HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 07 Date: Item No. SPRINGS AT LAKEVILLE Proposed Action Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to approve: 1) an ordinance establishing a Planned Unit Development for Springs at Lakeville and rezoning property to PUD, and adoption of the findings of fact, and 2) a resolution approving the Springs at Lakeville preliminary plat and PUD development stage plans. Overview Continental Properties representatives are requesting approval of the Springs at Lakeville preliminary plat and PUD development stage plans of 260 apartment units on 15.5 acres located in the northwest quadrant of Cedar Avenue (CSAH 23) and Dodd Boulevard (CSAH 9). The developer is also requesting a Zoning Map amendment to rezone the property from C-3, General Commercial District to PUD, Planned Unit Development District. The Springs at Lakeville project proposes 13, 20-unit two-story buildings in a gated community with attached and detached garages, a clubhouse with a 24-hour fitness facility and outdoor pool and grilling area, a car wash and care area, and a pet wash and playground area. The Planning Commission held a public hearing on the Springs at Lakeville Zoning Map amendment, preliminary plat and PUD development stage plans at their June 20, 2019 meeting and unanimously recommended approval. There was public comment from three neighboring residents expressing concerns mainly about traffic at the Cedar Avenue and Glacier Way intersection. The Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee unanimously recommended approval of the preliminary plat at their June 19, 2019 meeting. The developer hosted a neighborhood meeting on February 12, 2019. Primary Issues to Consider • Why is the property being rezoned to PUD? • What flexibilities have been requested with the PUD? • Was a traffic study prepared for this development? Supporting Information • Staff response to Primary Issues to Consider • PUD ordinance and findings of fact • Preliminary plat resolution • June 20, 2019 draft Planning Commission meeting minutes • June 19, 2019 draft Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee meeting minutes • June 13, 2019 engineering report and June 27, 2019 revised planning report Financial Impact: $ Budgeted: Y☐ N☐ Source: Related Documents: (CIP, ERP, etc.): Envision Lakeville Community Values: A Home for All Ages and Stages of Life Report Completed by: Daryl Morey, Planning Director July 1, 2019 Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances 2 Primary Issues to Consider • Why is the property being rezoned to PUD? The Economic Development Commission’s (EDC) Strategic Plan identifies high density housing as a priority and the subject site is one of the locations identified as providing an opportunity for high density residential development given its location in the Cedar Avenue BRT corridor. Further, the Planning Commission and City Council have expressed support for rezoning commercial property identified in the EDC’s Strategic Plan for high density housing to PUD until the City’s 2040 Comprehensive Plan is formally approved and the properties can be rezoned to be consistent with the land use designations in the 2040 Comprehensive Plan. The Springs at Lakeville is designated as Corridor Mixed Use (CMU) in the 2040 Comprehensive Plan, which contemplates high density residential development similar to the Springs at Lakeville project. • What flexibilities have been requested with the PUD? Because the CMU District proposed in the 2040 Comprehensive Plan has not yet been created, the RH-2, Multiple Family Residential District performance standards have been applied to the Springs at Lakeville PUD. Proposed flexibilities include: principal building, accessory structure, and fence setbacks, exterior building materials, parking (consistent with other recently approved apartment projects in close proximity to a transit station), signage, and storm shelters. These items (except for storm shelters) are discussed in greater detail in the June 13, 2019 planning report. Continental Properties submitted their plan for storm shelters prior to the Planning Commission meeting. Storm shelter rooms are proposed at 11 different locations within the project. The storm shelter proposal narrative and site plan are attached as Exhibit V to the June 27, 2019 revised planning report. • Was a traffic study prepared for this development? The developer’s engineer prepared a traffic study for the Springs at Lakeville. The study concluded that there currently is, and will continue to be, a moderate peak hour delay for the eastbound Glacier Way approach at Cedar Avenue. The study concludes that this delay is primarily due to the signal timing favoring longer coordinated signal cycles to move the large volumes of traffic on Cedar Avenue and is not an intersection capacity issue. The study does not recommend any geometric or traffic control improvements to this intersection due to the Springs at Lakeville development. The City’s traffic engineering consultant has reviewed the traffic study and concurs with the conclusions. Dakota County could adjust the timing of the traffic signal at the Cedar Avenue and Glacier Way intersection after the Springs at Lakeville development is complete if needed to reduce peak hour intersection queuing on Glacier Way. 1 ORDINANCE NO. 2019-___ CITY OF LAKEVILLE DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A PUD, PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT FOR SPRINGS AT LAKEVILLE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LAKEVILLE ORDAINS: Section 1. Legal Description. The legal description of the property included in the PUD District shall be Lot 1, Block 1, Springs at Lakeville. Section 2. Zoning Map Amendment. The property is hereby rezoned from C-3, General Commercial District to PUD, Planned Unit Development District subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein. Section 3. Allowed Uses. The allowed uses within the PUD District shall include the uses as provided for and subject to the approval process as required within the RH-2, Multiple-Family Residential District. Section 4. Performance Standards. Uses within the PUD District shall be subject to the performance standards applicable to uses developed within the RH-2 District, except as may be modified by approval of a PUD Development Stage Plan as provided for by Section 11-96-13 of the Zoning Ordinance. Section 5. Lot Requirements. Lots within the PUD District shall be subject to the minimum lot area, lot width, and setback requirements applicable to lots within the RH-2 District and the following: A. The following principal and accessory building setbacks shall be established within the PUD District: Minimum Setback Yard North Cedar Ave. Dodd Blvd. West Apartment Buildings and Clubhouse 30ft. 30ft. 30ft 30ft. Accessory buildings 10ft. 30ft. 15ft. 10ft. Section 6. Amendments. Modification of the allowed uses, performance standards, and lot requirements established by this PUD District or the inclusion of 2 additional lands within this PUD District shall be processed in accordance with Section 11- 96-21 of the Zoning Ordinance. Section 7. Zoning Map. The Zoning Map of the City of Lakeville shall not be republished to show the aforesaid Zoning Map amendment, but the City Clerk shall appropriately mark the Zoning Map on file in the City Clerk’s office for the purpose of indicating the amendment hereinabove provided for in this Ordinance, and all of the notations, references and other information shown thereon are hereby incorporated by reference and made part of this Ordinance. Section 8. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be effective upon its passage and publication. ADOPTED by the Lakeville City Council this 1st day of July 2019. CITY OF LAKEVILLE BY:_____________________________ Douglas P. Anderson, Mayor ATTEST BY:_____________________________ Charlene Friedges, City Clerk 1 CITY OF LAKEVILLE DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA SPRINGS AT LAKEVILLE ZONING MAP AMENDMENT FINDINGS OF FACT AND DECISION On 20 June 2019, the Lakeville Planning Commission met at its regularly scheduled meeting to consider the application of Continental 476 Fund LLC for a Zoning Map amendment to rezone property to PUD, Planned Unit Development District for development of Springs of Lakeville. The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the application preceded by published and mailed notice. The applicant was present and the Planning Commission heard testimony from all interested persons wishing to speak. The City Council hereby adopts the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The subject property is located in Comprehensive Planning District 3, which guides the property for commercial land uses. 2. The subject site is zoned C-3, General Commercial District. 3. Legal description of the property is: Outlot C and Outlot D, Cherry Highlands Third 4. Section 11-3-3.E of the City of Lakeville Zoning Ordinance provides that the Planning Commission shall consider possible effects of the proposed amendment. Its judgment shall be based upon, but not limited to, the following factors: a. The proposed action has been considered in relation to the specific policies and provisions of and has been found to be consistent with the official City Comprehensive Plan. Finding: The Economic Development Commission (EDC) has identified as part of the Strategic Plan for Economic Development high density housing as a priority and further identified sites that may provide opportunities for such development. The subject site is one of the locations identified by the EDC as an opportunity for high density residential development. Direction was given by the City Council and supported by the Planning Commission to encourage development of high density residential uses at locations such as the subject site based on the recommendations of the EDC as consistent with the City’s goals stated in the 2008 Comprehensive Plan. b. The proposed use is or will be compatible with present and future land uses of the area. Finding: The subject site is bounded by existing commercial land uses to the west and north. There are back-to-back townhouses across Glacier Way from the subject site. Cedar Avenue (CSAH 23) and Dodd Boulevard (CSAH 9) are physical barriers that define 2 the south and east boundary of the subject site. The proposed high density residential land uses will be compatible with the mix of existing residential and commercial activity in the area at the northwest quadrant of Cedar Avenue (CSAH 23) and Dodd Boulevard (CSAH 9). c. The proposed use conforms to all performance standards contained in the Zoning Ordinance and the City Code. Finding: The proposed use will conform to all of the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance except as specifically modified by the PUD District. d. The proposed use can be accommodated with existing public services and will not overburden the City’s service capacity. Finding: The subject site is within the MUSA and planned for urban uses; the City has adequate existing service capacity to accommodate the proposed use. e. Traffic generated by the proposed use is within capabilities of streets serving the property. Finding: The property is access from Glacier Way, which is designated as a minor collector street by the Transportation Plan. Glacier Way, with existing accesses to Cedar Avenue (CSAH 23) and Dodd Boulevard (CSAH 9) has adequate capacity to accommodate traffic that will be generated by the proposed use. 5. The report dated 13 June 2019 prepared by The Planning Company LLC is incorporated herein. DECISION The City Council approves the Zoning Map amendment in the form attached hereto. DATED: July 1, 2019 CITY OF LAKEVILLE BY: __________________________ Douglas P. Anderson, Mayor BY: __________________________ Charlene Friedges, City Clerk CITY OF LAKEVILLE DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 19-_____ RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD DEVELOPMENT STAGE PLANS OF SPRINGS AT LAKEVILLE WHEREAS, Continental 476 Fund LLC has requested approval of the preliminary plat and PUD development stage plans of 260 multiple family dwelling units to be known as Springs at Lakeville, legally described as Outlot C and Outlot D, Cherry Highlands Third; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing at their June 20, 2019 meeting, preceded by notice as required by the Subdivision Ordinance; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission and the Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee unanimously recommended approval of the preliminary plat; and WHEREAS, the preliminary plat and PUD development stage plans are acceptable to the City; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Lakeville City Council: The Springs at Lakeville preliminary plat and PUD development stage plans are approved subject to the following conditions: 1. The following principal and accessory building setbacks shall be established within the PUD District: Minimum Setback Yard North Cedar Ave. Dodd Blvd. West Apartment Buildings and Clubhouse 30ft. 30ft. 30ft 30ft. Accessory buildings 10ft. 30ft. 15ft. 10ft. 2. Building elevation plans for exterior finish materials shall comply with the following: a. Principal buildings: 2 (1) A minimum of 50 percent of elevations facing outward at the perimeter shall be surfaced with brick, stucco, or stone materials. (2) A minimum of 25 percent of the area of each internal elevation of a structure shall have an exterior finish of brick, stucco and/or natural or artificial stone. (3) Except for brick, stucco, and/or natural or artificial stone, no single interior elevation shall have more than 75 percent of one type of exterior finish. (4) Except for brick, stucco, and/or natural or artificial stone, no more than 60 percent of all interior elevations shall be of one type of exterior finish. b. The exterior materials for accessory buildings shall be the same as used for the principal buildings in accordance with Section 11-18-9.E of the Zoning Ordinance. 3. Landscaping shall be installed according to the approved landscape plan. The developer shall provide a cost estimate for the landscaping prior to City Council consideration of the final plat. 4. The cost of the proposed trail abutting Dodd Boulevard (CSAH 9) extended to 175th Street shall be divided between the developer and the City in accordance with the provisions of Section 10-4-3.H.4 of the Subdivision Ordinance, except that the City will reimburse the developer for the segment of trail west of the subject property. 5. Vehicle access for fire protection and control of proposed emergency access gates shall be subject to review and approval of the Fire Chief. 6. Two retaining wall mounted signs not to exceed 100 square feet in area shall be allowed consistent with the provisions of Section 11-23-15.X.1 of the Zoning Ordinance and one wall sign not to exceed 100 square feet in area shall be allowed on the north elevation of the club house building. 7. Park dedication requirements shall be satisfied by payment of a cash fee in lieu of land at the time of final plat approval as provided for by Section 10-4-8.J of the Subdivision Ordinance. 3 8. All grading, drainage, and erosion control plans are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. 9. All utility plans are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 10. All drainage and utility easements are subject to review and approval of City staff. 11. The developer shall execute a development agreement with the City as drafted by City Attorney and subject to approval of the City Council. ADOPTED by the Lakeville City Council this 1st day of July 2019 CITY OF LAKEVILLE __ Douglas P. Anderson, Mayor ATTEST: __________________________________ Charlene Friedges, City Clerk Drafted By: City of Lakeville 20195 Holyoke Avenue Lakeville, MN 55044 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, June 20, 2019 Page 3 • Commissioner Drotning asked if the sidewalk south of the drive-thru lane could be extended to the three customer pick up parking stalls. This might require the removal of some proposed landscaping. Motion was made by Witte, seconded by Majorowicz to recommend to City Council approval of the TimberCrest at Lakeville 8th Addition preliminary and final plat and PUD development stage plans for Panera Bread, and vacation of public drainage and utility easements, located north of 185th Street (CSAH 60), east of Interstate 35, and west of Kenrick Avenue, subject to the following five stipulations, as amended: 1. Hours of operation are limited to 5:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. An amendment to the Development Stage PUD must be approved by the City Council to extend the hours of operation. 2. Prior to City council consideration of the preliminary/final plat, the photometric plan must be modified to show that light levels at the south and west property lines adjacent to public ROW do not exceed one foot-candle. 3. All signage on the property must meet the requirements of Section 11-23 of the Zoning Ordinance. A sign permit is required prior to the installation of any signs. 4. The waste enclosure materials are required to match the principal building and the enclosure must have maintenance-free gates. 5. Snow storage shall not occur within required parking spaces, vehicle driving lanes or on public property. Ayes: Majorowicz, Einck, Witte, Drotning Nays: 0 6. Springs at Lakeville Vice Chair Einck opened the public hearing to consider the application of Continental 476 Fund LLC for the following, located west of Cedar Avenue (CSAH 23), north of Dodd Boulevard (CSAH 9), and south of Glacier Way: A. Zoning Map amendment to rezone property from C-3, General Commercial District to PUD, Planned Unit Development District; B. Preliminary and final plat of one lot to be known as Springs at Lakeville; and C. PUD development stage plans for 260 multiple family dwelling units. Bob McCaigue, Continental Properties, presented an overview of the request. Mr. McCaigue stated that Continental has over 20,000 units across the country with four developments in Minnesota. They are proposing 13, 20-unit 2-story buildings that include studio, and one, two, or three bedroom apartments. The community will be gated and fenced and will include a clubhouse with a 24-hour fitness center, community room, and outdoor pool and grilling area. He stated that the amount of parking they are proposing generally exceeds the parking they have provided at other similar developments on a per unit basis. There will be one access point off of Glacier Way at the northwest corner of the property, and one emergency access. Mr. McCaigue indicated that they have been discussing the storm shelter requirements with City staff because the apartment buildings will be slab on grade with no basements. He reviewed the storm shelter site plan that was provided to the Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, June 20, 2019 Page 4 Planning Commission at tonight’s meeting. The plan proposes storm shelter areas within the clubhouse and attached and detached garages. Planning Consultant Daniel Licht presented the planning report. Mr. Licht stated that Continental Properties has submitted plans that consist of 260 rental apartments within 13 buildings, a community clubhouse, and detached accessory garage and maintenance related buildings. The applications submitted include a Zoning Map amendment to rezone the property to PUD, Planned Unit Development District, PUD development stage plans, preliminary plat, and final plat. Mr. Licht explained that Continental Properties proposes to rezone the subject property to PUD, based on the requirements of the RH-2, Multiple Family Residential District. The possible development of the subject property for high density residential uses is consistent with the Economic Development Commission’s Strategic Plan and was discussed by the Planning Commission and City Council at work sessions in 2016. The subject site is bounded by Cedar Avenue to the east, Dodd Boulevard to the south, existing commercial land uses to the west and north, with attached townhouses across Glacier Way. The proposed high density residential land uses will be compatible with the mix of existing residential and commercial uses in the area. Mr. Licht reviewed the setback requirements of the RH-2 District along with the developer’s request to reduce setback requirements for the principal and accessory buildings given the Corridor Mixed Use land use designation proposed by the 2040 Comprehensive Plan. The dwelling unit size, which the architectural plans verify, comply with the minimum floor areas specified by the Zoning Ordinance. Mr. Licht explained that the proposed principal buildings are to be constructed without basements. The Zoning Ordinance requires that dwelling units include provisions for storm protection internally to the dwelling unit. The developer submitted the site plan that was distributed at tonight’s meeting which showed where various storm shelters would be located. Approval of the storm shelter plan will be determined with City Council consideration of the applications. Mr. Licht described the exterior building materials proposed for the Springs at Lakeville development that are reviewed in more detail in the June 13, 2019 planning report. A landscape plan has been submitted that meets the Zoning Ordinance requirements for the site perimeter, interior yards, and building foundations. A perimeter decorative fence plan has been submitted which will surround the site along the east, south and west property lines and along the south side of the primary driveway access from Glacier Way. Mr. Licht reviewed the proposed pedestrian and vehicle access to the property and off street parking, which is described in more detail in the June 13, 2019 planning report. Mr. Licht reviewed the sign allowances for multiple family uses within RH Districts established by the Zoning Ordinance. The project identification sign to be mounted Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, June 20, 2019 Page 5 on the retaining wall adjacent to the Cedar Avenue/Dodd Boulevard intersection incorporating the city’s logo is consistent with the recommendations of the City’s Corridor and Gateway Design Study. The proposed area identification signs do not meet the location requirement adjacent to a development access but do provide directional benefit for identification purposes. Mr. Licht stated that the proposed development is consistent with the recommendations of the draft 2040 Lakeville Comprehensive Plan to provide opportunities for high density housing within the Cedar Corridor in support of existing commercial uses and future transit services. Staff recommends approval of the Springs at Lakeville Zoning Map amendment, preliminary and final plat, and PUD development stage plans, subject to the 14 stipulations listed in the June 13, 2019 planning report, as amended. Mr. Licht stated that staff is recommending adding the following wording to Stipulation 9: 9. Retaining wall mounted signs, not to exceed 100 square feet in area, shall be allowed in the northeast and southeast corners of the property consistent with the provisions of Section 11-23-15.X.1 of the Zoning Ordinance and the approved PUD signage plan. Vice Chair Einck opened the hearing to the public for comment. The following people spoke at tonight’s meeting: Lauri Olson, 17444 Goodland Court Kristine Haas, 17477 Goldenview Avenue Stacee Stinar, 17433 Goodland Path Concerns were as follows: • Home values • Traffic volumes • Was a traffic study done? • Will the developer be grading the property to street level? • Will Continental Properties be retaining ownership once the project is complete? • Where will visitors park? Will they be allowed to park on Glacier Way? • Can the access into this development be off of Dodd Boulevard? Motion was made by Drotning, seconded by Witte to close the public hearing at 6:51 p.m. Voice vote was taken on the motion. Ayes - unanimous Vice Chair Einck asked for comments from the Planning Commission. Discussion points included: Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, June 20, 2019 Page 6 • Mr. McCaigue confirmed that Continental Properties owns and operates all of their communities. He also stated that this development will have no impact on surrounding home values. • Assistant City Engineer Alex Jordan stated that a traffic study was prepared by the developer and reviewed by the City’s traffic engineering consultant. He provided information regarding queuing issues at the peak p.m. hours for the Glacier Way and Cedar Avenue intersection along with Dakota County’s signal timing. He stated that the County will likely wait until the Springs at Lakeville project is complete before monitoring and possibly making adjustments to the timing of the traffic signal at Cedar Avenue and Glacier Way. City staff concurs with the traffic study that this development will not have a large impact on traffic at this intersection. Mr. Jordan stated that “No Parking” signs on Glacier Way will be installed with this development. Mr. Jordan stated that Dakota County does not allow access to Cedar Avenue or Dodd Boulevard for the subject property; as such, the only access will be off of Glacier Way, a City street. • Mr. McCaigue stated that the property will be graded to bring it down to street level. Dodd Boulevard will most likely be the access for trucks hauling the excess dirt off-site. • The Planning Commission thanked the public for their comments at tonight’s meeting. Motion was made by Majorowicz, seconded by Drotning to recommend to City Council approval of the Zoning Map amendment to rezone property from C-3, General Commercial District to PUD, Planned Unit Development District, preliminary and final plat of one lot to be known as Springs at Lakeville, and PUD development stage plans for 260 multiple family dwelling units, located west of Cedar Avenue (CSAH 23), north of Dodd Boulevard (CSAH 9), and south of Glacier Way, and adoption of the Findings of Fact dated June 20, 2019, subject to the following 14 stipulations, as amended: 1. The following principal and accessory building setbacks shall be established within the PUD District: Minimum Setback Yard North Cedar Ave. Dodd Blvd. West Apartment Buildings and Clubhouse 30ft. 30ft. 30ft 30ft. Accessory buildings 10ft. 30ft. 15ft. 10ft. 2. Provision of a storm shelter to satisfy the requirements of Section 11-17-27 of the Zoning Ordinance shall be subject to review and approval of City staff prior to City Council consideration of the applications. 3. Building elevation plans for exterior finish materials shall comply with the following: a. Principal buildings: (1) A minimum of 50 percent of elevations facing outward at the perimeter shall be surfaced with brick, stucco, or stone materials. Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, June 20, 2019 Page 7 (2) A minimum of 25 percent of the area of each internal elevation of a structure shall have an exterior finish of brick, stucco and/or natural or artificial stone. (3) Except for brick, stucco, and/or natural or artificial stone, no single interior elevation shall have more than 75 percent of one type of exterior finish. (4) Except for brick, stucco, and/or natural or artificial stone, no more than 60 percent of all interior elevations shall be of one type of exterior finish. b. The exterior materials for accessory buildings shall be the same as used for the principal buildings in accordance with Section 11-18-9.E of the Zoning Ordinance. 4. Landscaping shall be installed according to the approved landscape plan. The developer shall provide a cost estimate for the landscaping prior to City Council consideration of the applications. 5. The cost of the proposed trail abutting Dodd Boulevard (CSAH 9) extended to 175th Street shall be divided between the developer and the City in accordance with the provisions of Section 10-4-3.H.4 of the Subdivision Ordinance, except that the City will reimburse the developer for the segment of trail west of the subject property. 6. The site plan shall be revised to provide access from the interior of the site to the trail abutting the subject site on Cedar Avenue (CSAH 23). 7. Vehicle access for fire protection and control of proposed emergency access gates shall be subject to review and approval of the Fire Chief. 8. The exterior lighting plan shall be revised such that light cast at the north property line complies with Section 11-16-7.A.2 of the Zoning Ordinance. 9. Retaining wall mounted signs, not to exceed 100 square feet in area, shall be allowed in the northeast and southeast corners of the property consistent with the provisions of Section 11-23-15.X.1 of the Zoning Ordinance and the approved PUD signage plan. 10. Park dedication requirements shall be satisfied by payment of a cash fee in lieu of land at the time of final plat approval as provided for by Section 10-4-8.J of the Subdivision Ordinance. 11. All grading, drainage, and erosion control plans are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. 12. All utility plans are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 13. All drainage and utility easements are subject to review and approval of City staff. 14. The developer shall execute a development agreement with the City as drafted by City Attorney and subject to approval of the City Council. Ayes: Majorowicz, Einck, Witte, Drotning Nays: 0 There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:18 pm. Respectfully submitted, Penny Brevig, Recording Secretary Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Committee Meeting Minutes, June 22, 2019 Page 2 3601 Thurston Avenue Anoka, MN 55303 763.231.5840 TPC@PlanningCo.com 1 MEMORANDUM TO: Daryl Morey, Planning Director FROM: D. Daniel Licht, AICP DATE: 27 June 2019 RE: Lakeville – Springs at Lakeville TPC FILE: 135.01 BACKGROUND Continental Properties has submitted plans dated 06-26-19 for development of 15.45 acres located at the northwest quadrant of the intersection of Cedar Avenue (CSAH 23) and Dodd Boulevard (CSAH 9). The proposed development consists of 260 rental apartments within 13 buildings, a community clubhouse, and detached accessory garage and maintenance related buildings. The applications involved in considering the proposed development include a Zoning Map amendment rezoning the property to PUD, Planned Unit Development District, PUD Development Stage Plan, Preliminary Plat, and Final Plat. Exhibits: A. Site location map B. Project Description Narrative (2 pages) C. Certificate of Survey D. Preliminary Plat E. Final Plat F. Overall Site Plan G. Site Plan, Views 1-3 (3 pages) H. Overall Grading, Drainage and Erosion Control Plan I. Grading Plan, Views 1-3 (3 pages) J. Overall Sanitary Sewer & Watermain Plan K. Sanitary Sewer & Watermain Plan, Views 1-3 (3 pages) L. Overall Storm Sewer Plan M. Storm Sewer Plan, Views 1-3 (3 pages) N. Tree Preservation Plan (2 pages) 2 O. Overall Landscape Plan P. Landscape Plan, Views 1-3 and Details (4 pages) Q. Photometric Plan and Fixture Detail (2 pages) R. Clubhouse Floor Plan S. Color Elevations (5 sheets) T. Sign Plans (4 sheets) U. Dakota County Plat Commission letter V. Storm Shelter Narrative and Site Plan (3 pages) ANALYSIS Comprehensive Plan. The subject site is guided for commercial land uses by the 2030 Land Use Plan, which would not allow for the proposed multiple family use. However, the Economic Development Commission has identified as part of the Strategic Plan for Economic Development high density housing as a priority and further identified sites that may provide opportunities for such development. The subject site is one of the locations identified by the EDC as an opportunity for high density residential development. Direction was given by the City Council that City staff will work with developers on consideration of multiple family uses within existing commercially guided parcels identified by the Strategic Plan for Economic Development. The Planning Commission also discussed this issue and supports the recommendations of the EDC and direction of the City Council. The draft 2040 Land Use Plan guides the subject site for Corridor Mixed Use land uses, which is to include high density residential development. The proposed CMU land use designation of the subject site reflects planning for the Cedar Avenue corridor to include future Bus Rapid Transit, provides market support for existing and planned commercial uses in the area, and is compatible with surrounding medium-to-high density and low density residential uses to the west. The designation of CMU land uses and development of high density residential use of the subject site is also appropriate given the planned realignment of Dodd Boulevard (CSAH 9) south to the 179th Street corridor and changes to the existing Cedar Avenue (CSAH 23) intersection that will restrict full-turning movements and cross traffic. Zoning. The subject site is currently zoned C-3, General Commercial District consistent with the 2030 Land Use Plan. Implementation of the 2040 Lakeville Comprehensive Plan will include adoption of zoning standards applicable to parcels guided for CMU land uses. However, as the subject site was previously identified by the EDC 2014-2016 Strategic Plan for Economic Development as an opportunity site for multiple family housing, the proposed development may be allowed prior to final approval of the 2040 Comprehensive Plan and creation of the CMU zoning district and performance standards by rezoning the property to PUD, Planned Unit Development District. The City Council and Planning Commission discussions of the EDC recommendations were supportive of the approach to use a PUD District based on the requirements of the RH-2, 3 Multiple Family Residential District to allow for development of apartment uses on sites identified by the EDC as opportunity locations. The City approved multiple family housing projects based on modified standards after further investigation within the Avonlea, Lee Lake Commercial, and Spirit of Brandtjen Farm developments. City staff proposes these modified standards for multiple family uses within a PUD District be applied to the subject site to allow for the proposed development. Surrounding Uses. The subject site is bounded by existing commercial land uses to the west and north. There are back-to-back townhouses across Glacier Way from the subject site. Cedar Avenue (CSAH 23) and Dodd Boulevard (CSAH 9) are physical barriers that define the south and east boundary of the subject site. The proposed high density residential land uses will be compatible with the mix of existing residential and commercial activity in the area at the northwest quadrant of Cedar Avenue (CSAH 23) and Dodd Boulevard (CSAH 9). Use. The proposed use includes 13 principal buildings each with 20 dwelling units for rental occupancy and 6 accessory buildings within a single lot to be maintained under single ownership. The Zoning Ordinance includes the following definitions: o DWELLING, MULTIPLE-FAMILY (APARTMENT): A building designed with three (3) or more dwelling units exclusively for occupancy by three (3) or more families living independently of each other, but sharing hallways and main entrances and exits. o DWELLING, TOWNHOUSES: Structures housing three (3) or more dwelling units contiguous to each other only by the sharing of one or more common walls with each unit having a separate entrance/exit, such structures to be of the townhouse or row house type as contrasted to multiple-family dwelling apartment structures. The proposed dwelling units are a hybrid of townhouse and apartment style dwellings in that the dwellings include stacked and side-by-side units each with individual exterior entrances. The proposed dwelling unit type and property configuration is best addressed through a PUD District. It may be possible in the future to provide for private ownership of individual dwellings if a Common Interest Community were to be established. Lot Requirements. The subject site has an area of 15.45 acres and is to be preliminary and final platted as one lot. Based on 260 dwelling units, there is 2,588 square feet of lot area per dwelling unit. Section 11-62-13.B of the Zoning Ordinance requires a minimum of 5,000 square feet of lot area per townhouse dwelling and 2,500 square feet of lot area per apartment dwelling. The proposed density of the development is consistent with the character of a multiple family use, appropriate for the subject site within the Cedar Avenue corridor, and exceeds the minimum lot area requirement for such uses. Setbacks. Section 11-97-7 of the Zoning Ordinance establishes that various setback regulations of the RH-2 District are to be considered presumptively appropriate for the subject site, but 4 may be departed from to accomplish the purposes of the PUD District. The following setbacks of the RH-2 District would apply to the subject site: Yard North Cedar Ave. Dodd Blvd. West Min Setback 30ft. 50ft. 50ft 30ft. The minimum 50 foot setback required from Cedar Avenue (CSAH 23) and Dodd Boulevard (CSAH 9) is based on the requirements for a residential buffer yard abutting minor arterial roadways established by Section 11-19-21.E of the Zoning Ordinance. The CMU land use designation as being established by the 2040 Comprehensive Plan is intended to provide for a more urban character of development for high density residential uses within the Cedar Corridor. To this end, the need for a residential buffer yard setback would not be applicable to the subject site. Principal and accessory buildings are required to be setback a minimum of 30 feet from Cedar Avenue (CSAH 23) and Dodd Boulevard (CSAH 9). There are 2 detached accessory garage buildings along the west property line and 1 detached accessory garage building abutting Dodd Boulevard (CSAH 9) within the required 30 foot setback. City staff supports allowing the 2 detached accessory garage buildings along the west property line to encroach into the required 30 foot setback as this yard is a transition to the rear of the commercial buildings on the abutting properties to the west and the building locations provide added screening. The developer is requesting consideration that the detached accessory garage adjacent to Dodd Boulevard (CSAH 9) be allowed at this location with a 15 foot setback from the Dodd Boulevard ROW based on a 2 to 3 foot elevation change above the roadway and setback of 50 feet from the roadway and 35 feet from the interior edge of the trail to be constructed abutting the subject site. The developer believes that the 8 garage stalls within this building are an important amenity for the development and will also buffer the site from Dodd Boulevard. The architectural plans for the garage buildings include brick and fiber cement siding on all elevations, including the rear elevation to present a front as viewed from the public street. The landscape plan includes ornamental trees and shrubs on the sides and rear of the garages to provide additional screening. A detached waste container enclosure is also shown within the 30 foot setback required in the yard along Glacier Way to the southwest of Building 1. The structure is 9 feet tall and constructed with fiber cement siding on all four sides with gates on the east and south elevations. The landscape plan provides for evergreen shrubs on the west and north sides of the enclosure for screening purposes. The perimeter fence and shrubs are also located to the west of the enclosure. City staff supports the location of the proposed enclosure within the 30 foot setback required from Glacier Way right-of-way from an operation and site functionality standpoint. 5 Dwelling Unit Size. The table below summarized the breakdown in the number of dwelling units by number of bedrooms. There is an average of 1.6 bedrooms per dwelling unit within the proposed development. Section 11-17-15 limits the number of efficiency units to not more than 10 percent of the total number of dwelling units, which the site plan complies with. The architectural plans include the floor areas for each type of dwelling unit, which verify compliance the minimum floor areas specified by Section 11-17-13.B of the Zoning Ordinance. Unit Type Number Percent Floor Area Minimum Required Minimum Proposed Efficiency 26 10% 500sf. 633sf. (SO) 1 Bedroom 104 40% 700sf. 803sf. (1DC) 2 Bedroom 104 40% 800sf. 1,093sf. (2GC) 3 Bedroom 26 10% 880sf. 1,349sf. (3GC) Storm Shelter. The submitted plans indicate that the proposed principal buildings are to be constructed without basements. Section 11-17-27 of the Zoning Ordinance requires that any such dwelling units include provisions for storm protection internally to the dwelling unit. The Zoning Ordinance requires that storm shelters are to be provided in a bathroom or laundry room so as to ensure accessibility and that the storm shelter is not obstructed by storage. The developer is proposing to provide storm protection for the residential dwellings within the clubhouse building and areas of refuge throughout the site. The rooms to be constructed as areas of refuge comply with FEMA coastal storm shelter requirements and are within at least 500 feet of a dwelling unit. The proposed storm shelter plan complies with the intent of the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance for storm shelters and City staff recommends approval as part of the PUD Development Stage Plan. Exterior Materials. Section 11-62-19.B of the Zoning Ordinance requires the exterior of multiple-family dwelling structures include a variation in building materials which are to be distributed throughout the building elevations and coordinated into the architectural design of the structure to create an architecturally balanced appearance. To this end, a minimum of 50 percent of the combined area of all elevations of a structure is required to have an exterior finish of brick, stucco and/or natural or artificial stone. The multiple principal and accessory buildings within the subject site utilize the following exterior material finishes:  Elevations of each building facing outward at the perimeter of the subject site comply with the exterior finish material requirements for multiple family buildings with 50 percent brick, stucco, or stone materials.  Building elevations facing the interior of the subject site comply with the exterior material requirements for townhouses as follows: o A minimum 25 percent of the area of each internal elevation of a structure shall have an exterior finish of brick, stucco and/or natural or artificial stone. 6 o Except for brick, stucco, and/or natural or artificial stone, no single interior elevation shall have more than 75 percent of one type of exterior finish. o Except for brick, stucco, and/or natural or artificial stone, no more than 60 percent of all interior elevations shall be of one type of exterior finish. o Building elevation plans for the proposed clubhouse building, maintenance building, and detached accessory garage buildings have also been submitted illustrating use of the same exterior materials as for the principal buildings in accordance with Section 11-18-9.E of the Zoning Ordinance. Building Height. Principal buildings within the RH-2 District are limited to a height of 4 stories or 45 feet by Section 11-62-21.A of the Zoning Ordinance. The proposed apartment buildings are two story structures. The proposed clubhouse building is a single story structure. The height of accessory buildings is limited to 15 feet by Section 11-18-.9C of the Zoning Ordinance; the proposed building elevations indicate that the height of these buildings is 11 feet measured to the mid-point of the pitched roof. Landscaping. The plans include a landscape plan that addresses the requirements of Section 11-21-7 and 11-21-9 of the Zoning Ordinance at the site perimeter, interior yards, and building foundations. No residential buffer yard as outlined by Section 11-21-19.E of the Zoning Ordinance is to be required along Cedar Avenue (CSAH 23) or Dodd Boulevard (CSAH 9) based on the type of development promoted for areas to be guided CMU land uses by the proposed 2040 Land Use Plan. However, the landscape plan takes measures to mitigate the noise and light generated by the roadway corridor by planting evergreen trees, tall growing evergreen shrubs, ornamental trees, and shade trees along these lot lines. The site plan provides for off-street parking stalls perpendicular to and facing Glacier Way. To screen the view of vehicles parked in these stalls and minimize headlight glare cast to the public street or residential uses on the opposite side of the roadway, a row of low-growing shrubs is incorporated on the outside of the fence at the front of the parking stalls. The plantings on the outside of the fence enhance the aesthetics of the streetscape and prevent people from approaching the fence as well as screen parked cars. Fence. The submitted plans provide for a perimeter fence surrounding the proposed residential dwellings along the east, south, and west property lines and along the south side of the primary driveway access from Glacier Way. Detail plans for the height and materials for the proposed fence have been submitted indicating a 5 foot height with metal rails that is more than 75 percent opaque. Section 11-19-5.F.3 of the Zoning Ordinance limits the fence along Glacier Way to 4 feet in height and 75 percent opacity; along Cedar Avenue (CSAH 23) and Dodd Boulevard (CSAH 9), the fence is allowed to be up to 6 feet in height if setback 10 feet 7 from the right-of-way; along the north and west lot lines, the fence in the side yard (measured 30 feet back from Glacier Way) is allowed to be up to 6 feet in height. The height of the fence in the yards along Glacier Way, Cedar Avenue (CSAH 23), and Dodd Boulevard (CSAH 9) may be allowed to be setback less than 10 feet from the ROW line within the proposed PUD District based on the special purpose for the fence, the integrated nature of the site plan, decorative materials used for the fence, and landscaping enhancements. Pedestrian Access. There is an existing trail on the west side of Cedar Avenue (CSAH 23) abutting the subject site. The submitted plans show construction of a new trail along Dodd Boulevard (CSAH 9) from Cedar Avenue (CSAH 23). The trail will be extended to 175th Street and connected with an existing sidewalk terminating at the intersection of Dodd Boulevard (CSAH 9) and 175th Street. The cost of the trail will be divided between the developer and the City in accordance with the provisions of Section 10-4-3.H.4 of the Subdivision Ordinance, except that the City will reimburse the developer for the segment of trail west of the subject property. The submitted plans also show construction of a sidewalk along Glacier Way abutting the subject site between the west and north property lines. The width of the sidewalk is 5 feet and matches into the existing sidewalks to the west and north. The cost of the sidewalk is to be funded by the developer in accordance with Section 10-4-3.H.4 of the Subdivision Ordinance. There are sidewalks throughout the interior of the site to provide access between buildings and the clubhouse facility. There is also a sidewalk along the primary driveway access from Glacier Way to provide non-vehicular connectivity between the subject site and Cherryview Park or nearby commercial businesses via the sidewalk along Glacier Way. Sidewalk connections are also provided from the site to the trails on Cedar Avenue (CSAH 23) and Dodd Boulevard (CSAH 9). Vehicle Access. The subject site is proposed to have one primary vehicular access point from Glacier Way at the northwest corner of the subject site. Glacier Way is identified on the Transportation Plan as a major collector street. A traffic study was completed by the Developer that was subject to review by the City Engineer that demonstrates that Glacier Way has adequate capacity to accommodate the proposed use. Section 11-19-7.I.6 of the Zoning Ordinance prohibits direct lot access to a major collector street from a residential use. The proposed driveway may be allowed by a PUD District given the single access point from a managed residential property, intended character of the area as guided by the draft 2040 Land Use Plan, and continued functionality of the street. Section 11- 19-7.I.6 of the Zoning Ordinance also requires that individual driveways to major collector streets be spaced a minimum of 200 feet, which the proposed access location complies with. There are vehicular and pedestrian gates located on the east side of the clubhouse building for resident and visitor access to the dwelling units within the subject site. The proposed location of the primary vehicle gate is such that there is no potential for vehicles entering or exiting the 8 site to cause traffic congestion on Glacier Way. The submitted plans also illustrate a second access gate to Glacier Way at the west end of the subject site for emergency purposes only. Control of the emergency access gates is subject to review and approval of the Fire Chief. Off-Street Parking. Section 11-19-13 of the Zoning Ordinance requires multiple family uses to provide 2.5 off-street parking stalls per dwelling unit. Based on 260 dwelling units, 650 off- street parking stalls are required. The City has allowed apartment uses within ½ mile of transit facilities that have an average of 2.0 bedrooms or less per dwelling unit to provide off-street parking at a ratio of 2.0 stalls per dwelling unit, which would equal 520 stalls for the proposed number of dwelling units. The submitted plans indicates the following off-street parking stalls within the subject site: # of Stalls Enclosed parking 123 Guest Parking 349 SUBTOTAL 472 Apron parking 80 TOTAL 552 The site plan has a deficit of 48 parking stalls available within a garage or guest parking areas from the requirement allowed apartment developments near transit facilities with 2.0 bedrooms per unit or less. The additional 80 parking stalls available at the garage aprons would also be available for resident or guest parking given the unique design of the development. Based upon the low 1.6 bedrooms per dwelling unit figure and managed characteristics of the entire property, the 80 additional parking stalls available at the garage apron is an adequate off-set of the stall deficit of garage or guest parking stalls shown on the site plan. The site plan illustrates that the proposed surface off-street parking stalls and drive aisles are setback at least 15 feet from public rights-of-way and 5 feet from side lot lines as required by Section 11-19-11 of the Zoning Ordinance. The surface parking stalls and drive aisles are shown to comply with the minimum dimensions of Section 11-19-7.I.1 of the Zoning Ordinance. The floor plans for the principal and accessory buildings demonstrate that the proposed enclosed parking stalls comply with the minimum dimensional requirements of Section 11-19-7.I.3 of the Zoning Ordinance. Concrete curb is required by Section 11-18-7.I.15 of the Zoning Ordinance at the perimeter of all off street parking stalls and drive aisles, which is shown on the submitted plans. Exterior Lighting. A photometric lighting plan indicating the type, location, height, and illumination pattern of all proposed exterior lighting must be submitted. All exterior lighting is shielded as required by Section 11-16-17.B.1 of the Zoning Ordinance. The intensity of the exterior fixture complies with the limits as outlined by Section 11-16-17.A of the Zoning Ordinance. 9 Waste Storage. The submitted plans indicate a structure for trash storage in the yard along Glacier Way as noted above. The waste storage enclosure is to be 9 feet in height and constructed of materials matching those used for the principal buildings, which complies with Section 11-18-11.B of the Zoning Ordinance. Signs. Section 11-23-19.B.2 of the Zoning Ordinance establishes sign allowances for multiple family uses within RH Districts:  Section 11-23-19.B.2.a of the Zoning Ordinance allows 1 free standing sign with an area of 50 square feet and maximum height of 10 feet. The submitted plans indicate a monument site at the entrance from Glacier Way. The proposed sign has an area of 40 square feet and the structure is 7 feet in height. The proposed free standing sign complies with the allowances of the Zoning Ordinance.  Section 11-23-19.B.2.b of the Zoning Ordinance allows 2 wall signs up to 50 square feet based on frontage to Glacier Way and Cedar Avenue (CSAH 23)/Dodd Boulevard (CSAH 9). The sign plan indicates a 20 square foot wall sign on the north and east sides of the tower. Although the north elevation does not face a public street, this is the front of the building facing the interior access driveway; the location of a sign on the north elevation is appropriate in this context. City staff recommends that the wall sign on the east elevation of the club house building be removed in making allowance for 2 signs to be mounted on the retaining wall along Cedar Avenue.  The sign plan illustrates a 39 square foot sign mounted on the retaining wall at the northeast corner of the subject site facing north to Cedar Avenue (CSAH 23) and a 112 square foot sign mounted on the retaining wall at the southeast corner of the subject site facing the Cedar Avenue (CSAH 23) and Dodd Boulevard (CSAH 9) intersection. The developer is proposing to incorporate the City logo as part of the later sign, which would be consistent with the recommendations of the City’s Corridor and Gateway Design Study. Section 11-23-15.X.1 makes allowances for area identification signs for subdivisions with 3 or more principal buildings. An area identification sign up to 100 square feet in area is allowed for each entrance to a development from a major collector or arterial roadway. The proposed area identification signs do not meet the location requirement adjacent to a development access, but do provide directional benefit for identification purposes. City staff recommends allowing the 2 proposed retaining wall mounted signs provided that the area is reduced to not more than 100 square feet and the City logo is removed, under the flexibility available within a PUD District. Park Dedication. The 2015 Parks, Trails, and Open Space Plan does not identify dedication of land to the City for public parks from the area of the subject site. Park dedication requirements are to be satisfied by payment of a cash fee in lieu of land at the time of final plat approval as provided for by Section 10-4-8.J of the Subdivision Ordinance. 10 Storm Water Management. The submitted plans include information regarding tree preservation and site grading. The submitted plans also illustrate retaining walls along the north entrance drive, along the right-of-way for Cedar Avenue and Dodd Boulevard, and surrounding the central storm water basin. All grading, drainage, and erosion control issues are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. Utilities. The subject site is included within the current MUSA. All utility plans are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Easements. Section 10-4-4 of the Subdivision Ordinance requires 10-foot wide drainage and utility easements at the perimeter of the lot. The preliminary plat and final plat indicate dedication to the City of drainage and utility easements as required by the Subdivision Ordinance. Drainage and utility easements are also to be required to overlay internal utility pipes and/or stormwater drainage facilities. All drainage and utility easements are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Outlots. There are no outlots within the preliminary and final plat. Development Agreement. Section 10-5-1.A of the Subdivision Ordinance requires the developer to provide construction and warranty securities for the public improvements within the final plat that are to be outlined within a development agreement. The development agreement will be drafted by the City Attorney and is to be executed by the applicant prior to City Council consideration of the final plat. Dakota County. The subject site abuts Cedar Avenue (CSAH 23) and Dodd Boulevard (CSAH 9). The proposed preliminary and final plats are therefore subject to review and approval of the Dakota County Plat Commission. The Plat Commission approved the preliminary plat at their 29 April 2019 meeting. Phasing Plan. The developer has provided a phasing plan for construction of the proposed development. The initial construction includes the clubhouse building and Building #1. Each subsequent phase will include one residential building and surrounding site improvements. Implementation of the phasing plan does not require future zoning or subdivision applications. The phasing plan is subject to review and approval of City staff as part of the building permit process and will address provision of adequate emergency vehicle access and circulation. CONCLUSION The proposed Springs of Lakeville development is consistent with the policy objectives of the City as discussed by the City Council, Planning Commission and Economic Development Commission in 2016. Moreover, the proposed development is consistent with the draft recommendation of the 2040 Lakeville Comprehensive Plan to provide opportunities for high density housing within the Cedar Corridor in support of existing commercial uses and future 11 transit services as Corridor Mixed Use land uses. Our office and City staff recommend approval of the requested applications subject to the conditions outlined below: 1. The following principal and accessory building setbacks shall be established within the PUD District: Minimum Setback Yard North Cedar Ave. Dodd Blvd. West Apartment Buildings and Clubhouse 30ft. 30ft. 30ft 30ft. Accessory buildings 10ft. 30ft. 15ft. 10ft. 2. Building elevation plans for exterior finish materials shall comply with the following: a. Principal buildings: (1) A minimum of 50 percent of elevations facing outward at the perimeter shall be surfaced with brick, stucco, or stone materials. (2) A minimum of 25 percent of the area of each internal elevation of a structure shall have an exterior finish of brick, stucco and/or natural or artificial stone. (3) Except for brick, stucco, and/or natural or artificial stone, no single interior elevation shall have more than 75 percent of one type of exterior finish. (4) Except for brick, stucco, and/or natural or artificial stone, no more than 60 percent of all interior elevations shall be of one type of exterior finish. b. The exterior materials for accessory buildings shall be the same as used for the principal buildings in accordance with Section 11-18-9.E of the Zoning Ordinance. 3. Landscaping shall be installed according to the approved landscape plan. The developer shall provide a cost estimate for the landscaping prior to City Council consideration of the applications. 4. The cost of the proposed trail abutting Dodd Boulevard (CSAH 9) extended to 175th Street shall be divided between the developer and the City in accordance with the provisions of Section 10-4-3.H.4 of the Subdivision Ordinance, except that the City will reimburse the developer for the segment of trail west of the subject property. 12 5. Vehicle access for fire protection and control of proposed emergency access gates shall be subject to review and approval of the Fire Chief. 6. Two retaining wall mounted signs not to exceed 100 square feet in area shall be allowed consistent with the provisions of Section 11-23-15.X.1 of the Zoning Ordinance and 1 wall sign not to exceed 100 square feet in area shall be allowed on the north elevation of the club house building. 7. Park dedication requirements shall be satisfied by payment of a cash fee in lieu of land at the time of final plat approval as provided for by Section 10-4-8.J of the Subdivision Ordinance. 8. All grading, drainage, and erosion control plans are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. 9. All utility plans are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 10. All drainage and utility easements are subject to review and approval of City staff. 11. The developer shall execute a development agreement with the City as drafted by City Attorney and subject to approval of the City Council. 12. The phasing plan, including provision of adequate emergency vehicle access and circulation, shall be subject to review and approval of City staff. c. Justin Miller, City Administrator David Olson, Community and Economic Development Director John Hennen, Parks and Recreation Director Alex Jordan, Assistant City Engineer ±CEDAR AVESprings at Lakeville plat area D O D D B L V D GL ACIER WAY Springs at L akeville Pre & Final plat, PUD plan City of Lakeville Aerial Map 179TH ST     W134 N8675 Executive Parkway • Menomonee Falls, WI 53051-3310 • Telephone: 262.502.5500 • Facsimile: 262.502.5522   PROJECT DESCRIPTION PUD Designation Request ________________________________________________________________________________________________________   Continental 476 Fund LLC (“Continental”) is proposing a market-rate multifamily community in the city of Lakeville, MN on approximately 15.5 acres at the northwest corner of Cedar Avenue (CH 23) and Dodd Boulevard (CH 9) as shown on the enclosed site plan. More specifically described as follows: Outlot C and Outlot D, Cherry Highlands Third, Dakota County, Minnesota. Please accept this project narrative and accompanying site development plan submittal materials. Continental’s proposed apartment community includes 260 homes within 13 residential buildings. The development will be enclosed and secured by a perimeter fence and automatic vehicular gates at the community entry. Buildings offer a townhouse-like design featuring private, ground-level entrances to each home. All buildings are two-stories in height or less. Residents have a choice between attached, direct-access garages, detached garages and ample surface parking to best fit their needs. There will be a variety of home types including studio, 1-bedroom, 2-bedroom, and 3-bedroom homes, see table for detailed quantities. Exterior elevations provide architectural interest through varied rooflines and four-sided architecture. Quality building materials, such as HardiePlank lap siding, HardiePanel vertical siding, and brick masonry are incorporated into the building elevation design adding further visual interest and promoting a sustainable approach through more durable maintenance free building materials. Alongside a carefully selected color palette, roof accents over unit entries bring additional articulation and sense of place to the buildings and homes within. Large-scale windows are provided in each unit to promote natural lighting, creating opportunities to optimize passive solar heating and cooling. Each building provides articulation to break up the structure’s massing and provide human scale by incorporating balconies, covered doorways, and unit projections to create variation with each façade. All ancillary structures also feature the same quality and durable materials stated above. Several tenant amenities are included within the Springs community. Connectivity among buildings and tenant amenities is provided through an internal sidewalk network. The sidewalk network also provides connections to the adjacent public sidewalks to promote walkability and connectivity to surrounding areas within the Town Center. Among the facilities are a 4,000 square foot clubhouse, car care area, pet wash station, a fenced pet playground, picnic areas, and storage lockers. The clubhouse includes a large gathering room, 24-hour fitness center, kitchen area, coffee bar, and office space for Continental’s property management team. A pool and sun deck for the residents are provided behind the clubhouse along with an outdoor grilling area. The fitness room features a large garage-style door which may be opened during warmer months for an open-air workout area. The clubhouse and pool area are served by wireless internet service. Beyond resident amenities and high-quality finishes (both interior and exterior) open space, landscaping, a courtyard approach to building layout provides pedestrian connectivity throughout and fosters neighbor interaction. The future guided land use designation of “Cedar Corridor / Mixed Use” in the City’s comprehensive plan calls for residential densities up to 26 dwelling units per acre; The planned density of the community is ±17 dwelling units per acre. The Springs development will provide quality housing options that are near local businesses and retail. As a result, the Springs community will support the local business and retailors fostering future retail and employment growth. The City of Lakeville identified in the EDC 2014 – 2016 Strategic Plan for Economic Development guidance supporting use of a PUD district     W134 N8675 Executive Parkway • Menomonee Falls, WI 53051-3310 • Telephone: 262.502.5500 • Facsimile: 262.502.5522   based on the requirements of the RH-2 district. These technical parameters are futher stated in the concept or sketch plan memo dated March 7, 2019 from The Planning Company. Incoporated in the accompanying submittal materials and stated below, Continental is requesting specific minor deviations of those standards. Proposed Deviations: Principal and accessory stuctures are to comply with a minimum 30-foot setback from all frontages. The exception requested is to allow for reduction of that setback for select accessory buildings provided approval of City Staff. Due to the odd geometry of the side and the desire to remain compatible with the neighborhood Continental is requested for detached covered parking garages to be less than the 30’ setback along Dodd Boulevard, along the western property line adjacent the neighboring commercial use, and in a singular instance on Glacier Way. The singular instance on Glacier way is subject to Staff’s approval of the use of opaque fence screening and dense landscaping in lieu of the setback.      R=2 6 0 .00 L=15 4.85 Δ=3 4 °07 '29"¾N89°23'33"E 377.67N00°53'24"W 474.71 S73°23'52"W 1262.58 S01°02'26"E 252.87 N52°01'27"E17.23S01°31'27"W 100.00 S25°01'29"W22.92S00°28'31"E 452.93 N89°31'30"E 344.55N26°43'10"E41.10R=450.00 L =7 6 0 . 2 5 Δ=9 6°4 7'5 2 "FOUND IRON MONUMENT LIC. NO. TELEPHONE BOXCATCH BASINWATER VALVEHYDRANTSANITARY MANHOLESTORM MANHOLESANITARY SEWERSTORM SEWERWATERMAINPOWER POLE AND LIGHT POLEFIBER OPTICSET CAP IRON MONUMENT 18425UNDERGROUND TELEPHONEDENOTES RESTRICTED ACCESS PER OVERHEAD UTILITYHAND HOLECHERRY HIGHLANDS THIRDTRAFFIC SYMBOLDENOTES CONCRETE SURFACEDENOTES BITUMINOUS PATHWAY 18425, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED.TITLE EXCEPTION NO.ELECTRIC BOXTRANSFORMERLIGHT POLE5 FT PVC FENCEUNDERGROUND ELECTRICELECTRIC MANHOLETREEHIGHLIGHTED TREES IN TABLE ARE LOCATED WITHIN THE PROPERTY BOUNDARYEDGE OF TREESSPRINGS AT LAKEVILLE CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 700Real property in the City of Lakeville, County of Dakota, State of Minnesota, described as follows:Outlot C and Outlot D, Cherry Highlands Third, Dakota County, Minnesota.[Abstract Property]1.This survey and the property description shown here on are based upon information found in the commitment for title insurance preparedby First American Title Insurance Company National Commercial Services as agent for First American Title Insurance Company, file no.NCS-921778-MKE, dated August 22, 2018.2.The locations of underground utilities are depicted based on Gopher State One Call, available city maps, records and field locations andmay not be exact. Verify critical utilities prior to construction or design.3.7KHHDVWOLQHRIWKH6RXWKHDVW4XDUWHURI6HFWLRQ7RZQVKLS5DQJHLVDVVXPHGWRKDYHDEHDULQJRI6ƒ µ(4.All distances are in feet.5.The area of the above described property is 672,959 square feet or 15.449 acres.6.There are no regular striped parking stalls and no handicapped parking stalls on subject property.7.The property lies within Zone X (unshaded - areas determined to be outside the 0.2% annual chance floodplain) of Federal EmergencyManagement Agency (FEMA) Flood Insurance Community Panel Nos. 27037C0203E and 27037C0204E, effective December 2, 2011.8.Names of adjoining owners are depicted based on Dakota County GIS tax information.9.Benchmark: Top Nut of Hydrant located approximately 468 feet north of northeast corner of property in the northwest quadrant of CedarAvenue and Glacier Way has an elevation of 1006.29 feet NGVD 29. NWL 1023PHASE 2PHASE 1 PHASE 2 PHASE 1 PHASE 2PHASE 1 BLDG 8BLDG 12BLDG 3BLDG 2BLDG 13BLDG 9BLDG 1BLDG 4BLDG 7BLDG 11BLDG 6CLUBHOUSEBLDG 5BLDG 10R=2 6 0 .0 0 L=15 4.85 Δ=3 4 °07'29"¾N89°23'33"E 377.67N00°53'24"W 474.71 S73°23'52"W 1262.58 S01°02'26"E 252.87 N52°01'27"E17.23S01°31'27"W 100.00 S25°01'29"W22.92S00°28'31"E 452.93 N89°31'30"E 344.55N26°43'10"E41.10R=450.00L =7 6 0 . 2 5 Δ=9 6 °4 7'5 2 "10' DRAINAGE ANDUTILITY EASEMENT15' PARKING SETBACK30' BUILDING SETBACK10' DRAINAGE ANDUTILITY EASEMENT15' PARKING SETBACK30' BUILDING SETBACK10' DRAINAGE ANDUTILITY EASEMENT15' PARKING SETBACK50' BUILDING SETBACK10' DRAINAGE ANDUTILITY EASEMENT15' PARKING SETBACK30' BUILDING SETBACKN52°01'27"E17.23FOUND IRON MONUMENT LIC. NO. TELEPHONE BOXCATCH BASINWATER VALVEHYDRANTSANITARY MANHOLESTORM MANHOLESANITARY SEWERSTORM SEWERWATERMAINPOWER POLE AND LIGHT POLEFIBER OPTICSET CAP IRON MONUMENT 18425UNDERGROUND TELEPHONEDENOTES RESTRICTED ACCESS PER OVERHEAD UTILITYHAND HOLECHERRY HIGHLANDS THIRDTRAFFIC SYMBOLDENOTES CONCRETE SURFACEDENOTES BITUMINOUS PATHWAY 18425, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED.ELECTRIC BOXTRANSFORMERLIGHT POLE5 FT PVC FENCEUNDERGROUND ELECTRICELECTRIC MANHOLEHIGHLIGHTED TREES IN TABLE ARE LOCATED WITHIN THE PROPERTY BOUNDARYEDGE OF TREESSPRINGS AT LAKEVILLE PRELIMINARY PLAT 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 700LEGEND: CONSTRUCTION LIMITSEXISTING CURB & GUTTERCONCRETE PAVEMENTPROPOSED LIGHT FIXTURESEE PHOTOMETRIC PLANPROPERTY LINEBUILDING SETBACKB612 CURB & GUTTER(EXCEPT IN ROW)LIGHT DUTY BITUMINOUSHEAVY DUTY BITUMINOUSLANDSCAPE AREAPARKING SETBACK10' DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTBITUMINOUS TRAILR=2 6 0 .00 L=15 4.85 Δ=3 4 °07 '29"N89°23'33"E 377.67N00°53'24"W 474.71 S73°23'52"W 1262.58 S01°02'26"E 252.87 S01°31'27"W 100.00 S25°01'29"W22.92S00°28'31"E 452.93 N89°31'30"E 344.55N26°43'10"E41.10R=450.00 L =7 6 0 . 2 5 Δ=9 6°4 7'5 2 "MATCH LINE - VIEW 1MATCH LINE - VIEW 2MATCH LINE - VIEW 1MATCH LINE - VIEW 3MATCH LINE - VIEW 3 MATCH LINE - VIEW 2 MATCH LINE - VIEW 2MATCH LINE - VIEW 1NWL 1023PHASE 2PHASE 1 PHASE 2 PHASE 1 PHASE 2PHASE 1 BLDG 8BLDG 12BLDG 3BLDG 2BLDG 13BLDG 9BLDG 1BLDG 4BLDG 7BLDG 11BLDG 6CLUBHOUSEBLDG 5BLDG 10TYP.FLAGPOLESCLUB HOUSE REFERTO ARCHITECTURALDRAWINGSPOOLVEHICULARGATEPEDESTRIAN GATEMAIL KIOSKTRASHENCLOSURE(6) GARAGE PARKINGWITH STORAGELOCKERSPAINT STRIPING 4"WIDE WHITE COLOR(8) GARAGEPARKING(8) GARAGEPARKINGMAINTENANCEBUILDING(8) GARAGEPARKINGMODULAR BLOCK RETAINING WALLSEE DETAIL, 14 SHEET C-7.0 FORADDITIONAL INFORMATIONCONCRETE SIDEWALK ALONGGLACIER WAYVEHICULAR GATE AT EMERGENCYACCESS POINTPROPERTY ENTRYCONCRETE DRIVEWAY APRON,TYP.STORMWATERDETENTION PONDPLANTED PARKING MEDIANREFER TO LANDSCAPE PLAN SHEETL-1.0 FOR PLANT LAYOUTS ANDSPECIES SELECTIONCONCRETE SIDEWALK,REFER TO DETAIL 5 SHEETC-7.0AIR CONDITIONINGUNIT BANKARCHITECTURAL COLUMNS ANDSTOOP REFER TO ARCHITECTURALDRAWINGSFENCED LAWN AREAVINYL CHAIN LINKFENCE. TYP.PLANTED PARKING MEDIANARCHITECTURAL COLUMNS AND STOOPREFER TO ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGSFENCED LAWN AREAFENCED LAWN AREAORNAMENTALFENCEPEDESTRIAN RAMP,TYP.MOUNTABLE CURBACCESS ISLE ANDPEDESTRIAN RAMP TYP.REFER TO DETAIL 11SHEET C-7.0FENCED LAWN AREALIGHT DUTY BITUMINOUSPAVEMENT REFER TODETAIL 3 SHEET C-7.0PLANTED PARKING LOT ISLAND REFER TOLANDSCAPE PLAN SHEET L-1.0 FOR PLANTMATERIAL LAYOUT AND SPECIES SELECTIONLIGHT DUTY BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT IN DRIVEISLES AND PARKING STALLS, REFER TO DETAIL 3SHEET C-7.0ORNAMENTAL FENCING ANDLANDSCAPE BUFFER ALONGGLACIER WAYCONCRETE SIDEWALK WITHINGLACIER WAY R.O.W.EXISTING GLACIER WAY CURBCONCRETE SIDEWALK, REFER TODETAIL 5 SHEET C-7.0ARCHITECTURAL COLUMNSAND STOOP REFER TOARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGSGUEST PARKINGA.D.A. ACCESSIBLE PARKINGSTALLS REFER TO DETAIL12&13 SHEET C-7.0CONCRETE MODULAR BLOCK RETAINING WALLSEE DETAIL 11 SHEET C-7.0BOULEVARD FENCING ANDLANDSCAPE BUFFERAIR CONDITIONINGUNIT BANKLANDSCAPE AREASREFER TO LANDSCAPEPLAN SHEET L-1.0TYP.TYP.TYP.TYP.ALL SIDEWALKS TO BE 4'IN WIDTH MINIMUM TOMEET A.D.A. STANDARDSPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINEMODULAR CONCRETE BLOCK RETAININGWALL REFER TO DETAIL 14 SHEET C-7.0FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONPROPERTY LINEBUILDINGSETBACK MONUMENT SIGN MONUMENT SIGN15' PARKING SETBACK30' BUILDING SETBACK10' DRAINAGE AND UTILITYEASEMENTS10' DRAINAGE AND UTILITYEASEMENTSLIGHT DUTY BITUMINOUSPAVEMENT, REFER TO DETAIL 3SHEET C-7.0 FOR ADDITIONALINFORMATIONROCK MULCH OVER SANDFILTER MEDIA TODEPTH OF 1023.0 REFER TOSHEET L-1.0 FOR ADDITIONALINFORMATION(6) GARAGEPARKINGCONCRETE MODULAR BLOCK RETAINING WALL SEEDETAIL 14 SHEET C-7.010' DRAINAGE AND UTILITYEASEMENT15' PARKING SETBACK30' BUILDING SETBACKEXISTING PATHWAY TO REMAINCONSTRUCTIONLIMITSCONSTRUCTIONLIMITSPROPERTY LINECONSTRUCTION LIMITS15' PARKINGSETBACKPROPERTYLINE50' BUILDINGSETBACKELECTRICALTRANSFORMER TYP.HEAVY DUTY BITUMINOUSPAVEMENT, REFER TO DETAIL 4SHEET C-7.0 FOR ADDITIONALINFORMATIONELECTRICALTRANSFORMER TYP.BY OTHERSCONCRETE SIDEWALK REFER TODETAIL 5 SHEET C-7.0DETECTABLE WARNING PLATE WITH TRUNCATEDDOMES, TYP. REFER TO MNDOT DETAIL SHEETC-7.2 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONVINYL CHAIN LINKFENCE. TYP.VINYL CHAIN LINKFENCE. TYP.VINYL CHAIN LINKFENCE. TYP.VINYL CHAIN LINKFENCE. TYP.VINYL CHAIN LINKFENCE. TYP.VINYL CHAIN LINKFENCE. TYP.VINYL CHAIN LINKFENCE. TYP.VINYL CHAIN LINKFENCE. TYP.VINYL CHAIN LINKFENCE. TYP.10' DRAINAGE ANDUTILITY EASEMENT15' PARKINGSETBACK30' BUILDINGSETBACK8' WIDTH BITUMINOUSTRAILEXISTING 8' WIDTHBITUMINOUS TRAILCONNECT PROPOSEDTRAIL TO EXISTING TRAILPROPOSED CONCRETESIDEWALK CONNECTION TOBITUMINOUS TRAILCONCRETE PADEXISTING SIGNALIZEDINTERSECTIONPEDESTRIANGATEPEDESTRIAN RAMP WITHTRUNCATED DOMES, TYP.ORNAMENTAL FENCEORNAMENTAL FENCEORNAMENTAL FENCEORNAMENTAL FENCEORNAMENTAL FENCEDETECTABLE WARNING PLATE WITH TRUNCATEDDOMES, TYP. REFER TO MNDOT DETAIL SHEET C-7.2FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONROCK MULCH OVER SAND FILTER MEDIA TODEPTH OF 1023.0 REFER TO SHEET L-1.0FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION30' BUILDING SETBACK15' PARKING SETBACKORNAMENTAL FENCERELOCATE EXISTING UTILITIES ASNEEDED, COORDINATE WITHUTILITY PROVIDERSRELOCATE EXISTING UTILITIESAS NEEDED, COORDINATEWITH UTILITY PROVIDERSPEDESTRIAN GATE,PROVIDE 6' LANDINGAT TOP OF PATHWAYCONCRETESIDEWALK, REFER TODETAIL 5 SHEET C-7.0A.D.A. ACCESSIBLE PARKINGSTALLS REFER TO DETAIL12&13 SHEET C-7.0PEDESTRIANRAMPCONCRETE SIDEWALKAT ENTRANCE TOTRASH ROOMA.D.A. ACCESSIBLE PARKINGSTALLS REFER TO DETAIL12&13 SHEET C-7.0PROPOSED LUMINARIESREFER TO PHOTOMETRICPLAN SHEET P-1.0 FORADDITIONAL INFORMATIONDECORATIVE FENCEAROUND DETENTION PONDMODULAR CONCRETE BLOCKRETAINING WALL REFER TO DETAIL14 SHEET C-7.0 FOR ADDITIONALINFORMATION(2) EMPLOYEEPARKINGMOUNTABLECURBACCESSIBLEPEDESTRIANCONNECTION TOBITUMINOUS TRAILPAINT STRIPING 4"WIDE WHITE COLORSPRINGS AT LAKEVILLE OVERALL SITE PLAN 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 700SITE DATA: SITE NOTES: R=2 6 0 .0 0L=15 4.85Δ=3 4 °07 '29" S01°31'27"W 100.00 S25°01'29"W22.92S00°28'31"E 452.93 N89°31'30"E 344.55N26°43'10"E41.10R=450.00L=760.25Δ=96°47'52"MATCH LINE - VIEW 1MATCH LINE - VIEW 2MATCH LINE - VIEW 1MATCH LINE - VIEW 2MATCH LINE - VIEW 1BLDG 3BLDG 2BLDG 1BLDG 4CLUBHOUSEFLAGPOLESCLUB HOUSE REFERTO ARCHITECTURALDRAWINGSPOOLVEHICULARGATEMAIL KIOSKTRASHENCLOSUREMODULAR BLOCK RETAINING WALLSEE DETAIL, 14 SHEET C-7.0 FORADDITIONAL INFORMATIONPROPERTY ENTRYCONCRETE DRIVEWAYAPRON, TYP.ARCHITECTURAL COLUMNSAND STOOP REFER TOARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGSFENCED LAWN AREAVINYL CHAINLINK FENCE.TYP.PLANTED PARKING MEDIANPLANTED PARKING LOT ISLANDREFER TO LANDSCAPE PLANSHEET L-1.0 FOR PLANTMATERIAL LAYOUT ANDSPECIES SELECTIONLIGHT DUTY BITUMINOUSPAVEMENT IN DRIVE ISLES ANDPARKING STALLS, REFER TODETAIL 3 SHEET C-7.0ORNAMENTALFENCING ANDLANDSCAPE BUFFERALONG GLACIER WAYCONCRETE SIDEWALKWITHIN GLACIER WAYR.O.W.EXISTING GLACIERWAY CURBCONCRETE SIDEWALK,REFER TO DETAIL 5SHEET C-7.0ARCHITECTURAL COLUMNS ANDSTOOP REFER TOARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGSGUESTPARKINGA.D.A. ACCESSIBLEPARKING STALLSREFER TO DETAIL12&13 SHEET C-7.0CONCRETE MODULAR BLOCKRETAINING WALL SEE DETAIL 11SHEET C-7.0LANDSCAPE AREASREFER TO LANDSCAPEPLAN SHEET L-1.0TYP.TYP.PROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINE MONUMENTSIGN MONUMENTSIGN10' DRAINAGE ANDUTILITY EASEMENTS(6) GARAGEPARKINGCONCRETE MODULAR BLOCKRETAINING WALL SEE DETAIL 14SHEET C-7.010' DRAINAGE ANDUTILITY EASEMENT15' PARKINGSETBACK30' BUILDINGSETBACKEXISTING PATHWAYTO REMAINCONSTRUCTIONLIMITSHEAVY DUTYBITUMINOUSPAVEMENT, REFERTO DETAIL 4 SHEETC-7.0 FORADDITIONALINFORMATIONDETECTABLE WARNING PLATE WITHTRUNCATED DOMES, TYP. REFER TOMNDOT DETAIL SHEET C-7.2 FORADDITIONAL INFORMATIONVINYL CHAINLINK FENCE.TYP.VINYL CHAINLINK FENCE.TYP.10' DRAINAGEAND UTILITYEASEMENT15'PARKINGSETBACK30' BUILDINGSETBACKORNAMENTALFENCEORNAMENTALFENCEPEDESTRIANGATEORNAMENTALFENCEDETECTABLE WARNING PLATE WITH TRUNCATEDDOMES, TYP. REFER TO MNDOT DETAIL SHEET C-7.2FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONROCK MULCH OVER SAND FILTERMEDIA TODEPTH OF 1023.0 REFER TO SHEETL-1.0 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION15' PARKINGSETBACKPEDESTRIAN GATE,PROVIDE 6' LANDING ATTOP OF PATHWAYCONCRETE SIDEWALK,REFER TO DETAIL 5SHEET C-7.0CONCRETE SIDEWALKAT ENTRANCE TOTRASH ROOMA.D.A. ACCESSIBLEPARKING STALLSREFER TO DETAIL12&13 SHEET C-7.0PROPOSED LUMINARIES REFERTO PHOTOMETRIC PLAN SHEETP-1.0 FOR ADDITIONALINFORMATIONDECORATIVE FENCEAROUND DETENTION PONDMODULAR CONCRETE BLOCKRETAINING WALL REFER TO(2) EMPLOYEEPARKINGMOUNTABLECURBACCESSIBLEPEDESTRIANCONNECTION TOBITUMINOUS TRAILPAINT STRIPING 4" WIDEWHITE COLORCONSTRUCTION LIMITSEXISTING CURB & GUTTERPROPERTY LINECONCRETE PAVEMENTPROPOSED LIGHT FIXTURESEE PHOTOMETRIC PLANBUILDING SETBACKLIGHT DUTY BITUMINOUSPARKING SETBACK10' DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTLANDSCAPE AREAB612 CURB & GUTTER(EXCEPT IN ROW)HEAVY DUTY BITUMINOUSBITUMINOUS TRAILSPRINGS AT LAKEVILLE SITE PLAN - VIEW 1 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 700 S73°23'52"W 1262.58 S01°02'26"E 252.87 S01°31'27"W 100.00R=450.00L=760.25Δ=96°47'52"MATCH LINE - VIEW 2MATCH LINE - VIEW 1MATCH LINE - VIEW 3MATCH LINE - VIEW 2 MATCH LINE - VIEW 2MATCH LINE - VIEW 1NWL 1023PHASE 2PHASE 1 BLDG 8BLDG 7BLDG 6BLDG 5TYP.(6) GARAGE PARKING WITHSTORAGE LOCKERSPAINT STRIPING 4" WIDEWHITE COLORMODULAR BLOCK RETAINING WALLSEE DETAIL, 14 SHEET C-7.0 FORADDITIONAL INFORMATIONSTORMWATERDETENTION PONDPLANTED PARKING MEDIANREFER TO LANDSCAPE PLANSHEET L-1.0 FOR PLANTLAYOUTS AND SPECIESSELECTIONCONCRETESIDEWALK,REFER TO DETAIL5 SHEET C-7.0AIRCONDITIONINGUNIT BANKARCHITECTURAL COLUMNSAND STOOP REFER TOARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGSFENCED LAWN AREAVINYL CHAINLINK FENCE.TYP.PLANTED PARKING MEDIANACCESS ISLE ANDPEDESTRIAN RAMPTYP. REFER TODETAIL 11 SHEETC-7.0AIRCONDITIONINGUNIT BANKTYP.TYP.ALL SIDEWALKS TO BE4' IN WIDTH MINIMUM TOMEET A.D.A.STANDARDSPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINEMODULAR CONCRETEBLOCK RETAINING WALLREFER TO DETAIL 14 SHEETC-7.0 FOR ADDITIONALINFORMATIONLIGHT DUTY BITUMINOUSPAVEMENT, REFER TODETAIL 3 SHEET C-7.0 FORADDITIONAL INFORMATION(6) GARAGEPARKINGCONSTRUCTIONLIMITSELECTRICALTRANSFORMERTYP.ELECTRICALTRANSFORMERTYP.BY OTHERSVINYL CHAINLINK FENCE.TYP.VINYL CHAINLINK FENCE.VINYL CHAINLINK FENCE.TYP.EXISTINGSIGNALIZEDINTERSECTIONORNAMENTALFENCEROCK MULCH OVER SAND FILTER MEDIA TODEPTH OF 1023.0 REFER TO SHEET L-1.0FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONROCK MULCH OVER SAND FILTERMEDIA TODEPTH OF 1023.0 REFER TO SHEETL-1.0 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION30' BUILDINGSETBACK15' PARKINGSETBACKORNAMENTALFENCEDECORATIVE FENCEAROUND DETENTION PONDMODULAR CONCRETE BLOCKRETAINING WALL REFER TODETAIL 14 SHEET C-7.0 FORADDITIONAL INFORMATION(2) EMPLOYEEPARKINGMOUNTABLECURBACCESSIBLEPEDESTRIANCONNECTION TOBITUMINOUS TRAILCONSTRUCTION LIMITSEXISTING CURB & GUTTERPROPERTY LINECONCRETE PAVEMENTPROPOSED LIGHT FIXTURESEE PHOTOMETRIC PLANBUILDING SETBACKLIGHT DUTY BITUMINOUSPARKING SETBACK10' DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTLANDSCAPE AREAB612 CURB & GUTTER(EXCEPT IN ROW)HEAVY DUTY BITUMINOUSBITUMINOUS TRAILSPRINGS AT LAKEVILLE SITE PLAN - VIEW 2 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 700 N89°23'33"E 377.67N00°53'24"W 474.71 S73°23'52"W 1262.58R=4 5 0 . 0 0 L =7 6 0 . 2 5 Δ=9 6 ° 4 7 '5 2 "MATCH LINE - VIEW 3MATCH LINE - VIEW 3 MATCH LINE - VIEW 2 PHASE 2PHASE 1 PHASE 2PHASE 1 BLDG 8BLDG 12BLDG 13BLDG 9BLDG 11BLDG 10(8)GARAGEPARKING(8)GARAGEPARKINGMAINTENANCEBUILDING(8) GARAGEPARKINGCONCRETE SIDEWALKALONG GLACIER WAYVEHICULAR GATE ATEMERGENCY ACCESS POINTARCHITECTURAL COLUMNS AND STOOPREFER TO ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGSFENCED LAWNAREAFENCED LAWNAREAORNAMENTALFENCEPEDESTRIANRAMP, TYP.MOUNTABLE CURBFENCEDLAWN AREALIGHT DUTY BITUMINOUS PAVEMENTREFER TO DETAIL 3 SHEET C-7.0BOULEVARDFENCING ANDLANDSCAPE BUFFERPROPERTY LINEBUILDINGSETBACK15' PARKINGSETBACK30' BUILDINGSETBACK10' DRAINAGE ANDUTILITY EASEMENTSPROPERTYLINECONSTRUCTIONLIMITS15'PARKINGSETBACKPROPERTYLINE50' BUILDINGSETBACKELECTRICALTRANSFORMERTYP.ELECTRICALTRANSFORMERBY OTHERSCONCRETE SIDEWALKREFER TO DETAIL 5SHEET C-7.0VINYL CHAINLINK FENCE.TYP.VINYL CHAINLINK FENCE.TYP.VINYL CHAINLINK FENCE.TYP.VINYL CHAINLINK FENCE.TYP.VINYL CHAINLINK FENCE.TYP.8' WIDTHBITUMINOUSTRAILPROPOSED CONCRETESIDEWALK CONNECTIONTO BITUMINOUS TRAILCONCRETEPADPEDESTRIANGATEORNAMENTALFENCEORNAMENTALFENCEROCK MULCH OVER SAND FILTER MEDIA TODEPTH OF 1023.0 REFER TO SHEET L-1.0FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONRELOCATE EXISTING UTILITIES ASNEEDED, COORDINATE WITHUTILITY PROVIDERSRELOCATE EXISTING UTILITIES ASNEEDED, COORDINATE WITHUTILITY PROVIDERSA.D.A. ACCESSIBLEPARKING STALLSREFER TO DETAIL12&13 SHEET C-7.0PEDESTRIANRAMPCONSTRUCTION LIMITSEXISTING CURB & GUTTERPROPERTY LINECONCRETE PAVEMENTPROPOSED LIGHT FIXTURESEE PHOTOMETRIC PLANBUILDING SETBACKLIGHT DUTY BITUMINOUSPARKING SETBACK10' DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTLANDSCAPE AREAB612 CURB & GUTTER(EXCEPT IN ROW)HEAVY DUTY BITUMINOUSBITUMINOUS TRAILSPRINGS AT LAKEVILLE SITE PLAN - VIEW 3 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 700 MATCH LINE - VIEW 1MATCH LINE - VIEW 2MATCH LINE - VIEW 1MATCH LINE - VIEW 3MATCH LINE - VIEW 3 MATCH LINE - VIEW 2 MATCH LINE - VIEW 2MATCH LINE - VIEW 1NWL 1023PHASE 2PHASE 1 PHASE 2 PHASE 1 PHASE 2PHASE 1 BLDG 8BLDG 12BLDG 3BLDG 2BLDG 13BLDG 9BLDG 1BLDG 4BLDG 7BLDG 11BLDG 6CLUBHOUSEBLDG 5BLDG 10R=2 6 0 .00 L=15 4.85 Δ=3 4 °07 '29"N89°23'33"E 377.67N00°53'24"W 474.71 S73°23'52"W 1262.58 S01°02'26"E 252.87 S01°31'27"W 100.00 S25°01'29"W22.92S00°28'31"E 452.93 N89°31'30"E 344.55N26°43'10"E41.10R=450.00 L =7 6 0 . 2 5 Δ=9 6°4 7'5 2 "FFE: 1030.00FFE: 1032.33GFE: 1032.00FFE: 1032.33GFE: 1032.00FFE: 1033.33GFE: 1033.00FFE: 1033.33GFE: 1033.00FFE: 1035.33GFE: 1035.00FFE: 1035.33GFE: 1035.00FFE: 1035.33GFE: 1035.00FFE: 1035.33GFE: 1035.00FFE: 1035.33GFE: 1035.00FFE: 1034.33GFE: 1034.00FFE: 1033.97GFE: 1033.30FFE: 1032.73GFE: 1032.06FFE: 1030.67GFE: 1030.00FFE: 1034.33GFE: 1034.00FFE: 1032.33GFE: 1032.00FFE: 1034.67GFE: 1034.00FFE; 1034.67GFE: 1034.00 FFE: 1033.67 GFE: 1033.00 FFE: 1030.33GFE: 1030.00FFE: 1035.67GFE: 1035.00SPRINGS AT LAKEVILLE OVERALL GRADING, DRAINAGE, AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 700 MATCH LINE - VIEW 1MATCH LINE - VIEW 2MATCH LINE - VIEW 1MATCH LINE - VIEW 2MATCH LINE - VIEW 1NWL 1023BLDG 3BLDG 2BLDG 1BLDG 4CLUBHOUSER=2 6 0 .00L=15 4 .85Δ=3 4 °07 '29" S01°31'27"W 100.00 S25°01'29"W22.92S00°28'31"E 452.93 N89°31'30"E 344.55N26°43'10"E41.10R=450.00L=760.25Δ=96°47'52"FFE: 1030.00FFE: 1032.33GFE: 1032.00FFE: 1032.33GFE: 1032.00FFE: 1032.73GFE: 1032.06FFE: 1030.67GFE: 1030.00FFE: 1032.33GFE: 1032.00FFE: 1030.33GFE: 1030.00SPRINGS AT LAKEVILLE GRADING PLAN - VIEW 1 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 700 MATCH LINE - VIEW 2MATCH LINE - VIEW 1MATCH LINE - VIEW 3MATCH LINE - VIEW 2 MATCH LINE - VIEW 2MATCH LINE - VIEW 1NWL 1023PHASE 2PHASE 1 BLDG 8BLDG 7BLDG 6BLDG 5S73°23'52"W 1262.58 S01°02'26"E 252.87 S01°31'27"WR=450.00L=760.25Δ=96°47'52"FFE: 1033.33GFE: 1033.00FFE: 1033.33GFE: 1033.00FFE: 1035.33GFE: 1035.00FFE: 1035.33GFE: 1035.00FFE: 1032.73GFE: 1032.06FFE: 1033.67GFE: 1033.00 SPRINGS AT LAKEVILLE GRADING PLAN - VIEW 2 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 700 MATCH LINE - VIEW 3MATCH LINE - VIEW 3 MATCH LINE - VIEW 2 PHASE 2PHASE 1 PHASE 2PHASE 1 BLDG 8BLDG 12BLDG 13BLDG 9BLDG 11BLDG 10N89°23'33"E 377.67N00°53'24"W 474.71 S73°23'52"W 1262.58R=4 5 0 . 0 0 L =7 6 0 . 2 5 Δ=9 6 ° 4 7 ' 5 2 "FFE: 1035.33GFE: 1035.00FFE: 1035.33GFE: 1035.00FFE: 1035.33GFE: 1035.00FFE: 1035.33GFE: 1035.00FFE: 1034.33GFE: 1034.00FFE: 1033.97GFE: 1033.30FFE: 1034.33GFE: 1034.00FFE: 1034.67GFE: 1034.00FFE; 1034.67GFE: 1034.00 FFE: 1035.67GFE: 1035.00SPRINGS AT LAKEVILLE GRADING PLAN - VIEW 3 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 700 R=2 6 0 .00 L=15 4 .85 Δ=3 4 °07 '29"N89°23'33"E 377.67N00°53'24"W 474.71 S73°23'52"W 1262.58 S01°02'26"E 252.87 S01°31'27"W 100.00 S25°01'29"W22.92S00°28'31"E 452.93 N89°31'30"E 344.55N26°43'10"E41.10R=450.00 L =7 6 0 . 2 5 Δ =9 6 ° 4 7'5 2 "¾MATCH LINE - VIEW 1MATCH LINE - VIEW 2MATCH LINE - VIEW 1MATCH LINE - VIEW 3MATCH LINE - VIEW 3 MATCH LINE - VIEW 2 MATCH LINE - VIEW 2MATCH LINE - VIEW 1NWL 1023PHASE 2PHASE 1 PHASE 2 PHASE 1 PHASE 2PHASE 1 BLDG 8BLDG 12BLDG 3BLDG 2BLDG 13BLDG 9BLDG 1BLDG 4BLDG 7BLDG 11BLDG 6CLUBHOUSEBLDG 5BLDG 10FFE: 1030.00FFE: 1032.33GFE: 1032.00FFE: 1032.33GFE: 1032.00FFE: 1033.33GFE: 1033.00FFE: 1033.33GFE: 1033.00FFE: 1035.33GFE: 1035.00FFE: 1035.33GFE: 1035.00FFE: 1035.33GFE: 1035.00FFE: 1035.33GFE: 1035.00FFE: 1035.33GFE: 1035.00FFE: 1034.33GFE: 1034.00FFE: 1033.97GFE: 1033.30FFE: 1032.73GFE: 1032.06FFE: 1030.67GFE: 1030.00FFE: 1034.33GFE: 1034.00FFE: 1032.33GFE: 1032.00FFE: 1034.67GFE: 1034.00FFE; 1034.67GFE: 1034.00 FFE: 1033.67 GFE: 1033.00 FFE: 1030.33GFE: 1030.00FFE: 1035.67GFE: 1035.00SPRINGS AT LAKEVILLE OVERALL SANITARY SEWER & WATERMAIN PLAN 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 700UTILITY NOTES LEGEND R=2 6 0 .00L=15 4.85Δ=3 4 °07 '29" S01°31'27"W 100.00 S25°01'29"W22.92S00°28'31"E 452.93 N89°31'30"E 344.55N26°43'10"E41.10R=450.00L=760.25Δ=96°47'52"MATCH LINE - VIEW 1MATCH LINE - VIEW 2MATCH LINE - VIEW 1MATCH LINE - VIEW 2MATCH LINE - VIEW 1NWL 1023BLDG 3BLDG 2BLDG 1BLDG 4CLUBHOUSEFFE: 1030.00FFE: 1032.33GFE: 1032.00FFE: 1032.33GFE: 1032.00FFE: 1032.73GFE: 1032.06FFE: 1030.67GFE: 1030.00FFE: 1032.33GFE: 1032.00FFE: 1030.33GFE: 1030.00SPRINGS AT LAKEVILLE SANITARY SEWER & WATERMAIN PLAN - VIEW 1 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 700UTILITY NOTES LEGEND SANITARY SEWER SCHEDULE: MHPIPEO.D.[IN]PIPE SLOPE[FT/FT]PIPE LENGTH[FT]INVERTFROMINVERTTORIMELEVSTRUCTURESIZE [IN]MANHOLEBUILD [FT]PIPE TYPEFROMTOBLDG 12 SERVICEMH 160.010027.721025.001024.721034.00489.00SDR-35BLDG 13 SERVICEMH 160.010042.681025.001024.571034.00489.00SDR-35MH 1SERV. WYE 280.010089.691024.471023.581033.50489.03SDR-35MAINT. BLDG SERV.SERV. WYE 230.04005.851023.811023.581033.00489.19SDR-35SERV. WYE 2MH 380.010051.661023.581023.061033.10489.52SDR-35MH 3MH 580.0100121.161022.961021.751032.45489.49SDR-35BLDG 10 SERVICEMH 460.020043.731026.001025.131035.00489.00SDR-35MH 4MH 580.0200106.661025.031022.891034.40489.37C-900MH 5EXISTING 180.010013.331002.641002.511032.504829.86C-900BLDG 11 SERVICEMH 660.010032.941026.961026.631035.00488.04SDR-35MH 6MH 780.0050250.251026.531025.281034.40487.87SDR-35BLDG 9 SERVICEMH 760.010037.101026.001025.631035.00489.00SDR-35MH 7SERV. WYE 880.0050246.481025.181023.951034.40489.22SDR-35BLDG 7 SERVICESERV. WYE 860.057535.681026.001023.951035.00489.00SDR-35SERV. WYE 8MH 980.0050140.201023.951023.251034.404810.45SDR-35MH 9SERV. WYE 1080.0050155.251023.151022.371033.254810.10SDR-35BLDG 6 SERVICESERV. WYE 1060.055129.521024.001022.371033.00489.00SDR-35SERV. WYE 10MH 1380.0050140.681022.371021.671032.504810.13SDR-35BLDG 5 SERVICEMH 1160.010049.031024.001023.511033.00489.00SDR-35MH 11SERV. WYE 1280.005035.191023.411023.231031.40487.99SDR-35BLDG 4 SERVICESERV. WYE 1260.024131.861024.001023.231032.00488.00SDR-35SERV. WYE 12MH 1380.0050142.571023.231022.521031.40488.17SDR-35MH 13SERV. WYE 1480.005028.801021.571021.421030.10488.53SDR-35BLDG 3 SERVICESERV. WYE 1460.067723.321023.001021.421032.00489.00SDR-35SERV. WYE 14MH 1580.005097.271021.421020.931031.10489.68SDR-35MH 15MH 1680.006065.531020.831020.441030.80489.97SDR-35MH 16EXISTING 280.008020.901020.341020.171030.804810.46SDR-35CLUB HOUSE SERV.MH 1740.020021.361023.091022.661029.67486.58SDR-35MH 17MH 1880.0050121.391022.561021.961029.50486.94SDR-35MH 18SERV. WYE 1980.005067.831021.861021.521031.30489.44SDR-35BLDG 2 SERVICESERV. WYE 1960.032545.151023.001021.531032.00489.00SDR-35SERV. WYE 19SERV. WYE 2080.0050131.351021.521020.861030.80489.28SDR-35BLDG 1 SERVICESERV. WYE 2060.025344.601022.001020.871030.00488.00SDR-35SERV. WYE 20MH 2180.0050107.501020.861020.321029.80488.94SDR-35PIPE LENGTHS ARE MEASURED FROM THE CENTER OF THE STRUCTURE S73°23'52"W 1262.58 S01°02'26"E 252.87 S01°31'27"WR=450.00L=760.25Δ=96°47'52"¾MATCH LINE - VIEW 2MATCH LINE - VIEW 1MATCH LINE - VIEW 3MATCH LINE - VIEW 2 MATCH LINE - VIEW 2MATCH LINE - VIEW 1NWL 1023PHASE 2PHASE 1 BLDG 8BLDG 7BLDG 6BLDG 5FFE: 1033.33GFE: 1033.00FFE: 1033.33GFE: 1033.00FFE: 1035.33GFE: 1035.00FFE: 1035.33GFE: 1035.00FFE: 1032.73GFE: 1032.06FFE: 1033.67GFE: 1033.00 SPRINGS AT LAKEVILLE SANITARY SEWER & WATERMAIN PLAN - VIEW 2 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 700UTILITY NOTES LEGEND MHPIPEO.D.[IN]PIPE SLOPE[FT/FT]PIPE LENGTH[FT]INVERTFROMINVERTTORIMELEVSTRUCTURESIZE [IN]MANHOLEBUILD [FT]PIPE TYPEFROMTOBLDG 12 SERVICEMH 160.010027.721025.001024.721034.00489.00SDR-35BLDG 13 SERVICEMH 160.010042.681025.001024.571034.00489.00SDR-35MH 1SERV. WYE 280.010089.691024.471023.581033.50489.03SDR-35MAINT. BLDG SERV.SERV. WYE 230.04005.851023.811023.581033.00489.19SDR-35SERV. WYE 2MH 380.010051.661023.581023.061033.10489.52SDR-35MH 3MH 580.0100121.161022.961021.751032.45489.49SDR-35BLDG 10 SERVICEMH 460.020043.731026.001025.131035.00489.00SDR-35MH 4MH 580.0200106.661025.031022.891034.40489.37C-900MH 5EXISTING 180.010013.331002.641002.511032.504829.86C-900BLDG 11 SERVICEMH 660.010032.941026.961026.631035.00488.04SDR-35MH 6MH 780.0050250.251026.531025.281034.40487.87SDR-35BLDG 9 SERVICEMH 760.010037.101026.001025.631035.00489.00SDR-35MH 7SERV. WYE 880.0050246.481025.181023.951034.40489.22SDR-35BLDG 7 SERVICESERV. WYE 860.057535.681026.001023.951035.00489.00SDR-35SERV. WYE 8MH 980.0050140.201023.951023.251034.404810.45SDR-35MH 9SERV. WYE 1080.0050155.251023.151022.371033.254810.10SDR-35BLDG 6 SERVICESERV. WYE 1060.055129.521024.001022.371033.00489.00SDR-35SERV. WYE 10MH 1380.0050140.681022.371021.671032.504810.13SDR-35BLDG 5 SERVICEMH 1160.010049.031024.001023.511033.00489.00SDR-35MH 11SERV. WYE 1280.005035.191023.411023.231031.40487.99SDR-35BLDG 4 SERVICESERV. WYE 1260.024131.861024.001023.231032.00488.00SDR-35SERV. WYE 12MH 1380.0050142.571023.231022.521031.40488.17SDR-35MH 13SERV. WYE 1480.005028.801021.571021.421030.10488.53SDR-35BLDG 3 SERVICESERV. WYE 1460.067723.321023.001021.421032.00489.00SDR-35SERV. WYE 14MH 1580.005097.271021.421020.931031.10489.68SDR-35MH 15MH 1680.006065.531020.831020.441030.80489.97SDR-35MH 16EXISTING 280.008020.901020.341020.171030.804810.46SDR-35CLUB HOUSE SERV.MH 1740.020021.361023.091022.661029.67486.58SDR-35MH 17MH 1880.0050121.391022.561021.961029.50486.94SDR-35MH 18SERV. WYE 1980.005067.831021.861021.521031.30489.44SDR-35BLDG 2 SERVICESERV. WYE 1960.032545.151023.001021.531032.00489.00SDR-35SERV. WYE 19SERV. WYE 2080.0050131.351021.521020.861030.80489.28SDR-35BLDG 1 SERVICESERV. WYE 2060.025344.601022.001020.871030.00488.00SDR-35SERV. WYE 20MH 2180.0050107.501020.861020.321029.80488.94SDR-35PIPE LENGTHS ARE MEASURED FROM THE CENTER OF THE STRUCTURESANITARY SEWER SCHEDULE: N89°23'33"E 377.67N00°53'24"W 474.71 R=4 5 0 . 0 0 L =7 6 0 . 2 5 ΔMATCH LINE - VIEW 3MATCH LINE - VIEW 3 MATCH LINE - VIEW 2 PHASE 2PHASE 1 PHASE 2PHASE 1 BLDG 8BLDG 12BLDG 13BLDG 9BLDG 11BLDG 10FFE: 1035.33GFE: 1035.00FFE: 1035.33GFE: 1035.00FFE: 1035.33GFE: 1035.00FFE: 1034.33GFE: 1034.00FFE: 1033.97GFE: 1033.30FFE: 1034.33GFE: 1034.00FFE: 1034.67GFE: 1034.00FFE; 1034.67GFE: 1034.00 FFE: 1035.67GFE: 1035.00SPRINGS AT LAKEVILLE SANITARY SEWER & WATERMAIN PLAN - VIEW 3 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 700UTILITY NOTES LEGEND SANITARY SEWER SCHEDULE: MHPIPEO.D.[IN]PIPE SLOPE[FT/FT]PIPE LENGTH[FT]INVERTFROMINVERTTORIMELEVSTRUCTURESIZE [IN]MANHOLEBUILD [FT]PIPE TYPEFROMTOBLDG 12 SERVICEMH 160.010027.721025.001024.721034.00489.00SDR-35BLDG 13 SERVICEMH 160.010042.681025.001024.571034.00489.00SDR-35MH 1SERV. WYE 280.010089.691024.471023.581033.50489.03SDR-35MAINT. BLDG SERV.SERV. WYE 230.04005.851023.811023.581033.00489.19SDR-35SERV. WYE 2MH 380.010051.661023.581023.061033.10489.52SDR-35MH 3MH 580.0100121.161022.961021.751032.45489.49SDR-35BLDG 10 SERVICEMH 460.020043.731026.001025.131035.00489.00SDR-35MH 4MH 580.0200106.661025.031022.891034.40489.37C-900MH 5EXISTING 180.010013.331002.641002.511032.504829.86C-900BLDG 11 SERVICEMH 660.010032.941026.961026.631035.00488.04SDR-35MH 6MH 780.0050250.251026.531025.281034.40487.87SDR-35BLDG 9 SERVICEMH 760.010037.101026.001025.631035.00489.00SDR-35MH 7SERV. WYE 880.0050246.481025.181023.951034.40489.22SDR-35BLDG 7 SERVICESERV. WYE 860.057535.681026.001023.951035.00489.00SDR-35SERV. WYE 8MH 980.0050140.201023.951023.251034.404810.45SDR-35MH 9SERV. WYE 1080.0050155.251023.151022.371033.254810.10SDR-35BLDG 6 SERVICESERV. WYE 1060.055129.521024.001022.371033.00489.00SDR-35SERV. WYE 10MH 1380.0050140.681022.371021.671032.504810.13SDR-35BLDG 5 SERVICEMH 1160.010049.031024.001023.511033.00489.00SDR-35MH 11SERV. WYE 1280.005035.191023.411023.231031.40487.99SDR-35BLDG 4 SERVICESERV. WYE 1260.024131.861024.001023.231032.00488.00SDR-35SERV. WYE 12MH 1380.0050142.571023.231022.521031.40488.17SDR-35MH 13SERV. WYE 1480.005028.801021.571021.421030.10488.53SDR-35BLDG 3 SERVICESERV. WYE 1460.067723.321023.001021.421032.00489.00SDR-35SERV. WYE 14MH 1580.005097.271021.421020.931031.10489.68SDR-35MH 15MH 1680.006065.531020.831020.441030.80489.97SDR-35MH 16EXISTING 280.008020.901020.341020.171030.804810.46SDR-35CLUB HOUSE SERV.MH 1740.020021.361023.091022.661029.67486.58SDR-35MH 17MH 1880.0050121.391022.561021.961029.50486.94SDR-35MH 18SERV. WYE 1980.005067.831021.861021.521031.30489.44SDR-35BLDG 2 SERVICESERV. WYE 1960.032545.151023.001021.531032.00489.00SDR-35SERV. WYE 19SERV. WYE 2080.0050131.351021.521020.861030.80489.28SDR-35BLDG 1 SERVICESERV. WYE 2060.025344.601022.001020.871030.00488.00SDR-35SERV. WYE 20MH 2180.0050107.501020.861020.321029.80488.94SDR-35PIPE LENGTHS ARE MEASURED FROM THE CENTER OF THE STRUCTURE R=2 6 0 .00 L=15 4.85 Δ=3 4 °07'29"N89°23'33"E 377.67N00°53'24"W 474.71 S73°23'52"W 1262.58 S01°02'26"E 252.87 S01°31'27"W 100.00 S25°01'29"W22.92S00°28'31"E 452.93 N89°31'30"E 344.55N26°43'10"E41.10R=450.00 L =7 6 0 . 2 5 Δ =9 6 °47'5 2 "¾MATCH LINE - VIEW 1MATCH LINE - VIEW 2MATCH LINE - VIEW 1MATCH LINE - VIEW 3MATCH LINE - VIEW 3 MATCH LINE - VIEW 2 MATCH LINE - VIEW 2MATCH LINE - VIEW 1NWL 1023PHASE 2PHASE 1 PHASE 2 PHASE 1 PHASE 2PHASE 1 BLDG 8BLDG 12BLDG 3BLDG 2BLDG 13BLDG 9BLDG 1BLDG 4BLDG 7BLDG 11BLDG 6CLUBHOUSEBLDG 5BLDG 10FFE: 1030.00FFE: 1032.33GFE: 1032.00FFE: 1032.33GFE: 1032.00FFE: 1033.33GFE: 1033.00FFE: 1033.33GFE: 1033.00FFE: 1035.33GFE: 1035.00FFE: 1035.33GFE: 1035.00FFE: 1035.33GFE: 1035.00FFE: 1035.33GFE: 1035.00FFE: 1035.33GFE: 1035.00FFE: 1034.33GFE: 1034.00FFE: 1033.97GFE: 1033.30FFE: 1032.73GFE: 1032.06FFE: 1030.67GFE: 1030.00FFE: 1034.33GFE: 1034.00FFE: 1032.33GFE: 1032.00FFE: 1034.67GFE: 1034.00FFE; 1034.67GFE: 1034.00 FFE: 1033.67 GFE: 1033.00 FFE: 1030.33GFE: 1030.00FFE: 1035.67GFE: 1035.00SPRINGS AT LAKEVILLE OVERALL STORM SEWER PLAN 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 700UTILITY NOTES LEGEND R=2 6 0 .00L=15 4 .85Δ=3 4 °07 '29" S01°31'27"W 100.00 S25°01'29"W22.92S00°28'31"E 452.93 N89°31'30"E 344.55N26°43'10"E41.10R=450.00L=760.25Δ=96°47'52"MATCH LINE - VIEW 1MATCH LINE - VIEW 2MATCH LINE - VIEW 1MATCH LINE - VIEW 2MATCH LINE - VIEW 1NWL 1023BLDG 3BLDG 2BLDG 1BLDG 4CLUBHOUSEFFE: 1030.00FFE: 1032.33GFE: 1032.00FFE: 1032.33GFE: 1032.00FFE: 1032.73GFE: 1032.06FFE: 1030.67GFE: 1030.00FFE: 1032.33GFE: 1032.00FFE: 1030.33GFE: 1030.00CB 400PE 401120.0050HDPE20.71023.901023.801027.6048R-3067-V5.70N-12CB 402CBMH 403120.0090HDPE27.51023.451023.201027.152x3R-3067-V3.70N-12CBMH 403PE 404120.0100HDPE10.31023.101023.001027.1548R-3067-V8.05N-12PE 500OCS 501300.0000RCP80.01019.501019.50NANANANACL-IIIOCS 501MH 502240.0087HDPE108.11020.001019.061031.0060R-164211.00N-12MH 502MH 503240.0087HDPE172.31018.961017.471032.0048R-164213.04N-12MH 503MH 504240.0087HDPE122.81017.371016.311031.0048R-164213.63N-12MH 505MH 507240.0087HDPE216.91015.711013.831031.0048R-164215.29N-12PE 506MH 507240.0800HDPE13.01021.801020.76NANANANAN-12MH 507EX. STUB240.0087RCP62.81013.241012.701029.5048R-164216.26CL-IVPE 600OCS 601240.0000RCP100.01018.001018.00NANANANACL-IVOCS 601MH 602240.0015HDPE273.21018.001017.591035.0048R-164217.00N-12MH 602MH 603240.0015HDPE145.01017.591017.371034.5048R-164216.91N-12MH 603EX. CBMH240.0015RCP76.51017.371017.261031.5048R-164214.13CL-IV*PIPE LENGTHS MEASURED TO THE CENTER OF STRUCTURESP. DIA.P. SLOPEP. TYPEPIPEFROMTORIMSTR.CASTBUILDPIPECLASSFROMTO[IN]S [%]LENGTH [FT]INVERTINVERTELEVTYPETYPE(FT)YD 1YD 280.0065HDPE21.61027.541027.401029.91YDOPEN2.37N-12YD 2YD 380.0065HDPE30.11027.401027.211029.67YDOPEN2.27N-12YD 3YD 480.0065HDPE51.51027.211026.871029.38YDOPEN2.17N-12YD 4WYE 680.0065HDPE25.81026.871026.701028.08YDOPEN1.21N-12YD 5WYE 680.0065HDPE26.01025.731025.561028.10YDOPEN2.37N-12WYE 6WYE 1080.0065HDPE38.31025.561025.321029.00WYEN/A3.44N-12YD 7YD 880.0065HDPE42.11026.301026.031028.67YDOPEN2.37N-12YD 8YD 980.0065HDPE49.21026.031025.711028.67YDOPEN2.64N-12YD 9WYE 1080.0065HDPE25.91025.711025.541028.15YDOPEN2.44N-12WYE 10YD 1180.0065HDPE7.11025.321025.271029.00WYEN/A3.68N-12YD 11YD 12100.0065HDPE47.61025.101024.791028.97YDOPEN3.87N-12YD 12WYE 15100.0065HDPE5.61024.791024.761028.78YDOPEN3.99N-12CO 13YD 1480.0065HDPE111.61027.031026.311029.40COCLOSED2.37N-12YD 14WYE 1580.0065HDPE18.71026.311026.191028.96YDOPEN2.65N-12WYE 15YD 16100.0065HDPE71.71024.761024.291029.00WYEN/A4.24N-12YD 16CBMH 307100.0065HDPE10.91024.291024.221028.14YDOPEN3.85N-12YD 100YD 10180.0065HDPE19.61029.051028.931031.42YDOPEN2.37N-12YD 101YD 10280.0065HDPE31.71028.931028.721031.37YDOPEN2.44N-12YD 102YD 10580.0065HDPE15.51028.721028.621031.02YDOPEN2.30N-12YD 103YD 10480.0065HDPE27.31029.081028.911031.45YDOPEN2.37N-12YD 104YD 10580.0065HDPE27.61028.911028.731031.24YDOPEN2.33N-12YD 105YD 10780.0065HDPE27.21028.621028.441031.00YDOPEN2.38N-12YD 106YD 10780.0065HDPE13.81028.451028.361030.82YDOPEN2.37N-12YD 107YD 10980.0065HDPE60.31028.361027.971030.64YDOPEN2.28N-12YD 108YD 10980.0065HDPE24.11028.631028.481031.00YDOPEN2.37N-12YD 109YD 111100.0065HDPE37.31027.801027.561030.83YDOPEN3.03N-12YD 110YD 11180.0065HDPE19.11029.391029.271031.76YDOPEN2.37N-12YD 111YD 112120.0065HDPE29.11027.401027.211031.00YDOPEN3.60N-12YD 112WYE 114120.0065HDPE8.01027.211027.151031.00YDOPEN3.79N-12YD 113WYE 11480.0065HDPE13.61027.941027.851030.31YDOPEN2.37N-12WYE 114YD 121120.0065HDPE38.01027.151026.911031.50WYEN/A4.35N-12YD 115WYE 11780.0065HDPE5.31028.961028.931031.33YDOPEN2.37N-12YD 116WYE 11780.0065HDPE18.01028.431028.321030.80YDOPEN2.37N-12WYE 117YD 118100.0065HDPE29.71028.321028.121031.50WYEN/A3.18N-12YD 118WYE 120100.0065HDPE16.31028.121028.021031.61YDOPEN3.49N-12YD 119WYE 12080.0065HDPE21.01028.391028.261030.76YDOPEN2.37N-12WYE 120YD 121100.0065HDPE22.71028.021027.871031.50WYEN/A3.48N-12YD 121YD 122120.0065HDPE26.51026.911026.731030.00YDOPEN3.09N-12YD 122YD 124120.0065HDPE22.31026.731026.591031.33YDOPEN4.60N-12YD 123YD 12480.0065HDPE27.01028.631028.461031.00YDOPEN2.37N-12YD 124YD 126120.0065HDPE23.01026.591026.441031.00YDOPEN4.41N-12YD 125YD 12680.0065HDPE19.21029.061028.941031.43YDOPEN2.37N-12YD 126YD 128120.0065HDPE36.91026.441026.201031.84YDOPEN5.40N-12YD 127YD 12880.0065HDPE20.01029.221029.091031.59YDOPEN2.37N-12YD 128CBMH 206120.0065HDPE30.91026.201026.001031.00YDOPEN4.80N-12YD 129TRUNK80.0162HDPE20.71029.131028.801031.50YDOPEN2.37N-12YD 130YD 13180.0573HDPE23.11028.961027.641031.33YDOPEN2.37N-12YD 131YD 13280.0573HDPE20.91027.541026.341031.43YDOPEN3.89N-12YD 132CBMH 30380.0573HDPE9.01026.241025.731031.10YDOPEN4.86N-12YD 133TRUNK80.5659HDPE4.41029.361026.851031.73YDOPEN2.37N-12YD 134TRUNK80.1238HDPE21.71029.631026.951032.00YDOPEN2.37N-12YD 135CO 13680.0200HDPE37.91028.971028.211031.34YDOPEN2.37N-12CO 136CB 30080.0200HDPE59.31028.111026.931032.40COCLOSED4.29N-12YD 137YD 13880.0320HDPE27.71028.751027.871031.12YDOPEN2.37N-12YD 138YD 13980.0320HDPE72.31027.771025.451031.30YDOPEN3.53N-12YD 139WYE 14180.0320HDPE42.61025.351023.991031.84YDOPEN6.49N-12YD 140WYE 14180.0320HDPE49.21029.211027.641031.58YDOPEN2.37N-12WYE 141CBMH 308100.0050HDPE51.51023.821023.571031.00WYEN/A7.18N-12*PIPE LENGTHS MEASURED TO THE CENTER OF STRUCTURESCBMH 201MH 202150.0040HDPE143.91027.151026.581034.0048R-3067-V6.85N-12CBMH 202CBMH 203150.0050HDPE172.31026.481025.621033.2048R-25016.72N-12CBMH 203CBMH 210180.0030HDPE111.51025.371025.031033.3548R-3067-V7.98N-12CBMH 205CBMH 206120.0040HDPE75.01027.901027.601031.2048R-25013.30N-12CBMH 206CBMH 207120.0040HDPE98.31027.501027.111031.2048R-25013.70N-12CBMH 207CBMH 208180.0040HDPE87.31026.611026.261030.9048R-3067-V4.29N-12CBMH 208CBMH 209180.0040HDPE58.81026.161025.931031.2048R-3067-V5.04N-12CBMH 209CBMH 210180.0040HDPE43.51024.931024.751030.1048R-3067-V5.17N-12CBMH 210-ACBMH 210120.0040HDPE81.91026.901026.571030.602x3R-3067-V3.70N-12CBMH 210FES 211240.0035RCP37.01023.131023.001030.4060R-3067-V11.27CL-IIICB 300CBMH 301120.0040HDPE106.21026.641026.221030.342x3R-3067-V3.70N-12CBMH 301CBMH 302120.0040HDPE66.51026.121025.851030.8048R-3067-V4.68N-12CBMH 302CBMH 303120.0040HDPE19.81025.751025.671031.5048R-3067-V5.75N-12CBMH 303CBMH 306120.0040HDPE44.51025.571025.391031.3548R-3067-V9.78N-12CB 304CBMH 305120.0040HDPE78.21025.501025.191029.2027R-25013.70N-12CBMH 305CBMH 306120.0040HDPE84.11025.091024.751029.2048R-25014.11N-12CBMH 306CBMH 307180.0050HDPE96.51024.651024.171029.0060R-3067-V9.35N-12CBMH 307MH 308180.0050HDPE123.31024.071023.451029.4060R-3067-V10.33N-12MH 308PE 309180.0067HDPE52.61022.851022.501030.6048R-3067-V9.75N-12MH/CBP. DIA.P. SLOPEP. TYPEPIPEFROMTORIMSTR.CASTBUILDPIPECLASSFROMTO[IN]S [%]LENGTH [FT]INVERTINVERTELEVTYPETYPE(FT)SPRINGS AT LAKEVILLE STORM SEWER PLAN - VIEW 3 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 700UTILITY NOTES LEGEND STORM SEWER SCHEDULE: YARD DRAIN SCHEDULE: S73°23'52"W 1262.58 S01°02'26"E 252.87 S01°31'27"WR=450.00L=760.25Δ=96°47'52"¾MATCH LINE - VIEW 2MATCH LINE - VIEW 1MATCH LINE - VIEW 3MATCH LINE - VIEW 2 MATCH LINE - VIEW 2MATCH LINE - VIEW 1NWL 1023PHASE 2PHASE 1 BLDG 8BLDG 7BLDG 6BLDG 5FFE: 1033.33GFE: 1033.00FFE: 1033.33GFE: 1033.00FFE: 1035.33GFE: 1035.00FFE: 1035.33GFE: 1035.00FFE: 1032.73GFE: 1032.06FFE: 1033.67GFE: 1033.00 PE 500OCS 501300.0000RCP80.01019.501019.50NANANANACL-IIIOCS 501MH 502240.0087HDPE108.11020.001019.061031.0060R-164211.00N-12MH 502MH 503240.0087HDPE172.31018.961017.471032.0048R-164213.04N-12MH 503MH 504240.0087HDPE122.81017.371016.311031.0048R-164213.63N-12MH 505MH 507240.0087HDPE216.91015.711013.831031.0048R-164215.29N-12PE 506MH 507240.0800HDPE13.01021.801020.76NANANANAN-12MH 507EX. STUB240.0087RCP62.81013.241012.701029.5048R-164216.26CL-IVPE 600OCS 601240.0000RCP100.01018.001018.00NANANANACL-IVOCS 601MH 602240.0015HDPE273.21018.001017.591035.0048R-164217.00N-12MH 602MH 603240.0015HDPE145.01017.591017.371034.5048R-164216.91N-12MH 603EX. CBMH240.0015RCP76.51017.371017.261031.5048R-164214.13CL-IV*PIPE LENGTHS MEASURED TO THE CENTER OF STRUCTURESYD 200YD 20180.0100HDPE47.01030.071029.601032.44YDOPEN2.37N-12YD 201WYE 20480.0100HDPE21.11029.501029.291031.84YDOPEN2.34N-12YD 202YD 20380.0100HDPE25.81029.251029.001031.62YDOPEN2.37N-12YD 203WYE 20480.0100HDPE5.91028.901028.841032.09YDOPEN3.19N-12WYE 204YD 20580.0100HDPE25.71028.841028.581032.50WYEN/A3.66N-12YD 205WYE 20780.0100HDPE18.01028.481028.301031.49YDOPEN3.01N-12YD 206WYE 20780.0100HDPE14.41029.721029.581032.09YDOPEN2.37N-12WYE 207YD 20980.0100HDPE32.61028.301027.971032.50WYEN/A4.20N-12YD 208YD 20980.0100HDPE17.51029.451029.281031.82YDOPEN2.37N-12YD 209YD 211100.0100HDPE42.41027.871027.451031.83YDOPEN3.96N-12YD 210YD 21180.0100HDPE18.31029.641029.461032.01YDOPEN2.37N-12YD 211YD 213100.0100HDPE44.21027.351026.911032.02YDOPEN4.67N-12YD 212YD 21380.0100HDPE15.91029.421029.261031.79YDOPEN2.37N-12YD 213CBMH 103100.0100HDPE86.01026.811025.951031.78YDOPEN4.97N-12YD 214CO 21580.0210HDPE47.61030.031029.031032.40 YDOPEN2.37N-12CO 215CB 10080.0200HDPE41.01028.931028.111032.50COCLOSED3.57N-12CO 216CBMH 10180.0390HDPE40.11029.131027.571032.50COCLOSED3.37N-12YD 217YD 21880.1100HDPE29.21030.271027.061032.64YDOPEN2.37N-12YD 218MH 10680.1100HDPE18.11026.961024.971032.97YDOPEN6.01N-12CO 300CO 30180.0260HDPE81.51030.631028.511034.00COCLOSED3.37N-12CO 301WYE 30380.0260HDPE3.51028.411028.321034.29COCLOSED5.88N-12YD 302WYE 30380.0260HDPE12.41031.791031.471034.16YDOPEN2.37N-12WYE 303YD 30480.0260HDPE39.61028.321027.291034.50WYEN/A6.18N-12YD 304YD 30580.0260HDPE27.91027.191026.471034.45YDOPEN7.26N-12YD 305CO 30680.0260HDPE25.61026.371025.701034.20YDOPEN7.83N-12CO 306YD 30780.0260HDPE51.91025.601024.251034.08COCLOSED8.48N-12YD 308CBMH 2180.4800HDPE17.11031.471023.271033.84YDOPEN2.37N-12YD 309TRUNK80.0065HDPE17.11031.551031.441033.92YDOPEN2.37N-12YD 310TRUNK80.0065HDPE15.01031.581031.491033.95YDOPEN2.37N-12YD 311YD 31280.0770HDPE51.61032.001028.031034.37YDOPRN2.37N-12YD 312YD 31380.0770HDPE32.41027.931025.441034.37YDOPEN6.44N-12YD 313CBMH 2180.0770HDPE27.01025.341023.261034.18YDOPEN8.84N-12YD 314TRUNK80.0065HDPE6.51031.391031.351033.76YDOPEN2.37N-12YD 315TRUNK80.0065HDPE4.31031.631031.611034.00YDOPEN2.37N-12CO 316CO 31780.0355HDPE109.21032.481028.611034.85COCLOSED2.37N-12CO 317CBMH 20380.0355HDPE68.71028.511026.071034.00COCLOSED5.49N-12YD 318YD 31980.0750HDPE21.51032.541030.931034.91YDOPEN2.37N-12YD 319YD 32080.0750HDPE37.61030.831028.011034.32YDOPEN3.49N-12YD 320TRUNK80.0750HDPE16.21027.911026.701033.69YDOPEN5.78N-12YD 321CBMH 2030--40.1--1033.76YDOPEN7.91N-12CO 322TRUNK80.0260HDPE91.41030.631028.261034.00COCLOSED3.37N-12*PIPE LENGTHS MEASURED TO THE CENTER OF STRUCTURESMH/CBP. DIA.P. SLOPEP. TYPEPIPEFROMTORIMSTR.CASTBUILDPIPECLASSFROMTO[IN]S [%]LENGTH [FT]INVERTINVERTELEVTYPETYPE(FT)P. DIA.P. SLOPEP. TYPEPIPEFROMTORIMSTR.CASTBUILDPIPECLASSFROMTO[IN]S [%]LENGTH [FT]INVERTINVERTELEVTYPETYPE(FT)CB 100CBMH 101120.0040HDPE99.01027.701027.301031.402x3R-3067-V3.70N-12CBMH 101MH 102120.0040HDPE71.11027.201026.921031.4048R-3067-V4.20N-12MH 102CBMH 103120.0040HDPE136.41026.821026.271033.0048R-16426.18N-12CBMH 103CBMH 104150.0050HDPE113.51026.021025.461031.3048R-3067-V5.28N-12CBMH 104CBMH 105180.0028HDPE86.61025.211024.961032.1048R-3067-V6.89N-12CBMH 105MH 106180.0038HDPE99.11024.861024.491032.1048R-3067-V7.24N-12MH 106CBMH 108180.0038HDPE43.31024.391024.221032.3048R-16427.91N-12CBMH 108FES 109240.0020RCP43.11023.081023.001031.5048R-3067-V12.42CL-IVCB 200CBMH 201120.0040HDPE86.81027.751027.401031.452x3R-3067-V3.70N-12CBMH 201MH 202150.0040HDPE143.91027.151026.581034.0048R-3067-V6.85N-12CBMH 202CBMH 203150.0050HDPE172.31026.481025.621033.2048R-25016.72N-12CBMH 203CBMH 210180.0030HDPE111.51025.371025.031033.3548R-3067-V7.98N-12CBMH 205CBMH 206120.0040HDPE75.01027.901027.601031.2048R-25013.30N-12CBMH 206CBMH 207120.0040HDPE98.31027.501027.111031.2048R-25013.70N-12CBMH 207CBMH 208180.0040HDPE87.31026.611026.261030.9048R-3067-V4.29N-12CBMH 208CBMH 209180.0040HDPE58.81026.161025.931031.2048R-3067-V5.04N-12CBMH 209CBMH 210180.0040HDPE43.51024.931024.751030.1048R-3067-V5.17N-12CBMH 210-ACBMH 210120.0040HDPE81.91026.901026.571030.602x3R-3067-V3.70N-12CBMH 210FES 211240.0035RCP37.01023.131023.001030.4060R-3067-V11.27CL-IIISPRINGS AT LAKEVILLE STORM SEWER PLAN - VIEW 2 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 700UTILITY NOTES LEGEND STORM SEWER SCHEDULE: YARD DRAIN SCHEDULE: OCS 501: OCS 601: N89°23'33"E 377.67N00°53'24"W 474.71 S73°23'52"W 1262.58R=4 5 0 . 0 0 L =7 6 0 . 2 5 Δ=9 6 ° 4 7 ' 5 2 "MATCH LINE - VIEW 3MATCH LINE - VIEW 3 MATCH LINE - VIEW 2 PHASE 2PHASE 1 PHASE 2PHASE 1 BLDG 8BLDG 12BLDG 13BLDG 9BLDG 11BLDG 10FFE: 1035.33GFE: 1035.00FFE: 1035.33GFE: 1035.00FFE: 1035.33GFE: 1035.00FFE: 1035.33GFE: 1035.00FFE: 1034.33GFE: 1034.00FFE: 1033.97GFE: 1033.30FFE: 1034.33GFE: 1034.00FFE: 1034.67GFE: 1034.00FFE; 1034.67GFE: 1034.00 FFE: 1035.67GFE: 1035.00MH/CBP. DIA.P. SLOPEP. TYPEPIPEFROMTORIMSTR.CASTBUILDPIPECLASSFROMTO[IN]S [%]LENGTH [FT]INVERTINVERTELEVTYPETYPE(FT)CB 1-ACBMH 2150.0028HDPE65.01028.001027.821031.952x3R-3067-V3.95N-12CBMH 1-BCBMH 4150.0030HDPE78.11027.721027.481033.5048R-25015.78N-12CBMH 2CBMH 4150.0030HDPE26.91027.381027.301032.4048R-25015.02N-12CB 3CBMH 4120.0040HDPE82.31030.501030.171034.2027R-25013.70N-12CBMH 4CBMH 5150.0028HDPE137.21027.201026.821033.1548R-3067-V5.95N-12CBMH 5CBMH 14180.0022HDPE84.81026.571026.381032.4048R-43425.83N-12CB 6CBMH 7120.0040HDPE87.71029.401029.051033.1027R-43423.70N-12CBMH 7MH 9120.0040HDPE78.81028.951028.631033.1048R-25014.15N-12CB 8MH 9120.0040HDPE44.71028.601028.421032.3027R-3067-V3.70N-12MH 9MH 11150.0030HDPE30.01028.171028.081033.2848R-16425.11N-12CB 10MH 11120.0040HDPE13.01029.401029.351033.1027R-25013.70N-12MH 11CBMH 12150.0030HDPE79.91027.981027.741033.3048R-16425.32N-12CBMH 12CBMH 13150.0045HDPE101.61027.641027.181032.7048R-25015.06N-12CBMH 13CBMH 14180.0023HDPE60.81027.081026.941032.4548R-25015.37N-12CBMH 14CBMH 16240.0022HDPE127.11025.881025.601033.4448R-43427.56N-12CB 15CBMH 16120.0070HDPE155.61029.501028.411033.2027R-25013.70N-12CBMH 16CBMH 17300.0012HDPE131.81025.101024.941034.3060R-43429.20N-12CBMH 17CBMH 20300.0013HDPE115.41024.841024.691034.0860R-43429.24N-12CB 18CBMH 19120.0040HDPE174.61029.401028.701033.102x3R-3067-V3.70N-12CBMH 19CBMH 20120.0120HDPE158.41028.601026.701033.2048R-25014.60N-12CBMH 20CBMH 21300.0011HDPE127.31024.591024.451034.1360R-43429.54N-12CBMH 21FES 22300.0011RCP47.21023.051023.001034.0060R-434214.95CL-IVCB 200CBMH 201120.0040HDPE86.81027.751027.401031.452x3R-3067-V3.70N-12CBMH 201MH 202150.0040HDPE143.91027.151026.581034.0048R-3067-V6.85N-12CBMH 202CBMH 203150.0050HDPE172.31026.481025.621033.2048R-25016.72N-12CBMH 203CBMH 210180.0030HDPE111.51025.371025.031033.3548R-3067-V7.98N-12CBMH 205CBMH 206120.0040HDPE75.01027.901027.601031.2048R-25013.30N-12CBMH 206CBMH 207120.0040HDPE98.31027.501027.111031.2048R-25013.70N-12CBMH 207CBMH 208180.0040HDPE87.31026.611026.261030.9048R-3067-V4.29N-12CBMH 208CBMH 209180.0040HDPE58.81026.161025.931031.2048R-3067-V5.04N-12CBMH 209CBMH 210180.0040HDPE43.51024.931024.751030.1048R-3067-V5.17N-12CBMH 210-ACBMH 210120.0040HDPE81.91026.901026.571030.602x3R-3067-V3.70N-12CBMH 210FES 211240.0035RCP37.01023.131023.001030.4060R-3067-V11.27CL-IIIPE 600OCS 601240.0000RCP100.01018.001018.00NANANANACL-IVOCS 601MH 602240.0015HDPE273.21018.001017.591035.0048R-164217.00N-12MH 602MH 603240.0015HDPE145.01017.591017.371034.5048R-164216.91N-12MH 603EX. CBMH240.0015RCP76.51017.371017.261031.5048R-164214.13CL-IV*PIPE LENGTHS MEASURED TO THE CENTER OF STRUCTURESCO 300CO 30180.0260HDPE81.51030.631028.511034.00COCLOSED3.37N-12CO 301WYE 30380.0260HDPE3.51028.411028.321034.29COCLOSED5.88N-12YD 302WYE 30380.0260HDPE12.41031.791031.471034.16YDOPEN2.37N-12WYE 303YD 30480.0260HDPE39.61028.321027.291034.50WYEN/A6.18N-12YD 304YD 30580.0260HDPE27.91027.191026.471034.45YDOPEN7.26N-12YD 305CO 30680.0260HDPE25.61026.371025.701034.20YDOPEN7.83N-12CO 306YD 30780.0260HDPE51.91025.601024.251034.08COCLOSED8.48N-12YD 308CBMH 2180.4800HDPE17.11031.471023.271033.84YDOPEN2.37N-12YD 309TRUNK80.0065HDPE17.11031.551031.441033.92YDOPEN2.37N-12YD 310TRUNK80.0065HDPE15.01031.581031.491033.95YDOPEN2.37N-12YD 311YD 31280.0770HDPE51.61032.001028.031034.37YDOPRN2.37N-12YD 312YD 31380.0770HDPE32.41027.931025.441034.37YDOPEN6.44N-12YD 313CBMH 2180.0770HDPE27.01025.341023.261034.18YDOPEN8.84N-12YD 314TRUNK80.0065HDPE6.51031.391031.351033.76YDOPEN2.37N-12YD 315TRUNK80.0065HDPE4.31031.631031.611034.00YDOPEN2.37N-12CO 316CO 31780.0355HDPE109.21032.481028.611034.85COCLOSED2.37N-12CO 317CBMH 20380.0355HDPE68.71028.511026.071034.00COCLOSED5.49N-12YD 318YD 31980.0750HDPE21.51032.541030.931034.91YDOPEN2.37N-12YD 319YD 32080.0750HDPE37.61030.831028.011034.32YDOPEN3.49N-12YD 320TRUNK80.0750HDPE16.21027.911026.701033.69YDOPEN5.78N-12YD 321CBMH 2030--40.1--1033.76YDOPEN7.91N-12CO 322TRUNK80.0260HDPE91.41030.631028.261034.00COCLOSED3.37N-12CO 400WYE 40280.0100HDPE57.71030.631030.061034.00COCLOSED3.37N-12YD 401WYE 40280.0100HDPE6.91032.001031.931034.37YDOPEN2.37N-12WYE 402TRUNK80.0100HDPE47.61030.061029.581034.50WYEN/A4.44N-12YD 403TRUNK80.0100HDPE16.41032.391032.231034.76YDOPEN2.37N-12YD 404TRUNK80.0100HDPE4.01032.211032.171034.58YDOPEN2.37N-12YD 405TRUNK80.0100HDPE21.71031.931031.721034.30YDOPEN2.37N-12YD 406TRUNK80.0100HDPE5.11031.781031.731034.15YDOPEN2.37N-12YD 407TRUNK80.0100HDPE4.71031.901031.861034.27YDOPEN2.37N-12YD 408TRUNK80.0100HDPE24.11031.381031.141033.75YDOPEN2.37N-12YD 409TRUNK80.0100HDPE5.91031.511031.451033.88YDOPEN2.37N-12YD 410TRUNK80.0080HDPE16.81031.301031.171033.67YDOPEN2.37N-12YD 411TRUNK80.0080HDPE16.41031.821031.691034.19YDOPEN2.37N-12YD 412CBMH 1780.0080HDPE17.41031.561031.421033.93YDOPEN2.37N-12YD 413YD 41480.0080HDPE15.21031.541031.421033.91YDOPEN2.37N-12YD 414CBMH 1730--30.4--1033.71YDOPEN2.39N-12YD 415TRUNK80.0080HDPE13.31031.691031.591034.06YDOPEN2.37N-12YD 416TRUNK80.0080HDPE9.41031.461031.391033.83YDOPEN2.37N-12CO 417TRUNK80.0100HDPE92.61030.631029.711034.00COCLOSED3.37N-12YD 420YD 42180.0080HDPE44.81032.211031.861034.58YDOPEN2.37N-12YD 421YD 42280.0080HDPE20.71031.761031.591034.45YDOPEN2.69N-12YD 422YD 42380.0080HDPE32.01031.491031.231034.39YDOPEN2.90N-12YD 423TRUNK80.0080HDPE30.41031.131030.891033.98YDOPEN2.85N-12YD 424TRUNK80.0080HDPE19.01031.741031.591034.11YDOPEN2.37N-12YD 425TRUNK80.0080HDPE16.01031.431031.311033.80YDOPEN2.37N-12YD 426TRUNK80.0080HDPE11.71031.431031.341033.80YDOPEN2.37N-12YD 427YD 42980.0080HDPE29.91032.411032.171034.78YDOPEN2.37N-12YD 428YD 43080.0080HDPE34.61032.071031.801034.50YDOPEN2.43N-12YD 429CBMH 1780.0080HDPE14.71031.701031.581033.71YDOPEN2.01N-12YD 430CO 43280.0080HDPE125.51032.031031.031034.40YDOPEN2.37N-12YD 431CO 43280.0080HDPE30.81032.421032.181034.79YDOPEN2.37N-12CO 432CBMH 20180.0080HDPE44.61031.031030.671034.00COCLOSED2.97N-12CO 500TRUNK80.0100HDPE73.51030.631029.891033.00COCLOSED2.37N-12YD 501YD 50280.0100HDPE19.61032.431032.231034.80YDOPEN2.37N-12YD 502TRUNK80.0150HDPE4.51032.131032.071034.73YDOPEN2.60N-12YD 503YD 50480.0100HDPE20.71032.031031.821034.40YDOPEN2.37N-12YD 504TRUNK80.0150HDPE4.61031.721031.651034.32YDOPEN2.60N-12YD 505TRUNK80.0100HDPE24.91031.931031.681034.30YDOPEN2.37N-12YD 506TRUNK80.0150HDPE5.51031.841031.761034.21YDOPEN2.37N-12YD 507TRUNK80.0100HDPE25.51031.541031.281033.91YDOPEN2.37N-12YD 508WYE 50980.0100HDPE24.31031.381031.141033.75YDOPEN2.37N-12WYE 509TRUNK80.0150HDPE15.91031.041030.801033.00WYEN/A1.96N-12YD 510CBMH 1480.0100HDPE22.01031.651031.431034.02YDOPEN2.37N-12YD 511TRUNK80.0100HDPE24.61031.451031.201033.82YDOPEN2.37N-12YD 512TRUNK80.0100HDPE24.21031.681031.441034.05YDOPEN2.37N-12YD 513TRUNK80.0100HDPE6.81030.611030.541032.98YDOPEN2.37N-12YD 514TRUNK80.0100HDPE10.41032.241032.131034.61YDOPEN2.37N-12YD 515TRUNK80.0150HDPE11.01032.181032.011034.55YDOPEN2.37N-12YD 520YD 52180.0100HDPE36.81030.831030.461033.20YDOPEN2.37N-12YD 521YD 52280.0150HDPE39.51030.361029.771033.75YDOPEN3.39N-12YD 522CBMH 280.0150HDPE9.21029.671029.531033.00YDOPEN3.33N-12YD 523TRUNK80.0100HDPE20.41030.731030.531033.10YDOPEN2.37N-12YD 524YD 52580.0100HDPE18.41030.841030.661033.21YDOPEN2.37N-12YD 526YD 52780.0100HDPE20.11030.461030.261032.83YDOPEN2.37N-12YD 527TRUNK80.0100HDPE7.31030.161030.091033.00YDOPEN2.84N-12YD 528TRUNK80.0100HDPE31.11030.681030.371033.05YDOPEN2.37N-12YD 529CBMH 580.0100HDPE38.91030.391030.001032.76YDOPEN2.37N-12YD 530TRUNK80.0100HDPE23.11031.231031.001033.60YDOPEN2.37N-12YD 531TRUNK80.0100HDPE20.21031.121030.921033.49YDOPEN2.37N-12YD 532TRUNK80.0100HDPE8.51031.271031.181033.64YDOPEN2.37N-12YD 533CB 680.0100HDPE32.81031.471031.141033.84YDOPEN2.37N-12YD 534YD 53480.0100HDPE54.81031.631031.081034.00YDOPEN2.37N-12YD 535TRUNK80.0150HDPE56.71030.981030.131034.00YDOPEN3.02N-12YD 600YD 60180.0100HDPE39.41030.831030.441033.20YDOPEN2.37N-12YD 601YD 60280.0150HDPE33.91030.341029.831033.28YDOPEN2.94N-12YD 602CB 880.0150HDPE23.41029.731029.381033.57YDOPEN3.84N-12YD 603CB 880.0323HDPE29.41029.831028.881032.70YDOPEN2.87N-12YD 604YD 61080.0100HDPE53.21030.981030.451033.35YDOPEN2.37N-12YD 605YD 60680.0100HDPE21.81030.831030.621033.20YDOPEN2.37N-12YD 606YD 60780.0100HDPE45.11030.521030.061032.78YDOPEN2.26N-12YD 607YD 608100.0050HDPE39.51029.961029.771033.04YDOPEN3.08N-12YD 608YD 609100.0050HDPE57.11029.671029.381032.83YDOPEN3.16N-12YD 609YD 610100.0050HDPE27.11029.281029.151032.57YDOPEN3.29N-12YD 610CB 200120.0050HDPE50.51029.151028.891032.00YDCLOSED2.85N-12*PIPE LENGTHS MEASURED TO THE CENTER OF STRUCTURESP. DIA.P. SLOPEP. TYPEPIPEFROMTORIMSTR.CASTBUILDPIPECLASSFROMTO[IN]S [%]LENGTH [FT]INVERTINVERTELEVTYPETYPE(FT)SPRINGS AT LAKEVILLE STORM SEWER PLAN - VIEW 3 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 700UTILITY NOTES LEGEND STORM SEWER SCHEDULE: YARD DRAIN SCHEDULE: R=2 6 0 .00 L=15 4.85 Δ=3 4 °07 '29"¾N89°23'33"E 377.67N00°53'24"W 474.71 S73°23'52"W 1262.58 S01°02'26"E 252.87 N52°01'27"E17.23S01°31'27"W 100.00 S25°01'29"W22.92S00°28'31"E 452.93 N89°31'30"E 344.55N26°43'10"E41.10R=450.00 L =7 6 0 . 2 5 Δ =9 6 ° 4 7'5 2 "FOUND IRON MONUMENT LIC. NO. TELEPHONE BOXCATCH BASINWATER VALVEHYDRANTSANITARY MANHOLESTORM MANHOLESANITARY SEWERSTORM SEWERWATERMAINPOWER POLE AND LIGHT POLEFIBER OPTICSET CAP IRON MONUMENT 18425UNDERGROUND TELEPHONEDENOTES RESTRICTED ACCESS PER OVERHEAD UTILITYHAND HOLECHERRY HIGHLANDS THIRDTRAFFIC SYMBOLDENOTES CONCRETE SURFACEDENOTES BITUMINOUS PATHWAY 18425, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED.TITLE EXCEPTION NO.ELECTRIC BOXTRANSFORMERLIGHT POLE5 FT PVC FENCEUNDERGROUND ELECTRICELECTRIC MANHOLETREEHIGHLIGHTED TREES IN TABLE ARE LOCATED WITHIN THE PROPERTY BOUNDARYEDGE OF TREESSPRINGS AT LAKEVILLE TREE PRESERVATION PLAN 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 700REMOVE EXISTING TREETREE PROTECTION FENCE SPRINGS AT LAKEVILLE TREE PRESERVATION DETAILS 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001NOT TO SCALE MATCH LINE - VIEW 1MATCH LINE - VIEW 2MATCH LINE - VIEW 1MATCH LINE - VIEW 3MATCH LINE - VIEW 3 MATCH LINE - VIEW 2 MATCH LINE - VIEW 2MATCH LINE - VIEW 1NWL 1023PHASE 2PHASE 1 PHASE 2 PHASE 1 PHASE 2PHASE 1 BLDG 8BLDG 12BLDG 3BLDG 2BLDG 13BLDG 9BLDG 1BLDG 4BLDG 7BLDG 11BLDG 6CLUBHOUSEBLDG 5BLDG 10R=2 6 0 .00 L=15 4.85 Δ=3 4 °07 '29"N89°23'33"E 377.67N00°53'24"W 474.71 S73°23'52"W 1262.58 S01°02'26"E 252.87 S01°31'27"W 100.00 S25°01'29"W22.92S00°28'31"E 452.93 N89°31'30"E 344.55N26°43'10"E41.10R=450.00L =7 6 0 . 2 5 Δ =9 6 °4 7'5 2 " SPRINGS AT LAKEVILLE OVERALL LANDSCAPE PLAN 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 700LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS: MATCH LINE - VIEW 1MATCH LINE - VIEW 2MATCH LINE - VIEW 1MATCH LINE - VIEW 2MATCH LINE - VIEW 1BLDG 3BLDG 2BLDG 1BLDG 4CLUBHOUSER=26 0 .00L=15 4.85Δ=3 4°07 '29" S01°31'27"W 100.00 S25°01'29"W22.92S00°28'31"E 452.93 N89°31'30"E 344.55N26°43'10"E41.100L=760.25Δ=96°47'52" SPRINGS AT LAKEVILLE LANDSCAPE PLAN - VIEW 1 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 700 MATCH LINE - VIEW 2MATCH LINE - VIEW 1MATCH LINE - VIEW 3MATCH LINE - VIEW 2 MATCH LINE - VIEW 2MATCH LINE - VIEW 1NWL 1023PHASE 2PHASE 1PHASE 2PHASE 1 BLDG 8BLDG 7BLDG 6BLDG 5S73°23'52"W 1262.58 S01°02'26"E 252.87 S01°31'27"W 100.00R=450.00L=760.25Δ=96°47'52"SPRINGS AT LAKEVILLE LANDSCAPE PLAN - VIEW 2 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 700 MATCH LINE - VIEW 3MATCH LINE - VIEW 3 MATCH LINE - VIEW 2 PHASE 2PHASE 1 PHASE 2 PHASE 1BLDG 12BLDG 13BLDG 9BLDG 11BLDG 10N89°23'33"E 377.67N00°53'24"W 474.71 R=4 5 0 . 0 0 L =7 6 0 . SPRINGS AT LAKEVILLE LANDSCAPE PLAN - VIEW 3 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 700 SPRINGS AT LAKEVILLE LANDSCAPE DETAILS 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 700MULCH AT SOD DETAILNOT TO SCALE5MULCH AT SIDEWALK DETAILNOT TO SCALE43PERENNIAL PLANTINGSNOT TO SCALESHRUB PLANTINGNOT TO SCALE2TREE PLANTINGNOT TO SCALE1SEED PLANTING NOTES: PLANTING NOTES: LANDSCAPE SCHEDULE C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C CC C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C D D D D D D D D D D D D DD D D A A A A A A B A A A A A B A A A A A A A E E E E E B A A B A B B A D D D C C C C C C C C A A A D D A A B A C 0.6 4.4 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.2 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1.0 0.8 0.9 2.0 1.5 1.4 1.1 0.7 0.6 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.6 0.7 0.9 1.4 0.6 0.3 0.5 0.6 1.0 1.4 1.5 1.2 1.1 1.2 1.6 1.6 1.1 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.4 1.0 0.8 1.1 1.3 0.8 0.3 1.1 1.2 1.5 1.8 1.1 0.7 0.8 1.3 1.3 0.8 0.9 1.7 1.7 1.1 0.7 0.4 0.3 0.5 0.9 1.8 1.9 1.3 0.9 1.2 1.9 1.8 1.1 0.7 0.6 0.7 0.8 1.0 1.1 1.0 1.0 0.9 1.0 0.8 0.7 1.1 0.6 0.7 0.8 1.4 1.6 1.3 0.8 1.0 1.6 1.5 1.0 0.9 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.4 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.5 0.5 0.7 0.7 0.3 0.5 0.5 0.7 0.6 0.3 0.3 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 J J J JJ J J PHOTOMETRIC STATISTICS ZONE AVERAGE (FC)MAXIMUM (FC)MINIMUM (FC)MAX/MIN AVG/MIN SITE 1.0 4.4 0.0 N/A N/A PROPERTY LINE 0.1 0.6 0.0 N/A N/A W134 N8675 EXECUTIVE PARKWAY MENOMONEE FALLS, WI 53051 262.502.5500 * FAX 262.502.5522 Sheet No. Project No. Sheet Title Drawing Date Revisions CONTINENTAL 484 FUND LLC ATLANTA • CHARLOTTE • GREENVILLE • RICHMOND 877.4.DEVITA • corp@devitainc.com 6/13/2019 3:22:49 PME102S ELECTRICAL PHOTOMETRIC PLAN 06/07/19 219005.03 CEDAR AVENUE & DODD BOULEVARD LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS SPRINGS AT LAKEVILLE Drawn By: Author Checked By: Checker DeVita & Associates, Inc. Project : 19052-04 1" = 60'-0"1 ELECTRICAL PHOTOMETRIC PLAN...Schedule Symbol Label Quantity Manufactur er Catalog Number Description Lamp Number Lamps Filename Lumens Per Lamp Light Loss Factor Wattage A 28 Beacon Products VP-S-24NB-55- 4K-T3 SMALL VIPER, TYPE III DISTRIBUTION, MTD ON 20FT POLE C-70-CRI DATA SHOWN IS SCALED FROM 15.01518 1 VP-S-24NB- 55-4K-T3.ies 5554 0.95 55 B 7 BEACON PRODUCTS VP-S-24NB-55- 4K-T5QM SMALL VIPER, TYPE V DISTRIBUTION, MTD ON 20FT POLE C-70-CRI DATA SHOWN IS SCALED FROM 3,004 1 VP-S-24NB- 55-4K- T5QM.ies 6114 0.95 55.8 C 116 Lithonia Lighting DSXW2 LED 20C 350 40K T3M MVOLT DSXW2 LED WITH 2 LIGHT ENGINES, 20 LED's, 350mA DRIVER, 4000K LED, TYPE 3 MEDIUM OPTIC LED 1 DSXW2_LED _20C_350_4 0K_T3M_MV OLT.ies 2999 0.95 25 D 21 Lithonia Lighting DSXW1 LED 10C 700 30K T3M MVOLT HS DSXW1 LED WITH (1) 10 LED LIGHT ENGINES, TYPE T3M OPTIC, 3000K, @ 700mA WITH HOUSE- SIDE SHIELDS. LED 1 DSXW1_LED _10C_700_3 0K_T3M_MV OLT_HS.ies 2057 0.95 26.2 E 5 Beacon Products VP-S-24NB-55- 4K-T3 SMALL VIPER, TYPE III DISTRIBUTION, MTD ON 14FT POLE C-70-CRI DATA SHOWN IS SCALED FROM 15.01518 1 VP-S-24NB- 55-4K-T3.ies 5554 0.95 55 FIXTURES "A" AND "B" AND "E"FIXTURE "C"FIXTURE "D" 14' POLE 20' POLE W134 N8675 EXECUTIVE PARKWAY MENOMONEE FALLS, WI 53051 262.502.5500 * FAX 262.502.5522 Sheet No. Project No. Sheet Title Drawing Date Revisions CONTINENTAL 484 FUND LLC ATLANTA • CHARLOTTE • GREENVILLE • RICHMOND 877.4.DEVITA • corp@devitainc.com 6/13/2019 3:22:49 PME103S SITE LIGHTING FIXTURES 06/07/19 219005.03 CEDAR AVENUE & DODD BOULEVARD LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS SPRINGS AT LAKEVILLE Drawn By: Author Checked By: Checker DeVita & Associates, Inc. Project : 19052-04 HBHB HB HBHBDN FLOOR PLAN GENERAL NOTES 1. CONDENSER PADS ARE SHOWN AS GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION OF PAD LOCATION. COORDINATE W/ MECHANICAL FOR FINAL LOCATION AND SPECS. REFER TO SHEET A580 FOR SITE DETAILS. 2. REFER TO MEP DRAWINGS FOR FIRE ALARM, PULL, CONTROL PANEL, SIGNALS, HORN LOCATIONS AND EXIT SIGNS. 3. CONSTRUCTION TO COMPLY WITH SECTION 1609 OF MICHIGAN BUILDING CODE REFER TO STRUCTURAL SHEETS FOR FRAMING CONNECTION DETAILS. 4. REFER TO SHEET G070A, G071A AND G072A FOR ACCESSIBILITY REQUIREMENTS. 5. PROVIDE R-13 SOUND INSULATION AT ALL BATHROOM PERIMETER WALLS. 6. ALL INTERIOR PARTITIONS TO BE PARTITION TYPE P4 UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 7. ALL EXTERIOR PARTITIONS TO BE WALL ASSEMBLY 02 UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. SEE ELEVATIONS FOR SIDING MATERIALS. 8. REFER TO SHEETS A600A FOR DOOR SCHEDULE AND WINDOW SCHEDULE. 9. REFER TO SHEET A610A FOR ROOM FINISH SCHEDULE 10. PULL TWO CAT6 WIRES AT EACH JACK LOCATION (TYP). REFER TO ELEC DRAWINGS FOR LOCATIONS. 11. OWNER TO PURCHASE TVs AND GC TO INSTALL. COORDINATE BLOCKING AS REQUIRED. 2' - 1 7/8"2' - 1 7/8" 16' - 3"41' - 4 1/2"A201A2 A201A 1 4' - 5 1/2"19' - 8"6' - 6"6' - 10"3' - 11"6' - 0"A202A 1 FILES / IT CONFERENCE ROOM OFFICE VESTIBULE FITNESS CENTER MEP POOL EQUIP. ACID ROOM CHLORINE ROOM MEN'S WOMEN'S JANITOR CLOSET A203A7 A203A5 4' - 4 1/4"8' - 0"4' - 4 1/4"4' - 0"16' - 0"4' - 0" 98' - 7" 1' - 8 7/8"12' - 3 1/8"11' - 7 1/2"14' - 0"11' - 7 1/2"6' - 7 1/2"16' - 8 1/2"24' - 0" 4' - 4 3/4" 3' - 5 1/2" 3' - 9 1/4"1' - 0"12' - 0"1' - 0"3' - 7 7/8" 3' - 5 1/2" 4' - 6 1/8"4' - 1 5/8" 3' - 5 1/2" 4' - 8"4' - 11"2' - 0"10' - 6 1/2"8' - 7"12' - 6 3/4"16' - 0"4' - 0"15' - 10 3/4"2' - 11 1/2"2' - 11 1/2"19' - 5 1/4"11' - 2"3' - 8" 2' - 6" 3' - 6 5/8" 4' - 11 1/2" 4' - 11 1/2" 3' - 3 3/8"2' - 6"4' - 3"9' - 8 1/4" 24' - 5 7/8" 16' - 9" 24' - 3"16' - 9"16' - 5 1/4"2' - 0"3' - 8"2' - 0"3' - 8"8' - 0"13' - 4 1/2"8' - 6 1/2"16' - 5 1/2"2' - 6"2' - 6"6' - 6"A02A04A05A07A08A21A10 A17 A16 A15A20 A19 A12 A11 A18A13A14A06 A0310' - 10"1' - 3"23' - 7 3/4"1' - 3"10' - 11"2' - 10"14' - 3 5/8"8' - 0"OFFICE A1 A1 A.7 A.7 A.7 A.7 A.7 A.7 A.4 A.3 A151A 3 A150A 1 A151A 1 2 A302A 2 A302A 3 A302A 3 A302A 1 A301A 1 A301A 2 A300A 2 A300A 1 A302A 1 A302A 1 A300A 1 A300A A151A 11 A150A11 3 A311A 3 6 A203A 4 A202A 4 A1 A1 A11 A1A1A1 A2 A1 A2 A1 10' - 7 1/8"A.9 A.9A.9 A.9 A.9 A.9 A.9 A.9 A.9 A.5 A.5 A.5A.6 A.6 A.6 PATIO CLOSING LOUNGE RECEPTION HALLWAY 24-HOUR ENTRY OUTDOOR FITNESSCAFE A.8A.8 A.12 A.12 A.12 A.12 A.12A.12A.12C CC A.13 A.13 A.13 A.14 A.14 A.15A.15 A.15 A.15A.15 A.15A.15 A.15 A.15 A152A 1 BL1 BL1 A.7 A.7 A.7 A.9A.9 CLEAR 8' - 10" A.19 A150A 11 OPP. A.2 6' - 3"3' - 8"2' - 5 5/8"3' - 7 1/2"6' - 11"41' - 3"A203A1 A01A.31A.31 A.4 A.7 A.7 A.15 A.7 A.7 6' - 7"3' - 0"2' - 4 1/4"11' - 0 1/2"A.15 SF1 41' - 1 3/4" DS DS DS DS DS A.7A.7 A.7A.7 57' - 5 1/4" DS DSDS 6' - 0"2 A301A 2 A301A 12' - 2 1/2"10' - 7"A523 5 TYP. 11'-4"11'-4" A16 A43 A16 A200A 1 A.7 A.15 A.24 A.26 A.34 A.34 A.42 3' - 0"6' - 7"54' - 9 1/2"A.9 A.9 A.9 3' - 7 3/4"DS 2' - 3 1/4"3' - 10"3' - 10"5' - 11" A09 W134 N8675 EXECUTIVE PARKWAY MENOMONEE FALLS, WI 53051 262.502.5500 * FAX 262.502.5522 Sheet No. Project No. Sheet Title Drawing Date Revisions CONTINENTAL 476 FUND LLC 4/9/2019 12:39:23 PMA111A FIRST FLOOR PLAN - CLUBHOUSE 05/04/2019 219005.03 CEDAR AVENUE & DODD BOULEVARD LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 CLUBHOUSE SPRINGS AT LAKEVILLE 1/4" = 1'-0"1 FIRST FLOOR PLAN - CLUBHOUSE KEYED NOTES A.2 ADA ACCESSIBLE (HI-LO) DRINKING FOUNTAIN - SEE PLUMBING A.3 MOP SINK W/SHELF AND MOP HOOKS. PROVIDE FRP FOR MIN 4'-0" ADJACENT TO MOP SINK. A.4 PLYWOOD ON WALL FROM TOP OF BASE TO CEILING, PAINT. A.5 A/C CONDENSER UNITS A.6 ELECTRICAL METERS/EQUIPMENT A.7 PROVIDE BLINDS ON ALL FIRST FLOOR, NON-TRANSOM WINDOWS A.8 DECORATIVE, STAMPED CONCRETE PATIO CONTINUE EXTENT OF PATIO TO POOL DECK A.9 PROVIDE TEMPERED GLAZING AT LOCATION INDICATED A.12 FLOOR MOUNTED RATED ELECTRICAL BOX - COVER PLATE FINISH TO BE STAINLESS/NICKEL A.13 WALL MOUNTED ELECTRICAL BOX - SEE ELECTRICAL A.14 SEMI-RECESSED FIRE EXTINGUISHER CABINET AND FIRE EXTINGUISHER-CONFIRM LOCATION WITH AHJ A.15 ART WALL. DO NOT INSTALL OBSTRUCTION ON THIS WALL 24"-96" AFF IN THIS AREA A.19 GARAGE DOOR OPENER A.24 DRINKING FOUNTAIN TO HAVE BOTTLE FILLER A.26 H20 LINE FOR WATER A.31 GLASS BREAK ALARM / SENSOR TIED TO SECURITY SYSTEM A.34 REFER TO CIVIL FOR SIDEWALK CONTINUATION A.42 GATE EXIT BUTTON PEDESTAL MOUNT. BOTTON MOUNTED AT 48" AFG MAX. INSTALL 5'-0" MIN. FROM EXTERIOR FENCE. W134 N8675 EXECUTIVE PARKWAY MENOMONEE FALLS, WI 53051 262.502.5500 * FAX 262.502.5522 Sheet No. Project No. Sheet Title Drawing Date Revisions CONTINENTAL 476 FUND LLC 4/9/2019 12:45:47 PMA200C B20 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS (COLOR SCHEME A) 04/08/2019 219005.03 CEDAR AVENUE & DODD BOULEVARD LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 B20E APARTMENT BUILDING SPRINGS AT LAKEVILLE 1/8" = 1'-0"1 FRONT ELEVATION 1/8" = 1'-0"2 LEFT ELEVATION 1/8" = 1'-0"3 RIGHT ELEVATION 1/8" = 1'-0"4 REAR ELEVATION W134 N8675 EXECUTIVE PARKWAY MENOMONEE FALLS, WI 53051 262.502.5500 * FAX 262.502.5522 Sheet No. Project No. Sheet Title Drawing Date Revisions CONTINENTAL 476 FUND LLC 4/9/2019 1:05:05 PMA201C B20 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS (COLOR SCHEME B) 04/08/2019 219005.03 CEDAR AVENUE & DODD BOULEVARD LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 SPRINGS AT LAKEVILLE 1/8" = 1'-0"1 FRONT ELEVATION 1/8" = 1'-0"2 LEFT ELEVATION 1/8" = 1'-0"3 RIGHT ELEVATION 1/8" = 1'-0"4 REAR ELEVATION W134 N8675 EXECUTIVE PARKWAY MENOMONEE FALLS, WI 53051 262.502.5500 * FAX 262.502.5522 Sheet No. Project No. Sheet Title Drawing Date Revisions CONTINENTAL 000123 FUND LLC 4/9/2019 11:53:03 AMA200 CONCEPT COLORED ELEVATIONS 04/09/19 219005.03 CEDAR AVE & DODD BOULEVARD LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 SPRINGS AT LAKEVILLE W134 N8675 EXECUTIVE PARKWAY MENOMONEE FALLS, WI 53051 262.502.5500 * FAX 262.502.5522 Sheet No. Project No. Sheet Title Drawing Date Revisions CONTINENTAL 000123 FUND LLC 4/9/2019 12:27:18 PMA201 CONCEPT COLORED ELEVATIONS 04/09/19 219005.03 CEDAR AVE & DODD BOULEVARD LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 SPRINGS AT LAKEVILLE W134 N8675 EXECUTIVE PARKWAY MENOMONEE FALLS, WI 53051 262.502.5500 * FAX 262.502.5522 Sheet No. Project No. Sheet Title Drawing Date Revisions CONTINENTAL 000123 FUND LLC 4/9/2019 12:27:18 PMA202 CONCEPT COLORED ELEVATIONS 04/09/19 219005.03 CEDAR AVE & DODD BOULEVARD LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 SPRINGS AT LAKEVILLE 0000 at lakeville Simulated Illumination 0000 at lakeville 51” x 111” 40 Total Square Feet 53” 66” 21”156” 18”126” 15”111” 12”103” 84” 36” 51” 21” Illuminated Front ViewSide View 40 Square Foot Monument Double Sided Internally Illuminated C o n t i n e n t a l P r o p e r t i e s / S p r i n g s a t L a k e v i l l e / L a k e v i l l e , M N Lakeville, MN Approved Approved as Noted Revise & Re-submit Name Title Date Sales Rep CJ Hines File Name springs LAKEVILLE Design TDH Draft: 05.21.19 Rev 1: Rev 2: Rev 3: Rev 4: Rev 5: Rev 6: A 24” 120” 3” Front View20 Square Feet Quantity (3)Side View 1.5” Front Elevation 2014 Clubhouse Left Side Elevation Right Side Elevation Clubhouse Tower Halo Letters Elevation depiction intended for general concept illustration and is not to exact scale. Actual sizing & perspective will vary slightly from image. Simulated Illumination Illuminated C o n t i n e n t a l P r o p e r t i e s / S p r i n g s a t L a k e v i l l e / L a k e v i l l e , M N L a kev il le , M N Approved Approved as Noted Revise & Re-submit Name Title Date Sa les R ep C J H i nes Fi le N a me s pr in gs LAK EV ILLE Des ig n TD H Dr a f t: 0 5.2 1.19 Rev 1 : Rev 2 : Rev 3 : Rev 4 : Rev 5 : Rev 6 : A Non-illuminated Retainer Wall Channel Letters C o n t i n e n t a l P r o p e r t i e s / S p r i n g s a t L a k e v i l l e / L a k e v i l l e , M N Lakeville, MN Approved Approved as Noted Revise & Re-submit Name Title Date Sales Rep CJ Hines File Name springs LAKEVILLE Design TDH Draft: 05.21.19 Rev 1: Rev 2: Rev 3: Rev 4: Rev 5: Rev 6: A 36” 60” 156” 268” Description Non-illuminated 2” deep aluminum reverse channel letters mounted to masonry retaining wall Description Non-illuminated 4” deep aluminum reverse channel letters mounted to masonry retaining wall Front View Front View Side View Side View 36” 18” at lakeville at lakeville Site Plan Not to exact scale C o n t i n e n t a l P r o p e r t i e s / S p r i n g s a t L a k e v i l l e / L a k e v i l l e , M N L a kev il le , M N Approved Approved as Noted Revise & Re-submit Name Title Date Sa les R ep C J H i nes Fi le N a me s pr in gs LAK EV ILLE Des ig n TD H Dr a f t: 0 5.2 1.19 Rev 1 : Rev 2 : Rev 3 : Rev 4 : Rev 5 : Rev 6 : A Dakota County Surveyor’s Office Western Service Center  14955 Galaxie Avenue  Apple Valley, MN 55124 952.891 -7087  Fax 952.891 -7127  www.co.dakota.mn.us May 1, 2019 City of Lakeville 20195 Holyoke Ave. Lakeville, MN 55044 Re: SPRINGS AT LAKEVILLE The Dakota County Plat Commission met on April 29, 2019, to consider the preliminary plat of the above referenced plat. The plat is adjacent to CSAH 9 (Dodd Blvd.) and CSAH 23 (Cedar Ave.), and is therefore subject to the Dakota County Contiguous Plat Ordinance. The site is located in the northwest quadrant of CSAH 23 and CSAH 9, which proposes 260 multiple family dwelling units. The right-of-way needs along CSAH 23 are 100 feet of half right of way. The right-of-way needs along CSAH 9 are 75 feet of half right of way. The existing right of way is 60 feet of half right of way. As discussed, CSAH 9 is planned to be turned back to the City as part of the realignment of future Dodd Blvd/179th Street; therefore, no additional right of way is required along CSAH 9. Also the existing right of way along CSAH 9 should be able to accommodate the proposed trail but if not, the City will work with the developer on a trail easement. Restricted access is shown along all of CSAH 23 per the underlying plat of CHERRY HIGHLANDS THIRD ADDITION. As noted, the existing CSAH 23/CSAH 9 intersection will be a restricted access location in the future with the realignment of 179th Street/Dodd Blvd. and turn back of portions of Dodd Blvd. to the City. The Plat Commission has approved the preliminary plat provided that the described conditions are met. The Ordinance requires submittal of a final plat for review by the Plat Commission before a recommendation is made to the County Board of Commissioners. Traffic volumes on CSAH 9 and CSAH 23 are 12,200 and 29,000 ADT, respectively, and are anticipated to be 15,000 and 37,000 ADT by the year 2030. These traffic volumes indicate that current Minnesota noise standards for residential units could be exceeded for the proposed plat. Residential developments along County highways commonly result in noise complaints. In order for noise levels from the highway to meet acceptable levels for adjacent residential units, substantial building setbacks, buffer areas, and other noise mitigation elements should be incorporated into this development. No work shall commence in the County right of way until a permit is obtained from the County Transportation Department and no permit will be issued until the plat has been filed with the County Recorder’s Office. The Plat Commission does not review or approve the actual engineering design of proposed accesses or other improvements to be made in the right of way. Nothing herein is intended to restrict or limit Dakota County’s rights with regards to Dakota County rights of way or property. The Plat Commission highly recommends early contact with the Transportation Department to discuss the permitting process which reviews the design and may require construction of highway improvements, including, but not limited to, turn lanes, drainage features, limitations on intersecting street widths, medians, etc. Please contact Butch McConnell regarding permitting questions at (952) 891-7115 or Todd Tollefson regarding Plat Commission or Plat Ordinance questions at (952) 891-7070. Sincerely, Todd B. Tollefson Secretary, Plat Commission c: Bob McCaigue, Continental Milwaukee Madison Richmond Singapore www.kahlerslater.com 1 11 West Wisconsin Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53203 P 414.272.2000 June 17, 2019 Ryan Alvin Horizon Construction Group, Inc. 5201 East Terrace Drive, Suite 300 Madison, WI 53718 Re: Springs at Lakeville – Area of Refuge rooms Dear Ryan, Below you will find the scope clarification for the proposed Area of Refuge rooms for the Springs at Lakeville, MN project for you to provide a budget cost estimate. The Area of Refuge will be located in the a select number of attached floater and detached garage stalls located throughout the site. Area of Refuges will be designed to meet high wind requirements similar to coastal regions but will NOT be designed to meet FEMA 321. Foundation: Reinforced concrete walls and strip footings down to frost that are isolated from the overall building foundations. Assume foundation walls are 8” thick and strip footings are 3’ wide and 18” thick. Walls: Double 2x6 studs (SPF No. 2 or better) at 12” O.C. Provide full-depth blocking at 3rd points. (2) layers of plywood sheathing on outside face and (1) layer on the inside face. Minimum sheathing thickness is ¾”. Attach sheathing to studs with 16d nails using a 3/6 (edge/field) pattern. Connect studs to sill plate and roof/ceiling joists with Simpson HGA connectors and H-series hurricane ties. Connect sill plates to foundation with 5/8” diameter CIP anchors or Titen HD anchors with 3” plate washers. Provide 4-ply built- up posts at the ends of wall walls and at any openings and connect to the foundation with Simpson heavy duty hold-downs (HDU). Provide (1) Layers of 5/8” Type X impact rated gypsum board on each side of wall. Ceiling: Double 2x10 roof/ceiling joists (SPF No. 2 or better) at 12” O.C. Provide full-depth blocking at quarter points. (2) layers of plywood sheathing on top of the joists. Minimum sheathing thickness is ¾”. Attach sheathing to joists with 16d nails using a 3/6 (edge/field) pattern. Connect joists to wall studs with Simpson LGT girder tiedowns. Provide (2) layers of 5/8” Type C gypsum board on ceiling of shelter. Floor: Non-slip concrete floor sealed wit non-slip clear coat finish. Provide paint/tape marking on floor near door entry/exit indicating safe zone clearances. Doors: Provide 3’-0” x 6’-8” StormPro 320 impact rated tornado resistant door and frame assembly or similar with a 3-point latch/lock assembly. Mechanical: Provide exhaust fans, vents and all necessary ductwork for exhaust. Plumbing: Ensure that gas piping does not penetrate the Area of Refuge area Page 2 Electrical: Provide high capacity emergency lighting and controls in the Area of Refuge spaces with battery backup. See attached cut sheet. Provide electrical outlets. Fire Protection: Structure will be designed to be 2-hour rated construction. Fire Extinguisher will be required in each Area of refuge space. Signage: Install additional signage indicating location of Area of Refuge location on the exterior of each apartment building and one sign at the clubhouse reception area. Install the sign on the door that leads to each Area of Refuge room. Structural Design Parameters: ·Building Code: 2015 Minnesota State Building Code (IBC 2012 and ASCE 7-10 by reference) ·Building Risk Category: III ·Nominal Design Wind Speed (3-second gust): 200 mph ·Wind Exposure Category: C ·Building Enclosure Classification: Enclosed ·Internal Pressure Coefficient: +/- 0.18 Sincerely, KAHLER SLATER, INC. Denis Pohlman, AIA NCARB, WELL AP, CPHC c: Robert McCaigue, Continental Properties Eric Ellison, Continental Properties Burak Kicikoglu, Continental Properties Michael Nelson, Kahler Slater City of Lakeville Public Works – Engineering Division Memorandum To: Daryl Morey, Planning Director From: Alex Jordan, Assistant City Engineer McKenzie L. Cafferty, Environmental Resources Manager John Hennen, Parks and Recreation Director Copy: Zach Johnson, City Engineer Jerilyn Erickson, Finance Director Gene Abbott, Building Official Dave Olson, Community and Economic Development Director Date: June 13, 2019 Subject: Springs at Lakeville • Preliminary Plat Review • Site Plan Review • Grading and Erosion Control Plan Review • Utility Plan Review BBAACCKKGGRROOUUNNDD Continental 476 Fund, LLC. has submitted a preliminary plat named Springs at Lakeville and a rezoning application to Planned Unit Development for the construction of a 260-unit apartment complex within 13 multi-unit buildings. The proposed development is located west of and adjacent to Cedar Avenue (CSAH 23), north of and adjacent to Dodd Boulevard (CSAH 9), and south and east of and adjacent to Glacier Way. The parent parcels consist of Outlots C and D, Cherry Highlands Third, zoned C-3, General Commercial District (PID Nos. 221860000011 and 221860000012). The preliminary plat consists of one lot within one block on 15.45 acres. The proposed development will be completed by: Developer: Continental 476 Fund, LLC Engineer/Surveyor: Alliant Engineering SSPPRRIINNGGSS AATT LLAAKKEEVVIILLLLEE –– PPRREELLIIMMIINNAARRYY PPLLAATT JJUUNNEE 1133,, 22001199 PPAAGGEE 22 OOFF 66 SSIITTEE CCOONNDDIITTIIOONNSS The existing site contains vacant agricultural land. An overhead utility line is located adjacent to the south property line of the parent parcels. Existing utility service stubs were extended to the property with the development of Cherry Highlands Third subdivision. SSTTRREEEETT AANNDD SSUUBBDDIIVVIISSIIOONN LLAAYYOOUUTT Cedar Avenue (CSAH 23) Springs at Lakeville is located west of and adjacent to Cedar Avenue, a minor arterial County roadway as identified by the City’s Transportation Plan. Dakota County controls the right-of- way requirements and access locations along Cedar Avenue. Cedar Avenue is currently constructed as a four-lane divided urban roadway adjacent to the plat. The intersection of Cedar Avenue and Dodd Boulevard adjacent to the site is controlled by a traffic signal. No modifications are proposed to the signalized intersection. A ten-foot wide bituminous trail is located along both sides of Cedar Avenue. The current Dakota County Plat Needs Map dated April 16, 2013 identifies Cedar Avenue as a six-lane divided roadway with 100-feet of half right-of-way. The preliminary plat was reviewed and recommended for approval by the Dakota County Plat Commission at its April 29, 2019 meeting. The Developer is dedicating the necessary right-of-way as shown on the preliminary plat. No access is proposed from the site directly onto Cedar Avenue. The Developer is required to coordinate with Dakota County to determine if improvements will be required along Cedar Avenue. The plan for any County road improvements must be approved by Dakota County, and a permit for the work within the right-of-way must be obtained from the County. Dodd Boulevard (CSAH 9) Springs at Lakeville is located north of and adjacent to Dodd Boulevard. Dodd Boulevard is currently under the jurisdiction of Dakota County, and is identified in the City’s Transportation Plan as a major collector. Dodd Boulevard will ultimately be turned-backed to the City following the extension of 179th Street from Highview Avenue to Pilot Knob Road, as identified in the Dakota County East-West Corridor Preservation Study completed in 2003. 60- feet of ½ right-of-way was dedicated with the Cedar Highlands Third final plat. The current Dakota County Plat Review Needs Map indicates a 75-foot wide half right-of-way requirement. No additional right-of-way is required with the final plat, due to the future turn- back of Dodd Boulevard to the City. No access is proposed from the site directly onto Dodd Boulevard. Glacier Way Springs at Lakeville is located south and east of Glacier Way, a major collector roadway as identified by the City’s Transportation Plan. Glacier Way is currently constructed as a 44-foot wide 2-lane undivided urban roadway within 80-feet of right-of-way adjacent to the site. No additional right-of-way is required along Glacier Way. SSPPRRIINNGGSS AATT LLAAKKEEVVIILLLLEE –– PPRREELLIIMMIINNAARRYY PPLLAATT JJUUNNEE 1133,, 22001199 PPAAGGEE 33 OOFF 66 The Developer is proposing to construct two driveway accesses to Glacier Way; a main driveway entrance for the development and a secondary emergency only access. The emergency entrance will include a vehicular gate and the Developer shall coordinate with the City’s Police, Fire and Public Works Department to allow access to the gate at all times. The Developer shall construct commercial driveway aprons, stop signs, stop bars, and pedestrian access ramps at the driveway access locations along Glacier Way. Private Drives The Developer proposes to construct privately owned and maintained drives within the interior of the site extending from the driveway entrances. The private drives will provide access to each of the buildings and parking areas within the subdivision. SSIITTEE PPLLAANN Springs at Lakeville includes the construction of thirteen (13) multi-unit apartment buildings, totaling 260 units. Access to each of the buildings will be provided by private drives circulating the site. Access to the private drives and site will be controlled with an automated vehicular gate. The Developer has prepared turning movement templates demonstrating appropriate turn moves for residential, delivery and emergency vehicles through the site. Additionally, the Developer’s Engineer completed a traffic study to determine if any improvements would be required outside of the plat to support the development. The study concluded that no off-site improvements would be required due to the development, however the Developer should review the site lines along Glacier Way from the proposed site entrance. The City’s traffic engineering consultant reviewed the study and agreed with the recommendations outlined in the study. At grade parking areas and garage parking will be provided for the buildings and connecting to the private drives. Each building will include garage stalls within the building. Privately owned and maintained sidewalks will be constructed within the site allowing pedestrian access and connectivity within the site. A clubhouse is proposed with an outdoor pool and dedicated parking lot. CCOONNSSTTRRUUCCTTIIOONN AACCCCEESSSS Construction traffic access and egress for grading, utility, building and street construction shall be from a single rock construction entrance on Glacier Way as shown on the Erosion Control Plan. PPAARRKKSS,, TTRRAAIILLSS AANNDD SSIIDDEEWWAALLKKSS The Park Dedication requirement for the parent parcels has not been paid and will be satisfied through a cash contribution with the final plat. The Developer shall construct an 8-foot wide bituminous trail along the north side of Dodd Boulevard from 175th Street to Cedar Avenue and an 8-foot wide sidewalk along the east side SSPPRRIINNGGSS AATT LLAAKKEEVVIILLLLEE –– PPRREELLIIMMIINNAARRYY PPLLAATT JJUUNNEE 1133,, 22001199 PPAAGGEE 44 OOFF 66 of Glacier Way connecting the existing sidewalks, consistent with the City’s Transportation Plan. The Developer will be eligible to receive a credit for 3/8 of the trail construction costs and 100% of the trail construction costs not adjacent to the plat with the final plat. UUTTIILLIITTIIEESS SSAANNIITTAARRYY SSEEWWEERR Springs at Lakeville is located within subdistrict NC-20680 of the North Creek sanitary sewer district as identified in the City’s Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer Plan. Wastewater will be conveyed via existing sanitary sewer to the Empire Treatment Facility. The downstream facilities have sufficient capacity to serve the proposed commercial development. Development of Springs at Lakeville includes the construction and extension of privately owned and maintained sanitary sewer throughout the site. The Sanitary Sewer Availability Charge has not been collected on the parent parcel and shall be collected with the Building Permit Application. The Sanitary Sewer Availability Charge will be calculated at the rate in effect at the time of approval of the Building Permit Application, as determined by the City’s Building Official. WWAATTEERRMMAAIINN The watermain within Glacier Way to serve the proposed development was constructed with the Cedar Highlands Third subdivision. Development of Springs at Lakeville includes the construction and extension of a privately owned and maintained watermain system with private utility service to the buildings. The Developer shall loop the interior watermain back to Glacier Way to provide a looped distribution system. Final locations and sizes of all sanitary sewer and watermain facilities will be reviewed by City staff with the building permit applications and final construction plans. OOVVEERRHHEEAADD LLIINNEESS Overhead utility lines and poles are located on the south plat boundary. Consistent with the City’s Public Ways and Property Ordinance, the overhead utilities must be removed with development of the property. A security will be required with the final plat for the removal of the overhead utility lines and poles. DDRRAAIINNAAGGEE AANNDD GGRRAADDIINNGG Springs at Lakeville is located within subdistrict NC-39 of the North Creek stormwater district and FO-9 of the Farmington stormwater district as identified in the City’s Water Resources Management Plan. Development of Springs at Lakeville includes the construction of a privately owned and maintained stormwater basin and underground filtration chamber system. The private basin and chamber will be located within Lot 1, Block 1. The Developer shall sign a private maintenance agreement for the basins and dedicate a maintenance easement over the basin SSPPRRIINNGGSS AATT LLAAKKEEVVIILLLLEE –– PPRREELLIIMMIINNAARRYY PPLLAATT JJUUNNEE 1133,, 22001199 PPAAGGEE 55 OOFF 66 area prior to City Council consideration of the final plat. The stormwater management basin design is consistent with City requirements. The final grading plan shall identify all fill lots in which the building footings will be placed on fill material. The grading specifications shall also indicate that all embankments meet FHA/HUD 79G specifications. The Developer shall certify to the City that all lots with footings placed on fill material are appropriately constructed. Building Certificate of Occupancies will not be issued until a soils report and an as-built certified grading plan have been submitted and approved by City staff. Springs at Lakeville contains more than one acre of site disturbance. A National Pollution Discharge Elimination System General Stormwater Permit for construction activity is required from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency for areas exceeding one acre being disturbed by grading. A copy of the Notice of Stormwater Permit Coverage must be submitted to the City upon receipt from the MPCA. SSTTOORRMM SSEEWWEERR Development of Springs at Lakeville includes the construction of a privately owned and maintained storm sewer system. The private storm sewer system will connect to existing public storm sewer within Glacier Way and Cedar Avenue. The Trunk Storm Sewer Area Charge has not been collected and will be required to be paid with the final plat. Final locations and sizes of all storm sewer facilities will be reviewed by City staff with the building permit application and final construction plans. RREETTAAIINNIINNGG WWAALLLLSS Development of Springs at Lakeville includes the construction of three privately owned and maintained retaining walls. The proposed retaining walls will be located within a drainage and utility easement on Lot 1 along Cedar Avenue, Dodd Boulevard and the north plat boundary. The Developer shall post a security and enter into an encroachment and maintenance agreement with the City prior to City Council consideration of the final plat for the private improvements to be constructed within the City’s easement. Retaining walls with a combined height greater than four feet shall be designed by a registered geotechnical or structural engineer and constructed in accordance with plans and specifications consistent with MnDOT requirements. A separate building permit from the City’s Building Official is required prior to the construction of the wall. The wall shall be inspected during construction and certified by the design engineer following construction. SSPPRRIINNGGSS AATT LLAAKKEEVVIILLLLEE –– PPRREELLIIMMIINNAARRYY PPLLAATT JJUUNNEE 1133,, 22001199 PPAAGGEE 66 OOFF 66 FEMA FLOODPLAIN ANALYSIS Springs at Lakeville is located within areas shown on the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) as Zone X, as determined by FEMA. Based on this designation, no areas within the plat are located within a Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA). WWEETTLLAANNDDSS There are no wetland located on the site. TTRREEEE PPRREESSEERRVVAATTIIOONN The tree preservation plan identifies 128 total trees in the project area. The plan proposes to save 16 trees. Prior to any removals the tree protection fence line must be staked and reviewed by City Staff. Minor changes may result in additional removals or saves based on location or condition of the tree. EERROOSSIIOONN CCOONNTTRROOLL The plans include a detailed erosion and sediment control plan. The Developer is responsible for meeting all the requirements of the MPCA Construction Permit. Additional erosion control measures may be required during construction as deemed necessary by City staff. Any additional measures required shall be installed and maintained by the Developer. RREECCOOMMMMEENNDDAATTIIOONN Engineering recommends approval of the preliminary plat, site plan, grading and erosion control plan, utility plan, and tree preservation plan for Springs at Lakeville, subject to the requirements and stipulations within this report.