HomeMy WebLinkAbout76-18CITY OF LAKEVILLE RESOLUTION Date: April 5, 1976 Resolution No. 76-18 Motion by Clarkson Seconded by Curry RESOLUTION SETTING WATER AND SANITARY SEWER USER RATES WHEREAS,'the City of Lakeville does own and operate a water pumping, treatment, storage and distribution system, and WHEREAS, the City of Lakeville does own and operate a sanitary sewer system, and WHEREAS, the City is required by State Statutes to pay the Metro- politan Waste Control Commission for sewage treatment and interceptor costs from sewer user fees, and WHEREAS, the City is required to apportion sewer system and treat- ment costs based strictly on rates to the users of the system at sufficient rates to pay the yearly costs of operating and maintaining the collection system, treatment costs and administrative costs, and WHEREAS, the City must also generate sufficient revenue from the sale of water to users to provide for the construction of portions of the system, and operation and maintenance of the system, and WHEREAS, the costs to the City of above responsibilities have in- creased since rates were last established in 1974, and WHEREAS, after analysis of current costs and rates indicate the need to generate additional revenue to operate each system in accordance with Federal and State laws and in a sound financial manner, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council does hereby approve the following rate schedules for users of the water and sanitary sewer systems effective on the second billing cycle of 1976 and for subse- quent billing periods until changed by the City Council. WATER RATE SCHEDULE 10,000 gallons per quarter minimum $6.00 45o,% per 1,000 gallons over 10,000 S.F.RESIDENTIAL SEWER RATE 0 - 10,000 gallons minimum $9.00 All four quarters All over 10,000 gallons, 70G per 1,000 gallons effective October through March. 10,000 - 20,000 gallons 70G per 1,000 gallons Effective April through 20,000 - 40,000 gallons 65(,% per 1,000 gallons September only. 40,000 - up 60t per 1,000 gallons NON S.F..-RESIDENTIAL SEWER RATE (All Year) Apartment, trailer court and townhouse - minimum 80% $7.20 per quarter, per unit or 70F per 1,000 gallons, whichever is higher.** Industrial - Institutional - Commercial minimum $9.00 for 10,000 gallons 70s,% per 1,000 gallons over 10,000 ** The charge for each quarter shall be determined by dividing the total gallons of water billed by the number of dwelling units. When the average per unit exceeds 10,000 gallons, the minimum of $7.20 for the first 10,000 gallons plus 70fi for each 1,000 gallons in excess of 10,000 shall be charged. Dwelling units are the number of units occupied or available for occupancy in apartment buildings, or the number of mobile homes in a mobile home park on the date the water meter is read by the City. ADOPTED by the Lakeville City Council on the 5th day of April, 1976. ATTEST: Marceline Hemstrom, City Clerk Edward J. Mako Vayor