HomeMy WebLinkAbout79-004CITY OF LAKEVILLE
Date February 5, 1979 Resolution No. 79.4
Motion by Nelson Seconded by Spande
WHEREAS, it is deemed to be important and beneficial for the Lake-
ville Youth Advisory Board to have written rules and procedures for the con-
duct of business.
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the following rules and procedure
is hereby adopted for the Lakeville Youth Advisory Board.
1. The meeting agenda shall be sent to Committee members and local
media for publication the week prior to the meeting.
2. Youth Advisory Board agendas will include time, date and place
of meeting.
3. Immediately following roll call and approval of preceding meet-
ings minutes, the agenda for the evening will be accepted, with
or without modification.
4. Meetings will be conducted in a structured manner with no motion
voted upon without discussion. All comments from members or
others present} shall be directed to the Chairperson.
5. Any member#,of the public wishing ,to speak may do so only after
recognitiod from the Chair and upon identifying himself or her-
self and their residence..,
6. As time allows, there'will be a period for open discussion of
items not on the agenda. ,
7. All available information and reports related to agenda items
should be included In the agenda mailed to the Committee mem-
bers during.thi week prior tp the meeting.
8. The starting time' -for all Youth Advisory Board meetings will be
at 7:30 P.M. on the 2n4i and 4th Wednesdays of each month. No
meeting should extend beyond 10:00 P.M. unless formally voted
for extension.
9. All Youth Advisory Board meeting information; date of meeting,
time, place and agenda shall be published in the local news
media one week before the meeting.
10. The Youth Advisory Board does have authotity to establish sub-
committees to review pertinent and controversial issues.
11. No meeting shall be conducted without a majority of appointed
members present. Thereafter all business conducted need only
support of simple majority of members present.
12. For purposes of assuring a quorum, if a member is not able to
attend a meeting, notification should be given the Lakeville
Police Department.
APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Lakeville
this 5th day of February, 1979.
G6rfdon Lekson, ayor
Patrick E. McGarvey, CityClerk