenck would
provide the City with a scope and budget for authorization before proceeding.
The City and VRWJPO have indicated that the target for this stream project will be to construct
the project during the summer of 2019. South Creek is a coldwater stream and a designated
trout stream and therefore there are periods where work within the stream channel is excluded.
Based on DNR requirements, all channel work must be completed by September 1st, 2019. As a
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result, work on this project is recommended to being immediately. Wenck proposes to conduct
the field visit under the initial design task outlined in January. Wenck will then work with the
City to complete the project design and initiate project permitting in February 2019. The intent
will be to have permits in hand by the end of April so the bidding for the project can be
conducted in May and project construction can occur between June and August 2019. Wenck
will work with the City as needed to adjust the project schedule.
On behalf of the 280+ employee-owners of Wenck, thank you for this opportunity to work with
the City of Lakeville. Should you have questions or need clarification of information presented in
this proposal please do not hesitate to contact me at 763-479-4263 or via email at
Sincerely, ACCEPTED BY:
Wenck Associates, Inc. City of Lakeville
Jeff Madejczyk By