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Date: Item No.
Resolution Amending Cellular Telephones Policy
Proposed Action
Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to approve the amendment to the
Cellular Telephones Policy 2.01.
The City of Lakeville Cellular Telephones Policy 2.01 defines what is acceptable and unacceptable
use of City provided cellular telephones. The policy is being amended to comply with the hands-
free cell phone law that was effective August 1, 2019.
Employees will be prohibited from using either personal or City provided cellular telephones in
violation of Minnesota Statutes sections 169.011 subdivision 94 and 169.475 concerning wireless
communications devices and use of wireless communications devices while in the performance
of City business.
Other language within the policy has also been updated. Employees are required to reimburse the
City for personal calls that directly impose charges over and above the City’s cell phone plan.
The proposed amendment was also reviewed by legal counsel.
Primary Issues to Consider
• Amending the cellular telephones policy would comply with hands-free cell phone
state law.
Supporting Information
• Resolution Amending Cellular Telephones Policy 2.01
• Amended Cellular Telephones Policy 2.01
Financial Impact: $ Budgeted: Y☐ N☐ Source:
Related Documents: (CIP, ERP, etc.):
Envision Lakeville Community Values: Good Value for Public Services
Report Completed by: Tammy Schutta, Human Resources Manager
August 5, 2019
WHEREAS, the City of Lakeville Cellular Telephones Policy 2.01 defines what is acceptable and
unacceptable use of City provided cellular telephones; and
WHEREAS, the policy amendment will comply with the hands-free cell phone law that was
effective August 1, 2019; and
WHEREAS, the policy amendment requires employees to reimburse the City for personal calls
that directly impose charges over and above the City’s cell phone plan.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council approves the amendments to
Cellular Telephones policy.
ADOPTED by the Lakeville City Council this 5th day of August, 2019
Douglas P. Anderson, Mayor
Charlene Friedges, City Clerk
Policy 2.01
a) This policy is intended to define acceptable and unacceptable use of City provided cellular
mobile telephones. Its application is to ensure that the use of public property is consistent
with the best interests of the City and its citizens, without unnecessary restriction of
employees in the conduct of their duties.
b) The intent of cellular telephones is to provide for versatility in dealing withconducting City
business, including unusual or urgent circumstances, job tasking to maximize employee
efficiency, to expedite conducting business in working environments outside of the office,
and to provide a public service to citizens in special need.
a) Employees are encouraged to use the City provided cellular telephones for a legitimate
purpose. Payment for telephone calls made consistent with the purpose and intent are the
responsibility of each individual department.
b) Personal Calls calls will be made and received only when absolutely necessary. Such calls must
not interfere with working operations and are to be completed as quickly as possible.
.Employees must reimburse the City for personal calls that directly impose charges over and
above the City’s cell phone plan.
i) Outgoing Calls. On a limited basis, or as the need arises, an employee may be allowed to
make personal calls. These instances would include notifying someone of unexpected
overtime, medical emergencies, or other work‐related matters. All personal calls much
be kept to a minimum length. The City must be reimbursed on a monthly basis for all
other personal calls.
ii) Incoming Calls. The employee has less discretion when responding to incoming calls.
Incoming calls are considered to be business calls until such time as the employee can
make a determination as to its purpose. If such a call is personal in nature and the
employee elects to continue the conversation, the employee is responsible for
c) Employees are prohibited from using either personal or City provided cellular telephones in
violation of Minnesota Statutes sections 169.011 subdivision 94 and 169.475 concerning
wireless communications devices and use of wireless communications devices while in the
performance of City business.
d) A vehicle operator is allowed to use a cellular telephone only by voice commands or single‐
touch activation without holding the phone while operating a City or personal vehicle being
used for City business, except as otherwise authorized under Minnesota Statute 169.475.
e) Voice and single‐touch activation may be achieved through paring the cellular telephone to
the vehicle, use of single earphone with a microphone either paired through a Bluetooth
connection or connected by wire to the cellular telephone, or the use of a Bluetooth speaker
with microphone paired to the cellular telephone.
a) Verification will be made through the utilization of a cellular telephone log. This log will be
completed for all personal calls made or received and turned in to a designated employee of
the department involved on a daily basis. This log will record the following information:
i) Date
ii) Appropriate time call placed/received
iii) Name of responsible employee
a) The Information Technology Department Finance Department will be responsible for reviewing
the distributing copies of the cellular invoice telephone billing on a monthly basis. to each
department for verification. and reimbursement for all personal calls. If there is unusual large
activity/usage, then the report is sent to the department for further review. It will be the
responsibility of the department director to determine and track personal cellular calls and the
reimbursement process for any overages. Department directors should provide employees any
overage reports on a monthly basis. Employees must reimburse the City for personal calls that
directly impose charges over and above the City’s cellular phone plan.
c)b) Proper use and care of City equipment must much be taken to insure the security of a cellular
telephone (which may or may not be portable). To that end, employees must keep their
vehicle locked when not in use.
d)c) Abuse or misuse of such cellular telephones may be considered as grounds for disciplinary
action under the personnel policy and/or collective bargaining agreements.
CELLULAR TELEPHONES ~ Draft (no redline version)
Policy 2.01
a) This policy is intended to define acceptable and unacceptable use of City provided cellular
telephones. Its application is to ensure the use of public property is consistent with the
best interests of the City and its citizens, without unnecessary restriction of employees in
the conduct of their duties.
b) The intent of cellular telephones is to provide for versatility in conducting City business,
including unusual or urgent circumstances, job tasking to maximize employee efficiency,
conducting business in working environments outside of the office, and to provide a public
service to citizens in special need.
a) Employees are encouraged to use the City provided cellular telephones for a legitimate
purpose. Payment for telephone calls made consistent with the purpose and intent are the
responsibility of each individual department.
b) Personal calls will be made and received only when absolutely necessary. Such calls must not
interfere with working operations and are to be completed as quickly as possible. Employees
must reimburse the City for personal calls that directly impose charges over and above the
City’s cell phone plan.
c) Employees are prohibited from using either personal or City provided cellular telephones in
violation of Minnesota Statutes sections 169.011 subdivision 94 and 169.475 concerning
wireless communications devices and use of wireless communications devices while in the
performance of City business.
d) A vehicle operator is allowed to use a cellular telephone only by voice commands or single‐
touch activation without holding the phone while operating a City or personal vehicle being
used for City business, except as otherwise authorized under Minnesota Statute 169.475.
e) Voice and single‐touch activation may be achieved through paring the cellular telephone to
the vehicle, use of single earphone with a microphone either paired through a Bluetooth
connection or connected by wire to the cellular telephone, or the use of a Bluetooth speaker
with microphone paired to the cellular telephone.
a) The Information Technology Department will be responsible for reviewing the cellular invoice
on a monthly basis. If there is unusual large activity/usage, then the report is sent to the
department for further review. It will be the responsibility of the department director to
determine and track personal cellular calls and the reimbursement process for any overages.
Department directors should provide employees any overage reports on a monthly basis.
Employees must reimburse the City for personal calls that directly impose charges over and
above the City’s cellular phone plan.
b) Proper use and care of City equipment must be taken to insure the security of a cellular
c) Abuse or misuse of such cellular telephones may be considered as grounds for disciplinary
action under the personnel policy and/or collective bargaining agreements.