HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 06.nJanuary 19, 2010 Item No. 6-k JANUARY 19, 2010 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM APPROVE REVISED AND RESTATED JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT FOR THE BLACK DOG WATERSHED MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATION Proposed Action Staff recommends approval of the attached Revised and Restated Joint Powers Agreement for the Black Dog Watershed Management Organization. Overview Attached is a Revised and Restated Joint Powers Agreement for the Black Dog Watershed Management Organization. On December 16, 2009, the Black Dog Watershed Management Organization approved the removal of the City of Savage from the WMO and approved a Memorandum of Understanding with Scott County allowing them to become part of the Scott County WMO. Therefore, a new Joint Powers Agreement must be signed that updates this information. The area removed represents less than 1% of the watershed. The attached Exhibit A shows the entire area of the Black Dog WMO with the new boundary change. Primary Issues to Consider None. Supporting Information Revised and Restated Joint Powers Agreement for the Black Dog Watershed Management Organization. t °r � 1 Keith -H. Nelson City Engineer Financial Impact: $ None Budgeted: Source: Related Documents (CIP, ERP, etc.): Notes: 2010 REVISED AND RESTATED JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT FOR THE BLACK DOG WATERSHED MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATION 2010 REVISED AND RESTATED JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT FOR THE BLACK DOG WATERSHED MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATION The parties to this Agreement are cities which have land in the Black Dog Watershed. This Agreement is made pursuant to the authority conferred upon the parties by Minn. Stat. §§ 471.59 and 103B.201, et. seq. 1. NAME. The parties hereby create and establish the Black Dog Watershed Management Organization. 2. GENERAL PURPOSE. The purpose of this Agreement is to provide an organization to regulate the natural water storage and retention of the Black Dog watershed to (a) protect, preserve, and use natural surface and ground water storage and retention systems; (b) minimize public capital expenditures needed to correct flooding and water quality problems; (c) identify and plan for means to effectively protect and improve surface and ground water quality; (d) establish more uniform local policies and official controls for surface and ground water management; (e) prevent erosion of soil into surface water systems; (f) promote ground water recharge; (g) protect and enhance fish and wildlife habitat and water recreational facilities; and (h) secure the other benefits associated with the proper management of surface and ground water. 14898004 2 RNK:r12/17/2009 3. DEFINITIONS. Subdivision 1 "Commission" means the organization created by this Agreement, the full name of which is "Black Dog Watershed Management Organization". It shall be a public agency of its members. C9•uu Im •l Subdivision 2. "Board" means the board of commissioners of the Subdivision 3. "Council" means the governing body of a governmental unit which is a member of this Commission. Subdivision 4. "Governmental Unit" means any city which is a signatory to this Agreement. Agreement. Subdivision 5. "Member" means a governmental unit which enters into this Subdivision 6. "Black Dog Watershed" or "Watershed" means the area contained within a line drawn around the extremities of all terrain whose surface drainage is within the mapped areas delineated on the map filed with the Board of Water and Soil Resources pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 10313.211, Subd. 2 attached hereto as Exhibit "A". 4. MEMBERSHIP. The membership of the Commission shall consist of the following governmental units: Group A: City of Burnsville Group AA: City of Apple Valley City of Eagan Group AAA: City of Lakeville 148980v04 3 RNK:r12/17/2009 No change in governmental boundaries, structure, organizational status or character shall affect the eligibility of any governmental unit listed above to be represented on the Commission, so long as such governmental unit continues to exist as a separate political subdivision. FU119PIC :� Rj Subdivision 1. The Dakota County Soil and Water Conservation District shall be requested to appoint a non-voting advisory member to the Commission. The District shall not be required to contribute funds for the operation of the Commission except as provided in Minn. Stat. § 103B.251, but may provide technical services. Subdivision 2. Citizen Advisory Committee. The Commission may establish a citizen advisory committee ("CAC") from the public at large to provide input on watershed management plan revisions and other matters as deemed appropriate. The CAC shall be appointed by the Commission considering individuals nominated by each member community. 6. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS. Subdivision 1. The governing body of the Commission shall be its Board which shall consist of five (5) commissioners. The Board of Commissioners on behalf of its member communities shall comply with the notice requirements of Minn. Stat. § 103B.227. All vacancies shall be filled within ninety (90) days after they occur. Notices of all vacancies shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the Watershed at least fifteen (15) days before the appointment is made. For purposes of appointing commissioners, each member in Group AAshall appoint a delegate. Group AA delegates 148980v04 4 RNK:r12/17/2009 shall meet upon ten (10) days' notice at a time and place selected by the City Clerk of Apple Valley and shall appoint one commissioner. . The delegates shall select a commissioner by majority vote. Tie votes shall be broken by the flip of a coin. Voting may also take place by mailed ballot, fax, e-mail, telephone calls, or any combination of these methods. In the alternative to appointing a delegate to vote on its behalf, a city council may vote directly. The City Council of Burnsville shall appoint three (3) commissioners. The City Council of Lakeville shall appoint 1 (1) commissioner. Vacancies in office shall be filled for the remainder of the term by the governing bodies who made the appointment. Subdivision 2. The term of each commissioner shall be three (3) years and until their successors are selected and qualify. Subdivision 3. A commissioner may not be removed from the Board prior to the expiration of his or her term unless the commissioner consents in writing or unless removed in accordance with Minnesota Rule 8410.0040. Subdivision 4. Commissioners shall serve without compensation from the Commission, but this shall not prevent a governmental unit from compensating a commissioner for serving on the Board. Subdivision 5. At the first Board Meeting each year, the Board shall elect from its commissioners a chair, a vice chair, a secretary/ treasurer, and such other officers as it deems necessary to conduct its meetings and affairs. The Commission mayadopt rules and regulations governing its meetings. Such rules and regulations may be amended from time to time at either a regular or a special meeting of the Commission provided that 14898004 5 RNK:r12/17/2009 at least ten (10) days' prior notice of the proposed amendment has been furnished to each person to whom notice of the Board meetings is required to be sent. Subdivision 6. Each group shall appoint one alternate commissioner. The alternate commissioner shall be selected in the same manner as regular commissioners. The term of the alternates shall be three (3) years and until their successors are selected and qualify. In the absence of a regular commissioner, the alternate may vote and act in a commissioner's place. The alternate, however, shall have only one vote even if more than one regular commissioner from the group is absent. Subdivision 7. Decisions by the Commission shall require a majority vote of all commissioners except that a decision to order a capital improvement project shall require a two-thirds (2/3) favorable vote. 7. POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE COMMISSION. Subdivision 1 The Commission, acting by its Board of Commissioners: (a) Shall prepare and adopt a watershed management plan meeting the requirements of Minn. Stat. § 10313.231; (b) Shall review and approve local water management plans as provided by Minn. Stat. § 10313.235; (c) Shall exercise the authority of a watershed district under Minn. Stat. Chapter 103D to regulate the use and development of land when one or more of the following conditions exist: (1) The local government unit exercising planning and zoning authority over the land under Minn. Stat. § § 366.10 to 366.19, 394.21 to 394.37, or 462.351 to 462.364 does not have a local water management plan approved and adopted in accordance with requirements of § 10313.235 or has not adopted the implementation program described in the plan. 14898004 6 RNK:r12/17/2009 (2) An application to the local governmental unit for a permit for the use and development of land, requires an amendment to, or variance from, the adopted local water management plan or implementation program of the local unit. (3) The local governmental unit has authorized the Commission to require permits for the use and development of land. (d) The Commission must publish and distribute a newsletter at least annually to watershed residents. The newsletter must explain the watershed's programs and list offices and telephone numbers. Subdivision 2. The Commission shall use the city staff of Burnsville for assistance. Burnsville may pass through the direct cost, including salary and benefits, to the Commission and the Commission shall reimburse the City. Subdivision 3. The Commission shall meet at least annually. Meeting notices shall be placed on a bulletin board at the Burnsville City Hall at least three (3) days before each meeting. Any office supplies the Commission needs shall be furnished by Burnsville. The direct cost for the supplies shall be billed to the Commission. Subdivision 4. The Commission may cooperate or contract with the State of Minnesota or any subdivision thereof or federal agency or private or public organization to accomplish the purposes for which it is organized. Subdivision 5. The Commission may order any governmental unit to carry out the local water management plan, including any capital improvement identified therein, which has been approved by the Board. Subdivision 6. The Commission may acquire, operate, construct and maintain only the capital improvements, if any, delineated in the watershed management plan adopted by the Board which the plan states will be constructed by the Board. 14898004 7 RNK:r12/17/2009 Subdivision 7. The Commission may contract for or purchase such insurance as the Board deems necessary for the protection of the Commission. Subdivision 8. The Commission may establish and maintain devices for acquiring and recording hydrological and water quality data within the watershed. Subdivision 9. The Commission may enter upon lands within or without the watershed to make surveys and investigations to accomplish the purposes of the Commission. Subdivision 10. The Commission may provide any member governmental unit with technical data or any other information of which the Commission has knowledge which will assist the governmental unit in preparing local water management plans within the watershed. Subdivision 11 The Commission may accumulate reserve funds for the purposes herein mentioned and may invest funds of the Commission not currently needed for its operations. Subdivision 12 The Commission may collect money, subject to the provisions of this Agreement, from its members and from any other source approved by a majority of its Board. Subdivision 13. The Commission may make contracts, employ consultants, incur expenses, and make expenditures necessary and incidental to the effectuation of its purposes and powers. 14898004 8 RNK:r12/17/2009 Subdivision 14. The Commission shall cause to be made an annual audit of the books and accounts of the Commission and shall make and file a report to its members at least once each year including the following information: (a) The financial condition of the Commission; (b) The status of all Commission projects and work within the watershed; (c) The business transacted by the Commission and other matters which affect the interests of the Commission. Copies of the report shall be transmitted to the Clerk of each member governmental unit. Subdivision 15. The Commission's books, reports, and records shall be available for and open to inspection by its members at all reasonable times. Subdivision 16. The Commission may recommend changes in this Agreement to its members. Subdivision 17. The Commission may exercise all other powers necessary and incidental to the implementation of the purposes and powers set forth herein. Subdivision 18. Each member reserves the right to conduct separate or concurrent studies on any matter under study by the Commission. Subdivision 19. The Board may investigate on its own initiative or upon petition of any member, complaints relating to water pollution, as defined in the Commission's adopted water management plan, in the watershed. Upon a finding that the watershed is being polluted, the Board may take appropriate action to alleviate the pollution and to assist in protecting and improving the water quality of surface water in the watershed. 14398004 9 RNK:rl2/17/2009 Subdivision 20. The Board must solicit proposals for all legal, engineering, auditing, and other technical services in accordance with Minn. Stat. § 10313.227. Subdivision 21. The Board shall coordinate its planning activities with contiguous watershed management organizations and counties conducting water planning and implementation under Minn. Stat. Chapter 103B. Subdivision 22. The Board shall file an annual report with the Board of Water and Soil Resources including a financial report on administration, projects, or other expenditures. Subdivision 23. The Commission shall adopt an annual work plan. Subdivision 24. The Commission shall designate an official newspaper. 8. POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE OFFICERS OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS. Subdivision 1. It shall be the duty of the Chairperson of the Board of Commissioners to: (a) Attend and preside at meetings of the Board; (b) Assist in the preparation of meeting agendas and the annual work plan; (c) See that orders and resolutions of the Board are carried into effect; (d) Sign and execute documents as may be required for the Board's exercise of its powers, except in cases in which the authority to sign and execute is required by law to be exercised by another person; and (e) Such other duties applicable to the office as necessary to fulfill the powers and duties of the Board of Commissioners as set forth in the Agreement. 14898004 10 RNK:r 12/ 17/2009 Subdivision 2. It shall be the duty of the Vice Chairperson of the Board of Commissioners to: (a) Perform the duties of the Chairperson in his or her absence; and (b) Perform other duties as assigned from time to time by the Board of Commissioners; Subdivision 3. It shall be the duty of the Secretary/Treasurer of the Board of Commissioners to: (a) Keep and post a true and accurate record of the proceedings of all meetings of the Commission and Board of Commissioners; (b) Keep a record of all amendments, alterations, and additions to the Joint Powers Agreement; (c) Prepare and process all correspondence as needed; (d) Prepare and file all reports and statements as required by law and this Agreement; (e) Keep all financial accounts of the Commission, and prepare and present to the Board of Commissioners a full and detailed statement of the assets and liabilities of the Commissioner's financial accounts; and (f) Perform other duties as assigned from time to time by the Board of Commissioners. 9. CONSTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENTS. Subdivision 1. The members acknowledge that most of the needed storm water drainage system is already in place. Any additional facilities which are needed shall be constructed by the member unit where the additional improvement is constructed, not by the Commission, unless the improvement is designated in the Board's watershed management plan for construction by the Board. 14898004 1 1 RNK:rl2/17/2009 Subdivision 2. Before ordering an improvement, the Board shall secure from an engineer a preliminary report advising it whether the proposed improvement is feasible and as to whether it shall best be made as proposed or in connection with some other improvement and the estimated cost of the improvement as recommended. The Board shall then hold a public hearing on the proposed improvement after mailed notice to the Clerk of each member governmental unit and published notice in the Board's official newspaper. The Commission shall not be required to mail notice except by notice to the Clerk. The notice shall be mailed not less than forty-five (45) days before the hearing, shall state the time and place of the hearing, the general nature of the improvement, the estimated total cost, and the estimated cost to each member governmental unit. If the Board orders the construction of an improvement, the order shall describe the improvement, shall designate the engineers to prepare plans and specifications, and shall designate who will contract for the improvement. The Board may not proceed with the project unless it receives written approval from the governing bodies of at least three (3) member governmental units approving the project. Subdivision 3. Contract for Improvements. All improvement contracts ordered by the Board shall be let in accordance with State statutory requirements. The bidding and contracting of the work shall be let by any one of the member governmental units as determined by the Board of Commissioners after compliance with the statutes. Subdivision 4. Supervision. All improvement contracts shall be supervised by the entity awarding the contract. Representatives of the Commission shall have the 14898004 12 RNK:r12/17/2009 right to enter upon the place or places where the improvement work is in progress for the purpose of making reasonable tests and inspections. Subdivision 5. Land Acquisition. The Commission shall not have the power of eminent domain. All easements or interest in land which are necessary will be negotiated or condemned in accordance with Minn. Stat. Chapter 117 by a governmental unit or by the entity awarding the contract as directed by the Board, and each member agrees to acquire the necessary easement or right-of-way or partial or complete interest in land upon order of the Board to accomplish the purposes of this Agreement. All reasonable costs of the acquisition, including attorney's fees, shall be considered as a cost of the improvement. If a member governmental unit determines it is in the best interests of that member to acquire additional lands, in conjunction with the taking of lands for storm and surface drainage or storage, for some other purposes, the costs of the acquisition shall not be included in the improvement costs of the ordered project. 10. FINANCES. Subdivision 1. The Commission funds may be expended by the Board in accordance with this Agreement in a manner determined by the Board. The Board may designate one or more national or state bank or trust companies authorized to receive deposits of public monies to act as depositories for the Commission funds. In no event shall there be a disbursement of Commission funds without the signature of at least two (2) Board members. The treasurer shall be required to file with the Board a bond in the sum of at least $10,000 or such higher amount as shall be determined by the Board. The Commission shall pay the premium on the bond. 148980vO4 13 RNK:rl2/17/2009 Subdivision 2. General Fund. Each member shall contribute each year to a general fund. The annual contribution by each member shall be based fifty percent (50%) on taxable market value and fifty percent (50%) on the basis of area in accordance with the following formula: 148980vO4 14 RNK:r12/17/2009 Annual Watershed Levy = L Taxable Market Value of a Member's Property in the Watershed = MV Taxable Market Value of All Property in the Watershed = TV Acres of Property a Member Has in the Watershed = A Total Acres in Watershed = TA Member Required Contribution = C %Z L x MV + %2 L x A= C TV TA Subdivision 3. On or before July 1 of each year, the Board shall adopt a budget for the ensuing year and decide upon the total amount necessary for the general fund. On or before July 1, the budget shall be sent to the Clerk of each member governmental unit, together with a statement of the proportion of the budget to be provided by each member. The Board shall, upon notice from any member received prior to August 1, consider objections to the budget. After considering the objections, the Board may amend the budget. The budget may not be adopted if the governing bodies of three (3) or more member units object to it. Subdivision 4. Capital Improvement. (a) An improvement fund shall be established for each improvement project ordered by the Commission not paid for out of the general fund. (b) Each member agrees to pay its proportionate share of the cost of the improvement in accordance with the determination of the Board as set forth herein. The Board, in its discretion, may require members to make advance payments based upon estimated costs, subject to adjustment to reflect actual costs, or may bill the members as costs 14898004 15 RNK:r12/17/2009 are actually incurred. Members agree to pay billings within thirty (30) days of receipt. The Board or the member awarding the contract shall advise other contributing members of the tentative time schedule of the work and the estimated times when the contributions shall be necessary. Subdivision 5. All capital improvement costs of improvements designated in the Board's adopted watershed management plan for construction by the Board not paid for out of the general fund shall be apportioned on the following bases: (1) The ratio of taxable market value of each member within the boundaries of the benefited area to the total taxable market value within the entire benefited area; (2) The ratio of storm water runoff produced by each member within the boundaries of the benefited area to the total runoff of storm water produced by the entire benefited area; (3) The ratio of targeted pollutants, as identified by the Board, from a member community to the total targeted pollutants contributed by all member communities. If more than one pollutant is targeted, the percentage of the ratio given to each pollutant shall be determined by the Board. This may only be used in conjunction with projects that are intended to improve water quality; (4) Pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 103B.251. (5) A combination of the above apportionment methods; Subdivision 6. Any member governmental unit aggrieved by the determination of the Board as to the allocation of the costs of an improvement shall have thirty (30) days after the Board resolution ordering the improvement to appeal the determination. The appeal shall be in writing and shall be addressed to the Board asking for arbitration. The determination of the member's appeal shall be referred to a Board of Arbitration. The Board of Arbitration shall consist of three (3) persons: one to be appointed 148980vO4 16 RNK:rl2/17/2009 by the Board of Commissioners, one to be appointed by the appealing member governmental unit, and the third to be appointed by the two so selected. In the event the two persons so selected do not appoint the third person within fifteen (15) days after their appointment, then the chief judge of the District Court of Dakota County shall have jurisdiction to appoint, upon application of either or both of the two earlier selected, the third person to the Board. The third person selected shall not be a resident of any member governmental unit and shall be a person knowledgeable in the subject matter. The arbitrators' expenses and fees, together with other expenses, not including counsel fees, incurred in the conduct of the arbitration shall be divided equally between the Commission and the appealing member. Arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the Uniform Arbitration Act, Minn. Stat. Chapter 572. 11. SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS. The Commission shall not have the power to levy special assessments. 12. DURATION. Subdivision 1. Each member agrees to be bound by the terms of this Agreement until January 1, 2020, and it may be continued thereafter upon the agreement of all the parties. Subdivision 2. This Agreement may be terminated prior to January 1, 2020, by the written agreement of a majority of the members. Subdivision 3. In addition to the manner provided in Subdivision 2 for termination, any member may petition the Board to dissolve the Agreement. Upon thirty (30) days' notice in writing to the Clerk of each member governmental unit, the Board 14898004 17 RNK:r12/17/2009 shall hold a hearing and upon a favorable vote, the Board may by resolution recommend that the Commission be dissolved. The resolution shall be submitted to each member governmental unit and if ratified by a majority of the governing bodies of all eligible members within sixty (60) days, the Board shall dissolve the Commission following 90 days notice to Dakota County and the Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources, and allowing a reasonable time to complete work in progress and to dispose of personal property owned by the Commission. 13. DISSOLUTION. Upon dissolution of the Commission, all property of the Commission shall be sold and the proceeds thereof, together with monies on hand, shall be distributed to the eligible members of the Commission. Such distribution of Commission assets shall be made in proportion to the total contribution to the Commission required by the last annual budget. 14. EFFECTIVE DATE. This revised Agreement shall be in full force and effect when all five (5) members, delineated in paragraph 4 of this Agreement, have executed this Agreement. All members need not sign the same copy. The signed Agreement shall be filed with the City Clerk of the City of Burnsville. Prior to the effective date of this revised Agreement, any signatory may rescind their approval. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned governmental units, by action of their governing bodies, have caused this Agreement to be executed in accordance with the authority of Minn. Stat. § 471.59. 14898004 18 RNK:rl2/17/2009 Approved by the City Council CITY OF LAKEVILLE ,20—. BY: ATTEST: 14898004 19 RNK:r12/17/2009 Approved by the City Council CITY OF BURNSVILLE ,20—. BY: ATTEST: Approved by the City Council CITY OF EAGAN ,20—. BY: ATTEST: Approved by the City Council CITY OF APPLE VALLEY .20 . m ATTEST: 14898004 20 RNK:rl2/17/2009 1203.20N 1007— F ­dUo0W�­6�VA _-_DN 12 2— Lake Bled, D09 Bloomington \Ae(\ RiverEagan ---------- :0 P5A — ------------------------ Burnsville Savage s"w i hmwl Apple Valley 4 Z' o o E.ft take o o We N alb Min Lake Hamah n Lake Keller Lake cly4w Left Lai Leven -------------------------- - ---------------- ------------------ Lake Murphy Lake L" L.k. Khg.f.y Lake O'Chard Credit Lake River Township Lakeville o o --------------- o Black Dog WMO Boundary Municipal Boundary Interstate Highway EXHIBITA to JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT — US Highway BLACK DOG WMO BOUNDARY — State Trunk Highway Feet December 2009 2,000 0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 County State -Aid Highway Municipal State -Aid Street Meters BARB Major River 1,000 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 Dakota County Parcel