HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 6 City of Lakeville Administration Department Memorandum To: Mayor and Members of the City Council From: Allyn Kuennen, Assistant City Administrator Copy: Justin Miller, City Administrator Date: February 25, 2019 Agenda Item: Waste Hauler Service Area and Schedule At their January 2018 retreat, the City Council discussed complaints from residents regarding waste hauler collection services within the city. The issues voiced by residents included concerns related to the continuous disruption and noise from truck traffic on residential streets and neighborhoods, increased wear and tear on roadways, constant display of unsightly trash containers, increased instances of waste spillage, oil spills from blown hydraulic hoses used on the trucks, and inefficient use of services and infrastructure. To address these concerns Council directed staff to review options for developing service areas within the city to condense the number of days haulers are in each neighborhood. Cities throughout the metro area address these concerns in various ways. Options range from the current uncoordinated system to an organized collection system where the city selects a hauler through a competitive bidding process to provide the service for the entire city. In between these two options are opportunities for the city to consider a hybrid system that allows residents to continue to individually contract with the hauler of their choice, but also includes management by the city to establish which days of the week the collection occurs by zones. City Council reviewed options regarding waste hauler service areas at their work sessions in May and July of 2018 and most recently at their 2019 retreat in January. During this time, staff also continued to work with the waste haulers to refine the scenarios and schedules for implementation of waste hauler service areas within the city. The attached map incorporates the input received from the haulers and staff’s recommendation for implementing service areas and days within the city. In implementing the service areas, the haulers requested at least a six-month notice prior to the new system being implemented to give them time to determine logistics, marketing, and notifying their customers. They indicated transitioning to a new schedule would be the least disruptive if implemented in the first week of December or after the holidays in the first week of February. RosemountMonday/TuesdayApple V a l l e yTuesday Apple ValleyMondayBurnsvilleThursday T u e s d a y /W e d n e s d a y W e d n e s d a y /T h u r s d a y HIGHVIEW AVEHOLYOKE AVEHIGHVIEW AVE46 5 70 50 9 60 31 23 35 162ND ST W K E N WO O D T R L K E N W O O D T RL 160TH ST W 185TH ST W 210TH ST W DODD BLVDCEDAR AVE185TH ST W 215TH ST W KENWOODTRLISLETONWA Y DODD BLVD202ND ST W JUNIPERWAY PILOTKNOBRD215TH ST W CEDAR AVEKENRICKAVE200TH ST W Cr ystal Lake King sley Lake Lee L ake Orchard Lake Valley Lake EastLakeGoo se La ke Lake Marion Printed: 2/5/2019 C I T Y O F L A K E V I L L E Proposed Waste Hauler Pick-Up Days 0 1 20.5 Miles