HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 06.lMarch 29, 2010 U" CITY OF LAKEVILLE TO PARTICIPATE IN HAZARD MITIGATION PLANNING PROCESS Proposed Action Item No._ Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to approve participation in a hazard mitigation planning process under the Federal Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 (FDMA2000). Passage of this motion will result in the City of Lakeville participation in the All Hazard Mitigation Plan update and revision process. Overview According to FDMA 2000 requirement, cities that choose to participate in the county plan must formally adopt the All Hazard Mitigation Plan by official city resolution. This is required for the County to secure Federal Disaster Mitigation Grants for communities should a disaster strike. Without resolutions from all cities, federal funds will not be made available. The City of Lakeville supported this plan in 2006. It is now up for required 5 year revision. Cities choosing not to support the County's planning process will need to develop their own All Hazard Mitigation Plan and submit to FEMA for review. Primary Issues to Consider Participation will require staff input. The time estimate of 8 hours each for 6 staff members will be required to complete this project. This is significantly lower than creating our own plan. Supporting Information • See attached letter from Brandt Richardson, Dakota County Administrator gt. John Kornmann Emergency Manager Financial Impact: $ Budgeted: Y/N Source: Related Documents (CIP, ERP, etc.): Notes: CITY OF LAKEVILLE RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION SUPPORTING PARTICIPATION IN ALL HAZARD MITIGATION PLANNING PROCESS WHEREAS, the County of Dakota coordinated preparation of an initial multi jurisdiction all -hazard mitigation planning process as established under the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000; and WHEREAS, the City of Lakeville participated in drafting the plan, and later reviewed and approved the plan; and WHEREAS, federal law requires the plan be updated every five years; and WHEREAS, the Act requires public involvement and local coordination among local units of government and businesses as part of the planning process; and WHEREAS, the plan must include a general description of land uses and development trends, risk assessment including past hazards, hazards that threaten the county, maps of hazards, and estimates of structures at risk; and WHEREAS, the plan must include a mitigation strategy including goals and objectives and an action plan identifying specific mitigation projects and costs and a maintenance or implementation process including plan updates, integration of the plan into other planning documents and public education components; and WHEREAS, approval of the all hazard mitigation plan update will continue the County's eligibility to receive Hazard Mitigation Grant Program project grants; and WHEREAS, this resolution does not preclude the City of Lakeville from preparing its own plans some time in the future, should it desire to do so. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Lakeville supports the County all hazard mitigation planning effort, agrees to participate with the County in preparing an update to the multi jurisdictional plan and recognizes that the plan will apply within the townships. DATED this 5th day of April, 2010. CITY OF LAKEVILLE Holly Dahl, Mayor ATTEST: Charlene Friedges, City Clerk March 18, 2010 • A formal resolution adopted by your city council stating that your city will be part of this multi jurisdictional plan. An electronic version of the attached draft resolution (Attachment A) will be sent for your use the week of March 22. The approved resolution must be submitted to the County no later than Fri., May 28, 2010. Without it, federal disaster funds will not be available for your city under the plan. • City staff be involved in the update process. We will be hosting a community stakeholder workshop the week of May 3 to provide an opportunity for your city to begin participating in the planning process to fulfill this requirement. Attending an additional meeting or two and plan review may be required to complete the update process. Please forward contact information for your city representatives to Tom Berry by Wed., March 31. To meet minimum requirements, representatives should be emergency management staff and city planning or code enforcement staff that are familiar with your mitigation strategies. You will have an opportunity to review and approve the updated plan before it is submitted to FEMA. If you choose to prepare an individual plan for your city, contact Kristen Sailer, state Hazard Mitigation Administrator at the Minnesota Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management at 651-201-7423. If you have questions, please contact one of the staff members listed below. Thank you for supporting this process. Sincerely, Brandt Richardson Dakota County Administrator cc: Dakota County Board of Commissioners Dakota County Division Directors Attachments: Draft Resolution List of Participating Cities and Emergency Management Contacts Staff Contacts: Tom Berry, Zoning Administrator BJ Battig, Risk and Homeland Security Mgr. 952-891-7044 651-438-4532 Tom.ber[ya-co.dakota.mn.us Bi.battig(a-)co.dakota.mn.us Jane Vanderpoel, Management Analyst David Gisch, Emer. Preparedness Coor. 651-438-4423 651-438-4703 0 Jane. vanderpoel(a)co.dakota. m n. us David. gischaco.dakota.mn.us Pnnsetl on recycled paper with 30% post<onsurer waste. M EQUAL OPPOKrUNRY EMPLOYER Dear City Manager: Brandt Richardson Keeping our residents safe when disaster strikes is important to Dakota County. In 2005, we County Administrator partnered with cities in the county to prepare a plan that would make sure our communities would be eligible for FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) funds to mitigate and recover Dakota County from disaster. This multi jurisdictional plan is called the Dakota County All -Hazard Mitigation Plan. Administration Center It was approved in 2006; however, FEMA requires the plan be updated every five years. An 1590 Highway 55 updated plan is due in 2011. Hastings, MN 55033-2372 The County and all incorporated cities are required to have a plan in place and may choose to 651.438.4528 develop one on their own or partner on a multi jurisdictional plan. I invite your city to work with us Fax 651.438.4405 on an effective, all-inclusive strategy. We recently received a $56,000 grant to facilitate the plan www.co.dakommmus update process and our staff is already working on the project. The existing plan is posted on the brandt.richardson&o.dakota.mn.us Dakota County web site at www.dakotacounty.us, search mitigation plan. If you choose to be part of the Dakota County plan, FEMA requires • A formal resolution adopted by your city council stating that your city will be part of this multi jurisdictional plan. An electronic version of the attached draft resolution (Attachment A) will be sent for your use the week of March 22. The approved resolution must be submitted to the County no later than Fri., May 28, 2010. Without it, federal disaster funds will not be available for your city under the plan. • City staff be involved in the update process. We will be hosting a community stakeholder workshop the week of May 3 to provide an opportunity for your city to begin participating in the planning process to fulfill this requirement. Attending an additional meeting or two and plan review may be required to complete the update process. Please forward contact information for your city representatives to Tom Berry by Wed., March 31. To meet minimum requirements, representatives should be emergency management staff and city planning or code enforcement staff that are familiar with your mitigation strategies. You will have an opportunity to review and approve the updated plan before it is submitted to FEMA. If you choose to prepare an individual plan for your city, contact Kristen Sailer, state Hazard Mitigation Administrator at the Minnesota Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management at 651-201-7423. If you have questions, please contact one of the staff members listed below. Thank you for supporting this process. Sincerely, Brandt Richardson Dakota County Administrator cc: Dakota County Board of Commissioners Dakota County Division Directors Attachments: Draft Resolution List of Participating Cities and Emergency Management Contacts Staff Contacts: Tom Berry, Zoning Administrator BJ Battig, Risk and Homeland Security Mgr. 952-891-7044 651-438-4532 Tom.ber[ya-co.dakota.mn.us Bi.battig(a-)co.dakota.mn.us Jane Vanderpoel, Management Analyst David Gisch, Emer. Preparedness Coor. 651-438-4423 651-438-4703 0 Jane. vanderpoel(a)co.dakota. m n. us David. gischaco.dakota.mn.us Pnnsetl on recycled paper with 30% post<onsurer waste. M EQUAL OPPOKrUNRY EMPLOYER