HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 06.mDate: 29 March 2010 lakey�((e Item No. RESOLUTION ACCEPTING BIDS AND AWARDING THE CONTRACT FOR THE LAKEVILLE PERFORMING ARTS CENTER AIR HANDLER REPLACEMENT TO JOE & SONS SHEET METAL INC. Proposed Action Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to accept bids for the Lakeville Performing Arts Center Air Handler Replacement and award the contract to Joe & Sons Sheet Metal Inc. Passage of this motion enables replacement of the air hander at the Arts Center improving energy efficiency and maintenance capability. Overview The department solicited sealed bids for the replacement of the air handling unit, condensing unit, and associated duct furnaces and duct work at the Arts Center. This project was originally included in the City's capital improvement plan due to the age of the unit, difficulty in maintaining the unit, and increasing energy inefficiency. As a project to improve the overall energy efficiency of the air handier, it was proposed and approved under the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program and is funded through the Department of Energy. A mandatory pre-bid conference was conducted on Wednesday, 24 February 2010 allowing contractors to tour the facility, familiarize themselves with the air handier, and the requirements for installation. Five contractors attended the pre-bid conference with two returning bids. The bid returned by Joe & Sons represented the lowest overall cost for the project. Notices to bidders were published on 11 February 2010 and sealed bids were opened on 8 March 2010. After evaluation of the bids by the City's engineering consultant, staff recommends acceptance of the bid and award of the contract to Joe & Sons Sheet Metal Inc. Primary Issues to Consider • None. Supporting Information • Ac of a bid ulation and engineer's recommendation are attached. Christo J. Petree Operations & Maintenance Director Financial Impact: $137,030 Budgeted: Yes Source: 4014.6540 Related Documents (CIP, ERP, etc.): Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program Notes: Block Grant approved budget at $190,500. CITY OF LAKEVILLE RESOLUTION NO: RESOLUTION ACCEPTING BIDS AND AWARDING THE CONTRACT FOR THE LAKEVILLE PERFORMING ARTS CENTER AIR HANDLER REPLACEMENT TO JOE & SONS SHEET METAL INC. WHEREAS, notices to bidders for the acceptance of sealed bids for water meter purchase and installation were officially published on 11 February 2010, and WHEREAS, sealed bids for were opened at 1:00 p.m. on 8 March 2010, and WHEREAS, the lowest responsible bidder for the air handler replacement is Joe & Sons Sheet Metal Inc., 112 1 st Street West, Jordan, Minnesota 55352. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the bids are accepted for the Lakeville Performing Arts Center Air Handler Replacement and the contract is awarded to Joe & Sons Sheet Metal Inc. APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 5th day of April 2010 by the City Council of the City of Lakeville. CITY OF LAKEVILLE Holly Dahl, Mayor ATTEST: Charlene Friedges, City Clerk CAIN OUSE CONSULTING ENGINEERS 0 BIRCH LAKE PROFESSIONAL BUILDING ASSOCIATES, INC. 1310 HIGHWAY 96 EAST - SUITE 116 WHITE BEAR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55110 BID TAB DATE: March 8, 2010 1:00 PM PROJECT: Lakeville Performing Arts Center Air Handler Replacement PROJECT NUMBER: 2008-223 Bidder Name Base Bid Alternate No. 1 Alternate No. 2 Archer Mechanical No Bid ARI Mechanical Services No Bid Joe & Sons $103,000.00 $25,400.00 $8630.00 Legacy Mechanical No Bid Nasseff Mechanical $122,880.00 $21,046.00 $11,540.00 SCR No Bid PHONE: 651.426.9549 • FAX: 651-426.5048 WEB SITE: WWW.CAINOUSE.COM 4DCAIN OUSE ASSOCIATES, INC. Friday March 19, 2010 City of Lakeville 20195 Holyoke Avenue Lakeville, MN 55044 CONSULTING ENGINEERS BIRCH LAKE PROFESSIONAL BUILDING 1310 HIGHWAY 96 EAST - SUITE 116 WHITE BEAR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55110 Attn: Chris Petree Re: Performing Arts Center Operations & Maintenance Director Air Handler Replacement Lakeville, MN 2008-223 On March 8, 2010 the City received and opened bids for the above referenced project. Attached is a bid tab for the results of the opening of the bids. The apparent low Bidder is Joe & Sons HVAC Contractor. We have called and talked to Joe O'Brien with Joe & Sons to make sure he has included everything and is comfortable with his bid. Since we had never worked with the contractor before we asked about the history of the firm and about the ability of the firm to complete the work in the time frame allotted. After talking with Joe O'Brien we feel very comfortable in recommending that the City accept the bid from Joe & Sons and award the project to them. This should provide you with the requested information. If you need anything else please contact me Sincerely, Cain Ouse Associates, Inc. Wallace M. Ouse PE Mechanical Engineering Principal Enclosure(s): File: documend PHONE: 651.426.9549 • FAX: 651-426.5048 WEB SITE: WWW.CAINOUSE.COM