HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 06.g September 3, 2019 Item No. _____ RECYCLE MINNESOTA CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT Proposed Action Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to approve the Recycle Minnesota conditional use permit and adopt the findings of fact. Overview DMAC Real Estate Management Company, LLC (doing business as Recycle Minnesota) representatives have submitted a conditional use permit application and plans for a storage silo structure with a height over 45 feet tall in the I-1, Light Industrial District. The proposed silo will store recycled glass, such as beverage bottles and food jars, that is periodically loaded into a semi- trailer for over the road transport. The silo will be part of a building addition currently under construction. The Recycle Minnesota property is located at 8812 – 215th Street. The Planning Commission held a public hearing at their August 15, 2019 meeting. The Planning Commission determined that the request was consistent with other storage silo structures taller than 45 feet in the Airlake Industrial Park that have been approved by conditional use permit. The Planning Commission modified stipulation 3d to allow the storage silo to be white or an earth-tone color and recommended unanimous approval of the conditional use permit subject to the six stipulations listed in the planning report, as modified. There was no public comment. Primary Issues to Consider What is the purpose of the storage silo? The silo will be used to store processed (shattered) glass collected by Dick’s Sanitation’s residential recyclables operations. The silo will allow glass to be processed and stored in a contained environment before transfer to trucks for hauling. Supporting Information • Conditional Use Permit form • Findings of fact • August 15, 2019 draft Planning Commission meeting minutes • August 9, 2019 planning report Financial Impact: $ None Budgeted: Y☐ N☐ Source: Related Documents: (CIP, ERP, etc.): Envision Lakeville Community Values: Diversified Economic Development Report Completed by: Frank Dempsey, AICP, Associate Planner Zoning Ordinance (Reserved for Dakota County Recording Information) CITY OF LAKEVILLE DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 19- ___ 1. Permit. Subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein, the City of Lakeville hereby grants a conditional use permit to DMAC Real Estate Management Company, LLC (Recycle Minnesota, LLC) to allow a storage silo with a height over 45 feet in the I-1, Light Industrial District located at 8812 – 215th Street West. 2. Property. The conditional use permit is for the following described property in the City of Lakeville, Dakota County, Minnesota: Lot 1, Block 1, Airlake Development Sixth Addition, except the west 120 feet thereof 3. Conditions. This conditional use permit is issued subject to the following conditions: a) The site and building improvements shall be developed according to the plans approved by the City Council. b) The storage silo shall be constructed in the location shown on the approved site plan and shall be set back at least 55 feet from the front property line (CSAH 70 right-of-way line). c) The storage silo shall not exceed 69 feet in height. d) The storage silo shall be painted white or an earth tone color to match the color of the principal building. e) Containment measures shall be taken at the outlet of the silo chute to prevent glass and paper from becoming airborne and leaving the containment area while loading into the trucks. f) Authorization for the height and construction of the storage silo will be required from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) prior to the issuance of a building permit for the silo. 4. Revocation. The City may revoke the conditional use permit for cause upon determination that the conditional use permit is not in conformance with the conditions of the permit or is in continued violation of the city code or other applicable regulations. 5. Expiration. This conditional use permit shall expire unless the applicant commences the authorized use within one year of the date of this conditional use permit unless an extension is approved by the Zoning Administrator. DATED: September 3, 2019 CITY OF LAKEVILLE BY: ________________________ Douglas P. Anderson, Mayor BY: ________________________ Charlene Friedges, City Clerk The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 3rd day of September 2019, by Douglas P. Anderson, Mayor and by Charlene Friedges, City Clerk of the City of Lakeville, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation. __________________________ Notary Public DRAFTED BY: City of Lakeville 20195 Holyoke Avenue Lakeville, MN 55044 1 CITY OF LAKEVILLE DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RECYCLE MINNESOTA CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FINDINGS OF FACT AND DECISION On August 15, 2019 the Lakeville Planning Commission met at it’s regularly scheduled meeting to consider the application of DMAC Real Estate Management Company, LLC (Recycle Minnesota, LLC) for a conditional use permit to allow a storage silo with a height over 45 feet in the I-1, Light Industrial District located at 8812 – 215th Street. The Planning Commission held a public hearing on the proposed conditional use permit preceded by published and mailed notice. The applicant was present and the Planning Commission heard testimony from all interested persons wishing to speak. The City Council hereby adopts the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The property is located in Planning District No. 8 of the 2030 Land Use Plan, which guides the property for industrial uses. 2. The property is zoned I-1, Light Industrial District. 3. The legal description of the property is: Lot 1, Block 1, Airlake Development Sixth Addition, except the west 120.00 feet thereof. 4. Section 11-4-3E of the City of Lakeville Zoning Ordinance provides that a conditional use permit may not be issued unless certain criteria are satisfied. The criteria and our findings regarding them are: a. The proposed action has been considered in relation to the specific policies and provisions of and has been found to be consistent with the official City Comprehensive Plan. Finding: The proposed silo is part of a permitted industrial use of the property and is consistent with the 2030 Land Use Plan and District 8 recommendations of the Comprehensive Plan. b. The proposed use is or will be compatible with present and future land uses of the area. 2 Finding: Provided compliance with the conditional use permit, the 69-foot tall storage silo will be compatible with existing and future land uses in the area. c. The proposed use conforms with all performance standards contained in the Zoning Ordinance. Finding: Provided compliance with the conditional use permit, the storage silo will conform to all performance standards contained in the Zoning Ordinance and the City Code. d. The proposed use can be accommodated with existing public services and will not overburden the City’s service capacity. Finding: The subject property lies within the current MUSA. The property is served with public sanitary sewer and water. The storage silo will have no impact on the City’s service capacity. e. Traffic generation by the proposed use is within capabilities of streets serving the property. Finding: The storage silo will not overburden the streets serving the property. 5. The planning report dated August 9, 2019 prepared by Associate Planner Frank Dempsey is incorporated herein. DECISION The City Council approves the DMAC Real Estate Management Company, LLC (Recycle Minnesota, LLC) Conditional Use Permit in the form attached thereto. DATED: September 3, 2019 CITY OF LAKEVILLE BY:_____________________________ Douglas P. Anderson, Mayor BY:_____________________________ Charlene Friedges, City Clerk Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, August 15, 2019 Page 3 11103 – 181st Street, and adoption of the Findings of Fact dated August 15, 2019, subject to the following ten stipulations, as amended: 1. The detached accessory building shall be constructed in the location identified on the certificate of survey dated July 19, 2019. 2. The detached accessory building shall be constructed with the materials noted on the approved conditional use permit plans including factory pre-finished steel siding and pre-finished steel roofing. Total building height shall not exceed 18.5 feet, as shown on the approved conditional use permit plans. 3. The detached accessory building shall be kept, used and maintained in a manner that is compatible with the existing single family home on the property and shall not present a hazard to the public health, safety and general welfare. 4. A building permit must be approved by the City prior to construction of the new detached accessory building. 5. No sanitary sewer service shall be provided to the detached accessory building and the detached accessory building shall not be used as a dwelling. 6. No home occupation or other commercial use shall occur in any accessory building on the property. The detached accessory building shall not be used for the operation of any commercial business or storage of commercial materials or equipment. 7. The existing detached accessory building shall be removed from the property prior to final building inspection. A $500 escrow shall be submitted prior to the issuance of a building permit to ensure completion of this requirement. 8. The driveway shall be paved with concrete, asphalt or paving brick no later than June 30, 2020. A $2,000 escrow shall be submitted prior to the issuance of a building permit to ensure completion of this requirement. 9. A staggered row of five (5) evergreen trees shall be planted between the detached accessory building and the north property line in order to provide the required permanent screening. The trees shall be staggered in rows at a minimum of 15 feet off center and shall be 8 feet in height or taller at time of planting in accordance with Zoning Ordinance requirements. Plant material centers shall not be located closer than ten feet (10’) from the property line. The plantings shall be of sufficient density to provide a substantially continuous visual screen at maturity of the installed plantings. A $2,500 escrow shall be submitted prior to the issuance of a building permit to ensure completion of this requirement. 10.The detached accessory building shall be removed from the subject property if the subject property is subdivided into additional lots. Ayes: Swenson, Reuvers, Lillehei, Einck, Witte, Drotning Nays: 0 6. Recycle Minnesota Vice Chair Einck opened the public hearing to consider the application of Brett Anderson, representing DMAC Real Estate Management Company, LLC for a conditional use permit to allow a building/structure height exceeding 45 feet in the I-1, Light Industrial District, located at 8812 – 215th Street. Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, August 15, 2019 Page 4 Brett Anderson representing DMAC Real Estate Management Company, LLC and Jim Connelly from APPRO Development were in attendance at tonight’s meeting. Mr. Anderson presented an overview of their request. Mr. Anderson stated that they have been trying to make their Recycle Minnesota business more efficient and they believe having this silo on the property will help the property look better. He referred to Stipulation #4 which states “The storage silo shall be painted an earth tone color to match the color of the principal building.” He stated that they are purchasing an existing silo building and they would like to keep it the current white color. He feels that if they paint over the existing color, the paint could chip and end up looking worse. Associate Planner Frank Dempsey presented the planning report. Mr. Dempsey stated that DMAC Real Estate Management Company, LLC is requesting approval of a conditional use permit to allow the construction of a 69-foot tall storage silo for Recycle Minnesota. The proposed silo will store recycled glass, such as beverage bottles and food jars, that is then periodically loaded into a semi-trailer for over the road transport. Mr. Dempsey stated that the property is accessed from 215th Street (CSAH 70) via a shared private driveway with Boise Cascade to the east and from the west via cross easements from Dick’s Sanitation and Humboldt Road. The site plan shows the existing building, the approved addition, which is currently under construction, and the proposed silo as well as modifications proposed to the grass island between Recycle Minnesota and Dick’s Sanitation to allow cross traffic and circulation between the two properties. Mr. Dempsey indicated that both properties are under common ownership and an easement is recorded for permanent use of the cross access. Mr. Dempsey stated that the proposed parking lot and drive aisles meet the size and dimension requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. Mr. Dempsey reviewed how the County Road 70 Improvement Project will affect the subject property, which is explained in more detail in the August 9, 2019 planning report. Mr. Dempsey reviewed the Zoning Ordinance criteria to allow buildings to exceed the height limitations within the individual zoning districts through a conditional use permit. Mr. Dempsey indicated that staff’s intent with stipulation #4 was to match the silo color to the building color. Mr. Dempsey stated that staff recommends approval of the Recycle Minnesota conditional use permit, and adoption of the Findings of Fact dated August 18, 2019, subject to the six stipulations listed in the August 9, 2019 planning report. Vice Chair Einck opened the hearing to the public for comment. There were no comments from the audience. Motion was made by Reuvers, seconded by Witte to close the public hearing at 6:28 p.m. Voice vote was taken on the motion. Ayes - unanimous Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, August 15, 2019 Page 5 Vice Chair Einck asked for comments from the Planning Commission. Discussion points included: • There was further discussion on the color of the silo. The Planning Commission concurred that the silo will be a big improvement for the site. • Mr. Connelly explained that it would be quite an undertaking to paint the silo and it would cost approximately $15,000. • Staff confirmed that the Zoning Ordinance does not require the silo to be white. • Mr. Dempsey commented that if it wasn’t for the height of the silo exceeding 35 feet, this request would not be in front of the Planning Commission. If the silo becomes an eyesore, the City can require maintenance to prevent a blighted condition on the property according to the City Code. • The Planning Commissioners agreed to remove stipulation #4 that states: “The storage silo shall be painted an earth tone color to match the color of the principal building.” • Commissioner Lillehei asked Mr. Anderson to explain the glass recycling process, which Mr. Anderson proceeded to do. Motion was made by Lillehei, seconded by Reuvers to recommend to City Council approval of the Recycle Minnesota conditional use permit to allow a building/structure height exceeding 45 feet in the I-1, Light Industrial District, located at 8812 – 215th Street, and adoption of the Findings of Fact dated August 15, 2019, subject to the following stipulations, as amended: 1. The site and building improvements shall be developed according to the plans approved by the City Council. 2. The storage silo shall be constructed in the location shown on the approved site plan and shall be set back at least 55 feet from the front property line (CSAH 70 right-of-way line). 3. The storage silo shall not exceed 69 feet in height. 4. Containment measures shall be taken at the outlet of the silo chute to prevent glass and paper from becoming airborne and leaving the containment area while loading into the trucks. 5. Authorization for the height and construction of the storage silo will be required from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) prior to the issuance of a building permit for the silo. Ayes: Reuvers, Lillehei, Einck, Witte, Drotning, Swenson Nays: 0 There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:41 pm. Respectfully submitted, Penny Brevig, Recording Secretary City of Lakeville Planning Department Memorandum To: Planning Commission From: Frank Dempsey, AICP, Associate Planner Date: August 9, 2019 Subject: Packet Material for the August 15, 2019 Planning Commission Meeting Agenda Item: Recycle Minnesota Conditional Use Permit Application Action Deadline: September 17, 2019 INTRODUCTION DMAC Real Estate Management Company, LLC, has submitted an application for a conditional use permit to allow the construction of a 69-foot tall storage silo on property located at 8812 – 215th Street. The business at this location is operated as Recycle Minnesota. Recycle Minnesota received conditional use permit approval in 2017 to operate a waste transfer station from the property. A building addition for the waste transfer station is now under construction. The property is located east of and abutting Dick’s Sanitation. The proposed silo will store recycled glass, such as beverage bottles and food jars, that is then periodically loaded into a semi-trailer for over the road transport. The property is zoned I-1, Light Industrial District which allows a building height of 45 feet unless a conditional use permit is approved to exceed that height. EXHIBITS A. Location and Zoning Map B. Aerial Photo C. Applicant Narrative D. Property Survey 2 E. Site Plan F. Grading, Drainage and Utility Plan G. Elevation Plans (3 Pages) H. Proposed Improvements to MAC Property PLAN ANALYSIS Surrounding Land Uses and Zoning North – 215th Street (CSAH 70) and Industrial Building (I-1 District) South – Metropolitan Airports Commission Property/Airlake Airport (I-2 District) East – Boise Cascade (I-1 District) West – Dick’s Sanitation (PUD District) Property. The subject property is 6.31 acres in area and is zoned I-1, Light Industrial District. The property is served with City sewer and water services. The existing building was constructed in 2004 and is now being expanded in accordance with the conditional use permit approved in 2017 for the waste transfer station. The property is accessed from 215th Street (CSAH 70) via a shared private driveway with Boise Cascade to the east and from the west via cross easements from Dick’s Sanitation and Humboldt Road. Site Plan. The site plan shows the existing building, the proposed addition and the proposed silo as well as modifications proposed to the grass island between Recycle Minnesota and Dick’s Sanitation to allow cross traffic and circulation between the two properties. Both properties are under common ownership and an easement is recorded for permanent use of the cross access. The property includes an existing railroad spur that will be modified to accommodate the new addition. Recycle Minnesota will use the rail spur to ship recyclable products from the property. Vehicle Circulation. Trucks and other vehicles will be able to enter and leave the property from the north at 215th Street (CSHA 70) and from the west through the Dick’s Sanitation property via Humboldt Court. Cross access easements are in place on both adjacent properties. Existing and proposed drive aisles and turning movements comply with Zoning Ordinance requirements. County Road 70 Improvement Project and Private Road/Railroad Spur. As part of the planning for the two-year CSAH 70 improvement project beginning in 2020, City staff has been working with the Metropolitan Airports Commission (MAC), Dick’s Sanitation, Recycle Minnesota, Boise Cascade and Progressive Rail on a plan to improve access to CSAH 70 since full turning movements at Humboldt Road and Holyoke Avenue will be restricted to a three-quarter turning movement design (no left turns onto CSAH 70). The plan includes construction of a private road would be constructed along the south side of the Dick’s Sanitation property abutting 3 Humboldt Road then due east and north to allow access from Dick’s Recycle Minnesota and Boise Cascade to have direct access from their properties to Humboldt Road, Dodd Boulevard. The plan would allow an expansion of outdoor storage areas for Dick’s Sanitation, Recycle Minnesota, Boise Cascade, and possible rail car storage for Progressive Rail on part of the MAC property. The MAC property currently functions as the Airlake Airport runway safety zone under control of MAC and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Approval of the private road, storage area, and rail construction requires MAC and FAA approvals. Landscaping. Landscape screening was installed along the north property line at the time the property was developed in 2004. No additional landscape screening is required. Parking. The office, processing and warehouse space of the existing 41,834 square foot Recycle Minnesota building requires 70 parking spaces. The 21,240 square foot addition will require an additional 19 parking spaces for a total of 89 parking spaces for the 63,074 square foot building. The site plan indicates that some of the parking on the north side of the building will be removed and relocated on site. The site will have 53 striped parking spaces and 36 deferred parking spaces. The parking on the east side of the building will be reconfigured for two-way traffic. The 36 deferred parking spaces will be located along the south property line. A maximum of 50% of the required parking spaces provided the applicant can adequately demonstrate that the total required number of required parking spaces are not necessary for their operations at this time. The applicant indicates that there will be an estimated 35 employees on site at any time during operations. The proposed parking lot and drive aisles meet the size and dimension requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. City staff is authorized by the Zoning Ordinance to administratively approve a parking deferment. Silo and Building Height Criteria. The storage silo will be 69 feet tall. Section 11-17-7 of the Zoning Ordinance allows buildings to exceed the height limitations established within the individual zoning districts through a conditional use permit provided that: 1. The site is capable of accommodating the increased intensity of use (building height). The property is capable of accommodating the proposed 69-foot tall silo including setback requirements. The silo shall be painted an earth tone color to match the color of the principal building. Materials containment measures shall be taken at the outlet of the silo chute to prevent glass and paper from becoming airborne to leaving the containment area while loading into the trucks. 2. The increased intensity of use does not cause an increase in traffic volumes beyond the capacity of the surrounding streets. 4 The proposed 69-foot tall silo will not increase traffic volumes beyond what can be accommodated by the surrounding streets. 3. Public utilities and services are adequate. Public utilities are in place to accommodate the proposed 69-foot tall silo. 4. For each additional story over three (3) stories or for each additional ten feet (10') above forty-five feet (45'), front and side yard setback requirements shall be increased by five feet (5'). The minimum building setback requirements in the I-1, General Industrial District are as follows: Front – 40 feet Sides – 10 feet Rear – 30 feet The minimum front yard setback for the 69-foot tall silo is 55 feet due to the proposed height greater than 45 feet. The proposed silo will be set back 55 feet, six inches from the front property line. 5. The increased height is not in conflict with airport zoning regulations as provided in chapter 36 of this title. The proposed 69-foot tall silo on the north side of the existing building is not located within the Airlake Airport runway State Safety Zone. Authorization from the FAA may be required prior to a building permit being issued for construction of the silo. Similar silo structures were approved in Airlake Industrial Park closer to the airport and up to 100 feet tall in 1999, 2004, 2011 and 2014. 6. The performance standards and criteria of chapter 4 of this title are considered and satisfied. Findings of Fact are attached 5 RECOMMENDATION Planning Department staff recommends approval of the Recycle Minnesota conditional use permit subject to the following stipulations: 1. The site and building improvements shall be developed according to the plans approved by the City Council. 2. The storage silo shall be constructed in the location shown on the approved site plan and shall be set back at least 55 feet from the front property line (CSAH 70) right-of-way line). 3. The storage silo shall not exceed 69 feet in height. 4. The storage silo shall be painted an earth tone color to match the color of the principal building. 5. Containment measures shall be taken at the outlet of the silo chute to prevent glass and paper from becoming airborne to leaving the containment area while loading into the trucks. 6. Authorization for the height and construction of the storage silo will be required from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) prior to the issuance of a building permit for the silo. cc: Recycle Minnesota APPRO Development O-R RM-1 P/OS PUD RH-1 I-1 I-2 RM-1 RS-2 I-1 PUD P/OS I-1 I-2 P/OS PUD C-3 70 217TH ST WHYACINTHAVE HOLYOKE AVE212TH ST W 210TH ST W 211T H S T W IBISAVE215TH ST W HUMBOLDT RD215TH ST WHYTRAILCIRHYTRAILCIRCONDITIONAL U S E P E R M I T8812 2 1 5 T H S T R E E T Conditional Use Permit 8812 - 215th Street Property Information Ju ly 2 5, 2019 0 450 900225 ft 0 130 26065 m 1:4,800 Disclaimer: Map and parcel data are believed to be accurate, but accuracy is not guaranteed. This is not a legal document and should not be substituted for a title search,appraisal, survey, or for zoning verification. SB-23SB-13SB-14SB-15SB-22SB-11SB-21SB-16SB-17SB-2SB-12SB-11SB-24Lakeville, MN 55044APPRO Development, Inc.21476 Grenada AvenueCERTIFICATE OF SURVEY& TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYAND DEMOLITION PLANRECYCLE MINNESOTALAKEVILLE, MN XXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXPROPOSED ONE STORY ADDITIONTRUCK LOAD OUTDOCKSSLOPES UP 5.9%LOADINGAREAOPNG21,240 SF FOOTPRINTSLOPES DN 5.9% MAXEXISTING BUILDINGEXISTING SCALE TO REMAINNEW BITUMINOUS AREATRUCK LEAVING LOAD OUT AREAEXISTING DOOR OPENING INFILLEDNEW OPENINGNEW MUD RAIL AND RAIL SPUR LOCATIONEDGE OF EXISTING BIT.RAIL CAR POSITION AT BUILDINGRETAINING WALL WITH MTL GUARDRAILRETAINING WALL WITH MTL GUARDRAILONE WAY THRU DRIVEEXISTING SHARED DRIVEEXISTINGDRIVEENTRANCEEXISTINGDRIVEENTRANCEPROPERTY LINE 274' +/-EXISTING CURB & GUTTEREXISTINGDOCKSEXISTING BITUMINOUS DRIVEEXISTING OFFICERESTRIPE AUTO PARKING SPACESEXISTING AUTO PARKINGTRUCKTRAFFICFLOWEXISTING BITUMINOUS SURFACETRUCKTRAFFICFLOWSHADED AREAS INDOCATE NEW BITUMINOUSPROPERTY/R.O.W. LINE 701 +/-EXISTING CURB & GUTTERTURFPROPERTY LINE 173' +/-NEW REALIGNED RAILEXISTING RAILEXISTING STORMWATER BASINSLOPES DOWN 8%EXISTING AUTO PARKING AREAEXIST. LANDSCAPE BERMRELOCATE EXIST. GATE TO NEW DRIVE LANEEXIST. DUMPSTER LOCATION34' - 8 5/16"20' - 0"20' - 0"28' - 0"171' - 0"4' - 0"PROP LINE 363' +/-PROOF OF PARKING OR DEFERRED SPACESEXISTING HC ACCESSIBLE PARKING SPACES AND ACCESS AISLENEW LANDSCAPE AREANEW EDGE OF BIT.PROPERTY LINE 153' +/-PROVIDE SAWCUT OR CLEAN EDGEEXISTING BIT. SURFACEPROP LINE 363' +/-ACCESSIBLE ENTRY INTO ADDITIONRETAINING WALL W/ MTL. GUARDRAILEXIST. DRIVE-IN DOORSC.S.A.H. 70 - 215TH ST. W.PROPERTY LINE 298' +/-25' - 0"74' - 1 1/2"111' - 11"62' - 11 5/16"190' - 4 3/16"29' - 10 3/16"1A1-1NEW SIDEWALK, SLOPES UP TO DOORGRADE TO SLOPE AWAY FROM BUILDINGNEW ROCK MULCH TO MATCH EXIST.EXIST. ELECTRICAL TRANSFORMEREXISTING TREES & TURF TO REMAINEXISTING TREESCONC APRON - SEE SOILS FOR THICKNESS399' - 0"18' - 0"191816NEW CURB RAMPEXIST. FENCEEXIST GATE RE-ALIGNGATEGATENEW FENCE AND GATESILO LOCATIONSILO SETBACK55' - 5 3/4" ScaleProject numberDateDrawn byChecked by21476 GRENADA AVENUELAKEVILLE, MN 55044PH: 952-469-2171FAX: 952-469-2173EMAIL: office@approdevelopment.com 1" = 40'-0"8/6/2019 2:28:16 PMA1-1.1SITE - SILO17-02-00838812 215TH STREET WEST,LAKEVILLE MN 5504417-02-0083DRSJAC 1" = 40'-0"A1-1.11SITE PLAN40'20'0'40'NORTHNo. Description Date08/06/19 975. 0 0 975. 0 0 979. 0 0974. 6 975. 0 0 975. 0 0 970. 3970. 3 SB-23 SB-13SB-14 SB-15 SB-22 SB-11 SB-21 SB-16 SB-17 SB-2 SB-12 SB-11 SB-24 973. 5 0 974. 0 0 974. 3 8 974. 7 5 975. 0 974. 0 CONC. RET. WALL TOW=979.50 BOW=975.00 979. 0 0 976 . 7 4 974. 4 7 974. 2 0 974. 5 0 973. 9 0 978. 7 0 974. 3 5 NEW WALK TRENCH DRAIN DISCHARGE TO INTERIOR CATCH BASIN ON EACH SIDE OF ENTRY AND FORCE MAIN TO NORTH SIDE OF BUILDING. TRENCH DRAIN TC=970.30 TRENCH DRAIN INVERT=968.80 WET-TAP EXISTING 12" WATER MAIN AND INSTALL 60 L.F. OF 8" DIP WATER MAIN TO BUILDING.CONC. APRONCONC. APRON 974. 5 0 974. 7 974. 7 974. 0 974. 9 974. 3 974. 6 EXCAVATE 4" IN EXISTING DRAINAGE SWALE TO GAIN 280 CU. FT. OF STORAGE 2,549 SQ. FT. OF NEW IMPERVIOUS = 212 CU. FT. OF ON SITE STORAGE/INFILTRATION NEEDED. SEE EXCAVATION IN SWALE BELOW. PIV SILT FENCE 974. 2 Lakeville, MN 55044 APPRO Development, Inc. 21476 Grenada Avenue GRADING, DRAINAGE AND UTILITY PLAN RECYCLE MINNESOTA LAKEVILLE, MN FIRST FLOOR -EXISTING100' - 0"TO OF EXISTINGWALL127' - 1 1/2"BLOWER LOADINGAREA95' - 6"A.1TOP OF FLOOREXPANSION104' - 0"AB.1T.O. NEW WALL139' - 0"B.2EXIST. FOOTING96' - 0"B.8PRE-CAST CONC. WALL PANELROOF OVER OFFICE TO BE SAME HGT. AS EXIST.PRE-FIN MTL CAP FLASHINGWALL LIGHTTROWELED SMOOTHACCENT BANDSTL INSUL O.H. DOORAL/GL "FIXED" WDWHM DR & FR - PTWALL LIGHT28' - 0"20' - 0"PRE-FIN MTL WALL PANEL11' - 2"FIRST FLOOR -EXISTING100' - 0"TO OF EXISTINGWALL127' - 1 1/2"T.O. LOWERLOADING AREAFOOTING90' - 6"10.90.6LOWER LOADINGAREA95' - 6"0.1TOP OF FLOOREXPANSION104' - 0"1.9T.O. NEW WALL139' - 0"0.70.4EXIST. FOOTING96' - 0"1' - 0"MATCH EXISTING15' - 0"2' - 0"9' - 1 1/2"PRECAST CONC WALL PANELS(MATCH EXIST)GRADETROWELED SMOOTHBAND (MATCH EXIST)PRE-FINISHED MTL CAP FLASHING31' - 1 5/8"96' - 0"WALL LIGHTAL/GL. "FIXED" WDWHM DOOR & FRAME - PTLOUVERSScaleProject numberDateDrawn byChecked by21476 GRENADA AVENUELAKEVILLE, MN 55044PH: 952-469-2171FAX: 952-469-2173EMAIL: office@approdevelopment.com 1/8" = 1'-0"7/18/2019 10:45:01 AMA3-1.1EXTERIORELEVATIONS -SILO17-02-00838812 215TH STREET WEST,LAKEVILLE MN 55044DRSJAC 1/8" = 1'-0"A3-1.11PARTIAL EAST ELEVATION 1/8" = 1'-0"A3-1.12NORTH ELEVATION8'4'0'8'8'4'0'8'No. Description Date SILO - WHITE SILO - WHITE07/18/201919-03-0083 A.1B.10.73A3-63A3-6.114' - 7 3/16"1' - 1"13' - 6 3/16"1' - 0"7' - 7 3/8"14' - 9 3/16"4 3/4"6"4 3/4"4 3/4"6"4 3/4"4 1/4"1 11/16"1/2"11 3/16"1/2"1 11/16"4 1/4"4 1/4"1' - 3 1/2"4 1/4"4 1/4"2 3/4"4 7/8"5/16"4 7/8"2 3/4"4 1/4"4 1/4"1' - 3 1/2"4 1/4"10.90.6LOWER LOADINGAREA95' - 6"TOP OF FLOOREXPANSION104' - 0"21.9T.O. NEW WALL139' - 0"0.7SILO14' - 0"5' - 6"6' - 0"5' - 0"CLEAR15' - 1"67' - 11 1/8"20' - 0"13' - 0"20' - 0"5' - 0"2' - 0"TOP OF PIER @ 99'-0"ScaleProject numberDateDrawn byChecked by21476 GRENADA AVENUELAKEVILLE, MN 55044PH: 952-469-2171FAX: 952-469-2173EMAIL: office@approdevelopment.comAs indicated7/18/2019 10:45:02 AMA3-6.1SECTION/DETAILS17-02-00838812 215TH STREET WEST,LAKEVILLE MN 55044No. Description Date 3/16" = 1'-0"A3-6.11SILO CALLOUT - CUP 1 1/2" = 1'-0"A3-6.12SILO COLUMN CALLOUT - CUP 1/4" = 1'-0"A3-6.13SECTION THROUGH ENTRYRAMP - CUP07/18/201919-03-0083DRSJAC ScaleProject numberDateDrawn byChecked by21476 GRENADA AVENUELAKEVILLE, MN 55044PH: 952-469-2171FAX: 952-469-2173EMAIL: office@approdevelopment.com7/18/2019 10:45:08 AMSK-13D VIEWS17-02-00838812 215TH STREET WEST,LAKEVILLE MN 55044DRSJACNo. Description DateSK-1NORTH WEST 3D VIEWSK-1DRONE VIEWSK-1NORTH EAST 3D VIEWSK-1LOADING RAMP 3D VIEWSK-1DRONE VIEW SILO SIDE07/18/201919-03-0083