HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 03A CITY OF LAKEVILLE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES March 7, 2019 Chair Kaluza called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall. The pledge of allegiance to the flag was given. Members Present: Chair Pat Kaluza, Vice Chair Jason Kelvie, Karl Drotning, Jason Swenson, Brooks Lillehei, Scott Einck, Paul Jarvis, Ex-officio Mike Lamm Members Absent: Jeff Witte Others Present: Daryl Morey, Planning Director; Frank Dempsey, Associate Planner; Kris Jenson, Associate Planner; Brent Jones, Planning and Zoning Specialist; Joe Powers, Project Engineer; Penny Brevig, Recording Secretary 3. Approval of the Meeting Minutes The February 21, 2019 Planning Commission meeting minutes were approved as presented. 4. Announcements Mr. Morey stated that the following handouts were distributed at tonight’s meeting: 1. An e-mail that was received on March 4th from the owner of The Moments of Lakeville agreeing to combine Lots 1 and 2, thus eliminating the need for the Zoning Ordinance amendment and modifying the CUP. 2. Amended Stipulations and Findings of Fact for The Moments of Lakeville 5. Independent School District #194 Chair Kaluza opened the public hearing to consider the application of ISD #194 for an amendment to conditional use permit 91-02 to allow the construction of a classroom addition to Cherry View Elementary School, located at 8600 – 175th Street. Beth Louden, ISD #194 Director of Facilities and Sean Kelly, Wold Architects and Engineers were in attendance at tonight’s meeting. Ms. Louden indicated that they are fast tracking this addition because of the rapid growth within the Cherry View Elementary enrollment area. Current enrollment is 645 students and the projected enrollment is 807 students. They would like to break ground March 26th and move into the addition over MEA weekend in October. Mr. Kelly indicated that the approximate 15,000 square foot addition will include two separate areas on the southeast side of the current building. Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, March 7, 2019 Page 2 Planning and Zoning Specialist Brent Jones presented the planning report. Mr. Jones stated that the proposed expansion to the southeast side of the existing school building will be over an existing grassy area facing Highview Avenue and include the construction of classrooms, conference rooms, and bathrooms off an extension of two connecting hallways. The building meets all setback requirements of the RS-2 District. The height of the building addition will match the existing building. The property currently has 143 parking spaces, which exceeds the Zoning Ordinance requirement of 116 parking spaces given the projected enrollment of 807 students. The driveway access will remain unaffected by the proposed addition. Mr. Jones indicated that there are 18 new trees proposed to be planted adjacent to the addition to replace the 18 trees that will be removed for construction of the addition. The existing pathways located near the proposed addition will be reconfigured to accommodate the proposed addition. Mr. Jones stated that City staff recommends approval of the Cherry View Elementary CUP amendment, subject to the five stipulations listed in the February 27, 2019 planning report, and adoption of the Findings of Fact dated March 7, 2019. Chair Kaluza opened the hearing to the public for comment. Comments from the audience. Wayne Lunke, 8615 176th Street W. • Mr. Lunke’s home is right behind the proposed addition to the school. He asked for clarification as to the location of the addition compared to where his home is located. Harry Veldhuis, 17459 Horseshoe Way • Mr. Veldhuis asked what the hours of operation are for construction of the addition. Motion was made by Kelvie, seconded by Einck to close the public hearing at 6:08 p.m. Voice vote was taken on the motion. Ayes - unanimous Chair Kaluza asked staff to answer Mr. Lunke’s and Mr. Veldhuis questions regarding the location of the addition and the hours of construction. Mr. Jones explained where the addition would line up compared to the neighboring properties to the south. The hours of operation for construction is 7:00 am to 10:00 pm. Chair Kaluza asked for comments from the Planning Commission. Comments included: Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, March 7, 2019 Page 3 • Commissioner Kelvie asked how far out does the school district project for future expansions. Ms. Louden stated that they usually look five to ten years out, but their projections were a little off this time. They are hoping this expansion will address enrollment projections for a couple more years, after which they may consider construction of a new elementary school. • Parking requirements and landscape screening were discussed. • Ms. Louden explained that they chose this location for the building addition because the existing playground, fields and parking lots won’t be disturbed and the addition meets setback requirements. Mr. Morey indicated that the proposed landscape plan does show that they are planning to add trees to the south side of the property, but staff could look at a different tree species, not additional trees, that would be a better screening material. This could be looked at prior to City Council consideration of the CUP amendment. Motion was made by Drotning, seconded by Swenson to recommend to City Council approval of the ISD #194 amendment to conditional use permit 91-02 to allow the construction of a classroom addition to Cherry View Elementary School, located at 8600 – 175th Street, subject to the following stipulations and adoption of the Findings of Fact dated March 7, 2019: 1. A financial security in the amount of $137,849.40 shall be submitted prior to the issuance of a building permit for the addition. 2. The site plan and building addition shall be developed in accordance with the plans approved by the City Council. 3. A building permit is required prior to commencing construction of the building addition. 4. The building addition is subject to review by the Fire Marshal. 5. Lighting shall be down-cast type only and must comply with Section 11-16-17 of the Zoning Ordinance. Detailed fixture and photometric plans must be submitted with the building permit application for the proposed addition. Ayes: Swenson, Einck, Lillehei, Kaluza, Kelvie, Drotning Nays: 0 6. Berean Baptist Church Chair Kaluza opened the public hearing to consider the application of Berean Baptist Church for the following, located east of Holyoke Avenue, north of Heritage Drive, and west of Highview Avenue: A. Preliminary plat of one lot and five outlots; B. Conditional use permit to allow: 1) a religious institution (church) in the RS-3, Single Family Residential District and 2) a building height greater than 35 feet; and C. Vacation of public road and drainage and utility easements. Tony Manning, Executive Pastor at the Berean Baptist Church in Burnsville indicated that they would like to build a second campus in a city where a lot of their parishioners live rather than enlarge the current building in Burnsville. They hope to be good neighbors and looking forward to being a part of the City of Lakeville. Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, March 7, 2019 Page 4 Associate Planner Kris Jenson presented the planning report. Ms. Jenson stated that Anderson Companies on behalf of Berean Baptist Church submitted applications for a preliminary plat, a conditional use permit (CUP) for the development of a church in the RS-3, Single Family Residential District with a building height greater than 35 feet, and the vacation of existing road and drainage and utility easements. Ms. Jenson indicated that there are five outlots in the Berean Baptist church preliminary plat. Outlots A, C, and E will be retained by the church and Outlots B and D will be deeded to the City with the final plat. A wetland delineation was completed for the site, but during plan review, an additional area of potential wetland was identified and noted on the plans, which will have to be done in the spring with no grading or impacts to the area to take place until the assessment is completed and approved. A tree inventory and preservation plan has been submitted for the site. Of the 204 significant trees on the site, 27 are proposed to be saved. The majority of the trees are Cottonwood and Box Elder trees. Ms. Jenson reviewed the general performance standards for all CUP’s, which are addressed in the February 28, 2019 planning report. Staff has determined that the same metal proposed for the mechanical screen wall was also proposed on the north side of the building for the upper portion of the sanctuary but was not included in the materials calculations. The architect will revise the building elevations to include the metal panels on the upper portion of the sanctuary in the calculations and then make revisions to the exterior materials to ensure that the building still meets the minimum of 65% Grade A materials. Ms. Jenson stated that the proposed building height is 30 feet, with the exception of a cross, which has a maximum height of 47 feet. Berean Baptist Church would like the ability to use the proposed Outlot E for a freestanding monument sign. Ms. Jenson explained that the church’s freestanding sign is required by ordinance to be on the same parcel as the church use. Staff has indicated that, as a part of the Zoning Ordinance update (following approval of the 2040 Comprehensive Plan), a discussion will take place regarding a possible amendment to the Zoning Ordinance that would allow institutional uses to place freestanding signs on separate parcels from the principal building in situations where there are multiple parcels involved. Ms. Jenson explained that Outlot C, Heritage Walk was platted in late 2002. At that time, permanent drainage and utility easements were required on outlots. Exhibit O of the February 28, 2019 planning report shows the easements to be vacated. She indicated that perimeter drainage and utility easements will be dedicated with the final plat. Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, March 7, 2019 Page 5 Ms. Jenson also explained that initially staff identified a road, drainage, and utility easement over a portion of Highview Avenue and included the vacation of said easement with the public hearing notice, but it has since been determined that this easement is not on the church property so it will not be required to be vacated with the Berean Baptist Church plat. Ms. Jenson stated that City staff recommends approval of the preliminary plat, CUP and easement vacation, subject to the seven stipulations listed in the February 28, 2019 planning report, and adoption of the Findings of Fact dated March 7, 2019. Chair Kaluza opened the hearing to the public for comment. The following people spoke at the public hearing. Doug Zisler, 19914 Hiawatha Ct. Bill Richardson, 8426 199th Ct. Terry Nelson, 19935 Hiawatha Ct. All three residents were concerned with privacy between their homes and the church building. They suggested a berm be installed along with 10-foot evergreens on the east side of the building for increased privacy. Motion was made by Kelvie, seconded by Lillehei to close the public hearing at 6:31 p.m. Voice vote was taken on the motion. Ayes - unanimous Chair Kaluza asked for comments from the Planning Commission. Discussion points included: • A berm on the east side of the building along Highview Avenue was discussed along with the size of the proposed landscaping. Joe Powers, Project Engineer and Eric Rose, civil engineer for the church agreed that a small berm is proposed on the east side of the church. The first floor elevation of the church will be 19 feet lower than the first floor elevation of the homes on the east side of Highview Avenue. A berm and landscaping would not substantially screen the church building from the existing homes given the topography. • The proposed freestanding sign was discussed. Commissioner Swenson asked if the outlot where the freestanding sign is proposed is buildable. Ms. Jenson indicated that it would be possible to combine Outlot E with the lot to the north when that property redeveloped. • Commissioner Lillehei asked if consideration could be given to not dedicating the future street right-of-way with the final plat, install the sign, then dedicate the right-of-way thus rendering the sign non-conforming. Mr. Morey stated that it is an option, but not the preferred option. Staff prefers to amend the Zoning Ordinance. • There was a lengthy discussion regarding the parking lot layout, especially traffic safety in the south parking lot. Could the orientation of the stalls or the Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, March 7, 2019 Page 6 circulation be modified to improve on-site circulation and safety? Mr. Rose indicated that they would be willing to remove the west stalls in the south parking lot, thereby reducing potential conflict between vehicle circulation and vehicles backing out of the parking spaces along this drive aisle. The Planning Commission concurred with this revision. • Commissioner Swenson commented on the need to wait until the growing season in April to refine the wetland delineation. The following stipulation was recommended to be added to address the south parking lot circulation: 8. Prior to City Council consideration, the site plan shall be revised to eliminate the westerly 20 spaces in the south parking lot. Motion was made by Kelvie, seconded by Lillehei to recommend to City Council approval of the following, located east of Holyoke Avenue, north of Heritage Drive, and west of Highview Avenue: A. preliminary plat of one lot and five outlots; B. conditional use permit to allow 1) a religious institution (church) in the RS-3, Single Family Residential District, 2) a building height greater than 35 feet; C. vacation of public road and drainage and utility easements, subject to the following stipulations, as amended, and adoption of the Findings of Fact dated March 7, 2019. 1. The recommendations listed in the Engineering Division memorandum dated February 28, 2019 2. The Grade A exterior building materials shall not be painted. 3. The height of the cross shall not exceed 47 feet. 4. Outlots B and D shall be deeded to the City with the final plat. 5. A sign permit application shall be submitted and approved by the City prior to the installation of any signage. 6. The future building addition and/or parking expansion requires approval of a conditional use permit amendment. 7. Prior to City Council consideration, the exterior building elevations shall be revised to include the upper level sanctuary area in the materials calculation and to increase the Grade A materials to meet the minimum requirement of 65% Grade A materials. 8. Prior to City Council consideration, the site plan shall be revised to eliminate the westerly 20 spaces in the south parking lot. Ayes: Einck, Lillehei, Kaluza, Kelvie, Jarvis, Drotning, Swenson Nays: 0 7. The Moments of Lakeville Chair Kaluza opened the public hearing to consider the application of Elizabeth Wright, Waite Holdings, LLC and TMSC of Lakeville, LLC for the following, located south of 162nd Street (CSAH 46) and east of Kenyon Avenue: A. Zoning Ordinance amendment to allow the connection of principal buildings across a property line for interior pedestrian and vehicle use in commercial districts by conditional use permit; Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, March 7, 2019 Page 7 B. Conditional use permit to allow: 1) an amendment to conditional use permit 15-18 to allow the expansion of The Moments of Lakeville senior care facility; 2) a building height greater than 35 feet; 3) the connection of principal buildings across a property line for interior pedestrian use; 4) impervious surface area greater than 25% in the Lee Lake Shoreland Overlay District; and C. vacation of a public drainage and utility easement. Patrick Sarver, President of Civil Site Group, Jeff Schuler, architect with Firm Ground, and Amit Sela from The Moments of Lakeville were in attendance at tonight’s meeting. Mr. Sarver presented an overview of their project. Mr. Sarver explained that they would like to withdraw their request for a Zoning Ordinance amendment along with Item B3 of the conditional use permit regarding the connection of principal buildings across a property line for interior pedestrian use because Ms. Wright, one of the owners of The Moments of Lakeville, is in the process of buying out her partners. She is hoping to have this accomplished by the end of March. This will allow her to combine 16254 and 16258 Kenyon Avenue into one property under one ownership entity. Associate Planner Frank Dempsey presented the planning report. Mr. Dempsey provided a brief history on the development of this property. Mr. Dempsey stated that the plans propose a two-story building expansion, with a finished basement, consisting of 60 memory care units. The existing facility has 32 memory care units. The proposed new building would include a heated connection between the two buildings across the shared lot line of Lot 1 and Lot 2, Block 1, Kenyon Retail. Planning Department staff had encouraged the owners to combine these lots prior to making application for the expansion. Mr. Dempsey reviewed the conditional use permit actions that are required to allow the expansion of The Moments of Lakeville memory care facility as proposed. Mr. Dempsey reviewed the criteria that must be met to allow more than 25% impervious surface in the Shoreland Overlay District, which are listed in the March 1, 2019 planning report. The easement proposed to be vacated is the easement between Lots 1 and 2, Kenyon Retail. This will no longer serve a public purpose in conjunction with the proposed development plan. Access to the entire site will be from a single existing driveway onto Kenyon Avenue. The site plan proposes a driveway along the west side of the building to access the service entrance and equipment garage and a drop off and pick up lane is provided at the main entrance. The parking lot has been designed to accommodate both large delivery trucks, trash collection vehicles, and a City fire truck. Each lot will provide the required number of parking spaces for each building. Mr. Dempsey stated that the owner of the building on Lot 2 appears to have striped three parallel parking spaces inside the parking lot cul-de-sac which has narrowed the cul- Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, March 7, 2019 Page 8 de-sac turnaround. The planning report recommends that these three parking spaces on Lot 2 be removed no later than March 30, 2019. Mr. Dempsey reviewed the landscape plan for Lot 1. The proposed landscape materials meet the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance for size and species of plant materials with the exception of the minimum height for evergreen trees. A minimum evergreen tree height of eight-feet is required. He explained staff’s recommendations for location and species of trees per a traffic and sight visibility study that was conducted due to the proximity of the driveway access to the 162nd Street (CSAH 46) and Kenyon Avenue intersection. Mr. Dempsey stated that a 72-inch tall black vinyl coated chain link fence around the entire property is proposed. The purpose of the fence is to provide safety and security for the residents of the facility. The proposed fence does not meet the minimum 30- foot setback requirement for a fence adjacent to public right-of-way for a commercial property. The chain link fence on Lot 2 was installed without a building permit and does not comply with setback requirements. A variance will be required for any fence that does not meet setback requirements. Mr. Dempsey indicated that the variance that was approved by the City Council for the privacy fence on Lot 2 will expire on November 20, 2019 if it is not constructed prior to that date. The floor plan shows that the trash storage will be located inside the building with access provided for the trash hauler from the service drive on the west side of the building. Mr. Dempsey advised that site plan provisions be made to locate a trash enclosure outside in the event the indoor storage area does not meet future needs. A 30-foot tall, 150 square foot freestanding sign is located on Lot 2. A freestanding pylon sign is proposed to be located at the northwest corner of Lot 1. The flagpoles noted north of the driveway entrance shall not include flags with advertising. The photometric plan indicates that the exterior lighting is consistent with Zoning Ordinance requirements for down-cast fixtures and maximum light intensity at the property lines. Mr. Dempsey explained that stipulations 3a, i, l, and n of CUP 15-18 are no longer applicable. All other stipulations shall remain in full force and effect except as amended by the proposed CUP amendment. Mr. Dempsey referred to the handouts at tonight’s meeting that suggest the removal of stipulations 2, 13 and 14 and amend stipulation 3 as follows: 3. An administrative subdivision (lot line adjustment) lot combination/Zoning Lot Letter shall be required prior to recording the conditional use permit. Mr. Dempsey stated that City staff recommends approval of the CUP, as amended, and easement vacation, subject to the stipulations listed in the March 1, 2019 planning report, as amended, and adoption of the Findings of Fact dated March 7, 2019, as amended. Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, March 7, 2019 Page 9 Chair Kaluza opened the hearing to the public for comment. Comments from the audience. • Amit Sela wanted to clarify that the agreement to combine the lots has already been signed. On March 20th his wife, Elizabeth Wright, will pay the partners for ownership of both lots. Motion was made by Drotning, seconded by Kelvie to close the public hearing at 7:24 p.m. Voice vote was taken on the motion. Ayes - unanimous Chair Kaluza asked for comments from the Planning Commission. Discussion points included: • The Planning Commissioners and staff discussed Exhibit E, the vehicle turning movement plan, and agreed this is a tight site, not ideal for delivery trucks, but from an operational stand point, it is possible to have trucks back up into the delivery area. • Mr. Sela explained how the delivery vehicles currently arrive and addressed snow removal from the site. • Commissioner Kelvie appreciates every effort to fit the building on this difficult site. • The Planning Commission discussed the fencing. Mr. Sela indicated that the privacy fence will be installed in conjunction with the construction of the second building. • Commissioner Drotning stressed to the applicant how important it will be to follow the rules when applying for the fence variance. Mr. Sela explained that things should run a lot smoother now with only one owner of the building and one person making the decisions. • Chair Kaluza was happy to see this project as one ownership now and thanked Mr. Dempsey for his efforts. He agreed that this is a very unique property. The Planning Commission agreed to withdraw the applicant’s request for a Zoning Ordinance amendment and the portion of the CUP request to allow the connection of principal buildings across a property line for interior pedestrian use. A stipulation will be added to assure that the applicant has 100% ownership of The Moments of Lakeville prior to City Council consideration. Motion was made by Drotning, seconded by Lillehei to recommend to City Council approval of the following, located south of 162nd Street (CSAH 46) and east of Kenyon Avenue: A. Conditional use permit to allow; 1) an amendment to conditional use permit 15-18 to allow the expansion of The Moments of Lakeville senior care facility, 2) a building height greater than 35 feet, 3) impervious surface area greater than 25% Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, March 7, 2019 Page 10 in the Lee Lake Shoreland Overlay District, and C. vacation of a public drainage and utility easement, subject to the following stipulations and adoption of the Findings of Fact dated March 7, 2019, as amended: 1. Implementation of the recommendations listed in the February 27, 2019 engineering report. 2. An administrative lot combination/Zoning Lot Letter shall be required prior to recording the conditional use permit 3. The site shall be developed in compliance with the site plan and building plans approved by the City Council unless approved administratively in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance for a minor conditional use permit amendment. 4. The maximum allowable building height is 41 feet as defined by the Zoning Ordinance. 5. The maximum allowable impervious surface area allowed on Lot 1 is 70%. 6. The sight visibility area west of the driveway access shall at all times be kept clear of visual obstructions, including landscaping taller than three feet and snow storage. 7. The proposed fence on Lot 1 and the existing chain-link fence on Lot 2 require a variance and fence permit prior to installation of any and all fences. All fences shall meet Zoning Ordinance requirements. Screening slats shall not be installed in the chain-link fence. 8. English Ivy shall be planted to grow on the chain-link fence along 162nd Street consistent with the approved privacy fence on Lot 2. 9. Landscaping shall be installed according to the landscape plan approved by the City Council. Prior to City Council consideration, the landscape plan shall be revised to include overstory trees along Kenyon Avenue spaced not more than 40 feet apart, English Ivy to be planted on the chain-link fence adjacent to 162nd Street, a minimum evergreen tree height of eight feet and minimum deciduous tree size of 2½ inch caliper. A financial security in the amount of $30,800 shall be submitted to guarantee installation of the landscaping. 10. All signs shall comply with Zoning Ordinance requirements. The flagpoles noted north of the driveway entrance shall not include flags with advertising. A sign permit must be issued by the City prior to the installation of any signs. 11. Site and building lighting shall be installed consistent with the lighting plan and photometric plan approved by the City Council and in compliance with the requirements of Section 11-16-17 of the Zoning Ordinance. Building and parking lot lighting shall be down-cast cut-off type fixtures only. Tilt-up light fixtures are not permitted. 12. All trash and recycling containers shall be located inside the building or in an outdoor enclosure in compliance with Zoning Ordinance requirements. The site plan shall be amended to identify an optional outdoor trash enclosure. 13. Snow storage shall not occur within required parking spaces and shall not infringe upon vehicle site circulation or sight visibility. 14. The three striped parking spaces in the parking lot cul-de-sac on Lot 2 shall be removed no later than March 30, 2019. Vehicle parking shall not occur in the parking lot cul-de-sac. Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, March 7, 2019 Page 11 15. A Site Improvement Performance Agreement and Stormwater Maintenance Agreement shall be submitted prior to City Council consideration of the zoning applications. 16. Except for Stipulations 3 a, i, l, and n of CUP 15-18, all other stipulations shall remain in full force and effect. 17.The applicant, Elizabeth Wright, will show proof of 100% ownership of The Moments of Lakeville prior to City Council consideration of the planning actions. Ayes: Lillehei, Kaluza, Kelvie, Jarvis, Drotning, Swenson, Einck Nays: 0 There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:44 pm. They immediately went into their scheduled work session. Respectfully submitted, Penny Brevig, Recording Secretary