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July 15, 2019
Mayor Anderson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City
Hall. After a moment of silence, the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag was given.
Members Present: Mayor Anderson, Council Members Volk, Wheeler and Lee
Absent: Council Member Hellier
Staff Present: Justin Miller, City Administrator; Andrea McDowell Poehler, City Attorney;
Jeff Long, Police Chief; Paul Oehme, Public Works Director; David Olson, Community &
Economic Development Director; John Hennen, Parks & Recreation Director; Charlene
Friedges, City Clerk
3. Citizen Comments: A resident who lives at 16125 Huron Path expressed concerns about
damage to streets in residential neighborhoods caused by garbage trucks. Mr. Miller
explained the ordinance, recently adopted by the City Council, that creates service areas
and reduces garbage haulers from being in neighborhoods from five days per week to two
days per week. The ordinance takes effect February of 2020.
4. Additional Agenda Information: Mr. Miller stated Chief Meyer is unable to attend
tonight’s meeting and will present the Fire Department mid-year report at a later date.
5. Presentations/Introductions:
Liquor Director Brenda Visnovec presented, on behalf of Lakeville Liquors customers, a
donation in the amount of $24,093 to 360 Communities and The Open-Door Pantry. The
funds were raised during the Lakeville Liquors annual food drive held earlier this year. Ms.
Visnovec then presented the Liquor Department mid-year report.
The City Council proclaimed Tuesday, August 6, 2019 National Night Out in Lakeville.
6. Consent Agenda
Motion was made by Volk, seconded by Wheeler, to approve the following:
a. Minutes of the July 1, 2019 City Council meeting
b. Minutes of the June 24, 2019 City Council work session
c. Standard Service Agreement with Dakota Pet Hospital
d. Resolution No. 19-76 accepting donation from Mary Wooldrik to the Police Department
e. First Amendment to Site Lease Agreement with Clear Wireless LLC
City Council Meeting Minutes, July 15, 2019 Page 2
f. Authorize submittal of a salary waiver request to Minnesota Management and Budget
g. Acceptance of improvements and final payment to Laketown Electric Corporation for
King Park lighting phase 2, Project 18-14
h. Acceptance of improvements and final payment to KA Witt Construction, Inc. for
Legacy Park, Project 18-16
i. Accept cost estimate from Dakota Electric Association and authorize installation of a
street lighting system at the Dodd Boulevard and Flagstaff Avenue intersection, Project
j. Encroachment Agreement with Applegate and Ball for private improvements in public
k. Minnesota Department of Natural Resources License for Utility to Cross Public Waters,
Pinnacle Reserve at Avonlea
Voice vote was taken on the motion. Ayes – unanimous
7. Portable Recording System (Body Worn Cameras)
Mayor Anderson opened the public hearing on the purchase and implementation of a
portable recording system (body worn cameras) for the police department.
Deputy Chief Kornmann presented a proposed mobile video and portable audio/video
recording policy, which the police department has been working to create for the past two
years. The policy meets all requirements of state law, as well as federal grant guidelines. It
has been reviewed by the League of Minnesota Cities, city attorney and county attorney. It
was presented to various school, church and civic groups, and the public has been
supportive of the purchase and installation of body worn cameras. Testing will begin
immediately, and all officers will be equipped with a camera later this year.
There were no questions or comments from the public.
Motion was made by Wheeler, seconded by Volk, to close the public hearing.
Voice vote was taken on the motion. Ayes – unanimous
Motion was made by Wheeler, seconded by Lee, to adopt Lakeville Police Department
Policy 314, Mobile Video and Portable Audio/Video Recording.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes – Volk, Anderson, Wheeler, Lee
City Council Meeting Minutes, July 15, 2019 Page 3
8. Interstate South Logistics Park Easement Vacation
Mayor Anderson opened the public hearing to consider the vacation of a public drainage
and utility easement on property located in the southwest corner of 217th Street and Dodd
Boulevard (Interstate South Logistics Park).
Mr. Olson presented the proposed easement vacation on the QA1 Precision Products site
located at 217th Street and Dodd Boulevard. He explained that the easement is being
vacated because a public watermain is no longer needed for the project. The QA1
Precision Products building can be served by the private watermain extensions that
already exist on the site.
There were no questions or comments from the public.
Motion by Volk, seconded by Wheeler, to close the public hearing.
Voice vote was taken on the motion. Ayes - unanimous
Motion was made by Wheeler, seconded by Lee, to approve Resolution No. 19-77 vacating
a public drainage and utility easement on Lot 1, Block 1, Interstate South Logistics Park
Second Addition.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes – Anderson, Wheeler, Lee, Volk
9. Unfinished business: None
10. New business: None
11. Announcements:
Next regular Council meeting, August 5, 2019
Council work session, July 22, 2019
Motion was made by Volk, seconded by Lee, to adjourn. Mayor Anderson adjourned the
meeting at 7:48 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Charlene Friedges, City Clerk
Douglas P. Anderson, Mayor