HomeMy WebLinkAbout78-060CITY OF LAKEVILI.E RESOLUTION Date 21 August, 1978 Resolution No. 78-60 Motion by Curry Seconded by Lekson RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF THE FINAL GRANT APPLICATION TO THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FOR A SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM PROJECT. WHEREAS, the City of Lakeville applied for a Community Development Block Grant under the eminent threat provisions of the federal law, and VIIEREAS, the City has been advised of $219,000 being reserved for the City pending the filing of an acceptable final grant application. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT: 1.) The final grant application filing is approved for an estimated project cost of $878,000 for the construction of a trunk sanitary sewer from the existing 27" trunk sewer in the area of the Lakeville Senior High School to the existing Interceptor sewer near the Lamplighter Apartments. 2.) That the required public notification and participation in the use of the Community Development Block Grant funds has been complied with for this final application. 3.) That the goals for the three year lower income housing assistance plan are approved as a part of the final grant application as set forth in HUD -7015.10. ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Lakeville this 21st rlay of Auzust , 1978. son, Mia"yor ATTEST: atrick E. McGarvey, City Cle