HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 051 City of Lakeville Planning Department Memorandum To: Planning Commission From: Frank Dempsey, AICP, Associate Planner Date: May 17, 2019 Subject: Packet Material for the May 23, 2019 Planning Commission Meeting Agenda Item: Interstate South Logistics Park Second Addition Preliminary and Final Plat Action Deadline: July 6, 2019 BACKGROUND Scannell Properties #180 LLC (Scannell) has submitted preliminary and final plat applications and plans for Interstate South Logistics Park Second Addition, which proposes one lot and one block on a 8.9-acre I-1, Light Industrial District zoned parcel. The subject property is located south of and abutting 217th Street and west of and abutting Dodd Boulevard (CSAH 9). The proposed lot will be occupied by QA1 Precision Products which is currently located in two separate buildings in Airlake Industrial Park at 21730 Hanover Avenue and 7785 – 218th Street. QA1 Precision Products specializes in production of products for performance vehicle, industrial, agricultural and construction markets. The proposed preliminary and final plat includes a site plan for the construction of a 100,150 square foot office, manufacturing and warehouse building. QA1 represents the third lot and building in the proposed 176-acre Interstate South Logistics Park development. Future lots will be determined as specific development projects are proposed. Future build-out is estimated to include up to 2.2 million square feet of light industrial, warehouse and distribution space encompassing the 176-acre development. The preliminary and final plat plans have been submitted to: 2 1. Engineering Division 2. Parks and Recreation Department 3. Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee 4. Dakota County Plat Commission The following exhibits are attached for your information: EXHIBITS A. Location and Zoning Map B. Aerial Photo Map C. Survey D. Master Site Plan E. Preliminary plat F. Final Plat G. Site Plan Lot 1 (QA1) H. Truck Turning Movement Exhibit I. Grading Plan J. Erosion Control Plan K. Utility Plan L. Storm Sewer Plan M. Landscape Plan N. Site Lighting Plan O. Building Floor Plan P. Building Elevation Perspective Q. Dakota County Plat Commission letter dated March 21, 2019 Zoning and Surrounding Uses. The property is zoned I-1, Light Industrial District. The proposed project is surrounded by the following existing or planned land uses: Direction Existing Use Land Use Plan Zoning North 217th Street and Developed and Undeveloped I-1 District Properties Light Industrial/Warehouse I-1, Light Industrial District South Undeveloped Future Interstate South Logistics Park Property Light Industrial/Warehouse I-1, Light Industrial District East Dodd Boulevard (CSAH 9) and Uponor Warehouse Light Industrial/Warehouse and Public/Semi-Public I-1, Light Industrial District West Undeveloped Future Interstate South Logistics Park Property Light Industrial/Warehouse I-1, Light Industrial District 3 STAFF ANALYSIS PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT a. Alternative Urban Areawide Review (AUAR) - An AUAR is a mandatory environmental review that must be completed for the development of an industrial project the size of Interstate South Logistics Park. The AUAR is an accepted substitute to an Environmental Impact State (EIS). The AUAR completed for the Interstate South Logistics Park development was adopted by the City Council on June 15, 2015. The phase one preliminary plat was approved by the City Council in 2018. The Interstate South Logistics Park Second Addition preliminary and final plat is consistent with the approved AUAR. b. Comprehensive Plan. The property is located in Planning District Nos. 8 and 10 of the 2030 Comprehensive Land Use Plan and Planning District 6 of the draft 2040 Comprehensive Plan. The property is in the current Metropolitan Urban Service Area (MUSA) which means that City municipal services, including sanitary sewer, are available to the property. The property is guided Light Industrial/Warehouse according to the current plan. The proposed light industrial and warehouse use is consistent with the 2030 and 2040 Comprehensive Plans. The proposed Interstate South Logistics Park preliminary plat meets the recommended goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan. c. Existing Site Conditions. The property south of 217th Street is undeveloped. The property is bounded by Dodd Boulevard (CSAH 9) to the east and 217th Street to the north. d. Lot/Block/Outlot. The preliminary and final plat of Interstate South Logistics Park Second Addition consists of one lot and one block. The proposed lot exceeds the minimum lot area and lot width requirements for the I-1, Light Industrial District. The following is a tabulation of the lot as noted on the preliminary and final plat plans. Preliminary Plat Lots and Outlot Lot Area and Lot Width Requirements Lot 1 30,000 sf area 8.9 Acres 100 feet 692 feet e. Streets. The preliminary and final plat of Interstate South Logistics Park Second Addition will not require the construction of any streets. Access will be from existing 217th Street, which also serves the two lots to the north. The driveway access will align with the driveway access north of 217th Street. Future street construction will include the westerly extension of 217th Street and the southerly extension of Jacquard Avenue south of 215th Street (CSAH 70) in future phases of the Interstate South Logistics Park development. 4 Two streets abut the preliminary and final plat of Interstate South Logistics Park Second Addition: Dodd Boulevard (CSAH 9) abuts the east side of the property. Dodd Boulevard is classified as a low density minor arterial roadway in the Transportation Plan. All required right-of-way was dedicated with the Interstate South Logistics Park final plat. No driveway access is proposed or allowed onto Dodd Boulevard. 217th Street is a local street that will include a full access onto Dodd Boulevard (CSAH 9) consistent with Dakota County Access Spacing Guidelines. 217th Street was constructed as a 40 foot wide rural section road within an 80 foot wide right-of-way. 217th Street is identified in the Transportation Plan as a minor collector road that will be extended to the west toward Jacquard Avenue as development of Interstate South Logistics Park occurs. A temporary turnaround and easement shall remain in place at the west end of 217th Street until 217th Street is extended with future phases of development. The developer shall dedicate a temporary turnaround easement over part of Lot 1, Block 1, Interstate South Logistics Park Second Addition. The temporary turnaround easement shall expire when the property to the west is developed and 217th Street is extended west from it’s present location. f. Grading, Drainage, Erosion Control and Utilities. City sanitary sewer and water is available to the site, which is within the current MUSA. All public utilities will be constructed by the developer to serve the proposed first phase development. Sewer and water will be available to serve the remaining outlot area of the parent parcel when the land is platted and developed. The existing and planned future City sanitary sewer and water systems available to serve the area of the preliminary and final plat are adequate to accommodate the proposed and future industrial buildings within the plat area consistent with the City’s Sanitary Sewer Plan. Grading and utility plans have been submitted with the Interstate South Logistics Park Second Addition preliminary and final plat. Grading, drainage, erosion control, and utility review comments are addressed in the engineering report dated May 15, 2019. A copy of the engineering report is attached for your review. Engineering recommends approval of the Interstate South Logistics Park Second Addition preliminary and final plat. g. Wetlands. There are no wetlands within the boundaries of the Interstate South Logistics Park Second Addition preliminary and final plat. h. Tree Preservation. There are no significant trees within the boundaries of the Interstate South logistics Park Second Addition preliminary and final plat. i. Park Dedication, Trails and Sidewalks. The City’s Comprehensive Parks, Trails, and Open Space Plan does not identify future park needs in the area of the plat. A future trail will be 5 constructed on the west side of Dodd Boulevard at a future date not in association with the Interstate South Logistics Park Second Additional preliminary and final plat. The 2019 rate for park dedication is $4,558.00 per acre. j. Airlake Airport. Airlake Airport is considered a reliever airport under the management of the Metropolitan Airports Commission (MAC). Approximately 118-acres of the airport was annexed into the City of Lakeville in 2018. The remaining portion of the airport property is located in Eureka Township. The MAC did not express concerns regarding the size or use of the proposed buildings in this development in their review of the AUAR. Due to the site’s proximity to the Airlake Airport, the Federal Aviation Administration may require an FAA permit (#7460) if any construction cranes are used during the construction of the buildings. The developer is advised to coordinate any required permit with the FAA as early as possible during the construction planning phase. SITE PLAN ANALYSIS Setbacks. The building setback requirements of the I-1 District are being met with the proposed site plan for Lot 1 as follows: Min. Required Setbacks Lot 1, Block 1 Front ------------------------50 ft Front (217th St.)--------77 feet Sides (west 10 ft/east --30 ft) Sides (west/east) –--165/220 feet Rear -------------------------30 ft Rear (South) ------------69 feet Landscaping/Screening. The landscape plan proposes the following landscape materials: Landscape Materials 16 Deciduous trees 15 Evergreen trees 8 Ornamental trees 214 Shrubs All plant materials shall be set back at least five feet from all property lines except for evergreen trees which shall be set back a minimum of 10 feet. Trees shall not be installed in the street rights-of-way. All landscaped areas within and adjacent to the parking lot, including landscaped islands, shall be irrigated in compliance with the Zoning Ordinance. All 6 areas not planted with trees, shrubs or perennials will be seeded with a natural grass mixture as shown on the landscape plan. A $76,057.00 financial security shall be submitted to guarantee installation of the landscaping as a stipulation of final plat approval. Access. Access to the Interstate South Logistics Park Second Addition project will be from 217th Street. The driveway access to 217th Street meets Zoning Ordinance requirements and the west driveway lines up with the Schneiderman’s Distribution driveway across 217th Street to the north. Circulation. All parking aisles and parking stalls comply with the minimum aisle width of 24 feet and parking stall dimensions of 9 feet in width and 20 feet in length. The driveways provide adequate width and turning radii to accommodate truck turning movements and access for emergency vehicles. Parking. The QA1 building will total 100,150 square feet in area and will include office, manufacturing and warehouse space. The QA1 building will require a total of 263 parking spaces calculated as follows: Parking Calculation Office - 17,009 sf - 10% = 15,308 sf/200 = 77 spaces Future Mezzanine Office – 8,802 sf – 10% = 7,922 / 200 = 40 spaces Manufacturing – 37,266 sf – 10% = 33,539 / 350 = 96 spaces Warehouse – 45,894 sf – 10% = 41,305 sf /1,000 = 41 spaces Handicapped Accessible – 7 spaces Total Required Parking = 254 spaces Proposed Spaces Constructed = 175 spaces Handicapped Accessible = 7 Proposed Spaces Deferred = 81 spaces The proposed parking plan meets Zoning Ordinance requirements subject to the administrative approval of a parking deferment. The lot shows proof of available parking to meet the parking deferment requirements. The Zoning Ordinance allows the deferment of up to 50% of the required number of parking spaces. The parking deferment is a contract between the City and the property owner and the document is recorded against the lot for which the parking deferment is approved. If the City determines that the parking deferment is no longer viable due to evidence of on-street parking or parking outside of designated parking spaces within the property, the City can require the construction of additional parking spaces. Staff will approve the parking deferment agreement prior to or in conjunction with the issuance of a building permit. 7 Outdoor Storage. The preliminary plat plans propose no outdoor storage on the property other than semi-truck trailers used in the process of delivering raw materials and loading finished product to leave the site. Trash Enclosure. Trash will be stored indoors. Metal recycling containers will be stored outside on the west side of the building. Industrial District properties are not required to provide screening for recycling containers. Site Lighting. A photometric lighting plan has been submitted. The plan indicates maximum light intensity at any property line abutting public right-of-way will be at or less than 1 foot- candle as required by the Zoning Ordinance. All lights will be downcast type fixtures. No lights shall glare onto public right-of-way or adjacent properties. Signage. No detailed sign plans have been submitted. Up to 100 square feet of freestanding signage is permitted with a maximum height of 10 feet. Wall signs up to 100 square feet are permitted; two wall signs are permittedfor corner lots. A sign permit must be issued by the Planning Department prior to the installation of any signs. Snow Storage. Snow storage may not take place in required parking spaces. Building Design/Architecture and Rooftop Mechanical Equipment. Buildings in the I-1 District are allowed to be up to 45 feet in height and must be constructed of at least 50% masonry materials fronting a public street. The building is proposed to be constructed with pre-cast concrete wall panels with an application of concrete stain. The concrete stain complies with Zoning Ordinance requirements. Building height will be 35 feet. Any rooftop mechanical equipment shall be screened from view from public right of way. Dakota County Plat Commission. The Dakota County Plat Commission reviewed the preliminary and final plat at their March 18, 2019 meeting under the provisions of the Dakota County Contiguous Plat Ordinance for access and County Road right-of-way needs. The Plat Commission will recommend approval of the final plat to the Dakota County Board subject to the requirements noted in their March 21, 2019 letter. RECOMMENDATION Planning Department staff recommends approval of the Interstate South Logistics Park preliminary and final plat subject to the following stipulations: 1. Implementation of the recommendations listed in the May 15, 2019 engineering report. 2. The site and buildings shall be developed in compliance with the plans approved by the City Council and Zoning Ordinance requirements. 8 3. A $76,057.00 security shall be submitted to guarantee installation of the approved landscaping at the time of final plat approval. All landscaped areas within and adjacent to the parking lot shall be irrigated. Landscaping shall not be planted in street boulevards. 4. All signs shall comply with the Zoning Ordinance requirements for the I-1 District. A sign permit shall be issued by the Planning Department prior to the installation of any signs. 5. Snow storage shall not take place in required parking spaces. 6. Site Lighting shall not exceed one-foot candle at the property line adjacent to public right-of-way. 7. The buildings shall be constructed of materials consistent with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance for industrial buildings. 8. If required by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), approval of permit No. 7460 (crane permit) shall be obtained from the FAA prior to commencing construction with the use of a crane or cranes taller than 35 feet in height. 9. Parking deferment applications shall be submitted to the Planning Department prior to the issuance of building permits. RM-1 I-1 RM-1OP P/OS P/OS P/OS P/OS I-1 RS-2 RS-3 RS-3 RS-3 RST-2 I-1 45679 456770 45679 456770JAGUARAVE 212TH ST W DODDBLVDITALY AVEIDAHOAVE208TH ST W 215TH ST W IVORY L N IDAHO AVE21 7 T H ST W 210TH ST W ITAMI TRL JACQUARD AVE207TH S T W ISOTOPETRLINDIAAVE206THSTW INDEPENDENC E AVE IXONIALN211 T H STW 2 14T HST WIXONIA AVEITERI AVEISLE AVEIRAN AVEHUMBOLDTRDÜ INTERSTATE SOUTH LOGISTICS PARKSECOND ADDITION INTERSTATE SOUTH LOGISTICS PARK SECOND ADDITION Property Information April 1, 2019 0 875 1,750437.5 ft 0 270 540135 m 1:9,600 Disclaimer: Map and parcel data are believed to be accurate, but accuracy is not guaranteed. This is not a legal document and should not be substituted for a title search,appraisal, survey, or for zoning verification. C.S.A.H. NO. 70 (215TH STREET WEST)JACQUARD AVENUE DO D D B O U L E V A R D CERTIFICATE OF SURVEYINTERSTATE SOUTH LOGISTICS PARKPROPERTY DESCRIPTION:ALL THAT PART OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER (SE 1/4) OF SECTION THIRTY-ONE (31), TOWNSHIP ONEHUNDRED FOURTEEN (114) NORTH, RANGE TWENTY (20) WEST OF THE FIFTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, DAKOTACOUNTY MINNESOTA LYING WESTERLY OF THE HIGHWAY KNOWN AS DODD BOULEVARD; AND ALSO THATPART OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SW 1/4) OF SECTION THIRTY-TWO (32), TOWNSHIP ONE HUNDREDFOURTEEN (114) NORTH, RANGE TWENTY (20) WEST, DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA, LYING WESTERLY OFTHE HIGHWAY KNOWN AS DODD BOULEVARD.GENERAL NOTES:1. This survey and the property description and real property rights shown herein are based upon on a survey from anALTA/NSPS Land Survey from Jacobsen Engineers and Surveyors, dated April 6, 2005. Additional field survey workand verification of the above survey was combined into this survey.2. The locations of underground utilities are depicted based on information from Gopher State One Call system fora “Boundary Survey locate”. The information was provided by a combination of available maps, proposed plans orcity records and field locations which may not be exact. Verify all utilities critical to construction or design.3. The orientation of this bearing system is based on the Dakota County Coordinate System NAD83. Coordinates areDakota County ground feet, based on the Minnesota Coordinate System, Southern Zone, NAD83, 1986 (non HARNvalues).4. All distances are in feet.5. The area of the above described property is 7,657,384 s.f. or 175.789 acres.6. No address has been assigned to this property located in Lakeville, MN.7. Benchmark for site is the top nut hydrant located at the NE corner of 217th Street and Dodd Boulevard. Elevation is989.80. Survey shows a 2 foot contour interval.SignatureDate License NumberGary J. BjorklundI hereby certify that this survey, plan, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a dulyLicensed Land Surveyor under the laws of the state of Minnesota.6/14/18MN 46563 DRIVE IN DRIVE IN DRIVE IN16 DOCK DOORS22 DOCK DOORS13 TRAILER PARKING(FUTURE)25 TRAILER PARKING(FUTURE)FUTURE EXPANSION 26,000 S.F.217th STREET WESTDO D D B O U L E V A R DFUTURE AND DEFERRED215th STREET WEST2231332125138778SOUTH BUILDING±104,192 SFF.F.E.=±996.5'RETENTION PONDNWL: 987.0'100-YR HWL: ±990.92'NORTH BUILDING±157,820 SFF.F.E=±996.5'FUTURE AND DEFERREDFUTURE AND DEFERRED19FUTURE AND DEFERRED19 INFILTRATIONAREAINFILTRATIONAREA16SEE SHEET C-102SEE SHEET C-103855'240'240'855'205,200 SF+/- 13.6 ACRES205,200 S.F.360 PARKING +/- 12.4 ACRES217th STREET WESTDO D D B O U L E V A R D 855'240'240'855'205,200 SFFUTURE BUILDING+/- 13.6 ACRES205,200 S.F.FUTURE BUILDINGJACQUARD AVEFUTURE900'240'240'900'360 PARKING216,000 SFFUTURE BUILDING+/- 11.7 ACRES216,000 SFFUTURE BUILDING+/- 13.8 ACRES200'900'180,000 S.F.FUTURE BUILDING+/- 13.5ACRES360 PARKING 180 PARKING TRAILERS +/- 12.4 ACRES217th STREET WESTFUTUREDetention77 TRAILERS6.2 ACRES310'1,200'+/- 18.9 ACRES178 AUTO PARKING 63 TRAILER SPACES 800'260'FUTURE BUILDING208,000 SF44 DOCK DOORS OFFICE20,000 SFFUTURE BUILDING372,000 SF+/- 19.54 ACRES266 AUTO PARKING215th STREET WESTPOTENTIAL REMAINING PHASES OF SITEFOR FULL BUILD OUT CONDITIONS - NOTINCLUDED IN THIS PROJECT217TH STREET AND DODD BOULEVARDIMPROVEMENTS ARE DESIGNED ANDCONSTRUCTED UNDER A SEPARATECONTRACT AND PLANSETWARNING:THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CALLING FOR LOCATIONS OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES. THEY SHALLCOOPERATE WITH ALL UTILITY COMPANIES IN MAINTAINING THEIR SERVICE AND/OR RELOCATION OF LINES.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT GOPHER STATE ONE CALL AT 651-454-0002 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE FORTHE LOCATIONS OF ALL UNDERGROUND WIRES, CABLES, CONDUITS, PIPES, MANHOLES, VALVES OR OTHER BURIEDSTRUCTURES BEFORE DIGGING. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR OR REPLACE THE ABOVE WHEN DAMAGED DURINGCONSTRUCTION AT NO COST TO THE OWNER.TWIN CITY AREA: 651-454-0002TOLL FREE 1-800-252-1166CALL BEFORE YOU DIGDWN BY:ISSUE DATE:PROJECT NO.:5024-0022M:\5024\0022 Interstate South Logistics Park - Lakeville Industrial\5_DESIGN\1_CAD\3 PLANSHEETS\C-101 MASTER SITE PLAN.dwg DESCRIPTION:DATE:ISSUE NO.:JUNE 20181ISSUE NO.: 06/18/2018 CITY SUBMITTAL 1SHEET NO.:SHEET TITLE:6/18/2018 12:13:20 PM INTERSTATE SOUTH LOGISTICS PARK SW CORNER OF 215TH ST WEST & DODD BLVD PROJECT TITLE:1800 PIONEER CREEK CENTERP.O. BOX 249MAPLE PLAIN, MN 55359PHONE: 763-479-4200WWW.WENCK.COMJRACHK'D BY:MJSAPP'D BY:JTWCERTIFICATION:294 GROVE LANE, SUITE 140WAYZATA, MN 55391C-101MASTER SITE PLANPROPERTY LINESITE LEGENDSETBACK LINEEASEMENT LINE L ΔN66°28'05"W 648.66N23°31'55"E 464.16 S89°59'25"E 471.43L=172.09R=469.85Δ=20°59'10"S69°01'13"E49.74LOT 1BLOCK 1S23 ° 3 1 ' 5 5 " W 6 9 3 . 1 4 LEGEND PROPERTY ZONED:I-1 LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTPURPOSE AND PROPOSED NAME OF SUBDIVISION:CREATION OF LOT 1, BLOCK 1 VIA THE PROPOSED CHAPTER 505 SUBDIVISION PLAT OF:INTERSTATE SOUTH LOGISTICS PARK SECOND ADDITIONDATE OF PREPARATIONAPRIL 26, 2019PROPERTY OWNERS:SCANNELL PROPERTIES8801 RIVER CROSSING BLVD, SUITE 300INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46240SUBDIVIDER:SCANNELL PROPERTIES8801 RIVER CROSSING BLVD, SUITE 300INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46240DESIGNER:JARED WARDWENCK ASSOCIATES, INC1800 PIONEER CREEK CENTERMAPLE PLAIN, MN 55359MN LICENCE NUMBER: 48677SURVEYOR:GARY BJORKLUNDWENCK ASSOCIATES, INC1800 PIONEER CREEK CENTERMAPLE PLAIN, MN 55359MN LICENCE NUMBER: 46563PROPERTY DESCRIPTION:All of OUTLOT D and that part of OUTLOT C, INTERSTATE SOUTH LOGISTICS PARK, Dakota County, Minnesota, according to therecorded plat thereof, and that part and the Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) of Section Thirty-One (31), Township One Hundred Fourteen (114)North, Range Twenty (20) West of the Fifth Principal Meridian, embraced within the following described parcel:Beginning at the northwest corner of said OUTLOT D, INTERSTATE SOUTH LOGISTICS PARK, Dakota County, Minnesota; thence onan assumed bearing of South 00 degrees 25 minutes 35 seconds West for a distance of 620.19 feet to the south corner of saidOUTLOT D; thence South 23 degrees 31 minutes 55 seconds West 70.12 feet along the northwesterly line of Dodd Boulevard; thenceNorth 66 degrees 28 minutes 05 seconds West 648.66 feet; thence North 23 degrees 29 minutes 41 seconds East 464.14 feet to thenorth line of said OUTLOT C; thence South 89 degrees 59 minutes 25 seconds East 442.01 feet along the north line of said OUTLOT Cand the south line of 217th Street West to the to the point of beginning.PROPOSED LAND AREAS AND ZONING:AREA TO BE PLATTED = 388,546 OR 8.920 ± ACRESCOMPREHENSIVE LAND USE DESIGNATION = HOUSE/LIGHT INDUSTRIALNET USEABLE ACRES:NET USEABLE SQUARE FEET AND NET USEABLE ACRES OF THE PROPERTY (NET PUBLICLY DEDICATED DRAINAGE &UTILTY EASEMENTS) = 263,281 OR 6.044 ± ACRESDate:I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN,SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WASPREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MYDIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM ADULY REGISTERED PROFESSIONALENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THESTATE OF MINNESOTA.License #:DWN BY:ISSUE DATE:PROJECT NO.:5024-0029M:\5024\0029 ISLP - QA1\SURVEY\CAD\5024-0029 Preplat1.dwg DESCRIPTION:DATE:ISSUE NO.:ARPIL 20193ISSUE NO.:SHEET NO.:SHEET TITLE:4/26/2019 12:01:29 PM QA1- INTERSTATE SOUTH LOGISTICS PARK CITY OF LAKEVILLE DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA PROJECT TITLE:1800 PIONEER CREEK CENTERP.O. BOX 249MAPLE PLAIN, MN 55359PHONE: 763-479-4200WWW.WENCK.COMJRACHK'D BY:MJSAPP'D BY:JTWCERTIFICATION:294 GROVE LANE, SUITE 140WAYZATA, MN 5539103/01/2019 DD / PRICING SET 1 03/08/2019 CITY SUBMITTAL SET 2 04/12/2019 CITY COMMENT REVISIONS 3 PRELIMINARY PLAT- INTERSTATE SOUTH LOGISTICS PARK SECOND ADDITION N66°28'05"W 648.66N23°31'55"E 464.16 S89°59'25"E 471.43L=172.09R=469.85Δ=20°59'10"S69°01'13"E49.74LOT 1BLOCK 1S2 3 ° 3 1 ' 5 5 " W 6 9 3 . 1 4 LEGEND WENCKASSOCIATESINTERSTATE SOUTH LOGISTICS PARK SECOND ADDITIONWENCKASSOCIATES 217th STREET WESTFUTURE AND DEFERRED292528PROPOSED BUILDING±100,150 GSFFFE: 997.5'28204444931INFILTRATIONFOREBAY-2NWL: ±988.5'10-YR HWL: ±990.12'100-YR HWL: ±990.93'312 DEFERREDPARKING STALLS 336 DEFERREDPARKING STALLS 20 DEFERRED PARKING STALLS 11 DEFERRED PARKING STALLS 2 DEFERRED PARKING STALLS INFILTRATION AREA NWL: ±988.0' 10-YR HWL: ±989.99' 100-YR HWL: ±990.53' INFILTRATION FOREBAY INFILTRATIONFOREBAYINFILTRATION AREA NWL: ±988.0' 10-YR HWL: ±989.99' 100-YR HWL: ±990.53'INFILTRATION AREANWL: ±988.0'10-YR HWL: ±989.92'100-YR HWL: ±990.57'INFILTRATIONFOREBAYNWL: ±989.0'10-YR HWL: ±990.79'100-YR HWL: ±991.71'FUME / DUSTEXTRACTORMECH / ELECAAAR10'R1 0 ' R 3 'R3'R15'R30'R30'R20'R39'R34'R3'R10'R10'R3'R3'R10'R3 ' R129.2'CCCCEECCFEIIIIIJKJKJKJKLLMCMR3'R20'R20'R5'R3'R20'P1P1P1P1P1P1P2P3P3DDDDP1P1LRBBGTYP.R1 5 'R10'R3' R3'R3'QQQQQQQR15'9'24'20' 9'24'40'9'20'24'24'18'24'24' 90' 69.6' 69.4'165.5'77.6'165.2'221.3'24'40'24'20'9' 9'35.3'9.3'60'70'197.7'20'SSR15 'SSNTP2P1P1P1P1P1P1P118'5'VVVVVVUUUUIIISTANDARD PARKING COUNT247 STALLSPARKING SUMMARYREQUIREDPROPOSEDTOTAL PARKING COUNTACCESSIBLE PARKING COUNTSETBACK SUMMARYBUILDINGNORTH (SIDE YARD)40'PARKINGSOUTH (SIDE YARD)WEST (REAR YARD)30'15'15'5'5'10'10'EAST (FRONT YARD)7 STALLS254 STALLS 263 STALLS175 STALLS7 STALLSOFFICE±15,308 SFBUILDING USE90% AREA#OF STALLSTOTALWAREHOUSE±41,305 SF254 STALLS77 STALLS41 STALLSCODE REQ.1 STALL/200 SF1 STALL/1000 SFPARKING ANALYSISSITE ANALYSIS TABLEINTERSTATE SOUTH LOGISTICS PARKEXISTING ZONINGI-1 LIGHT INDUSTRIALLOT AREAPROPOSED ZONINGI-1 LIGHT INDUSTRIALBUILDING FOOTPRINT±100,150 GSFOFFICE AREA±17,009 GSFWAREHOUSE AREA±45,894 GSF±8.92 ACNOTE: INCLUDES FUTURE AND DEFERRED STALLS. CODEALLOWS UP TO 50% REQUIRED STALLS TO BEDEFERRED. CALCULATIONS BASED OFF GFS-10%PER CITY CODE 11-19-7A.MANUFACTURING AREA±37,266 GSFMANUFACTURING±33,539 SF96 STALLS1 STALL/350 SFDate:I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN,SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WASPREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MYDIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM ADULY REGISTERED PROFESSIONALENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THESTATE OF MINNESOTA.License #:WARNING:THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CALLING FOR LOCATIONS OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES. THEY SHALLCOOPERATE WITH ALL UTILITY COMPANIES IN MAINTAINING THEIR SERVICE AND/OR RELOCATION OF LINES.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT GOPHER STATE ONE CALL AT 651-454-0002 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE FORTHE LOCATIONS OF ALL UNDERGROUND WIRES, CABLES, CONDUITS, PIPES, MANHOLES, VALVES OR OTHER BURIEDSTRUCTURES BEFORE DIGGING. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR OR REPLACE THE ABOVE WHEN DAMAGED DURINGCONSTRUCTION AT NO COST TO THE OWNER.TWIN CITY AREA: 651-454-0002TOLL FREE 1-800-252-1166CALL BEFORE YOU DIGDWN BY:ISSUE DATE:PROJECT NO.:5024-0029M:\5024\0029 ISLP - QA1\5_DESIGN\1_CAD\3 PLANSHEETS\C-101 SITE PLAN.dwg DESCRIPTION:DATE:ISSUE NO.:ARPIL 20193ISSUE NO.:SHEET NO.:SHEET TITLE:5/3/2019 8:04:09 AM QA1- INTERSTATE SOUTH LOGISTICS PARK CITY OF LAKEVILLE DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA PROJECT TITLE:1800 PIONEER CREEK CENTERP.O. BOX 249MAPLE PLAIN, MN 55359PHONE: 763-479-4200WWW.WENCK.COMJRACHK'D BY:MJSAPP'D BY:JTWCERTIFICATION:294 GROVE LANE, SUITE 140WAYZATA, MN 5539103/01/2019 DD / PRICING SET 1 03/08/2019 CITY SUBMITTAL SET 2 04/12/2019 CITY COMMENT REVISIONS 3 PROPERTY LINESITE LEGENDSETBACK LINEEASEMENT LINEPROPOSED B612 CURB AND GUTTERSTANDARD DUTY BITUMINOUS PAVEMENTP1P3HEAVY DUTY CONCRETE PAVEMENTSTANDARD DUTY CONCRETE SIDEWALKPAVEMENT.ALANDSCAPED AREA. REFERENCE LANDSCAPEPLANS#PROPOSED PARKING COUNTP2HEAVY DUTY BITUMINOUS PAVEMENTPROPOSED INTEGRAL CURBKEYNOTE LEGENDCONCRETE SIDEWALK. SEE DETAILA"STOP" SIGN AND STOP BARBCDEFGHSITE LIGHTING. REF PHOTOMETRIC PLANS. REF ARCH / MEPPLANS FOR ELECTRICAL ROUTING. MAX POLE HEIGHT 25'IADA CURB RAMP IN THIS AREA FOR ADA ACCESS. SEEC303 FOR DETAILJACCESSIBLE PARKING SIGNKLNOT USEDMNACCESSIBLE AISLE STRIPING - AREA STRIPED WITH 4" SBSL@ 45° 2' O.C. AND MARK WITH "NO PARKING" PER DETAILO4" WHITE PAVEMENT STRIPING - DASHED OR SOLID PERPLANPDOOR LOCATION / STAIRS WITH LANDING / STRUCTURALSTOOP. REFERENCE ARCH / STRUCTURAL PLANSPAVEMENT TYPE. SEE LEGENDPAVEMENT SETBACKBUILDING SETBACKCANOPY OVERHANG - REFERENCE ARCHITECTURAL /STRUCTURAL PLANS FOR DETAILBUILDING DOCK DOOR. REFERENCE ARCH / STRUCTURALPLANS FOR DETAIL AND EXACT LOCATION.BUILDING DRIVE IN DOOR AT FFE. REFERENCE ARCH /STRUCTURAL PLANS FOR DETAIL AND EXACT LOCATION.4" SWSL @ 45° 2' O.C. PAVEMENT STRIPINGQPROPOSED PUBLIC DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTRFUME DUST EXTRACTOR PAD - REFERENCE MEP FORDETAILSITE PLANC-101DEFERRED PARKING COUNT127 (50% MAX)81 STALLSMEZ (FUT OFFICE)±7,922 SF40 STALLS1 STALL/200 SFMEZZANINE (FUTURE OFFICE)±8,802 GSFS"NO TRUCK TRAFFIC" SIGNT3' WIDE CURB CUT - SEE DETAIL 6 ON C/803UPROPOSED 10' WIDE PUBLIC DRAINAGE AND UTILITYEASEMENTVPROPOSED 20' WIDE PUBLIC WATERMAIN EASMENT 217th STREET WESTFUTURE AND DEFERRED292528PROPOSED BUILDING±100,150 GSFFFE: 997.5'282044449INFILTRATIONAREAINFILTRATION AREA31INFILTRATIONFOREBAY312 DEFERREDPARKING STALLS 336 DEFERREDPARKING STALLS 20 DEFERRED PARKING STALLS 11 DEFERRED PARKING STALLS 2 DEFERRED PARKING STALLSINFILTRATIONFOREBAY INFILTRATION AREA INFILTRATION FOREBAY INFILTRATIONFOREBAYFUME / DUSTEXTRACTORVESTIBULE100MECH / ELECDate:I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN,SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WASPREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MYDIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM ADULY REGISTERED PROFESSIONALENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THESTATE OF MINNESOTA.License #:WARNING:THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CALLING FOR LOCATIONS OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES. THEY SHALLCOOPERATE WITH ALL UTILITY COMPANIES IN MAINTAINING THEIR SERVICE AND/OR RELOCATION OF LINES.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT GOPHER STATE ONE CALL AT 651-454-0002 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE FORTHE LOCATIONS OF ALL UNDERGROUND WIRES, CABLES, CONDUITS, PIPES, MANHOLES, VALVES OR OTHER BURIEDSTRUCTURES BEFORE DIGGING. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR OR REPLACE THE ABOVE WHEN DAMAGED DURINGCONSTRUCTION AT NO COST TO THE OWNER.TWIN CITY AREA: 651-454-0002TOLL FREE 1-800-252-1166CALL BEFORE YOU DIGDWN BY:ISSUE DATE:PROJECT NO.:5024-0029M:\5024\0029 ISLP - QA1\5_DESIGN\1_CAD\2 EXHIBITS\EX-2 TURNING MOVEMENT EXHIBIT.dwg DESCRIPTION:DATE:ISSUE NO.:MARCH 20192ISSUE NO.:SHEET NO.:SHEET TITLE:4/8/2019 11:00:13 AM QA1- INTERSTATE SOUTH LOGISTICS PARK CITY OF LAKEVILLE DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA PROJECT TITLE:1800 PIONEER CREEK CENTERP.O. BOX 249MAPLE PLAIN, MN 55359PHONE: 763-479-4200WWW.WENCK.COMJRACHK'D BY:MJSAPP'D BY:JTWCERTIFICATION:294 GROVE LANE, SUITE 140WAYZATA, MN 5539103/01/2019 DD / PRICING SET 1 03/08/2019 CITY SUBMITTAL SET 2 PROPERTY LINESITE LEGENDSETBACK LINEEASEMENT LINEPROPOSED B612 CURB AND GUTTERLANDSCAPED AREA. REFERENCE LANDSCAPEPLANS#PROPOSED PARKING COUNTPROPOSED INTEGRAL CURBEX-1TURNINGMOVEMENT EXHIBIT 217th STREET WESTFUTURE AND DEFERRED292528PROPOSED BUILDING±100,150 GSFFFE: 997.5'INFILTRATIONFOREBAY-2NWL: ±988.5'10-YR HWL: ±990.12'100-YR HWL: ±990.93'12 DEFERREDPARKING STALLS 36 DEFERREDPARKING STALLS 20 DEFERRED PARKING STALLS 11 DEFERRED PARKING STALLS 2 DEFERRED PARKING STALLS INFILTRATION AREA NWL: ±988.0' 10-YR HWL: ±989.99' 100-YR HWL: ±990.53' INFILTRATION FOREBAY INFILTRATIONFOREBAYINFILTRATION AREA NWL: ±988.0' 10-YR HWL: ±989.99' 100-YR HWL: ±990.53'INFILTRATION AREANWL: ±988.0'10-YR HWL: ±989.92'100-YR HWL: ±990.57'INFILTRATIONFOREBAYNWL: ±989.0'10-YR HWL: ±990.79'100-YR HWL: ±991.71'FUME / DUSTEXTRACTORMECH / ELEC990990 995995995995 995 988988 989989 99 1 991991991 992 992992992992993993993 993993994994994996996996 996 996 997 997 997993994989989989 9959919929939949909889899 8 9989 989991991991992992990990 988988989989 991 991992992 993 993 9 9 0 990 990 988988988989989989 991991 9 9 1991992 9 9 2 9929921.3%1.8%1.2%1.2%8.5%1.7%1.5%1.3%2.7%2.2%2.2%2.2%2.2%2.8%3.2%1.8%2.7%1.5%1.6%2.5%2.2%2.7%1.8%1.8%1.5% 1.8 %2.1%2.1%12.0%2.3%3.7% 3.7% 2.6%2.2%1.9%3.5 %2.7%2.4%2.7%1.5%1.5%1.7%1.5%1.7%1.1%3:13:16:111:13:1 3:14:1 6.0%4.8%13:16:14:1 4:15:14:15:1 5:1 5:1 5:17:1 5:13:13: 1 3:113:16:1995991991992992992992992992992992 993993993993993993993993993993994994994994994 994 986987 RD-5CBMH-5CBMH-4RD-7RD-6CBMH-3RD-1CBMH-2CBMH-1RD-2FES-3FES-6FES-4FES-7RD-4RD-3FES-9FES-1FES-8FES-11CBMH-8FES-5FES-2FES-12CBMH-7RIPRAP BERMSEE DETAILRIPRAP BERMSEE DETAIL50' WIDE @ BTMRIPRAP BERMEOF @ ELEV: 989.30'SEE DETAIL 2/C8013:13:14:14:14:14:15:14:14:1 3:14:13:13:14:115:112:1995991991992993994996997 993994990989992993994 RIPRAP SWALETO BOTTOM OFBASIN6:1RIPRAP BERM7:1 7:1 RIPRAP SWALETO BOTTOM OFBASINCURB CUT12:1EOF TC=±93.34EOF=±92.00EOF=±91.641.8%3:1INFILTRATION AREA NWL: ±988.0' 10-YR HWL: ±989.99' 100-YR HWL: ±990.53' INFILTRATION AREA NWL: ±988.0' 10-YR HWL: ±989.99' 100-YR HWL: ±990.53'INFILTRATION AREANWL: ±988.0'10-YR HWL: ±989.92'100-YR HWL: ±990.57'INFILTRATIONFOREBAY-2NWL: ±988.5'10-YR HWL: ±990.12'100-YR HWL: ±990.93'INFILTRATIONFOREBAYNWL: ±989.0'10-YR HWL: ±990.79'100-YR HWL: ±991.71'Date:I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN,SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WASPREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MYDIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM ADULY REGISTERED PROFESSIONALENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THESTATE OF MINNESOTA.License #:WARNING:THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CALLING FOR LOCATIONS OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES. THEY SHALLCOOPERATE WITH ALL UTILITY COMPANIES IN MAINTAINING THEIR SERVICE AND/OR RELOCATION OF LINES.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT GOPHER STATE ONE CALL AT 651-454-0002 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE FORTHE LOCATIONS OF ALL UNDERGROUND WIRES, CABLES, CONDUITS, PIPES, MANHOLES, VALVES OR OTHER BURIEDSTRUCTURES BEFORE DIGGING. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR OR REPLACE THE ABOVE WHEN DAMAGED DURINGCONSTRUCTION AT NO COST TO THE OWNER.TWIN CITY AREA: 651-454-0002TOLL FREE 1-800-252-1166CALL BEFORE YOU DIGDWN BY:ISSUE DATE:PROJECT NO.:5024-0029M:\5024\0029 ISLP - QA1\5_DESIGN\1_CAD\3 PLANSHEETS\C-700 PHOTOMETRIC PLAN.dwg DESCRIPTION:DATE:ISSUE NO.:ARPIL 20193ISSUE NO.:SHEET NO.:SHEET TITLE:5/3/2019 8:04:48 AM QA1- INTERSTATE SOUTH LOGISTICS PARK CITY OF LAKEVILLE DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA PROJECT TITLE:1800 PIONEER CREEK CENTERP.O. BOX 249MAPLE PLAIN, MN 55359PHONE: 763-479-4200WWW.WENCK.COMJRACHK'D BY:MJSAPP'D BY:JTWCERTIFICATION:294 GROVE LANE, SUITE 140WAYZATA, MN 5539103/01/2019 DD / PRICING SET 1 03/08/2019 CITY SUBMITTAL SET 2 04/12/2019 CITY COMMENT REVISIONS 3GRADING PLANC-301PROPERTY LINEGRADING LEGENDSETBACK LINEEASEMENT LINEPROPOSED STORM SEWERPROPOSED CATCH BASINPROPOSED MANHOLE1.00%FL=±9XXPROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION(ALL ELEVATIONS ARE TO FLOWLINE UNLESSOTHERWISE NOTED)ME=±9XXTC=±9XXMATCH EXISTING SPOT ELEVATIONTOP OF CURB SPOT ELEVATIONEOF=±9XXEMERGENCY OVERFLOW SPOT ELEVATIONHP=±9XXHIGH POINT SPOT ELEVATIONPROPOSED RIDGE / VALLEY / BREAKLINEPROPOSED SLOPE ARROWEXISTING STORM STRUCTUREEXISTING STORM SEWEREXISTING CONTOURPROPOSED CONTOUR9XXNOTE: SEE C-501 STORM SEWER PLAN FOR STORM SEWERDESIGN DETAILSFG=±9XXFINISHED GRADE SPOT ELEVATIONTW=±9XXTOP OF WALL SPOT ELEVATIONBW=±9XXBOTTOM / TOE OF WALL SPOT ELEVATIONNOTE: APPROXIMATELY 1'-3' OF TILLED AGRICULTURALFILL/ORGANIC MATERIAL EXISTS THROUGHOUT THE SITE. ANYMATERIAL UNSUITABLE FOR INFILTRATION FOUND WITHIN THEFOOTPRINT OF THE PROPOSED INFILTRATION BASINS MUSTBE OVER EXCAVATED TO REACH THE UNDERLYING IN-SITUSANDY SOIL AND REPLACED WITH MATERIAL SUITABLE FORINFILTRATION PER NOTE 12 ON SHEET C-801.NOTE: SEE G-102 FOR ADDITIONAL NOTES ANDREQUIREMENTSLIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION 217th STREET WESTFUTURE AND DEFERRED292528PROPOSED BUILDING±100,150 GSFFFE: 997.5'INFILTRATIONFOREBAY-2NWL: ±988.5'10-YR HWL: ±990.12'100-YR HWL: ±990.93'INFILTRATION AREA NWL: ±988.0' 10-YR HWL: ±989.99' 100-YR HWL: ±990.53' INFILTRATION FOREBAY INFILTRATIONFOREBAYINFILTRATION AREA NWL: ±988.0' 10-YR HWL: ±989.99' 100-YR HWL: ±990.53'INFILTRATION AREANWL: ±988.0'10-YR HWL: ±989.92'100-YR HWL: ±990.57'INFILTRATIONFOREBAYNWL: ±989.0'10-YR HWL: ±990.79'100-YR HWL: ±991.71'±800 LF SILT FENCE±10 LF SILT FENCECULVERT PROTECTION±10 LF SILT FENCECULVERT PROTECTION±530 LF SILT FENCE±635 LF SILT FENCE992 992993993 995995995995 995 995 995 993994 996996996996 996 996 996 997997 997 997997 997 997 990988989991992990995988989991992993994995992993994990990990 990 990 9 9 0 988988 988 988989 989 989989 991991 991991991 991 992 992 992992990990995995991991991991992992992992992993993993993994994994996996992 993 994994994 995993994996997 990995991992993994996997 990 987988989991992 990988989 9919921.2%1.3%1.2%8.5%20.3%1.7%2.3%2.8%2.4%2.2%2.8%2.7%0.7%2.8%2.2%2.2%2.2%2.7%3.5 % 2.7% 5:1 7:17:14:14:13:14:14:14:1 3:14:15:14:117:137:14:13:1 3:1 3:13:13:13:16:13:1 3:13:13:13:13:135: 1 3:13:1 Hor izon ta l 31:17 : 1 5:1 1.5%2.5%1.8%1.7%4:1 4:13:13:17:13:1Date:I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN,SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WASPREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MYDIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM ADULY REGISTERED PROFESSIONALENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THESTATE OF MINNESOTA.License #:WARNING:THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CALLING FOR LOCATIONS OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES. THEY SHALLCOOPERATE WITH ALL UTILITY COMPANIES IN MAINTAINING THEIR SERVICE AND/OR RELOCATION OF LINES.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT GOPHER STATE ONE CALL AT 651-454-0002 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE FORTHE LOCATIONS OF ALL UNDERGROUND WIRES, CABLES, CONDUITS, PIPES, MANHOLES, VALVES OR OTHER BURIEDSTRUCTURES BEFORE DIGGING. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR OR REPLACE THE ABOVE WHEN DAMAGED DURINGCONSTRUCTION AT NO COST TO THE OWNER.TWIN CITY AREA: 651-454-0002TOLL FREE 1-800-252-1166CALL BEFORE YOU DIGDWN BY:ISSUE DATE:PROJECT NO.:5024-0029M:\5024\0029 ISLP - QA1\5_DESIGN\1_CAD\3 PLANSHEETS\C-202 PHASE 2 EROSION CONTROL PLAN.dwg DESCRIPTION:DATE:ISSUE NO.:ARPIL 20193ISSUE NO.:SHEET NO.:SHEET TITLE:5/3/2019 8:04:26 AM QA1- INTERSTATE SOUTH LOGISTICS PARK CITY OF LAKEVILLE DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA PROJECT TITLE:1800 PIONEER CREEK CENTERP.O. BOX 249MAPLE PLAIN, MN 55359PHONE: 763-479-4200WWW.WENCK.COMJRACHK'D BY:MJSAPP'D BY:JTWCERTIFICATION:294 GROVE LANE, SUITE 140WAYZATA, MN 5539103/01/2019 DD / PRICING SET 1 03/08/2019 CITY SUBMITTAL SET 2 04/12/2019 CITY COMMENT REVISIONS 3PHASE 2 EROSIONCONTROL PLANC-202NOTE: LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE AND SILT FENCE ARE SHOWNOFFSET FROM GRADING LIMITS FOR CLARITY. OFFSITE WORK ISLIMITED TO DRIVEWAY CONNECTION AND DITCH ROW GRADING.CONTRACTOR TO INSTALL AND MAINTAIN EROSION PROTECTIONON ALL AREAS RECEIVING STORMWATER RUNOFF FROM THESITE.EXISTING MINOR CONTOUREXISTING MAJOR CONTOURPROPERTY LINESILT FENCEINLET PROTECTIONEASEMENT LINEEROSION CONTROLLEGENDLIMITS OF CONSTRUCTIONEROSION CONTROL BLANKET ONALL SLOPES 4:1 OR GREATERPROPOSED STORM SEWERPROPOSED CATCH BASINPROPOSED MANHOLEEXISTING STORM STRUCTUREPROPOSED MINOR CONTOUR901PROPOSED MAJOR CONTOUR900PERMANENT LANDSCAPESTABILIZATION. REFERENCELANDSCAPE PLAN FOR DETAIL ANDTYPE OF COVERKEYNOTE LEGENDINLET PROTECTIONPROTECT EXISTING UTILITY TO REMAINROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE / EXITNOT USEDAPPROXIMATE LOCATION OF SWPPP / PROJECT SIGNNOT USEDROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE 217th STREET WESTPROPOSED BUILDING±100,150 GSFFFE: 997.5'INFILTRATIONFOREBAY-2NWL: ±988.5'10-YR HWL: ±990.12'100-YR HWL: ±990.93'INFILTRATION AREA NWL: ±988.0' 10-YR HWL: ±989.99' 100-YR HWL: ±990.53' INFILTRATION FOREBAY INFILTRATIONFOREBAYINFILTRATION AREA NWL: ±988.0' 10-YR HWL: ±989.99' 100-YR HWL: ±990.53'INFILTRATION AREANWL: ±988.0'10-YR HWL: ±989.92'100-YR HWL: ±990.57'INFILTRATIONFOREBAYNWL: ±989.0'10-YR HWL: ±990.79'100-YR HWL: ±991.71'IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I HYDHYDIIIIIIIH Y DFUME / DUSTEXTRACTORMECH / ELECSAN BLDG CONNECTIONSE INV=986.91SAN MH-2RIM=991.65SW INV=982.22N INV=982.22SAN MH-3RIM=996.18NW INV=985.96NE INV=985.96SAN MH-1RIM=991.90S INV=981.46N INV=980.9448 LF OF 8" PVC @ 2.00%76 LF OF 8" PVC @ 1.00%374 LF OF 8" PVC @ 1.00%CONNECT TO EXISTING 12"PVC C-900 WITH 12"x12" TEE45° BEND147 LF 12" PVC C-90022-1/2°BEND93 LF 12" PVC C-90012"x10" TEE10" GV72 LF 10" PVC C-900FIRE SERVICE CONNECTION TOBUILDING - REFERENCE MEP6" GVDOMESTIC SERVICECONNECTION TO BUILDING -REFERENCE MEP72 LF 6" PVC C-900165 LF 12" PVC C-90012" GV12"x6" TEE19 LF DIPHYDRANT6" GV76 LF 12" PVC C-90045° BEND337 LF 12" PVC C-90012" GV15 LF DIPHYDRANT6" GV40 LF 12" PVC C-900400 LF 12" PVC C-90027 LF 12" PVC C-90045° BEND45° BEND12" GV23 LF DIPHYDRANT6" GV45° BEND12"x6" TEE12"x6" TEE45° BEND34 LF 12" PVC C-900211 LF 12" PVC C-90014.6'8 LF 10" PVC C-900PROVIDE VERTICAL OFFSET AT STORMCROSSING TO ACHIEVE 24" SEPARATIONVERTICAL OFFSETPROVIDE VERTICAL OFFSET AT STORMCROSSING TO ACHIEVE 24" SEPARATION24" VERTICAL SEPARATIONPROVIDEDPROVIDE VERTICAL OFFSET AT STORMCROSSING TO ACHIEVE 24" SEPARATIONPROVIDE VERTICAL OFFSET AT STORMCROSSING TO ACHIEVE 24" SEPARATIONPROVIDE VERTICAL OFFSET AT STORMCROSSING TO ACHIEVE 24" SEPARATIONPROVIDE VERTICAL OFFSET AT STORMCROSSING TO ACHIEVE 24" SEPARATIONPROVIDE VERTICAL OFFSET AT STORMCROSSING TO ACHIEVE 24" SEPARATION12"x6" TEE12" GV46 LF 12" PVC C-900CONNECT TO EXISTING12" PVC C-900WITH 12"x12" TEE12" GV24 LF 12" PVC C-90046 LF 12" PVC C-90046 LF 12" PVC C-90012" GV12" GV22 LF 12" PVC C-90012"x12" TEE12" GV12"x12" TEE12" GV45 LF 12" PVC C-90012" RESTRAINED JOINT CAP12" RESTRAINED JOINT CAP12.1'45° BENDDate:I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN,SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WASPREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MYDIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM ADULY REGISTERED PROFESSIONALENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THESTATE OF MINNESOTA.License #:WARNING:THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CALLING FOR LOCATIONS OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES. THEY SHALLCOOPERATE WITH ALL UTILITY COMPANIES IN MAINTAINING THEIR SERVICE AND/OR RELOCATION OF LINES.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT GOPHER STATE ONE CALL AT 651-454-0002 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE FORTHE LOCATIONS OF ALL UNDERGROUND WIRES, CABLES, CONDUITS, PIPES, MANHOLES, VALVES OR OTHER BURIEDSTRUCTURES BEFORE DIGGING. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR OR REPLACE THE ABOVE WHEN DAMAGED DURINGCONSTRUCTION AT NO COST TO THE OWNER.TWIN CITY AREA: 651-454-0002TOLL FREE 1-800-252-1166CALL BEFORE YOU DIGDWN BY:ISSUE DATE:PROJECT NO.:5024-0029M:\5024\0029 ISLP - QA1\5_DESIGN\1_CAD\3 PLANSHEETS\C-401 UTILITY PLAN.dwg DESCRIPTION:DATE:ISSUE NO.:ARPIL 20193ISSUE NO.:SHEET NO.:SHEET TITLE:5/3/2019 8:05:06 AM QA1- INTERSTATE SOUTH LOGISTICS PARK CITY OF LAKEVILLE DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA PROJECT TITLE:1800 PIONEER CREEK CENTERP.O. BOX 249MAPLE PLAIN, MN 55359PHONE: 763-479-4200WWW.WENCK.COMJRACHK'D BY:MJSAPP'D BY:JTWCERTIFICATION:294 GROVE LANE, SUITE 140WAYZATA, MN 5539103/01/2019 DD / PRICING SET 1 03/08/2019 CITY SUBMITTAL SET 2 04/12/2019 CITY COMMENT REVISIONS 3 HYDUTILITY PLANC-401PROPERTY LINEUTILITY LEGENDSETBACK LINEEASEMENT LINEEXISTING SANITARY SEWEREXISTING / PROPOSED STORMSEWEREXISTING SANITARY STRUCTUREPROPOSED SANITARY SEWERPROPOSED WATERMAINEXISTING WATERMAINPROPOSED SANITARY SEWERMANHOLEPROPOSED HYDRANT / VALVE 217th STREET WESTFUTURE AND DEFERRED292528PROPOSED BUILDING±100,150 GSFFFE: 997.5'INFILTRATIONFOREBAY-2NWL: ±988.5'10-YR HWL: ±990.12'100-YR HWL: ±990.93'12 DEFERREDPARKING STALLS 36 DEFERREDPARKING STALLS 20 DEFERRED PARKING STALLS 11 DEFERRED PARKING STALLS 2 DEFERRED PARKING STALLS INFILTRATION AREA NWL: ±988.0' 10-YR HWL: ±989.99' 100-YR HWL: ±990.53' INFILTRATION FOREBAY INFILTRATIONFOREBAYINFILTRATION AREA NWL: ±988.0' 10-YR HWL: ±989.99' 100-YR HWL: ±990.53'INFILTRATION AREANWL: ±988.0'10-YR HWL: ±989.92'100-YR HWL: ±990.57'INFILTRATIONFOREBAYNWL: ±989.0'10-YR HWL: ±990.79'100-YR HWL: ±991.71'FUME / DUSTEXTRACTORMECH / ELECIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I HYDHYDIIIIIIIH Y DCBMH-4RIM=993.81NW INV=988.28SW INV=988.28CBMH-5W/ 3.5' SUMPRIM=993.87W INV=986.52RD-7SE INV=991.40CBMH-1W/ 5.5' SUMPRIM=991.49SW INV=987.17SE INV=987.17NE INV=987.17CBMH-2RIM=991.51SE INV=987.54SW INV=987.54NE INV=987.54FES-3E INV=988.50FES-4W INV=988.00FES-6E INV=988.00FES-7W INV=988.00RD-4NE INV=990.14RD-2NW INV=990.23FES-1SW INV=987.00RD-3NW INV=989.78FES-2E INV=986.0094 LF OF 24" HDPE @ 0.40%34 LF OF 24" HDPE @ 0.50%77 LF OF 30" HDPE @ 0.65%91 LF OF 18"x29" RCP ARCH @ 0.00%52 LF OF 12" HDPE @ 1.00%131 LF OF 12" PVC @ 2.00%170 LF OF 12" PVC @ 2.00%135 LF OF 12" PVC @ 2.00%107 LF OF 12" PVC @ 2.00%59 LF OF 18" HDPE @ 1.60%995995995995 995995 995 995992992993993 994994994994994994 996996996 996996 996 996 996 997997 997 997 997990988989991992995993994996997994 990 988988989991992986990 990 988989 991992 993 994 994 990 988989 991 991 992990990991991991992993994990 988989 991 990 988 989 991 992 990 988989 991992993RD-6SE INV=992.25RD-5SE INV=991.14RD-1NW INV=990.82143 LF OF 12" PVC @ 2.00%CBMH-8W/ 5' SUMPRIM=993.81SW INV=987.34NE INV=987.34SE INV=987.34FES-9NW INV=988.00FES-8NW INV=985.00FES-5SW INV=988.00104 LF OF 18" HDPE @ 0.20%CBMH-3RIM=991.49SE INV=987.96NE INV=987.75143 LF OF 12" PVC @ 2.00%143 LF OF 12" PVC @ 2.00%70 LF OF 18" HDPE @ 2.93%CBMH-7RIM=993.81NW INV=989.39NE INV=989.3912.9'FES-11E INV=989.0077 LF OF 24" RCP @ 3.89%FES-12W INV=986.0037 LF OF 24" HDPE @ 6.39%986INSTALL BMP SNOUTSEE NOTES THIS SHEET990990988988 989989991 991 992992992993994993994EOF TC=±93.34EOF=±92.00EOF=±91.64RIPRAP BERMSEE DETAILRIPRAP BERMSEE DETAIL51' WIDE @ BTMRIPRAP BERMEOF @ ELEV: 989.30'SEE DETAIL 2/C801RIPRAP SWALETO BOTTOM OFBASINRIPRAP BERMRIPRAP SWALETO BOTTOM OFBASIN990992994 INSTALL BMP SNOUTSEE NOTES THIS SHEETINSTALL BMP SNOUTSEE NOTES THIS SHEETDate:I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN,SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WASPREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MYDIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM ADULY REGISTERED PROFESSIONALENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THESTATE OF MINNESOTA.License #:WARNING:THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CALLING FOR LOCATIONS OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES. THEY SHALLCOOPERATE WITH ALL UTILITY COMPANIES IN MAINTAINING THEIR SERVICE AND/OR RELOCATION OF LINES.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT GOPHER STATE ONE CALL AT 651-454-0002 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE FORTHE LOCATIONS OF ALL UNDERGROUND WIRES, CABLES, CONDUITS, PIPES, MANHOLES, VALVES OR OTHER BURIEDSTRUCTURES BEFORE DIGGING. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR OR REPLACE THE ABOVE WHEN DAMAGED DURINGCONSTRUCTION AT NO COST TO THE OWNER.TWIN CITY AREA: 651-454-0002TOLL FREE 1-800-252-1166CALL BEFORE YOU DIGDWN BY:ISSUE DATE:PROJECT NO.:5024-0029M:\5024\0029 ISLP - QA1\5_DESIGN\1_CAD\3 PLANSHEETS\C-501 STORM SEWER PLAN.dwg DESCRIPTION:DATE:ISSUE NO.:ARPIL 20193ISSUE NO.:SHEET NO.:SHEET TITLE:5/3/2019 8:05:25 AM QA1- INTERSTATE SOUTH LOGISTICS PARK CITY OF LAKEVILLE DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA PROJECT TITLE:1800 PIONEER CREEK CENTERP.O. BOX 249MAPLE PLAIN, MN 55359PHONE: 763-479-4200WWW.WENCK.COMJRACHK'D BY:MJSAPP'D BY:JTWCERTIFICATION:294 GROVE LANE, SUITE 140WAYZATA, MN 5539103/01/2019 DD / PRICING SET 1 03/08/2019 CITY SUBMITTAL SET 2 04/12/2019 CITY COMMENT REVISIONS 3STORM SEWER PLANC-501PROPERTY LINESTORM SEWER LEGENDSETBACK LINEEASEMENT LINEPROPOSED STORM SEWERPROPOSED CATCH BASINPROPOSED MANHOLEEXISTING STORM STRUCTUREEXISTING STORM SEWERLIMITS OF DISTURBANCESEE SHEET C-301 FOR GRADING PLANSTRUCTURE TABLESTRUCTURESIZECBMH - 1CASTINGNEENAH R-3067-VCBMH - 2CBMH - 3CBMH - 4NEENAH R-3067-VNEENAH R-3067-VNEENAH R-3067-V72" ØCBMH - 5NEENAH R-3067-V48" Ø60" ØCBMH - 6NEENAH R-3067-VCBMH - 7NEENAH R-3067-V48" ØFES - 124" ØFES - 2FES -3FES - 4FES - 5FES - 6FES - 7FES - 8FES - 960" Ø48" Ø48" ØHDPESEE C804 LV-STM-6HDPEHDPEPVCSEE C804 LV-STM-6SEE C804 LV-STM-6HDPESEE C804 LV-STM-6FES - 10HDPEFES - 1115" ØSEE C804 LV-STM-6FES - 1224" ØSEE C804 LV-STM-612" Ø30" Ø30" Ø12" Ø18"x29'" ARCH24" Ø12" Ø24" ØCBMH - 8NEENAH R-3067-V60" Ø18"x29'" ARCHNOTE:1. ALL OUTLET CONCRETE FLARED END SECTIONS SHALL HAVE RIPRAP PERDETAIL LV-STM-7 ON SHEET C-804.2. INSTALL 30R SNOUT ON CBMH-1 PER MANUFACTURER'S REQUIREMENTS SEEDETAIL ON SHEET C-803.3. INSTALL 18R SNOUT ON CBMH-5 PER MANUFACTURER'S REQUIREMENTS SEEDETAIL ON SHEET C-803.4. INSTALL 30R SNOUT ON CBMH-8 PER MANUFACTURER'S REQUIREMENTS SEEDETAIL ON SHEET C-803.REMOVEDREMOVED 217th STREET WESTFUTURE AND DEFERRED292528PROPOSED BUILDING±100,150 GSFFFE: 997.5'12 DEFERREDPARKING STALLS 36 DEFERREDPARKING STALLS 20 DEFERRED PARKING STALLS 11 DEFERRED PARKING STALLS 2 DEFERRED PARKING STALLSFUME / DUSTEXTRACTORMECH / ELEC>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>MAINTENANCE STRIPDETAIL 4/L-102(2) Ma(2) Ma(2) Sr(5) Ca(5) Ca(5) Ca(5) Ca(5) Ca(5) Ca(5) CaNATIVE GRASSNATIVE GRASSNATIVEGRASSQbGdPpGdLlLlLlLlLlPpPpPpPpPgdPgdPgdPgdAsGbAsTURF GRASS SEED RIGHT OF WAYNATIVE GRASS Gb(41) Dl(5) Am(50) Dl(5) Am(5) Am(11) Dl(16) Tm(16) Dl(16) Tm(9) To(2) QbCl(5) Am(2) SrClQbClQbQbQbMAINTENANCE STRIPDETAIL 4/L-102LlLANDSCAPE PLANL-101PROPERTY LINELANDSCAPE LEGENDSETBACK LINEEASEMENT LINEPROPOSED DECIDUOUS TREEPROPOSED ORNAMENTAL TREEPROPOSED MN NATIVE SEED MIX 33-262DRY SWALE/POND(~ 60,400 SQ FT)SOD - IRRIGATED(~26,600 SQ FT)COMMERCIAL TURF SEED IRRIGATED - MNDOT 25-131APPLICATION RATE: 220 LBS/ACREMULCH: MNDOT TYPE 1(~85,500 SQ FT)PROPOSED EVERGREEN TREE11-21-9: REQUIRED SCREENING & LANDSCAPING·B. - LANDSCAPING: REQUIRED LANDSCAPING FOR NEW RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISIONS AND COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL, OR INSTITUTIONAL USES SHALL INCLUDE PLANTINGS AT THE PROPERTY PERIMETER, OFF STREETPARKING PERIMETER LANDSCAPING AND INTERIOR LANDSCAPE PLANTINGS AS WELL AS REQUIRED RESIDENTIALBUFFER OR TRANSITIONAL BUFFER ZONE PLANTINGS.·C.4.e - PROPERTIES DEVELOPED AFTER MAY 17, 2010...ALL COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL OR INSTITUTIONAL USESSHALL PROVIDE AND EXTERIOR IRRIGATION SYSTEM WITHIN THE PROPERTY WHERE NECESSARY TO ENSURETHAT ALL TURF GRASS, GROUND COVER, OF CULTIVATED VEGETATION, GARDEN, HEDGE, TREES AND SHRUBBERYMAINTENANCE CAN BE ACCOMPLISHED.·D.1.b - OFF STREET PARKING AREAS: FOR ALL COMMERCIAL AND INSTITUTIONAL USES, AND FOR THOSEINDUSTRIAL USES ABUTTING A MAJOR COLLECTOR OR ARTERIAL STREET, A CONTINUOUS OPAQUE BARRIER WITHA MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF THIRTY SIX INCHES SHALL BE PROVIDED ALONG THE PERIMETER ABUTTING PUBLICRIGHT-OF-WAY AND RESIDENTIALLY ZONED PROPERTIES THAT CONSISTS OF PLANTINGS, HEDGES, DECORATIVE,OR ORNAMENTAL FENCES, WALLS OR EARTH BERMS OR ANY COMBINATION THEREOF.DWN BY:ISSUE DATE:PROJECT NO.:M:\5024\0029 ISLP - QA1\5_DESIGN\1_CAD\3 PLANSHEETS\L-101 LANDSCAPE PLAN.dwg DESCRIPTION:DATE:ISSUE NO.:ISSUE NO.:SHEET NO.:SHEET TITLE:5/3/2019 8:06:27 AM PROJECT TITLE:1800 PIONEER CREEK CENTERP.O. BOX 249MAPLE PLAIN, MN 55359PHONE: 763-479-4200WWW.WENCK.COMSJBCHK'D BY:KWPAPP'D BY:KWPCERTIFICATION:294 GROVE LANE, SUITE 140WAYZATA, MN 553591Date:I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN,SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WASPREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MYDIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM ADULY REGISTERED PROFESSIONALENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THESTATE OF MINNESOTA.License #:5024-0029MARCH 2019103/08/2019 CITY SUBMITTAL 2 QA1- INTERSTATE SOUTH LOGISTICS PARK CITY OF LAKEVILLE DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA 03/01/2019 BID SET 1WARNING:THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CALLING FOR LOCATIONS OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES. THEY SHALLCOOPERATE WITH ALL UTILITY COMPANIES IN MAINTAINING THEIR SERVICE AND/OR RELOCATION OF LINES.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT GOPHER STATE ONE CALL AT 651-454-0002 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE FORTHE LOCATIONS OF ALL UNDERGROUND WIRES, CABLES, CONDUITS, PIPES, MANHOLES, VALVES OR OTHER BURIEDSTRUCTURES BEFORE DIGGING. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR OR REPLACE THE ABOVE WHEN DAMAGED DURINGCONSTRUCTION AT NO COST TO THE OWNER.TWIN CITY AREA: 651-454-0002TOLL FREE 1-800-252-1166CALL BEFORE YOU DIG03/05/2019 CITY COMMENT REVISIONS 31. ALL TURF GRASS, PLANTING BEDS, TREES AND SHRUBS SHALL TO BE IRRIGATED.2. NO IRRIGATION NECESSARY FOR NATIVE SEEDING AREASNOTE: Page M of 1CommentsDate#RevisionsMLAZGAR ASSOCIATES(p) 952-943-8080(f) 952-943-8088www.mlazgar.comRLMA Project #:Date:3/7/2019EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 5534410340 VIKING DR.SUITE 1501. Standard Reflectance of 80/50/20 unless noted otherwise2. Not a Construction Document, for Design purposes only3. Standard indoor calc points @ 30" A.F.F. unless noted otherwise4. Standard outdoor calc points @ Grade unless noted otherwise5. Mlazgar Associates assumes no responsibility for installed light levels due to field conditions, etc.Scale: 1" = 40'SITE PLANLAKEVILLE ISLPLAKEVILLE, MNDrawn By: BSLuminaire ScheduleSymbolQtyLabelCalculation SummaryLabelCalcTypeUnitsDescriptionArrangementTotal Lamp LumensLum. LumensLum. WattsAvgMaxMinAvg/MinMax/MinLLFCalcPts_1IlluminanceFc0.964AAVP-L-64L-135-5K7-4WBACK-BACKN.A.16797137.60.9002BBVP-L-64L-135-5K7-4SINGLEN.A.16864137.60.9008.10.05CCVP-L-64L-135-5K7-2SINGLEN.A.17228137.60.9009DDLNC3-24L4K-105-4SINGLEN.A.740282.80.9007FFLNC3-24L4K-105-3SINGLEN.A.735282.80.9003GGLNC-5LU-5K-4-XSINGLEN.A.114612.80.900N.A.N.A.M:\5024\0029 ISLP - QA1\5_DESIGN\1_CAD\3 PLANSHEETS\C-101 SITE PLAN.dwg3/1/2019 4:07:14 PMMH: 18FFFFMH: 18FFMH: 18MH: 25CCCCMH: 25MH: 25CCCCMH: 25CCMH: 25DDMH: 18DDMH: 18MH: 18DDDDMH: 18MH: 18DDMH: 18DDBBMH: 25BBMH: 25AAMH: 25AAMH: 25AAMH: 25AAMH: 25FFMH: 18FFMH: 18MH: 18FFFFMH: 18MH: 18DDDDMH: 18MH: 18DDGGMH: 10GGMH: 10GGMH: 100.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 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POWERWAVECOOLERBERNARD3500SS450WATER41263POWERWAVECOOLERBERNARD3500SS450WATER41263 Grinding Area AMD FAB Asm & Boxing Shock Asm Fume / DustExtractorShippingReceiving Insp Tooling Tooling Tooling Tooling Staging Staging Staging Staging Staging Staging Staging Staging Staging StagingStagingStaging StagingStaging Delivery truckWash Bay ACCACCREF.DWACCACCACCACCREF.REF.REF.REF.REF.3,032.35 SF HOIST 2,951.07 SF VEHICLE STOR 2,301.93 SF BREAK ROOM / TRAINING 429.72 SF LARGE CONF ROOM 284.67 SF OFFICE 125.51 SF SMALL CONF ROOM 98.93 SF OFFICE 98.81 SF OFFICE 192.82 SF CONF 109.91 SF OFFICE 109.91 SF OFFICE 144.47 SF OFFICE 104.95 SF OFFICE 109.91 SF OFFICE 98.93 SF OFFICE 98.93 SF OFFICE 91.42 SF OFFICE 276.13 SF MEN'S RESTROOM 253.34 SF WOMEN'S RESTROOM 110.01 SF WORK ROOM DRIVE-IN DOOR RECEPTION VENDOR / 8 PERSON OPS HR, OPS, IT 6 PERSON OPS ACCOUNTING 16-20 PERSON STAIR TO MEZZANINE FUTURE ELEVATOR COLLABORATION VP OF OPS EVP (TRAVIS) PRESIDENT (MELISSA) IT ACCOUNTING 110.79 SF OFFICE 150.2 SF OFFICE 107.96 SF OFFICE WAITING AREA 121.45 SF OFFICE 100.62 SF OFFICE 98.46 SF OFFICE 132.59 SF OFFICE 112.49 SF STORAGE 210.95 SF OFFICE 132.59 SF OFFICE SALES SALES TECH/CS SALES / MARKETING / CS GROUP SALES SALES SALES DIR BD SALES 340.49 SF WORK CAFE COLLABORATION AREA 72.3 SF IT267.53 SF VENDOR CONF ROOM 123.42 SF VESTIBULE 769.94 SF CORRIDOR 87.66 SF VESTIBULE 80.06 SF STORAGE 4 PERSON 94.94 SF STOR AIR COMPRESSOR IN MECH ROOMMETAL CHIP RECYCLING 296.23 SF MECH / ELEC STEEL STAIR TO MEZZANINE ABOVE WOOD TRASH BIN HR217.35 SF MEN'S RESTROOM 177.21 SF WOMEN'S RESTROOM 59.1 SF JAN 65.69 SF WELLNESS ROOM 85.35 SF STOR 8-10 PEOPLE 107.83 SF OFFICE 103.43 SF OFFICE 122.69 SF CONF 117.69 SF OFFICE M CSCSCSCS CSCSCSCS SSS MMMM CS ACCOUNTING ACCOUNTING ENGINEERING (11 WORKSTATIONS) HR OPEN OPS OPS OPS 110.22 SF OFFICE COLLABORATION AREAENG ENG MANAGERENG IT 118.05 SF CUST 161.04 SF TLT 188.76 SF TLT SHIPPING MANAGER ACCOUNTING ACCOUNTING OPEN OPEN OPEN COLLABORATION AREA 985.86 SF QUAL LAB AND QUARANTINE QC 240.75 SF TOOLING 211.58 SF TOOL STORAGE SHIPPING / RECEIVING COLLABORATION AREA COFFEE STEEL STAIR TO MEZZANINE ABOVE MANUFACTURING 162 801.71 SF CORRIDOR 924.7 SF CORRIDOR 2,598.61 SF OPEN OFFICE 1,398.2 SF OPEN OFFICE 1,095.97 SF RECEPTION/ WAITING 1,463.25 SF OPEN OFFICE 48.81 SF CHANGING 53.24 SF CHANGING METAL CHIP RECYCLING METAL CHIP RECYCLING METAL CHIP RECYCLING CURTAIN SHIPPING / RECEIVING SHIPPING / RECEIVING SHIPPING / RECEIVING SHIPPING / RECEIVING 7'X8' DOCK LEVELERS FD FD FD FD FDFD FD FD FD FD QC TRASH SHIPPING MANAGER WORKSTATION 227.2 SF MEDIUM CONF ROOM CS-3 CS-1 CS-2 CS-2 CS-1 STAINED PRECAST CONC WALL PANELS OVERFLOW SCUPPER TYP PREMANUFACTURED CANOPY, TYP ALUMINUM STOREFRONT WINDOWS CS-1 CS-2 CS-2 CS-1 CS-3 STAINED PRECAST CONC WALL PANELS OVERFLOW SCUPPER TYP PREMANUFACTURED CANOPY, TYP ALUMINUM STOREFRONT WINDOWS STAINED PRECAST CONC WALL PANELS ALUMINUM STOREFRONT WINDOWS ALUMINUM CURTAIN WALL GLAZING PREFINISHED METAL PANELS, MP-1 STAINED PRECAST CONC WALL PANELS STAINED PRECAST CONC WALL PANELS PREFINISHED METAL PANELS, MP-1 CS-3 CS-2 CS-1 SIGNAGE BY OWNER CS-3 CS-1 CS-2 FIRST LEVEL 100'-0" SECOND LEVEL 114'-0" ENTRY TOP OF PRECAST 135'-0" TOP OF PRECAST 133'-0" CS-1 CS-2 CS-3 CS-3 CS-2 CS-1 STAINED PRECAST CONC WALL PANELS ALUMINUM STOREFRONT WINDOWS ALUMINUM CURTAIN WALL GLAZING STAINED PRECAST CONC WALL PANELS PREFINISHED METAL PANELS, MP-1 SIGNAGE BY OWNER OVERFLOW SCUPPER TYP PREMANUFACTURED CANOPY, TYP EXTERIOR MATERIAL FINISH SCHEDULE CS - 1 MATERIAL ID MATERIAL MANUFACTURER FINISH COLOR LOCATION CS - 2 MP - 1 FLASH - 1 PRECAST CONCRETE WALL PANELS PRECAST CONCRETE WALL PANELS METAL PANEL CAP FLASHING FABCON CONCRETE STAIN SHERWIN WILLIAMS - COLOR TBD ALL ELEVATIONS NOTE: THE "BASIS OF DESIGN" MATERIALS FOR THE PROJECT ARE LISTED ON THE SCHEDULE ABOVE. SEE SPECIFICATIONS FOR ADDITIONAL MATERIAL INFORMATION AND OTHER APPROVED SUBSTITUTIONS. FABCON ALL ELEVATIONS ALPOLIC SOLID COLOR TOR RED ALL ELEVATIONS UNACLAD KYNAR LIGHT GREY TO MATCH CS-1 FLASH - 2 CAP FLASHING UNACLAD KYNAR DARK GREY TO MATCH CS-2 WALL CAP FLASHING AT CS-2 AFS FLASH - 1 WINDOW SILL FLASHING ALUMINUM WINDOW STOREFRONT AND CURTAIN WALL FRAMES AFS-1 TBD ANODIZED ALUMINUM CLEAR ALL ELEVATIONS TBD ANODIZED ALUMINUM CLEAR ALL ELEVATIONS FLASH - 3 CAP FLASHING UNACLAD KYNAR BLACK TO MATCH CS-3 WALL CAP FLASHING AT CS-3 WALL CAP FLASHING AT CS-1 CS - 3 PRECAST CONCRETE WALL PANELS FABCON ALL ELEVATIONS CONCRETE STAIN CONCRETE STAIN SHERWIN WILLIAMS - COLOR TBD SHERWIN WILLIAMS - COLOR TBD CAP FLASHING UNACLAD KYNAR RED TO MATCH MP-1 WALL CAP FLASHING AT MP-1FLASH - 4 Dakota County Surveyor’s Office Western Service Center  14955 Galaxie Avenue  Apple Valley, MN 55124 952.891-7087  Fax 952.891-7127  www.co.dakota.mn.us March 21, 2019 City of Lakeville 20195 Holyoke Ave. Lakeville, MN 55044 Re: QA1 INTERSTATE SOUTH LOGISTICS PARK The Dakota County Plat Commission met on March 18, 2019, to consider the preliminary plat of the above referenced plat. The plat is adjacent to CSAH 9 (Dodd Blvd.), and is therefore subject to the Dakota County Contiguous Plat Ordinance. The site includes one lot for an office/manufacturing/warehouse industrial building. The right-of-way needs of 60 feet of half right of way are shown on the plat. Restricted access should be shown along all of CSAH 9 for the proposed Lot 1, Block 1. A quit claim deed to Dakota County for restricted access is required at the time of recording the plat mylars. The Plat Commission has approved the preliminary and final plat provided that the described conditions are met, and reviewed the final plat and recommends approval to the County Board of Commissioners provided that the described conditions are met. Traffic volumes on CSAH 9 are 6,000 ADT and are anticipated to be 11,000 ADT by the year 2030. No work shall commence in the County right of way until a permit is obtained from the County Transportation Department and no permit will be issued until the plat has been filed with the County Recorder’s Office. The Plat Commission does not review or approve the actual engineering design of proposed accesses or other improvements to be made in the right of way. Nothing herein is intended to restrict or limit Dakota County’s rights with regards to Dakota County rights of way or property. The Plat Commission highly recommends early contact with the Transportation Department to discuss the permitting process which reviews the design and may require construction of highway improvements, including, but not limited to, turn lanes, drainage features, limitations on intersecting street widths, medians, etc. Please contact Butch McConnell regarding permitting questions at (952) 891-7115 or Todd Tollefson regarding Plat Commission or Plat Ordinance questions at (952) 891-7070. Sincerely, Todd B. Tollefson Secretary, Plat Commission c: Dan Salzer, Scannell Properties City of Lakeville Public Works – Engineering Division Memorandum To: Frank Dempsey, Associate Planner From: Joe Powers, Project Engineer McKenzie L. Cafferty, Environmental Resources Manager John Hennen, Parks and Recreation Director Copy: Zach Johnson, City Engineer Jerilyn Erickson, Finance Director Gene Abbott, Building Official David Olson, Community and Economic Development Director Date: May 15, 2019 Subject: Interstate South Logistics Park Second Addition • Preliminary Plat Review • Final Plat Review • Site Plan Review • Grading and Erosion Control Plan Review • Utility Plan Review • Tree Preservation Plan BBAACCKKGGRROOUUNNDD Scannell Properties has submitted a preliminary and final plat named Interstate South Logistics Park Second Addition and plans to construct a 100,150 square foot office, manufacturing, and warehouse building, public and private utilities, private stormwater improvements, and parking improvements. The subject property is located south of and adjacent to 217th Street and west of and adjacent to Dodd Boulevard (CSAH 9). The parent parcels are Outlot D and a portion of Outlot C, Interstate South Logistics Park and a metes and bounds parcel zoned I-1, Light Industrial District (PID No. 220310075011). The final plat consists of one lot within one block on 8.9 acres. IINNTTEERRSSTTAATTEE SSOOUUTTHH LLOOGGIISSTTIICCSS PPAARRKK SSEECCOONNDD AADDDDIITTIIOONN ––PPRREELLIIMMIINNAARRYY AANNDD FFIINNAALL PPLLAATT MMAAYY 1155,, 22001199 PPAAGGEE 22 OOFF 77 The proposed development will be completed by: Developer: Scannell Properties Engineer/Surveyor: Wenck SSIITTEE CCOONNDDIITTIIOONNSS The Interstate South Logistics Park Second Addition site is undeveloped cultivated agricultural land. The land generally slopes from the west to the east. EEAASSEEMMEENNTTSS The Developer will dedicate a drainage and utility easement with the final plat over the privately owned and maintained stormwater management improvements and over the portion of trunk watermain that will installed through the site to serve future development to the south. A temporary drainage easement will be required with the final plat over the temporary drainage swale around the western and southern boundaries of the site. SSTTRREEEETT AANNDD SSUUBBDDIIVVIISSIIOONN LLAAYYOOUUTT Dodd Boulevard (CSAH 9) Interstate South Logistics Park Second Addition is located west of and adjacent to Dodd Boulevard, a minor arterial county highway, as identified in the City’s Transportation Plan. The Dakota County Plat Commission reviewed the proposed development at its March 21, 2019 meeting and recommended approval. The current Dakota County Plat Review Needs Map identifies Dodd Boulevard as a 2-lane rural/3-lane roadway with a half right-of-way requirement of 60-feet adjacent to the plat. The Developer previously dedicated the necessary right-of-way with the Interstate South Logistics Park final plat. The Developer is required to coordinate with Dakota County to determine the extent of improvements that will be required along Dodd Boulevard. The plan for any County road improvements must be approved by Dakota County, and a permit for the work within the right-of-way must be obtained from the County. 217th Street 217th Street adjacent to the plat was constructed with Interstate South Logistics Park. 217th Street is a minor collector roadway as identified in the City’s Transportation Plan and was constructed as a rural section roadway to promote infiltration and stormwater treatment. 217th Street was constructed as a 40-ft wide rural roadway with paved shoulders within an 80- foot right-of-way. There are dedicated right and left turn lanes at the intersection with Dodd Boulevard. A temporary cul-de-sac on 217th Street was constructed within a temporary easement on Outlots B and C. The temporary easement shall remain in place until the cul-de-sac is removed. IINNTTEERRSSTTAATTEE SSOOUUTTHH LLOOGGIISSTTIICCSS PPAARRKK SSEECCOONNDD AADDDDIITTIIOONN ––PPRREELLIIMMIINNAARRYY AANNDD FFIINNAALL PPLLAATT MMAAYY 1155,, 22001199 PPAAGGEE 33 OOFF 77 Future development of property west of the parent parcels will include extension of 217th Street through Interstate South Logistics Park to an intersection with the future extension of Jacquard Avenue. The City’s Transportation Plan indicates that 217th Street will ultimately extend west to Kenrick Avenue (CSAH 5). SITE PLAN A Site Plan was submitted for Lot 1, Block 1, Interstate South Logistics Park Second Addition. The Site Plan includes construction of a 100,150 SF manufacturing, warehouse, and office building on Lot 1, Block. Access to the site will be provided by two private driveways connecting to 217th Street. CCOONNSSTTRRUUCCTTIIOONN AACCCCEESSSS Construction traffic access and egress for grading, utility, and street construction shall be through a single rock construction entrance from 217th Street. PPAARRKKSS,, TTRRAAIILLSS AANNDD SSIIDDEEWWAALLKKSS The Park Dedication Fee has not been collected on the parent parcels and shall be satisfied through a cash contribution with the final plat, calculated as follows: 8.92 acres x $4,558.00 = $40,657.36 Acres of Lot 1, Block 1 Industrial Park Dedication Rate Park Dedication Requirement The Park Dedication Fee on the remainder of Outlot C will be required to be paid at the time the outlot is final platted into lots and blocks. The Parks, Trails and Open Space Plan identifies bituminous trails along the west side of Dodd Boulevard, adjacent to Interstate South Logistics Park Second Addition. UUTTIILLIITTIIEESS SSAANNIITTAARRYY SSEEWWEERR Interstate South Logistics Park Second Addition is located within sub-district SC-10180 of the South Creek sanitary sewer district as identified in the City’s Comprehensive Sewer Plan. The wastewater from the proposed site will be conveyed by City-owned sanitary sewer facilities to the Elko/New Market interceptor and then to the Empire Wastewater Treatment Plant. The existing City-owned downstream facilities are adequate to convey the wastewater generated by the proposed development. Private sanitary sewer service will be extended from the sanitary sewer in 217th Street for development within Lot 1, Block 1, Interstate South Logistics Park Second Addition. The Developer shall be required to remove the existing sanitary sewer service stub that will not be used. The Developer’s construction cost estimate includes $12,000 for restoration of the public roadway after abandonment of the sanitary sewer service stub and installation of new IINNTTEERRSSTTAATTEE SSOOUUTTHH LLOOGGIISSTTIICCSS PPAARRKK SSEECCOONNDD AADDDDIITTIIOONN ––PPRREELLIIMMIINNAARRYY AANNDD FFIINNAALL PPLLAATT MMAAYY 1155,, 22001199 PPAAGGEE 44 OOFF 77 watermain. The securities collected with the Final Plat will include this amount as “Street Restoration”. The Sanitary Sewer Availability Charge has not been collected on the parent parcels and must be paid with the building permit application for Lot 1, Block 1. The Sanitary Sewer Connection Charge will be collected for the proposed buildings and will be required to be paid with the application for a building permit. WWAATTEERRMMAAIINN Development of Interstate South Logistics Park Second Addition includes the extension of public and private watermain. The Developer will extend twelve-inch trunk watermain through the site to serve future development of the properties south of the site. The Developer shall be required to dedicate a drainage and utility easement over the public portion of watermain through Lot 1, Block 1. Final locations and sizes of all sanitary sewer and watermain facilities will be reviewed by City staff with the building permit application and final construction plans. DDRRAAIINNAAGGEE AANNDD GGRRAADDIINNGG Interstate South Logistics Park Second Addition is located within subdistricts SC-7 and SC-9A of the South Creek District of the City’s Comprehensive Water Resources Management Plan. The Interstate South Logistics Park AUAR (prepared by Sambatek in 2015) identified infiltration and ponding areas for the AUAR as a whole. Development of Interstate South Logistics Park Second Addition includes the construction of privately owned and maintained infiltration basins, consistent with the AUAR. The private infiltration basins will be located on Lot 1, Block 1 and will treat runoff generated from the proposed site. The Developer shall sign a private maintenance agreement for the infiltration basin and dedicate a maintenance easement over the basin area prior to City Council consideration of the final plat. The stormwater management design is consistent with City requirements. Following completion of the site improvements and restoration, the Developer shall conduct two double ring infiltrometer tests in the location of the infiltration basins to demonstrate that the design infiltration rates have been achieved. The Developer shall provide a $5,000 security with the final plat to ensure that this testing is completed. The final grading plan shall identify all fill lots in which the building footings will be placed on fill material. The grading specifications shall also indicate that all embankments meet FHA/HUD 79G specifications. The Developer shall certify to the City that all lots with footings placed on fill material are appropriately constructed. Building Certificates of Occupancy will not be issued until a soils report and an as-built certified grading plan have been submitted and approved by City staff. IINNTTEERRSSTTAATTEE SSOOUUTTHH LLOOGGIISSTTIICCSS PPAARRKK SSEECCOONNDD AADDDDIITTIIOONN ––PPRREELLIIMMIINNAARRYY AANNDD FFIINNAALL PPLLAATT MMAAYY 1155,, 22001199 PPAAGGEE 55 OOFF 77 Interstate South Logistics Park Second Addition contains more than one acre of site disturbance. A National Pollution Discharge Elimination System General Stormwater Permit for construction activity is required from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency for areas exceeding one acre being disturbed by grading. A copy of the Notice of Stormwater Permit Coverage must be submitted to the City upon receipt from the MPCA. SSTTOORRMM SSEEWWEERR Development of Interstate South Logistics Park Second Addition includes the construction of private storm sewer systems. The privately-owned and maintained storm sewer will be located within Lots 1, Block 1, Interstate South Logistics Park Second Addition and will collect and convey stormwater runoff generated from within the development to the stormwater management basins. The Trunk Storm Sewer Area Charge has not been collected on the parent parcel and must be paid with the final plat, calculated as follows: 388,555.20 sf x $0.250 = $97,138.80 Area of Lot 1, Block 1 Industrial Area Charge Trunk Storm Sewer Area Charge The Trunk Storm Sewer Area Charge on the remainder of Outlot C will be required at the time the outlot is final platted into lots and blocks. Final locations and sizes of all storm sewer facilities will be reviewed by City staff with the building permit application and final construction plans. FEMA FLOODPLAIN ANALYSIS Lots 1, Block 1, Interstate South Logistics Park Second Addition is shown on the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) as Zone X, which is not designated as a Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) as determined by FEMA. WWEETTLLAANNDDSS There are no wetlands on the Interstate South Logistics Park Second Addition site. TTRREEEE PPRREESSEERRVVAATTIIOONN There are no significant trees on the Interstate South Logistics Park Second Addition site. EERROOSSIIOONN CCOONNTTRROOLL The Developer is responsible for obtaining a MPCA Construction Permit for the site as well as developing a SWPPP for the site prior to construction. The permit requires that all erosion and sediment BMPS be clearly outlined in a site’s SWPPP. Changes made throughout construction must be documented in the SWPPP. IINNTTEERRSSTTAATTEE SSOOUUTTHH LLOOGGIISSTTIICCSS PPAARRKK SSEECCOONNDD AADDDDIITTIIOONN ––PPRREELLIIMMIINNAARRYY AANNDD FFIINNAALL PPLLAATT MMAAYY 1155,, 22001199 PPAAGGEE 66 OOFF 77 Additional erosion control measures may be required during construction as deemed necessary by City staff or the Dakota County Soil and Water District. Any additional measures required shall be installed and maintained by the developer. SECURITIES The Developer shall provide a Letter of Credit as security for the Developer-installed improvements relating to Interstate South Logistics Park CONSTRUCTION COSTS Watermain $90,000.00 Street Restoration Site Grading, Erosion Control, Restoration and Grading Certification 12,000.00 335,150.00 SUBTOTAL - CONSTRUCTION COSTS $437,150.00 OTHER COSTS Developer’s Design (3.0%) $13,114.50 Developer’s Construction Survey (2.5%) 10,928.75 City’s Legal Expense (0.5%) 2,185.75 City Construction Observation (5.0%) 21,857.50 Developer’s Record Drawing (0.5%) 2,185.75 Infiltration Testing Landscaping 5,000.00 76,057.00 Street Lights 2,800.00 Lot Corners/Iron Monuments 200.00 SUBTOTAL - OTHER COSTS $134,329.25 TOTAL PROJECT SECURITY $571,479.25 The street light security totals $2,800, which consists of two mast-arm street lights. The Developer shall post a security to ensure the final placement of iron monuments at property corners with the final plat. The Developer shall re-establish the lot corners for Outlot C. The security is $100.00 per lot and outlot for a total of $200.00. The City shall hold this security until the Developer’s Land Surveyor certifies that all irons have been placed following site grading, street and utility construction. CCAASSHH FFEEEESS A cash fee for one-year of streetlight operating expenses shall be paid at the time of final plat approval and is calculated as follows: 693.17 lf x $.2551/ff/qtr. x 4 qtrs. = $707.31 Lots 1, Block 1 217th Street Frontage Streetlight Operating Fee Total IINNTTEERRSSTTAATTEE SSOOUUTTHH LLOOGGIISSTTIICCSS PPAARRKK SSEECCOONNDD AADDDDIITTIIOONN ––PPRREELLIIMMIINNAARRYY AANNDD FFIINNAALL PPLLAATT MMAAYY 1155,, 22001199 PPAAGGEE 77 OOFF 77 A cash fee for one-year of environmental resources expenses shall be paid at the time of final plat approval and is calculated as follows: 8.92 acres x $14.38/unit/qtr. x 4.2 x 4 qtrs. = $2,154.93 Lots 1, Block 1 Environmental Resources Fee Utility Factor Total A cash fee for the preparation of record construction drawings and for upgrading the City base map shall be paid at the time of final plat approval and is calculated as follows: 1 units x $90.00/unit = $90.00 Lots/Outlots City Base Map Updating Fee Total The Developer shall submit the final plat and construction drawings in an electronic format. The electronic format shall be in either .dwg (AutoCAD) or .dxf format. The Developer shall also pay a cash fee for City Engineering Administration. The fee for City Engineering Administration will be based on three percent (3.00%) of the estimated construction cost, or $13,114.50. CASH REQUIREMENTS Park Dedication Fee Trunk Storm Sewer Area Charge $40,657.36 97,138.80 Streetlight Operating Fee 707.31 Environmental Resources Fee 2,154.93 City Base Map Updating Fee 90.00 City Engineering Administration (3.00%) 13,114.50 TOTAL - CASH REQUIREMENTS $153,862.90 RREECCOOMMMMEENNDDAATTIIOONN Engineering recommends approval of the preliminary plat, final plat, site plan, grading and erosion control plan, utility plan, and tree preservation plan for Interstate South Logistics Park Second Addition, subject to the requirements and stipulations within this report.