HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 03 CITY OF LAKEVILLE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES March 21, 2019 Chair Kaluza called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall. The pledge of allegiance to the flag was given. Members Present: Chair Pat Kaluza, Karl Drotning, Jason Swenson, Brooks Lillehei, Scott Einck, Jeff Witte, Ex-officio Mike Lamm Members Absent: Vice Chair Jason Kelvie Others Present: Frank Dempsey, Associate Planner; Alex Jordan, Assistant City Engineer; Daniel Licht, The Planning Company; Penny Brevig, Recording Secretary 3. Approval of the Meeting Minutes The March 7, 2019 Planning Commission meeting minutes and March 7, 2019 work session minutes were approved as presented. 4. Announcements Mr. Dempsey stated that the following was distributed at tonight’s meeting: 1. March 20, 2019 Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee meeting motions regarding Airlake Development Seventh Addition preliminary and final plat and Spirit of Brandtjen Farm 21st Addition preliminary plat 2. Amended Engineering memo dated March 20, 2019 for Airlake Development Seventh Addition 3. Amended stipulations for Spirit of Brandtjen Farm 21st Addition 5. Casey’s Retail Company (To be tabled) Chair Kaluza opened the hearing to consider the applications of Casey’s Retail Company for the following, located at 17150 Kenyon Avenue: A. Conditional use permit to allow motor vehicle fuel sales with a convenience store in the C-3, General Commercial District; and B. Vacation of public road right-of-way. Chair Kaluza asked for a motion to table this agenda item to the April 4, 2019 Planning Commission meeting at the request of the applicant. Motion was made by Drotning, seconded by Swenson to table the Casey’s Retail Company public hearing to the April 4, 2019 Planning Commission meeting. Ayes: Swenson, Einck, Lillehei, Kaluza, Witte, Drotning Nays: 0 6. Airlake Development Seventh Addition Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, March 21, 2019 Page 2 Chair Kaluza opened the public hearing to consider the applications of Airlake Development, Inc. for the following, located south of Lakeville Boulevard and east of Hamburg Avenue: A. Preliminary and final plat of two industrial lots to be known as Airlake Development Seventh Addition; and B. Conditional use permit to allow an impervious surface area greater than 25% in the Shoreland Overlay District. Jim Connelly from APPRO development presented an overview of the request. Mr. Connelly stated the property has been vacant for some time and they feel they have a development proposal that suits this site well. APPRO has worked with City staff to develop a stormwater design that will work for this site. They are very excited about the project and glad that it can help companies in Lakeville to expand and stay in Lakeville. Associate Planner Frank Dempsey presented the planning report. Mr. Dempsey stated that the parent parcel of the proposed Airlake Development Seventh Addition preliminary and final plat is Outlot A, Arden Kitchens Addition, which was platted in 1997, and will consist of two lots and one outlot. A conditional use permit (CUP) has also been submitted to allow an impervious surface area greater than 25% in the Shoreland Overlay District of the South Creek tributary of the Vermillion River. Currently the property is undeveloped farmland. The South Creek tributary of the Vermillion River runs along the south and west boundary of the plat. The proposed Airlake Development Seventh Addition lots exceed the minimum lot area and lot width requirements for the I-2, General Industrial District. The Airlake Development Seventh Addition preliminary and final plat does not include the construction of any streets and will be accessible from two driveways at Lakeville Boulevard. The easterly driveway will be shared between Lots 1 and 2. There will be a shared driveway access agreement between the two lots for this shared access driveway. Mr. Dempsey indicated that a wetland delineation was submitted and has been reviewed by City staff. The wetland and wetland buffer will be located within Outlot A, which will be deeded to the City. Mr. Dempsey explained that the City’s Comprehensive Parks, Trails, and Open Space Plan identifies a future trail within the South Creek tributary corridor. Mr. Dempsey reviewed the CUP criteria for a maximum impervious surface area of up to 75% on properties adjacent to tributary streams. Mr. Dempsey reviewed the parking requirements, landscaping/screening, building materials, and lighting plan, which are all explained in detail in the March 15, 2019 planning report. Mr. Dempsey stated that Project Engineer Joe Powers and Environmental Resources Manager Mac Cafferty amended their March 14, 2019 memo after speaking to the applicant, who has owned these properties for many years and reminded staff that in 2001 the City Council agreed to allow that developer to advance pay on the park dedication for a number of lots that they had acquired through the Resolution Trust Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, March 21, 2019 Page 3 Corporation in the early 1990’s. Mr. Dempsey indicated that City staff researched this statement and confirmed that the park dedication had already been paid for the subject property and is not required with this plat. Mr. Dempsey stated that City staff recommends approval of the Airlake Development Seventh Addition preliminary and final plat and conditional use permit, subject to the ten stipulations listed in the March 15, 2019 planning report, and adoption of the Findings of Fact dated March 21, 2019. Chair Kaluza opened the hearing to the public for comment. There were no comments from the audience. Motion was made by Swenson, seconded by Witte to close the public hearing at 6:12 p.m. Voice vote was taken on the motion. Ayes - unanimous Chair Kaluza asked for comments from the Planning Commission. Discussion points included: • Commissioner Swenson was glad to see the floodplain protection and the future greenway corridor trail that will run behind the proposed buildings and he stated the importance of these two items. Motion was made by Lillehei, seconded by Einck to recommend to City Council approval of the following, located south of Lakeville Boulevard and east of Hamburg Avenue: A. Preliminary and final plat of two industrial lots to be known as Airlake Development Seventh Addition; and B. Conditional use permit to allow an impervious surface area greater than 25% in the Shoreland Overlay District, subject to the following stipulations, and adoption of the Findings of Fact dated March 21, 2019. 1. Implementation of the recommendations listed in the March 20, 2019 revised engineering report. 2. The site and building exterior shall be developed in compliance with the plans approved by the City Council and Zoning Ordinance requirements. 3. All parking lots, driveways and outdoor storage areas shall include raised concrete curb and shall be paved with concrete, bituminous or paver brick in compliance with Zoning Ordinance requirements. 4. A public trail easement shall be dedicated over the west 20 feet of Lot 1 between Outlot A and Lakeville Boulevard. 5. A financial security of $30,000 shall be submitted to guarantee installation and completion of the approved landscaping for those areas of Lots 1 and 2, Block 1 at the time of final plat approval. All landscaped areas within and adjacent to the building and parking lot shall be irrigated. Trees and shrubs shall not be planted in street right-of-way. 6. All signs shall comply with the Zoning Ordinance requirements for the I-2 District. A sign permit shall be issued by the Planning Department prior to the installation of any signs. 7. Snow storage shall not take place in required parking spaces. Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, March 21, 2019 Page 4 8. Site lighting shall not exceed one foot candle at the property line adjacent to public right-of-way. All exterior light fixtures shall be down-cast design so as not to glare onto public right-of-way. 9. The building permit plans and site plans must include outdoor trash enclosure details that comply with Zoning Ordinance requirements if trash is to be stored outside. The trash enclosures shall match the exterior materials of the principal building and shall include maintenance free gates. 10. The access restriction on Lakeville Boulevard established with the parent parcel, Outlot A, Arden Kitchens Addition, must be removed in conjunction with the recording of the Airlake Development Seventh Addition final plat. Ayes: Einck, Lillehei, Kaluza, Witte, Drotning, Swenson Nays: 0 7. Spirit of Brandtjen Farm 21st Addition Chair Kaluza opened the public hearing to consider the application of SBF Development Corp. for a preliminary plat and PUD development stage plans of 99 detached townhome lots, 43 attached townhome lots, 12 common open space lots, and nine outlots to be known as Spirit of Brandtjen Farm 21st Addition, located south of 160th Street (CSAH 46) and east of Eagleview Drive. Pat Wrase, Tradition Development, presented an overview of their project. Todd Stutz, President of Robert Thomas Homes, Rick Osberg, James R. Hill, and Tim Witten, Witten Associates, were also in attendance. Mr. Wrase commented that this is their first entry into the higher density portion of the SBF PUD. They are very concerned that their design be compatible with existing development within the SBF PUD. Mr. Wrase stated that they have a couple new products that will be built with this development phase. Daniel Licht from The Planning Company presented the planning report. Mr. Licht stated that the SBF 21st Addition will include the development of 99 detached townhouse dwellings, 43 attached row townhouses, 12 common open space lots and nine outlots. The proposed detached townhouses are an appropriate transitional land use between Eagleview Drive and the elementary school to the east consistent with the SBF Land Use Plan. The developer has submitted exterior elevation drawings for the proposed “Revelation” row townhomes and the “Revival” detached townhomes. The developer must identify the proposed exterior materials to be used for both townhome styles, which must be consistent with the exterior materials used within SBF including brick, stone, cement fiber board or wood fiber board siding. Floor plans must also be submitted for the two types of townhomes to verify compliance with minimum floor area and garage requirements. If the row townhouses do not have a basement and for those detached townhomes not constructed with the optional basement, a storm shelter will be required to meet Zoning Ordinance requirements. Mr. Licht explained that the lot areas and side yard setbacks do not comply with the minimum requirements of the SBF PUD District. However, allowing the proposed Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, March 21, 2019 Page 5 number of dwelling units and reduced lot area per dwelling unit, along with reduced side yard setbacks, is appropriate within the flexibilities for the SBF PUD District. The site plan for the detached townhomes shifts the building to one side of the unit lot line, which is a creative and efficient use of the area between the structures for outdoor living areas that would otherwise be unavailable due to the rear garage access of each dwelling. The developer is requesting a 7 foot setback for unenclosed structures such as a deck or pergola, from the adjacent building on the abutting unit lot. Allowance of this is acceptable provided that they are in no way enclosed by side walls, screens, windows, doors, or a roof. Mr. Licht reviewed the proposed streets and guest parking. The preliminary plat provides for Streets A and B as public streets. Parking will be restricted to one side on Streets A and B at the time of final plat approval. Private drives and the use of alleys are provided for in the SBF PUD Booklet and are consistent with the approved standards for this PUD. The guest parking will be highly functional and is acceptable based on the site plan. Mr. Licht explained the sidewalks and trails layout and what the Parks, Trails, and Open Space Plan identifies for this area. A landscape plan has been submitted for the proposed street boulevards, along the alleys and common open spaces. Two recommended revisions to the landscape plan are listed in the March 13, 2019 planning report. Regarding easements, the preliminary plat is to be revised to provide for dedication of drainage and utility easements over all of the base lots and all outlots. Outlots A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, and I shall be publicly accessible open space deeded to an HOA that provides for long-term maintenance and ownership. Mr. Licht stated that City staff recommends approval of the SBF 21st Addition PUD Development Stage Plan and preliminary plat, subject to the amended 17 stipulations listed in the March 13, 2019 planning report. Chair Kaluza opened the hearing to the public for comment. There were no comments from the audience. Motion was made by Drotning, seconded by Swenson to close the public hearing at 6:28 p.m. Voice vote was taken on the motion. Ayes - unanimous Chair Kaluza asked for comments from the Planning Commission. Discussion points included: • Commissioner Witte asked if the streets would be able to accommodate parking on both sides. Mr. Licht indicated that the streets will be 28 feet wide Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, March 21, 2019 Page 6 with parking on one side. The other side of the street will be posted with no parking signs. • The Planning Commission appreciated the proposed housing options and thanked the developer for the housing diversity within the SBF PUD. • The evolution of the City’s storm shelter requirement was discussed. • Chair Kaluza commented that this development does help the City meet its Comprehensive Plan goal for dwellings for all different stages of life. • Commissioner Drotning stated that it has been fun to watch the SBF development evolve over the years. Motion was made by Swenson, seconded by Witte to recommend to City Council approval of a preliminary plat and PUD development stage plans of 99 detached townhome lots, 43 attached townhome lots, 12 common open space lots, and nine outlots to be known as Spirit of Brandtjen Farm 21st Addition, located south of 160th Street (CSAH 46) and east of Eagleview Drive, subject to the following amended stipulations: 1. SBF 21st Addition shall be developed consistent with the approved SBF Master Plan, the PUD booklet dated June 20, 2005 and the PUD Development Stage Plan/Preliminary Plat. 2. The preliminary and final plat(s) shall be subject to review and approval of the Dakota County Plat Commission. 3. Structures within SBF 21st Addition are subject to the lot requirements in accordance with the PUD Standards table on page 7.1 of the SBF PUD booklet, except as modified below: Yard Structure Min. Setback Front Building 15ft. Garage Door NA Side-Corner Building 15ft Rear Building NA Garage Door 25ft Between Detached Sidewall to Sidewall 14ft Buildings TH Sidewall to unenclosed deck or pergola 7ft Attached TH 25ft ROW/Buildings Guest parking 15ft 4. The exterior finish materials for the row and detached townhouse dwellings shall utilize brick, stone, cement fiber board, or wood fiber board siding. 5. Each row or detached townhouse dwelling shall have an attached garage that complies with the provisions of Section 11-58-21.D.2 of the Zoning Ordinance. 6. Any dwelling unit constructed without a basement shall provide for a storm shelter as required by Section 11-17-27 of the Zoning Ordinance. 7. All street and alley section designs shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 8. Street names shall be designated in accordance with the Dakota County Grid system and subject to approval by City staff. Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, March 21, 2019 Page 7 9. One side of Streets A and B and both sides of all alleys shall be posted no parking in accordance with the revised site plan. 10. Financing for construction of a 10-foot bituminous trail to the south side of 160th Street from Pilot Knob Road to Diamond Path shall be determined prior to submittal of the first final plat application for the development. 11. The landscape plan shall be revised as follows: a. Additional shade trees be planted along the east plat line adjacent to the regional greenway corridor. b. A typical landscape plan for the foundations of each townhouse or detached townhouse dwelling must also be provided. c. The developer will be required at the time of final plat approval to provide cost estimates for the plantings to be installed to verify compliance with the requirements of Section 11-58-21.K.1 of the Zoning Ordinance. 12. Park and trail dedication requirements shall be satisfied as a cash fee in lieu of land as provided for by the SBF Development Agreement. 13. The preliminary plat shall be revised to provide for dedication of drainage and utility easements over all of Lots 14 and 37, Block 1; Lot 9, Block 2; Lot 8, Block 3; Lot 7, Block 4; Lot 7, Block 5; Lot 7, Block 6; Lot 9, Block 7; Lot 11, Block 8; Lot 12, Block 9; Lot 23, Block 10; Lot 24, Block 11; and Outlots A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, and I; all drainage and utility easements are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 14. All grading, drainage, and erosion control plans shall be subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. 15. All utility plans are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. 16. Outlots A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, and I shall be publicly accessible open space deeded to an HOA that provides for long-term maintenance and ownership. 17. Final platting of the proposed development in phases shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Ayes: Lillehei, Kaluza, Witte, Drotning, Swenson, Einck Nays: 0 There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:35 pm. Respectfully submitted, Penny Brevig, Recording Secretary