HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 061 City of Lakeville Planning Department Memorandum To: Planning Commission From: Frank Dempsey, AICP, Associate Planner Date: March 15, 2019 (Revised March 22, 2019) Subject: Packet Material for the March 21, 2019 Planning Commission Meeting Agenda Item: Consider the application of Airlake Development, Inc. for, 1) the preliminary and final plat of Airlake Development Seventh Addition and, 2) a conditional use permit to allow an impervious surface area greater than 25%. Action Deadline: May 2, 2019 BACKGROUND Airlake Development, Inc. representatives have submitted preliminary and final plat applications and plans for Airlake Development Seventh Addition, which proposes two lots and one outlot totaling 10.59 acres on property zoned I-2, General Industrial District and Shoreland Overlay District. A conditional use permit has also been submitted to allow an impervious surface area greater than 25% in the Shoreland Overlay District of the South Creek branch tributary of the Vermillion River. The property is located east of Hamburg Avenue and south of Lakeville Boulevard. The preliminary and final plat plans have been submitted to: 1. The Engineering Division 2. The Parks and Recreation Department 3. The Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee 4. Department of Natural Resources 2 The following exhibits are attached for your information: EXHIBITS A. Location and Zoning Map B. Aerial Photo Map C. Survey D. Preliminary Plat E. Final Plat F. Grading, drainage and utility plan G. FEMA (Floodplain) Map H. Overall Site Plan I. Lot 1 Site Plan J. Lot 1 Floor plan K. Lot 1 Exterior elevations plan L. Lot 1 Landscape plan M. Lot 2 Landscape Plan N. Lot 1 Lighting plan O. Parks, Trails and Open Space Plan – Trails Map along South Creek (3 Pages) P. Trail Easement Sketch Zoning and Surrounding Uses. The property is zoned I-2, General Industrial District and Shoreland Overlay District. The proposed project is surrounded by the following existing or planned land uses: Direction Existing Use Land Use Plan Zoning North Lakeville Boulevard and Medium Density Townhomes Medium Density Residential RM-2, Medium Density Residential District South South Creek Vermillion River Tributary Industrial I-2, General Industrial District and Shoreland Overlay District East Undeveloped Commercial C-2, Highway Commercial District and Shoreland Overlay District West South Creek Vermillion River Tributary and Buddy’s Kitchen manufacturing/warehouse building Industrial I-2, General Industrial District and Shoreland Overlay District 3 STAFF ANALYSIS PRELIMINARY PLAT The parent parcel of the proposed Airlake Development Seventh Addition preliminary and final plat is Outlot A, Arden Kitchens Addition which was platted in 1997. The developer proposes the platting of two industrial lots with this proposed preliminary and final plat as well as a 3.44 acre outlot. a. Comprehensive Plan. The property is currently located in Planning District No. 8 of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan and is in the current Metropolitan Urban Service Area (MUSA) which means that City municipal services, including sanitary sewer service, are available to serve the property. The Comprehensive Land Use Plan guides the subject property as Industrial. The proposed office/warehouse use on Lot 1 is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. The proposed Airlake Development Seventh Addition preliminary plat and final plat meets the recommended goals and objectives of Planning District No. 8. b. Existing Site Conditions. The property is currently undeveloped and farmed annually with row crops. A tributary stream of the Vermillion River runs along the south and west boundary of the plat. c. Lot/Block/Outlot. The preliminary and final plat of Airlake Development Seventh Addition consists of two lots on one block and one outlot. The proposed lots exceed the minimum lot area and lot width requirements for the I-2, General Industrial District. The following is a tabulation of the lots as noted on the preliminary plat plans. Preliminary and Final Plat Lots Lot Area/Width Requirements Lot 1 Lot 2 1 Acre 2.0 acres 2.66 Acres 100 feet 403 feet 279 feet d. Streets. The preliminary and final plat of Airlake Development Seventh Addition does not include the construction of streets. Access will be from two driveways at Lakeville Boulevard. The easterly driveway will be shared between Lots 1 and 2. A shared driveway access agreement will be required between the two lots for this shared access driveway. Lakeville Boulevard is a two-lane urban road with a center turn lane and classified as a major collector road in the Transportation Plan. No additional road right-of-way dedication is required with the Airlake Development Seventh Addition final plat. 4 e. Grading, Drainage, Erosion Control and Utilities. City sanitary sewer and water is currently available to the site, which is within the current MUSA. Grading and utility plans have been submitted with the Airlake Development Seventh Addition preliminary and final plat. Grading, drainage, erosion control, and utility review comments are addressed in the engineering report dated March 14, 2019. f. Easements. Boundary drainage and utility easements are required and identified around the two lots. A drainage and utility easement is shown over the stormwater basin on Lot 2. A 20-foot wide trail easement will be dedicated over the west 20 feet of Lot 1 for a future City trail connection between Outlot A and Lakeville Boulevard as identified in the Parks, Trails and Open Space Plan. A private shared access easement will be dedicated over the driveway between Lots 1 and 2. g. Wetlands and Floodplain. A wetland delineation was submitted and has been reviewed by City staff. The Airlake Development Seventh Addition preliminary and final plat propose no wetland impacts. The wetland and wetland buffer will be located within Outlot A to be deeded to the City. The Federal Emergency Maps for the area of Airlake Development Seventh Addition identifies floodway and floodplain areas (Zone AE) near or within the preliminary and final plat area. The floodway and floodplain areas will not be impacted and will be deeded to the City as part of Outlot A. h. Tree Preservation. There are no significant trees within proposed Lot 1 and Lot 2, Airlake Development Seventh Addition. i. Park Dedication, Trails and Sidewalks. Park dedication is required with the final plat. Park dedication will be satisfied through cash dedication rather than park land. The 7.15 acres of Lots 1 and 2 is subject to a cash fee of $4,558 per acre totaling $32,589.70. The City’s Comprehensive Parks, Trails, and Open Space Plan identifies a future trail within the South Creek tributary corridor (see Exhibit O). The plan proposes a trail connection between the future trail on Outlot A and Hamburg Avenue to link the southeast area of the City to downtown Lakeville and other areas to the west and north. Due to site constraints between Buddy’s Kitchen and the office building at the southeast corner of Hamburg Avenue, a trail along the stream between those two properties and Hamburg Avenue is impractical. A solution is to connect the trail between Outlot A and Lakeville Boulevard via a trail easement along the west boundary of Lot 1. The trail within Outlot A and a trail along Lakeville Boulevard would be constructed at a future date. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT The conditional use permit is required to allow impervious surface area coverage greater than 25% in the Shoreland Overlay District abutting the South Creek Tributary of the Vermillion River. Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Airlake Development Seventh Addition lie partly within the 300- 5 foot Shoreland Overlay District Boundary of the stream. The conditional use permit will include the area of the entire plat, rather than processing separate conditional use permits for each individual lot. Outlot A comprises 47% of the overall acreage of the Airlake Development Seventh Addition preliminary and final plat and will be deeded to the City. Section 11-102-13.F of the Zoning Ordinance allows a maximum impervious surface area of up to 75% on properties adjacent to tributary streams subject to approval of a conditional use permit and to the following criteria: 1. All structures and practices are in place for the treatment of stormwater runoff. The development plans include stormwater infiltration and retention areas that prevent direct discharge of stormwater into the stream. The design of the stormwater facilities is based on best management practices and as required by Minnesota Pollution Control Agency regulations. 2. A conditional use permit and shoreland impact plan are submitted and approved as provided for in sections 11-102-17 and 11-102-25 of the Zoning Ordinance. Section 11-102-17 refers to development regulations including a Shoreland Impact Plan, standards for steep slopes or bluff impact zones, as applicable to properties with a bluff, and access to shoreland areas such as stairways, lifts and landings and fences. None of these conditions exist within the Airlake Development Seventh Addition. 3. Any removal of significant trees shall require a tree preservation plan in accordance with section 11-21-11 of the Zoning Ordinance. There are no significant trees within the areas of proposed Lots 1 and 2, Airlake Development Seventh Addition. A total of 57 trees will be planted within the plat as noted on the landscape plans. 4. Measures for the treatment of stormwater runoff and/or prevention of stormwater from directly entering a public water include such appurtenances as nutrient removal basins and other measures described in the MPCA guidance document for best management practices for stormwater quality protection in urban areas. Section 11-102-25 includes criteria related to an evaluation of the water body (stream), prevention of soil erosion into the stream during and after construction, the visibility of structures and other facilities (parking and/or outdoor storage) is limited from the shore (stream) area (typically landscape screening). Stormwater runoff, erosion control and compliance with MPCA guidelines for best management practices is addressed and has been reviewed by Engineering Division staff as outlined in the March 20, 2019 memo prepared by Joe Powers, Project Engineer and Mac Cafferty, Environmental Resources Manager. 6 SITE PLAN ANALYSIS Setbacks. The building setback requirements of the I-2 District are being met with the proposed site plans. The site plan for Lot 2 is conceptual at this point. The setback requirements for both lots are as follows: Required Setbacks Lot 1, Block 1 Lot 2, Block 1 Front Yard ---40 feet Front Yard (Lakeville Blvd) 62 feet TBD Side Yards (east & west) - 10 feet Side Yards (East and West) >100 feet TBD Rear Yard ----30 feet Rear Yard (South) >30 feet TBD Parking. The proposed two-story building on Lot 1 will be 17,218 square feet in area and will include office and warehouse space. The future owner and building on Lot 2 is not yet determined so parking needs cannot yet be identified. The building on Lot 1 will require 33 parking spaces based on the 4,800 square feet of office space and 12,418 square feet of warehouse space. The site plan provides for 35 parking spaces. The estimated required number of parking spaces is calculated as follows: Building Square Footage……………………………...17,218 square feet Office – 4,800 sf (including 10% floor area credit) …………….22 spaces Warehouse – 12,418 sf (including 10% floor area credit)…...…11 spaces On-Site Parking (total required) .………………………..…...33 spaces Parking Spaces Proposed…………………………………35 spaces All parking spaces and drive aisles meeting minimum design, dimension and setback requirements. Access. Access to the two lots will be from two and possibly three driveways to and from Lakeville Boulevard. Dakota County must agree to remove the property access restriction that was put in place by the County at the time Outlot A, Arden Kitchens was platted in 1997. The driveway between Lots 1 and 2 will be a shared driveway requiring a private shared access easement. A potential buyer of Lot 2 has expressed interest in having a driveway access located near the east boundary of Lot 2. Given the width of Lot 2, this may be a viable option. All driveway accesses to public streets meet Zoning Ordinance requirements. Outdoor Storage. The preliminary plat plans propose no outdoor storage on Lot 1. All areas in the rear and side of the building are devoted to driveway, maneuvering area, vehicle access to the building and a loading dock on the east side of the building. 7 Landscaping/Screening. The landscape plan for Lots 1 and 2 proposes 57 trees specified in the table below: Landscape Materials 24 Deciduous trees 33 Conifer trees 61 Shrubs and various perennials Landscaping for Lots 1 and 2 will include a row of screening between the tributary stream and the rear of the buildings, including the possible outdoor storage area on Lot 2. Section 11- 102 of the Zoning Ordinance requires that landscaped visual screening be provided between the developed properties and the tributary stream. Section 11-22-5.B of the Zoning Ordinance also requires landscaped and/or fence screening of outdoor storage areas from adjacent properties such as that indicated on Lot 2 and that all outdoor storage areas must be paved with concrete or bituminous with perimeter concrete curb. These details will be addressed separately for Lot 2 at the time a Site Plan Application is submitted. All of the landscaped areas within and adjacent to the parking lot, including landscaped islands, shall be irrigated in compliance with the Zoning Ordinance. Section 11-21-9.B requires landscape plantings at the property perimeter. A financial security of $30,000 shall be submitted to guarantee installation of the landscaping approved with the site plan for Lot 1 and as shown on the preliminary and final plat for Lots 1 and 2. Additional landscaping for Lot 2 will be determined at the time Lot 2 is proposed and a site plan is approved. Building and Required Architectural Materials. The building on Lot 1 is proposed to be two stories and 23 feet in height constructed of exposed aggregate precast architectural concrete panels. Zoning Ordinance Section 11-17-9.E requires that industrial uses be constructed of Grade A, B, C, D and/or E materials and not more than 50% of the wall surface abutting a public right-of-way, a non-industrial zoning district, an adjacent industrial building with brick, wood, stone or decorative concrete wall surfaces, residential uses, or public areas. The proposed building exterior is primarily Grade B materials (architectural precast concrete panels with exposed aggregate finish. Natural gray concrete color is not allowed. Prefinished metal panels are proposed near the main building entrance and does not exceed 50% of the front (north), or side (east) of the building. Any rooftop or ground mounted mechanical equipment must be screened from view of public right of way. Signage. No detailed sign plans have been submitted. A 100 square feet of freestanding sign is permitted with a maximum height of 10 feet. A 100 square foot wall sign is permitted per building tenant. A sign permit must be issued by the Planning Department prior to the installation of any signs. 8 Site Lighting. A lighting plan has been submitted for Lot 1 and does comply with Zoning Ordinance requirements. The lighting plan proposes seven wall-pack lights. All lighting shall be downcast type fixtures and shall not glare onto public road right-of-way or skyward. Lighting for Lot 2 shall be reviewed at the time of site plan approval for that lot. Trash and Recycling Enclosure. All outdoor trash and recycling containers must be stored in an enclosure screened with a structure that is a minimum of 6 feet in height or one foot taller than the containers and must be constructed of materials that match the architecture of the principal building. The preliminary plat plans do not include plans for outdoor trash containers at this time. The building permit plans and site plans shall include outdoor trash enclosure details that comply with Zoning Ordinance requirements if any outdoor trash and recycling containers are proposed. Snow Storage. Snow storage may not take place in required parking spaces. RECOMMENDATION Planning Department staff recommends approval of the Airlake Development Seventh Addition preliminary and final plat and conditional use permit subject to the following stipulations: 1. Implementation of the recommendations listed in the March 20, 2019 engineering report. 2. The site and building exterior shall be developed in compliance with the plans approved by the City Council and Zoning Ordinance requirements. 3. All parking lots, driveways and outdoor storage areas shall include raised concrete curb and shall be paved with concrete, bituminous or paver brick in compliance with Zoning Ordinance requirements. 4. A public trail easement shall be dedicated over the west 20 feet of Lot 1 between Outlot A and Lakeville Boulevard. 5. All landscaped areas within and adjacent to the building and parking lot shall be irrigated. Trees and shrubs shall not be planted in street right-of-way. 6. All signs shall comply with the Zoning Ordinance requirements for the I-2 District. A sign permit shall be issued by the Planning Department prior to the installation of any signs. 7. Snow storage shall not take place in required parking spaces. 9 8. Site lighting shall not exceed one foot candle at the property line adjacent to public right-of-way. All exterior light fixtures shall be down-cast design so as not to glare onto public right-of-way. 9. The building permit plans and site plans must include outdoor trash enclosure details that comply with Zoning Ordinance requirements if trash is to be stored outside. The trash enclosures shall match the exterior materials of the principal building and shall include maintenance free gates. 10. The access restriction on Lakeville Boulevard established with the parent parcel Outlot A, Arden Kitchens Addition, must be removed in conjunction with the recording of the Airlake Development Seventh Addition final plat. RST-2 C-2 I-2 RSMH C-1 RM-1 RM-2 I-2 P/OS RM-2 I-1 P/OS C-2 RM-2 I-2 50 70 23 70 23 SHAKESPEAREBLVDHAMBURG AVEGLADEAVEGUTHRIE DRGUTHRIEDR GLADEAVEGROMMETAVEHARTFORD WAY LAKEVILLE BLVDGREENWOODCTHARTFORDWAY 210TH ST W GRENADA AVE214TH ST W 215TH ST WHERONWAY CEDAR AVE215TH ST W HANOVER AVECEDARAVEA I R L A K E D E V E L O P M E N T S E V E N T H A D D I T I O N AIRLAKE DEVELOPMENT SEVENTH ADDITION Property Information Februa ry 1, 20 19 0 450 900225 ft 0 130 26065 m 1:4,800 Disclaimer: Map and parcel data are believed to be accurate, but accuracy is not guaranteed. This is not a legal document and should not be substituted for a title search,appraisal, survey, or for zoning verification. PROPOSED LOT 2(5.15 Acres)PROPOSED LOT 1(2.00 Acres)BENCHMARK-TOP NUTOF HYD = 954.72PROPOSEDOUTLOT A(3.44 Acres)100 YEAR FLOOD FRINGE (HATCHED)100 YEAR FLOOD FRINGE (HATCHED)GENERAL NOTES1.The underground utilities shown have been located from field survey information. Thesurveyor makes no guarantees that the underground utilities shown comprise all suchutilities in the area, either in service or abandoned. The surveyor further does not warrantthat the underground utilities shown are in the exact location indicated although he doescertify that they are located as accurately as possible from the information available. Thesurveyor has not physically located the underground utilities. Call Gopher State One Callat 811 for all utility, gas line, and electrical line locations prior to excavation.2.No title commitment was referenced for the survey shown hereon.3.Property address: No address - PID 22-11750-00-010.4.A portion of the subject property lies within the 100-year Flood Zone as it appears on FloodInsurance Rate Map Community - Map Number 27037 C0213E, dated December 2, 2011.5.Benchmark - Existing top nut of hydrant = 954.726.Area of subject property: 461,370 Sq. Ft. or 10.59 Acres.Proposed Lot 1 = 2.00 AcresProposed Lot 2 = 5.15 AcresProposed Outlot A = 3.44 Acres7.Property is zoned I-2 (GENERAL INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT).Building setbacks:Front = 40 feetSide = 15 feetRear = 30 feet8.Bearings based on the plat of ARDEN KITCHENS ADDITION, Dakota County, Minnesota,according to the recorded plat on file.9.Area of wetland within proposed Outlot A = 36,733 sq. ft. = 0.84 acres.EXISTING PROPERTY DESCRIPTION:Outlot A, Arden Kitchens Addition, Dakota County, Minnesota, according to the recorded plat thereof.PROPOSED DESCRIPTION OF LOT 1:That part of Outlot A, Arden Kitchens Addition, Dakota County, Minnesota, according to the recorded plat thereof,described as follows: Commencing at the northeast corner of said Outlot A; thence N 82°27'37" W, assumedbearing, along the north line of said Outlot A a distance of 259.85 feet to the beginning of the property to bedescribed; thence S 6°49'30" W a distance of 263.82 feet; thence S 52°35'12" W a distance of 68.32 feet;thence N 39°13'35" W a distance of 153.59 feet; thence N 76°47'25" W a distance of 103.83 feet; thence N58°16'49" W a distance of 137.49 feet to the west line of said Outlot A; thence N 0°41'35" E a distance of 154.26feet to the north line of said Outlot A; thence easterly along said north line, along a curve having a radius of5762.65 feet, a central angle of 3°49'40", and a distance of 384.99 feet; thence S 82°27'37" E, tangent to saidcurve a distance of 19.40 feet to the point of beginning.PROPOSED DESCRIPTION OF LOT 2:That part of Outlot A, Arden Kitchens Addition, Dakota County, Minnesota, according to the recorded plat thereof,described as follows: Beginning at the northeast corner of said Outlot A; thence N 82°27'37" W, assumedbearing, along the north line of said Outlot A a distance of 259.85 feet to the beginning of the line to be described;thence S 6°49'30" W a distance of 263.82 feet; thence S 52°35'12" W a distance of 68.32; thence S 7°42'38" E adistance of 367.17 feet; thence S 53°15'34" E a distance of 354.89 feet to the east line of said Outlot A; thence N0°38'53" E, along said east line a distance of 845.57 feet to the point of beginning. PROPOSED LOT 2(5.15 Acres)PROPOSED LOT 1(2.00 Acres)BENCHMARK-TOP NUTOF HYD = 954.72PROPOSEDOUTLOT A(3.44 Acres)DRIVE-IN DOORSDRIVE-IN DOORSDOCKDOORSVISITORPARKING(4)EMPLOYEEPARKING(5)BITUMINOUSSURFACEBITUMINOUSSURFACENEW SHARED DRIVEWAY13669DRIVE-IN DOORS PROPOSEDBUILDINGFF=957.0PROPOSEDBUILDINGFF=953.0DRIVE-INDOORSDOCKDOORSFUTUREEXPANSION35' WIDE SHAREDACCESS EASEMENT(SEE DESCRIPTIONBELOW)100 YEAR FLOOD FRINGE (HATCHED)100 YEAR FLOOD FRINGE (HATCHED)GENERAL NOTES1.The underground utilities shown have been located from field survey information. The surveyor makes noguarantees that the underground utilities shown comprise all such utilities in the area, either in service orabandoned. The surveyor further does not warrant that the underground utilities shown are in the exactlocation indicated although he does certify that they are located as accurately as possible from theinformation available. The surveyor has not physically located the underground utilities. Call GopherState One Call at 811 for all utility, gas line, and electrical line locations prior to excavation.2.This survey was prepared using First American Title Insurance Company Title Commitment. IssuingAgent: DCA Title, Commitment No. 18-100109 XC dated September 9, 2018 at 1:30 p.m.3.Property address: No address - PID 22-11750-00-010.4.A portion of the subject property lies within the 100-year Flood Zone as it appears on Flood InsuranceRate Map Community - Map Number 27037 C0213E, dated December 2, 2011.5.Benchmark - Existing top nut of hydrant = 954.726.Area of subject property: 461,370 Sq. Ft. or 10.59 Acres.Proposed Lot 1 = 2.00 AcresProposed Lot 2 = 5.15 AcresProposed Outlot A = 3.44 Acres7.Property is zoned I-2 (GENERAL INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT).Building setbacks:Front = 40 feetSide = 15 feetRear = 30 feet8.Bearings based on the plat of ARDEN KITCHENS ADDITION, Dakota County, Minnesota, according tothe recorded plat on file.EASEMENT TO BEVACATEDEASEMENT TO BEVACATEDPRIVATE INGRESS/EGRESS EASEMENT DESCRIPTIONA 35.00 foot wide private access easement over that part of Lot 1and Lot 2, Block 1, Airlake Development 7th Addition, DakotaCounty, Minnesota, the centerline of said easement being theeasterly line of said Lot 1.IMPERVIOUS CALCULATIONSAREA OF LOT 1 = 87,120 SQ. FT.IMPERVIOUS AREA OF LOT 1 = 52,864 SQ. FT. = 60.7%AREA OF LOT 1 WITHIN SHORELAND OVERLAY = 72,657 SQ. FT.IMPERVIOUS AREA W/I SHORELAND OVERLAY = 49,094 SQ. FT. = 67.6%AREA OF LOT 2 = 224,408 SQ. FT.IMPERVIOUS AREA OF LOT 2 = 117,141 SQ. FT. = 52.2%AREA OF LOT 2 WITHIN SHORELAND OVERLAY = 115,841 SQ. FT.IMPERVIOUS AREA W/I SHORELAND OVERLAY = 57,037 SQ. FT. = 49.2% LOT 1LOT 21OUTLOT A252525DRAINAGE ANDUTILITY EASEMENT2020WETLANDWETLAND20 DEPARTMENT OF PROPERTY TAXATION AND RECORDS, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTACOUNTY RECORDER, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTACITY COUNCIL, CITY OF LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTACOUNTY SURVEYOR, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTASURVEYORS CERTIFICATEAIRLAKE DEVELOPMENT SEVENTH ADDITION PROPOSED LOT 2(5.15 Acres)PROPOSED LOT 1(2.00 Acres)BENCHMARK-TOP NUTOF HYD = 954.72PROPOSEDOUTLOT A(3.44 Acres)DRIVE-IN DOORSDRIVE-IN DOORSDOCKDOORSVISITORPARKING(4)EMPLOYEEPARKING(5)BITUMINOUSSURFACEBITUMINOUSSURFACENEW SHARED DRIVEWAY13669DRIVE-IN DOORS PROPOSEDBUILDINGFF=957.0PROPOSEDBUILDINGFF=953.051.9051.0052.2052.30 52.3052.3052.93 56.6956.4255.67 56.1050.7050.50 49.6449.7250.1351.4954.06 54.1653.7653.6653.66 53.76 4 8 . 5 0 5 1 . 0 0 4 8 . 0 0 INFILTRATIONBASINBOTTOM=941.5NWL=941.5HWL=944.610-YEAR=943.2DRIVE-INDOORSDOCKDOORSRET. WALLTOW=957.0BOW=953.0RET. WALLTOW=957.0BOW=953.050.90 FUTUREEXPANSION4 8 . 0 0 SKIMMER STRUCTUREOVERFLOW=944.7CURB INLET CATCH BASINAND 24 L.F. OF 18" PVCSTORM PIPE @ 0.5% SLOPE.TC=949.64INV=946.12WET-TAP EXISTING 12" WATERMAIN AND INSTALL 8" VAVLE AND77 L.F. OF 8" DIP SERVICE PIPEWET-TAP EXISTING 12" WATERMAIN AND INSTALL 8" VAVLE AND146 L.F. OF 8" DIP SERVICE PIPENEW SANITARY MH NO. 1TC=953.64INV=945.01NEW SANITARY MH NO. 2TC=956.20INV=946.38187 L.F. OF 8" PVC SAN.PIPE AT 0.4% SLOPE343 L.F. OF 8" PVC SAN.PIPE AT 0.4% SLOPESANINV=949.32147 L.F. OF 6" PVC SAN.PIPE AT 2.0% SLOPE51 L.F. OF 6" PVC SAN.PIPE AT 2.0% SLOPESANINV=946.68FE=941.5FE=940.5FE=943.0FE=945.8FE=946.0EMERGENCY OVERFLOWELEVATION=945.5FE=940.0AREA CB AND 77 L.F.OF 12" PVC STORMPIPE AT 0.5% SLOPETC=950.0INV=946.80AREA CATCH BASIN AND 61L.F. OF 12" PVC STORM PIPE@ 0.5% SLOPE.TC=949.64INV=946.42275 L.F. OF 18" PVC STORMPIPE @ 0.43% SLOPE.FE NORTH=945.80CB INV=944.62CURB INLET CB AND 91 L.F. OF 21"PVC STORM PIPE @ 1.23% SLOPE.TC=948.00INV=944.6221 L.F. OF 24" PVC STORMPIPE @ 2.38% SLOPE.TC=948.00INV=943.50FE=943.0SILT FENCESILT FENCESILT FENCESILT FENCE100 YEAR FLOOD FRINGE (HATCHED)100 YEAR FLOOD FRINGE (HATCHED)44 L.F. OF 12" PVC STORM PIPE @2.27% SLOPE.FE EAST=940.50FE WEST=941.5037 L.F. OF 15" RCP STORM PIPE@8.1% SLOPEINV AT SKIMMER=943.0FE INV=940.0EXISTING CASING TO BE REPLACEDWITH DRIVE OVER AREA CASTING16 L.F. OF 12" RCP STORM PIPEFE=941.0INV AT SKIMMER=941.0SEDIMENTATION BASINBOTTOM=934.5EMERGENCY OVERFLOWELEVATION=950.14EMERGENCY OVERFLOWELEVATION=945.5948.0 TOP OF SWALEPROPOSED LEGENDWATER MAINSANITARY SEWERSTORM SEWERWATER SERVICESANITARY SERVICECHAIN LINK FENCEVINYL/WOOD FENCELIGHT POLEHYDRANTWATER VALVESANITARY MANHOLESTORM MANHOLECATCH BASINSILT FENCEGRADING LIMITS999CONTOUR LINESPOT ELEVATIONDRAINAGE ARROWDETAILNOTESSSSWWWWSSSS941.0943.0940.0945.5944.7 PROPOSED NEW BUILDING: LAKEVILLE BOULEVARD NEW DRIVEWAY NEW SHARED DRIVEWAY PROPERTY LINE 1,079'+/-PROPERTY/R.O.W. LINE PROPERTY LINE 289'+/-PROPOSED NEW BUILDING: NEW STORM WATER PONDING AREA CENTERLINE OF DRAINAGE LOT 2 BLOCK 1 LOT 1 BLOCK 1 OUTLOT AREA AREA SHOWN TO BE AN OUTLOT PER CITY STAFF DIRECTION/REQUIREMENT PROJECT LOCATION CEDAR AVENUEC.S.A.H 50 C.S.A.H. 70 Scale Project number Date Drawn by Checked by 21476 GRENADA AVENUE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 PH: 952-469-2171 FAX: 952-469-2173 EMAIL: office@approdevelopment.com Copyright © by APPRO Development. Inc ISSUED FOR PLAT SUBMITTAL As indicated 02/14/2019 7:21:50 AMA1-0 OVERALL SITE PLAN 18-01-0045 LAKEVILLE BOULEVARD, LAKEVILLE MN 55044 NEW PLAT - AIRLAKE SEVENTH 02/13/19 JAC JAC 1" = 60'-0"A1-0 1 SITE PLAN- OVERALL 60'30'0'60' AIRLAKE INDUSTRIAL PARK SEVENTH ADDITION 12" = 1'-0"A1-0 2 LOCATION MAP DRAWING INDEX Sheet Number Sheet Name A1-0 OVERALL SITE PLAN A1-1 SITE PLAN LOT 1 A1-2 LANDSCAPE PLAN LOT 1 A1-3 SITE/LANDSCAPE PLAN LOT 2 A1-4 PHOTOMETRIC PLAN LOT 1 A2-1 BUILDING PLAN LOT 1 A3-1 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS LOT 1 B-Civil C-1 TOPO SURVEY AND LOT DESCRIPTIONS C-2 PRELIMINARY PLAT C-3 FINAL PLAT C-4 GRADING, DRAINAGE AND UTILITY PLAN C-5 SWPPP NORTH No. Description Date 184' - 0" 100' - 9 1/16"80' - 0"160' - 11 15/16" PROPOSED NEW BUILDING: LAKEVILLE BOULEVARD NEW DRIVEWAY NEW SHARED DRIVEWAY PROPERTY LINE 260'+/-PROPERTY/R.O.W. LINE 393'+/- 14,818 SF FOOTPRINT 13 6 7 9 20' - 0"-18' - 0"27' - 11 3/8"18' - 0"51' - 0 1/4"DRIVE-IN DOORS DRIVE-IN DOOR DOCK DOOR 30' - 0"16' - 4 13/16"41' - 8 3/8"5' - 0"24' - 4 1/16"LINE INDICATES REAR BUILDING SETBACK LINE INDICATES PARKING SETBACK PROPERTY LINE 40' - 0"15' - 0"CONC CURB AND GUTTER BIT. SURFACE 4" W. PAINT STRIPING DUAL PURPOSE CONC SIDEWALK TURF CONC CURB AND GUTTER BIT. SURFACE 4" W. PAINT STRIPING BIT. SURFACE SLOPING BITUMINOUS TURF BITUMINOUS DRIVECONC PATIO 1 5 ' - 0 "30' - 0" LANDSCAPE AREA CONC CURB AND GUTTER TURF LANDSCAPE AREA 20' - 0" 10' - 0" TURF5' - 0"30' - 0"PROPERTY LINE 153'+/-LINE INDICATES TRAIL EASEMENT LINE INDICATES DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT EXISTING OVERALL OUTLOT TO BE SUB- DIVIDED ARDEN KITCHENS ADDITION, OUTLOT A 10.59 ACRES IN AREA LOT 1 - SITE AREA SITE INFORMATION: TOTAL LOT AREA: 2.0 ACRES, 87,384 SF ZONING: I-1 INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT BUILDING SETBACKS: FRONT: 40 FEET MINIMUM SIDE/INTERIOR: 10 FEET MINIMUM, 30 FEET AT STREET REAR:30 FEET MINIMUM PARKING SETBACKS: 15 FROM ANY PUBLIC OR PRIVATE ROAD. 5' FROM REAR OR SIDE INTERIOR PROPERTY LINE SITE CONSTRAINTS: MAXIMUM IMPERVIOUS SURFACE LOT COVERAGE = 25% WITHIN S.O.D. PROPOSED BUILDING SIZE: PROPOSED FIRST FLOOR:14,818 SF PROPOSED SECOND FLOOR: 2,400 SF TOTAL:17,218 SF PARKING REQUIREMENTS: REQUIRED PARKING STALL SIZE: 90 DEGREES, 9'-0" x 20'-0" (WITH 2' CURB OVERHANG ALLOWED, 24'-0" AISLE PARKING SUMMARY: OFFICE: 2,400 SF – 10% = 2,160 SF/200SF PER SPACE = 11 SECOND FLOOR OFFICE: 2,400 SF - 10% = 2,160 SF/200 = 11 WAREHOUSE: 12,418 – 10% = 11,176/1,000 = 11 TOTAL SF = 17,418 SF, TOTAL PARKING REQUIRED 33 TOTAL AMOUNT OF REQUIRED PARKING =33 SPACES AMOUNT OF PARKING SHOWN ONSITE = 35 ACTUAL SPACES (2 ACC.) NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES AT BUILDING – 17 FIRST SHIFT (ONLY ONE SHIFT PER DAY) ZONING ORDINANCE USED: CITY OF LAKEVILLE CODE OF ORDINANCES - ON-LINE DATE: 12/16/18 SLOPE AWAY AGGREGATE BASE BITUMINOUS 3/4" RADIUS EDGE GRANULAR FILL 1/2" EXPANSION JOINT W/FOAM SEALER AND SEALANT WHERE WALK ABUTS A BUILDING OR WALL 4" THK. POURED CONC WALK W/W.W.M. VARIES 8"6"6"FLAT DUAL PURPOSE WALK SLOPING ACCESS AISLE MAKE LEVEL W/BITUMINOUS BITUMINOUS SURFACE SLOPE DOWN SLOPE DOWN SLOPE LANDING AWAY FROM BLDG. MAX. 1/8"/FT. TRUNCATED DOME MAT AT PEDESTRIAN RAMP 24"x48" DOME AREA TO BE CONTRASTING COLOR TO WALK 6' - 0"4' - 0"6' - 0"5' - 0"184' - 0" 100' - 9 1/16"80' - 0"5' - 0"18' - 0"PROPOSED NEW BUILDING: LAKEVILLE BOULEVARD NEW DRIVEWAY NEW SHARED DRIVEWAYPROPERTY/R.O.W. LINE 393'+/- 14,818 SF FOOTPRINT LEGEND: AREA OF SITE WITHIN SHORELAND OVERLAY DISTRICT = 72,495 SF BUILDING PAD AREA = 14,818 SF PAVEMENT = 34,343 SF SIDEWALK = 773 SF IMPERVIOUS SURFACE WITHIN SHORELAND OVERLAY DISTRICT = 49,934 SF % OF IMPERVIOUS WITHIN OVERLAY DISTRICT = 69% Scale Project number Date Drawn by Checked by 21476 GRENADA AVENUE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 PH: 952-469-2171 FAX: 952-469-2173 EMAIL: office@approdevelopment.com Copyright © by APPRO Development. Inc ISSUED FOR PLAT SUBMITTAL As indicated 02/14/2019 7:21:51 AMA1-1 SITE PLAN LOT 1 18-01-0045 LAKEVILLE BOULEVARD, LAKEVILLE MN 55044 NEW PLAT - AIRLAKE SEVENTH 02/13/19 JAC JAC 30'15'0'30' 1" = 30'-0"A1-1 1 SITE PLAN NORTH PROJECT NORTH 1" = 200'-0"A1-1 2 KEY PLAN SITE AREA: 2 ACRES OR 87,384 SF 3/4" = 1'-0"A1-1 4 DUAL PURPOSE WALK 1/2" = 1'-0"A1-1 5 HC Ramp 1" = 50'-0"A1-1 6 SHORELAND OVERLAY STUDY NORTH PROJECT NORTH No. Description Date UP DN A 1 B C 2 3 4 5 6 BREAKROOM 103 OPEN OFFICE 102 OFFICE 114 OFFICE 113 SERVER 112 OFFICE 110 OFFICE 109 OFFICE 108 WOMENS 107 MENS 105 UTILITY 106 VESTIBULE 101 UNISEX 116 80' - 0"75' - 0"109' - 0" 184' - 0"32' - 1 3/16"HALL 111 HALL 104 TRAINING 117 WAREHOUSE 115 WATER RISER 37' - 6"37' - 6"36' - 0"36' - 0"37' - 0"80' - 0"9x10 DOCK DOOR 12x14 O.H. DRIVE-IN DOOR 12x14 O.H. DRIVE-IN DOOR 12x14 O.H. DRIVE-IN DOOR 12x14 O.H. DRIVE-IN DOOR 1 C 2 3 14' - 1 3/16"SOFFIT ABOVE OFFICE 202 OFFICE 203 CLOSET 204 OFFICE 205 OPEN OFFICE 206 OPEN OFFICE 208 OFFICE 209 CLOSET 210 OFFICE 211 OFFICE 212 OFFICE 213 HALL 207 75' - 0"32' - 1 3/16"STAIR 201OPEN TO BELOW 1/2 WALL Scale Project number Date Drawn by Checked by 21476 GRENADA AVENUE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 PH: 952-469-2171 FAX: 952-469-2173 EMAIL: office@approdevelopment.com Copyright © by APPRO Development. Inc ISSUED FOR PLAT SUBMITTAL 1/8" = 1'-0"02/14/2019 7:21:52 AMA2-1 BUILDING PLAN LOT 1 18-01-0045 LAKEVILLE BOULEVARD, LAKEVILLE MN 55044 NEW PLAT - AIRLAKE SEVENTH 02/13/19 JAC JAC 1/8" = 1'-0"A2-1 1 FLOOR PLAN 1/8" = 1'-0"A2-1 2 SECOND FLOOR 8'4'0'8' NORTH No. Description Date First Floor 100' - 0" Top of Wall 123' - 0" SECOND FLOOR 111' - 4" ABC PREFIN MTL PARAPET CAP 12" INSULATED PRECAST PANELS WITH AN INTEGRAL AGGREGATE FINISH ALUMINUM WINDOW TYP. 80' - 0" GRADE TROWELED SMOOTH ACCENT BANDS First Floor 100' - 0" Top of Wall 123' - 0" SECOND FLOOR 111' - 4" 123456 184' - 0" 12" INSULATED PRECAST PANELS WITH AN INTEGRAL AGGREGATE FINISH TROWELED SMOOTH ACCENT BANDS PRE-FINISHED MTL. PANELS AT ENTRY BUMP-OUT ALUM/GLASS STOREFRONT ENTRY SYSTEM ALUM FRAME WINDOWS WITH FIXED GLAZING PANELS First Floor 100' - 0" Top of Wall 123' - 0" SECOND FLOOR 111' - 4" 1 2 3 4 5 61 A3-2 184' - 0" 12" INSULATED PRECAST PANELS WITH AN INTEGRAL AGGREGATE FINISH First Floor 100' - 0" Top of Wall 123' - 0" T.O. Footing 97' - 0" SECOND FLOOR 111' - 4" A B C PREFIN MTL PARAPET CAP GRADE 12" INSULATED PRECAST PANELS WITH AN INTEGRAL AGGREGATE FINISH TROWELED SMOOTH ACCENT BANDS STL. INSULATED OVERHEAD DOORS PRE-FINISHED MTL. PANELS AT ENTRY BUMP-OUT ALUM/GLASS STOREFRONT ENTRY SYSTEM EXTERIOR BUILDING COLORS: PRECAST - EXPOSED AGGREGATE (INTEGRAL COLOR) CORDUROY AND TROWELED SMOOTH FINISH, STANDARD SAND - BASE COST CAP FLASHING - T.B.D., OVERFLOW SCUPPERS/DOWNSPOUTS - T.B.D., ALUMINUM STOREFRONT/WINDOWS - HM DOORS AND FRAMES - T.B.D. BOLLARDS - SAFETY YELLOW GUARDRAIL/STAIRS - T.B.D. OVERHEAD DOORS - PRE-FINISHED WHITE EXTERIOR LIGHT FIXTURES (WALL LIGHTS) - FACTORY PRE-FINISHED BLACK Scale Project number Date Drawn by Checked by 21476 GRENADA AVENUE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 PH: 952-469-2171 FAX: 952-469-2173 EMAIL: office@approdevelopment.com Copyright © by APPRO Development. Inc ISSUED FOR PLAT SUBMITTAL 1/8" = 1'-0"02/14/2019 7:21:53 AMA3-1 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS LOT 1 18-01-0045 LAKEVILLE BOULEVARD, LAKEVILLE MN 55044 NEW PLAT - AIRLAKE SEVENTH 02/13/19 JAC JAC 1/8" = 1'-0"A3-1 1 WEST ELEVATION 1/8" = 1'-0"A3-1 2 NORTH ELEVATION 1/8" = 1'-0"A3-1 3 SOUTH ELEVATION 1/8" = 1'-0"A3-1 4 EAST ELEVATION No. Description Date PROPOSED NEW BUILDING: LAKEVILLE BOULEVARD NEW DRIVEWAY NEW SHARED DRIVEWAY PROPERTY LINE 260'+/-13 30' - 0" 1 TYPE B 1 TYPE B 3 TYPE D 2 TYPE E 2 TYPE H 2 TYPE I 2 TYPE H ROCK MULCH2 TYPE K 3 TYPE K 3 TYPE K 3 TYPE J 4 TYPE K 3 TYPE J 4 TYPE K 3 TYPE J 1 TYPE C 3 TYPE D 3 TYPE F SEED MIX "A" SEED MIX "A" ROCK MULCH ROCK MULCHSEED MIX "A"SEED MIX "A"SEED MIX "A" SEED MIX "B" SEED MIX "B" SEED MIX "B" BLANKET THIS AREA AS GRADE SLOPES BLANKET THIS AREA AS GRADE SLOPES ROCK MULCH 3 TYPE G 3 TYPE G 2 TYPE A 1 TYPE B 2 TYPE A 2 TYPE M SPA CIN G 15' - 0" 4 TYPE L 4 TYPE L 4 TYPE D 2 TYPE F SYM.QUANTITY COMMON NAME SKYLINE HONEYLOCUST ACCOLADE ELM CRAB - PINK SPIRE BLACK HILLS SPRUCE SKYHIGH JUNIPER RIVER BIRCH - CLUMP DOGWOOD - CARDINAL MUGO DWARF PINE ANTHONY WATERER SPIREA GRASS KARL 'FOERSTER' STELLA DE ORO DAYLILY WHITE CEDAR AUTUMN BLAZE MAPLE 4 3 1 3 2 3 10 4 2 9 16 2 2 A B C D E F G H I J K L M PLANT MATERIAL LEGEND - LOT 1 BOTANICAL NAME GLEDITSIA TRIACANTHOS VAR. INERMIS ULMUS JAPONICA X WILSONIANA 'MORTON' MALUS 'PINK SPIRES' PICEA GLAUCA DENSATA JUNIPERUS SCOPULORUM 'BAILIGH' BETULA NIGRA CORNUS SERICEA 'CARDINAL' PINUS MUGO PUMILIO SPIRAEA X BULMALDA "ANTHONY WATERER' CALAMAGROSTIS X ACUTIFLORA 'KARL FOERSTER' HEMEROCALLIS 'STELLA' THUJA OCCIDENTALIS 'WHITE CEDAR' ACER X FREEMANII 'JEFFERSRED' SIZE/ROOT 2 1/2" DIA. BALLED AND BURLAPPED 2 1/2" DIA. BALLED AND BURLAPPED 1 1/2" DIA. BALLED AND BURLAPPED 8'-0" HIGH MIN. BALLED AND BURLAPPED 3' - 4' HIGH 8'-0" HIGH MIN. BALLED AND BURLAPPED 3' - 4' HIGH 18" - 24" HIGH 18" - 24" HIGH 18" - 24" HIGH #1 CONTAINER 8'-0" HIGH MIN. BALLED AND BURLAPPED 2 1/2" DIA. BALLED AND BURLAPPED REMARKS LANDSCAPE NOTES: 1. SEED MIX "A" SHALL BE - MN DOT #25-141 (COMMERCIAL TURF GRASS MIX FOR ALL DISTURBED AREAS THAT ARE NOT SPECIFICALLY MARKED). PLACE SEED AT A RATE OF 59 LBS. PER ACRE WITH 10-10-10 NPK FERTILIZER (200LB/ACRE) ALONG WITH MN DOT TYPE1 MULCH AT A RATE OF 2 TONS PER ACRE. SEED MIX "B" SHALL BE - MN DOT #33-262 A DRY SWALE/POND MIX, PLACE AS RECOMMENDED IN THE MN DOT SEED MIX MANUAL 2. SEED ALL OTHER AREAS THAT ARE DISTURBED DURING CONSTRUCTION WITH SEED MIX "A". SEE CIVIL PLAN FOR ADDITIONAL SEED AND EROSION CONTROL MEASURES. 3. PROVIDE CLEAN STRAW FREE OF WEED SEEDS FOR MULCH OVER THE SEEDED AREAS OR APPLY SEED VIA HYDROSEEDING METHOD. 4. WOOD FIBER BLANKET TO BE PROVIDED AT ALL SEEDED AREAS ON ANY SLOPE 3:1 OR GREATER. 5. ROCK MULCH TO BE 1 1/2" RIVER ROCK - VERIFY PRIOR TO PLACEMENT - ROCK MULCH TO BE USED AT GENERAL PLANT BEDS (3"-4" DEEP). 6. SHRUB BEDS TO HAVE EDGER (NOT REQUIRED WHERE SHRUB BED MEETS CONC WALK). EDGER TO BE VALLEY VIEW BLACK DIAMOND, 20' LENGTHS OR APPROVED EQUAL. SPLICES TO BE JOINED BETWEEN PIECES. ANCHORS/STAKES TO BE USED - 4 MIN PER LENGTH. 7. SHRUB BEDS TO HAVE "TYPAR" WEED FABRIC. OVERLAY FABRIC WITH ROCK MULCH. POLY SHEETING WILL NOT BE USED AT GENERAL PLANT BEDS WHERE PLANTINGS PROPOSED. 8. FINELY SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH SHALL BE INSTALLED UNDER ALL TREES AND SHRUBS THAT ARE NOT PART OF A GENERAL PLANTING BED. 9. PLANTS TO BE MAINTAINED BY LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR WITH MANUAL WATERING OR WATER TRUCK UNTIL OWNER OCCUPIES THE EXPANSION. 10. UNDERGROUND UTILITIES TO BE LOCATED, BY THE CONTRACTOR PERFORMING THE WORK, PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION. 11. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR TO DO STAKING AS REQUIRED FOR PLANTINGS. 12. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR TO STRIP TOPSOIL FROM MAINTENANCE EDGER. MULCH TO BE PLACED AND COMPACTED AS REQUIRED. 16" POLYPROPYLENE OR POLYETHYLENE (40 MIL. 1 1/2" WIDE STRAP TYP.) SOD 2"x2"x24" WOOD STAKE SET AT ANGLE SUBGRADE TOPSOIL PLANTING SOIL 4" DEEP CYPRESS MULCH ROOTBALL TO SIT ON SUBGRADE FLAGGING - ONE PER WIRE 8'-0" STEEL STAKE DOUBLE STRAND 14 GA. WIRE - 3' @ 120 DEGREE INTERVALS, TYP. NOTE: CONIFER TO HAVE SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. NO MULCH TO BE IN CONTACT WITH TREE TRUNK SCAQROFY BOTTOM AND SIDE OF HOLE PRIOR TO PLANTING NOTE: TWO ALTERNATIVE STAKING METHODS ARE ILLUSTRATED IT IS THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR'S OPTION TO STAKE TREES. HOWEVER LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTAINING TREES IN A PLUMB POSITION THROUGHOUT THE GUARANTEE PERIOD.MATCH ROOT BALL SIZEMIN. 2'-0"VARIESTOP OF ROOT BALL 1-2" ABOVE GRADE 4" LAYER CYPRESS MULCH - TREATED, MULCH TO NOT TOUCH THE BARK OF THE TREE PLANTING SOIL WITH FERTILIZER LIMIT OF ONSITE SOILS AFTER HOLE DUG NOTE: TURN BACK THE TOP PORTION OF THE BURLAP TO HALF THE DEPTH OF ROOT BALL AND REMOVE ANY NAILS WITHIN THIS AREA. PLANT TREE WHERE THE FIRST ROOTS FLARE OUT FROM THE TRUNK. REMOVE ANY PLASTIC OR WIRE BASKETS FROM AROUND THE ROOT BALL. SCARIFY THE BOWL SUFACE FOR EASY ROOT PENETRATION. BOULEVARD TREES TO BE PLANTED AT 40'-0" O.C. TREES TO BE PLANTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH CITY'S LANDSCAPE ORDINACE. SEE SITE PLAN FOR LOCATION OF WALKS AND CURBS. PROVIDE A MINIMUM SEPARATION OF 3' FROM ALL WALKS AND CURBS. DO NO CUT LEADERS OF THE TREE. STAKING OF TREES SHALL BE DONE BY THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR AS NEEDED. NOTE: TURN BACKTHE TOP PORTION OF THE BURLAP TO HALF THE DEPTH OF ROOT BALL AND REMOVE ANY NAILS WITHIN THIS AREA. SHRUBS USED AS VISUAL BUFFERS NEAR PARKING LOTS SHALL BE A MAXIMUM OF 3' IN HEIGHT. SHRUBS SHALL BE INSTALLED AT A MINIMUM OF 12-18" IN HEIGHT. REMOVE ANY PLASTIC OR WIRE BASKETS AROUND THE ROOT BALL. SCARIFY THE BOWL SURFAces for easy root penetration.MIN.1' - 0"MIN OF 18"PLANTING SOIL WITH FERTILIZER 4" LAYER OF CYPRESS MULCH - TREATED, WHEN NOT IN A ROCK LANDSCAPE BED Scale Project number Date Drawn by Checked by 21476 GRENADA AVENUE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 PH: 952-469-2171 FAX: 952-469-2173 EMAIL: office@approdevelopment.com Copyright © by APPRO Development. Inc ISSUED FOR PLAT SUBMITTAL As indicated 02/14/2019 7:21:51 AMA1-2 LANDSCAPE PLAN LOT 1 18-01-0045 LAKEVILLE BOULEVARD, LAKEVILLE MN 55044 NEW PLAT - AIRLAKE SEVENTH 02/13/19 JAC JAC 1" = 30'-0"A1-2 1 LANDSCAPE PLAN LOT 1 30'15'0'30' NORTH PROJECT NORTH 1/2" = 1'-0"A1-2 4 TREE DETAIL - CONIFEROUS 1/2" = 1'-0"A1-2 5 TREE DETAIL -DECIDUOUS 1/2" = 1'-0"A1-2 6 SHRUB PLANTING DETAIL No. Description Date OUTLOT FOR WETLAND EASEMENT AREA FOR PONDING 1.43 ACRES PARCEL 2 = 5.16 ACRES (INCLUDING EASEMENT) PROPOSED BUILDING DRIVE-IN DOORSDRIVE-IN DOORS40' - 0"15' - 0"10' - 0" 5' - 0" LAKEVILLE BOULEVARD PROPERTY/R.O.W. LINE 260 +/- LINE INDICATES PARKING SETBACK LINE INDICATES BUILDING SETBACK PROPERTY LINE 1,079'+/-15,840 SF FOOTPRINT LINE OF DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT PROPERTY LINE 355' +/- EDGE OF PAVEMENTPROPERTY LINE 260'+/-BITUMINOUS DRIVE4 TYPE B 3 TYPE A 4 TYPE E 2 TYPE A 4 TYPE C 4 TYPE D CONCEPT BUILDING/SITE PLAN - ACTUAL LANDSCAPE PLAN FOR FOUNDATION PLANTINGS SUBMITTED WITH BUILDING PLAN SEED MIX B SEED MIX B SEE SWPPP PLAN FOR SEEDING IN THE POND AREAS 3 TYPE D 4 TYPE C 3 TREES ASSOCIATED WITH LOT 1 4 TYPE D 3 TYPE E 4 TYPE D 3 TYPE D SYM.QUANTITY COMMON NAME RIVER BIRCH - CLUMP NORTHERN PIN OAK WHITE CEDAR DOGWOOD - CARDINAL BLACK HILLS SPRUCE 5 4 8 18 7 A B C D E PLANT MATERIAL LEGEND - LOT 2 BOTANICAL NAME BETULA NIGRA QUERCUS ELLIPSOIDALIS THUJA OCCIDENTALIS 'WHITE CEDAR' CORNUS SERICEA 'CARDINAL' PICEA GLAUCA DENSATA SIZE/ROOT 2 1/2" DIA. BALLED AND BURLAPPED 2 1/2" DIA. BALLED AND BURLAPPED 8'-0" HIGH MIN. BALLED AND BURLAPPED 3' - 4' HIGH 8'-0" HIGH MIN. BALLED AND BURLAPPED REMARKS LANDSCAPE NOTES: 1. SEED MIX "A" SHALL BE - MN DOT #25-141 (COMMERCIAL TURF GRASS MIX FOR ALL DISTURBED AREAS THAT ARE NOT SPECIFICALLY MARKED). PLACE SEED AT A RATE OF 59 LBS. PER ACRE WITH 10-10-10 NPK FERTILIZER (200LB/ACRE) ALONG WITH MN DOT TYPE1 MULCH AT A RATE OF 2 TONS PER ACRE. SEED MIX "B" SHALL BE - MN DOT #33-262 A DRY SWALE/POND MIX, PLACE AS RECOMMENDED IN THE MN DOT SEED MIX MANUAL 2. SEED ALL OTHER AREAS THAT ARE DISTURBED DURING CONSTRUCTION WITH SEED MIX "A". SEE CIVIL PLAN FOR ADDITIONAL SEED AND EROSION CONTROL MEASURES. 3. PROVIDE CLEAN STRAW FREE OF WEED SEEDS FOR MULCH OVER THE SEEDED AREAS OR APPLY SEED VIA HYDROSEEDING METHOD. 4. WOOD FIBER BLANKET TO BE PROVIDED AT ALL SEEDED AREAS ON ANY SLOPE 3:1 OR GREATER. 5. ROCK MULCH TO BE 1 1/2" RIVER ROCK - VERIFY PRIOR TO PLACEMENT - ROCK MULCH TO BE USED AT GENERAL PLANT BEDS (3"-4" DEEP). 6. SHRUB BEDS TO HAVE EDGER (NOT REQUIRED WHERE SHRUB BED MEETS CONC WALK). EDGER TO BE VALLEY VIEW BLACK DIAMOND, 20' LENGTHS OR APPROVED EQUAL. SPLICES TO BE JOINED BETWEEN PIECES. ANCHORS/STAKES TO BE USED - 4 MIN PER LENGTH. 7. SHRUB BEDS TO HAVE "TYPAR" WEED FABRIC. OVERLAY FABRIC WITH ROCK MULCH. POLY SHEETING WILL NOT BE USED AT GENERAL PLANT BEDS WHERE PLANTINGS PROPOSED. 8. FINELY SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH SHALL BE INSTALLED UNDER ALL TREES AND SHRUBS THAT ARE NOT PART OF A GENERAL PLANTING BED. 9. PLANTS TO BE MAINTAINED BY LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR WITH MANUAL WATERING OR WATER TRUCK UNTIL OWNER OCCUPIES THE EXPANSION. 10. UNDERGROUND UTILITIES TO BE LOCATED, BY THE CONTRACTOR PERFORMING THE WORK, PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION. 11. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR TO DO STAKING AS REQUIRED FOR PLANTINGS. 12. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR TO STRIP TOPSOIL FROM MAINTENANCE EDGER. MULCH TO BE PLACED AND COMPACTED AS REQUIRED. EXISTING OVERALL OUTLOT TO BE SUB- DIVIDED ARDEN KITCHENS ADDITION, OUTLOT A 10.59 ACRES IN AREA LOT 2 - SITE AREA Scale Project number Date Drawn by Checked by 21476 GRENADA AVENUE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 PH: 952-469-2171 FAX: 952-469-2173 EMAIL: office@approdevelopment.com Copyright © by APPRO Development. Inc ISSUED FOR PLAT SUBMITTAL As indicated 02/14/2019 7:21:51 AMA1-3 SITE/LANDSCAPE PLAN LOT 2 18-01-0045 LAKEVILLE BOULEVARD, LAKEVILLE MN 55044 NEW PLAT - AIRLAKE SEVENTH 02/13/19 JAC JAC 1" = 50'-0"A1-3 1 SITE PLAN - LOT 2 NORTH 50'25'0'50' 1" = 200'-0"A1-3 4 KEY PLAN No. Description Date Scale Project number Date Drawn by Checked by 21476 GRENADA AVENUE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 PH: 952-469-2171 FAX: 952-469-2173 EMAIL: office@approdevelopment.com Copyright © by APPRO Development. Inc PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 1" = 30'-0"1/29/2019 5:19:26 PMA1-4 PHOTOMETRIC PLAN LOT 1 18-01-0045 LAKEVILLE BOULEVARD, LAKEVILLE MN 55044 NEW PLAT - AIRLAKE SEVENTH 01/29/19 JAC JAC No. Description Date 1" = 30'-0"A1-4 1 PHOTOMETRIC PLAN LOT 1 30'15'0'30' NORTH PROJECT NORTH ^_C o n s e r v a t i o n A r e a & C o n n e c t i o n C o n s e r v a t i o n A r e a & C o n n e c t i o n t o L a k e M a r i o n R e g i o n a l T r a i l t o L a k e M a r i o n R e g i o n a l T r a i l F u t u r e C o m m u n i t y P l a y F u t u r e C o m m u n i t y P l a y F i e l d w i t h C o n n e c t i o n F i e l d w i t h C o n n e c t i o n t o R e g i o n a l T r a i l t o R e g i o n a l T r a i l County Hwy 70 County Hwy 50 CountyHwy23CountyHwy9TPC K:\cad_eng\PROJECTS\GIS\TPC\Lakeville\2014 Update Files\Neighborhood Planning Districts MapsDATA SOURCES: DAKOTA COUNTY, CITY OF LAKEVILLE, MNGEO & MN DNR LEGEND Existing Trails Greenway On-Street Trail Bike Lane Multi-purpose Trail Sidewalk Proposed Trails Regional Corridor Community Greenway Transportation Corridor Linking Trail/Sidewalk Park Classification Community Park Community Play Field/Athletic Complex Mini-Parks/Neighorhood Play Lot Neighborhood Park Conservation Area Special Use Area Park Expansion Planning District ^_Proposed Park N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 4 N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 4 M A P 2 3 - P L A N N I N G D I S T R I C T 8 M A P 2 3 - P L A N N I N G D I S T R I C T 8 C I T Y O F L A K E V I L L E C I T Y O F L A K E V I L L E2 0 1 4 P A R K S , T R A I L S 2 0 1 4 P A R K S , T R A I L S & O P E N S P A C E P L A N & O P E N S P A C E P L A N AIRLAKE INDUSTRIAL PARK 32 6 1 54 8 12 11 10 7 9 C C CP CP NP NP NP NP NP NP NP NP NP CPF CPF CPF K:\cad_eng\PROJECTS\GIS\TPC\Lakeville\2014 Update Files\2030 Trail System PlanDATA SOURCES: DAKOTA COUNTY, CITY OF LAKEVILLE, MNGEO & MN DNR C I T Y O F L A K E V I L L E C I T Y O F L A K E V I L L E2 0 1 4 P A R K S , T R A I L S 2 0 1 4 P A R K S , T R A I L S & O P E N S P A C E P L A N & O P E N S P A C E P L A N LEGEND Proposed Trails Regional Corridor Community Greenway Transportation Corridor Linking Trail/Sidewalk Proposed Parks Existing Trails Destination Community Greenway Transportation Corridors Linking Trails/Sidewalks Existing City Parks 2 0 3 0 T R A I L S Y S T E M 2 0 3 0 T R A I L S Y S T E MP L A N P L A N M A P 1 4 - M A P 1 4 - N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 4 N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 4 0 3,500 7,000 10,500 Feet TPC ( S E E 2 0 3 0 PA R K S Y S T E M P L A N ( S E E 2 0 3 0 PA R K S Y S T E M P L A N R E G A R D I N G PA R K C L A S S I F I C AT I O N R E G A R D I N G PA R K C L A S S I F I C AT I O N A N D D E TA I L E D D E S C R I P T I O N S ) A N D D E TA I L E D D E S C R I P T I O N S ) CP CPF NP C Community Park Community Play Field Neighborhood Park Conservation Area 13669DESCRIPTION OF PUBLIC TRAIL EASEMENT: A 20.00 foot wide public trail easement over and across the west 20.00 feet of Lot 1, Block 1, AIRLAKE DEVELOPMENT SEVENTH ADDITION, Dakota County, Minnesota, according to the recorded plat thereof. I hereby certify that this easement exhibit was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Grant D. Jacobson, MN License No. 23189 Dated this 14th Day of March, 2019 City of Lakeville Planning/Engineering Dept. 20195 Holyoke Ave. Lakeville, MN 55044 20 FOOT WIDE TRAIL EASEMENT (HATCHED AREA) LOT 1 BLOCK 1 OUTLOT A LAKEVILL E B O U L E V A R D 20 1 CITY OF LAKEVILLE DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AIRLAKE DEVELOPMENT SEVENTH ADDITION FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECOMMENDATION On March 21, 2019 the Lakeville Planning Commission met at its regularly scheduled meeting to consider the application of Airlake Development, Incorporated for a conditional use permit to allow an impervious surface area greater than 25% in the Shoreland Overlay District for the preliminary and final plat of Airlake Development Seventh Addition. The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the proposed conditional use permit preceded by published and mailed notice. The applicant was present and the Planning Commission heard testimony from all interested persons wishing to speak. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The property is located in Planning District No. 8 of the 2008 Comprehensive Plan, which guides the property for industrial land uses. 2. The property is zoned I-2, General Industrial District. 3. The legal description of the property is: Lots 1 and 2 and Outlot A, Airlake Development Seventh Addition 4. Section 11-4-3E of the City of Lakeville Zoning Ordinance provides that a conditional use permit may not be issued unless certain criteria and satisfied. The criteria and our findings regarding them are: a. The proposed action has been considered in relation to the specific policies and provisions of and has been found to be consistent with the official City Comprehensive Plan. The preliminary and final plat of two industrial lots and Outlot A is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan’s designated commercial use of the property and the I-2, General Industrial District zoning of the property. Outlot A, consisting of 3.4 acres and equivalent to 47% of the overall plat area, will be dedicated to the City as permanent open space. Maximum impervious surface area for Lots 1 and 2 will not be subject to impervious surface area requirements due to the dedication of Outlot A to the City. 2 b. The proposed use is or will be compatible with present and future land uses of the area. The two proposed industrial lots with industrial uses of the properties and impervious surface area greater than 25% is compatible with present and future land uses of the area. c. The proposed use conforms with all performance standards contained in the Zoning Ordinance. The two proposed industrial lots will conform to all performance standards contained in the Zoning Ordinance. d. The proposed use can be accommodated with existing public services and will not overburden the City’s service capacity. The properties will be served with City sanitary sewer and water. Storm sewer will be constructed with the development of the industrial lots consistent with City of Lakeville and Minnesota Pollution Control Agency requirements. The existing public services will not be overburdened by the development. e. Traffic generation by the proposed use is within capabilities of streets serving the property. The traffic generated by the two proposed industrial lots and impervious surface area greater than 25% will not overburden Lakeville Boulevard serving the property. 5. The planning report, dated March 15, 2019, prepared by Associate Planner Frank Dempsey is incorporated herein. RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission recommends that the City Council approve the conditional use permit upon compliance with the planning report prepared by Frank Dempsey, Associate Planner, dated March 15, 2019. DATED: March 21, 2019 LAKEVILLE PLANNING COMMISSION BY: _________________________________ Pat Kaluza, Chair City of Lakeville Public Works – Engineering Division Memorandum To: Frank Dempsey, Associate Planner From: Joe Powers, Project Engineer McKenzie L. Cafferty, Environmental Resources Manager John Hennen, Parks and Recreation Director Copy: Zach Johnson, City Engineer Jerilyn Erickson, Finance Director Gene Abbott, Building Official Date: March 20, 2019 Subject: Airlake Development Seventh Addition • Preliminary Plat Review • Final Plat Review • Grading and Erosion Control Plan Review • Utility Plan Review BBAACCKKGGRROOUUNNDD Airlake Development, Inc. has submitted preliminary and final plat applications for Airlake Development Seventh Addition. The property is located south of and adjacent to Lakeville Boulevard, east of Hamburg Avenue, and northeast of and adjacent to South Creek. The parent parcel is zoned I-2, General Industrial District and is located within the Shoreland Overlay District. The property was previously platted as Outlot A, Arden Kitchens. The final plat consists of two industrial lots within one block and one outlot on 10.59 acres. The outlot created with the final plat shall have the following use: Outlot A: Portions of South Creek, existing drainage and utility easements, wetlands, and buffer area; to be deeded to the City (3.44 acres) The proposed preliminary and final plat applications will be completed by: Developer: Airlake Development, Inc. AAIIRRLLAAKKEE DDEEVVEELLOOPPMMEENNTT SSEEVVEENNTTHH AADDDDIITTIIOONN MMAARRCCHH 2200,, 22001199 PPAAGGEE 22 OOFF 77 Engineer: Jacobson Engineers and Surveyors SSIITTEE CCOONNDDIITTIIOONNSS The parent parcel is currently undeveloped land that slopes generally from the northeast to the southwest. South Creek runs adjacent to the site from northwest to southeast. SSIITTEE PPLLAANN The development of Airlake Development Seventh Addition includes the construction of warehouse buildings, parking, outdoor storage areas, storm sewer, and stormwater management improvements, and two driveway accesses to Lakeville Boulevard on the north side of the site. The final plat of Arden Kitchens is subject to restricted access from Lakeville Boulevard to Outlot A, which was required due to Lakeville Boulevard being previously designated as County Road 50. The City will work with the Developer and Dakota County to remove the access restriction prior to recording of the final plat. EEAASSEEMMEENNTTSS The final plat includes a drainage and utility easement over the stormwater management basin on Lot 2. Prior to City Council consideration of the final plat, the Developer shall grant to the City a 20-foot wide trail easement located over the west 20 feet of Lot 1, Block 1 for a future City trail connection between Outlot A and Lakeville Boulevard as shown in the Parks, Trails and Open Space Plan. The Developer shall establish a shared access easement over the shared driveway between Lots 1 and 2 prior to recording of the final plat. The parent parcel contains the following existing easements: • 10 foot wide private gas easement per Doc. No. 1433678; to remain with the final plat; • Drainage and Utility Easement in favor of the City of Lakeville per Doc. No. 1352723; to remain with the plat, generally contained within Outlot A; and • 40 foot wide Drainage Easement in favor of the City of Lakeville as shown on the Arden Kitchens Addition final plat; to remain with the plat, contained within Outlot A. SSTTRREEEETT AANNDD SSUUBBDDIIVVIISSIIOONN LLAAYYOOUUTT Lakeville Boulevard Airlake Development Seventh Addition is located south of Lakeville Boulevard, a major collector as identified in the City’s Transportation Plan. No additional right-of-way is required to be dedicated with the final plat of Airlake Development Seventh Addition. CCOONNSSTTRRUUCCTTIIOONN AACCCCEESSSS Construction traffic access and egress shall be restricted to a single entrance from Lakeville Boulevard. AAIIRRLLAAKKEE DDEEVVEELLOOPPMMEENNTT SSEEVVEENNTTHH AADDDDIITTIIOONN MMAARRCCHH 2200,, 22001199 PPAAGGEE 33 OOFF 77 PPAARRKKSS,, TTRRAAIILLSS AANNDD SSIIDDEEWWAALLKKSS The Park Dedication requirement has been collected on the parent parcel and is not required to be paid with the Airlake Development Seventh Addition final plat. UUTTIILLIITTIIEESS SSAANNIITTAARRYY SSEEWWEERR An existing sanitary sewer manhole is located approximately 100 feet west of the northwest corner of the site, along the south side of Lakeville Boulevard. The Developer will construct new eight inch sanitary sewer along the north side of Airlake Development Seventh Addition and connect to the existing sanitary sewer manhole. The downstream sanitary sewer has excess capacity to handle flow from the proposed development. A security of $4,000 will be collected to ensure restoration of the Lakeville Boulevard right-of-way associated with the sanitary sewer construction. The Developer must also submit a Traffic Control Plan with the final construction plans to protect and maintain traffic on Lakeville Boulevard during connection of the sanitary sewer. The Sanitary Sewer Availability Charge has been collected on the parent parcels and will not be required with the building permit. Final locations and sizes of all sanitary sewer facilities will be reviewed by City staff with the final construction plans. WWAATTEERRMMAAIINN Water service will be provided from an existing twelve-inch trunk watermain located along the south side of Lakeville Boulevard. The Developer will install eight-inch wet-tap water services to serve the buildings on Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Airlake Development Seventh Addition. The Lateral Watermain Charge for the existing twelve-inch trunk watermain on Lakeville Boulevard has not been collected and will be required to be paid with the final plat. The Lateral Watermain Charge is calculated as follows: 664.24 feet X $48 / front foot = $31,883.52 Front Footage of Lots 1 and 2 Airlake Development Seventh Addition Lateral Watermain Charge Total DDRRAAIINNAAGGEE AANNDD GGRRAADDIINNGG Airlake Development Seventh Addition is located within subdistrict SC-13 of the South Creek drainage district as identified in the City’s Water Resources Management Plan. Development of the site will include the construction of a privately owned and maintained sedimentation basin and a privately owned and maintained infiltration basin. Runoff will be conveyed form Lots 1 and 2 to the private stormwater basins via privately owned and AAIIRRLLAAKKEE DDEEVVEELLOOPPMMEENNTT SSEEVVEENNTTHH AADDDDIITTIIOONN MMAARRCCHH 2200,, 22001199 PPAAGGEE 44 OOFF 77 maintained storm sewer that will be installed by the developer. The basins will be located at the southeast corner of the site, adjacent to South Creek. The stormwater management basins will provide water quality treatment, volume reduction and rate control of the stormwater runoff generated from the proposed site improvements. Stormwater will be discharged from the basins to South Creek. Prior to recording the final plat the Developer shall sign a private maintenance agreement for the stormwater management basins, storm sewer, and utility easements over the basins and storm sewer. Airlake Development Seventh Addition contains more than one acre of site disturbance, therefore a National Pollution Discharge Elimination System General Stormwater Permit for construction activity is required from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. A copy of the Notice of Stormwater Permit Coverage must be submitted to the City upon receipt from the MPCA. SSTTOORRMM SSEEWWEERR Privately owned and maintained storm sewer will be constructed to convey runoff from Lots 1 and 2 to the stormwater management basins. The Trunk Storm Sewer Area Charge has not been collected on the parent parcels and will be required with the final plat. The Trunk Storm Sewer Area Charge is calculated as follows: 311,528 sq ft X $0.250/ sq ft = $77,882.00 Square Footage of Lots 1 and 2, Airlake Development Seventh Addition Trunk Storm Sewer Area Charge Total The Developer will receive a credit to the Trunk Storm Sewer Area Charge for deeding Outlot A to the City, consistent with City policy. The credit is based on the area of the outlot calculated at the rate of $5,500.00 per acre, and will be applied to the Airlake Development Seventh Addition final plat cash fees. The credit is calculated as follows: 3.44 acres x $5,500/acre = $18,920.00 Total Area of Outlot A Per Acre Credit Total Final locations and sizes of all storm sewer facilities will be reviewed by City staff with the final construction plans. FEMA FLOODPLAIN ANALYSIS A portion of Airlake Development Seventh Addition is shown on the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) as Zone AE by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Based on this designation, a portion of the plat is located within a Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA), as determined by FEMA. The Developer is not proposing any grading within the designated floodway. All proposed buildings are located outside of the SFHA. AAIIRRLLAAKKEE DDEEVVEELLOOPPMMEENNTT SSEEVVEENNTTHH AADDDDIITTIIOONN MMAARRCCHH 2200,, 22001199 PPAAGGEE 55 OOFF 77 WWEETTLLAANNDDSS The wetland delineation for the site was approved on 2/08/2019. No wetland impacts are proposed with the development of Airlake Development Seventh Addition. The creek, wetlands, and buffers shall be contained within an outlot and be deeded to the City with the final plat. The Developer will be responsible for the installation of the required Natural Area signs. Sign locations will be identified on the final plat plans. A security will be collected with the final plat for seven Natural Area Signs at $150.00 per sign, for a total of $1,050.00. TTRREEEE PPRREESSEERRVVAATTIIOONN There are no significant trees on the site. EERROOSSIIOONN CCOONNTTRROOLL The Developer is responsible for obtaining an MPCA Construction Permit for the site as well as developing a SWPPP for the site prior to issuance of a building permit. The permit requires that all erosion and sediment BMPs be clearly outlined in a SWPPP. Changes made throughout construction must be documented in the SWPPP. All basin slopes and slopes adjacent to wetlands must have erosion control blanket installed. A redundant row of silt fence will be required along any areas that are not a minimum of 50 ft. away from wetlands. Additional erosion control measures may be required during construction as deemed necessary by City staff. Any additional measures required shall be installed and maintained by the Developer. SSEECCUURRIITTIIEESS The Developer shall provide a Letter of Credit or cash as security for the Developer-installed improvements relating to the site plan. The Security will be required prior to issuance of a building permit. AAIIRRLLAAKKEE DDEEVVEELLOOPPMMEENNTT SSEEVVEENNTTHH AADDDDIITTIIOONN MMAARRCCHH 2200,, 22001199 PPAAGGEE 66 OOFF 77 CONSTRUCTION COSTS Storm Sewer and Erosion Control $48,503.00 Sanitary Sewer 30,350.00 Water Distribution 12,200.00 Street and Curbing Construction 9,625.00 Site Grading 51,275.00 SUBTOTAL - CONSTRUCTION COSTS $151,953.00 OTHER COSTS Developer’s Design (3.0%) $4,558.59 Developer’s Construction Survey (2.5%) 3,798.83 City’s Legal Expense (0.5%) 759.77 City Construction Observation (5.0%) 7,597.65 Developer’s Record Drawing (0.5%) 759.77 Restoration of Lakeville Blvd right of way 4,000.00 Natural Area Signs 1,050.00 Street Lighting 3,000.00 Lot Corners/Iron Monuments 300.00 SUBTOTAL - OTHER COSTS $25,824.61 TOTAL PROJECT SECURITIES $177,777.61 The street light security totals $3,000.00, which consists of two (2) mast-arm street lights at $1,500.00 each. The Developer shall post a security to ensure the final placement of iron monuments at property corners with the final plat. The security is $100.00 per lot and outlot for a total of $300.00. The City shall hold this security until the Developer’s Land Surveyor certifies that all irons have been placed following site grading, street and utility construction. CCAASSHH FFEEEESS A cash fee for one-year of streetlight operating expenses shall be paid at the time of final plat approval and is calculated as follows: 664.24 feet x $0.2551/front ft/qtr. x 4 qtrs. = $677.79 Front Footage of Lots 1 and 2 Airlake Development Seventh Addition Streetlight Operating Fee Total A cash fee for one-year of environmental resources expenses shall be paid at the time of final plat approval and is calculated as follows: 2 units x $60.40/unit/qtr. x 4 qtrs. = $483.17 Total Units Environmental Resources Fee Total AAIIRRLLAAKKEE DDEEVVEELLOOPPMMEENNTT SSEEVVEENNTTHH AADDDDIITTIIOONN MMAARRCCHH 2200,, 22001199 PPAAGGEE 77 OOFF 77 A cash fee for the preparation of record construction drawings and for upgrading the City base map shall be paid at the time of final plat approval and is calculated as follows: 3 units x $90.00/unit = $270.00 Lots/Outlots City Base Map Updating Fee Total The Developer shall submit the final plat and construction drawings in an electronic format. The electronic format shall be in either .dwg (AutoCAD) or .dxf format. The Developer shall also pay a cash fee for City Engineering Administration. The fee for City Engineering Administration will be based on three percent (3.00%) of the estimated construction cost, or $4,558.59. CASH REQUIREMENTS Park Dedication Fee $32,589.70 Lateral Watermain Charge 31,883.52 Trunk Storm Sewer Area Charge 77,882.00 Street Light Operating Expenses 677.79 Environmental Resources Fee 483.17 City Base Map Updating Fee 270.00 City Engineering Administration (3.00%) 4,558.59 TOTAL CASH REQUIREMENTS $115,755.07 CREDITS TO THE CASH REQUIREMENTS WITH FINAL PLAT Outlots A (Deeded to the City) (Trunk Storm Sewer) $18,920.00 TOTAL CASH REQUIREMENT WITH FINAL PLAT = $96,835.07 RREECCOOMMMMEENNDDAATTIIOONN Engineering recommends approval of the site plan, grading plan, erosion control plan and utility plan for Airlake Development Seventh Addition, subject to the requirements within this report including: 1. The Developer shall submit as-built record drawings following the completion of this project. 2. The Developer shall revise the stormwater design, stormwater report, and site plans in accordance with review comments provided to the Developer’s Engineer by the City and Barr Engineering on March 13 and March 14, 2019. 3. The restricted access from Lakeville Boulevard must be removed from the plat. The City will work with the Developer and Dakota County to have the restricted access removed prior to recording of the final plat. 4. A traffic control plan that protects and maintains traffic on Lakeville Boulevard during connection of the sanitary sewer must be reviewed and approved with the construction plans.