HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 06.k Date: September 3, 2019 Item No. ACCEPT PROPOSAL FROM SRF FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FOR 179TH STREET IMPROVEMENTS FROM CEDAR AVENUE TO FIELDCREST AVENUE Proposed Action Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to accept proposal for professional services from SRF Consulting Group, Inc. for 179th Street Improvements from Cedar Avenue to Fieldcrest Avenue, City Project 20-08. Overview The City and County are partnering to complete improvements along 179th Street from Cedar Avenue (CSAH 23) to Fieldcrest Avenue to rehabilitate the roadway surface, improve intersection operations, make safety improvements and provide for increasing traffic levels. Proposed improvements include a) reconstruction to a 2-lane divided highway; b) roundabout at 179th Street/Flagstaff Avenue intersection; c) dedicated turn lanes at intersections; and d) geometric modifications. SRF’s proposal identifies the scope of services and estimated cost to complete the final design, right-of-way acquisition, public engagement and construction staking services. The project is included in the City and County Draft 5-year Transportation Capital Improvement Plans (2020-2024). The City and County will share project responsibilities; the City is the lead agency. City and County cost-shares will be based on discussions with County staff and policies included in the current adopted Dakota County Transportation Plan and established in a future Joint Powers Agreement (JPA). The total estimated project cost is $8,335,728. Construction is programmed for 2020. Primary Issues to Consider • Proposal is subject to the Master Agreement for Professional Engineering Services between the City and SRF approved by the City Council on July 18, 2016. • A JPA will be brought forward for Council consideration at a future meeting. • See attached. Supporting Information • SRF Consulting Group, Inc. proposal dated August 29, 2019. Financial Impact: $577,876 Budgeted: Y☒ N☐ Source: Multiple Sources Related Documents: Draft Lakeville 5-year Capital Improvement Plan (2020-2024) Envision Lakeville Community Values: Design that Connects the Community Report Completed by: Alex Jordan, Assistant City Engineer Primary Issues to Consider • 179th Street carries regional significance to the County’s transportation system due to its alignment/location and is anticipated to function as an east-west corridor through the County once the connection between Highview Avenue and Pilot Knob Road is constructed. As such, it is best designated as future County-controlled. In comparison, Dodd Boulevard carries local significance to the City’s transportation system and is anticipated to function as a local road in it its existing alignment. As such, it is best designated as future City-controlled. City and County staff are in the process of establishing the framework for a future turnback agreement and reviewing several contributing factors including a) capacity and corridor deficiencies; b) existing and future traffic volumes; c) segment lengths; and d) cost-share responsibilities. SRF 12995.PP August 29, 2019 Mr. Alex Jordan, PE Assistant City Engineer City of Lakeville 20195 Holyoke Avenue Lakeville, MN 55044 Subject: Proposal for Professional Services for Final Design for Reconstruction of 179th Street, Lakeville, Minnesota, City Project 20-08 Dear Mr. Jordan: Based on your request, SRF Consulting Group, Inc. (SRF) is pleased to submit this proposal to provide professional services for final design for the reconstruction of 179th Street from Cedar Ave (CSAH 23) to Fieldcrest Avenue. Scope of Services/Assumptions We propose to carry out the work (“Scope of Services”), set forth in Attachment B, attached hereto and incorporated into this Agreement. The assumptions we have made in preparing this scope of work are included in Attachment B. Project management will be provided by Georgina E. Stanley- Woidyla, PE (MN ND) and Principal oversight will be provided by Mitch Rasmussen, PE (MN). Schedule/Budget We will complete this work within a mutually agreed-upon time schedule. We propose to be reimbursed for our services on an hourly basis for the actual time expended. Other direct project expenses such as printing, supplies, reproduction, etc., will be billed at cost and mileage will be billed at the current allowable IRS rate for business miles. Invoices are submitted on a monthly basis for work performed during the previous month. Payment is due within 30 days. Based on our understanding of the project and our scope of services, we estimate the cost of our services to be $577,876 on an hourly, not to exceed basis, which includes both time and expenses. A detailed breakdown of our work tasks is attached to this letter. Changes in the Scope of Services It is understood that if the scope or extent of work changes, the cost will be adjusted accordingly. Before any out-of-scope work is initiated, however, we will submit a budget request for the new work and will not begin work until we receive authorization from you. Standard Terms and Conditions The attached Standard Terms and Conditions (Attachment A), and Scope of Services (Attachment B), together with this proposal for professional services, constitute the entire agreement between the Client and SRF Consulting Group, Inc. and supersede all prior written or www.s rf co n s u l tin g.co m 1 Carlson Parkway North, Suite 150 | Minneapolis, MN 55447-4453 | 763.475.0010 Fax: 1.866.440.6364 An Equal Opportunity Employer Mr. Alex Jordan, PE August 29, 2019 City of Lakeville Page 2 oral understandings. This agreement may only be amended, supplemented, modified, or canceled by a duly executed written instrument. Acceptance/Notice to Proceed A signed copy of this proposal, mailed or emailed to our office, will serve as acceptance of this proposal and our notice to proceed. The email address is gstanley@srfconsulting.com . We sincerely appreciate your consideration of this proposal and look forward to working with you on this project. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely, SRF CONSULTING GROUP, INC. Georgina E. Stanley-Woidyla, PE (MN ND) Kenneth A. Holte, PE (MN WI IA) Senior Associate Vice President GESW/KAH/rb Attachment A – Standard Terms and Conditions Attachment B – Scope of Services Approved (City of Lakeville) (signature) Name Charlene Friedges Title City Clerk, City of Lakeville Date Approved (City of Lakeville) (signature) Name Douglas P. Anderson Title Mayor, City of Lakeville Date This cost proposal is valid for a period of 90 days. SRF reserves the right to adjust its cost estimate after 90 days from the date of this proposal. S:\Marketing\Proposals\2019 Letter Proposals\12995.PP 179th Street Final Design\Letter Lakeville Alex Jordan 2019-08-19.docx Mr. Alex Jordan, PE August 29, 2019 City of Lakeville Page 3 8/29/2019 Page 1 of 31 SRF Consulting Group, Inc.Work Tasks and Person-Hour Estimates Client:City of Lakeville Attachment B Project:179th Street Final Design P12995 TASK NO.SUMMARY OF TASKS Project Overview: 1.0 PROJECT MANAGEMENT 2.0 PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT 3.0 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYING 4.0 ENVIRONMENTAL 5.0 GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION 6.0 UTILITY IDENTIFICATION AND COORDINATION 7.0 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT AND HYDRAULICS EVALUATION 8.0 FINAL DESIGN 9.0 RIGHT OF WAY AQUISTION 10.0 PERMITS AND APPROVALS 11.0 CONSTRUCTION SERVICES Subconsultants: This scope of services is for the 179th Street Corridor Final Design full reconstruction is expected from approximately 800' east of Cedar Ave to Fieldfare Way and pavement reclamation is expected to Cedar Ave.  This includes the addition of a Roundabout at Flagstaff Ave and 179th Street.  The design will meet City of Lakeville, Dakota County and State Aid Standards.  The 179th Street/Dodd Blvd Corridor Study preliminary plans will be the basis for the design. SRF CONSULTING GROUP, INC.ENGINEERS AND PLANNERS 12995 Scope Spreadsheet.xlsx MINNEAPOLIS. MN 8/29/2019 Page 2 of 31 SRF Consulting Group, Inc.Work Tasks and Person-Hour Estimates Client:City of Lakeville Attachment B Project:179th Street Final Design P12995 TASK NO.TASK DESCRIPTION PRINCIPAL SR. ASSOC.ASSOCIATE SR. PROF PROF.TECHNICAL CLERICAL TOTALS EST. FEE 1.0 PROJECT MANAGEMENT Assumptions: -Project duration is assumed to be 5 months. - Weekly conference calls with City (and County) PMs are assumed to a minimum of 1/2 hour - could extended longer, so additional time is allocated -PMT meetings assume two staff participating in each meeting for a duration of 1.5 hours Client Deliverables: -Timely response to all communications -Active participation in all weekly and PMT meetings -Help arrange site/facility locations for meetings 1.1 Provide ongoing project administration that includes invoicing, contract amendment requests, Project Management Plan, cost and schedule updates, billing preparation, other non-technical work, quality assurance/quality control, communication with the necessary project personnel and all other work to ensure the project tasks are completed on time, within budget and in accordance to state and federal laws, rules and regulations. 16 24 0 0 0 0 0 40 $7,184 1.2 The SRF project manager will organize and hold weekly, short 1/2 hour conference calls including key managerial and technical County/City staff, to help shepherd the overall project and review activities, schedule, and coordination. It is understood that sometimes these calls may be longer in duration than a 1/2 hour. 20 20 0 0 0 0 0 40 $7,520 1.3 The SRF Team will conduct up to five (5) meetings with the PMT (Dakota County, City of Lakeville, and any other stakeholders as needed). The consultant will prepare the agendas and minutes within one week following the meeting. The five (5) meetings accounts for a meeting every month of the project schedule. A cost per meeting value is provided should the client wish to add additional meetings. Cost per meeting is $1,174- which accounts for two staff preparing for and attending each in person PMT meeting. 16 16 0 0 0 0 0 32 $6,016 SRF CONSULTING GROUP, INC.ENGINEERS AND PLANNERS 12995 Scope Spreadsheet.xlsx MINNEAPOLIS. MN 8/29/2019 Page 3 of 31 SRF Consulting Group, Inc.Work Tasks and Person-Hour Estimates Client:City of Lakeville Attachment B Project:179th Street Final Design P12995 TASK NO.TASK DESCRIPTION PRINCIPAL SR. ASSOC.ASSOCIATE SR. PROF PROF.TECHNICAL CLERICAL TOTALS EST. FEE SRF Deliverables: -Project management plan that defines tasks, schedule, deliverables, and quality management protocol -Monthly status reports and invoices -Meeting scheduling and site/facility arrangements -Budget/schedule monitoring (with ongoing updates to schedule) -Regular communication with City project manager - weekly basis -Coordination with key stakeholders via telephone, email, voicemail and written -Five PMT meetings during the study duration -QA/QC SUBTOTAL - TASK 1 52 60 0 0 0 0 0 112 $20,720 SRF CONSULTING GROUP, INC.ENGINEERS AND PLANNERS 12995 Scope Spreadsheet.xlsx MINNEAPOLIS. MN 8/29/2019 Page 4 of 31 SRF Consulting Group, Inc.Work Tasks and Person-Hour Estimates Client:City of Lakeville Attachment B Project:179th Street Final Design P12995 TASK NO.TASK DESCRIPTION PRINCIPAL SR. ASSOC.ASSOCIATE SR. PROF PROF.TECHNICAL CLERICAL TOTALS EST. FEE 2.0 PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT Assumptions: -One (1) Public Open House meeting assumes three (3) SRF staff participating in- person - meeting is two (2) hours in duration - One (1) newsletter will be prepared by SRF staff and provided to City staff for distribution to impacted property owners only as determined by project partners. -Assumes three (3) updates to project webpage Client Deliverables: -Timely response to all communications -Participation in Public Open House meeting -Distribution of SRF developed newsletter/notification(s) 2.1 The SRF Team will schedule, prepare materials, attend, and provide outreach summary for one (1) Public Open House meeting. 6 10 0 0 24 0 0 40 $5,216 2.2 Prepare and distribute public announcements and engagement updates/notifications to local and regional media contacts. This task also includes (3) social media content development for posting to the City (and County) Facebook or Twitter accounts as needed to provide the public with project updates throughout its duration. Includes one (1) social media boost. 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 8 $792 2.3 Prepare one (1) newsletter content that will be provided to the City for distribution to impacted property owners via direct mailing. 2 2 0 0 12 0 0 16 $1,940 2.4 The SRF Team will prepare materials and provide guidance to City staff for updates to a project webpage on their website with project information that can be viewed and downloaded by the public.  0 2 0 0 4 0 0 6 $688 SRF Deliverables: -Meeting invite content, materials, and summaries for one (1) Public Open House meeting -Social media content -Prepare one (1) newsletter for City distribution to effected property owners SRF CONSULTING GROUP, INC.ENGINEERS AND PLANNERS 12995 Scope Spreadsheet.xlsx MINNEAPOLIS. MN 8/29/2019 Page 5 of 31 SRF Consulting Group, Inc.Work Tasks and Person-Hour Estimates Client:City of Lakeville Attachment B Project:179th Street Final Design P12995 TASK NO.TASK DESCRIPTION PRINCIPAL SR. ASSOC.ASSOCIATE SR. PROF PROF.TECHNICAL CLERICAL TOTALS EST. FEE -Attendance of 3 SRF staff at Open House SUBTOTAL - TASK 2 8 14 0 0 48 0 0 70 $8,636 SRF CONSULTING GROUP, INC.ENGINEERS AND PLANNERS 12995 Scope Spreadsheet.xlsx MINNEAPOLIS. MN 8/29/2019 Page 6 of 31 SRF Consulting Group, Inc.Work Tasks and Person-Hour Estimates Client:City of Lakeville Attachment B Project:179th Street Final Design P12995 TASK NO.TASK DESCRIPTION PRINCIPAL SR. ASSOC.ASSOCIATE SR. PROF PROF.TECHNICAL CLERICAL TOTALS EST. FEE 3.0 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYING Assumptions: -Work will be performed under the direction of a Land Surveyor licensed in the State of Minnesota. -Work will be performed in compliance with the MnDOT CADD Level II Standards, the MnDOT Surveying and Mapping Manual, and the MnDOT Right of Way Manual. -Mapping and surveys will be delivered in English units (NAD83 1996 adjustments for horizontal datum and NAVD 88 for the vertical datum in Dakota County Coordinates). Client Deliverables: -Survey Control information -Record and As-built plans -Available right of way mapping 3.1 Conduct topographic survey with in right-of-way and the project area as needed to complete project design. 0 0 0 0 0 70 0 70 $7,700 3.2 Download topographic survey points and generate topographic mapping, 3 dimensional surface (DTM) and survey line work using AutoCAD. 0 10 0 20 0 0 0 30 $3,620 3.3 Verify in place utility information and extend and supplement as needed to provide in place utility information for the final construction plan, including structure and gate valve measure downs. 0 0 0 20 0 70 0 90 $9,860 3.4 Compute right of way base map for 179th Street from Cedar Ave to Fieldfare Way 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 40 $5,840 SRF Deliverables: -Completed electronic survey files in AutoCAD format SUBTOTAL - TASK 3 0 50 0 40 0 140 0 230 $27,020 SRF CONSULTING GROUP, INC.ENGINEERS AND PLANNERS 12995 Scope Spreadsheet.xlsx MINNEAPOLIS. MN 8/29/2019 Page 7 of 31 SRF Consulting Group, Inc.Work Tasks and Person-Hour Estimates Client:City of Lakeville Attachment B Project:179th Street Final Design P12995 TASK NO.TASK DESCRIPTION PRINCIPAL SR. ASSOC.ASSOCIATE SR. PROF PROF.TECHNICAL CLERICAL TOTALS EST. FEE 4.0 ENVIRONMENTAL Assumptions: -Level 2 wetland delineation completed in 2019 field season by SRF. No wetland delineation supplement required. -Wetland delineation report approved by Technical Evaluation Panel (TEP) and US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). Assumes preliminary jurisdictional determination (PJD) from USACE. -Assumes project is scheduled for 2020 construction. Assumes city and county funding only. No federal-aid funding. -Project does not meet the threshold for a mandatory State EAW under Minnesota Rules 4410. If the City determines that a voluntary EAW is warranted, then additional scope will be prepared. -Section 106 determination to be provided by USACE. Assumes no National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) eligible or listed properties in project area. Assumes low potential for archaeological resources. If USACE determines cultural resources surveys and SHPO consultation are required, then additional scope will be prepared. -Section 7, Endangered Species Act determination to be provided by USACE. Assumes no effect determination for listed species in Dakota County. If USACE determines species surveys and/or USFWS consultation is required, then additional scope will be prepared. -The City of Lakeville will review and approve (sign) the WCA/USACE Joint Application Form (wetland permit application). -Wetland impacts will be mitigated via private wetland banks and BWSR's Local Government Road Wetland Replacement Program (LGRWRP). -Existing information will be used to complete Attachment E of the Joint Application for LGRWRP credits. No new safety/engineering analysis required to support Attachment E. -No Minnesota Routine Assessment Method (MnRAM) analysis needed. -Proposed project will result in permanent impacts to wetlands which will require replacement at a 2:1 ratio. -Proposed project will require a Section 404 Transportation Regional General Permit (RGP) Authorization from USACE. -WCA LGU will distribute the permit application to members of the Technical Evaluation Panel (TEP). -Agency comments will result in up to one revision of the Permit Application. SRF CONSULTING GROUP, INC.ENGINEERS AND PLANNERS 12995 Scope Spreadsheet.xlsx MINNEAPOLIS. MN 8/29/2019 Page 8 of 31 SRF Consulting Group, Inc.Work Tasks and Person-Hour Estimates Client:City of Lakeville Attachment B Project:179th Street Final Design P12995 TASK NO.TASK DESCRIPTION PRINCIPAL SR. ASSOC.ASSOCIATE SR. PROF PROF.TECHNICAL CLERICAL TOTALS EST. FEE -Assumes no pre-permitting meeting with USACE or TEP. -Assumes one pre-permitting meeting by phone with both BWSR and WCA LGU representative to review wetland areas proposed for LGRWRP credits. -Pre-permitting meeting will result in one follow up response to BWSR and WCA LGU questions. Client Deliverables: -Review and comment on the WCA/USACE Joint Application Form. -Sign Part Five of the Permit Application and provide a scanned PDF copy for submittal to the LGU and USACE. -Provide approval of the Wetland Purchase Agreement(s) (sign form). -Provide approval of Bill of Sale(s) of Wetland Banking Credits (sign form). 4.1 WCA/USACE Joint Application Form (Wetland Permit Application)0 2 0 22 4 0 0 28 $3,064 Complete Parts One through Four and Attachments B, C, D, and E of Joint Application Form, including the following: Prepare purpose and need for the project Prepare figures showing wetland impacts, including aerial background, wetland name, impact type (temporary or permanent), wetland type (Eggers & Reed), Cowardin Classification, jurisdiction (WCA / USACE), basin / ditch / ditch with No- Loss of Function, and area of impact. Prepare one cross section at each impacted wetland that shows the delineated wetland boundary and location of cut / fill. Prepare State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) database search review request. Review results with City/County. Include SHPO response with permit application. Prepare DNR Natural Heritage Information System (NHIS) request. Include DNR response with permit application. Prepare tree impact figure and list of conservation measures incorporated into project plans for Northern Long-Eared Bat. Describe the nature and scope of the proposed activity including a description of all project elements that effect aquatic resources. Prepare wetland impact table with impacts grouped into categories: temporary, No-Loss of Function, permanent basin, and permanent ditch. Discuss the specific exemption or no-loss provision for which the project qualifies. SRF CONSULTING GROUP, INC.ENGINEERS AND PLANNERS 12995 Scope Spreadsheet.xlsx MINNEAPOLIS. MN 8/29/2019 Page 9 of 31 SRF Consulting Group, Inc.Work Tasks and Person-Hour Estimates Client:City of Lakeville Attachment B Project:179th Street Final Design P12995 TASK NO.TASK DESCRIPTION PRINCIPAL SR. ASSOC.ASSOCIATE SR. PROF PROF.TECHNICAL CLERICAL TOTALS EST. FEE Explain why proposed temporary and No-Loss of Function impacts do not require wetland replacement/mitigation. Describe all on-site measures considered to avoid impacts to aquatic resources and at least two project alternatives that avoid all impacts to aquatic resources on the site. Describe how the project will meet state/federal design or safety standards/requirements for LGRWRP credits. Internal QC Review and Checks of Deliverables 4.2 Wetland Mitigation 0 4 0 28 0 4 0 36 $4,048 Locate suitable wetland mitigation credits Obtain Purchase Agreement(s) from wetland mitigation bank manager(s). Obtain Bill of Sale(s) of Wetland Banking Credits from wetland mitigation bank manager(s). Prepare documentation (figures and description of impacts resulting from meeting state/federal design or safety standards/requirements) for pre- permitting meeting with BWSR and WCA LGU. Conduct pre-permitting meeting with BWSR and LGU regarding LGRWRP credits. Respond to questions from WCA LGU and BWSR. 4.3 Client Review 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 4 $432 Provide draft Permit Application to client for review. Revise Joint Application Form per the City of Lakeville's comments (if necessary). Provide Purchase Agreements(s) for client review and signature. Provide Bill of Sale(s) of Wetland Banking Credits for review and signature. 4.4 General Wetland Permit Coordination 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 8 $864 Respond to questions from WCA LGU and/or USACE. Revise Joint Application Form per WCA LGU and/or USACE comments (if necessary). SRF Deliverables: -WCA/USACE Joint Application Form (Wetland Permit Application) in an electronic (PDF) form SRF CONSULTING GROUP, INC.ENGINEERS AND PLANNERS 12995 Scope Spreadsheet.xlsx MINNEAPOLIS. MN 8/29/2019 Page 10 of 31 SRF Consulting Group, Inc.Work Tasks and Person-Hour Estimates Client:City of Lakeville Attachment B Project:179th Street Final Design P12995 TASK NO.TASK DESCRIPTION PRINCIPAL SR. ASSOC.ASSOCIATE SR. PROF PROF.TECHNICAL CLERICAL TOTALS EST. FEE SUBTOTAL - TASK 4 0 6 0 62 4 4 0 76 $8,408 SRF CONSULTING GROUP, INC.ENGINEERS AND PLANNERS 12995 Scope Spreadsheet.xlsx MINNEAPOLIS. MN 8/29/2019 Page 11 of 31 SRF Consulting Group, Inc.Work Tasks and Person-Hour Estimates Client:City of Lakeville Attachment B Project:179th Street Final Design P12995 TASK NO.TASK DESCRIPTION PRINCIPAL SR. ASSOC.ASSOCIATE SR. PROF PROF.TECHNICAL CLERICAL TOTALS EST. FEE 5.0 GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION Assumptions: -This activity to be performed by Braun, SRF hours included for coordination activities. -Braun's scope is included in the Corridor Study contract. No additional hours are needed to complete the work. Client Deliverables: -Timely review of draft and final geotechnical reports. 5.1 Coordination 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 6 $1,044 SRF Deliverables: SUBTOTAL - TASK 5 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 6 $1,044 SRF CONSULTING GROUP, INC.ENGINEERS AND PLANNERS 12995 Scope Spreadsheet.xlsx MINNEAPOLIS. MN 8/29/2019 Page 12 of 31 SRF Consulting Group, Inc.Work Tasks and Person-Hour Estimates Client:City of Lakeville Attachment B Project:179th Street Final Design P12995 TASK NO.TASK DESCRIPTION PRINCIPAL SR. ASSOC.ASSOCIATE SR. PROF PROF.TECHNICAL CLERICAL TOTALS EST. FEE 6.0 UTILITY IDENTIFICATION AND COORDINATION Assumptions: -SRF will follow the MnDOT Utility Coordination Process -SRF will host two (2) utility information meetings -SRF will provide the utility companies with plans Client Deliverables: -City and County Utility As-builts as applicable 6.1 Identify all public and landowner utility impacts and evaluate the need for design modifications as a result of public and landowner utilities (private septic, well/water systems, lighting, etc.) affected by the project (reduced cover, conflicts with project improvements, etc) 0 2 0 0 4 0 0 6 $688 6.2 Update current Gopher State One Call (GSOC) and update utility base mapping 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 4 $396 6.3 Conduct two (2) utility Information Meetings (60%, and 100%)4 8 0 0 6 0 2 20 $2,822 6.4 Pipeline Coordination 0 10 0 0 4 0 0 14 $1,856 SRF Deliverables: -Public and Private Utility Base Maps -Identification of utility impacts based on final design -Agendas and minutes from meetings with utility companies -Copies of information provided to utility companies -Evaluation of design modifications for utility companies SUBTOTAL - TASK 6 4 20 0 0 18 0 2 44 $5,762 SRF CONSULTING GROUP, INC.ENGINEERS AND PLANNERS 12995 Scope Spreadsheet.xlsx MINNEAPOLIS. MN 8/29/2019 Page 13 of 31 SRF Consulting Group, Inc.Work Tasks and Person-Hour Estimates Client:City of Lakeville Attachment B Project:179th Street Final Design P12995 TASK NO.TASK DESCRIPTION PRINCIPAL SR. ASSOC.ASSOCIATE SR. PROF PROF.TECHNICAL CLERICAL TOTALS EST. FEE 7.0 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT AND HYDRAULICS EVALUATION Assumptions: -The project will create less than one acre of new impervious; a permanent stormwater management system will not be required for water quality or volume control. -Rate control analysis will be required and may result in grading modification of up to one existing basin/pond near Gerdine Path (no new ponds/basins will be required). -Minor grading impacts to existing basins near 179th and Flagstaff (from roadway grading) will not require mitigation. -Water quality loading computations or modeling will not be required. -HydroCAD hydrologic/hydraulic software will be used for analysis -No culverts greater than 48" will be required. Therefore, no risk assessment or hydraulic memo will be required. -Storm sewer design will meet State Aid Standards. -Atlas 14 rainfall distribution and depths will be used to design storm sewer, culverts, and ponds. Client Deliverables: -Existing contours (GIS based, provided in shape files) -As-built information for existing utilities, including storm sewer -Existing hydraulic modeling and computations for the existing stormwater basins along corridor. -Geotechnical report will include recommendations for subsurface drainage and pipe bedding requirements. 7.1 Perform catch basin spacing and storm sewer sizing to meet state aid criteria.0 12 0 20 40 0 0 72 $7,872 7.2 Review final cross sections and grading plans to confirm drainage function within previously identified construction easements and permanent right-of-way. 0 2 0 4 8 0 0 14 $1,516 7.3 Complete storm water BMP modification design including grading and HydroCAD modeling. 0 10 0 10 20 4 0 44 $4,960 SRF CONSULTING GROUP, INC.ENGINEERS AND PLANNERS 12995 Scope Spreadsheet.xlsx MINNEAPOLIS. MN 8/29/2019 Page 14 of 31 SRF Consulting Group, Inc.Work Tasks and Person-Hour Estimates Client:City of Lakeville Attachment B Project:179th Street Final Design P12995 TASK NO.TASK DESCRIPTION PRINCIPAL SR. ASSOC.ASSOCIATE SR. PROF PROF.TECHNICAL CLERICAL TOTALS EST. FEE 7.4 Coordinate, prepare for and attend meeting with the City and County staff. Assume one meeting, two staff in attendance. 0 6 0 0 4 0 0 10 $1,272 7.5 Perform all work necessary to assemble final drainage plans, tabulations, and profiles including the following: 0 16 0 20 30 40 0 106 $11,866 a. Numbered drainage structures with station/offset for all structures. b. Pipe size, length, type and gradient for storm sewer and culverts. c. Pipe bedding requirements. Culvert bedding requirements determined by geotechnical engineer. d. Structure, grate and casting recommendations. e. Storm sewer tabulation sheet data (separate from profiles). Assume no pipe alternates. f. Design/size of all riprap applications. g. Grading plans for all water quality treatment areas. h. Special details (pond, skimmers, manholes, etc.). 7.6 Prepare temporary drainage plans, profiles, details and tabulations for construction staging plans. 0 10 0 10 20 4 0 44 $4,960 7.7 Prepare all drainage-related data for contract special provisions as required.0 2 0 2 6 0 0 10 $1,102 7.8 Prepare stormwater-related SEQ (statement of estimated quantities) and cost estimate. 0 2 0 2 8 2 0 14 $1,520 7.9 Prepare computation submittal packages for State Aid Review, includes drainage overview map. 0 2 0 0 10 4 2 18 $1,862 7.10 Address 60 and 95 percent comments.0 8 0 2 8 8 0 26 $3,056 SRF Deliverables: -Drainage overview map showing drainage areas, BMPs, existing and proposed storm sewer, flow directions, receiving waters, and notes of other significant items. -Hydrologic model of existing & proposed conditions SUBTOTAL - TASK 7 0 70 0 70 154 62 2 358 $39,986 SRF CONSULTING GROUP, INC.ENGINEERS AND PLANNERS 12995 Scope Spreadsheet.xlsx MINNEAPOLIS. MN 8/29/2019 Page 16 of 31 SRF Consulting Group, Inc.Work Tasks and Person-Hour Estimates Client:City of Lakeville Attachment B Project:179th Street Final Design P12995 TASK NO.TASK DESCRIPTION PRINCIPAL SR. ASSOC.ASSOCIATE SR. PROF PROF.TECHNICAL CLERICAL TOTALS EST. FEE 8.0 FINAL DESIGN Assumptions: -AutoCAD 2018 format will be used. -Plans shall be prepared in accordance with MnDOT State Aid Standards. -All work shall comply with the applicable MnDOT State Aid, AASHTO, ADA, and other standards, unless approved by the County and City. -Construction Specifications will follow the 2018 version of MnDOT Standard Specifications for Construction -Stormwater management plans are included in Task 7.0 -The Corridor Study (179th Street/Dodd Blvd) will be the basis for the design. -Lighting analysis for roundabout lighting only -In place lighting to be replace with DEA lighting units in similar locations, DEA to provide conduit, conductors, light foundation plans, handhole locations, service cabinets, etc to provide a working system for lighting -Existing lighting service cabinet has sufficient capacity for roundabout lighting -Assumes a Roundabout Justification Report (RJR), and not Intersections Control Evaluation (ICE) report will be required for the 179th St/Flagstaff Ave intersection. RJR will be developed to MnDOT State Aid standards. Assumes one round of comments by the City, County and MnDOT State Aid. Client Deliverables: -Luminare information, including catalog number, mounting height and setbacks from roadway/trail faciilities -Future roadway classifications 8.1 Compute final horizontal alignment for roadways within the project limits. (Assumes roadway alignments and geometry from 30% Design (Corridor Study) is used for design) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $0 8.2 Compute final vertical alignment for roadways within the project limits. (Assumes roadway alignments and geometry from 30% Design (Corridor Study) is used for design.) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $0 SRF CONSULTING GROUP, INC.ENGINEERS AND PLANNERS 12995 Scope Spreadsheet.xlsx MINNEAPOLIS. MN 8/29/2019 Page 17 of 31 SRF Consulting Group, Inc.Work Tasks and Person-Hour Estimates Client:City of Lakeville Attachment B Project:179th Street Final Design P12995 TASK NO.TASK DESCRIPTION PRINCIPAL SR. ASSOC.ASSOCIATE SR. PROF PROF.TECHNICAL CLERICAL TOTALS EST. FEE 8.3 Develop and compute final roadway super elevation requirements and/or pavement transitions as necessary. 0 4 0 2 8 0 0 14 $1,592 8.4 Develop existing and final typical roadway sections for roadways including pavement sections, median, shoulders, walkways, in slopes, backslopes and ditches. 0 4 0 4 8 0 0 16 $1,808 8.5 Develop final cross-sections and final contours sufficient to determine drainage areas, driveway/access point grades, construction limits and final profile grades. 0 4 0 20 60 0 0 84 $8,684 8.6 Prepare permanent street signing layout, including signing removal plans. Coordinate with the City/County as necessary for the location and design of signage. 0 2 0 10 30 0 0 42 $4,342 8.7 Coordinate variation in super elevation design approach with State Aid, City and County. 2 6 0 0 10 0 0 18 $2,326 8.8 Develop contract pay items and funding breakdowns using MnDOT 2018 Transport List. 2 8 0 20 20 0 0 50 $5,768 8.9 Prepare 60% Engineer's Estimate of Cost including estimates for funding breakdowns and cost participation. 2 8 0 20 20 0 0 50 $5,768 8.10 Compute and check contract pay item quantities.2 8 0 20 20 0 0 50 $5,768 8.11 Provide QC review of project submittals 16 10 0 0 0 0 0 26 $5,140 8.12 Utility adjustments of existing public utilities for roadway design.0 4 0 10 20 10 0 44 $4,744 Design of new public utilities is not included. 8.13 Prepare title sheet and general layout plan (assumed to be completed with 30% design (Corridor Study)) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $0 8.14 Prepare plans for construction details and construction/soil notes including standard plates as required. 2 8 0 20 0 0 0 30 $3,788 SRF CONSULTING GROUP, INC.ENGINEERS AND PLANNERS 12995 Scope Spreadsheet.xlsx MINNEAPOLIS. MN 8/29/2019 Page 18 of 31 SRF Consulting Group, Inc.Work Tasks and Person-Hour Estimates Client:City of Lakeville Attachment B Project:179th Street Final Design P12995 TASK NO.TASK DESCRIPTION PRINCIPAL SR. ASSOC.ASSOCIATE SR. PROF PROF.TECHNICAL CLERICAL TOTALS EST. FEE 8.15 Prepare tabulations required for State Aid Submittal 0 2 0 24 50 0 0 76 $7,834 8.16 Prepare alignment plan and tabulation to include the following:2 4 0 0 10 6 0 22 $2,694 Azimuths for tangent lines Coordinate values and stationing for P.C, P.I., and P.T. Coordinate values for radius points Coordinate values and field ties for control points 8.17 Prepare construction staging and traffic control plan sheets 2 8 0 16 40 40 0 106 $11,716 8.18 Complete roadway in place topography plans, removal plans and construction plans for roadways. Prepare in place utility tabulations. 0 8 0 20 20 40 0 88 $9,708 8.19 Complete roadway profile sheets including sub cut depths and descriptions of bench mark locations. 2 6 0 8 8 40 0 64 $7,392 8.20 Prepare intersection details, curb alignment and profile details, and plans for non standard curb radii. 2 8 0 20 60 60 0 150 $16,328 8.21 Prepare pedestrian curb ramp details and plans for non standard pedestrian curb ramps. 2 8 0 20 40 60 0 130 $14,348 8.22 Prepare erosion control and turf establishment plans consistent with agency permit requirements. 0 8 0 20 20 20 0 68 $7,508 8.23 Prepare signing and striping plan sheets for roadways 0 4 0 0 20 40 0 64 $6,964 8.24 Prepare public utility adjustment plan sheets. (Assumes 4 hydrant relocations along with various adjustments.) 2 6 0 16 24 24 0 72 $8,080 8.25 Prepare retaining wall plan sheets including profile sheets. Assume big block retaining walls near Gerdine Path (approx. length of 250') and a potential wall at the SE quad of Flagstaff Ave / 179th Street (approx. length of 85') 2 10 0 12 24 24 0 72 $8,232 SRF CONSULTING GROUP, INC.ENGINEERS AND PLANNERS 12995 Scope Spreadsheet.xlsx MINNEAPOLIS. MN 8/29/2019 Page 19 of 31 SRF Consulting Group, Inc.Work Tasks and Person-Hour Estimates Client:City of Lakeville Attachment B Project:179th Street Final Design P12995 TASK NO.TASK DESCRIPTION PRINCIPAL SR. ASSOC.ASSOCIATE SR. PROF PROF.TECHNICAL CLERICAL TOTALS EST. FEE 8.26 Submit 60% plans to City of Lakeville and Dakota County for review and comment. (Assumes preparation of up to 8 sets of hard copy plans and 1 electronic (pdf) copy.) 4 8 0 10 8 8 4 42 $5,120 8.27 Revise plans to incorporate additional design elements and address agency review comments. 4 16 0 20 20 80 0 140 $16,196 8.28 Perform QA/QC according to the project QMP for review of construction plans, receive comments, determine disposition and perform agreed upon revisions to the plans. 10 20 0 10 20 10 0 70 $9,380 8.29 Submit 90% - 95% PS&E to City of Lakeville, Dakota County and MnDOT State Aid for review and comment, including: 4 8 0 10 8 8 4 42 $5,120 95% Construction Plans (Assumes up to 18 hard copy sets and 1 electronic (pdf) copy) Pavement Design and R-Value Recommendations Drainage Area Map and Hydraulic Computations, Hours not included here Request for Laboratory Services Form State Aid Checklist Department of Health Submittals documentation of Required Permits Specifications (Assumes up to 18 hard copy sets and 1 electronic (pdf) copy) 8.30 Revise plans, Specifications and Estimate (PS&E) to address agency comments.4 16 0 20 20 60 0 120 $13,996 8.31 Submit Final PS&E to City of Lakeville for Bidding, including:4 8 0 10 0 0 0 22 $3,168 One copy of the construction plans One pdf copy of the original plan One electronic copy of the Contract Documents, including specifications (Microsoft Word with PDF attachments) One Hard Copy and One Electronic Copy (Excel) of the Engineer's Opinion of Probable Construction Costs SRF CONSULTING GROUP, INC.ENGINEERS AND PLANNERS 12995 Scope Spreadsheet.xlsx MINNEAPOLIS. MN 8/29/2019 Page 20 of 31 SRF Consulting Group, Inc.Work Tasks and Person-Hour Estimates Client:City of Lakeville Attachment B Project:179th Street Final Design P12995 TASK NO.TASK DESCRIPTION PRINCIPAL SR. ASSOC.ASSOCIATE SR. PROF PROF.TECHNICAL CLERICAL TOTALS EST. FEE 8.32 Lighting Plans 0 8 0 0 0 40 0 48 $5,568 Lighting analysis for Roundabout location 60%, 90% and final lighting plans (lighting symbols and stationing) utility coordination and removals (by others) 8.33 Lighting Conduit under Roadways 0 1 0 0 0 3 0 4 $476 Provide lighting conduit at roadway crossings for utility installations of wiring for lighting 8.34 Special Provisions Prepare the contract manual and special provisions in accordance with the 2018 version of MnDOT standard Specifications for Construction and standard County/City specifications for design related items in Microsoft Word and Adobe Reader file format. City of Lakeville and Dakota County will add any other required special provisions, and SRF will assemble the proposal and bid documents according to County and City standards. 10 80 0 0 20 0 0 110 $15,960 8.35 Bidding Assistance 4 16 0 0 20 0 0 40 $5,236 Includes assistance with addenda and pre bid questions from contractors. It is assumed that the City will handle the bidding process, posting to Quest CDN or newspapers, receiving bids. SRF will assist with the bid tabulations. 8.36 Roundabout Justification Report for 179th St/Flagstaff Ave 2 4 16 0 24 0 0 46 $5,564 SRF Deliverables: -Submit 60% and 95% plans (Tasks 8.26 and 8.29) in PDF format to Dakota County and the City of Lakeville. -Submit final plans (Task 8.31) in hard copy (11"x17") and PDF format to Dakota County and the City of Lakeville. -Submit hydrologic modeling, and stormwater management summary project work. -Submit 60%, 95% and final detailed engineer's estimate. -Submit contract manual and special provisions at 95% and final. -Prepare addenda or provide clarification on the construction documents during the bidding process. -Provide roundabout lighting analysis and location of pedestrian scale lighting units and intersection lighting along 179th Street SRF CONSULTING GROUP, INC.ENGINEERS AND PLANNERS 12995 Scope Spreadsheet.xlsx MINNEAPOLIS. MN 8/29/2019 Page 21 of 31 SRF Consulting Group, Inc.Work Tasks and Person-Hour Estimates Client:City of Lakeville Attachment B Project:179th Street Final Design P12995 TASK NO.TASK DESCRIPTION PRINCIPAL SR. ASSOC.ASSOCIATE SR. PROF PROF.TECHNICAL CLERICAL TOTALS EST. FEE -Roundabout Justification Report SUBTOTAL - TASK 8 86 323 16 362 652 573 8 2020 $236,316 SRF CONSULTING GROUP, INC.ENGINEERS AND PLANNERS 12995 Scope Spreadsheet.xlsx MINNEAPOLIS. MN 8/29/2019 Page 22 of 31 SRF Consulting Group, Inc.Work Tasks and Person-Hour Estimates Client:City of Lakeville Attachment B Project:179th Street Final Design P12995 TASK NO.TASK DESCRIPTION PRINCIPAL SR. ASSOC.ASSOCIATE SR. PROF PROF.TECHNICAL CLERICAL TOTALS EST. FEE 9.0 RIGHT OF WAY AQUISTION Assumptions: -13 Parcels (10 TE only parcels and 3 PE and TE Parcels).   -All acquisitions are assumed to be partial. It is assumed that lender consents/ subordinations will be obtained on the 3 PE parcels. -Estimated lender fees for these subordinations are included in this proposal. These costs may be higher and will be billed based on actual cost. -10 Land Only appraisal reports. -It is assumed that no review appraisals will be required. -Prepare 15 Parcel exhibits and 15 legal descriptions and staking for appraisals Client Deliverables: -City Deliverables: Provide O&E Reports, timely review of SRF deliverables, Lender Fees for consents in excess of $1,750, Recording of documents. 9.1 Project Management 5 25 0 0 0 0 0 30 $4,800 9.2 Field Title, Document Preparation, Offers to and meetings with owners, Negotiations, Closing Files and Presentation to the City for payment 10 25 0 70 120 0 0 225 $25,390 9.3 Lender Consent to Easements 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 10 $1,080 9.4 Eminent Domain Assistance (up to 3 parcels)0 20 0 0 0 0 0 20 $2,920 9.5 Parcel Exhibits 0 30 0 30 0 0 0 60 $7,620 9.6 Legal Descriptions 0 30 0 30 0 0 0 60 $7,620 9.7 Staking for appraisals 0 0 30 0 0 0 0 30 $4,020 SRF Deliverables: -Project Management -Land Only appraisals for up to 15 parcels -Field Title Research -Conveyance and Offer Package Documents SRF CONSULTING GROUP, INC.ENGINEERS AND PLANNERS 12995 Scope Spreadsheet.xlsx MINNEAPOLIS. MN 8/29/2019 Page 23 of 31 SRF Consulting Group, Inc.Work Tasks and Person-Hour Estimates Client:City of Lakeville Attachment B Project:179th Street Final Design P12995 TASK NO.TASK DESCRIPTION PRINCIPAL SR. ASSOC.ASSOCIATE SR. PROF PROF.TECHNICAL CLERICAL TOTALS EST. FEE -Present the Offers and Negotiate with Property Owners -Mortgage Consents -Field Manual -Submittal of Final Parcel File -Provide Updates on Acquisition Progress -Eminent Domain Assistance -Parcel exhibits and legal descriptions and staking for appraisals SUBTOTAL - TASK 9 15 130 30 140 120 0 0 435 $53,450 SRF CONSULTING GROUP, INC.ENGINEERS AND PLANNERS 12995 Scope Spreadsheet.xlsx MINNEAPOLIS. MN 8/29/2019 Page 24 of 31 SRF Consulting Group, Inc.Work Tasks and Person-Hour Estimates Client:City of Lakeville Attachment B Project:179th Street Final Design P12995 TASK NO.TASK DESCRIPTION PRINCIPAL SR. ASSOC.ASSOCIATE SR. PROF PROF.TECHNICAL CLERICAL TOTALS EST. FEE 10.0 PERMITS AND APPROVALS Assumptions: -The project will disturb more than one acre of soil and an NPDES permit will be required. -No watershed permit submittal is required; City of Lakeville is LGU. Follow City of Lakeville stormwater ordinances and coordinate with City of Lakeville staff. -No floodplains or public waters will be impacted; no FEMA or DNR coordination will be required. -Assumes no DNR public waters work permit will be required. -See Task 4 for wetland permitting (Section USACE/WCA joint application). Client Deliverables: -City will pay for permitting fees 10.1 NPDES documentation & SWPPP 0 4 0 0 4 4 0 12 $1,420 Prepare SWPPP and NPDES permit application. Assume SWPPP will be included in plan sheet format. NPDES application will be completed online and shared with the successful contractor for submittal and payment. 10.2 Coordinate stormwater design with City of Lakeville staff specific to permit applications. 0 4 0 0 4 4 0 12 $1,420 10.3 Obtain permit to work over the Flint Hills and Magellan Petroleum pipelines 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 6 $1,044 SRF Deliverables: -NPDES application SUBTOTAL - TASK 10 2 12 0 0 8 8 0 30 $3,884 SRF CONSULTING GROUP, INC.ENGINEERS AND PLANNERS 12995 Scope Spreadsheet.xlsx MINNEAPOLIS. MN 8/29/2019 Page 25 of 31 SRF Consulting Group, Inc.Work Tasks and Person-Hour Estimates Client:City of Lakeville Attachment B Project:179th Street Final Design P12995 TASK NO.TASK DESCRIPTION PRINCIPAL SR. ASSOC.ASSOCIATE SR. PROF PROF.TECHNICAL CLERICAL TOTALS EST. FEE 11.0 CONSTRUCTION SERVICES Assumptions: -Construction Surveys - set all stakes and grades necessary for the construction contractor to build project, including but not limited to: -Establish control points -Construction limits -Right of way and easements -Limits for removals -Clearing and grubbing limits -Alignment and grades for roadway subgrade and select granular -Alignment and grades for new watermain and services (if needed) -Alignment and grades for new storm sewer -Alignment and grades for curb and gutter -Final grades for top of aggregate base -Alignment and grades for walks and trails -Final grades for top of castings -Alignment and grades for light base foundations -Identify and document existing right-of-way monumentation and replace that monumentation at the completion of the project. -Set all stakes and marks necessary for private utility companies to relocate their utilities. -Document changes in plans and specifications for as-built plan preparation. -Gather the necessary survey information for as-built plan preparation. -Prepare gate-valve and service tie cards -Construction inspection is not included in construction services Client Deliverables: 11.1 Construction Staking 0 0 0 0 0 1280 0 1280 $140,800 11.2 Prepare and submit As-Built Plans to the City Project Manager 0 4 0 0 0 120 0 124 $13,784 SRF Deliverables: Construction Staking necessary for contractor to construct project SRF CONSULTING GROUP, INC.ENGINEERS AND PLANNERS 12995 Scope Spreadsheet.xlsx MINNEAPOLIS. MN 8/29/2019 Page 26 of 31 SRF Consulting Group, Inc.Work Tasks and Person-Hour Estimates Client:City of Lakeville Attachment B Project:179th Street Final Design P12995 TASK NO.TASK DESCRIPTION PRINCIPAL SR. ASSOC.ASSOCIATE SR. PROF PROF.TECHNICAL CLERICAL TOTALS EST. FEE As-built plans SUBTOTAL - TASK 11 0 4 0 0 0 1400 0 1404 $154,584 SRF CONSULTING GROUP, INC.ENGINEERS AND PLANNERS 12995 Scope Spreadsheet.xlsx MINNEAPOLIS. MN 8/29/2019 Page 31 of 31 SRF Consulting Group, Inc.Work Tasks and Person-Hour Estimates Client:City of Lakeville Attachment B Project:179th Street Final Design P12995 TASK NO.TASK DESCRIPTION PRINCIPAL SR. ASSOC.ASSOCIATE SR. PROF PROF.TECHNICAL CLERICAL TOTALS EST. FEE TOTAL ESTIMATED PERSON-HOURS 169 693 46 674 1004 2187 12 4785 AVERAGE HOURLY BILLING RATES $230 $146 $134 $108 $99 $110 $70 ESTIMATED LABOR AND OVERHEAD $38,870 $101,178 $6,164 $72,792 $99,396 $240,570 $840 $559,810 ESTIMATED DIRECT NON-SALARY EXPENSES $18,066 TOTAL ESTIMATED FEE $577,876 ESTIMATE OF DIRECT NON-SALARY EXPENSES: MILEAGE:Personal Vehicles 2700 Miles @ $0.580 $1,566 REPRODUCTION:Copy Duplication 0 Copies @ $0.10 $0 Color Copies 0 Copies @ $0.35 $0 Bond Prints 0 Prints @ $6.00 $0 Mylar Prints 0 Prints @ $12.00 $0 LENDER FEES 3 Consents @ $350.00 Ea $1,050 COURTHOUSE COPIES:0 Copies @ $1.00 $0 PRINTING:$0 SUPPLIES:$0 COMMUNICATIONS:Mail, Express, Etc.$300 Cell Phone Charges 0 Minutes @ $0.30 $0 DNR Natural Heritage Information System (NHIS) Review $150 SUBCONSULTANTS:$0 DKJ Appraisal 10 Reports @ $1,500 ea $15,000 ESTIMATED DIRECT NON-SALARY EXPENSES $18,066 SRF CONSULTING GROUP, INC.ENGINEERS AND PLANNERS 12995 Scope Spreadsheet.xlsx MINNEAPOLIS. MN