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Planning Department
To: Planning Commission
From: Daryl Morey, Planning Director
Date: August 28, 2019
Subject: Packet Material for the September 5, 2019 Planning Commission Meeting
Agenda Item: Zoning Ordinance Amendment – Storm Shelters
On July 18, 2019 the Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of
amendments to the Zoning and Subdivision ordinances as part of the annual review and
update of these ordinances. At their August 5, 2019 meeting the City Council approved the
amendments, with the exception of the changes to Section 11-17-27 (Storm Shelters) of the
Zoning Ordinance recommended by staff and Planning Commission. The City Council
directed staff to draft an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance that eliminates the storm
shelter requirement entirely. As such, a new public hearing notice was prepared that includes
the four sections in the Zoning Ordinance that refer to the storm shelter requirement. The
attached redlined ordinance reflects the direction of the City Council.
• Proposed Zoning Ordinance amendment (redlined)
• August 5, 2019 City Council minutes
• Zoning Ordinance amendment (Section 11-17-27) recommended by the Planning
Commission (redlined)
Section 1. Section 11-17-27 of the Zoning Ordinance (Storm Shelter) is hereby deleted
in its entirety:
11-17-27: STORM SHELTER:
A. Any dwelling or dwelling units that are constructed slab on-grade, provisions shall be made
to provide for storm protection internally to the dwelling or dwelling unit. Storm shelters
internal to the dwelling or dwelling unit shall be provided in a bathroom or laundry room
so as to ensure accessibility and that the storm shelter is not obstructed by storage.
B. Compliance with this requirement shall be based upon federal emergency management
agency (FEMA) guidelines and standards, except that the shelter door shall be solid core
construction (not limited to metal) and only one deadbolt lock shall be required.
Section 2. Section 11-57-19.E of the Zoning Ordinance (RST-2 District – Design and
Construction Standards) is hereby deleted in its entirety:
E. Storm Shelter: In cases where dwelling units are constructed slab on grade, provisions
shall be made to provide for storm protection as required by section 11-17-27 of this title.
Section 3. Section 11-58-21.E of the Zoning Ordinance (RM-1 District – Design and
Construction Standards) is hereby deleted in its entirety:
E. Storm Shelter: In cases where dwelling units are constructed slab on grade, provisions
shall be made to provide for storm protection as required by section 11-17-27 of this title.
Section 4. Section 11-59-21.E of the Zoning Ordinance (RM-2 District – Design and
Construction Standards) is hereby deleted in its entirety:
E. Storm Shelter: In cases where dwelling units are constructed slab on grade, provisions
shall be made to provide for storm protection as required by section 11-17-27 of this title.
Section 5. This Ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and
publication according to law.
ADOPTED by the Lakeville City Council this ______ day of ______________, 2019.
BY: _______________________
Douglas P. Anderson, Mayor
BY: ________________________
Charlene Friedges, City Clerk
City Council Meeting Minutes, August 5, 2019 Page 4
9. Zoning Ordinance Amendment
Dan Licht presented an ordinance amending Titles 5, 10 and 11 of the City Code, which
represents phase one of the city's zoning ordinance update. Phase one addresses the
administrative section of the zoning ordinance. It includes amendments that clarify
various provisions related to animals, development fees, exterior finish materials, storm
shelters, parking, fences, signs, Central Business District uses, RM -1 District standards,
commercial recreation and P -OS District standards.
Council members asked staff to address the exemption for the height of church crosses
with phase two of the zoning ordinance update later this year.
Steven Pattee, representing All Saints Church, thanked the City Council and staff for
considering an amendment to allow dynamic display signs for churches located in a
residential zoning district.
Council members discussed Section 9 of the proposed ordinance related to storm shelters.
Council members Hellier, Volk and Wheeler expressed a desire to eliminate the provision
for storm protection for residential dwellings that are constructed slab -on -grade in order
to make housing more affordable.
Mayor Anderson stated, from a public safety standpoint, he supports the storm shelter
provision as presented. Council Member Lee also supported the storm shelter
requirement but questioned the 500 -foot distance to a common storm shelter building.
Council members expressed a desire to adopt the proposed ordinance, except for Section
9 related to storm shelters, and direct staff to draft an ordinance that removes the storm
shelter requirement entirely. Mayor Anderson stated he prefers to move ahead with the
ordinance as presented.
Motion was made by Hellier, seconded by Volk, to adopt Ordinance No. 1015 and a
summary ordinance for publication, except for Section 9.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes - Wheeler, Hellier, Lee, Volk; Nay - Anderson
10. Unfinished business: None
11. New business: None
12. Announcements: Next regular Council meeting, August 19, 2019
Motion was made by Hellier, seconded by Wheeler, to adjourn.
Section 9. Section 11-17-27 of the Zoning Ordinance (Storm Shelter) is hereby amended
to read as follows:
11-17-27: STORM SHELTER:
A. For any dwelling or dwelling units that are constructed slab on-grade, provisions shall be
made to provide for storm protection either internally to the dwelling or dwelling unit,
including within an attached garage provided that the area of the attached garage is
increased to accommodate the storm shelter without impacting the minimum area required
for parking vehicles and storage, or reinforced areas of refuge within a common building(s)
accessible to residents not more than five hundred (500) feet from a dwelling. Storm
shelters internal to the dwelling or dwelling unit shall be provided in a bathroom or laundry
room so as to ensure accessibility and that the storm shelter is not obstructed by
B. Compliance with this requirement shall be based upon federal emergency management
agency (FEMA) guidelines and standards, except that the shelter door shall be solid core
construction (not limited to metal) and only one deadbolt lock shall be required.