HomeMy WebLinkAboutPinnacle Reserve Combined PC packet 05-09-19 reduced
3601 Thurston Avenue
Anoka, MN 55303
TO: Daryl Morey
FROM: D. Daniel Licht, AICP
DATE: 2 May 2019
RE: Lakeville – Avonlea; Pinnacle Reserve at Avonlea
TPC FILE: 135.01
D.R. Horton, Inc. has submitted plans for development of a subdivision titled Pinnacle Reserve
at Avonlea. The proposed development consists of 268 single family lots on the remaining 139
acres of the Avonlea subdivision approved as a PUD District on 6 April 2015. The proposed
development is located east of Highview Avenue, north of future 185th Street and west of
future Hamburg Avenue. The submitted plans require consideration of applications for
Preliminary Plat and PUD Development Stage Plan approval. A public hearing to consider the
applications has been noticed for the Planning Commission meeting on 9 May 2019.
A. Site location
B. Avonlea Illustrative Master Plan
C. Overall Existing Conditions
D. Preliminary Plat (3 pages)
E. Phasing Plan
F. Preliminary Grading, Drainage & Erosion Control Plan (8 pages)
G. Wetland Buffer Plan
H. Preliminary Utility Plan (2 pages)
I. Tree Preservation Plan and Inventory (11 pages)
J. Landscape Plan (8 pages)
K. Dakota County Plat Commission Letter
Avonlea Land Use Plan. The Avonlea Illustrative Master Plan designates the site for
development of 272 lots including lots that are to be a minimum of 74 feet, 64 feet, or 54 feet
in width. The Pinnacle Reserve at Avonlea preliminary plat proposes 268 single family within
the same area. The proposed number of lots is four less than approved with the Avonlea
Illustrative Master Plan and within the maximum 1,097 dwellings allowed to be developed
within Avonlea without preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) based on the
mix of detached and attached housing types approved with the Avonlea 4th Addition
preliminary plat and PUD Development stage Plan.
Surrounding Land Uses. The table below summarizes existing and planned land uses
surrounding the subject site. The proposed preliminary plat is similar to the single family lots
that have been developed in Avonlea to the east and will be compatible with planned
development of Low-to-Medium Density residential uses to the north, west, and south.
Direction Land Use Plan Zoning Map Existing Use
North Low/Medium Density Residential RS-4 District Undeveloped
East Medium Density Residential
PUD District Avonlea single
family lots
South Low/Medium Density Residential
PUD District
Avonlea single
family lots
West Low/Medium Density Residential RS-4 District Undeveloped
Density. The preliminary plat has a gross area of 139.0 acres. The proposed 268 dwelling units
would be developed at a gross density of 1.20 dwelling units per acre. The net area of the
preliminary plat less the area for arterial and major collector street rights-of-way, public and
private parks, and outlots for wetlands and stormwater basins is 83.23 acres. The net density
of the proposed preliminary plat is 3.22 dwelling units per acre.
Blocks. Section 10-4-1.A of the Subdivision Ordinance establishes a maximum length for blocks
of 800 feet between street intersections. The preliminary plat has been revised from the
Avonlea Illustrative Master Plan to eliminate an intersection to Highview Avenue at the
northwest corner of the subject site. A trail connection is provided between Highview Avenue
and 182nd Street separating Block 1 and Block 2 as part of the greenway corridor within Outlot B
to address the distance between street intersections on 182nd Street, which will be further
extended by development of the abutting property to the north.
Lots. The proposed single family lots are consistent with the minimum lot and setback
requirements established by the Avonlea PUD Booklet. The three different lot widths are
arranged within the preliminary plat in clusters separated by the planned greenway corridors.
Lot coverage is listed as 50 percent for single family lots and 60 percent for association
maintained lots. The developer must identify if the association maintained lots are limited to
the 55’/65’ Single Family Lots (Freedom Homes).
Highview Avenue is a designated major collector street by the Transportation Plan. Lots 1-3,
Block 1; Lots 10, 11 and 25, Block 9; and Lots 1 and 10-12, Block 12 abutting Highview Avenue
are subject to the minimum lot requirements and setbacks established by Section 11-21-9.E of
the Zoning Ordinance. The lots abutting Highview Avenue comply with the minimum lot width
and lot depth requirements for buffer yards. The preliminary plat illustrates a 30 foot side yard
setback and 50 foot rear yard setback for lots abutting Highview Avenue as required by the
Zoning Ordinance.
Exterior Materials. The initial Avonlea PUD District did not include architectural guidelines
based upon the portfolio offered by Mattamy Homes. With Mattamy Homes withdrawing from
the project and the introduction of different builders, City staff recommended incorporating
exterior material requirements for single family dwellings with the PUD Development Stage
Plan for Avonlea 4th Addition to ensure consistent architectural design and materials within the
development. City staff recommends incorporating the following provision as a condition of
the PUD Development Stage Plan for all 268 single family lots in Pinnacle Reserve at Avonlea as
The front elevation of the single family homes must have an exterior finish of
brick, stucco, natural or artificial stone, cement fiberboard, or engineered wood
siding, as well as incorporating a variety of siding types, textures (lap, shingle,
board and batten), architectural elements such as shutters or front pillars, and
variety of siding, trim, and roofing color combinations, subject to approval of the
Zoning Administrator at the time a building permit is issued.
Access. The preliminary plat is accessed via intersections with Highview Avenue and future
185th Street, as well as internal connections from previous additions of Avonlea. All right-of-
way and street construction is subject to review and approval of the City Engineer, including:
185th Street. Right-of-way for 185th Street is shown on preliminary plat, which is
designated as a A-Minor Expander (arterial) roadway on the City’s Transportation Plan
and is to have trails on both sides of the roadway. The right-of-way width and
construction design and timing for 185th Street is described in the 2 May 2019
engineering report. The Dakota County Plat Commission reviewed the preliminary plat
at their 4 February 2019 meeting.
Highview Avenue. The 2008 Transportation Plan designated Highview Avenue as a
major collector parkway. The preliminary plat provides 50 feet for the east half right-of-
way for Highview Avenue. A future trail is to be provided on the east side of the
roadway as well. Right-of-way needs for Highview Avenue is subject to review and
approval of the City Engineer.
Hamburg Avenue. Hamburg Avenue is shown as a 40 foot wide roadway within an 80
foot right-of-way consistent with its designation on the City’s Transportation Plan as a
minor collector street. There is to be a 5 foot wide concrete sidewalk on the west side
of Hamburg Avenue and 10 foot wide asphalt trail on the east side of Hamburg Avenue.
There is no direct lot access proposed to Hamburg Avenue.
Local Streets: All of the public local streets within the proposed preliminary plat have
been designed consistent with the Transportation Master Plan included within the
Avonlea PUD Booklet:
- Street 1, Street 2, Street 5, Street 7, and 182nd Street have a 32 foot wide section
within a 60 foot wide right-of-way. A 5 foot wide sidewalk is provided on one
side of each street. The proposed street section design is appropriate for these
roadways, which function as through streets.
- Street 3, Harlow Path, and Street 10 have a 50 foot wide right of way and 28 foot
wide street section. There is a sidewalk on one side of these streets. The
roadways provide for secondary connections within the preliminary plat and the
narrow section is appropriate. No parking zones are to be designated on one
side of these streets at the time of final plat approval.
- Street 4, Street, 6, Street 8, and Street 9 are cul-de-sac streets shown on the
preliminary plat. These streets have a 50 foot wide right of way and 28 foot
wide street section. Section 11-4-3.S of the Subdivision Ordinance allows cul-de-
sac streets only where necessary due to limitations caused by natural conditions.
The proposed preliminary plat improves on the subdivision design shown on the
Avonlea Illustrative Master Plan by reducing the number of cul-de-sacs and
eliminating proposed eyebrows.
Section 11-4-3.S.3 of the Subdivision Ordinance requires cul-de-sac streets to be
at least 150 feet deep and not more than 600 feet deep with a turnaround end.
Street 4 exceeds at the allowed maximum length of a cul-de-sac street at over
700 feet due to access limitations to future 185th Street and the greenway
corridor to the north and west. Due to these constraints, the proposed length of
the Street 4 cul-de-sac is acceptable. The other cul-de-sac streets comply with
the minimum/maximum length requirements established by the Subdivision
- Street names are to be consistent with the Dakota County grid system and are
subject to approval by City staff.
Landscaping: The developer has submitted a landscape plan and details for the preliminary
plat. All of the tree types and sizes proposed on the landscape plan are consistent with the
requirements of Section 11-21-9.C of the Zoning Ordinance, except as noted below.
Front Yards. The landscape plan provides for trees within front yards along interior
local streets and the boulevards of Hamburg Avenue. Trees within the public right-of-
way will require HOA maintenance with no liability to the City for damaged or destroyed
Buffer Yard. Section 11-21-9.E of the Zoning Ordinance establishes requirements for a
landscaped residential buffer yard for the areas of the preliminary plat adjacent to
future 185th Street and Highview Avenue. The height of the plantings provided within
the residential buffer yard must be specified to demonstrate compliance with the
minimum 10 foot visual screen required by Section 11-21-9.E.6 of the Zoning Ordinance.
Park Dedication. The Avonlea Open Space Master Plan identifies 171.4 acres of open space, or
36 percent of the area within the proposed development, consisting of greenway corridors,
public park land, wetlands, storm water basins and HOA parks. The Avonlea Illustrative Master
Plan shows that the area to be acquired by the City for park purposes within the development is
17.5 net acres of greenway corridor and 66.5 gross acres for the future community park for a
total of 84.0 acres of public park area as outlined by the initial Avonlea PUD Development
Agreement. The intent of the Avonlea PUD Master Plan was to satisfy the Park Dedication
requirements within the overall PUD District via land dedication, which included areas outside
of those owned by Mattamy Homes, the original developer of Avonlea at the time the PUD
District was established.
Mattamy Homes did not proceed with purchase of the subject site included within the current
preliminary plat application, therefore the park dedication requirement for the Pinnacle
Reserve at Avonlea will be calculated based on the preliminary plat for the development. The
total park area required to be dedicated to the City with the preliminary plat by Section 10-4-8.I
of the Subdivision Ordinance is calculated as 12 percent of the net area of the property
(excluding arterial right-of-way and wetlands to remain) equal to 14.58 acres, estimated as
Park Dedication Requirement Area
Gross Area of Preliminary Plat 139.00ac.
Less 185th St Right-of-way
Less Highview Ave Right-of-way
Less wetlands to remain
Total Buildable Area 121.53ac.
Land Dedication Requirement (12%) 14.58
Only area outside of wetlands, wetland buffers, VRWJPO corridors and buffers, stormwater
basins, and arterial road right-of-way is to be credited for park dedication purposes. The
estimated net area to be dedicated to the City for parks within the preliminary plat is 5.92 acres.
This satisfies an estimated 40.6 percent of the required park dedication for the preliminary plat.
The park dedication requirement for the remaining 59.4 percent will be required to be paid as
cash fees in lieu of land at the time of final plat approval.
Trails. Development of Avonlea, including the proposed preliminary plat, incorporates several
public trails corridors. The 2015 Parks, Trails, and Open Space Plan identifies a greenway corridor
traversing east/west through the area of the Avonlea Master Plan. The Open Space Master Plan
included in the Avonlea PUD Booklet illustrates a trail along the wetland corridors within Outlots
B, C, H, and Outlot G, Avonlea from Highview Avenue to the bridge crossing west of Glenbridge
Avenue. The City will reimburse the developer for 100 percent of the costs for bituminous
pavement, aggregate base, and boardwalks for the trail construction within the greenway
Trails will be constructed adjacent to public streets within the preliminary plat along both sides
of 185th Street, the east side of Highview Avenue, the east side of Hamburg Avenue, the east side
of Street 1 from Street 2 to 185th Street. The trail along the south side of 185th Street west of
Hamel Drive will not be constructed with the preliminary plat of Pinnacle Reserve at Avonlea. The
trail will be constructed at the time the property south of and adjacent to 185th Street is final
platted into lots and blocks. The Developer will responsible for 100 percent of the grading and
restoration for the bituminous trails. The Developer will also receive a credit to the final plat park
dedication cash fees the 3/8 of the of the trail construction costs (excluding grading and
restoration) adjacent to public streets as provided for by Section 10-4-3.H.4 of the Subdivision
Grading Plan. The developer has provided a preliminary grading plan. All grading, drainage,
erosion control, wetlands, and tree preservation are subject to review and approval of the City
Utility Plan. The developer has submitted a utility plan for the preliminary plat. All utility
issues are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer.
Easements. The preliminary plat dedicates drainage and utility easements at the perimeter of
all single family lots as required by Section 10-4-4.A of the Subdivision Ordinance. All
easements are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer.
Signs. The preliminary plat illustrates subdivision identification signs at Hamburg
Avenue/Street 2, 185th Street/Street 1, and Highview Avenue/Street 5. The sign at Hamburg
Avenue/Street 2 is within Outlot C, which is to be deeded to the City. The private sign must be
removed from the City outlot. The sign at 185th Street/Street 1 is within Outlot D, which will be
retained by a homeowners association. The sign at Highview Avenue/Street 5 is within Lot 1,
Block 12 requiring an easement for the sign be submitted at the time of final plat approval. No
plans for the proposed signs have been submitted. Section 11-23-15.X.1 of the Zoning
Ordinance allows the signs to be up to 100 square feet in area and have a height up to 10 feet.
A sign permit is required prior to construction of the subdivision signs upon the subject site.
Outlots. The preliminary plat includes the 11 outlots shown in the table below. City staff must
review if Outlots B, C, and H are to be revised to separate proposed stormwater basins into
outlots separate from the park greenway corridor. Outlot F is a remnant east of the right-of-
way for Hamburg Avenue that may be conveyed to the City or maintained by the HOA, subject
to approval of City staff. The proposed private park within Outlot I requires the developer to
submit an application for a PUD Development Stage Plan subject to the provisions of Section
11-57-7.D of the Zoning Ordinance.
Outlot Purpose Ownership
A, C Wetland Deed to City
B, H, J Wetland, greenway, stormwater basin, creek Deed to City
D, E, F, G, K Residential buffer yard HOA
I Private park HOA
Homeowners Association. The proposed development necessitates a homeowners association
be established to provide for maintenance of the boulevard landscaping, buffer yard outlots
and private park outlot. A sub homeowners association may also be required for association
maintained yard areas for the Freedom series homes. All homeowners association documents
must be submitted at the time of initial final plat approval and are to be subject to review and
approval of City staff.
Phasing Plan. The developer has submitted a phasing plan outlining the planned order of final
platting for the preliminary plat:
Phase # of Lots
1 109
2 78
3 65
The phasing plan is to undertake grading and utility/street improvements in 3 phases as market
conditions allow bringing lots online. The connection to Highview Avenue will be done in the
first phase of construction along with the extension of Hamburg Avenue. The phasing plan is
subject to review and approval of the City Engineer for provision of utility services and street
The Pinnacle Reserve at Avonlea Preliminary Plat and PUD Development Stage Plan are
consistent with the requirements of the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision
Ordinance and the Avonlea PUD District. Our office and City staff recommend approval of the
applications by D.R. Horton, subject to the conditions outlined below:
1. Pinnacle Reserve at Avonlea shall be developed consistent with the approved Avonlea
Master Plan and the PUD booklet dated 10 March 2015, and the PUD Development
Stage Plan.
2. The developer must identify the lots that are to be association maintained lots.
3. The front elevation of the single family homes shall have an exterior finish of brick,
stucco, natural or artificial stone, cement fiberboard, or engineered wood siding, as well
as incorporating a variety of siding types, textures (lap, shingle, board and batten),
architectural elements such as shutters or front pillars, and variety of siding, trim, and
roofing color combinations, subject to approval of the Zoning Administrator at the time
a building permit is issued.
4. All right-of-way and street construction shall be subject to review and approval of the
City Engineer.
5. The right-of-way and construction of future 185th Street shall be subject to Dakota
County review and approval.
6. Trees planted within the public right-of-way shall require HOA maintenance with no
liability to the City for damaged or destroyed trees.
7. The height of the plantings provided within the required residential buffer yard abutting
Highview Avenue and future 185th Street shall be specified to indicate compliance with
the minimum 10 foot visual screen required by Section 11-21-9.E.6 of the Zoning
8. Subdivision signs shall comply with Section 11-23-15.X.1 of the Zoning Ordinance and
require approval of a sign permit prior to construction. The submitted plans shall be
revised to remove the proposed subdivision sign from Outlot C.
9. Outlots A, B, C, H, and J shall be deeded to the City.
10. The developer shall pay a cash fee in lieu of land equal to 59.4 percent of the cash fee in
effect at the time of final plat approval in accordance with Section 10-4-8.K of the
Subdivision Ordinance, less credits for construction of the greenway trail improvements
as approved by the Parks and Recreation Director.
11. The Developer shall receive a credit to park dedication cash fees for 3/8ths of the trail
construction costs (excluding grading and restoration) adjacent to public streets as
provided for by Section 10-4-3.H.4 of the Subdivision Ordinance.
12. All grading, drainage, erosion control, and wetland issues shall be subject to review and
approval of the City Engineer.
13. All utility plans shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer.
14. All drainage and utility easements shall be subject to review and approval of the City
15. Development of the proposed private park within Outlot I shall require approval of an
application for a PUD Development Stage Plan subject to the provisions of Section 11-
57-7.D of the Zoning Ordinance.
16. Documents establishing a homeowners association shall be submitted at the time of
initial final plat approval, subject to review and approval of City staff
c. Justin Miller, City Administrator
Alex Jordan, Assistant City Engineer
John Hennen, Parks and Recreation Director
Andrea McDowell-Poehler, City Attorney
D O D D B L V D (C S A H 9)
190TH STHIGHVIEWAVEPinnacle Reserve
at Avonlea
Plat area
City of Lakeville
Pinnacle Reserve at Avonlea
Preliminary Plat and
Development Stage PUD plans
Site Location Map
Illustrative Master PlanConcept Data Gross Site Area: 469.6 +/- ac.Collector Road ROW: 26.2 +/- ac.Cedar Avenue: 8.0 ac.185th Street (Future): 15.6 ac.Street J (Future): 1.5 ac.Highview Avenue: 1.1 ac.Existing Wetland: 19.3 +/- ac.(to remain)Greenway Corridors: 17.5 +/- ac.(200’ corridor, net wetlands)Future City Park: 66.5 +/- ac.(gross)Net Developable Area: 340.1 +/- ac.Other Open Space: 67.4 +/- ac.(includes wet buffers, road buffers, woods, ponds, greens, etc.)Proposed Single Family Lots: 834 lots54’ wide x 130’ deep typical (w/ Assoc. Maint.): 129 lots 54’ wide x 130’ deep typical: 147 lots64’ wide x 130’ deep typical: 358 lots74’ wide x 130’ deep typical: 200 lots Proposed Multi-Family: 247 homes30’ wide Row Townhomes: 101 lotsHigh Density Residential Units: 146 unitsOverall Proposed Homes: 1081 homesOverall Gross Density: 2.30 un/ac.1081 units / 469.6 ac.Overall Net Density: 3.18 un/ac.1081 units / 340.1 ac.54’ SF (w/ Assoc. Maintenance)54’ SF (w/ Assoc. Maintenance)54’ SF (w/ Assoc. Maintenance)54’ SF (w/ Assoc. Maintenance)64’ SFGREENPARKPARKPARKHOAHOA / PARKModel HomeVillage64’ SF64’ SF64’ SF64’ SF64’ SF64’ SF74’ SF74’ SF74’ SF74’ SF74’ SF74’ SF74’ SF54’ SF54’ SFRow THRow THGreenway CorridorGreenway CorridorOA/Greenway CorridorGreenway CorridorPondPondPondWetlandWetlandWetlandWetlandWetlandTrailTrailTrailTrailTrailBufferBufferBufferBufferComm.Future City Park66.5 AcresCedar AvenueHighview AvenuelProposed 185th StreetProposed 185th StreetTrailPondPondPondPondPondPond54’ SFHigh Density Residential (6.0 ac)max 146 units(24.3 un/ac.)54’ SF4EXHIBIT B
Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300
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Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300
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Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300
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Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300
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Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300
Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343
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Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300
Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343
Toll Free (888) 937-5150
Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300
Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343
Toll Free (888) 937-5150
Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300
Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343
Toll Free (888) 937-5150
Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300
Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343
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Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300
Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343
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Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300
Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343
Toll Free (888) 937-5150
Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300
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Toll Free (888) 937-5150
Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300
Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343
Toll Free (888) 937-5150
Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300
Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343
Toll Free (888) 937-5150
Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300
Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343
Toll Free (888) 937-5150
Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300
Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343
Toll Free (888) 937-5150
Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300
Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343
Toll Free (888) 937-5150
Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300
Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343
Toll Free (888) 937-5150
Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300
Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343
Toll Free (888) 937-5150
Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300
Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343
Toll Free (888) 937-5150
Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300
Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343
Toll Free (888) 937-5150
Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300
Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343
Toll Free (888) 937-5150
Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300
Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343
Toll Free (888) 937-5150
5001 Cottonwood 40 REMOVED
5002 Cottonwood 20 YES REMOVED
5003 Cottonwood 24 PD REMOVED
5004 Cottonwood 9 REMOVED
5005 Cottonwood 9 REMOVED
5006 Cottonwood 38 REMOVED
5007 Boxelder 16 REMOVED
5008 Cottonwood 16 REMOVED
5009 Sugar Maple 17 SAVED
5010 Sugar Maple 11 PD SAVED
5011 Sugar Maple 7 SAVED
5012 Sugar Maple 10 YES SAVED
5013 Sugar Maple 6 SAVED
5014 Sugar Maple 8 SAVED
5015 Sugar Maple 12 YES SAVED
5016 Sugar Maple 9 YES SAVED
5017 Sugar Maple 8 SAVED
5018 Sugar Maple 6 YES SAVED
5019 Sugar Maple 8 SAVED
5020 Sugar Maple 9 SAVED
5021 Sugar Maple 7 YES SAVED
5022 Sugar Maple 8 SAVED
5023 Sugar Maple 6 YES SAVED
5024 Sugar Maple 7 SAVED
5025 Sugar Maple 11 YES SAVED
5026 Sugar Maple 6 YES SAVED
5027 Sugar Maple 7 SAVED
5028 Sugar Maple 8 YES SAVED
5029 Ash 25 SAVED
5030 Sugar Maple 34 SAVED
5031 Boxelder 18 SAVED
5032 Sugar Maple 12 SAVED
5033 Sugar Maple 36 SAVED
5034 Black Willow 20 PD SAVED
5035 Sugar Maple 22 YES SAVED
5036 Sugar Maple 30 SAVED
5037 Black Willow 11 YES SAVED
5038 Black Willow 8 YES PD SAVED
5039 Sugar Maple 10 YES PD SAVED
5040 Boxelder 11 SAVED
5041 Boxelder 8 SAVED
5042 Boxelder 10 SAVED
5043 Sugar Maple 13 YES SAVED
5044 Sugar Maple 16 YES SAVED
5045 Boxelder 14 SAVED
5046 American Elm 18 PD SAVED
5047 American Elm 10 SAVED
5048 Boxelder 9 SAVED
5049 Sugar Maple 12 YES SAVED
5050 Sugar Maple 16 SAVED
5051 Boxelder 36 YES SAVED
5052 American Elm 40 PD SAVED
5053 Boxelder 20 REMOVED
5054 Sugar Maple 8 YES SAVED
5055 Sugar Maple 9 SAVED
5056 Sugar Maple 12 SAVED
5057 Sugar Maple 7 SAVED
5058 Sugar Maple 8 SAVED
5059 Sugar Maple 8 SAVED
5060 Sugar Maple 8 SAVED
5061 Sugar Maple 10 SAVED
5062 Sugar Maple 12 SAVED
5063 Sugar Maple 8 SAVED
5064 Ash 8 YES SAVED
5065 Sugar Maple 10 YES SAVED
5066 Sugar Maple 10 YES SAVED
5067 Sugar Maple 10 YES SAVED
5068 Sugar Maple 9 SAVED
5069 Sugar Maple 11 SAVED
5070 Sugar Maple 10 YES SAVED
5071 Sugar Maple 7 SAVED
5072 Sugar Maple 8 SAVED
5073 Sugar Maple 6 SAVED
5074 Sugar Maple 9 SAVED
5075 Sugar Maple 10 SAVED
5076 Sugar Maple 6 SAVED
5077 Sugar Maple 9 SAVED
5078 Sugar Maple 8 SAVED
5079 Sugar Maple 7 SAVED
5080 Sugar Maple 7 SAVED
5081 Sugar Maple 6 SAVED
5082 Sugar Maple 8 YES SAVED
5083 Sugar Maple 58 SAVED
5084 American Elm 17 SAVED
5085 Boxelder 14 SAVED
5086 Sugar Maple 20 SAVED
5087 Sugar Maple 14 SAVED
5088 Sugar Maple 10 SAVED
5089 Sugar Maple 10 SAVED
5090 Sugar Maple 18 SAVED
5091 Sugar Maple 13 SAVED
5092 Sugar Maple 9 SAVED
5093 Sugar Maple 12 PD SAVED
5094 Sugar Maple 20 SAVED
5095 Sugar Maple 24 YES SAVED
5096 Sugar Maple 20 SAVED
5097 Sugar Maple 6 SAVED
5098 Sugar Maple 6 SAVED
5099 Sugar Maple 7 SAVED
5100 Sugar Maple 8 SAVED
5101 Sugar Maple 7 SAVED
5102 Sugar Maple 7 SAVED
5103 Sugar Maple 6 SAVED
5104 Sugar Maple 7 YES SAVED
5105 Sugar Maple 6 SAVED
5106 Sugar Maple 7 REMOVED
5107 Sugar Maple 7 REMOVED
5108 Sugar Maple 6 REMOVED
5109 Sugar Maple 9 YES REMOVED
5110 Sugar Maple 8 REMOVED
5111 Sugar Maple 7 REMOVED
5112 Cottonwood 28 REMOVED
5113 Sugar Maple 14 REMOVED
5114 Sugar Maple 10 REMOVED
5115 Sugar Maple 8 REMOVED
5116 Sugar Maple 9 YES REMOVED
5117 Sugar Maple 8 YES REMOVED
5118 Sugar Maple 7 REMOVED
5119 Sugar Maple 6 REMOVED
5120 Sugar Maple 7 REMOVED
5121 Sugar Maple 6 REMOVED
5122 Sugar Maple 7 REMOVED
5123 Sugar Maple 8 REMOVED
5124 Sugar Maple 8 REMOVED
5125 Sugar Maple 7 REMOVED
5126 Sugar Maple 7 REMOVED
5127 Sugar Maple 8 REMOVED
5128 Sugar Maple 6 REMOVED
5129 American Elm 9 REMOVED
5130 Sugar Maple 7 REMOVED
5131 Sugar Maple 9 REMOVED
5132 Sugar Maple 8 REMOVED
5133 Sugar Maple 9 REMOVED
5134 Sugar Maple 8 REMOVED
5135 Sugar Maple 9 REMOVED
5136 Sugar Maple 7 REMOVED
5137 Sugar Maple 11 REMOVED
5138 Sugar Maple 8 REMOVED
5139 Sugar Maple 8 REMOVED
5140 Sugar Maple 8 YES REMOVED
5141 Sugar Maple 10 REMOVED
5142 Sugar Maple 10 REMOVED
5143 Sugar Maple 10 REMOVED
5144 Sugar Maple 11 REMOVED
5145 Sugar Maple 8 YES REMOVED
5146 Sugar Maple 7 REMOVED
5147 Sugar Maple 11 YES REMOVED
5148 White Pine 14 REMOVED
5149 White Pine 14 REMOVED
5150 Sugar Maple 60 REMOVED
5151 American Elm 11 REMOVED
5152 Ash 24 REMOVED
5153 Boxelder 16 REMOVED
5154 Ash 24 REMOVED
5155 Sugar Maple 54 PD REMOVED
5156 Sugar Maple 16 REMOVED
5157 Sugar Maple 58 REMOVED
5158 Sugar Maple 40 REMOVED
5159 Sugar Maple 48 REMOVED
5160 Sugar Maple 20 REMOVED
5161 Sugar Maple 30 REMOVED
5162 Sugar Maple 28 REMOVED
5163 Ash 30 REMOVED
5164 American Elm 8 REMOVED
5165 Sugar Maple 50 REMOVED
5166 American Elm 8 REMOVED
5167 Sugar Maple 60 PD REMOVED
5168 American Elm 9 REMOVED
5169 American Elm 7 REMOVED
5170 Sugar Maple 22 REMOVED
5171 Unknown Deciduous 16 REMOVED
5172 Sugar Maple 50 REMOVED
5173 Boxelder 8 REMOVED
5174 Boxelder 10 REMOVED
5175 Boxelder 6 REMOVED
5176 Boxelder 6 REMOVED
5177 Boxelder 6 REMOVED
5178 American Elm 7 PD REMOVED
5179 Sugar Maple 70 REMOVED
5180 Boxelder 12 REMOVED
5181 Boxelder 7 PD REMOVED
5182 Boxelder 8 SAVED
5183 Boxelder 8 SAVED
5184 Boxelder 6 SAVED
5185 Boxelder 16 SAVED
5186 Boxelder 7 SAVED
5187 Boxelder 8 SAVED
5188 Boxelder 16 SAVED
5189 Sugar Maple 17 YES SAVED
5190 Sugar Maple 18 SAVED
5191 Boxelder 6 SAVED
5192 Boxelder 13 SAVED
5193 Boxelder 10 SAVED
5194 Sugar Maple 8 SAVED
5195 Sugar Maple 8 REMOVED
5196 Boxelder 8 REMOVED
5197 Boxelder 20 REMOVED
5198 Boxelder 24 YES REMOVED
5199 Boxelder 10 REMOVED
5200 Sugar Maple 12 YES REMOVED
5201 Boxelder 22 REMOVED
5202 Boxelder 6 REMOVED
5203 Black Willow 9 SAVED
5204 Black Willow 8 SAVED
5205 Black Willow 32 SAVED
5206 Sugar Maple 25 SAVED
5207 Sugar Maple 18 SAVED
5208 Sugar Maple 10 SAVED
5209 Sugar Maple 15 YES SAVED
5210 Boxelder 10 SAVED
5211 Sugar Maple 12 YES SAVED
5212 Sugar Maple 6 SAVED
5213 Sugar Maple 10 SAVED
5214 Sugar Maple 12 SAVED
5215 Sugar Maple 10 SAVED
5216 Boxelder 24 SAVED
5217 Sugar Maple 18 SAVED
5218 Sugar Maple 9 YES SAVED
5219 Sugar Maple 15 SAVED
5220 Sugar Maple 8 REMOVED
5221 Sugar Maple 11 REMOVED
5222 Sugar Maple 13 YES REMOVED
5223 Sugar Maple 10 REMOVED
5224 Sugar Maple 7 REMOVED
5225 Sugar Maple 14 REMOVED
5226 Sugar Maple 8 REMOVED
5227 Sugar Maple 6 YES REMOVED
5228 Sugar Maple 6 REMOVED
5229 Sugar Maple 9 REMOVED
5230 Boxelder 14 SAVED
5231 Sugar Maple 12 YES REMOVED
5232 Sugar Maple 11 REMOVED
5233 Sugar Maple 13 REMOVED
5234 Sugar Maple 14 YES REMOVED
5235 Sugar Maple 10 YES REMOVED
5236 Sugar Maple 10 REMOVED
5237 Sugar Maple 11 YES REMOVED
5238 Sugar Maple 11 REMOVED
5239 Sugar Maple 14 REMOVED
5240 Sugar Maple 10 YES REMOVED
5241 Sugar Maple 11 REMOVED
5242 Sugar Maple 12 YES REMOVED
5243 Sugar Maple 9 REMOVED
5244 Sugar Maple 17 REMOVED
5245 Sugar Maple 8 REMOVED
5246 Sugar Maple 8 REMOVED
5247 Sugar Maple 7 REMOVED
5248 Sugar Maple 8 REMOVED
5249 Sugar Maple 8 YES REMOVED
5250 Sugar Maple 8 REMOVED
5251 Sugar Maple 8 YES REMOVED
5252 Sugar Maple 10 YES REMOVED
5253 Sugar Maple 9 REMOVED
5254 Sugar Maple 8 REMOVED
5255 Sugar Maple 6 REMOVED
5256 Sugar Maple 6 REMOVED
5257 Sugar Maple 9 YES REMOVED
5258 Sugar Maple 6 REMOVED
5259 Sugar Maple 10 REMOVED
5260 Sugar Maple 6 REMOVED
5261 Sugar Maple 8 REMOVED
5262 Sugar Maple 7 REMOVED
5263 Sugar Maple 7 REMOVED
5264 Sugar Maple 8 REMOVED
5265 Sugar Maple 10 YES REMOVED
5266 Sugar Maple 8 REMOVED
5267 Sugar Maple 58 YES REMOVED
5268 Sugar Maple 44 PD REMOVED
5269 Sugar Maple 38 YES REMOVED
5270 Sugar Maple 16 REMOVED
5271 Sugar Maple 14 YES REMOVED
5272 Sugar Maple 6 REMOVED
5273 Sugar Maple 7 REMOVED
5274 Sugar Maple 10 REMOVED
5275 Sugar Maple 11 YES REMOVED
5276 Sugar Maple 14 YES REMOVED
5277 Sugar Maple 9 YES REMOVED
5278 Sugar Maple 8 REMOVED
5279 Sugar Maple 7 YES REMOVED
5280 Sugar Maple 10 YES REMOVED
5281 Sugar Maple 12 YES REMOVED
5282 Sugar Maple 7 YES REMOVED
5283 Sugar Maple 6 REMOVED
5284 Sugar Maple 9 REMOVED
5285 Black Cherry 9 REMOVED
5286 Sugar Maple 7 YES REMOVED
5287 Boxelder 14 YES REMOVED
5288 Boxelder 14 YES REMOVED
5289 Sugar Maple 7 REMOVED
5290 Sugar Maple 14 YES REMOVED
5291 Sugar Maple 12 YES REMOVED
5292 Boxelder 9 REMOVED
5293 Sugar Maple 13 YES REMOVED
5294 Sugar Maple 7 YES REMOVED
5295 Black Locust 6 REMOVED
5296 Sugar Maple 16 REMOVED
5297 Boxelder 13 YES REMOVED
5298 Boxelder 24 REMOVED
5299 Black Locust 16 REMOVED
5300 Boxelder 9 REMOVED
5301 Black Locust 14 REMOVED
5302 Boxelder 12 REMOVED
5303 Black Locust 11 YES REMOVED
5304 Black Locust 8 REMOVED
5305 Black Locust 10 REMOVED
5306 Black Locust 12 YES REMOVED
6001 Boxelder 7 SAVED
6002 Boxelder 7 SAVED
6003 American Elm 8 SAVED
6004 Boxelder 6 SAVED
6005 Boxelder 7 SAVED
6006 Boxelder 6 YES SAVED
6007 Boxelder 8 SAVED
6008 Boxelder 6 SAVED
6009 Boxelder 9 SAVED
6010 Boxelder 9 SAVED
6011 Boxelder 15 SAVED
6012 Boxelder 21 PD SAVED
6013 Ash 12 PD SAVED
6014 American Elm 10 SAVED
6015 American Elm 8 SAVED
6016 Boxelder 9 SAVED
6017 Boxelder 7 SAVED
6018 American Elm 7 SAVED
6019 Boxelder 6 SAVED
6020 Ash 6 SAVED
6021 Boxelder 6 SAVED
6022 Boxelder 10 SAVED
6023 Boxelder 12 SAVED
6024 Boxelder 8 SAVED
6025 Boxelder 14 BD SAVED
6026 Boxelder 13 SAVED
6027 Boxelder 7 SAVED
6028 Boxelder 13 SAVED
6029 Ash 7 SAVED
6030 American Elm 6 SAVED
6031 American Elm 10 SAVED
6032 Ash 7 SAVED
6033 Boxelder 8 SAVED
6034 Boxelder 6 SAVED
6035 Boxelder 12 SAVED
6036 Boxelder 11 SAVED
6037 Boxelder 8 SAVED
6038 Sugar Maple 6 SAVED
6039 Boxelder 10 SAVED
6040 American Elm 10 SAVED
6041 Sugar Maple 17 YES SAVED
6042 Boxelder 19 SAVED
6043 Boxelder 12 YES SAVED
6044 Boxelder 15 SAVED
6045 Boxelder 10 YES SAVED
6046 Boxelder 15 SAVED
6047 Boxelder 8 SAVED
6048 American Elm 7 SAVED
6049 Ash 7 SAVED
6050 Ash 6 SAVED
6051 American Elm 8 BD SAVED
6052 Boxelder 9 SAVED
6053 Boxelder 7 SAVED
6054 Boxelder 7 SAVED
6055 American Elm 18 SAVED
6056 Ash 11 SAVED
6057 Boxelder 10 SAVED
6058 Sugar Maple 16 SAVED
6059 Boxelder 6 SAVED
6060 Boxelder 9 SAVED
6061 Boxelder 7 YES BD SAVED
6062 Boxelder 7 SAVED
6063 American Elm 6 SAVED
6064 Boxelder 31 BD SAVED
6065 American Elm 9 SAVED
6066 American Elm 10 SAVED
6067 American Elm 10 SAVED
6068 Boxelder 11 SAVED
6069 Boxelder 15 SAVED
6070 Boxelder 8 YES SAVED
6071 Boxelder 6 SAVED
6072 Boxelder 7 SAVED
6073 Boxelder 7 SAVED
6074 Boxelder 12 SAVED
6075 Boxelder 18 SAVED
6076 Boxelder 9 SAVED
6077 Boxelder 6 SAVED
6078 Boxelder 6 SAVED
6079 Ash 10 SAVED
6080 Boxelder 7 SAVED
6081 Boxelder 10 SAVED
6082 Boxelder 11 SAVED
6083 Boxelder 7 SAVED
6084 Boxelder 12 SAVED
6085 Boxelder 9 SAVED
6086 American Elm 6 SAVED
6087 American Elm 17 SAVED
6088 Boxelder 14 SAVED
6089 Boxelder 13 SAVED
6090 Boxelder 12 SAVED
6091 Boxelder 8 SAVED
6092 Boxelder 13 SAVED
6093 Boxelder 8 SAVED
6094 Boxelder 10 SAVED
6095 Boxelder 12 BD SAVED
6096 Boxelder 14 SAVED
6097 Boxelder 9 SAVED
6098 Boxelder 6 SAVED
6099 Boxelder 10 SAVED
6100 Boxelder 7 SAVED
6101 Boxelder 7 SAVED
6102 American Elm 7 SAVED
6103 Boxelder 14 SAVED
6104 American Elm 6 SAVED
6105 Boxelder 23 SAVED
6106 Boxelder 19 SAVED
6107 Boxelder 13 SAVED
6108 Boxelder 7 SAVED
6109 American Elm 6 SAVED
6110 American Elm 10 SAVED
6111 Boxelder 9 SAVED
6112 Boxelder 11 BD SAVED
6113 Boxelder 13 SAVED
6114 American Elm 7 SAVED
6115 Boxelder 8 SAVED
6116 Boxelder 10 SAVED
6117 Boxelder 9 SAVED
6118 Boxelder 12 SAVED
6119 Boxelder 11 SAVED
6120 Boxelder 13 SAVED
6121 Boxelder 13 SAVED
6122 Boxelder 11 YES SAVED
6123 Boxelder 12 YES SAVED
6124 Ash 6 SAVED
6125 Sugar Maple 7 SAVED
6126 Sugar Maple 7 YES SAVED
6127 Sugar Maple 7 SAVED
6128 Sugar Maple 9 YES SAVED
6129 Sugar Maple 7 SAVED
6130 Sugar Maple 7 SAVED
6131 American Elm 8 SAVED
6132 Boxelder 11 SAVED
6133 Boxelder 11 SAVED
6134 Boxelder 16 SAVED
6135 Boxelder 9 SAVED
6136 Boxelder 13 SAVED
6137 Ash 22 SAVED
6138 Sugar Maple 8 SAVED
6139 Boxelder 7 SAVED
6140 American Elm 6 SAVED
6141 Ash 11 SAVED
6142 Black Cherry 11 SAVED
6143 Black Cherry 6 YES SAVED
6144 Boxelder 12 SAVED
6145 American Elm 8 SAVED
6146 Boxelder 9 SAVED
6147 Ash 24 SAVED
6148 Boxelder 20 YES SAVED
6149 Boxelder 23 SAVED
6150 American Elm 18 SAVED
6151 American Elm 7 SAVED
6152 Boxelder 15 SAVED
6153 American Elm 14 SAVED
6154 American Elm 7 SAVED
6155 Boxelder 31 SAVED
6156 American Elm 14 SAVED
6157 Boxelder 27 SAVED
6158 Boxelder 10 SAVED
6159 Black Cherry 7 SAVED
6160 Boxelder 24 BD SAVED
6161 American Elm 14 SAVED
6162 American Elm 9 SAVED
6163 Ash 6 SAVED
6164 Boxelder 8 YES SAVED
6165 Boxelder 25 YES SAVED
6166 Boxelder 7 SAVED
6167 American Elm 10 SAVED
6168 Boxelder 8 SAVED
6169 Boxelder 25 SAVED
6170 Boxelder 8 SAVED
6171 Boxelder 11 SAVED
6172 Boxelder 10 SAVED
6173 Boxelder 17 BD SAVED
6174 Boxelder 13 SAVED
6175 American Elm 20 SAVED
6176 Boxelder 22 YES SAVED
6177 American Elm 15 SAVED
6178 Boxelder 17 BD SAVED
6179 Boxelder 8 SAVED
6180 Boxelder 18 YES SAVED
6181 Boxelder 24 SAVED
6182 Boxelder 7 SAVED
6183 American Elm 9 SAVED
6184 American Elm 10 YES SAVED
6185 Boxelder 12 SAVED
6186 American Elm 16 SAVED
6187 Boxelder 9 SAVED
6188 Boxelder 6 SAVED
6189 Boxelder 20 SAVED
6190 American Elm 6 SAVED
6191 Boxelder 6 SAVED
6192 Ash 6 SAVED
6193 American Elm 6 SAVED
6194 American Elm 9 SAVED
6195 American Elm 7 SAVED
6196 American Elm 6 SAVED
6197 American Elm 7 SAVED
6198 American Elm 10 SAVED
6199 Boxelder 22 SAVED
6200 American Elm 9 SAVED
6201 American Elm 7 SAVED
6202 Boxelder 14 SAVED
6203 Boxelder 22 SAVED
6204 Boxelder 15 SAVED
6205 Boxelder 16 SAVED
6206 Boxelder 12 SAVED
6207 Boxelder 26 SAVED
6208 Boxelder 19 SAVED
6209 Boxelder 15 SAVED
6210 Boxelder 16 SAVED
6211 Boxelder 13 SAVED
6212 Boxelder 7 SAVED
6214 Aspen 7 SAVED
6215 Boxelder 6 SAVED
6216 American Elm 9 SAVED
6217 Aspen 6 SAVED
6218 American Elm 7 SAVED
6219 American Elm 10 BD SAVED
6220 American Elm 9 BD SAVED
6221 American Elm 9 SAVED
6222 American Elm 12 SAVED
6223 American Elm 6 SAVED
6224 American Elm 8 SAVED
6225 American Elm 10 SAVED
6226 American Elm 6 SAVED
6227 Ash 12 SAVED
6228 American Elm 7 SAVED
6229 American Elm 13 YES SAVED
6230 Boxelder 8 YES SAVED
6231 Boxelder 9 YES SAVED
6232 Ash 7 YES REMOVED
6233 Ash 7 REMOVED
6234 American Elm 12 REMOVED
6235 American Elm 9 SAVED
6236 Boxelder 8 SAVED
6237 American Elm 9 YES SAVED
6238 Boxelder 6 SAVED
6239 Boxelder 6 SAVED
6240 Boxelder 8 SAVED
6241 Boxelder 7 SAVED
6242 Boxelder 7 SAVED
6243 American Elm 10 SAVED
6244 Boxelder 7 SAVED
6245 Boxelder 8 SAVED
Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300
Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343
Toll Free (888) 937-5150
6246 Boxelder 9 SAVED
6247 Boxelder 8 SAVED
6248 Boxelder 8 SAVED
6249 Boxelder 7 SAVED
6250 American Elm 7 SAVED
6251 Boxelder 6 SAVED
6252 Boxelder 8 SAVED
6253 Boxelder 17 SAVED
6254 Boxelder 10 SAVED
6255 Boxelder 8 SAVED
6256 Boxelder 10 SAVED
6257 Boxelder 9 SAVED
6258 Boxelder 6 SAVED
6259 Boxelder 7 SAVED
6260 Boxelder 10 SAVED
6261 Boxelder 9 SAVED
6262 American Elm 11 SAVED
6263 Boxelder 8 SAVED
6264 Boxelder 13 SAVED
6265 Boxelder 16 SAVED
6266 American Elm 8 SAVED
6267 American Elm 9 SAVED
6268 Boxelder 11 SAVED
6269 Boxelder 16 SAVED
6270 Boxelder 6 SAVED
6271 Boxelder 9 SAVED
6272 American Elm 6 SAVED
6273 American Elm 2 SAVED
6274 American Elm 8 SAVED
6275 American Elm 8 SAVED
6276 Boxelder 15 SAVED
6277 Boxelder 6 SAVED
6278 Boxelder 7 SAVED
6279 Boxelder 9 SAVED
6280 American Elm 8 SAVED
6281 Boxelder 11 SAVED
6282 Boxelder 15 SAVED
6283 Boxelder 9 SAVED
6284 Boxelder 11 SAVED
6285 Boxelder 9 SAVED
6286 Boxelder 8 SAVED
6287 Boxelder 14 SAVED
6288 Boxelder 6 SAVED
6289 Boxelder 11 SAVED
6290 Boxelder 10 SAVED
6291 Boxelder 11 SAVED
6292 American Elm 12 SAVED
6293 Boxelder 11 SAVED
6294 Boxelder 9 SAVED
6295 Boxelder 9 SAVED
6296 Boxelder 8 SAVED
6297 Boxelder 16 SAVED
6298 Boxelder 14 SAVED
6299 Boxelder 10 SAVED
6300 Boxelder 6 SAVED
6301 Boxelder 6 SAVED
6302 Boxelder 13 SAVED
6303 Boxelder 13 SAVED
6304 Boxelder 8 SAVED
6305 American Elm 12 SAVED
6306 Boxelder 6 SAVED
6307 Boxelder 11 SAVED
6308 American Elm 9 SAVED
6309 Boxelder 11 SAVED
6310 Boxelder 6 SAVED
6311 Boxelder 9 SAVED
6312 Boxelder 7 SAVED
6313 Boxelder 9 SAVED
6314 Boxelder 9 SAVED
6315 Boxelder 12 SAVED
6316 American Elm 8 SAVED
6317 American Elm 6 SAVED
6318 Boxelder 7 SAVED
6319 Boxelder 10 SAVED
6320 American Elm 8 SAVED
6321 American Elm 9 SAVED
6322 Boxelder 9 SAVED
6323 Boxelder 10 SAVED
6324 Boxelder 11 SAVED
6325 Cottonwood 40 SAVED
6326 Black Willow 7 SAVED
6327 Black Willow 7 SAVED
6328 Black Willow 7 SAVED
6329 Boxelder 8 SAVED
6330 Cottonwood 38 SAVED
6331 Boxelder 7 SAVED
6332 Boxelder 6 SAVED
6333 Boxelder 9 SAVED
6334 American Elm 20 SAVED
6335 Boxelder 10 SAVED
6336 Boxelder 8 SAVED
6337 Boxelder 7 SAVED
6338 Boxelder 6 SAVED
6339 Boxelder 8 SAVED
6340 Boxelder 6 SAVED
6341 Boxelder 8 SAVED
6342 Boxelder 8 SAVED
6343 Boxelder 7 YES SAVED
6344 Boxelder 7 SAVED
6345 Boxelder 6 SAVED
6346 Boxelder 6 SAVED
6347 Boxelder 7 SAVED
6348 Boxelder 6 SAVED
6349 Boxelder 6 SAVED
6350 Boxelder 7 SAVED
6351 Boxelder 6 SAVED
6352 Boxelder 6 SAVED
6353 Boxelder 7 SAVED
6354 Boxelder 6 SAVED
6355 Boxelder 6 SAVED
6356 American Elm 14 REMOVED
6357 Boxelder 8 REMOVED
6358 Boxelder 6 REMOVED
6359 Boxelder 10 REMOVED
6360 Boxelder 7 SAVED
6361 American Elm 6 SAVED
6362 Boxelder 60 REMOVED
6363 Boxelder 6 REMOVED
6364 Boxelder 7 SAVED
6365 Boxelder 6 SAVED
6366 Boxelder 6 SAVED
6367 Boxelder 7 SAVED
6368 Boxelder 7 SAVED
6369 Boxelder 7 SAVED
6370 Boxelder 7 SAVED
6371 Boxelder 7 SAVED
6372 Boxelder 11 SAVED
6373 Boxelder 7 SAVED
6374 Boxelder 7 SAVED
6375 Boxelder 6 SAVED
6376 Boxelder 8 SAVED
6377 Boxelder 6 SAVED
6378 Boxelder 9 SAVED
6379 Boxelder 9 SAVED
6380 Boxelder 11 SAVED
6381 Boxelder 8 SAVED
6382 Boxelder 7 SAVED
6383 Boxelder 12 SAVED
6384 Boxelder 9 SAVED
6385 Boxelder 6 SAVED
6386 Boxelder 7 SAVED
6387 Boxelder 8 SAVED
6388 Boxelder 9 SAVED
6389 Boxelder 10 REMOVED
6390 Boxelder 6 REMOVED
6391 Boxelder 7 REMOVED
6392 Boxelder 9 REMOVED
6393 Boxelder 8 REMOVED
6394 Boxelder 6 SAVED
6395 Boxelder 7 SAVED
6396 Boxelder 6 SAVED
6397 American Elm 6 SAVED
6398 American Elm 6 SAVED
6399 Boxelder 6 SAVED
6400 Boxelder 8 SAVED
6401 American Elm 7 SAVED
6402 Boxelder 6 SAVED
6403 Boxelder 6 REMOVED
6404 Boxelder 6 REMOVED
6405 Boxelder 11 SAVED
6406 Boxelder 9 SAVED
6407 Boxelder 12 BD SAVED
6408 Boxelder 10 SAVED
6409 Boxelder 12 SAVED
6410 Boxelder 8 SAVED
6411 Boxelder 9 SAVED
6412 Boxelder 12 SAVED
6413 Aspen 8 SAVED
6414 Black Willow 7 YES SAVED
6415 Boxelder 7 SAVED
6416 Boxelder 8 SAVED
6417 American Elm 6 SAVED
6418 American Elm 7 SAVED
6419 American Elm 10 BD SAVED
6420 American Elm 6 SAVED
6421 Boxelder 7 SAVED
6422 Boxelder 10 SAVED
6423 American Elm 9 SAVED
6424 American Elm 8 SAVED
6425 Boxelder 14 SAVED
6426 Boxelder 11 YES SAVED
6427 Boxelder 14 SAVED
6428 Boxelder 20 YES SAVED
6429 Boxelder 6 SAVED
6430 Boxelder 9 SAVED
6431 Boxelder 8 SAVED
6432 Boxelder 15 SAVED
6433 Boxelder 12 SAVED
6434 Boxelder 10 SAVED
6435 Boxelder 13 SAVED
6436 Boxelder 6 SAVED
6437 Boxelder 6 SAVED
6438 Boxelder 7 SAVED
6439 Boxelder 13 SAVED
6440 Boxelder 21 SAVED
6441 Boxelder 10 SAVED
6442 Boxelder 12 SAVED
6443 Boxelder 11 SAVED
6444 Boxelder 29 SAVED
6445 American Elm 9 SAVED
6446 Boxelder 16 SAVED
6447 Boxelder 9 SAVED
6448 Boxelder 15 SAVED
6449 Boxelder 13 BD SAVED
6450 Boxelder 17 SAVED
6451 Boxelder 11 SAVED
6452 Boxelder 11 SAVED
6453 Boxelder 9 SAVED
6454 Boxelder 7 SAVED
6455 Boxelder 7 SAVED
6456 Boxelder 8 SAVED
6457 American Elm 6 SAVED
6458 Boxelder 9 YES SAVED
6459 Boxelder 11 SAVED
6460 Boxelder 13 SAVED
6461 Boxelder 6 YES SAVED
6462 Boxelder 7 SAVED
6463 Boxelder 14 SAVED
6464 Boxelder 9 SAVED
6465 Boxelder 9 SAVED
6466 Boxelder 12 SAVED
6467 Boxelder 8 YES SAVED
6468 Boxelder 17 SAVED
6469 American Elm 6 SAVED
6470 Boxelder 9 SAVED
6471 Boxelder 36 SAVED
6472 Boxelder 11 SAVED
6473 Boxelder 7 SAVED
6474 Boxelder 10 SAVED
6475 Boxelder 6 SAVED
6476 Boxelder 11 SAVED
6477 Boxelder 14 SAVED
6478 American Elm 7 SAVED
6479 Boxelder 13 SAVED
6480 Boxelder 10 SAVED
6481 American Elm 9 SAVED
6482 Boxelder 10 SAVED
6483 Boxelder 9 SAVED
6484 Boxelder 10 SAVED
6485 Boxelder 8 SAVED
6486 Boxelder 13 SAVED
6487 Boxelder 10 SAVED
6488 Boxelder 13 SAVED
6489 Boxelder 18 SAVED
6490 Boxelder 8 SAVED
6491 Boxelder 6 SAVED
6492 Boxelder 13 YES REMOVED
6493 Boxelder 6 REMOVED
6494 Boxelder 8 REMOVED
6495 Boxelder 7 SAVED
6496 Boxelder 8 SAVED
6497 Boxelder 7 SAVED
6498 Boxelder 8 SAVED
6499 Boxelder 6 SAVED
6500 Boxelder 12 SAVED
6501 Boxelder 6 SAVED
6502 Boxelder 13 SAVED
6503 Boxelder 6 SAVED
6504 Boxelder 6 SAVED
6505 Boxelder 6 YES SAVED
6506 Boxelder 6 SAVED
6507 Boxelder 10 SAVED
6508 Boxelder 12 SAVED
6509 Boxelder 10 SAVED
6510 Boxelder 7 SAVED
6511 Boxelder 12 SAVED
6512 Boxelder 12 SAVED
6513 Boxelder 7 SAVED
6514 Boxelder 9 YES SAVED
6515 Boxelder 11 YES SAVED
6516 Boxelder 9 YES SAVED
6517 Boxelder 6 SAVED
6518 Boxelder 10 SAVED
6519 Boxelder 8 SAVED
6520 Boxelder 9 SAVED
6521 Boxelder 7 SAVED
6522 Boxelder 8 SAVED
6523 Boxelder 7 YES SAVED
6524 Boxelder 9 SAVED
6525 Boxelder 8 SAVED
6526 Boxelder 19 SAVED
6527 Boxelder 10 SAVED
6528 Boxelder 13 SAVED
6529 Boxelder 6 SAVED
6530 Boxelder 13 SAVED
6531 Boxelder 8 SAVED
6532 American Elm 11 SAVED
6533 American Elm 11 SAVED
6534 American Elm 7 REMOVED
6535 American Elm 13 REMOVED
6536 Boxelder 11 REMOVED
6537 Boxelder 6 REMOVED
6538 Black Willow 15 REMOVED
6539 Black Willow 13 YES REMOVED
6540 Boxelder 7 REMOVED
6541 American Elm 10 REMOVED
6542 Boxelder 7 REMOVED
6543 Boxelder 7 REMOVED
6544 Boxelder 9 SAVED
6545 Boxelder 9 SAVED
6546 Boxelder 9 SAVED
6547 Boxelder 8 SAVED
6548 Boxelder 8 SAVED
6549 Boxelder 13 SAVED
6550 Boxelder 14 SAVED
6551 Boxelder 9 REMOVED
6552 Boxelder 9 YES REMOVED
6553 Boxelder 7 REMOVED
6554 Boxelder 10 SAVED
6555 Boxelder 14 SAVED
6556 Boxelder 7 REMOVED
6557 Boxelder 9 REMOVED
6558 Boxelder 10 REMOVED
6559 Boxelder 9 REMOVED
6560 Boxelder 6 REMOVED
6561 Boxelder 7 REMOVED
6562 Boxelder 7 REMOVED
6563 Boxelder 6 REMOVED
6564 Boxelder 7 REMOVED
6565 American Elm 7 REMOVED
6566 American Elm 6 REMOVED
6567 Boxelder 7 REMOVED
6568 Boxelder 9 SAVED
6569 Boxelder 7 REMOVED
6570 Boxelder 6 SAVED
6571 Boxelder 6 SAVED
6572 American Elm 7 SAVED
6573 Boxelder 9 SAVED
6574 Boxelder 7 REMOVED
6575 Boxelder 7 REMOVED
6576 Boxelder 7 REMOVED
6577 Boxelder 9 REMOVED
6578 Boxelder 7 REMOVED
6579 Boxelder 7 REMOVED
6580 Boxelder 6 REMOVED
6581 Boxelder 7 REMOVED
6582 Boxelder 7 REMOVED
6583 Boxelder 9 REMOVED
6584 Boxelder 8 REMOVED
6585 Boxelder 7 REMOVED
6586 Boxelder 7 REMOVED
6587 Boxelder 7 REMOVED
6588 Boxelder 11 REMOVED
6589 Boxelder 10 REMOVED
6590 Black Willow 15 REMOVED
6591 Boxelder 13 REMOVED
6592 Boxelder 9 REMOVED
6593 Boxelder 6 REMOVED
6594 Black Willow 15 YES REMOVED
6595 Boxelder 9 REMOVED
6596 Boxelder 6 SAVED
6597 Boxelder 6 REMOVED
6598 American Elm 6 SAVED
6599 Boxelder 7 SAVED
6600 Black Willow 16 YES SAVED
6601 American Elm 10 SAVED
6602 Boxelder 7 SAVED
6603 American Elm 10 SAVED
6604 Boxelder 7 SAVED
6605 Boxelder 7 SAVED
6606 Boxelder 14 SAVED
6607 Boxelder 9 SAVED
6608 Ash 14 SAVED
6609 Boxelder 11 SAVED
6610 Boxelder 9 BD SAVED
6611 Boxelder 11 BD SAVED
6612 Boxelder 9 SAVED
6613 Boxelder 6 SAVED
6614 Boxelder 7 SAVED
6615 Black Willow 24 SAVED
6616 Boxelder 9 SAVED
6617 Black Willow 18 YES SAVED
6618 Boxelder 11 SAVED
6619 Boxelder 11 SAVED
6620 American Elm 10 SAVED
6621 Boxelder 12 REMOVED
6622 American Elm 6 REMOVED
6623 Boxelder 10 REMOVED
6624 Boxelder 7 REMOVED
6625 Boxelder 13 REMOVED
6626 Boxelder 6 REMOVED
6627 Boxelder 6 REMOVED
6628 Boxelder 8 REMOVED
6629 Boxelder 7 REMOVED
6630 American Elm 6 REMOVED
6631 Boxelder 6 REMOVED
6632 Boxelder 7 REMOVED
6633 Boxelder 6 REMOVED
6634 Boxelder 11 REMOVED
6635 Boxelder 6 REMOVED
6636 Boxelder 20 REMOVED
6637 Boxelder 8 REMOVED
6638 Boxelder 9 REMOVED
6639 Boxelder 7 REMOVED
6640 Boxelder 8 REMOVED
6641 Boxelder 6 REMOVED
6642 Boxelder 14 REMOVED
6643 American Elm 14 SAVED
6644 Boxelder 12 SAVED
6645 Boxelder 9 SAVED
6646 Boxelder 14 SAVED
6647 Boxelder 7 SAVED
6648 Boxelder 12 SAVED
6649 Boxelder 9 SAVED
6650 Boxelder 11 SAVED
6651 Boxelder 6 SAVED
6652 Boxelder 7 YES sAVED
6653 Boxelder 10 SAVED
6654 Boxelder 9 SAVED
6655 Ash 6 YES SAVED
6656 Boxelder 7 SAVED
6657 Boxelder 9 SAVED
6658 Boxelder 7 SAVED
6659 Boxelder 6 SAVED
6660 Boxelder 6 YES SAVED
6661 Boxelder 10 SAVED
6662 Boxelder 10 SAVED
6663 Boxelder 7 SAVED
6664 Boxelder 6 SAVED
6665 Boxelder 9 SAVED
6666 Cottonwood 48 SAVED
6667 Boxelder 6 SAVED
6668 Boxelder 7 SAVED
6669 American Elm 6 SAVED
6670 Boxelder 12 SAVED
6671 Boxelder 10 SAVED
6672 Boxelder 8 SAVED
6673 Boxelder 9 SAVED
6674 Boxelder 7 SAVED
6675 Boxelder 10 SAVED
6676 Boxelder 8 SAVED
6677 Boxelder 7 SAVED
6678 Boxelder 8 SAVED
6679 Boxelder 7 SAVED
6680 Boxelder 10 SAVED
6681 Boxelder 7 SAVED
6682 Boxelder 9 SAVED
6683 Boxelder 7 SAVED
6684 Boxelder 13 SAVED
6685 Boxelder 9 SAVED
6686 Boxelder 11 SAVED
6687 Boxelder 11 SAVED
6688 Boxelder 13 SAVED
6689 Boxelder 8 SAVED
6690 Ash 9 SAVED
6691 Boxelder 8 SAVED
6692 Boxelder 10 SAVED
6693 Boxelder 10 SAVED
6694 Boxelder 8 SAVED
6695 Boxelder 6 SAVED
6696 Boxelder 12 SAVED
6697 Boxelder 10 YES SAVED
6698 Boxelder 7 SAVED
6699 Boxelder 7 SAVED
6700 Boxelder 10 SAVED
6701 Boxelder 7 YES SAVED
6702 Boxelder 7 SAVED
6703 Boxelder 6 SAVED
6704 Boxelder 9 SAVED
6705 Boxelder 10 SAVED
6706 American Elm 18 SAVED
6707 American Elm 6 SAVED
6708 Black Willow 12 YES SAVED
6709 Cottonwood 26 SAVED
6710 Boxelder 6 SAVED
6711 Boxelder 6 SAVED
6712 Black Willow 9 SAVED
6713 Black Willow 10 SAVED
6714 Boxelder 6 SAVED
6715 Black Willow 18 SAVED
6716 Boxelder 11 SAVED
6717 Boxelder 8 SAVED
6718 Boxelder 10 SAVED
6719 Ash 8 SAVED
6720 Boxelder 15 SAVED
6721 Ash 6 YES SAVED
6722 Boxelder 9 SAVED
6723 American Elm 12 SAVED
6724 Boxelder 7 SAVED
6725 Boxelder 8 SAVED
6726 Boxelder 7 SAVED
6727 Boxelder 8 SAVED
6728 Boxelder 10 YES SAVED
6729 Boxelder 9 SAVED
6730 Boxelder 8 SAVED
6731 Boxelder 6 SAVED
6732 Boxelder 12 SAVED
6733 Boxelder 6 SAVED
6734 Boxelder 15 SAVED
6735 Boxelder 9 SAVED
6736 Black Willow 13 SAVED
6737 Boxelder 6 SAVED
6738 Black Willow 13 SAVED
6739 Boxelder 6 SAVED
6740 Boxelder 12 YES SAVED
6741 Boxelder 6 SAVED
6742 Boxelder 7 SAVED
6743 Boxelder 6 SAVED
6744 American Elm 11 SAVED
6745 Boxelder 6 SAVED
6746 American Elm 6 SAVED
6747 Boxelder 6 SAVED
6748 American Elm 7 SAVED
6749 Boxelder 6 SAVED
6750 Boxelder 7 SAVED
6751 Boxelder 7 SAVED
6752 Boxelder 6 SAVED
6753 Boxelder 8 SAVED
6754 Boxelder 6 SAVED
6755 Boxelder 6 SAVED
6756 Boxelder 8 SAVED
6757 Boxelder 8 SAVED
6758 Cottonwood 40 SAVED
6759 Boxelder 6 SAVED
6760 American Elm 6 SAVED
6761 Black Cherry 7 SAVED
6762 Cottonwood 49 SAVED
6763 Cottonwood 25 SAVED
6764 Boxelder 7 SAVED
6765 Boxelder 9 SAVED
6766 Boxelder 8 SAVED
6767 Boxelder 9 SAVED
6768 Boxelder 7 SAVED
6769 Boxelder 7 SAVED
6770 Boxelder 7 SAVED
6771 American Elm 10 SAVED
6772 Boxelder 9 SAVED
6773 Boxelder 8 SAVED
6774 Black Willow 21 SAVED
6775 American Elm 17 SAVED
6776 Boxelder 8 SAVED
6777 Boxelder 7 SAVED
6778 American Elm 8 SAVED
6779 American Elm 8 SAVED
6780 Boxelder 8 SAVED
6781 Boxelder 6 SAVED
6782 Black Willow 12 YES SAVED
6783 Boxelder 6 SAVED
6784 Boxelder 8 SAVED
6785 Boxelder 6 SAVED
6786 Boxelder 6 SAVED
6787 Boxelder 6 SAVED
6788 Boxelder 7 SAVED
6789 Boxelder 6 SAVED
6790 Boxelder 6 SAVED
6791 Boxelder 6 SAVED
6792 Black Willow 13 SAVED
6793 American Elm 7 SAVED
6794 Boxelder 6 SAVED
6795 Boxelder 27 REMOVED
Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300
Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343
Toll Free (888) 937-5150
6796 Boxelder 7 REMOVED
6797 Boxelder 9 YES REMOVED
6798 Boxelder 16 YES REMOVED
6799 American Elm 11 YES REMOVED
6800 Boxelder 8 YES REMOVED
6801 Boxelder 9 REMOVED
6802 Boxelder 10 YES REMOVED
6803 Boxelder 9 REMOVED
6804 Boxelder 6 REMOVED
6805 Boxelder 8 REMOVED
6806 Boxelder 8 REMOVED
6807 Boxelder 13 REMOVED
6808 Boxelder 7 REMOVED
6809 American Elm 17 REMOVED
6810 Boxelder 11 REMOVED
6811 American Elm 6 REMOVED
6812 Boxelder 9 REMOVED
6813 Aspen 16 YES REMOVED
6814 Boxelder 8 PD REMOVED
6815 Boxelder 6 REMOVED
6816 Boxelder 7 YES REMOVED
6817 American Elm 10 REMOVED
6818 Boxelder 6 REMOVED
6819 Fruit Tree 10 YES REMOVED
6820 Fruit Tree 10 YES REMOVED
6821 Eastern Red Cedar 11 REMOVED
6822 Boxelder 9 YES REMOVED
6823 Boxelder 7 YES SAVED
6824 Black Willow 15 YES SAVED
6825 Black Willow 16 YES SAVED
6826 Black Willow 18 YES SAVED
6827 Boxelder 7 SAVED
6828 Fruit Tree 6 SAVED
6829 Black Willow 10 SAVED
6830 Aspen 11 YES SAVED
6831 Aspen 9 SAVED
6832 Boxelder 7 YES SAVED
6833 Black Willow 17 YES SAVED
6834 Black Willow 12 SAVED
6835 Black Willow 8 SAVED
6836 Boxelder 7 SAVED
6837 Boxelder 7 SAVED
6838 Boxelder 6 SAVED
6839 Boxelder 7 SAVED
6840 Boxelder 7 SAVED
6841 Boxelder 10 SAVED
6842 Aspen 8 SAVED
6843 Aspen 15 SAVED
6844 Black Willow 17 SAVED
6845 Black Willow 13 SAVED
6846 Boxelder 12 SAVED
6847 Black Willow 20 SAVED
6848 Aspen 25 SAVED
6849 Boxelder 13 SAVED
6850 Aspen 15 SAVED
6851 Aspen 15 SAVED
6852 Aspen 18 SAVED
6853 Aspen 18 SAVED
6854 Boxelder 7 SAVED
6855 Boxelder 7 PD SAVED
6856 Aspen 21 SAVED
6857 Boxelder 11 SAVED
6858 Boxelder 9 SAVED
6859 Boxelder 10 YES SAVED
6860 Black Willow 20 YES SAVED
6861 Boxelder 8 SAVED
6862 Aspen 16 SAVED
6863 Aspen 10 SAVED
6864 Aspen 13 YES SAVED
6865 Aspen 15 SAVED
6866 Aspen 8 SAVED
6867 Aspen 10 SAVED
6868 Aspen 14 YES SAVED
6869 Aspen 12 SAVED
6870 Aspen 12 SAVED
6871 Aspen 17 SAVED
6872 Aspen 13 SAVED
6873 Black Willow 14 SAVED
6874 Aspen 8 SAVED
6875 Black Willow 10 SAVED
6876 Aspen 12 SAVED
6877 Aspen 12 SAVED
6878 Aspen 8 SAVED
6879 Aspen 7 SAVED
6880 Aspen 14 SAVED
6881 Aspen 18 SAVED
6882 Aspen 18 SAVED
6883 Aspen 9 SAVED
6884 Black Willow 9 SAVED
6885 Aspen 14 SAVED
6886 Aspen 9 SAVED
6887 Black Willow 8 SAVED
6888 Aspen 7 SAVED
6889 Aspen 15 YES SAVED
6890 Aspen 7 SAVED
6891 Black Willow 10 SAVED
6892 Aspen 22 SAVED
6893 Sugar Maple 31 SAVED
6894 Black Willow 16 SAVED
6895 Aspen 12 SAVED
6896 Aspen 12 SAVED
6897 Aspen 11 SAVED
6898 Aspen 10 YES SAVED
6899 Aspen 7 SAVED
6900 Aspen 8 YES SAVED
6901 Aspen 8 SAVED
6902 Aspen 6 SAVED
6903 Aspen 9 SAVED
6904 Aspen 16 YES SAVED
6905 Aspen 18 SAVED
6906 Aspen 15 SAVED
6907 Aspen 10 SAVED
6908 Aspen 21 SAVED
6909 Aspen 8 SAVED
6910 Aspen 8 SAVED
6911 Aspen 14 SAVED
6912 Aspen 28 SAVED
6913 Aspen 9 SAVED
6914 Aspen 11 SAVED
6915 Aspen 15 YES SAVED
6916 Aspen 9 SAVED
6917 Aspen 24 SAVED
6918 Black Willow 28 YES SAVED
6919 Black Willow 12 SAVED
6920 Boxelder 6 SAVED
6921 Boxelder 7 SAVED
6922 Black Willow 12 SAVED
6923 Aspen 17 SAVED
6924 Black Willow 18 SAVED
6925 Black Willow 14 SAVED
6926 Aspen 15 SAVED
6927 Aspen 15 SAVED
6928 Black Willow 15 SAVED
6929 Black Willow 9 SAVED
6930 Black Willow 11 SAVED
6931 Black Willow 12 SAVED
6932 Black Willow 16 SAVED
6933 Black Willow 10 SAVED
6934 Black Willow 16 SAVED
6935 Sugar Maple 6 SAVED
6936 Black Willow 16 SAVED
6937 Sugar Maple 12 YES SAVED
6938 Sugar Maple 10 YES REMOVED
6939 Black Willow 11 SAVED
6940 Black Willow 10 SAVED
6941 Aspen 21 SAVED
6942 Black Willow 12 YES SAVED
6943 Black Willow 10 YES SAVED
6944 Black Willow 10 SAVED
6945 Black Willow 10 SAVED
6946 Black Willow 12 SAVED
6947 Black Willow 14 SAVED
6948 Black Willow 8 SAVED
6949 Sugar Maple 6 SAVED
6950 Black Willow 12 YES SAVED
6951 Sugar Maple 6 SAVED
6952 Sugar Maple 12 SAVED
6953 Black Willow 11 SAVED
6954 Black Willow 14 YES SAVED
6955 Black Willow 16 SAVED
6956 Black Willow 10 SAVED
6957 Black Willow 11 SAVED
6958 Black Willow 11 SAVED
6959 Black Willow 12 SAVED
6960 Black Willow 9 SAVED
6961 Aspen 18 SAVED
6962 Black Willow 10 SAVED
6963 Black Willow 7 SAVED
6964 Sugar Maple 7 YES SAVED
6965 Aspen 6 SAVED
6966 Black Willow 8 SAVED
6967 Boxelder 7 SAVED
6968 Aspen 19 SAVED
6969 Black Willow 8 SAVED
6970 Black Willow 9 SAVED
6971 Black Willow 9 YES SAVED
6972 Black Willow 9 SAVED
6973 Black Willow 7 SAVED
6974 Aspen 18 SAVED
6975 Aspen 13 SAVED
6976 Boxelder 7 YES SAVED
6977 Black Willow 6 SAVED
6978 Black Willow 7 SAVED
6979 Black Willow 12 SAVED
6980 Black Willow 7 SAVED
6981 Black Willow 8 SAVED
6982 Black Willow 6 SAVED
6983 Black Willow 7 SAVED
6984 Black Willow 7 SAVED
6985 Black Willow 11 SAVED
6986 Sugar Maple 12 YES REMOVED
6987 Boxelder 11 REMOVED
6988 Boxelder 8 YES REMOVED
6989 Boxelder 8 REMOVED
6990 Sugar Maple 6 REMOVED
6991 Sugar Maple 7 YES REMOVED
6992 Sugar Maple 9 YES REMOVED
7001 Boxelder 6 REMOVED
7002 Boxelder 8 REMOVED
7003 Sugar Maple 7 REMOVED
7004 Boxelder 6 REMOVED
7005 Boxelder 7 REMOVED
7006 Boxelder 6 REMOVED
7007 Boxelder 10 YES REMOVED
7008 Boxelder 6 SAVED
7009 Boxelder 10 SAVED
7010 Boxelder 12 REMOVED
7011 Boxelder 8 REMOVED
7012 Sugar Maple 10 YES REMOVED
7013 Boxelder 10 SAVED
7014 Boxelder 7 SAVED
7015 Boxelder 6 SAVED
7016 Boxelder 11 SAVED
7017 Boxelder 6 SAVED
7018 Boxelder 6 SAVED
7019 Boxelder 8 REMOVED
7020 Boxelder 10 REMOVED
7021 Boxelder 6 REMOVED
7022 Boxelder 7 REMOVED
7023 Boxelder 6 REMOVED
7024 Boxelder 6 YES REMOVED
7025 Boxelder 12 REMOVED
7026 Boxelder 6 REMOVED
7027 Boxelder 6 REMOVED
7028 Black Willow 20 PD REMOVED
7029 Black Willow 20 REMOVED
7030 Black Willow 16 REMOVED
7031 Boxelder 7 REMOVED
7032 Boxelder 7 REMOVED
7033 Boxelder 12 REMOVED
7034 Boxelder 6 REMOVED
7035 Boxelder 10 REMOVED
7036 Boxelder 6 REMOVED
7037 Boxelder 7 YES REMOVED
7038 Boxelder 9 REMOVED
7039 Boxelder 6 REMOVED
7040 Boxelder 10 REMOVED
7041 Boxelder 8 REMOVED
7042 Black Cherry 8 REMOVED
7043 Boxelder 11 REMOVED
7044 Boxelder 9 REMOVED
7045 Boxelder 12 REMOVED
7046 Boxelder 8 REMOVED
7047 Boxelder 7 REMOVED
7048 Boxelder 7 REMOVED
7049 Boxelder 6 REMOVED
7050 Boxelder 8 REMOVED
7051 Boxelder 7 REMOVED
7052 Boxelder 15 SAVED
7053 Sugar Maple 12 REMOVED
7054 Sugar Maple 9 YES REMOVED
7055 Sugar Maple 12 YES REMOVED
7056 Sugar Maple 7 REMOVED
7057 Boxelder 13 REMOVED
7058 Boxelder 9 REMOVED
7059 Cottonwood 70 YES REMOVED
7060 Boxelder 8 REMOVED
7061 Boxelder 21 REMOVED
7062 Sugar Maple 12 YES REMOVED
7063 Sugar Maple 16 YES REMOVED
7064 Sugar Maple 9 REMOVED
7065 Boxelder 12 YES REMOVED
7066 Boxelder 10 YES REMOVED
7067 Boxelder 9 REMOVED
7068 Cottonwood 36 YES REMOVED
7069 Black Willow 28 REMOVED
7070 Boxelder 16 YES SAVED
7071 American Elm 8 REMOVED
7072 Boxelder 8 YES REMOVED
7073 Boxelder 7 REMOVED
7074 Boxelder 8 REMOVED
7075 Boxelder 6 SAVED
7076 Boxelder 9 REMOVED
7077 Sugar Maple 12 YES REMOVED
7078 Boxelder 10 REMOVED
7079 Boxelder 16 PD REMOVED
7080 Boxelder 8 REMOVED
7081 Boxelder 12 YES SAVED
7082 Boxelder 10 REMOVED
7083 Boxelder 10 SAVED
7084 Boxelder 22 SAVED
7085 Boxelder 13 SAVED
7086 Sugar Maple 10 YES SAVED
7087 Sugar Maple 14 YES SAVED
7088 Boxelder 10 SAVED
7089 Boxelder 10 SAVED
7090 Boxelder 9 SAVED
7091 Boxelder 6 SAVED
7092 Cottonwood 62 SAVED
7093 Boxelder 14 SAVED
7094 Boxelder 9 YES SAVED
7095 Boxelder 9 SAVED
7096 Boxelder 10 SAVED
7097 Boxelder 7 SAVED
7098 Boxelder 6 SAVED
7099 Boxelder 10 SAVED
7100 Boxelder 8 SAVED
7101 Sugar Maple 9 YES SAVED
7102 Boxelder 7 SAVED
7103 Boxelder 10 SAVED
7104 Boxelder 6 SAVED
7105 Sugar Maple 20 SAVED
7106 Sugar Maple 6 SAVED
7107 Boxelder 9 SAVED
7108 Boxelder 13 SAVED
7109 Boxelder 9 YES SAVED
7110 Boxelder 7 SAVED
7111 Boxelder 6 SAVED
7112 Boxelder 12 SAVED
7113 Boxelder 14 SAVED
7114 Cottonwood 28 YES SAVED
7115 Cottonwood 30 YES SAVED
7116 Boxelder 7 SAVED
7117 Boxelder 10 SAVED
7118 Boxelder 14 YES SAVED
7119 Boxelder 18 YES SAVED
7120 Boxelder 14 SAVED
7121 Black Cherry 6 SAVED
7122 Boxelder 8 SAVED
7123 Boxelder 14 SAVED
7124 Boxelder 16 SAVED
7125 Boxelder 7 SAVED
7126 Boxelder 7 SAVED
7127 Boxelder 12 SAVED
7128 Cottonwood 24 YES SAVED
7129 Boxelder 10 SAVED
7130 Boxelder 11 SAVED
7131 Boxelder 12 SAVED
7132 Boxelder 10 SAVED
7133 Boxelder 18 SAVED
7134 Boxelder 13 SAVED
7135 Boxelder 10 SAVED
7136 Boxelder 8 SAVED
7137 Cottonwood 14 SAVED
7138 Boxelder 11 SAVED
7139 Cottonwood 50 SAVED
7140 Cottonwood 30 SAVED
7141 Boxelder 7 SAVED
7142 Boxelder 6 REMOVED
7143 Boxelder 6 REMOVED
7144 Boxelder 12 REMOVED
7145 Cottonwood 28 SAVED
7146 Cottonwood 44 YES SAVED
7147 Boxelder 6 SAVED
7148 Boxelder 8 SAVED
7149 Cottonwood 30 YES SAVED
7150 Boxelder 9 SAVED
7151 Boxelder 12 SAVED
7152 Boxelder 9 SAVED
7153 Boxelder 8 SAVED
7154 Boxelder 6 REMOVED
7155 Boxelder 12 SAVED
7156 Boxelder 7 SAVED
7157 Boxelder 8 REMOVED
7158 Boxelder 8 SAVED
7159 Boxelder 7 SAVED
7160 Boxelder 10 SAVED
7161 Boxelder 14 SAVED
7162 Boxelder 16 SAVED
7163 Boxelder 10 YES REMOVED
7164 Boxelder 14 SAVED
7165 Boxelder 11 REMOVED
7166 Boxelder 8 SAVED
7167 Boxelder 8 REMOVED
7168 Boxelder 8 SAVED
7169 Black Willow 38 YES SAVED
7170 Boxelder 10 SAVED
7171 Boxelder 12 SAVED
7172 Red Maple 10 SAVED
7173 Boxelder 7 SAVED
7174 Boxelder 10 SAVED
7175 Boxelder 18 YES SAVED
7176 Boxelder 8 YES SAVED
7177 Boxelder 6 SAVED
7178 Boxelder 7 SAVED
7179 Sugar Maple 10 YES SAVED
7180 Sugar Maple 8 SAVED
7181 Boxelder 6 SAVED
7182 Sugar Maple 6 SAVED
7183 Sugar Maple 12 YES REMOVED
7184 Boxelder 14 SAVED
7185 Boxelder 11 SAVED
7186 Sugar Maple 8 YES REMOVED
7187 Sugar Maple 9 REMOVED
7188 Sugar Maple 9 YES REMOVED
7189 Boxelder 8 SAVED
7190 Sugar Maple 8 SAVED
7191 Red Maple 7 REMOVED
7192 Sugar Maple 9 REMOVED
7193 Sugar Maple 9 REMOVED
7194 Sugar Maple 12 rEMOVED
7195 Boxelder 14 SAVED
7196 Boxelder 22 YES SAVED
7197 Boxelder 8 SAVED
7198 Boxelder 16 SAVED
7199 Boxelder 9 SAVED
7200 Boxelder 7 SAVED
7201 Boxelder 6 SAVED
7202 Boxelder 6 SAVED
7203 Boxelder 6 SAVED
7204 Boxelder 6 SAVED
7205 Boxelder 6 SAVED
7206 Boxelder 22 SAVED
7207 Boxelder 24 YES SAVED
7208 Boxelder 7 SAVED
7209 Boxelder 6 SAVED
7210 Boxelder 10 SAVED
7211 Boxelder 9 SAVED
7212 Boxelder 6 SAVED
7213 Boxelder 13 SAVED
7214 Boxelder 7 SAVED
7215 Boxelder 9 SAVED
7216 Boxelder 12 SAVED
7217 Boxelder 6 SAVED
7218 Black Cherry 13 SAVED
7219 Sugar Maple 12 YES SAVED
7220 Sugar Maple 16 YES SAVED
7221 Sugar Maple 10 YES SAVED
7222 Sugar Maple 14 SAVED
7223 Boxelder 8 SAVED
7224 Boxelder 7 SAVED
7225 Boxelder 8 SAVED
7226 Black Willow 16 SAVED
7227 Cottonwood 44 SAVED
7228 Boxelder 7 SAVED
7229 Sugar Maple 9 SAVED
7230 Sugar Maple 10 SAVED
7231 Sugar Maple 9 SAVED
7232 Sugar Maple 8 SAVED
7233 Sugar Maple 7 SAVED
7234 Cottonwood 40 SAVED
7235 Cottonwood 26 SAVED
7236 Boxelder 7 SAVED
7237 Black Willow 14 PD SAVED
7238 Sugar Maple 10 SAVED
7239 Boxelder 10 SAVED
7240 Sugar Maple 28 YES SAVED
7241 Sugar Maple 6 SAVED
7242 Sugar Maple 6 SAVED
7243 Sugar Maple 8 SAVED
7244 Sugar Maple 8 SAVED
7245 Sugar Maple 8 SAVED
7246 Sugar Maple 16 SAVED
7247 Cottonwood 14 SAVED
7248 Cottonwood 36 SAVED
7249 Cottonwood 40 YES SAVED
7250 Cottonwood 26 SAVED
7251 Black Willow 18 PD SAVED
7252 Cottonwood 66 SAVED
7253 Sugar Maple 10 SAVED
7254 Boxelder 11 SAVED
7255 Boxelder 12 SAVED
7256 Boxelder 6 SAVED
7257 Black Willow 14 SAVED
7258 Boxelder 8 SAVED
7259 Boxelder 9 SAVED
7260 Boxelder 7 SAVED
7261 Black Willow 24 YES PD SAVED
7262 American Elm 8 SAVED
7263 Boxelder 10 SAVED
7264 Boxelder 9 SAVED
7265 Boxelder 12 SAVED
7266 Boxelder 15 SAVED
7267 Boxelder 12 SAVED
7268 Boxelder 9 SAVED
7269 Boxelder 8 SAVED
7270 Boxelder 9 SAVED
7271 Black Willow 14 SAVED
7272 Black Willow 20 SAVED
7273 Boxelder 6 SAVED
7274 Black Willow 20 SAVED
7275 Black Willow 16 YES SAVED
7276 Boxelder 6 SAVED
7277 Black Willow 26 SAVED
7278 Boxelder 11 SAVED
7279 Boxelder 20 YES SAVED
7280 Boxelder 9 SAVED
7281 Boxelder 14 SAVED
7282 Boxelder 7 SAVED
7283 Sugar Maple 13 SAVED
7284 Sugar Maple 9 SAVED
7285 Black Willow 16 SAVED
7286 Boxelder 7 SAVED
7287 Boxelder 9 SAVED
7288 Boxelder 6 SAVED
7289 Boxelder 6 SAVED
7290 Boxelder 9 SAVED
7291 Boxelder 8 SAVED
7292 Boxelder 14 SAVED
7293 Black Cherry 9 SAVED
7294 Boxelder 20 SAVED
7295 Sugar Maple 14 SAVED
7296 Sugar Maple 20 YES SAVED
7297 Boxelder 6 SAVED
7298 Boxelder 7 SAVED
7299 Boxelder 9 SAVED
7300 Black Willow 10 SAVED
7301 Sugar Maple 8 SAVED
7302 Sugar Maple 7 SAVED
7303 Sugar Maple 21 SAVED
7304 Sugar Maple 6 SAVED
7305 Sugar Maple 14 YES SAVED
7306 Cottonwood 60 SAVED
7307 Sugar Maple 6 SAVED
7308 Sugar Maple 20 YES SAVED
7309 Sugar Maple 16 SAVED
7310 Black Willow 14 SAVED
7311 Cottonwood 32 SAVED
7312 Sugar Maple 24 YES SAVED
7313 Sugar Maple 16 YES SAVED
7314 Sugar Maple 10 YES SAVED
7315 Sugar Maple 7 SAVED
7316 Sugar Maple 7 SAVED
7317 Sugar Maple 9 SAVED
7318 Boxelder 12 SAVED
7319 Black Willow 20 SAVED
7320 Cottonwood 32 SAVED
7321 Boxelder 9 SAVED
7322 Sugar Maple 9 SAVED
7323 Boxelder 7 SAVED
7324 Boxelder 8 SAVED
7325 Boxelder 9 SAVED
7326 Boxelder 16 YES SAVED
7327 Boxelder 12 SAVED
7328 Boxelder 12 SAVED
7329 Boxelder 13 SAVED
7330 Boxelder 22 SAVED
7331 Black Willow 11 SAVED
7332 Boxelder 18 SAVED
7333 Boxelder 11 YES SAVED
7334 Boxelder 15 YES SAVED
7335 Boxelder 16 REMOVED
7336 Cottonwood 44 REMOVED
7337 Boxelder 6 REMOVED
7338 Boxelder 8 REMOVED
7339 Boxelder 11 REMOVED
7340 Boxelder 16 REMOVED
7341 Boxelder 6 REMOVED
7342 Boxelder 8 REMOVED
7343 Boxelder 8 REMOVED
7344 Cottonwood 52 YES REMOVED
7345 Boxelder 8 REMOVED
7346 Boxelder 12 YES REMOVED
7347 Boxelder 7 YES REMOVED
7348 Boxelder 7 REMOVED
7349 Boxelder 9 REMOVED
7350 Boxelder 12 REMOVED
7351 Boxelder 8 SAVED
7352 Cottonwood 22 SAVED
7353 Boxelder 11 SAVED
Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300
Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343
Toll Free (888) 937-5150
7354 Cottonwood 38 YES SAVED
7355 Cottonwood 36 YES SAVED
7356 Boxelder 12 REMOVED
7357 Boxelder 7 REMOVED
7358 Cottonwood 36 YES REMOVED
7359 Boxelder 9 REMOVED
7360 Boxelder 15 REMOVED
7361 Boxelder 7 REMOVED
7362 Cottonwood 50 REMOVED
7363 Cottonwood 38 YES REMOVED
7364 Boxelder 6 REMOVED
7365 Boxelder 14 REMOVED
7366 Boxelder 8 REMOVED
7367 Boxelder 10 REMOVED
7368 Boxelder 7 REMOVED
7369 Black Willow 18 REMOVED
7370 Boxelder 13 REMOVED
7371 Boxelder 8 YES REMOVED
7372 Boxelder 11 REMOVED
7373 Boxelder 13 REMOVED
7374 Boxelder 16 SAVED
7375 Boxelder 8 SAVED
7376 Boxelder 12 SAVED
7377 Boxelder 9 YES SAVED
7378 Black Willow 22 SAVED
7379 Black Willow 12 PD SAVED
7380 Boxelder 13 SAVED
7381 Boxelder 10 SAVED
7382 Sugar Maple 11 SAVED
7383 Boxelder 16 YES SAVED
7384 Boxelder 8 SAVED
7385 Boxelder 10 SAVED
7386 Boxelder 11 SAVED
7387 American Elm 9 SAVED
7388 Boxelder 8 SAVED
7389 Boxelder 7 SAVED
7390 Boxelder 8 YES SAVED
7391 Black Willow 16 SAVED
7392 Boxelder 12 SAVED
7393 Boxelder 11 SAVED
7394 Boxelder 12 SAVED
7395 Black Willow 26 PD SAVED
7396 Black Willow 24 YES SAVED
7397 Boxelder 7 SAVED
7398 Boxelder 8 SAVED
7399 Boxelder 8 SAVED
7400 Boxelder 17 SAVED
7401 American Elm 6 SAVED
7402 Boxelder 13 SAVED
7403 Boxelder 9 SAVED
7404 Boxelder 7 SAVED
7405 Boxelder 7 SAVED
7406 Boxelder 7 SAVED
7407 Boxelder 13 SAVED
7408 Boxelder 11 SAVED
7409 Boxelder 16 SAVED
7410 Cottonwood 52 YES PD SAVED
7411 Cottonwood 32 SAVED
7412 Boxelder 26 YES PD SAVED
7413 Boxelder 14 SAVED
7414 Boxelder 8 SAVED
7415 Boxelder 6 SAVED
7416 Cottonwood 20 SAVED
7417 Cottonwood 15 SAVED
7418 Cottonwood 6 SAVED
7419 Boxelder 10 SAVED
7420 Cottonwood 30 YES SAVED
7421 Cottonwood 32 YES SAVED
7422 Cottonwood 32 YES SAVED
7423 Cottonwood 13 SAVED
7424 Cottonwood 9 SAVED
7425 Cottonwood 42 YES SAVED
7426 Boxelder 8 SAVED
7427 Cottonwood 30 YES SAVED
7428 Boxelder 10 SAVED
7429 Cottonwood 16 SAVED
7430 Cottonwood 42 YES SAVED
7431 Boxelder 9 SAVED
7432 Cottonwood 42 SAVED
7433 Black Willow 13 SAVED
7434 Boxelder 6 SAVED
7435 Boxelder 14 SAVED
7436 Black Willow 26 SAVED
7437 Cottonwood 56 SAVED
7438 Boxelder 8 SAVED
7439 Boxelder 12 SAVED
7440 Boxelder 9 SAVED
7441 Boxelder 12 SAVED
7442 Boxelder 6 SAVED
7443 Boxelder 8 SAVED
7444 Boxelder 7 SAVED
7445 Boxelder 16 SAVED
7446 Boxelder 16 SAVED
7447 Boxelder 9 SAVED
7448 Boxelder 8 SAVED
7449 Boxelder 7 SAVED
7450 Boxelder 10 SAVED
7451 Cottonwood 44 YES SAVED
7452 Boxelder 8 SAVED
7453 Boxelder 10 SAVED
7454 Boxelder 8 SAVED
7455 Boxelder 10 SAVED
7456 American Elm 12 SAVED
7457 Boxelder 9 SAVED
7458 Black Willow 20 YES SAVED
7459 Cottonwood 32 SAVED
7460 Boxelder 6 SAVED
7461 Cottonwood 48 SAVED
7462 Boxelder 15 SAVED
7463 Boxelder 14 SAVED
7464 American Elm 14 SAVED
7465 Boxelder 15 SAVED
7466 Boxelder 6 SAVED
7467 Boxelder 7 SAVED
7468 Boxelder 7 SAVED
7469 Boxelder 9 SAVED
7470 American Elm 15 SAVED
7471 Boxelder 10 SAVED
7472 Boxelder 9 SAVED
7473 Boxelder 9 SAVED
7474 Boxelder 8 SAVED
7475 Boxelder 12 SAVED
7476 Boxelder 13 SAVED
7477 Boxelder 12 SAVED
7478 Boxelder 9 SAVED
7479 Boxelder 7 SAVED
7480 Boxelder 10 SAVED
7481 Boxelder 10 SAVED
7482 American Elm 6 SAVED
7483 Boxelder 9 SAVED
7484 American Elm 6 SAVED
7485 Boxelder 10 SAVED
7486 Boxelder 18 SAVED
7487 Boxelder 9 SAVED
7488 Black Willow 14 SAVED
7489 Boxelder 12 SAVED
7490 Boxelder 10 YES SAVED
7491 Boxelder 8 SAVED
7492 Boxelder 10 SAVED
7493 Boxelder 6 SAVED
7494 Boxelder 8 SAVED
7495 Boxelder 18 SAVED
7496 Boxelder 10 SAVED
7497 Boxelder 7 SAVED
7498 Cottonwood 36 SAVED
7499 American Elm 8 SAVED
7500 American Elm 18 SAVED
7501 Cottonwood 38 SAVED
7502 Cottonwood 20 SAVED
7503 Cottonwood 36 YES SAVED
7504 Cottonwood 20 SAVED
7505 Boxelder 6 SAVED
7506 Boxelder 13 SAVED
7507 Boxelder 6 SAVED
7508 Boxelder 9 SAVED
7509 Boxelder 7 SAVED
7510 Boxelder 6 SAVED
7511 Boxelder 10 SAVED
7512 Black Willow 16 SAVED
7513 Boxelder 6 SAVED
7514 Boxelder 12 SAVED
7515 Boxelder 10 SAVED
7516 Boxelder 6 SAVED
7517 Boxelder 8 SAVED
7518 American Elm 16 SAVED
7519 Boxelder 6 SAVED
7520 American Elm 12 SAVED
7521 Boxelder 8 SAVED
7522 American Elm 11 SAVED
7523 Boxelder 6 SAVED
7524 Boxelder 9 SAVED
7525 Boxelder 7 SAVED
7526 Boxelder 7 SAVED
7527 Boxelder 7 SAVED
7528 Boxelder 9 SAVED
7529 American Elm 8 SAVED
7530 Boxelder 12 SAVED
7531 American Elm 7 SAVED
7532 Cottonwood 22 YES SAVED
7533 Black Willow 11 SAVED
7534 Cottonwood 50 SAVED
7535 Cottonwood 36 YES SAVED
7536 Black Willow 14 SAVED
7537 Boxelder 7 SAVED
7538 Boxelder 19 SAVED
7539 American Elm 6 SAVED
7540 Boxelder 11 SAVED
7541 Boxelder 10 SAVED
7542 Black Willow 12 SAVED
7543 Black Willow 8 SAVED
7544 Boxelder 8 SAVED
7545 Black Willow 21 SAVED
7546 Boxelder 9 SAVED
7547 American Elm 6 SAVED
7548 Boxelder 11 SAVED
7549 Boxelder 7 SAVED
7550 Boxelder 15 SAVED
7551 Boxelder 9 SAVED
7552 Boxelder 16 SAVED
7553 Boxelder 14 SAVED
7554 Boxelder 10 REMOVED
7555 Boxelder 6 REMOVED
7556 Boxelder 6 REMOVED
7557 American Elm 12 REMOVED
7558 American Elm 8 REMOVED
7559 Boxelder 9 REMOVED
7560 Boxelder 7 REMOVED
7561 Boxelder 6 REMOVED
7562 Boxelder 7 REMOVED
7563 Black Cherry 16 REMOVED
7564 Boxelder 10 REMOVED
7565 Ash 16 REMOVED
7566 Boxelder 7 REMOVED
7567 Boxelder 7 REMOVED
7568 Cottonwood 50 SAVED
7569 Boxelder 6 SAVED
7570 Boxelder 6 SAVED
7571 Boxelder 6 SAVED
7572 American Elm 6 SAVED
7573 American Elm 8 SAVED
7574 Boxelder 6 SAVED
7575 Boxelder 8 SAVED
7576 Boxelder 6 SAVED
7577 Boxelder 10 SAVED
7578 Boxelder 6 SAVED
7579 Ash 8 SAVED
7580 Boxelder 8 SAVED
7581 American Elm 8 SAVED
7582 American Elm 10 SAVED
7583 Ash 6 SAVED
7584 American Elm 10 SAVED
7585 Cottonwood 70 SAVED
7586 Cottonwood 26 SAVED
7587 Cottonwood 18 SAVED
7588 Black Willow 16 SAVED
7589 Cottonwood 38 YES SAVED
7590 Black Willow 10 SAVED
7591 Cottonwood 26 YES SAVED
7592 Cottonwood 24 SAVED
7593 Cottonwood 24 SAVED
7594 Boxelder 7 SAVED
7595 Boxelder 9 SAVED
7596 Black Willow 9 SAVED
7597 American Elm 8 SAVED
7598 Boxelder 8 SAVED
7599 Cottonwood 30 SAVED
7600 American Elm 7 SAVED
7601 Cottonwood 36 SAVED
7602 Cottonwood 36 SAVED
7603 Black Willow 9 SAVED
7604 Black Willow 14 SAVED
7605 Cottonwood 30 SAVED
7606 Cottonwood 32 YES SAVED
7607 Black Willow 12 SAVED
7608 Cottonwood 30 YES SAVED
7609 American Elm 15 SAVED
7610 Cottonwood 24 SAVED
7611 Boxelder 12 REMOVED
7612 Boxelder 10 REMOVED
7613 Boxelder 10 REMOVED
7614 Boxelder 14 SAVED
7615 Sugar Maple 6 YES REMOVED
7616 Boxelder 11 YES SAVED
7617 Boxelder 9 SAVED
7618 Boxelder 8 SAVED
7619 Cottonwood 32 YES SAVED
7620 Boxelder 6 SAVED
7621 Sugar Maple 12 YES SAVED
7622 Boxelder 8 YES SAVED
7623 Boxelder 10 YES SAVED
7624 Boxelder 7 SAVED
7625 Sugar Maple 18 YES SAVED
7626 Sugar Maple 7 YES SAVED
7627 Boxelder 8 SAVED
7628 Sugar Maple 8 YES SAVED
7629 Sugar Maple 8 YES SAVED
7630 Sugar Maple 10 SAVED
7631 Boxelder 8 SAVED
7632 Boxelder 7 SAVED
7633 Boxelder 12 SAVED
7634 Boxelder 11 SAVED
7635 Cottonwood 50 SAVED
7636 Boxelder 8 SAVED
7637 Boxelder 7 SAVED
7638 Boxelder 6 SAVED
7639 Boxelder 14 YES SAVED
7640 Cottonwood 56 SAVED
7641 Black Cherry 10 SAVED
7642 Cottonwood 46 SAVED
7643 Cottonwood 48 SAVED
7644 Boxelder 14 YES SAVED
7645 Sugar Maple 30 YES SAVED
7646 Sugar Maple 15 SAVED
7647 Sugar Maple 14 YES SAVED
7648 Boxelder 12 SAVED
7649 Boxelder 22 SAVED
7650 Cottonwood 50 YES REMOVED
7651 Sugar Maple 8 REMOVED
7652 Cottonwood 58 REMOVED
7653 Black Willow 11 REMOVED
7654 Black Willow 8 REMOVED
7655 Black Willow 12 REMOVED
7656 Boxelder 8 REMOVED
7657 Boxelder 16 YES SAVED
7658 Cottonwood 52 SAVED
7659 Sugar Maple 10 SAVED
7660 Sugar Maple 6 SAVED
7661 Sugar Maple 9 SAVED
7662 Sugar Maple 13 SAVED
7663 Sugar Maple 6 SAVED
7664 Sugar Maple 6 SAVED
7665 Boxelder 11 SAVED
7666 Boxelder 13 YES SAVED
7667 Boxelder 12 YES SAVED
7668 Boxelder 7 SAVED
7669 Boxelder 15 SAVED
7670 Boxelder 6 SAVED
7671 Sugar Maple 12 SAVED
7672 Boxelder 7 SAVED
7673 Boxelder 8 SAVED
7674 Boxelder 7 SAVED
7675 Boxelder 10 SAVED
7676 Boxelder 22 SAVED
7677 Boxelder 14 SAVED
7678 Boxelder 12 PD SAVED
7679 Sugar Maple 30 SAVED
7680 Boxelder 18 SAVED
7681 Sugar Maple 10 SAVED
7682 Sugar Maple 6 SAVED
7683 Sugar Maple 20 SAVED
7684 Cottonwood 40 SAVED
7685 Boxelder 12 SAVED
7686 Sugar Maple 9 SAVED
7687 Sugar Maple 9 YES SAVED
7688 Cottonwood 68 SAVED
7689 Sugar Maple 14 YES SAVED
7690 Sugar Maple 12 YES SAVED
7691 Sugar Maple 9 SAVED
7692 Sugar Maple 6 SAVED
7693 Sugar Maple 9 SAVED
7694 Sugar Maple 25 YES SAVED
7695 Boxelder 14 SAVED
7696 Boxelder 14 SAVED
7697 Sugar Maple 8 SAVED
7698 Boxelder 14 YES SAVED
7699 Boxelder 7 SAVED
7700 Boxelder 10 SAVED
7701 Sugar Maple 9 SAVED
7702 Sugar Maple 28 YES SAVED
7703 Boxelder 20 YES SAVED
7704 Boxelder 13 PD SAVED
7705 Boxelder 10 SAVED
7706 Boxelder 14 YES SAVED
7707 Cottonwood 29 SAVED
7708 Cottonwood 44 SAVED
7709 Sugar Maple 18 YES SAVED
7710 Cottonwood 44 SAVED
7711 Boxelder 21 YES SAVED
7712 Boxelder 11 SAVED
7713 Boxelder 20 YES SAVED
7714 Black Cherry 7 SAVED
7715 Black Willow 32 SAVED
7716 Black Cherry 7 SAVED
7717 Boxelder 16 YES REMOVED
7718 Boxelder 10 YES REMOVED
7719 Boxelder 38 REMOVED
7720 Black Willow 20 YES REMOVED
7721 Boxelder 7 REMOVED
7722 Boxelder 7 REMOVED
7723 Boxelder 6 YES REMOVED
7724 Boxelder 12 PD SAVED
7725 Black Willow 12 YES PD SAVED
7726 Boxelder 6 SAVED
7727 Boxelder 12 SAVED
7728 Boxelder 8 SAVED
7729 Boxelder 10 SAVED
7730 Black Willow 20 YES SAVED
7731 Boxelder 22 YES SAVED
7732 Boxelder 9 SAVED
7733 Boxelder 18 PD SAVED
7734 Boxelder 6 SAVED
7735 Black Willow 14 SAVED
7736 Boxelder 18 PD REMOVED
7737 Boxelder 11 REMOVED
7738 Boxelder 24 YES PD REMOVED
7739 Boxelder 12 REMOVED
7740 Boxelder 14 REMOVED
7741 Boxelder 14 REMOVED
7742 Boxelder 14 YES REMOVED
7743 Boxelder 18 YES PD REMOVED
7744 Boxelder 13 SAVED
7745 Boxelder 9 SAVED
7746 Boxelder 8 SAVED
7747 Boxelder 10 SAVED
7748 Sugar Maple 18 YES SAVED
7749 Boxelder 10 SAVED
7750 Boxelder 10 SAVED
7751 Boxelder 10 SAVED
7752 Boxelder 12 SAVED
7753 Boxelder 6 SAVED
7754 Black Willow 12 SAVED
7755 Boxelder 16 YES SAVED
7756 Boxelder 14 SAVED
7757 Black Willow 18 YES SAVED
7758 Black Willow 14 YES SAVED
7759 Boxelder 8 SAVED
7760 Black Willow 15 SAVED
7761 Black Willow 12 YES SAVED
7762 Boxelder 18 SAVED
7763 Boxelder 18 SAVED
7764 Boxelder 12 SAVED
7765 Boxelder 8 SAVED
7766 Boxelder 8 SAVED
7767 Boxelder 7 SAVED
7768 Boxelder 7 SAVED
7769 Boxelder 6 SAVED
7770 Boxelder 15 SAVED
7771 Black Willow 20 YES SAVED
7772 Boxelder 16 SAVED
7773 Black Willow 14 YES PD SAVED
7774 Boxelder 16 SAVED
7775 Boxelder 6 SAVED
7776 Boxelder 6 SAVED
7777 Sugar Maple 9 SAVED
7778 Boxelder 10 YES PD SAVED
7779 Sugar Maple 12 YES SAVED
7780 Boxelder 10 SAVED
7781 Black Willow 10 YES SAVED
7782 Black Willow 10 SAVED
7783 Boxelder 7 SAVED
7784 Black Willow 14 YES SAVED
7785 Boxelder 7 PD SAVED
7786 Boxelder 14 YES SAVED
7787 Boxelder 16 YES PD SAVED
7788 Boxelder 6 SAVED
7789 Boxelder 16 SAVED
7790 Black Cherry 6 SAVED
7791 Boxelder 22 YES SAVED
7792 Boxelder 6 REMOVED
7793 Boxelder 6 REMOVED
7794 Boxelder 10 SAVED
7795 Boxelder 8 SAVED
7796 Boxelder 6 SAVED
7797 Boxelder 16 YES SAVED
7798 Boxelder 14 SAVED
7799 Boxelder 16 SAVED
7800 Boxelder 24 SAVED
7801 Boxelder 12 YES SAVED
7802 Boxelder 11 SAVED
7803 Boxelder 6 SAVED
7804 American Elm 6 SAVED
7805 Black Cherry 6 SAVED
7806 Boxelder 7 SAVED
7807 Boxelder 6 SAVED
7808 Boxelder 16 SAVED
7809 Boxelder 6 SAVED
7810 Black Willow 14 YES SAVED
7811 Black Willow 13 SAVED
7812 American Elm 9 SAVED
7813 American Elm 9 SAVED
7814 American Elm 8 SAVED
7815 Black Willow 10 SAVED
7816 Aspen 12 YES SAVED
7817 American Elm 8 YES SAVED
7818 Aspen 14 SAVED
7819 Aspen 16 YES SAVED
7820 Aspen 24 YES SAVED
7821 Black Willow 6 SAVED
7822 Black Willow 12 SAVED
7823 Black Willow 6 SAVED
7824 Black Willow 11 YES SAVED
7825 Black Willow 10 SAVED
7826 Black Willow 6 SAVED
7827 Aspen 18 SAVED
7828 Sugar Maple 17 YES SAVED
7829 Sugar Maple 12 SAVED
7830 Boxelder 9 SAVED
7831 Sugar Maple 8 SAVED
7832 Sugar Maple 15 SAVED
7833 Sugar Maple 6 SAVED
7834 Black Willow 12 SAVED
7835 Black Willow 6 SAVED
7836 Black Willow 12 SAVED
7837 Black Willow 8 SAVED
7838 Sugar Maple 36 REMOVED
7839 Sugar Maple 34 REMOVED
7840 Sugar Maple 26 YES REMOVED
7841 Boxelder 6 REMOVED
7842 Boxelder 15 REMOVED
7843 Boxelder 12 REMOVED
7844 Boxelder 6 REMOVED
7845 Boxelder 12 REMOVED
Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300
Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343
Toll Free (888) 937-5150
Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300
Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343
Toll Free (888) 937-5150
Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300
Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343
Toll Free (888) 937-5150
Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300
Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343
Toll Free (888) 937-5150
Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300
Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343
Toll Free (888) 937-5150
Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300
Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343
Toll Free (888) 937-5150
Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300
Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343
Toll Free (888) 937-5150
Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300
Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343
Toll Free (888) 937-5150
Dakota County Surveyor’s Office
Western Service Center 14955 Galaxie Avenue Apple Valley, MN 55124
952.891-7087 Fax 952.891-7127 www.co.dakota.mn.us
February 6, 2019
City of Lakeville
20195 Holyoke Ave.
Lakeville, MN 55044
The Dakota County Plat Commission met on February 4, 2019, to consider the preliminary plat of the above
referenced plat. The plat is adjacent to future County Road 60 (185th St. West), and is therefore subject to
the Dakota County Contiguous Plat Ordinance.
The proposed site includes 270 residential lots. The right-of-way needs along existing Future County Road 60
are 75 feet of half right of way. As discussed, the future CR 60 is planned to be constructed as a two-lane
divided roadway to Street 1 (as shown on the proposed plat). The City discussed the possibility to extend CR
60 to Highview Avenue, which would include securing a highway easement for the last 1/2 mile on the south
half of the roadway. The City also discussed the future traffic control at the CR 60/Highview Avenue
intersection. Future traffic volumes should be studied to make a recommendation for this intersection.
Restricted access should be shown all along CR 60 except Street 1 and Hamburg Avenue.
The Plat Commission has approved the preliminary plat provided that the described conditions are met. The
Ordinance requires submittal of a final plat for review by the Plat Commission before a recommendation is
made to the County Board of Commissioners.
Future traffic volumes may indicate that Minnesota noise standards for residential units could be exceeded
for the proposed plat. Residential developments along County highways commonly result in noise
complaints. In order for noise levels from the highway to meet acceptable levels for adjacent residential
units, substantial building setbacks, buffer areas, and other noise mitigation elements should be incorporated
into this development.
No work shall commence in the County right of way until a permit is obtained from the County
Transportation Department and no permit will be issued until the plat has been filed with the County
Recorder’s Office. The Plat Commission does not review or approve the actual engineering design of
proposed accesses or other improvements to be made in the right of way. Nothing herein is intended to
restrict or limit Dakota County’s rights with regards to Dakota County rights of way or property. The Plat
Commission highly recommends early contact with the Transportation Department to discuss the permitting
process which reviews the design and may require construction of highway improvements, including, but not
limited to, turn lanes, drainage features, limitations on intersecting street widths, medians, etc.
Please contact Butch McConnell regarding permitting questions at (952) 891-7115 or Todd Tollefson
regarding Plat Commission or Plat Ordinance questions at (952) 891-7070.
Todd B. Tollefson
Secretary, Plat Commission
c: Reid Schulz, DR Horton
City of Lakeville
Public Works – Engineering Division
To: Daryl Morey, Planning Director
From: Alex Jordan, Assistant City Engineer
McKenzie L. Cafferty, Environmental Resources Manager
John Hennen, Parks and Recreation Director
Copy: Zach Johnson, City Engineer
Jerilyn Erickson, Finance Director
Gene Abbott, Building Official
Date: May 2, 2019
Subject: Pinnacle Reserve at Avonlea
• Preliminary Plat Review
• Preliminary Grading and Erosion Control Plan Review
• Preliminary Utility Plan Review
• Preliminary Tree Preservation Review
DR Horton, Inc. has submitted a preliminary plat named Pinnacle Reserve at Avonlea. This is
the fourth phase of the Avonlea PUD Master Plan approved by the City Council at their April 6,
2015 meeting. The proposed subdivision is located west of and adjacent to Hamburg
Avenue, east of and adjacent to Highview Avenue and north of and adjacent to the future
185th Street extension (CSAH 60). The parent parcels consist of one metes and bounds parcel
(PID No. 220160025012) and Outlot A, Avonlea 4th Addition, zoned PUD – Planned Unit
The preliminary plat consists of two-hundred sixty-eight (268) single-family lots within sixteen
(16) blocks, and eleven (11) outlots on 139 acres. The Developer is dedicating 4.10 acres as
185th Street (CSAH 60) right-of-way and 1.07 acres as Highview Avenue right-of-way.
The outlots created with the preliminary plat shall have the following use:
Outlot A: Wetland and buffers; to be deeded to the City (3.33 acres)
MMAAYY 22,, 22001199
Outlot B: Wetland and buffers, VRWJPO Principal Corridor, stormwater management
basin, Greenway Corridor; to be deeded to the City (8.26 acres)
Outlot C: Wetland and buffers, trunk sanitary sewer; to be deeded to the City (11.68
Outlot D: Landscaping and buffer; to be retained by the Developer (1.85 acres)
Outlot E: Landscaping and buffer; to be retained by the Developer (2.50 acres)
Outlot F: Landscaping and buffer; to be retained by the Developer (0.32 acres)
Outlot G: Landscaping and buffer; to be retained by the Developer (0.17 acres)
Outlot H: Wetland Complex, VRWJPO Principal Corridor, VRWJPO Water Quality Corridor,
Greenway Corridor, future park area and stormwater management basins; to
be deeded to the City (20.39 acres)
Outlot I: HOA Open Space/Private Park; to be retained by the Developer (0.41 acres)
Outlot J: Wetland Complex, VRWJPO Principal Corridor, Greenway Corridor; to be
deeded to the City (0.25 acres)
Outlot K: Landscaping and buffer; to be retained by the Developer (0.04 acres)
The proposed development will be completed by:
Developer: DR Horton, Inc.
Engineer/Surveyor: Westwood Professional Services, Inc.
The Pinnacle Reserve at Avonlea site is vacant agricultural land and also contains a
homestead, accessory buildings, and private wells and septic systems. A Vermillion River
Watershed Joint Powers Organization (VRWJPO) Principal Connector and Water Quality
Corridor is located bisecting the property draining from west to east. The water corridors are
bordered by significant trees throughout the parcel. Existing wetlands have been delineated
on the property along the water corridors. Overhead utility lines are located along the east
side of Highview Avenue serving the existing homestead on the property. Mattamy Homes
will be constructing trunk watermain facilities within an existing utility easement along the
south parcel boundary to provide utility service to the Avonlea 5th Addition development. The
land generally slopes downward from west to east, following the water corridors.
The parent parcels contain existing public and private easements. The following easements
will remain with the proposed development:
The parent parcels contain existing temporary public easements that will expire upon final
platting the underlying parcels into lots and blocks:
• Temporary Roadway Easement, per Document No. 3272861
• Temporary Easement, per Document No. 3272864
MMAAYY 22,, 22001199
The overall master plan for the Avonlea development is located on a total of 469.6 acres. The
overall concept for the revised master plan approved by the City Council at their October 2,
2017 meeting includes six-hundred and eighty-eight (688) single family lots, one hundred
sixteen (116) detached townhomes, one hundred and forty-seven (147) row townhomes, and
one hundred forty-four (146) high density residential units. The master plan includes the
construction of a greenway corridor, public and private trail systems, public and private HOA
park areas, and wetland complexes. A future sixty-six (66) acre park area is located south of
and adjacent to the future 185th Street extension and west of and adjacent to Cedar Avenue.
The overall master plan includes the construction of the following collector and arterial
roadways: 185th Street (CSAH 60), Hamburg Avenue, and Glacier Way.
The master plan includes PUD standards identifying unique setback requirements, roadway
right-of-way requirements, street widths, and cul-de-sac standards.
185th Street (Future CSAH 60)
Pinnacle Reserve at Avonlea is located north of and adjacent to 185th Street, a future minor
arterial County highway, as identified in the City’s Transportation Plan. The current Dakota
County Plat Review Needs Map indicates a half right-of-way requirement of 75-feet and
designates this roadway as a future four-lane divided urban roadway over its entire length
adjacent to the plat.
The City and Dakota County completed an alignment study for 185th Street from Highview
Avenue to the east corporate limits to define the right-of-way location for 185th Street within
the Avonlea development. The Developer has incorporated the necessary right-of-way, as
shown on the preliminary plat.
185th Street is designed as a two-lane divided urban roadway with a 10-foot wide bituminous
trail along the north and south sides of the road consistent with Dakota County’s standards,
access locations and spacing requirements. 185th Street will provide a full access for the
development at Hamburg Avenue and Highview Avenue. The alignment and design for 185th
Street was reviewed and approved by the Dakota County Transportation Department. 185th
Street will be a city road until jurisdiction is transferred to Dakota County.
The Developer is responsible for any improvements to 185th Street as required by Dakota
County. The City and County have requested the Developer construct 185th Street from
Highview Avenue to Hamburg Avenue with the preliminary plat improvements. Construction
of 185th Street between Highview Avenue and Hamel Drive requires the acquisition of the
south ½ right-of-way. The City will be the lead agency for the right-of-way acquisition
necessary to construct 185th Street. Timing for the construction of 185th Street will be
identified in the City and County’s 2020-2024 Capital Improvement Plan.
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The Developer shall pay 100% of the costs to construct 185th Street, including intersection
improvements required at 185th Street and Highview Avenue. The Developer is eligible for
reimbursement for costs above the standards of a City collector roadway, consistent with
Dakota County Transportation policy. The City and Dakota County will enter into a Joint
Powers Agreement “JPA” to provide the Developer with the County’s share of the project
Hamburg Avenue
Pinnacle Reserve at Avonlea includes the construction of Hamburg Avenue between 182nd
Street and 185th Street. Hamburg Avenue is a minor collector roadway as identified in the
City’s Transportation Plan. Hamburg Avenue will provide a full access to 185th Street and in
the future to 179th Street (Future CSAH 9). Hamburg Avenue is designed as a 40-foot wide
two-lane urban roadway within 80 feet of right-of-way. A five-foot wide concrete sidewalk
along the west side and an eight-foot wide bituminous trail along the east side will be
constructed along Hamburg Avenue. Hamburg Avenue shall be constructed with Phase 1 of
the preliminary plat.
Mattamy Homes provided an escrow for its ½ of the construction of Hamburg Avenue with
the Avonlea 4th Addition Development Contract. The Developer will be reimbursed the
escrow with the final plat.
A no parking resolution will be required with the final plat banning parking from the west
side of Hamburg Avenue.
Highview Avenue
Pinnacle Reserve at Avonlea is located east of and adjacent to Highview Avenue, a major
collector roadway as identified in the City’s Transportation Plan. Highview Avenue is currently
constructed as a two-lane undivided rural roadway adjacent to the plat. The preliminary plat
includes two proposed access locations along Highview Avenue, at Street 5 and future 185th
Street. The Developer shall construct a dedicated northbound right turn lane and
southbound left turn/bypass lane at the intersection of Street 5. The intersection
improvements will be required with the phase of the final plat which includes the connection
of Street 5 with Highview Avenue.
The intersection improvements for 185th Street and Highview Avenue will be determined
when a detailed engineering analysis has been completed for the intersection.
182nd Street
Development of Pinnacle Reserve at Avonlea includes the construction and extension of 182nd
Street, a local roadway. 182nd Street is designed as a 32-foot wide urban roadway with a
sidewalk along the south side of the street. The Developer is dedicating 60-feet of right-of-
way. A temporary cul-de-sac and “Future Street Extension” sign and barricades must be
placed at the north end of the street until it is extended in the future.
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Harlow Path and Hartlin Avenue (Street 10)
Development of Pinnacle Reserve at Avonlea includes the construction and extension of
Harlow Path and Hartlin Avenue, both local roadways. Harlow Path and Hartlin Avenue are
designed as 28-foot wide urban roadways with a sidewalk along one side of the streets. The
Developer shall remove the temporary cul-de-sac on Harlow Path and restore the temporary
easement area at the time Harlow Path is extended into the subdivision. The Developer is
dedicating 50-feet of right-of-way.
Street 1
Development of Pinnacle Reserve at Avonlea includes the construction of Street 1. Street 1 is
designed as a 32-foot wide urban roadway with a sidewalk along the east side of the street.
Street 1 will provide several connections throughout the subdivision; a) roadway crossing of
the VRWJPO Water Quality Corridor, b) roadway access to the future City Park on Outlot H,
and c) a connection and full access intersection with 185th Street, aligning with Hamel Drive to
the south. The Developer shall be responsible for all requirements stipulated by Dakota
County for improvements along 185th Street. The Developer is dedicating 60-feet of right-of-
Street 2
Development of Pinnacle Reserve at Avonlea includes the construction of Street 2, a local
roadway. Street 2 is designed as a 32-foot wide urban roadway with a sidewalk along the
south side of the street. The Developer is dedicating 60-feet of right-of-way. Street 2 will
provide a connection and access to Hamburg Avenue, aligning with 183rd Street to the east.
Street 3
Development of Pinnacle Reserve at Avonlea includes the construction of Street 3, a local
roadway. Street 3 is designed as a 28-foot wide urban roadway with a sidewalk along the
south side of the street. The Developer is dedicating 50-feet of right-of-way.
Streets 4, 6, 8 and 9
Development of Pinnacle Reserve at Avonlea includes the construction of Street 4, 6, 8 and 9,
all local cul-de-sac roadways. The cul-de-sac streets are designed as 28-foot wide urban
roadways within 50-feet of right-of-way.
Street 5
Development of Pinnacle Reserve at Avonlea includes the construction of Street 5, a local
roadway. Street 5 is designed as a 32-foot wide urban roadway with a sidewalk along the
north side of the street. The Developer is dedicating 60-feet of right-of-way. Street 5 will
provide a connection and full access to Highview Avenue.
Street 7
Development of Pinnacle Reserve at Avonlea includes the construction of Street 7. Street 7 is
designed as a 32-foot wide urban roadway with a sidewalk along the east side of the street.
Street 7 will cross the VRWJPO Principal Corridor to provide a roadway connection
throughout the subdivision. The Developer is dedicating 60-feet of right-of-way. A temporary
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cul-de-sac and “Future Street Extension” sign and barricades must be placed at the north end
of the street until it is extended in the future.
Construction traffic access and egress for grading, utility and street construction will be
determined with each phase of construction.
All of the open space amenities within Avonlea are to be developed to allow for connection
to other local and regional facilities as part of the City’s overall parks, trails and open space
system plan. The Avonlea Open Space Master Plan identifies 171.4 acres of open space, or 36
percent of the area within the proposed development, consisting of greenway corridors,
public park land, wetlands, storm water basins and HOA parks. The Avonlea Illustrative
Master Plan shows that the area to be acquired by the City for park purposes within the
development is 17.5 net acres of greenway corridor and 66.5 gross acres for the future
community park for a total of 84 acres of public park area. The Park Dedication requirements
are detailed in the Avonlea Development Contract.
The intent of the Avonlea PUD Master Plan was to satisfy the Park Dedication requirements in
the overall PUD via land dedication, which included areas outside of Mattamy Homes
ownership. Mattamy Homes did not proceed with purchase of the parent parcels, therefore
the Park Dedication requirement for the Pinnacle Reserve at Avonlea will be calculated based
on the preliminary plat for the development. The total park area required with the preliminary
plat is 14.58 acres, which is calculated as 12% of the net area of the property (excluding
arterial right-of-way and wetlands to remain) estimated as follows:
Gross Area of Preliminary Plat 139.00 Acres
Less 185th St Right-of-way
Less Highview Ave Right-of-way
Less wetlands to remain
Total Buildable Area
Land Dedication Requirement (12%) 14.58 Acres
The total park area estimated to be dedicated within the preliminary plat is 5.92 acres. This
satisfies an estimated 40.60% or 108.81 lots of the required park dedication for the
preliminary plat. The park dedication requirement for the remaining 59.40% or 159.19 lots will
be required to be paid with cash with the final plat. Only area outside of wetlands, wetland
buffers, VRWJPO corridors and buffers, stormwater basins, and arterial road right-of-way is to
be credited or compensated for park dedication purposes. The final amount of park land to be
dedicated will be calculated with the first phase final plat.
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Greenway Corridor Trail
The City’s Parks, Trails, and Open Space Plan identifies a greenway corridor traversing
east/west through the area of the Master Plan. The Developer proposes to construct a portion
of a trail within the greenway corridor with the final plat. The trail will be constructed from
Highview Avenue to the bridge crossing west of Glenbridge Avenue, within Outlots B, G and
H of the preliminary plat and Outlot G, Avonlea. The City shall reimburse the Developer for
100% of the costs for bituminous pavement, aggregate base, and boardwalks for the trail
construction within the greenway corridor. The amount of reimbursement, based on an
estimate to be provided by the Developer’s engineer, shall be subtracted from the
Developer’s Park Dedication requirement with the final plat.
Development of Avonlea includes the construction of public trails and sidewalks. 5-foot wide
concrete sidewalks, with pedestrian curb ramps, will be installed along one side of all local
streets except for the Street 4, 6, 8, and 9 cul-de-sacs. Bituminous trails will be constructed
along both sides of 185th Street, the east side of Highview Avenue, the east side of Hamburg
Avenue, the east side of Street 1 from Street 2 to 185th Street and within Outlots B, G, and H.
The Developer will responsible for 100% of the grading and restoration for the bituminous
trails. The Developer shall receive a credit to the final plat cash fees for the City’s 3/8th share
(excluding grading and restoration) of the trail construction costs, except for the trail within
the greenway corridor identified earlier (100% credit).
The trail along the south side of 185th Street west of Hamel Drive will not be constructed with
the preliminary plat of Pinnacle Reserve at Avonlea. The trail will be constructed at the time
the property south of and adjacent to 185th Street is final platted into lots and blocks.
Pinnacle Reserve at Avonlea is located within subdistricts NC-20145, NC-20155, NC-20170 of
the North Creek sanitary sewer district as identified in the City’s Sewer Plan.
The City will credit the Developer for the oversizing of the trunk sanitary sewer in the
development. The credit will be based on the cost difference between 8-inch sanitary sewer
and the oversized sanitary sewer that will be installed. The credit will be applied to the
Developer’s final plat cash fees and will be based on an estimate provided by the Developer’s
The City’s Sewer Plan identifies the extension of the trunk sanitary sewer west of Highview
Avenue and south of 185th Street. Extensions of these sewers with the plat improvements will
be reviewed with future final plat applications.
The wastewater from the development will be conveyed via existing trunk sanitary sewer to
the MCES Farmington Interceptor and continue to the Empire Wastewater Treatment Facility.
The City’s Comprehensive Sewer Plan identifies the sewer downstream of the proposed 18-
inch extension as an area of Potential Future Capacity Constraints. This section of sanitary
sewer should be monitored for capacity as development continues upstream. A future
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sanitary sewer analysis may be required to determine the capacity available in the sanitary
sewer downstream.
The Sanitary Sewer Availability Charge has not been collected on the parent parcels and shall
be paid with the final plat. The fee will be based on the current rate in effect at the time of
final plat approval.
Development of Pinnacle Reserve at Avonlea includes the extension of public watermain.
Watermain will be extended within the development to provide water service to the
Consistent with the City’s Water Plan, trunk watermain extensions are required to be
completed with the preliminary plat. The Developer shall extend the 12-inch trunk watermain
along Streets 1, 2, and 8 from Highview Avenue to Hamburg Avenue and along Hamburg
Avenue from 182nd Street to 185th Street.
A pressure reducing valve will be required for the connection of the watermain within the two
pressure zones located on the parent parcels, as identified in the City’s Water Plan. The PRV
will be located within Outlot H at the northwest corner of Hamburg Avenue and Street 2. The
Developer shall pay for and install the manhole and pressure reducing valve when the two
pressure zones are connected. The City will design and reimburse the Developer for the cost
of the pressure reducing valve.
The City will credit the Developer for the oversizing of the trunk watermain in the
development. The credit will be based on the cost difference between 8-inch watermain and
the oversized watermain that will be installed. The credit will be applied to the Developer’s
final plat cash fees and will be based on an estimate provided by the Developer’s engineer.
Development of Avonlea 4th Addition included the construction of a sewer and water service
to the parent parcels that will no longer be issued (Hawksbill Drive, south of Harlow Path). The
Developer shall remove and abandon the private utility services at the main, consistent with
City Specifications.
An overhead electric transmission line and poles are located along the east side of Highview
Avenue on the parent parcels. The Developer is required to remove the poles and place the
utilities underground with the final plat, consistent with the City’s Public Ways and Property
Pinnacle Reserve at Avonlea is located within subdistricts FO-6 and FO-8 of the Farmington
stormwater district as identified in the City’s Water Resources Management Plan. A Vermillion
River Watershed Joint Powers Organization (VRWJPO) Principal Connector and Water Quality
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Corridor are located within the site draining from west to east. The water corridors are
conveyed under Cedar Avenue via existing culverts.
Development of Pinnacle Reserve of Avonlea includes the construction of public stormwater
management basins to collect and treat the stormwater runoff generated from the site. The
basins will provide water quality treatment and rate control of the stormwater runoff
generated from the subdivision. Due to the high elevation of groundwater and in-situ clay
soils, infiltration is not feasible in the majority of the development. Water quality will be
provided, and wet sedimentation basins and secondary treatment will be provided by the
existing wetlands. The stormwater management basins will be located within Outlots B and H
which will be deeded to the City with the final plat. The stormwater basin designs include an
aquatic safety bench and shall include a skimming device designed for the 10-year event,
consistent with City requirements.
The City and VRWJPO desire to make improvements to the water corridors through the site.
The improvements would include restoration of the channels, repair of eroding slopes and
improving the vegetation. Following dedication of Outlots B, C and H to the City, the City and
VRWJPO would propose to prepare a design for the stream improvements, with the desired
improvements occurring concurrently with the construction of the development
The final grading plan shall identify all fill lots in which the building footings will be placed on
fill material. The grading specifications shall also indicate that all embankments meet
FHA/HUD 79G specifications. The Developer shall certify to the City that all lots with footings
placed on fill material are appropriately constructed. Building permits will not be issued until
a soils report and an as-built certified grading plan have been submitted and approved by
City staff.
Pinnacle Reserve at Avonlea contains more than one acre of site disturbance. A National
Pollution Discharge Elimination System General Stormwater Permit for construction activity is
required from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency for areas exceeding one acre being
disturbed by grading. A copy of the Notice of Stormwater Permit Coverage must be
submitted to the City upon receipt from the MPCA.
Development of Pinnacle Reserve at Avonlea includes the construction of public storm sewer
systems. Storm sewer will be installed within the subdivision to collect and convey
stormwater runoff generated from within the public right-of-way and lots to the public
stormwater management basins located within Outlots B and H.
Draintile construction is required in areas of non-granular soils within Pinnacle Reserve at
Avonlea for the street sub-cuts and lots. Any additional draintile construction, including
perimeter draintile required for building footings, which is deemed necessary during
construction shall be the developer’s responsibility to install and finance.
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The Trunk Storm Sewer Area Charge has not been collected on the parent parcels and must
be paid with the Avonlea final plat. The Developer will receive a credit to the Trunk Storm
Sewer Area Charge for deeding the portions of Outlots A, B, C, H and J that were not
previously reimbursed for park dedication purposes to the City, calculated at $5,500/acre
consistent with City policy. The reimbursement will be calculated with the final plat.
185th Street is a minor arterial and Highview Avenue is a major collector roadway as identified
in the City’s Transportation Plan. A buffer yard containing earth berms and/or plantings of a
sufficient density to provide a visual screen and a reasonable buffer a minimum of ten feet in
height shall be provided adjacent to 185th Street and Highview Avenue. A certified as-built
grading plan of the buffer yard berm must be submitted and approved by City staff prior to
the installation of any buffer yard plantings.
The Developer proposes to construct privately owned and maintained retaining walls. Walls
with a combined height over 4-feet are subject to approval of a building permit and must be
designed by a registered geotechnical or structural engineer. A private maintenance
agreement is required with the final plat for the retaining walls located on private property
that cross multiple property lines (Lots 14-16, and 24, Block 4). Additionally, an encroachment
agreement is required with the final plat for the retaining walls proposed within drainage and
utility easements.
Pinnacle Reserve at Avonlea is shown on the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) as Zone X by
the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Based on this designation, there are no
areas in the plat located within a Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA), as determined by FEMA.
The wetland delineation for the site was approved on November 9, 2018. Two wetlands were
identified within the project boundaries totaling 13.52 acres of wetland. There are 0.494 acres
of permanent wetland impacts associated with the development of this site and there are
0.13 acres of temporary impacts. Applicant will purchase a total of 0.988 acres of banking
credits; 0.494 acres from the Sorenson Wetland Bank (Acct #1541) and 0.494 acres from the
McNallan Wetland Bank (Acct #1500). Both are in Bank Service Area 8. There are no suitable
credits available in the same minor or major watershed as the proposed impacts. The Notice
of Application was sent out 3/14/19. No adverse comments were received during the
comment period.
Based on the information provided in the report dated 3/8/2019, the impacts indicated for
the areas outlined in the report have been determined to be acceptable for use in
implementing the Wetland Conservation Act. No impacts are allowed until the final
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withdrawal information has been received from BWSR. It is the applicant’s responsibility to
obtain proper wetland approvals from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
The tree preservation plan is consistent with the overall Avonlea Master Plan. The plan
identifies 2,142 total trees on site and proposes to save 1,667 trees. Prior to any removals the
tree protection fence line must be staked and reviewed by City Staff. Minor changes may
result in additional removals or saves based on location or condition of the tree. The
landscape plan must be revised prior to final plat to include native trees and shrubs around
the stormwater basins and within the buffer areas.
The Developer is responsible for meeting all the requirements of the MPCA Construction
Permit. A detailed SWPPP must be submitted to the City for review prior to any land
disturbance. Redundant silt fence is required along all wetlands and waterways that do not
have a 50-foot established buffer.
The Developer is responsible for the establishment of native vegetation around all
stormwater treatment basin and any disturbed or farmed buffer. A management plan
including a schedule for maintenance must be included in the final plat plans.
Additional erosion control measures may be required during construction as deemed
necessary by City staff or the Vermillion River Watershed JPO. Any additional measures
required shall be installed and maintained by the developer.
Engineering recommends approval of the preliminary plat, grading and erosion control plan,
and utility plan for Pinnacle Reserve at Avonlea, subject to the requirements and stipulations
within this report.