HomeMy WebLinkAbout78-076P F RESOLUTTON 1178-76 P,LSOI UTION IN COOPERATION WITH STATE FOR SNOB R1110VAl_ 0'1 TRUNK HIGHWAY NUMBER 50 WHEREAS, The Village/City of Lakevi1]c has been approached by officials of the Minnesota State Department of Transportation to enter into a cooperative Agreement for the removal of snow on 11-iyhway Number 50 within the Vill'lok!/City of Lakeville in_Dakota County, Minnesota. THEREFOi;E, DE IT RLSOLVED, That the i,:ike vI_11c __— Village/City r:uuncil hereby authorizes and instructs its officers and employees to provide trucks (is roquir•ed by the Minnesota Department of Transportation for the rer>Uval of snow from llighway Number 50 within the Villave/Lily of Lnkeville the A�frt r,a nt: being that State equipment will plow, windrow, and load the snow, and the removal and disposal will be by means of fully operati,d trucks furnished by the Village/City of Lakeville BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Mayor and Clerk be and they hereby are authorized and instructed to execute two certified copies of this Resolu•-ion and dLliver same to State Department of Transportation officials for this Maintenance District; and also to execute any additional instr•uiacnts for this purpose that gray be required by the Minnesota Department of Transportation. Adopted: 16 October 1978 (date) Hayo Clerk II Patrick E. McGarvey Clerk. of the Village/City of Lakeville , do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a Resolution adopted by the Village/City Council at the time shcwu therein. f r (SEAL) Clerk (Submit two (2) copies to: District i•1aintenance Fmjineer) Minnesota Departrrenf. of Transportation, District 9 3485 Hadley Avenue [forth, Box 2050 North St. Paul, Minnesota 55109