HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4Advisory Appreciation Dinner 2019 6 – 6:50pm: Social Hour with music and light appetizers 6:50pm - FLASH LIGHTS IN AUDITORIUM Welcome by Mayor Anderson (Mayor Anderson) Good evening, we would like to welcome you to the annual advisory committee recognition dinner. The City Council would like to express their appreciation to the volunteer committee members for the many hours of dedicated service in support of the City Council. We also wish to thank the spouses and other family members for their support and for acceptance of the time commitment required to serve on an advisory committee. Tonight’s entertainment provided during the social hour and dinner, is “Relativity the Band”. Voted a best band from Northfield, Minnesota, a town known for great music, “Relativity” has been performing since 1999. The band combines outstanding vocals, guitar, mandolin and blazing fiddle to create a fun and eclectic evening of music. Dinner is catered by Crystal Lake Golf Course. Tamara will release tables for the buffet line according to the number indicated on your table’s menu notecard. Please enter through the right and exit through the left. Enjoy your dinner and the remainder of entertainment. 7pm - DIM LIGHTS IN AUDITORIUM Release of tables (From the front, right corner when facing the stage) 7 – 7:55pm: Dinner/ dessert/ coffee with entertainment 7:55/ 8pm - TURN LIGHTS BACK UP IN THE AUDITORIUM Program Introduction (Mayor Anderson) I would like to take this time to introduce the Council, Consultants, and City Staff. On the Council we have: • Council Member Luke Hellier and his wife Josi • Council Member Brian Wheeler and his wife Lacey • Council Member Michelle Volk and her husband Tom • Council Member Joshua Lee and his wife Annie • And myself, Mayor Anderson and his wife Deb We are also joined by Andrea Poehler, City attorney from Campbell Knutson. As well as our administrative staff which include: • Assistant City Administrator Allyn Kuennen, and his wife Deana • City Administrator Justin Miller, and his wife Dianne (Justin Miller stands to say a few words) Other members of City staff serving as direct liaisons with a committee or commission will be introduced with that group. (Mayor Anderson Continued) The first advisory group to be recognized this evening will be the Economic Development Commission. The purpose of the Economic Development Commission is to study and review economic development issues and needs in Lakeville, and to advise the City Council on what policies and programs the City Council should implement to achieve them. In 2018 the EDC provided the City Council with recommendations on the business subsidy agreement for the Schneiderman’s Furniture Distribution Center Project. In addition, the EDC provided input on the Comprehensive Plan Update and the Downtown Development Guide Update. I will ask committee members to stand as their name is announced. Members of the Economic Development Commission are: • Quenton Scherer, Chair • Glenn Starfield, Vice Chair • Lowell Collman • James Emond Senior • Bob Gillen • Jack Matasosky • Don Seiler • Derik Dautel • Daniel Vlasak • Tom Smith Ex-Officio members are: • Krista Jech, Chamber of Commerce President • And myself, Mayor Douglas Anderson Staff Liaisons include: • Dave Olson, Community and Economic Development Director • Katy Bachmayer, Community Development Specialist (Mayor Anderson Continued) The Finance Committee acts as an advisory body to the City Council and Staff regarding short and long term financial planning – financial policies and practices – trends in finance and economy – legislative issues – financial reporting – public communication. In 2018, the Committee provided thoughtful input on a number of topics including equipment/vehicle leasing, debt policy, financial sustainability, etc. A number of these topics will be presented to the City Council in 2019. I will ask committee members to stand as their name is announced. Members of the Financial Advisory Committee are: • Bruce Rydeen, Chair • Barry Fick, Vice- Chair • Owen Gohlke • Laird Hanson • Jake Johnston • Darrel Mullenbach • John Tuschner Staff Liaisons Include: • Jerilyn Erickson, Finance Director • Julie Werner, Assistant Finance Director (Mayor Anderson Continued) The Planning Commission reviews residential, commercial, and industrial development projects and makes recommendations to the City Council according to the goals and objectives of the comprehensive plan and the requirements of the zoning and subdivision ordinances. In addition to their review of numerous development projects in 2018, the Planning Commission continued their two-year review of the City’s 2040 Comprehensive Plan, which will be completed in March. I will ask committee members to stand as their name is announced. Members of the Planning Commission are: • Patrick Kaluza, Chair • Jason Kelvie, Vice-Chair • Karl Drotning • Scott Einck • Brooks Lillehei (Lil-e-high) • Jason Swenson • Jeff Witte (Witty) • Paul Reuvers • Paul Jarvis • Officer Michael Lamm, Ex-Officio Member Staff Liaisons Include: • Daryl Morey, Planning Director • Kris Jenson, Associate Planner • Frank Dempsey, Associate Planner • Brent Jones, Planning Assistant/ Code Enforcement Technician • Penny Brevig, Senior Administrative Assistant I will now call on Council Member Luke Hellier (Council Member Luke Hellier) It is my pleasure to introduce the members of the Lakeville Area Arts Center Advisory Board. The Advisory Board contributes their energies and talents towards the marketing and development of programs that promote cultural enrichment and artistic expression in the community. In 2018 they secured grant funds to hire a consultant to aid in the development of a new five-year strategic plan. Additionally, they worked on the creation of the new exterior Art-Walk, featuring sculptural works of art. The Advisory Board members also volunteered their time to support the Arts. Most notably they were instrumental in the success of two of the Arts Center’s premier events, the annual Art Festival and Youth Art Month Exhibit. I will ask committee members to stand as their name is announced. Members of the Lakeville Area Arts Center Board are: • Tom Ruesink, Chair • Michelle Gensinger, Vice Chair • Susan Landberg • Kristina Murto • Robert Erickson • Lynn Krejci (Crate-sch) • Timothy Murphy • Anita Wickhem • Kristy Harms Staff Liaisons include: • Joe Masiarchin (May-see-arch-in), Arts Center Manager • Karla Hartmann, Recreation Program Coordinator (Council Member Hellier Continued) The Lakeville Area Historical Society is dedicated to recording and preserving Lakeville’s past through artifacts and narratives. New displays featured at the Historical Society this year include: Lakeville's downtown – “Past and Present”, a display on Leroy “Lefty” Knutson, tools and women's accessories from the past, homes of prominent Lakeville citizens, and Burma Shave. Guests are welcome to browse the Heritage Center display area, or watch a video featuring Lakeville’s history, any Monday from 9 a.m. to noon. I will ask committee members to stand as their name is announced The Historical Society Board of Trustees includes: • Dianne Lamb, President • Barb Strommer, Vice President • Kathy Neutz (Newts), Secretary • Wally Potter, Treasurer • Vern Jensen • Patricia Rasmussen • Earl Schindeldecker (shin-del-decker) • Michael Schuhwerck (shoe-work) • Betty Weichselbaum (wax-l-balm) Staff Liaison: • Tamara (Tam-a-rah) Wallace, Senior Administrative Assistant/ Deputy Clerk (Council Member Hellier Continued) The Lakeville Technology Work Group that was formed in 2017 continues its work into 2018-2019 to identify opportunities and make recommendations for improvements to City services using technology. The focus for the group this year has been on areas of low cost/no cost opportunities identified in the groups’ first year of work. Those include: • Identification of possible areas the City’s website can provide data and gather requests from citizens • Review and recommend changes to the IT Departments policies and procedures • Recommendations for an internal security audit to ensure the City’s system are safe • Assist in developing plans to enhance collaboration between departments • Assist in developing plans to enhance collaboration with the community I will ask committee members to stand as their name is announced. Members of the Lakeville Technology Work Group are: • Michael Hubener (Hube-ner) • Ellen Kroehler • Pat Peterson • Mike Reardon • Josh Reugg (Ru-egg) • Dr. John Ricketts • Amy Schmidt Staff Liaison’s Include: • Ralph Vetter, Information Systems Manager • Allyn Kuennen, Assistant City Administrator (Council Member Hellier Continued) The responsibility of the Cable TV Board is to provide advice and guidance to the City Council in administering the current cable franchises, assisting with franchise renewals, and identifying present and future Cable Department needs. Over the next year, the Cable Board will be involved in negotiating and reviewing a cable franchise renewal with Frontier Communications and continue to work with Charter in an effort to renew their current franchise agreement. I will ask committee members to stand as their name is announced. Members of the Cable TV Board include: • Robin Selvig, Chair • Terry Lind • Michael Reardon Staff Liaisons Include: • Allyn Kuennen, Assistant City Administrator I will now call on Council Member Michelle Volk (Council Member Volk) Over the past year, the Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee met 16 times and reviewed and recommended approval of 12 plats. Committee members also completed a National Recreation and Park Association Agency Performance Survey which allows cities throughout the country to compare one another’s Parks and Recreation Departments in eight categories. With the completion of this project, the committee is better able to compare Lakeville metrics to those of surrounding communities and make recommendations based on this data. The committee also provided extensive input, review and recommended changes on the East Community Park and Avonlea Community Playfield master plans. Committee members also reviewed Recreation programming and provided insight on c urrent programming. In addition to their scheduled meetings, committee members volunteered their time for a number of events including; Annual Arbor Day Tree and Shrub Sale, Haunted Forest, Ritter Fest, and Family Fun Fest. I will ask committee members to stand as their name is announced. Members of the Parks, Recreation, and Natural Resources Committee are: • Robert Swan, Chair • Jeanne Peterson, Vice Chair • Lori Bovitz • Thomas Goodwin • Jim Storms • Holly Weberg • Patty Zuzek • Anthony Wotzka Staff Liaisons Include: • John Hennen, Parks & Recreation Director • Stella Eskelson, Senior Administrative Assistant (Council Member Volk Continued) The Lakeville Police & Fire Departments’ chaplaincy services continue to support the community and agencies involved. Their responsibilities include responding to provide comfort at death scenes, as well as other traumatic incidents. They also assist in making death notifications to affected family members when an officer requests that service. Chaplains also recognize the emotional, mental and spiritual toll the demands of the public safety profession places upon the lives of all those personnel. In response, they focus on officer wellness. Finally, the team helps to serve as liaisons between the department and the community. I will ask the Police Chaplains to stand as their name is announced. Our Police Chaplains include: • Pastor Dan Feldcamp, Berean Baptist Church • Pastor Jim Marschall, All Saints Catholic Church • Associate Pastor Larry Lotzer, Hosanna! • Pastor Deb Marzahn, Crossroads Church Staff Liaisons Include: • Sergeant Brad Paulson (Council Member Volk Continued) In 2018, the Lakeville Police Reserve Officers volunteered a combined total of 3,119 hours to the community. Reserves volunteer their time at city events such as Pan-O-Prog, the Taste of Lakeville, and smaller individual events such as high school sporting events, the Haunted Forest, and the City Clean-Up Day. Reserve Officers are a tremendous asset to the community and the police department. Their dedication and service-oriented spirit allows officers to remain clear to answer calls for service and have a quicker response time when our citizen need them the most. We cannot thank our volunteer Reserves enough. Thank you for another tremendous year of service! I will ask the reserves to stand as their name is announced. Members of the Lakeville Police Reserves are: • James Beckman • Bryan Bixby • Dan Bloomquist • Marc Cleary • Heidi Krane • Joshua Lee • Deborah Marzahn • Kevin McCabe • Andrea Milan • Al Mowrey • Michael Murphy • Brooklyn Pozanc • Rod Rees • Debora Starkman • Susan Tvedt (Twight) • Jerry Wilson Staff Liaisons Include: • Chief Jeff Long • Officer Brad Wubben • Officer Melissa Field • Officer Robert Rue I will now call on Deputy Police Chief John Kornmann (Deputy Chief Kornmann) Presentation of the 2018 Reserve Officer of the Year Closing Remarks (Mayor Anderson) Thank you for allowing us to express our appreciation for your service to the City of Lakeville. We hope you have enjoyed this evening’s event. If you did not pick up your gift card as you entered, you may do so in the main lobby as you leave. There will be a few lucky winners who have more than the standard value on them… but you will need to redeem them to find out if you are one of the lucky winners! Thank you again for joining us this evening… have a good night!