HomeMy WebLinkAbout76-38Date: 7 September, 1976
Motion by
Resolution No. 76-38
Seconded by Curry
APPLE VALLEY 1976 - 148
WHEREAS, the Cities of Apple Valley, Farmington, and Lakeville,
(ALF) effective January 1, 1976, entered into a two year agreement
with Midwest Med-Kab, Inc., d/b/a Dakota Ambulance Service that pro-
vides an annual subsidy to Midwest from the three cities combined of
not to exceed $37,876.56, and
WHEREAS, the City of Rosemount participated in all discussions
prior to the effictive date of said agreement and if Rosemount had
become a subsidizing City, its subsidy would not have exceeded
$7,123.44 annually, and
WHEREAS, prior to mid 1974, ambulance service to Apple Valley,
Farmington, Lakeville, Rosemount and adjacent townships was provided
primarily by Franke's Ambulance Service of Farmington, a service that
operated in a fashion similar to volunteer Fire Departments, and
WHEREAS, Franke sold said ambulance service in 1974 to Dakota
Community Health Center, Inc. who in turn in 1975 sold it to Midwest
who operate the service with 2 persons on duty at all times and upon
a call being received, a 2 person back-up crew is immediately dispatched
and stands by with a second ambulance for additional calls, and
WHEREAS, in lieu of the City of Rosemount paying a subsidy, a
Rosemount City Council member informed representatives of ALF that
the Rosemount City Council was of the opinion that only the direct
users of ambulance service should pay the full cost and that if a
surcharge was necessary it should be levied upon the user, and
WHEREAS, since Rosemount has historically received ambulance ser-
vice from the same Ambulance Service Company as ALF, and since the City
Council of the ALF cities determined that the public interest would be
served by the payment of a subsidy for a defined level of ambulance
service, and
WHEREAS, said City Councils further determined that a per call
surcharge of $60.00 should apply in the service area described in the
third whereas above where the municipal government'is not a subsidizer
WHEREAS, the $60.00 amount was based on an estimate of number of
calls, based on population, that would originate in the non-subsidzing
areas, and
WHEREAS, based on actual calls for the first six months of 1976,
the surcharge should have been $90.00 per call and that if it had been
$90.00 per call, the total revenue per call from the non -subsidized
areas would have approximately equaled the subsidized areas, and
WHEREAS, ALF deems it adviseable to clarify to Midwest and the
non -subsidizing areas the conditions under which the surcharge is to
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Councils of the Cities
of Apple Valley, Lakeville, and Farmington as follows:
1. That effective October 1, 1976, Midwest Med-Kab, Inc.,
d/b/a Dakota Ambulance Service shall apply a $90.00
surcharge to all calls described in No. 2 below.
2. The $90.00 surcharge shall apply to all calls
originating in the City of Rosemount and in the Town-
ships of Nininger, Vermillion, Empire, Castle Rock
and Eureka except that if the user is a resident of
Apple Valley, Farmington, or Lakeville said surcharge
shall not apply. The surcharge shall also apply on
"reloads" from Dakota Community Health Center in
Apple Valley or Sanford Hospital in Farmington if the
original call was a surcharge call.
3. That the City Councils of the ALF Cities invite Rose-
mount or any township to become a participant in the
subsidy agreement which would then eliminate the sur-
charge to the direct ambulance users and allow the
entire community(ies) to share in the costs of having
24-hour full time ambulance service available.
4. That copies of this resolution be sent to the City of
Rosemount, the Townships of Nininger, Vermillion, Empire,
Castle Rock, and Eureka, the Dakota County Tribune and
other news media.
5. That this resolution shall become effective after its
adoption by the City Councils above named.
ADOPTED this 25th of August , 1976, by Apple Valley.
Richard G. Asleson, City Clerk
ADOPTED this of
City Clerk
Fred J. Largen, Mayor
1976, by Farmington.
^ADpPTE th' 7th qR of September , 1976, by Lakeville.
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City C rk