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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 05 Chapter 3 Sanitary Sewer Comprehensive Plan
2018 Sanitary Sewer Comprehensive Plan
Lakeville Comprehensive Plan
Lakeville, Minnesota
LAKEV 142011 February 14, 2019
Engineers | Architects | Planners | Scientists
Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc., 3535 Vadnais Center Drive, St. Paul, MN 55110-5196
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February 14, 2019 RE: City of Lakeville, MN
2018 Sanitary Sewer Comprehensive Plan
SEH No. LAKEV 142011 4.00
Mr. Zachary Johnson, PE
City Engineer
City of Lakeville
20195 Holyoke Avenue
Lakeville, MN 55044
Dear Zachary,
Please find enclosed our initial draft copy of the City of Lakeville Sanitary Sewer Collection System
Comprehensive Plan for 2018 as required by the Metropolitan Council. As you know, the City’s
Comprehensive Plan is the part of a long-range planning document for future development of Lakeville
and the regional metropolitan area. This document updates the previous Lakeville Sanitary Sewer
Comprehensive Plan so the City can complete the wastewater section of their Metropolitan Council 2040
comprehensive plan update.
Our staff developed this draft based on conversations with your staff, our knowledge of the system and
information from the previous comprehensive plan. In addition, we used the following information: the
City’s GIS database, current and future land use plans, water records and I/I data to update and model
the City’s current sanitary sewer collection system. The existing sanitary sewer model software
(InfoSWMM) product licensed by Innovyze was again used and updated to determine design capacity in
the existing collection system and any changes needed to handle future development.
Please review the enclosed draft and after reviewing the document, we can schedule a meeting to review
your comments and discuss any future recommendations need to complete the plan. If you have any
questions relating to this document, please contact me by email at or at
William Lueck, P.E.
Project Manager
s:\ko\l\lakev\142011\4-prelim-dsgn-rpts\_sanitary sewer comprehensive plan_draft_06182018_with_revisions_from_city - february_revisions.docx
2018 Sanitary Sewer Comprehensive Plan
Lakeville Comprehensive Plan
Lakeville, Minnesota
SEH No. LAKEV 142011
February 14, 2019
I hereby certify that this report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision, and
that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of
William Lueck, P.E.
Date: February 14, 2019 License No.: 40125
Reviewed By: Brandan A. Barnes Date: February 14, 2019
Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc.
3535 Vadnais Center Drive
St. Paul, MN 55110-5196
Executive Summary
The City of Lakeville sanitary sewer system is part of the overall Minneapolis-Saint Paul Regional
wastewater collection and treatment system program managed and operated by the Metropolitan
Council Environmental Services (MCES). In addition to the interceptor collection system owned and
maintained by the MCES, the local sanitary system is owned and maintained by the City. The MCES
is required under state and federal requirements to ensure all wastewater throughout the Twin Cities
Metropolitan area does not leave their interceptors and is properly treated before discharge to local
receiving streams. In order to ensure the capacity of their interceptors, the MCES adopted a
surcharge program to make sure all communities were properly maintaining their sanitary sewer
collection systems and managing peak discharges caused by inflow and infiltration (I/I) in their
sanitary sewer collection systems. Lakeville’s system is adequately handling existing flows. The City
continues to maintain its system by implementing an annual maintenance program and capital
improvement plan.
Lakeville is located in the west central portion of Dakota County about 20 miles south of Minneapolis,
Minnesota. The City is bordered by Burnsville and Apple Valley on the north, Farmington and Empire
Township on the east, New Market and Eureka Townships on the south, and Credit River Township
on the west. The City has an estimated 2016 population of 60,965 and is projected to reach 83,500
residents by 2040, per Metropolitan Council projections. This Sanitary Sewer Comprehensive Plan
will aid the City in future planning and development as well as aid the Metropolitan Council with their
Capital Improvement Plan for 2040. The Metropolitan Council’s 2040 Water Resources Policy Plan
“To protect, conserve, and utilize the region’s groundwater and surface water in ways that protect
public health, support economic growth and development, maintain habitat and ecosystem health,
and provide for recreational opportunities, which are essential to our region’s quality of life.”
Sanitary sewage is collected in approximately 268 miles of sewer pipe (excluding private and MCES-
owned pipes) ranging in size from 4-inches to 48-inches in diameter. There are 20 sewage lift
stations and 3 grinder stations which serve areas distributed across the sanitary sewer system.
System Inventory and Analysis
Portions of the infrastructure is reaching the end of its typical useful life and improvements are
required to maintain the integrity and function of the system. Years of maintenance and clear water
from I/I entering the system reduces the overall service life of the existing infrastructure. As the
wastewater system ages, pipes and structures underground crack and break, allowing ground water
to enter the system. Groundwater is clean water and does not need to be treated at a wastewater
plant. The City's I/I program extends the useful life of pipes and preserves pipe capacity for
wastewater, while eliminating unnecessary costs.
Inspections by SEH of 20 sewage lift stations and 3 grinder stations in the City were completed as a
part of this update and were found to be in adequate condition. The City’s lift stations are generally in
better condition than the typical municipal lift station but recommended maintenance is identified in
the Plan and should be included in future capital improvement planning.
Wastewater infrastructure system repairs and rehabilitation were identified through various studies,
scans, flow monitoring and completed emergency repairs, records and observations. The City’s
Executive Summary (continued)
regular maintenance program includes cleaning, televising, pipe lining and asset scanning for
condition status but capital improvements are required for the aging system. The City has upgraded
the sanitary sewer system during street reconstruction projects and implemented sewer lining
projects. To continue to provide sufficient wastewater capacity, a dedicated effort to repair and
rehabilitate the wastewater infrastructure is highly recommended.
Regular system maintenance and capital projects maintain water quality, reduce wastewater
overflows and backups, lower wastewater costs, and improve the local economy by promoting future
growth and development.
Wastewater treatment for the City is provided by the treatment plants in Empire Township and Eagan.
MCES interceptor sewers collect flow through the community from City trunk lines. Average daily
flows from 2005 – 2016 were 4.281 MGD.
MCES owned and operated interceptor sewers collect and convey flow through the community from
City sewer lines. There are four main trunks that collect flow from Lakeville. The eastern trunk collects
flow from Lakeville, Farmington, and Apple Valley. The northern trunk collects flow from Lakeville and
Burnsville. The Elko/New Market inceptor collects flow from Lakeville, Elko New Market, and Eureka
Township. The Flagstaff/Farmington Outlet collects flow from Lakeville and Farmington.
The eastern trunk connects in 3 locations at the border of Apple Valley and Lakeville at 160th St W.
One trunk runs along Cedar Ave and then heads directly east in Lakeville. The other northern trunks
generally run southeast of Pilot Knob Rd and meet to the south of 172nd St and east of Pilot Knob Rd
in Lakeville. Flows through this trunk from Apple Valley are monitored by MCES meters M643, M648,
M644, M641, and flows south from Farmington are monitored by relocated meter M642. The final flow
through the trunk downstream is monitored by meter M643A.
The northern trunk connects at the border of Lakeville and Burnsville near Oak Shore Dr. in Lakeville.
This flow is taken north to be treated at the Seneca Plant in Eagan and is monitored by meter M630.
The Elko/New Market trunk connects at the borders of Lakeville, Farmington and Eureka Township.
The interceptor from Lakeville connects with the Elko/New Market interceptor at the border of
Lakeville just north of 200th St W and south of Lakeville Blvd. Flows from the City are monitored by
meter M646 and the Elko/New Market interceptor flows with City flows are monitored by meter M649.
The Flagstaff/Farmington interceptor connects near the border of Eureka Township and Lakeville on
Dodd Blvd. The flows from the Flagstaff/Farmington line connect with the two southern trunks
connect on Flagstaff Ave just south of Lakeville Blvd in Farmington.
The flow from the main trunks come together in Empire Township and continue to the Empire plant.
The City’s sanitary system was evaluated using a model licensed by Innovyze, called InfoSWMM.
The City’s existing GIS sewer structure data, as-built information from the City’s sewer construction
plan sheets, lift station information and lift station inspections were compiled into a GIS database by
the City to configure the model. The model calculated the various hydraulic parameters during normal
flow, wet weather flow and pumping conditions. The model was used to evaluate current and future
sewer capacities and identify required system improvements.
For this analysis, the land use method was used to generate sanitary sewer flows. Parcel acres were
multiplied by the sanitary loading rate based on existing land use and then assigned to the manhole
Executive Summary (continued)
considered most likely to receive those flows. Sanitary land use loading rates were initially used to
determine base flow rates from parcels throughout the City. The values were compared to actual
metered data. Using the land use method resulted in flow on par with MCES metered average flow.
To determine future wastewater flow projections, the same land use method was applied to
determine future flows.
Comprehensive Plan with System Needs
The City’s population is projected to increase over the next twenty years. The Metropolitan Council
predicts a Lakeville population of 83,500 by the year 2040. The Metropolitan Council also projects the
number of households will be 30,000 in 2040 with an occupancy of 2.7 people per household. The
information contained in this Comprehensive Sewer Plan Update is based on the ultimate land uses
contained in the City’s 2040 Land Use Plan.
Actual metered water usage was used to calibrate the flow and loading rates to MCES metered flow
from Lakeville. Flows from future areas anticipated to undergo development were assigned based on
the 2040 land use plan and preliminary future development plans available from the City.
The metered wastewater flow is greater than the water sales, which is typical among metro area
communities. MCES staff believes this difference is primarily due to the difference in accuracy
between the individual home water meters and the MCES wastewater meters. It can also be
explained by the amount of additional clear water which could be entering the sanitary sewer system
through groundwater infiltration.
For existing conditions, loading rates were calibrated using metered data from winter months. The
same loading rates were then applied to the future land use, to determine future system flows.
Densities for different land use types varied from 5 gallons per day per acre to 1,800 gallons per day
per acre.
The sanitary sewer modeling results indicate that the City has the capacity to convey the anticipated
peak flows with improvements to Lift Station 7 and its forcemain.
Operation and Maintenance Plan
The operation and maintenance section serves as a guide to monitor, maintain, and rehabilitate the
City’s sanitary sewer collection system. The primary goals include the reduction in potential claims
against the City related to sewer backups, continued compliance with local and regional standards
and control of I/I entering into the system. Specific recommendations include rehabilitation of system
components with concerns related to safety, welfare of City residents and employees; rehabilitation of
system components to improve system condition; development or expansion of maintenance
programs to help ensure periodic maintenance of the sewer system; establishing policies and
ordinances to protect the City’s sewer infrastructure; and equipment and staffing needs of the City.
Capital Improvement Plan
The Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) section identifies deficiencies which exist within the sanitary
sewer system and lift stations. The plan identifies both operation and maintenance and capital
expenditures recommended over the next ten years to correct the deficiencies within the collection
system and the associated lift stations. A summary of costs are included in Table 20.
SEH is a registered trademark of Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc.
Letter of Transmittal
Certification Page
Executive Summary
Table of Contents
1 System Inventory and Analysis ................................... 1
1.1 Existing Sanitary Sewer Collection System Gravity System ................... 1
1.2 Lift Stations ............................................................................................. 3
1.3 System Analysis ................................................................................... 10
2 Comprehensive Plan with System Needs ................ 14
2.1 Population Trends ................................................................................ 14
2.2 Future Land Use ................................................................................... 14
2.3 Sanitary Sewer Design Criteria............................................................. 14
2.4 Current and Future System Needs ....................................................... 16
3 Operation and Maintenance Plan ............................. 19
3.1 Existing Public Works Utility Maintenance Division .............................. 19
3.2 System Needs ...................................................................................... 20
3.3 Recommended Maintenance Program ................................................. 21
3.4 Inflow and Infiltration ............................................................................. 27
4 Capital Improvement Plan ........................................ 31
4.1 Sewers ................................................................................................. 31
4.2 Lift Stations ........................................................................................... 32
4.3 Ten Year Plan Summary ...................................................................... 34
List of Tables
Table 1 – Sanitary Sewer Gravity Main by Year of Installation (feet) ......................... 2
Table 2 – Lift Station Capacities ................................................................................. 5
Table 3 – Lift Station Detention Time Calculations ..................................................... 6
Table 4 – Lift Station Acceptability Rating .................................................................. 9
Table 5 – Sanitary Loading Rates ............................................................................ 11
Table 6 – Sanitary Loading Rates Per Meter District................................................ 12
Table 7 – Modified Sanitary Loading Rates for Future, Undeveloped Parcels ......... 13
Table 8 – Population, Household and Employment Forecast ................................... 14
Table 9 – Wastewater Flow Projections for the City of Lakeville .............................. 15
Contents (continued)
Table 10 – Flow from Contributing Communities ..................................................... 16
Table 11 – Existing and Future Average Flow for the Lakeville System ................... 16
Table 12 – Dry and Wet Weather Total Peak Flows................................................. 16
Table 13 – Future Pipe Diameters and Lengths ....................................................... 19
Table 14 – Gravity Sewer Maintenance Summary ................................................... 22
Table 15 – House Inventory ..................................................................................... 28
Table 16 – VCP Rehabilitation Costs ....................................................................... 31
Table 17 – Sewer Summary ..................................................................................... 32
Table 18 – Trunk Sewer Cost ................................................................................... 32
Table 19 – Lift Station Capital Improvements Summary .......................................... 33
Table 20 – Capital Improvement Plan – Water & Sewer System ............................. 34
List of Figures
Figure 1 – Sanitary Sewer Collection System Pipe Materials
Figure 2 – Sanitary Sewer Collection System Pipe Diameters
Figure 3 – Sanitary Sewer Collection System with MCES Interceptors
Figure 4 – 2040 Future Land Use Plan
Figure 5 – Dry Weather Flow for Existing Conditions
Figure 6 – a. Wet Weather Flow for Existing Conditions
b. Wet Weather Flow for Existing Conditions
Figure 7 – Dry Weather Flow for Future Conditions
Figure 8 – Wet Weather Flow for Future Conditions
Figure 9 – Dry Weather Flow for Future Conditions with Potential Expansions
Figure 10 – Wet Weather Flow for Future Conditions with Potential Expansions
Figure 11 – Existing and Future Expanded Network
Figure 12 – Meter Districts
Figure 13 – Sub-surface Sewage Treatment Systems Locations
List of Appendices
Appendix A City Ordinances and Revisions to Ordinances (4)
Appendix B NPDES Permit
Appendix C Intercommunity Agreement with The City of Burnsville
Appendix D 2040 MUSA Staging Plan
Appendix E Private Septic Systems Table
Appendix F Trunk Sewer Capacities Table
Contents (continued)
LAKEV 142011
Page 1
2018 Sanitary Sewer Comprehensive Plan
Lakeville Comprehensive Plan
Prepared for the City of Lakeville
1 System Inventory and Analysis
1.1 Existing Sanitary Sewer Collection System Gravity System
The existing City gravity sewer system is made up of approximately 268 miles of pipe ranging in
size from 4-in. to 48-in. diameter. Portions of the sewer system were installed more than 40 years
ago, with approximately 13% percent of the system installed prior to 1975. An inventory of pipe
based on the material and age of the pipe is shown the table below. Maps of the sewer size and
material are shown in Figures 1 and 2.
Page 2
Material Diameter (in) 1960-1964 1966-1969 1970-1974 1975-1979 1980-1984 1985-1989 1990-1994 1995-1999 2000-2004 2005-2009 2010-2015 Unknown Total (ft)
4 62 62
6 140 140
8 15 15
CIP Total 15 62 140 217
4 40 62 101
6 32 19 16 66
8 24 521 109 498 1000 1419 10 18 193 3793
10 385 166 5493 168 10 6223
15 258 258
16 694 122 816
DIP Total 442 1004 170 6700 1291 1429 10 18 193 11257
6 587 587
20 473 473
HDPE Total 1060 1060
Unknown 1723 857 474 366 3420
4 165 49 361 575
6 989 550 1051 2113 1222 63 135 6122
8 207 680 18557 81173 177808 153645 200849 161559 92384 54541 648 942049
9 500 521 1021
10 2556 8253 8309 11005 9444 12427 10966 1222 285 64466
12 4090 3882 1353 14544 3952 6380 34201
15 1206 2075 2122 8937 4662 19002
18 2997 102 2008 4471 3184 12761
21 314 28 149 492
24 13537 13537
28 340 340
30 341 341
33 297 297
PVC Total 504 680 21613 98240 191743 168656 230181 195231 133683 56660 1433 1098623
Unknown 48 48
4 28 28
8 1411 389 2971 4771
9 60 60
12 2606 18726 14464 35795
15 1188 4668 2167 2111 413 945 352 11844
18 980 5052 2374 1125 905 152 85 10674
21 3448 509 3257 3194 296 10704
24 3249 3571 1964 988 1136 10908
27 4716 2357 4878 1173 13124
30 3944 3347 3069 1178 11539
33 7960 4646 1902 2781 17289
36 2801 1646 4447
42 6870 2915 1682 2075 13543
48 360 3773 4133
RCP Total 13736 7333 54553 36617 16327 3926 5828 6809 3646 85 48 148907
TRUSS 8 1087 40 1127
TRUSS Total 1087 40 1127
Unknown 162 175 332 257 61 988
4 170 170
6 265 265
8 819 3159 108 254 4340
10 187 225 411
12 18 18
15 116 116
18 128 128
33 292 292
Total 162 1164 3939 108 482 872 6728
6 12 12
8 3371 15318 30568 115 460 2418 741 52990
9 786 34970 57327 1914 225 95221
VCP Total 4157 34970 72656 32481 115 460 2418 966 148223
Grand Total 18396 42318 128555 92943 114892 202829 178193 240549 202826 134954 57335 2354 1416143
Table 1 – Sanitary Sewer Gravity Main by Year of Installation (feet)
Page 3
The system contains almost 28 miles of pipe classified as Vitrified Clay Pipe (VCP). Aging VCP is
commonly associated with I/I problems due to the number of pipe joints in the system. The
number of joints also adds to its susceptibility to root intrusion. The majority of VCP pipe was
installed in Lakeville prior to the mid 1970’s. The City has developed a Pavement Management
Program (PMP), which includes a review of all utilities during the process of updating the City’s
streets. The program includes an inspection of the sanitary sewer collection system in the public
right of way and lateral inspections for areas of concerns. Through sanitary sewer closed-circuit
television inspection (CCTV) and evaluation of older sewer pipe in the public right of way, much
of which is VCP sewer, the City has developed a successful rehabilitation program for its aging
infrastructure using relining or pipe replacement techniques. Corresponding VCP sanitary sewer
services are located on private property and right-of-way experience similar maintenance
problems and contribute I/I.
1.2 Lift Stations
The City’s wastewater system contains 20 large sewage lift stations and three grinder stations.
The capacity and physical condition of each station was inspected for this comprehensive plan.
The purpose of the inspections was to identify deficiencies of each station and to establish a
priority for improvements to the stations. Table 2 identifies the capacity of each station and Table
3 the total detention time, from the inspections performed in July 2017. Appendix A contains the
results of the inspections for each lift station.
SEH analyzed the condition of each station and made improvement recommendations for each
station. Proposed improvements were divided into six categories:
· Hydraulic Capacity - The criteria used for determining adequate hydraulic capacity in
compliance with the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency’s (MPCA) capacity requirements
as published in the Ten States Standards which are recommended standards for
wastewater facilities established by the Great Lakes-Upper Mississippi River Board of
State and Provincial Public Health and Environmental Managers. The information of
primary importance is the detention time in the individual stations wet well and the
average number of starts per hour of operations for each pump.
· Pumping Capacity - Adequacy of pumping capacity was based on whether the station is
able to pump the peak instantaneous flow with the largest pump out of service. The lift
stations ability to reliably handle the range of average daily flow rates to peak flow rates
are also considered in the sewer system hydraulic model.
· Physical Condition - The physical condition of each station is a subjective analysis by
SEH based upon a visual observation of the concrete, steel components, piping and
valves. The suitability of the station location is a review of the stations accessibility and
· Electrical Issues - The electrical condition of the pumps was based on reviewing the
physical condition of the electrical components of the station as well as having
discussions with City Public Works Staff.
· Instrumentation/Control - Instrumentation and controls review consisted of identifying
whether the station alarms are transmitted to the SCADA system at the Water Treatment
· Potential for Sewer Back-up - The potential for sewer backups include two items: (1)
whether the stations contain either a standby generator or a receptacle for plugging to a
standby generator and, (2) whether the wet well and influent sewer contain adequate
storage capacity to allow a response by the City’s Public Works staff in the event of a
Page 4
power outage. A retention time of one hour is assumed to be adequate and a retention
time of less than one-half hour is unsatisfactory.
All lift stations have recommended improvements of varying degrees that should be included in
future planning. The City has made improvements throughout the years and continues to
anticipate future needs. Lift stations are rehabilitated every 15 years. Pumps, controls, and wet
wells are regularly inspected.
1.2.1 Station Hydraulic Capacity
The criteria for determining the adequacy of the hydraulic capacity is twofold. One is
conformance with the Ten States Standards which the MPCA has adopted as the state’s
guidelines. This standard requires a 30 minutes hydraulic wet well detention at average daily
The second criterion is that the number of starts for each pump should not exceed four per hour.
Lift station wet well capacities are presented in the tables below.
2018 SANITARY SEWER COMPREHENSIVE PLAN LAKEV 142011 Page 5 Table 2 – Lift Station Capacities Station No. Avg. Daily W/W Flow (gpd) Max. Daily W/W Flow (gpd) MCES Peaking Factor Peak Hourly W/W Flow (MCES Peaking Factor) (gpd) Average Pump Rate (gpm) Wet Well Volume (below influent) (gal) Wet Well DT (min) Ten States Standards Requirement DT (min) Volume (gal) 3 718,826 1,437,653 3.3 2,372,127 499 1151 2.3 30 14,976 4 313,733 627,466 3.7 1,160,811 218 846 3.9 30 6,536 5 256,536 513,072 3.8 974,837 178 417 2.3 30 5,345 6 1,060,421 2,120,842 3.1 3,287,304 736 4406 6.0 30 22,092 7 652,882 1,305,763 3.4 2,219,797 453 7948 17.5 30 13,602 8 94,428 188,856 4.0 377,712 66 952 14.5 30 1,967 9 359,417 718,834 3.7 1,329,842 250 1430 5.7 30 7,488 10 1,299,586 2,599,171 3.0 3,898,757 902 2651 2.9 30 27,075 11 490,392 980,784 3.5 1,716,372 341 1715 5.0 30 10,217 12 118,786 237,571 3.9 463,264 82 876 10.6 30 2,475 13 164,477 328,954 3.9 641,460 114 1523 13.3 30 3,427 16 155,340 310,680 3.9 605,826 108 1480 13.7 30 3,236 18 682,279 1,364,558 3.3 2,251,521 474 2022 4.3 30 14,214 19 82,238 164,477 3.9 320,730 57 1305 22.8 30 1,713 20 252,814 505,627 3.8 960,692 176 1043 5.9 30 5,267 21 130,968 261,936 3.9 510,775 91 1051 11.6 30 2,729 22 167,530 335,059 3.9 653,365 116 835 7.2 30 3,490 23 969,271 1,938,542 3.2 3,101,668 673 2816 4.2 30 20,193 24 213,214 426,427 3.8 810,212 148 1102 7.4 30 4,442 25 161,438 322,877 3.9 629,610 112 1195 10.7 30 3,363
2018 SANITARY SEWER COMPREHENSIVE PLAN LAKEV 142011 Page 6 Table 3 – Lift Station Detention Time Calculations Station No. Pump Rate 1 Pump Rate 2 Pump Rate 3 Average Pump Rates (gpm) Average Flow Rate (gpd) Depth (ft) *Diameter (ft) Cross Sectional Area (sf) Top Elev. (ft)* As Built top elev As built wet well invert As builts Incoming Pipe Invert Elev. (ft) Wet Well Floor to Influent Sewer Invert (ft) Wet Well Volume (gal) Wet Well Detention Time (hr) Forcemain Diameter (in) Forcemain Length (ft) Sewer Line Volume (gal) Sewer Line Detention Time (hr) Total Detention Time (hr) 3 497.07 501.30 499 718826 19.1 6 28.3 983.8 983.6 965.2 970.6 5.4 1,151 0.04 6 446 655 0.02 0.06 4 213.64 222.10 218 313733 12.3 6 28.3 983.0 983.6 972.0 976.0 4.0 846 0.06 6 922 1,354 0.10 0.17 5 181.91 174.39 178 256536 14.0 4 12.6 992.0 992.1 979.7 984.2 4.4 417 0.04 6 187 275 0.03 0.06 6 705.07 740.32 763.82 736 1060421 17.7 10 78.5 984.0 984.0 967.0 974.5 7.5 4,406 0.10 12 2,524 14,828 0.34 0.44 7 517.25 402.30 440.62 453 652882 30.2 12x10.67 128.0 991.0 994.5 964.2 972.0 7.8 7,948 0.29 18 13,980 184,791 6.79 7.09 8 63.46 67.69 66 94428 20.2 6 28.3 958.0 101.4 79.8 84.3 4.5 952 0.24 4 1,436 937 0.24 0.48 9 251.71 247.48 250 359417 15.4 6 28.3 951.0 951.0 935.2 942.0 6.8 1,430 0.10 4 2,093 1,366 0.09 0.19 10 913.77 891.21 902 1299586 21.2 8 50.3 983.5 983.0 962.8 969.8 7.0 2,651 0.05 10 2,448 9,987 0.18 0.23 11 350.42 330.68 341 490392 26.8 6 28.3 1011.0 1012.0 984.5 992.6 8.1 1,715 0.08 8 1,289 3,366 0.16 0.25 12 86.72 78.26 82 118786 16.4 6 28.3 1086.4 1089.1 1072.3 1076.4 4.1 876 0.18 4 1,113 727 0.15 0.32 13 118.45 109.99 114 164477 26.2 6 28.3 987.0 987.0 961.0 968.2 7.2 1,523 0.22 4 1,650 1,077 0.16 0.38 16 101.53 114.22 108 155340 24.0 6 28.3 1074.0 1073.6 1049.0 1056.0 7.0 1,480 0.23 4 1,478 965 0.15 0.38 18 475.92 471.69 474 682279 40.9 6 28.3 993.3 996.2 954.0 963.6 9.6 2,022 0.07 8 2,000 5,222 0.18 0.25 19 57.11 57.11 57 82238 24.3 6 28.3 1010.0 1011.7 987.4 993.6 6.2 1,305 0.38 4 760 496 0.14 0.53 20 177.68 173.45 176 252814 17.2 6 28.3 980.0 981.5 964.0 968.9 4.9 1,043 0.10 6 1,192 1,751 0.17 0.27 21 90.95 90.95 91 130968 19.4 6 28.3 995.3 995.4 975.9 980.9 5.0 1,051 0.19 4 1,305 852 0.16 0.35 22 116.34 116.34 116 167530 25.8 6 28.3 1001.7 1001.7 975.9 979.8 4.0 835 0.12 4 627 409 0.06 0.18 23 688.15 658.06 673 969271 40.0 8 50.3 1008.0 1008.4 968.5 976.0 7.5 2,816 0.07 10 2,813 11,476 0.28 0.35 24 141.72 154.41 148 213214 20.7 6 28.3 1010.0 1010.9 990.4 995.6 5.2 1,102 0.12 4 2,813 1,836 0.21 0.33 25 107.88 116.34 112 161438 20.4 6 28.3 1039.1 1039.1 1018.7 1024.3 5.6 1,195 0.18 4 1,300 0 0.00 0.18 · LS7 has two wet wells, calculations are based on both.
Page 7
1.2.2 Safety
Safety issues affect both the permanent constructed facility and operational procedures.
Construction items address ladders, fall protection devices, presence of safety harnesses, safety
grating, railings, the need to access subsurface structures during operation, and whether service
vehicles and operating personnel can remain off the public streets during maintenance activities.
The operational procedures which the City employs do not necessarily require construction of
permanent facilities, but may include use of portable equipment.
1.2.3 Potential for Sewer Back-up
The evaluation of the potential for sewer back-ups include three items: one is a review of the
history of problems at the station, two is whether the station contains standby power capability
(either a generator or a receptacle for plugging to a standby generator) and three, whether the
volume of the wet well plus the influent sewer contains adequate storage capacity to allow the
City staff time to connect an emergency generator before wastewater would back-up into houses,
in the event of a power outage. A detention time of one hour for the wet well plus gravity sewer is
considered excellent. A detention time of 50 to 60 minutes is considered good, time of 40 to 50
minutes considered average, 30 to 40 minutes undesirable, and less than 30 minutes
unacceptable. The previously presented table shows the calculated detention time for each
1.2.4 Pump Review and Capacity
Pump review is a review of pump capacity, pump age and maintenance record.
Pump capacity is a determination of whether the station has capacity to pump the peak hourly
flow with the largest pump out of service.
Pumps are typically designed to operate for a period of fifteen years. Any pumps older than 15
years are subject to failure due to age and wear.
Maintenance review is a summarization by the City staff of the amount of maintenance required
on each pump.
1.2.5 Wet Well Physical Condition
The station physical condition evaluation addresses the physical condition of each station’s
concrete, hatches and miscellaneous metals. Steps into wet wells are considered unacceptable
because they can become rusty and are not capable of being retrofitted with full restraints.
1.2.6 Valve Vault or Dry Well, Physical Conditions
The physical condition of the valve vault addresses the condition of the concrete, the steps,
access into the station, piping and valves and the overall cleanliness of the structure.
The physical condition of the dry well addresses the condition of the chamber, the ladder, access
into the station, piping and valves, and the overall cleanliness of the structure.
Page 8
1.2.7 Electrical Components
The electrical review evaluates the adequacy of the electrical service to each station, the
adequacy of standby power, and the condition and accessibility of the pump control panel.
Adequacy of electrical service considers the number of power outages and whether operation of
the pumps causes dimming of lights in neighborhood. An unacceptable rating (rating of 5) is
given to any station which requires an operator to enter a below ground structure to operate the
1.2.8 Instrumentation/Control/SCADA
For this parameter, each station was reviewed against the following criteria:
· Whether the station has alarms for station high and low levels
· Whether back-up pump controllers exist
· Whether SCADA transmits to the central control station
1.2.9 Suitability of Location
The suitability of location addresses:
· Each station’s service area, maintenance accessibility, aesthetics, visibility and proximity
to adjacent homes
· Potential for damage by the public
· Position within rights-of-way, easements or City-owned property.
Accessibility from a public street is considered very important. The potential for public damage is
a consideration of whether the station is susceptible to being struck by an automobile or to
A private driveway to the stations is deemed important to allow City staff to work without being
threatened by passing traffic.
For the visibility to neighbors and proximity to homes criteria, it is assumed that a lift station
detracts from value or desirability of an adjacent home, and aesthetic treatment at the lift station
mitigates this detriment.
1.2.10 Acceptability Ratings
The table below ranks the condition of each station against the nine general parameters, based.
The detailed review of all criteria for each of the 20 stations is contained in Appendix A.
Page 9
Table 4 – Lift Station Acceptability Rating
Rating System
1 - Excellent
2 - Good
3 - Average
4 - Below Average
5 - Unacceptable
Lift Station Hydraulic
Capacity Safety Back-
Electrical SCADA Location
Lift Station 3 4 3 3 1 2 2 3 1 2
Lift Station 4 4 3 3 1 3 2 3 1 2
Lift Station 5 4 2 3 1 5 2 1 1 1
Lift Station 6 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Lift Station 7 4 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1
Lift Station 8 2 3 3 1 2 3 2 2 3
Lift Station 9 4 2 3 1 2 3 2 2 2
Lift Station 10 4 2 3 1 4 2 1 1 2
Lift Station 11 4 3 3 1 3 2 1 1 3
Lift Station 12 2 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1
Lift Station 13 2 4 3 1 2 2 3 2 2
Lift Station 16 2 4 3 1 2 2 1 1 2
Lift Station 18 2 3 3 1 3 2 1 1 1
Lift Station 19 1 2 3 1 3 2 1 1 1
Lift Station 20 4 4 3 1 2 2 2 2 1
Lift Station 21 2 2 3 1 2 2 3 2 2
Lift Station 22 4 2 3 1 3 2 3 2 2
Lift Station 23 4 1 3 1 3 2 2 2 1
Lift Station 24 4 1 3 1 3 2 2 2 2
Lift Station 25 4 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 1
Page 10
1.3 System Analysis
1.3.1 MCES Sewer Infrastructure
Treatment of wastewater is provided by the MCES at the Empire Plant in Empire Township and
the Seneca Plant in Eagan. MCES interceptor sewers collect and convey flow through the City.
Flows from Apple Valley, Burnsville, Rosemount, Farmington, Elko New Market Township, and
Eureka Township enter Lakeville and are monitored by MCES meters. By analyzing the flow from
all meters, it is possible to isolate the flow exclusively from Lakeville.
The current Lakeville flow formula is as follows:
= 630 + 643 + 649 − 641 − 642 − 643 − 644 − 648 − 656
Lakeville is divided into three meter districts – M630, M643A, and M649. The meter districts were
used to analyze the system and the flow formulas for each are as follow:
630 = 630
643 = ℎ ! "# + 641 + 642 + 643 + 644 + 648
649 = $#ℎ% "# + &
+ ’(ℎ ! + 656
1.3.2 Sewer System Modeling
In order to provide the City and the MCES with existing and future planning information, the
existing sewer system was evaluated using a hydraulic flow simulation model, InfoSWMM. This
model was used to route sewer flows through the developed sewer structure of pipes, manholes,
and lift stations. The model calculates various hydraulic parameters during normal flow,
surcharge, backflow, flooding and pumping conditions.
The City’s existing GIS sewer structure data, as-built information from the City’s sewer
construction plan sheets, lift station information and lift station inspections were compiled to
configure the model. The model evaluated current and future sewer capacities and identified
required system improvements.
The land use method was used to generate dry weather sanitary sewer flows. Parcel acres were
multiplied by the sanitary loading rate based on existing land use and then assigned to the
manhole considered most likely to receive those flows. Sanitary loading rates, listed in the table
below were used to determine base flow rates throughout the City.
Page 11
Table 5 – Sanitary Loading Rates
Land Use
Sanitary Loading
Rate (Gal/Acre/Day) Land Use Description
AIRPORT 1000 Airport
C 1000 Commercial
HDR 1700 High Density Residential
I 750 Industrial
L/MDR 660 Low/Medium Density Residential
LDR 400 Low Density Residential
LI/W 1000 Warehouse/Light Industrial
M/HDR 1500 Medium/High Density Residential
MDR 1200 Medium Density Residential
MH 1000 Manufactured Housing
OP 1000 Office Park
ORT 1000 Office/Residential Transition
P 65 Parks
PAQP 125 Public and Quasi-Public
RD 0 Restricted Development
RDR 400 Rural Density Residential
SPA N/A Special Plan Area
W 0 Water
Calculations using the land use method resulted in a total flow on par with what metered MCES
average daily flow from 2005-2016 of 4.281 MGD. The land use calculations were refined by
establishing unique loading rates per meter district. The loading rates were modified based upon
the MCES metered flow values for each of the three meter districts. The table below shows the
unique land use loading rates for each district.
Page 12
Table 6 – Sanitary Loading Rates Per Meter District
To determine future wastewater flow projections, the same land use method was used with the
city’s designed future land use. The refined existing loading rates per district were used to
calculate future flows for the developed parcels. For undeveloped parcels in the future land use
plans, modified loading rates were established assuming new efforts for water conversation and
reduced inflow and infiltration. It was also assumed that there would be a 30% reduction in flows
due to rights-of-way, wetlands, basins, and other open spaces. The table below shows the
modified loading rates for future, undeveloped parcels.
Land Use
Land Use
Sanitary Loading Rate (Gal/Acre/Day)
M630 M643A M649
AIRPORT Airport N/A N/A 100
C Commercial 1200 1200 700
HDR High Density
Residential 1800 1800 1800
I Industrial N/A N/A 500
1000 900 650
LDR Low Density
Residential 550 440 385
LI/W Warehouse/Light
Industrial N/A N/A 500
1700 1750 1200
MDR Medium Density
Residential N/A 1600 1000
MH Manufactured
Housing N/A 1000 750
OP Office Park N/A 1000 500
ORT Office/Residential
Transition 1000 1000 500
P Parks N/A 5 5
PAQP Public and
Quasi-Public 350 250 75
RD Restricted
Development 0 0 0
RDR Rural Density
Residential N/A N/A 100
SPA Special Plan
Area N/A N/A N/A
W Water 0 0 0
Page 13
Table 7 – Modified Sanitary Loading Rates for Future, Undeveloped Parcels
To properly model anticipated peak flows, meter data from the largest, metered storm event in
June 2014 was analyzed to determine flows for existing and future wet weather conditions. For
future conditions, it is assumed that the expanded system is tight and has little to no inflow and
infiltration. The wet weather flows along with the calculated dry weather flows generated the total
flow for the system during wet weather events.
Land Use
Land Use
Sanitary Loading Rate (Gal/Acre/Day)
M630 M643A M649
AIRPORT Airport N/A N/A 50 50
C Commercial 700 700 700 700
Corridor Mixed
Use* N/A 896 N/A 1400
High Density
Residential 1485 1485 1400 500
I Industrial N/A N/A 500 540
540 540 540 270
Low Density
Residential 270 270 270 400
Industrial N/A N/A 400 1215
1215 1215 1215 742
Medium Density
Residential 742 742 742 750
Housing N/A 750 750 500
OP Office Park N/A N/A 500 500
Transition 1000 1000 500 5
P Parks 5 5 5 75
Public and
Quasi-Public 275 250 75 0
Development 0 0 0 14
Rural Density
Residential 14 N/A 14 0
Special Plan
Area N/A N/A N/A 0
W Water 0 0 0 50
Page 14
2 Comprehensive Plan with System Needs
2.1 Population Trends
The population of the City of Lakeville is projected to increase 30% over the next 20 years.
Population and household trends are shown in the table below. Metropolitan Council predicts a
Lakeville population of 83,500 by the year 2040. The most significant change in Lakeville’s
population will be the result of increased density from changing land use. Table 8 provides a
breakdown of population, households, and employment in 10-year increments for areas tributary
to each MCES interceptor and areas that are not presently served by sanitary sewers.
Table 8 – Population, Household and Employment Forecast
Interceptor Population Households Employment
2020 2030 2040 2020 2030 2040 2020 2030 2040
3-BV-39 5513 5929 6078 1885 1978 2088 1271 1338 1377
3-LV-610 24790 28784 30734 8280 9578 10756 2524 2910 3209
7103-1 21901 29938 32162 7758 10590 11795 9846 13201 14645
7203 469 1947 2644 166 676 953 29 165 228
7409 3487 4242 1194 1515 73 103
800717 1731 2281 716 1003 134 172
8016 5 6 6 1 1 2 1539 1667 1777
9601 1404 1614 1714 489 555 611 25 33 47
In City Limits/Not in
Sewershed 10218 2964 3640 3722 1012 1277 2965 779 942
Total 64300 76400 83500 22300 26300 30000 18200 20300 22500
2.2 Future Land Use
The information contained in this Comprehensive Sewer Plan Update is based on the ultimate
land uses which are anticipated to occur at full development. The Ultimate Land Use Map is
contained in Figure 4.
2.3 Sanitary Sewer Design Criteria
2.3.1 Flow Rates
Anticipated wastewater flows from the various subdistricts were determined by applying flow
rates based on land use in each area. Actual metered water usage was used to calibrate the flow
to MCES metered flow from Lakeville. Flows from future areas anticipated to undergo
redevelopment were assigned based on the current land use plan and preliminary development
plans available from the City. Residential Flow Rates
Future flows were calculated using the land use method with the calibrated loading rates per land
use from the existing land use. Loading rates were calibrated using metered data from winter
months. The same loading rates were then applied to the future land use, to determine future
Page 15
system flows. Densities for different residential types varied from 270 gallons per day per acre to
1,800 gallons per day per acre.
For undeveloped, residential parcels, loading rates were based upon the loading rates for the
existing residential areas. The rates were adjusted down assuming the water conservation efforts
and new construction would reduce flows. Non-Residential Flow Rates
Generally, Lakeville’s non-residential land use is made up of commercial and industrial users that
do not contribute disproportionately to the sewer system in comparison to residential users. The
City separates sewer flows from non-sewered water use for major users. The separated
information for industries was used for this study.
Model calibrations to assess existing land use loading rates resulted in an industrial rate of 500
Gallons per Acre per Day (GAD) and a commercial rate of 500-700 GAD to estimate flows from
other undeveloped properties within the City where future land use is shown to be industrial or
commercial. 0 GAD was used for parks and open spaces (noted as Active) and 500-1,200 GAD
was used for institutional, commercial and office space.
2.3.2 Design Flows
The sewer design flows were developed based on metered data from MCES. An average daily
flow of 4.281 MGD for the City was used in the model. The flow was matched in the model by
adjusting dry weather model conditions for each meter district.
To determine ultimate flow rates in year 2040, calibrated loading rates for each land use type
were built into the model for future development and land use conditions. Average daily flow rates
calculated by the land use method were compared to the MCES projections for the City and can
be seen in the table below.
Table 9 – Wastewater Flow Projections for the City of Lakeville
Year Flow Projection by Population
Model Flows by Land Use
Existing 4.28 4.28
2040 6.83 7.21
For 2040 values, the flow rates vary due to the method of analysis. The flow projections were
calculated by population while the model projections were calculated by the land use method.
Beyond Lakeville’s flows, there are flows from surrounding communities that enter the system.
The flows are monitored by MCES meters. The metered average flow rates were included in the
model to most accurately reflect the full demand on Lakeville’s system. The future flows were
calculated based upon future population projects and current flow rates. The table below shows
the existing and future contributing flows integrated into the model obtained from MCES.
Page 16
Table 10 – Flow from Contributing Communities
Meter Existing Flow (MGD) Future Flow Projection (MGD)
M643 1.406 1.532
M648 0.815 0.889
M644 1.005 1.094
M641 0.307 0.335
M642 0.237 0.327
M656 0.220 0.429
TOTAL 3.990 4.606
The Lakeville flow and contributing communities’ flows together create the complete loading of
Lakeville’s system. The total flow collected in the meter districts represents the total loading. The
flows for each district for existing and future conditions are shown below in the table below.
Table 11 – Existing and Future Average Flow for the Lakeville System
Meter Existing Flow (MGD) Future Flow Projection (MGD)
M630 .49 .56
M643A 5.57 6.61
M649 2.17 3.89
Farmington Outlet N/A .74
Total Flow 8.23 11.80
Considering all flows on the Lakeville system, the following table shows the peak flow for existing
and future conditions.
Table 12 – Dry and Wet Weather Total Peak Flows
Total Peak Flow (MGD)
Existing Conditions Future Conditions
Dry Weather Wet Weather Dry Weather Wet Weather
14.03 20.81 19.94 27.16
2.4 Current and Future System Needs
Three scenarios were modeled for dry and wet weather conditions – existing flows with existing
network, future flows with existing network, and future flows with recommended network
expansions. Modeling existing flows with existing network analyzes the current capacity of the
system. Assessing future flows with existing network scenario isolates the existing system and
observes its ability to convey future flows. The future flows with recommended network
expansion scenario determines the capacity of the existing system and recommended potential
network expansions. Future expansions are based upon the previous Sanitary Comprehensive
Plan done by SEH. The potential expansions test possible pipe diameters and locations based
upon the surrounding parcels.
Page 17
The model analyzed the hydraulic capacity and velocity for each scenario. Hydraulic capacity,
determined by the d/D ratios, evaluate the percent of the pipe capacity that is utilized. Ratios
between 0.6 and 0.7 should be considered to be within a “warning threshold,” meaning that
further development or additional flow contributing to these segments should be considered and
may not be allowed without pipe upsizing. Ratios greater than 0.7 should be closely looked at to
determine whether the pipe capacity restriction at that point will cause a back-up or other
potential risk of sewage spill. In terms of velocity, it is ideal for the flow velocity to remain with a
range of 2 – 10 ft/s. Velocities smaller than 2 ft/s present the risk of stagnant flows and allow for
solids to settle. Velocities greater than 10 ft/s can erode the lining of the pipe and other
supporting structures.
For existing and future conditions, flow velocities consistently stay below the 10 ft/s threshold.
Along the trunk lines the velocities remain between the ideal range of 2 ft/s – 10 ft/s. However,
the majority of the system’s branches remain under 2 ft/s. For the system, it is not of concern that
that flow within the branches remains below 2 ft/s. The pipes are small in diameter and convey
limited flow compared to other parts of the system. The City’s maintenance program for pipe
cleaning is appropriate and based on the history of back-ups, addresses this concern reasonably.
The results show minor concerns with the system’s hydraulic capacity in Figure 6a, Figure 6b,
Figure 8, and Figure 10. The majority of the system d/D values remain below .6. There are some
areas of concern where the d/D ratio exceeds the .7 limit. At Lift Station 7, the upstream and
downstream pipes exceed the hydraulic capacity limit. It was found that the pump is undersized.
Currently, the pump capacity is .653 mgd. The model shows that approximately 2.2 mgd enters
the lift station in existing wet weather conditions and 3.26 under future wet weather conditions.
The model was adjusted to reflect a pump capacity of 3.4 mgd assuming improvements were
made. The results from the modified pump indicate that the surrounding structures have the
capacity to convey increased flow. Results for the existing and corrected pump capacity can be
seen in Figure 6a and Figure 6b accordingly. For future flow conditions, the pipes located directly
downstream of Lift Station 11 breach the .7 limit. It is recommended to upsize these pipes to
provide sufficient downstream capacity.
At Dakota Heights Park and along Italy Path the pipe grades transition drastically and flow
collects along lengths of lower grade. It is likely that this result is due to limitations to the model
and may not fully reflect in-ground conditions. These areas are not seen as a concern but have
been included in the figures for reference. It is not recommended to make any structural changes
and monitor if necessary.
Page 18
Insert A
At Falcon Ave, 175th St, and Fairfax Avenue, an upstream manhole has a weir which controls
flow of the two downstream branches. The downstream branches have diameters of 8” along
Fairfax and 15” along the eastern branch until both converge on the 33” interceptor. Under
existing conditions, the 8” pipes have the capacity to handle additional flow which passes over
the weir. For future conditions, the additional flow in the manhole along with the flow collected
downstream surpasses the capacity of the 8” pipe. The data reveals that the pipes in the section
have a grade less than the minimum value allowable. It is recommended to monitor the section
during extreme wet weather conditions and possibly relay the pipe.
Insert B
In regards to the potential expansion, the existing and expanded system will overall adequately
handle the incoming future flows. During wet weather events, there are locations along the
interceptor and the surrounding potential expansions upstream of M643A with limited hydraulic
capacity. Since the limited capacity occurs during extreme wet weather events no modifications
are recommended and the interceptor should be monitored during such circumstances. The
potential expansions pipes have diameters between 8”-10” and tie into the 48” interceptor. The
pipes have the same invert elevation as the interceptor (typical design has the center or top of
pipes matching with the interceptor which limits potential issues such as this). A high water level
Page 19
remains constant between the smaller and larger diameter pipes. However, in the smaller pipes
the constant water depth causes the pipes to surcharge and have high d/D values. Future
detailed design of the potential expansions should take this into account. It is necessary to
assess the previous areas of concern and the system will not require significant modifications to
support future flows.
Table 13 – Future Pipe Diameters and Lengths
Pipe Diameter (inches) Total Length (ft)
4 62
8 83,680
10 21,574
12 7,696
15 6,699
18 5,829
Grand Total 125,540
3 Operation and Maintenance Plan
The purpose of an operation and maintenance plan is to serve as a guide to operate, monitor,
maintain, and rehabilitate the City’s Sanitary Sewer system. Primary goals of the plan include
reducing claims against the City related to sewer backups and continued compliance with local
and regional standards for wastewater, including the control of inflow and infiltration (I/I) to the
3.1 Existing Public Works Utility Maintenance Division
Lakeville Public Works has developed over the years as infrastructure additions warranted
additional staff and equipment. Public Works staff, management staff and the elected officials of
the community have worked together to develop an efficient staff that is cross-trained in various
other aspects of duties assigned to all of Public Works.
3.1.1 Sewer Maintenance Districts
3.1.2 Sewer Maintenance Equipment
The City has equipment typical of most communities the size of Lakeville. The list of equipment
specific to sewer maintenance includes:
· Jetter Truck
· Vactor Truck
· Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) Truck
· Rodder Trailer
· Hydraulic Pump (750-1000 GPM)
· Trailer Mounted Generator (2)
Page 20
The City has sufficient sewer maintenance equipment to maintain its municipal sewer system.
There may be times when additional needs require contracting for services. Maintaining the
current equipment mix with proper maintenance and rotation of equipment in/out of service will
likely serve the community in an efficient manner for many years.
The City does have televising equipment as part of its jetting equipment. The equipment is best
used to inspect sewers as they are cleaned to help ensure that all debris have been removed.
3.1.3 City Maintenance Staff
The public works utility staff includes one superintendent, one utilities supervisor, one utilities
lead, and 12 staff positions. This staff is cross-trained to assist in other areas of public works.
Areas of water system maintenance, snow plowing, and disaster clean-up occasionally require
that sewer staff perform duties outside the area of sewer maintenance. Staffing levels for public
works utility staff seem appropriate for existing demands but additional staff will be necessary as
the systems expands and ages.
The City should evaluate the prioritization process and assign a higher level of importance to the
maintenance of the sewer system. The current staff level combined with the current prioritization
process creates a situation that makes it impossible to accomplish the goals outlined in the
report, on top of regular maintenance duties.
3.2 System Needs
3.2.1 Gravity Sewer
City staff indicates that a significant portion of its time and budget is used in areas constructed of
VCP. This is a result of the root intrusion of joints in this type of pipe. This is not unique to the
City and is typical of VCP throughout the metro area. Many communities have lined or replaced
VCP sewer to eliminate the high maintenance needs often associated with these types of sewers.
To reduce the strain and work for the sewer maintenance staff, a more aggressive lining program
should be undertaken. Rehab of VCP is estimated to cost $5,700,000.
Maintenance in the sewer system typically involves cleaning the sewer using a combination of
jetter and vactor trucks to remove debris from the sewer pipes. Root intrusion in joints of the pipe
requires cutting and removal to remove obstructions in the pipe and allow flow of the sewage
through the system. Once roots begin to enter sewers, it is very difficult to eliminate the recurring
growth. The simple cutting of roots often promotes additional growth. Unmanaged root growth
can also cause the VCP pipe to crack, impacting the integrity of the pipe. Cracked pipes allow
groundwater and soil into the sewer system, which can cause road collapses. The continued
efforts to cut roots in the VCP portions of the system annually results in other portions of the
City’s sewer system having a lower priority for maintenance.
The League of Minnesota Cities (LMC) Insurance Trust provides insurance coverage for the City
to protect against claims resulting from sewer backups and other claims that may result from
problems related to the City’s utility services. LMC also provides no-fault insurance for private
sewer connection to owners whose sewers cause damage to the City’s municipal system. LMC
have noted increased claims in specific areas of sewer systems throughout the state. One item of
notice is VCP sewers having higher than normal claims. They have suggested a cleaning of VCP
sewer pipes every three years.
Page 21
Restaurant grease has also become an issue in some areas of the system. Maintenance
activities have increased in known problem areas. There have also been some efforts to modify
ordinances and policies regarding the installation, maintenance, and inspection of grease traps.
This should be monitored and promoted to reduce the amount of grease in the system. Lakeville
cleans the problem areas in the spring and fall and spot checks and flushes problematic
manholes on a weekly and monthly schedule. With increased development in certain areas of the
City, restaurant grease has been a growing problem, requiring more time and attention from City
3.3 Recommended Maintenance Program
Because of the high percentage of VCP pipe comprising the sewer system in Lakeville, those
portions of the system should be more closely evaluated for replacement or lining to negate the
concerns of root intrusion and to implement the maintenance schedule suggested by LMC.
Proper monitoring and maintenance of the existing system is an important factor in the long-term
viability of the system. Maintaining the system extends the life of the system and decreases the
likelihood of sewer backups. Sewer backups often lead to property damage claims against the
City. This results in increased costs to the City to pay those claims with associated increases in
insurance premiums. It is recommended to create a program specifically for VCP cleaning,
televising and rehabilitation to ensure the system lasts and to reduce potential expenses from
collapsed/broken sewers or other backups that result from lack of maintenance.
3.3.1 System Cleaning
Cleaning practices vary from city to city depending on available budgets and the condition of the
sewer system. Practices range from annual cleaning of all sewers to inconsistent cleaning of
known problem areas. Many communities have set goals of cleaning all of its system at least
once every five years.
For reasons mentioned above, LMC recommends that cities clean VCP sewers every three
years, or more often when conditions require it, to minimize sewer backups. (Lakeville has
approximately 28 miles of VCP sewer). Similarly, they recommend that other sewer systems, that
are not VCP, be cleaned every five to seven years. Lakeville has over 240 miles of sewers in this
Establishing a jetting plan to clean approximately 33 miles per year in perpetuity in Lakeville
meets the recommendations and practices of the LMC and other communities. Setting a goal of
33 miles per year allows a combination of lines requiring annual cleaning; VCP on a three-year
rotation; and all other on a five-year rotation. The City currently cleans 65 miles of sewer each
year plus additional trouble areas. The current program addresses the needs of the portions of
the sewer system that are VCP of that are documented problem areas. The production rate per
year is primarily controlled by two factors:
1. Number of Staff and Outside Influences including:
a. Emergency Sewer Needs
b. Emergency Water Needs
c. Natural Disaster – Cleanup efforts
2. Options to increase the amount of sewers cleaned would include:
a. Increase Sewer Maintenance Staff
Page 22
b. Double Shift Current Staff
c. Contract Services
The miles jetted and cleaned per year is based upon the current system size. As sewer is
installed for future growth the jetting and cleaning schedule will need to be modified accordingly. System Cleaning Costs
Cleaning costs are estimated at $2,500 per mile when contracted assuming an average of
$0.50/ft (may vary based upon pipe size and severity of deposition). A program to clean 65 miles
per year results in a contract cost of $162,500 per year. The actual cost to the City may be
different depending on the amount of work accomplished with City forces versus private
3.3.2 System Televising
Lakeville currently has a televising program. The program televises the entire system every 10
years at approximately 250,000 ft/yr. The televising records are digitally attached to GIS
The City has established a practice of televising sewers in areas where street rehabilitation or
reconstruction is scheduled to occur. This allows the City to be efficient with infrastructure
management and to avoid situations that require removing portions of a newly constructed street.
Contracts for new sewer construction should include the televising of the new sewer. A copy of
the televising should be provided to the City at the end of the project. Televising provides
baseline information for the sewer and validates service locations. It also reduces the need for
current deflection testing. System Televising Costs
The most efficient means to do this would be to develop a televising program that coincides with
the cleaning program described above. It is recommended that the City televise the entire system
every 10 years. Currently, the City televises 27 miles per year, in addition to what is performed
during the PMP work. A 10-year schedule equates to 27 miles per year. Televising costs are
estimated at $4,000 per mile. A program to televise 27 miles per year results in a contract cost of
$104,000 per year. Televising Schedule
Table 14 – Gravity Sewer Maintenance Summary
Activity Quantity Cost Frequency Program Cost
Cleaning & Jetting 65 miles $162,500/year Annually Annual
Televising 26 miles $104,000/year Annually1 $383,1002
1 Five year baseline development program. Future costs after five years will depend on condition of the
2 One time cost to develop baseline data. Annual cost thereafter will depend on system condition.
Page 23
3.3.3 Equipment
The City has developed an equipment inventory and replacement plan that satisfies the needs of
the community. Additional equipment will be required for the expanding system. The current
jetting truck should be replaced by at least one or possibly two combination trucks. Additional
needs are often more efficiently contracted rather than owning specialized equipment. Examples
of items often contracted for include televising and the jetting and cleaning of larger sewer lines
and laterals.
3.3.4 Lift Station Access Procedures
The City should continue to follow written maintenance procedures for accessing the lift stations.
The procedures should include the following items:
· Maintain barriers or grating whenever structures are open - either temporary or
· Never enter a subsurface structure without a partner present
· Follow confined space requirements
· Check for applicable gases with appropriate meter
· Operate appropriate ventilation, either portable or permanent
· Maintain required light levels
· Make sure temporary lighting is intrinsically safe
· Make sure temporary ladders meet safety codes and are properly secured
· Use fall protection and safety harnesses
· Carry an electronic communication device such as a radio
3.3.5 Lift Station Maintenance
It is important that the City maintain an active preventive maintenance program for each station.
Currently, the City performs weekly maintenance checks, regular pump inspections, wet well
cleaning biannually, pump replacements, and scheduled rehabilitation every 15 years. It is
recommended to expand on this program. The program should consist of two parts: actions
performed on a twice weekly basis and actions performed annually. A SCADA system would
provide more complete recording with less City staff time, however, the City Utilities staff
performs a good job of documenting the pump run times and lift station maintenance needs. With
the City’s significant GIS database and the current detail in lift station maintenance it is
recommended that the City consider implementation of a GIS compatible maintenance record
The following maintenance tasks should be performed and recorded twice weekly:
· Visual site inspection.
· Visual inspection of wet well.
· Observe pump operation cycle.
· Record pump run times.
· Monitor system alarms.
· Inspect auxiliary equipment in dry well such as sump pump, dehumidifier, etc.
Page 24
Once per year each pump should receive a field and shop inspection, by a pump engineer, which
covers the following items:
· Check electrical condition of insulation on power cable.
· Check for function of control panel and any loose or faulty electrical connections.
· Check voltage supply between all phases on the line side of the electrical control panel
with pump off.
· Check amperage draw on all phases of the pump motor.
· Check voltage between all phases on the load side of the pump motor starter. Check
control power.
· Check condition and operation of motor thermal protectors.
· Remove submersible pumps from lift station for physical inspection.
· Check condition of upper shaft seals and inspect condition oil.
· Check condition and operation of moisture sensors.
· Check lower shaft seals and inspect condition of oil.
· Change oil.
· Check whether impeller is loose or worn.
· Check all impeller wear rings.
· Check for noisy upper and lower bearings.
· Check damaged or cut pump cable.
· Clean, reset and check operation of the pump alternator and level sensors.
· Check for correct shaft rotation.
· Reinstall pump and check for leakage at the discharge connection.
· Observe one operating cycle.
· Prepare inspection report.
3.3.6 Lift Station Improvements
The previous Table 4 contains acceptability ratings for each sewage lift station in the City. Any
parameter which received a rating of above average are not listed as requiring improvement
during the next 10 years in the capital improvement plan.
Lift Station 3
The following items which are rated average should be corrected within the next 6-10 years:
· Install fall protection at wet well & dry vault
· Replace wet well steps
· Replace controller screen/controller
Lift Station 4
The following items which are rated average will likely require correction within the next 6-10
· Install fall protection at wet well & dry vault
· Replace wet well steps
· Provide H2S resistant lining to protect against corrosion and reduce inflow and infiltration
Page 25
Lift Station 5
The following items which are rated unacceptable should be corrected within the next 1-2 years:
· Repair concrete in wet well
· Provide H2S resistant lining to protect against corrosion and reduce inflow and infiltration
The following items which are rated average will likely require correction within the next 6-10
· Install fall protection at wet well & dry vault
· Replace wet well steps
Lift Station 6
Lift Station 6 is a new station, constructed in 2016. No suggestions for improvements at this time.
Lift Station 7
Lift Station 7 should be upgraded with new pumps, new forcemain, new valve vault, and new
control panel as future flows increase.
Investigate replacing existing hatch and safety netting with aluminum access hatch and steel fall
protection, should the hatch ever need replacement/rehabilitation.
Lift Station 8
The following items which are rated average will likely require correction within the next 6-10
· Replace wet well hatch
· Remove and re-attach rails
· Reinstall drain or pour higher valve vault base to allow for water to drain from valve vault
This station was noted to have issues due to rags in the system. Regular cleaning should be
performed to minimize back up potential. Installation of new pumps with N-style impellers would
be an alternative.
Lift Station 9
The following items which are rated average will likely require correction within the next 6-10
· Grout valve vault base to allow for water to drain from valve vault
Lift Station 10
The following items which are rated unacceptable should be corrected within the next 3-5 years:
· Repair concrete in wet well
· Provide H2S resistant lining to protect against corrosion and reduce inflow and infiltration
The following items which are rated average will likely require correction within the next 6-10
· Install fall protection at wet well & dry vault
· Remove root balls
This station was noted to have roots in the wet well. Regular cleaning and maintenance should
be performed to reduce chance of backups or other related issues.
Page 26
Lift Station 11
The following items which are rated average will likely require correction within the next 6-10
· Investigate replacing existing hatch and safety netting with aluminum access hatch and
steel fall protection, should the hatch ever need replacement/rehabilitation.
Lift Station 12
The following items which are rated average will likely require correction within the next 6-10
· Investigate replacing existing hatch and safety netting with steel access hatch and steel
fall protection, should the hatch ever need replacement/rehabilitation.
Lift Station 13
The following items which are rated below average will likely require correction within the next 3-5
· Replace wet well hatch latch
The following items which are rated average will likely require correction within the next 6-10
· Update/replace communication system
· Investigate replacing existing hatch and safety netting with aluminum access hatch and
steel fall protection, should the hatch ever need replacement/rehabilitation.
Lift Station 16
The only item rated below average was the condition of the access hatch, which was partially
upgrade in 2017.
· Remove and re-attach rails
Lift Station 18
The following items which are rated average will likely require correction within the next 6-10
· Provide H2S resistant lining to protect against corrosion and reduce inflow and infiltration
· Investigate replacing existing hatch and safety netting with aluminum access hatch and
steel fall protection, should the hatch ever need replacement/rehabilitation
Lift Station 19
The following items which are rated average will likely require correction within the next 6-10
· Provide H2S resistant lining to protect against corrosion and reduce inflow and infiltration
· Investigate replacing existing hatch and safety netting with aluminum access hatch and
steel fall protection, should the hatch ever need replacement/rehabilitation
Lift Station 20
The only item rated below average was the condition of the safety hatch, which was upgraded in
· Replace steel fall protection.
Page 27
Lift Station 21
The following items which are rated average will likely require correction within the next 6-10
· Replace control panel
Lift Station 22
The following items which are rated below average will likely require correction within the next 3-5
· Raise valve vault MH to grade
· Repair wet well hatch. If hatch needs replacing, recommend install steel safety grating
The following items which are rated average will likely require correction within the next 6-10
· Replace control panel
Lift Station 23
The following items which are rated average will likely require correction within the next 6-10
· Patch concrete around conduit penetrations and lift holes to eliminate I/I
Lift Station 24
No recommendations were made for improvement.
Lift Station 25
As this is a new, temporary lift station, no recommendations were made for improvement.
3.4 Inflow and Infiltration
3.4.1 Background Information
I/I is the amount of clear water entering the collection system. Infiltration is the contribution of flow
that is primarily attributable to high groundwater levels, while inflow is attributed to increased
surface water amounts. It is important that I/I flows be kept to a minimum to maintain pipe
capacity and preserve treatment plant capacity.
The efficiency of the sanitary sewer system can be diminished if the outside sources of water are
permitted to enter the sewer network. This can happen as a result of sump pumps being illegally
connected to the sanitary sewer (inflow) or through the infiltration of ground water into pipes that
are damaged or not properly sealed. The volume of wastewater that must be treated can be
unnecessarily large during periods of heavy precipitation. The consequences of this are obvious
in that the treatment system must accommodate larger volumes of wastewater.
In 2005, MCES implemented a surcharge program to address communities with excessive I/I
contributions to their municipal system. The MCES began the program due to the results from an
evaluation of its interceptors and treatment capacity for long-term growth. They determined that
the design capacity taken up by the addition of inflow and infiltration in its interceptors is a critical
issue and substantially impacts future capital expenditures. MCES routinely monitors flows from
each metro area community and compares peak flows during and after rain events to dry weather
flows. MCES has developed criteria to determine whether a community has an I/I problem. This
criterion is based on comparing a peak hour factor to the I/I component of wet weather peaks.
Page 28
Lakeville has not seen an I/I exceedance as reported by MCES in the past few years. Efforts
should be continued to reduce and manage I/I through pipeline rehabilitation, manhole sealing
and lining as well as addressing private property defects within the system. Further evaluation
and discussion is included in subsequent sections regarding potential City ordinance revisions for
private property defects.
The City of Lakeville’s I/I program includes a number of critical components. The City has a
public education program encouraging voluntary compliance for reducing inflow associated with
direct connections to the sanitary system. In addition, ordinance 468 requires home owners to
connect existing foundation drains to the city storm system where and when publicly owned drain
tiles have been installed into a city street or boulevard. In addition, it prohibits storm water
discharge to the sanitary sewer.
All new manholes are constructed to include gaskets, watertight joints, chimney seals, and
concealed pick holes. In addition, the City inspects all manholes every four years to identify and
remedy those that contribute to I/I.
The city televises approximately 250,000 feet of sanitary sewer every year, and inspects sanitary
sewers that are located in streets subject to reconstruction. The city also inspects all mainline
sewers with CCTV every 10 years.
The City has completed numerous I/I studies in the past, and will complete further studies in the
future as other areas as identified with I/I. At present, there is no specific schedule to implement
these studies.
The present five-year CIP for I/I is included as an attachment to this document.
Table 15 identifies the housing inventory by year built and number of homes.
Table 15 – House Inventory
House Inventory
Year Built Number of Houses
1869-1879 2
1880-1890 20
1891-1901 20
1902-1912 23
1913-1923 59
1924-1934 44
1935-1945 36
1946-1956 147
1957-1967 487
1968-1978 2094
1979-1989 3421
1990-2000 6255
2001-2011 3855
2012-2017 1883
No Data 3150
Total 21496
Page 29
3.4.2 Overall Sanitary Sewer Program Policy Subsurface Sewage Treatment (SSTS)
As public sewers become available, the City has a policy to require residents to connect to the
sanitary sewer, and all SSTS are permitted. Figure 13 shows the location of the known SSTS
systems in the City of Lakeville. City code 7-5-16 references Dakota County Ordinance 113
Subsurface Sewage Treatment Systems. There are no public or privately owned community
wastewater treatment systems in Lakeville. There are presently no known non-conforming
SSTS’s in Lakeville. As they become known, they are addressed immediately. Local Sanitary Sewer Ordinances Grease Management
The City, by its permit with MCES, is required to manage grease in the system. The City’s utility
staff continually monitors the sanitary sewer system in the vicinity of restaurants or other grease
producers. The City should verify that grease, oil and sand separators are installed at any
additional locations where cleaning and televising identifies fat, oil and grease (FOG) issues. Service Lines
Current City ordinances and policies indicate that the property owner is responsible for the sewer
service line between the mainline in the street and building or home. This is consistent with many
other communities. The City may have experienced some problems related to owner
maintenance of sewer services. Most notably, are sewer backups that occur because of debris
left in mainline sewers after service cleaning. The City already requires property owners or their
contractors to notify the City when maintenance is performed on services. The compliance with
this is low and difficult to enforce. Options to address this issue include:
· Require permits for sewer service maintenance activities
· Require private maintenance companies to obtain a City license renewed on an regular
This ordinance establishes the requirements for regulation of SSTS to protect public health and
safety, groundwater quality, and to prevent or eliminate public nuisances.
Permitting each service maintenance activity would be an added administrative activity that could
become laborious. We recommend that the City develop a licensing program that requires
maintenance companies to obtain a City license that is renewed periodically. Conditions of the
permit should be notification of sewer maintenance staff of all activities on private and public
sewers prior to performing the maintenance activity. Failure to comply would result in revoking of
the license or prevent renewal in the future.
Another potential problem results after the City rehabilitates mainline sewers as outlined in other
portions of this report. The City’s line will be restored to a condition superior to most services
connected to the rehabilitated sewer pipe. This can result in a continuation of I/I and root intrusion
into the mainline sewer via the sewer services. Some cities have developed policies requiring
services to be inspected and approved prior to reconnection to a rehabilitated system. We
recommend that Lakeville develop a similar policy to coincide with the development of a
rehabilitation policy.
Page 30 Potential Sanitary Ordinance Revisions
Ordinance revisions are recommended for grease management and private service laterals.
Ordinances are recommended to be modified to include additions of grease trap cleaning and
reporting. In addition, the ordinance should include penalties for properties that are not compliant
with the ordinance.
City code 7-5-10 should be modified to require residents to maintain compliant service laterals
including disconnection of sump pumps and foundation drains. Properties out of compliance
should be charged penalties within their sewer bill and should the property be sold, the defects
must be repaired or the cost should be placed in escrow by either the current owner or
prospective owner. The City would be notified of an impending sale and be given the right to
inspect the property at that time.
3.4.3 Current and Future Measures to Mitigate I/I
The City should develop a private property inspection program to continue efforts to remove I/I
from the sanitary sewer system. A large portion of work to reduce I/I has been undertaken, with
the completion of VCP lining. Other sources of I/I do exist, in manholes, illegal connections to the
sanitary sewer system, service connections, sump pumps and potential leaks/cracks/issues from
older homes. Private Property Inspections
Private properties have potential to be high contributors of I/I to the gravity sanitary system. A
program to inspect foundation drains, cracks in sewer service, roots in sewer service and sump
pump connections is recommended to continue work to remove I/I from the system. Illegal
discharges to the system from foundation drains and sump pumps are easy ways to remove
consistent I/I contributions. Modifications to the City ordinance should be considered to allow for
inspection and require correction of code incompliance related to private property service laterals. VCP Service Connections
It is known that VCP service connections are weak points in the work to remove I/I. A lined
gravity segment may still have I/I issues, stemming from cracked VCP service connections and
root growth between the service connection and mainline. Root balls also can develop in the
service connection and enter the mainline, causing flow issues in lined (and unlined) segments.
The cost of rehabilitating service lines will exceed the cost of mainline rehabilitation. The
anticipated cost to line sewer services is estimated at $5,000-$10,000 per typical 60-70 foot long
service line ($90-150 / linear foot), per recent capital improvement projects in the metro area. Sewer Lining
The program to line VCP sanitary sewer mains needs to be continued. Once complete, the next
step will be removing I/I from the gravity mains by focusing on inspection and rehabilitation on
RCP sewer. To determine if that would be a fruitful undertaking, a condition inventory of all
gravity mains, including RCP, would need to be obtained, to determine any common issues or
trouble areas in the system. Manhole Rehabilitation
Another commonly overlooked area in the work to remove I/I is manhole rehabilitation. Manholes
also crack and leak, have root growth, etc. and allow I/I to enter the gravity system. There are
Page 31
many options for manhole rehabilitation, ranging from replacement of adjusting rings and casting,
full manhole lining to manhole replacement. Within the lining rehabilitation method, many
products with different strengths/situational strengths exist on the market and can be installed at
a very reasonable price. Manholes age just like pipe segments, it is recommended to assess the
condition of the City’s manholes with respect to age and then pursue a manhole rehabilitation
4 Capital Improvement Plan
The capital improvement plan serves as a guide to monitor, maintain, and rehabilitate the City’s
sanitary sewer system. Primary goals include the reduction of claims against the City related to
sewer backups and continued compliance with local and regional standards for wastewater,
including the control of inflow and infiltration (I/I) to the system. Specific recommendations in this
plan include:
· rehabilitation of system components with concerns related to safety, health, and welfare
of City residents and employees;
· rehabilitation of system components to improve system effectiveness;
· implementation of programs to periodically evaluate system condition;
· development or expansion of maintenance programs to ensure periodic maintenance of
the sewer system;
· establishing policies and ordinances to protect the City’s sewer infrastructure; and
· equipment and staffing needs of the City.
4.1 Sewers
Rehabilitation of sewers in disrepair improves flow through the sewers and reduces maintenance
expenditures on the system. The proper maintenance and rehabilitation of existing sewers
extends the life of the sewer and reduces costly reconstruction of the system.
4.1.1 VCP Sewers VCP Sewer Rehabilitation Cost
Rehabilitation costs of VCP sewers is show in the table below:
Table 16 – VCP Rehabilitation Costs
VCP CIPP Lining Costs
Diameter (in)
(ft) $/LF Total
6 12 $30 $360
8 52990 $35 $1,854,650
9 95221 $40 $3,808,840
Total $5,663,850
In addition to rehabilitation of VCP sewers, private VCP services should be rehabilitated in
conjunction with gravity main rehabilitation. The table below shows the summary of the costs
associated with the rehabilitation efforts.
Page 32
Table 17 – Sewer Summary
Activity Quantity Cost Frequency Program Cost
VCP Mainline Sewer
Rehabilitation 28 miles $1.0 mil/year Annually1 $5,700,0002
VCP Service Rehab3 2,000
$7,500 per
service N/A $15,000,000
1 10-year rehabilitation program.
2 Cost to rehabilitate VCP mainline sanitary sewer. Rehabilitation costs thereafter will depend on system
3 Assumes 28 miles of mainline and one service every 75 LF. Consistent with majority of homes built pre-
1970. Property Owner cost unless subsidized by City.
4.1.2 Estimated Cost of Trunk Facilities
The costs associated with upsizing new trunk facilities to accommodate future growth is
estimated as the cost incurred to install a new pipe sized according to ultimate growth. For
example, if the City requires a 15-in pipe to be installed at a cost of $55/LF, but the developer
would otherwise only need an 8-in pipe at a cost of $30/LF, the actual increased unit cost for the
trunk sanitary sewer would be $25/LF. The following table documents the required pipe sizes and
lengths for future development. The costs indicate the cost for trunk facilities (does not include
cost to install 8-in pipe). The new trunk facilities are shown in Figure 11.
Table 18 – Trunk Sewer Cost
Trunk Sewer Size (in) Trunk Sewer Length
Incremental Unit
Cost1 City Cost
10 21,600 $10.00 $216,000
12 7,700 $15.00 $115,500
15 6,700 $25.00 $167,500
18 5,800 $30.00 $174,000
Total Estimated Cost/Year $673,000
1 Cost of Trunk Sewer Size less cost of 8-inch sewer
4.2 Lift Stations
The adequacy of each station was evaluated during the last comprehensive plan update against
the following nine (9) parameters:
· Station Hydraulic Capacity
· Safety
· Potential for Sewer Back-up
· Pump Review and Capacity
· Wet Well Physical Condition
· Valve Vault or Dry Well, Physical Condition
· Electrical Components
· Instrumentation/Control Issues
· Suitability of Location
Page 33
The criteria by which each of these parameters was evaluated is discussed in Section 2.2]
An acceptability rating scale of 1 to 5 was established for the evaluation criteria listed above for
each of the three (3) stations. A rating of 1 is excellent; a rating of 2 is good meaning the station
is better than the average lift station in the metropolitan area; a rating of 3 means it is similar to
an average station in the metropolitan area; a rating of 4 indicates this parameter is below
average, and a rating of 5 is unacceptable and the condition should be corrected in the near
future. It must be understood that rating scores are subjective and different individuals would
likely give different scores for any given parameter. Also, no universal standard exists. However,
since the goal of the rating system is to establish a sense of relative need rather than concise
determinations, the evaluations are deemed suitable for this study.
4.2.1 Lift Station Improvements
Table 5 contains acceptability ratings for each sewage lift station in the City. All the stations have
an overall rating of better than the industry average. Individual parameters in each of the stations
contain a range of moderate to unacceptable ratings. Such deficiencies can most likely be
corrected individually at each station. The decision of which to pursue depends upon the severity
of the individual deficiencies.
The adequacy of each lift station was evaluated against nine parameters, described in Section 2
of this report. A detailed summary of lift station costs is included in Appendix B.
Table 19 – Lift Station Capital Improvements Summary
Lift Station 3 $17,000
Lift Station 4 $17,000
Lift Station 5 $17,000
Lift Station 6 $-
Lift Station 7 $4,550,000
Lift Station 8 $63,000
Lift Station 9 $2,000
Lift Station 10 $30,000
Lift Station 11 $-
Lift Station 12 $-
Lift Station 13 $15,500
Lift Station 16 $11,000
Lift Station 18 $45,000
Lift Station 19 $35,000
Lift Station 20 $10,000
Lift Station 21 $25,000
Lift Station 22 $1,500
Lift Station 23 $1,000
Lift Station 24 $-
Lift Station 25 $-
Page 34
4.3 Ten Year Plan Summary
Table 20 – Capital Improvement Plan – Water & Sewer System
Quantity Unit Cost Cost per Year
Gravity Sewer
Cleaning and Jetting 65 miles $ 2,500 $ 162,500
Televising 50 miles $ 4,000 $ 200,000
Quantity Unit Cost Capital Cost
VCP Mainline Sewer
Rehabilitation 28 miles Varies $5,700,000
VCP Service Connection*
Service Rehabilitation** EA $ 7,500 $ 15,000,000
Total Yearly Maintenance Cost
Total Capital Cost (excludes maintenance) $ 22,700,000
Total Property Owner Cost $ 15,000,000
*Assumed 50' of rehabilitation
**Costs paid by property owner
Figure 1 – Sanitary Sewer Collection System Pipe Materials
Figure 2 – Sanitary Sewer Collection System Pipe Diameters
Figure 3 – Sanitary Sewer Collection System with MCES Interceptors
Figure 4 – 2040 Future Land Use Plan
Figure 5 – Dry Weather Flow for Existing Conditions
Figure 6 – a. Wet Weather Flow for Existing Conditions
b. Wet Weather Flow for Existing Conditions
Figure 7 – Dry Weather Flow for Future Conditions
Figure 8 – Wet Weather Flow for Future Conditions
Figure 9 – Dry Weather Flow for Future Conditions with Potential Expansions
Figure 10 – Wet Weather Flow for Future Conditions with Potential Expansions
Figure 11 – Existing and Future Expanded Network
Figure 12 – Meter Districts
Figure 13 – Sub-surface Sewage Treatment Systems Locations
Sanitary Sewer Collection System Pipe Materials
Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS User Community
3535 VADNAIS CENTER DR.ST. PAUL, MN 55110PHONE: (651) 490-2000FAX: (888) 908-8166TF: (800) 325-2055www.sehinc.comPath: S:\KO\L\lakev\142011\5-final-dsgn\51-drawings\90-GIS\InfoSWMM Model\Desktop\Backup20171103_First half\LakevilleModel_20171017.mxdFigure1Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer PlanCity of Lakeville
Project: 142011 14.00
This map is neither a legally recorded map nor a survey map and is not intended to be used as one. This map is a compilation of records, information, and data gathered from various sources listed on this map and is to be used for reference purposes only. SEH does not warrant that the Geographic Information System (GIS) Data used to prepare this map are error free, and SEH does not represent that the GIS Data can be used for navigational, tracking, or any other purpose requiring exacting measurement of distance or direction or precision in the depiction of geographic features. The user of this map acknowledges that SEH shall not be liablefor any damages which arise out of the user's access or use of data provided.
User Name: Kate HolmbergProjection: NAD 1983 HARN Adj MN Dakota FeetSource: City of Lakeville and SEH
Print Date: 1/16/2019
0 0.85 1.7 2.55 3.40.425 Miles
Pipe Material
No Material Data
Sanitary Sewer Collection System Pipe Diameters
Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS User Community
3535 VADNAIS CENTER DR.ST. PAUL, MN 55110PHONE: (651) 490-2000FAX: (888) 908-8166TF: (800) 325-2055www.sehinc.comPath: S:\KO\L\lakev\142011\5-final-dsgn\51-drawings\90-GIS\InfoSWMM Model\Desktop\Backup20171103_First half\LakevilleModel_20171017.mxdFigure2Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer PlanCity of Lakeville
Project: 142011 14.00
This map is neither a legally recorded map nor a survey map and is not intended to be used as one. This map is a compilation of records, information, and data gathered from various sources listed on this map and is to be used for reference purposes only. SEH does not warrant that the Geographic Information System (GIS) Data used to prepare this map are error free, and SEH does not represent that the GIS Data can be used for navigational, tracking, or any other purpose requiring exacting measurement of distance or direction or precision in the depiction of geographic features. The user of this map acknowledges that SEH shall not be liablefor any damages which arise out of the user's access or use of data provided.
User Name: Kate HolmbergProjection: NAD 1983 HARN Adj MN Dakota FeetSource: City of Lakeville and SEH
Print Date: 1/16/2019
0 0.85 1.7 2.55 3.40.425 Miles
Sanitary Sewer Collection System with MCES Interceptors
Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS User Community
3535 VADNAIS CENTER DR.ST. PAUL, MN 55110PHONE: (651) 490-2000FAX: (888) 908-8166TF: (800) 325-2055www.sehinc.comPath: S:\KO\L\lakev\142011\5-final-dsgn\51-drawings\90-GIS\InfoSWMM Model\Desktop\Backup20171103_First half\LakevilleModel_20171017.mxdFigure3Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer PlanCity of Lakeville
Project: 142011 14.00
This map is neither a legally recorded map nor a survey map and is not intended to be used as one. This map is a compilation of records, information, and data gathered from various sources listed on this map and is to be used for reference purposes only. SEH does not warrant that the Geographic Information System (GIS) Data used to prepare this map are error free, and SEH does not represent that the GIS Data can be used for navigational, tracking, or any other purpose requiring exacting measurement of distance or direction or precision in the depiction of geographic features. The user of this map acknowledges that SEH shall not be liablefor any damages which arise out of the user's access or use of data provided.
User Name: Kate HolmbergProjection: NAD 1983 HARN Adj MN Dakota FeetSource: City of Lakeville and SEH
Print Date: 1/16/2019
0 0.85 1.7 2.55 3.40.425 Miles
")Lift Station
Interceptor (Gravity main)
City Sanitary
2040 Future Land Use Plan3535 VADNAIS CENTER DR.ST. PAUL, MN 55110PHONE: (651) 490-2000FAX: (888) 908-8166TF: (800) 325-2055www.sehinc.comPath: S:\KO\L\lakev\142011\5-final-dsgn\51-drawings\90-GIS\InfoSWMM Model\Desktop\Backup20171103_First half\LakevilleModel_20171017.mxdFigure4Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer PlanCity of Lakeville
Project: 142011 14.00
This map is neither a legally recorded map nor a survey map and is not intended to be used as one. This map is a compilation of records, information, and data gathered from various sources listed on this map and is to be used for reference purposes only. SEH does not warrant that the Geographic Information System (GIS) Data used to prepare this map are error free, and SEH does not represent that the GIS Data can be used for navigational, tracking, or any other purpose requiring exacting measurement of distance or direction or precision in the depiction of geographic features. The user of this map acknowledges that SEH shall not be liablefor any damages which arise out of the user's access or use of data provided.
User Name: Kate HolmbergProjection: NAD 1983 HARN Adj MN Dakota FeetSource: City of Lakeville and SEH
Print Date: 1/16/2019
0 0.85 1.7 2.55 3.40.425 Miles
Future Land Use
High Desnsity Residential
Low/Medium Density Residential
Low Density Residential
Warehouse/Ligh Ind.
Medium/High Density Residential
Medium Density Residential
Mfg. Housing
Office Park
Office/Res. Transition
Restricted Development
Rural Density Residential
Special Plan Area
210TH ST W
5 70
0 1 20.5 Miles
2040 Land Use Plan
Source: City of LakevilleDate: 12/31/2018
Rural Density Residential (1 per 10 ac.)Low Density Residential (Less than 3 units/acre)Low/Medium Density Residential (3-5 units/acre)Medium Density Residential (4-7 units/acre)Medium/High Density Residential (5-9 units/acre)High Density Residential (9 or more units/acre)Manufactured HousingOffice/Residential TransitionCorridor Mixed UseCommercial
Office ParkWarehouse/Light IndustrialAirportIndustrialPublic and Quasi-PublicParksRestricted DevelopmentWaterCedar Corridor
Dry Weather Flow for Existing Conditions
?####3535 VADNAIS CENTER DR.ST. PAUL, MN 55110PHONE: (651) 490-2000FAX: (888) 908-8166TF: (800) 325-2055www.sehinc.comPath: S:\KO\L\lakev\142011\5-final-dsgn\51-drawings\90-GIS\InfoSWMM Model\Desktop\Backup20171103_First half\LakevilleModel_20171017.mxdFigure5Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer PlanCity of Lakeville
Project: 142011 14.00
This map is neither a legally recorded map nor a survey map and is not intended to be used as one. This map is a compilation of records, information, and data gathered from various sources listed on this map and is to be used for reference purposes only. SEH does not warrant that the Geographic Information System (GIS) Data used to prepare this map are error free, and SEH does not represent that the GIS Data can be used for navigational, tracking, or any other purpose requiring exacting measurement of distance or direction or precision in the depiction of geographic features. The user of this map acknowledges that SEH shall not be liablefor any damages which arise out of the user's access or use of data provided.
User Name: Kate HolmbergProjection: NAD 1983 HARN Adj MN Dakota FeetSource: City of Lakeville and SEH
Print Date: 6/25/2018
0 0.85 1.7 2.55 3.40.425 Miles
Wet Weather Flow for Existing Conditions####?
3535 VADNAIS CENTER DR.ST. PAUL, MN 55110PHONE: (651) 490-2000FAX: (888) 908-8166TF: (800) 325-2055www.sehinc.comPath: S:\KO\L\lakev\142011\5-final-dsgn\51-drawings\90-GIS\InfoSWMM Model\Desktop\Backup20171103_First half\LakevilleModel_20171017.mxdFigure6aComprehensive Sanitary Sewer PlanCity of Lakeville
Project: 142011 14.00
This map is neither a legally recorded map nor a survey map and is not intended to be used as one. This map is a compilation of records, information, and data gathered from various sources listed on this map and is to be used for reference purposes only. SEH does not warrant that the Geographic Information System (GIS) Data used to prepare this map are error free, and SEH does not represent that the GIS Data can be used for navigational, tracking, or any other purpose requiring exacting measurement of distance or direction or precision in the depiction of geographic features. The user of this map acknowledges that SEH shall not be liablefor any damages which arise out of the user's access or use of data provided.
User Name: Kate HolmbergProjection: NAD 1983 HARN Adj MN Dakota FeetSource: City of Lakeville and SEH
Print Date: 2/13/2019
0 0.85 1.7 2.55 3.40.425 Miles
Wet Weather Flow for Existing Conditions####?
3535 VADNAIS CENTER DR.ST. PAUL, MN 55110PHONE: (651) 490-2000FAX: (888) 908-8166TF: (800) 325-2055www.sehinc.comPath: S:\KO\L\lakev\142011\5-final-dsgn\51-drawings\90-GIS\InfoSWMM Model\Desktop\Backup20171103_First half\LakevilleModel_20171017.mxdFigure6bComprehensive Sanitary Sewer PlanCity of Lakeville
Project: 142011 14.00
This map is neither a legally recorded map nor a survey map and is not intended to be used as one. This map is a compilation of records, information, and data gathered from various sources listed on this map and is to be used for reference purposes only. SEH does not warrant that the Geographic Information System (GIS) Data used to prepare this map are error free, and SEH does not represent that the GIS Data can be used for navigational, tracking, or any other purpose requiring exacting measurement of distance or direction or precision in the depiction of geographic features. The user of this map acknowledges that SEH shall not be liablefor any damages which arise out of the user's access or use of data provided.
User Name: Kate HolmbergProjection: NAD 1983 HARN Adj MN Dakota FeetSource: City of Lakeville and SEH
Print Date: 2/13/2019
0 0.85 1.7 2.55 3.40.425 Miles
Dry Weather Flow for Future Conditions
?####3535 VADNAIS CENTER DR.ST. PAUL, MN 55110PHONE: (651) 490-2000FAX: (888) 908-8166TF: (800) 325-2055www.sehinc.comPath: S:\KO\L\lakev\142011\5-final-dsgn\51-drawings\90-GIS\InfoSWMM Model\Desktop\Backup20171103_First half\LakevilleModel_20171017.mxdFigure7Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer PlanCity of Lakeville
Project: 142011 14.00
This map is neither a legally recorded map nor a survey map and is not intended to be used as one. This map is a compilation of records, information, and data gathered from various sources listed on this map and is to be used for reference purposes only. SEH does not warrant that the Geographic Information System (GIS) Data used to prepare this map are error free, and SEH does not represent that the GIS Data can be used for navigational, tracking, or any other purpose requiring exacting measurement of distance or direction or precision in the depiction of geographic features. The user of this map acknowledges that SEH shall not be liablefor any damages which arise out of the user's access or use of data provided.
User Name: Kate HolmbergProjection: NAD 1983 HARN Adj MN Dakota FeetSource: City of Lakeville and SEH
Print Date: 6/25/2018
0 0.85 1.7 2.55 3.40.425 Miles
Wet Weather Flow for Future Conditions####?
3535 VADNAIS CENTER DR.ST. PAUL, MN 55110PHONE: (651) 490-2000FAX: (888) 908-8166TF: (800) 325-2055www.sehinc.comPath: S:\KO\L\lakev\142011\5-final-dsgn\51-drawings\90-GIS\InfoSWMM Model\Desktop\Backup20171103_First half\LakevilleModel_20171017.mxdFigure8Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer PlanCity of Lakeville
Project: 142011 14.00
This map is neither a legally recorded map nor a survey map and is not intended to be used as one. This map is a compilation of records, information, and data gathered from various sources listed on this map and is to be used for reference purposes only. SEH does not warrant that the Geographic Information System (GIS) Data used to prepare this map are error free, and SEH does not represent that the GIS Data can be used for navigational, tracking, or any other purpose requiring exacting measurement of distance or direction or precision in the depiction of geographic features. The user of this map acknowledges that SEH shall not be liablefor any damages which arise out of the user's access or use of data provided.
User Name: Kate HolmbergProjection: NAD 1983 HARN Adj MN Dakota FeetSource: City of Lakeville and SEH
Print Date: 2/13/2019
0 0.85 1.7 2.55 3.40.425 Miles
Dry Weather Flow for Future Conditions with Potential Expansions
?####3535 VADNAIS CENTER DR.ST. PAUL, MN 55110PHONE: (651) 490-2000FAX: (888) 908-8166TF: (800) 325-2055www.sehinc.comPath: S:\KO\L\lakev\142011\5-final-dsgn\51-drawings\90-GIS\InfoSWMM Model\Desktop\Backup20171103_First half\LakevilleModel_20171017.mxdFigure9Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer PlanCity of Lakeville
Project: 142011 14.00
This map is neither a legally recorded map nor a survey map and is not intended to be used as one. This map is a compilation of records, information, and data gathered from various sources listed on this map and is to be used for reference purposes only. SEH does not warrant that the Geographic Information System (GIS) Data used to prepare this map are error free, and SEH does not represent that the GIS Data can be used for navigational, tracking, or any other purpose requiring exacting measurement of distance or direction or precision in the depiction of geographic features. The user of this map acknowledges that SEH shall not be liablefor any damages which arise out of the user's access or use of data provided.
User Name: Kate HolmbergProjection: NAD 1983 HARN Adj MN Dakota FeetSource: City of Lakeville and SEH
Print Date: 6/25/2018
0 0.85 1.7 2.55 3.40.425 Miles
Wet Weather Flow for Future Conditions with Potential Expansions
?####3535 VADNAIS CENTER DR.ST. PAUL, MN 55110PHONE: (651) 490-2000FAX: (888) 908-8166TF: (800) 325-2055www.sehinc.comPath: S:\KO\L\lakev\142011\5-final-dsgn\51-drawings\90-GIS\InfoSWMM Model\Desktop\Backup20171103_First half\LakevilleModel_20171017.mxdFigure10Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer PlanCity of Lakeville
Project: 142011 14.00
This map is neither a legally recorded map nor a survey map and is not intended to be used as one. This map is a compilation of records, information, and data gathered from various sources listed on this map and is to be used for reference purposes only. SEH does not warrant that the Geographic Information System (GIS) Data used to prepare this map are error free, and SEH does not represent that the GIS Data can be used for navigational, tracking, or any other purpose requiring exacting measurement of distance or direction or precision in the depiction of geographic features. The user of this map acknowledges that SEH shall not be liablefor any damages which arise out of the user's access or use of data provided.
User Name: Kate HolmbergProjection: NAD 1983 HARN Adj MN Dakota FeetSource: City of Lakeville and SEH
Print Date: 6/26/2018
0 0.85 1.7 2.55 3.40.425 Miles
Existing and Future Expanded Network
8 1012
8 8 15810
8 88
81088 8
8 81
8 88
88 88 103535 VADNAIS CENTER DR.ST. PAUL, MN 55110PHONE: (651) 490-2000FAX: (888) 908-8166TF: (800) 325-2055www.sehinc.comPath: S:\KO\L\lakev\142011\5-final-dsgn\51-drawings\90-GIS\InfoSWMM Model\Desktop\Backup20171103_First half\LakevilleModel_20171017.mxdFigure11Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer PlanCity of Lakeville
Project: 142011 14.00
This map is neither a legally recorded map nor a survey map and is not intended to be used as one. This map is a compilation of records, information, and data gathered from various sources listed on this map and is to be used for reference purposes only. SEH does not warrant that the Geographic Information System (GIS) Data used to prepare this map are error free, and SEH does not represent that the GIS Data can be used for navigational, tracking, or any other purpose requiring exacting measurement of distance or direction or precision in the depiction of geographic features. The user of this map acknowledges that SEH shall not be liablefor any damages which arise out of the user's access or use of data provided.
User Name: Kate HolmbergProjection: NAD 1983 HARN Adj MN Dakota FeetSource: City of Lakeville and SEH
Print Date: 5/24/2018
0 0.85 1.7 2.55 3.40.425 Miles
Meter Districts####M649
3535 VADNAIS CENTER DR.ST. PAUL, MN 55110PHONE: (651) 490-2000FAX: (888) 908-8166TF: (800) 325-2055www.sehinc.comPath: S:\KO\L\lakev\142011\5-final-dsgn\51-drawings\90-GIS\InfoSWMM Model\Desktop\Backup20171103_First half\LakevilleModel_20171017.mxdFigure12Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer PlanCity of Lakeville
Project: 142011 14.00
This map is neither a legally recorded map nor a survey map and is not intended to be used as one. This map is a compilation of records, information, and data gathered from various sources listed on this map and is to be used for reference purposes only. SEH does not warrant that the Geographic Information System (GIS) Data used to prepare this map are error free, and SEH does not represent that the GIS Data can be used for navigational, tracking, or any other purpose requiring exacting measurement of distance or direction or precision in the depiction of geographic features. The user of this map acknowledges that SEH shall not be liablefor any damages which arise out of the user's access or use of data provided.
User Name: Kate HolmbergProjection: NAD 1983 HARN Adj MN Dakota FeetSource: City of Lakeville and SEH
Print Date: 6/27/2018
0 0.85 1.7 2.55 3.40.425 Miles
Sub-surface Sewage Treatment Systems Locations
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3535 VADNAIS CENTER DR.ST. PAUL, MN 55110PHONE: (651) 490-2000FAX: (888) 908-8166TF: (800) 325-2055www.sehinc.comPath: S:\KO\L\lakev\142011\5-final-dsgn\51-drawings\90-GIS\SEH Model Prep\Analysis\Potential Septic.mxdFigure13Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer PlanCity of Lakeville
Project: 142011 14.00
This map is neither a legally recorded map nor a survey map and is not intended to be used as one. This map is a compilation of records, information, and data gathered from various sources listed on this map and is to be used for reference purposes only. SEH does not warrant that the Geographic Information System (GIS) Data used to prepare this map are error free, and SEH does not represent that the GIS Data can be used for navigational, tracking, or any other purpose requiring exacting measurement of distance or direction or precision in the depiction of geographic features. The user of this map acknowledges that SEH shall not be liablefor any damages which arise out of the user's access or use of data provided.
User Name: Kate HolmbergProjection: NAD 1983 HARN Adj MN Dakota FeetSource: City of Lakeville and SEH
Print Date: 2/13/2019
0 0.85 1.7 2.55 3.40.425 Miles
#*Without Water or Sewer Records
!Connected to System
"Known Septic
Appendix A
City Ordinances and Revisions to Ordinances (4)
AN ORDINANCE RELATED TO AND RBGULATING THE USE OF WATER AND Every person applying for water and serer service, every
SEWER IN THE TOWN OP IACEVILLE AND ESTABLISHING RULES AND BEG-owner of property for which any such application is pde,evety
UTATIONS FOR THE ADMINISTRATION OF 'I10! WATER AND SEWER SYSTEMS person accepting water or sewer service and every owner et
OP SAID 'DOWN,property where aueh service is accepted subsequent is the pst-
The Town Board of the Town of Lakeville, County of Dakota,sage of this ordinance shall be deemed upon making aueh appli-
State of Minnesota, ordains as follows:cation or accepting aueh aerviee to consent to all sule0, rsg-
S ulations, and rates as established bq this Ordinance and as
may hereafter be set forth end adopted by the Beard by resol-
There is hereby eatab.lished The Lakeville Township Utilities ution or ordinance,
Department, The dater and sewer systems as they are now const-
ituted or shall be hereafter enlarged or extenAed shall be op-SECTION 7 - METER READING
crated and maintained under the previsions of the ordinance a) The Hoard may provide a system of water meter reading by
subject to the authority of the Board of Supervisors at any post card, meter man, or any other method deemed suitable to
time to amend, alter, change and repeal the same,the purpose by the Board,The Hoard may also establish billing
areas or districts and provide for the reading of meters and
The Board shall have charge and management of the water anA billing charges by calendar quarters, or monthly quarters st
sewer systems, subject to such delegation of their authority
such periodic intervals as the Board shall determine suitable
and necessary from time to time,
to other township employees ss the Hoard shall provide,b) The Board reserves the right to discontinue aerviee to
any customer of the water o; sewer sgatems without notice when
SECTION 3 - UTILITIES SUPERVISO(t necessary for repairs, additional eonneetions er reconnectie»
The Board shall,from time to time appoint a person to serve or for non - payment of chirgea or bills of disregard of any
as Utilities Supervisor to enforce all regulations pertaining rules or regulations in connection with .the use or operation
to seder and aster service in the Township in accordance with of said systems,Whenever any aerviee has been discontinued for
this ordinance,non-payment of charges or bills or for disregard of any rules
or regulations orfor any other purpose it shall not be resuwed
SECTION 4 -APPLICATION, PERMITS AND FEES except upon payment of the charges or bills accrued together
No person, firm or corporation shall make any tgpe of coon-with interest thereon in the amount oP 6X per annum, ez camp..
eetion to, repair of, os alteration in the water system, ran-liance xith the rules and regulations previously violated and
itarq system, or storm sewer system except after making an payment to the Town of a reatosation fee of the sum of 310,00.
application en a form provided bq the Township and receiving a c) In the event a water or sewer bill, xhether incurred
permit issued by the Township. The application shall include prior or subsequent to the passage of thin osdinanae,is unpaid
the legal description of the property to be served, the uses at the end of the calendar gwzter or the billing period after
for shish the connection is requested, and the size of the which the billing is sent out, the bill shall be esnsideted
service line to be used,delinquent and the aerviee maq be discontinued as prevideA in
The Utilities Supervisor shall examine all appl3catiana be-b) above and the Tartu Board maq cause the charges noted in
fore a permit is issued; and after .the construction, enlarge-such billing to become a lien against the property served by
ment,alteration, or repair is complete the Utilities Super-certifying to the County Auditor the amount of acid delinquent
visor shall be notified, It shall be unlawful to cover any bill in accordance with the statutes of the State of Minnesota,
connecting line until an inapeetion has been made and aueh
connection snA the work incident thereto has been approved bq SECTION 8 - BILLING REGULATION
the Utilities Supervisor as a proper and suitable connection,The Town Hoard shall have the authority to preaeeibe by ses~
No permit shall be issued and no connection shall be maAe olution the rates to be charged for w ter and sewer service is
ieith respect to any sanitary sewer, roster system, or storm the customer from time to time and maq prescribe the date of
sewer system serving the property of any person or occupants billing, a discount for payment within a prescribed and
of the land•,parcel or premises affected that have not paid or or penalty for failure to pay within aueh period and aueh fut-
provided for the payment of their full and proportionate share they rules and regulations relative to the use and operation
of the cost of said utilities, or the current installment of of such system ss it may diem neceaesrq from time to tint.
any special assessment thereon.
All connection chats and charges,permit fees and user charges,SECTION 9 PAULTY METERS
together with the method of payment therefore, shall be eatab-If a meter fails to register or accurately measure the water
lished by the Board from time to time, within the discretion the charge for water consumed shall be paid for at the estsbl-
of said Board,but based on reasonable accounting principles,ished rate based upon past average tiillinga as deterwined by
Before any water conveyed through the municipal water system the Otilities Supervisor,
shall he used or utilized on the premises of any person, firm
or corporation, there shall be installed a water meter that SECTION 10 - LEAK IN SERVICE LINE
will accurately measure the aster consumed. en said premises,A»Y ormer, occupant or user of ¦ premiaea who shall dissever
All meters for residential housing and such other connect-a leak in a service line to the premiaea shall notifq the Sup-
ions as may permit the use of the same kind of aster meter ervisor within twenty four hours,Any water xasted due to fail-
Rhall be a type approved hq the Township as set forth above nze of aueh person to comply with this regulation shall be es-
at such time as the eater connection charge is paid, In tha Limated by the Utilities Supervisor and be charged for against
event special meters are required for commercial or industrial him at the established rate,
cnnneetions,then the applicant shall furnish a meter of a tape,
approved by the Township for such eonnection,snd an allowance SECTION 11 -CONNECTION REQUIREMENTS
shall be made toavards the cost of such meter in an amouAt There shall be installed in every connection to the Town
equal to the cost of residential meters;provided however that water system one stop end waste valve which shall be installed
after installation of as id meters ownership thereof shall rest t a point between the curb stop and the meter ao that the
in the Township,water maq be turned off and the meter and house plumbing a»t-
No connection of water or sewer services shall be made to irely drained,There shall be installed another atop and waste
any house or other building unless the plumbing therein has cock std check valve in the pipe on the hpuse side of the meter,
peen installed pursuant to the Lakeville Township Plumbing There shall be installed a meter yoke of the type depraved bq
i'ade,provided that this shall apply only to construction which the Township for convenient i»stsltatio~ or removal of ttrc
hasnot been completed prior to this ordinance,meter,A31 service pipes connected to the Town system shall be
TYPE K copper, a minimum 3/4 inch inside diameter er its app.
F.CTION S - PRIVATE WATER SYSTEM AND PRIVATE SEWER SYSTEM royal equal and shall be said a! a. depth not less than six fee;
1~ILAWFUL IN LAKEVILLE TOWNSHIP below the established grade, or as low as the street mains,
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to Hverq connection to the Sanitarq Sewer System shall be maAe
in~rall a private community water system or commttnitq sewer in seeerdance with the State Plumbing Code.
rem in the Township except in cases where the public water
nr !ewef systems are not acceaibie to the premises where such S$CI'IINI 12 - WATER METER REGULATIONS
private systems are requested,To determine whether or not such a) All ¦pplicationa for installation,awintenanee and repair
public water and/or sewer systems are available for connection of water meters shall be made to the Utilities Supe:•iaor,whe
ich person or corporation desiring to install a private eomm-skull proceed to comply with such application within a reassn-
uni:~• water or seder sgstem must First make application for able time thereafter,
nnection to r pub~ie system, Upon derermination of the Tam b) No person, firm, or corporation other than the Tswn of
Board that it is not feasible to connect the appiicant'a prow-Ukeviile or its designee, shall awintain os repair any water
ices to the public water or sewer system then the applicant meter used within the Town limits,Every water meter earneetad
shall be granted a permit to install a private community water to the water system shall be sealed by or under the dirtetisn
and/or sewer sgstew,adT-tba Utilities Supetviaor,and no other person, firm es ear..
All prspertiea using either a water or sewer sgstem U the potation shall break or sewove such aea1L psoyiSed, hewevet,
Township shall connect to the water and sewer sysLe~ of the that a plumber lietneed to do business i» the State of Mi»n-
Tswnship within two years after the time that said syatewa,wer esota way break such seal to remove such meter fes necessary
either of thew are available to the property,eepaiaa, In s11 cases where s seal is broken or • caster ie
removed by a licensed plumber, such plumber shall notify the m mths after transfer of title oz possession and upon templi-
Utilities Supervisor of the fact within twenty-four(24) hours epee with the requirements set forth above for refund of such
after the seal is broken or the meter is removed,whenever any deposits,
seal attached to a water mater 5y or under the direction of
t~- raili*ies Supervisor is found broken the broken condition SECTION 18 - SIORM WATER NCT 1`ERaITTED IN SANITARY SEWER SYSTPM
of such seal shall be prima facie evidence that such •ea1 xas It slu21 be unlawful too any owner, occupant or user of anq
broken contrary to the terms and provisions of and in violet-Premises to direct into or allow anq storm xatez,aurfaee water,
ion of this ordinance,water from air conditioning sgstems,oil or other material here-
e) All water meters connected to the water system stu 11 be after by the Town excluded to drain into the sanitary sewer
accessible to the Utilities Supervisor or designee •t any rea-system.
sonable hour of any business dsy,and the refusal of admiasiam
by any owner or occupant of any premises wherein a water peter SECTION 19 - HXGVATION AND REPAIR WORK
is installed after such owner or occupant has been notified a) All installation wort or repairs of connections to the
that admission is desired for the purpose of inapaeting •waterand sewer systems, including grades, bends and ba~k-
water meter installed in said premises shall constitute a fi211ng shall be performed under the direction A supervision
violation of this ordinance,,of the Utilities Supervisor,No work shall be covered or back-
d) Said meters shall be repaired from time to time as is filled until directed by acid supervisor, All work and exeav-
necessary to insure accurate measuring of the flow of water,ations shall be protected bq barricades and warning aarkere,
except that whenever a meter has been damaged due to negiig-and lights reasonable and suitable to the purpose, The Town
cote on the part of persons other than the employees of the shall be held harmless of any claim oz loss that might arise
Township the owner occupant or user of the premises or such for damage, loss or injury caused by or arising by reason of
other persons desiring the use of the water shall reimburse such wo_k being performed; and the appiieant causing such
the Township for the expense of repairing any such meter,work to be done shall give undertaking to the Town with
Upon failure to reimburse the Town within a reasonable time respect hereto..
and upon demand therefor, the water services and supply to Cb) No digging in a permanent type street shall be permitteA
said premises may be shut off or diaeontinued as determined except by special permission from the Town, and upon posting
to be in the best interest of the Town.of such security as may be required for the replacement of acid
It shall be unlawful for any person to tamper xith, alter,SECTION 20 - TESTING OP METERS
by-pass,or in anq manner whatsoever interfere with the proper
Whenever a water user questions the accuracy of the meter,
use and functioning of anq water meter within the Toren,and desires that his meter be tested, he shall pay a fee of
3.00 if the meter teats accurate within the range of minus 3°ti
SECTION 14 - LIABILITY FOR REPAIRS to plus i'io.If it is not accurate within this rsnge,no charge
After the initial connection has been made to the curb atop will be made for testing and en adjustment on the water bill
or the sewer lead the applicant, owner, occupant or user of will be made for the period of time that the meter is assumed
the premises shall be liable for all repairs required to any
to be inaccurate,not to exceed two (2) billing periods,
water line or any sanitarq or storm sewer lines necessary for
connection of the premises to the street main, including any
repairs necessary to the curb stop box and any necessary
It shill be unlawful for any unauthorized person to open,
street repairs, It shall be the responsibility of the applic-tamper with or otherwise use any fire hydrant valve or other
ant, owner, occupant or user to maintain the atop box at such appurtenances to the water system, sanitary sewer or storm
height as will insure that it remains above the finished grade sewer system,
SECTION 15 - INSTALIATION OF CONNECTIONS The Board may impose emergencq regulations pertaining to the
Ail connections to the xater agatem, sanitarq sexer agstem eonaervation of water by resolution of the Board and by giving
or storm sewer system shallbe performed by a plumber licensed notice by pubs?cation or by posting in the Town Hall and at
to do plumbing bq the State of Minnesota;exeept that nothing such public places as the Hoard may direct,
in this ordinance shall be construed to prohibit an individual
owner from obtaining a permit and installing such connection SECTION 23 - RIGHT TO ENTER LAND
by his own labor, provided however, that said conatruetion is The Town of Lakeville by any authorized employee or agent
Conducted under the regulations of this ordinance and require-shall have the right to enter and be admitted to any lands anA
ments of the Town Engineer and Utilities Supervisor,Property in the Town for the purpose of inspection of materials
plumbing work and fixtures of all kinds used by or in eonneet-
SECTION 16 - TOWN NOT LIABLE ion with the water and sewer systems,
The Town shall not be held liable at anq time for any def-
iciency or failure in the supply of xater to any customer SECTION 24 - PRIVATE WATER NOT PERMITTED IN TOWNSHIP SYSTEMS
xhether the same be occasioned by shutting off tfie xster for Whenever any premises ate connected to the Toxnship xster
repairs or connections or for any cause whatever,system,there shall be maintained a complete physical aeperation
between the Township water supply system and any private rater
SECTION 17 -METER DEPOSITS supply system so that it is impossible to intentionally or un-
When connection is requested and a meter is delivered to the intentionally allox anq water produced by a private system to
applicant, the appiieant shall be required to paq a 550,00 be introduced in the supply line. of the Tovmship system,
deposit~Where water service to an existing meter is requested,
the applicant shall be required to make a 15,00 deposit,SECTION 25 - SEPARABILITY OF SECTIONS
15,00 of the xater meter deposit required by this ordinance If any portion of this ordinance shall be held invalid, the
shall be returned to the person making such deposit or his invalidity of such portion she 11 not effect the validity of the
other provisions of this ordinance which shall continue in full
assignee only after compliance with the following conditions;force and effect,
1) Written request directed to the Utilities Supervisor
that the service be disconnected,SECTION 26 - PENALTY PROVISIONS
2) Inspection of the meter by the Utilities Supervisor Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this
after the service has been disconnected to determine ordinance shalt be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conoict-
that such meter is undamaged and is proper xorking ion thereof shall be punished by a fine not to exceed ninety
3) Payment of all delinquent or unpaid xater or power
90) days.
charges accumulated to the date of the termination
of such service,Thia Ordinance shall be in foil force and effect from and
Whenever any consumer shall become delinquent in payment of after its seas a and
any sewer or water charges, the Township may Aeduct from said
p B publication according to law.
deposit the amount of the unpaid bill and may discontinue se-passed by Town Hoard this 17th day of Januarq, 1966.
rules to the consumer until the depleted deposit shall be in-
creased to the amount required under this ordinance, in the Y LAU
event that any service connected prior to the passage of this
ordinance for which no deposit was required is disconnected ATTHST
Chairman, Town Hoard
for nonpayment of sewer or water charges, such service shall RUSSELL STREEFIAND
not be reconnected until all delinquent charges have been paid Town Clerk
and the deposit required by this ordinance shall have been
when the consumer making the deposit required under this
ordinance shall transfer title to the property iF the owner
thereof, or possession, of the lessee thereof, the new owner
or lessee shall become entitled to a refunA of the Aeposit if
the former consumer Fails to apply for such refunA within six
Section 1 Title 9 of the Lakeville City
Code is amended by adding Chapter 4 to
Sec. 9- 4-1: Mandatory Connection to
Public Drain Tiles.
When a publicly owned drain tile sys-
tem is installed in a street, any property
abutting that street with a privately
owned foundation drain tile system shall
connect that system to the public system
within one year after the public system is
installed under the following cicum-
A. Water from the private drain tile is
being discharged into a City boulevard or
B. Water from the private drain tile
system is discharged onto property not
owned by the owner of the private drain
tile system.
Sec. 9.4-2: Mandatory Connection in
New Development&
If a public drain tile system has been
installed in a street before a certificate of
occupancy has been issued for a building
on a lot abutting that street, a certificate
of occupany may not be issued until a
foundation drain tile system has been
constructed and connected to the public
drain tile system.
Sec. 9.4-3: Discharge of Storm Water into
Sanitary Sewer.
Storm water may not be discharged
into the sanitary sewer system.
Section2. This ordinance shall be ef-
fective immediately upon its passage and
ADOPTED by the Lakeville City
Council this 17th day of August, 1992.
BY: (s) Duane Zaun, Mayor
s) Charlene Friedges,
City Clerk
Published in Lakeville Life & Times
on Aug. 24, 1992)
1) Lowest classified rate paid by commercial
users for comparable space: 6.16 per
column inch.
2) Maximum rate allowed by law for the
above matter: 5.14 per column inch.
3) Rate actually charged for the above
matter: 5.14 per column inch.
Richard M. Sherman , being duly sworn,
on oath says that he/she is the publisher
or authorized agent and employee of the
publisher of the newspaper known as
Lakeville Life & Times, and has full know-
ledge of the facts which are stated below:
A) The newspaper has complied with
all of the requirements constituting quali-
fications as a qualified newspaper, as pro-
vided by Minnesota Statute 331A.02,
331A.07, and other applicable laws, as
B) The printed
City of Lakeville Ord. 468
which is attached was cut from the col-
umns of said newspaper, and was printed
and published once on Monday, the
24th day of August , 1992; and
printed below is a copy of the lower case
alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, which
is hereby acknowledged as being the size
and kind of type used in the composition
and publication of the notice:
BY: ...17/
TITLE: Publisher
Subscribed and sworn to before me on
this 24th day of August , 1992.
Notary Public
commission expires 1-1-97
This ordinance adopts by reference the Dakota County Subsurface Sewage Treatment
System Ordinance No. 113, as amended, with additional amendment by the City. Ordinance No.
113 adopts by reference the MPCA Sewage System Rules and other standards and requirements that
are more restrictive. The Ordinance contains standards and regulations for the siting, design,
construction, installation, operation, maintenance, repair, reconstruction, inspection and
permanent abandonment of septic systems.
A printed copy of the Ordinance is available for inspection by any person during regular
office hours at the office of the City Clerk.
APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION this IS1 day of November, 2010, by the City Council
of the City of Lakeville, Minnesota.
Charlene Friedges, City
SECTION 1 . Section 7 -5 -16 of the Lakeville City Code is amended to read:
A. Subject to the amendments set forth in this section, Dakota County Subsurface Sewage
Treatment System Ordinance No. 113, as amended, is hereby adopted by reference. A copy
of the Ordinance shall be kept on file in the City offices.
B. The following references in Ordinance No. 113 are replaced:
1. replace "County" with "City of Lakeville"
2. replace "County Board" with "City Council"
3. replace "Dakota County Attorney" with "City Attorney"
C. Section 2.06 of Ordinance No. 113 is amended to provide:
DEPARTMENT" means the Building Inspection Department of the City of
Lakeville, its staff and designated agents."
D. Ordinance No. 113 is amended by adding section 2.26 to provide:
CITY" means the City of Lakeville."
E. Section 2.18 of Ordinance No. 113 is amended to provide:
SHORELAND /FLOODPLAIN AREA" means those areas defined by City
F. Section 13.00 of Ordinance No. 113 is amended to provide:
Hearings requested under this ordinance shall be held before a hearing examiner as
provided below, and shall be open to the public.
15310502 1
RNK:r 10 /01 /2010
A. TIMEFRAME FOR HEARING. Unless an extension of time is requested by
the appellant in writing directed to the City Administrator and is granted, the hearing
will be held no later than 45 calendar days after the date of service of request for a
hearing, exclusive of the date of such service. In any event, such hearing shall be held
no later than 90 calendar days after the date of service of request for a hearing,
exclusive of the date of such service.
B. NOTICE OF HEARING. The City Administrator shall mail notice of the
hearing to the appellant at least 15 working days prior to the hearing. Such notice
shall include:
1. A statement of time, place and nature of the hearing.
2. A statement of the legal authority and jurisdiction under which the
hearing is to be held.
3. A reference to the particular section of the ordinance and rules involved.
C. HEARING EXAMINER. The City Administrator or Administrator's designee
shall be the hearing examiner, to conduct the hearing and to make findings of fact,
conclusions and recommendations to the City Council. The hearing examiner shall
submit the findings of fact, conclusions and recommendations to the City Council in a
written report and the City Council may adopt, modify or reject the report.
D. CONDUCT OF THE HEARING. The appellant and the department may be
represented by counsel. The department, the appellant, and additional parties, as
determined by the hearing examiner, in that order, shall present evidence. All parties
shall have full opportunity to respond to and present evidence, cross- examine
witnesses, and present argument. The hearing examiner may also examine witnesses.
E. BURDEN OF PROOF. The department shall have the burden of proving its
position by a preponderance of the evidence, unless a different burden is provided by
substantive law, and all findings of fact, conclusions, and decision shall be based on
evidence presented and matters officially notices.
F. ADMISSION OF EVIDENCE. All evidence that possesses probative value,
including hearsay, may be admitted if it is the type of evidence on which prudent
persons are accustomed to rely in the conduct of their serious affairs. Evidence that is
incompetent, irrelevant, immaterial or unduly repetitious may be excluded. The
hearing shall be confined to matters raised in the department's written notice of
suspension, summary suspension, revocation, or denial of a permit, or in the written
request for a hearing.
G. PRE - HEARING CONFERENCE. At the written request of any party, a pre -
hearing conference shall be held. The pre - hearing conference shall be conducted by
15310502 2
RNK:r10 /01/2010
the hearing examiner. The pre - hearing conference shall be held no later than five
working days before the hearing. The purpose of the pre - hearing conference is to:
1. Clarify the issues to be determined at the hearing.
2. Provide an opportunity for discovery of all relevant documentary,
photographic or other demonstrative evidence in the possession of each
party. The hearing examiner may require each party to supply a
reasonable number of copies of relevant evidence capable of
3. Provide an opportunity for discovery of the full name and address of all
witnesses who will be called at the hearing and a brief description of the
facts and opinions to which each is expected to testify. If the names and
addresses are not known, the party shall describe them thoroughly by job
duties and involvement with the facts at issue.
4. If a pre - hearing conference is held, evidence not divulged as provided
above shall be excluded at the hearing unless the party advancing the
evidence took all reasonable steps to divulge it to the adverse party prior
to the hearing and:
a. The evidence was not known to the party at the time of the pre -
hearing conference; or
b. The evidence is in rebuttal to matters raised for the first time at or
subsequent to the pre - hearing conference.
H. FAILURE TO APPEAR. If the appellant fails to appear at the hearing,
appellant shall forfeit any right to a hearing before the City Council or hearing
examiner. Appellant's failure to appear shall also be deemed as a waiver of
appellant's right to appeal the department's decision and the department's decision
shall stand.
I. APPEAL OF CITY COUNCIL DECISION. Any appellant aggrieved by the
decision of the City Council may appeal that decision to any court with appropriate
SECTION 2 . This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and publication.
15310502 3
RNK:rlO /01 /2010
ADOPTED this 1st day of November, 2010, by the City Council of the City of Lakeville,
Charlene Friedges, City
153105x02 4
RNK:r10 /01 /2010
This ordinance adopts by reference
the Dakota County Subsurface Sewage
Treatment System Ordinance No. 113,
as amended, with additional amend-
ment by the City. Ordinance No. 113
adopts by reference the MPCA Sewage
System Rules and other standards and
requirements that are more restrictive.
The Ordinance contains standards and
regulations for the siting, design, con-
struction, installation, operation,
maintenance, repair, reconstruction,
inspection and permanent abandon-
ment of septic systems.
A printed copy of the Ordinance is
available for inspection by any person
during regular office hours at the office
of the City Clerk.
this 1st day of November, 2010, by the
City Council of the City of Lakeville,
Holly Dahl, Mayor
Charlene El -ledges, City Clerk
2406248 11/4/10
Jessica Harper, being
newspaper(s) known as
which are stated below:
A) The newspaper(s
qualifications as a legal
and other applicable laws, as
B) The printed leg
newspaper(s) and was print
on Thursday, the 4th day
every Thursday to and in
below is a copy of the
acknowledged as being the
the notice
my sworn on oath says that she is the business editor of the
Dakota County Tribune, and has full knowledge of the facts
has/have complied with all of the requirements constituting
wspaper(s), as provided by Minnesota Statue 331A.02, 331A.07
notice, which is attached was cut from the columns of said
d and published once a week for one week; it was first published
of November, 2010, and was therefore printed and published on
luding Thursday, the 4th day of November, 2010, and printed
er case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, which is hereby
size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of
a bcdcfghijklmnopgrsm,wavz
Subscribed and sworn to befo
this 4th day of November, 201
Notary Public
me on
Business Editor
Votary Public -Minnesota
My Commission Expires Jan 31, 2014
Appendix B
NPDES Permit
wq-strm4-59p · 1/16/14 · Doc Type: Permit Approval
April 3, 2014
Chris Petree
City of Lakeville
20195 Holyoke Avenue
Lakeville, MN 55044
RE: Issuance of Coverage under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System/State
Disposal System (NPDES/SDS) General Permit MNR040000 for Municipal Separate Storm
Sewer Systems for City of Lakeville MS4
Dear Mr. Petree:
In accordance with Minn. R. 7001.0140, the Commissioner of the Minnesota Pollution Control
Agency (MPCA) has made a final determination to issue coverage under the National Pollutant
Discharge Elimination System/State Disposal System (NPDES/SDS) General Permit MNR040000
for Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4 General Permit) to the City of Lakeville MS4,
effective April 3, 2014. Please find enclosed a copy of the above referenced MS4 General
The MPCA’s final decision to issue permit coverage is based on the following:
MPCA staff has reviewed your MS4 General Permit application and Stormwater
Pollution Prevention Program (SWPPP) Document.
Public notice and opportunity for comment on your MS4 General Permit application and
SWPPP Document has been provided, and no comments were received.
As you know, it is the responsibility of the MS4 owner and/or operator to comply with the
requirements of the MS4 General Permit and your SWPPP Document . This issuance of coverage
does not preclude the MPCA from following up with an inspection or audit to verify compliance
with the MS4 General Permit and SWPPP Document. Also, be aware that as a condition of
recordkeeping, Part IV.C.3. of the MS4 General Permit requires that the permittee retain their
SWPPP Document and all records pertinent to it for at least three (3) years beyond the term of
the MS4 General Permit.
In addition, for an MS4 that was covered under the previous MS4 General Permit (issuance date
June 1, 2006), coverage under that permit is terminated on the coverage date as specified
above. An MS4 covered under the new MS4 General Permit is required to report on activities
that were required or committed to under the previous permit.
wq-strm4-59p · 1/16/14 · Doc Type: Permit Approval
City of Lakeville
Page 2
April 3, 2014
Finally, the MPCA thanks you for your cooperation in the permitting process . Please retain this
letter as documentation of your MS4 General Permit coverage under the NPDES/SDS Permit
Please contact MS4 team member Dan Miller at 651-757-2246 with any questions.
Duane Duncanson
This document has been electronically signed.
Duane Duncanson
Supervisor, Municipal Compliance Unit I
St. Paul Office
Municipal Division
cc: Jeff Peters, WSB & Associates, Inc.
City of Lakeville MS4 File
Appendix C
Intercommunity Agreement with The City of Burnsville
Appendix D
2040 MUSA Staging Plan
210TH ST W
Expansion Area "A"
Expansion Area "B"
Agriculture Preserves
Urban Reserve
Rural Service Area
0 1 20.5 Miles
2040 MUSA Staging Plan
Source: City of LakevilleDate: 12/31/2018
Appendix E
Private Septic Systems Table
HOUSE #STREET 379 SYSTEMS PID Feb 12, 2019 INSTALL REPAIR COMMENTS COMPLIANCE LAST PUMPED ISSUES_WITH 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 InShoreland
11955 162ND ST W 221360016000 Nov-00 REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING 10/24/14 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1500 1500 Yes11970162ND ST W 221360021000 Dec-74 NEW HOME 1974 08/31/18 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1000 1000 100011980162ND ST W 221360037200 NO RECORDS 10/13/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1000 1000
12021 162ND ST W 221360023000 NO RECORDS 04/03/17 CESSPOOL OR LEACHING TANK 1000 2000 200012145162ND ST W 221360014100 Sep-85 NEW HOME 1985 09/13/17 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1200 120012215162ND ST W 221360012000 Jul-80 2010 JULY IN COMPLIANCE 2014, July 17 11/03/15 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1800 170012265162ND ST W 221360013000 Feb-89 NEW HOME 1989 04/20/17 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1500 200012295162ND ST W 221360006000 Nov-79 Jun-96 REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING 07/25/17 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1500 1500 150012305162ND ST W 221360007000 Oct-87 NEW HOME 1987 10/25/18 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 200012330162ND ST W 229013004000 Nov-79 IN COMPLIANCE 2003-SEPTEMBER-12 08/20/18 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1500 150012335162ND ST W 221360011000 Apr-85 NEW HOME 1985 10/13/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1200 1000
12390 162ND ST W 229013003000 Dec-79 NEW HOME 1979 08/03/16 CESSPOOL OR LEACHING TANK 1000 1000 2000
12240 163RD ST W 221360035000 30987 NEW HOME 1984 6 YR PUMP SNOWBIRDS 09/18/15 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 2000 125012275163RD ST W 221360025100 Nov-83 2010 replaced 2010 10/04/18 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 2500 220012330163RD ST W 221360034000 Nov-75 2015 REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING 08/13/15 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1000
12341 163RD ST W 221360027000 Oct-75 NEW HOME 1975 6 YR PUMP SNOWBIRDS 06/14/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 100012405163RD ST W 221360030000 Oct-80 NEW HOME 1980 6 year living by self 07/20/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN gave extention 1000 Yes11195172ND ST W 220121001032 NO RECORDS 03/29/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1250 3000 Yes11516172ND ST W 220111001003 NO RECORDS 06/14/17 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1000 1000 Yes11518172ND ST W 220111001304 Nov-78 Nov-92 IN COMPLIANCE 2008- MAY 8 06/28/18 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1250 1250 100011522172ND ST W 220111001005 NO RECORDS 06/20/17 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1000 1000
11538 172ND ST W 220111001006 NO RECORDS PUMPED 2X IN 6 MONTHS 07/13/17 CESSPOOL OR LEACHING TANK 1000 300 Yes8739172ND ST W 220080001007 May-97 REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING 07/29/15 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1250 125010050185TH ST W 220180001150 2014 September New home and new system 09/09/14 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN10132185TH ST W 220180001151 Sep-96 REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING 06/15/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1250 1500
10252 185TH ST W 220180001452 Aug-95 ACCESS TO SEWER, NOT REQUIREDSEE FILE 06/21/18 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1500 1500 1600 Yes12110185TH ST W 220140001577 Jul-85 FIXED REQUIREMENTS OF LETTER 1996 10/15/18 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1250 1200 Yes12240185TH ST W 220140001477 Nov-93 2014 January IN COMPLIANCE 08/01/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 150012340185TH ST W 220140001850 Sep-86 Nov-98 REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING 05/24/15 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1250 12509655185TH ST W 220180001007 Nov-01 NEW HOME 2001 08/23/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 30009710185TH ST W 220180001079 Oct-95 NEW HOME 1995 05/14/18 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1700 1400 20009715185TH ST W 220180002006 Nov-84 REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING 08/01/17 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1000 11009798185TH ST W 220180001080 Aug-93 IN COMPLIANCE 8/3/1998 05/08/17 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1500 1500 10009808185TH ST W 220180002080 Aug-77 IN COMPLIANCE 5/14/1998 05/08/17 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1000 12009920185TH ST W 220180001181 May-88 IN COMPLIANCE 6/6/1998 05/20/15 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1250 15009940185TH ST W 220180001281 Jan-79 IN COMPLIANCE 5/14/2001 07/20/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1250 1250 Yes7029190TH ST W 220150001050 NO RECORDS 07/23/18 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 2000 1000 1000 Yes7190190TH ST W 220220001026 2013-June 8 in cOMPLIANCE 05/31/18 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1800 1400 1500 Yes8016190TH ST W 220210001226 Oct-80 9/26/1999 REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING 11/06/15 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1500 15008159190TH ST W 220160001262 NO RECORDS 08/09/18 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1000 1000 Yes8200190TH ST W 220210001126 7/28/2000 in COMPLIANCE 2018 14th may 05/02/18 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1400 2000 20008229190TH ST W 220160001060 Oct-94 IN COMPLIANCE 2009, May 26 10/04/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 2000 2000 Yes8280190TH ST W 220210001328 Jul-94 NEW HOME 1994 11/12/15 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1500 1500 Yes8315190TH ST W 220160001058 Oct-94 HOUSE 07/15/15 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1250 2500 1000 Yes8315190TH ST W 220160001059 May-94 HORSE BARN 07/15/15 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1250 1000 Yes8356190TH ST W 220210001528 Dec-92 NEW HOME 1992 06/22/17 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1250 1250 Yes8400190TH ST W 220210001029 NO RECORDS 05/26/15 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1000 1000 Yes8445190TH ST W 220160001058 Oct-73 NEW HOME 1973 09/27/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1000 Yes8450190TH ST W 220210001428 Aug-96 REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING 11/04/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1200 12009065190TH ST W 220170001058 Apr-98 REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING 12/31/15 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1500 150011551195TH ST W 220230001103 Aug-87 IN COMPLIANCE 2018 september 25 09/25/18 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1250 1200 125011560195TH ST W 220230001175 Nov-90 IN COMPLIANCE 2005 JULY 22 07/12/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1500 150011675195TH ST W 220230001203 May-88 Sep-97 IN COMPLIANCE September 23-2009 06/30/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 2500 210012114197TH ST W 220230001077 Jun-73 NEW HOME 2009 07/20/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 2750 285012117197TH ST W 220230001450 2006 JULY NEW HOME 2006 04/06/17 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1500 160012220197TH ST W 220230001157 Aug-85 IN COMPLIANCE 2012 October 11 11/16/18 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1250 1250 125012280197TH ST W 220230001054 Nov-91 NEW HOME 1991 07/28/17 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1500 135012295197TH ST W 220230001550 Dec-94 NEW HOME 1994 IN COMPLIANCE 11/04/02 07/23/18 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1500 125012340197TH ST W 220230001053 Apr-98 REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING 04/04/18 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1500 1500 27008481198TH ST W 220210001351 NO RECORDS 10/26/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1000 1000 25007059200TH ST W 220220001055 Sep-97 NEW HOME 1997 09/07/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1500 20007483200TH ST W 220220002054 Jun-87 NEW HOME 1987 09/20/17 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1250 12507570200TH ST W 220280003001 Sep-95 NEW HOME 1995 07/19/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 2000 12507690200TH ST W 220280002601 May-89 NEW HOME 1989 06/20/18 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1250 1500
7725 200TH ST W 220210001077 Oct-99 REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING in comply 11/2008 10/30/08 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN vacant and for sale7820200TH ST W 220280002201 Nov-91 NEW HOME 1991 IN COMPLY 12-7-17 11/07/17 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1250 1250 20007947200TH ST W 220210001576 Jun-96 REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING 06/21/18 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1250 15007953200TH ST W 220210001476 Jun-96 REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING 11/15/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1250 12507975200TH ST W 220210001276 Jul-90 NEW HOME 1990 06/24/15 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1250 15007725202ND ST W 220280003201 Aug-93 NEW HOME 1993 IN COMPLY 1/98 12/18/15 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1500 1800 15007770202ND ST W 220280002401 Oct-89 NEW HOME 1989 04/04/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1250 10007825202ND ST W 220280002801 Apr-90 2002/Aug REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING 01/23/15 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 2750 30007880202ND ST W 220280001801 Oct-91 NEW HOME 1991 06/08/15 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1500 1250 Yes8780202ND ST W 220290001008 NO RECORDS 02/12/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1500 150011513205TH ST W 220260001004 Jul-91 REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING 10/12/17 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1000 125011768205TH ST W 220260001579 Jun-83 NEW HOME 1983 07/11/18 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1000 1000
11770 205TH ST W 220260001379 Sep-73 NO RECORDS vacant home 06/20/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 0 700
11772 205TH ST W 220260001178 1973 2009 REPLACED 2009 04/25/15 send letters to 11774 205th st w 3750 300011774205TH ST W 220260001279 Jul-77 NEW HOME 1977 06/20/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1000 100011840205TH ST W 220260001176 Aug-95 NEW HOME 1995 06/16/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1500 150011881205TH ST W 220260001006 NO RECORDS 06/04/15 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1000 100011896205TH ST W 220260002076 1973 Nov-80 REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING 04/12/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1000 100011993205TH ST W 220260001007 2008-sept HOLDING TANKS COMMERCIAL 08/11/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 100012015205TH ST W 220260001625 Jan-86 NEW HOME 1986 07/11/10 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN12030205TH ST W 220260001150 Oct-97 REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING 08/30/13 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 180012031205TH ST W 220260001425 1979 2013 Sept 26 REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING 09/26/13 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN unknown12033205TH ST W 220260001825 Jun-73 2011 Oct REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING 11/05/15 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 500 150012295205TH ST W 220260001626 Nov-76 NEW HOME 1976 10/05/18 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1000 2000 200012393205TH ST W 220260006028 Sep-72 NEW HOME 1972 06/30/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 2000 100010240210TH ST W 220310001026 Oct-86 REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING 06/23/15 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1250 125010762210TH ST W 220360001002 Jun-97 REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING 08/24/18 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1500 1500 150011813210TH ST W 220260001081 NO FILE 01/20/17 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1250 1000 100011850210TH ST W 220350001104 Oct-77 2002-NOV 19 REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING 10/20/09 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN11897210TH ST W 220260001080 NO RECORDS 06/26/17 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1000 100011900210TH ST W 220350001405 May-90 1999-AUG 20 NEW HOME 1990 WROTE LTR 04/21/17 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1500 120011980210TH ST W 220350001305 Jul-79 2018 REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING 08/03/18 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1000 2000 ?12070 210TH ST W 220350001425 Sep-84 2011-sept REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING 11/02/18 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 3000 1500 2000 100012110210TH ST W 220350001825 Oct-86 2016, may 2 replaced 05/02/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 100012150210TH ST W 220350001625 Aug-79 NEW HOME 1979 10/01/18 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1200 125012230210TH ST W 220350001225 Nov-76 NEW HOME 1976 06/30/17 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1000 100012265210TH ST W 220260002052 May-77 4/5/2002 REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING 07/27/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1000 100012310210TH ST W 220350001026 9/20/1999 REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING IN COMPLIANCE 4-17-07 08/03/18 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 3000 330012320210TH ST W 220350004126 2005-AUG NEW HOME 2005 08/31/18 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1500 120012330210TH ST W 220350004226 Oct-78 IN COMPLIANCE 2003-SEPTEMBER-22 08/03/18 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1000 1250 125012350210TH ST W 220350002026 Aug-98 IN COMPLIANCE 2004, JULY 20 05/22/15 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1750 300012400210TH ST W 220350003026 May-95 IN COMPLIANCE 2005-MAY-17 06/07/18 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1250 1000 100012430210TH ST W 220350001227 Oct-90 IN COMPLIANCE 2008-Oct-29 11/08/18 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1000 1250 120012450210TH ST W 220350001127 Mar-78 NEW HOME 1978 04/27/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1000 1000 10008231210TH ST W 220280008053 NO FILE 07/11/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1000 10009360210TH ST W 220320003129 May-80 REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING 2016 august 08/01/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1000 ?9410 210TH ST W 220320002129 May-79 Nov-01 2 SYSTEMS ONE INSTALLED 2008 2007 September 20 05/11/18 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1000 + 1500 2250 2500 1500+1250 1000 12009446210TH ST W 220320001029 NO RECORDS 07/11/17 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1000 2000
10222 215TH ST W 220310003150 pumped in 2009 Seasonal 6 year pump 11/07/14 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 0 1000 Yes10430215TH ST W 220310001351 NO FILE
10821 215TH ST W 220360001307 DUNHAM farm house 06/02/17 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1000 1000
10831 215TH ST W 220360001706 DUNHAM gold building PUMPED 2X IN 12 MONTHS 07/08/15 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1000 1000
11120 215TH ST W 220360001250 2009 REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING HOLDING TANKS 02/05/15 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 0 1500
11250 215TH ST W 220360001051 Sep-76 HOLDING TANKS 07/01/16 PROBLEMS KNOWN 17179 2000
11356 215TH ST W 220360001554 Jun-94 IN COMPLIANCE 2005-JULY 14 11/08/17 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1500 6000 3000 6000 6000 3100 950011625215TH ST W 220350001102 NO RECORDS 07/09/18 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1000 100011701215TH ST W 220350001501 Jan-94 in COMPLIANCE 2014-March 24 08/24/17 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1000 1250 125011758215TH ST W 220350001376 Aug-98 IN COMPLIANCE 2004 MAY 8 07/05/18 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1250 100011850215TH ST W 220350001276 Jul-79 NEW HOME 1979 08/28/18 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1000 1000 10009065215TH ST W 220152000100 Oct-79 USING 9049 REPAIR/REPLACE 07/18/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1000 1000 Yes9085215TH ST W 221520002001 Sep-97 IN COMPLIANCE 2011 December 7 08/08/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1500 1500 Yes9105215TH ST W 221520003001 2008-sept REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING 07/18/18 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1000 1000 1000 Yes9125215TH ST W 221520004001 2001-nov REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING 10/02/17 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1200 300 Yes9145215TH ST W 221520005001 Aug-00 IN COMPLIANCE 2012 June 25 08/16/18 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1800 1000 Yes9167215TH ST W 221520006001 2012 oct Oct-92 REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING 05/30/18 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN pumped 1250 2250 2200 Yes9175215TH ST W 221520007001 NO RECORDS 05/30/18 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1000 1000 1000 1000 Yes9189215TH ST W 221520008001 1977 2002-NOV 22 REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING REPLACED TANKS 09/19/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1500 1000 Yes9205215TH ST W 221520009001 1967 2008 sept vacant till oct 2011 pump in 2014 08/18/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN vacant till 2011 2000 Yes9225215TH ST W 221520010001 Oct-98 in COMPLIANCE 2014 June, 14 10/25/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1000 1000 Yes9245215TH ST W 221520011001 2014-June 5 REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING 08/09/18 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1000 1200 Yes9264215TH ST W 221520012001 May-78 REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING 09/21/10 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN Yes9285215TH ST W 221520013001 Mar-77 Mar-00 IN COMPLIANCE 2016 november 8 11/07/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1500 2000 yes18476CEDAR AVE 220150001326 Jun-85 NEW HOME 1985 08/07/18 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1000 1000 100018781CEDAR AVE 220160001078 Sep-81 2018 may 17 REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING 05/17/18 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1250 1000 ?18875 CEDAR AVE 220160001280 2006-NOV REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING 07/20/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 2500 3000 470018863CEDAR AVE 220160001079 Oct-84 REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING 10/07/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1000 1000 Yes18880CEDAR AVE 220150001253 NO RECORDS 09/25/14 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1000 Yes19266CEDAR AVE 220220001425 Oct-91 REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING 06/02/15 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1250 125019362CEDAR AVE 220220001227 Oct-81 IN COMPLIANCE 5/7/1998 07/15/15 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1250 125019740CEDAR AVE 220220002052 Aug-77 REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING 2015 Nov 30 11/23/15 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1000 ?19904 CEDAR AVE 220220001251 Dec-99 IN COMPLIANCE 2004-AUGUST 14 10/19/17 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1250 1250
20465 CEDAR AVE 220280001401 Jun-84 NEW BUILDING 1984 DO NOT SEND LETTER 04/02/15 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1000 1000 1000 1000 Yes21558CEDAR AVE 220340002051 09/17/15 UNABLE TO VERIFY 800 800 Yes
16000 Co Rd 5 220021001001 2014 REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING 2014 07/24/17 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 0 100017622DODD BLVD 220090001179 NO RECORDS 05/27/15 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1000 1000
17680 DODD BLVD 220090001053 NO RECORDS seepage pit 10/30/14 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 500 500
18580 DODD BLVD rental 03/29/17 CESSPOOL OR LEACHING TANK 70018630DODD BLVD 220170001257 1976 OLD HOUSE ON 18630 DODD PARCELNO RECORDS 09/27/18 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1250 1300 1500 100018721DODD BLVD 220170003055 Sep-95 REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING 06/28/17 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1250 125021063DODD BLVD 220320004029 Oct-00 REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING snow birds 06/19/18 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1800 200021103DODD BLVD 220320002330 Aug-92 REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING not req to connect 2011 06/28/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1000 1000
17394 FLAGSTAFF AVE 220110001325 Oct-89 REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING 07/27/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN measured 0
17894 FLAGSTAFF AVE 220110001052 Dec-97 REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING 05/31/17 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1000 100020010HAMBURG AVE 220280003101 Sep-82 NEW HOME 1982 08/27/18 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1500 1500 150020140HAMBURG AVE 220280001002 Nov-80 NEW HOME 1980 07/20/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1250 150020160HAMBURG AVE 220280002002 Aug-98 IN COMPLIANCE 2018 September 4 09/04/18 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1800 1700 200017925HIGHVIEW AVE 220080001076 Jul-76 was 18026 Dodd Blvd in compliance 8-15-16 08/12/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 250017460HIGHVIEW AVE 220090001027 NO RECORDS PUMPED 2X IN 12 MONTHS 06/27/16 PROBLEMS KNOWN 1500 Yes17965HIGHVIEW AVE 220080001077 Jun-76 In COMPLIANCE 2013 June 13 08/01/18 PROBLEMS KNOWN 1000 1000 1000 1000 Yes18130HIGHVIEW AVE 220160001025 Dec-83 NO RECORDS 07/12/18 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1000 20018650HIGHVIEW AVE 220160001052 1976 NEW HOME 1976 10/15/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 100018660HIGHVIEW AVE 220160001254 Mar-80 NEW HOME 1980 12/26/17 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1000 1000 200018685HIGHVIEW AVE 220170003075 Feb-96 NEW HOME 1996 01/26/18 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 2500 3000 275018741HIGHVIEW AVE 220170004075 Feb-96 REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING 08/17/18 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1200 100018795HIGHVIEW AVE 220170001078 Oct-96 in COMPLIANCE 2018 May 3 07/22/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1250 150018822HIGHVIEW AVE 220160001255 NO RECORDS 07/06/18 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1000 120019837HIGHVIEW AVE 220200001082 NO RECORDS 07/31/17 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 2000 160019841HIGHVIEW AVE 220200001283 May-98 REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING 08/30/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1400 140019845HIGHVIEW AVE 220200001081 Jul-78 NO RECORDS 06/29/18 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1500 150019848HIGHVIEW AVE 220210001053 Sep-01 NEW HOME 2002 09/16/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 2500 260019970HIGHVIEW AVE 220210001252 Jun-82 NEW HOME 1982 07/22/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1000 1250 Yes
20308 ICALEE PATH 220300002003 SEE FILE PUMPED 2X IN 6 MONTHS 05/01/18 PROBLEMS KNOWN 1500 1000 1000 600
17100 IPAVA AVE 220080001325 Jun-89 CITY PROPERTY CITY PROPERTY 10/25/17 NOT ON COUNTY LIST 6000 Yes18345IPAVA AVE 220180001209 Apr-94 NEW HOME 1994 05/17/18 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1250 150018375IPAVA AVE 220180001008 Aug-82 IN COMPLIANCE 2016 May 13 07/27/18 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 200 1250 120018459IPAVA AVE 220180001109 Oct-94 NEW HOME 1994 08/28/18 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 2500 2500 320018088ITALY AVE 227300031000 Jul-88 REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING 07/21/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1000 135018100ITALY AVE 227300015100 2004 OCT REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING 07/14/17 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1500 150018131ITALY AVE 227300017000 Jun-74 2004 OCT REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING in COMPLIANCE 2015 06/20/18 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1500 160018132ITALY AVE 227300014000 1965 NEW HOME 1965 CESSPOOL 07/21/16 Measured need to pump 2014 0 100018155ITALY AVE 227300019000 2003-OCT REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING 07/15/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1400 100018156ITALY AVE 227300013000 Jul-89 REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING 08/01/17 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1000 100018180ITALY AVE 227300012000 Aug-00 REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING 06/23/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1200 100018218ITALY AVE 227300011000 Aug-98 REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING 08/10/17 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1500 160018237ITALY AVE 227300021000 Oct-96 REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING 07/15/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1000 120018246ITALY AVE 227300010000 Jun-86 REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING 06/09/15 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1000 100018267ITALY AVE 227300022000 Sep-77 Jun-00 REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING 08/07/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1800 1600 180018268ITALY AVE 227300009000 Mar-78 NEW HOME 1978 06/16/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1000 1000 100018289ITALY AVE 227300023100 Jul-82 2018 REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING 2018 Nov 16 10/30/18 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1000 1000 1000 1000 2000 200018290ITALY AVE 227300008000 1971 2002 REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING 05/26/15 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1400 150018328ITALY AVE 227300007000 IN COMPLIANCE 2004, APRIL 10 10/15/18 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1700 1500 1000 1300 1500
18329 ITALY AVE 227300024100 1966 NEW HOME 1966 07/07/16 CESSPOOL OR LEACHING TANK 1000 200018350ITALY AVE 227300006100 Jun-94 in COMPLIANCE 2014, April 21 07/06/18 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1500 1500 160018355ITALY AVE 227300025000 1966 Jun-00 in COMPLIANCE 2012 november 07/21/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1500 1800
18379 ITALY AVE 227300026000 NO RECORDS 06/16/16 CESSPOOL OR LEACHING TANK 1000 100018398ITALY AVE 227300005000 1989 SEPT*2002 in COMPLIANCE 2018 June 20 06/02/17 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1700 100018412ITALY AVE 227300004100 Aug-89 IN COMPLIANCE 8/16/2000 07/15/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1200 120018423ITALY AVE 227300027000 May-97 REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING 10/07/15 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 2000 200018435ITALY AVE 227300028000 Oct-99 IN COMPLIANCE 2005-JULY 7 07/11/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1500 180018436ITALY AVE 227300003000 REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING 2016 August 08/01/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1000 1000 ?18461 ITALY AVE 227300029000 Sep-84 REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING 04/27/17 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1000 1000 50018462ITALY AVE 227300002100 Jul-88 08/24/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1000 1000
19390 ITERI AVE 2003, JUN must reinspect 2012 IN COMPLIANCE 2009 10/26/18 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 2450 2115 200018201IXONIA AVE 224740201101 Jun-74 SEPT*2002 REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING 8/28/2001 10/09/17 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 3000 130018218IXONIA AVE 224740002002 1970 27, JULY 2004 REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING 08/10/15 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 140018241IXONIA AVE 224740202001 1973 NO RECORDS 12/21/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1250 100018275IXONIA AVE 224740008002 Aug-94 REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING 8/10/2002 07/20/17 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1500 130018276IXONIA AVE 224740001002 1970 2012 July REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING 08/26/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1000 180018355IXONIA AVE 224740002003 NO RECORDS gave 3 years 08/19/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1000 extension
18366 IXONIA AVE 220180001010 NO RECORDS pump 2016 snowbirds 08/01/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 100018379IXONIA AVE 224740001003 NO RECORDS 09/16/14 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 100018405IXONIA AVE 2014 new 07/18/17 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 43318462IXONIA AVE 220180002010 Jun-94 REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING 2015 Dec 14 12/08/15 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1500 150018465IXONIA AVE 220180001012 May-99 REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING HOOKED TO WATER 06/16/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1500 135016003JUDICIAL RD 221360005000 May-80 NEW HOME 1980 07/18/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1000 1000 ?16009 JUDICIAL RD 221360000043 2018 new home 2018 02/06/18 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN16031JUDICIAL RD 221360004200 2003-Dec REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING 08/26/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1500 1600 Yes16040JUDICIAL RD 221360002000 Aug-77 May-98 REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING SEE FILE 07/15/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1500 100016071JUDICIAL RD 221360003000 1-May REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING 07/07/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1500 1500 Yes16120JUDICIAL RD 221360015000 NO RECORDS 05/14/18 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 500 500 40016196JUDICIAL RD 221360023100 NO RECORDS 07/06/17 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 2000 1000 110016225JUDICIAL RD 221360025200 Nov-82 NEW HOME 1982 07/27/18 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1000 1000 100016250JUDICIAL RD 221360036000 NO RECORDS 09/26/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1000 400
16370 JUDICIAL RD 221360046000 NO RECORDS 07/13/16 CESSPOOL OR LEACHING TANK 50016415JUDICIAL RD 221360047300 Oct-99 REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING 07/15/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1500 150016448JUDICIAL RD 221360051000 Sep-93 REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING 08/16/17 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1250 135016465JUDICIAL RD 221360047200 Oct-79 REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING 07/12/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1250 125016499JUDICIAL RD 221360048200 Jul-94 REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING 07/17/18 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1500 125016530JUDICIAL RD 221990030104 Jul-91 IN COMPLIANCE JUNE 2009, 18 05/15/18 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 2000 2250 200016563JUDICIAL RD 224430001200 May-92 REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING 06/21/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1250 1600 Yes16600JUDICIAL RD 224430006200 Oct-87 NEW HOME 1987 gave 4 years due 10-24-16 10/26/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1250 1250 Yes16810JUDICIAL RD 224430010000 May-98 REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING 09/08/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1800 140016823JUDICIAL RD 224520006001 1967 NO RECORDS 08/15/17 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN measured measured18670JUDICIAL RD 220140001650 Oct-84 NEW HOME 1984 06/06/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1250 100018770JUDICIAL RD 220140001051 HORSE BARN SAME 18670 JUDICI 06/06/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1000 125019198JUDICIAL RD 220230001026 Jul-79 GUEST HOUSE 06/06/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 2000 400019198JUDICIAL RD 220230001026 BARN/SHED 09/27/18 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 2750 4000 100019198JUDICIAL RD 220230001026 2002 HOME REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING 09/27/18 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 2000 4000 100019280JUDICIAL RD 220230001227 Sep-87 NEW HOME 1987 06/02/17 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1200 1200 100019300JUDICIAL RD 220230001127 Oct-84 NEW HOME 1984 08/11/17 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1250 100019390JUDICIAL RD 220230001329 2004, July 28 in compliance 2014 July 28 07/05/17 PROBLEMS KNOWN 2000 150019430JUDICIAL RD 220230001129 1971 NEW HOME 1971 06/23/17 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1000 1000 1000 4200 200019650JUDICIAL RD 220230001250 Aug-82 NEW HOME 1982 10/10/18 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 2250 2250 200019730JUDICIAL RD 220230001650 Sep-93 NEW HOME 1993 09/28/17 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1500 150019900JUDICIAL RD 220230001252 Oct-80 NEW HOME 1980 schlomka ? pumped 10/11/17 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1000 ?100019910JUDICIAL RD 220230001055 Nov-79 NEW HOME 1979 08/08/18 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1000 100020060JUDICIAL RD 220260001627 Jul-99 NEW HOME 1999 10/05/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1000 225020110JUDICIAL RD 220260002128 Sep-95 REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING 08/28/17 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1250 125020210JUDICIAL RD 220260003128 Nov-95 NEW HOME 1995 10/05/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1250 100020254JUDICIAL RD 220260001526 May-78 NO RECORDS 05/20/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1000 100020340JUDICIAL RD 220260004228 NO RECORDS 05/20/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1000 100020486JUDICIAL RD 220260005128 Apr-77 NO RECORDS 06/23/17 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1000 100017700JUNELLE PATH 221185025000 2010 june NEW HOME 2010 08/30/18 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1800 1800
17732 JUNELLE PATH 221185025100 must connect 2/1/2010 06/22/15 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1000 1000
19799 JUNO TR 220240001077 Nov-81 DUPLEX 19815 19817 19799 19799A 3HOMES SAME PARCE 01/19/10 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN21985KAPARIA AVE 220360001059 NO RECORDS 06/01/15 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 700 750 Yes
19740 KENRICK AVE 220240001053 HOLDING TANKS 05/24/18 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 4000 3000 2500 2000 1500 4500
19784 KENRICK AVE 220240002450 Aug-90 IN COMPLIANCE 5/13/1997 05/03/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 2000 2000 1500 Yes
20000 KENRICK AVE 220250001225 Oct-85 replace with holding tanks 2016 08/03/15 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1000 1000 1000 1000 1250 Yes
20230 KENRICK AVE 220250001127 Apr-88 TERRA NO RECORDS COMMERCIAL 07/17/17 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1250 1250 1250 1600 1600 Yes
20284 KENRICK AVE 220250001030 2003-OCT REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING 07/17/17 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1500 1500 1000 1000
21860 KENRICK AVE 220360001057 MANHOLE RAISED 09/10/99 COMMERCIAL 07/12/18 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1000 1000 1000
21860 KENRICK AVE 220360001057 2017-dec holding tank for trench drain COMMERCIAL 12/07/17 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1000
21900 KENRICK AVE 220360001258 Nov-01 IN COMPLIANCE 2012 november COMMERCIAL 06/20/18 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1600
21980 KENRICK AVE 220360001158 Dec-98 NEW SYSTEM 1998 COMMERCIAL 06/24/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1500 2000
16165 KENWOOD TR 220011001031 house HOLDING TANKS 09/13/18 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 6250 3750 3750 1250 1500 2750
16163 KENWOOD TR 220011001031 YOUTH HOUSE HOLDING TANKS 09/13/18 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 2500 1250 3750 1250 1250 1500 1000
16165 KENWOOD TR 220011001031 CHURCH REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING 09/13/18 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 3000 1250 1250 1250 1250 4700 100018764KENWOOD TR 220180001253 Sep-92 in compliance March 17, 2018 09/27/17 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1250 1250 125019030KENWOOD TR 07/13/16 1000
18430 Kenyon Ave 220130001031 no one there per linda 237-3777 to be torn down 9-4-18 04/30/14 CESSPOOL OR LEACHING TANK 1000 Yes
21219 KEOKUK AVE 220350001401 NO RECORDS 07/09/18 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1000 1000
21480 KEOKUK AVE 220360002027 Oct-87 05/12/09 IN COMPLIANCE 07/16/18 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1000 2500 285421490KEOKUK AVE 220360003027 REPLACED 2009 07/19/17 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1500 150016123KEYSTONE CT 223070003001 Oct-85 06/09/02 IN COMPLIANCE 09/08/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1500 1500 1500 Yes16134KEYSTONE CT 223070004001 Aug-78 May-97 REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING 05/26/15 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 2000 2000 Yes16151KEYSTONE CT 223070002001 Sep-83 REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING 1996 08/15/17 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 2000 2000 2000 2000 Yes16172KEYSTONE CT 223070005001 Aug-78 May-95 REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING 07/19/18 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1500 1500 2200 Yes16201KEYSTONE CT 223070001001 Aug-78 03/12/99 IN COMPLIANCE 06/23/17 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1250 1250 1250 1000 Yes
17107 KIRBEN AVE 221190013000 no one living there summer home 07/20/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1000 1000 Yes17109KIRBEN AVE 221190012000 2009-june in compliance 2014 June 16 10/11/18 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1500 1500 1000 Yes17110KIRBEN AVE 220111001001 2004-SEPT 3 REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING IN COMPLIANCE 09/08/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1500 measured Yes17137KIRBEN AVE 221190010000 Dec-98 REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING 10/20/15 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1500 1500 Yes17141KIRBEN AVE 221190008000 Nov-90 NEW HOME 1990 08/10/17 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1500 1250 125017155KIRBEN AVE 221190007000 2006 sep NEW HOME 2006 10/22/15 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 2500 2250 Yes17161KIRBEN AVE 221190006100 1-Oct 2014 Sept 17 NEW HOME 2001 in compliance 06/29/18 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 2000 unknown Yes17167KIRBEN AVE 221190004000 May-95 10/01/02 IN COMPLIANCE 07/16/15 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1500 1500 Yes17183KIRBEN AVE 221190002000 Dec-88 NEW HOME 1988 09/05/18 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1250 1250 Yes
16229 KLAMATH TR 220021001005 Oct-90 SEE FILE 09/13/18 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1500 1500 Yes16300KLAMATH TR 220021001007 Dec-87 SEE FILE 06/15/15 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1250 1250 Yes16415KLAMATH TR 220021001009 May-87 REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING 06/27/18 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1500 1500 Yes16475KLAMATH TR 221360044100 NO RECORDS 08/18/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1000 1000 Yes11825KNOLLS PATH 221360018000 Nov-91 SEE FILE 06/27/18 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1500 1500 Yes11840KNOLLS PATH 221360019000 May-92 SEE FILE 06/21/17 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1200 1200 Yes11849KNOLLS PATH 221360017000 Oct-01 REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING 06/22/18 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 2750 2500 Yes11898KNOLLS PATH 221360020000 Oct-96 11, OCTOBER 2004 IN COMPLIANCE 10/13/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1500 1500 Yes11901KNOLLS PATH 221360017100 1997 & 2002 2014 Oct 30 in compliance 10/31/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 2750 2200 Yes16305KNOLLS PATH 224240003001 1981 NEW HOME 1981 10/18/17 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1250 1250 1250 1000 Yes16306KNOLLS PATH 224240002001 Dec-86 NEW HOME 1986 11/17/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1250 700 Yes16310KNOLLS PATH 224240001001 Dec-83 Dec-97 IN COMPLIANCE 2008-MAY 9 08/21/15 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1250 1500 Yes16424KNOLLS PATH 220021001004 Oct-90 SEE FILE 06/06/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 2500 2500 Yes18560KNOLLWOOD CIR 225665009001 Jul-95 NEW HOME 1995 08/18/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 2750 2250 Yes18561KNOLLWOOD CIR 225665001001 Jan-92 SEE FILE 11/17/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1500 1500 Yes18630KNOLLWOOD CIR 225665007001 Nov-87 2011-aug REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING 03/18/15 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1250 2250 Yes18631KNOLLWOOD CIR 225665002001 Jun-88 2010 in compliance sept 18-18 07/25/18 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 2250 3500 Yes18641KNOLLWOOD CIR 225665003001 Dec-88 REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING 05/20/15 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1500 1500 Yes
18756 KNOLLWOOD CIR 225665008001 Oct-89 18621 KENYON AVE 08/27/18 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1500 1500 1500 Yes18751KNOLLWOOD CIR 225665006001 Dec-89 18751 KENYON AVE 06/12/17 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1250 1250 Yes
18835 KNOLLWOOD CIR 225665004001 Jun-98 18835 KENYON AVE 06/14/18 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1000 1000 Yes18885KNOLLWOOD CIR 225665005001 Aug-88 May-98 18885 KENYON AVE in compliance 6-15-2016 05/22/17 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 2500 2500 260016075KRAFTON AVE 221360000021 1998 08/03/1216218LAIGLE AVE 10/26/15 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 100016227LAIGLE AVE 221360036100 NO RECORDS 08/24/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1000 100016369LAIGLE AVE 221360045000 2017 sept, 6 REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING 09/06/17 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1000 1000
16380 LAIGLE AVE 221360040000 1967 NO RECORDS 06/06/18 CESSPOOL OR LEACHING TANK 1000 1000 2000
16438 LAIGLE AVE 221360053100 NO RECORDS 07/11/18 CESSPOOL OR LEACHING TANK 1500 1000 100016471LAIGLE AVE 221360052100 Nov-94 04/30/03 IN COMPLIANCE 07/17/18 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1500 1500 100016480LAIGLE AVE 221360052000 Jun-79 NEW HOME 1979 06/01/15 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1000 100016535LAIGLE AVE 221990028001 Jan-92 REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING 11/14/17 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1250 1250 1250 Yes16560LAIGLE AVE 227360002000 Oct-89 MARCH 12 2004 IN COMPLIANCE 08/20/14 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 150021750LAIGLE AVE 220350001777 Apr-88 NEW HOME 1988 9/3/2002 08/02/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1250 100021775LAIGLE AVE 220350001053 Sep-93 09/23/15 IN COMPLIANCE 09/21/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1250 1800 Yes21800LAIGLE AVE 220350002077 Jun-01 NEW HOME 2001 09/28/17 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 3000 300021821LAIGLE AVE 220350001252 Aug-95 NEW HOME 1995 09/22/15 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1000 120021840LAIGLE AVE 220350001577 1986 2003, AUGUST April 24-2018 in compliance 04/20/18 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 2000 1600 300021900LAIGLE AVE 220350001576 Nov-88 08/24/15 IN COMPLIANCE 08/31/17 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1200 1200 100022000LAIGLE AVE 220350001676 1984 2016, 25 may REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING IN COMPLIANCE 09/19/18 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 2000 120020070LAREDO AVE 225210002002 Mar-88 in compliance 10-26-15 in compliance 08/17/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1250 1250 125020071LAREDO AVE 225210003001 Sep-92 May-00 REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING 07/03/18 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1800 2500 250020201LAREDO AVE 225210002001 Nov-87 SEE FILE IN COMPLIANCE 2012 January 20 10/21/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1000 100020220LAREDO AVE 225210001002 Sep-95 NEW HOME 1995 06/14/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1800 150020255LAREDO AVE 225210001101 Nov-89 NEW HOME 1989 06/19/15 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1200 1200 100020285LAREDO AVE 225210001201 Aug-96 NEW HOME 1996 06/27/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1500 160020715LAREDO PATH 228420001002 Jul-87 NEW HOME 1987 IN COMPLIANCE 4-13-07 06/27/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1250 125020740LAREDO PATH 228420003001 Sep-90 NEW HOME 1990 07/20/17 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1250 100020780LAREDO PATH 228420004001 Feb-84 NEW HOME 1984 07/29/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1000 125020810LAREDO PATH 228420005001 Nov-86 NEW HOME 1986 10/05/17 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1250 200020880LAREDO PATH 228420006001 Nov-88 NEW HOME 1986 09/09/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1200 120020935LAREDO PATH 228420003002 Sep-87 NEW HOME 1987 06/21/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 2000 200020940LAREDO PATH 228420007001 Aug-90 Sep-01 REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING REPLACED 1999 05/18/17 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 2000 1500 1703 180016135LINCH AVE 229013001000 May-80 2018 new system 7-7-18 in compliance 07/07/18 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1000 1000 800 100016140LINCH AVE 221360029200 Jun-76 NEW HOME 1976 07/07/18 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1000 1000 100016205LINCH AVE 229013002000 Jun-78 NEW HOME 1978 06/25/18 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1500 1000 120016265LINCH AVE 221360031000 Dec-77 NEW HOME 1977 05/09/17 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1250 100016335LINCH AVE 221360032100 Jun-80 REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING 2015, Nov 16 11/14/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1000 200016350LINCH AVE 221360033000 Aug-95 REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING in compliance 4-18-16 07/10/17 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 135016415LINCH AVE 221360049000 Oct-76 Nov-99 REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING 08/26/15 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1500 1500
16420 LINCH AVE 221360048000 Aug-77 NEW HOME 1977 10/14/15 CESSPOOL OR LEACHING TANK 1000 100016445LINCH AVE 221360050100 Nov-77 REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING 2014 sept 18 08/30/18 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1000 170016562LINCH PATH 224430002000 Dec-98 REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING 06/08/04 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN16601LINCH PATH 224430003000 1970 Jul-02 REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING IN COMPLIANCE 10/24/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 2250 225012050LUCERNE TR 220260001077 1970 Aug-81 REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING 10/14/13 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 100012058LUCERNE TR 228420001101 Dec-75 Jun-02 REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING IN COMPLIANCE 2011 04/24/15 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 2700 2000 200012119LUCERNE TR 228420001003 Jul-89 NEW HOME 1989 06/01/15 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1250 125012120LUCERNE TR 228420002101 Aug-93 NEW HOME 1993 IN COMPLIANCE 2006 04/17/15 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1250 125012299LUCERNE TR 220260001151 Sep-97 2011 oct in compliance 2012 november in compliance 2018 05/24/18 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 2500 1500 2750 1300 320012342LUCERNE TR 220260001052 Aug-73 NO RECORDS 10/21/15 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 800 150012345LUCERNE TR 220260001251 Sep-87 NEW HOME 1987 06/19/15 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1250 1250
17600 PILOT KNOB RD 220120001350 SEE FILE SEE FILE no home no septic abandoned
19300 RITTER TR CITY PROPERTY 10/25/16 NOT ON COUNTY LIST 1000 30003015South Loop Road 221360000080 unknown 10/26/18 1000 100018882DODD BLVD 220170001356 Nov-97 REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING 04/27/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 450019282DODD BLVD 220200001027 NO RECORDS 06/02/15 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1000 100019300DODD BLVD 220200001028 NO RECORDS 10/08/15 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1000 100017121KENWOOD TR 220121001229 Apr-94 REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING not occupy no pump 07/08/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 180017133KENWOOD TR 220121001129 Jun-96 REPAIR/REPLACE EXISTING 07/08/16 NO PROBLEMS KNOWN 1000
18950 KENWOOD TR 220180001059 NO RECORDS no one living in home Yes
21500 KEOKUK AVE 220360001454 Aug-84 BUILDING HAS NO PLUMBING PER OWNER MR. YOUNG unknown no septic system Yes10900195TH ST W CITY PROPERTY 10/25/16 100017976JUDICIAL RD brackets crossing 11/21/16 2000
Appendix F
Trunk Sewer Capacities Table
ID Full Depth (ft)Full Flow (mgd)Percent Slope (%)Maximum Flow (mgd)Velocity at Maximum Flow (ft/s)Maximum Velocity (ft/s)Max.Flow/Full Flow Max.Depth/Full Depth Reserve Capacity (mgd)Total Flow Volume (MG)
04AM001B-04BM011 1.25 2.171 0.16 0.067 1.341 1.341 0.031 0.113 2.104 0.168
04AM002B-04AM001B 1.25 2.171 0.16 0.066 1.317 1.317 0.03 0.113 2.106 0.167
04AM003B-04AM002B 1.25 2.171 0.16 0.004 0.68 0.69 0.002 0.027 2.167 0.002
04BM006-04BM001 1.25 2.171 0.16 0.093 1.467 1.467 0.043 0.134 2.078 0.253
04BM007-04BM006 1.25 0.516 0.009 0.092 0.831 0.831 0.179 0.198 0.423 0.252
04BM008-04BM007 1.25 2.171 0.16 0.082 1.415 1.415 0.038 0.125 2.09 0.215
04BM009-04BM008 1.25 1.734 0.102 0.077 1.099 1.099 0.044 0.143 1.657 0.199
04BM010-04BM009 1.25 1.945 0.128 0.076 1.136 1.136 0.039 0.139 1.869 0.198
04BM011-04BM010 1.25 2.171 0.16 0.075 1.384 1.384 0.034 0.12 2.096 0.197
05BM013-05BM010 1.25 2.574 0.38 0.181 1.957 1.957 0.071 0.174 2.392 0.456
05BM014-05BM013 1.25 2.248 0.29 0.18 1.811 1.811 0.08 0.183 2.069 0.455
05BM015-05BM014 1.25 2.371 0.323 0.178 1.645 1.645 0.075 0.194 2.194 0.454
05BM016-05BM015 1.25 2.343 0.315 0.176 1.736 1.736 0.075 0.185 2.168 0.453
09AM002-09AM003 1.25 3.865 0.507 0.208 2.832 2.832 0.054 0.148 3.657 0.58
09AM004-09AM003 1.25 4.409 0.66 0.208 2.849 2.849 0.047 0.148 4.202 0.579
09AM005-09AM004 1.25 1.957 0.13 0.207 1.76 1.76 0.106 0.206 1.749 0.578
09AM006-09AM005 1.25 3.518 0.42 0.174 2.304 2.304 0.049 0.151 3.344 0.483
09AM007-09AM006 1.25 3.316 0.373 0.168 2.203 2.209 0.051 0.152 3.148 0.468
09AM007-09AS004 1.25 0.384 0.005 0.046 0.586 0.598 0.12 0.156 0.338 0.128
09AS001-09BM004 1.25 5.489 1.023 0.21 2.058 2.092 0.038 0.189 5.279 0.583
09BM004-09BS002 1.25 2.872 0.28 0.359 2.774 2.774 0.125 0.22 2.513 0.956
09BM058-09BM059 1.25 4.637 0.73 0.361 3.311 3.312 0.078 0.195 4.276 0.958
09BM059-09BM060 1.25 3.78 0.485 0.365 3.06 3.06 0.097 0.208 3.415 0.968
09BM060-09BM061 1.25 4.023 0.55 0.369 2.885 2.893 0.092 0.22 3.655 0.978
09BM061-09BM062 1.25 3.624 0.446 0.433 3.15 3.15 0.119 0.229 3.192 1.199
09BM062-09BM063 1.25 3.979 0.537 0.434 3.189 3.189 0.109 0.228 3.545 1.205
09BM063-09BM064 1.25 3.641 0.45 0.433 3.089 3.089 0.119 0.233 3.207 1.205
09BM064-09BM065 1.5 4.67 0.28 0.436 2.497 2.497 0.093 0.21 4.234 1.214
09BM065-10AM071 1.5 4.565 0.268 0.438 2.842 2.842 0.096 0.193 4.127 1.221
09BS002-09BM058 1.25 4.59 0.715 0.36 3.453 3.453 0.079 0.189 4.229 0.957
10AM049-10BM052 1.75 3.774 0.08 0.507 1.57 1.57 0.134 0.261 3.266 1.363
10AM051-10AM049 1.5 6.473 0.538 0.482 2.293 2.299 0.074 0.24 5.991 1.32
10AM052-10AM051 1.5 11.024 1.56 0.48 3.989 3.989 0.044 0.162 10.544 1.315
10AM053-10AM052 1.5 3.388 0.147 0.478 2.861 2.861 0.141 0.204 2.91 1.312
10AM054-10AM053 1.5 5.854 0.44 0.476 2.437 2.437 0.081 0.228 5.378 1.31
10AM055-10AM054 1.5 3.639 0.17 0.475 2.374 2.374 0.13 0.231 3.164 1.307
10AM056-10AM055 1.5 5.72 0.42 0.472 2.518 2.519 0.083 0.221 5.248 1.299
10AM057-10AM056 1.5 4.67 0.28 0.47 2.644 2.644 0.101 0.213 4.2 1.296
10AM058-10AM059 1.5 4.404 0.249 0.453 2.416 2.416 0.103 0.221 3.951 1.264
10AM059-10AM060 1.5 4.113 0.217 0.455 2.407 2.411 0.111 0.222 3.658 1.27
10AM060-10AM061 1.5 4.38 0.246 0.462 2.417 2.417 0.106 0.224 3.917 1.281
10AM061-10AM062 1.5 4.045 0.21 0.464 2.31 2.31 0.115 0.232 3.58 1.285
10AM062-10AM057 1.5 3.745 0.18 0.468 2.37 2.37 0.125 0.229 3.276 1.293
10AM070-10AM058 1.5 5.138 0.339 0.452 2.62 2.62 0.088 0.209 4.686 1.263
10AM071-10AM072 1.5 7.576 0.737 0.447 3.7 3.7 0.059 0.163 7.129 1.248
10AM072-10AM073 1.667 10.257 0.77 0.45 3.651 3.651 0.044 0.143 9.807 1.257
10AM073-10AM070 1.667 11.089 0.9 0.451 3.854 3.854 0.041 0.138 10.639 1.259
10BM010-10BM011 1.75 4.555 0.198 0.681 2.11 2.11 0.15 0.261 3.874 1.647
10BM011-10BM012 1.75 5.017 0.24 0.687 2.468 2.468 0.137 0.235 4.33 1.671
10BM012-10BM014 1.75 4.434 0.188 0.691 2.137 2.137 0.156 0.261 3.744 1.674
10BM014-10BM015 1.75 5.321 0.27 0.693 2.539 2.539 0.13 0.232 4.629 1.675
10BM015-10BM016 1.75 4.376 0.183 0.696 2.053 2.053 0.159 0.27 3.68 1.685
10BM016-11AM052 1.75 4.464 0.19 0.698 2.118 2.118 0.156 0.265 3.766 1.685
10BM018-10BM010 1.75 4.777 0.218 0.68 2.133 2.133 0.142 0.258 4.097 1.647
10BM019-10BM018 1.75 4.655 0.207 0.678 2.151 2.151 0.146 0.256 3.978 1.646
10BM021-10BM019 1.75 4.096 0.16 0.676 2.098 2.098 0.165 0.26 3.421 1.645
10BM022-10BM021 1.75 3.005 0.086 0.674 1.678 1.678 0.224 0.305 2.331 1.642
10BM023-10BM022 1.75 5.816 0.323 0.671 1.857 1.857 0.115 0.283 5.145 1.64
10BM024-10BM023 1.75 6.697 0.428 0.647 2.557 2.557 0.097 0.22 6.05 1.61
10BM025-10BM024 1.75 5.531 0.292 0.644 2.482 2.482 0.116 0.224 4.887 1.604
10BM026-10BM025 1.75 6.35 0.384 0.635 2.419 2.419 0.1 0.225 5.715 1.594
10BM046-10BM023 1.75 26.207 3.875 0.023 0.201 0.34 0.001 0.126 26.184 0.029
10BM052-10BM026 1.75 3.832 0.14 0.508 1.946 1.946 0.133 0.225 3.323 1.363
117-80BM001 2.75 20.036 0.344 2.759 2.864 2.91 0.138 0.299 17.276 7.378
11AM004-11AM067 1.5 14.727 4.705 0.728 6.698 6.698 0.049 0.151 13.999 1.773
11AM007-11AS004 2 4.847 0.11 1.22 2.068 2.069 0.252 0.332 3.627 2.682
11AM008-11AM011 2 5.065 0.12 1.223 2.348 2.348 0.242 0.304 3.842 2.682
11AM009-11AM010 3 19.755 0.21 5.593 4.046 4.046 0.283 0.342 14.162 13.595
11AM010-11AM011 3 47.025 1.19 5.595 4.539 4.539 0.119 0.315 41.43 13.601
11AM011-11BM034 3 20.204 0.22 6.82 4.204 4.204 0.338 0.385 13.385 16.294
11AM013-11BM035 1.333 16.917 13.496 0.119 2.706 2.706 0.007 0.095 16.798 0.305
11AM014-11AM013 1.25 2.641 0.4 0.117 1.763 1.763 0.044 0.138 2.524 0.304
11AM015-11AM014 1.25 1.67 0.16 0.115 1.447 1.447 0.069 0.156 1.555 0.303
11AM016-11AM015 1.25 1.67 0.16 0.113 1.304 1.304 0.068 0.166 1.557 0.302
11AM017-11AM016 1.25 1.552 0.138 0.106 1.005 1.005 0.068 0.191 1.446 0.272
11AM018-11AS002 1.25 1.67 0.16 0.099 1.389 1.389 0.059 0.145 1.571 0.263
11AM029-11AM009 3 24.209 0.315 5.591 3.904 3.904 0.231 0.351 18.618 13.599
11AM030-11AM029 3 21.912 0.258 5.584 4.146 4.146 0.255 0.336 16.328 13.589
11AM051-11AM004 1.5 2.716 0.16 0.71 2.267 2.267 0.262 0.319 2.005 1.71
11AM052-11AM051 1.5 2.716 0.16 0.709 1.949 1.949 0.261 0.355 2.007 1.71
11AM062-11AM063 3 140.882 10.68 5.22 7.424 7.474 0.037 0.211 135.663 12.759
11AM063-11AM030 3 20.674 0.23 5.223 4.036 4.036 0.253 0.326 15.451 12.756
11AM067-11AM068 2 4.386 0.09 1.126 1.806 1.806 0.257 0.346 3.26 2.47
11AM068-11AM069 2 4.386 0.09 1.129 1.887 1.887 0.257 0.336 3.258 2.475
11AM069-11AM070 2 5.022 0.118 1.164 2.147 2.147 0.232 0.312 3.858 2.556
11AM070-11AM007 2 6.018 0.169 1.167 2.041 2.041 0.194 0.325 4.851 2.562
11AS002-11AM017 1.25 1.469 0.124 0.103 1.071 1.071 0.07 0.179 1.366 0.265
11AS004-11AM008 2 9.13 0.39 1.222 1.999 1.999 0.134 0.341 7.909 2.683
11BM001-11BM002 3 27.264 0.4 6.944 4.986 4.986 0.255 0.344 20.32 16.607
11BM002-11BM003 3 29.947 0.483 6.953 4.774 4.774 0.232 0.356 22.994 16.647
11BM003-11BM004 3 23.328 0.293 6.988 4.675 4.675 0.3 0.362 16.34 16.744
11BM004-11BM005 3 27.85 0.417 6.99 5.028 5.028 0.251 0.344 20.86 16.741
11BM005-11BM009 3 27.264 0.4 7.008 4.999 4.999 0.257 0.346 20.256 16.781
11BM008-11BS003 3.5 28.344 0.19 7.416 4.24 4.24 0.262 0.324 20.928 17.848
11BM009-11BM008 3.5 28.344 0.19 7.385 4.218 4.218 0.261 0.325 20.959 17.734
11BM010-11BM021 1.25 1.785 0.183 0.38 1.758 1.758 0.213 0.317 1.405 0.955
11BM011-7376 1.25 1.867 0.2 0.372 1.719 1.719 0.199 0.317 1.495 0.929
11BM012-11BM011 1.25 1.948 0.218 0.356 1.812 1.812 0.183 0.296 1.592 0.858
11BM013-11BM012 1.25 2.129 0.26 0.354 2.143 2.143 0.166 0.261 1.775 0.857
11BM014-11BM013 1.25 1.771 0.18 0.352 1.821 1.821 0.199 0.293 1.419 0.856
11BM015-11BM014 1.25 2.034 0.237 0.002 0.022 0.022 0.001 0.171 2.032 0.001
11BM021-11BM009 1.25 1.867 0.2 0.381 2.097 2.097 0.204 0.28 1.486 0.956
11BM034-11BM001 3 24.031 0.311 6.941 4.709 4.709 0.289 0.359 17.091 16.599
11BM035-11BM034 1.333 3.384 0.54 0.121 1.815 1.815 0.036 0.127 3.263 0.306
11BS003-7242 3.5 36.846 0.19 7.417 4.606 4.606 0.201 0.306 29.428 17.842
14AM009-20AM001 1.333 2.392 0.27 0.607 1.69 1.69 0.254 0.419 1.785 1.682
14AM010-14AM009 1.333 1.628 0.125 0.607 1.833 1.833 0.373 0.395 1.02 1.679
15BM061-15BM089 2.25 10.779 0.29 1.935 3.271 3.272 0.18 0.281 8.844 4.772
15BM089-16AM040 2.25 10.008 0.25 1.937 3.172 3.172 0.194 0.287 8.071 4.775
164-7189 2 22.421 1.391 1.582 1.279 1.279 0.071 0.586 20.839 2.515
16AM001-22AM032 2.5 11.856 0.2 2.05 2.753 2.754 0.173 0.285 9.806 4.983
16AM002-16AM001 2.5 13.938 0.276 2.033 2.945 2.946 0.146 0.27 11.905 4.953
16AM039-16AM002 2.25 12.817 0.41 1.996 3.653 3.653 0.156 0.265 10.821 4.892
16AM040-16AM039 2.25 11.877 0.352 1.939 3.441 3.442 0.163 0.271 9.939 4.776
16BM041-16BM045 3.5 18.231 0.079 5.124 2.777 2.777 0.281 0.337 13.107 12.688
16BM043-16BM041 3.5 25.038 0.148 5.122 2.661 2.661 0.205 0.348 19.916 12.691
16BM045-17AM001 3.5 25.185 0.15 5.126 3.641 3.641 0.204 0.277 20.059 12.684
17AM001-17AM002 3.5 26.678 0.168 5.128 2.86 2.86 0.192 0.33 21.55 12.684
17AM002-17AM003 3.5 19.153 0.087 5.129 2.487 2.487 0.268 0.366 14.023 12.682
17AM003-17AM004 3.5 15.814 0.059 5.131 2.73 2.73 0.324 0.342 10.683 12.68
17AM004-17AM005 3.5 23.932 0.135 5.159 2.789 2.79 0.216 0.338 18.773 12.711
17AM005-17AM006 3.5 19.508 0.09 5.161 2.421 2.421 0.265 0.375 14.347 12.709
17AM006-17AM007 3.5 15.568 0.057 5.208 2.311 2.312 0.335 0.391 10.36 12.759
17AM007-17AM008 3.5 15.34 0.056 5.21 2.334 2.334 0.34 0.388 10.13 12.758
17AM008-17AM009 3.5 14.978 0.053 5.211 2.375 2.376 0.348 0.383 9.767 12.757
17AM009-17AM010 3.5 16.878 0.067 5.213 2.396 2.397 0.309 0.381 11.664 12.758
17AM010-17AM011 3.5 25.033 0.148 5.215 2.018 2.018 0.208 0.433 19.817 12.759
17AM011-11AM062 3.5 4.485 0.005 5.218 3.334 3.334 1.163 0.299 -0.733 12.759
17AM038-17AM004 1.5 4.413 0.25 0.026 0.055 0.787 0.006 0.434 4.387 0.032
17AM042-17AM038 1.5 2.83 0.174 0.006 0.041 0.135 0.002 0.192 2.823 0.006
17BM004-11BM014 1.25 7.077 1.7 0.327 4.54 4.54 0.046 0.146 6.75 0.785
17BM005-17BM004 1.25 4.92 0.822 0.26 3.395 3.395 0.053 0.153 4.66 0.664
17BM006-17BM005 1.25 1.88 0.12 0.256 1.852 1.852 0.136 0.231 1.624 0.653
17BM007-17BM006 1.25 1.957 0.13 0.254 1.812 1.812 0.13 0.232 1.703 0.648
17BM008-17BM007 1.25 2.204 0.165 0.252 1.708 1.708 0.114 0.241 1.953 0.646
17BM009-17BM008 1.25 1.957 0.13 0.23 1.81 1.81 0.117 0.217 1.727 0.531
17BM010-17BM009 1.25 1.716 0.1 0.228 1.765 1.765 0.133 0.22 1.489 0.531
20AM001-20AM002 1.25 0.888 0.027 0.606 1.622 1.622 0.683 0.478 0.282 1.683
20AM002-20AM003 1.25 2.073 0.146 0.785 2.397 2.398 0.379 0.431 1.288 2.178
20AM003-20AM004 1.25 2.171 0.16 0.79 2.737 2.737 0.364 0.392 1.381 2.193
20AM004-20AM014 1.5 3.53 0.16 0.793 2.612 2.62 0.225 0.312 2.737 2.202
20AM014-20AM005 1.5 3.53 0.16 1.06 2.646 2.731 0.3 0.382 2.471 2.929
20BM001-20BM002 1.5 4.829 0.299 1.059 2.971 2.982 0.219 0.35 3.771 2.93
20BM002-20BM003 1.5 3.745 0.18 1.159 2.728 2.731 0.31 0.399 2.585 3.213
20BM003-20BM004 1.5 3.141 0.127 1.159 2.507 2.513 0.369 0.425 1.982 3.213
20BM004-20BM005 1.5 3.043 0.119 1.165 2.466 2.466 0.383 0.432 1.878 3.225
20BM005-20BM006 1.5 3.044 0.119 1.167 2.573 2.575 0.383 0.419 1.878 3.227
20BM006-20BM021 1.5 3.639 0.17 1.168 3.045 3.045 0.321 0.369 2.471 3.231
20BM007-20BM008 1.5 11.165 1.6 1.314 6.555 6.555 0.118 0.232 9.851 3.602
20BM008-21AM001 1.5 3.947 0.2 1.316 3.289 3.289 0.333 0.381 2.631 3.605
20BM021-20BM007 1.5 0.269 0.001 1.313 3.478 3.478 4.88 0.365 -1.044 3.601
21AM001-21AM002 1.5 3.947 0.2 1.335 3.12 3.12 0.338 0.401 2.612 3.648
21AM002-21AM007 1.75 4.58 0.2 1.336 2.588 2.588 0.292 0.366 3.244 3.649
21AM007-21AM008 1.75 4.578 0.2 1.337 3.018 3.018 0.292 0.328 3.241 3.652
21AM008-21AM013 2 10.442 0.51 1.342 3.514 3.514 0.129 0.243 9.099 3.661
21AM013-21AM014 2 10.013 0.469 1.349 3.535 3.535 0.135 0.243 8.663 3.677
21AM014-21AM015 2 11.105 0.577 1.352 3.432 3.434 0.122 0.249 9.752 3.685
21AM015-21BM020 2 9.18 0.394 1.355 3.295 3.295 0.148 0.256 7.826 3.692
21BM002-21BM017 2 9.896 0.458 1.462 3.468 3.468 0.148 0.261 8.434 3.883
21BM014-21BM015 2.25 10.964 0.3 1.917 3.358 3.358 0.175 0.274 9.046 4.747
21BM015-15BM061 2.25 10.397 0.27 1.919 3.078 3.078 0.185 0.292 8.478 4.75
21BM016-21BM014 2 10.063 0.474 1.466 2.973 3.041 0.146 0.292 8.597 3.893
21BM017-21BM016 2 9.794 0.449 1.463 3.489 3.49 0.149 0.26 8.33 3.884
21BM018-21BM002 2 10.024 0.47 1.459 3.519 3.519 0.146 0.258 8.565 3.881
21BM0196644-22AM0096643 2.25 13.723 0.47 1.564 3.548 3.548 0.114 0.228 12.158 4.854
21BM020-21BM023 2 10.024 0.47 1.36 3.226 3.228 0.136 0.262 8.663 3.709
21BM021-21BM018 2 10.442 0.51 1.458 3.622 3.622 0.14 0.252 8.984 3.88
21BM023-21BM021 2 8.618 0.347 1.457 3.342 3.343 0.169 0.267 7.16 3.88
22AM005-22AM006 1.5 2.54 0.14 1.049 2.452 2.452 0.413 0.401 1.491 1.772
22AM006-22AM0127045 2.5 11.405 0.185 2.637 2.447 2.447 0.231 0.373 8.767 6.723
22AM007-22AM006 2.25 22.38 1.25 1.584 5.022 5.033 0.071 0.18 20.796 4.941
22AM0086642-22AM007 2.25 19.095 0.91 1.58 4.496 4.496 0.083 0.194 17.515 4.929
22AM0096643-22AM0086642 2.25 13.723 0.47 1.578 3.557 3.557 0.115 0.229 12.145 4.923
22AM0127045-22AM0137047 2.5 6.942 0.069 2.644 2.654 2.654 0.381 0.352 4.298 6.735
22AM0137047-22AM066 2.5 14.621 0.18 2.654 3.493 3.493 0.181 0.289 11.968 6.779
22AM0147050-22AM015 2.5 13.255 0.25 2.671 3.143 3.143 0.201 0.313 10.584 6.793
22AM015-22AM016 2.5 12.076 0.207 2.686 3.292 3.292 0.222 0.304 9.39 6.823
22AM016-22AM017 2.5 16.126 0.37 2.688 3.36 3.36 0.167 0.3 13.437 6.826
22AM017-22BM023 2.5 12.16 0.21 2.69 3.443 3.443 0.221 0.295 9.47 6.825
22AM024-22BM028 2.5 9.558 0.13 2.121 2.819 2.819 0.222 0.287 7.437 5.178
22AM025-22AM024 2.5 12.434 0.22 2.097 2.541 2.542 0.169 0.307 10.338 5.118
22AM027-22AM025 2.5 9.454 0.127 2.089 2.59 2.59 0.221 0.302 7.365 5.094
22AM028-22AM027 2.5 12.434 0.22 2.081 2.598 2.598 0.167 0.3 10.353 5.062
22AM029-22AM028 2.5 10.262 0.15 2.079 2.734 2.734 0.203 0.289 8.183 5.06
22AM030-22AM029 2.5 7.953 0.09 2.077 2.409 2.409 0.261 0.316 5.876 5.059
22AM031-22AM030 2.5 16.658 0.395 2.075 2.761 2.761 0.125 0.287 14.582 5.057
22AM032-22AM031 2.5 11.856 0.2 2.064 3.065 3.065 0.174 0.265 9.792 5.01
22AM066-22AM0677046 2.5 14.625 0.18 2.664 3.463 3.463 0.182 0.291 11.961 6.792
22AM0677046-22AM073 2.5 8.893 0.067 2.666 2.701 2.701 0.3 0.349 6.227 6.793
22AM073-22AM074 2.5 16.705 0.235 2.667 2.924 2.924 0.16 0.33 14.037 6.793
22AM074-22AM0147050 2.5 12.434 0.22 2.669 3.445 3.445 0.215 0.293 9.765 6.793
22BM011-22BM012 3.5 20.563 0.1 5.109 2.939 2.939 0.248 0.323 15.454 12.677
22BM012-16BM043 3.5 23.446 0.13 5.111 2.911 2.911 0.218 0.325 18.334 12.675
22BM013-22BM011 3.5 23.445 0.13 4.835 2.628 2.63 0.206 0.337 18.611 12.09
22BM017-22BM013 3.5 24.331 0.14 4.826 3.351 3.353 0.198 0.282 19.504 12.082
22BM021-22BM017 2.5 17.585 0.44 2.697 4.011 4.011 0.153 0.265 14.888 6.838
22BM022-22BM021 2.5 13.174 0.247 2.695 3.496 3.496 0.205 0.292 10.478 6.835
22BM023-22BM022 2.5 19.481 0.54 2.693 4.313 4.313 0.138 0.251 16.788 6.831
22BM027-22BM017 2.5 11.556 0.19 2.143 2.754 2.763 0.185 0.299 9.412 5.234
22BM028-22BM027 2.5 11.39 0.185 2.135 2.759 2.759 0.187 0.293 9.255 5.214
27AM041-27AM042 2.25 12.817 0.41 1.53 3.388 3.388 0.119 0.232 11.287 4.697
27AM042-27AM043 2.25 22.566 1.271 1.531 4.113 4.119 0.068 0.203 21.035 4.7
27AM048-27AM050 2.25 10.379 0.269 1.533 2.991 2.993 0.148 0.253 8.847 4.71
27AM050-27AM051 2.25 11.215 0.314 1.528 2.884 2.887 0.136 0.26 9.687 4.706
27AM051-27AM052 2.25 9.806 0.24 1.525 2.911 2.912 0.155 0.257 8.282 4.703
27AM052-27AM053 2.25 10.207 0.26 1.521 3.066 3.066 0.149 0.248 8.685 4.701
27AM053-27AM055 2.25 12.01 0.36 1.54 3.301 3.301 0.128 0.237 10.47 4.726
27AM055-27AM056 2.25 10.066 0.253 1.538 2.833 2.833 0.153 0.264 8.528 4.725
27AM056-27BM0016650 2.25 10.779 0.29 1.56 3.136 3.136 0.145 0.248 9.219 4.834
27BM0016650-27BM0026649 2.25 10.592 0.28 1.554 3.103 3.103 0.147 0.249 9.038 4.837
27BM0026649-27BM0036648 2.25 9.497 0.225 1.556 2.799 2.8 0.164 0.269 7.94 4.847
27BM0036648-27BM0046647 2.25 11.145 0.31 1.554 3.19 3.19 0.139 0.245 9.591 4.846
27BM0046647-27BM0056646 2.25 10.854 0.294 1.555 2.991 2.992 0.143 0.256 9.299 4.846
27BM0056646-27BM0066645 2.25 10.779 0.29 1.555 2.847 2.847 0.144 0.265 9.225 4.843
27BM0066645-21BM0196644 2.25 10.295 0.265 1.564 3.093 3.093 0.152 0.251 8.731 4.851
28AM001-22AM005 1.5 2.448 0.13 1.032 1.996 1.996 0.422 0.463 1.415 1.734
28AM002-28AM001 1.5 2.799 0.17 1.03 2.37 2.37 0.368 0.405 1.769 1.73
28AM003-28AM002 1.5 2.564 0.143 1.028 2.149 2.149 0.401 0.436 1.537 1.726
28AM004-28AM003 1.25 3.815 0.494 0.499 1.752 1.752 0.131 0.389 3.315 0.835
28AM005-28AM004 1.25 3.838 0.5 0.498 3.338 3.338 0.13 0.243 3.34 0.834
28AM006-28AM005 1.25 3.838 0.5 0.491 3.325 3.325 0.128 0.241 3.347 0.805
28AM007-28AM006 1.25 3.756 0.479 0.489 3.285 3.285 0.13 0.243 3.266 0.804
28AM008-28AM007 1.25 3.814 0.494 0.437 3.047 3.047 0.114 0.236 3.377 0.704
28AM022-28AM003 1.5 16.613 5.988 0.429 1.661 1.663 0.026 0.277 16.184 0.747
33AM007-33AM008 1.5 5.259 0.6 1.08 3.621 3.621 0.205 0.307 4.179 1.538
33AM008-33AM009 2.25 10.484 0.274 1.081 2.6 2.957 0.103 0.219 9.404 1.563
33AM009-33AM010 2.25 10.591 0.28 1.076 2.834 2.865 0.102 0.205 9.515 1.486
33AM010-33AM011 2.25 13.674 0.467 1.076 3.157 3.236 0.079 0.191 12.598 1.448
33AM011-33AM012 2.25 12.455 0.387 1.027 2.523 2.557 0.082 0.216 11.428 1.447
33AM012-33AM013 2.25 13.415 0.449 1.655 3.606 3.612 0.123 0.235 11.76 4.649
33AM013-33AM014 2.25 13.702 0.469 1.626 3.523 3.537 0.119 0.236 12.076 4.679
33AM014-27AM041 2.25 12.5 0.39 1.57 3.376 3.376 0.126 0.237 10.93 4.697
44AM001-50AM043 1.25 2.768 0.26 0.885 3.187 3.187 0.32 0.381 1.883 1.376
44AM002-44AM001 1.25 1.913 0.21 0.33 1.826 1.852 0.172 0.312 1.584 0.718
49BM017-49BM018 1.25 5.77 1.13 0.852 5.031 5.101 0.148 0.266 4.918 0.97
49BM018-49BM022 1.25 6.259 2.248 1.552 7.303 7.305 0.248 0.313 4.707 2.523
49BM022-49BM028 1.75 19.96 2.248 1.552 4.204 4.254 0.078 0.289 18.408 2.533
49BM028-58AM010 1.75 5.017 0.24 1.557 2.908 3.045 0.31 0.379 3.46 2.505
50AM018-49BM018 1.25 6.189 1.3 0.724 5.222 5.222 0.117 0.231 5.465 1.543
50AM019-50AM018 1.25 10.258 3.572 0.722 6.227 6.229 0.07 0.204 9.537 1.538
50AM020-50AM019 1.25 2.588 0.227 0.72 3.693 3.693 0.278 0.294 1.867 1.538
50AM021-50AM020 1.25 4.637 0.73 0.719 3.055 3.059 0.155 0.338 3.917 1.534
50AM022-50AM021 1.25 3.363 0.384 0.717 3.606 3.606 0.213 0.299 2.645 1.53
50AM023-50AM022 1.25 7.821 2.076 0.716 4.196 4.2 0.092 0.268 7.105 1.522
50AM024-50AM023 1.25 3.518 0.42 0.714 3.476 3.476 0.203 0.306 2.803 1.519
50AM025-50AM024 1.25 2.963 0.298 0.699 3.185 3.186 0.236 0.321 2.264 1.47
50AM026-50AM025 1.25 3.433 0.4 0.703 3.21 3.216 0.205 0.32 2.73 1.451
50AM027-50AM026 1.25 3.302 0.37 0.704 3.309 3.309 0.213 0.314 2.597 1.447
50AM028-50AM027 1.25 2.945 0.294 0.713 3.179 3.182 0.242 0.326 2.232 1.437
50AM029-50AM028 1.25 3.177 0.343 0.71 3.105 3.113 0.224 0.331 2.467 1.426
50AM030-50AM029 1.25 2.238 0.17 0.708 2.69 2.69 0.316 0.366 1.53 1.419
50AM031-50AM030 1.25 3.721 0.47 0.813 3.292 3.306 0.218 0.35 2.908 1.402
50AM043-50AM031 1.25 2.923 0.29 0.856 3.234 3.234 0.293 0.368 2.067 1.42
52AM032-52AM028 2.333 44.793 2.441 0.058 2.758 2.758 0.001 0.027 44.735 0.092
54AM0396572-54AM040 1.5 3.947 0.2 0.504 2.5 2.5 0.128 0.233 3.443 1.37
54AM040-54BM072 1.5 3.238 0.135 0.559 2.093 2.093 0.173 0.284 2.679 1.526
54BM049-55AM049 1.5 3.745 0.18 0.616 1.615 1.615 0.164 0.368 3.129 1.635
54BM0506579-54BM049 1.5 3.057 0.12 0.615 2.234 2.234 0.201 0.29 2.443 1.634
54BM0526606-54BM0536607 1.5 1.765 0.04 0.59 2.052 2.052 0.334 0.299 1.176 1.586
54BM0536607-54BM054 1.5 4.413 0.25 0.591 2.569 2.569 0.134 0.255 3.822 1.588
54BM054-54BM0556608 1.5 3.679 0.174 0.594 2.483 2.483 0.161 0.262 3.085 1.594
54BM0556608-54BM0566577 1.5 4.409 0.249 0.6 2.683 2.683 0.136 0.25 3.809 1.607
54BM0566577-54BM0576578 1.5 4.346 0.242 0.601 2.666 2.666 0.138 0.252 3.745 1.609
54BM0576578-54BM0506579 1.5 4.324 0.24 0.603 2.325 2.325 0.139 0.278 3.721 1.611
54BM0586573-54BM0596574 1.5 4.065 0.212 0.58 2.11 2.11 0.143 0.29 3.485 1.565
54BM0596574-54BM0606575 1.5 2.335 0.07 0.581 1.874 1.874 0.249 0.316 1.754 1.566
54BM0606575-54BM0616576 1.5 2.791 0.1 0.583 1.839 1.839 0.209 0.321 2.208 1.569
54BM0616576-54BM0526606 1.5 2.452 0.077 0.585 1.682 1.683 0.238 0.344 1.867 1.574
54BM072-54BM0736604 1.5 3.418 0.15 0.559 2.385 2.385 0.163 0.259 2.859 1.527
54BM0736604-54BM0586573 1.5 2.115 0.057 0.56 1.847 1.847 0.265 0.311 1.556 1.529
55AM002-55AM001 1.25 3.905 0.518 0.841 3.925 3.925 0.215 0.315 3.064 2.078
55AM003-55AM002 1.25 5.4 0.99 0.837 4.369 4.369 0.155 0.291 4.563 2.07
55AM004-55AM003 1.25 3.794 0.489 0.834 4.166 4.166 0.22 0.3 2.96 2.062
55AM005-55AM004 1.25 4.168 0.59 0.832 3.828 3.828 0.2 0.318 3.336 2.06
55AM006-55AM005 1.25 3.951 0.53 0.83 3.943 3.943 0.21 0.311 3.121 2.057
55AM007-55AM006 1.25 4.637 0.73 0.8 4.12 4.12 0.173 0.294 3.837 1.987
55AM008-55AM007 1.25 12.205 5.056 0.798 8.685 8.685 0.065 0.173 11.407 1.983
55AM009-55AM008 1.25 4.025 0.55 0.796 3.949 3.949 0.198 0.302 3.229 1.977
55AM010-55AM009 1.25 3.951 0.53 0.794 3.894 3.894 0.201 0.304 3.157 1.975
55AM0176585-55AM018 1.5 3.408 0.149 0.782 2.405 2.405 0.23 0.327 2.625 1.949
55AM018-55AM019 1.5 3.381 0.147 0.785 2.675 2.675 0.232 0.304 2.597 1.954
55AM019-55AM020 1.5 4.643 0.277 0.786 2.611 2.612 0.169 0.31 3.856 1.956
55AM020-55AM010 1.5 3.418 0.15 0.788 2.638 2.638 0.231 0.308 2.63 1.96
55AM0226581-55AM0176585 1.5 3.416 0.15 0.776 2.411 2.411 0.227 0.325 2.64 1.937
55AM0236582-55AM0226581 1.5 3.414 0.15 0.673 2.206 2.207 0.197 0.313 2.742 1.759
55AM024-55AM0236582 1.5 3.587 0.165 0.67 2.352 2.352 0.187 0.298 2.917 1.754
55AM025-55AM024 1.5 3.418 0.15 0.623 2.287 2.287 0.182 0.288 2.796 1.648
55AM026-55AM025 1.5 3.408 0.149 0.621 2.263 2.263 0.182 0.289 2.787 1.645
55AM038-55AM001 1.25 0.138 0.001 0.228 1.465 1.465 1.652 0.25 -0.09 0.181
55AM038-55BM081 1.25 3.433 0.4 0.229 2.458 2.458 0.067 0.175 3.204 0.182
55AM048-55AM026 1.5 3.057 0.12 0.618 2.321 2.321 0.202 0.283 2.439 1.638
55AM049-55AM048 1.5 0.14 0 0.617 1.472 1.472 4.422 0.395 -0.478 1.637
55BM081-63BM071 1.25 4.468 0.678 0.231 2.957 2.958 0.052 0.155 4.237 0.183
56AM001-56AM002 2.75 12.913 0.143 8.72 3.777 3.803 0.675 0.58 4.194 20.949
56AM002-56AM003 2.75 15.17 0.197 8.725 3.799 3.964 0.575 0.578 6.445 20.945
56AM003-56AM004 4 41.519 0.2 14.132 5.061 5.061 0.34 0.376 27.387 35.597
56AM004-56AM005 4 32.009 0.119 14.699 3.865 3.865 0.459 0.475 17.31 37.521
56AM005-56AM006 4 32.161 0.12 14.698 3.873 3.874 0.457 0.474 17.463 37.515
56AM006-56BM001 4 32.161 0.12 14.697 3.858 3.858 0.457 0.476 17.464 37.515
56AM007-56AM004 1.5 2.147 0.1 0.705 2.48 2.48 0.329 0.297 1.442 1.932
56AM008-56AM007 1.5 2.147 0.1 0.705 2.459 2.459 0.329 0.299 1.442 1.931
56AM009-56AM008 1.5 2.037 0.09 0.706 1.768 1.769 0.347 0.381 1.331 1.93
56AM010-56AM009 1.5 2.104 0.096 0.694 1.579 1.579 0.33 0.409 1.409 1.892
56AM011-56AM010 1.5 2.147 0.1 0.694 2.526 2.526 0.323 0.29 1.453 1.891
56AM012-56AM011 1.5 0.107 0 0.684 1.46 1.46 6.372 0.429 -0.577 1.861
56AM013-56AM012 1.5 2.147 0.1 0.666 1.953 1.953 0.31 0.339 1.481 1.809
56AM014-56AM015 1.5 2.147 0.1 0.66 1.655 1.982 0.307 0.381 1.487 1.78
56AM015-56AM013 1.5 2.147 0.1 0.662 1.536 1.539 0.308 0.403 1.485 1.792
56BM001-56BM002 4 31.745 0.117 14.701 3.843 3.844 0.463 0.477 17.044 37.537
56BM002-56BM003 4 31.942 0.118 14.698 3.848 3.849 0.46 0.477 17.244 37.527
56BM003-56BM004 4 31.803 0.117 14.706 3.916 3.917 0.462 0.47 17.097 37.55
56BM004-56BM005 4 32.161 0.12 14.725 4.729 4.729 0.458 0.408 17.436 37.612
58AM001-66AM042 2 6.159 0.177 2.447 1.205 1.764 0.397 1 3.712 4.048
58AM0026255-58AM001 2 6.203 0.18 2.449 1.206 2.342 0.395 1 3.755 4.059
58AM003-58AM0026255 1.75 4.994 0.238 2.312 1.487 2.556 0.463 1 2.682 4.019
58AM004-58AM003 1.75 5.515 0.29 1.585 1.02 2.664 0.287 1 3.929 2.613
58AM005-58AM004 1.75 4.803 0.22 1.582 1.017 2.419 0.329 1 3.222 2.611
58AM006-58AM005 1.75 4.345 0.18 1.578 1.015 2.1 0.363 1 2.767 2.612
58AM007-58AM006 1.75 4.345 0.18 1.573 1.012 2.09 0.362 1 2.772 2.613
58AM008-58AM007 1.75 4.965 0.235 1.566 1.007 2.195 0.315 1 3.399 2.601
58AM009-58AM008 1.75 4.204 0.169 1.562 1.005 2.119 0.372 1 2.642 2.583
58AM010-58AM009 1.75 4.58 0.2 1.557 1.016 2.157 0.34 0.972 3.023 2.585
58BM0296240-58BM0306254 1.25 1.052 0.074 0.735 1.821 1.824 0.698 0.508 0.317 0.94
58BM0306254-58BM031 1.25 1.778 0.181 0.705 2.333 2.338 0.396 0.406 1.073 0.958
58BM031-58BM032 1.25 2.325 0.31 0.701 2.547 2.561 0.302 0.38 1.623 0.972
58BM032-58BM036 1.25 2.324 0.31 0.694 2.744 2.744 0.299 0.356 1.629 1.001
60BM005-60BM006 1.25 4.631 1.23 1.279 4.989 4.989 0.276 0.359 3.351 2.373
60BM006-60BM007 1.25 4.574 1.2 1.281 4.946 4.946 0.28 0.362 3.292 2.376
60BM007-60BM008 1.25 4.497 1.16 1.283 4.887 4.887 0.285 0.366 3.214 2.377
60BM008-60BM009 1.5 6.082 0.803 1.446 4.276 4.276 0.238 0.337 4.636 2.607
60BM009-60BM010 1.5 6.139 0.818 1.545 4.23 4.23 0.252 0.356 4.594 2.754
60BM010-61AM001 1.5 5.525 0.662 1.546 4.352 4.352 0.28 0.349 3.979 2.754
61AM001-61AM002 1.5 6.668 0.965 1.548 4.507 4.507 0.232 0.341 5.12 2.755
61AM002-61AM003 1.5 5.821 0.735 1.55 4.343 4.343 0.266 0.35 4.271 2.756
61AM003-61AM004 1.5 5.996 0.78 1.552 4.405 4.405 0.259 0.347 4.445 2.756
61AM004-69AM001 1.5 6.222 0.84 1.553 3.709 3.718 0.25 0.395 4.669 2.757
62BM027-63AM001 2.75 15.287 0.2 7.288 3.107 3.108 0.477 0.588 7.998 17.436
62BM028-62BM027 2.75 15.287 0.2 7.067 4.031 4.031 0.462 0.466 8.22 16.983
62BM029-62BM028 2.75 15.287 0.2 7.066 3.894 3.895 0.462 0.479 8.221 16.98
62BM030-62BM057 2.75 13.678 0.16 6.735 3.698 3.698 0.492 0.48 6.943 16.271
62BM057-62BM029 2.75 15.287 0.2 6.735 3.811 3.812 0.441 0.469 8.552 16.271
63AM001-63AM002 2.75 7.688 0.051 7.288 3.395 3.395 0.948 0.547 0.399 17.436
63AM002-63AM003 2.75 14.978 0.192 7.289 3.866 3.867 0.487 0.493 7.689 17.435
63AM003-63AM004 2.75 14.907 0.19 7.289 3.885 3.885 0.489 0.491 7.617 17.434
63AM004-63AM005 2.75 15.268 0.2 7.34 3.918 3.918 0.481 0.491 7.929 17.533
63AM005-63AM014 2.75 15.287 0.2 7.411 4 4 0.485 0.486 7.875 17.661
63AM014-63AM015 2.75 15.287 0.2 7.412 3.942 3.942 0.485 0.492 7.874 17.663
63AM015-63AM016 2.75 14.916 0.19 7.412 3.892 3.892 0.497 0.497 7.504 17.666
63AM016-63BM001 2.75 15.058 0.194 7.41 3.677 3.678 0.492 0.52 7.647 17.663
63BM001-63BM002 2.75 14.38 0.177 8.222 3.927 3.928 0.572 0.536 6.158 19.945
63BM002-63BM003 2.75 15.416 0.203 8.439 4.058 4.058 0.547 0.533 6.977 20.137
63BM003-63BM004 2.75 15.287 0.2 8.536 4.267 4.267 0.558 0.517 6.75 20.366
63BM004-63BM007 2.75 14.81 0.188 8.538 3.794 3.794 0.576 0.568 6.272 20.367
63BM007-63BM008 2.75 12.861 0.142 8.537 3.927 3.933 0.664 0.552 4.324 20.363
63BM008-63BM043 2.75 16.797 0.241 8.692 4.507 4.507 0.517 0.502 8.105 20.877
63BM009-7270 2.75 21.834 0.241 8.694 4.277 4.278 0.398 0.523 13.14 20.876
63BM043-63BM009 2.75 16.789 0.241 8.693 4.982 4.982 0.518 0.464 8.096 20.876
63BM068-63BM002 1.25 4.476 0.68 0.237 2.992 2.992 0.053 0.156 4.238 0.193
63BM069-63BM068 1.25 4.467 0.677 0.236 2.979 2.979 0.053 0.156 4.231 0.192
63BM070-63BM069 1.25 4.476 0.68 0.234 2.98 2.98 0.052 0.155 4.242 0.189
63BM071-63BM070 1.25 4.475 0.68 0.232 2.965 2.966 0.052 0.155 4.242 0.186
64AM001-64AM002 3.5 18.392 0.08 5.465 2.656 2.656 0.297 0.365 12.927 14.34
64AM002-64AM003 3.5 18.392 0.08 5.557 2.556 2.56 0.302 0.381 12.835 14.588
64AM003-64AM004 3.5 17.981 0.076 5.561 2.505 2.519 0.309 0.387 12.42 14.597
64AM004-64AM005 3.5 18.392 0.08 5.565 2.345 2.413 0.303 0.407 12.827 14.635
64AM005-56AM003 3.5 17.163 0.07 5.556 2.07 2.245 0.324 0.448 11.608 14.659
64AM006-56AM001 2.75 15.287 0.2 8.697 4.367 4.367 0.569 0.515 6.59 20.875
66AM0246278-66AM039 1.25 2.398 0.33 0.802 1.011 1.664 0.334 1 1.597 0.47
66AM039-66AM040 1.25 1.958 0.22 2.27 2.862 2.862 1.159 1 -0.312 1.173
66AM040-66AM041 1.25 1.922 0.212 2.264 2.855 2.855 1.178 1 -0.343 1.16
66AM041-66ALS07 2.5 15.589 0.401 1.376 0.434 2.39 0.088 1 14.213 2.964
66AM042-66AM041 2 3.721 0.065 2.446 1.205 1.94 0.657 1 1.275 4.041
69AM001-69AM005 1.5 4.533 0.446 2.183 4.203 4.203 0.482 0.464 2.35 4.048
69AM002-69AM0036540 1.5 5.793 0.728 2.377 4.883 4.883 0.41 0.442 3.416 4.375
69AM0036540-69AM004 1.5 6.073 0.8 2.378 4.992 4.992 0.392 0.435 3.695 4.376
69AM004-69BM030 1.75 7.242 0.5 2.393 4.179 4.179 0.33 0.396 4.849 4.4
69AM005-69AM002 1.5 6.222 0.84 2.375 5.08 5.08 0.382 0.429 3.847 4.374
69BM023-69BM024 1.75 7.242 0.5 3.01 4.443 4.443 0.416 0.45 4.231 5.515
69BM024-69BM025 1.75 7.303 0.509 3.012 4.439 4.439 0.412 0.45 4.291 5.516
69BM025-69BM026 1.75 7.169 0.49 3.013 4.415 4.415 0.42 0.452 4.155 5.516
69BM026-70AM031 1.75 7.385 0.52 3.015 4.51 4.51 0.408 0.445 4.37 5.517
69BM027-69BM023 1.75 6.946 0.46 2.398 3.796 3.796 0.345 0.426 4.548 4.405
69BM0286541-69BM027 1.75 7.369 0.518 2.397 4.144 4.144 0.325 0.399 4.971 4.405
69BM030-NODE_246_SEH 1.75 7.095 0.48 2.395 4.164 4.164 0.338 0.397 4.7 4.403
70AM0246543-70AM032 2.5 8.552 0.104 6.27 3.408 3.409 0.733 0.563 2.282 15.304
70AM0256542-70AM0246543 2.5 11.856 0.2 6.097 3.801 3.801 0.514 0.504 5.759 14.95
70AM026-70AM085 2.5 11.856 0.2 6.097 3.682 3.682 0.514 0.517 5.759 14.945
70AM027-70AM026 2.5 11.856 0.2 6.097 4.054 4.054 0.514 0.48 5.759 14.943
70AM028-70AM027 2.5 11.856 0.2 6.094 4.299 4.299 0.514 0.458 5.762 14.942
70AM029-70AM028 2.5 10.479 0.156 6.095 3.665 3.665 0.582 0.519 4.384 14.944
70AM031-70AM029 2.5 11.844 0.2 6.086 3.654 3.655 0.514 0.52 5.758 14.924
70AM032-70AM033 2.5 10.682 0.162 6.273 3.644 3.644 0.587 0.533 4.409 15.309
70AM033-70AM034 2.5 11.856 0.2 6.273 3.924 3.925 0.529 0.503 5.583 15.312
70AM034-70AM035 2.5 11.856 0.2 6.274 3.703 3.703 0.529 0.527 5.581 15.317
70AM035-70AM041 2.5 10.76 0.165 6.275 3.649 3.649 0.583 0.533 4.485 15.32
70AM041-NODE_270_SEH 2.5 11.854 0.2 6.31 4.071 4.071 0.532 0.491 5.544 15.385
70AM083-70AM031 2 6.539 0.2 3.652 3.688 3.692 0.559 0.491 2.886 9.366
70AM085-70AM0256542 2.5 9.228 0.121 6.097 3.573 3.573 0.661 0.53 3.131 14.949
70BM003-70BM004 1.25 1.669 0.16 0.193 1.276 1.276 0.115 0.245 1.477 0.331
70BM004-70BM015 1.25 1.505 0.13 0.225 1.299 1.299 0.15 0.271 1.28 0.391
70BM015-70BM016 1.25 1.32 0.1 0.235 1.588 1.588 0.178 0.242 1.086 0.408
70BM016-70BM023 1.25 2.02 0.234 0.257 1.482 1.482 0.127 0.271 1.762 0.442
70BM023-70BM024 1.25 1.32 0.1 0.26 1.287 1.287 0.197 0.302 1.061 0.446
70BM024-70BM025 1.25 1.32 0.1 0.262 1.571 1.571 0.198 0.263 1.058 0.45
70BM025-70BM030 1.25 1.771 0.18 0.288 1.674 1.674 0.163 0.269 1.483 0.493
70BM030-70BM031 1.25 1.867 0.2 0.29 1.515 1.515 0.155 0.291 1.577 0.496
70BM031-70BM032 1.25 1.36 0.106 0.292 1.336 1.336 0.215 0.32 1.068 0.499
70BM032-70BM033 1.25 1.259 0.091 0.297 1.397 1.397 0.236 0.313 0.962 0.508
70BM033-70BM034 1.25 1.562 0.14 0.299 1.556 1.556 0.191 0.291 1.263 0.509
70BM034-NODE_277_SEH 1.25 1.67 0.16 0.301 1.516 1.703 0.18 0.3 1.369 0.513
70BM036-62BM030 2.75 15.23 0.199 6.736 3.693 3.693 0.442 0.481 8.494 16.276
70BM040-NODE_277_SEH 2.75 15.287 0.2 6.496 3.918 3.918 0.425 0.446 8.791 15.765
7189-7190 2 18.274 0.924 1.577 4.897 4.897 0.086 0.216 16.697 2.516
7190-7191 2 13.422 0.499 1.573 4.48 4.48 0.117 0.229 11.849 2.515
7191-7192 2 14.062 0.547 1.57 4.472 4.472 0.112 0.229 12.492 2.515
7192-7193 2 13.279 0.488 1.578 4.361 4.361 0.119 0.234 11.701 2.562
7193-NODE_85_SEH 2 13.303 0.49 1.578 4.441 4.441 0.119 0.231 11.725 2.57
7194-7195 2 13.441 0.5 1.576 4.011 4.012 0.117 0.248 11.865 2.572
7195-NODE_95_SEH 2 7.75 0.166 1.576 3.613 3.613 0.203 0.267 6.174 2.572
7196-7197 2 12.751 0.45 1.571 4.268 4.268 0.123 0.237 11.18 2.572
7197-7198 2 13.441 0.5 1.57 4.429 4.429 0.117 0.231 11.87 2.572
7198-7243 2 13.838 0.53 1.57 4.522 4.522 0.113 0.227 12.268 2.573
7199-7200 2 12.416 0.427 1.567 4.201 4.201 0.126 0.239 10.85 2.574
7200-NODE_159_SEH 2 12.608 0.44 1.57 2.348 2.349 0.124 0.364 11.038 2.6
7201-7202 2 13.305 0.49 1.566 4.394 4.394 0.118 0.232 11.74 2.602
7202-NODE_163_SEH 2 13.968 0.54 1.566 4.546 4.547 0.112 0.226 12.402 2.602
7203-7204 2 11.688 0.378 1.565 4.38 4.38 0.134 0.232 10.122 2.605
7204-7205 2 18.847 0.983 1.564 4.513 4.514 0.083 0.227 17.282 2.606
7205-7206 2 10.583 0.31 1.562 3.694 3.694 0.148 0.261 9.021 2.607
7206-NODE_181_SEH 2 9.68 0.259 1.578 3.499 3.499 0.163 0.274 8.102 2.679
7207-7208 2 8.876 0.218 1.576 3.343 3.343 0.178 0.283 7.299 2.679
7208-7209 2 9.432 0.246 1.576 3.504 3.504 0.167 0.273 7.856 2.68
7209-NODE_202_SEH 2 10.058 0.28 1.582 3.61 3.61 0.157 0.268 8.476 2.712
7210-7211 2 10.411 0.3 1.581 3.554 3.554 0.152 0.271 8.83 2.714
7211-7212 2 9.301 0.239 1.59 3.41 3.41 0.171 0.28 7.711 2.762
7212-7213 2 9.211 0.235 1.589 3.328 3.328 0.173 0.285 7.622 2.762
7213-7214 2 8.697 0.209 1.588 3.019 3.02 0.183 0.306 7.109 2.763
7214-7215 2 7.25 0.145 1.589 2.937 2.937 0.219 0.312 5.661 2.775
7215-7216 2 8.285 0.19 1.587 3.291 3.291 0.192 0.287 6.698 2.775
7220-7222 2 7.764 0.167 1.776 3.239 3.239 0.229 0.315 5.987 3.514
7222-7223 2 9.139 0.231 1.775 3.392 3.393 0.194 0.305 7.364 3.515
7223-7224 2 8.478 0.199 1.775 3.161 3.162 0.209 0.321 6.703 3.518
7224-7225 2 9.284 0.239 1.774 4.379 4.379 0.191 0.254 7.511 3.518
7225-7226 2 26.134 1.89 1.773 4.764 4.769 0.068 0.239 24.36 3.519
7226-7228 2 6.495 0.117 1.772 2.506 2.507 0.273 0.38 4.724 3.521
7228-7229 2 5.029 0.07 1.77 2.378 2.382 0.352 0.394 3.259 3.521
7229-7230 2 5.688 0.09 1.798 2.538 2.538 0.316 0.38 3.89 3.617
7230-7231 2 6.011 0.1 1.798 2.707 2.707 0.299 0.362 4.213 3.617
7231-NODE_268_SEH 2 0.825 0.002 1.797 2.525 2.526 2.178 0.381 -0.972 3.619
7232-7233 2 5.614 0.087 1.796 2.474 2.475 0.32 0.387 3.817 3.62
7233-7234 2 5.702 0.09 1.795 2.467 2.468 0.315 0.388 3.908 3.62
7234-NODE_273_SEH 2 5.368 0.08 1.793 2.36 2.36 0.334 0.401 3.574 3.622
7235-7236 2 5.702 0.09 1.792 2.708 2.708 0.314 0.361 3.91 3.623
7236-7237 2 7.101 0.14 1.792 2.407 2.412 0.252 0.394 5.309 3.623
7237-7238 2 3.264 0.029 1.849 2.294 2.294 0.566 0.419 1.416 3.817
7238-7239 2 5.823 0.094 1.848 2.667 2.668 0.317 0.374 3.975 3.817
7239-7240 2 6.753 0.126 1.847 2.709 2.71 0.274 0.369 4.905 3.818
7240-7241 2 4.656 0.06 1.847 3.059 3.059 0.397 0.338 2.809 3.818
7241-7242 2 14.524 0.584 1.847 3.279 3.282 0.127 0.321 12.678 3.819
7242-12AS004 4 73.569 0.372 8.325 5.603 5.603 0.113 0.239 65.245 21.781
7243-7199 2 12.551 0.436 1.569 4.2 4.201 0.125 0.24 10.982 2.573
7270-64AM006 2.75 12.315 0.13 8.697 3.794 3.795 0.706 0.577 3.618 20.878
72AM001-72AM002 2.75 10.3 0.091 2.873 2.21 2.211 0.279 0.372 7.426 7.665
72AM002-72AM003 2.75 8.659 0.064 2.875 2.246 2.246 0.332 0.367 5.784 7.659
72AM003-72AM004 2.75 10.809 0.1 2.876 2.505 2.505 0.266 0.339 7.934 7.659
72AM004-72AM005 2.75 10.809 0.1 2.877 2.861 2.861 0.266 0.308 7.932 7.658
72AM005-72AM006 3.5 13.005 0.04 2.877 1.825 1.857 0.221 0.301 10.128 7.657
72AM006-72AM014 3.5 4.357 0.004 2.877 1.899 2.303 0.66 0.293 1.479 7.654
72AM007-72AM008 3.5 18.402 0.08 5.004 2.427 2.427 0.272 0.366 13.398 13.224
72AM009-72AM010 3.5 18.392 0.08 5.081 2.553 2.553 0.276 0.357 13.311 13.414
72AM010-64AM001 3.5 17.536 0.073 5.082 2.424 2.424 0.29 0.371 12.455 13.411
72AM011-72AM012 2.75 8.373 0.06 2.126 1.81 1.81 0.254 0.345 6.247 5.575
72AM012-72AM013 2.75 8.99 0.069 2.126 2.394 2.394 0.236 0.282 6.864 5.574
72AM013-72AM014 2.75 20.869 0.373 2.129 1.6 2.153 0.102 0.378 18.74 5.578
72AM014-72AM007 3.5 8.255 0.016 5.004 2.211 2.211 0.606 0.392 3.251 13.226
7376-11BM010 1.25 1.609 0.148 0.378 1.707 1.707 0.235 0.323 1.231 0.954
75AM009-NODE_38_SEH 1.5 2.079 0.094 0.369 1.226 1.226 0.177 0.309 1.71 1.027
75AM015-75AM016 1.5 0.176 0.001 0.37 1.513 1.513 2.098 0.267 -0.194 1.03
75BM003-75BM004 1.5 2.3 0.115 1.336 2.402 3.253 0.581 0.524 0.965 1.731
75BM004-75BM005 1.5 2.352 0.12 1.246 2.271 2.355 0.53 0.488 1.106 1.721
75BM005-75BM006 1.5 2.352 0.12 1.103 2.51 2.51 0.469 0.409 1.249 1.792
75BM006-75BM007 1.5 0.619 0.008 1.054 1.827 1.835 1.702 0.506 -0.435 1.81
75BM007-75BM008 2 5.014 0.118 0.991 1.962 1.979 0.198 0.3 4.023 1.788
78AM002-78AM007 2 5.94 0.165 3.371 3.087 3.813 0.567 0.535 2.569 8.796
78AM007-78AM087 2 6.539 0.2 3.535 3.379 3.379 0.541 0.512 3.004 9.153
78AM011-78AM012 2 6.539 0.2 3.574 3.317 3.318 0.547 0.524 2.965 9.228
78AM012-78AM013 2 6.452 0.195 3.575 3.115 3.131 0.554 0.551 2.877 9.23
78AM013-78AM014 2 5.946 0.165 3.576 3.236 3.236 0.601 0.535 2.37 9.228
78AM014-78AM088 2 6.539 0.2 3.649 3.73 3.73 0.558 0.486 2.89 9.367
78AM087-78AM011 2 7.243 0.245 3.573 3.406 3.412 0.493 0.513 3.67 9.227
78AM088-70AM083 2 6.539 0.2 3.649 3.38 3.382 0.558 0.525 2.89 9.367
78BM054-78BM067 1.25 2.641 0.4 0.172 1.615 1.615 0.065 0.192 2.468 0.3
78BM067-78BM0686550 1.25 1.693 0.164 0.174 1.427 1.427 0.103 0.211 1.518 0.302
78BM0686550-78BM0696551 1.25 2.002 0.23 0.176 1.309 1.309 0.088 0.226 1.826 0.305
78BM0696551-78BM070 1.25 1.311 0.099 0.179 1.243 1.243 0.136 0.237 1.133 0.307
78BM070-70BM003 1.25 1.713 0.168 0.181 1.358 1.358 0.106 0.224 1.532 0.31
79BM035-79BM036 2.25 10.207 0.26 1.6 3.11 3.11 0.157 0.254 8.607 4.437
79BM036-79BM037 2.25 8.905 0.198 1.601 2.492 2.552 0.18 0.298 7.305 4.439
79BM037-79BM038 2.25 7.749 0.15 1.605 2.337 2.353 0.207 0.313 6.144 4.448
79BM038-79BM039 2.25 7.767 0.151 1.622 2.801 2.801 0.209 0.277 6.145 4.479
79BM039-79BM040 2.5 12.149 0.21 1.625 2.526 2.528 0.134 0.256 10.524 4.483
79BM040-79BM041 2.5 10.257 0.15 1.642 2.079 2.103 0.16 0.297 8.615 4.527
79BM041-79BM042 2.5 7.085 0.071 1.644 1.872 1.924 0.232 0.321 5.442 4.527
79BM042-79BM043 2.5 8.383 0.1 1.834 2.058 2.058 0.219 0.324 6.55 4.924
79BM043-79BM044 2.75 10.255 0.09 1.834 2.294 2.294 0.179 0.261 8.42 4.919
79BM044-79BM045 2.75 10.255 0.09 1.837 1.999 1.999 0.179 0.289 8.417 4.922
79BM045-79BM046 2.75 10.255 0.09 1.837 1.842 1.858 0.179 0.306 8.417 4.925
79BM046-79BM047 2.75 7.993 0.055 2.008 1.86 1.86 0.251 0.324 5.986 5.286
79BM047-72AM011 2.75 11.337 0.11 2.011 1.829 1.829 0.177 0.329 9.326 5.289
80BM001-80BM002 2.75 10.671 0.097 2.76 2.242 2.264 0.259 0.357 7.91 7.381
80BM002-80BM003 2.75 9.652 0.08 2.768 2.21 2.224 0.287 0.362 6.884 7.397
80BM003-80BM004 2.75 10.52 0.095 2.832 2.177 2.184 0.269 0.372 7.688 7.567
80BM004-80BM005 2.75 8.914 0.068 2.848 2.208 2.209 0.32 0.37 6.066 7.609
80BM005-80BM006 2.75 10.809 0.1 2.864 2.407 2.407 0.265 0.348 7.945 7.644
80BM006-72AM001 2.75 10.809 0.1 2.87 2.397 2.397 0.266 0.35 7.939 7.658
80BM007-117 2.5 15.547 0.344 2.758 3.765 4.874 0.177 0.281 12.789 7.377
CDT-1653 1.25 2.031 0.14 0 0 0 0 0 2.031 0
CDT-1765 1.25 2.03 0.14 0 0 0 0 0 2.03 0
CDT-1767 1.25 2.031 0.14 0 0 0 0 0 2.031 0
CDT-1769 1.25 2.031 0.14 0 0 0 0 0 2.031 0
CDT-1779 1.25 2.031 0.14 0 0 0 0 0 2.031 0
CDT-1781 1.25 2.031 0.14 0 0 0 0 0 2.031 0
CDT-1783 1.25 2.03 0.14 0 0 0 0 0 2.03 0
CDT-1785 1.25 2.031 0.14 0 0 0 0 0.183 2.031 0
CDT-1941 1.25 2.03 0.14 0 0 0 0 0 2.03 0
CDT-1943 1.25 2.03 0.14 0 0 0 0 0.079 2.03 0
CDT-2013 3.5 36.853 0.19 7.418 4.729 4.729 0.201 0.3 29.435 17.829
CDT-2235 1.25 2.03 0.14 0.177 1.455 1.455 0.087 0.211 1.853 0.471
CDT-2237 1.25 2.031 0.14 0.177 1.844 1.844 0.087 0.179 1.854 0.47
CDT-2253 1.5 6.577 0.555 0.177 1.829 1.829 0.027 0.14 6.4 0.47
CDT-2255 1.5 2.926 0.11 0.177 1.412 1.412 0.06 0.167 2.749 0.47
CDT-2257 1.5 2.927 0.11 0.177 1.413 1.413 0.06 0.167 2.75 0.469
CDT-2259 1.5 2.928 0.11 0.177 1.413 1.413 0.06 0.167 2.751 0.468
CDT-2261 1.5 2.927 0.11 0.177 1.413 1.413 0.06 0.166 2.75 0.468
CDT-2263 1.5 2.927 0.11 0.176 1.405 1.405 0.06 0.167 2.751 0.467
CDT-2265 1.5 2.927 0.11 0.177 1.414 1.44 0.06 0.166 2.751 0.467
CDT-2267 1.5 2.927 0.11 0.176 1.035 1.066 0.06 0.206 2.751 0.466
CDT-2365 2 4.665 0.102 0.869 2.125 2.125 0.186 0.255 3.796 1.783
CDT-2367 4 64.942 0.29 14.724 6.466 6.466 0.227 0.324 50.218 37.606
CDT-2369 2 11.807 0.386 0.853 2.962 2.999 0.072 0.202 10.954 1.785
CDT-2371 2 8.326 0.192 0.784 3.263 3.267 0.094 0.176 7.542 1.798
CDT-2373 2 22.336 1.381 0.77 3.209 3.227 0.034 0.177 21.567 1.805
CDT-2375 2 8.693 0.209 0.916 3.119 3.125 0.105 0.202 7.777 2.342
CDT-2377 2.5 24.034 0.486 1.04 3.787 3.787 0.043 0.142 22.994 2.745
CDT-2393 1.5 10.255 1.35 0.028 2.205 2.205 0.003 0.035 10.227 0.077
CDT-2395 1.5 17.171 3.785 0.028 0.047 0.287 0.002 0.515 17.144 0.077
CDT-2397 1.5 7.378 0.699 0.028 1.632 1.632 0.004 0.043 7.35 0.077
CDT-2399 1.5 4.319 0.24 0.002 0.216 0.38 0.001 0.032 4.317 0.007
CDT-2401 1.5 23.941 7.358 0.026 2.02 2.02 0.001 0.035 23.915 0.071
CDT-41 1.25 2.478 0.208 0.183 1.977 1.977 0.074 0.174 2.295 0.456
CDT-47 2 10.022 0.278 1.777 3.711 3.711 0.177 0.286 8.245 3.514
CDT-51 2 8.48 0.199 1.589 3.358 3.358 0.187 0.283 6.891 2.789
CDT-73 2.25 12.509 0.231 1.53 3.096 3.097 0.122 0.247 10.979 4.707
CDT-83 2.25 13.344 0.263 1.533 3.385 3.388 0.115 0.232 11.811 4.709
DISCHARGE 4 60.783 0.254 8.325 5.243 5.243 0.137 0.25 52.458 21.774
JCT-886-09AS001 1.25 5.488 1.022 0.209 3.321 3.321 0.038 0.134 5.278 0.582
NODE_159_SEH-7201 2 6.981 0.135 1.567 2.372 2.372 0.224 0.361 5.415 2.601
NODE_163_SEH-7203 2 13.969 0.54 1.565 4.546 4.546 0.112 0.226 12.404 2.604
NODE_181_SEH-7207 2 9.583 0.254 1.577 3.378 3.379 0.165 0.281 8.006 2.679
NODE_202_SEH-7210 2 10.702 0.317 1.582 3.738 3.738 0.148 0.262 9.121 2.713
NODE_246_SEH-69BM0286541 1.75 7.378 0.519 2.396 4.236 4.236 0.325 0.392 4.982 4.404
NODE_249_SEH-7220 2 9.931 0.273 1.777 3.328 3.329 0.179 0.309 8.154 3.514
NODE_268_SEH-7232 2 6.562 0.119 1.797 2.575 2.575 0.274 0.376 4.765 3.62
NODE_270_SEH-70BM040 2.75 17.579 0.264 6.454 3.99 3.99 0.367 0.438 11.125 15.686
NODE_273_SEH-7235 2 5.246 0.076 1.793 2.398 2.398 0.342 0.396 3.453 3.622
NODE_277_SEH-70BM036 2.75 17.121 0.251 6.737 4.013 4.013 0.394 0.451 10.384 16.278
NODE_291_SEH-NODE_292_SEH 3.5 16.982 0.068 5.081 2.473 2.473 0.299 0.365 11.901 13.42
NODE_310_SEH-80BM007 1.25 1.617 0.15 0.684 1.664 1.671 0.423 0.514 0.933 1.793
NODE_38_SEH-NODE_40_SEH 1.5 1.701 0.063 0.369 1.51 1.51 0.217 0.266 1.332 1.026
NODE_40_SEH-75AM015 1.5 3.84 0.32 0.369 1.421 1.421 0.096 0.278 3.472 1.026
NODE_49_SEH-09AM002 1.25 5.487 1.022 0.209 3.319 3.319 0.038 0.133 5.278 0.581
NODE_71_SEH-164 2 13.451 0.501 1.584 0.803 3.841 0.118 0.933 11.867 2.513
NODE_85_SEH-7194 2 13.967 0.54 1.578 4.498 4.498 0.113 0.229 12.389 2.571
NODE_95_SEH-7196 2 13.575 0.51 1.575 4.371 4.372 0.116 0.233 12 2.573
Sustainable buildings, sound infrastructure, safe transportation systems, clean water,
renewable energy and a balanced environment. Building a Better World for All of Us communicates
a companywide commitment to act in the best interests of our clients and the world around us.
We’re confident in our ability to balance these requirements.