HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 06.eJanuary 19, 2010 E Item No. L JANUARY 19. 2010 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM APPROVE CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 TO McNAMARA CONTRACTING, INC. Holyoke Avenue and Highview Avenue Pavement Reclamation and Reconditioning City Improvement Project 09-02 Proposed Action Staff recommends approval of Change Order No $19,240.80 for City Improvement Project 09-02. 2 to McNamara Contracting, Inc. in the amount of Overview Attached is Change Order No. 2 to McNamara Contracting, Inc. with a net contract increase in the amount of $19,240.80. The Change Order is necessary due to extra work needed due to conditions different than those shown on the plans that were encountered during construction. In addition, special provisions within the contract documents, as required on State and Federal Aid projects, provide for pavement density incentives. The incentives achieved by the contractor are included with this Change Order. This increase results in an adjusted contract amount as follows: Original Contract $840,171.70 Change Order No. 1 $ 11,309.21 Change Order No. 2 $ 19,240.80 Adjusted Contract Amount $870,721.71 Primary Issues to Consider None. Supporting Information • Change Order No. 2 to McNamara Contracting, Inc. Keith H. Nelson City Engineer cc: McNamara Contracting, Inc. Financial Impact: $19,240.80 Budgeted: Yes Source: State Aid Funds Related Documents (CIP, ERP, etc.): Notes: Owner: Project: Contractor: Contract Date: CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 City of Lakeville Project No.: _ Holyoke Avenue and Highview Avenue Pavement Reclamation and Reconditioning McNamara Contracting, Inc. 01lj October 6, 2009 Original Contract Amount: $840,171.70 To: McNamara Contracting, Inc. (Contractor), you are hereby directed to make the changes noted below in the subject Contract: Owner: City of Lakeville By: Date: Nature of the Changes: In Holly Dahl, Mayor Charlene Friedges, City Clerk 1. Milling Machine (Mill Bituminous Surface (8.0'x) • Extra work was needed due to conditions encountered in the field during construction. 2. Pavement Density Incentives • Special Provisions within the Contract Documents provide for pavement density incentives, as required on State/Federal Aid Projects. These changes result in the following adjustment of Contract Price: Original Contract Price $ 840,171.70 Change Order No. 1 $ 11,309.21 Change Order No. 2 $ 19,240.80 Current Contract Price, Including this Change Order $ 870,721.71 The above changes are approved: City of Lakeville ` Keith H. Nelson, City Engineer Date: 1 � The above changes are accepted: McNamara Contracting, Inc. By: Date: CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 Holyoke Avenue and Highview Avenue Pavement Reclamation and Reconditioning City of Lakeville Improvement Project No. 09-02 Item No. Item Unit Unit Price Quantity Amount 2123.610 MILLING MACHINE LUMP SUM $ 8,755.23 1 $ 8,755.23 2350.501 TYPE MV3 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (C) LUMP SUM $ 4,090.34 1 $ 4,090.34 2350.502 TYPE LV3 NON WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (C) LUMP SUM $ 6,395.23 1 $ 6,395.23 CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 TOTAL: $ 19,240.80