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G:\Group Data\Municipal\Clients - Cities - Counties\Lakeville\Proposals\Lake Marion Trail\LTR PROPOSAL - Lake Marion Trail Extension Feasibility.docx 701 XENIA AVENUE S | SUITE 300 | MINNEAPOLIS, MN | 55416 | 763.541.4800 | WSBENG.COM March 5, 2019
John Hennen
Parks & Recreation Director
City of Lakeville
20195 Holyoke Avenue
Lakeville, MN 55044
Re: Lake Marion Trail Extension Feasibility Proposal
Dear Mr. Hennen:
I am pleased to submit this letter proposal on behalf of WSB to the City of Lakeville (City) for the
Lake Marion Trail Extension Feasibility Plan.
It is our understanding that this project is to include the creation of a master plan level document
for the Lake Marion Regional Trail (LMRT) starting from downtown Lakeville and extending into
Ritter Farm Park with the ultimate future goal of a trail connection along 185th Street to extend
into Murphy Hanrehan Park Preserve.
The study will identify potential locations for trailheads facilities, as appropriate, and preferred trail
routes that will identify necessary modifications to existing trails to meet regional trail standards,
pedestrian crossings, on-street routes, and new trail alignments. The trail portion through Ritter
Farm Park will explore alternate trail options for a preferred route that will minimize impacts to the
site and allow the greatest benefit for a future trail connection along 185th to extend to Murphy
Hanrehan Park. Master plan level design and corresponding estimate considerations will be
prepared and will identify high priority trail segments.
It is our understanding that:
The project is meant to conduct a Trail Feasibility Study at a master plan level for
the Lake Marion Trail starting from downtown Lakeville and extending past
Antler’s Park, around the south and west edge of Lake Marion, extending north
through Casperson Park, and across I-35 to extend into Ritter Farm Park for
future trail connections to 185th St. West. This plan does not address eventual
replacement of the I-35 bridge nor a trail crossing of 185th Street (CSAH 60) for
the ultimate future connection to Murphy Hanrenhan Park Reserve.
Potential trailhead locations and suitable amenities will be evaluated.
Existing trails to be utilized as the LMRT will be evaluated with recommendations
for modifications and corresponding impacts, to make the trails meet regional trail
design standards, such as trail widths, curve radii, and potentially adding in
pedestrian level lighting.
Pedestrian trail crossings will be evaluated with recommendations for
improvements to improve safety and sight lines, such as potential rapid flashers,
crosswalk and stop bar striping, modified alignments, etc.
John Hennen
March 5, 2019
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On-street routes will be evaluated with recommendations for signage, bridge
railing, guardrails, etc.
The plan will identify trail segments from the LMRT to connect to prime
destination areas and trailheads, such as Antlers Park.
The project shall include preparation of master plan level illustrations for the trail
alignment and associated costs for future implementation. Alternate routes
and/or interim corridors will also be evaluated to connect into the current trail
WSB will compile base map information of the project area in digital format
suitable for this planning effort including aerial photographs, LIDAR topography,
and GIS utility and parcel information.
WSB will provide a final planning document outlining the process and findings in
addition to plans, graphics and estimates of probable costs.
Graphics for the City to use in public meetings will be provided by WSB.
A PowerPoint presentation summarizing the planning process and findings will
be provided by WSB for use by the City and County for public meetings.
The following scope of services is meant to provide the City with the steps necessary to complete
a successful trail plan feasibility study that will set the stage for future improvements and funding
applications. WSB is always willing to adjust our scope of services as necessary in order to be
more tailored to your needs or account for budgetary concerns.
Task 1: Project Start-up, Data Collection & Analysis
Project Start-Up Meeting
WSB will attend a project start-up/focus meeting with City and County staff to review the
project tasks and responsibilities, determine the overall project schedule, identify key
project goals, and gather project documents.
Data Collection Assess Existing Plans and Studies
With a compilation of previously prepared plans and studies relevant to this trail study,
WSB will review Owner-provided documentation to ensure recommendations and goals
previously identified are assessed for relevance. Of equal importance, confirming current
guidelines for regional trails and alignments is crucial to pursue future funding
opportunities. WSB will use pavement condition assessments provided by the City of
Lakeville to help determine timing for trail replacement within the corridor.
Evaluate Regional Trail Design
WSB will evaluate the proposed trail corridor characteristics and connections based on
the regional trail criteria as defined in the 2040 Regional Parks Policy Plan. This analysis
will help determine the necessary modifications and/or trail designs that will be needed to
meet the regional trail design standards to be eligible for designation as a regional trail
corridor. WSB will identify existing trail segments that do not currently meet regional trail
design standards.
John Hennen
March 5, 2019
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Site Inventory/Analysis and Base Mapping
Through review of available site information and base mapping, WSB will work (in
concert with City staff, as appropriate) to identify the study area’s physical characteristics
and determine the site’s opportunities and constraints. This will allow both the City and
WSB to develop a clear understanding of the unique characteristics and land
use/corridor, including Ritter Farm Park, and impacts and limitations imposed on the
Meetings included in Task 1:
(1) Project Start-Up Meeting with City/County
Deliverables included in Task 1:
Write ups and illustrations on existing conditions/plans, and evaluation of trails (to
be included in final report)
Base mapping information in digital form and PDF format.
Task 2: Stakeholder, Agency and Public Involvement Process
Input from agency stakeholders is key to understanding the feasibility of the proposed
trail. WSB will coordinate work efforts with corresponding agencies as it relates so the
trail planning to ensure a clear understanding on what concerns the agencies may have
with the use of the corridor for trail purposes, what requirements and approvals need to
be considered, and whether any flaws exist. WSB will rely on data gathered by the City
and County for any public engagement with stakeholders and resident populations. WSB
can work with the City of Lakeville to help provide graphics and other project information
necessary for city engagement efforts and meetings.
Collaboration with both the City of Lakeville and Dakota County is essential for success
associated with the feasibility study. Regular check-ins with City and County staff will be
conducted via phone and e-mail with one (1) face-to-face review meeting to ensure the
expectations and vision of the trail concepts meet or exceed their requirements and
Meetings included in Task 2:
(1) Check-In and Status Update Meeting with City/County
Deliverables included in Task 2:
Meeting summary notes in PDF format
One set of presentation materials in PDF or JPG format
Plan graphics
Task 3: Concept Development
Alternative Concept Plans
Alignment options will be explored with considerations of available ROW, property
ownership and availability, existing utilities and easements, existing grades, future trail
connections, and potential future improvements throughout the corridor area and identify
impacts for consideration. WSB will illustrate alternate routes and/or alignments for
further discussion with the City and County to determine the most appropriate alignment
to advance.
John Hennen
March 5, 2019
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This scope will include:
Identify potential design constraints, alternatives and impacts
Graphics and maps that illustrate the design solutions and alternatives for
consideration that best responds to the needs and desires of the City, County,
other stakeholders, and the public.
Recommended Concept Plan
WSB will use the input collected regarding the alternative concept plans to prepare a
recommended concept for the proposed trail. The recommended concept plan will be
carried forward in the feasibility study for future City and County development
considerations. This recommended concept plan will include:
Site Analysis Plan Graphics illustrating trail alignment opportunities and
Trail alignment concept that illustrate the design solution that meets to the needs
and desires of the City and County along with regional trail criteria.
Determine any specific locations requiring infrastructure, land acquisition, and
structural or utility improvements that will be required to support the trail
alignment and design.
A preliminary master plan level cost estimate for the varying trail sections
Meetings included in Task 3:
(1) Concept Review Meeting with City/County
(1) Recommended Concept Plan Review Meeting with City/County
Deliverables included in Task 3:
Graphics and maps evaluating conceptual trail alignments within the proposed
Graphics and maps of the recommended trail concepts
Preliminary estimates of probable costs for recommended trail concepts
Task 4: Final Documentation
Final Trail Feasibility Study Document
Information from all previous tasks will be compiled into a written document that outlines
the process, identifies findings and recommendations, and defines the preferred trail
concept alignment. This document will include graphics and planning information related
to the corridor characteristics, regional trail evaluations, alternatives considered, trail
corridor concepts, estimates of probable costs and recommendations for next steps.
Recommendations could include interim routes or partial construction of long-term
preferred concepts. A draft study document will be provided for review and comment by
the stakeholders. The final study document and a PowerPoint presentation will be
provided for use by the City of Lakeville and Dakota County staff to make presentations
to their Councils or Boards.
Deliverables included in Task 4:
Draft form of complete Trail Feasibility Study Document
Final Trail Feasibility Study Document
PowerPoint presentation summarizing study process and findings
John Hennen
March 5, 2019
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The City shall provide WSB with previous studies and development related plans
associated with the project area and surrounding sites.
The City and County will conduct the public engagement process and provide
findings to WSB.
The City will provide current trail pavement rating data.
If additional agency or public meetings are desired, they can be added to the
project at $1,500 per meeting.
It is proposed that the Scope of Services identified in Tasks 1 through 4 above to be billed on a
lump sum basis of $27,000 (Twenty-Seven Thousand Dollars).
If you are in agreement with the terms as outlined above, please sign where indicated below and
return one copy to our office.
Candace Amberg, PLA
Senior Associate
City of Lakeville
Mayor, Douglas P. Anderson
City Clerk, Charlene Friedges