HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 06.l Date: September 3, 2019 Item No. ACCEPT PROPOSAL FROM STONEBROOKE FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FOR DODD BOULEVARD AND 194TH STREET INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS Proposed Action Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to accept proposal for professional services from Stonebrooke for Dodd Boulevard and 194th Street Intersection Improvements, City Project 20-12. Overview The City and County are partnering to complete intersection improvements at County State Aid Highway (CSAH) 9 (Dodd Boulevard) and 194th Street to improve intersection operations, make safety improvements and provide for increasing traffic levels. Proposed improvements include construction of a ¾ directional-access concrete median. Stonebrooke’s proposal identifies the scope of services and estimated cost to complete the project design and public engagement. Stonebrooke will also evaluate pedestrian activity and complete a pedestrian crossing analysis between 202nd Street (CSAH 50) and 185th Street (CSAH 60). The project is included in the City and County Draft 5-year Transportation Capital Improvement Plans (2020-2024). The City and County will share project responsibilities; the City is the lead agency for design. City and County cost-shares will be based on discussions with County staff and policies included in the current adopted Dakota County Transportation Plan and established in a future Joint Powers Agreement (JPA). The total estimated project cost is $550,000. Construction is programmed for 2020. Primary Issues to Consider • Proposal is subject to the Master Agreement for Professional Engineering Services between the City and Stonebrooke approved by the City Council on July 18, 2016. • A JPA will be brought forward for Council consideration at a future meeting. Supporting Information • Stonebrooke proposal dated August 29, 2019. Financial Impact: $93,609.76 Budgeted: Y☒ N☐ Source: Municipal State Aid Related Documents: Draft Lakeville 5-year Capital Improvement Plan (2020-2024) Envision Lakeville Community Values: Design that Connects the Community Report Completed by: Alex Jordan, Assistant City Engineer a 12467 Boone Ave, Ste 1 Savage, MN 55378 o 952.402.9202 f 952.403.6803 w stonebrookeengineering.com August 29, 2019 Attn: Alex Jordan City of Lakeville 20195 Holyoke Ave Lakeville, MN 55044 RE: Dodd Boulevard and 194th Street Intersection Project Scope of Services and Fee Estimate Dear Mr. Jordan Thank you for the opportunity to provide this scope of services and fee estimate for the Dodd Boulevard and 194th Street Intersection Improvements Project. This intersection is at the north end of a mill and overlay project on Dodd Boulevard currently being designed by Dakota County. Concurrent with this work, the City is proposing to work with the County on constructing a ¾ access intersection to improve safety and intersection operations by restricting left turning movements from 194th Street onto Dodd Boulevard. In discussion with the City, we are assuming that the County will work with the City in accepting a design of the added center median on Dodd Boulevard that will not requiring widening the outside curb lines on Dodd Boulevard, thus keeping all work within the current Dodd Boulevard footprint (except for the ped ramp replacements at all 4 corners of the intersection). We understand this to be 2020 construction work, with the City intending to provide the final plan sheets to the County in the January/February (2020) time frame, with specific schedule dates to be determined. As the lead agency for improvements at this intersection, the City of Lakeville has requested that Stonebrooke Engineering provide a scope of services and fee estimate to provide engineering services on this project (for the intersection improvements only), to include: · Project Management · Topographic Survey · Preliminary Design · Final Design (plan sheets to be added into Dakota County Plan Set) · Dodd Boulevard Pedestrian Crossing Analysis The following provides a brief summary of our understanding of the scope of services for the project. a 12467 Boone Ave, Ste 1 Savage, MN 55378 o 952.402.9202 f 952.403.6803 w stonebrookeengineering.com Task 1 – Project Management Our project manager, Tyler Newhall, will work in partnership with the key project stakeholders to ensure the most responsible, efficient, and cost effective solutions for this project are achieved. We will be responsible for the preparation of monthly progress reports, meeting minutes, invoicing, cost and schedule updates, communication with project personnel, and other non-technical tasks. Task 2 – PMT/Public Engagement Meetings and Utility Coordination PMT Meetings (2 meetings): These meetings will be used to identify and address potential areas of concern, review the project schedule, discuss design details, and coordinate the public involvement meetings. Our team will prepare for these meetings by drafting agendas after consulting with the City and County, and any other stakeholders on issues to be addressed. We will schedule and attend the meetings, present completed work to date, and take and distribute meeting minutes. Public Engagement Meeting: Stonebrooke will provide concepts and graphics necessary for the public engagement. The City and County anticipate hosting a public open house for the project to describe the purpose and need for the improvements. The Stonebrooke Project Manager will attend the open house. We assume that the City/County will develop/mail invitations for the open house and utilize social media for public outreach. Utility Coordination Meetings: We assume the utility coordination lead will be Dakota County, and that they will be coordinating with utility companies on obtaining existing information and possible relocations. We will coordinate expected utility impacts based on the project design with Dakota County Staff members, so that they can coordinate with utility owners. Task 3 – Survey Data Stonebrooke’s survey team will identify the limits required and perform the necessary topographic survey for the project area. We will process this data into an existing conditions map of the topographical features. The initial topographic survey will include a gopher state one call request to field locate all existing utility facilities. It is assumed that the topographic survey will extend a maximum of 500’ in all four directions of the intersection measured from the end radius of the curb. We also assume no survey outside of the curb lines, except as needed for ADA improvements at each intersection. It is anticipated that the County/City will provide a planimetrics file of the intersection, which would include existing Right-of-Way information. a 12467 Boone Ave, Ste 1 Savage, MN 55378 o 952.402.9202 f 952.403.6803 w stonebrookeengineering.com Task 4 – Preliminary Design Stonebrooke Engineering will complete preliminary design of the intersection, which will include introducing center medians on Dodd Boulevard (no change in the alignment of the Dodd Boulevard thru lanes) and center medians to the east and west on 194th Street. Key tasks included in the preliminary design phase of the project will include: · Initial Concept Layouts: Stonebrooke will complete an initial concept layout for the intersection. · Final Concept Layout: Stonebrooke will finalize the layout based on comments received from the City and County. · Vertical Design of Medians: This will be done with spot elevations, we assume no alignments and profiles are needed for design purposes as the roadway elevations will remain the same. We will also assess turning movements at the intersection to ensure the medians don’t restrict truck turns. Task 5 – Final Design Stonebrooke Engineering will provide a final construction plan set for the proposed improvements that is consistent with City of Lakeville, Dakota County, and MnDOT State Aid standards, procedures and requirements. Specific plan content included in the fee estimate is noted on the attached sheets. It is assumed that the intersection plan set will be part of a larger Dakota County plan set for the proposed work on Dodd Boulevard, therefore we will not include items such as a title sheet, full SEQ sheet, etc (see fee estimate for assumptions). We anticipate 3 plan submittals for this project, at the 60%, 90%, and 100% plan stages. If necessary, Dakota County will coordinate all submittals to MnDOT State Aid. In addition to the final plan this task includes quality control review of the plan set, special provisions for the intersection only (remainder of spec and bid package will be completed by the County) and construction cost estimates. Task 6 – Dodd Boulevard Pedestrian Crossing Analysis The City has requested an evaluation of existing pedestrian movement across Dodd Boulevard, along with a high level review of possible crossing options for future consideration. Tasks for this work include: · Collecting pedestrian crossing data at up to 7 intersections along the Dodd Boulevard corridor over 2 days (one weekend and one weekday) with 13 hour counts. We propose to do this by early October at the latest to capture pedestrian movements during the school and in good weather conditions. · Evaluate pedestrain crossing data to identify key usage areas along the corridor. a 12467 Boone Ave, Ste 1 Savage, MN 55378 o 952.402.9202 f 952.403.6803 w stonebrookeengineering.com · Create an existing conditions memo summarizing the findings of the above. · Based on pedestrian crossing guidelines, we’d consider crossing options (both at-grade and grade separated) in coordination with City and County Staff, including 1 meeting with staff to review options. · Create a high-level graphic for 2 preferred crossing locations including a summary of: o Pros/cons of each option o High-level costs o Construction impacts o Benefits to community Summary Stonebrooke Engineering services will be provided on an hourly basis with a not to exceed cost of $93,609.76. If for any reason an unforeseen situation is identified that would affect the cost, Stonebrooke will notify the City prior to completing the work. A cost proposal to complete the work is attached, including the hourly rates and the total not to exceed total project fee (which does not include optional tasks). A detailed cost breakdown by task has also been attached for your information. Note rates based on approximately half of the work occurring in 2019 and half in 2020. Thank you again for this opportunity. We look forward to continuing to work with the City of Lakeville. If you have any questions regarding this proposal feel free to contact me at your convenience. Sincerely, Tyler W. Newhall, PE Project Manager Stonebrooke Engineering, Inc. Accepted By:____________________________ Accepted By:____________________________ Title:___________________________________ Title:___________________________________ Date:___________________________________ Date:___________________________________ CLIENT: City of Lakevilletyler jake maddie bruce arash kate kim lancePROJECT:Dodd Boulevard and 194th Street Intersection ImprovementsCONSULTANT:Stonebrooke Engineering, Inc.Task No. Work Task DescriptionTASK 1.0 PROJECT MANAGEMENT45 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 65 $9,072.90TASK 2.0 PMT/PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT MEETINGS AND UTILITY COORDINATION 20 18 0 0 0 0 16 0 0 54 $6,768.72TASK 3.0 SURVEY DATA0 2 0 0 0 0 0 6 35 43 $6,094.50TASK 4.0 PRELIMINARY DESIGN4 19 49 0 8 0 7 0 0 87 $8,231.40TASK 5.0 FINAL DESIGN8 67 151 12 32 18 70 0 0 358 $37,043.34 TASK 6.0 DODD BOULEVARD PEDESTRIAN CROSSING ANALYSIS20 30 50 0 0 45 0 0 0 145 $18,048.90TOTAL HOURS97 156 250 12 40 63 93 6 35 752HOURLY RATE $158.10 $97.92 $76.50 $134.64 $147.90 $180.54 $115.26 $120.36 $147.90TOTAL LABOR COST$15,335.70 $15,275.52 $19,125.00 $1,615.68 $5,916.00 $11,374.02 $10,719.18 $722.16 $5,176.50$85,259.76$300.00PED COUNTS AT INTERSECTIONS (ASSUME 7 INTERSECTIONS AT $575 PER INTERSECTIONS PER DAY - IF COUNTED WEEKEND AND WEEKDAY WOULD BE 14 COUNTS)$8,050.00$93,609.76EXPENSES (printing, plan set, mileage, etc.)COST PROPOSALDodd Boulevard and 194th Street Intersection ImprovementsCity of LakevilleTotal HoursSr. Trans EngineerProject EngineerTraffic Engineer Senior Eng. TechRLSDesign EngineerProject ManagerOne Person Survey CrewWater Resources EngineerTotal CostTOTAL PROJECT FEEPlan sheets will reflect lighting layout by others. Dakota Electric/Dakota County/City of Lakeville will take proposed layout and finalize lighting design/specs for construction by others.Assume that the outside curb lines on all 4 legs will stay in place to accommodate 3/4 access modifications (except for ADA work at the 4 corners for the north/south ped crossingsProposal Assumptions (additional assumptions included in detailed cost estimate sheets)The City/County will coordinate all utility relocation activities No wetland delineation/permittingRates provided reflect 1/2 of the work occurring in 2019, and 1/2 of the work occurring in 2020. Actual rates billed will be for the year the work is completed in. CLIENT: City of LakevilletylerjakemaddiebrucearashkatekimlancePROJECT: Dodd Boulevard and 194th Street Intersection ImprovementsCONSULTANT: Stonebrooke Engineering, Inc.Task No. Work Task DescriptionTASK 1.0 PROJECT MANAGEMENT1.01Administration15151.02General Coordination15151.03Coordination with Dakota County152035SUBTOTAL HOURS - TASK 1.04520000000065TASK 2.0 PMT/PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT MEETINGS AND UTILITY COORDINATION2.01Project Team Meetings (assume 2 PMT meetings - 1 kickoff and 1 other)1010202.02Open House and Graphics9316282.03Minor Utility Coordination through Dakota County/City of Lakeville (assume they will lead as the plan lead is County)1 56SUBTOTAL HOURS - TASK 2.020180000160054TASK 3.0 SURVEY DATA3.01Topographic Survey (500' in each direction of the curb end radii - no survey outside of backs of curb)235 373.02Process Survey Data - Create Existing Conditions Drawing - R/W Determination443.03 Gopher State One Call (Maps and Locates)2 2SUBTOTAL HOURS - TASK 3.0020000063543TASK 4.0 PRELIMINARY DESIGN4.01Concept Layout28205354.02Address Comments and Finalize Layout1382144.03Intersection Design (Spot Elevations to best fit existing pavement - assume no curb line alignments/profiles)1 6 16234.04Turn Movements to Assess U-Turn at 3/4 Intersection (including RTLs and LTLs)2574.05 Preliminary Drainage Evaluation (assume no stormwater treatment)88SUBTOTAL HOURS - TASK 4.04194908070087TASK 5.0 FINAL DESIGN5.01Statement of Estimated Quantities (in a format delivered to the County for inclusion)13485.02Standard Plates and Soils and Construction Notes1125.03Quantity Tabulations1612195.04Private Utility Tabulation & Relocation Plans (if necessary)2355.05Typical Sections123612Project ManagerTraffic Engineer Senior Eng. TechRLSOne Person Survey CrewProject Engineer Design EngineerDETAILED COST ESTIMATEESTIMATED PERSON-HOURS AND FEESDodd Boulevard and 194th Street Intersection ImprovementsCity of LakevilleWater Resources EngineerSr. Trans EngineerTotals CLIENT: City of LakevilletylerjakemaddiebrucearashkatekimlancePROJECT: Dodd Boulevard and 194th Street Intersection ImprovementsCONSULTANT: Stonebrooke Engineering, Inc.Task No. Work Task DescriptionProject ManagerTraffic Engineer Senior Eng. TechRLSOne Person Survey CrewProject Engineer Design EngineerDETAILED COST ESTIMATEESTIMATED PERSON-HOURS AND FEESDodd Boulevard and 194th Street Intersection ImprovementsCity of LakevilleWater Resources EngineerSr. Trans EngineerTotals5.06Miscellaneous Details336125.07Standard Plan Sheets335.08Traffic Control Plans & Tabulations (assumes there will be lane closures on Dodd to construct medians and site specific TC plans will be needed)2 2 408525.09Existing Topography, Utility, and Removal Plan (draw up existing utilities from topo)346135.10Construction Plan22126225.11Intersection/ADA Details (assumes ADA design at 4 corners for North/South crossings)1168255.12Drainage Plan, Profiles and Tabulations (for adjustments and helper structures)330335.14Turf Establishment and Erosion Control Plans (minor for around ADA work)2245.15Pavement Marking Plan/Signing Plan and Tabulations22010325.16Lighting Plan and Design (locations only, design by Dakota Electric)1235.17Provide Electronic Files to City/County445.18QA/QC12125.1960% Plan Submittal335115.20Address 60% Plan Comments335115.2190% Plan Submittal335115.22Address 90% Plan Comments335115.23100% Plan Submittal (assume will be submitted to State Aid as part of County set)335115.24Address 100% Plan Comments335115.25Cost Estimates (at 90% and 100% plan stages)68145.26 Special Provisions (For Intersection Only - Bid Package by County) 1 10 617SUBTOTAL HOURS - TASK 5.08671511232187000358 TASK 6.0 DODD BOULEVARD PEDESTRIAN CROSSING ANALYSIS6.01 Coordination of Collecting Existing Ped Data (Up to 7 Intersections, see if County has some data)446.02Evaluate Data for Areas of Ped Usage (also consider future development if applicable)2466.03Existing Conditions Memo12126.04Based on Ped Crossing Guidelines (MnDOT/FHWA) Coordinate Crossing Recommendations with City Staff616226.05Meeting with County/City to Review Pedestrian Crossing Analysis65116.06Evaluate the Feasibility of At-Grade or Grade Separated Crossings (high-level graphics for up to 2 locations, matrix summarizing pros/cons and costs/other key info)6 30 50490SUBTOTAL HOURS - OPTIONAL TASK 6.02030500045000145