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Date: Item No.
Proposed Action
Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to approve the re-submittal of the 2040
Comprehensive Plan to the Metropolitan Council, as presented.
On March 4, 2019, the City Council passed a resolution authorizing the submittal of the 2040 Comprehensive
Plan to Metropolitan Council. The plan was submitted on March 22, 2019 and Met Council had until April 12,
2019 to determine whether the plan was considered complete. Staff received notice via email on April 10, 2019
that the plan had been deemed incomplete and the formal letter was received via mail on April 15, 2019. Since
that time, staff has worked with the City’s consultants to address and include the items and information that
was deemed to be missing from the original comprehensive plan submittal.
Staff has prepared a comment and response matrix, which shows the comments from Met Council and the
City’s response to each comment. The land use, transportation, and sanitary sewer plans have been amended
to address these comments. Pending approval by the City Council, the revised plan will be submitted to the
Met Council.
Primary Issues to Consider
• None
Supporting Information
• April 12, 2019 Met Council letter re: 2040 Comprehensive Plan – Incomplete for Review
• Comment and response matrix
• Link to the 2040 Comprehensive Plan documents
Financial Impact: $ Budgeted: Y☐ N☐ Source:
Related Documents: (CIP, ERP, etc.):
Envision Lakeville Community Values: Design that Connects the Community
Report Completed by: Daryl Morey, Planning Director
May 6, 2019
City of Lakeville Comprehensive Land Use Plan
Response to Incomplete Notice
1 May 2019
Agency Topic Section Comment Response Edit Complete?
Met Council Sanitary Sewer Plan
Provide an electronic map or maps (GIS shape files or equivalent) showing the following information for the existing sanitary sewer system including:
* Lift Stations
* Existing connection points to the metropolitan disposal system
* Future connection points for new growth if needed.
* Intercommunity connections.
* Local sewer service districts by connection point.
See Attached.Y
Met Council Sanitary Sewer Plan Provide proposed changes in government boundaries based on orderly annexation agreements There are no orderly annexation agreements currently in place.Y
Met Council Sanitary Sewer Plan
The Plan needs to include a table or tables that provides the following local system information:
* Capacity and design flows for existing trunk sewers.
*For local sanitary sewer lines 12" and larger that connect to a Metropolitan Interceptor, provide the 2040 design flow and pipe capacity for each
connecting trunk sewer.
*See Attached in Appendix F.
*Completed. An additional table was created.Y
Met Council Sanitary Sewer Plan
The Plan needs to describe the requirements and standards in the City for minimizing inflow and infiltration.
* Include a copy of the local ordinance or resolution requiring the disconnection of existing foundation drains, sump pumps, and roof leaders from the
sanitary sewer system.
* Describe the sources, extent, and significance of existing inflow and infiltration in both the municipal and private sewer systems.
* Include a summary of the extent of the systems that contributes to I/I such as locations, quantities of piping or manholes, quantity of service laterals,
or other measures. If an analysis has not been completed, include schedule and scope of future system analysis.
*Include a breakdown of residential housing stock age within the City in pre- and post 1970 era, and what percentage of pre- 1970 era private services
have been evaluated for I/I susceptibility and repair.
* Include the measured or estimated amount of clearwater flow generated from the public municipal and private sewer systems.
- For quantifying I/I, some communities have used the EPA guidance to determine the annual I/I and peak month I/I.
* Include a cost summary for remediating the I/I sources identified in the City.
* See Attached in Appendices.
* An annual maintenance program is administered each year to manage peak
discharge rates and maintain/extend the overall service life of the sanitary sewer
collection system through rehabilitating infrastructure susceptible to I/I. Sources,
extent and significance are identified as part of the annual maintenance program.
Approximately 250,000 pipe-feet/year is inspected (televised) and 75 pipe-
miles/year is cleaned (jetted) to maintain the integrity and function of the sanitary
sewer system.
* An analysis of private sewer laterals has not been completed.
* A breakdown of residential housing stock is included.
* See Section 3.4.1 for I/I quantities (based on MCES monthly data).
* The adopted Lakeville 5-year Capital Improvement Plan (2019-2023) programs an
annual cost ranging from $425,000 to $525,000 to administer the Sanitary Sewer I/I
Maintenance program.
Met Council Sanitary Sewer Plan
Describe the implementation plan for preventing and eliminating excessive inflow and infiltration from entering the municipal and private sewer
* Include the strategy for implementing projects, activities, or programs planned to mitigate excessive I/I from entering the municipal and private
sewer systems.
* Include a schedule and the related financial mechanisms planned or needed to implement the I/I mitigation strategy.
* For new trunk sewer systems that require connection to the Metropolitan Disposal System, please include a table that details the proposed time
schedule for the construction of the new trunk sewer system and also:
* An annual maintenance program is administered each year to manage peak
discharge rates and maintain/extend the overall service life of the sanitary sewer
collection system through rehabilitating infrastructure susceptible to I/I.
Approximately 250,000 pipe-feet/year is inspected (televised) and 75 pipe-
miles/year is cleaned (jetted) to maintain the integrity and function of the sanitary
sewer system.
*Sanitary sewer pipe within programmed transportation project limits are inspected
to identify damaged infrastructure and maintain the integrity and function of the
sanitary sewer collection system. General sources of I/I are identified and
programmed with the roadway improvement projects or as other opportunities
present themselves to minimize overall public infrastructure life-cycle costs.
* Illegal connections are removed as they are discovered.
* The adopted Lakeville 5-year Capital Improvement Plan (2019-2023) does not
program any direct connections to the Metropolitan Disposal System.
Met Council Sanitary Sewer Plan Provide a map or maps (GIS shape files or equivalent) showing the location of subsurface sewage treatment systems and the location of
nonconforming systems or systems with problems.See Attached.Y
Met Council Sanitary Sewer Plan Advisory Comment The I/I components of the sewer plan are spread out and not clear to a reader. This section of the Plan also includes text on SSTS, grease, and other
unrelated topics. Please consider revising or add references to the text.Noted.N
Met Council Land Use Future Land Use The Plan needs to provide a clear description of the allowable density for the Office/Residential transition category.The text on page 104 has been revised to specify allowed density of 9.0 to 26.0
Met Council Land Use Future Land Use The Future Land Use Map must reflect land currently enrolled in the Agricultural Preserves program using the most recent information available. The
Plan states that some of these parcels are scheduled to expire from the program in 2020. The Plan needs to clarify this issue.
The MUSA Staging Plan and 2040 Land Use Plan maps have been updated to idenify
parcels where the Ag Preserves program enrollment will be terminated in 2020.Y
Agency Topic Section Comment Response Edit Complete?
Met Council Land Use Future Land Use The "2040 MUSA Staging Map" (after page 76 in the document) needs to provide a 10-year staging of development. The text explains that Expansion
Area "A" is where development is expected before 2028 while Expansion Area "B" is where development is expected after 2028 to 2040.
The legend of the MUSA Staging Plan map has been updated to indicate anticipated
10 year staging areas.Y
Met Council Land Use Future Land Use
Future land use tables are not consistent throughout the document. The table on page 99 shows Low Density Residential to have a 0.1 to 3.0 units per
acre density, while the table on page 102 states Low Density residential does not have a lower end to the allowable density range. The table on page
102 needs to reflect the correct density range.
The table on page 102 has been updated to state an expected minimum density of
0.1 du/ac. for areas guided LDR.Y
Met Council Land Use Future Land Use
The City needs to provide a table for future land uses and calculate total acres and percent (%) of total acres for each category in 10-year increments
(2020, 2030, 2040). The table on page 102 does not provide net acres or density ranges for the year 2020.Because of this, it is unclear if the Plan has
guided enough residential land to accommodate the City's forecasted household growth. This information is needed for land use analysis to be
The table on page 102 has been updated to state areas guided by residential land
uses for 2020.Y
Met Council Land Use Future Land Use The Future Land Use Map and the land use legends needs to include density ranges for all land uses that allow residential development.The 2040 Land Use Plan map and District maps have been updated to specify
allowed density.Y
Met Council Land Use District Maps and
Planning Objectives
Future land use maps need to include density ranges for all land uses that allow residential development as reflected in the six District maps and policy
objectives details in the Plan.
The 2040 Land Use Plan map and District maps have been updated to specify
allowed density.Y
Met Council Land Use District Maps and
Planning Objectives
The "District 5 - Cedar Corridor" section needs to provide more detail on the Red Line Station areas. Lakeville is designated as "Suburban Edge," and is
required to guide for a minimum of 8 residential units per acre and target 20 to 40+ units per acre within a 10-minute walk or 1/2 mile of the Bus Rapid
Transit (BRT) Transitway stations. The Plan needs to provide more detail to illustrate station area planning.
The table on page p. 104 demonstrates a minimum average of 8.0 du/ac. within the
Cedar Corridor consistent with the 2040 Transportation Policy Plan. Station Area
Plans have been added to the District maps and sections of the Land Use Plan
chapter to indicate targeting development of 20-40+ du/ac. in areas adjacent to
future transit stations.
Met Council Forecasts The Plan needs to include the 2020, 2030, and 2040 forecasts assigned by transportation analysis zones, or portions of TAZs within the City boundaries.
The Transportation chapter describes the efforts to allocate forecasts by TAZ, but the allocation needs to be included in the Plan.The table has been added to the Transportation Plan.Y
Met Council Forecasts
The Plan presents changes from the sewer-serviced forecast found in the City's System Statement: for 2020 and 2040, the Plan lowers the sewer-
serviced households and population; for 2030, sewer-serviced households and population are increased. The Council may consider this change, but the
correction to the 2030 population error described above needs to be addressed before Council staff are able to review that request.
See below for correction.Y
Met Council Forecasts The Sewer Comprehensive Plan includes a forecast table (SCP table 8) that needs correction. In the table provided, the 2030 population summarizes to
76,400. This exceeds the citywide 2030 population forecast: 74,600.Amended.Y
Met Council Forecasts Advisory Comment The City could resolve exceeding the citywide 2030 population forecast issue by correcting the 2030 population column, reducing all numbers by 2.4
percent, or in some other way reconciling to the 2030 population forecast.See above comment.Y
Met Council Housing Projected Housing Need
Land guided to address the City's allocation of affordable housing need for 2021-2030 is not sufficiently described for review. The following must be
corrected to be considered complete:
* Provide the total acres of land guided for the future land use classifications with a minimum (not average) residential units per acre of 8 or higher. In
the Residential Dwelling Projections on page 102, it is unclear how many acres are expected to develop between 2021-2030 for High Density
Residential and Corridor Mixed Use.
*The Plan must specifically note the acres expected to develop between 2021 and 2030. There are several instances where the Plan states
development expected by 2040 or in the "2030 decade".
Please refer to the updated table for Residential Dwelling Unit projections and
accompanying text on p. 102.Y
Met Council Housing For the Plan to be consistent with Council housing policy, please note that enough land must be guided for the 2012-2030 time frame to meet the
City's allocation of affordable housing need.
The table on p. 102 has been updated and additional text added to demonstrate
sufficent land between 2021-2030 to meet regional affordable housing need
Met Council Implementation Plan
To be complete, the Plan must include what circumstances and in what sequence each tool will be used. The Plan successfully does this in every
instance except the description at the top of page 176 for TIF, tax abatement, and CDBG. Providing more information about what types of projects
these tools will be considered for will resolve the issue. For example, sample language could be "Projects that offer affordable units to those earning at
or below 30% AMI or projects in the Cedar Corridor will receive preference."
Please refer to updated text on p. 176.Y
Agency Topic Section Comment Response Edit Complete?
Met Council Implementation Plan
To be consistent with Council housing policy, the Plan must consider all widely accepted tools to address housing needs. Tools added to the Plan must
be clearly linked to identified needs and, to be complete, must describe the circumstance and sequence of use for all housing tools. The complete list
of tools and additional guidance to address this requirement can be found on the Local Planning Handbook
(https://metrocouncil.org/Handbook/Files/Resources/Fact-Sheet/HOUSING/Linking-Tools-to-Needs.aspx). Please contact Council staff for additional
Reference information provided by Metropolitan Council regarding the housing
implementation plan indicates that not all available programs need to be listed; only
those programs the City would consider utilizing need to be identified. The
implementation plan has been updated on p. 176 to include a list of programs the
City would consider utilizing to meet affordable housing goals and the types of
projects that the tools would be used for.
Met Council Implementation Plan Advisory Comment
HousingLink reports three housing developments that are funded with Low-Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC) that may expire in the 2021-2030 time
period. There are 111 units that are affordable to households earning 60% Area Median Income, and expiration of these tax credits without a
preservation plan could result in eviction of these households.
* Lakeville Court Apartments:
* Cedar Valley Townhomes:
* Country Lane Townhomes:
See supplimental letter from Dakota County CDA, which has been summarized on p.
176 of the Implementation Plan chapter.Y
Met Council Implementation Plan Advisory Comment
Lakeville is a participant in Livable Communities Act (LCA) programs, but does not mention use of this tool to meet their housing needs.
* Please note that the Council will require a Fair Housing policy as a requirement to draw on LCA awards beginning in 2019. Please contact Council staff
if you are interested in additional resources related to Fair Housing Policy development.
The implementation plan is updated on p. 176 to include a list of the programs
Lakeville would consider using and how they would be implemented to meet
attainable housing goals.