HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 06.oApril 29, 2010 Item No. " APPROVAL OF CONTINUED CITY PARTICIPATION IN A SCHOOL/COMMUNITY PREVENTION SPECIALIST POSITION Proposed Action Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to aoarove the Agreement between ISD #194 and City of Lakeville. Passage of this motion will indicate our continued support for the School Community Prevention Specialist position. Overview For the past 4 years, all of the youth alcohol and drug education and prevention efforts in ISD 194 were combined under the banner of the School / Community Prevention Specialist, which is a .75 FTE position in the School District. An important part of our strategic plan and mission is to support prevention and education efforts to reduce underage drinking and drug use in our community. This position has helped to achieve this goal. Additionally, the program was expanded to serve two additional elementary schools that are in Lakeville but not in ISD 194; Parkview Elementary and North Trail Elementary. ISD 194 Curriculum Director Barb Knudsen and 1 will continue to provide project oversight. The City funding portion for this position is 33%, which will be $1,527 per month for the year of 2009-2010. The year of 2010-2011, the City funding portion for the position will continue to be 33%, which will be $1,555 per month. Prinim Issues to Consider • How is this Agreement funded? This position will be funded from the Liquor Fund. • How many youth have been impacted through this initiative? Several thousand during the years of 2006 - 2009. See attached. Attachments • School/ Community Prevention Specialist Agreement (2009-2011). • School/Community Prevention Activity Chart. -_~ r14.1 �-' I Thomas E. Vonhof Chief of Police Financial Impact: $1,527 per month Budgeted: Y Source: Liquor Fund Related Documents (CIP, ERP, etc.): Notes: 41 SCHOOL/COMMUNITY PREVENTION SPECIALIST AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, entered into this day of , 2010 by and between the CITY OF LAKEVILLE, a municipal corporation ("City") and the INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 194, ("District"). RECITALS The City and District desire to join in a mutual effort to reduce chemical abuse in the entire community, especially among young people, and to formulate and communicate a strong, simple and consistent message. NOW THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION OF THEIR MUTUAL COVENANTS THE PARTIES AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 1. PURPOSE. Delineate the responsibilities of the respective parties to this Agreement with regards to the School/Community Prevention Specialist. 2. SCHOOL/COMMUNITY PREVENTION SPECIALIST. A. JOB DESCRIPTION. The job description for the School/Community Prevention Specialist will be developed by the District in consultation with the City. B. EMPLOYEE. The School/Community Prevention Specialist shall be a District employee. The District shall be responsible for all costs associated with the position except as specifically provided herein. 3. SELECTION. The School/Community Prevention Specialist will be selected by the District in consultation with the City. 4. SCHOOL SCHEDULE. The School/Community Prevention Specialist's performance of duties under this Agreement shall commence as determined by the School District. 5. PROGRAM REVIEW AND DIRECTION. The District's Director of Teaching and Learning Services and the City's Police Chief shall conduct semi-annual or annual program reviews of the School/Community Prevention Specialist program, and provide overall direction. 6. SUPERVISION. The School/Community Prevention Specialist shall report to the District's Director of Teaching and Learning Services. The City's Police Chief shall provide input to performance and expectations to the District's Director of Teaching and Learning Services, and the School/Community Prevention Specialist. Actual authority to discipline, evaluate and/or terminate the School/Community Prevention Specialist shall lie with the District's Director of Teaching and Learning Services and in conformity with District policies and procedures. The School/Community Prevention Specialist will be considered an employee of ISD 194 and be employed in accordance with the District's policies and procedures. 7. TERM. This Agreement shall be for a term commencing July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2011. The Agreement shall be automatically renewed for successive annual terms, unless terminated by either party giving the other party at least 90 days written notice of its decision to terminate the Agreement prior to the commencement of a term. 8. REIMBURSABLE COSTS. The School District agrees to pay 67% and the City agrees to pay 33% of the costs, not to exceed $1,527 per month for 2009-2010. The School District agrees to pay 67% and the City agrees to pay 33% of the costs, not to exceed $1,555 per month for 2010-2011. The allowable costs within the payment are enumerated below. Any increase in the City's cost for subsequent terms must be agreed to by both parties no later than 90 days before the start of the term. A. Salary B. Accrued Overtime/Compensatory Pay C. Health and Dental Insurance D. Life Insurance E. Disability Insurance F. P.E.R.A. G. Vacation and Sick Leave H. Clothing Allowance (prorate) 1. Worker's Compensation Insurance J. Vehicle Maintenance expenses K. Office Supplies L. Cellular telephone 9. BILLING. The District will bill the City for the amount provided above on a monthly basis. 2 Dated: Dated: 10. INDEMNIFICATION BY DISTRICT. The District shall indemnify and hold harmless, and defend the City, its elected officials and employees against any and all liability, loss, costs, damages, expenses, claims or actions which the City, its officers and employees may hereafter sustain, incur or be required to pay, arising out of or by reason of any negligent or willful act or omission of the District, its agents, servants or employees including the School/Community Prevention Specialist, in the execution, performance or failure to adequately perform the District's obligations pursuant to this Agreement. The City acknowledges that the District's obligations under this section are subject to, and limited by, applicable laws and rules, including the statutes for the State of Minnesota. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this instrument to be executed by the respective officers thereof and the respective seals to be affixed thereto. CITY OF LAKEVILLE M. (SEAL) AND Holly Dahl, Mayor Charlene Friedges, City Clerk INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 194 Its Chair (SEAL) AND Its Clerk 3 School/Community Prevention Activity Chart Lakeville City Council March 22. 2010 2006 Youth Forum Educate High school Plan and implement the Provide council 3000 high schoolWM Awareness was raised E (SC) students about the program. Secured chambers and students watched the on the dangers of binge dangers of binge speakers, topic, and broadcasted youth forum. drinking right before drinking. audience. program to high Spring Break. schools. 2006, Beach Bash Provide safe and Print and send postcards to Advertise and Several hundred teens Provide a safe, P/C 2007, chemical -free youth all Oh, 7"', and 8° graders conduct event. attended the event. supervised, chemical 2008, activity during free youth event during 2009, Pan-O-Prog Pan-O-Prog 2010 C 2006, Parent Days 6 grade parent Inform and educate parents Each year Parents are educated E 2007, CMS orientation about middle school and approximately 150 about their roles as 2008, adolescence parents attend. parents to raise healthy 2009 teens & learn about S resources 2006, Craig Hillier Program on "Respect, Secure funding (Rotary 900 students E 2007, Resilience, and grant and Title IV), plan (grade 6) 2008, Responsibility" and implement each year 2009 S 2006 MN Student TSD 194 requires Collect and tabulate M 2007, 46•/x85% of This data is used to P and Survey (MSS) written parental permission forms. Try 6h, 9°, and 12'" secure future grants 2009 Collected active permission for all 6e, different methods to collect graders took the and address the needs (S) consent & 9", and 12a' grade as many signatures as survey. of students implemented students to participate possible survey in the MSS District View Key: Community View S -School E -Education C -Community P -Prevention SC -School and Community C-Control/Enforcement Support 2006, Parent Night: Educate parents on Plan and implement Each year between Parents become more E 2007, Corwin how to parent program 100-200 attend effective parents, set 2008, Kronenberg children effectively rules and limits 2009, 2010 SC 2006- Health Reviewed and Provide training and SRO's and police Approximately The 2007 MSS showed P 2007 Curriculum updated K-12 Health resources to teachers and officers are often 11,000 students declines in drug and (S) Review curriculum to include counselors who provide guest speakers in receive drug alcohol use. drug education drug education the classroom education throughout the year 2006, Tobacco To prevent kids from Work with students and Continue to conduct Tobacco education Youth tobacco rates E 2007, prevention using tobacco funding sources to provide tobacco compliance programs have continue to fall 2008, activities programming: checks and vendor targeted high school 2009 Manipulation 101 and education students S Respect My Ride 2006, Community To educate 9& Speak at the event twice SRO co -presents Over 200 kids and Open the lines of E 2007, Resource Night: graders and their each year. with Chemical parents attend these communication 2008, All Saints parents about the Health Coordinator session every year between parents and 2009, dangers of youth their 9" grade students. 2010 drugs and alcohol use C 2006, Prom Gift Provide education Secure funding (Rotary) Each year 300 students attend P 2007, Certificate and resources to and distribute education approximately 15 properly supervised, 2008 Program parents who host and gift certificate. families participate in chemical -free after (S) supervised, chemical- Evaluate outcomes the program. prom parties. free after prom -parties 2007, Parent Topics: Pian, promote and Police department is Typical attendance is More parents are E 2008, Information Internet safety, implement Parent part of the planning 200 parents for each aware of recent youth 2009, Nights Impact of Media on information nights. team event drug and media 2010 children, Adolescent networking trends. SC Brain Drug Trends District View Key: Community View S -School E -Education C -Community P -Prevention SC -School and Community C-Control/Enforcement Support 2006, Parent Fair Provide parents with Plan and implement the Provide resources at Each year Increase parenting E 2007, the tools needed to entire event (secure resource fair approximately 200 skills in families 2008, raise healthy children funding, speakers, parents attend 2009 promotion, etc.) SC 2006, Student Programs: Educate students on Plan and implement Many times the These programs reach Increase awareness of E 2007, Mock Trial, Mock the consequences of programs SRO's and Rick at least 4,000 students the negative 2008, Crash, Know the using drugs and Bussler are involved a year. consequences of youth 2009, Truth, MADD alcohol in planning and drug and alcohol use. 2010 Speakers, etc. implementation SC 2006, Youth Teaching High School students Work with U of MN to Over 800 0 grade Surveys show that the E 2007, Youth Program provide 3 lessons on provide training and students receive drug 4s' graders increase 2008, drugs and alcohol to coordinate the program education classes, their knowledge of the 2009 4'" graders harmful effects alcohol S and tobacco 2007 John Underwood Met with school and Secured funding, speaker Chief Vonhoff Fall 2007, John spoke Implementation of E (SC) Presentations community staff to arrangements, conducted attended meeting to many groups in Pure Performance begin implementing meetings and began process Lakeville, reaching began. ISD 194 Pure Performance of social host over 500 people changed sport Initiative ordinance eligibility codes 2008, Pure Performance Educate students, Pre -season meetings, Provide information Over 2,000 students According the recent E 2009, parents, and coaches, Coaches training, and at the 6 pre -season and their parents surveys, participants 2010 about the harmful captain/leader training meetings about the attend the pre -season are supportive of Pure (SC) effects of drugs and social host meetings a year Performance alcohol ordinance and legal consequences 2008 Town Forum- Informed public Worked with Police Worked with ISD 100 people attended, Informed public about E (SC) March about Pure Department on planning 194 on planning and but the Town Forum Pure Performance Performance and implementing the implementing the continued to air on Initiative and the Initiative Town Forum Town Forum cable and internet harmful effects of drugs and alcohol. District View Key: Community View S -School E -Education C -Community P -Prevention SC -School and Community C-Control/Enforcement Support 2006, Partnership with Educate the Design and order stickers, Brenda Visnovec's Thousands of Informed thousands of C 2007, Lakeville Liquors: community about the organize student volunteers fundraising efforts stickers/signs have community members 2008, Sticker Shock, social host ordinance (SADD members) to place provides the funds been placed on about the social host 2009, Bottle Necker and the legal stickers/bottle neckers on for the stickers. alcohol products ordinance and the legal 2010 project, ramifications of product Allows access to ramifications of (SC) Garage Shopping providing alcohol to product providing alcohol to FI er minors minors 2009, Prescription (RX) Provide education to Design and deliver Over 500 brochures More people are aware E 2010 Drug Campaign community members brochures to local have been distributed of the problem of (C) about the danger of pharmacies in 3 pharmacies youth RX use/abuse youth RX use/abuse 2009 Prom/ Inform public about Contact downtown At least 12 windows Create awareness to E (SC) Homecoming prom/homecoming business association, were painted, make good choices at Downtown safety. organize student volunteers thousands of people prom & homecoming window painting (SADD members) to drove by decorate windows 2009 Parent Provide a booklet Collect permission and p (S) Communication with students, parents information for booklet, booklet (North and home phone collate, copy booklet Pilot Project) numbers 2009, Promote "Eat, Promote "Bat, Talk, Promoted the importance 800 3 grade families A survey will be E 2010 Talk, Connect" Connect" Program. of eating family meals, received a Family distributed to 3rd grade (S) Program Provide Family Meal printed booklets and Meal Conversation families in early 2010 Conversation Starter distributed to Td grade Starter booklet. It is Booklets to all 3rd students on-going program aders District View Key: Community View S -School E -Education C -Community P -Prevention SC -School and Community C-Control/Enforcement Support