HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 06 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ± 202ND ST (CSAH 50) 200TH ST HERITAGE DR HOLISTE R LN 199TH CTHOLYOKE AVEHIGHVIEW AVEHIAWATHA CTHEXHAMWAYHOMEFIRE WAY HOLDINGFORD WAYHOLLOWAY LNCity of Lakeville Berean Baptist ChurchPreliminary PlatCUP & VacationEXHIBIT A Proposed Berean Church site HOLT AVEAll Saints Church Lakeville City Hall Fire Station No. 1 Heritage Center Heritage Library ± P/OS P/OS RM-1 RS-3 RS-3 City of LakevilleBerean ChurchPrelim PlatCUP/VacationEXHIBIT B RS-4 PUD P/OS RM-2 Berean Church Site All Saints Church PUD RS-3 HERITAGE DRHOLYOKE AVEHIGHVIEW AVE202ND ST (CSAH 50)HOLT AVEO-R HOLLIST E R LNHOLLOWAY LNHOLDINGFORD WAY199TH CT HOMEFIRE WAY Certificate of SurveyNJK202.VEEX-SURV-118124-BASE.DWGABCDEFGH1234567HGFED7654321Copyright Pioneer Engineering, P.A.NameDateReg. No.DateItemSheet No.Sheet TitleComm. No.DrawnThis Sheet may bea Reduced Copy.The bar above is 1" long on a Full Size Sheet.Drawing Scales apply to Full Size Sheets.N O T F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N This document may be an electronic file or maybe printed from an electronic file provided tothe user. It is the sole responsibility of the userto ensure that the content and quality isconsistent with the content and quality of thepaper documents on file at BWBR.CBAIssued ForConsultants651.222.3701Saint Paul, MN 55102380 St. Peter Street, Ste. 600bwbr.comKeyplanLakeville CampusI hereby certify that this survey, plan, or report was preparedby me or under my direct supervision and that I am a dulyLicensed Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota.3.2018125.0002/07/2019CUP / PRELIM PLAT ISSUE09/21/2018Mendota Heights, MN 551202422 Enterprise Drive(651) 681-1914www.pioneereng.com42299Peter J. HawkinsonCUP / PLAT RESUBMISSION01/04/2019CUP / PLAT RESUB COMMENTS02/07/2019REQUESTED UPDATES02/21/2019(Existing Conditions) 00-SURV-118124-BASE.DWGPreliminary PlatABCDEFGH1234567HGFED7654321Copyright Pioneer Engineering, P.A.NameDateReg. No.DateItemSheet No.Sheet TitleComm. No.DrawnThis Sheet may bea Reduced Copy.The bar above is 1" long on a Full Size Sheet.Drawing Scales apply to Full Size Sheets.N O T F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N This document may be an electronic file or maybe printed from an electronic file provided tothe user. It is the sole responsibility of the userto ensure that the content and quality isconsistent with the content and quality of thepaper documents on file at BWBR.CBAIssued ForConsultants651.222.3701Saint Paul, MN 55102380 St. Peter Street, Ste. 600bwbr.comKeyplanLakeville CampusI hereby certify that this survey, plan, or report was preparedby me or under my direct supervision and that I am a dulyLicensed Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota.3.2018125.0002/07/2019CUP / PRELIM PLAT ISSUE09/21/2018Mendota Heights, MN 551202422 Enterprise Drive(651) 681-1914www.pioneereng.com42299Peter J. HawkinsonCUP / PLAT RESUBMISSION01/04/2019CUP / PLAT RESUB COMMENTS02/07/2019NJK203.VP ABCDEFGH1234567HGFED7654321Copyright Pioneer Engineering, P.A.NameDateReg. No.DateItemSheet No.Sheet TitleComm. No.DrawnThis Sheet may bea Reduced Copy.The bar above is 1" long on a Full Size Sheet.Drawing Scales apply to Full Size Sheets.NOT FO R CON S T RU C T ION This document may be an electronic file or maybe printed from an electronic file provided tothe user. It is the sole responsibility of the userto ensure that the content and quality isconsistent with the content and quality of thepaper documents on file at BWBR.CBAIssued ForConsultants651.222.3701Saint Paul, MN 55102380 St. Peter Street, Ste. 600bwbr.comKeyplanLakeville CampusI hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was preparedby me or under my direct supervision and that I am a dulyLicensed Landscape Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota.3.2018125.0002/07/2019CUP / PRELIM PLAT ISSUE 09/21/2018Mendota Heights, MN 551202422 Enterprise Drive(651) 681-1914www.pioneereng.com44763Jennifer L. ThompsonCUP / PLAT RESUBMISSION 01/04/2019CUP / PLAT RESUB COMMENTS 02/07/2019JLTGHOST PLATGHOSTPLAT3.2018125.00 Building Structure: Foundation to Property Line =30'SETBACKSBuffer Setback =20' Rear=10' SideLowest Opening = EOF+1'Lowest Floor = HWL+3'Manage II Wetland Buffer =17'Parking Stalls: Parking Stall to Property Line =15'ABCDEFGH1234567HGFED7654321Copyright Pioneer Engineering, P.A.I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was preparedby me or under my direct supervision and that I am a dulyLicensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota.NameDateReg. No.DateItemSheet No.Sheet TitleComm. No.DrawnThis Sheet may bea Reduced Copy.The bar above is 1" long on a Full Size Sheet.Drawing Scales apply to Full Size Sheets.N O T F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N This document may be an electronic file or maybe printed from an electronic file provided tothe user. It is the sole responsibility of the userto ensure that the content and quality isconsistent with the content and quality of thepaper documents on file at BWBR.CBAIssued ForConsultants651.222.3701Saint Paul, MN 55102380 St. Peter Street, Ste. 600bwbr.comKeyplanLakeville CampusBNM/JDM3.2018125.0002/07/2019CUP / PRELIM PLAT ISSUE09/21/201847504Brian N. MolinaroMendota Heights, MN 551202422 Enterprise Drive(651) 681-1914www.pioneereng.comCUP / PLAT RESUBMISSION01/04/2019CUP / PLAT RESUB COMMENTS02/07/2019204.CPPreliminarySite &PavingPlan ABCDEFGH1234567HGFED7654321Copyright Pioneer Engineering, P.A.I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was preparedby me or under my direct supervision and that I am a dulyLicensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota.NameDateReg. No.DateItemSheet No.Sheet TitleComm. No.DrawnThis Sheet may bea Reduced Copy.The bar above is 1" long on a Full Size Sheet.Drawing Scales apply to Full Size Sheets.N O T F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N This document may be an electronic file or maybe printed from an electronic file provided tothe user. It is the sole responsibility of the userto ensure that the content and quality isconsistent with the content and quality of thepaper documents on file at BWBR.CBAIssued ForConsultants651.222.3701Saint Paul, MN 55102380 St. Peter Street, Ste. 600bwbr.comKeyplanLakeville CampusBNM/JDM3.2018125.0002/07/2019CUP / PRELIM PLAT ISSUE09/21/201847504Brian N. MolinaroMendota Heights, MN 551202422 Enterprise Drive(651) 681-1914www.pioneereng.comCUP / PLAT RESUBMISSION01/04/2019CUP / PLAT RESUB COMMENTS02/07/2019REQUESTED UPDATES02/21/2019205.CG.1PreliminaryGradingPlan ABCDEFGH1234567HGFED7654321Copyright Pioneer Engineering, P.A.I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was preparedby me or under my direct supervision and that I am a dulyLicensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota.NameDateReg. No.DateItemSheet No.Sheet TitleComm. No.DrawnThis Sheet may bea Reduced Copy.The bar above is 1" long on a Full Size Sheet.Drawing Scales apply to Full Size Sheets.N O T F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N This document may be an electronic file or maybe printed from an electronic file provided tothe user. It is the sole responsibility of the userto ensure that the content and quality isconsistent with the content and quality of thepaper documents on file at BWBR.CBAIssued ForConsultants651.222.3701Saint Paul, MN 55102380 St. Peter Street, Ste. 600bwbr.comKeyplanLakeville CampusBNM/JDM3.2018125.0002/07/2019CUP / PRELIM PLAT ISSUE09/21/201847504Brian N. MolinaroMendota Heights, MN 551202422 Enterprise Drive(651) 681-1914www.pioneereng.comCUP / PLAT RESUBMISSION01/04/2019CUP / PLAT RESUB COMMENTS02/07/2019206.CUPreliminaryUtilityPlan LOADING DOCK (SU-30 SINGLE UNIT TRUCK)MAIN ENTRANCE (FIRE TRUCK)MAIN ENTRANCE (FIRE TRUCK)ABCDEFGH1234567HGFED7654321Copyright Pioneer Engineering, P.A.I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was preparedby me or under my direct supervision and that I am a dulyLicensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota.NameDateReg. No.DateItemSheet No.Sheet TitleComm. No.DrawnThis Sheet may bea Reduced Copy.The bar above is 1" long on a Full Size Sheet.Drawing Scales apply to Full Size Sheets.N O T F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N This document may be an electronic file or maybe printed from an electronic file provided tothe user. It is the sole responsibility of the userto ensure that the content and quality isconsistent with the content and quality of thepaper documents on file at BWBR.CBAIssued ForConsultants651.222.3701Saint Paul, MN 55102380 St. Peter Street, Ste. 600bwbr.comKeyplanLakeville CampusBNM/JDM3.2018125.0002/07/2019CUP / PRELIM PLAT ISSUE09/21/201847504Brian N. MolinaroMendota Heights, MN 551202422 Enterprise Drive(651) 681-1914www.pioneereng.comCUP / PLAT RESUBMISSION01/04/2019CUP / PLAT RESUB COMMENTS02/07/2019207.CTTurningMovementPlan ABCDEFGH1234567HGFED7654321Copyright Pioneer Engineering, P.A.NameDateReg. No.DateItemSheet No.Sheet TitleComm. No.DrawnThis Sheet may bea Reduced Copy.The bar above is 1" long on a Full Size Sheet.Drawing Scales apply to Full Size Sheets.NOT FO R CON S T RU C T ION This document may be an electronic file or maybe printed from an electronic file provided tothe user. It is the sole responsibility of the userto ensure that the content and quality isconsistent with the content and quality of thepaper documents on file at BWBR.CBAIssued ForConsultants651.222.3701Saint Paul, MN 55102380 St. Peter Street, Ste. 600bwbr.comKeyplanLakeville CampusI hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was preparedby me or under my direct supervision and that I am a dulyLicensed Landscape Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota.3.2018125.0002/07/2019CUP / PRELIM PLAT ISSUE 09/21/2018Mendota Heights, MN 551202422 Enterprise Drive(651) 681-1914www.pioneereng.com44763Jennifer L. ThompsonCUP / PLAT RESUBMISSION 01/04/2019CUP / PLAT RESUB COMMENTS 02/07/2019JLTLANDSCAPE PLAN209.LP.13.2018125.00 ABCDEFGH1234567HGFED7654321Copyright Pioneer Engineering, P.A.NameDateReg. No.DateItemSheet No.Sheet TitleComm. No.DrawnThis Sheet may bea Reduced Copy.The bar above is 1" long on a Full Size Sheet.Drawing Scales apply to Full Size Sheets.NOT FO R CON S T RU C T ION This document may be an electronic file or maybe printed from an electronic file provided tothe user. It is the sole responsibility of the userto ensure that the content and quality isconsistent with the content and quality of thepaper documents on file at BWBR.CBAIssued ForConsultants651.222.3701Saint Paul, MN 55102380 St. Peter Street, Ste. 600bwbr.comKeyplanLakeville CampusI hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was preparedby me or under my direct supervision and that I am a dulyLicensed Landscape Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota.3.2018125.0002/07/2019CUP / PRELIM PLAT ISSUE 09/21/2018Mendota Heights, MN 551202422 Enterprise Drive(651) 681-1914www.pioneereng.com44763Jennifer L. ThompsonCUP / PLAT RESUBMISSION 01/04/2019CUP / PLAT RESUB COMMENTS 02/07/2019JLTLANDSCAPE PLAN209.LP.23.2018125.00DRY SWALE/POND(STATE SEED MIX 33-262) TREE PROTECTION DETAILABCDEFGH1234567HGFED7654321Copyright Pioneer Engineering, P.A.NameDateReg. No.DateItemSheet No.Sheet TitleComm. No.DrawnThis Sheet may bea Reduced Copy.The bar above is 1" long on a Full Size Sheet.Drawing Scales apply to Full Size Sheets.NOT FO R CON S T RU C T ION This document may be an electronic file or maybe printed from an electronic file provided tothe user. It is the sole responsibility of the userto ensure that the content and quality isconsistent with the content and quality of thepaper documents on file at BWBR.CBAIssued ForConsultants651.222.3701Saint Paul, MN 55102380 St. Peter Street, Ste. 600bwbr.comKeyplanLakeville CampusI hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was preparedby me or under my direct supervision and that I am a dulyLicensed Landscape Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota.3.2018125.0002/07/2019CUP / PRELIM PLAT ISSUE 09/21/2018Mendota Heights, MN 551202422 Enterprise Drive(651) 681-1914www.pioneereng.com44763Jennifer L. ThompsonCUP / PLAT RESUBMISSION 01/04/2019CUP / PLAT RESUB COMMENTS 02/07/2019JLTTREE PRESERVATION210.TP3.2018125.00 5101D 510 510 510 1F 1H 1B 28'-0"8'-0"50'-8"37'-4"1116 CRY/OBSERV FUTURE ADULT MINISTRY 1118 EDUCATION - MIDDLE & SR. HIGH SCHOOL 1126 NURSERY - INFANTS/ TODDLERS 1128 NURSERY - 2-3 YEAR OLDS 1129 YOUNG CHILDREN - 4-5 YEAR OLDS 1130 YOUNG CHILDREN - K & 1ST GRADE 1131 CHECK-IN 1132 ADULT MINISTRY - MEETING ROOM 1135 COPY/ WORK/ COUNTING 1136 SMALL MEETING ROOM 1137 AMINISTRATION / OPEN OFFICE 1138 KITCHEN 1139 CAFE 1149 TOILET 1214 YOUNG CHILDREN - 2ND & 3RD GRADE 1216 YOUNG CHILDREN - 4TH & 5TH GRADE 1221 TOILET 1222 CIRCULATION 1234 STOR 1235 TOILETS1277 TOILETS 1278 IT 1279 ELECTRICAL 1280 MECHANICAL 1281 TOILET1282 LACTATION ROOM 1170 VESETIBULE 1288 TOILET 1294 GATHERING 1350 LIGHT LOCK 82'-8"28'-10 1/2"19'-9"79'-4"23'-3"25'-8"14'-8"50'-4"82'-8"12'-4 1/2" 14'-8"85'-4" 1359 GATHERING 1351 LIGHT LOCK 1291 ACCESS HALL 1107 WORSHIP SPACE (400 SEATS) 1360 SOUND / LIGHT BOOTH 1108 STAGE 1109 STORAGE 1352 VESTIBULE ADMINISTRATION/SUPPORT COMMUNITY SPACE EDUCATION EDUCATION CORRIDOR NONASSIGNABLE - BLDG CIRCULATION NONASSIGNABLE - BLDG SUPPORT WORSHIP WORSHIP CIRCULATION 1361 TRASH ENCLOSURE90'-8"52'-8"7 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SheetDescription Sketch for:1 of 1c 2019 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS LAND SURVEYORS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 2422 Enterprise Drive Mendota Heights, MN 55120 (651) 681-1914 www.pioneereng.comFax: 681-9488 BEREAN BAPTIST CHURCH Cad File: 118124-EASEMENT VACATION.dwg Folder #: 3264 Drawn by:KSO 1 2 3 • • • • • BBEERREEAANN BBAAPPTTIISSTT CCHHUURRCCHH FFEEBBRRUUAARRYY 2288,, 22001199 PPAAGGEE 22 OOFF 66 BBEERREEAANN BBAAPPTTIISSTT CCHHUURRCCHH FFEEBBRRUUAARRYY 2288,, 22001199 PPAAGGEE 33 OOFF 66 BBEERREEAANN BBAAPPTTIISSTT CCHHUURRCCHH FFEEBBRRUUAARRYY 2288,, 22001199 PPAAGGEE 44 OOFF 66 BBEERREEAANN BBAAPPTTIISSTT CCHHUURRCCHH FFEEBBRRUUAARRYY 2288,, 22001199 PPAAGGEE 55 OOFF 66 BBEERREEAANN BBAAPPTTIISSTT CCHHUURRCCHH FFEEBBRRUUAARRYY 2288,, 22001199 PPAAGGEE 66 OOFF 66