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April 2, 2010 Item No.
April 5, 2010 City Council Meeting
Special Home Occupation Permit Renewals
Proposed Action
Staff recommends adoption of the following motion. Move to approve a three year extension
for the following special home occupation permits: Susan Monnens (8465 — 207th Street),
Sharon Hagerty (18747 Iroquois Lane), Ann and Tom Hoffmann (8315 — 190th Street), Nancy
Guenther (17091 Fairhill Avenue) and Jean Meyer (16737 Innsbrook Drive).
Adoption of this motion will extend the five special home occupation permits until April 5,
2013 at which time a request for an additional three year extension can be requested.
Planning Department staff has identified five special home occupation permits that require
renewal at this time. The permit holders can request renewals up to three years at a time
following the first year after the original approval. There have been no complaints regarding
any of the subject permits. The original planning reports, permit applications, and Special
Home Occupation Permit forms for all five extension requests are attached to the planning
report. The Zoning Ordinance update to be considered by the Planning Commission and City
Council in the next few weeks will allow special home occupation permits to be approved
The Planning Commission considered the renewals requests at their March 18, 2010 meeting
and recommended unanimous approval. There were no comments from the public at the
meeting. Staff is recommending City Council approval of five renewal requests.
Primary Issues to Consider
• None
Supporting Information
• March 18, 2010 Draft Planning Commission meeting minutes.
• March 12, 2010 planning report and attachments.
Frank Dempsey, Asso late P nner
Financial Impact: NA Budgeted: Y/N NA Source:
Related Documents (CIP, ERP, etc.): Zoning Ordinance
Planning Commission Meeting
DRAFT March 18, 2010
Page 2
0.11 Motion was made and seconded to recommend to City Council approval of the
March 18, 2010 Planning Commission Consent Agenda as follows:
A. Approve the request of Nancy Guenther for a three-year extension of a
Special Home Occupation Permit to allow a hair salon in her single
family home, located at 17091 Fairhill Avenue.
B. Approve the request of Sharon Hagerty for a three-year extension of a
Special Home Occupation Permit to allow a massage therapy business in
her single family home, located at 18747 Iroquois Lane.
C. Approve the request of Tom and Ann Hoffmann for a three-year
extension of a Special Home Occupation Permit to allow a trophy
assembly and sales business in their single family home, located at 8315
190th Street.
D. Approve the request of Jean Meyer for a three-year extension of a Special
Home Occupation Permit to allow a massage therapy business in her
single family home, located at 16737 Innsbrook Drive.
E. Approve the request of Susan Monnens for a three-year extension of a
Special Home Occupation Permit to allow a massage therapy business in
her single family home, located at 8465 207th Street.
F. Approve the request of D. R. Horton for a final plat of 14 single family
lots to be known as Fieldstone Creek 6th Addition.
Ayes: Lillehei, Davis, Maguire, Drotning.
Nays: 0
Chair Davis opened the public hearing to consider the application of Lisa Crouley
for a Special Home Occupation Permit to operate a hair salon use in her single
family home, located at 20928 Huntsville Trail. The Recording Secretary attested
that the legal notice had been duly published in accordance with State Statutes and
City Code.
Ryan and Lisa Crouley presented an overview of their request.
Associate Planner Frank Dempsey presented the planning report. Mr. Dempsey
stated that Planning Department staff recommends approval of the Special Home
To: Planning Commission
From:�rank Dempsey, Associate Planner
Date: March 12, 2010
City of Lakeville
Planning Department
Subject: Packet Material for the March 18, 2010 Planning Commission Meeting
Agenda Item: Three Year Special Home Occupation Permit Extensions:
1. Susan Monnens (8465 — 207' Street)
2. Sharon Hagerty (18747 Iroquois Lane)
3. Ann and Tom Hoffmann (8315 —190t" Street)
4. Nancy Guenther (17091 Fairhill Avenue)
5. Jean Meyer (16737 Innsbrook Drive)
Planning Department staff has identified five Special Home Occupation Permits that
require renewal at this time. The permit holders can request renewals up to three
years at a time following the first year after the original approval. There have been
no complaints regarding any of the subject permits. The planning reports, permit
applications, and Special Home Occupation Permit forms for all five extension
requests are attached. All property owners within 500 feet of the five home
occupations were notified by mail of the Planning Commission meeting to consider
the renewal of these permits.
The Zoning Ordinance update to be considered by the Planning Commission and
City Council in the next few weeks will allow special home occupation permits to be
approved administratively. Staff review of the five Special Home Occupation Permit
renewals is as follows:
1. Susan Monnens. This permit was approved by the City Council on August 4, 2008
to allow Ms. Monnens to operate a massage therapy business from her home at
8465 — 207' Street. Staff inspected the work area of the house on March 4, 2010
and determined that the special home occupation is operating under the terms of
the approved permit. Staff recommends that the permit be renewed for three
additional years subject to Planning Commission review and City Council approval.
2. Sharon Hagerty. This permit was approved by the City Council on August 4,
2008 to allow Ms. Hagerty to operate a massage therapy business from her
home at 18747 Iroquois Lane. Staff inspected the work area of the house on
March 2, 2010 and determined that the special home occupation is operating
under the terms of the approved permit. Staff recommends that the permit be
renewed for three additional years subject to Planning Commission review and
City Council approval.
3. Ann and Tom Hoffmann. This permit was approved by the City Council on
August 4, 2008 to allow the Hoffmanns to operate a special home occupation
that includes the assembly and sale of trophies and awards in their single family
home located at 8315 — 190tt' Street. Staff inspected the work area of the house
on March 4, 2010 and determined that the special home occupation is operating
under the terms of the approved permit. Staff recommends that the permit be
renewed for three additional years subject to Planning Commission review and
City Council approval.
4. Nancy Guenther. This permit was approved by the City Council on February
18, 2003 and renewed for two three year terms in 2004 and again on March
19, 2007 to allow Ms. Guenther to operate a hair salon in her single family
home located at 17091 Fairhill Avenue. Staff inspected the work area of the
house on March 4, 2010 and determined that the special home occupation is
operating under the terms of the approved permit. Staff recommends that the
permit be renewed for three additional years subject to Planning Commission
review and City Council approval.
5. Jean Meyer. This permit was approved by the City Council on January 18, 2000
to allow Ms. Meyer to operate a massage therapy business from her home at
16737 Innsbrook Drive and renewed by the City Council for two, three year
terms in 2001, 2004 and 2007. Staff inspected the work area of the house on
February 25, 2010 and determined that the special home occupation is operating
under the terms of the approved permit. Staff recommends that the permit be
renewed for three additional years subject to Planning Commission review and
City Council approval.
Staff recommends that the Special Home Occupation Permits for Monnens, Hagerty,
Hoffmann, Guenther and Meyer be extended for a period of three years until April 5,