HomeMy WebLinkAboutLA168243 18802 Houston WayRESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION PAGE 2 OFFICE USE ONLY BUILDING PERMIT TYPE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING BUILDING DUPLEX AS BUILT TOWNHOUSE UNITS BUILDING FINAL DETACHED TOWN HOUSE UNIT DECK FOOTING CONDO FIREPLACE ACESSORY BUILDING FOOTING REROOF FOUNDATION RESIDE FRAMING PORCH FRAMING GARAGES INSULATION RES ADDN/REPAIR/RMDL DECK PORCH GARAGES LATH LOWER LEVEL FINISH LOWER LEVEL FINAL ADDITION OTHER FOUNDATION ONLY PORCH FOOTING MISCELLANEOUS POURED WALL DEMO SEPTIC TANK REMOVAL MOVED SITE MECHANICAL CITY BUILDING VALUATION: $AIR TEST FINAL BUILDING PERMIT FEES ROUGH-IN $PERMIT FEE PLUMBING $PLAN CHECK FINAL $SURCHARGE ROUGH-IN $METRO SAC METER SIZE $CITY WATER HOOKUP UNIT PRESSURE REDUCING VALVE $CITY SEWER HOOKUP UNIT SEWER/WATER $LANDSCAPE ESCROW SEWER/WATER $TREE ESCROW FINAL $MISC ESCROW STREET DRAINTILE $PLUMBING BUILDING INFORMATION $MECHANICAL TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION $SEWER WATER ZONING $OTHER CODE EDITION $TOTAL FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM OCCUPANCY GROUP APPROVED BY: BUILDING INSPECTOR: Date: PLUMBING/MECHANICAL INSPECTOR: Date: COMMENTS: D1281'-4"9 7/16"HEEL STEEL PANEL OVERHEAD DOORXXXXXADDRESS NUMBERSTEEL PANEL OVERHEAD DOORICE & WATERALUMINUM FLASHINGBEHIND STOOP1x5 3/4"5-3/4" FROM SUBFLOORTO TOP OF JOISTFF4:12 PITCHBKT11x20FYPON(TYPICAL)BOARD & BATTENSIDING8" TRIM8" TRIMNORTHERN CRAFTSMANThese plans, and the concept thereofor used without written consent. And may not be reproducedare the exclusive property of D.R. Horton Inc.,COPYRIGHT D.R. HORTON, INC. 2018CROOF PLAN1/8"=1'-0"HARDBOARD TRIMHARD BOARD SIDINGHARD BOARD SIDING2-SIDED OUTSIDE CORNER2-3/4" .96"3-1/2"SHEATHINGHDBD TRIM 1-SIDED OUTSIDE CORNER3-1/2"HARD BOARD SIDINGVINYL SIDING"J" CHANNELHARDBOARD TRIMAT FRONT ONLY1/2"=1'-0"TYPICAL WDW & DOOR TRIM3 1/2" TRIM5" TRIM5" TRIM1-1/2"1"3 1/2" TRIM6:12 PITCHDDD8:128:126:126:128:124:1212:1212:12AAAABBBBCCCCDDDDEEEE1'-4"1'-0"1'-4"1'-0"1'-4"1'-0"1'-4"1'-0"1'-0"6"1'-4"1'-0" 2'-0"1'-0"2'-0"1'-0"24' RIDGE VENT40' RIDGE VENT 8'-3"6'-0"2'-0"REFAVINYL LAP SIDINGPRODUCTCBD5/4X6 CEMENT BD. TRIMREFMATERIAL LEGENDECEMENT BD. SIDINGPRODUCTGFHCEMENT BD. SHAKES5/4X8 CEMENT BD TRIMNOT USEDNOT USEDC.B. BOARD-N-BATTENGHDRAWN: 10-8-2018-AWPERMIT/CONSTRUCTN:4-15-19-LL1.0X20860 KENBRIDGE COURT, SUITE 100LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 (952)985-72725495-BARVADAPROTOTYPE HOMECUST:REDLINE: 1-14-2019-LLRAIN DIVERTER36 1/4"X48"3040 SHLOT 19, BLK 3, CHOKECHERRY HILL 4TH ADD.18802 HOUSTON WAYPERMIT/CONSTRUCTIONPLANSLEFT ELEVATION1/8"=1'-0"MAINTAIN 6" MIN SEPARATION WOOD to EARTH42" MIN BELOW FINISHED GRADEALL EXTERIOR FTGS TO BEAREAR ELEVATION1/8"=1'-0"MAINTAIN 6" MIN SEPARATION WOOD to EARTH42" MIN BELOW FINISHED GRADEALL EXTERIOR FTGS TO BEA1xLOOKOUTLOOKOUTRIGHT ELEVATION1/8"=1'-0"MAINTAIN 6" MIN SEPARATION WOOD to EARTH42" MIN BELOW FINISHED GRADEALL EXTERIOR FTGS TO BELOOKOUTASPHALT SHINGLESFLASH OVER ALL EXT OPGS8:12 PITCH2'-0"40% TO 50% NEAR RIDGEVENT 1/300th OF ROOF AREAREMAINDER IN SOFFITPER IRC SECTION R806.27 7/16" HEEL124 1'-4"1'-0"6:12 PITCHAF126A1'-4"7 7/16" HEEL126F2'-0"7 7/16" HEEL 1248:12 PITCH10:12 PITCHConcept Approval ONLYSubject to Field InspectionInspectorDate2015MN BldgCode04/29/2019shutchinsSecure door closed until deck isconstructed with a separate permit. TREATED 2x10's16" ON CENTER5'-4"8"9'-4"8"8"10'-8"6'-2"8"These plans, and the concept thereofor used without written consent. And may not be reproducedare the exclusive property of D.R. Horton Inc.,COPYRIGHT D.R. HORTON, INC. 2018C2XDRAWN: 10-8-2018-AWARVADA 5495-B-GRPERMIT/CONSTRUCTN:4-15-19-LLTYP. WINDOW HEAD HEIGHT AT 6'-11 3/8" U.N.O.NOTE:8'-4" HIGH POURED CONC. FOUNDATION WALL TYPICALWDW SIZES GIVEN IN FEET AND INCHES (WIDTH x HEIGHT)BEAM & HEADER SIZES TO BE VERIFIED BY SUPPLIER/MFRBASEMENT PLAN1/4"=1'-0"6x6 TREATED POSTS16" CONC. PIER FTG.MIN. 3'-6" BELOW GRADEPOURED CONC. WALL18"x8" CONC. FTG.8" THICKMIN. 3'-6" BELOW GRADE7'-0"4'-9"8"(2) 2x8 DROPPED BEAMCANT. JOISTS(2) 2x8 DROPPED BEAMCANT. JOISTS1230 SQ. FT.16'-3" M.O.8'-3" M.O.UP16RSUMP49'-0"6'-0"52'-0"46'-0"6'-10 1/2"23'-6"15'-7 1/2" 40'-0" 52'-0" 24'-4"15'-8" 2'-0"4'-0"6'-0"17'-0"49'-0"12'-0"20'-0"1'-4 1/2"1'-7 1/2"16'-3"11'-6"1'-10 1/2"5'-6"2'-1 1/2"8'-3"6'-0"2'-0"12'-0"4'-4"11'-6"20'-0"FUTUREFAMILY RMUNFINISHEDSTORAGENOTE:MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT LAYOUT WILL VARYPER PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL, MECHANICAL,STRUCTURAL AND/OR SITE CONDITIONS11'-6"UNEXCAVATEDBASEMENT PLAN1/4"=1'-0"2-82-82-816"x8" CONC. FTG.POURED CONC. WALL8" THICK, 8'-4" HIGHCONC. PAD FTG.30x30x15POINT LOAD FROM ABOVECONC. PAD FTG.30x30x15POINT LOAD FROM ABOVE6" CURB (OMIT CURB AT GARAGE DOOR OPENINGS)6" THICK16"x8" FTG.POURED CONC. WALLMIN. 3'-6" BELOW GRADE6" CURB, 2" LEDGEPOURED CONC. WALL16"x8" CONC. FTG.8" THICKMIN. 3'-6" BELOW GRADE6" CURB, 2" LEDGEPOURED CONC. WALL16"x8" CONC. FTG.8" THICK, 8'-4" HIGH6" CURB, 2" LEDGEPOURED CONC. WALL16"x8" CONC. FTG.8" THICK, 8'-4" HIGH20'-4"POURED CONC. WALL16"x8" CONC. FTG.8" THICK, 8'-4" HIGH16"x8" CONC. FTG.POURED CONC. WALL8" THICK, 8'-4" HIGH2x6 BEARING WALL2x6 STUDS AT 16" O.C.6" HALF HIGH CONC. CURB14x8 CONC. FTG.4'-6 1/2"3'-5 1/4"3'-5 1/4"7'-3"10'-8 3/4"5'-8"12'-7 1/4"NOTE: ROCK WHOLELOWER LEVEL CEILINGEXCEPT FOR 80 SQ FTAT MECHANICAL ROOM10" TREADCUTA/CSILL COCK3'-1"18" MFD FLOOR TRUSSESINSTALL PER MFRS SPECS18" MFD FLOOR TRUSSESINSTALL PER MFRS SPECS 2 ANCHOR STRAPS WITHMIN. UPLIFT CAPACITY OF 4,200 LBS.2 ANCHOR STRAPS WITHMIN. UPLIFT CAPACITY OF 4,200 LBS.DRAIN TILESLEEVEDRAIN TILESLEEVEFRAME WALL TOUNDERSIDE OFUPPER LANDING-SEE SECTION-2x6 BEARING WALL30x30x12CONC. PAD FTG.DROPPED BEAMRADONVENT PIPECOCK3'-0"SILL1/2"=1'-0"FRONT PORCH LEDGER SECTION5 3/47 1/4"7 1/4"FLASHING ABOVEDOORTHRESHOLDGRADETOP OF SUBFLOORTO TOP OF JOIST5 3/4" FROM1 1/2"AND BELOW TREATED2x8 LEDGERSTRTD 2x8 JOISTS16" O.C.(8) 10d COMMON NAILSTREATED 2x8(TOP OF FOUND TOBOTTOM OF DECK JOIST)5/4" DECKINGRIM BOARD1-1/8" OSB18" FLOOR TRUSSES(4) PER DECK, RATED AT 750 # EACHSPACED EVENLY, MAX. 24" FROM END OF LEDGERLATERAL LOAD CONNECTION:USP LTS19-TZ w/ LBP12-TZ WASHER1x10 CEDAR SKIRTAT DROPPED BEAM1x10 CEDAR SKIRTAT DECK RIM JOISTBLOCKING AS REQ.FOR SKIRT SUPPORTDROPPED BEAMUSP LTS19-TZ BRACINGAND WOOD BLOCKINGSEE PAGE 5 FOR DETAILS2x12 BLOCKING2x12 BLOCKINGPORCH SKIRT DETAIL1/4"=1'-0"FOUNDATION INSULATIONFRONT FOUNDATION WALL:-27 SQ FT/79 LIN FT= 0.34 RATIOR-10REAR FOUNDATION WALL:-26 SQ FT/49 LIN FT= 0.53 RATIORIGHT SIDE FOUND. WALL:-50 SQ FT/15.67 LIN FT= 3.2 RATIOLEFT SIDE FOUND. WALL:-63 SQ FT/46 LIN FT= 1.37 RATIO-FOUNDATION INSULATIONRATINGS ARE BASED ONLESS THAN 2.6 AIR CHANGESPER HOUR DURING THE AIRLEAKAGE TESTR-10R-10R-15REQUIREMENTS1/2"=1'-0"FRONT PORCH LEDGER DETAIL18" FLOOR TRUSSES 3/4" 1st FLOOR WALLSSUBFLOOR 9'-1 1/8" BASEMENT WALLS 3/4" SUBFLOOR6 1/4"7-1/4"2x8 PORCHLEDGER2x6 EXTERIOR WALL. 2""MIN...5 1/4" 2" FROM TOPLAG SCREW TO BEMIN. 2" FROM EDGE16" O.C. UNDER 10'-0" SPAN12" O.C. OVER 10'-0" SPANSUBFLOOR TOTOP OF LEDGEROF LEDGER19.2" O.C.FLOOR TRUSSESBLOCKING, LAID FLAT(2) TRTD 2x12(8) 16D NAILS ON INSIDEBLOCKING, LAID FLATTRTD (2) 2x12(8) 16D NAILS PER SIDE(8) 30D NAILS ON OUTSIDELAG SCREWS1/2" DIAMETERINSTALLED STAGGERED IN 2 ROWSLAG SCREWS W/ WASHER TO BEUSP LTS19-TZ STRAPS TO BE ATTACHED TO DECK JOISTOR 2X12 BLOCKING AND ANCHORED INTO FLOOR TRUSS.(4) STRAPS PER DECK/PORCH, RATED AT 750# EACH,TO BE SPACED EVENLY. MAX 24" FROM END OF DECK LEDGERMINIMUM 3" PENETRATION THRU OSB RIM & FLOOR TRUSSWINDOW & DOOR SCHEDULE-LOOKOUTCALL-OUTU-FACTORROUGH OPENINGLOCATIONSHGC#5036 SLIDER0.2960" X 42"BEDROOM0.3215036 SLIDER0.2960" X 42"FAMILY RM.0.322WHF.D.HVACMECH.13'-0"11'-6"12'-0"12'-6"5036 SLIDER5036 SLIDER5036 SLIDER2x6 LOOKOUT WALL2x6 STUDS AT 16" O.C. POURED CONC. WALLANCHOR BOLTS AT 6' O.C.TREATED BOTTOM PLATE18x8 CONC. FTG.8" THICK, 3'-6" HIGHFUTUREBEDRMR/I3/4B6'-4"11'-1"11'-2"2-82-82-8505 SQ. FT.136 SQ. FT.80 SQ. FT.60"2-02'-9"PLANS18802 HOUSTON WAYCONSTRUCTIONPLAN OPTIONSLOOKOUT BASEMENT-16"x8" CONC. FTG.POURED CONC. WALL8" THICK, 8'-4" HIGHTHRU PLATESGROUNDING RODBRACINGFOUND.SYSTEM4'-0"MAXBRACINGFOUND.SYSTEMMAX 4'-0"BRACINGFOUNDATIONSYSTEMMAX.4'-0"BRACINGFOUNDATIONSYSTEMMAX.BRACINGFOUNDATIONSYSTEMBRACINGFOUNDATIONSYSTEMBRACINGFOUNDATIONSYSTEMBRACINGFOUNDATIONSYSTEMBRACINGFOUNDATIONSYSTEMBRACINGFOUNDATIONSYSTEM4444UFER Ground-Provide 20' Rebar in footing and stubup near electrical service panel.(2) 7-1/4" VERSA-LAM UP16RROOMDININGHD-FLRGREATCPT.W/ 14" TRANSOM6068 SGD3050-3 SH3050 SH3060-2 SHDN16RKIT.HD-FLRHD-FLRPANTRYOWNERSENTRYHD-FLRFOYERHD-FLRSLOPE TO DOORSGARAGE4" CONC FLOOR721 SQ. FT.TYPICAL 2x6 GARAGE WALLS16x7 OVERHEAD DOORON ALL WALLS & CEILINGGYPSUM BOARDNOTE: 8x7 OVERHEAD DOORHD-FLR1/2BWOOD PORCH134 SQ. FT.49'-0"6'-4"12'-0"11'-6"42'-8"12'-0"7'-2"6'-0"2'-6"52'-0"5'-4"46'-0"13'-1 1/2"6'-10 1/2"10'-6"13'-0"15'-7 1/2"8" 40'-0" 52'-0" 9'-4" 24'-4"5'-8" 8" 3'-0"7'-0" 2'-0"4'-0"6'-0"17'-0"3'-0"49'-0"12'-0"5'-6"6'-0"5'-6"9'-9"10'-3"6'-0"2'-6"20'-0"11'-6"6'-0"8"10'-8"6'-2"8"TYPICAL PORCH COLUMN:20'-0"13'-8"6'-4"6'-0"2'-0"12'-0"4'-4"11'-6"6'-0"3'-6"2'-0"2-8 OPG.5'-10 1/4"11'-7 3/4"11'-6"9'-10"7'-2"2'-6"2'-3"4-0 OPG.5-8 OPG.5'-8"8'-6" CABTS.8'-8" TOPDWSINK7'-0"6'-8"2'-0" 3'-2" TOPBEDRM #5CPT.5'-11 3/4"9'-0"10'-6"W.I.C.CPT.6'-10"3'-8"4'-11 3/4"1'-0"5'-8"36"These plans, and the concept thereofor used without written consent. And may not be reproducedare the exclusive property of D.R. Horton Inc.,COPYRIGHT D.R. HORTON, INC. 2018C3XDRAWN: 10-8-2018-AWARVADA 5495-B-GRPERMIT/CONSTRUCTN:4-15-19-LL1ST FLOOR PLAN1/4"=1'-0"1346 SQ. FT.NOTE:9'-1 1/8" PLATE HEIGHT TYPICALWDW SIZES GIVEN IN FEET AND INCHES (WIDTH x HEIGHT)TYP. FIRST FLOOR WINDOW HEAD HEIGHT AT 7'-11 3/8" U.N.O.BEAM & HEADER SIZES TO BE VERIFIED BY SUPPLIER/MFR12" LINEN2-82-82-82-8LOWERLANDINGREF2-82-86'-4 1/4" INSIDE FRAMING14'-8 1/2"INSIDE FRAMING2-82-84-02x6 BRNG WALL14" MFD I-JOISTS INSTALL PER MFRS SPECS14" MFD I-JOISTS INSTALL PER MFRS SPECS MFD TRUSSES AT 24" O.C.22x30ATTICACCESSFLUSH BEAM HALF WALLW/ WOOD CAP20 AMP.MICRO HOODCIRCUITCOOKTOPOVEN3/4BHD-FLR36x48 FBGLSHWR16" WIDE DROPPED SOFFIT(SEE SECTION)DROPPED BEAMDROPPED BEAMWOOD STEPS5'-0"3'-6"CANT.BEAMCANT.BEAM6'-4"4'-5 3/4"4'-5 3/4" 20'-4" 10"19'-6"24" TOWEL BARCANT & INSULJOISTS ABOVE6x6 TREATED POST WITHIN16" TAPERED TO 12" BOXED COLUMNOVER 16" (FRAMED) SQUARE STONE BASERADONVENT PIPEGAS FPRGH OPG42"x40 1/8"3050-3 SHWINDOW & DOOR SCHEDULECALL-OUTU-FACTORROUGH OPENINGLOCATIONSHGC0.31#1FOYER0.233050 SH1GREAT ROOM2W 3060 SH1BEDROOM #56068 SGD W/ TRANS.1DINING0.3136 1/4" X 60 1/4"0.310.310.3172 1/8" X 72"0.3172 1/8" X 94"0.323W 3050 SHGREAT ROOM10.31108" X 60 1/4"0.313-0 DOOR W/ SL53 3/4" X 83 1/4"3W 3050 SHKITCHEN10.31108" X 60 1/4"0.313-0SLTPHPED.2'-7"2-4CARPETHD-FLR17'-0"3'-0"PLANS18802 HOUSTON WAYCONSTRUCTIONPLAN OPTIONSSIGNATURE KITCHENCORNER GAS FIREPLACEPENDANT LIGHT PACKAGEGASVENT HOODTO OUTSIDETILED KITCHENBACKSPLASHRAISE 2"BEDROOM #5 / BATH #3COAT RACKW/ HOOKS(2) 16" VERSA-LAM(2) 11 7/8" VERSA-LAM(2) 7-1/4" VERSA-LAM(2) 7-1/4" VERSA-LAM(1) 14" VERSA-LAM(1) 14" VERSA-LAMBlocking(2) 11 7/8" VERSA-LAM(2) 11 7/8" VERSA-LAM(2) 9-1/2" VERSA-LAM14" MFD I-JoistSmokeCO8444666883332.88BRACED WALL PANELFASTEN BOTTOM PLATE TOJOIST/BLOCKING w/ (3) 16dNAILS EVERY 16" O.C.CANTILEVERED FLOORJOIST BY SUPPLIERFRAMEWALL / BRACEDWALL PANEL BELOWBLOCKING BETWEEN JOISTS AS FOLLOWS:·FLAT 2x4 TOP & BOTTOM OR JOISTMATERIAL OR SAWN BLOCKING·34" PLYWOOD SHEET NAILED TO 2x4's w/(8) 8d NAILS TOP & BOTTOM·CIRCULAR HOLE UP TO 6"Ø MAY BE CUTINTO CENTER OF PLYWOODNAIL FLOOR SHEATHING TOBLOCKING w/ 8d NAILS @ 6" O.C.FASTEN BOTTOM 2x4 w/ (3) 16dNAILS EVERY 16" O.C. SECTION 4S1AT BRACED WALL PANELS ABOVECANTILEVERED FLOOR FRAMINGNOTEREQUIREMENTS SHOWN IN THIS SECTION ONLY APPLY WHENA BRACED WALL PANEL IS LOCATED ABOVE A CANTILEVEREDFLOOR SYSTEM. SEE PLANS FOR APPLICABILITY.PFHPFHOSB DN16R42x6024" TOWEL BARFBGL TUB6" SPLASHPROVIDE ACCESSTEMP GL3040 SH48"LAUNDRYCABTS.3050-2 SH3050-2 SHOWNERSBEDRMCPT.OWNERSBATHHD-FLRW.I.C.CPT.BEDRM #4CPT.BEDRM #3CPT.LAU.HD-FLRWASHDRY#2HD-FLRBATH84"LOFTCPT.3050 SH3050 SH3050 SHTEMP3'-3 1/2"49'-0"3'-9"10'-0"9'-3"10'-9"3'-2 1/2"8'-1 1/4"2'-9"16'-6"6'-0"12'-0"2'-7 3/4"3'-5 1/4"46'-0"3'-5 1/4"6'-10 1/2"7'-10"2'-8"12'-11 1/2"49'-0"12'-0"20'-0"5'-0"12'-0"5'-6"14'-6"6'-0"6'-0"6'-0"6'-0"15'-8" 46'-0" 11'-4"7'-8"2'-4"5'-8" 27'-10"2'-6" 2'-6"14'-0" 11'-8" 3'-8 3/4"8'-0"4'-0"3'-11 1/2"9'-10"11'-10 1/4"5'-1 3/4"2'-2"11'-6"3'-10"4'-0"3'-7 3/4"3020 SL2'-6"2'-6"These plans, and the concept thereofor used without written consent. And may not be reproducedare the exclusive property of D.R. Horton Inc.,COPYRIGHT D.R. HORTON, INC. 2018C4XDRAWN: 10-8-2018-AWARVADA 5495-B-GRPERMIT/CONSTRUCTN:4-15-19-LL2ND FLOOR PLAN1/4"=1'-0"1528 SQ. FT.LIVING AREANOTE:8'-1 1/8" PLATE HEIGHT TYPICALWDW SIZES GIVEN IN FEET AND INCHES (WIDTH x HEIGHT)TYP. SECOND FLOOR WINDOW HEAD HEIGHT AT 6'-11 3/8" U.N.O.BEAM & HEADER SIZES TO BE VERIFIED BY SUPPLIER/MFR2x6 WALLTPH2-82-81-62-82-82-82-85-0 FBGLTUB/SHWR5'-0"INSIDE FRAMING2x6 WALLSET R.O.HEIGHT AT7'-8 1/2"ABOVELANDINGW/ WOOD CAP42" HIGH HALF WALLUPPERLANDING10" TREAD CUT 5-02-82-8NOTES:ALL TOE LEDGES AND SEATSARE 18" OFF THE SUBFLOORBTILE REDI NICHE MODEL#1620D-B1R.O. 14-1/2" (w) X 18-1/2" (h)AIT IS CRITICAL THAT CENTER OFNICHE IS CENTER OF SHOWERNICHE THAT IS ABOVE CONTROLVALVE IS 4'-9" OFF SUBFLOORTOE LEDGES ARE MODEL BT-17BY BETTER BENCH SYSTEMSDSEE FLOOR PLAN FOR LOCATIONOF THE SHOWER NICHES.MIXER VALVE IS ALWAYSCENTERED BELOW SHOWER HEADC3'-9" OR 4'-9" ABOVE SUBFLOOR SHAMPOONICHEPRE-MFR'DR.O. = 14 1/2"R.O.= 18 1/2" CENTER OF SHWR HEAD OPG 84" ABOVE SUBFLOOR OWNERS BATH W/1/2"=1'-0"SHOWER BASEFIBERGLASS BASE18"DETAIL 'A'36X60 FIBERGLASSCL18"4'-0"CLSHOWERCONTROLTO CENTER OF SHOWER VALVE TO BOTTOM OF NICHE SEATS & TOE LEDGES 10-3/4"36"VALVE3'-9"36x60 FBGL BASEW/ C.T. SURROUNDSEE SHOWERDETAIL "A"W/ 36" GLASS PANEL2x4 WALL, 48" HIGHLEDGETOENICHESHWRSWING DRSOPT 60"MFD TRUSSES AT 24" O.C.MFD TRUSSES AT 24" O.C.GIRDER TRUSS TPH24" TOWEL BAR RADONVENT PIPE2040 SH1'-10"3050 SHBEDRM #2CPT.5'-10 3/4"3'-10"7'-7 1/2"5-02-8BATHHD-FLRJ-N-J2-46" 24" TOWEL BAR 2-42-45'-0"INSIDE FRAMING5-0 FBGLTUB/SHWRTPH2'-10"1'-6" 60"13'-1"5-02'-7"8'-0"2X6 WALL INSTALL EXTRALAYER OF ROCKDUE TO 1/2" JOGIN FRAMING6'-3"9'-3"3020 SLIDER36 1/4" X 24"0.310.3WINDOW & DOOR SCHEDULE- UPPER LEVELCALL-OUTU-FACTORROUGH OPENINGLOCATIONSHGC#OWNERS BDRM23050 SHBEDRM #23050 SHBEDRM #31STAIR LANDING0.3136 1/4" X 60 1/4"0.310.3136 1/4" X 60 1/4"0.312W 3050 SH10.310.3172 1/8" X 60 1/4"2W 3050 SH10.310.3172 1/8" X 60 1/4"J-N-J BATH1BEDRM #413050 SH0.3136 1/4" X 60 1/4"0.313040 SH1OWNERS BATH0.3136 1/4" X 48"0.312040 SH1OWNERS BATH0.3124" X 48"0.31LINENPLANS18802 HOUSTON WAYCONSTRUCTIONPLAN OPTIONSOWNERS BATH TILED SHOWER SURROUND3333444444444446One-SidedOne-Sided2 Trimmers2 Trimmers These plans, and the concept thereofor used without written consent. And may not be reproducedare the exclusive property of D.R. Horton Inc.,COPYRIGHT D.R. HORTON, INC. 2018C5XDRAWN: 10-8-2018-AWARVADA 5495-B-GRPERMIT/CONSTRUCTN:4-15-19-LL1/4"=1'-0"ELECTRICAL PLANUNFINISHED BASEMENTFUTUREFAMILY RMUNFINISHEDSTORAGEMECH.UNEXCAVATEDA/CWHF.D.HVACSSSDLOW VOLTAGESYSTEM RECEPTACLEWPSEPERATE 15 AMP CIRCUITW/ SINGLE RECEPTACLESUMPGFISMART HOMESYSTEM RECEPTACLE15 AMP CIRCUITFOR POWER VENTW/ SINGLE RECEPTACLEWATER SOFT.RECEPTACLEPLANS18802 HOUSTON WAYCONSTRUCTIONPLAN OPTIONSLOOKOUT BASEMENT- OWNERSBEDRMOWNERSBATHW.I.C.LAU.#2BATHELECTRICAL PLAN1/4"=1'-0"UPPERLANDING2ND FLOORROUGH-INCEILING FANSSCSS BEDRM #4SSD SDSD/CMDS SSD FANGFIGFILS FANSSSLSSSDININGKIT.PANTRYOWNERSENTRYFOYERGARAGE1/2BWOOD PORCHThese plans, and the concept thereofor used without written consent. And may not be reproducedare the exclusive property of D.R. Horton Inc.,COPYRIGHT D.R. HORTON, INC. 2018C6XDRAWN: 10-8-2018-AWARVADA 5495-B-GRPERMIT/CONSTRUCTN:4-15-19-LL1/4"=1'-0"LOWERLANDINGSPRINKLERSYSTEMRECEPTACLE1ST FLOORELECTRICAL PLANSSSSS SSSSSSFANWP S S SLLLLS SWPDISP.SDWCSGFIPEND.PEND.6'-0"7'-2"7'-1"4'-2"CHIME TROOMGREATGFI SW.I.C.3/4BBEDRM #5S SS LFANGFISS SD/CMDSDSLOFTLLLL SSLLL LDDDLDLLLLLLLLIGHT FIXTURE SCHEDULEDOME LIGHTLED DISC LIGHTRECESSED FIXTLRPEND.PENDANT LIGHTSWALL FIXTURESCEILING LIGHTDSHCPSMART HOMERECEPTACLESDBEDRM #3BEDRM #2SJ-N-JFANGFI SSGFILDDS S SSS GFI S FANLSS LLLUSB PHRRSVENT HOODTO OUTSIDETECHTUBECD PLANS18802 HOUSTON WAYCONSTRUCTIONPLAN OPTIONSSIGNATURE KITCHENCORNER GAS FIREPLACEPENDANT LIGHT PACKAGEBEDROOM #5 / BATH #3OWNERS BATH TILED SHOWER SURROUND 7XDRAWN: 10-8-2018-AWARVADA 5495-B-GRPERMIT/CONSTRUCTN:4-15-19-LLThese plans, and the concept thereofor used without written consent. And may not be reproducedare the exclusive property of D.R. Horton Inc.,COPYRIGHT D.R. HORTON, INC. 2018C9'-1 1/8" 10'-3 7/8"CONC WALL9'-8 3/4" 8'-2"8'-1 1/8"3/4" SUBFLOOR3/4" SUBFLOOR8'-4" POUREDCONC WALL3 1/2" CONC. FLOORMFD FLOOR TRUSSESMFD I-JOISTSSLOPE TO DOORSGARAGE24'-4"15'-8"SLOPE TO DOORS1/4"=1'-0"CROSS SECTION D-D1/4"=1'-0"CROSS SECTION C-C8'-1 1/8"3/4" SUBFLOORMFD I-JOISTS9'-1 1/8" 10'-3 7/8"9'-8 3/4" 8'-2"8'-1 1/8"3/4" SUBFLOOR3/4" SUBFLOORMFD FLOOR TRUSSESMFD I-JOISTS42'-0"2x8 JOISTS5/4" DECKINGCOVEREDWOOD PORCH9'-1 1/8" 10'-3 7/8"CONC WALL9'-8 3/4" 8'-2"8'-1 1/8"3/4" SUBFLOOR3/4" SUBFLOOR8'-4" POUREDCONC WALL3 1/2" CONC. FLOORMFD FLOOR TRUSSESMFD I-JOISTSGREATROOMBEDROOM #5LAU.W.I.C.FOYER4" CONC. FLOOR4" CONC. FLOORBEDRM #2(2) 2x8DROPPED BEAM10'-0"SUBFLOORTO TOP OF JOIST5-3/4" FROMPOURED CONC. WALL18"x8" CONC. FTG.8" THICKMIN. 3'-6" BELOW GRADESET ON 10" THICKPOURED CONC. WALLCONC. SIDEWALKMFD TRUSS1'-4"6127 7/16"43'-6"MFD TRUSS1'-4"6127 7/16"OWNERSBATHW.I.C.KIT.9'-1 1/8"CONC WALL9'-8 3/4" 8'-2"3/4" SUBFLOOR8'-4" POUREDCONC WALL3 1/2" CONC. FLOORMFD FLOOR TRUSSESOWNERSBEDRMLOFTDINING1/2BGARAGE2x8 JOISTS5/4" DECKING(2) 2x8DROPPED BEAM6x6 TREATED POSTS16" CONC. PIER FTGMIN. 3'-6" BELOW GRADE5'-4"8"CANT.JOISTS6'-0"8'-9"8"8"9'-4"GREATROOM#2BATH#3BATHUNFINISHEDSTORAGEFUTUREBEDRMDROPPED BEAMDROPPED BEAMDROPPED BEAMSUBFLOORTO TOP OF JOIST5-3/4" FROM16" WIDEDROPPED SOFFITVERIFY DEPTHPER BEAM SIZE1'-4"MFD TRUSS1242'-0"7 7/16"BEDRM #3BEDRM #4BATH5'-4"16" WIDEDROPPED SOFFITVERIFY DEPTHPER BEAM SIZE1'-4"MFD TRUSS1242'-0"7 7/16"9'-4"MFD TRUSS12121'-4"1'-0"5'-6"6'-0"2'-0"1/4"=1'-0"CROSS SECTION B-B1/4"=1'-0"CROSS SECTION A-A36 1/4"X48"3040 SH 1'-4"2'-0"3'-2" WOODGRAIN PANEL5/4" x 5" - WOODGRAIN5/4" x 10" - WOODGRAINWOODGRAIN PANEL4/4" x 3" - WOODGRAIN(FRONT & REAR)6x6 POSTBLOCKING2x4 TREATED1/2" OSB4/4" x 3" - WOODGRAINCORNER TRIM(FRONT & REAR)4/4" x 2" - WOODGRAINCORNER TRIM11 1/4" AT TOP 11 1/4" AT TOP1'-4"11 1/4"3'-5"1/2" OSBOVER 2xTREATED FRAMEBEAM1/2" OSBOVER 2xTREATED FRAMEWOODGRAINPANELWOODGRAIN5/4" x 10"FLASHINGSTONE CAPSTONE CAPTAPERED COLUMN WITHSTONE PIER1/4"=1'-0"1/4"=1'-0"2"=1'-0"2"=1'-0"(SIDES)16" AT BASE16" AT BASE GARAGE SLAB LEDGE DETAIL1/2" SHEATHINGMIN. R-20 INSULATION2x6 STUDS AT 16" O.C.HOUSE WRAPSIDING PER ELEV.BARRIER PASTACOUSTICAL SEALANTEXTEND POLY VAPOR1-1/2" THERMAX2-1/4"X12" DUCTINSULATION(R-10 x 2)1/2"=1'-0"WALL DETAIL1/2"=1'-0"THE SLOPING OF THE FLOORBE PROTECTED WHEREVER4" CONC. GARAGE FLOORRIGID INSULATION MUSTCREATES AN EXPOSURE.5/8" GYP. BD.TYPICAL WALL SECTION (6-16-2015)1/2"=1'-0"9'-1 1/8"TRUSSES PER PLAN3/4" SUBFLOORVARIESSEE PLANVARIES122x6 STUDS AT 16" O.C.BLOCK AT MIDPOINT2x6 BEARING WALL14x8 CONC. FTG.6" HALF HIGH CONC. CURB. BLK.1/2" ANCHOR BOLTSOMIT BEARING WALLAT STEEL OR LVL BEAMR-49 INSUL.MFD TRUSSESA I R C HU T E S APPLIED ON WARM-IN-WINTER SIDE OFTHERMAL INSULATION AT ABOVE GRADEFRAMED WALLS, RIM JOISTS, FLRS AND CLGSNOTEDUNLESSOTHERWISENOTEDUNLESSOTHERWISEOVER 1/2" SHEATHINGSHINGLES OVER FELT PAPERRIGID WIND WASH INSTALLED EXTENDINGBARRIER MUST BETO WITHIN 1-1/2" to 2"FROM BOTTOM OFROOF SHEATHING4 MIL. POLY VAPOR / AIR BARRIERALUMINUMCORNICEVENTS50% TO 80% NEAR RIDGEVENT 1/300th OF ROOF AREAREMAINDER IN SOFFITPER IRC SECTION R806WATERPROOFING W/WATCH DOG + ENERGY SYSTEMTREATED SILL PLATEAPPROVED ANCHORPER CODE (IRC R403.1.6)16x8 CONC. FTG.RUN INTO SUMP BASKETCONTINIOUS DRAIN TILEWHERE APPLICABLETREATEDSILL PLATEVERTICAL REINFORCINGAS SOIL COND. REQUIREW/ FOAM SILL SEALMIN. 42" BELOW FINISHED GRADEALL EXTERIOR FOOTINGS TO BE4" INCH CLEAN AGGREGATE ORCONCRETE SLAB AND PREPARED SUBGRADE6 MIL POLY V.B. W/ LAPPED SEAMS 12" BETWEENAPPROVED GAS-PERMEABLE LAYERPASSIVE SUB-SLAB DEPRESSURIZATIONSYSTEM REQUIRED PER MINNESOTARESIDENTIAL ENERGY CODE 1322.2100POURED CONC. WALL8" THICK, 8'-4" HIGH2x6 LOOKOUT WALL2x6 STUDS AT 16" O.C.ANCHOR BOLTS AT 6' O.C.8" THICK, 42" HIGHPOURED CONC. WALL16x8 CONC. FTG.TREATED BOTTOM PLATE2x6 WALKOUT WALL2x6 STUDS AT 16" O.C.ANCHOR BOLTS AT 6' O.C.POURED CONC. WALL(6" CURB, 2" INT. LEDGE)16x8 CONC. FTG.TREATED BOTTOM PLATE8" THICK, 42" HIGHOPENINGS, JOINTS AND SUMPSFOUNDATION WALL & SLABSEAL JOINT BETWEEN3-1/2" CONC. FLOOR SEALED AT8'-1 1/8"1/2" EXT. SHEATHING5-1/2" BATT INSULATION2x6 STUDS AT 16" O.C. W/HOUSE WRAPSIDING PER ELEV.JOISTS PER PLAN3/4" SUBFLOORSEE PLANVERTICAL CLEARANCE OF NOT LESS THANTHE EXTERIOR WALL TOP PLATETO THE ROOF SHEATHINGSIX INCHES FROM THE OUTSIDE EDGE OF6" MIN. HEEL 6'-0" OF ICE & WATER SHIELDINSTALL PER MFR'S SPECSTERMINATE 12" ABOVE ROOF2x6 SUBFASCIASEALANT BY CARPENTERPRIOR TO SHEATHINGPROVIDE RECEPTACLE FOR FUTURE RADON FANVENT PIPE SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH A MINIMUM24" HORIZONTAL CLEARANCE AND 36" VERTICALCLEARANCE TO ALLOW FOR FUTURE INSTALLATIONOF RADON FAN (ACTIVE SYSTEM)GYP. BD. W/ VAPOR BARR.1/2" SAG-RESISTANTAPPLIED ON WARM-IN-WINTER SIDE OFTHERMAL INSULATION AT ABOVE GRADEFRAMED WALLS, RIM JOISTS, FLRS AND CLGS4 MIL. POLY VAPOR / AIR BARRIERW/ APPROVED SEALANTGYP. BD. W/ VAPOR BARR.1/2" SAG-RESISTANT1/2" GYP. BD.SEAL BEHIND POLY.SEAL BEHIND POLY.1/2" GYP. BD.SEAL BEHIND POLY.SEAL BEHIND POLY.PASSIVE RADON VENTLABEL ON EACH FLR"RADON REDUCTION SYSTEM"PASSIVE RADON VENTLABEL ON EACH FLR"RADON REDUCTION SYSTEM"PASSIVE RADON VENTLABEL ON EACH FLR"RADON REDUCTION SYSTEM"TO EACH SIDE OF "T" FITTING IN AGGREGATE10' SECTION OF PERFORATED PIPE CONNECTED1/2" OSB or 1/2" TREATED PLYWDAT GROUND LEVEL APPLICANTIONSTO MAINTAIN PERMANENT CONTACTWITH THE UNDERSIDE OFTHE SUBFLOOR DECKINGFLASHING OVER XPINSULATION. XP TO RUNMIN. 6" BELOW GRADEFINISHED GRADEWILL VARYJOIST CANTILEVER DETAIL(R-30.5) (STC - 41)5" MIN. POLYURETHANE FOAM2x6 EXTERIOR WALL(SEE OSWELL ENGINEERING)R-0.62R-21R-N/AR-N/AINSIDE AIR FILMR-0.681/2" GYP BD.R-0.45OUTSIDE AIR FILMR-0.171/2" EXT. SHEATHING5-1/2" BATT INSULATION2x6 STUDS AT 16" O.C. W/HOUSE WRAPSIDING PER ELEV.R-0.62R-21R-N/AR-N/AINSIDE AIR FILMR-0.681/2" GYP BD.R-0.45OUTSIDE AIR FILMR-0.172x6 EXTERIOR WALL3.5" MIN. POLYURETHANE FOAMAT PERIMETER R=203.5" MIN. POLYURETHANE FOAMAT PERIMETER R=20GYP. BD. EXCEPT 80 SF AT1/2" SAG-RESISTANTRUNNING THRU UNCONDITIONEDSPACES TO HAVER-4 INSUL. (MIN)VENT PIPER-10 RIGID INSULATIONINTENDED FOR EXTERIOR USEASTM C578, C612 or C1029INSTALLED PER MFR'S SPECSALL NON-BEARING PARTITION WALLSTO BE FRAMED AT 16" ON CENTERALL NON-BEARING PARTITION WALLSTO BE FRAMED AT 16" ON CENTER5000 PSI TESTED -OR-APPROVED ADMIXTURETHE MECHANICAL ROOM1/2" GYP BD. ON LOOKOUTAND WALKOUT WALLS(AT HIGHPOINT ONLY)OF FOUNDATION WALL (AT RIGHT16x8 CONC. FTG.5000 PSI TESTED -OR-APPROVED ADMIXTURE& LEFT SIDE WALLS OF LOOKOUTEXTEND OVER SILL PLATER-5 RIGID INSULATION(AT RIGHT AND LEFT SIDEOF HOME ONLY)SEALED AND TAPED AT TOP& WALKOUT BASEMENTS ONLY)R-5 RIGID INSULATION(AT SIDE LOOKOUT FOUNDATION ONLY,NOT AT REAR LOOKOUT WALLS)R-5 RIGID INSULATION-ON INSIDETAPE & SEAL AT TOPFLASHING OVER XPINSULATION. XP TO RUNMIN. 6" BELOW GRADEDRAINTILE AT WALKOUT WALLS(HILLCREST ONLY)R-10 DRAINAGE BOARDXDRAWN: 10-8-2018-AWARVADA 5495-B-GRPERMIT/CONSTRUCTN:4-15-19-LLThese plans, and the concept thereofor used without written consent. And may not be reproducedare the exclusive property of D.R. Horton Inc.,COPYRIGHT D.R. HORTON, INC. 2018C81/2"=1'-0"FLOOR DETAILDENSE PACK FIBERGLASS3/4" SUBFLOOR6" ROUND DUCTWORKMANUFACTURED I-JOISTSR-8 INSULATION WRAPNETR-30 SPRAY FOAM INSUL.4.34" AROUND DUCTWORK(R-6.9 PER INCH)BLOWN-IN INSULATION1" CLOSED-CELLSPRAY FOAM5/8" GYP. BD.9'-1 1/8"10'-3 7/8"9'-8 3/4"8'-2"8'-1 1/8"3/4" SUBFLOOR3/4" SUBFLOOR8'-4" POUREDCONC WALL3 1/2" CONC. FLOORMFD FLOOR TRUSSESMFD I-JOISTSGARAGE4" CONC. FLOOR1/4"=1'-0"LONGITUDINAL SECTION E-E31'-6"11'-6"20'-0"29'-0"LOFT8MFD TRUSS1'-4"1210 1/8"81'-4"1210 1/8" 10'-9 3/8"HAND RAIL ALL STAIRSPROVIDE MIN. 6'-8" HEADROOM3) LSL STRINGERS7 3/4" MAX RISE10" TREAD CUTSTAIR DATA SSCOPE OF WORK:INDEX:S1 - Scope, Index, and CertificationS2 - General NotesS3 - Standard Bearing Wall DetailS4 - Standard Non-Bearing Wall Joist Blocking DetailS5 - Bottom Chord Bearing Truss Non-Bearing Wall DetailS6 - Top Chord Bearing Truss Non-Bearing Wall DetailMATERIALS:Concrete: Minimum 28 day compressive strength (F'c) of 3000 psi for wallsMinimum 28 day compressive strength (F'c) of 5000 psi for footingsMasonry:Minimum 28 day prism strength (F'm) of 1500 psiBackfill Soil:Sand - 30 psf/ft effective lateral pressureSandy Clay - 45 psf/ft effective lateral pressureClay - 60 psf/ft effective lateral pressureSITE ADDRESS:Street:City:State: MN Zip:Craig Oswell, PE (MN #42341)Oswell Engineering and Consulting, L.L.C.Project Name: 2019 BAM Top of Foundation Support GuideDescription: Scope of Work, Index, and CertificationProject # 18.099Client Name: Builder's Association of Minnesota (BAM)34The drawings are to only be used by the Builder's Association of Minnesota (BAM) and its members. Refer to BAM's website for the most current version of these drawings. These drawings are to be provided to the building inspection department as part of the permit package.I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed professional engineer under the laws of the state of Minnesota.Page S1 of S6Fax: 612-886-2966www.oswellec.com2019 BAM Top of Foundation Wall Support Guide1/1/20191901 E Hennepin Ave, #201Minneapolis, MN 55413Phone: 612-720-4639Footings may be 3000 psi if an approved admixture is used to achieve a water and vapor resistance equivalent to 5000 psiThese drawings are an illustrative representation of an alternative option to the top of wall support information contained in the 2012 International Residential Code (IRC) section 404.1, as adopted by the 2015 Minnesota State Building Code. These drawings apply to the construction of top of full height cast-in-place concrete, insulated concrete form, and masonry basement foundation walls for typical residential cases. These drawings are not to scale and all conditions are to be verified by the contractor. Means and methods of construction for shoring, water-proofing, insulation, flashing, and all other non-structural requirements are to be by others in accordance with the Code and standard industry practice. These drawings are valid through December 31, 2019.GGENERAL NOTES: of multiple sill plates is not allowed unless specifically noted.* = see note 11 above for alternate anchor optionsOOswell Engineering and Consulting, L.L.C.Project Name: 2019 BAM Top of Foundation Support GuideDescription: General NotesProject # 18.099Client Name: Builder's Association of Minnesota (BAM)34Anchor bolts may be substituted with 1/2" diameter threaded rod epoxy grouted at same spacing with 7" embed.Alternate anchors may be Simpson MAB, Simpson MASA, USP ST, USP FA3, Simpson FWAZ, or 1/2" diameter expansion anchors with 6" minimum embedment, or an equivalent manufactured anchor.1/1/2019Sill plates may need to be larger than the minimum to meet Energy Code or other requirements. The exact size of the sill plate is the responsibilty of the contractor.Do not backfill until the concrete has reached at least 70 percent of the 28 day concrete strength. Use of adequate shoring by others is required until the final floor and slab systems are in place.Sill plate sections require at least two anchors with one within 4" to 12" of each end and at all corners and intersections. Walls less than 24" in length require only one anchor. This packet applies to full height walls less than ten feet in clear height supporting unbalanced fill only. This packet does not apply to lookout and frost style walls. The details in this packet are not limited by wall length or plan dimensions. This packet applies to traditional floor joists, I-joists, and trusses. All floor members are to bear at least 3.5" on the sill plate unless noted otherwise. Sill plates may over overhang the face of the wall provided the overhang is not loaded vertically and all anchor bolt/connection tolerances are met.All premanufactured connectors and anchors are to be installed in accordance with their manufacturer's recommendations.FFax: 612-886-2966wwww.oswellec.comPage S2 of S6PPhone: 612-720-463911901 E Hennepin Ave, #201MMinneapolis, MN 5541372"72"72"24"48"40"72"36"48"16"72"72"72"72"72"72"72"TTOP OF WALL ANCHOR SPACING TABLEBBACKFILL HEIGHT ABOVE SLABANCHOR BOLTALTERNATE ANCHOR*ANCHOR BOLTALTERNATE ANCHOR*ANCHOR BOLTSSANDSSANDY CLAY8'-6"16"32"32"9'-6"64"24"40"16"24"8"72"72"72"64"72"72"32"64"24"72"40"56"24"110'-0"CLAYALTERNATE ANCHOR*SOIL TYPE72"7'-6"5'-6" or less8'-6"6'-6" or less7'-6"6'-6"48"16"7'-6" or less72"72"Slope grade 6" minimum downward away from foundations within first 10 feet or provide Code compliant swale.Anchor bolts 1/2" or larger in diameter do not require corrosion protection per IRC section R317.3.1, exception 1.72"CLEAR HEIGHT (Top of Slab to Top of Wall)8'-0" or less9'-0"64"16"72"32"8"72"32"56"Alternative to MN Code Table R404.1(1)48" 6" MinTTYPICAL TOP OF FOUNDATION WALL DETAILNNotes:1.2. USP LJQ must be sized appropriately for the actual floor member width.3.Floor members must be at least 3" wide when two Simpson A35/USP MPA1's are used.4. Connection C may be installed at every other floor member if the number of anchors is doubled.5. As an alternative, connection C may be installed at every fourth floor member.6. As an alternative, connection C may be installed at every third floor member.7. As an alternative, connection C may be installed at every other floor member.Oswell Engineering and Consulting, L.L.C.Project Name: 2019 BAM Top of Foundation Support Guide##Description: Typical Bearing Wall DetailProject # 18.099Client Name: Builder's Association of Minnesota (BAM)34Page S3 of S61901 E Hennepin Ave, #201Minneapolis, MN 55413Phone: 612-720-4639Fax: 612-886-2966www.oswellec.com8'-0" or lessCC19.2"24"A (note 5) A (note 7)A (note 6)A (note 7)BC16"1/1/20199'-0"10'-0"16" A (note 7)CCA (note 7)BBBDCCCLEAR HEIGHT (Top of Slab to Top of Wall)CCDDD24"DCWood floor joist, I-joist, or trusses & wall framing by othersFLOOR MEMBER TO SILL PLATE CONNECTION TABLEAlternate to MN Code Table R404.1(1)CLASS (weakest to strongest)DESCRIPTION2x6 minimum sill plate w/ 1/2" diameter anchor bolts w/ 7" minimum embed & 2" wide x 1/8" thick square or round countersunk flush washers or alternative anchor (see table on S2 for spacing) (Anchor bolt clearance between edge of both wall and sill plate is to be 2.5")CLAYBACKFILL TYPEFLOOR MEMBER SPACINGSANDSANDY CLAYSee table below for connection of each floor member to sill plateFoundation wall per Code by others (clear height is measured from top of basement slab to top of foundation wall)CONNECTION TYPEDSimpson FWANZ, Simpson U2.1/4, Simpson U2.37/4, USP LJQ, or (2) USP MPA1/Simpson A35 (see notes 1 to 3)Simpson FWANZ requires 1.125" minimum OSB rim and must be located within 5" the floor member. For trusses, it must be in contact with the member or 2x4 minimum continuous bottom bracing must be provided.ABC(3)0.131" diameter x 3" long toe/top nails(3)0.148" diameter x 3" long toe/top nailsUSP LJC or USP MPA1/Simpson A35 (see note 4)DD19.2"24"16"19.2"JJOIST BLOCKING DETAILBlocking spacing to match anchor bolt spacing (see S2)NOTES:1.2.3.Toe nail blocking members in place as required for stabilty.4.5.6.All nails are to be spaced in members such that splitting does not occur.7.Foundation wall is to be per Code by others.Oswell Engineering and Consulting, L.L.C.Project Name: 2019 BAM Top of Foundation Support GuideDescription:Standard Non-Bearing Wall Joist Blocking Detail (NOT TO SCALE)Project # 18.099Client Name: Builder's Association of Minnesota (BAM)341/1/2019Bays containing blocking do not need to be directly next to the wall or each other provided 2x4 spacer blocking is installed between them as shown. Toe nail spacers in place as required.Full height blocking may contain 4" diameter maximum holes if required for electrical/plumbing. Provide at least 3" edge clearance for all holes.Page S4 of S61901 E Hennepin Ave, #201Minneapolis, MN 55413Phone: 612-720-4639Fax: 612-886-2966www.oswellec.comBlocking shown may be replaced with pre-manufactured blocking provided it can resist at least 1500 pounds of lateral compression.Nail the floor sheathing to the blocking w/ at least (12) 0.131" diameter x 3" long nails evenly spacedWall framing, joists, & structural rim by othersFloor sheathing is to be 3/4" minimum thick OSB/plywood installed in a staggered pattern. Nail to floor members with 0.131" diameter x 3" long nails at 6" o.c. at all panel edges/perimeter and 12" o.c. at all intermediate supports or an approved equivalent.Use Class D connection from S3 for blocking to sillSee note 4 for spacers as required at mechanical onlyInstall full height 2x or I-joist blocking as required to achieve the nailing noted (minimum of two spaces), spaces used do not need to be next to each other if spaces between are blocked per note 42x6 minimum sill plate w/ 1/2" diameter anchor bolts w/ 7" minimum embed & 2" wide x 1/8" thick square or round countersunk flush washers or alternative anchor (see table on S2 for spacing) (Anchor bolt clearance between edge of both wall and sill plate is to be 2.5"), NOTE: Sill plate may have to be increased to 2x8 to fit Class D connectorsBBOTTOM CHORD BEARING TRUSS BLOCKING DETAILBlocking spacing to match anchor bolt spacing (see S2)NOTES:1.2.3.Toe nail blocking members in place as required for stabilty.4.5.6.All nails are to be spaced in members such that splitting does not occur.7.Foundation wall is to be per Code by others.8.Do not cut rim truss bottom chord for any reason.Oswell Engineering and Consulting, L.L.C.Project Name: 2019 BAM Top of Foundation Support GuideDescription:Non-Bearing Wall Bottom Chord Bearing Truss Blocking Detail (NOT TO SCALE)Project # 18.099Client Name: Builder's Association of Minnesota (BAM)341901 E Hennepin Ave, #201Minneapolis, MN 55413Phone: 612-720-46391/1/2019Fax: 612-886-2966www.oswellec.comPage S5 of S6Bays containing blocking do not need to be directly next to the wall or each other provided 2x4 spacer blocking is installed between them as shown. Toe nail spacers in place as required.OSB/plywood blocking may contain 4" diameter maximum holes if required for electrical/plumbing. Provide at least 3" edge clearance for all holes.Nail the floor sheathing to the blocking w/ at least (12) 0.131" diameter x 3" long nails evenly spacedWall framing, trusses, & structural rim by others2x6 minimum sill plate w/ 1/2" diameter anchor bolts w/ 7" minimum embed & 2" wide x 1/8" thick square or round countersunk flush washers or alternative anchor (see table on S2 for spacing) (Anchor bolt clearance between edge of both wall and sill plate is to be 2.5"), NOTE: Sill plate may have to be increased to 2x8 to fit Class D connectorsFloor sheathing is to be 3/4" minimum thick OSB/plywood installed in a staggered pattern. Nail to floor members with 0.131" diameter x 3" long nails at 6" o.c. at all panel edges/perimeter and 12" o.c. at all intermediate supports or an approved equivalent.See note 4 for spacers as required at mechanical onlyInstall 2x4 minimum flat blocking between trusses as required to achieve the nailing noted (minimum of two spaces), spaces used do not need to be next to each other if spaces between are blocked per note 4Install 3/4" minimum thick OSB/plywood to one side of 2x4 blocking w/ (6)0.131" diameter x 3" long nails top & bottom OR 1/2" minimum thick OSB/plywood to each side w/ (4)0.131" diameter x 3" long nails top & bottomUse Class D connection from S3 for blocking to sillNail rim truss bottom chord to sill plate w/ 0.148" diameter x 3" long nails @ 6" o.c.Blocking shown may be replaced with pre-manufactured blocking provided it can resist at least 1500 pounds of lateral compression.TTOP CHORD BEARING TRUSS BLOCKING DETAILBlocking spacing to match anchor bolt spacing (see S2)NOTES:1.2.Toe nail blocking members in place as required for stabilty.3.All nails are to be spaced in members such that splitting does not occur.4.Foundation wall is to be per Code by others.Oswell Engineering and Consulting, L.L.C.Project Name: 2019 BAM Top of Foundation Support GuideDescription:Non-Bearing Wall Top Chord Bearing Truss Blocking Detail (NOT TO SCALE)Project # 18.099Client Name: Builder's Association of Minnesota (BAM)341/1/2019Nail the floor sheathing to the blocking w/ at least (12) 0.131" diameter x 3" long nails evenly spacedWall framing, trusses, & structural rim by othersPage S6 of S6Install 2x4 minimum flat blocking between trusses as required to achieve the nailing noted (minimum of second space)2x6 minimum sill plate w/ 1/2" diameter anchor bolts w/ 7" minimum embed & 2" wide x 1/8" thick square or round countersunk flush washers or alternative anchor (see table on S2 for spacing) (Anchor bolt clearance between edge of both wall and sill plate is to be 2.5")Floor sheathing is to be 3/4" minimum thick OSB/plywood installed in a staggered pattern. Nail to floor members with 0.131" diameter x 3" long nails at 6" o.c. at all panel edges/perimeter and 12" o.c. at all intermediate supports or an approved equivalent.1901 E Hennepin Ave, #201Minneapolis, MN 55413Additional sill plates as required by others to match truss top chord depthInstall treated double 2x blocking ripped to fit height of sill plates in first bayPhone: 612-720-4639Fax: 612-886-2966www.oswellec.com SSCOPE OF WORK:INDEX:S1 - Scope, Index, and CertificationS2 - General NotesS3 - Step Footing DetailS4 - Frost Wall DetailS5 - Lookout Wall DetailS6 - Full Height Wall DetailMATERIALS:Reinforcing Steel:: Grade 40 (40 ksi) for #4 and smaller bars Grade 60 (60 ksi) for #5 bars and largerRebar Substitution Notes:1.Two #4's bundled may be used to substitute (1)#6 and vice versa provided they are of the same grade steel.2.For vertical bars on S6, #5's may be used in lieu of #6's at two-thirds of the noted spacing.Concrete: Mix design is to be prepared by the concrete supplier to meet the project's requirementsMinimum 28 day compressive strength of 3000 psi for wallsMinimum 28 day compressive strength of 5000 psi for footingsBackfill Soil:Sand - 30 psf/ft effective lateral pressureSandy Clay (SC) - 45 psf/ft effective lateral pressureClay - 60 psf/ft effective lateral pressureSITE ADDRESS:Street:City:State: MN Zip:Craig Oswell, PE (MN #42341)Oswell Engineering and Consulting, L.L.C.Project Name: 2019 Standardized Concrete Foundation DrawingsDescription: Scope of Work, Index, and CertificationProject # 18.100Client Name: Ostertag Cement, Inc.Client Address: 14198 Commerce Ave NE #300, Prior Lake, MN 55372342019 Standardized Concrete Foundation Drawings1/1/2019The drawings are to only be used by the contractor noted below or his authorized sub-contractors/clients. These drawings are to be provided to the building inspection department as part of the permit package.These drawings apply to the construction of cast-in-place concrete foundation walls for typical residential cases. These drawings are not to scale and all conditions are to be verified by the contractor. Means and methods of construction for shoring, water-proofing, insulation, flashing, control and construction joints, and all other non-structural requirements are to be by others in accordance with the Code and standard industry practice. These drawings are valid until the end of 2019.1901 E Hennepin Ave, #201Footings may be 3000 psi if an approved admixture is used to achieve a water and vapor resistance equivalent to 5000 psiI hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed professional engineer under the laws of the state of Minnesota.Page S1 of S6Minneapolis, MN 55413Phone: 612-720-4639Fax: 612-886-2966www.oswellec.comGGENERAL NOTES:1. Wall thicknesses noted are nominal unless specifically stated otherwise. 2. Maximum wall to footing centerline offset is 2". A minimum of 2" of footing is to extend on each side of the wall.3. Bar laps when required are to be at least 40 bar diameters for grade 40 and 60 bar diameters for grade 60.4. Bend horizontal bars or provide matching hooks around all wall corners and intersections.5. Horizontal bars may be placed anywhere within the wall thickness provided 2" minimum cover is provided.6. Allowable bar placement tolerance is 1/2". Tying is not required if tolerances are met and maintained.7.8.9. Anchor bolts 1/2" or larger in diameter do not require corrosion protection per IRC section R317.3.1 exception 1.10.Anchor bolts may be substituted with 1/2" diameter threaded rod epoxy grouted at same spacing with 7" embed.11. The presence of form oil on the reinforcing is acceptable for the conditions contained in these drawings.12. Slope grade 6" minimum downward away from foundations within first 10 feet or provide Code adequate swale.13.14.CCOLD WEATHER GUIDELINES:1.2.Concrete is to be delivered to the site in a timely manner. 3.Placement of concrete earlier in the day to take advantage of latent heat of sunlight is advised.4. Do not add additional water. Using water-reducing admixtures is recommended when required.5. Forms are to be free of snow and ice. Do not place concrete in contact with frozen ground, snow, or ice.6. Preheating of rebar is not required, however it is to be free of frost, snow, and ice.7.OOswell Engineering and Consulting, L.L.C.Project Name: 2019 Standardized Concrete Foundation DrawingsDescription: General NotesProject # 18.100Client Name: Ostertag Cement, Inc.Client Address: 14198 Commerce Ave NE #300, Prior Lake, MN 5537234Dowels may be drilled and installed after footing pour unless otherwise noted. Vertical bars may be embedded into footing in place of dowels at the same embedment. Vertical bars and dowels do not need to align. Dowels may be bent down for safety and covering then bent back before wall placement.The following information is general guidelines for the placement of concrete in cold weather conditions. It is the contractor's responsibility to ensure proper means and methods are followed and that the final in place product is adequate.11901 E Hennepin Ave, #201MMinneapolis, MN 55413Use of form blankets or other approved protection is highly recommended for the top of the wall at temperatures below 10 degrees F and for the whole wall when below zero degrees F.The contractor is to work with the concrete supplier to obtain a mix design which accounts for the conditions expected. Use of extra cement, early-strength concrete, and accelerators are recommended at temperatures below 20 degrees F.Sill plate sections require at least two anchors with one within 4" to 12" of each end and at all corners and intersections. Walls less than 24" in length require only one anchor. Sill plates may overhang the face of the wall provided the overhang is not loaded vertically and all anchor bolt/connection tolerances are met.Do not backfill until the concrete has reached at least 70 percent of the 28 day concrete strength. Use of adequate shoring is required when the final floor and slab systems are not in place and fully anchored.Maximum inside window well dimension is 72". Well walls are to be at least 8" thick placed monolithically with house walls with horizontal bars extended into them and around corners. Provide two additional vertical bars and one additional anchor bolt each side of opening. Opening header by others.1/1/2019FFax: 612-886-2966wwww.oswellec.comPage S2 of S6PPhone: 612-720-4639HHIGH FOOTINGLOW FOOTINGFOOTING STEP DETAILOswell Engineering and Consulting, L.L.C.Project Name: 2019 Standardized Concrete Foundation DrawingsDescription:Step Footing Detail (NOT TO SCALE)Project # 18.100Client Name: Ostertag Cement, Inc.Client Address: 14198 Commerce Ave NE #300, Prior Lake, MN 5537234Adjacent steps are to be placed no closer to either side of the beam section than twice the height of the largest step6'-0" maximum stepOptional control joint each end of beam section by others24" min(2) bundled #4 horizontal bars top & bottom w/ 3" min clearance extended at least 24" minimum beyond each end of beam section (bar length = step height + 4')High footing should be placed at 1-to-1 (45 degree) line, if high footing is closer to step than this line, place beam section rebar as if it was at this line as shown1/1/2019(beam section)www.oswellec.comPage S3 of S6Phone: 612-720-4639Fax: 612-886-29661901 E Hennepin Ave, #201Minneapolis, MN 55413Maximum applied actual load = 4000 plf uniform or 12,000 pound concentrated6" minimum thick cast-in-place concrete foundation wallWall framing by othersWWALKOUT/ SLAB-ON-GRADE FROST WALL DETAILNote: Maximum unbalanced fill height is 36" for 8" thick wall & 48" for 10" wallOOswell Engineering and Consulting, L.L.C.Project Name: 2019 Standardized Concrete Foundation DrawingsDescription:Frost Wall Detail (NOT TO SCALE)Project # 18.100Client Name: Ostertag Cement, Inc.Client Address: 14198 Commerce Ave NE #300, Prior Lake, MN 5537234Grade to be at least 6" below top of wallSill plate by others w/ 1/2" diameter anchor bolts w/ 7" minimum embed & standard washers @ 72" o.c. max or equivalent metal strap anchors (Anchor bolt clearance between edge of both wall and sill plate is to be 2")6" minimum thick cast-in-place concrete wallPage S4 of S6(1)#4 continuous horizontal bar w/in 18" of top of wall1901 E Hennepin Ave, #201Minneapolis, MN 55413Phone: 612-720-4639Fax: 612-886-2966www.oswellec.com#4 x 2'-0" long dowels @ 72" o.c. max w/ 5" minimum embedUnreinforced concrete strip footing per Code by others, provide frost protection per Code as required1/1/2019Optional slab ledge, maximum stem height is 12" w/ width to match sill plateWall framing by others66" wall spacing:8"+ wall spacing:LOOKOUT WALL DETAILOswell Engineering and Consulting, L.L.C.Project Name: 2019 Standardized Concrete Foundation DrawingsDescription:Lookout Wall Detail (NOT TO SCALE)Project # 18.100Client Name: Ostertag Cement, Inc.Client Address: 14198 Commerce Ave NE #300, Prior Lake, MN 5537234Grade to be at least 6" below top of wallSill plate by others w/ 1/2" diameter anchor bolts w/ 7" minimum embed & standard washers @ 72" o.c. max or equivalent metal strap anchors (Anchor bolt clearance between edge of both wall and sill plate is to be 2")Page S5 of S6(1)#4 continuous horizontal bar w/in 18" of top of wall1901 E Hennepin Ave, #201Minneapolis, MN 55413Phone: 612-720-4639Fax: 612-886-2966www.oswellec.comFooting elevation may vary below slab, provide frost protection per Code8" thick x 18" wide minimum unreinforced concrete strip footing (16" wide minimum for maximum unbalanced grade of 2'-6" or less), larger footing width may be required for specific soil bearing conditions to be determined per Code by others6" minimum thick cast-in-place concrete wall#4 x 2'-0" long centered dowels w/ 5" minimum embed wet set or epoxy grouted in place32" o.c. max for sand & 24" o.c. max for SC & clay 48" o.c. max for sand, 42" o.c. max for SC, & 36" o.c. max for clay 1/1/20193'-2" maxWood floor & wall framing by othersGrade to be at least 6" below top of wallBBASEMENT WALL DETAILTTable Notes:(1) = (2) = Allowed alternate anchors are:Oswell Engineering and Consulting, L.L.C.Project Name: 2019 Standardized Concrete Foundation DrawingsDescription: Full Height Wall Detail (NOT TO SCALE)Project # 18.100Client Name: Ostertag Cement, Inc.Client Address: 14198 Commerce Ave NE #300, Prior Lake, MN 5537234Page S6 of S6Continuous #4 horizontal bars, provide at least (2) @ 8'-0" clear, (3) @ 9'-0" clear, & (4) @ 10'-0" clear, At contractor's option: The lowest wall horizontal bar may be omitted if (2)#4 continuous horizontal bars are placed in the footing11901 E Hennepin Ave, #201MMinneapolis, MN 55413PPhone: 612-720-4639FFax: 612-886-2966wwww.oswellec.comUnreinforced if concrete is 5000 psi or if clear height is 4" lessUnreinforced if concrete is 4000 psi or if clear height is 4" lessCast-in-place concrete foundation wall w/ #6 or equivalent vertical bars placed 1.5" from inside face, see table below for spacing2x6 minimum sill plate w/ 1/2" diameter anchor bolts w/ 7" minimum embed & 2" wide x 1/8" thick square or round countersunk washers or alternative anchor (Anchor bolt clearance between edge of both wall and sill plate is to be 2.5") (see table below for spacing) Exterior top of wall may have a brick ledge provided the stem wall formed is at least 6" thick & no more than 16" high Connection of floor members to sill plate to be per Code by others1/1/2019Clear Height88' or LessBBoltsAAlternateNANA36"(1)NANACClay99'WWall Thickness88"110"112"#4 x 2'-0" long dowels @ 72" o.c. max w/ 5" minimum embedSSandSSCCClaySSandSSCUnreinforced concrete strip footing per Code by others, elevation below slab may vary as requiredMAB/ST, MASA/FA3, FWAZ, or 1/2" diameter expansion bolts w/ 6" min embed (install in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations)110'CClear Height and Soil TypeSSandSSCCClayVVertical Rebar SpacingNANANANA36"36"(1)NA24"36"NA36"36"(1)NA36"(2)NANANANANA72"48"72"24"48"18"36"(1)NANA72"36"60"24"36"12"48"18"SSill Anchor Spacing36"12"24"8" ProductsPlotID Net Qty ProductLength PliesB1 2 1-3/4" x 7-1/4" VERSA-LAM® 2.0 3100 SP 8' 0" 2B2 2 1-3/4" x 7-1/4" VERSA-LAM® 2.0 3100 SP 4' 0" 2B3 1 Beam by others 4' 0" 1OPTIONAL EGRESSWINDOW HEADER(2) 1-3/4"X7-1/4"X6'VERSA LAM LVLSTAIRWAYFLOOR TRUSSESBY OTHERSFLOOR TRUSSESBY OTHERSUNEXCAVATEDPORCH FRAMINGBY OTHERSSINGLETRIMMERSB2B1B346' 0" 2' 0" 24' 4"15' 8"12' 0" 5' 6" 11' 6"20' 0"49' 0"4' 0" 12' 0"ProductsPlotID Net Qty Product Length PliesB1 3 Beam by others 6' 0" 1FLOOR TRUSSESBY OTHERSB1B1B149' 0"15' 8"11' 6" 12' 0" 13' 6" 12' 0"ProductsPlotID Net Qty Product Length PliesB1 2 Beam by others 8' 0" 1B2 1 Beam by others 4' 0" 1FLOOR TRUSSESBY OTHERSSINGLETRIMMERSB2B1B115' 8"49' 0"11' 6" 12' 0" 13' 6" 12' 0"Sheet: 1 of 7DWG: Basement BeamsFile: Plan # Arvada-5495By: Anthony EstevezDate: 3-2-19Scale: 1/4" = 1' - 0"BC FRAMERD.R. HORTONBoise Building Material DistributionLakeville, MN (952) 469-5900SALES PRESENTATION DRAWINGNo structural or dimensional check has been made of this designdrawings of the building, therefore purchaser is to check andapprove all dimsensions, quantities, loads, and details carefully.This drawing has not been check by Boise Engineering.NOTE:ALL MEASUREMENTSTO BE VERIFIEDIN THE FIELD.Revisions:BY:"BEAM BY OTHERS" TO BE ADOUBLE 2X10 SPF #2SUPPLIED BY OTHERS,UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.NOTE:ALL HEADERS REQUIRE NOLESS THAN 3" OF BEARINGAT EACH END. UNLESSNOTED OTHERWISE.PLAN # ARVADA-5495-GRD.R. HORTONBASEMENT BEAMSDESIGN = L/360BASEMENT BEAMSALL ELEVATIONSWALKOUT OPTIONALL ELEVATIONSLOOKOUT OPTIONALL ELEVATIONSDETAIL N/A START FRAMING HEREJOISTS @ 19.2" OC START FRAMING HERE JOISTS @ 19.2" OCProductsPlotID Net Qty ProductLength PliesJ1 4 14" BCI® 4500s-1.8 24' 0" 1J2 1 14" BCI® 4500s-1.8 20' 0" 1J3 12 14" BCI® 4500s-1.8 18' 0" 1J4 19 14" BCI® 4500s-1.8 16' 0" 1J5 2 14" BCI® 4500s-1.8 12' 0" 1J6 6 14" BCI® 6000s-1.8 44' 0" 1B1 2 1-3/4" x 7-1/4" VERSA-LAM® 2.0 3100 SP 20' 0" 2B2 2 1-3/4" x 7-1/4" VERSA-LAM® 2.0 3100 SP 8' 0" 2B3 4 1-3/4" x 9-1/2" VERSA-LAM® 2.0 3100 SP 8' 0" 2B4 6 1-3/4" x 11-7/8" VERSA-LAM® 2.0 3100 SP 10' 0" 2B5 2 1-3/4" x 14" VERSA-LAM® 2.0 3100 SP 14' 0" 2B6 3 1-3/4" x 14" VERSA-LAM® 2.0 3100 SP 8' 0" 1B7 1 1-3/4" x 14" VERSA-LAM® 2.0 3100 SP 6' 0" 1B8 1 1-3/4" x 14" VERSA-LAM® 2.0 3100 SP 2' 0" 1B9 2 1-3/4" x 16" VERSA-LAM® 2.0 3100 SP 22' 0" 2B10 1 Beam by others 8' 0" 1B11 2 Beam by others 6' 0" 1B12 3 Beam by others 4' 0" 1Ca1 18 1-1/8" x 14" BC RIM BOARD OSB 12' 0" 1Bk1 1 14" BCI® 4500s-1.8 28' 0" 1Pt1 3 Post by others 8' 0" 1Connector SummaryPlotID Qty Manuf ProductH1 1 USP HD17112H2 4 USP THF17140OPTIONALWALK-IN SHOWERPLUMBING DROPSTAIRWAYPORCH ROOFBY OTHERSJACK AND JILLBATHROOM OPTIONPLUMBING DROPSROOF TRUSSESBY OTHERSSINGLETRIMMERSPt1Pt1Pt1B1B2B3B3B4B4B4B5B6B7B8B9B10B11B11B12B12B12B6B6Ca1Ca1Ca1Ca1Ca1Ca1Ca1Ca1Ca1Ca1Ca1Ca1J2H1H2H2J5J3J4J4J1J6Bk1Bk1Bk120' 0"5' 6"24' 4"15' 8"2' 0" 12' 0"49' 0"4' 0" 11' 6"46' 0" Sheet: 3 of 7DWG: Upper Floor FramingFile: Plan # Arvada-5495By: Anthony EstevezDate: 3-2-19Scale: 1/4" = 1' - 0"BC FRAMERD.R. HORTONBoise Building Material DistributionLakeville, MN (952) 469-5900SALES PRESENTATION DRAWINGNo structural or dimensional check has been made of this designdrawings of the building, therefore purchaser is to check andapprove all dimsensions, quantities, loads, and details carefully.This drawing has not been check by Boise Engineering.NOTE:ALL MEASUREMENTSTO BE VERIFIEDIN THE FIELD.Revisions:BY:"BEAM BY OTHERS" TO BE ADOUBLE 2X10 SPF #2SUPPLIED BY OTHERS,UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.NOTE:ALL HEADERS REQUIRE NOLESS THAN 3" OF BEARINGAT EACH END. UNLESSNOTED OTHERWISE.PLAN # ARVADA-5495-GRD.R. HORTONUPPER FLOOR FRAMINGDESIGN = L/480UPPER FLOOR FRAMINGELEVATION "B" ProductsPlotID Net Qty Product Length PliesB1 1 Girder Truss by others 16' 0" 1B2 2 Beam by others 8' 0" 1B3 7 Beam by others 4' 0" 1ROOF TRUSSESBY OTHERSSINGLETRIMMERSSINGLETRIMMERSSINGLETRIMMERSSINGLETRIMMERSSINGLETRIMMERSSTAIRWAYROOF TRUSSESBY OTHERSSINGLETRIMMERSSINGLETRIMMERSB1B2B2B3B3B3B3B3B3B315' 8"12' 0"27' 10"49' 0"46' 0" 12' 0"20' 0"5' 0"Sheet: 5 of 7DWG: Upper Floor HeadersFile: Plan # Arvada-5495By: Anthony EstevezDate: 3-2-19Scale: 1/4" = 1' - 0"BC FRAMERD.R. HORTONBoise Building Material DistributionLakeville, MN (952) 469-5900SALES PRESENTATION DRAWINGNo structural or dimensional check has been made of this designdrawings of the building, therefore purchaser is to check andapprove all dimsensions, quantities, loads, and details carefully.This drawing has not been check by Boise Engineering.NOTE:ALL MEASUREMENTSTO BE VERIFIEDIN THE FIELD.Revisions:BY:"BEAM BY OTHERS" TO BE ADOUBLE 2X10 SPF #2SUPPLIED BY OTHERS,UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.NOTE:ALL HEADERS REQUIRE NOLESS THAN 3" OF BEARINGAT EACH END. UNLESSNOTED OTHERWISE.PLAN # ARVADA-5495-GRD.R. HORTONUPPER FLOOR HEADERSDESIGN = L/360UPPER FLOOR HEADERSELEVATION "B" DescriptionJanuary 2, 2019Project Number:Date:8.787S11Sheets: of2Print Name:Signed: License Number:Date:I hereby certify that this plan, specification or reportwas prepared by me or under my direct supervisionand that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineerunder the laws of the State of Minnesota.D R Horton 20860 Kenbridge Court #100Lakeville, MN 55044Arvada-B-GR ModelMinnesota Construction3407 Kilmer Lane NSuite 4Plymouth, MN 554416GN 612-708-3572YYYJCPUQPITQWROPEQOPLANS SHOWN LIGHT IN BACKGROUND ARE FORLOCATION REFERENCE ONLY. PLAN NOTES ANDELEMENTS SHOWN LIGHT MAY NOT NECESSARILYSUPPORT THE HANSON GROUP'S DESIGN.DateRevisionRyan Mack1-2-1946673COPYRIGHT HANSON GROUP, LLC 2019©2x4 BLOCKING BETWEENTRUSSES NAILED TO TOPPLATES w/ (3) 8d NAILS EACHNAIL EACH JOIST TOTOP PLATE w/ (3) 8dTOENAILSNAIL BOTTOM PLATETO BLOCKING w/ (3)16d NAILS EVERY 16"INTERIOR BEARING WALLINTERIOR NON-BEARING WALLPROVIDE FULL DEPTHBLOCKING BETWEENJOISTS NAILED TOTOP PLATES w/ (3) 8dNAILS EACHNAIL BOTTOM PLATETO BLOCKING w/ (3)16d NAILS EVERY 16"PROVIDE TRUSSDIRECTLY IN LINEw/ BRACED WALLPANEL FASTENEDTO PLATES w/ 8dTOENAILS @ 6" O.C.PROVIDE JOISTDIRECTLY IN LINEw/ BRACED WALLPANEL FASTENEDTO PLATES w/ 8dTOENAILS @ 6" O.C.THIS SHEET/S REPRESENTS A COMPLETE DESIGN OF THE "MAIN WINDFORCE RESISTING SYSTEM" FOR THE ENTIRERESIDENTIAL STRUCTURE. THE LOCATION AND LENGTH OF EACH BRACED WALL PANEL AND ENGINEERED WINDRESISTING ELEMENT THAT IS REQUIRED FOR THE HANSON GROUP'S DESIGN IS SHOWN ON THE STRUCTURALDRAWINGS. WALLS NOT SPECIFICALLY LABELED ON THE PLANS MAY BE STANDARD FRAMING.SECTIONS SHOWN DEPICT CONNECTIONS OF BRACED WALL PANELS TOROOF TRUSSES ABOVE, TO JOISTS/TRUSSES/BLOCKING ABOVE, AND TOJOISTS/TRUSSES/BLOCKING BELOW. THESE PANELS ARE NOT NECESSARILYREQUIRED TO ALIGN, BUT MAY DEPENDING ON PLAN LAYOUT.NAIL EACH TRUSS TO TOPPLATE w/ (3) 8d TOENAILSNAIL BOTTOM PLATETO BLOCKING w/ (3)16d NAILS EVERY 16"PROVIDE FULL DEPTHBLOCKING BETWEENTRUSSES NAILED TOTOP PLATES w/ (3) 8dNAILS EACHNAIL BOTTOM PLATETO BLOCKING w/ (3)16d NAILS EVERY 16"PROVIDE TRUSSDIRECTLY IN LINEw/ BRACED WALLPANEL FASTENEDTO PLATES w/ 8dTOENAILS @ 6" O.C.ROOFTRUSSESBRACEDWALL PANELFLAT 2x6 @ 24" O.C.(MIN. (3) PER BRACEDWALL PANEL)SIMPSONA35FRAMINGANGLEEACH END(4) 0.131"Øx 3" NAILSPROVIDE 12" WIDTH WEBSTIFFENER FOR ATTACHMENTOF FRAMING ANGLEBRACEDWALL PANEL(4) 0.131"Øx 3" NAILSSIMPSONA35FRAMINGANGLEEACH ENDFLOORJOISTSPROVIDE 12" WIDTH WEBSTIFFENER FOR ATTACHMENTOF FRAMING ANGLEBRACEDWALL PANEL(4) 0.131"Øx 3" NAILSSIMPSONA35FRAMINGANGLEEACH ENDFLOORJOISTSBRACEDWALL PANEL(4) 0.131"Øx 3" NAILSSIMPSONLTP4FRAMINGPLATEEACH ENDFLOORTRUSSESFLAT 2x6 @ 24" O.C.(MIN. (3) PER BRACEDWALL PANEL)FLAT 2x6 @ 24" O.C.(MIN. (3) PER BRACEDWALL PANEL)FLAT 2x6 @ 24" O.C.(MIN. (3) PER BRACEDWALL PANEL)BRACEDWALL PANEL(4) 0.131"Øx 3" NAILSSIMPSONLTP4FRAMINGPLATEEACH ENDFLOORTRUSSESFLAT 2x6 @ 24" O.C.(MIN. (3) PER BRACEDWALL PANEL)BRACED WALL CONNECTIONBRACED WALL CONNECTIONBRACED WALL CONNECTION(ROOF TRUSSES)(FLOOR JOISTS)(FLOOR TRUSSES)DETAILS SHOWN ABOVE AREALTERNATIVE CONNECTIONS TO BEUSED WHEN BRACED WALL PANELDOES NOT ALIGN WITH FRAMING.EXTERIOR NON-BEARING WALLROOF TRUSSFASTENED TOPLATES w/ 8dTOENAILS @6" O.C.NAIL RIM TOPPLATES w/ 8dTOENAILS @6" O.C.NAIL BOTTOMPLATE TO RIM/JOIST/BLOCKINGw/ (3) 16d NAILSEVERY 16"NAIL LADDERTRUSS TO TOPPLATES w/ 8dNAILS @ 6" O.C.NAIL BOTTOMPLATE TOLADDER TRUSSw/ (3) 16d NAILSEVERY 16"ROOF TRUSSESFASTENED TO PLATESw/ (3) 8d TOENAILS &SIMPSON H2.5 CLIP2x4 BLOCKINGBETWEENTRUSSES NAILEDTO TOP PLATES w/(3) 8d NAILS EACHNAIL EACH JOISTTO TOP PLATES w/(3) 8d TOENAILSNAIL BOTTOMPLATE TO RIM/JOIST/BLOCKINGw/ (3) 16d NAILSEVERY 16"NAIL EACH TRUSSTO TOP PLATES w/(3) 8d TOENAILSNAIL BOTTOMPLATE TO RIBBONBRACE / TRUSS w/(3) 16d NAILSEVERY 16"FRAME 2x4 BOXAROUND SPACEBETWEEN TRUSS w/SAME SHEATHINGAND FASTENING ASWALL BELOW(OR REPLACE w/ADEQUATE DEPTH2x MEMBER)#12 x 312" WOODSCREWS @ 16" O.C.INSTALLED INADDITION TO NAILS(MAIN/UPPERLEVEL ROOFTRUSS BEARINGWALLS ONLY)#12 x 312" WOODSCREWS @ 16" O.C.INSTALLED INADDITION TO NAILS(MAIN/UPPERLEVEL ROOFTRUSS BEARINGWALLS ONLY)EXTERIOR BEARING WALLREPRESENTSFIGURER602.10.8.2(3)INDICATES INTERIOR BRACED WALL PANEL w/ GYPSUMSHEATHING BOTH FACES WITH EITHER FASTENER OPTIONLISTED IN NOTE 4, SPACED AT 4" O.C. PROVIDE INCREASEDFASTENING REQUIREMENTS AS SHOWN BELOW.INDICATES EXTERIOR BRACED WALL PANEL w/ SHEATHING ONEXTERIOR FACE IN ACCORDANCE w/ NOTE 3. PROVIDEINCREASED FASTENING REQUIREMENTS AS SHOWN BELOW.INDICATES ENGINEERED WIND RESISTING ELEMENTS TOBE CONSTRUCTED AS SHOWN IN THE DETAIL SHEETS.(MIN. LENGTH)(MIN. LENGTH)INDICATES EXTERIOR BRACED WALL PANEL w/ SHEATHING ONEXTERIOR FACE IN ACCORDANCE w/ NOTE 2. PROVIDEINCREASED FASTENING REQUIREMENTS AS SHOWN BELOW.(MIN. LENGTH)SCOPEDESIGN AND DETAIL OF THE MAIN WINDFORCE RESISTING SYSTEM FOR A SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE.CONSTRUCTION IS TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THIS DOCUMENT, STANDARD INDUSTRY PRACTICE, AND THE CODE.NOTES1.THESE DOCUMENTS APPLY TO STRUCTURAL ONLY. REFER TO CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS FOR MOREINFORMATION.2.ALL EXTERIOR WALLS ARE TO BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA, U.N.O., WHICHMEETS OR EXCEEDS THE REQUIREMENTS OF CODE SECTION R602.10.4 - SFB AND CS-SFB.A.2x6 STUDS SPACED @ 16" O.C.B.MIN. WALL SHEATHING: 12 " FIBERBOARD SHEATHING w/ 134" GALVANIZED ROOF NAILS OR 8d NAILS OR 112" 16GAUGE STAPLES @ 3" O.C AT PANEL EDGES AND 6" O.C. AT INTERMEDIATE SUPPORTS.3.NOTED "OSB" EXTERIOR WALLS ARE TO BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA,U.N.O., WHICH MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE REQUIREMENTS OF CODE SECTION R602.10.4-WSP AND CS-WSP.A.2x6 STUDS SPACED @ 16" O.C.B.EXTERIOR SHEATHING: 716" MIN. STRUCTURAL PANEL SHEATHING w/ 8d NAILS @ 6" O.C AT PANEL EDGES AND 12"O.C. AT INTERMEDIATE SUPPORTS OR 134" 16 GAUGE STAPLES @ 3" / 6" SPACING.C.A MINIMUM 24-INCH WOOD STRUCTURAL PANEL CORNER RETURN SHALL BE PROVIDED AT BOTH ENDS OF ACONTINUOUSLY-SHEATHED BRACED WALL LINE IN ACCORDANCE WITH FIGURE R602.10.7. IN LIEU OF THECORNER RETURN, A TIE-DOWN DEVICE WITH A MINIMUM UPLIFT DESIGN VALUE OF 800 POUNDS (SIMPSONLSTA36, MSTC28, OR EQUIVALENT) SHALL BE FASTENED TO THE CORNER STUD AND TO THE FOUNDATION(SIMPSON LTT19, LTT20B, HTT4, OR EQUIVALENT) OR FRAMING BELOW IN ACCORDANCE WITH FIGURE R602.10.7.4.ALL INTERIOR WALLS ARE TO BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA, U.N.O.A.2x4 OR 2x6 STUDS SPACED @ 16" O.C.B.WALL SHEATHING: 12" MIN. GYPSUM SHEATHING FASTENED TO FRAMING w/ 5d COOLER NAILS @ 8" O.C. MAX. ORTYPE S/W WALLBOARD SCREWS @ 16" O.C. MAX. (58" MINIMUM STUD PENETRATION)5.ALL FLOORS ARE TO BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA.A.FLOOR FRAMING SPACED AT A MAXIMUM OF 24" O.C.B.FLOOR SHEATHING: 34" STRUCTURAL PANEL SHEATHING w/ 8d NAILS @ 6" O.C AT PANEL EDGES AND 12" O.C. ATINTERMEDIATE SUPPORTS.6.ALL ROOFS ARE TO BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA.A.ROOF FRAMING SPACED AT A MAXIMUM OF 24" O.C.B.FASTEN ALL ROOF FRAMING TO TOP PLATES WITH SIMPSON H2.5 CLIPS OR EQUIVALENT AND (3) 8d TOENAILS.C.ROOF SHEATHING: 12" STRUCTURAL PANEL SHEATHING w/ 8d NAILS @ 6" O.C AT PANEL EDGES AND 12" O.C. ATINTERMEDIATE SUPPORTS OR 134" 16 GAUGE STAPLES @ 3" / 6" SPACING.7.ALONG LENGTH OF WALLS, LAP WALL TOP PLATES A MINIMUM OF 24" AND FASTEN TOGETHER WITH (8) 16d NAILS INLAP ZONE. AT CORNERS AND INTERSECTIONS, LAP PLATES AND PROVIDE (2) 10d FACE NAILS.8.CONNECTIONS NOT SPECIFICALLY NOTED ARE TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH CODE TABLE R602.3(1).MATERIALSWALL STUDS (10' OR LESS):SPF STUD GRADE OR BETTERWALL STUDS (OVER 10'):SPF NO.2 GRADE OR BETTERDIMENSIONAL LUMBER:SPF NO.2 GRADE OR BETTERTREATED LUMBER:SYP NO.2 GRADE OR BETTERLSL:134" WIDTH - 1.55E OR BETTERLVL:134" WIDTH - 1.9E OR BETTERw/ JOISTSw/ TRUSSESw/ JOISTSw/ TRUSSESw/ JOISTSw/ TRUSSESw/ JOISTSw/ TRUSSESLOADSROOF SNOW LOAD: 35-42 PSFROOF DEAD LOAD: 15 PSFFLOOR LIVE LOAD: 40 PSFFLOOR DEAD LOAD: 15 PSFWIND LOAD:90 MPH EXP. BCODE2015 MINNESOTA RESIDENTIAL CODEHARDWAREALTERNATETABLESIMPSONPRODUCTUSPPRODUCTA34MP34A35MPA1H2.5RT7HTT5HTT45LSTASTRAPSAMELTP4MP4FMSTCSTRAPSAMESTHD14/RJSTAD14/RJTITEN HDWEDGEBOLTHARDWARE IN SAMEROW MAY BE USEDINTERCHANGEABLYIN THIS DOCUMENTPARTIAL LOWER LEVEL HOUSE PLANSHOWN FOR LOCATION REFERENCE ONLY1S1REFERENCE PLANTHE REQUIREMENTS SHOWN DIRECTLY ABOVE ONLY APPLY TO WALKOUT FOUNDATIONSTHE REQUIREMENTS SHOWN DIRECTLY ABOVE ONLY APPLY TO WALKOUT FOUNDATIONS w/ SUNROOMTHE REQUIREMENTS SHOWN DIRECTLY ABOVE ONLY APPLY TO LOOKOUT FOUNDATIONSTHE REQUIREMENTS SHOWN DIRECTLY ABOVE ONLY APPLY TO LOOKOUT FOUNDATIONS w/ SUNROOMTHE REQUIREMENTS SHOWN DIRECTLY ABOVE ONLY APPLY w/ OPTIONAL SUNROOMMAIN LEVEL HOUSE PLAN SHOWNFOR LOCATION REFERENCE ONLY2S1REFERENCE PLANUPPER LEVEL HOUSE PLAN SHOWNFOR LOCATION REFERENCE ONLY3S1REFERENCE PLANCONSTRUCTSHEARWALL ASSHOWN IN 2/S2(4-FT)(4-FT)(4-FT) (4-FT)(4-FT) (4-FT)(6-FT)(4-FT)(4-FT)(4-FT)(4-FT)ONE-SIDED(4-FT)ONE-SIDED(3-FT)(3-FT)BRACED WALL LINE BRACED WALL LINE BRACED WALL LINE BRACEDWALL LINEBRACEDWALL LINEBRACEDWALL LINE(8-FT)(8-FT)(3-FT) (6-FT)(6-FT)(6-FT)(4-FT)(4-FT)(4-FT)(3-FT)(3-FT)(2.8-FT)(8-FT)(8-FT)BRACED WALL LINE BRACED WALL LINEBRACEDWALL LINEBRACEDWALL LINEBRACEDWALL LINE(4-FT)(4-FT)(4-FT)ONE-SIDED(4-FT)ONE-SIDEDBRACEDWALL LINE(4-FT)(4-FT)(4-FT)(4-FT)BRACEDWALL LINE(4-FT)(4-FT)BRACEDWALL LINE(4-FT)(4-FT)(4-FT)(4-FT)BRACEDWALL LINE(4-FT)(4-FT)(4-FT)BRACEDWALL LINE(3-FT)(3-FT)(2.5-FT)OSBOSBOSBOSBCONSTRUCTSHEARWALL ASSHOWN IN 3/S2CONSTRUCTSHEARWALL ASSHOWN IN 3/S2CONSTRUCTPORTAL FRAMEAS SHOWN IN 1/S2(3-FT)(3-FT)BRACED WALL PANELFASTEN BOTTOM PLATE TOJOIST/BLOCKING w/ (3) 16dNAILS EVERY 16" O.C.CANTILEVERED FLOORJOIST BY SUPPLIERFRAMEWALL / BRACEDWALL PANEL BELOWBLOCKING BETWEEN JOISTS AS FOLLOWS:·FLAT 2x4 TOP & BOTTOM OR JOISTMATERIAL OR SAWN BLOCKING·34" PLYWOOD SHEET NAILED TO 2x4's w/(8) 8d NAILS TOP & BOTTOM·CIRCULAR HOLE UP TO 6"Ø MAY BE CUTINTO CENTER OF PLYWOODNAIL FLOOR SHEATHING TOBLOCKING w/ 8d NAILS @ 6" O.C.FASTEN BOTTOM 2x4 w/ (3) 16dNAILS EVERY 16" O.C. SECTION 4S1AT BRACED WALL PANELS ABOVECANTILEVERED FLOOR FRAMINGNOTEREQUIREMENTS SHOWN IN THIS SECTION ONLY APPLY WHENA BRACED WALL PANEL IS LOCATED ABOVE A CANTILEVEREDFLOOR SYSTEM. SEE PLANS FOR APPLICABILITY.SEE 4/S1 FOR REQUIREMENTSWHEN A BRACED WALL PANEL ISLOCATED ABOVE A CANTILEVER TYP. COPYRIGHT HANSON GROUP, LLC 2019©DescriptionDateRevisionJanuary 2, 2019Project Number:Date:8.787S22Sheets: of2Print Name:Signed: License Number:Ryan Mack1-2-1946673Date:I hereby certify that this plan, specification or reportwas prepared by me or under my direct supervisionand that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineerunder the laws of the State of Minnesota.D R Horton 20860 Kenbridge Court #100Lakeville, MN 55044Arvada-GR ModelElevations A, B, & CMinnesota Construction3407 Kilmer Lane NSuite 4Plymouth, MN 554416GN 612-708-3572YYYJCPUQPITQWROPEQOPROVIDE 14" x 4" CONCRETE SCREWS @ 16" O.C.THRU SILL PLATE INTO FOUNDATION AT THISWALL PORTION IN ADDITION TO ANCHOR BOLTS(NOT SHOWN)SIMPSON STHD14RJ EMBEDDED HOLDOWNANCHOR AT LOCATIONS SHOWN(REFER TO 4/S2 FOR ALTERNATIVE OPTIONS TOBE USED w/ SILL PLATE OVERHANG)PROVIDE DOUBLE STUDS ATEACH END OF SHEARWALL(MAY USE BEARING/KINGSTUDS AS REQ'D)HEADER & BEARING/KINGSTUDS AT SIDES OFOPENINGS BY SUPPLIERHATCHED AREA INDICATES 716" ORTHICKER PLYWOOD/OSB EXTERIORSHEATHING FASTENED TO STUDS w/8d NAILS @ 4" O.C. AT PANEL EDGES& @ 12" O.C. AT INTERIOR SUPPORTSTYPICAL 2x6 STUDS @ 16" O.C.FASTEN BOTTOM PLATEw/ (3) 16d NAILS EVERY 16"PERFORATED SHEARWALL RAISEDABOVE FLOOR SYSTEM2S2FRAMING DETAILSIZE & NUMBER OF WALLOPENINGS MAY VARYSEE PLAN & ELEVATIONFASTEN FRAMING ABOVE AS SHOWNFOR BRACED WALL PANELSBLOCK THROUGH FLOOR SYSTEM ATSTRAP LOCATIONS AS REQ'DNOTEINFO APPLIES EQUALLY TO BOTH SIDES OF OPENING.4S2FRAMING DETAILPROVIDE 14" x 4" CONCRETE SCREWS @ 16" O.C.THRU SILL PLATE INTO FOUNDATION AT THISWALL PORTION IN ADDITION TO ANCHOR BOLTS(NOT SHOWN)SIMPSON STHD14 EMBEDDED HOLDOWNANCHOR AT LOCATIONS SHOWN(REFER TO 4/S2 FOR ALTERNATIVE OPTIONSTO BE USED w/ SILL PLATE OVERHANG)PROVIDE DOUBLE STUDS ATEACH END OF SHEARWALL(MAY USE BEARING/KINGSTUDS AS REQ'D)HEADER & BEARING/KINGSTUDS AT SIDES OFOPENINGS BY SUPPLIERHATCHED AREA INDICATES 716" ORTHICKER PLYWOOD/OSB EXTERIORSHEATHING FASTENED TO STUDS w/8d NAILS @ 4" O.C. AT PANEL EDGES& @ 12" O.C. AT INTERIOR SUPPORTSTYPICAL 2x6 STUDS @ 16" O.C.PERFORATED SHEARWALL3S2FRAMING DETAILSIZE & NUMBER OF WALLOPENINGS MAY VARYSEE PLAN & ELEVATIONFASTEN FRAMING ABOVE ASSHOWN FOR BRACED WALL PANELSNOTEINFO APPLIES EQUALLY TO BOTH SIDES OF OPENING.REPLACE HOLDOWN w/SIMPSON MSTC52STRAP LAPPED ACROSSFLOOR SYSTEM w/LOOKOUT/WALKOUTFOUNDATION BELOWSEE 2/S2 FOR REQUIREMENTS ABOVEOMIT CONCRETE SCREWS & SEE 3/S2FOR ALTERNATE CONNECTIONS w/LOOKOUT/WALKOUT FOUNDATION BELOWALTERNATE HOLDOWNCONCRETEFOUNDATIONBELOWSIMPSON HTT5HOLDOWN ANCHOR ATLOCATIONS SHOWN w/12"Ø x 12" LONGSIMPSON TITEN HDSCREW-IN ANCHORPOST-INSTALLED HOLDOWN OPTIONSALTERNATE RAISED HOLDOWN12"Ø SIMPSON TITEN HD RODCOUPLER w/ 8" EMBED INTOCONCRETE (MAY OMIT &EPOXY THREADED ROD 8"DIRECTLY INTO CONCRETE)12"Ø THREADEDROD w/ NUT &WASHER ATHOLDOWN ENDSIMPSON HTT5HOLDOWN ANCHORFASTENED TODOUBLE STUDSFLOORSYSTEMCONCRETEFOUNDATIONBELOWS2FRAMING DETAILGARAGE FRONT PORTAL FRAME1NOTEINFO APPLIES SYMMETRICALLY ACROSSDETAIL UNLESS NOTED/SHOWN OTHERWISE.1'-712"±16'-3"±NOT TO EXCEED 12'-0"FASTEN TOP PLATE TO HEADER w/ (2)ROWS 16d SINKER NAILS @ 3" O.C.(1) 2x6 BEARING STUD & (1) 2x6 FULLHEIGHT STUD EACH END OF HEADERLOCATE PANEL JOINT WITHIN 2'-0" FROMCENTER OF WALL HEIGHT AS REQ'D (2x SOLIDBLOCKING REQUIRED AT SHEATHING JOINT)(2) 2x6 BEARING STUDS MIN.(VERIFY w/ SUPPLIER)SIMPSON STHD14 EMBEDDED HOLDOWNANCHOR AT LOCATIONS SHOWN(REFER TO 4/S2 FOR ALTERNATIVE OPTION)FOUNDATION WALL BELOWLENGTH OF CONTINUOUS HEADER(2) 58" Ø ANCHOR BOLTS (7" MIN. EMBED)w/ 2" x 2" x 316" PLATE WASHERSNAIL SHEATHING TO HEADER w/ 8dNAILS @ 3" O.C. EA. WAY TYP.SMALL HATCH AREA INDICATES 716" ORTHICKER PLYWOOD OR OSB SHEATHINGAPPLIED TO EXTERIOR SIDE OF STUDS(NAIL SHEATHING AROUND PERIMETER w/ (2)ROWS 8d NAILS @ 3" O.C. STAGGERED & TOPLATES / BLOCKING @ 3" O.C.)SIMPSON MSTC40 STRAP ON INSIDE FACEOF WALL (PROVIDE SPACER TO FLUSHOUT HEADER TO WALL STUD THICKNESS)FASTEN KING STUD TO HEADER w/(2) ROWS 16d SINKER NAILS @ 3" O.C.2'-112"±CONTINUOUS LSL/LVL HEADER TOSUPPORT VERTICAL LOADS BY SUPPLIER(MIN.312" WIDTH & MIN.1114" DEPTH REQ'D)PROVIDE 2x6 INFILL WALL ABOVE HEADER AS REQ'DLARGE HATCH AREA INDICATES 716" OR THICKERPLYWOOD OR OSB SHEATHING APPLIED TO EXTERIORSIDE OF STUDS w/ STANDARD 6"/12" NAILINGPROVIDE FASTENING OF ABOVE FRAMINGAS SHOWN FOR BRACED WALL PANELS58" Ø ANCHOR BOLT (7" MIN. EMBED)w/ 2" x 2" x 316" PLATE WASHER DRH 5495 HVAC Load Calculations for DR Horton Lakeville, MN Prepared By: Michael Hoium Sabre Plumbing & Heating 15535 Medina Road Plymouth, MN 55447 763-473-2267 Wednesday, April 03, 2019 Rhvac is an ACCA approved Manual J, D and S computer program. Calculations are performed per ACCA Manual J 8th Edition, Version 2, and ACCA Manual D. Rhvac - Residential & Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Software Development, Inc. Sabre Plumbing & Heating DRH 5495 Plymouth, MN 55447 Page 2 Project Report General Project Information Project Title:DRH 5495 Designed By:Michael Hoium Project Date:Wednesday, April 03, 2019 Client Name:DR Horton Client City:Lakeville, MN Company Name:Sabre Plumbing & Heating Company Representative:Michael Hoium Company Address:15535 Medina Road Company City:Plymouth, MN 55447 Company Phone:763-473-2267 Company Fax:763-473-8565 Design Data Reference City:Minneapolis, Minnesota Building Orientation:Front door faces South Daily Temperature Range:Medium Latitude:44 Degrees Elevation:834 ft. Altitude Factor:0.970 Outdoor Outdoor Outdoor Indoor Indoor Grains Dry Bulb Wet Bulb Rel.Hum Rel.Hum Dry Bulb Difference Winter:-15 -15.33 n/a 30%72 33.90 Summer:88 73 50%50%75 35 Check Figures Total Building Supply CFM:1,053 CFM Per Square ft.:0.258 Square ft. of Room Area:4,086 Square ft. Per Ton:1,660 Volume (ft³):28,408 Building Loads Total Heating Required Including Ventilation Air:59,269 Btuh 59.269 MBH Total Sensible Gain:23,445 Btuh 79 % Total Latent Gain:6,096 Btuh 21 % Total Cooling Required Including Ventilation Air:29,541 Btuh 2.46 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) Notes Rhvac is an ACCA approved Manual J, D and S computer program. Calculations are performed per ACCA Manual J 8th Edition, Version 2, and ACCA Manual D. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads according to the manufacturer's performance data at your design conditions. Wednesday, April 03, 2019, 3:54 PM Rhvac - Residential & Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Software Development, Inc. Sabre Plumbing & Heating DRH 5495 Plymouth, MN 55447 Page 3 Load Preview Report Scope Net Ton ft.² /Ton Area Sen Gain Lat Gain Net Gain Sen Loss Sys Htg CFM Sys Clg CFM Sys Act CFM Duct Size Building 2.46 1,660 4,086 23,445 6,096 29,541 59,269 706 1,053 1,053 System 1 2.46 1,660 4,086 23,445 6,096 29,541 59,269 706 1,053 1,053 12x15 Ventilation 916 3,828 4,744 6,128 Supply Duct Latent 115 115 Return Duct 57 51 108 383 Humidification 6,627 Zone 1 4,086 22,472 2,101 24,573 46,131 706 1,053 1,053 12x15 1-Basement 1,230 2,406 0 2,406 12,520 192 113 113 2--5 2-Main Floor 1,346 12,410 2,101 14,511 17,675 271 581 581 6--6 3-Second Floor 1,510 7,656 0 7,656 15,936 244 359 359 4--6 Wednesday, April 03, 2019, 3:54 PM Rhvac - Residential & Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Software Development, Inc. Sabre Plumbing & Heating DRH 5495 Plymouth, MN 55447 Page 4 Total Building Summary Loads Component Description Area Quan Sen Loss Lat Gain Sen Gain Total Gain Low EE: Glazing-LowEE Builder Grade .31 U-value, .29 SHGC, Window and Patio Door, U-value 0.31, SHGC 0.29 450 12,146 0 6,602 6,602 11J: Door-Metal - Fiberglass Core, U-value 0.6 37.8 1,972 0 544 544 15A-15sffc-8: Wall-Basement, concrete block wall, R-15 foam board to floor, no framing, no interior finish, filled core, 8' floor depth, U-value 0.034 544 1,610 0 0 0 15A-15sffc-4: Wall-Basement, concrete block wall, R-15 foam board to floor, no framing, no interior finish, filled core, 4' floor depth, U-value 0.039 96 326 0 0 0 12F-0sw: Wall-Frame, R-21 insulation in 2 x 6 stud cavity, no board insulation, siding finish, wood studs, U-value 0.065 3230.2 18,266 0 2,792 2,792 15A-10sffc-8: Wall-Basement, concrete block wall, R-10 foam board to floor, no framing, no interior finish, filled core, 8' floor depth, U-value 0.042 392 1,432 0 0 0 RJ 20 Spray Foam: Wall-Frame, Custom, Rim Joist R-20 Closed Cell Spray Foam, U-value 0.05 506.7 2,206 0 622 622 R49 16B-49: Roof/Ceiling-Under Attic with Insulation on Attic Floor (also use for Knee Walls and Partition Ceilings), Custom, R-49 Blown Insulation, No Radiant Barrier, Vented Attic, Asphalt Shingles, U- value 0.023 1510 3,022 0 1,667 1,667 21A-20: Floor-Basement, Concrete slab, any thickness, 2 or more feet below grade, no insulation below floor, any floor cover, shortest side of floor slab is 20' wide, U-value 0.027 1230 2,889 0 0 0 P-32 R-32: Floor-Over open crawl space or garage, Custom, R-30 Blanket insulation, 3/4" Foamboard R- 2, any cover, U-value 0.03 230 600 0 55 55 Subtotals for structure:44,469 0 12,282 12,282 People:6 1,200 1,380 2,580 Equipment:901 4,116 5,017 Lighting:1250 4,263 4,263 Ductwork:2,045 166 419 586 Infiltration: Winter CFM: 0, Summer CFM: 0 0 0 0 0 Ventilation: Winter CFM: 165, Summer CFM: 165 6,128 3,828 916 4,744 Humidification (Winter) 18.07 gal/day :6,627 0 0 0 AED Excursion:0 0 70 70 Total Building Load Totals:59,269 6,096 23,445 29,541 Check Figures Total Building Supply CFM:1,053 CFM Per Square ft.:0.258 Square ft. of Room Area:4,086 Square ft. Per Ton:1,660 Volume (ft³):28,408 Building Loads Total Heating Required Including Ventilation Air:59,269 Btuh 59.269 MBH Total Sensible Gain:23,445 Btuh 79 % Total Latent Gain:6,096 Btuh 21 % Total Cooling Required Including Ventilation Air:29,541 Btuh 2.46 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) Notes Rhvac is an ACCA approved Manual J, D and S computer program. Calculations are performed per ACCA Manual J 8th Edition, Version 2, and ACCA Manual D. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads according to the manufacturer's performance data at your design conditions. Wednesday, April 03, 2019, 3:54 PM Date Certificate Posted x Passive (No Fan) Active (With fan and monometer or other system monitoring device) Location (or future Location) of Fan: X R-10/R15 X X R-20 X R-20 X R-21 X R-49 X R-49 X R-30 X R-32 X X Not applicable, all ducts located in conditioned space R-8 MECHANICAL SYSTEMS X Not required per mech. code Passive Powered Interlocked with exhaust device. Describe: Input in BTUS:80000 Capacity in Gallons:Other, describe: AFUE or HSPF%92% Cfm's " round duct OR " metal duct Not required per mech. code X Passive Low: Other, describe: X Low: Cfm's Capacity continuous ventilation rate in cfms:5 " round duct OR Total ventilation (intermittent + continuous) rate in cfms: " metal duct ChokeCherry Hill 4th Plan ID 5495 South Foundation Wall Perimeter of Slab on Grade Rim Joist (Foundation) Community RADON SYSTEM Interior THERMAL ENVELOPE Either/OR, See Plans For Location In Attic Other Please Describe Here Below Entire Slab Total R-Value of all Types of InsulationType: Check All That Apply Non or Not ApplicableFiberglass, BlownFiberglass, Batts Insulation Location Foam, Closed CellFoam Open CellPer R401.3 Building Certificate. A building certificate shall be posted on or in the electrical distribution panel. New Construction Energy Code Compliance Certificate Name of Residential Contractor DRHorton MN License Number BC605657 Mailing Address of the Dwelling or Dwelling Unit 18802 Houston Way 165 Interior Bryant Domestic Water Heater Heating System NAT GAS Bryant 912SC48080S17 Average U-Factor (excludes skylights and one door) U: 0.31 Heating or Cooling Ducts Outside Conditioned Spaces Bonus room over garage Describe other insulated areas Fuel Type Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC): Windows & Doors Location of duct or system: Ceiling, vaulted Bay Windows or cantilevered areas Rim Joist (1st Floor+) Wall Mineral FiberboardRigid, Extruded PolystyreneRigid, Isocynurate Appliances Model R-value0.30 PROG5042NRH67PV BA13NA030 Rheem Make-up Air Select a Type Building Envelope air Tightness:Duct system air tightness: Ceiling, flat Manufacturer 83 50%=88 100%=176 NAT GAS R-410A Cooling System Rating or Size SEER or EER 50 Output in Tons:2.5 Efficiency RESIDENTIAL LOAD CALC 13 Locations of Fans, describe: HEAT LOSS 59269 HEAT GAIN 23445 COOLING LOAD 29541 Location of duct or system: Select Type 84 furnace room Heat Recover Ventilator (HRV) Capacity in cfms: Energy Recover Ventilator (ERV) Capacity in cfms: Describe any additional or combined heating or cooling systems if installed: (e.g. two furnaces or air source heat pump with gas back-up furnace Combustion Air Select a Type Balanced Ventilation Capcity in CFMS: High: High: Mechanical Ventilation System 04/22/19 X KP