HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 06.j Date: October 21, 2019 Item No. RESOLUTION APPROVING FEASIBILITY REPORT AND CALLING A PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE 2020 STREET RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT Proposed Action Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to approve a resolution approving the engineering feasibility report and calling a public hearing for the 2020 Street Reconstruction Project, City Project 20-02. Overview The City Council authorized WSB to prepare a feasibility report for the 2020 Street Reconstruction Project on July 1, 2019. The feasibility report has been completed. Based on information in the Feasibility Report, the estimated cost for the 2020 Street Reconstruction Project is $12,388,370. Recommended funding sources are Water Fund, Sewer Fund, Environmental Resources Fund, Park Improvement Fund, City issuance of debt which is repaid with property tax levies and special assessments to benefitting property owners (consistent with the City’s Special Assessment Policy for Roadway Rehabilitation). Primary Issues to Consider • Citizen Comments • Project Financing Supporting Information • Project Location Map • Feasibility Report prepared by WSB dated October 21, 2019. Financial Impact: $12,388,370 Budgeted: Y☒ N☐ Source: Multiple Sources Related Documents: Lakeville 5-year Capital Improvement Plan (2020-2024) Envision Lakeville Community Values: Design that Connects the Community Report Completed by: Zach Johnson, City Engineer Primary Issues to Consider • Citizen Comments A neighborhood meeting was held on June 27, 2019; there was no significant opposition to the project. Multiple questions and comments were shared with City staff. The primary topics were related to: assessments; individual construction impacts; existing localized drainage concerns; pedestrian/bicyclist facilities and overall project scope. • Project Financing  The City’s cost-share for roadway and storm sewer improvements, including storm sewer repair/replacement, will be financed from the issuance of G.O. Improvement Bonds. The City’s share of debt will be financed with taxes, which are repaid with property tax levies.  Public stormwater management improvements, including stormwater basin maintenance, will be financed from the Environmental Resources Fund.  New water quality infrastructure will be financed from the Storm Water Infrastructure Fund.  Public watermain improvements, including the installation of corrosion protection best management practices, will be financed from the Water Operating Fund.  Public sanitary sewer improvements, including infrastructure repair/replacement and inflow and infiltration best management practices, will be financed from the Sanitary Sewer Operating Fund.  Orchard Lake Park parking lot and boat launch improvements will be financed from the Park Improvement Fund. *Storm Water Infrastructure Fund costs of $105,000 were anticipated in the City’s 5-year Capital Improvement Plan (2020-2024) as part of the 2020 Street Reconstruction Project. The City plans to incur storm water infrastructure costs, though these will be identified in later design stages of the project and are not included in the feasibility study. Anticipated Funding Source Amount Property tax levy/Fund balance 185,179 GO Improvement bonds- Taxes 6,492,619 GO Improvement bonds- Special Assessments 3,730,356 Water Operating Fund 1,184,385 Sanitary Sewer Operating Fund 318,297 Storm Water Infrastructure Fund*- Park Improvement Fund 132,447 Environmental Resources Fund 345,088 12,388,370 CITY OF LAKEVILLE RESOLUTION NO. 19-__ RESOLUTION APPROVING FEASIBILITY REPORT AND CALLING PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE 2020 STREET RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT WHEREAS, on October 21, 2019, the City Council received the feasibility report for the proposed improvements of portions of Orchard Lake; Rock Island Townhomes; Kingsley Shores Senior Living; Klamath Glen; Swan Addition; Lau Addition; Sea Grit; Orchard Lake Hills; Hrkals Addition; Weisners Lake Addition; Lakeview Gardens; Liberty Heights; Goose Lake First Addition; Orchard Hills 1st Addition; Truehart Addition; Beachside; Orchard Oaks; Lyndale Lakes Club 1st Addition; Lyndale Lakes Club 2nd Addition; Bracketts Townhomes; Club Park Addition No. 1; Ken Con Estates First Addition; Orchard Lake Estates 1st Addition; Orchard Lake Estates 2nd Addition; Arland Park; Bracketts Townhomes; Bracketts Crossing; Bracketts Crossing Third Addition; Bracketts Estates; Simonsen 1st Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates First Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 2nd Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 3rd Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 4th Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates Fifth Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 6th Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 7th Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 8th Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 9th Addition; Nelson Addition; The Oaks of Lakevilla; Marion Village; Marion Village Second Addition; Marion Village Third Addition; Marion Village Fourth Addition; Marion Village Fifth Addition; Sullivans First Addition to Marion Heights; Garden Estates; Mehlhorn Beatty Addition; Juno Addition; Marion Heights; Greer and Sullivans Rearr; Blue Heron Bay; and those metes and bounds parcels located along Klamath Trail between Kenwood Trail/CSAH 5 and 168th Street, City Project 20-02. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Lakeville: 1. The Feasibility Report for Project 20-02 is hereby approved. 2. A public hearing is hereby called for November 18, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. at the Council Chambers of the City Hall and the Clerk shall give mailed and published notice of such hearing and improvement as required by law. ADOPTED by the Lakeville City Council this 21st day of October 2019. ______________________________ Douglas P. Anderson, Mayor _________________________________ Charlene Friedges, City Clerk §¨¦35 LAKEVILLECREDIT RIVER TOWNSHIPLAKEVILLESouth FortyArchery Range RitterFarm Park Antle rsPark Caspers onPark West LakeMarion Park L a k e ri d g e Pa r k Kenw oodMiddleSchool ICALEEPATHSTEVEN L N17 5T H ST W ITERILN J U N ELLE PATHKINGS CTJAVELINAVE1 7 2 N D S T W JAGUAR AVEA R C HERYRDU PP E R 1 9 6 T H W A Y WJAMAICA P A T HKENAI CTROLLIE RDOR C HA R D T R L JUPITER PATH205TH ST W JAVATRLKINGSWOOD CI RJONQUIL AVEJACANA CT 2 03RDST WITERIAV E JUDICIALWAY N JUN OTRL JASPERPATHJACQUARD PATH1 7 0 T H S T W JACOBITE CTKERRICKCT JAMAICAP ATHJASPER CT178TH S T W KALM AR T RL INGRID CTKINGSWAY PATH JAGUAR CIRJAYBELL CT173RDSTW LANCASTER CTLAKE OAK CIRJ URELWAYKESTREL CT1 7 7 T H C I R W K A L E W A Y JE F F ERS O N C T172ND ST W KEOKUKAVEJASMINEWAYUPPER178THSTWLANGLEY AVEITHACA CIRKODIAKAVEJASPER CT L A N E S B O R O C T KING S PL179TH STW KENMORE DRKEY W EST CT J U N E B E R R Y C T IXONIAPATHJORDAN CT NIXONIAAVEJUREL CIR 1 6 7 T H S T W J AD E CT167TH C T W KINGSBURY CIRISOSCELLES AVEJAYHAWK CTKODIAK CTLIBERTY BEACH CT ISLETON AVEJANNEVAR CT J ONE SB O RO C T 195T H ST W JASPER CTJONATHAN CT16 6 T H S T W JEWEL CTLAYTON P AT H J ONRAY CTJ OR D A N T R L 1 9 9 T H S T W 176TH CIR WJADET ER J OY AV EJORDANC TITALY AVE17 0T H S T WLAKEVIEW CTSHIRLEYLN JULY CTKALMEADOW CT 173RD S T W JAMAICA CT JAGUAR AVE177THS T W 18 3 R D S T W JAVELIN CT 167TH S T W 198TH CT W 1 88 T H S T W I S MAY PATHJAEGERPATH175TH ST W 175TH ST W JA S PERPATH1 7 5 T H S T W KINDRED CT L A Y T O N C T K E N SINGTO N WAYJAVELIN AVEKALMAR CTRITTERPARKTRL JERSEYAV EJOY CTIT E R I C T WLANSFORDPATHJUNELLE CTTHOMAS RDKENSI NGTON CT1 8 2 N D S T WLANSFORD CTKENSFIELDTRLJUPITER WAYJUPITER CT ITEN CT SKACHINA CTLANDMARK CTRI T T E R P ARK T RL ITERIP LJACKSONTRLORCHARD TRLKETTERINGTRL JAVA PATHJAVA CT SKEYSTONE AVE1 8 8TH S T WJAVA CT NJUBILEE CIR JOPLINAVEJOSIE RDJ ASPERTERJASMINE CTK E Y S T O N E P A T H J A R L C T ITHACALN LAMAR CT1 8 0 T H S T W JASMINE AVEJ A L IS C O W AY JURE L CT 176TH S T W JONQUIL AV ELIONS CTJACKSON TRL171ST ST WJALISCO TER WKENYONAVE KEY WEST CT J O N Q U IL T R L KENYONAVEK I N D L E C T JASPERTRL170TH ST W KIRBEN AVEJAVELINCTI N N DALEDR KENRICK AVEITALYPATHJALISCO LN194T H ST W J U R A TRL204TH ST W JUDICIAL WAY S JOPLI NAVEKENWOOD WAYK A T R I N E CT JACKDAWPATH168TH S T W 192 N D ST WLAMARLNKENYONAVEJONQUIL AVEJASPERLNJ UN O T R L 17 8T H ST W JACKPINE TRLJAGUARPATHKABERATRL 204T H ST W JAVATRLKABOT COVE LN J U D I CI ALRD205TH CT W JUSTICEWAY JERSEY WAYKANA BECTRLJ AYCTJUBILEEWAY 16 8T H S T W KLAMATH TRL 179TH TR L W JADE LN K ETCHI KANTRLSINDEYLN197T H ST W JASPERWA YKENRICK AVEJOPLI NW A YLOWER 167TH ST W I TTABENAWA Y 181ST ST W LAKEFORESTDRJUNIPER P A T H 205TH ST W 202NDSTW JEWELPATHKERRVILLETRLLAFAYETTEWAY ITALY AVELAREDO AVEIXONIA AVEJUDICIAL RD175THSTW KNOLLWOODCIR KENWOODT RLKENWOOD TRL 185TH ST W 185TH ST W KENWOO D T R L Kingsley Lake Orc hard Lake Lake Marion Project Are a 0 2,00 0 4,00 01,00 0 Feet 2020 S treet Reconstruction Project Area² FEASIBILITY REPORT 2020 STREET RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT CITY OF LAKEVILLE | DAKOTA COUNTY | MINNESOTA OCTOBER 21, 2019 Prepared for: City of Lakeville 20195 Holyoke Avenue Lakeville, MN 55044 CITY OF LAKEVILLE PROJECT NO. 20-02 WSB PROJECT NO. 13281-000 FEASIBILITY REPORT 2020 STREET RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT CITY PROJECT NO 20-02 For: CITY OF LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA OCTOBER 21, 2019 Prepared By: CERTIFICATION 2020 Street Reconstruction Project Feasibility Report City of Lakeville Project No. 20-02 WSB Project No. 013281-000 Certification I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. _________________________________________________________ Adam Gadbois, PE Reg. No. 54787 Quality Control Review Completed By: _________________________________________________________ Mitch Hatcher, PE Reg. No. 54444 _________________________________________________________ Monica Heil, PE Reg. No. 47497 TABLE OF CONTENTS 2020 Street Reconstruction Project Feasibility Report City of Lakeville Project No. 20-02 WSB Project No. 013281-000 Table of Contents 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................................................... 1 2. INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND ........................................................................................... 3 2.1. Authorization ................................................................................................................................. 3 2.2. Scope ............................................................................................................................................ 3 2.3. Data Available ............................................................................................................................... 3 2.4. Project Location ............................................................................................................................ 3 3. EXISTING CONDITIONS .................................................................................................................. 5 3.1. Public Roadway Surface ............................................................................................................... 5 3.2. Public Storm Sewer ..................................................................................................................... 11 3.3. Public Watermain ........................................................................................................................ 11 3.4. Public Sanitary Sewer ................................................................................................................. 12 3.5. Wetlands ..................................................................................................................................... 13 4. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS ...................................................................................................... 13 4.1. Public Roadway Surface ............................................................................................................. 13 4.2. Public Storm Sewer ..................................................................................................................... 15 4.3. Public Watermain ........................................................................................................................ 17 4.4. Public Sanitary Sewer ................................................................................................................. 17 4.5. Wetlands ..................................................................................................................................... 18 4.6. Public Street Sign Replacement ................................................................................................. 18 4.7. Mailbox Replacement .................................................................................................................. 18 4.8. Permits/Approvals ....................................................................................................................... 18 4.9. Construction Access/Staging ...................................................................................................... 18 4.10. Public Involvement .................................................................................................................. 19 5. FINANCING ..................................................................................................................................... 19 5.1. Opinion of Probable Cost ............................................................................................................ 19 5.2. Funding ....................................................................................................................................... 20 6. PROJECT SCHEDULE ................................................................................................................... 22 7. FEASIBILITY AND RECOMMENDATION ...................................................................................... 23 APPENDICES Appendix A – Location Map, Local Street Typical Section – Collector, Local Street Typical Section – Residential, 175th Street West Typical Section, 172nd Street West Typical Section TABLE OF CONTENTS 2020 Street Reconstruction Project Feasibility Report City of Lakeville Project No. 20-02 WSB Project No. 013281-000 Table of Contents Appendix B – Opinion of Probable Cost Appendix C – Assessment ID Map, Assessment Roll, Assessment Justification Memo Appendix D – Geotechnical Evaluation Report, Braun Intertec Appendix E – Neighborhood Meeting Comments Appendix F – 2020 Basin Maintenance Memo, WSB 2020 Street Reconstruction Project Feasibility Report City of Lakeville Project No. 20-02 WSB Project No. 013281-000 Page 1 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The 2020 Street Reconstruction Project, City Project No. 20-02, was initiated based on the City’s Pavement Management Program. Streets proposed for improvements in 2020 include roadways within the following subdivisions totaling approximately 55,992 feet (10.6 miles): Orchard Lake Area Orchard Lake; Rock Island Townhomes; Kingsley Shores Senior Living; Klamath Glen; Swan Addition; Lau Addition; Sea Grit; Orchard Lake Hills; Hrkals Addition; Weisners Lake Addition; Lakeview Gardens; Liberty Heights; Goose Lake First Addition; Orchard Hills 1st Addition; Truehart Addition; Beachside; Orchard Oaks; Lyndale Lakes Club 1st Addition; Lyndale Lakes Club 2nd Addition; Bracketts Townhomes; Club Park Addition No. 1; Ken Con Estates First Addition; Orchard Lake Estates 1st Addition; Orchard Lake Estates 2nd Addition; Arland Park. • Klamath Trail (CSAH 5/Kenwood Trail to 168th Street West) • 168th Street West (Klamath Trail to Judicial Road) • Lakeview Court (168th Street West to cul-de-sac) • Lake Hills Court (Lakeview Court to cul-de-sac) • Langley Avenue (168th Street West to Upper 167th Street West) • Upper 167th Street West (Langley Avenue to cul-de-sac) • Judicial Road (168th Street West to 175th Street West) • Lions Court (Judicial Road to cul-de-sac) • 170th Street West (Judicial Road to municipal boundary) • Liberty Beach Court (Judic ial Road to cul-de-sac) • Juneberry Court (Judicial Road to cul-de-sac) • 175th Street West (Judicial Road to Kodiak Avenue) • Kodiak Avenue (172nd Street West to cul-de-sac, 175th Street West to 172nd Street West) • Kodiak Court (Kodiak Avenue to cul-de-sac) • 172nd Street West (Kodiak Avenue to Railroad Tracks, approximately 2,700 feet) Lake Villa Area Bracketts Townhomes; Bracketts Crossing; Bracketts Crossing Third Addition; Bracketts Estates; Simonsen 1st Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates First Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 2nd Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 3rd Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 4th Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates Fifth Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 6th Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 7th Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 8th Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 9th Addition; Nelson Addition; The Oaks of Lakevilla. • Layton Path (Judicial Way to 179th Trail West) • Layton Court (Layton Path to cul-de-sac) • Lake Oak Circle (Layton Path to cul-de-sac) • Kettering Trail (Layton Path to cul-de-sac) • 177th Street West (Layton Path to Keokuk Avenue) • Kingsbury Circle (177th Street West to cul-de-sac) • 179th Trail West (Layton Path to 179th Street West) • Lake Cove Circle (179th Trail West to cul-de-sac) • Lanesboro Court (179th Trail West to cul-de-sac) • Kestrel Court (179th Trail West to cul-de-sac) • Kettle River Court (179th Trail West to cul-de-sac) • Kingswood Circle (177th Street West to cul-de-sac) • Kingsway Path (177th Street West to 179th Trail West) • Keystone Avenue (Kettering Trail to Kingsway Path) • Keystone Path (Keystone Avenue to 179th Trail West) 2020 Street Reconstruction Project Feasibility Report City of Lakeville Project No. 20-02 WSB Project No. 013281-000 Page 2 • Keokuk Avenue (179th Trail West to dead end street) • 179th Street West (179th Trail West to Kenyon Avenue) • Kenai Circle (179th Street West to cul-de-sac) Lake Marion Area Marion Village; Marion Village Second Addition; Marion Village Third Addition; Marion Village Fourth Addition; Marion Village Fifth Addition; Sullivans First Addition to Marion Heights; Garden Estates; Mehlhorn Beatty Addition; Juno Addition; Marion Heights; Greer and Sullivans Rearr; Blue Heron Bay. • Kansas Avenue (205th Street West to Kensington Way) • Kensington Way (Kensington Boulevard to Kensington Boulevard) • Kensington Court (Kensington Way to cul-de-sac) • 203rd Street West (Kensington Way to dead end street) • 202nd Street West (Kensington Way to cul-de-sac) • Jupiter Way (205th Street West to 205th Street West) • Jupiter Court (Jupiter Way to cul-de-sac) The project location map is included in Figure 1 of Appendix A of this report. The 2020 Street Reconstruction Project includes roadway reclamation improvements based on pavement ratings, current roadway conditions and utility needs in the area, as well as the overall Capital Improvement Plan budget. Reclamation of the existing bituminous pavement and roadway reconstruction, with subgrade correction as necessary, replacement of structurally deficient or improperly draining concrete curb and gutter and sidewalks, ADA compliant pedestrian ramp installation, and new pavement installation, are recommended for all streets within the project area. Replacing portions of the City’s deteriorating utility infrastructure in conjunction with the proposed street improvements provides an opportunity to minimize the replacement costs and traffic disruptions associated with the work. Proposed utility improvements include the following: • Installation of corrosion protection for the existing watermain throughout the entirety of the project. • Repair or replacement of structurally deficient storm sewer manholes and installation of stormwater quality best management practices (BMPs) • Installation of additional storm sewer drainage structures and storm sewer, including drain tile in areas with poorly draining soils (drain tile services to individual properties will be evaluated in final design). • Replacement of all structurally deficient storm sewer and sanitary sewer manhole castings, including chimneys that do not meet current City Standards. Another component of the 2020 Street Reconstruction Project is reconstruction of a segment of 175 th Street West that has been an on-going maintenance issue for the City. Reconstruction will consist of slope stabilization adjacent to Orchard Lake and installation of a new street section with concrete curb and gutter and storm sewer. Additionally, the 172nd Street West pavement surface from Kodiak Avenue to the Canadian Pacific rail road crossing is proposed to be widened to create paved shoulders that will reduce maintenance efforts and provide a wider clear zone area for the roadway users , including emergency vehicles. The total estimated project cost for the City of Lakeville’s 2020 Street Reconstruction Project is $12,388,370.40 which includes a ten percent (10%) contingency and twenty-eight percent (28%) indirect costs for legal, engineering, administrative, and financing costs. The project is proposed to be funded through special assessments to benefitting property owners and City funds. 2020 Street Reconstruction Project Feasibility Report City of Lakeville Project No. 20-02 WSB Project No. 013281-000 Page 3 2. INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND 2.1. Authorization On July 1, 2019, the Lakeville City Council authorized the preparation of an engineering feasibility report for the 2020 Street Reconstruction Project. This project is included in the City’s 2020 – 2024 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) and is designated as City Project No. 20-02. 2.2. Scope This report investigates the feasibility of proposed street and utility improvements identified by the City’s Pavement Management Program (PMP) and CIP for 2020. Streets proposed within the 2020 Street Reconstruction Project were initially considered because of existing pavement conditions. The average Overall Condition Index (OCI) value for streets within the 2020 Street Reconstruction Project area is 37, using an OCI scale of 0 to 100 (with zero representing a failing street section and 100 representing a new street section free of deficie ncies). Streets with OCI values less than 35 are considered to be in failing condition. Streets with OCI values of 40 – 60 are considered to be in weakened condition and will deteriorate more quickly based on a typical pavement performance curve. Improvements outlined within this report include: street reconstruction, slope stabilization, street widening, installation of corrosion protection on watermain facilities, sanitary sewer manhole repairs, storm sewer improvements (including water quality improvements and drain tile installation), stormwater management basin maintenance, and boat launch improvements. 2.3. Data Available Information and materials used in the preparation of this report include the following: • City of Lakeville Record Plans • City of Lakeville Watermain Repair Records • City of Lakeville Water Resources Management Plan, Barr Engineering, dated June 2008 • Dakota County Topography Maps • Field Observations of the Area and Discussions with City Staff • Geotechnical Evaluation Report, Braun Intertec, dated October 4, 2019 • Draft Summary and Recommendations from Best Management Practices Feasibility Study for the City of Lakeville 2019 Road Reconstruction Projects, Draft Technical Memo, Wenck, dated September 11, 2018 • 175th Street West Expansion Matrix, WSB, dated June 17, 2019 • 2020 Pond Maintenance Memo, WSB, dated October 8, 2019 • Utility Record Drawings • City of Lakeville Street Reconstruction Assessment Policy 2.4. Project Location Orchard Lake Area Orchard Lake; Rock Island Townhomes; Kingsley Shores Senior Living; Klamath Glen; Swan Addition; Lau Addition; Sea Grit; Orchard Lake Hills; Hrkals Addition; Weisners Lake Addition; Lakeview Gardens; Liberty Heights; Goose Lake First Addition; Orchard Hills 1st Addition; Truehart Addition; Beachside; Orchard Oaks; Lyndale Lakes Club 1st Addition; Lyndale Lakes Club 2nd Addition; Bracketts Townhomes; Club Park Addition No. 1; Ken Con Estates First Addition; Orchard Lake Estates 1st Addition; Orchard Lake Estates 2nd Addition; Arland Park. • Klamath Trail (CSAH 5/Kenwood Trail to 168th Street West) 2020 Street Reconstruction Project Feasibility Report City of Lakeville Project No. 20-02 WSB Project No. 013281-000 Page 4 • 168th Street West (Klamath Trail to Judicial Road) • Lakeview Court (168th Street West to cul-de-sac) • Lake Hills Court (Lakeview Court to cul-de-sac) • Langley Avenue (168th Street West to Upper 167th Street West) • Upper 167th Street West (Langley Avenue to cul-de-sac) • Judicial Road (168th Street West to 175th Street West) • Lions Court (Judicial Road to cul-de-sac) • 170th Street West (Judicial Road to municipal boundary) • Liberty Beach Court (Judicial Road to cul-de-sac) • Juneberry Court (Judicial Road to cul-de-sac) • 175th Street West (Judicial Road to Kodiak Avenue) • Kodiak Avenue (172nd Street West to cul-de-sac, 175th Street West to 172nd Street West) • Kodiak Court (Kodiak Avenue to cul-de-sac) • 172nd Street West (Kodiak Avenue to Railroad Tracks, approximately 2,700 feet) Lake Villa Area Bracketts Townhomes; Bracketts Crossing; Bracketts Crossing Third Addition; Bracketts Estates; Simonsen 1st Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates First Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 2nd Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 3rd Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 4th Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates Fifth Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 6th Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 7th Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 8th Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 9th Addition; Nelson Addition; The Oaks of Lakevilla. • Layton Path (Judicial Way to 179th Trail West) • Layton Court (Layton Path to cul-de-sac) • Lake Oak Circle (Layton Path to cul-de-sac) • Kettering Trail (Layton Path to cul-de-sac) • 177th Street West (Layton Path to Keokuk Avenue) • Kingsbury Circle (177th Street West to cul-de-sac) • 179th Trail West (Layton Path to 179th Street West) • Lake Cove Circle (179th Trail West to cul-de-sac) • Lanesboro Court (179th Trail West to cul-de-sac) • Kestrel Court (179th Trail West to cul-de-sac) • Kettle River Court (179th Trail West to cul-de-sac) • Kingswood Circle (177th Street West to cul-de-sac) • Kingsway Path (177th Street West to 179th Trail West) • Keystone Avenue (Kettering Trail to Kingsway Path) • Keystone Path (Keystone Avenue to 179th Trail West) • Keokuk Avenue (179th Trail West to dead end street) • 179th Street West (179th Trail West to Kenyon Avenue) • Kenai Circle (179th Street West to cul-de-sac) Lake Marion Area Marion Village; Marion Village Second Addition; Marion Village Third Addition; Marion Village Fourth Addition; Marion Village Fifth Addition; Sullivans First Addition to Marion Heights; Garden Estates; Mehlhorn Beatty Addition; Juno Addition; Marion Heights; Greer and Sullivans Rearr; Blue Heron Bay. • Kansas Avenue (205th Street West to Kensington Way) • Kensington Way (Kensington Boulevard to Kensington Boulevard) • Kensington Court (Kensington Way to cul-de-sac) 2020 Street Reconstruction Project Feasibility Report City of Lakeville Project No. 20-02 WSB Project No. 013281-000 Page 5 • 203rd Street West (Kensington Way to dead end street) • 202nd Street West (Kensington Way to cul-de-sac) • Jupiter Way (205th Street West to 205th Street West) • Jupiter Court (Jupiter Way to cul-de-sac) 3. EXISTING CONDITIONS 3.1. Public Roadway Surface Streets within the proposed improvement area are aging and experiencing differing severities of distress, including alligator, transverse, and longitudinal cracking. The majority of the project area is urbanized, with existing concrete curb and gutter. The curb and gutter is in overall fair condition, with isolated instances of cracking and settlements resulting in localized drainage issues. Portions of the project contain rural roadway sections, without existing concrete curb and gutter, including Klamath Trail and 172nd Street West. The majority of 168th Street West is urbanized, with bituminous curb. The majority of streets within the 2020 Street Reconstruction Project Area are designated as residential with the exception of 168th Street West, Judicial Road, 175th Street West, Kodiak Avenue, 172nd Street West, Layton Path, Kingsway Path, 179th Trail West, and 179th Street West, which are designated as minor collectors. Klamath Trail is designated as a major collector. Project areas contain landscaping, trees, irrigation systems, and numerous other private improvements beyond the edge of the roadway and within City right-of-way. The photos below illustrate some of the varying levels of pavement distress: Kingsway Path 2020 Street Reconstruction Project Feasibility Report City of Lakeville Project No. 20-02 WSB Project No. 013281-000 Page 6 Concrete sidewalks exist throughout the project area, including along Layton Path, Kingsway Path, 179th Trail West, 179th Street West, Ketchikan Trail, 178th Street West, a segment of 168th Street West, Judicial Road, and Klamath Trail. A bituminous trail exists along the south side of Klamath Trail from CSAH 5/Kenwood Trail to 168th Street. There is also a bituminous trail along the north side of Klamath Trail from Kings Court to CSAH 5. The concrete sidewalks and bituminous trails are generally in good condition; however, a majority of the existing pedestrian ramps do not meet the current Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) design standards, and there are isolated instances where concrete sidewalk panels have heaved, settled, or are otherwise structurally deficient. 175th Street West and Orchard Lake That segment of 175th Street West directly adjacent to the southern-most shore of Orchard Lake has been an ongoing maintenance issue for the City of Lakeville. This segment is approximately 500 feet in length and consists of a 20-foot wide rural street section with minimal bituminous curb on the lake side. There are residential properties abutting the south side of this roadway section, some of which have building structures at much higher elevations than the existing street section, resulting in steep slopes adjacent to the existing edge of bituminous pavement. The lake side of the street has experienced sloughing of material due to lake erosion (i.e. wind, waves, ice), and lack of storm sewer infrastructure, which has resulted in pavement material breaking and deteriorating prematurely. Safety improvements are desired for this section of 175th Street West due to the narrow street width and the lack of an existing boulevard and guard rail system adjacent to the lake. 172nd Street West 172nd Street West is a minor collector that currently exists as a rural roadway with two-way traffic, two 11-foot-wide travel lanes, and two 1-foot-wide gravel shoulders which require maintenance. With the 2020 Street Reconstruction Project, 172nd Street will be improved 172nd Street West 2020 Street Reconstruction Project Feasibility Report City of Lakeville Project No. 20-02 WSB Project No. 013281-000 Page 7 from the Canadian Pacific rail road crossing west to a point approximately 370 feet east of Kirben Avenue. 172nd Street West east of the Canadian Pacific rail road crossing was recently reconstructed in conjunction with the Kenyon Avenue /CSAH 5 intersection improvements. That improvement project included the addition of a concrete sidewalk along the south side of 172nd Street that terminates approximately 25 feet east of the Canadian Pacific right-of-way. Canadian Pacific Rail Road Crossings A segment of the Canadian Pacific Rail Road is within the 2020 Street Reconstruction Project area. This segment of rail road is currently not operational. The rail road crosses public streets at 168th Street West near the intersection with Klamath Trail and at 172nd Street West approximately 560 feet west of Kenyon Avenue. The crossing on 168th Street West includes existing rubber panels between and adjacent to the rails. That portion of the street pavement section meeting these rubber panels has deteriorated and settled. There is also a sidewalk crossing on the south side of 168th Street West. The crossing on 172nd Street West has bituminous pavement up to and between the rails. The pavement is deteriorated and settled and results in an uncomfortable crossing for the traveling public. Orchard Lake Park Parking Lot and Boat Launch Orchard Lake Park is located on the southern shores of Orchard Lake. Vehicle access to the park and boat launch is available from 175th Street West. This access is one-way, with ingress obtained from the easterly access point and egress from the westerly access point. The parking lot has storm sewer facilities that are in relatively good condition, except for those near the boat launch which have heaved through the pavement section. The concrete ties within the boat launch ramp have settled, making for a very steep ingress/egress to the lake, and are in need of replacement. Additionally, the concrete sidewalk that leads to the dock has deteriorated and does not provide access that meets ADA requirements. In addition to infrastructure condition concerns, it has been noted by residents and City Staff that the current layout of the parking lot near the boat launch is difficult and unsafe to maneuver for vehicles with boat trailers. City staff has also indicated that there is insufficient space for equipment when performing maintenance on the sanitary sewer lift station within the park. Soil borings for streets within the Orchard Lake area of the project were conducted in 2017. Soil borings for the remainder of the project area, in addition to supplemental borings for the Orchard Lake area, were collected in August of 2019. The draft geotechnical report is included in Appendix D, and the draft boring logs were used to determine the feasibility of full depth reclamation. Not all streets were bored, so assumptions as to the existing street sections in certain areas were made based on information from other borings in close proximity as well as engineering judgement. The final geotechnical report will available with final design. Quantities have been included in the Opinion of Probable Cost to account for additional excavation and new aggregate base if the existing section requires it. Table 1 Below provides a summary of existing street conditions within the 2020 Street Reconstruction Project. 2020 Street Reconstruction Project Feasibility Report City of Lakeville Project No. 20-02 WSB Project No. 013281-000 Page 8 Table 1 – 2020 Street Reconstruction Project Summary of Existing Street Conditions Street Name Right-of- Way Street Width Curb Type Sub-grade Sub-base (aggregate) Avg. Bituminous Section OCI Approx. Year of Most Recent Construction Orchard Lake; Rock Island Townhomes; Kingsley Shores Senior Living; Klamath Glen; Swan Addition; Lau Addition; Sea Grit; Orchard Lake Hills; Hrkals Addition; Weisners Lake Addition; Lakeview Gardens; Liberty Heights; Goose Lake First Add ition; Orchard Hills 1st Addition; Truehart Addition; Beachside; Orchard Oaks; Lyndale Lakes Club 1st Addition; Lyndale Lakes Club 2nd Addition; Bracketts Townhomes; Club Park Addition No. 1; Ken Con Estates First Addition; Orchard Lake Estates 1st Addition; Orchard Lake Estates 2nd Addition; Arland Park; Bracketts Townhomes; Bracketts Crossing; Bracketts Crossing Third Addition; Bracketts Estates; Simonsen 1st Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates First Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 2nd Addition; Lak e Villa Golf Estates 3rd Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 4th Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates Fifth Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 6th Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estate s 7th Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 8th Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 9th Addition; Nelson Addition; The Oaks of Lakevilla; Marion Village; Marion Village Second Addition; Marion Village Third Addition; Marion Village Fourth Addition; Marion Village Fifth Addition; Sullivans First Addition to Marion Heights; Garden Estates; Mehlhorn Beatty Addition; Juno Addition; Marion Heights; Greer and Sullivans Rearr; Blue Heron Bay. Upper 167th Street W est 60’ 30’ Standard Surmountable D412 Curb & Gutter No boring information available No boring information available No boring information available 47 1976 168th Street West 60’ 30’ No curb / Bituminous curb CL, OL, CH 3”-4” 7”-9” 44 1976 Langley Avenue 30’-60’ 22’ No curb / Bituminous curb Boring information pending Boring information pending Boring information pending 38 1976 Lakeview Court 60’-66’ 30’ Standard Surmountable D412 Curb & Gutter SC 12” 5” 31 1988 Lake Hills Court 60’ 30’ Standard Surmountable D412 Curb & Gutter No boring information available No boring information available No boring information available 14 1988 Klamath Trail 65’-80’ 24’ Primarily rural / minimal B681 curb & gutter SM, SC 6”-8” 6”-9” 60 1976 Lions Court 50’ 30’ Standard Surmountable D412 Curb & Gutter SP, CL 7” 5” 79 1995 Judicial Road 50’-60’ 26’- 32’ Partial B618 & Partial D412 Curb & Gutter SP-SM, SM, SC, SP 4”-9” 4”-5.5” 49 1990 Liberty Beach Court 60’ 32’ Standard Surmountable D412 Curb & Gutter No boring information available No boring information available No boring information available 49 1994 Juneberry Court 60’ 32’ Standard Surmountable D412 Curb & Gutter No boring information available No boring information available No boring information available 39 1991 2020 Street Reconstruction Project Feasibility Report City of Lakeville Project No. 20-02 WSB Project No. 013281-000 Page 9 Table 1 – 2020 Street Reconstruction Project Summary of Existing Street Conditions Street Name Right-of- Way Street Width Curb Type Sub-grade Sub-base (aggregate) Avg. Bituminous Section OCI Approx. Year of Most Recent Construction 175th Street West 65’-70’ 20’- 24’ Partial D412 Curb & Gutter, Partial Bituminous curb, partial no curb SP-SM, SC 5”-6” 4”-7” 0 1982 Kodiak Avenue 60’-80’ 30’ Standard Surmountable D412 Curb & Gutter SC, SP, CL 6” 4”-6” 44 1982 Kodiak Court 60’ 30’ Standard Surmountable D412 Curb & Gutter No boring information available No boring information available No boring information available 52 1983 172nd Street W est 66’-72’ 24’- 32’ Partial Rural Section with Partial D412 Curb & Gutter SP, CL, SM 9” 4” 11 1980-1982 Layton Path 60’ 37.5’ Standard Surmountable D412 Curb & Gutter SC 6”-8” 6”-8” 70 1987 Layton Court 60’ 32’ Standard Surmountable D412 Curb & Gutter SC, CL 6” 6” 71 1987 Lake Oak Circle 60’ 32’ Standard Surmountable D412 Curb & Gutter No boring information available No boring information available No boring information available 0 1988 Kettering Trail 60’ 32’ Standard Surmountable D412 Curb & Gutter CL, SP, SC, SP- SM 4”-11” 4”-6” 42 1981 Keystone Avenue 60’ 32’ Standard Surmountable D412 Curb & Gutter SP-SM 6”-10” 3”-4” 19 1980 177th Street West 60’ 32’ Standard Surmountable D412 Curb & Gutter SP-SM, SC, SP, 5”-10” 4”-6” 32 1988 Kingsbury Circle 60’ 32’ Standard Surmountable D412 Curb & Gutter SC, SM 7” 5” 52 1989 Kingswood Circle 60’ 32’ Standard Surmountable D412 Curb & Gutter No boring information available No boring information available No boring information available 40 1988 Lake Cove Circle 60’ 32’ Standard Surmountable D412 Curb & Gutter SP-SM 7” 4” 0 1988 Lanesboro Court 60’ 32’ Standard Surmountable D412 Curb & Gutter SP-SM, CL, SC, SM 6” 6” 7 1993 2020 Street Reconstruction Project Feasibility Report City of Lakeville Project No. 20-02 WSB Project No. 013281-000 Page 10 Table 1 – 2020 Street Reconstruction Project Summary of Existing Street Conditions Street Name Right-of- Way Street Width Curb Type Sub-grade Sub-base (aggregate) Avg. Bituminous Section OCI Approx. Year of Most Recent Construction 179th Trail West 60’-80’ 32’- 46’ Standard Surmountable D412 Curb & Gutter SP-SM, SP, SC, CL 7”-9” 4”-6” 26 1992-1993 179th Street West 100’ 41’ Standard Surmountable D412 Curb & Gutter SP, CL 5” 4” 54 1997 Kestrel Court 60’ 32’ Standard Surmountable D412 Curb & Gutter No boring information available No boring information available No boring information available 40 1992 Kettle River Court 60’ 32’ Standard Surmountable D412 Curb & Gutter SP-SM 10” 4” 36 1992 Kingsway Path 65’ 40’ Standard Surmountable D412 Curb & Gutter SM, SC 6”-8” 4”-5” 35 1991 Keystone Path 60’ 30’ Standard Surmountable D412 Curb & Gutter SP, SM 6” 4” 0 1992 Keokuk Avenue 90’ 48’ Standard Surmountable D412 Curb & Gutter SC, SM 6”-11” 4”-5” 36 1981 Kenai Circle 60’ 32’ Standard Surmountable D412 Curb & Gutter No boring information available No boring information available No boring information available 76 2001 Kensington Way 60’ 32’ Standard Surmountable D412 Curb & Gutter SP-SM, SP, CL 7”-8” 4”-5” 29 1993 203rd Street West 60’ 32’ Standard Surmountable D412 Curb & Gutter SP-SM, 7” 5” 19 1993 202nd Street West 60’ 32’ Standard Surmountable D412 Curb & Gutter SP-SM 7” 4” 36 1995 Kensington Court 60’ 32’ Standard Surmountable D412 Curb & Gutter SP-SM 7” 5” 18 1993 Kansas Avenue 60’ 32’ Design B618 Curb & Gutter No boring information available No boring information available No boring information available 51 1993 Jupiter Way 60’ 32’ Standard Surmountable D412 Curb & Gutter SP-SM, CL, SP 6”-8” 4”-5” 64 1992 Jupiter Court 60’ 32’ Standard Surmountable D412 Curb & Gutter SP, SC No boring information available No boring information available 35 1992 2020 Street Reconstruction Project Feasibility Report City of Lakeville Project No. 20-02 WSB Project No. 013281-000 Page 11 3.2. Public Storm Sewer City record drawing information indicates that public storm sewer facilities exist within the 2020 Street Reconstruction Project area. Stormwater runoff from the 2020 pr oject area is tributary to Kingsley Lake, Orchard Lake, and Lake Marion. A majority of the sub watersheds within the 2020 project contain stormwater basins and wetlands that serve as intermediate storage areas for stormwater runoff. All runoff is discharged into either the Orchard Lake or Lake Marion Stormwater Districts • The Orchard Lake Stormwater District is managed by the Black Dog Watershed Management Organization (BDWMO). Drainage from the Orchard Lake District flows to the Minnesota River via the Credit River in the Township of Credit River and the City of Savage. • The Lake Marion Stormwater District is managed by the Vermillion River Watershed Joint Powers Organization. Drainage from Lake Marion outlets into a channel which joins South Creek before leaving the City to the south. The majority of the storm sewer facilities within the 2020 Street Reconstruction Project provide the necessary collection and conveyance capacity. There are segments of streets around Orchard Lake that have minimal storm sewer facilities, particularly along 175th Street West, where surface drainage currently sheet drains directly into Orchard Lake. At the June 27, 2019 Neighborhood Meeting, residents approached City staff with concerns regarding localized drainage issues within the Project. City Public Works staff also provided input based on historical issues and maintenance. Localized drainage issues were identified in the following areas: • Kingsway Path at 179th Trail West: resident concern with storm water backing up at the southeast quadrant of the intersection • 12290 175th Street West: resident concern with street flooding at stormwater pond • 17618 Kettering Trail: resident concern with stormwater pond draw-down rate • Kodiak Avenue at 175th Street West: resident concern with storm water pooling at the intersection 3.3. Public Watermain All of the existing watermain located within the 20 20 Street Reconstruction Project is ductile iron pipe (DIP). The diameter of watermain pipe varies throughout the project area. Below is a list of watermain pipe size by street: 6-inch Watermain • Upper 167th Street W • Langley Avenue • 168th Street W • Kenai Circle • Kingsbury Circle • Judicial Road • Juneberry Court • Jupiter Circle • Jupiter Road • Kensington Court • Ketchikan Court • Kestrel Court • Kettle River Court • Keystone Avenue • Keystone Path • Kingsway Path • Lake Oak Circle • Kingswood Circle • Kodiak Circle • Lanesboro Court 2020 Street Reconstruction Project Feasibility Report City of Lakeville Project No. 20-02 WSB Project No. 013281-000 Page 12 • Layton Court • Lake Cove Circle • Liberty Beach Circle 8-inch Watermain • 172nd Street W • Kodiak Avenue • 176th Street W • 177th Street W • 178th Street W • 179th Trail W • Lake Cove Circle • 202nd Street W • 203rd Street W • Kensington Way • Ketchikan Trail • Kettering Trail • Layton Path • Kodiak Avenue • Lake Hills Court • Lakeview Court • Lions Court 12-inch Watermain • 168th Street W • 175th Street W • 179th Street W • Judicial Road • Kansas Avenue • Klamath Trail • Layton Path 16-inch Watermain • 172nd Street W • 179th Trail W • Keokuk Avenue • Kingsway Path City maintenance records indicate a sporadic and limited watermain break history throughout the 2020 Street Reconstruction Project area that have required typical maintenance efforts. 3.4. Public Sanitary Sewer A majority of the existing sanitary sewer located within the 2020 Street Reconstruction Project consists of 8-inch polyvinylchloride pipe (PVC). The following roadways have been identified as having sanitary sewer pipe diameters or pipe material other than 8-inch PVC 10-inch PVC • Layton Path 12-inch PVC • 168th Street W • 176th Street W • Ketchikan Trail 15-inch PVC • 178th Street W • Keokuk Avenue • Ketchikan Trail 18-inch PVC • Ketchikan Trail 8-inch vitrified clay pipe (VCP) • Klamath Trail 10-inch ductile iron pipe (DIP) • Layton Path 4-inch ductile iron pipe (DIP) forcemain • Kodiak Avenue 2020 Street Reconstruction Project Feasibility Report City of Lakeville Project No. 20-02 WSB Project No. 013281-000 Page 13 6-inch ductile iron pipe (DIP) forcemain • Judicial Road 10-inch ductile iron pipe (DIP) forcemain • Klamath Trail The City’s Public Works Department televised the sanitary sewer and inspected all sanitary sewer manholes. Nearly all sanitary sewer manholes were identified to be in good condition; however, some castings require replacement. The inspection also revealed that one sanitary service located on 179th Trail West is in need of replacement. All adjustment rings require replacement and installation of inflow and infiltration barriers. 3.5. Wetlands There are a number of wetlands within the 2020 Street Reconstruction Project. A wetland delineation was completed in August 2019 for the areas of the project along 175 th Street, 172nd Street West, and Orchard Lake Park Parking Lot and Boat Launch. The wetland delineation identified six wetlands. Four of these wetlands are located along 172nd Street West, one wetland is located at the Orchard Lake Park Parking Lot and Boat Launch , and one wetland is located on 175th Street West near PID 221500003104. No wetlands were identified along Orchard L ake at the location of the slope stabilization and safety improvement corridor. 4. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS 4.1. Public Roadway Surface Surface improvements recommended with the 2020 Street Reconstruction Project are intended to extend the life of the existing roadway systems, improve isolated drainage issues and improve the ride quality of the roadways. Surface improvements include the reclamation of all roadways. Reclamation is the process by which the existing roadway surface is pulverized and mixed with the existing aggregate base below and reused as aggregate roadway base for the new street section. Street grades will closely match the existing grades so as to minimize construction impacts to adjacent properties. Minor adjustments to select roadway vertical profiles are proposed to improve drainage conditions. A significant portion of the existing curb and gutter within the Project is in structurally adequate condition, so only spot curb and gutter replacement is proposed as a part of the Project. The local residential streets within the project area will be reclaimed and reconstructed in accordance with City’s local roadway design standards and are proposed to consist of the following section: 1 ½ inches of bituminous wearing course, 2 inches of bituminous base course, and 6 inches of reclaimed aggregate base over 12 inches of an acceptable, compacted subgrade. Appendix A illustrates the proposed residential roadway section. Minor collector streets within the project area are also proposed to consist of this street section due to the low amount of vehicle traffic. The major collector streets within the project area will be reclaimed and reconstructed in accordance with the City’s major collector roadway design standards and are proposed to consist of the following section: 2 inches of bituminous wearing course, 2 inches of bituminous base course, and 6 inches of reclaimed aggregate base over 12 inches of an acceptable, compacted subgrade. Appendix A illustrates the proposed collector roadway section. 175th Street West and Orchard Lake In order to improve safety to the traveling public and the longevity of the City’s infrastructure, improvements are proposed for the segment of 175th Street West that is directly adjacent to the southern-most shore of Orchard Lake. This portion of 175th Street has been an on-going 2020 Street Reconstruction Project Feasibility Report City of Lakeville Project No. 20-02 WSB Project No. 013281-000 Page 14 maintenance issue for the City, as the roadway currently sheet drains from south to north across the roadway and down the roadway embankment directly into Orchard Lake. Wave and ice action, stormwater runoff from the roadway and poor soils in the area have resulted in the roadway and roadway embankment sloughing off into Orchard Lake. A temporary roadway patch was installed in 2016 with plans to more permanently stabilize the roadway embankment with this street reconstruction project. On June 17, 2019, a design memo entitled “175th Street West; Expansion Matrix”, was presented to the City. This memo evaluated three potential options for improvements to the corridor: • Option 1: 20’ wide urban roadway with 4’ clear zone along north (lake) side for pedestrian refuge. Permanent sheet piling with concrete barrier, soldier pile wall on south side. • Option 2A: 20’ wide urban roadway with no pedestrian refuge. Permanent sheet piling and concrete barrier. Grading on south side. • Option 2B: 20’ wide urban roadway with slope stabilization including riprap and TRM, and guardrail. Boulder walls on south side The memo concluded that Option 2B is the preferred option based on factors such as overall construction cost, impacts to Orchard Lake and impacts to the residential properties along the south side of the roadway. The proposed street typical section is included in Appendix A. The street is proposed to consist of the following section: 1.5 inches of bituminous wearing course, 2 inches of bituminous base course, 6 inches of reclaimed aggregate base, 12 inches select granular material, geotextile fabric, over 12 inches of an acceptable, compacted subgrade. D412 concrete curb and gutter is proposed on both sides of the street to allow vehicles more room to move over if a wide vehicle is travelling in the opposite direction. 172nd Street West 172nd Street West is proposed to be widened from a 24-foot wide rural section to a 30-foot wide rural section. The proposed typical section is shown in Appendix A and will include a 2-foot wide paved shoulder on the north side of the roadway, two 11-wide travel lanes, and a 6-foot wide paved shoulder on the south side of the roadway. This typical section is proposed in order to reduce the effort spent maintaining the existing gravel shoulder and also provide a wider clear zone for roadway users and emergency vehicles. The widening is not intended to create on-street pedestrian or bicycle facilities. In the future when the adjacent properties develop, an off-street pedestrian facility will be constructed. Widening of the street will require common excavation and street section construction along the areas outside of the existing pavement footprint. The proposed street section in this area will consist of 1.5 inches of bituminous wearing course, 2 inches of bituminous base course, and 6 inches of reclaimed aggregate base over 12 inches of an acceptable, compacted subgrade. 2020 Street Reconstruction Project Feasibility Report City of Lakeville Project No. 20-02 WSB Project No. 013281-000 Page 15 Canadian Pacific Rail Road Crossings Two rail road crossings exist within the 2020 Street Reconstruction Project area; along 172nd Street west of Kenyon Avenue and along 168th Street at the intersection with Klamath Trail. Both crossings were evaluated with Canadian Pacific representati ves, and the 172nd Street crossing is proposed to be replaced with concrete panels to meet both current Canadian Pacific Rail Road standards and to improve the comfort and safety for vehicles crossing the tracks. The design and product requirements will be dictated by the Canadian Pacific Rail Road as the crossing is located within their right of way and the crossing falls under their jurisdiction. The precast concrete panels will need to extend the full width of the proposed street section at the crossing on 172nd Street West. It is not proposed to install new concrete panels at the crossing on 168th Street West because the crossing can be significantly improved in a cost -effective manner by installing new bituminous pavement up to the existing rubber panels. No improvements are proposed to be made to the rail road crossing arms at either crossing since they are not impacted by the proposed improvements and the line is not in operation. Orchard Lake Park Parking Lot and Boat Launch The proximity of Orchard Lake Park to the 2020 Street Reconstruction Project area provides a timely opportunity to make desired improvements to the layout, functionality, and storm sewer utilities within the Orchard Lake Park Boat Launch area. To improve the safety of the public utilizing the boat launch, it is proposed that the parking lot layout be modified in a manner that provides a wider and more direct lane access for drivers to back-in their boat trailers. Proposed improvements will include removing an area that is currently occupied by green space and converting it to a paved surface. A portion of the Park’s westerly driveway is also proposed to be widened to allow for City maintenance equipment to park alongside the sanitary sewer lift station during maintenance activity and still allow for public through-traffic. The existing concrete ties that comprise the boat launch ramp will be replaced with new precast concrete ties. Additionally, concrete sidewalk and a pedestrian ramp will be installed from the parking lot to the dock to allow for safe pedestrian access. Minor storm sewer utility improvements are proposed, including reconstruction of two catch basin inlets which have heaved through the existing pavement surface and as a result, do not allow for proper drainage within the parking lot. It is also proposed that storm sewer be added to the parking lot’s westerly driveway to collect drainage from 175th Street West and direct it towards the existing water quality structure within the park that was instal led in 2004. As part of the 2020 Street Reconstruction Project, a ll existing pedestrian curb ramps within the project area that do not meet current ADA accessibility design standards will be reconstructed. Additionally, spot replacement of structurally deficient concrete sidewalk and bituminous pathways is proposed. 4.2. Public Storm Sewer Reconstruction of the streets provides a timely opportunity to improve drainage conditions and increase the longevity of the streets within the project area by repairing existing and installing additional storm sewer facilities. City staff completed an inspection of the storm sewer system this summer and provided recommendations for repairs and replacement including castings, adjustment rings, and structure replacement, as well as replacement of failing or deteriorating 2020 Street Reconstruction Project Feasibility Report City of Lakeville Project No. 20-02 WSB Project No. 013281-000 Page 16 reinforced concrete pipe (RCP). Structures identified as needing rehabilitation will undergo necessary interior concrete/grout replacement. It is the City’s practice to have storm sewer castings meeting current City Standards installed on all catch basins within the project area, and therefore, structure top slabs or entire structures will be replaced to accommodate the transition. Potential drainage improvements to be evaluated with final design of the project include: supplementing existing storm sewer facilities with additional catch basins throughout the project area, drain tile installation at low points and in areas with poorly draining soils, and replacement of damaged or deteriorated sewer pipes and structures. Water Quality Improvements The following existing outfall locations offer an opportunity to decrease pollutant loadings to downstream water bodies via a water quality device. These locations have been prioritized based on the highest removal efficiency scenarios: • Klamath Trail southeast of 168th Street West, prior to discharge into Orchard Lake • 175th Street W est on the south side of Orchard Lake, prior to discharge into Orchard Lake • North of Kensington Way prior to discharging to into Pond 2125-NE001, which ultimately discharges into Lake Marion • Within Orchard Lake Park, an existing Stormceptor structure beneath the parking lot area. New storm sewer will be added with the reconstruction of 175th Street West to direct additional drainage to the treatment structure. An evaluation of the existing treatment structure during the final design process will determined of the existing Stormceptor structure can properly treat the additional drainage area proposed to be added to this storm sewer system or if a new structure would be needed. All of these locations will be further evaluated with final design to determine if BMPs can be employed in these locations in accordance with the maintenance and water quality goals of the City. As such, costs associated with the aforementioned water quality improvements were not included in the project’s feasibility report. The availability of land, treatment efficiency and cost to construct any such improvements will all be evaluated when considering the improvements. In addition to water quality structure implementation, it is proposed that some existing outlet locations which have accumulated excess sediment build up (deltas) be excavated and cleaned out. City Staff has inspected and identified which outlet locations require delta excavation and removal. Basin Maintenance Reconstruction of the streets within the 2020 Project area provides an opportunity to perform maintenance on adjacent stormwater basins. Over time, stormwater basins become laden with nutrients and sediment deposited by stormwater flows. Routine basin maintenance, in the form of sediment removal, is necessary to keep the basin functioning at the level for which it was originally designed. The following existing stormwater basins have been surveyed and two sediment samples from each basin were collected and analyzed to determine the appropriate method for sediment disposal consistent with Minnesota Pollution Control Agency guidelines. The location map of the stormwater basins to be evaluated is provided in the Appendix F. A recommendation memo was provided to the City regarding maintenance needs based on funding availability. • Pond 2102-SW001: South of Judicial Road adjacent to Orchard Lake. Located on private property address 16860 Judicial Road within a drainage and utility easement. 2020 Street Reconstruction Project Feasibility Report City of Lakeville Project No. 20-02 WSB Project No. 013281-000 Page 17 • Pond 2102-SW002: South of Judicial Road adjacent to Orchard Lake. Located on private property address 16890 Judicial Road within a drainage and utility easement. • Pond 2102-SW003: South of Judicial Road adjacent to Orchard Lake. Located on private property address 16910 Judicial Road within a drainage and utility easement. • Pond 2111-SW001: North of Layton Path between Landmark Court and Lancaster Court. • Pond 2125-NE001: North of Kensington Way adjacent to Orchard Lake. • Pond 2125-NE003: Adjacent to 205th Street West east of Kensington Boulevard and south of Kensington Way. The final extent of stormwater treatment basin maintenance will be evaluated in final design. The opinion of probable cost located in Appendix B includes estimated costs associated with basin maintenance based on past projects of similar size and assumes contaminated soils will be encountered based on testing results, also included in the Appendix F. 4.3. Public Watermain The geotechnical investigation performed by Braun Intertec included a collection of soil samples from the 2020 Street Reconstruction Project area that measured the corrosivity of the soil. The results of the corrosivity testing indicate that the project area contains corrosive soils that impact ductile iron watermain pipe. It is proposed that in conjunction with the street improvements within the project, the service life of the existing watermain system be extended by installing corrosion protection. Corrosion protection will directly connect the iron watermain pipe to a more easily corrodible material, or “sacrificial anode”, which corrodes first instead of the iron watermain thus reducing the potential for watermain breaks for buried iron pipes. This effort will extend the service life of the existing watermain without replacing the entire watermain system. Corrosion protection has been shown to extend the service life of the watermain at a lower cost than pipe repairs or main replacements. In addition to the installation of corrosion protection along the watermain within the 2020 Street Reconstruction Project area, all bolts at existing hydrants and watermain valves will be replaced with stainless steel bolts, which are more resistant to the corrosive nature of the underlying soils. It is proposed to extend the 8” DIP watermain stub on Kirben Avenue beyond the limits of the proposed concrete curb and gutter returns and new bituminous pavement on Kirben Avenue. This will provide an opportunity for watermain to be extended further along Kirben Avenue in the future without impacting the surface improvements. The City’s maintenance records show dispersed and limited watermain breaks and maintenance issues and therefore no watermain replacement is proposed with the 2020 Street Reconstruction Project. 4.4. Public Sanitary Sewer The City’s Public Works Department has televised the sanitary sewer system. The sanitary sewer video inspection revealed that the existing sewer pipe is in relatively good condition a nd will not require full replacement. However, there will be minor improvements made to the existing system, including the replacement of one sanitary sewer service line within the public right-of-way along 179th Street West, and replacement of one sanitary sewer service wye along 172nd Street West. Sanitary sewer manholes within the project area identified as needing new rings and/or castings will be repaired as a part of this project. Additionally, all sanitary sewer manholes within the street reconstruction area will receive external chimney seals as a part of the project to reduce the potential for inflow and infiltration issues and reduce the frequency of maintenance repairs. 2020 Street Reconstruction Project Feasibility Report City of Lakeville Project No. 20-02 WSB Project No. 013281-000 Page 18 It is proposed to replace the existing 4” DIP sanitary sewer stub on Kirben Avenue with 8” PVC sanitary sewer as a part of the 2020 Street Reconstruction Project. The new 8” PVC pipe will extend beyond the limits of the proposed concrete curb and gutter returns and new bituminous pavement on Kirben Avenue. This will provide an opportunity for sanitary sewer to be extended further along Kirben Avenue in the future without impacting the surface improvements. 4.5. Wetlands Given the proximity of wetlands to the planned improvements, impacts to wetland s are likely to occur along 172nd Street West and at the Orchard Lake Park Parking Lot and Boat Launch. Impacts to wetlands are likely to include the placement of fill in the wetlands and will require mitigation consistent with WCA requirements. 4.6. Public Street Sign Replacement All existing street signs within the project will be replaced with new street signs that meet the Federal Highway Administration’s (FHWA) requirements for retro-reflectivity. 4.7. Mailbox Replacement It is the City’s intent to salvage and reinstall all existing mailboxes and mailbox supports that may be impacted with construction. In the event the condition of the existing mailbox support warrants replacement prior to reinstallation, the City is proposing to salvage the existing mailbox and install a new mailbox support that will meet both City Standards and United States Postal Service (USPS) requirements. 4.8. Permits/Approvals An NPDES permit for construction activity will be required since more than one (1) acre will be disturbed by construction activities with the project. A Dakota County Work in Right-of-Way user registration will be required for the contractor for any county roads (i.e. CSAH 5/Kenwood Trail) that may be used as a haul route for the project. Work in Right-of-Way permits will also be required for construction within Dakota County Right-of-Way. A Work in Right-of-Way permit will be required for work within the Canadian Pacific Railway right- of-way for the work proposed at the 168th Street West and 172nd Street West crossings. A Transportation Regional General Permit from the US Army Corps of Engineers and a Wetland Conservation Act permit from the City of Lakeville will be required for the proposed work that will impact wetlands and W aters of the US below the ordinary high-water level. Mitigation for wetland impacts is expected to be required. Mitigation will likely be completed through the purchase of wetland credits. The project may be eligible for the local road replacement program in which case wetland credits will be provided by the state instead of the City purchasing credits. A DNR Work in Public Waters Permit will be required for the proposed work that will occur below the ordinary high-water level of any DNR waters including Orchard Lake. Based on communication with the DNR, no mitigation for impacts to Orchard Lake will be required if the project follows the DNR’s design recommendations. 4.9. Construction Access/Staging The contractor will be responsible for providing access to all properties throughout the project. Adequately signed detours will be identified to direct traffic around the construction zones and notify users of the increased truck and construction activity. 2020 Street Reconstruction Project Feasibility Report City of Lakeville Project No. 20-02 WSB Project No. 013281-000 Page 19 Construction will be phased such that construction truck traffic will not need to access newly reconstructed streets to complete the project. Detailed construction phasing plans will be developed with final design of the project. Improvements on 175th Street will require closure to all through traffic along that portion of the roadway directly adjacent to Orchard Lake for the duration of the slope stabilization efforts and retaining wall construction. 4.10. Public Involvement A public informational meeting was held for the project to discuss the proposed improvements. The neighborhood meeting was conducted on June 27, 2019 for all property owners within the proposed project area, and included information regarding the proposed improvements, funding, schedule, and impacts associated with the project. The meeting was intended to update the property owners on the status of the project and to solicit comments from property owners regarding combining the pavement reconstruction with efforts to extend the service life of the existing utilities, using corrosion protection. Comment cards were made available to attendees at the meetings. Summaries of the correspondence received, and questions and answers provided at the informational meetings are included in Appendix E. 5. FINANCING 5.1. Opinion of Probable Cost A detailed opinion of probable cost for the project area can be found in Appendix B of this report. The opinion of cost incorporates estimated 2020 construction costs and includes a ten percent (10%) contingency factor. Indirect costs are projected at twenty-eight percent (28%) of the construction cost and include engineering, legal, financing, and administrative costs. Table 2 below provides a summary of the opinion of probable cost for the 2020 Street Reconstruction Project: Table 2 – 2020 Street Reconstruction Project Opinion of Probable Cost Summary Area Schedule Amount Orchard Lake Area Surface Improvements – Residential $ 3,085,174.23 Surface Improvements – Collector $ 481,831.14 Watermain Improvements $ 447,506.40 Sanitary Sewer Improvements $ 127,650.00 Storm Sewer Improvements – Residential $ 235,168.56 Storm Sewer Improvements – Collector $ 5,782.20 175th Street West Improvements $ 533,905.44 Orchard Lake Park Improvements $ 132,446.88 Lake Villa Area Surface Improvements $ 3,685,279.65 Watermain Improvements $ 525,904.20 Sanitary Sewer Improvements $133,818.60 Storm Sewer Improvements $ 906,464.04 2020 Street Reconstruction Project Feasibility Report City of Lakeville Project No. 20-02 WSB Project No. 013281-000 Page 20 Lake Marion Area Surface Improvements $ 1,292,374.14 Watermain Improvements $ 210,974.40 Sanitary Sewer Improvements $ 56,828.40 Storm Sewer Improvements $ 182,173.80 Multiple Basin Maintenance $ 345,088.32 TOTAL $ 12,388,370.40 5.2. Funding Financing for the street and storm sewer improvements within the 2020 Street Reconstruction Project will come from City Funds and Special Assessments. Street section (excluding pavement section), safety, and slope stabilization improvements for 175th Street West is proposed to be financed by City Funds only. The watermain repairs are proposed to be financed by the City’s Water Operating Fund. The sanitary sewer repairs are proposed to be financed by the City’s Sanitary Sewer Operating Fund. Stormwater basin maintenance work will be financed by the City’s Environmental Resources Fund. BMPs are proposed to be financed by the City’s Storm Sewer Infrastructure Fund. The improvements at Orchard Lake Park Parking Lot and Boat Launch are proposed to be financed by the City’s Park Improvement Fund and Sanitary Sewer Operating Fund. Special Assessments to benefitting properties are proposed to fund forty percent (40%) of the roadway surface and storm sewer improvements identified to be reconstructed with the project, with the remaining sixty percent (60%) funded using City Funds. Assessments for this project were calculated on a per parcel (unit) basis as identified in the City’s Assessment Policy. Residential Equivalent Units (REU) have been assigned to parcels that are used or zoned as anything other than residential as indicated in the City of Lakeville Zoning Map. A memo summarizing assigned REU justifications is included in Appendix C. Assessments for those properties along Klamath Trail that are classified under the Single Family Unit Assessment Rate (Collector) shown below, were prorated based on assessable front footage of benefitting properties. Total Assessable front footage along Klamath Trail is 21.41% of the total front footage. Costs have been prorated as shown in the table below: Table 3 – Special Assessments for Orchard Lake Area Collector Street Estimated Surface and Storm Sewer Improvement Costs Prorated for Assessable Frontage (21.41%) Assessable Costs (40%) Residential Equivalent Units Estimated Unit Assessment Rate for Street Improvements Klamath Trail $487,613.34 $104,376.20 $41,750,48 12 $3,479.21 The project costs associated with the improvements to Keokuk Avenue and 179th Street West, which are designated as major collectors, were prorated to reflect a standard 40-foot minor collector street section per the City’s Assessment Policy. Residential unit assessment amount for residential properties located in the Lake Villa Area will be assessed based on a prorated project cost as shown in Table 4. Prorating the special assessments as such will increase the City’s share of the total project costs. 2020 Street Reconstruction Project Feasibility Report City of Lakeville Project No. 20-02 WSB Project No. 013281-000 Page 21 Table 4 – Special Assessments for Lake Villa Residential Properties Area Estimated Street and Surface Improvement Costs Prorated for Assessable Pavement Width (96.40%) Assessable Costs (40%) Residential Equivalent Units Estimated Assessment Amount per Single Family Unit Lake Villa $4,591,743.69 $4,426,621.93 $1,770,648.77 264 $6,707.00 The funding level anticipated through the levy of Special Assessments to benefitting property owners for street and storm improvements is $3,730,355.54 with the following proposed assessments: A. Single Family Unit Assessment Rate (Collector, Klamath Trail) ....... $3,479.21 per unit B. Single Family Unit Assessment Rate (Res., Orchard Area) .............. $4,955.74 per unit C. Single Family Unit Assessment Rate (Res., Lake Villa Area) ........... $6,707.00 per unit D. Single Family Unit Assessment Rate (Res., Lake Marion Area) ....... $3,709.55 per unit The proposed assessment roll is included in Appendix C of this report, along with Assessment Maps highlighting the benefitting properties and the assessment calculations for benefitting property owners. Table 5 – 2020 Street Reconstruction Project Funding Summary Funding Source Amount Street and Storm Sewer Assessments (approximately 40%) $ 3,730,355.54 City CIP Funds – Street $ 5,865,187.92 City CIP Funds – Storm Sewer $812,609.74 City Sanitary Sewer Operating Fund $ 318,297.00 City Water Operating Fund $ 1,184,385.00 City Park Fund $ 132,446.88 City Environmental Resources Fund (Basin Maintenance) $ 345,088.32 TOTAL $ 12,388,370.40 2020 Street Reconstruction Project Feasibility Report City of Lakeville Project No. 20-02 WSB Project No. 013281-000 Page 22 6. PROJECT SCHEDULE The proposed project schedule for the 2020 Street Reconstruction Project is as follows: Neighborhood Meeting No. 1 ................................................................................ June 27, 2019 Accept Feasibility Report / Set Improvement Hearing ..................................... October 21, 2019 Public Hearing .............................................................................................. November 18, 2019 Open Bids / Compute Assessments .............................................................. February 21, 2020 Declare Costs / Set Assessment Hearing… ...................................................... March 16, 2019 Assessment Hearing and Award Construction Contract ......................................... April 6, 2020 Begin Construction ............................................................................................ April / May 2020 Substantial Completion…....................................................................................... October 2020 Final Completion… ............................................................................................. November 2020 * Schedule assumes any necessary private utility work is completed prior to the start of construct ion. 2020 Street Reconstruction Project Feasibility Report City of Lakeville Project No. 20-02 WSB Project No. 013281-000 Page 23 7. FEASIBILITY AND RECOMMENDATION The 2020 Street Reconstruction Project includes roadway reclamation, slope stabilization, watermain improvements, sanitary sewer improvements, storm sewer and water quality improvements, pedestrian ramp installation, and spot repair and replacement of structurally deficient sidewalk and curb and gutter. The total estimated cost for the 2020 Street Reconstruction Project including roadway, storm sewer, sanitary sewer, and watermain improvements is $12,388,370.40. Proposed funding for the project is provided through a combination of Special Assessments and City Funds. Construction costs are based on anticipated construction costs for 2020. This project is feasible, necessary, and cost-effective from an engineering standpoint. The project feasibility is subject to financial review by the City. Based on the information contained in this report, it is recommended to proceed with the improvements as outlined in this report. 2020 Street Reconstruction Project Feasibility Report City of Lakeville Project No. 20-02 WSB Project No. 13281-000 APPENDIX A Location Map Local Street Typical Section – Collector Local Street Typical Section – Residential 175th Street West Typical Section 172nd Street West Typical Section §¨¦35 LAKEVILLECREDIT RIVER TOWNSHIPLAKEVILLESouth FortyArchery Range RitterFarm Park Antle rsPark Caspers onPark West LakeMarion Park L a k e ri d g e Pa r k Kenw oodMiddleSchool ICALEEPATHSTEVEN L N17 5T H ST W ITERILN J U N ELLE PATHKINGS CTJAVELINAVE1 7 2 N D S T W JAGUAR AVEA R C HERYRDU PP E R 1 9 6 T H W A Y WJAMAICA P A T HKENAI CTROLLIE RDOR C HA R D T R L JUPITER PATH205TH ST W JAVATRLKINGSWOOD CI RJONQUIL AVEJACANA CT 2 03RDST WITERIAV E JUDICIALWAY N JUN OTRL JASPERPATHJACQUARD PATH1 7 0 T H S T W JACOBITE CTKERRICKCT JAMAICAP ATHJASPER CT178TH S T W KALM AR T RL INGRID CTKINGSWAY PATH JAGUAR CIRJAYBELL CT173RDSTW LANCASTER CTLAKE OAK CIRJ URELWAYKESTREL CT1 7 7 T H C I R W K A L E W A Y JE F F ERS O N C T172ND ST W KEOKUKAVEJASMINEWAYUPPER178THSTWLANGLEY AVEITHACA CIRKODIAKAVEJASPER CT L A N E S B O R O C T KING S PL179TH STW KENMORE DRKEY W EST CT J U N E B E R R Y C T IXONIAPATHJORDAN CT NIXONIAAVEJUREL CIR 1 6 7 T H S T W J AD E CT167TH C T W KINGSBURY CIRISOSCELLES AVEJAYHAWK CTKODIAK CTLIBERTY BEACH CT ISLETON AVEJANNEVAR CT J ONE SB O RO C T 195T H ST W JASPER CTJONATHAN CT16 6 T H S T W JEWEL CTLAYTON P AT H J ONRAY CTJ OR D A N T R L 1 9 9 T H S T W 176TH CIR WJADET ER J OY AV EJORDANC TITALY AVE17 0T H S T WLAKEVIEW CTSHIRLEYLN JULY CTKALMEADOW CT 173RD S T W JAMAICA CT JAGUAR AVE177THS T W 18 3 R D S T W JAVELIN CT 167TH S T W 198TH CT W 1 88 T H S T W I S MAY PATHJAEGERPATH175TH ST W 175TH ST W JA S PERPATH1 7 5 T H S T W KINDRED CT L A Y T O N C T K E N SINGTO N WAYJAVELIN AVEKALMAR CTRITTERPARKTRL JERSEYAV EJOY CTIT E R I C T WLANSFORDPATHJUNELLE CTTHOMAS RDKENSI NGTON CT1 8 2 N D S T WLANSFORD CTKENSFIELDTRLJUPITER WAYJUPITER CT ITEN CT SKACHINA CTLANDMARK CTRI T T E R P ARK T RL ITERIP LJACKSONTRLORCHARD TRLKETTERINGTRL JAVA PATHJAVA CT SKEYSTONE AVE1 8 8TH S T WJAVA CT NJUBILEE CIR JOPLINAVEJOSIE RDJ ASPERTERJASMINE CTK E Y S T O N E P A T H J A R L C T ITHACALN LAMAR CT1 8 0 T H S T W JASMINE AVEJ A L IS C O W AY JURE L CT 176TH S T W JONQUIL AV ELIONS CTJACKSON TRL171ST ST WJALISCO TER WKENYONAVE KEY WEST CT J O N Q U IL T R L KENYONAVEK I N D L E C T JASPERTRL170TH ST W KIRBEN AVEJAVELINCTI N N DALEDR KENRICK AVEITALYPATHJALISCO LN194T H ST W J U R A TRL204TH ST W JUDICIAL WAY S JOPLI NAVEKENWOOD WAYK A T R I N E CT JACKDAWPATH168TH S T W 192 N D ST WLAMARLNKENYONAVEJONQUIL AVEJASPERLNJ UN O T R L 17 8T H ST W JACKPINE TRLJAGUARPATHKABERATRL 204T H ST W JAVATRLKABOT COVE LN J U D I CI ALRD205TH CT W JUSTICEWAY JERSEY WAYKANA BECTRLJ AYCTJUBILEEWAY 16 8T H S T W KLAMATH TRL 179TH TR L W JADE LN K ETCHI KANTRLSINDEYLN197T H ST W JASPERWA YKENRICK AVEJOPLI NW A YLOWER 167TH ST W I TTABENAWA Y 181ST ST W LAKEFORESTDRJUNIPER P A T H 205TH ST W 202NDSTW JEWELPATHKERRVILLETRLLAFAYETTEWAY ITALY AVELAREDO AVEIXONIA AVEJUDICIAL RD175THSTW KNOLLWOODCIR KENWOODT RLKENWOOD TRL 185TH ST W 185TH ST W KENWOO D T R L Kingsley Lake Orc hard Lake Lake Marion Project Are a 0 2,00 0 4,00 01,00 0 Feet 2020 S treet Reconstruction Project Area² VARIES VARIES VARIES R/W R/W℄ BLVD INSET A MAJOR COLLECTORS INSET B MINOR COLLECTORS 2.0%2.0%4.0%1:4 MAX 1:4 MA X PROFILE GRADE URBAN COLLECTOR STREET LAYTON PATH 177TH STREET W FROM LAYTON PATH TO KINGSWAY PATH, KINGSWAY PATH FROM 177TH STREET W TO 179TH TRAIL W, 179TH TRAIL W FROM KINGSWAY PATH TO 179TH STREET W, 179TH STREET W(2) FROM 179TH TRAIL W TO KENYON AVENUE, KEOKUK AVENUE(2) FROM END TO 179TH STREET W, 168TH STREET W(1), JUDICIAL AVENUE, 175TH STREET W(1). D412 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER 2" TYPE SP 12.5 WEAR COURSE MIX (3,C) (SPWEB340C) 2357 BITUMINOUS TACK COAT 2" TYPE SP 12.5 NON-WEAR COURSE MIX (3,C) (SPNWB330C) MINIMUM 6" RECLAIMED AGGREGATE BASE INSET A COLLECTOR STREET SECTION 12" APPROVED SUBGRADE (INCIDENTAL) 28'-50' B-B (TYP.) 32.5'-40'32.5'-40' R/W R/W℄ INSET A 2.0%2.0%2.0% 1:4 MAX 1:4 MA X PROFILE GRADE RURAL COLLECTOR STREET KLAMATH TRAIL FROM 168TH STREET TO KINGS COURT CLASS 2 AGGREGATE SHOULDER VARIES* CLASS 2 AGGREGATE SHOULDER VARIES* 24'-44' B-B (TYP.) VARIES8' EX. BIT VARIES BLVD 1:4 MA X 1:4 MAX TRAIL 2.0%VARIES VARIES VARIES BLVD 1:4 MA X 1:4 MAX 8' EX. BIT TRAIL 2.0% 1' MIN.1' MIN. GRADING GRADE GRADING GRADE 0.5'0.5' * B618 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER FROM KINGS COURTH TO KENWOOD TRAIL (CSAH 5) D412 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER (1)SEGMENTS OF THESE STREETS HAVE BITUMINOUS CURB (2)MAJOR COLLECTORS, ALL OTHERS LISTED ARE MINOR COLLECTORS (N.T.S.) (N.T.S.) WSB PROJECT NO.:\\gvfiles01\projects\013281-000\Cad\Proposed\013281-000-C-TYP-DETL.dwg 10/11/2019 9:42:28 AM013281-000 2020 STREET RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT TYPICAL SECTION - COLLECTOR STREET CITY OF LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA FIGURE 1 30'30' VARIES5' VARIES VARIES 5' VARIES R/W R/W℄ EX. CONC WALK VARIES EX. CONC WALK VARIES BLVD BLVD INSET B EX. CONCRETE WALK SEE FEASIBILITY REPORT FOR STREETS WITH SIDEWALKS 3.125%3.125%2.0%4.0%4.0%2.0%1:4 MA X 1:4 MAX 1:4 MAX 1:4 MA X PROFILE GRADE URBAN RESIDENTIAL STREET D412 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER D412 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER 1.5" TYPE SP 9.5 WEAR COURSE MIX (2,C) (SPWEA240C) 2357 BITUMINOUS TACK COAT 2" TYPE SP 12.5 NON-WEAR COURSE MIX (2,C) (SPNWB230C) MINIMUM 6" RECLAIMED AGGREGATE BASE INSET B RESIDENTIAL STREET SECTION 12" APPROVED SUBGRADE (INCIDENTAL) 32' B-B (TYP.) LAKEVIEW COURT, LAKE HILLS COURT, LANGLEY AVENUE(3), UPPER 167TH STREET W(3), JUDICAL ROAD, LIONS COURT, LIBERTY BEACH COURT, JUNEBERRY COURT, 175TH STREET WEST, KODIAK AVENUE, KODIAK COURT, LAYTON COURT, LAKE OAK CIRCLE, KETTERING TRAIL, KINGSBURY CIRCLE, KESTREL COURT, KETTLE RIVER COURT, LAKE COVE CIRCLE, LANESBORO COURT, KINGSWOOD CIRCLE, KEYSTONE AVENUE, KEYSTONE PATH, KEOKUK AVENUE COURT, 179TH STREET, KENAI CIRCLE, KETCHIKA TRAIL, KETCHIKA COURT, 178TH STREET, KENSINGTON WAY, KENSINGTON COURT, 203RD STREET, 202ND STREET, JUPITER WAY, JUPITER COURT. GRADING GRADE (N.T.S.) (3)THESE STREETS HAVE BITUMINOUS CURB WSB PROJECT NO.:\\gvfiles01\projects\013281-000\Cad\Proposed\013281-000-C-TYP-DETL.dwg 10/11/2019 9:42:30 AM013281-000 2020 STREET RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT TYPICAL SECTION - RESIDENTIAL STREET CITY OF LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA FIGURE 2 1 1 1 1.5 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 2 2.0%2.0%1.0% 1'10'10' 1'1.77' 23.77'` 1'20'2.77' 4.5' 3' 2' MIN. LAP 2.5' 1'.5'1'1' APPROXIMATE GROUNDWATER EL. 976.0' EMBEDMENT DEPTH TBD FINAL DESIGN GEOTEXTILE FILTER TYPE 7 SEE DETAIL "A" MNDNR OHW EL. (LAKEVILLE WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PLAN, JUNE 2008) TURF REINFORCEMENT MAT TRAFFIC BARRIER TYPE 31 1 1 1 30" CLASS III RIPRAP EMBANKMENT TYP TBD 4" CONCRETE 8" LEVELING PAD GRANULAR MATERIAL MNDOT SPEC. 3149.2.B.1 COMPACT PER SPEC. 2105.3.F.3 MIN. BASE WIDTH = 0.5 X WALL HEIGHT TEMPORARY EXCAVATION LIMITS EXISTING GROUNDLINE CONCRETE OR CLAY LINED DRAINAGE SWALE BOULDER WALL 3 5 GEOTEXTILE FILTER TYPE 7 3 4 CLASS III RIPRAP DETAIL "A" GEOTEXTILE FILTER TYPE 7175TH STREET W ADJACENT TO ORCHARD LAKE PROFILE GRADE GRADING GRADE VARIES VARIES R/W R/W℄ INSET B 2.0%2.0% PROFILE GRADE RURAL COLLECTOR STREET 172ND STREET W FROM 350' EAST OF KIRBEN AVENUE TO 300' EAST OF STEVEN LANE 2' 1:3 M A X 1:4 MAX GRADING GRADE 30' B-B (TYP.) 2' SHOULDER 11' LANE 6' SHOULDER 11' LANE 1:3 M A X 2' 1:3 M A X 1:4 M A X 1: 3 M A X (N.T.S.) (N.T.S.) INSET B WSB PROJECT NO.:\\gvfiles01\projects\013281-000\Cad\Proposed\013281-000-C-TYP-DETL.dwg 10/11/2019 9:42:31 AM013281-000 2020 STREET RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT TYPICAL SECTION - 175TH STREET WEST, 172ND STREET WEST CITY OF LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA FIGURE 3 2020 Street Reconstruction Project Feasibility Report City of Lakeville Project No. 20-02 WSB Project No. 013281-000 APPENDIX B Opinion of Probable Cost WSB Project:2020 Street Reconstruction ProjectDesign By:MLH AOGProject Location:City of LakevilleChecked By:MRHCity Project No.:20-02WSB Project No:13281-000Date:10/11/20191 2021.501 MOBILIZATIONLS 294,000.00$ 1 294,000.00$ 0.42 123,480.00$ 0.36 294,000.00$ 105,840.00$ 0.06 17,640.00$ 2 2101.524 CLEARINGTREE 220.00$ 15 3,300.00$ 7 1,540.00$ 5 220.00$ 1,100.00$ 2 440.00$ 3 2101.524 GRUBBINGTREE 100.00$ 15 1,500.00$ 7 700.00$ 5 100.00$ 500.00$ 2 200.00$ 4 2104.502 REMOVE SIGNEACH 30.00$ 192 5,760.00$ 119 3,570.00$ 101 30.00$ 3,030.00$ 18 540.00$ 5 2104.503 SAWING CONCRETE PAVEMENT (FULL DEPTH) L F 4.00$ 310 1,240.00$ 110 440.00$ 100 4.00$ 400.00$ 10 40.00$ 6 2104.503 SAWING BIT PAVEMENT (FULL DEPTH)L F 3.00$ 1,020 3,060.00$ 450 1,350.00$ 300 3.00$ 900.00$ 150 450.00$ 7 2104.503 REMOVE CURB & GUTTERL F 6.00$ 33,500 209,280.00$ 6,900 49,680.00$ 6,900 7.20$ 49,680.00$ 0 -$ 8 2104.504 REMOVE CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT S Y 14.00$ 1,107 16,374.40$ 313 5,258.40$ 313 16.80$ 5,258.40$ 0 -$ 9 2104.504 REMOVE BITUMINOUS DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT S Y 10.00$ 2,040 21,698.00$ 663 7,928.00$ 649 12.00$ 7,788.00$ 14 140.00$ 10 2104.504 REMOVE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENTS Y 10.00$ 300 3,200.00$ 100 1,200.00$ 100 12.00$ 1,200.00$ 0 -$ 11 2104.518 REMOVE BITUMINOUS WALKS F 1.00$ 1,132 1,132.00$ 100 100.00$ 0 1.20$ -$ 100 100.00$ 12 2104.518 REMOVE CONCRETE WALKS F 3.00$ 3,392 10,536.00$ 700 2,460.00$ 600 3.60$ 2,160.00$ 100 300.00$ 13 2104.601 SALVAGE AND REINSTALL LANDSCAPE STRUCTURES L S 15,000.00$ 1 15,000.00$ 0.42 6,300.00$ 0.36 15,000.00$ 5,400.00$ 0.06 900.00$ 14 2104.602 SALVAGE AND REINSTALL MAILBOX EACH 65.00$ 31 2,015.00$ 11 715.00$ 10 65.00$ 650.00$ 1 65.00$ 15 2104.618 SALVAGE AND REINSTALL STONE PAVER DRIVEWAY S F 30.00$ 420 12,600.00$ 252 7,560.00$ 252 30.00$ 7,560.00$ 0 -$ 16 2105.504 GEOTEXTILE FABRIC TYPE 5S Y 2.00$ 1,882 3,764.00$ 708 1,416.00$ 582 2.00$ 1,164.00$ 126 252.00$ 17 2105.610 EXPLORATORY EXCAVATIONHOUR 250.00$ 45 12,050.00$ 24 6,800.00$ 16 300.00$ 4,800.00$ 8 2,000.00$ 18 2106.507 EXCAVATION - COMMONC Y 30.00$ 4,804 172,470.00$ 4,725 170,100.00$ 4,725 36.00$ 170,100.00$ 0 -$ 19 2106.507 EXCAVATION - SUBGRADE C Y 30.00$ 1,568 49,950.00$ 590 20,610.00$ 485 36.00$ 17,460.00$ 105 3,150.00$ 20 2106.507 SELECT GRANULAR EMBANKMENT (CV)C Y 30.00$ 5,003 177,408.00$ 4,653 166,908.00$ 4,553 36.00$ 163,908.00$ 100 3,000.00$ 21 2106.509 STABILIZING AGGREGATETON 25.00$ 1,593 39,825.00$ 630 15,750.00$ 562 25.00$ 14,050.00$ 68 1,700.00$ 22 2118.507 AGGREGATE SURFACING (LV) CLASS 2C Y 60.00$ 190 11,400.00$ 190 11,400.00$ 0 60.00$ -$ 190 11,400.00$ 23 2123.610 STREET SWEEPER (WITH PICKUP BROOM) HOUR 120.00$ 120 14,400.00$ 60 7,200.00$ 40 120.00$ 4,800.00$ 20 2,400.00$ 24 2130.523 WATERMGAL 50.00$ 40 2,000.00$ 20 1,000.00$ 10 50.00$ 500.00$ 10 500.00$ 25 2131.506 CALCIUM CHLORIDE SOLUTIONGAL 0.50$ 12,690 6,345.00$ 4,777 2,388.50$ 3,929 0.50$ 1,964.50$ 848 424.00$ 26 2211.507 AGGREGATE BASE (LV) CLASS 5C Y 25.00$ 237 5,925.00$ 237 5,925.00$ 137 25.00$ 3,425.00$ 100 2,500.00$ 27 2215.504 FULL DEPTH RECLAMATION S Y 4.00$ 187,960 798,400.00$ 70,752 329,568.00$ 58,200 4.80$ 279,360.00$ 12,552 50,208.00$ 28 2235.604 MILL BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT (SPECIAL)S Y 16.00$ 344 5,504.00$ 217 3,472.00$ 67 16.00$ 1,072.00$ 150 2,400.00$ 29 2357.506 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR TACK COATGAL 2.00$ 10,339 21,958.40$ 3,892 9,064.40$ 3,201 2.40$ 7,682.40$ 691 1,382.00$ 30 2360.504 TYPE SP 9.5 WEAR CRS MIX (2,B) 3.0" THICK S Y 35.00$ 1,583 55,405.00$ 0 -$ 0 35.00$ -$ 0 -$ 31 2360.509 TYPE SP 9.5 WEARING COURSE MIX (2,C) TON 64.00$ 9,806 653,478.40$ 2,023 155,366.40$ 2,023 76.80$ 155,366.40$ 0 -$ 32 2360.509 TYPE SP 12.5 NON WEAR COURSE MIX (2,C) TON66.00$ 13,075 898,550.40$ 2,697 213,602.40$ 2,697 79.20$ 213,602.40$ 0 -$ 33 2360.509 TYPE SP 12.5 WEARING COURSE MIX (3,C) TON 66.00$ 8,271 590,818.80$ 4,965 372,622.80$ 3,404 79.20$ 269,596.80$ 1,561 103,026.00$ 34 2360.509 TYPE SP 12.5 NON WEAR COURSE MIX (3,C) TON66.00$ 10,487 754,617.60$ 6,294 477,879.60$ 4,733 79.20$ 374,853.60$ 1,561 103,026.00$ 35 2504.602 IRRIGATION SYSTEM REPAIREACH 250.00$ 82 20,500.00$ 12 3,000.00$ 10 250.00$ 2,500.00$ 2 500.00$ 36 2505.601 UTILITY COORDINATION LS 5,000.00$ 1 5,000.00$ 0.42 2,100.00$ 0.36 5,000.00$ 1,800.00$ 0.06 300.00$ 37 2521.518 5" CONCRETE WALKS F 6.00$ 5,258 31,548.00$ 0 -$ 0 6.00$ -$ 0 -$ 38 2521.518 6" CONCRETE WALKS F 12.00$ 4,056 50,112.00$ 700 9,840.00$ 600 14.40$ 8,640.00$ 100 1,200.00$ 39 2531.503 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER DESIGN D412 L F 20.00$ 33,600 699,600.00$ 6,900 165,600.00$ 6,900 24.00$ 165,600.00$ 0 -$ 40 2531.504 7" CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENTS Y 65.00$ 1,070 73,502.00$ 304 23,712.00$ 304 78.00$ 23,712.00$ 0 -$ 41 2531.601 ADA COMPLIANCE SUPERVISORLS 1,000.00$ 1 1,000.00$ 0.42 420.00$ 0.36 1,000.00$ 360.00$ 0.06 60.00$ 42 2531.603 7" CONCRETE VALLEY GUTTERL F 40.00$ 90 3,600.00$ 90 3,600.00$ 90 40.00$ 3,600.00$ 0 -$ 43 2531.604 7" CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT SPECIAL S Y 120.00$ 39 4,680.00$ 10 1,200.00$ 10 120.00$ 1,200.00$ 0 -$ 44 2531.618 TRUNCATED DOMESS F 50.00$ 468 23,400.00$ 92 4,600.00$ 60 50.00$ 3,000.00$ 32 1,600.00$ 45 2540.602 MAIL BOXEACH 30.00$ 26 780.00$ 11 330.00$ 10 30.00$ 300.00$ 1 30.00$ 46 2540.602 MAIL BOX SUPPORTEACH 55.00$ 26 1,430.00$ 11 605.00$ 10 55.00$ 550.00$ 1 55.00$ 47 2540.602 MAIL BOX (TEMPORARY)EACH 30.00$ 619 18,570.00$ 213 6,390.00$ 212 30.00$ 6,360.00$ 1 30.00$ 48 2540.603 RAILROAD CROSSING - PERMANENTL F 1,600.00$ 32 51,200.00$ 32 51,200.00$ 32 1,600.00$ 51,200.00$ 0 -$ 49 2557.602 REPAIR DOG FENCEEACH 100.00$ 81 8,100.00$ 21 2,100.00$ 20 100.00$ 2,000.00$ 1 100.00$ 50 2563.601 TRAFFIC CONTROLLS 30,000.00$ 1 30,000.00$ 0.42 12,600.00$ 0.36 30,000.00$ 10,800.00$ 0.06 1,800.00$ 51 2573.501 STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION EXITLS 5,000.00$ 1 5,000.00$ 0.42 2,100.00$ 0.36 5,000.00$ 1,800.00$ 0.06 300.00$ 52 2573.501 EROSION CONTROL SUPERVISORLS 4,000.00$ 1 4,000.00$ 0.42 1,680.00$ 0.36 4,000.00$ 1,440.00$ 0.06 240.00$ 53 2573.503 SILT FENCE, TYPE HIL F 4.00$ 3,800 15,200.00$ 3,000 12,000.00$ 2,000 4.00$ 8,000.00$ 1,000 4,000.00$ 54 2573.503 FLOTATION SILT CURTAINT TYPE STILL WATER L F 15.00$ 600 9,000.00$ 600 9,000.00$ 400 15.00$ 6,000.00$ 200 3,000.00$ 55 2573.503 SEDIMENT CONTROL LOG TYPE STRAWL F 3.00$ 1,400 4,200.00$ 600 1,800.00$ 500 3.00$ 1,500.00$ 100 300.00$ 56 2573.503 SEDIMENT CONTROL LOG TYPE ROCKL F 9.00$ 400 3,600.00$ 100 900.00$ 100 9.00$ 900.00$ 0 -$ 57 2575.504 EROSION CONTROL BLANKET CATEGORY 3N S Y 2.00$ 450 900.00$ 300 600.00$ 200 2.00$ 400.00$ 100 200.00$ 58 2575.504 RAPID STABILIZATION METHOD 4 S Y 3.00$ 300 900.00$ 200 600.00$ 100 3.00$ 300.00$ 100 300.00$ 59 2575.523 WATERMGAL 90.00$ 30 2,700.00$ 20 1,800.00$ 10 90.00$ 900.00$ 10 900.00$ 60 2575.523 RAPID STABILIZATION METHOD 3 MGAL 300.00$ 85 25,500.00$ 30 9,000.00$ 20 300.00$ 6,000.00$ 10 3,000.00$ 61 2575.604 HYDROMULCHS Y 10.00$ 20,200 210,400.00$ 6,200 70,400.00$ 4,200 12.00$ 50,400.00$ 2,000 20,000.00$ 62 2582.503 4" SOLID LINE PAINTL F 0.25$ 22,000 5,500.00$ 6,000 1,500.00$ 0 0.25$ -$ 6,000 1,500.00$ 63 2582.503 24" SOLID LINE PAINTL F 7.00$ 120 840.00$ 0 -$ 0 7.00$ -$ 0 -$ 64 2582.503 4" DBLE SOLID LINE PAINTL F 0.40$ 14,500 5,800.00$ 6,700 2,680.00$ 3,000 0.40$ 1,200.00$ 3,700 1,480.00$ 65 2582.518 PAVT MSSG PAINTS F 5.00$ 15 75.00$ 15 75.00$ 0 5.00$ -$ 15 75.00$ 66 2582.518 CROSSWALK PAINTS F 2.00$ 90 180.00$ 0 -$ 0 2.00$ -$ 0 -$ 67 2021.501 MOBILIZATIONLS 40,000.00$ 1 40,000.00$ 0.38 15,200.00$ 68 2104.502 REMOVE HYDRANTEACH 750.00$ 1 750.00$ 0 -$ 69 2105.601 DEWATERINGLS 1,000.00$ 1 1,000.00$ 0.38 380.00$ 70 2105.610 EXPLORATORY EXCAVATIONHOUR 500.00$ 13 6,500.00$ 8 4,000.00$ 71 2451.609 GRANULAR FOUNDATION AND/OR BEDDING TON 30.00$ 110 3,300.00$ 10 300.00$ 72 2504.602 CONNECT TO EXISTING WATERMAINEACH 2,000.00$ 1 2,000.00$ 1 2,000.00$ 73 2504.602 HYDRANTEACH 5,000.00$ 1 5,000.00$ 0 -$ 74 2504.602 RELOCATE HYDRANT & VALVEEACH 4,000.00$ 2 8,000.00$ 1 4,000.00$ 75 2504.602 ADJUST HYDRANTEACH 1,400.00$ 1 1,400.00$ 0 -$ 76 2504.602 6" GATE VALVE & BOXEACH 3,600.00$ 10 36,000.00$ 9 32,400.00$ 77 2504.602 12" BUTTERFLY VALVE & BOXEACH 8,000.00$ 2 16,000.00$ 2 16,000.00$ 78 2504.602 SACRIFICIAL ANODE BAG (32 LB)EACH 200.00$ 220 44,000.00$ 74 14,800.00$ 79 2504.602 BOLT & VALVE BOX REPLACEMENT - VALVE EACH 3,000.00$ 107 321,000.00$ 43 129,000.00$ 80 2504.602 BOLT & VALVE BOX REPLACEMENT - HYDRANT & HYDRANT VALVE EACH 3,200.00$ 113 361,600.00$ 31 99,200.00$ 81 2504.602 METER BOX COVEREACH 200.00$ 1 200.00$ 0 -$ 82 2504.603 8" WATERMAIN DUCTILE IRON CL 52L F 70.00$ 60 4,200.00$ 60 4,200.00$ 83 2504.604 4" POLYSTYRENE INSULATIONS Y 40.00$ 45 1,800.00$ 20 800.00$ 84 2504.608 DUCTILE IRON FITTINGSLB 10.00$ 550 5,500.00$ 200 2,000.00$ 85 2021.501 MOBILIZATIONLS 10,000.00$ 1 10,000.00$ 0.40 4,000.00$ 86 2104.502 REMOVE CASTINGEACH 100.00$ 12 1,200.00$ 1 100.00$ 87 2104.503 REMOVE SEWER PIPE (SANITARY)L F 15.00$ 30 450.00$ 0 -$ 88 2105.601 DEWATERINGLS 1,000.00$ 1 1,000.00$ 0.40 400.00$ 89 2503.602 RECONNECT TO EXISTING SANITARY SEWER SER EACH 800.00$ 1 800.00$ 0 -$ 90 2503.602 CONNECT TO EXISTING SANITARY SEWER EACH 1,500.00$ 2 3,000.00$ 1 1,500.00$ 91 2503.603 4" PVC PIPE SEWERL F 60.00$ 30 1,800.00$ 0 -$ 92 2503.603 8" PVC PIPE SEWERL F 90.00$ 60 5,400.00$ 60 5,400.00$ 93 2506.602 CASTING ASSEMBLYEACH 700.00$ 12 8,400.00$ 1 700.00$ 94 2506.502 ADJUST FRAME & RING CASTING EACH 600.00$ 241 144,600.00$ 92 55,200.00$ 95 2506.602 CHIMNEY SEALEACH 180.00$ 253 45,540.00$ 93 16,740.00$ SPECIAL UNIT PRICEOPINION OF PROBABLE COSTESTIMATED QUANTITYESTIMATED COSTESTIMATED QUANTITYSANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTSESTIMATED QUANTITYESTIMATED COSTSTORM SEWER IMPROVEMENTS TOTALSTORM SEWER IMPROVEMENTS RESIDENTIALSTORM SEWER IMPROVEMENTS COLLECTORESTIMATED QUANTITYESTIMATED COSTESTIMATED QUANTITYESTIMATED COSTUNIT UNIT PRICEORCHARD LAKE AREASURFACE IMPROVEMENTS TOTALESTIMATED QUANTITYESTIMATED COSTSURFACE IMPROVEMENTS COLLECTORESTIMATED QUANTITYESTIMATED COSTWATERMAIN IMPROVEMENTSESTIMATED COSTSURFACE IMPROVEMENTS RESIDENTIAL175TH STREET IMPROVEMENTSESTIMATED QUANTITYESTIMATED COSTPROJECT TOTALMN/DOT SPECIFICATION NO.ESTIMATED TOTAL COSTESTIMATED QUANTITYESTIMATED COSTESTIMATED TOTAL QUANTITYITEM NO.DESCRIPTIONORCHARD LAKE PARK IMPROVEMENTSESTIMATED QUANTITYESTIMATED COST WSB Project:2020 Street Reconstruction ProjectDesign By:MLH AOGProject Location:City of LakevilleChecked By:MRHCity Project No.:20-02WSB Project No:13281-000Date:10/11/2019SPECIAL UNIT PRICEOPINION OF PROBABLE COSTESTIMATED QUANTITYESTIMATED COSTESTIMATED QUANTITYSANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTSESTIMATED QUANTITYESTIMATED COSTSTORM SEWER IMPROVEMENTS TOTALSTORM SEWER IMPROVEMENTS RESIDENTIALSTORM SEWER IMPROVEMENTS COLLECTORESTIMATED QUANTITYESTIMATED COSTESTIMATED QUANTITYESTIMATED COSTUNIT UNIT PRICEORCHARD LAKE AREASURFACE IMPROVEMENTS TOTALESTIMATED QUANTITYESTIMATED COSTSURFACE IMPROVEMENTS COLLECTORESTIMATED QUANTITYESTIMATED COSTWATERMAIN IMPROVEMENTSESTIMATED COSTSURFACE IMPROVEMENTS RESIDENTIAL175TH STREET IMPROVEMENTSESTIMATED QUANTITYESTIMATED COSTPROJECT TOTALMN/DOT SPECIFICATION NO.ESTIMATED TOTAL COSTESTIMATED QUANTITYESTIMATED COSTESTIMATED TOTAL QUANTITYITEM NO.DESCRIPTIONORCHARD LAKE PARK IMPROVEMENTSESTIMATED QUANTITYESTIMATED COST96 2021.501 MOBILIZATIONLS 45,000.00$ 1 45,000.00$ 0.19 8,550.00$ 0.18 8,100.00$ 0.01 450.00$ 97 2104.502 REMOVE CASTINGEACH 80.00$ 88 7,040.00$ 21 1,680.00$ 20 1,600.00$ 1 80.00$ 98 2104.502 REMOVE DRAINAGE STRUCTUREEACH 500.00$ 92 46,000.00$ 22 11,000.00$ 22 11,000.00$ 0 -$ 99 2104.503 REMOVE PIPE DRAINL F 2.00$ 280 560.00$ 120 240.00$ 100 200.00$ 20 40.00$ 100 2104.503 REMOVE SEWER PIPE (STORM)L F 10.00$ 2,152 21,520.00$ 408 4,080.00$ 408 4,080.00$ 0 -$ 101 2501.515 12" RC PIPE APRONEACH 1,200.00$ 1 1,200.00$ 1 1,200.00$ 1 1,200.00$ 0 -$ 102 2502.503 4" TP PIPE DRAINL F 26.00$ 280 7,280.00$ 120 3,120.00$ 100 2,600.00$ 20 520.00$ 103 2502.503 4" PERF TP PIPE DRAINL F 26.00$ 40 1,040.00$ 40 1,040.00$ 40 1,040.00$ 0 -$ 104 2502.503 6" PERF TP PIPE DRAINL F 30.00$ 40 1,200.00$ 40 1,200.00$ 40 1,200.00$ 0 -$ 105 2502.602 4" TP PIPE DRAIN CLEAN OUT EACH 200.00$ 1 200.00$ 1 200.00$ 1 200.00$ 0 -$ 106 2502.602 6" TP PIPE DRAIN CLEAN OUT EACH 250.00$ 1 250.00$ 1 250.00$ 1 250.00$ 0 -$ 107 2502.602 CONNECT TP PIPE DRAINEACH 400.00$ 4 1,600.00$ 4 1,600.00$ 4 1,600.00$ 0 -$ 108 2503.503 12" RC PIPE SEWER DES 3006 CL VL F 54.00$ 1,200 64,800.00$ 273 14,742.00$ 273 14,742.00$ 0 -$ 109 2503.503 15" RC PIPE SEWER DES 3006 CL VL F 60.00$ 400 24,000.00$ 113 6,780.00$ 113 6,780.00$ 0 -$ 110 2503.503 18" RC PIPE SEWER DES 3006 CL IIIL F 65.00$ 196 12,740.00$ 16 1,040.00$ 16 1,040.00$ 0 -$ 111 2503.503 21" RC PIPE SEWER DES 3006 CL III L F 70.00$ 132 9,240.00$ 8 560.00$ 8 560.00$ 0 -$ 112 2503.503 24" RC PIPE SEWER DES 3006 CL III L F 80.00$ 62 4,960.00$ 0 -$ 0 -$ 0 -$ 113 2503.503 27" RC PIPE SEWER DES 3006 CL IIIL F 90.00$ 70 6,300.00$ 0 -$ 0 -$ 0 -$ 114 2503.503 30" RC PIPE SEWER DES 3006 CL IIIL F 110.00$ 8 880.00$ 0 -$ 0 -$ 0 -$ 115 2503.503 36" RC PIPE SEWER DES 3006 CL III L F 140.00$ 24 3,360.00$ 0 -$ 0 -$ 0 -$ 116 2503.503 42" RC PIPE SEWER DES 3006 CL III L F 180.00$ 46 8,280.00$ 0 -$ 0 -$ 0 -$ 117 2503.503 48" RC PIPE SEWER DES 3006 CL III L F 220.00$ 16 3,520.00$ 0 -$ 0 -$ 0 -$ 118 2503.603 CLEAN PIPE SEWERL F 40.00$ 300 12,000.00$ 100 4,000.00$ 100 4,000.00$ 0 -$ 119 2506.502 CASTING ASSEMBLY EACH 750.00$ 88 66,000.00$ 21 15,750.00$ 20 15,000.00$ 1 750.00$ 120 2506.502 ADJUST FRAME & RING CASTINGEACH 450.00$ 72 32,400.00$ 23 10,350.00$ 20 9,000.00$ 3 1,350.00$ 121 2506.503 CONST DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DES 48-4020 L F 700.00$ 265 185,500.00$ 25 17,500.00$ 25 17,500.00$ 0 -$ 122 2506.503 CONST DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DES 60-4020 L F950.00$ 128 121,600.00$ 20 19,000.00$ 20 19,000.00$ 0 -$ 123 2506.503 CONST DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DES 72-4020 L F1,200.00$ 86 103,200.00$ 0 -$ 0 -$ 0 -$ 124 2506.602 CONNECT INTO EXISTING DRAINAGE STRUCTUREEACH 5,000.00$ 2 10,000.00$ 0 -$ 0 -$ 0 -$ 125 2506.602 CONST DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN SPEC (2'X3') EACH 2,500.00$ 15 37,500.00$ 12 30,000.00$ 12 30,000.00$ 0 -$ 126 2506.602 6" TOP SLAB FOR 48-4020 STRUCTUREEACH 1,800.00$ 22 39,600.00$ 2 3,600.00$ 2 3,600.00$ 0 -$ 127 2506.602 8" TOP SLAB FOR 60-4020 STRUCTUREEACH 2,500.00$ 1 2,500.00$ 0 -$ 0 -$ 0 -$ 128 2506.602 8" TOP SLAB FOR 72-4020 STRUCTUREEACH 3,000.00$ 1 3,000.00$ 0 -$ 0 -$ 0 -$ 129 2506.602 STRUCTURE INTERIOR CONCRETE WORK - RE-POUR INVERT EACH 700.00$ 29 20,300.00$ 5 3,500.00$ 4 2,800.00$ 1 700.00$ 130 2506.602STRUCTURE INTERIOR CONCRETE WORK - RE-GROUT DOGHOUSESEACH 300.00$ 65 19,500.00$ 14 4,200.00$ 13 3,900.00$ 1 300.00$ 131 2506.602 FILL SUMP DRAINAGE STRUCTUREEACH 500.00$ 5 2,500.00$ 0 -$ 0 -$ 0 -$ 132 2506.602 CHIMNEY SEALSEACH 180.00$ 41 7,380.00$ 17 3,060.00$ 17 3,060.00$ 0 -$ 133 2573.502 STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTIONEACH 120.00$ 246 29,520.00$ 53 6,360.00$ 53 6,360.00$ 0 -$ 134 2021.501 MOBILIZATIONL S 4,000.00$ 1 4,000.00$ 1 4,000.00$ 135 2101.524 CLEARINGTREE 210.00$ 2 420.00$ 2 420.00$ 136 2101.524 GRUBBINGTREE 105.00$ 2 210.00$ 2 210.00$ 137 2104.503 REMOVE CURB & GUTTERL F 7.00$ 310 2,170.00$ 310 2,170.00$ 138 - REMOVE CONCRETE BOAT LAUNCH PANELS L S 4,000.00$ 1 4,000.00$ 1 4,000.00$ 139 - RELOCATE BOAT LAUNCH SIGNAGEL S 1,500.00$ 1 1,500.00$ 1 1,500.00$ 140 2106.507 EXCAVATION - COMMONC Y 30.00$ 120 3,600.00$ 120 3,600.00$ 141 2106.507 SELECT GRANULAR EMBANKMENT (CV)C Y 30.00$ 80 2,400.00$ 80 2,400.00$ 142 2211.507 AGGREGATE BASE (LV) CLASS 5C Y 25.00$ 50 1,250.00$ 50 1,250.00$ 143 2215.504 FULL DEPTH RECLAMATION S Y 6.00$ 700 4,200.00$ 700 4,200.00$ 144 2357.506 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR TACK COATGAL 2.00$ 40 80.00$ 40 80.00$ 145 2360.509 TYPE SP 9.5 WEARING COURSE MIX (2,C) TON 80.00$ 60 4,800.00$ 60 4,800.00$ 146 2360.509 TYPE SP 12.5 NON WEAR COURSE MIX (2,C) TON 80.00$ 60 4,800.00$ 60 4,800.00$ 147 2521.518 6" CONCRETE WALKS F 12.00$ 468 5,616.00$ 468 5,616.00$ 148 - CONCRETE BOAT LAUNCH PANELSL S 12,000.00$ 1 12,000.00$ 1 12,000.00$ 149 2531.503 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER DESIGN B612 L F 30.00$ 310 9,300.00$ 310 9,300.00$ 150 2531.503 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER DESIGN B630 L F 40.00$ 60 2,400.00$ 60 2,400.00$ 151 2531.504 7" CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENTS Y 100.00$ 14 1,400.00$ 14 1,400.00$ 152 2573.503 FLOTATION SILT CURTAINT TYPE STILL WATERL F 15.00$ 200 3,000.00$ 200 3,000.00$ 153 2573.503 SEDIMENT CONTROL LOG TYPE STRAWL F 3.00$ 200 600.00$ 200 600.00$ 154 2575.604 HYDROMULCHS Y 10.00$ 600 6,000.00$ 600 6,000.00$ 155 2582.503 4" SOLID LINE PAINTL F 0.50$ 500 250.00$ 500 250.00$ 156 2104.502 REMOVE DRAINAGE STRUCTUREEACH 500.00$ 2 1,000.00$ 2 1,000.00$ 157 2104.503 REMOVE SEWER PIPE (STORM)L F 10.00$ 40 400.00$ 40 400.00$ 158 2503.503 15" RC PIPE SEWER DES 3006 CL VL F 60.00$ 200 12,000.00$ 200 12,000.00$ 159 2506.503 CONST DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DES 48-4020 L F 700.00$ 8 5,600.00$ 8 5,600.00$ 160 2506.602 CONST DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN SPEC (2'X3') EACH 2,500.00$ 1 2,500.00$ 1 2,500.00$ 161 2573.502 STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTIONEACH 120.00$ 4 480.00$ 4 480.00$ 162 2106.507 EXCAVATION - COMMONC Y 30.00$ 80 2,400.00$ 80 2,400.00$ 163 2106.507 SELECT GRANULAR EMBANKMENT (CV)C Y 30.00$ 40 1,200.00$ 40 1,200.00$ 164 2357.506 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR TACK COATGAL 2.00$ 10 20.00$ 10 20.00$ 165 2360.509 TYPE SP 9.5 WEARING COURSE MIX (2,C) TON 80.00$ 10 800.00$ 10 800.00$ 166 2360.509 TYPE SP 12.5 NON WEAR COURSE MIX (2,C) TON 80.00$ 13 1,040.00$ 13 1,040.00$ 167 2531.503 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER DESIGN B612 L F 30.00$ 100 3,000.00$ 100 3,000.00$ 0-$ 162 2011.601 VIBRATION MONITORINGLS 6,000.00$ 1 6,000.00$ 1 6,000.00$ 163 2021.501 MOBILIZATIONLS 18,000.00$ 1 18,000.00$ 1 18,000.00$ 164 2104.504 REMOVE CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT S Y 6.00$ 40 240.00$ 40 240.00$ 165 2104.504 REMOVE BITUMINOUS DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT S Y 4.00$ 20 80.00$ 20 80.00$ 166 2104.504 REMOVE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENTS Y 3.00$ 1,230 3,690.00$ 1,230 3,690.00$ 167 2105.507 SELECT GRANULAR BORROW (CV)C Y 30.00$ 220 6,600.00$ 220 6,600.00$ 168 2106.507 EXCAVATION - COMMONC Y 25.00$ 700 17,500.00$ 700 17,500.00$ 169 2106.507 EXCAVATION - MUCKC Y 50.00$ 650 32,500.00$ 650 32,500.00$ 170 2106.507 SELECT GRANULAR EMBANKMENT (CV)C Y 30.00$ 470 14,100.00$ 470 14,100.00$ 171 2112.519 SUBGRADE PREPARATIONRDST 350.00$ 6 2,100.00$ 6 2,100.00$ 172 2211.507 AGGREGATE BASE (CV) CLASS 5C Y 35.00$ 230 8,050.00$ 230 8,050.00$ 173 2360.504 TYPE SP 9.5 WEAR CRS MIX(2,C)3.0" THICK S Y 50.00$ 20 1,000.00$ 20 1,000.00$ 174 2451.607 STRUCTURAL BACKFILLC Y 80.00$ 40 3,200.00$ 40 3,200.00$ 175 2501.515 15" RC PIPE APRONEACH 3,500.00$ 2 7,000.00$ 2 7,000.00$ 176 2503.503 15" RC PIPE SEWER DES 3006 CL VL F 75.00$ 120 9,000.00$ 120 9,000.00$ 177 2502.503 6" PERF TP PIPE DRAINL F 20.00$ 1,220 24,400.00$ 1,220 24,400.00$ 178 2506.502 ADJUST FRAME & RING CASTINGEACH 700.00$ 1 700.00$ 1 700.00$ 179 2506.503 CONST DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DES 48-4020 L F 900.00$ 14 12,600.00$ 14 12,600.00$ 180 2506.602 CONST DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN SPEC (2'X3') EACH 4,000.00$ 2 8,000.00$ 2 8,000.00$ 181 2511.504 GEOTEXTILE FILTER TYPE 7S Y 7.00$ 670 4,690.00$ 670 4,690.00$ 182 2511.507 RANDOM RIPRAP CLASS IIIC Y 135.00$ 650 87,750.00$ 650 87,750.00$ 183 2531.503 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER DESIGN B412 L F 18.00$ 1,220 21,960.00$ 1,220 21,960.00$ WSB Project:2020 Street Reconstruction ProjectDesign By:MLH AOGProject Location:City of LakevilleChecked By:MRHCity Project No.:20-02WSB Project No:13281-000Date:10/11/2019SPECIAL UNIT PRICEOPINION OF PROBABLE COSTESTIMATED QUANTITYESTIMATED COSTESTIMATED QUANTITYSANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTSESTIMATED QUANTITYESTIMATED COSTSTORM SEWER IMPROVEMENTS TOTALSTORM SEWER IMPROVEMENTS RESIDENTIALSTORM SEWER IMPROVEMENTS COLLECTORESTIMATED QUANTITYESTIMATED COSTESTIMATED QUANTITYESTIMATED COSTUNIT UNIT PRICEORCHARD LAKE AREASURFACE IMPROVEMENTS TOTALESTIMATED QUANTITYESTIMATED COSTSURFACE IMPROVEMENTS COLLECTORESTIMATED QUANTITYESTIMATED COSTWATERMAIN IMPROVEMENTSESTIMATED COSTSURFACE IMPROVEMENTS RESIDENTIAL175TH STREET IMPROVEMENTSESTIMATED QUANTITYESTIMATED COSTPROJECT TOTALMN/DOT SPECIFICATION NO.ESTIMATED TOTAL COSTESTIMATED QUANTITYESTIMATED COSTESTIMATED TOTAL QUANTITYITEM NO.DESCRIPTIONORCHARD LAKE PARK IMPROVEMENTSESTIMATED QUANTITYESTIMATED COST184 2531.504 7" CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENTS Y 120.00$ 40 4,800.00$ 40 4,800.00$ 185 2554.502 ANCHORAGE ASSEMBLY - TYPE 31EACH 1,500.00$ 2 3,000.00$ 2 3,000.00$ 186 2554.502 END TREATMENT - TANGENT TERMINALEACH 3,000.00$ 2 6,000.00$ 2 6,000.00$ 187 2554.503 TRAFFIC BARRIER DESIGN TYPE 31L F 30.00$ 500 15,000.00$ 500 15,000.00$ 188 2573.503 SILT FENCE, TYPE HIL F 5.00$ 300 1,500.00$ 300 1,500.00$ 189 2573.503 FLOTATION SILT CURTAIN TYPE STILL WATER L F 24.00$ 610 14,640.00$ 610 14,640.00$ 190 2573.503 SEDIMENT CONTROL LOG TYPE WOOD FIBER L F 4.00$ 150 600.00$ 150 600.00$ 191 2574.507 SANDY CLAY LOAM TOPSOIL BORROWC Y 120.00$ 110 13,200.00$ 110 13,200.00$ 192 2574.508 FERTILIZER TYPE 3LB 6.00$ 23 138.00$ 23 138.00$ 193 2575.504 SODDING TYPE LAWNS Y 15.00$ 480 7,200.00$ 480 7,200.00$ 194 2575.504 TURF REINFORCEMENT MAT CATEGORY 3 S Y 15.00$ 560 8,400.00$ 560 8,400.00$ 195 2575.508 HYDRAULIC REINFORCED FIBER MATRIXLB 5.00$ 410 2,050.00$ 410 2,050.00$ 196 2575.508 SEED MIXTURE TYPE 33-261LB 40.00$ 5 200.00$ 5 200.00$ 197 2575.607 LANDSCAPE ROCC Y 300.00$ 70 21,000.00$ 70 21,000.00$ 198 - OUTFALL DELTA EXCAVATIONEACH 1,700.00$ 22 37,400.00$ 199 - POND 2125-NE003LS 60,600.00$ 1 60,600.00$ 200 - POND 2125-NE001LS 61,392.00$ 1 61,392.00$ 201 - POND 2111-SW001LS 62,220.00$ 1 62,220.00$ 202 - PONDS 2102-SW001, SW002, SW003LS 28,452.00$ 1 28,452.00$ CONSTRUCTION TOTALCONTINGENCY TOTAL (10%)INDIRECT TOTAL (28%)TOTAL 386,888.00$ 4,190.00$ 258,478.65$ 723,740.22$ 3,567,005.37$ 48,888.56$ 47,715.36$ 1,173.20$ 533,905.44$ 9,250.00$ 17,460.20$ 17,041.20$ 419.00$ 90,798.40$ 97,762.84$ 25,900.00$ 127,650.00$ 240,950.76$ 349,153.00$ 324,280.00$ 92,500.00$ 174,602.00$ 170,412.00$ 8,977,080.00$ 625,977.38$ 2,584,786.50$ 2,235,633.50$ 5,782.20$ 235,168.56$ 108,328.64$ 38,688.80$ 447,506.40$ 12,388,370.40$ 95,976.00$ 9,597.60$ 26,873.28$ 132,446.88$ 223,563.35$ 34,915.30$ 32,428.00$ 897,708.00$ 3,085,174.23$ 481,831.14$ 2,513,582.40$ WSB Project:2020 Street Reconstruction ProjectDesign By:MLH AOGProject Location:City of LakevilleChecked By:MRHCity Project No.:20-02WSB Project No:13281-000Date:10/11/20191 2021.501 MOBILIZATIONLS 294,000.00$ 1 294,000.00$ 0.43 126,420.00$ 0.15 44,100.00$ 2 2101.524 CLEARINGTREE 220.00$ 15 3,300.00$ 5 1,100.00$ 3 660.00$ 3 2101.524 GRUBBINGTREE 100.00$ 15 1,500.00$ 5 500.00$ 3 300.00$ 4 2104.502 REMOVE SIGNEACH 30.00$ 192 5,760.00$ 60 1,800.00$ 13 390.00$ 5 2104.503 SAWING CONCRETE PAVEMENT (FULL DEPTH) L F 4.00$ 310 1,240.00$ 100 400.00$ 100 400.00$ 6 2104.503 SAWING BIT PAVEMENT (FULL DEPTH)L F 3.00$ 1,020 3,060.00$ 350 1,050.00$ 220 660.00$ 7 2104.503 REMOVE CURB & GUTTERL F 6.00$ 33,500 209,280.00$ 19,700 118,200.00$ 6,900 41,400.00$ 8 2104.504 REMOVE CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENTS Y 14.00$ 1,107 16,374.40$ 598 8,372.00$ 196 2,744.00$ 9 2104.504 REMOVE BITUMINOUS DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT S Y 10.00$ 2,040 21,698.00$ 840 8,400.00$ 537 5,370.00$ 10 2104.504 REMOVE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENTS Y 10.00$ 300 3,200.00$ 100 1,000.00$ 100 1,000.00$ 11 2104.518 REMOVE BITUMINOUS WALKS F 1.00$ 1,132 1,132.00$ 600 600.00$ 432 432.00$ 12 2104.518 REMOVE CONCRETE WALKS F 3.00$ 3,392 10,536.00$ 2,500 7,500.00$ 192 576.00$ 13 2104.601 SALVAGE AND REINSTALL LANDSCAPE STRUCTURES L S 15,000.00$ 1 15,000.00$ 0.43 6,450.00$ 0.15 2,250.00$ 14 2104.602 SALVAGE AND REINSTALL MAILBOX EACH 65.00$ 31 2,015.00$ 10 650.00$ 10 650.00$ 15 2104.618 SALVAGE AND REINSTALL STONE PAVER DRIVEWAY S F 30.00$ 420 12,600.00$ 168 5,040.00$ 0 -$ 16 2105.504 GEOTEXTILE FABRIC TYPE 5S Y 2.00$ 1,882 3,764.00$ 868 1,736.00$ 306 612.00$ 17 2105.610 EXPLORATORY EXCAVATIONHOUR 250.00$ 45 12,050.00$ 5 1,250.00$ 16 4,000.00$ 18 2106.507 EXCAVATION - COMMONC Y 30.00$ 4,804 172,470.00$ 64 1,920.00$ 15 450.00$ 19 2106.507 EXCAVATION - SUBGRADE C Y 30.00$ 1,568 49,950.00$ 723 21,690.00$ 255 7,650.00$ 20 2106.507 SELECT GRANULAR EMBANKMENT (CV)C Y 30.00$ 5,003 177,408.00$ 0 -$ 350 10,500.00$ 21 2106.509 STABILIZING AGGREGATETON 25.00$ 1,593 39,825.00$ 732 18,300.00$ 231 5,775.00$ 22 2118.507 AGGREGATE SURFACING (LV) CLASS 2C Y 60.00$ 190 11,400.00$ 0 -$ 0 -$ 23 2123.610 STREET SWEEPER (WITH PICKUP BROOM)HOUR 120.00$ 120 14,400.00$ 50 6,000.00$ 10 1,200.00$ 24 2130.523 WATERMGAL 50.00$ 40 2,000.00$ 10 500.00$ 10 500.00$ 25 2131.506 CALCIUM CHLORIDE SOLUTIONGAL 0.50$ 12,690 6,345.00$ 5,853 2,926.50$ 2,060 1,030.00$ 26 2211.507 AGGREGATE BASE (LV) CLASS 5C Y 25.00$ 237 5,925.00$ 0 -$ 0 -$ 27 2215.504 FULL DEPTH RECLAMATION S Y 4.00$ 187,960 798,400.00$ 86,702 346,808.00$ 30,506 122,024.00$ 28 2235.604 MILL BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT (SPECIAL)S Y 16.00$ 344 5,504.00$ 78 1,248.00$ 49 784.00$ 29 2357.506 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR TACK COATGAL 2.00$ 10,339 21,958.40$ 4,769 9,538.00$ 1,678 3,356.00$ 30 2360.504 TYPE SP 9.5 WEAR CRS MIX (2,B) 3.0" THICK S Y 35.00$ 1,583 55,405.00$ 854 29,890.00$ 729 25,515.00$ 31 2360.509 TYPE SP 9.5 WEARING COURSE MIX (2,C)TON 64.00$ 9,806 653,478.40$ 4,939 316,096.00$ 2,844 182,016.00$ 32 2360.509 TYPE SP 12.5 NON WEAR COURSE MIX (2,C)TON 66.00$ 13,075 898,550.40$ 6,586 434,676.00$ 3,792 250,272.00$ 33 2360.509 TYPE SP 12.5 WEARING COURSE MIX (3,C)TON 66.00$ 8,271 590,818.80$ 3,306 218,196.00$ 0 -$ 34 2360.509 TYPE SP 12.5 NON WEAR COURSE MIX (3,C)TON 66.00$ 10,487 754,617.60$ 4,193 276,738.00$ 0 -$ 35 2504.602 IRRIGATION SYSTEM REPAIREACH 250.00$ 82 20,500.00$ 40 10,000.00$ 30 7,500.00$ 36 2505.601 UTILITY COORDINATION LS 5,000.00$ 1 5,000.00$ 0.43 2,150.00$ 0.15 750.00$ 37 2521.518 5" CONCRETE WALKS F 6.00$ 5,258 31,548.00$ 5,258 31,548.00$ 0 -$ 38 2521.518 6" CONCRETE WALKS F 12.00$ 4,056 50,112.00$ 3,100 37,200.00$ 256 3,072.00$ 39 2531.503 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER DESIGN D412L F 20.00$ 33,600 699,600.00$ 19,700 394,000.00$ 7,000 140,000.00$ 40 2531.504 7" CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENTS Y 65.00$ 1,070 73,502.00$ 574 37,310.00$ 192 12,480.00$ 41 2531.601 ADA COMPLIANCE SUPERVISORLS 1,000.00$ 1 1,000.00$ 0.43 430.00$ 0.15 150.00$ 42 2531.603 7" CONCRETE VALLEY GUTTERL F 40.00$ 90 3,600.00$ 0 -$ 0 -$ 43 2531.604 7" CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT SPECIAL S Y 120.00$ 39 4,680.00$ 24 2,880.00$ 5 600.00$ 44 2531.618 TRUNCATED DOMESS F 50.00$ 468 23,400.00$ 296 14,800.00$ 80 4,000.00$ 45 2540.602 MAIL BOXEACH 30.00$ 26 780.00$ 10 300.00$ 5 150.00$ 46 2540.602 MAIL BOX SUPPORTEACH 55.00$ 26 1,430.00$ 10 550.00$ 5 275.00$ 47 2540.602 MAIL BOX (TEMPORARY)EACH 30.00$ 619 18,570.00$ 249 7,470.00$ 157 4,710.00$ 48 2540.603 RAILROAD CROSSING - PERMANENTL F 1,600.00$ 32 51,200.00$ 0 -$ 0 -$ 49 2557.602 REPAIR DOG FENCEEACH 100.00$ 81 8,100.00$ 40 4,000.00$ 20 2,000.00$ 50 2563.601 TRAFFIC CONTROLLS 30,000.00$ 1 30,000.00$ 0.43 12,900.00$ 0.15 4,500.00$ 51 2573.501 STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION EXITLS 5,000.00$ 1 5,000.00$ 0.43 2,150.00$ 0.15 750.00$ 52 2573.501 EROSION CONTROL SUPERVISORLS 4,000.00$ 1 4,000.00$ 0.43 1,720.00$ 0.15 600.00$ 53 2573.503 SILT FENCE, TYPE HIL F 4.00$ 3,800 15,200.00$ 500 2,000.00$ 300 1,200.00$ 54 2573.503 FLOTATION SILT CURTAINT TYPE STILL WATER L F 15.00$ 600 9,000.00$ 0 -$ 0 -$ 55 2573.503 SEDIMENT CONTROL LOG TYPE STRAWL F 3.00$ 1,400 4,200.00$ 500 1,500.00$ 300 900.00$ 56 2573.503 SEDIMENT CONTROL LOG TYPE ROCKL F 9.00$ 400 3,600.00$ 200 1,800.00$ 100 900.00$ 57 2575.504 EROSION CONTROL BLANKET CATEGORY 3NS Y 2.00$ 450 900.00$ 100 200.00$ 50 100.00$ 58 2575.504 RAPID STABILIZATION METHOD 4 S Y 3.00$ 300 900.00$ 50 150.00$ 50 150.00$ 59 2575.523 WATERMGAL 90.00$ 30 2,700.00$ 10 900.00$ 0 -$ 60 2575.523 RAPID STABILIZATION METHOD 3 MGAL 300.00$ 85 25,500.00$ 50 15,000.00$ 5 1,500.00$ 61 2575.604 HYDROMULCHS Y 10.00$ 20,200 210,400.00$ 10,700 107,000.00$ 3,300 33,000.00$ 62 2582.503 4" SOLID LINE PAINTL F 0.25$ 22,000 5,500.00$ 16,000 4,000.00$ 0 -$ 63 2582.503 24" SOLID LINE PAINTL F 7.00$ 120 840.00$ 60 420.00$ 60 420.00$ 64 2582.503 4" DBLE SOLID LINE PAINTL F 0.40$ 14,500 5,800.00$ 7,800 3,120.00$ 0 -$ 65 2582.518 PAVT MSSG PAINTS F 5.00$ 15 75.00$ 0 -$ 0 -$ 66 2582.518 CROSSWALK PAINTS F 2.00$ 90 180.00$ 0 -$ 90 180.00$ 67 2021.501 MOBILIZATIONLS 40,000.00$ 1 40,000.00$ 0.44 17,600.00$ 0.18 7,200.00$ 68 2104.502 REMOVE HYDRANTEACH 750.00$ 1 750.00$ 1 750.00$ 0 -$ 69 2105.601 DEWATERINGLS 1,000.00$ 1 1,000.00$ 0.44 440.00$ 0.18 180.00$ 70 2105.610 EXPLORATORY EXCAVATIONHOUR 500.00$ 13 6,500.00$ 5 2,500.00$ 0 -$ 71 2451.609 GRANULAR FOUNDATION AND/OR BEDDING TON 30.00$ 110 3,300.00$ 100 3,000.00$ 0 -$ 72 2504.602 CONNECT TO EXISTING WATERMAINEACH 2,000.00$ 1 2,000.00$ 0 -$ 0 -$ 73 2504.602 HYDRANTEACH 5,000.00$ 1 5,000.00$ 1 5,000.00$ 0 -$ 74 2504.602 RELOCATE HYDRANT & VALVEEACH 4,000.00$ 2 8,000.00$ 1 4,000.00$ 0 -$ 75 2504.602 ADJUST HYDRANTEACH 1,400.00$ 1 1,400.00$ 1 1,400.00$ 0 -$ 76 2504.602 6" GATE VALVE & BOXEACH 3,600.00$ 10 36,000.00$ 0 -$ 1 3,600.00$ 77 2504.602 12" BUTTERFLY VALVE & BOXEACH 8,000.00$ 2 16,000.00$ 0 -$ 0 -$ 78 2504.602 SACRIFICIAL ANODE BAG (32 LB)EACH 200.00$ 220 44,000.00$ 104 20,800.00$ 42 8,400.00$ 79 2504.602 BOLT & VALVE BOX REPLACEMENT - VALVEEACH 3,000.00$ 107 321,000.00$ 50 150,000.00$ 14 42,000.00$ 80 2504.602 BOLT & VALVE BOX REPLACEMENT - HYDRANT & HYDRANT VALVE EACH 3,200.00$ 113 361,600.00$ 54 172,800.00$ 28 89,600.00$ 81 2504.602 METER BOX COVEREACH 200.00$ 1 200.00$ 1 200.00$ 0 -$ 82 2504.603 8" WATERMAIN DUCTILE IRON CL 52L F 70.00$ 60 4,200.00$ 0 -$ 0 -$ 83 2504.604 4" POLYSTYRENE INSULATIONS Y 40.00$ 45 1,800.00$ 15 600.00$ 10 400.00$ 84 2504.608 DUCTILE IRON FITTINGSLB 10.00$ 550 5,500.00$ 200 2,000.00$ 150 1,500.00$ 85 2021.501 MOBILIZATIONLS 10,000.00$ 1 10,000.00$ 0.42 4,200.00$ 0.18 1,800.00$ OPINION OF PROBABLE COSTSTORM SEWER IMPROVEMENTSSTORM SEWER IMPROVEMENTSESTIMATED QUANTITYESTIMATED COSTWATERMAIN IMPROVEMENTSESTIMATED COSTESTIMATED QUANTITYESTIMATED COSTSANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTSWATERMAIN IMPROVEMENTSESTIMATED QUANTITYLAKE VILLA AREAUNIT UNIT PRICEPROJECT TOTALSANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTSESTIMATED QUANTITYESTIMATED COSTSURFACE IMPROVEMENTSMN/DOT SPECIFICATION NO.ESTIMATED QUANTITYESTIMATED COSTSURFACE IMPROVEMENTSLAKE MARION AREAESTIMATED QUANTITYESTIMATED COSTESTIMATED QUANTITYESTIMATED COSTPOND MAINTENANCEESTIMATED TOTAL COSTESTIMATED QUANTITYESTIMATED COSTESTIMATED QUANTITYESTIMATED TOTAL QUANTITYESTIMATED COSTITEM NO.DESCRIPTION WSB Project:2020 Street Reconstruction ProjectDesign By:MLH AOGProject Location:City of LakevilleChecked By:MRHCity Project No.:20-02WSB Project No:13281-000Date:10/11/2019OPINION OF PROBABLE COSTSTORM SEWER IMPROVEMENTSSTORM SEWER IMPROVEMENTSESTIMATED QUANTITYESTIMATED COSTWATERMAIN IMPROVEMENTSESTIMATED COSTESTIMATED QUANTITYESTIMATED COSTSANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTSWATERMAIN IMPROVEMENTSESTIMATED QUANTITYLAKE VILLA AREAUNIT UNIT PRICEPROJECT TOTALSANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTSESTIMATED QUANTITYESTIMATED COSTSURFACE IMPROVEMENTSMN/DOT SPECIFICATION NO.ESTIMATED QUANTITYESTIMATED COSTSURFACE IMPROVEMENTSLAKE MARION AREAESTIMATED QUANTITYESTIMATED COSTESTIMATED QUANTITYESTIMATED COSTPOND MAINTENANCEESTIMATED TOTAL COSTESTIMATED QUANTITYESTIMATED COSTESTIMATED QUANTITYESTIMATED TOTAL QUANTITYESTIMATED COSTITEM NO.DESCRIPTION86 2104.502 REMOVE CASTINGEACH 100.00$ 12 1,200.00$ 10 1,000.00$ 1 100.00$ 87 2104.503 REMOVE SEWER PIPE (SANITARY)L F 15.00$ 30 450.00$ 30 450.00$ 0 -$ 88 2105.601 DEWATERINGLS 1,000.00$ 1 1,000.00$ 0.42 420.00$ 0.18 180.00$ 89 2503.602 RECONNECT TO EXISTING SANITARY SEWER SER EACH 800.00$ 1 800.00$ 1 800.00$ 0 -$ 90 2503.602 CONNECT TO EXISTING SANITARY SEWEREACH 1,500.00$ 2 3,000.00$ 1 1,500.00$ 0 -$ 91 2503.603 4" PVC PIPE SEWERL F 60.00$ 30 1,800.00$ 30 1,800.00$ 0 -$ 92 2503.603 8" PVC PIPE SEWERL F 90.00$ 60 5,400.00$ 0 -$ 0 -$ 93 2506.602 CASTING ASSEMBLYEACH 700.00$ 12 8,400.00$ 10 7,000.00$ 1 700.00$ 94 2506.502 ADJUST FRAME & RING CASTING EACH 600.00$ 241 144,600.00$ 100 60,000.00$ 49 29,400.00$ 95 2506.602 CHIMNEY SEALEACH 180.00$ 253 45,540.00$ 110 19,800.00$ 50 9,000.00$ 96 2021.501 MOBILIZATIONLS 45,000.00$ 1 45,000.00$ 0.68 30,600.00$ 0.13 5,850.00$ 97 2104.502 REMOVE CASTINGEACH 80.00$ 88 7,040.00$ 33 2,640.00$ 34 2,720.00$ 98 2104.502 REMOVE DRAINAGE STRUCTUREEACH 500.00$ 92 46,000.00$ 62 31,000.00$ 8 4,000.00$ 99 2104.503 REMOVE PIPE DRAINL F 2.00$ 280 560.00$ 100 200.00$ 60 120.00$ 100 2104.503 REMOVE SEWER PIPE (STORM)L F 10.00$ 2,152 21,520.00$ 1,418 14,180.00$ 326 3,260.00$ 101 2501.515 12" RC PIPE APRONEACH 1,200.00$ 1 1,200.00$ 0 -$ 0 -$ 102 2502.503 4" TP PIPE DRAINL F 26.00$ 280 7,280.00$ 100 2,600.00$ 60 1,560.00$ 103 2502.503 4" PERF TP PIPE DRAINL F 26.00$ 40 1,040.00$ 0 -$ 0 -$ 104 2502.503 6" PERF TP PIPE DRAINL F 30.00$ 40 1,200.00$ 0 -$ 0 -$ 105 2502.602 4" TP PIPE DRAIN CLEAN OUT EACH 200.00$ 1 200.00$ 0 -$ 0 -$ 106 2502.602 6" TP PIPE DRAIN CLEAN OUT EACH 250.00$ 1 250.00$ 0 -$ 0 -$ 107 2502.602 CONNECT TP PIPE DRAINEACH 400.00$ 4 1,600.00$ 0 -$ 0 -$ 108 2503.503 12" RC PIPE SEWER DES 3006 CL VL F 54.00$ 1,200 64,800.00$ 887 47,898.00$ 40 2,160.00$ 109 2503.503 15" RC PIPE SEWER DES 3006 CL VL F 60.00$ 400 24,000.00$ 271 16,260.00$ 16 960.00$ 110 2503.503 18" RC PIPE SEWER DES 3006 CL IIIL F 65.00$ 196 12,740.00$ 80 5,200.00$ 100 6,500.00$ 111 2503.503 21" RC PIPE SEWER DES 3006 CL III L F 70.00$ 132 9,240.00$ 40 2,800.00$ 84 5,880.00$ 112 2503.503 24" RC PIPE SEWER DES 3006 CL III L F 80.00$ 62 4,960.00$ 54 4,320.00$ 8 640.00$ 113 2503.503 27" RC PIPE SEWER DES 3006 CL IIIL F 90.00$ 70 6,300.00$ 0 -$ 70 6,300.00$ 114 2503.503 30" RC PIPE SEWER DES 3006 CL IIIL F 110.00$ 8 880.00$ 0 -$ 8 880.00$ 115 2503.503 36" RC PIPE SEWER DES 3006 CL III L F 140.00$ 24 3,360.00$ 24 3,360.00$ 0 -$ 116 2503.503 42" RC PIPE SEWER DES 3006 CL III L F 180.00$ 46 8,280.00$ 46 8,280.00$ 0 -$ 117 2503.503 48" RC PIPE SEWER DES 3006 CL III L F 220.00$ 16 3,520.00$ 16 3,520.00$ 0 -$ 118 2503.603 CLEAN PIPE SEWERL F 40.00$ 300 12,000.00$ 100 4,000.00$ 100 4,000.00$ 119 2506.502 CASTING ASSEMBLY EACH 750.00$ 88 66,000.00$ 33 24,750.00$ 34 25,500.00$ 120 2506.502 ADJUST FRAME & RING CASTINGEACH 450.00$ 72 32,400.00$ 40 18,000.00$ 9 4,050.00$ 121 2506.503 CONST DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DES 48-4020L F 700.00$ 265 185,500.00$ 240 168,000.00$ 0 -$ 122 2506.503 CONST DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DES 60-4020 L F950.00$ 128 121,600.00$ 91 86,450.00$ 17 16,150.00$ 123 2506.503 CONST DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DES 72-4020 L F1,200.00$ 86 103,200.00$ 68 81,600.00$ 18 21,600.00$ 124 2506.602 CONNECT INTO EXISTING DRAINAGE STRUCTUREEACH 5,000.00$ 2 10,000.00$ 2 10,000.00$ 0 -$ 125 2506.602 CONST DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN SPEC (2'X3') EACH 2,500.00$ 15 37,500.00$ 3 7,500.00$ 0 -$ 126 2506.602 6" TOP SLAB FOR 48-4020 STRUCTUREEACH 1,800.00$ 22 39,600.00$ 19 34,200.00$ 1 1,800.00$ 127 2506.602 8" TOP SLAB FOR 60-4020 STRUCTUREEACH 2,500.00$ 1 2,500.00$ 1 2,500.00$ 0 -$ 128 2506.602 8" TOP SLAB FOR 72-4020 STRUCTUREEACH 3,000.00$ 1 3,000.00$ 1 3,000.00$ 0 -$ 129 2506.602 STRUCTURE INTERIOR CONCRETE WORK - RE-POUR INVERT EACH 700.00$ 29 20,300.00$ 16 11,200.00$ 8 5,600.00$ 130 2506.602 STRUCTURE INTERIOR CONCRETE WORK - RE-GROUT DOGHOUSES EACH 300.00$ 65 19,500.00$ 32 9,600.00$ 19 5,700.00$ 131 2506.602 FILL SUMP DRAINAGE STRUCTUREEACH 500.00$ 5 2,500.00$ 5 2,500.00$ 0 -$ 132 2506.602 CHIMNEY SEALSEACH 180.00$ 41 7,380.00$ 15 2,700.00$ 9 1,620.00$ 133 2573.502 STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTIONEACH 120.00$ 246 29,520.00$ 150 18,000.00$ 43 5,160.00$ 134 2021.501 MOBILIZATIONL S 4,000.00$ 1 4,000.00$ 135 2101.524 CLEARINGTREE 210.00$ 2 420.00$ 136 2101.524 GRUBBINGTREE 105.00$ 2 210.00$ 137 2104.503 REMOVE CURB & GUTTERL F 7.00$ 310 2,170.00$ 138 - REMOVE CONCRETE BOAT LAUNCH PANELSL S 4,000.00$ 1 4,000.00$ 139 - RELOCATE BOAT LAUNCH SIGNAGEL S 1,500.00$ 1 1,500.00$ 140 2106.507 EXCAVATION - COMMONC Y 30.00$ 120 3,600.00$ 141 2106.507 SELECT GRANULAR EMBANKMENT (CV)C Y 30.00$ 80 2,400.00$ 142 2211.507 AGGREGATE BASE (LV) CLASS 5C Y 25.00$ 50 1,250.00$ 143 2215.504 FULL DEPTH RECLAMATION S Y 6.00$ 700 4,200.00$ 144 2357.506 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR TACK COATGAL 2.00$ 40 80.00$ 145 2360.509 TYPE SP 9.5 WEARING COURSE MIX (2,C)TON 80.00$ 60 4,800.00$ 146 2360.509 TYPE SP 12.5 NON WEAR COURSE MIX (2,C)TON 80.00$ 60 4,800.00$ 147 2521.518 6" CONCRETE WALKS F 12.00$ 468 5,616.00$ 148 - CONCRETE BOAT LAUNCH PANELSL S 12,000.00$ 1 12,000.00$ 149 2531.503 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER DESIGN B612L F 30.00$ 310 9,300.00$ 150 2531.503 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER DESIGN B630L F 40.00$ 60 2,400.00$ 151 2531.504 7" CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENTS Y 100.00$ 14 1,400.00$ 152 2573.503 FLOTATION SILT CURTAINT TYPE STILL WATERL F 15.00$ 200 3,000.00$ 153 2573.503 SEDIMENT CONTROL LOG TYPE STRAWL F 3.00$ 200 600.00$ 154 2575.604 HYDROMULCHS Y 10.00$ 600 6,000.00$ 155 2582.503 4" SOLID LINE PAINTL F 0.50$ 500 250.00$ 156 2104.502 REMOVE DRAINAGE STRUCTUREEACH 500.00$ 2 1,000.00$ 157 2104.503 REMOVE SEWER PIPE (STORM)L F 10.00$ 40 400.00$ 158 2503.503 15" RC PIPE SEWER DES 3006 CL VL F 60.00$ 200 12,000.00$ 159 2506.503 CONST DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DES 48-4020L F 700.00$ 8 5,600.00$ 160 2506.602 CONST DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN SPEC (2'X3') EACH 2,500.00$ 1 2,500.00$ 161 2573.502 STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTIONEACH 120.00$ 4 480.00$ 162 2106.507 EXCAVATION - COMMONC Y 30.00$ 80 2,400.00$ 163 2106.507 SELECT GRANULAR EMBANKMENT (CV)C Y 30.00$ 40 1,200.00$ 164 2357.506 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR TACK COATGAL 2.00$ 10 20.00$ 165 2360.509 TYPE SP 9.5 WEARING COURSE MIX (2,C)TON 80.00$ 10 800.00$ 166 2360.509 TYPE SP 12.5 NON WEAR COURSE MIX (2,C)TON 80.00$ 13 1,040.00$ 167 2531.503 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER DESIGN B612L F 30.00$ 100 3,000.00$ 0-$ 162 2011.601 VIBRATION MONITORINGLS 6,000.00$ 1 6,000.00$ 163 2021.501 MOBILIZATIONLS 18,000.00$ 1 18,000.00$ 164 2104.504 REMOVE CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENTS Y 6.00$ 40 240.00$ WSB Project:2020 Street Reconstruction ProjectDesign By:MLH AOGProject Location:City of LakevilleChecked By:MRHCity Project No.:20-02WSB Project No:13281-000Date:10/11/2019OPINION OF PROBABLE COSTSTORM SEWER IMPROVEMENTSSTORM SEWER IMPROVEMENTSESTIMATED QUANTITYESTIMATED COSTWATERMAIN IMPROVEMENTSESTIMATED COSTESTIMATED QUANTITYESTIMATED COSTSANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTSWATERMAIN IMPROVEMENTSESTIMATED QUANTITYLAKE VILLA AREAUNIT UNIT PRICEPROJECT TOTALSANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTSESTIMATED QUANTITYESTIMATED COSTSURFACE IMPROVEMENTSMN/DOT SPECIFICATION NO.ESTIMATED QUANTITYESTIMATED COSTSURFACE IMPROVEMENTSLAKE MARION AREAESTIMATED QUANTITYESTIMATED COSTESTIMATED QUANTITYESTIMATED COSTPOND MAINTENANCEESTIMATED TOTAL COSTESTIMATED QUANTITYESTIMATED COSTESTIMATED QUANTITYESTIMATED TOTAL QUANTITYESTIMATED COSTITEM NO.DESCRIPTION165 2104.504 REMOVE BITUMINOUS DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT S Y 4.00$ 20 80.00$ 166 2104.504 REMOVE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENTS Y 3.00$ 1,230 3,690.00$ 167 2105.507 SELECT GRANULAR BORROW (CV)C Y 30.00$ 220 6,600.00$ 168 2106.507 EXCAVATION - COMMONC Y 25.00$ 700 17,500.00$ 169 2106.507 EXCAVATION - MUCKC Y 50.00$ 650 32,500.00$ 170 2106.507 SELECT GRANULAR EMBANKMENT (CV)C Y 30.00$ 470 14,100.00$ 171 2112.519 SUBGRADE PREPARATIONRDST 350.00$ 6 2,100.00$ 172 2211.507 AGGREGATE BASE (CV) CLASS 5C Y 35.00$ 230 8,050.00$ 173 2360.504 TYPE SP 9.5 WEAR CRS MIX(2,C)3.0" THICKS Y 50.00$ 20 1,000.00$ 174 2451.607 STRUCTURAL BACKFILLC Y 80.00$ 40 3,200.00$ 175 2501.515 15" RC PIPE APRONEACH 3,500.00$ 2 7,000.00$ 176 2503.503 15" RC PIPE SEWER DES 3006 CL VL F 75.00$ 120 9,000.00$ 177 2502.503 6" PERF TP PIPE DRAINL F 20.00$ 1,220 24,400.00$ 178 2506.502 ADJUST FRAME & RING CASTINGEACH 700.00$ 1 700.00$ 179 2506.503 CONST DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DES 48-4020L F 900.00$ 14 12,600.00$ 180 2506.602 CONST DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN SPEC (2'X3') EACH 4,000.00$ 2 8,000.00$ 181 2511.504 GEOTEXTILE FILTER TYPE 7S Y 7.00$ 670 4,690.00$ 182 2511.507 RANDOM RIPRAP CLASS IIIC Y 135.00$ 650 87,750.00$ 183 2531.503 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER DESIGN B412L F 18.00$ 1,220 21,960.00$ 184 2531.504 7" CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENTS Y 120.00$ 40 4,800.00$ 185 2554.502 ANCHORAGE ASSEMBLY - TYPE 31EACH 1,500.00$ 2 3,000.00$ 186 2554.502 END TREATMENT - TANGENT TERMINALEACH 3,000.00$ 2 6,000.00$ 187 2554.503 TRAFFIC BARRIER DESIGN TYPE 31L F 30.00$ 500 15,000.00$ 188 2573.503 SILT FENCE, TYPE HIL F 5.00$ 300 1,500.00$ 189 2573.503 FLOTATION SILT CURTAIN TYPE STILL WATER L F 24.00$ 610 14,640.00$ 190 2573.503 SEDIMENT CONTROL LOG TYPE WOOD FIBER L F 4.00$ 150 600.00$ 191 2574.507 SANDY CLAY LOAM TOPSOIL BORROWC Y 120.00$ 110 13,200.00$ 192 2574.508 FERTILIZER TYPE 3LB 6.00$ 23 138.00$ 193 2575.504 SODDING TYPE LAWNS Y 15.00$ 480 7,200.00$ 194 2575.504 TURF REINFORCEMENT MAT CATEGORY 3S Y 15.00$ 560 8,400.00$ 195 2575.508 HYDRAULIC REINFORCED FIBER MATRIXLB 5.00$ 410 2,050.00$ 196 2575.508 SEED MIXTURE TYPE 33-261LB 40.00$ 5 200.00$ 197 2575.607 LANDSCAPE ROCC Y 300.00$ 70 21,000.00$ 198 - OUTFALL DELTA EXCAVATIONEACH 1,700.00$ 22 37,400.00$ 22 37,400.00$ 199 - POND 2125-NE003LS 60,600.00$ 1 60,600.00$ 1 60,600.00$ 200 - POND 2125-NE001LS 61,392.00$ 1 61,392.00$ 1 61,392.00$ 201 - POND 2111-SW001LS 62,220.00$ 1 62,220.00$ 1 62,220.00$ 202 - PONDS 2102-SW001, SW002, SW003LS 28,452.00$ 1 28,452.00$ 1 28,452.00$ CONSTRUCTION TOTALCONTINGENCY TOTAL (10%)INDIRECT TOTAL (28%)TOTAL 132,010.00$ 106,705.20$ 27,151.60$ 183,920.24$ 93,650.30$ 15,288.00$ 13,201.00$ 70,017.92$ 4,118.00$ 210,974.40$ 36,962.80$ 8,977,080.00$ 656,858.00$ 262,220.84$ 42,806.40$ 11,530.40$ 2,670,492.50$ 152,880.00$ 936,503.00$ 41,180.00$ 381,090.00$ 1,292,374.14$ 182,173.80$ 3,685,279.65$ 133,818.60$ 525,904.20$ 56,828.40$ 250,064.00$ 25,006.40$ 345,088.32$ 96,970.00$ 906,464.04$ 747,737.90$ 267,049.25$ 65,685.80$ 38,109.00$ 9,697.00$ 12,388,370.40$ 897,708.00$ 2,513,582.40$ 2020 Street Reconstruction Project Feasibility Report City of Lakeville Project No. 20-02 WSB Project No. 013281-000 APPENDIX C Assessment ID Map Assessment Roll Assessment Justification Memo CCCC CC INTERSTATE 35STEVENLNS H I RL E Y L N KIN G S CT JEFFREY RDKENWOOD TRLR O B E R T R D 1 7 0 T H S T W KEOKUK AVELAKEVIEW CTLANDMARK CT LAKE HILLS CT KODIAK AVELANGLEY AVEKERRICKCTKENMORE DRJU N E B E R RYCT KENMORE CT KENYONAVE1 6 8 T H S T W KINGS PLJUDICIALRDKLAMATHTRL 167THST W ANITA LN UPPER 167TH ST W 170TH ST W J O S IE R D THOMASRDLIONS CT KIRBEN AVE172ND ST W 168TH ST W UPPER 167TH ST W KENWOODTRLRAMPLOWER 167TH ST W INTERSTATE35SBRAMP175TH ST W 177 83 238 154 200 105 13 243 65 112 41 231 159 24881 69 52 174 62 149106 175 256128131 22 172 50 99 245226 180 196 75 208 135 16 164 103 1 119 217 7 253 124 57 181 29 194 19 249 161 89 123 91 179 215 97 114 213 155 95 18 205 255 187 4 67 111 59 44 42 143 145 118 148 23 61 55 96 15247 35 192 122 12777 176 146 76 27 26 151 14 68 218229 37 142 241 117 49 107 157 137 165 201 191 240 237247130 193 36 168 171 199 3879 134 209 252 190 188 51 251 189 239 82 53 108 15024472 182 45 222 48 113 80 214 228 43 204 94 141 140 64 227 169 20 17 236 15 2 3 0 31 254 110 136 3 60 132 121 126 34 167 158 40 207 28 30 184 115 66 202 104 102 250 39 2215687 144 216 9 223 88 32 225 109 116 5 46 90 21 197 183 73 166 178 203 24 11 8 139 162 138 147 86 92 63 195 224 219 6 198 133 74 101 84 58156 2 120 93 54 12985 173 163 170 78 24633 242 98 212 25 206 153 160 12 10 125 186 185100 7071 Project Location Assessment Parcels Parcel Boundaries City Boundary C Connected Parcel 0 550Feet¯Figure 1 - Preliminary Assessment Map Orchard Area2020 Street Reconstruction ProjectCity of Lakeville, MN Document Path: K:\013281-000\GIS\Maps\Figure1_AssessmentParcels.mxd Date Saved: 10/14/2019 8:30:40 AM1 inch = 550 feet CSHIRLEYLN MICHEAL RDJUDICIAL RDINTERSTATE35185TH ST W 185TH ST WJEFFREYRDLANSFORDPATHKENYON AVEKENRICKAVEROLLIE RDANNE LN KENAI CIRJU D IC IA L WAY N KINCAID CIRKETCHIKANTRLKINDREDCIR179TH TRL W KINGSWAY PATHKEOKUKAVELANCASTERCTLAKE OAK CIRKESTRELCT177TH ST W K E N R IC K A V E LAYTON PATH 179THSTW KEY W EST CTLAKECOVECIRKEYSTONEPATH SHIRLEY CIRKINGSBURY CIRK O D IAKCTANITA LN RICKY LN KETTLERI VERCTLAKEFORESTDRJAMESLN JU DICIALW A Y S KENRICK AVELAYTO N CT KINDRED CTLANDMARKCTKETTERING T R L KEYSTONE AVEPRIVATERDLAMARCTKINDLECT KERRVILLETRLLAMARLN178THSTW LAKEFORESTCIR 181ST ST W INTERSTATE35NBRAMPL A FAYETTE WAY 185THSTWRAMPJUSTICEWAY393 289 293 418 427 371 479 359 275 338 257 238 426425 472 492 200 306 356 243 322 321 380 231 448440 447 481 438 270 490 414 486 387 226 444 401 208 408 370 304 470 496 469 217 459 429 281 389397 503 504487 376 220 298 454 215 337 381 213 366 372 272 466 409 294 280 368 489 305 205 399 499 187 267 384 278 435 330 259 296 282 344 497 491 434 413 488 361 406 468 273 354 367 362 498 328 395 422 349 309 412 501 264 329 269 495 500 411 382 218229 494 241 301 312 316 201 458 421 456 343 485 240 396 237 377 268 462 391 336 353 260 266 390 331 482 318 400 209 478 430 326 271 477 251 443 239 286 461 460465 311 450 441 383 244 315 307300 182 222 407 291 379 403 398 214 417 228 204 262 432 419 394 308 227 342 416 424 352 261 263 357 404 455 236 327 210 431 230 375 110 420 335 451 464 345 340 314 233 471 234 346 373 207 235 467 360 405 211 250 221 297 216 333 223 433 225 445 502 452 299 317 428 385 392 463 363 232 476 339 303 439 325 475 457 364 369 378 449 415 480 265 505 290 493 355 473 474 302 334 292 358 332 279 320 224 324 350 219 285 284 347 283 288 287 442 319 341 156 436 277 453 484 348351 310 295 323 386 242 212 313 437 483 410 274 206 258 365 374 423 402 388 446 276 Project Location Assessment Parcels Parcel Boundaries City Boundary C Connected Parcel 0 550Feet¯Figure 2 - Preliminary Assessment Map Lake Villa Area2020 Street Reconstruction ProjectCity of Lakeville, MN Document Path: K:\013281-000\GIS\Maps\Figure2_AssessmentParcels.mxd Date Saved: 10/14/2019 8:33:07 AM1 inch = 550 feet C2 0 5 T H S T W JUPI TER A V EKENSINGTON BLVDJUNOTRLJ U R A T R L 203RDSTW JUPITERPATH202NDSTWKENSINGTON CTKENSFIELD TRLJUPITER WAY JUP I T E R C T K E N S I N G T O N W A Y KENSINGTONWAY551 516 634 514 587 616 530 656 556 654 604 661 567 548 622521 601 595 626 550 563 659 652 575 543 658 627 529 620 647 557 553 532 564 638 585 630 593 618 602 531 639 512 628 549 607 635 641 663 612 642 636 580 574 662 573 579 570 646 571 640 506 581 541 613 643 633 523 596 561 536 657 614 655 586 611 606 592 542 527 584 511 619 546 507 535 610 591 519 653 554 526 524 569 588 534 648 623 510 509 518 545 552 544 539 547 615 599 576 660 651 637 650 597 508 609 558 590 605 631 577 522 589 562 565 629 540 559 617515 600 520 537 649 624 598 533 513 525 560 625 566 578 608 632 555 583 645 582 538 603 594 572 621 517 644 528 568 Project Location Assessment Parcels Parcel Boundaries City Boundary C Connected Parcel 0 225Feet¯Figure 3 - Preliminary Assessment Map Marion Area2020 Street Reconstruction ProjectCity of Lakeville, MN Document Path: K:\013281-000\GIS\Maps\Figure3_AssessmentParcels.mxd Date Saved: 10/14/2019 8:35:06 AM1 inch = 225 feet 2020 Street Reconstruction ProjectAssessment CategoryDate:10/21/201920-02ASingle Family Unit Assessment Rate (Collector, Klamath Trail) 3,479.21$ Revised:BSingle Family Unit Assessment Rate (Residential, Orchard Area) 4,955.74$ CSingle Family Unit Assessment Rate (Residential, Villa Estates Area) 6,707.00$ DSingle Family Unit Assessment Rate (Residential, Marion Areal) 3,709.55$ MAP ID PIDFEE OWNERFEE OWNER ADDRESS CITY/STATE ZIP CODEPROPERTY NUMBERPROPERTY STREETUSE DESCRIPTIONASSESSMENT CATEGORYSF RES. EQUIV. UNITSUNIT ASSESSMENT RATEPROPOSED ASSESSMENT1 224205001010KLOTZ GLENN F12198 168TH ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9306 COMMERCIAL-PREFERRED A 1.0 3,479.21$ 3,479.21$ 2 224186801010 CHARTHOUSE SENIORLIVING LLC 5402 PARKDALE DR STE 301 SAINT LOUIS PARK, MN 55416 16890 KLAMATH TRL APARTMENT A 3.0 3,479.21$ 10,437.63$ 3 224186801020 CHARTHOUSE SENIORLIVING LLC 5402 PARKDALE DR STE 301 SAINT LOUIS PARK, MN 55416 16880 KLAMATH TRL APARTMENT A 3.0 3,479.21$ 10,437.63$ 4 220011052030MAJ BROTHERS LLC11287 KLAMATH TRL LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 11287 KLAMATH TRL COMMERCIAL-PREFERRED A 4.0 3,479.21$ 13,916.84$ 5 225472026321 HOENCK MATTHEW E & HOLLY B ANDERSON 16760 KLAMATH TRL LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 16760 KLAMATH TRL RESIDENTIAL A 1.0 3,479.21$ 3,479.21$ 6 225472000042CITY OF LAKEVILLE20195 HOLYOKE AVE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 EXEMPT B 0.5 4,955.74$ 2,477.87$ 7 229056000010CITY OF LAKEVILLE20195 HOLYOKE AVE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 11835 168TH ST W EXEMPT B 0.5 4,955.74$ 2,477.87$ 8 225472020040 KALER CURTIS L & PATRICIA11882 168TH ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-7843 11882 168TH ST W RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 9 225472020070 KINGSRITER JEFF & MARLAS11888 168TH ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-7843 11888 168TH ST W RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 10 225472020100 GOODLING TYLER & ELIZABETH GOODLING 11894 168TH ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 11894 168TH ST W RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 11 225472020130 EGLE DUVALL D & SANDRA R 11900 168TH ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-7843 11900 168TH ST W RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 12 225472020160 TENNESSEN PATRICIA RAE11934 168TH ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-7843 11934 168TH ST W RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 13 225472020190SKOOG ERIK & DIANE11960 168TH ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-7843 11960 168TH ST W RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 14 225472020230 ODLAND BARBARA JOAN12000 168TH ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9150 12000 168TH ST W RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 15 225480002010 HARMS LORENZ H TSTE & KRISTY L TSTE HARMS 12008 168TH ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 12008 168TH ST W RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 16 225480002020 MORELLI JOSEPH P & ANGELA M 12016 168TH ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 12016 168TH ST W RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 17 224450002010 KLOTZ FAMILY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP NO 1 12198 168TH ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-7786 12072 168TH ST W RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 18 220021050050SPONSLER DAVID J12100 168TH ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-7798 12100 168TH ST W RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 19 220021050060 COOPER JOHN P & KATHLEEN L 12122 168TH ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-7798 12122 168TH ST W RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 20 220021050070 MARIAN JEFFREY & NANCY MARIAN 12138 168TH ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 12138 168TH ST W RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 21 220021050080 SCHEUNEMAN CHAD & KRISTEN 12148 168TH ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 12148 168TH ST W RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 22 220021050090BERGER GREGORY A12160 168TH ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9306 12160 168TH ST W RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 23 220021050100 HOLBROOK MICHAEL & BRIDGET HOLBROOK 12190 168TH ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 12190 168TH ST W RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 24 228370002011 KLOTZ GLENN F & DARLENE J 12198 168TH ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9306 12198 168TH ST W RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 25 228370002021 MILES ALDEN R TSTE & LYNETTE M TSTE MILES 12226 168TH ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9224 12226 168TH ST W RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 26 224430003024 BEAUDRY JEFFREY & ELIZABETH 12266 168TH ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 12266 168TH ST W RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 27 224430003050 CAMP MATTHEW C & JENNIFER 12300 168TH ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 12300 168TH ST W RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 28 227360001080 DINGUS THOMAS B & LINDA M 190 ELLIS CREEK DR WEATHERFORD, TX 76085 11849 168TH ST W RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 29 227360001070 PUNTILLO CHARLES & JANE11871 168TH ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 11871 168TH ST W RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 30 227360001060BOWEN BRIAN T11891 168TH ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-7796 11891 168TH ST W RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 31 227360001050VANERT ANN F11911 168TH ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-7796 11911 168TH ST W RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 32 227360001040 GEISINGER RICHARD J JR & RENEE 11933 168TH ST LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-7796 11933 168TH ST W RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 33 227360001030 VALLEY PAUL D & KATHLEEN E 11955 168TH ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-7796 11955 168TH ST W RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 34 227360001020 NEWGREN KIMBERLY K & WILLIAM 11975 168TH ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-7796 11975 168TH ST W RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 35 225480001200 GELLE MARK & CLAUDIA MILLER 16790 LAKEVIEW CT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9392 16790 LAKEVIEW CT RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 36 225480001190 PANNKUK WARREN D & CYNTHIA M 16780 LAKE HILLS CT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9394 16780 LAKE HILLS CT RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 37 225480001180 GARCIA DAVID V JR TSTE & THERESA L TSTE GARCIA 16770 LAKE HILLS CT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 16770 LAKE HILLS CT RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 38 225480001170 MATSON CARLTON & ANITA 16760 LAKE HILLS CT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 16760 LAKE HILLS CT RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 39 225480001160 BEDNARCHUK KIRK & NANCY 16750 LAKE HILLS CT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 16750 LAKE HILLS CT RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 40 225480001150 ARUMAINAYAGAM YOHENDRAN & HEATHER L YOHENDRAN 16745 LAKE HILLS CT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9394 16745 LAKE HILLS CT RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 41 225480001140BELL RICHARD16755 LAKE HILLS CT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 16755 LAKE HILLS CT RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 42 225480001130 FREEBURG MARY FAVRO16765 LAKE HILLS CT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 16765 LAKE HILLS CT RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 43 225480001120 JONES SEAN D & TRISTA L 16775 LAKE HILLS CT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 16775 LAKE HILLS CT RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 44 225480001110 ANDERSON ROSS D & MAREN M MEADE-ANDERSON 16680 LAKEVIEW CT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 16680 LAKEVIEW CT RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 45 225480001100 LEONARD MARK C & BRENDA S 16670 LAKEVIEW CT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 16670 LAKEVIEW CT RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 46 225480001090 HELLER JULIO & MARY L SEDIVY-HELLER 16660 LAKEVIEW CT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9391 16660 LAKEVIEW CT RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 47 225480001080 BRASTAD BRIAN A & SUSAN L PASTIKA 16650 LAKEVILLE CT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 16650 LAKEVIEW CT RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 48 225480001070 HALL TODD L & MARY D16647 LAKEVIEW CT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9391 16647 LAKEVIEW CT RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 49 225480001060CLAYTON PATRICIA A16651 LAKEVIEW CT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 16651 LAKEVIEW CT RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 50 225480001050 PITZENBERGER SCOTT C & HEIDI HAGE 16655 LAKEVIEW CT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9391 16655 LAKEVIEW CT RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 51 225480001040 DISCHER DEAN J TSTE & MARY L TSTE DISCHER 16659 LAKEVIEW CT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9391 16659 LAKEVIEW CT RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 52 225480001030 BORGEN LARRY W & KATHLEEN M 16671 LAKEVIEW CT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 16671 LAKEVIEW CT RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 53 225480001020 SWAN ROBERT S & JOY C16675 LAKEVIEW CT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9391 16675 LAKEVIEW CT RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 54 225480001010 PAHL JOSEPH PATRICK16679 LAKEVIEW CT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 16679 LAKEVIEW CT RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 55 220021050011 CAMPBELL BRUCE T & MARY K 16720 LANGLEY AVE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 16720 LANGLEY AVE RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 56 226695000250RP RENTALS LLC10561 165TH ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 RESIDENTIAL B 0.25 4,955.74$ 1,238.94$ 57 220021050030RP RENTALS LLC10561 165TH ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 16782 LANGLEY AVE RESIDENTIAL B 0.25 4,955.74$ 1,238.94$ 58 226695000230RP RENTALS LLC10561 165TH ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 RESIDENTIAL B 0.25 4,955.74$ 1,238.94$ 59 224450001010 RONGITSCH MICHAEL L & DESIREE 10561 165TH ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 16791 LAKEVIEW CT RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ Preliminary Assessment RollCity Name Project: City Project No.:Orchard Lake; Rock Island Townhomes; Kingsley Shores Senior Living; Klamath Glen; Swan Addition; Lau Addition; Sea Grit; Orchard Lake Hills; Hrkals Addition; Weisners Lake Addition; Lakeview Gardens; Liberty Heights; Goose Lake First Addition; Orchard Hills 1st Addition; Truehart Addition; Beachside; Orchard Oaks; Lyndale Lakes Club 1st Addition; Lyndale Lakes Club 2nd Addition; Bracketts Townhomes; Club Park Addition No. 1; Ken Con Estates First Addition; Orchard Lake Estates 1st Addition; Orchard Lake Estates 2nd Addition; Arland Park; Bracketts Townhomes; Bracketts Crossing; Bracketts Crossing Third Addition; Bracketts Estates; Simonsen 1st Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates First Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 2nd Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 3rd Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 4th Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates Fifth Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 6th Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 7th Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 8th Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 9th Addition; Nelson Addition; The Oaks of Lakevilla; Marion Village; Marion Village Second Addition; Marion Village Third Addition; Marion Village Fourth Addition; Marion Village Fifth Addition; Sullivans First Addition to Marion Heights; Garden Estates; Mehlhorn Beatty Addition; Juno Addition; Marion Heights; Greer and Sullivans Rearr; Blue Heron Bay. 2020 Street Reconstruction ProjectAssessment CategoryDate:10/21/201920-02ASingle Family Unit Assessment Rate (Collector, Klamath Trail) 3,479.21$ Revised:BSingle Family Unit Assessment Rate (Residential, Orchard Area) 4,955.74$ CSingle Family Unit Assessment Rate (Residential, Villa Estates Area) 6,707.00$ DSingle Family Unit Assessment Rate (Residential, Marion Areal) 3,709.55$ MAP ID PIDFEE OWNERFEE OWNER ADDRESS CITY/STATE ZIP CODEPROPERTY NUMBERPROPERTY STREETUSE DESCRIPTIONASSESSMENT CATEGORYSF RES. EQUIV. UNITSUNIT ASSESSMENT RATEPROPOSED ASSESSMENTPreliminary Assessment RollCity Name Project: City Project No.:Orchard Lake; Rock Island Townhomes; Kingsley Shores Senior Living; Klamath Glen; Swan Addition; Lau Addition; Sea Grit; Orchard Lake Hills; Hrkals Addition; Weisners Lake Addition; Lakeview Gardens; Liberty Heights; Goose Lake First Addition; Orchard Hills 1st Addition; Truehart Addition; Beachside; Orchard Oaks; Lyndale Lakes Club 1st Addition; Lyndale Lakes Club 2nd Addition; Bracketts Townhomes; Club Park Addition No. 1; Ken Con Estates First Addition; Orchard Lake Estates 1st Addition; Orchard Lake Estates 2nd Addition; Arland Park; Bracketts Townhomes; Bracketts Crossing; Bracketts Crossing Third Addition; Bracketts Estates; Simonsen 1st Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates First Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 2nd Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 3rd Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 4th Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates Fifth Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 6th Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 7th Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 8th Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 9th Addition; Nelson Addition; The Oaks of Lakevilla; Marion Village; Marion Village Second Addition; Marion Village Third Addition; Marion Village Fourth Addition; Marion Village Fifth Addition; Sullivans First Addition to Marion Heights; Garden Estates; Mehlhorn Beatty Addition; Juno Addition; Marion Heights; Greer and Sullivans Rearr; Blue Heron Bay.60 220021050020RP RENTALS LLC10561 165TH ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 16780 LANGLEY AVE RESIDENTIAL B 0.25 4,955.74$ 1,238.94$ 61 228370001010 TERRY JOANN W & FRANCIS E STEINER 12135 168TH ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9225 12135 168TH ST W RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 62 228370001020 SCHWEN JEFFREY A & GAYLE L 12151 168TH ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9225 12151 168TH ST W RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 63 228370001030KLOTZ CONST INC12198 168TH W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9306 RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 64 228370001040 MOWERS JEFFREY R & REBECCA 12190 UPPER 167TH ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 12190 UPPER 167TH ST W RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 65 223340001030 JOHNSON BRUCE W & MAUREEN E 16755 LANGLEY AVE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9307 16755 LANGLEY AVE RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 66 223340001010NIEUWSMA MELAYNA16725 LANGLEY AVE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9307 16725 LANGLEY AVE RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 67 223340001020 MOVAFAGHI TOOSSI MAHMOUD & LEILA L HABASHI 12151 UPPER 167TH ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 12151 UPPER 167TH ST W RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 68 220021051010OCH JENNIFER J12185 UPPER 167TH ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9279 12185 UPPER 167TH ST W RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 69 220021051020 HOLBERG MARY ELIZABETH 12195 UPPER 167TH WEST LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 12195 UPPER 167TH ST W RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 70 220021051031 GADBOIS DANIEL ROBERT12211 168TH ST W SAINT PAUL, MN 55110 12211 168TH ST W RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 71 220021051032 GADBOIS JOSEPH MARK & ELIZABETH NOELLE GADBOIS 12211 168TH ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9225 12239 168TH ST W RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 72 224430003022HOFFBECK JOHN E12267 168TH ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 12267 168TH ST W RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 73 224430003042 KASKI TANNER & KELLY R CULHANE 12295 168TH ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 12295 168TH ST W RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 74 224430003064 COULTAS DELL B & SHERRY L 12305 168TH ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9225 12305 168TH ST W RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 75 224520001102WAHL TONY16791 JUDICIAL RD LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 16791 JUDICIAL RD RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 76 223085001010 SANH DARA L & NINA C 1498 SUMMIT SHORES DR BURNSVILLE, MN 55306-5807 16849 JUDICIAL RD RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 77 225420001080HAWORTH GARY16792 LIONS CT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 16792 LIONS CT RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 78 225420001070VOEGELE GARY L16830 LIONS CT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-6628 16830 LIONS CT RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 79 225420001060 CLEMON JEFFREY A & KARIN J16858 LIONS CT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 16858 LIONS CT RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 80 225420001050 STOEN SUSAN E & CHRISTOPHER E LUSE 16862 LIONS CT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 16862 LIONS CT RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 81 225420001040 GONNERMAN DANIEL J & LISA A GONNERMAN 16866 LIONS CT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 16866 LIONS CT RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 82 225420001030 OBERST NATHAN M & JENNIFER D OBERST 16859 LIONS CT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 16859 LIONS CT RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 83 225420001020 LEE THOMAS A & SHERYL L16807 LIONS CT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-6628 16807 LIONS CT RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 84 225420001010 SCHLAEFER MICHAEL N & CAROLYN R FLAHAVAN 16897 JUDICIAL RD LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-6437 16897 JUDICIAL RD RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 85 227760002010 LADEN ROBERT L & POLLY J16915 JUDICIAL RD LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-8974 16915 JUDICIAL RD RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 86 227760002020 MEDIN DANIEL T & CHERYL L12495 170TH ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-8479 12495 170TH ST W RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 87 224520000040 GREEN GARY & DONNA17060 JUDICIAL RD LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 RESIDENTIAL B 2.0 4,955.74$ 9,911.48$ 88 224520003173DEEB MOHAMED EL11441 OSAGE ST NW COON RAPIDS, MN 55433 AG B 5.0 4,955.74$ 24,778.70$ 89 221345001010 VANGRINSVEN DAVID & MARY 17249 LIBERTY BEACH CT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17249 LIBERTY BEACH CT RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 90 221345001020 SANDE MICHAEL H & DEBORAH 17271 LIBERTY BEACH CT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-8480 17271 LIBERTY BEACH CT RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 91 221345001030FRANCISCO JASON17293 LIBERTY BEACH CT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17293 LIBERTY BEACH CT RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 92 221345001040 SHETTY AMITH & SOUMYA NAYAK 17315 LIBERTY BEACH CT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-8480 17315 LIBERTY BEACH CT RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 93 221345001050 ERICKSON CURTIS E & TERESA C 17304 LIBERTY BEACH CT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-8480 17304 LIBERTY BEACH CT RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 94 221345001060 HATLESTAD TODD & KEELY CLANCY 17282 LIBERTY BEACH CT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17282 LIBERTY BEACH CT RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 95 221345001070 LUNDQUIST BRIAN J & CYNTHIA D 17260 LIBERTY BEACH CT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-8480 17260 LIBERTY BEACH CT RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 96 224520003371 WARDROP ANDREW J & KATHRYN J 17328 JUDICIAL RD LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9374 17328 JUDICIAL RD RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 97 224520003380BERGQUIST MARY L17355 JUDICIAL RD LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17355 JUDICIAL RD RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 98 224520003410 BLIZEK MARK A & PATTY J17361 JUDICIAL RD LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9375 17361 JUDICIAL RD RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 99 224520003430 REIN WILLARD P & VALERIE17385 JUDICIAL RD LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9375 17385 JUDICIAL RD RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 100 224520000100 BASSETT BETH & BONNIE B CRAIDON 17365 JUDICIAL RD W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9375 17365 JUDICIAL RD RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 101 225485002010 MAN THIDEE O & JASON S CHAN 17425 JUDICIAL RD LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17425 JUDICIAL RD RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 102 225485002020 LENTZ MICHAEL T & ELIZABETH A LENTZ 17435 JUNEBERRY CT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9355 17435 JUNEBERRY CT RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 103 225485002030 BAKAY IRINA & MIKHAIL A 17445 JUNEBERRY CT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9355 17445 JUNEBERRY CT RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 104 225485002040 DEJVONGSA SACKDA & NOUKONE DEJVONGSA 17455 JUNEBERRY CT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17455 JUNEBERRY CT RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 105 225485002050 CONNELLY EDWARD T & DEBRA L 17465 JUNESBERRY CT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9355 17465 JUNEBERRY CT RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 106 225485002060 VOGTMAN RAY D & MARY C 17460 JUNEBERRY CT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9355 17460 JUNEBERRY CT RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 107 225485002070 POLLOCK JONATHAN & KRISTINE 17450 JUNEBERRY CT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9355 17450 JUNEBERRY CT RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 108 225485002080 GOTHMANN RYAN S & CASSANDRA J CREGO 17440 JUNEBERRY CT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17440 JUNEBERRY CT RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 109 225485002090 SCHWIRTZ LONNA & DAN E SCHWIRTZ 17485 JUDICIAL RD LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17485 JUDICIAL RD RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 110 220111051013 HENN CTY PARKS RESERVEBOX 32 MAPLE PLAIN, MN 55359 17859 JUDICIAL RD EXEMPT B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 111 224520001131 PARIZEK SCOTT R TSTE & STACY A TSTE PARIZEK 16860 JUDICIAL RD LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 16860 JUDICIAL RD RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 112 224520001142 SEEMAN BRIAN K & JACQUELINE MCDOUGALL SEEMAN 16870 JUDICIAL RD LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9246 16870 JUDICIAL RD RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 113 227760001010 MCNAB MICHAEL R & SHAWM M 16890 JUDICIAL RD LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9246 16890 JUDICIAL RD RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 114 227760001020 DENMARK STEPHEN P & LINDA S DENMARK 16910 JUDICIAL RD LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 16910 JUDICIAL RD RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 115 227760001030 OMER NASEEMA HASSAN SHIDI 16920 JUDICIAL RD LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 16920 JUDICIAL RD RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 116 227760001040 BODINE STEPHEN WALTER TSTE & PATRICIA KISS TSTE BODINE 5073 RIVEDRO ST LAS VEGAS, NV 89135 16940 JUDICIAL RD RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 117 227760001052 DABROSKI CHRIS M TSTE & JEAN 16960 JUDICIAL RD LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 16960 JUDICIAL RD RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 118 227760001051 ANDERSON THEODORE R16980 JUDICIAL RD LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 16980 JUDICIAL RD RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 2020 Street Reconstruction ProjectAssessment CategoryDate:10/21/201920-02ASingle Family Unit Assessment Rate (Collector, Klamath Trail) 3,479.21$ Revised:BSingle Family Unit Assessment Rate (Residential, Orchard Area) 4,955.74$ CSingle Family Unit Assessment Rate (Residential, Villa Estates Area) 6,707.00$ DSingle Family Unit Assessment Rate (Residential, Marion Areal) 3,709.55$ MAP ID PIDFEE OWNERFEE OWNER ADDRESS CITY/STATE ZIP CODEPROPERTY NUMBERPROPERTY STREETUSE DESCRIPTIONASSESSMENT CATEGORYSF RES. EQUIV. UNITSUNIT ASSESSMENT RATEPROPOSED ASSESSMENTPreliminary Assessment RollCity Name Project: City Project No.:Orchard Lake; Rock Island Townhomes; Kingsley Shores Senior Living; Klamath Glen; Swan Addition; Lau Addition; Sea Grit; Orchard Lake Hills; Hrkals Addition; Weisners Lake Addition; Lakeview Gardens; Liberty Heights; Goose Lake First Addition; Orchard Hills 1st Addition; Truehart Addition; Beachside; Orchard Oaks; Lyndale Lakes Club 1st Addition; Lyndale Lakes Club 2nd Addition; Bracketts Townhomes; Club Park Addition No. 1; Ken Con Estates First Addition; Orchard Lake Estates 1st Addition; Orchard Lake Estates 2nd Addition; Arland Park; Bracketts Townhomes; Bracketts Crossing; Bracketts Crossing Third Addition; Bracketts Estates; Simonsen 1st Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates First Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 2nd Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 3rd Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 4th Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates Fifth Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 6th Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 7th Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 8th Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 9th Addition; Nelson Addition; The Oaks of Lakevilla; Marion Village; Marion Village Second Addition; Marion Village Third Addition; Marion Village Fourth Addition; Marion Village Fifth Addition; Sullivans First Addition to Marion Heights; Garden Estates; Mehlhorn Beatty Addition; Juno Addition; Marion Heights; Greer and Sullivans Rearr; Blue Heron Bay.119 224520003030 SWAN RICHARD & CONSTANCE 17020 JUDICIAL RD LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-7627 17020 JUDICIAL RD RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 120 224520003061 GREEN GARY L & DONNA17060 JUDICIAL RD LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-7627 17060 JUDICIAL RD RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 121 224520003071 LUNDELL THOMAS D & KIMBERLY 17070 JUDICIAL RD LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-7627 17070 JUDICIAL RD RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 122 224520003090 KALISH DEBBIE M & ANGELA M STERNS 17080 JUDICIAL RD LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-7627 17080 JUDICIAL RD RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 123 224520003100FEIGAL-HITCH M SUE17110 JUDICIAL RD LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-7628 17110 JUDICIAL RD RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 124 224520003120 JOHNSON JARED M & JANEL K 17120 JUDICIAL RD LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-7628 17120 JUDICIAL RD RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 125 224520003141 CECCHINI RICHARD S & LISA 17140 JUDICIAL RD LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-7628 17140 JUDICIAL RD RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 126 224520003161 NUBSON RICHARD & RUTH17160 JUDICIAL RD LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-7628 17160 JUDICIAL RD RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 127 224520003171 LAUGHLIN JAMES & GLORIA17170 JUDICIAL RD LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-7628 17170 JUDICIAL RD RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 128 224520003180CITY OF LAKEVILLE20195 HOLYOKE AVE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 EXEMPT B 0.75 4,955.74$ 3,716.81$ 129 224520003190CITY OF LAKEVILLE20195 HOLYOKE AVE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 EXEMPT B 0.75 4,955.74$ 3,716.81$ 130 224520003220CITY OF LAKEVILLE20195 HOLYOKE AVE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17195 JUDICIAL RD EXEMPT B 0.75 4,955.74$ 3,716.81$ 131 224520003240CITY OF LAKEVILLE20195 HOLYOKE AVE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17200 JUDICIAL RD EXEMPT B 0.75 4,955.74$ 3,716.81$ 132 224520003262 NORTHRUP G MICHAEL & NANETTE 17240 JUDICIAL RD LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9374 17240 JUDICIAL RD RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 133 224520003281 ZAMPOGNA MARY T & DOMINIC M ZAMPOGNA 17260 JUDICIAL RD LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17260 JUDICIAL RD RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 134 224520003300 WEBBER CHARLES F & DENISE A 17280 JUDICIAL RD LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17280 JUDICIAL RD RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 135 224520003320 LARSON PATRICIA DAWN TSTE269 BAREFOOT BEACH BLVD APT 201BONITA SPRINGS, FL 34134-8611 17284 JUDICIAL RD RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 136 224520003341NELSON PAMELA R17324 JUDICIAL RD LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9374 17324 JUDICIAL RD RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 137 224520003381HUINKER JON F17354 JUDICIAL RD LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17354 JUDICIAL RD RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 138 224520003411GRESS BONNIE17364 JUDICIAL RD LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9374 17364 JUDICIAL RD RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 139 224520003431 SCHROER JAMES R & SUEANN G SCHROER 17398 JUDICIAL RD LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9374 17398 JUDICIAL RD RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 140 224690001051 SORENSON DEREK & LAURA 17418 JUDICIAL RD LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17418 JUDICIAL RD RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 141 224690001030MILAN JOANNE17422 JUDICIAL RD LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17422 JUDICIAL RD RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 142 224690002051 WERTENBERGER EILEEN MARIE 17444 JUDICIAL RD LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17444 JUDICIAL RD RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 143 225485001010 WENTWORTH STEVEN A & JENNIFER 17466 JUDICIAL RD LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9374 17466 JUDICIAL RD RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 144 225485001020 OSTER SCOTT A TSTE & SUSAN LANAE NEVINS T OSTER 18246 JUSTICE WAY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17488 JUDICIAL RD RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 145 224690000030FRANK JON & LISA16020 EAGLE CREEK AVE SE PRIOR LAKE, MN 55372 12351 175TH ST W RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 146 224690003041 ARENS DAVID P & BARBARA J 12335 175TH ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9227 12335 175TH ST W RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 147 224690004051 ROLCZYNSKI RONALD B & ROXANNE L 12305 175TH ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9227 12305 175TH ST W RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 148 224690004052 LARSON BRADLEY T & DENISE L 12285 175TH ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9227 12285 175TH ST W RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 149 224690004071 WASSERMAN BRIAN DEAN & MARLYS 12265 175TH ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 12265 175TH ST W RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 150 224690000091 RAINES SANDI J FAMILY TRUST 12245 175TH ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 12245 175TH ST W RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 151 224690104111 JENISON WILLIAM A & DARLENE 12235 175TH ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 12235 175TH ST W RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 152 224690104120 ARENS TODD W & LINDA S12227 175TH ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9227 12227 175TH ST W RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 153 224690104150 SHORELINE PROPERTIES LLC 7555 CLOMAN WAY INVER GROVE HEIGHTS, MN 55076 12201 175TH ST W RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 154 224690104170 MYERS BENJAMIN P & JENNIFE 12175 175TH ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-7793 12175 175TH ST W RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 155 224690105031THIRY ROBERT TPO BOX 3047 BURNSVILLE, MN 55337 12165 175TH ST W RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 156 224690117081 COOK PETER T & BARBARA J & RICHARD COOK 12015 175TH ST LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 12015 175TH ST W RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 157 224690117031 WECH JOSEPH A & ARLENE12001 175TH ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-7854 12001 175TH ST W RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 158 224160000050CITY OF LAKEVILLE20195 HOLYOKE AVE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 11875 175TH ST W EXEMPT B 4.0 4,955.74$ 19,822.96$ 159 224160001140 PORTUGUE MICHAEL E & KRISTI S 11825 175TH ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-7854 11825 175TH ST W RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 160 224160001131 MACHAJ DAVID T & SANDRA K 17489 KODIAK AVE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9270 17489 KODIAK AVE RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 161 224160001121KROOK JEREMY D17465 KODIAK AVE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17465 KODIAK AVE RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 162 224160001111 WILLIAMS GERALD W TSTE & SHIRLEY A TSTE NERDRUM 930 LYNAMERE DR THOUSAND OAKS, CA 91360 17445 KODIAK AVE RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 163 224160001100 SCHOEBEN FRANK M TSTE & VICKI A TSTE SCHOEBEN 17433 KODIAK AVE W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17433 KODIAK AVE RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 164 224160001090 WILLIAMS PARC A & LINETTE J 17405 KODIAK AVE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17405 KODIAK AVE RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 165 224160001080HAGEN GARY J17401 KODIAK AVE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17401 KODIAK AVE RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 166 224160001070 SKRIVSETH ROBERT D & MARY TSTE 17379 KODIAK AVE W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9270 17379 KODIAK AVE RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 167 224160001060 ADAMSKI FRANCIS LEE17361 KODIAK AVE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9270 17361 KODIAK AVE RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 168 224160001050 HEALY THOMAS & LAURIE17351 KODIAK AVE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9270 17351 KODIAK AVE RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 169 224160001040 ONEIL GARY F & CAROLYN M 17331 KODIAK AVE S LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9270 17331 KODIAK AVE RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 170 224160001030 OZBEK YAKUP & FERYAL C17321 KODIAK AVE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9270 17321 KODIAK AVE RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 171 224160001020 MYERS GLENN F & KATHY 17281 KODIAK AVE W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9270 17281 KODIAK AVE RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 172 224160001010 RITTER FRANCIS & SANDRA17277 KODIAK AVE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9270 17277 KODIAK AVE RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 173 221190000010 SCHMAEDEKE MICHAEL D & LISA A 11765 172ND ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9399 11765 172ND ST W RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 174 220111002010 SEVCIK BONITA M & DENNIS D WAITE 11713 172ND ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-7792 11713 172ND ST W RESIDENTIAL B 2.0 4,955.74$ 9,911.48$ 175 220121033060 EBERWEIN BRYCEN M & MICHELLE 11505 172ND ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 11505 172ND ST W RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 176 220121033070TRACY DONNA JEAN11485 172ND ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9325 11485 172ND ST W RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 177 220121033050 GRIM ROBERT GARFIELD11445 172ND ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 11445 172ND ST W RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 2020 Street Reconstruction ProjectAssessment CategoryDate:10/21/201920-02ASingle Family Unit Assessment Rate (Collector, Klamath Trail) 3,479.21$ Revised:BSingle Family Unit Assessment Rate (Residential, Orchard Area) 4,955.74$ CSingle Family Unit Assessment Rate (Residential, Villa Estates Area) 6,707.00$ DSingle Family Unit Assessment Rate (Residential, Marion Areal) 3,709.55$ MAP ID PIDFEE OWNERFEE OWNER ADDRESS CITY/STATE ZIP CODEPROPERTY NUMBERPROPERTY STREETUSE DESCRIPTIONASSESSMENT CATEGORYSF RES. EQUIV. UNITSUNIT ASSESSMENT RATEPROPOSED ASSESSMENTPreliminary Assessment RollCity Name Project: City Project No.:Orchard Lake; Rock Island Townhomes; Kingsley Shores Senior Living; Klamath Glen; Swan Addition; Lau Addition; Sea Grit; Orchard Lake Hills; Hrkals Addition; Weisners Lake Addition; Lakeview Gardens; Liberty Heights; Goose Lake First Addition; Orchard Hills 1st Addition; Truehart Addition; Beachside; Orchard Oaks; Lyndale Lakes Club 1st Addition; Lyndale Lakes Club 2nd Addition; Bracketts Townhomes; Club Park Addition No. 1; Ken Con Estates First Addition; Orchard Lake Estates 1st Addition; Orchard Lake Estates 2nd Addition; Arland Park; Bracketts Townhomes; Bracketts Crossing; Bracketts Crossing Third Addition; Bracketts Estates; Simonsen 1st Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates First Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 2nd Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 3rd Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 4th Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates Fifth Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 6th Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 7th Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 8th Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 9th Addition; Nelson Addition; The Oaks of Lakevilla; Marion Village; Marion Village Second Addition; Marion Village Third Addition; Marion Village Fourth Addition; Marion Village Fifth Addition; Sullivans First Addition to Marion Heights; Garden Estates; Mehlhorn Beatty Addition; Juno Addition; Marion Heights; Greer and Sullivans Rearr; Blue Heron Bay.178 220121033040HERING ZACHARY L11405 172ND ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9325 11405 172ND ST W RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 179 220121033030 KOTTKE JEFFREY C & ANNE E 11365 172ND ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 11365 172ND ST W RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 180 220121033020 SEFTON KEVIN & REBECCA11325 172ND ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 11325 172ND ST W RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 181 220121033010 TZENIS MICHAEL & CONNIE11285 172ND ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 11285 172ND ST W RESIDENTIAL B 2.0 4,955.74$ 9,911.48$ 182 220121050013 LAKEVILLA GOLF ESTATESPO BOX 22173 EAGAN, MN 55122 RESIDENTIAL B 7.0 4,955.74$ 34,690.18$ 183 220111003010 OLSON DAVID J & PATRICIA D 11516 172ND ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 11516 172ND ST W RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 184 220111004013 KEISTER JAMIESON C & SUSAN H 11518 172ND ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9326 11518 172ND ST W RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 185 220111005010 ANDERSON GERALD L & SYLVIA 11522 172ND ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9326 11522 172ND ST W RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 186 220111006010 WILSON ROSELYN R & JOYCE D 11538 172ND ST LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9326 11538 172ND ST W AG-GREEN ACRES B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 187 220111075011 STIMSON GENE B & TERESA A 17660 KETTERING TRL LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-7674 RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 188 224160004050 DUNSHEE PETER & BONNIE11720 172ND ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 11720 172ND ST W RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 189 224160004060 GUENTZEL RICHARD J & MARY 17298 KODIAK AVE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-7642 17298 KODIAK AVE RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 190 224160004070ANDERSON JAMES R17310 KODIAK AVE W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-7643 17310 KODIAK AVE RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 191 224160004080FRASER JONATHAN17326 KODIAK AVE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17326 KODIAK AVE RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 192 224160004090 LEONARD MARK C & BRENDA S 16670 LAKEVIEW CT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17340 KODIAK AVE RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 193 224160004100BROWN DAVID ALAN17350 KODIAK AVE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17350 KODIAK AVE RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 194 224160004110HAINKA LORI17374 KODIAK AVE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17374 KODIAK AVE RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 195 224160003010 HONETSCHLAGER LEO A & EILEEN M 17410 KODIAK AVE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9323 17410 KODIAK AVE RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 196 224160003020 DESPLINTER DONALD R17430 KODIAK AVE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9323 17430 KODIAK AVE RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 197 224160002010 WRIGHT RONALD F & DONNA M 17450 KODIAK AVE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9323 17450 KODIAK AVE RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 198 224160002020JENNINGS MICHELE A17470 KODIAK AVE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9323 17470 KODIAK AVE RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 199 225475002010 PETERSON ROBERT DUANE TSTE & SANDRA JEAN TSTE PETERSON 17496 KODIAK AVE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9323 17496 KODIAK AVE RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 200 225475101160RENT THOMAS M17540 KODIAK AVE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9286 17540 KODIAK AVE RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 201 225475101150 LARSON LINDA L & BRADLEY R LARSON 17550 KODIAK AVE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9286 17550 KODIAK AVE RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 202 225475101140 LEWIS DWIGHT K & KATHLEEN 17560 KODIAK AVE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9286 17560 KODIAK AVE RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 203 225475101130 SAUERBIER JO ANN & BRUCE M 17570 KODIAK AVE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9286 17570 KODIAK AVE RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 204 225475101120 HENDRICKSON BRIAN J & KAREN L HENDRICKSON 17565 KODIAK AVE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17565 KODIAK AVE RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 205 225475101110 LOGSDON BRAD G & ERIN LOGSDON 17555 KODIAK AVE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17555 KODIAK AVE RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 206 225475101100 SKOOG RYAN & RACHEL17545 KODIAK AVE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17545 KODIAK AVE RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 207 225475101090ACKERMANN JO-RIKA17535 KODIAK AVE S LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9285 17535 KODIAK AVE RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 208 225475101080MELLER DOUGLAS A17532 KODIAK CT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9271 17532 KODIAK CT RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 209 225475101070 SAIFI SYED & HUMA SAGIB17542 KODIAK CT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17542 KODIAK CT RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 210 225475101060 HALL LAURENCE W JR & LESLIE H HALL 17552 KODIAK AVE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9286 17552 KODIAK CT RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 211 225475101050 CONSTINE NEIL W & MICHELLE A 17562 KODIAK CT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17562 KODIAK CT RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 212 225475101040BOGEN THOMAS W17557 KODIAK CT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17557 KODIAK CT RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 213 225475101030THOMPSON COLT T17547 KODIAK CT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17547 KODIAK CT RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 214 225475101010 KELLY VERNON R & LINDA17537 KODIAK CT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9271 17537 KODIAK CT RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 215 225475101020 FLURY ROBERT S & DIANA K17515 KODIAK AVE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9284 17515 KODIAK AVE RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 216 225475001020HARNISCH AMY LYN17505 KODIAK AVE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17505 KODIAK AVE RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 217 225475001010ASHER DANIEL A11830 175TH ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 11830 175TH ST W RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 218 224432501010 JACOBS TODD D & KIMBERLY 11505 177TH ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9357 11505 177TH ST W RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 219 224432501020 HUGGINS GARY L & JEANNE11535 177TH ST LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9357 11535 177TH ST W RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 220 224432501030 CHRISTENSEN PETER N & JOYCE L 17694 KETTERING TRAIL LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-7674 17694 KETTERING TRL RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 221 224432501040 MILLER SCOTT W & VALERIE A 17688 KETTERING TRL LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-7674 17688 KETTERING TRL RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 222 224432501050 GILES EVERD A & MARTHA J 17682 KETTERING TRL LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-7674 17682 KETTERING TRL RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 223 224432501060 MEYERS JOSEPH RICHARD & TAR 17678 KETTERING TRL LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17678 KETTERING TRL RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 224 224432501070 PARADISE STEVE J & MARGARET G 17672 KETTERING TRL LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-7674 17672 KETTERING TRL RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 225 224432501080 SLUITER JEFFREY W & JENNIFER 17664 KETTERING TRL LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17664 KETTERING TRL RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 226 224432501090 STIMSON GENE B & TERESA A 17660 KETTERING TRL LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-7674 17660 KETTERING TRL RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 227 224432501100 LINSE KIRK R & CONNIE C LINSE 17654 KETTERING TRL LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-7674 17654 KETTERING TRL RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 228 224432901010 JELLINGER DAVID & BROOKE 17650 KETTERLING TRL LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17650 KETTERING TRL RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 229 224433004060 MUELLER BRAD L & KIMBERLY K 17646 KETTERING TRL LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9343 17646 KETTERING TRL RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 230 224433004050 CADE BRIAN J & STEPHANIE M R CADE 17642 KETTERING TRL LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9343 17642 KETTERING TRL RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 231 224433004040 DAMLO PAUL M & AMELIA K 17638 KETTERING TRL LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9343 17638 KETTERING TRL RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 232 224433004030 ANDERSON SCOTT J & AMY B 17634 KETTERING TRL LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9343 17634 KETTERING TRL RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 233 224433004020 LACHANCE MARK & SUSAN A 17626 KETTERING TRL LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9343 17626 KETTERING TRL RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 234 224433004010 BIRKHOLZ MARLIN E & LINDA L PAAR 17618 KETTERING TRL LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9343 17618 KETTERING TRL RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 235 225080001010 NELSON DOUGLAS S & CLAUDIA 17610 KETTERING TRL LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9343 17610 KETTERING TRL RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 236 221800004541 BAKKEN LARRY E TSTE & JUANE V TSTE BAKKEN 11900 175TH ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-7855 RESIDENTIAL B 4.0 4,955.74$ 19,822.96$ 2020 Street Reconstruction ProjectAssessment CategoryDate:10/21/201920-02ASingle Family Unit Assessment Rate (Collector, Klamath Trail) 3,479.21$ Revised:BSingle Family Unit Assessment Rate (Residential, Orchard Area) 4,955.74$ CSingle Family Unit Assessment Rate (Residential, Villa Estates Area) 6,707.00$ DSingle Family Unit Assessment Rate (Residential, Marion Areal) 3,709.55$ MAP ID PIDFEE OWNERFEE OWNER ADDRESS CITY/STATE ZIP CODEPROPERTY NUMBERPROPERTY STREETUSE DESCRIPTIONASSESSMENT CATEGORYSF RES. EQUIV. UNITSUNIT ASSESSMENT RATEPROPOSED ASSESSMENTPreliminary Assessment RollCity Name Project: City Project No.:Orchard Lake; Rock Island Townhomes; Kingsley Shores Senior Living; Klamath Glen; Swan Addition; Lau Addition; Sea Grit; Orchard Lake Hills; Hrkals Addition; Weisners Lake Addition; Lakeview Gardens; Liberty Heights; Goose Lake First Addition; Orchard Hills 1st Addition; Truehart Addition; Beachside; Orchard Oaks; Lyndale Lakes Club 1st Addition; Lyndale Lakes Club 2nd Addition; Bracketts Townhomes; Club Park Addition No. 1; Ken Con Estates First Addition; Orchard Lake Estates 1st Addition; Orchard Lake Estates 2nd Addition; Arland Park; Bracketts Townhomes; Bracketts Crossing; Bracketts Crossing Third Addition; Bracketts Estates; Simonsen 1st Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates First Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 2nd Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 3rd Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 4th Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates Fifth Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 6th Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 7th Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 8th Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 9th Addition; Nelson Addition; The Oaks of Lakevilla; Marion Village; Marion Village Second Addition; Marion Village Third Addition; Marion Village Fourth Addition; Marion Village Fifth Addition; Sullivans First Addition to Marion Heights; Garden Estates; Mehlhorn Beatty Addition; Juno Addition; Marion Heights; Greer and Sullivans Rearr; Blue Heron Bay.237 221800001490 BAKKEN LARRY E TSTE & JUANE V TSTE BAKKEN 11900 175TH ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-7855 11900 175TH ST W RESIDENTIAL B 4.0 4,955.74$ 19,822.96$ 238 224690116211FOWLER SCOTT D11978 175TH ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 11978 175TH ST W RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 239 224690116191 WENTWORTH STEVEN AND JENNIFER 12000 175TH ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 12000 175TH ST W RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 240 224690106160LARSON MARILYN J12064 175TH ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-7856 12064 175TH ST W RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 241 224690106131 SZUREK PAUL E & DIANE M12072 175TH ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-7856 12072 175TH ST W RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 242 224690106111 BORN THOMAS J & JENNIFER 12088 175TH ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 12088 175TH ST W RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 243 224690106080 GOODWIN THOMAS L & DOROTHY L 12100 175TH ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-7857 12100 175TH ST W RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 244 224690106050 BLANCHETTE LAWRENCE JR12120 175TH ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 245 224690106040 BLANCHETTE LAWRENCE JR12120 175TH ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 12120 175TH ST W RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 246 224690106020CITY OF LAKEVILLE20195 HOLYOKE AVE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 EXEMPT B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 247 224690106010CITY OF LAKEVILLE20195 HOLYOKE AVE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 EXEMPT B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 248 224690107041DIRKS EDNA APO BOX 1085 LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-1085 12184 175TH ST W RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 249 224690107044RUBEY MICHAEL D12196 175TH ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-7857 12196 175TH ST W RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 250 224690108292 HAMILTON ANDREW THOMAS & ERIN LOUISE HAMILTON 12216 175TH ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 12216 175TH ST W RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 251 224690108282 GIGUERE DAVID R & TERI L GITTUS GIGUERE 12224 175TH ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9322 12224 175TH ST W RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 252 221500004010 RYBAK ALAN & SHARON12260 175TH ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9322 12260 175TH ST W RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 253 221500004020 JOHNSON GERALD T & TAMARA 12290 175TH ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9322 12290 175TH ST W RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 254 221500004031 UHER MATTHEW D & ELIZABET 12330 175TH ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 12330 175TH ST W RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 255 220111050020 HART KENNETH E & ROTRAUT 12350 175TH ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 12350 175TH ST W RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 256 220111050030 HART DENNIS M & LORAYNE L 12374 175TH ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 12374 175TH ST W RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 4,955.74$ 4,955.74$ 257 221495001010 SKOOG MELODY FAMILY TRUST 17167 KIRBEN AVE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17871 LAYTON PATH RESIDENTIAL-TOWNHOUSE C 0.5 6,707.00$ 3,353.50$ 258 221495001020MAS 72 LLC17867 LAYTON PATH LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17867 LAYTON PATH RESIDENTIAL-TOWNHOUSE C 0.5 6,707.00$ 3,353.50$ 259 221495001030 JOHNSON STEVEN J & DEBRA A 17863 LAYTON PATH LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17863 LAYTON PATH RESIDENTIAL-TOWNHOUSE C 0.5 6,707.00$ 3,353.50$ 260 221495001040 DEMO ROBERT W & CLAUDIA J 17859 LAYTON PATH LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5223 17859 LAYTON PATH RESIDENTIAL-TOWNHOUSE C 0.5 6,707.00$ 3,353.50$ 261 221495001050 NESHEIM SUSAN R TSTE & RICHARD A TSTE CARLSON 17855 LAYTON PATH LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5223 17855 LAYTON PATH RESIDENTIAL-TOWNHOUSE C 0.5 6,707.00$ 3,353.50$ 262 221495001060 FRANCO MICHAEL J & SUSAN D 17851 LAYTON PATH LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5223 17851 LAYTON PATH RESIDENTIAL-TOWNHOUSE C 0.5 6,707.00$ 3,353.50$ 263 221495001070URBAN DIANA L17847 LAYTON PATH LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5223 17847 LAYTON PATH RESIDENTIAL-TOWNHOUSE C 0.5 6,707.00$ 3,353.50$ 264 221495001080 PELTON ROBERT & MARION D 17843 LAYTON PATH LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17843 LAYTON PATH RESIDENTIAL-TOWNHOUSE C 0.5 6,707.00$ 3,353.50$ 265 221495001090KNOLL KAREN A17839 LAYTON PATH LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5223 17839 LAYTON PATH RESIDENTIAL-TOWNHOUSE C 0.5 6,707.00$ 3,353.50$ 266 221495001100 HENRICKSON MYRON A & JOANNE 17835 LAYTON PATH LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5223 17835 LAYTON PATH RESIDENTIAL-TOWNHOUSE C 0.5 6,707.00$ 3,353.50$ 267 221495001110 JASKOWIAK ROBERT B & RUTH M HENDERSON 17831 LAYTON PATH LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17831 LAYTON PATH RESIDENTIAL-TOWNHOUSE C 0.5 6,707.00$ 3,353.50$ 268 221495001120 HOLBECK FREDRIC A & SHARON E 17827 LAYTON PATH LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17827 LAYTON PATH RESIDENTIAL-TOWNHOUSE C 0.5 6,707.00$ 3,353.50$ 269 221495201110 MURRAY ROBERT L & LOUISE T 17797 LAYTON PATH LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17797 LAYTON PATH RESIDENTIAL-TOWNHOUSE C 0.5 6,707.00$ 3,353.50$ 270 221495201120 EDELEN CHARLES H & CYNTHIA 17793 LAYTON PATH LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17793 LAYTON PATH RESIDENTIAL-TOWNHOUSE C 0.5 6,707.00$ 3,353.50$ 271 221495201130 SLOTSVE PAUL G & KIM A MCINTOSH 17789 LAYTON PATH LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5217 17789 LAYTON PATH RESIDENTIAL-TOWNHOUSE C 0.5 6,707.00$ 3,353.50$ 272 221495201140 HANSEN EDWIN L & DOROTHY M 17785 LAYTON PATH LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17785 LAYTON PATH RESIDENTIAL-TOWNHOUSE C 0.5 6,707.00$ 3,353.50$ 273 221495000020CITY OF LAKEVILLE20195 HOLYOKE AVE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17775 LAYTON PATH EXEMPT C 2.0 6,707.00$ 13,414.00$ 274 221499001010 LOR TER & VICTORIAH SONG CHANG 17767 LAYTON PATH LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17767 LAYTON PATH RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 275 221499001020RINGSTAD CRAIG V5410 WINDSOR LN FAIRWAY, KS 66205 17763 LAYTON PATH RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 276 221499001030 RUTH CHAD A & DEBBIE K17759 LAYTON PATH LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5217 17759 LAYTON PATH RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 277 221499001040MANEY HEATHER A17755 LAYTON PATH LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5217 17755 LAYTON PATH RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 278 221499001050 KERSTING STEVEN M TSTE & BONNIE D TSTE KERSTING 17751 LAYTON PATH LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5217 17751 LAYTON PATH RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 279 221499001060 RIZVI RUBINA & SYED HASSAN 17747 LAYTON PATH LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17747 LAYTON PATH RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 280 221499001070 KANFIELD WILLIAM JOHN & DENIS 17743 LAYTON PATH LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17743 LAYTON PATH RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 281 221499001080WECHSLER MONICA17739 LAYTON PATH LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17739 LAYTON PATH RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 282 221499001090 MALONEY THOMAS J TRUST 17735 LAYTON PATH LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17735 LAYTON PATH RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 283 221499001100HAYES DAVID E JR17725 LAYTON PATH LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17725 LAYTON PATH RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 284 221499001110 SMITH RICHARD A & TRICIA S 17705 LAYTON PATH LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17705 LAYTON PATH RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 285 226780001010 BELL THOMAS & ALICE17584 KETTERING TRL LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-8656 17584 KETTERING TRL RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 286 224433002010 BYSTEDT JOSEPH M & GINA M 17590 KETTERING TRL LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-8656 17590 KETTERING TRL RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 287 224433002020 BANYON DOUGLAS D & KAREN L 17594 KETTERING TRL LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-8656 17594 KETTERING TRL RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 288 224433002030 KAMPEN JACOB A & ASHLEY KAMPEN 17598 KETTERING TRL LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17598 KETTERING TRL RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 289 221500001010 NORTHERN GOPHER ENTERPRISES INC 17976 JUDICIAL RD LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9329 17976 JUDICIAL RD COMMERCIAL-OPEN SPACE C 8.0 6,707.00$ 53,656.00$ 290 221500000090 NORTHERN GOPHER ENTERPRISES INC 17976 JUDICIAL RD LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9329 COMMERCIAL-OPEN SPACE C 13.0 6,707.00$ 87,191.00$ 291 221500000051 NORTHERN GOPHER ENTERPRISES INC 17976 JUDICIAL RD LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9329 COMMERCIAL-PREFERRED-OPEN SPACEC 4.0 6,707.00$ 26,828.00$ 292 221499002010 MAY GARY S & BARBARA I17768 LAYTON PATH LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17768 LAYTON PATH RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 293 221499002020 MURRAY RYAN & AMY J17764 LAYTON PATH LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17764 LAYTON PATH RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 294 221499002030 COLLEEN P HOLMQUIST TRUST 17760 LAYTON PATH LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5214 17760 LAYTON PATH RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 295 221499002040 TAYLOR JAMES M & PATRICIA R 26083 SEMINOLE LAKES BLVD PUNTA GORDA, FL 33955 17756 LAYTON PATH RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 2020 Street Reconstruction ProjectAssessment CategoryDate:10/21/201920-02ASingle Family Unit Assessment Rate (Collector, Klamath Trail) 3,479.21$ Revised:BSingle Family Unit Assessment Rate (Residential, Orchard Area) 4,955.74$ CSingle Family Unit Assessment Rate (Residential, Villa Estates Area) 6,707.00$ DSingle Family Unit Assessment Rate (Residential, Marion Areal) 3,709.55$ MAP ID PIDFEE OWNERFEE OWNER ADDRESS CITY/STATE ZIP CODEPROPERTY NUMBERPROPERTY STREETUSE DESCRIPTIONASSESSMENT CATEGORYSF RES. EQUIV. UNITSUNIT ASSESSMENT RATEPROPOSED ASSESSMENTPreliminary Assessment RollCity Name Project: City Project No.:Orchard Lake; Rock Island Townhomes; Kingsley Shores Senior Living; Klamath Glen; Swan Addition; Lau Addition; Sea Grit; Orchard Lake Hills; Hrkals Addition; Weisners Lake Addition; Lakeview Gardens; Liberty Heights; Goose Lake First Addition; Orchard Hills 1st Addition; Truehart Addition; Beachside; Orchard Oaks; Lyndale Lakes Club 1st Addition; Lyndale Lakes Club 2nd Addition; Bracketts Townhomes; Club Park Addition No. 1; Ken Con Estates First Addition; Orchard Lake Estates 1st Addition; Orchard Lake Estates 2nd Addition; Arland Park; Bracketts Townhomes; Bracketts Crossing; Bracketts Crossing Third Addition; Bracketts Estates; Simonsen 1st Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates First Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 2nd Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 3rd Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 4th Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates Fifth Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 6th Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 7th Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 8th Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 9th Addition; Nelson Addition; The Oaks of Lakevilla; Marion Village; Marion Village Second Addition; Marion Village Third Addition; Marion Village Fourth Addition; Marion Village Fifth Addition; Sullivans First Addition to Marion Heights; Garden Estates; Mehlhorn Beatty Addition; Juno Addition; Marion Heights; Greer and Sullivans Rearr; Blue Heron Bay.296 221499002050 GADEK STANLEY & KATHERINE 17752 LAYTON PATH LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17752 LAYTON PATH RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 297 221499002060 SWAIL TIMOTHY S & KATHRYN 17748 LAYTON PATH LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17748 LAYTON PATH RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 298 221499002070 DETLEFSEN KIRK W & JULIE L 17744 LAYTON PATH LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5214 17744 LAYTON PATH RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 299 221499002080 FULLER BRENT & ELIZABETH 17740 LAYTON PATH LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17740 LAYTON PATH RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 300 221499002090 KNAPP BRIAN A & CARLA M 17736 LAYTON PATH LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5214 17736 LAYTON PATH RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 301 221499002100 BIGLER DAVID J & LEE A TST17732 LAYTON CT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5218 17732 LAYTON CT RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 302 221499002110 GADEK MARTIN & MARY17728 LAYTON CT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5218 17728 LAYTON CT RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 303 221499002120 KUNKEL DENNIS B & NANCY L 17724 LAYTON CT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5218 17724 LAYTON CT RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 304 221499002130 JOHNSTON MITCHELL G & SHERRY 17720 LAYTON CT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5218 17720 LAYTON CT RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 305 221499002140DAHLGREN EDWIN17716 LAYTON CT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17716 LAYTON CT RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 306 221499002150 SMITH MARIE HOLMES17712 LAYTON CT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5218 17712 LAYTON CT RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 307 221499002160 LEBENS STEVEN J & SARA W17708 LAYTON CT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17708 LAYTON CT RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 308 221499002170 JOHNSON RANDALL L & TAMARA A 17704 LAYTON CT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5218 17704 LAYTON CT RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 309 221499002180 BAELL KENNETH B & KARYN M 17702 LAYTON CT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17702 LAYTON CT RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 310 224432602010 SCHUVEILLER DIANE M17700 LAYTON PATH LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17700 LAYTON PATH RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 311 224432602020CRONIN MONICA17696 LAYTON PATH LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17696 LAYTON PATH RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 312 224432602030 BYRON JOSEPH M & BRISSA M 17692 LAYTON PATH LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17692 LAYTON PATH RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 313 224432602040 OBRIEN ROBERT W & STEPHANIE ELAINE OBRIEN 17688 LAYTON PATH LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17688 LAYTON PATH RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 314 224432602050SIEMERS DUSTIN S17807 179TH TRL W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5206 17807 179TH TRL W RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 315 224432602060 WOLFSON CRAIG S & ROSE M 17811 LAKE COVE CIR LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5212 17811 LAKE COVE CIR RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 316 224432602070JOHNSON PATRICK O17815 LAKE COVE CIR LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5212 17815 LAKE COVE CIR RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 317 224432602080 BJORKMAN TOD J & PAULA R 17819 LAKE COVE CIR LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5212 17819 LAKE COVE CIR RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 318 224432602090 LAPITZ T JEFFREY & WENDY L 17823 LAKE COVE CIR LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5212 17823 LAKE COVE CIR RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 319 224433202010 BRUWELHEIDE DENNIS & ELLEN 17849 LANESBORO CT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5230 17849 LANESBORO CT RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 320 224433202020 LOVELESS SCOTT A & AMY L 17853 LANESBORO CT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5230 17853 LANESBORO CT RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 321 224433202030TISDELL MAEFOL17857 LANESBORO CT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17857 LANESBORO CT RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 322 224433202040 WILLIAMS BENJAMIN G TSTE & KAREN L TSTE WILLIAMS 17861 LANESBORO CT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17861 LANESBORO CT RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 323 224433202050BENDER EDDIE17858 LANESBORO CT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5230 17858 LANESBORO CT RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 324 224433202060 BENDER EDDIE & KRISTINE ANN 17854 LANESBORO CT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5230 17854 LANESBORO CT RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 325 224433202070 BALTERA RAMON A & SANDRA K 17850 LANESBORO COURT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5230 17850 LANESBORO CT RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 326 224433202080 LEACH ROBERT P & KRISTY JO 17835 179TH TRL W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5207 17835 179TH TRL W RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 327 224433202090 SHEEHAN JEAN A TSTE17839 179TH TRL W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5207 17839 179TH TRL W RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 328 224433202100 BECKER CLAYTON D & ASHLYN L 17843 179TH TRL W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5207 17843 179TH TRL W RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 329 224433202110 WALZ JAMES & SANDRA17845 179TH TRL LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5207 17845 179TH TRL W RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 330 224433202120 BRUNNER MARK S & LYNN M 17849 179TH TRL W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5207 17849 179TH TRL W RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 331 224433202130 SCHWEGMAN RICHARD J & JODI L 17853 179TH TRL W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5207 17853 179TH TRL W RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 332 224433202140 RIEF MICHAEL J & BRIDGET17857 179TH TRL W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5207 17857 179TH TRL W RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 333 224433202150BRANDT LEE E17861 179TH TRL W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5207 17861 179TH TRL W RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 334 224433202160 VOTE DARIN M & STEPHANIE 17865 179TH TRL W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17865 179TH TRL W RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 335 224433103140 KILBRIDE PATRICK J & CAROL F 17869 179TH TRL W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5207 17869 179TH TRL W RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 336 224433103130 MAGUIRE CHARLES M & LINDA L 17873 179TH TRL W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5207 17873 179TH TRL W RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 337 224433103121 CLARK ALCEDE GREGORY & PAULA J STEIN CLARK 17877 179TH TRL W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17877 179TH TRL W RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 338 224433103111 VOGEN B RICHARD & JUDITH 17883 179TH TRL W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5207 17883 179TH TRL W RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 339 224433103090 JACOBUS SCOTT B & KELLY J 17887 179TH TRL W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17887 179TH TRL W RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 340 224433103080 NIPPA MARK W & PAMELA K17891 179TH TRL LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5207 17891 179TH TRL W RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 341 224433103070 RESBERG PAUL F & ROSIE B POST 17943 KETTLE RIVER CT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17943 KETTLE RIVER CT RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 342 224433103060 LEMBECK CURT J TSTE & DEBORA 17965 KETTLE RIVER CT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17965 KETTLE RIVER CT RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 343 224433103050 HAMRICK STEPHEN & KIMBERLY 17987 KETTLE RIVER CT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5226 17987 KETTLE RIVER CT RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 344 224433103040 PEDERSON PAUL D H & ELISABETH 17994 KETTLE RIVER CT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17994 KETTLE RIVER CT RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 345 224433103030 FIEDLER ERIC T & LAURIE A 17964 KETTLE RIVER CT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5226 17964 KETTLE RIVER CT RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 346 224433103020 SCHIFFLER DEAN M & CARLA L 17895 179TH TRL W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-7248 17895 179TH TRL W RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 347 224433103010 KLESCH JOHN G & JACQUELINE K JONES 17899 179TH TRL W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-7248 17899 179TH TRL W RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 348 227589006040SHEPPARD SCOTT A17873 KENAI CIR LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17873 KENAI CIR RESIDENTIAL-TOWNHOUSE C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 349 227589006030 MONSALVE ADELMO & HILAIDA 17879 KENAI CIR LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17879 KENAI CIR RESIDENTIAL-TOWNHOUSE C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 350 227589006020HEIMKES JENNIFER A17885 KENAI CIR LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17885 KENAI CIR RESIDENTIAL-TOWNHOUSE C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 351 227589006010VU DUKE & MY-LINH17891 KENAI CIRCLE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17891 KENAI CIR RESIDENTIAL-TOWNHOUSE C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 352 224432503100 WRIGHT REBECCA & KIRSTEN WRIGHT-HUDDOCK 17865 KEOUKUK AVE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17865 KEOKUK AVE RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 353 224433301010 THURNAU PETER J & ANNE E 17902 179TH TRL W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17902 179TH TRL W RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 354 224433101010 PETERSEN STEVEN & NERGIS17898 179TH TRL LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-7248 17898 179TH TRL W RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 2020 Street Reconstruction ProjectAssessment CategoryDate:10/21/201920-02ASingle Family Unit Assessment Rate (Collector, Klamath Trail) 3,479.21$ Revised:BSingle Family Unit Assessment Rate (Residential, Orchard Area) 4,955.74$ CSingle Family Unit Assessment Rate (Residential, Villa Estates Area) 6,707.00$ DSingle Family Unit Assessment Rate (Residential, Marion Areal) 3,709.55$ MAP ID PIDFEE OWNERFEE OWNER ADDRESS CITY/STATE ZIP CODEPROPERTY NUMBERPROPERTY STREETUSE DESCRIPTIONASSESSMENT CATEGORYSF RES. EQUIV. UNITSUNIT ASSESSMENT RATEPROPOSED ASSESSMENTPreliminary Assessment RollCity Name Project: City Project No.:Orchard Lake; Rock Island Townhomes; Kingsley Shores Senior Living; Klamath Glen; Swan Addition; Lau Addition; Sea Grit; Orchard Lake Hills; Hrkals Addition; Weisners Lake Addition; Lakeview Gardens; Liberty Heights; Goose Lake First Addition; Orchard Hills 1st Addition; Truehart Addition; Beachside; Orchard Oaks; Lyndale Lakes Club 1st Addition; Lyndale Lakes Club 2nd Addition; Bracketts Townhomes; Club Park Addition No. 1; Ken Con Estates First Addition; Orchard Lake Estates 1st Addition; Orchard Lake Estates 2nd Addition; Arland Park; Bracketts Townhomes; Bracketts Crossing; Bracketts Crossing Third Addition; Bracketts Estates; Simonsen 1st Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates First Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 2nd Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 3rd Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 4th Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates Fifth Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 6th Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 7th Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 8th Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 9th Addition; Nelson Addition; The Oaks of Lakevilla; Marion Village; Marion Village Second Addition; Marion Village Third Addition; Marion Village Fourth Addition; Marion Village Fifth Addition; Sullivans First Addition to Marion Heights; Garden Estates; Mehlhorn Beatty Addition; Juno Addition; Marion Heights; Greer and Sullivans Rearr; Blue Heron Bay.355 224433101020 YUNG MARSHALL & WENPING CHEN 17894 179TH TRL W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17894 179TH TRL W RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 356 224433101030 JOHNSON CHRISTOPHER S17862 KESTREL CT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17862 KESTREL CT RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 357 224433101040 ALDERMAN THOMAS E & MARILYN T 17832 KESTREL CT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5225 17832 KESTREL CT RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 358 224433101050 WEIDENHAFT TIMOTHY T TSTE & MARY S TSTE WEIDENHAFT 17835 KESTREL CT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17835 KESTREL CT RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 359 224433101060 GRAZZINI ALLEN P & KATHLEEN M 17865 KESTREL CT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5224 17865 KESTREL CT RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 360 224433101070 SPURRILL ANTHONY TROY & CHRIS 17890 179TH TRL W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17890 179TH TRL W RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 361 224433101080 LEE DANIEL T & SUSAN M SEMMLER 17886 179TH TRL W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17886 179TH TRL W RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 362 224433101090 TOAY DAVID S & KATHLEEN R 17858 KEYSTONE PATH LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-7125 17858 KEYSTONE PATH RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 363 224433101100 LINDAU JAMES H JR & KATHERI 17828 KEYSTONE PATH LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17828 KEYSTONE PATH RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 364 224432804010 WALKER MICHAEL J & GEOFFREY L DRIVER 11716 177TH ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17762 KEYSTONE AVE RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 365 224432804020 HALLIDAY BRENT A & MICHELLE M 17756 KEYSTONE AVE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9365 17756 KEYSTONE AVE RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 366 224432503240EBELING JANET R17746 KEYSTONE AVE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17746 KEYSTONE AVE RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 367 224432503230 BARBARA L SATROM REVOCABLE INERVIVOS T 17734 KEYSTONE AVE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17734 KEYSTONE AVE RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 368 224432503220 IANNACI MARK S & LAUREN G 17720 KEYSTONE AVE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9365 17720 KEYSTONE AVE RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 369 224432503210 ADAMS RICHARD J & MARY JO 17700 KEYSTONE AVE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17700 KEYSTONE AVE RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 370 224432503200 WESTON NATHAN J & SHANNON M 11630 177TH ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 11630 177TH ST W RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 371 224432503190 OMURWA ISAAC & FAMATTA BLAMA 11600 177TH ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 11600 177TH ST W RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 372 224432503180 BREN NATHAN & RASHELLE BREN 11570 177TH ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 11570 177TH ST W RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 373 224432503170 ARNOLD ROBERT R & DEBORAH L 17715 KETTERING TRL LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9354 17715 KETTERING TRL RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 374 224432503160 BRAUN MICHAEL & GALE 17721 KETTERING TRL LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9354 17721 KETTERING TRL RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 375 224432503150 FITZPATRICK TERENCE J & SANDRA J FITZPATRICK 17729 KETTERING TRL LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9354 17729 KETTERING TRL RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 376 224432503140 GROSS DAVID P & KATHRYN A GROSS 17735 KETTERING TRL LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17735 KETTERING TRL RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 377 224432503130 SIMONSEN SUSAN VERONICA 17751 KETTERING TRL LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9354 17751 KETTERING TRL RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 378 224432503120 HELLIER EDWARD G & AMY17801 KEOKUK AVE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-7214 17801 KEOKUK AVE RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 379 224432503110 HAYENGA JAMES R & JOYCE J 17831 KEOKUK AVE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-7214 17831 KEOKUK AVE RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 380 224432503080GARIEPY RICHARD17749 KEOKUK AVE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17749 KEOKUK AVE RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 381 224432503090 BALYEAT DENNIS L & JULIANA 17771 KEOKUK AVE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-7214 17771 KEOKUK AVE RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 382 224432503070 OREILLY EDWARD M & JOAN E 17730 KETTERING TRL LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9353 17730 KETTERING TRL RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 383 224432503060GROH MICHAEL17722 KETTERING TRL LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17722 KETTERING TRL RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 384 224432503050 STRAND NEAL & MELISSA 17718 KETTERING TRL LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17718 KETTERING TRL RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 385 224432503040 JOHNSON AUDREY E TSTE 17714 KETTERING TRL LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17714 KETTERING TRL RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 386 224432503030 BASTIN JOHN D & CAROLE 17708 KETTERING TRL LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9353 17708 KETTERING TRL RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 387 224432503020 GRADEN DAVID J &KERI A11540 177TH ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 11540 177TH ST W RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 388 224432503010 BRUMMER ROBERT H & KAREN A 11510 177TH ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9360 11510 177TH ST W RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 389 224432502070JOHNSON LAYNE11635 177TH ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 11635 177TH ST W RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 390 224432502060 KRUEGER RICHARD A & DIANE S 11605 177TH ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-7676 11605 177TH ST W RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 391 224432502050 KATH PAUL R & KATHE M WINGERT 11585 177TH ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9358 11585 177TH ST W RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 392 224432502040 FORD TIMOTHY G & CHRISTINE FORD 17685 KETTERING TRL LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17685 KETTERING TRL RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 393 224432502030 THOMAS JAMES A TSTTE & CHERYL A TSTE THOMAS 17679 KETTERING TRL LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17679 KETTERING TRL RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 394 224432502020 POURIER JAMES E JEANINE A 17671 KETTERING TRL LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17671 KETTERING TRL RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 395 224432502010 SALMI BRADLEY A & JODI 17661 KETTERING TRL LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17661 KETTERING TRL RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 396 224432502100 SCHERER GRANT W & GAYLE 17640 KEYSTONE AVE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9363 17640 KEYSTONE AVE RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 397 224432502090SCHULBERG BRUCE R17656 KEYSTONE AVE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9363 17656 KEYSTONE AVE RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 398 224432502080FRIEDGES TROY F17676 KEYSTONE AVE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17676 KEYSTONE AVE RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 399 224432504040ROBISON MICHELLE A17679 KEYSTONE AVE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17679 KEYSTONE AVE RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 400 224432504030 KAPPELMANN DENISE R & KENNETH S 17661 KEYSTONE AVE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9364 17661 KEYSTONE AVE RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 401 224432504020 DERY PETER C & SHELLEY M DERY 17643 KEYSTONE AVE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9364 17643 KEYSTONE AVE RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 402 224432504010 CLAUSEN HAROLD H & BARBARA K DUNCAN 17625 KEYSTONE AVE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9364 17625 KEYSTONE AVE RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 403 224433003160 SCHWANKE LEON G & LISA M 17645 KETTERING TRL LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9344 17645 KETTERING TRL RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 404 224433003150 ANDERSON CRAIG S & CLAUDINE G ANDERSON 17641 KETTERING TRL LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9344 17641 KETTERING TRL RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 405 224433003140 THEISEN MICHAEL V & SUSAN M MCGOVERN 17637 KETTERING TRL LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9344 17637 KETTERING TRL RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 406 224433003130 BRIANT JAMES P & BARBARA A 17633 KETTERING TRL LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9344 17633 KETTERING TRL RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 407 224433003120 ELSENPETER MICHAEL T & PATRICE 17629 KETTERING TRL LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9344 17629 KETTERING TRL RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 408 224433003110KORPELA CYNTHIA C17625 KETTERING TRL LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17625 KETTERING TRL RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 409 224433003100 STEVENS NICHOLAS R & ROSEMAR 500 GREEN HAVEN DR UNIT 310 BURNSVILLE, MN 55337 17621 KETTERING TRL RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 410 224433003090 MIKKELSON GARY M & ROSEMARY 17617 KETTERING TRL LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9344 17617 KETTERING TRL RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 411 224433003080 SIMONSEN STEVEN R & LAURIE L 17613 KETTERING TRL LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9344 17613 KETTERING TRL RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 412 224433003070 HARWOOD KIMBERLY V & CATHERINE A NAYES 17609 KETTERLING TRL LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9344 17609 KETTERING TRL RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 413 224433003060 WETZEL STEPHEN GREGORY TSTE & PATRICE VIVIAN TSTE WETZEL 17605 KETTERING TRL LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17605 KETTERING TRL RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 2020 Street Reconstruction ProjectAssessment CategoryDate:10/21/201920-02ASingle Family Unit Assessment Rate (Collector, Klamath Trail) 3,479.21$ Revised:BSingle Family Unit Assessment Rate (Residential, Orchard Area) 4,955.74$ CSingle Family Unit Assessment Rate (Residential, Villa Estates Area) 6,707.00$ DSingle Family Unit Assessment Rate (Residential, Marion Areal) 3,709.55$ MAP ID PIDFEE OWNERFEE OWNER ADDRESS CITY/STATE ZIP CODEPROPERTY NUMBERPROPERTY STREETUSE DESCRIPTIONASSESSMENT CATEGORYSF RES. EQUIV. UNITSUNIT ASSESSMENT RATEPROPOSED ASSESSMENTPreliminary Assessment RollCity Name Project: City Project No.:Orchard Lake; Rock Island Townhomes; Kingsley Shores Senior Living; Klamath Glen; Swan Addition; Lau Addition; Sea Grit; Orchard Lake Hills; Hrkals Addition; Weisners Lake Addition; Lakeview Gardens; Liberty Heights; Goose Lake First Addition; Orchard Hills 1st Addition; Truehart Addition; Beachside; Orchard Oaks; Lyndale Lakes Club 1st Addition; Lyndale Lakes Club 2nd Addition; Bracketts Townhomes; Club Park Addition No. 1; Ken Con Estates First Addition; Orchard Lake Estates 1st Addition; Orchard Lake Estates 2nd Addition; Arland Park; Bracketts Townhomes; Bracketts Crossing; Bracketts Crossing Third Addition; Bracketts Estates; Simonsen 1st Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates First Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 2nd Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 3rd Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 4th Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates Fifth Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 6th Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 7th Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 8th Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 9th Addition; Nelson Addition; The Oaks of Lakevilla; Marion Village; Marion Village Second Addition; Marion Village Third Addition; Marion Village Fourth Addition; Marion Village Fifth Addition; Sullivans First Addition to Marion Heights; Garden Estates; Mehlhorn Beatty Addition; Juno Addition; Marion Heights; Greer and Sullivans Rearr; Blue Heron Bay.414 224433003050 RONNEBERG DAVID S & CAROLYN P 17601 KETTERING TRL LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9344 17601 KETTERING TRL RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 415 224433003040 GUSTAFSON PAUL & SALLY 17597 KETTERING TRL LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17597 KETTERING TRL RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 416 224433003030 HOJAN MICHAEL & CANDICE 17593 KETTERING TRL LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-8657 17593 KETTERING TRL RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 417 224433003020 WIESE JOHN E & LESLI A17589 KETTERING TRL LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-8657 17589 KETTERING TRL RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 418 224433003010 STREETER CHRISTOPHER ALAN & A 17585 KETTERING TRL LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17585 KETTERING TRL RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 419 224432601010 MENARD JEAN PIERRE & KIMBERLY S MENARD 17701 LAYTON PATH LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5216 17701 LAYTON PATH RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 420 224432601020 MOSIER KENNETH R & JOANNE M 17699 LAKE OAK CIR LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5211 17699 LAKE OAK CIR RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 421 224432601030MEEK BRIAN17697 LAKE OAK CIR LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17697 LAKE OAK CIR RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 422 224432601040 CROWDER ANDREW D & MEGAN M VERDEJA 17695 LAKE OAK CIR LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17695 LAKE OAK CIR RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 423 224432601050 PIPER ERICK J & TRACEY A 17693 LAKE OAK CIR LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17693 LAKE OAK CIR RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 424 224432601060 COULSON JEFFREY S & LINDA L 17691 LAKE OAK CIR LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5211 17691 LAKE OAK CIR RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 425 224432601070 MOGENSEN STEVEN A & VIRGINIA 17689 LAKE OAK CIR LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5211 17689 LAKE OAK CIR RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 426 224432601080 WAMBACH GERALD F & JANET S 17685 LAYTON PATH LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5215 17685 LAYTON PATH RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 427 224432601090 SCHARMER MARK D TSTE & MARGARET E TSTE SCHARMER 17683 KINGSWOOD CIR LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5210 17683 KINGSWOOD CIR RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 428 224432601100 WITT JAMES & JENNIFER WITT 17681 KINGSWOOD CIR LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17681 KINGSWOOD CIR RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 429 224432601110 KAVOOSI RYAN J & JERAH M 17679 KINGSWOOD CIR LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5210 17679 KINGSWOOD CIR RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 430 224432601120HEIMKES JOSHUA M17677 KINGSWOOD CIR LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17677 KINGSWOOD CIR RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 431 224432701010 GAYDESKI MICHAEL S & NANCY G 11825 177TH ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-7677 11825 177TH ST W RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 432 224432701020 COPSEY WILLIAM R & MARDELL 11805 177TH ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-7677 11805 177TH ST W RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 433 224432701030 BARBER DAVID & DAWN11785 177TH ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-7677 11785 177TH ST W RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 434 224432701040ESTES ALICE M11765 177TH ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 11765 177TH ST W RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 435 224432701050 WIBERG ANDREW M & KACEY J 11745 177TH ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5203 11745 177TH ST W RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 436 224432701060 CONLOW BRENT R & JUDITH M 11735 177TH ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5203 11735 177TH ST W RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 437 224432701070 CLIFFORD COLIN S & LESLEY G 11715 177TH ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5203 11715 177TH ST W RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 438 224432604010 KIZER CHRISTOPHER M & NICK 17702 KINGSWAY PATH LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17702 KINGSWAY PATH RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 439 224432604020 KERBER ROBERT W & LYNN M 11806 177TH ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5201 11806 177TH ST W RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 440 224432604030KALISTA VERA11786 177TH ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 11786 177TH ST W RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 441 224432604040 TODOROVICH ROBERT L & JOAN A 11766 177TH ST LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5201 11766 177TH ST W RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 442 224432802220KIRKLAND DYAN R17707 KINGSBURY CIR LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17707 KINGSBURY CIR RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 443 224432802210PEDERSON ZACHARY17711 KINGSBURY CIR LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5219 17711 KINGSBURY CIR RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 444 224432802200BECKERING DARIN J15593 MICHELE LN EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55346 17715 KINGSBURY CIR RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 445 224432802190 WEAVER KEVIN & JAYLENE 17714 KINGSBURY CIR LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5219 17714 KINGSBURY CIR RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 446 224432802180 SHURTS STEPHEN J TSTE & LEILA T TSTE SHURTS 17712 KINGSBURY CIR LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17712 KINGSBURY CIR RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 447 224432802170 JOHNSON TROY WILLIAM & JANET HUGHES JOHNSON 17708 KINGSBURY CIR LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5219 17708 KINGSBURY CIR RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 448 224432605010CHEN CHUANGXIN11746 177TH ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5200 11746 177TH ST W RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 449 224432605020 KRZYZANIAK NEAL I & KATHLEEN N 11736 177TH ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5200 11736 177TH ST W RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 450 224432605030 WALKER MICHAEL JUSTIN & GEOFFREY LESTER DRIVER 11716 177TH ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 451 224432505010GERBER DEBORAH L17705 KEYSTONE AVE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17705 KEYSTONE AVE RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 452 224432505020BASSETT SHARON M17715 KEYSTONE AVE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9366 17715 KEYSTONE AVE RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 453 224432505030 JOHNSON MILO C & JENNIFER S 17733 KEYSTONE AVE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9366 17733 KEYSTONE AVE RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 454 224432505040 MEESTER DONALD & ANNETTE 17751 KEYSTONE AVE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9366 17751 KEYSTONE AVE RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 455 224432802160 ALTAVILLA ROBERT A & TAMARA A 17757 KEYSTONE AVE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9366 17757 KEYSTONE AVE RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 456 224432802150 RISHEL RONALD E & GERRI R 17763 KEYSTONE AVE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9366 17763 KEYSTONE AVE RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 457 224432802140 PANKOW WAYNE S & CAROL N 17767 KEYSTONE AVE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9366 17767 KEYSTONE AVE RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 458 224432802130 BIRD GORDON B & DIANN 17773 KEYSTONE AVE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9366 17773 KEYSTONE AVE RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 459 224432802120 VOTEL WILLIAM R TSTE & BARBARA E TSTE SEERY 17777 KEYSTONE AVE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9366 17777 KEYSTONE AVE RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 460 224432802110 BOUVET JEAN LEON DOMINIQUE & IRIS C BOUVET 17781 KEYSTONE AVE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9366 17781 KEYSTONE AVE RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 461 224432802100 HAEG JOSEPH P & BARBARA J GANZER 17787 KEYSTONE AVE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9366 17787 KEYSTONE AVE RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 462 224432802090 BINDER LONNY J & DEE A BINDER 17756 KINGSWAY PATH LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5208 17756 KINGSWAY PATH RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 463 224432802080 RODEWALD KEITH E & REGINA L 17752 KINGSWAY PATH LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5208 17752 KINGSWAY PATH RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 464 224432802070 PAYNE TIMOTHY L & TRACY M 17740 KINGSWAY PATH LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5208 17740 KINGSWAY PATH RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 465 224432802060 SCHNEEGANS KLAUS & LISA 17728 KINGS WAY PATH LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5208 17728 KINGSWAY PATH RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 466 224432802050 BARUCH SCOTT R & LEISHA R 17722 KINGSWAY PATH LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5208 17722 KINGSWAY PATH RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 467 224432802040 BUEHRER DANIEL A & LAURA A 17718 KINGSWAY PATH LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5208 17718 KINGSWAY PATH RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 468 224432802030 BOCHE JOHN M & LAURA L 17714 KINGSWAY PATH LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5208 17714 KINGSWAY PATH RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 469 224432802020 HARTMANN NICHOLAS & MICHAELA 17710 KINGSWAY PATH LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17710 KINGSWAY PATH RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 470 224432802010 FULLER MARY B & TERRY W 17706 KINGSWAY PATH LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5208 17706 KINGSWAY PATH RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 471 224432603050 PETERSON GERALD EUGENE 17701 KINGSWAY PATH LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5209 17701 KINGSWAY PATH RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 472 224432603040 HARMON JAMES W III & LAUREN 17770 179TH TRL W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17770 179TH TRL W RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 2020 Street Reconstruction ProjectAssessment CategoryDate:10/21/201920-02ASingle Family Unit Assessment Rate (Collector, Klamath Trail) 3,479.21$ Revised:BSingle Family Unit Assessment Rate (Residential, Orchard Area) 4,955.74$ CSingle Family Unit Assessment Rate (Residential, Villa Estates Area) 6,707.00$ DSingle Family Unit Assessment Rate (Residential, Marion Areal) 3,709.55$ MAP ID PIDFEE OWNERFEE OWNER ADDRESS CITY/STATE ZIP CODEPROPERTY NUMBERPROPERTY STREETUSE DESCRIPTIONASSESSMENT CATEGORYSF RES. EQUIV. UNITSUNIT ASSESSMENT RATEPROPOSED ASSESSMENTPreliminary Assessment RollCity Name Project: City Project No.:Orchard Lake; Rock Island Townhomes; Kingsley Shores Senior Living; Klamath Glen; Swan Addition; Lau Addition; Sea Grit; Orchard Lake Hills; Hrkals Addition; Weisners Lake Addition; Lakeview Gardens; Liberty Heights; Goose Lake First Addition; Orchard Hills 1st Addition; Truehart Addition; Beachside; Orchard Oaks; Lyndale Lakes Club 1st Addition; Lyndale Lakes Club 2nd Addition; Bracketts Townhomes; Club Park Addition No. 1; Ken Con Estates First Addition; Orchard Lake Estates 1st Addition; Orchard Lake Estates 2nd Addition; Arland Park; Bracketts Townhomes; Bracketts Crossing; Bracketts Crossing Third Addition; Bracketts Estates; Simonsen 1st Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates First Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 2nd Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 3rd Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 4th Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates Fifth Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 6th Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 7th Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 8th Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 9th Addition; Nelson Addition; The Oaks of Lakevilla; Marion Village; Marion Village Second Addition; Marion Village Third Addition; Marion Village Fourth Addition; Marion Village Fifth Addition; Sullivans First Addition to Marion Heights; Garden Estates; Mehlhorn Beatty Addition; Juno Addition; Marion Heights; Greer and Sullivans Rearr; Blue Heron Bay.473 224432603030 EMERSON PATRICIA M & JEFFREY J EMERSON 17806 179TH TRL W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5205 17806 179TH TRL W RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 474 224432603020 SMITH STEVEN A & CATHLEEN 17820 179TH TRL W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5205 17820 179TH TRL W RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 475 224432603010 POUSH DOUGLAS B & BARBARA E POUSH 17830 179TH TRAIL W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5205 17830 179TH TRL W RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 476 224433201010 DIEDE TROY & AMY PETERSEN 17834 179TH TRL W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5205 17834 179TH TRL W RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 477 224433201020 DALY PETER J & KIMBERLY A 17838 179TH TRL W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5205 17838 179TH TRL W RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 478 224433201030WESCOTT WELLS J17842 179TH TRL W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5205 17842 179TH TRL W RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 479 224433201040 KOCH SCOTT A & MARCIA A KOCH 17846 179TH ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5205 17846 179TH TRL W RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 480 224433201050 LYONS EDWARD T & JAYNE B 17850 179TH TRL W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17850 179TH TRL W RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 481 224433201060 BECK DAVID N & MARCELLA M BECK 17854 179TH TRL W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17854 179TH TRL W RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 482 224433201070 PRODDUTURI BALASRINIVAS & VYDEHI PRODDUTURI 17858 179TH TRL W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17858 179TH TRL W RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 483 224433201080 OELKE JAY LANCE TSTE & KIMBERLEY LYNN TSTE OELKE 17862 179TH TRL LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17862 179TH TRL W RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 484 224433201090 ENGLISH BRUCE & AMY17866 179TH TRL W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17866 179TH TRL W RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 485 224432801110LAMBERT BRUCE L17757 KINGSWAY PATH LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5209 17757 KINGSWAY PATH RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 486 224432801100 FEICHTINGER ROGER & EDYTH TST 17751 KINGSWAY PATH LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5209 17751 KINGSWAY PATH RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 487 224432801090SEED KENNETH R17745 KINGSWAY PATH LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5209 17745 KINGSWAY PATH RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 488 224432801080HP MINNESOTA I LLC 180 STETSON AVE N UNIT 3650 CHICAGO, IL 60601 17739 KINGSWAY PATH RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 489 224432801070BRADEN WESLEY17733 KINGSWAY PATH LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17733 KINGSWAY PATH RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 490 224432801061 ZARECKY NED K TSTE & BARBARA 17727 KINGSWAY PATH LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5209 17727 KINGSWAY PATH RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 491 224432801051 AKKERMAN RUSSELL L & LAURIE R 17721 KINGSWAY PATH LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5209 17721 KINGSWAY PATH RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 492 224432801040 HOLLEY JOANNE MARIE 17717 KINGS WAY PATH LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17717 KINGSWAY PATH RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 493 224432801030 ABBOTT DAVID J & TAMRA L 17713 KINGSWAY PATH LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5209 17713 KINGSWAY PATH RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 494 224432801020 SWENSON LAUREN & JOSEPH 17709 KINGSWAY PATH LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17709 KINGSWAY PATH RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 495 224432801010 BOUSHEE JAMES D & MICHELLE A 17705 KINGSWAY PATH LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5209 17705 KINGSWAY PATH RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 496 224432803010 FORD LAWRENCE E TSTE & ROSEMARIE L TSTE FORD 17786 KEYSTONE AVE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17786 KEYSTONE AVE RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 497 224432803020 SCHIECK RONALD A & GLORIA H 17782 KEYSTONE AVE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9365 17782 KEYSTONE AVE RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 498 224432803030 BOTSFORD TIMOTHY RAYMOND & TO 17778 KEYSTONE AVE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 17778 KEYSTONE AVE RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 499 224432803040 WAGEMAN MICHAEL R & JILL G 17768 KEYSTONE AVE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9365 17768 KEYSTONE AVE RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 500 224433102010 NELSON LEON N & JANET C 17831 KEYSTONE PATH LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-7125 17831 KEYSTONE PATH RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 501 224433102020 OFFERMAN DAVID & DEBORAH 17861 KEYSTONE PATH LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-7125 17861 KEYSTONE PATH RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 502 224433102030 VONSCHMIDT STEVEN & JULIE 17891 KEYSTONE PATH LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-7125 17891 KEYSTONE PATH RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 503 224433102040 PUTZ ARTHUR L & ANGELA R 17878 179TH TRL W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5205 17878 179TH TRL W RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 504 224433102050HAUGE ILA S TSTE17874 179TH TRL W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5205 17874 179TH TRL W RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 505 224433102060 NOVAK DAVID L & SANDRA B 17870 179TH TRL W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5205 17870 179TH TRL W RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 6,707.00$ 6,707.00$ 506 224754602040 ECKERSON RONALD A & JUDY L 20249 KENSINGTON WAY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5947 20249 KENSINGTON WAY RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 507 224754602030 RASMUSSEN JAMIE WILLIAM & MIRANDA RAE RASMUSSEN 20263 KENSINGTON WAY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 20263 KENSINGTON WAY RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 508 224754602020 MCCUTCHEON SCOTT & JENNIFER 20277 KENSINGTON WAY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 20277 KENSINGTON WAY RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 509 224754602010 KAHN JOSHUA R & JANELLE L 20291 KENSINGTON WAY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5947 20291 KENSINGTON WAY RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 510 224754601100OECHSLE TAMARA A20303 KENSINGTON WAY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 20303 KENSINGTON WAY RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 511 224754601090UTECHT MICHAEL J20307 KENSINGTON WAY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5948 20307 KENSINGTON WAY RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 512 224754601080 KERN DAVID M & LUCY E 20311 KENSINGTON WAY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5948 20311 KENSINGTON WAY RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 513 224754601070 ENDRES DANIEL J & MELISSA M ENDRES 20315 KENSINGTON WAY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 20315 KENSINGTON WAY RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 514 224754601060 CASWELL CHAD C & ELIZABETH A 20319 KENSINGTON WAY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5948 20319 KENSINGTON WAY RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 515 224754601050 HOFSTAD RANDY LEONARD 20323 KENSINGTON WAY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5948 20323 KENSINGTON WAY RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 516 224754601040 HASKINS SCOTT J & JOAN T 20327 KENSINGTON WAY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5948 20327 KENSINGTON WAY RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 517 224754901010 JENSEN RANDY L & LISA L 20331 KENSINGTON WAY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5948 20331 KENSINGTON WAY RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 518 224754901020 SELLERS MICHAEL & MELINDA 20335 KENSINGTON WAY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5948 20335 KENSINGTON WAY RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 519 224754601010 SIRIOUTHAY THONGSAY & SUSAN 20339 KENSINGTON WAY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5948 20339 KENSINGTON WAY RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 520 224754605010 BENDA JASON L & LAURA THEOBALD BENDA 20347 KENSINGTON WAY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 20347 KENSINGTON WAY RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 521 224754605020WAAGBO PAMELA S20351 KENSINGTON WAY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5949 20351 KENSINGTON WAY RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 522 224754605030 WILLIAMS KELLY W & JESSICA R 20355 KENSINGTON WAY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 20355 KENSINGTON WAY RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 523 224754605040 JOHNSON LEROY III & MAUREEN O JOHNSON 20359 KENSINGTON WAY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5949 20359 KENSINGTON WAY RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 524 224754605050 KENUTIS ANDREW & MOLLY KENUTIS 20363 KENSINGTON WAY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 20363 KENSINGTON WAY RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 525 224754605060 BAKER RHIANNON R & CHRISTO & TERRY A & RAELEEN C SINDELIR 20367 KENSINGTON WAY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 20367 KENSINGTON WAY RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 526 224754605070 SWECKER JAMES C & KERRIN M 20371 KENSINGTON WAY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5950 20371 KENSINGTON WAY RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 527 224754606010 SIMON PATRICK L & VALERIE 20375 KENSINGTON WAY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5950 20375 KENSINGTON WAY RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 528 224754606020 MATTERN RICHARD J TSTE & KATHLEEN M TSTE MATTERN 20379 KENSINGTON WAY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 20379 KENSINGTON WAY RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 529 224754606030 NORUM CONNIE L & BRYAN C 20383 KENSINGTON WAY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5951 20383 KENSINGTON WAY RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 530 224754606040 ZILLMER TIMOTHY R & LISA M 20387 KENSINGTON WAY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5951 20387 KENSINGTON WAY RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 531 224754606050 KUCK GARY WALTER & MARGARET A PATTERSON 10828 202ND ST LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5954 10828 202ND ST W RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 2020 Street Reconstruction ProjectAssessment CategoryDate:10/21/201920-02ASingle Family Unit Assessment Rate (Collector, Klamath Trail) 3,479.21$ Revised:BSingle Family Unit Assessment Rate (Residential, Orchard Area) 4,955.74$ CSingle Family Unit Assessment Rate (Residential, Villa Estates Area) 6,707.00$ DSingle Family Unit Assessment Rate (Residential, Marion Areal) 3,709.55$ MAP ID PIDFEE OWNERFEE OWNER ADDRESS CITY/STATE ZIP CODEPROPERTY NUMBERPROPERTY STREETUSE DESCRIPTIONASSESSMENT CATEGORYSF RES. EQUIV. UNITSUNIT ASSESSMENT RATEPROPOSED ASSESSMENTPreliminary Assessment RollCity Name Project: City Project No.:Orchard Lake; Rock Island Townhomes; Kingsley Shores Senior Living; Klamath Glen; Swan Addition; Lau Addition; Sea Grit; Orchard Lake Hills; Hrkals Addition; Weisners Lake Addition; Lakeview Gardens; Liberty Heights; Goose Lake First Addition; Orchard Hills 1st Addition; Truehart Addition; Beachside; Orchard Oaks; Lyndale Lakes Club 1st Addition; Lyndale Lakes Club 2nd Addition; Bracketts Townhomes; Club Park Addition No. 1; Ken Con Estates First Addition; Orchard Lake Estates 1st Addition; Orchard Lake Estates 2nd Addition; Arland Park; Bracketts Townhomes; Bracketts Crossing; Bracketts Crossing Third Addition; Bracketts Estates; Simonsen 1st Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates First Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 2nd Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 3rd Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 4th Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates Fifth Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 6th Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 7th Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 8th Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 9th Addition; Nelson Addition; The Oaks of Lakevilla; Marion Village; Marion Village Second Addition; Marion Village Third Addition; Marion Village Fourth Addition; Marion Village Fifth Addition; Sullivans First Addition to Marion Heights; Garden Estates; Mehlhorn Beatty Addition; Juno Addition; Marion Heights; Greer and Sullivans Rearr; Blue Heron Bay.532 224754606060 SERGENT TROY A & SHERI10816 202ND ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5954 10816 202ND ST W RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 533 222850001010 SJOBERG BRADLEY ALAN & NICOLE RAE AUSTIN 10716 202ND ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 10716 202ND ST W RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 534 222850001020 STROH BRIAN R & JANELLE S 10708 202ND ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-6834 10708 202ND ST W RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 535 222850001030 KRUEGER DAVID & GWENDOLYN 10698 202ND ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5935 10698 202ND ST W RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 536 224830001010 MEHLHORN ALAN T & CYNTHIA H 10690 202ND ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 10690 202ND ST W RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 537 224830001020 CRAIG PAUL V & TRACY L10668 202ND ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 10668 202ND ST W RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 538 224830001030 HRDLICHKA KRESSON KAYE10646 202ND ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 10646 202ND ST W RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 539 224830001040ZYLA PAUL & MONICA10624 202ND ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 10624 202ND ST W RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 540 221425001010 OLSON ELLEN & THOMAS10586 202ND ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 10586 202ND ST W RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 541 221425001020WIENS JOEL JAY10570 202ND ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9301 10570 202ND ST W RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 542 221425001030 NOORLUN CRAIG & CATHERINE 10558 202ND ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 10558 202ND ST W RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 543 221425001040 FICK BARRY W & GAIL A10546 202ND ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9301 10546 202ND ST W RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 544 221425001050 LOMAS GEORGE G III & KAREN 10538 202ND ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9301 10538 202ND ST W RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 545 221425001060 LANGER RICHARD G & CYNTHIA 10530 202ND ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 10530 202ND ST W RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 546 223100000010 OLSON CHRISTOPHER J & REBECCA L OLSON 10527 202ND ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5936 10527 202ND ST W RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 547 224750001180 OLSON CHRISTOPHER & R10527 202ND ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5936 RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 548 224750001170 JENSEN CRAIG S & CHRISTINE 10561 202ND STR W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9301 10561 202ND ST W RESIDENTIAL D 2.0 3,709.55$ 7,419.10$ 549 224750001141 PETERS STEVEN C & PATRICIA 10583 202ND ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5937 10583 202ND ST W RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 550 224750001123 WHITE ADAM J F & MICHAEL J 10603 202ND ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 10603 202ND ST W RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 551 224750001111 BARGER JUDY & MARK J AND JACQUELIN BARGER 10617 202ND ST LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 10617 202ND ST W RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 552 224750001092BARGER JOHN A10625 202ND ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9302 10625 202ND ST W RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 553 224750001073PECHA DANIEL J TSTE10647 202ND ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 10647 202ND ST W RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 554 224750001050 STEEPLES DEBORAH BROWN TSTE & DONALD BRUCE TSTE STEEPLES 10655 202ND ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9302 10655 202ND ST W RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 555 224750001040 OLSON JOHN M & GEORGETTA F 10669 202ND ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9302 10669 202ND ST W RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 556 223940001020 BANITT TROY ROBERT & ANN MARIE MIDJE BANITT 10681 202ND ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-9302 10681 202ND ST W RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 557 223940001010 SWANSON ERIK J & AMANDA J 10691 202ND ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 10691 202ND ST W RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 558 227330002051 HINES MICHAEL R & RONDA10715 202ND ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-7861 10715 202ND ST W RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 559 227330002074 ALEXANDER JAMES L & CINDY L 10725 202ND ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-7861 10725 202ND ST W RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 560 227330002090DAMMANN JOSEPH L10733 202ND ST WEST LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-7861 10733 202ND ST W RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 561 227330002100 GONZALES MICHAEL A & RITA L 10735 202ND ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 10735 202ND ST W RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 562 227330002121 HELMAN ROBERT C & DONITA K 10747 202ND ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 10747 202ND ST W RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 563 224754607040 COCHRANE WILLIAM E TSTE & LYNN S TSTE COCHRANE 20121 KENSINGTON WAY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 20121 KENSINGTON WAY RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 564 224754607030 WHITCOMB FRANK OWEN TSTE & PAMELLA KAYE TSTE WHITCOMB 20137 KENSINGTON WAY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 20137 KENSINGTON WAY RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 565 224754607020 ORRIS WILLIAM A & TAMMY L NESS 20151 KENSINGTON WAY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5946 20151 KENSINGTON WAY RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 566 224754607011 ONDOV JAMES E & NANCY J 20165 KENSINGTON WAY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5946 20165 KENSINGTON WAY RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 567 224754602090PARLIN DAVID SCOTT20179 KENSINGTON WAY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5946 20179 KENSINGTON WAY RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 568 224754602080 OLIPHANT MARILYN L TSTE 20193 KENSINGTON WAY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5946 20193 KENSINGTON WAY RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 569 224754602070 BERG DAVID W & SHELLY A 20207 KENSINGTON WAY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5947 20207 KENSINGTON WAY RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 570 224754602060 KNOWLTON STEVEN B & BRENDA K 20221 KENSINGTON WAY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5947 20221 KENSINGTON WAY RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 571 224754602050SAUBER LAWRENCE E 20235 KENSINGTON WAY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 20235 KENSINGTON WAY RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 572 224754603030 CASSIN ALYSSA & KEVIN 20252 KENSINGTON WAY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 20252 KENSINGTON WAY RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 573 224754603040 RACHEL BEN JR & MELANIE E 20238 KENSINGTON WAY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5947 20238 KENSINGTON WAY RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 574 224754603050 BAUMANN DAVID J & KIM 20224 KENSINGTON WAY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5947 20224 KENSINGTON WAY RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 575 224754603060 PAULAUSKAS EUGENE J & ELIZABETH PAULAUSKAS 20210 KENSINGTON WAY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5947 20210 KENSINGTON WAY RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 576 224754603070 SUNDLING MICHAEL & KIMBERLY SUNDLING 20196 KENSINGTON WAY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 20196 KENSINGTON WAY RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 577 224754603080 JACOBSEN CARL & BRITTANY 20182 KENSINGTON WAY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 20182 KENSINGTON WAY RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 578 224754603090 TRAPP ROBERT T & KIMBERLY & LOIS & RONALD TSTE INGERSOLL 20168 KENSINGTON WY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5946 20168 KENSINGTON WAY RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 579 224754603100 GILLEN ROBERT D TSTE & LAURIE L TSTE GILLEN 20154 KENSINGTON WAY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 20154 KENSINGTON WAY RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 580 224754603110 BOESER JORDAN & KRISTIN 20392 KENSINGTON WAY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 20392 KENSINGTON WAY RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 581 224754603120 SHEILS MATT & BETH N 20386 KENSINGTON WAY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5951 20386 KENSINGTON WAY RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 582 224754603130 MELING DAVID J & MARCIA M 10851 203RD ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5959 10851 203RD ST W RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 583 224754603140 WEGNER BRUCE A & LORI J10869 203RD ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5959 10869 203RD ST W RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 584 224754603150 HAROLDSON WENDY K & MELISSA S BOYD 10887 203RD ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5959 10887 203RD ST W RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 585 224754603160 KLEGSTAD JOSEPH & HEIDI10905 203RD ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 10905 203RD ST W RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 586 224754603170 MOLAND MARK H & LUCINDA L 10923 203RD ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5952 10923 203RD ST W RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 587 224754603180 KADRMAS TERENCE L & JOAN M 10941 203RD ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5952 10941 203RD ST W RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 588 224754603190 LAFFERTY STEVEN S & NATASHA E 10959 203RD ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5952 10959 203RD ST W RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 589 224754603020 BELANGER JACOB & ASHLEY OLSON 20266 KENSINGTON WAY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 20266 KENSINGTON WAY RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 590 224754603010 BOUCHARD RICHARD & JULIE 20280 KENSINGTON WAY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5947 20280 KENSINGTON WAY RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 2020 Street Reconstruction ProjectAssessment CategoryDate:10/21/201920-02ASingle Family Unit Assessment Rate (Collector, Klamath Trail) 3,479.21$ Revised:BSingle Family Unit Assessment Rate (Residential, Orchard Area) 4,955.74$ CSingle Family Unit Assessment Rate (Residential, Villa Estates Area) 6,707.00$ DSingle Family Unit Assessment Rate (Residential, Marion Areal) 3,709.55$ MAP ID PIDFEE OWNERFEE OWNER ADDRESS CITY/STATE ZIP CODEPROPERTY NUMBERPROPERTY STREETUSE DESCRIPTIONASSESSMENT CATEGORYSF RES. EQUIV. UNITSUNIT ASSESSMENT RATEPROPOSED ASSESSMENTPreliminary Assessment RollCity Name Project: City Project No.:Orchard Lake; Rock Island Townhomes; Kingsley Shores Senior Living; Klamath Glen; Swan Addition; Lau Addition; Sea Grit; Orchard Lake Hills; Hrkals Addition; Weisners Lake Addition; Lakeview Gardens; Liberty Heights; Goose Lake First Addition; Orchard Hills 1st Addition; Truehart Addition; Beachside; Orchard Oaks; Lyndale Lakes Club 1st Addition; Lyndale Lakes Club 2nd Addition; Bracketts Townhomes; Club Park Addition No. 1; Ken Con Estates First Addition; Orchard Lake Estates 1st Addition; Orchard Lake Estates 2nd Addition; Arland Park; Bracketts Townhomes; Bracketts Crossing; Bracketts Crossing Third Addition; Bracketts Estates; Simonsen 1st Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates First Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 2nd Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 3rd Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 4th Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates Fifth Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 6th Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 7th Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 8th Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 9th Addition; Nelson Addition; The Oaks of Lakevilla; Marion Village; Marion Village Second Addition; Marion Village Third Addition; Marion Village Fourth Addition; Marion Village Fifth Addition; Sullivans First Addition to Marion Heights; Garden Estates; Mehlhorn Beatty Addition; Juno Addition; Marion Heights; Greer and Sullivans Rearr; Blue Heron Bay.591 224754604030 GARE BRENDA S & DOUGLAS M GARE 20338 KENSINGTON WAY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 20338 KENSINGTON WAY RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 592 224754604040HAUPERT DAVID R20332 KENSINGTON WAY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 20332 KENSINGTON WAY RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 593 224754604050BARBARO SUSANNE20326 KENSINGTON WAY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 20326 KENSINGTON WAY RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 594 224754604060 WALKER SCOTT & CATHERINE 20320 KENSINGTON WAY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5948 20320 KENSINGTON WAY RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 595 224754604070LANTTO JUDY J20314 KENSINGTON WAY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5948 20314 KENSINGTON WAY RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 596 224754604080 BEUMER RUSSELL H & SUSAN M 20308 KENSINGTON WAY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5948 20308 KENSINGTON WAY RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 597 224754604090 CONSOER J MICHAEL TSTE & ROXANNE M TSTE CONSOER 20302 KENSINGTON WAY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 20302 KENSINGTON WAY RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 598 224754604100 MEYER BLAIR R & SHERYL L10968 203RD ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5952 10968 203RD ST W RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 599 224754604110 LAUBY JAMES A & CYNTHIA10948 203RD ST LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5952 10948 203RD ST W RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 600 224754604120 LEIPOLD LANE E & WENDY A10928 203RD ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5952 10928 203RD ST W RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 601 224754604130 SCHONTHALER ROBERT J & LYNN A 10908 203RD ST W LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5952 10908 203RD ST W RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 602 224754604140 GLODOWSKI STANLEY E & PATRICIA G GLOWDOWSKI 10888 203RD ST LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5959 10888 203RD ST W RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 603 224754604150 SAFGREN SCOTT & ASEA10868 203RD ST LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5959 10868 203RD ST W RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 604 224754604160 WACKER JON A & AMY A 20380 KENSINGTON WAY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5950 20380 KENSINGTON WAY RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 605 224754604170 NEGRON ELIZABETH & CODY RODEWALD 20374 KENSINGTON WAY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 20374 KENSINGTON WAY RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 606 224754604180 ZANDER CRAIG S & LESLIE D 20368 KENSINGTON WAY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5950 20368 KENSINGTON WAY RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 607 224754604190 SANCHEZ VICTOR HUGO ANDRIANO 20362 KENSINGTON WAY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 20362 KENSINGTON WAY RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 608 224754604200 TATGE BETH R & SHAWN D 20366 KENSINGTON CT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5945 20366 KENSINGTON CT RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 609 224754604210 MAURER THOMAS JR & MARTHA E 20352 KENSINGTON CT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5945 20352 KENSINGTON CT RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 610 224754604220 FLICEK JEREMY & TRACI 20338 KENSINGTON CT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 20338 KENSINGTON CT RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 611 224754604230 GOODNER III CLYDE EVERETT & ELIZABETH ELLEN GOODNER 20324 KENSINGTON CT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5945 20324 KENSINGTON CT RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 612 224754604240 KURTZ AMY E & JAMES M 20333 KENSINGTON CT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5945 20333 KENSINGTON CT RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 613 224754604250 FREEMARK JOHN G & LINDA M 20341 KENSINGTON CT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5945 20341 KENSINGTON CT RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 614 224754604260 ANDERSON MICHELLE M & ERIC C 20349 KENSINGTON CT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5945 20349 KENSINGTON CT RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 615 224754604270 LEWIS JEFFREY S & TINA A 20357 KENSINGTON CT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5945 20357 KENSINGTON CT RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 616 224754604280 SCHOLTEN JEFFREY J & PATRICIA A SCHOLTEN 20365 KENSINGTON CT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 20365 KENSINGTON CT RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 617 224754604290HIVELY RACHEL F20375 KINSINGTON CT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 20375 KENSINGTON CT RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 618 224754604300 ERICKSON JON C & LEA M DALE 20381 KENSINGTON CT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5945 20381 KENSINGTON CT RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 619 224754604010 KOOISTRA ROBERT D & MARIA D 20350 KENSINGTON WAY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-5949 20350 KENSINGTON WAY RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 620 224754604020 PANKONIN CADE & SARA PANKONIN 20344 KENSINGTON WAY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 20344 KENSINGTON WAY RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 621 224754501010 SHANNON KIMBERLY K & DENNIS SHANNON 20449 JUPITER WAY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 20449 JUPITER WAY RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 622 224754501020BUHL WARREN A20443 JUPITER WAY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 20443 JUPITER WAY RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 623 224754501030 BERG JOHN W & LISA M20435 JUPITER WAY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-7831 20435 JUPITER WAY RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 624 224754501040 HENTGES RYAN J & KERRY M 20427 JUPITER WAY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-7831 20427 JUPITER WAY RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 625 224754501050 BEST RANDALL D & MARY L 20419 JUPITER WAY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-7831 20419 JUPITER WAY RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 626 224754501060 AMARO RICHARD R & CARLENE 20411 JUPITER WAY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-7830 20411 JUPITER WAY RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 627 224754501070 OLDENBURG JEREMY JOHN & ASHLEY 20403 JUPITER WAY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 20403 JUPITER WAY RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 628 224754502010 HAFFELY GREG J & AMBER L 20395 JUPITER WAY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-7829 20395 JUPITER WAY RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 629 224754502020 WICK ROBERT B & LINDA A T 20387 JUPITER WAY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 20387 JUPITER WAY RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 630 224754502030 STORM TERRENCE W & JULIE A 20379 JUPITER WAY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-7829 20379 JUPITER WAY RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 631 224754502040 RITTER JOHN S & KRISTIN M 20371 JUPITER WAY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-7829 20371 JUPITER WAY RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 632 224754801010 LAUNSBACH ANGELA & MICHAEL 20367 JUPITER WAY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 20367 JUPITER WAY RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 633 224754504010 LEGLER ROBERT K & REBECKA S 20363 JUPITER WAY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-7829 20363 JUPITER WAY RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 634 224754504020 SCHWARTZ EDWARD & SARA C 20355 JUPITER WAY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 20355 JUPITER WAY RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 635 224754504030 MERTZ JAMES W & MICHELLE R 20347 JUPITER WAY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-7829 20347 JUPITER WAY RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 636 224754504040 MORALES VICTOR & IDALIS NEGRON 20339 JUPITER WAY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 20339 JUPITER WAY RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 637 224754504050 MOLINA AUGUSTO F TSTE & LY 20331 JUPITER WAY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 20331 JUPITER WAY RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 638 224754504060 MENS TIMOTHY J & KATHLEEN 20323 JUPITER WAY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-7829 20323 JUPITER WAY RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 639 224754701010 PAYNE DARRELL C & BONNIE M 20307 JUPITER WAY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-7829 20307 JUPITER WAY RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 640 224754701020 HAUKOOS DENNIS G & INEZ 20299 JUPITER WAY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-3812 20299 JUPITER WAY RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 641 224754701030 MUTCH THEDE J & TERESA20291 JUPITER WAY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-3812 20291 JUPITER WAY RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 642 224754503220 SEDERSKI-VADNAIS NICOLE & RYAN SEDERSKI-VADNAIS 20312 JUPITER WAY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 20312 JUPITER WAY RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 643 224754503210 LUEBKE GALE & RHONDA20324 JUPITER WAY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-7829 20324 JUPITER WAY RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 644 224754503200 CAPOBIANCO VINCENT H & MICHELE 20338 JUPITER WAY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-7829 20338 JUPITER WAY RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 645 224754503190 BESKE CHARLES E & CINDY L 20350 JUPITER WAY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-7829 20350 JUPITER WAY RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 646 224754503180 GOERDT WILLIAM J & MARY C 20362 JUPITER WAY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-7829 20362 JUPITER WAY RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 647 224754503170SIEFKES JOAN K20374 JUPITER WAY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-7829 20374 JUPITER WAY RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 648 224754503160 WIRFS MARK T & SHEILA20388 JUPITER WAY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-7829 20388 JUPITER WAY RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 649 224754503150 MCCOY PHILIP C & NANCY J 20402 JUPITER WAY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-7830 20402 JUPITER WAY RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 2020 Street Reconstruction ProjectAssessment CategoryDate:10/21/201920-02ASingle Family Unit Assessment Rate (Collector, Klamath Trail) 3,479.21$ Revised:BSingle Family Unit Assessment Rate (Residential, Orchard Area) 4,955.74$ CSingle Family Unit Assessment Rate (Residential, Villa Estates Area) 6,707.00$ DSingle Family Unit Assessment Rate (Residential, Marion Areal) 3,709.55$ MAP ID PIDFEE OWNERFEE OWNER ADDRESS CITY/STATE ZIP CODEPROPERTY NUMBERPROPERTY STREETUSE DESCRIPTIONASSESSMENT CATEGORYSF RES. EQUIV. UNITSUNIT ASSESSMENT RATEPROPOSED ASSESSMENTPreliminary Assessment RollCity Name Project: City Project No.:Orchard Lake; Rock Island Townhomes; Kingsley Shores Senior Living; Klamath Glen; Swan Addition; Lau Addition; Sea Grit; Orchard Lake Hills; Hrkals Addition; Weisners Lake Addition; Lakeview Gardens; Liberty Heights; Goose Lake First Addition; Orchard Hills 1st Addition; Truehart Addition; Beachside; Orchard Oaks; Lyndale Lakes Club 1st Addition; Lyndale Lakes Club 2nd Addition; Bracketts Townhomes; Club Park Addition No. 1; Ken Con Estates First Addition; Orchard Lake Estates 1st Addition; Orchard Lake Estates 2nd Addition; Arland Park; Bracketts Townhomes; Bracketts Crossing; Bracketts Crossing Third Addition; Bracketts Estates; Simonsen 1st Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates First Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 2nd Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 3rd Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 4th Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates Fifth Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 6th Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 7th Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 8th Addition; Lake Villa Golf Estates 9th Addition; Nelson Addition; The Oaks of Lakevilla; Marion Village; Marion Village Second Addition; Marion Village Third Addition; Marion Village Fourth Addition; Marion Village Fifth Addition; Sullivans First Addition to Marion Heights; Garden Estates; Mehlhorn Beatty Addition; Juno Addition; Marion Heights; Greer and Sullivans Rearr; Blue Heron Bay.650 224754503140 LIND TERRY L & GLENDA D20415 JUPITER CT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-7828 20415 JUPITER CT RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 651 224754503130 SCHUMACK WAYNE A & COLLEEN M 20407 JUPITER CT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-7828 20407 JUPITER CT RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 652 224754503120 BRUMBAUGH AARON & STEPHANIE BRUMBAUGH 20399 JUPITER CT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 20399 JUPITER CT RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 653 224754503110 COCKRILL CHRISTOPHER & CYNTHIA COCKRILL 20391 JUPITER CT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 20391 JUPITER CT RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 654 224754503100 FREEMAN ANTHONY LAMONT & MARIA CONCEPCION FREEMAN 20383 JUPITER CT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 20383 JUPITER CT RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 655 224754503090 NELSON ANDREW N & NATALIE L 20386 JUPITER CT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 20386 JUPITER CT RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 656 224754503080 CHERRIER ANTHONY J & JUNE P 20392 JUPITER CT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-7828 20392 JUPITER CT RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 657 224754503070GRAVE SUSAN LYNN20396 JUPITER CT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-7828 20396 JUPITER CT RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 658 224754503060 BORNHOLDT JENNIFER M20402 JUPITER CT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 20402 JUPITER CT RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 659 224754503050 RUD RICK R & PATRICIA K BROWN-RUD 20406 JUPITER CT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 20406 JUPITER CT RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 660 224754503040 TUCKER KERMIT & TRACEE K 20412 JUPITER CT LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 20412 JUPITER CT RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 661 224754503030 MUNZENRIEDER DEREK G & JENNIFER A MUNZENRIEDER 20424 JUPITER WAY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 20424 JUPITER WAY RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 662 224754503020 SCHAUER JASON J & JULIE ANN 20438 JUPITER WAY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-7831 20438 JUPITER WAY RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 663 224754503010PETERSON AARON M20450 JUPITER WAY LAKEVILLE, MN 55044-7831 20450 JUPITER WAY RESIDENTIALD 1.0 3,709.55$ 3,709.55$ 701 XENIA AVENUE S | SUITE 300 | MINNEAPOLIS, MN | 55416 | 763.541.4800 | WSBENG.COM Memorandum To: City of Lakeville From: Adam Gadbois, PE Mitch Hatcher, PE Date: October 21, 2019 Re: Assessment Justifications City Project No. 20-02 WSB Project No. 013281-000 Financing for the street and storm sewer improvements within the 2020 Street Reconstruction Project will come from City Funds and Special Assessments. Special Assessments to benefitting properties are proposed to fund forty percent (40%) of the roadway surface and storm sewer improvements identified to be reconstructed for the project, with the remaining sixty percent (60%) funded using City Funds. Assessments for this project were calculated on a per parcel (unit) basis as identified in the City’s Assessment Policy. Residential Equivalent Units (REU) have been assigned to parcels that are used or zoned as anything other than residential as indicated in the City of Lakeville Zoning Map. Listed below is a summary of the assessment rational and justification for each property identified on the preliminary assessment roll and map provided in Appendix C. The summary is organized by zoning district as identified in the City of Lakeville Zoning Map, August 2018. RS-1, Single Family Residential District Assessment Map ID Number(s) Front Footage (LF) Minimum Lot Width (LF) Residential Equivalent Units (REU) Justification 5,8-55,59, 61-76, 79- 81, 84-86, 89-127, 132- 157, 159- 173, 175- 180, 183- 235, 238- 256, 274- 288, 292- 347, 352-505 N/A 100 1 Special Assessment Policy – Section 4, “Properties guided or zoned for single- family use shall be made on a per parcel (unit) basis.” A factor of 1 is applied to single family and detached townhomes. 56-58, 60 N/A 100 .25 These four parcels are owned by the same property owner and only one residential dwelling exists. 85, 86 283.5, 263.5 100 1 Special Assessment Policy – Section 4, “A property may be assessed for more than one unit in cases where the property could be reasonably further subdivided in accordance with current zoning and subdivision requirement.” These parcels have enough frontage to be subdivided but the land characteristics are not buildable. 87, 174, 181 270, ~299, ~397 100 2 Special Assessment Policy – Section 4, “A property may be assessed for more than one unit in cases where the property could be reasonably further subdivided in accordance with current zoning and subdivision requirement.” Map ID 181 can only feasibly be subdivided into two parcels. 88 270, 395 100 5 Special Assessment Policy – Section 4, “A property may be assessed for more than one unit in cases where the property could be reasonably further subdivided in accordance with current zoning and subdivision requirement.” The City has received a preliminary layout for development on this parcel. 236, 237 200 & 209, 200 & 211 100 4 Special Assessment Policy – Section 4, “A property may be assessed for more than one unit in cases where the property could be reasonably further subdivided in accordance with current zoning and subdivision requirement.” These properties have frontage on 175th Street West and Kettering Trail 185 N/A 100 1 Special Assessment Policy – Section 4, “Agricultural properties, regardless of the number of individual tax parcels, shall be assessed residential units commensurate with the number of users for the agricultural land” 77, 78, 82, 83, 180 Equal to or greater than 200 100 1 Special Assessment Policy – Section 4, “A property may be assessed for more than one unit in cases where the property could be reasonably further subdivided in accordance with current zoning and subdivision requirement.” Subdivision of these parcels is not feasible. Assigning these parcels 1 REU will prohibit future subdivision of these parcels. 291 459.33 100 4 This parcel’s primary use is commercial, but is not zoned as commercial and therefore the front footage is not multiplied by 1.5 to compute Assessable Units. RS-2, Single Family Residential District Assessment Map ID Number(s) Front Footage (LF) Minimum Lot Width (LF) Residential Equivalent Units (REU) Justification 533-535, 540-545 N/A 100 1 Special Assessment Policy – Section 4, “Properties guided or zoned for single- family use shall be made on a per parcel (unit) basis.” A factor of 1 is applied to single family and detached townhomes. RS-3, Single Family Residential District Assessment Map ID Number(s) Front Footage (LF) Minimum Lot Width (LF) Residential Equivalent Units (REU) Justification 506-532, 536-539, 546, 548-663 N/A 85 1 Special Assessment Policy – Section 4, “Properties guided or zoned for single- family use shall be made on a per parcel (unit) basis.” A factor of 1 is applied to single family and detached townhomes. 547 66, 64 85 1 These parcels are combined as neither has the minimum 85 LF front footage. P/OS, Public and Open Space District Assessment Map ID Number(s) Front Footage (LF) Minimum Lot Width (LF) Residential Equivalent Units (REU) Justification 6, 7 56, 113 100 (RS-1) .50 Special Assessment Policy – Section 4, “special assessments in [Mixed Use] areas shall be the same methodology as the predominant surrounding land use and/or zoning of the area…” 128-131 53, 57.5, 156.5, 104 100 (RS-1) .75 Same as above. 110 N/A 100 1 Same as above. 158 462 100 4 Same as above. 273 297.88 100 2 Same as above. RST-2, Single and Two Family Residential District Assessment Map ID Number(s) Front Footage (LF) Minimum Lot Width (LF) Residential Equivalent Units (REU) Justification 182 495 70 7 Special Assessment Policy – Section 4, “Properties guided or zoned for single- family use shall be made on a per parcel (unit) basis.” RM-1, Medium Density Residential District Assessment Map ID Number(s) Front Footage (LF) Minimum Lot Width (LF) Residential Equivalent Units (REU) Justification 257-272 N/A 70 .50 Special Assessment Policy – Section 4, “Properties guided or zoned for single- family use shall be made on a per parcel (unit) basis.” A factor of 0.50 is applied to townhomes. Only those parcels with direct frontage to Layton Path/Judicial Road are to be assessed. Those parcels adjacent to Landmark Court and Lancaster Court will not be assessed as they will ultimately bear the cost of reconstructing these private streets at some point in the future. Additionally, they do not receive a direct benefit from the public roadway being reconstructed. 289 897.53 100 8 This parcel’s primary use is commercial, but is not zoned as commercial and therefore the front footage is not multiplied by 1.5 to compute Assessable Units. 290 1,361.34 100 13 Same as above. C-3, General Commercial District Assessment Map ID Number(s) Front Footage (LF) Minimum Lot Width (LF) Residential Equivalent Units (REU) Justification 4 425 100 4 The full front footage amount for this parcel is not used as a portion of it directly abuts Kingsley Lake. See Exhibit 1 for measurement. PUD, Planned Unit Development District Assessment Map ID Number(s) Front Footage (LF) Minimum Lot Width (LF) Residential Equivalent Units (REU) Justification 3 359.57 100 3 This parcel’s primary use is as a senior living facility, “special assessments in [Mixed Use] areas shall be the same methodology as the predominant surrounding land use and/or zoning of the area…” 2 315.38 100 3 Same as above. 671+00 672+00673+00673+0590 0 + 0 0 90 1 + 0 0 902 + 0 0 903+ 0 0 904+00 905+00 906+00 907+00 908+00 909+00 910+00 911+00 912+00 913+00 914+00 915+00 916+00 917+00 918+ 0 0 919 + 0 0 920 + 0 0 921 + 0 0 922 + 0 0 923 + 0 0 924+ 0 0 925+ 0 0 926+ 0 0 STA 901+00.00, 0.00' KLAMATH 926+ 0 0 927+0 0 928+0 0 929+0 0 930+00 931+00 932+00 933+00 934+00 935+00 936+00 937+00 938+00 939+00 940+00940+15 STA 939+00.00, 0.00' KLAMATH SCALE IN FEET 0 H: 100 200 N WSB PROJECT NO.:\\gvfiles01\projects\013281-000\Cad\Exhibits\013281-000-KLAMATH ASSESSMENT EXHIBIT.dwg 10/10/2019 10:29:39 AM013281-000 2020 STREET RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT (C.P. 20-02) ASSESSABLE FRONT FOOTAGE ON KLAMATH TRAIL EXHIBIT 1MATCHLINE STA: 926+00SEE BELOWMATCHLINE STA: 926+00SEE ABOVEKLAMATH TRAIL CENTER LINE:3,800 LF TOTAL KLAMATH TRAIL FRONTAGE:7,600 LF ASSESSABLE PARCEL FRONTAGE 16760 KLAMATH TRAIL:352.93 LF 11287 KLAMATH TRAIL:400.00 LF 16880 KLAMATH TRAIL:359.57 LF 16690 KLAMATH TRAIL:315.38 LF PID 224205001010:198.94 LF TOTAL ASSESSABLE PARCEL FRONTAGE:1,6262.82 LF PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL FRONTAGE:1626.82 / 7,600 = 21.41% 16760 KLAMATH TRAIL ASSESSMENT MAP ID 5 11287 KLAMATH TRAIL ASSESSMENT MAP ID 4 16880 KLAMATH TRAIL ASSESSMENT MAP ID 3 16690 KLAMATH TRAIL ASSESSMENT MAP ID 2 11287 KLAMATH TRAIL ASSESSMENT MAP ID 4 PID 224205001010 ASSESSMENT MAP ID 1 359.57 LF 315.38 LF 198.94 LF 400 LF 352.93 LF KINGS CTKENWOOD TRA IL / CSAH 5 KLAMATH TRAIL 2020 Street Reconstruction Project Feasibility Report City of Lakeville Project No. 20-02 WSB Project No. 013281-000 APPENDIX D Geotechnical Evaluation Report Table of Contents Description Page A. Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 1 A.1. Project Description .............................................................................................................. 1 A.2. Site Conditions..................................................................................................................... 3 A.3. Purpose ................................................................................................................................ 3 A.4. Background Information and Reference Documents .......................................................... 3 A.5. Scope of Services ................................................................................................................. 4 B. Results .............................................................................................................................................. 5 B.1. Geologic Overview .............................................................................................................. 5 B.2. Previous Geotechnical Information ..................................................................................... 6 B.3. Boring Results ...................................................................................................................... 7 B.4. Groundwater ..................................................................................................................... 11 B.5. Laboratory Test Results ..................................................................................................... 12 B.5.a. Moisture Contents ............................................................................................... 12 B.5.b. Organic Content ................................................................................................... 12 B.5.c. Percent Passing the #200 Sieve Tests .................................................................. 12 B.5.d. Atterberg Limits .................................................................................................... 12 B.5.e. Resistivity Tests .................................................................................................... 15 C. Recommendations ......................................................................................................................... 15 C.1. Design and Construction Discussion ................................................................................. 15 C.1.a. Pavement Reclamation/Reuse ............................................................................. 15 C.1.b. Pavement Subgrades and Drainage ..................................................................... 15 C.1.c. Utilities ................................................................................................................. 16 C.2. Pavements ......................................................................................................................... 17 C.2.a. Subgrade Preparation and Proofrolls ................................................................... 17 C.2.b. Engineered Fill Materials and Compaction .......................................................... 17 C.2.c. Pavement Design Sections ................................................................................... 19 C.2.d. Pavement Materials Placement ........................................................................... 21 C.3. Utility Installation .............................................................................................................. 21 C.3.a. Excavation Oversizing ........................................................................................... 21 C.3.b. Utility Subgrade Stabilization ............................................................................... 21 C.3.c. Excavated Slopes .................................................................................................. 22 C.3.d. Selection, Placement and Compaction of Backfill ................................................ 22 C.3.e. Excavation Dewatering ......................................................................................... 22 C.3.f. Corrosion Potential .............................................................................................. 22 D. Procedures...................................................................................................................................... 23 D.1. Penetration Test Borings ................................................................................................... 23 D.2. Exploration Logs ................................................................................................................ 23 D.2.a. Log of Boring Sheets ............................................................................................. 23 D.2.b. Geologic Origins ................................................................................................... 23 D.3. Material Classification and Testing ................................................................................... 24 D.3.a. Visual and Manual Classification .......................................................................... 24 D.3.b. Laboratory Testing ............................................................................................... 24 D.4. Groundwater Measurements ............................................................................................ 24 E. Qualifications .................................................................................................................................. 24 E.1. Variations in Subsurface Conditions .................................................................................. 24 Table of Contents (continued) Description Page E.1.a. Material Strata ..................................................................................................... 24 E.1.b. Groundwater Levels ............................................................................................. 25 E.2. Continuity of Professional Responsibility .......................................................................... 25 E.2.a. Plan Review .......................................................................................................... 25 E.2.b. Construction Observations and Testing ............................................................... 25 E.3. Use of Report..................................................................................................................... 25 E.4. Standard of Care ................................................................................................................ 25 Appendix Soil Boring Location Sketch Log of Boring Sheets ST-1 through ST-7, ST-9 through ST-67 Descriptive Terminology of Soil A. Introduction A.1. Project Description This Geotechnical Evaluation Report addresses the proposed 2020 Street Reconstruction Project in Lakeville, Minnesota. The approximate location can be seen on the Soil Boring Location Sketch in the Appendix of this report. The project will include reclamation of the existing pavement, installation of new curb and gutter, storm sewer/water main spot improvements, and new surfacing. Table 1 provides project details. Table 1. Project Description Aspect Description Pavement type(s) Bituminous (Assumed based on existing pavements) Assumed pavement loads 50,000 to 100,000 Bituminous ESALs* (Assumed for typical residential streets) 200,000 ESALs (Estimated for Klamath Trail (MSAS 122) using MnDOT counts) Grade changes Less than 3 feet (Assumed) Rehabilitation methods Full-depth reclamation (FDR) Utilities Storm sewer/water main spot replacement *Equivalent 18,000-lb single axle loads based on 20-year design. City of Lakeville Project B1907127 October 4, 2019 Page 2 The figure below shows an illustration of the proposed project areas. Figure 1. Project Areas Figure provided by the City of Lakeville. City of Lakeville Project B1907127 October 4, 2019 Page 3 A.2. Site Conditions Currently, the project site consists of residential streets surrounded by several lakes (Krenz Lake, Orchard Lake, Kingsley Lake, and Marion Lake) and wetlands. Limited traffic data were available from MnDOT for the project area. Current grades at the boring locations ranged from 979.5 to 1059.5 feet above mean sea level (MSL). Generally, the site is rolling and downward sloping towards the lakes. A.3. Purpose The purpose of our geotechnical evaluation was to characterize subsurface geologic conditions at selected exploration locations and evaluate their impact on the design and construction of the City of Lakeville 2020 Street Reconstruction Project. A.4. Background Information and Reference Documents We reviewed the following information:  Previous geotechnical report prepared by Braun Intertec and submitted to City of Lakeville (adjacent to the proposed location) under project number B14-07789 dated August 21, 2017, and B1813046 dated February 14, 2019.  Communications with the City of Lakeville regarding the proposed construction.  A base map of the project area provided by the City of Lakeville.  Geologic map C-06 Geologic Atlas of Dakota County, Minnesota prepared by the Minnesota Geological Survey dated 1990.  Aerial imagery of the site available from Google Earth.  MnDOT Traffic Data website (https://mndot.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=7b3be07daed84e7fa17 0a91059ce63bb). City of Lakeville Project B1907127 October 4, 2019 Page 4  Minnesota Department of Natural Resources lake finder website: (https://www.dnr.state.mn.us/lakefind/index.html) We have described our understanding of the proposed construction and site to the extent others reported it to us. Depending on the extent of available information, we may have made assumptions based on our experience with similar projects. If we have not correctly recorded or interpreted the project details, the project team should notify us. New or changed information could require additional evaluation, analyses and/or recommendations. A.5. Scope of Services We performed our scope of services for the project in accordance with our Proposal for a geotechnical evaluation to the City of Lakeville, dated June 24, 2019, and authorized on July 1, 2019. The following list describes the geotechnical tasks completed in accordance with our authorized scope of services.  Reviewing the background information and reference documents previously cited.  Staking and clearing the exploration location of underground utilities. We selected and staked the new exploration locations. We acquired the surface elevations and locations with GPS technology using the State of Minnesota’s permanent GPS base station network. The Soil Boring Location Sketch included in the Appendix shows the approximate locations of the borings.  Performing standard penetration test (SPT) borings, denoted as ST-1 to ST-7 and ST-9 to ST-67, to nominal depths of 5 to 10 feet below grade across the site. Borings ST-14 and ST-26 were extended to 14 1/2 feet depth to provide better understanding of the soil in the area. We eliminated boring ST-8 because of the limited access due to utilities and trees. Boring ST-48 met refusal at 11 feet due to possible gravel, cobbles, and boulders in the area.  Performing laboratory testing on select samples to aid in soil classification and engineering analysis.  Preparing this report containing a boring location sketch, logs of soil borings, a summary of the soils encountered, results of laboratory tests, and recommendations for pavement subgrade preparation, pavement design and utilities, and stormwater improvements. City of Lakeville Project B1907127 October 4, 2019 Page 5 Our scope of services did not include environmental services or testing, and we did not train the personnel performing this evaluation to provide environmental services or testing. We can provide these services or testing at your request. B. Results B.1. Geologic Overview The project site around Orchard Lake (ST-1 through ST-53) is generally underlain with mixed glacial till deposits associated with the Des Moines lobe (map unit “dst”) consisting of loam and sandy loam or sand and gravel associated with the Superior lobe (map unit “si”). The project site around Marion Lake (ST-54 through ST-67) is generally underlain with mixed glacial outwash deposits associated with the Des Moines lobe (map unit “dso”) consisting of sand, loamy sand, and gravel. Figure 2 below shows the site surficial geology from the Dakota County Geologic Atlas. City of Lakeville Project B1907127 October 4, 2019 Page 6 Figure 2. Project Area Surficial Geology Surficial Geology map from the Dakota County Geologic Atlas. We based the geologic origins used in this report on the soil types and laboratory testing, and available common knowledge of the geological history of the site. Because of the complex depositional history, geologic origins can be difficult to ascertain. We did not perform a detailed investigation of the geologic history for the site. B.2. Previous Geotechnical Information We performed soil borings adjacent to this project area and submitted geotechnical evaluation reports to the City of Lakeville under project numbers B14-07789 and B1813046. Borings ST-1 through ST-5 (2018), ST-48, ST-49, ST-106, and ST-120 (2019) are in the area of the proposed project. The soil borings generally encountered a pavement layer underlain by fill over mixed glacial till and outwash deposits. Please refer to the mentioned reports for details and additional information. City of Lakeville Project B1907127 October 4, 2019 Page 7 B.3. Boring Results Tables 2 and 3 contain summaries of the pavement thicknesses and general subsurface conditions (soil types) encountered in each 5- and 10-foot boring. Note that aggregate base was observed and measured in the field by the drill crew and does not imply conformance with MnDOT standard specifications. The aggregate base thicknesses should also be considered approximate, as the transitions between the aggregate base and the underlying subgrade were difficult to discern. Laboratory tests were not performed to verify a specific aggregate base classification. Table 2. Pavement Thickness and Subgrade Soil Type Summary (5-foot borings) Boring Pavement Thicknesses (inches) Subsurface Soil Classification(s) Bituminous Apparent Aggregate Base Total ST-1 5 7 12 SP, CL ST-3 7 3 10 SC ST-5 6 8 14 SM, SP-SM ST-7 9 6 15 SC, CL ST-9 5 12 17 SC ST-11 5 4 9 SC, SP ST-13 4 5 9 SP-SM ST-15 4 5 9 SC, SM ST-17 6 6 12 SC ST-19 4 6 10 SP-SM, SM ST-21 6 8 14 SC ST-23 8 6 14 SC ST-25 6 5 11 CL ST-27 5 6 11 SP, SC ST-29 5 11 16 SC, SC-SM ST-31 6 5 11 SP-SM ST-33 5 7 12 SC, SP ST-35 4 7 11 SP-SM ST-37 6 7 13 SP-SM ST-39 4 9 13 SP, SP-SM City of Lakeville Project B1907127 October 4, 2019 Page 8 Boring Pavement Thicknesses (inches) Subsurface Soil Classification(s) Bituminous Apparent Aggregate Base Total ST-41 4 8 12 SM, SC ST-43 4 6 10 SM, SP ST-45 3 7 10 SP-SM ST-47 4 11 15 SC ST-49 4 7 11 SC ST-51 5 8 13 CL, SC ST-53 4 10 14 SP-SM ST-55 5 7 12 SP-SM ST-57 5 7 12 SP-SM ST-59 5 7 12 SP-SM ST-61 5 7 12 SP-SM ST-63 4 7 11 SP-SM ST-65 4 7 11 SP-SM, SP ST-67* --- --- --- SP, SC Average 5 7 12 *Pavement thickness was not measured in the field. Table 3. Pavement Thickness and Subgrade Soil Type Summary (10-foot borings) Boring Pavement Thicknesses (inches) Subsurface Soil Classification(s) Bituminous Apparent Aggregate Base Total ST-2 8 4 12 CL, OL, CH ST-4 9 4 13 SM, SC, CL, ST-6 6 6 12 SM, SP ST-10 5 1/2 9 14 1/2 SP-SM, SM ST-12 4 4 8 SC, SP-SM ST-14* 7 6 13 SP, SC, CH ST-16 4 6 10 SC, SP, CL ST-18 4 9 13 SP, CL, SM City of Lakeville Project B1907127 October 4, 2019 Page 9 Boring Pavement Thicknesses (inches) Subsurface Soil Classification(s) Bituminous Apparent Aggregate Base Total ST-20 8 5 13 SP-SM ST-22 6 6 12 SC ST-24 6 6 12 SC, CL ST-26 * 5 4 9 SC ST-28 4 7 11 SP-SM, SP, CL ST-30 6 10 16 SC ST-32 4 10 14 SP-SM, SP ST-34 5 7 12 SC, SM ST-36 6 6 12 SP-SM, CL, SC, SM ST-38 5 9 14 SP-SM, SC, CL ST-40 4 5 9 SP, CL ST-42 5 6 11 SM, SC ST-44 4 10 14 SM, CL, SP ST-46 5 6 11 SC ST-48 4 11 15 SC, SM ST-50 5 7 12 SC ST-52 4 7 11 SP, SM ST-54 5 8 13 SP-SM ST-56 4 7 11 SP-SM, SP ST-58 5 7 12 SP-SM, CL ST-60 5 7 12 SP-SM ST-62 4 7 11 SP-SM ST-64 5 6 11 SP-SM, CL ST-66 4 8 12 SP-SM Average 5 7 12 *Soil boring extended to 14 1/2 feet. City of Lakeville Project B1907127 October 4, 2019 Page 10 Table 4 provides a summary of the soil boring results, in the general order we encountered the strata. Please refer to the Log of Boring sheets in the Appendix for additional details. The Descriptive Terminology of Soil sheet in the Appendix includes definitions of abbreviations used in Table 3. Table 4. Subsurface Profile Summary* Strata Soil Type - ASTM Classification Range of Penetration Resistances Commentary and Details Pavement section --- ---  See Tables 2 and 3 above. Fill SP, SP-SM, SM, SC, SC- SM, CL 3 to 37 BPF**  General penetration resistance of sandy soils (SP, SP-SM, SM) 4 to 37 BPF.  General penetration resistance of clayey soils (SC, SC-SM and CL) 3 to 15 BPF.  Moisture condition generally moist.  Not present in all soil borings.  Highly variable, soils intermixed.  Possible cobbles and boulders.*** Buried topsoil CL, OL 7 to 9 BPF  Extended to depths ranging from 7 to 9 feet in Borings ST-2 and ST-4.  Moisture content generally moist.  Gray and black. Swamp deposits CL, OL 3 to 7 BPF  Extended to depths ranging from 9 to 12 feet in Borings ST-2 and ST-18.  Moisture content generally moist.  Dark gray and gray. Marl CH 2 to 3 BPF  Present at depths ranging from 12 to 14 1/2 feet in Boring ST-2.  Moisture content generally wet.  White. Alluvial CL 7 to 10 BPF  Present only in Boring ST-58 from 7 feet to boring termination depth.  Brown.  Moisture condition generally moist. Lacustrine deposits SP, SC, CH 2 to 7 BPF  Present only in Boring ST-14 from 4 feet to boring termination depth.  Gray.  General penetration resistance of clayey soils (CH, SC) 2 to 7 BPF.  General penetration resistance of sandy soils (SP) 5 BPF.  Moisture condition generally moist above water level and wet below water level. City of Lakeville Project B1907127 October 4, 2019 Page 11 Strata Soil Type - ASTM Classification Range of Penetration Resistances Commentary and Details  Occasional layers of slightly organic, wood fragments and roots. Glacial deposits (till and outwash) SP, SP-SM, SM 3 to 50 blows for 4 inches of penetration  Not encountered in all soil borings.  General penetration resistance of clayey soils (SC, CL) 10 to 15 BPF.  Intermixed layers of glacial outwash and till.  Variable amounts of gravel; may contain cobbles and boulders.***  General penetration resistance of sandy soils (SM, SP-SM, SP) 12 to 19 BPF.  Brown, reddish brown, and gray.  Moisture condition generally moist above water level and wet below water level. SC, CL 3 to 27 BPF *Abbreviations defined in the attached Descriptive Terminology of Soil sheet. ** BPF – blows per foot. *** Drillers noted auger chatter in most of the soil borings indicating possible gravel, cobbles, and boulders in the area. For simplicity in this report, we define fill to mean existing, uncontrolled, or undocumented fill. B.4. Groundwater Groundwater was observed while drilling at four soil boring locations (ST-2, ST-14, ST-18, and ST-24). Table 5 summarizes the depths where we observed groundwater; the attached Log of Boring sheets in the Appendix also include this information and additional details. Table 5. Groundwater Summary Location Surface Elevation Measured Depth to Groundwater (ft) Corresponding Groundwater Elevation (ft) ST-2 984.6 13 971 1/2 ST-14 979.5 2 977 1/2 ST-18 983.1 10 973 ST-24 998.5 5* 993 1/2 *Possible perched water. City of Lakeville Project B1907127 October 4, 2019 Page 12 At the time of our observation, the groundwater surface elevation appeared to be about elevation ranged from 971 1/2 to 993 1/2 feet. MnDNR reports the ordinary high-water level (OHW) of Orchard Lake and Marion Lake to be about 977.6 and 983.1 feet above mean sea level (MSL) respectively. The soil borings indicated layered soil profiles that is conducive for encountering perched water conditions. Groundwater may take days or longer to reach equilibrium in the boreholes and we immediately backfilled the boreholes in accordance with our scope of work. If the project team identifies a need for more accurate determination of groundwater depth, we can install piezometers. Project planning should anticipate seasonal and annual fluctuations of groundwater. B.5. Laboratory Test Results The boring logs show the results of laboratory testing we performed next to the tested sample depth. B.5.a. Moisture Contents We performed moisture content (MC) tests (per ASTM D2216) on selected samples to aid in our classifications and estimations of the materials’ engineering properties. The Log of Boring Sheets attached in the Appendix present the results of the MC tests in the “MC” column. B.5.b. Organic Content We performed organic content (OC) tests (per ASTM D2974) on a selected sample to determine the reusability of the material within new and reconstructed embankments. The Log of Boring sheets in the Appendix show the results of the OC test in the “Tests or Remarks” column. B.5.c. Percent Passing the #200 Sieve Tests We performed tests to evaluate the percent of particles passing the #200 sieve (P200) (per ASTM D1140) to assist in classification of the granular material. The Log of Boring sheets list the results of P200 tests in the “Tests or Remarks” column. B.5.d. Atterberg Limits We performed Atterberg limits tests (per ASTM D4318) on selected samples for classification, evaluation of the soil’s plasticity, and estimation of engineering parameters related to consolidation to aid in settlement calculations. The Log of Boring sheets list the results of Atterberg limits tests in the “Tests or Remarks” column. City of Lakeville Project B1907127 October 4, 2019 Page 13 Tables 6 presents the results of our laboratory tests. Table 6. Laboratory Classification Test Results Location Sample Depth (ft) Classification Moisture Content (w, %) Percent Passing a #200 Sieve Organic Content (%) Liquid Limit Plastic Index Plastic Limit ST-1 2 1/2 Poorly graded sand (SP) 8 --- --- --- --- --- ST-2 5 Lean clay (CL) 18 --- 3 --- --- --- ST-3 2 1/2 Clayey sand (SC) 8 --- --- --- --- --- ST-4 7 1/2 Lean clay (CL) 26 --- 5 --- --- --- ST-7 2 1/2 Clayey sand (SC) 13 --- --- --- --- --- ST-7 5 Sandy lean clay (SC) 12 --- --- --- --- --- ST-9 2 1/2 Clayey sand (SC) 15 --- --- --- --- --- ST-12 2 1/2 Clayey sand (SC) 10 --- --- --- --- --- ST-12 10 Poorly graded sand with silt (SP-SM) 10 --- --- --- --- --- ST-14 5 Clayey sand (SC) 13 --- 2 --- --- --- ST-16 10 Fat clay (CH) 23 --- --- 24 11 13 ST-18 2 1/2 Poorly graded sand (SP) 8 --- --- --- --- --- ST-18 7 1/2 Sandy lean clay (CL) 20 --- 4 --- --- --- ST-24 5 Clayey sand (SC) 15 --- --- --- --- --- ST-26 12 1/2 Clayey sand (SC) 13 --- --- --- --- --- ST-28 10 Poorly graded sand with silt (SP-SM) 11 --- --- --- --- --- ST-31 2 1/2 Poorly graded sand with silt (SP-SM) 7 --- --- --- --- --- ST-32 5 Poorly graded sand with silt (SP-SM) 8 --- --- --- --- --- ST-34 7 1/2 Silty sand (SM) 7 28 --- --- --- --- City of Lakeville Project B1907127 October 4, 2019 Page 14 Location Sample Depth (ft) Classification Moisture Content (w, %) Percent Passing a #200 Sieve Organic Content (%) Liquid Limit Plastic Index Plastic Limit ST-36 2 1/2 Poorly graded sand with silt (SP-SM) 6 9 --- --- --- --- ST-36 10 Silty sand (SM) 9 23 --- --- --- --- ST-38 5 Clayey sand (SC) 10 --- --- --- --- --- ST-38 10 Lean clay (CL) 28 --- --- --- --- --- ST-40 2 1/2 Poorly graded sand (SP) 11 --- --- --- --- --- ST-42 7 1/2 Clayey sand (SC) 10 --- --- --- --- --- ST-44 7 1/2 Lean clay (CL) 22 --- --- 26 11 15 ST-45 2 1/2 Silty sand (SM) 5 15 --- --- --- --- ST-46 5 Clayey sand (SC) 9 --- --- --- --- --- ST-48 2 1/2 Clayey sand (SC) 8 --- --- --- --- --- ST-49 2 1/2 Clayey sand (SC) 9 --- --- --- --- --- ST-56 2 1/2 Poorly graded sand with silt (SP-SM) 3 --- --- --- --- --- ST-57 2 1/2 Poorly graded sand with silt (SP-SM) 4 --- --- --- --- --- ST-58 10 Lean clay (CL) 29 --- --- 38 16 22 ST-60 10 Poorly graded sand with silt (SP-SM) 9 --- --- --- --- --- ST-62 2 1/2 Poorly graded sand with silt (SP-SM) 5 --- --- --- --- --- ST-64 2 1/2 Silty sand (SM) 8 18 --- --- --- --- ST-64 10 Poorly graded sand with silt (SP-SM) 9 --- --- --- --- --- ST-65 2 1/2 Poorly graded sand with silt (SP-SM) 7 --- --- --- --- --- City of Lakeville Project B1907127 October 4, 2019 Page 15 B.5.e. Resistivity Tests In 10-foot borings encountering clayey soils near the likely depth of water main (7 1/2 to 10 feet), we performed resistivity tests to gauge the potential for corrosive soils. The results of the tests can be found on the boring logs across from the tested samples. For 6 of the 19 tests, resistivity values combined with the moisture conditions results in a score of 9 or more points per ANSI/AWWA C105/A21.5 system, meaning the soils are considered corrosive to ductile iron pipe (DIP). Several other tests were marginal and included up to 7 points when considering only moisture and resistivity alone, meaning they are likely corrosive to DIP. C. Recommendations C.1. Design and Construction Discussion C.1.a. Pavement Reclamation/Reuse If pavement materials are to be reused by reclamation, removal, stockpiling, and replacement, a 10-inch full-depth reclamation (FDR) depth will, based on the measurements from the borings, avoid subgrade soils through much of the project area. Variation of existing pavement depth should be anticipated. An increased FDR depth of up to 12 inches can be used with greater risk or incorporating undesirable subgrade materials into the product. The reclaim contractor should review our borings to evaluate where a greater depth can be utilized. We recommend implementing thorough quality control practices, including frequent sieve analyses, to achieve a desirable gradation of the reclaimed material. We also suggest that the contractor assume some contingency for importing clean, crushed rock that can be blended with the reclaimed material to improve the uniformity of the resulting gradation prior to any direct reuse as an aggregate base. C.1.b. Pavement Subgrades and Drainage Based on the soil boring results, we anticipate the pavement subgrades will generally consist of poorly graded sand, poorly graded sand with silt, silty sand, clayey sand, silty clayey sand, sandy lean clay, or lean clay. Since grade changes are not proposed, the subgrade soils present beneath the existing roads will generally be suitable for pavement support in their current condition with exceptions as follows: City of Lakeville Project B1907127 October 4, 2019 Page 16 Areas of silty and clayey soils will be highly susceptible to strength loss upon exposure to moisture or traffic. Very poor soils, including highly silty soils, fat clays, and organic soils could be encountered at depth in the vicinity of Borings ST-2, ST-4, ST-14, and ST-18. These soils are very likely to require subcutting and replacement with imported, engineered materials; within the pavement section, this may include 1 foot or more of select granular material. Based on the borings, including the relative stiffness of the layers and apparent or tested moisture contents, we expect the locations most likely to require such a subcut will include the vicinity of ST-2, ST-9, ST-24, and ST-25. Other borings where clayey soils were encountered directly below pavement sections, typically including clayey sand with some sandy lean clay, include ST-3, ST-7, ST-11, ST-12, ST-15, ST-16, ST-17, ST-21, ST-22, ST-23, ST-26, ST-29, ST-30, ST-33, ST-34, ST-46, ST-47, ST-48, ST-49, ST-50, and ST-51. The apparent or tested moisture contents of the shallow soils at these borings were near their optimum moisture contents, and blow counts indicated medium to stiff conditions, though the soils will be susceptible to strength loss under traffic. The silty and clayey soils will be highly variable in their drainage rates, while more granular soils will be more consistently free-draining. The City standard section for reconstruction includes a recommended thickness of subbase to improve drainage and reduce frost heave; however, we understand the intention is to reclaim in place without including a subbase layer. We nonetheless recommend placing drain tile about catch basins and at low points behind curb via trenching in order to facilitate drainage of the roadways in cases where a subbase will not be installed. The drain tile should be trenched at least 8 inches below the aggregate base, wrapped in filter fabric and backfilled with highly permeable aggregate. C.1.c. Utilities The reuse of the utility trench backfill soils will have potential impacts on the pavement subgrades. If the backfill is not properly compacted, there is the potential for subgrade instability and settlement (and premature deterioration) of the pavement surface. We anticipate that most of the trench soils will consist of granular soils with varying contents of silt. A number of borings encountered greater thicknesses of clayey till soils at likely utility depths. Depending on the conditions at the time of excavation, watering or drying (moisture conditioning) of the clayey and silty soils may be necessary to achieve the levels of compaction recommended. Clayey and particularly silt-rich trench soils that are exposed to moisture will be more susceptible to strength loss and may also become unstable, which will require moisture conditioning or removal and replacement with suitable soils. City of Lakeville Project B1907127 October 4, 2019 Page 17 It also appears corrosion protection will be required for soils if bedded in clayey materials. We provide further recommendations for this below. C.2. Pavements C.2.a. Subgrade Preparation and Proofrolls After preparing the subgrade as described above and prior to the placement of the sand subbase or aggregate base, we recommend proofrolling the subgrade soils with a fully loaded tandem-axle truck. We also recommend having a geotechnical representative observe the proofroll. Areas that fail the proofroll likely indicate soft or weak soils that will require additional correction work to support pavements. The contractor should correct areas that display yielding or rutting greater than 1 inch under wheel traffic during the proofroll, as determined by the geotechnical representative. Possible options for subgrade correction include moisture conditioning and recompaction, subcutting and replacement with soil or crushed aggregate, chemical stabilization and/or geotextiles. We recommend performing a second proofroll after the aggregate base material is in place, and prior to placing bituminous pavement. C.2.b. Engineered Fill Materials and Compaction The on-site soils with an organic content less than 5 percent and free of debris appear suitable for reuse as trench backfill. However, the fine-grained soils will be more difficult to compact if wet, allowed to become wet, or if spread and compacted over wet surfaces. If imported material is to be used, Table 7 contains our recommendations for engineered fill. Note that similar materials compared to existing should be used to the degree possible; importing different soils for backfill may create lenses that could trap water and result in differential frost heave and other performance issues. If longitudinal transitions in soil type are required, we recommend tapering them at a rate of 20H:1V (horizontal:vertical) or flatter. Transitions in the transverse direction, such as at intersections, should be at least 4H:1V (horizontal:vertical). City of Lakeville Project B1907127 October 4, 2019 Page 18 Table 7. Engineered Fill Materials* Locations To Be Used Engineered Fill Classification Possible Soil Type Descriptions Gradation Additional Requirements Trench backfill Embankment fill Select grading material SP, SP-SM, SM, SC, CL N/A < 80% silt < 5% OC Pavement subbase/drainage layer Non-frost-susceptible Utility bedding (dry or moist conditions) Free-draining Non-frost- susceptible fill MnDOT select granular GP, GW, SP, SP- SM, SW See MnDOT 3149.2.B.2 --- Utility bedding (wet, unstable conditions)* Coarse aggregate bedding GP, GW, SP, SW 100% passing 1 1/2-inch sieve 0 to 10% passing #4 sieve See MnDOT 3149.G.3 --- Below landscaped surfaces, where subsidence is not a concern Non-structural fill --- 100% passing 6-inch sieve < 10% OC *Thicknesses will vary by condition and alternative materials may be required; consult the geotechnical representative to evaluate utility excavations. We recommend spreading engineered fill in loose lifts of approximately 12 inches thick. We recommend compacting engineered fill in accordance with the criteria presented below in Table 8. In areas of widening, we recommend matching the existing soil in the upper 5 feet of roadways with soils of a similar classification, moisture content, and performance characteristics. Do not place non-granular backfill adjacent to in-place granular soils. We recommend spreading engineered fill in loose lifts approximately 12 inches thick. We recommend compacting engineered fill in accordance with the criteria presented below in Table 8. The project documents should specify relative compaction of engineered fill, based on the structure located above the engineered fill, and vertical proximity to that structure. City of Lakeville Project B1907127 October 4, 2019 Page 19 Table 8. Compaction Recommendations Summary* Reference Relative Compaction, percent (ASTM D698 – Standard Proctor) Moisture Content Variance from Optimum, percentage points* < 12% Passing #200 Sieve (typically SP, SP-SM) > 12% Passing #200 Sieve (typically CL, SC, ML, SM) Within 3 feet of top of pavement subgrade 100 ±3 -1 to +3 More than 3 feet below top of pavement subgrade 95 ±3 ±3 Below landscaped surfaces 90 ±5 ±4 *Alternatively, use the penetration index method (MnDOT Specification 2106.3.F.3) for soils with P200 < 20%. Consult MnDOT 2106.3.B.2 for alternative moisture content controls when using Specified Density for soils. The project documents should not allow the contractor to use frozen material as engineered fill or to place engineered fill on frozen material. Frost should not penetrate under foundations during construction. We recommend performing density tests in engineered fill to evaluate if the contractors are effectively compacting the soil and meeting project requirements. C.2.c. Pavement Design Sections Our scope of services for this project did not include laboratory tests on subgrade soils to determine an R-value for pavement design. However, given the variable nature of typical subgrades, which sometimes included silty or clayey soils within the upper 4 feet, we recommend using a design R-value of 25 for pavement design on the project. Based upon the assumed traffic loads and an R-value of 25, we recommend that new pavement sections include the following materials and thicknesses per Tables 9 and 10. City of Lakeville Project B1907127 October 4, 2019 Page 20 Table 9. Recommended Bituminous Pavement Thickness Design, 2020 Street Reconstruction (residential) Layer Thickness (inches) Material (Specification) Bituminous wear course 1 1/2 SPWEB240C (MnDOT 2360) Bituminous non-wear course 2 SPNWB230C (MnDOT 2360) Aggregate base 8 Class 5 or Class 6 or Reclaim (MnDOT 3138) Approved subgrade --- --- Table 10. Recommended Bituminous Pavement Thickness Design, 2020 Street Reconstruction (Klamath Trail) Layer Thickness (inches) Material (Specification) Bituminous wear course 2 SPWEB340C (MnDOT 2360) Bituminous non-wear course 2 SPNWB330C (MnDOT 2360) Aggregate base 8 Class 5 or Class 6 or Reclaim (MnDOT 3138) Approved subgrade --- --- The above pavement designs are based upon a 20-year performance life. This is the amount of time before major reconstruction is anticipated. This performance life assumes maintenance such as seal coating and crack sealing is routinely performed. The actual pavement life will vary depending on variations in weather, traffic conditions, and maintenance. These designs are considered the minimum thicknesses for the anticipated traffic and the structural life may extend well beyond this period, particularly for concrete pavement. It is common to place the non-wear course of bituminous and then delay placement of wear course. For this situation, we recommend evaluating if the reduced pavement section will have sufficient structure to support construction traffic. City of Lakeville Project B1907127 October 4, 2019 Page 21 Many conditions affect the overall performance of the pavements. Some of these conditions include the environment, loading conditions and the level of ongoing maintenance. With regard to bituminous pavements in particular, it is common to have thermal cracking develop within the first few years of placement, and continue throughout the life of the pavement. We recommend developing a regular maintenance plan for filling cracks in pavements to lessen the potential impacts for cold weather distress due to frost heave or warm weather distress due to wetting and softening of the subgrade. C.2.d. Pavement Materials Placement We recommend placing the bituminous wear and non-wear courses to meet the requirements of MnDOT Specification 2360. Concrete paving should follow MnDOT Specification 2301. We recommend compacting the aggregate base to meet the requirements of MnDOT Specification 2211.3.D.2.c (Penetration Index Method for the dynamic cone penetrometer [DCP]). C.3. Utility Installation C.3.a. Excavation Oversizing When removing unsuitable materials below utilities or pavements, we recommend the excavation extend outward and downward at a slope of 1H:1V (horizontal:vertical) or flatter. C.3.b. Utility Subgrade Stabilization We anticipate the soils at typical invert elevations will generally be suitable for utility support after the subgrade preparation is performed. However, if construction encounters unfavorable conditions such as soft clay, fat clay, organic soils, or perched water at invert grades, the unsuitable soils may require some additional subcutting of up to 2 feet and replacement with sand or crushed rock to prepare a proper subgrade for pipe support. If these unsuitable or unstable soils remain in place, there is a risk of excessive settlement of the utility pipe or structures due to consolidation of the underlying soft clay soils. If crushed rock is used as pipe bedding, we recommend wrapping the aggregate in geotextile fabric to prevent the migration of fine-grained materials into the voids of the aggregate. We recommend reviewing our boring logs to identify areas of possible concern. We recommend a contingency for some subcutting and replacement of poor or unstable materials as part of construction. In the event that unstable or organic soils are encountered at pipe elevations, they should be subcut and replaced with crushed-faced rock that is free of material 1 inch in diameter or smaller). City of Lakeville Project B1907127 October 4, 2019 Page 22 We recommend a geotechnical engineer observe all utility trench excavations and subcuts. C.3.c. Excavated Slopes Based on the borings, we anticipate the majority of on-site soils in excavations will consist of a mix of granular and cohesive glacial deposits. These soils are typically considered Type C Soil under OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) guidelines. OSHA guidelines indicate unsupported excavations in Type C soils should have a gradient no steeper than 1 1/2H:1V. Slopes constructed in this manner may still exhibit surface sloughing. OSHA requires an engineer to evaluate slopes or excavations over 20 feet in depth. An OSHA-approved qualified person should review the soil classification in the field. Excavations must comply with the requirements of OSHA 29 CFR, Part 1926, Subpart P, “Excavations and Trenches.” This document states excavation safety is the responsibility of the contractor. The project specifications should reference these OSHA requirements. C.3.d. Selection, Placement and Compaction of Backfill We recommend compacting backfill placed above and below utilities to a minimum of 95 percent of standard Proctor density. The exception is within 3 feet vertically of pavement subgrades, where the minimum compaction level should be increased to 100 percent. The fill should be within 3 percentage points of its optimum moisture content for sands; clays should only exceed their optimum moisture contents by 1 percent. To achieve compaction over wet subgrades, we recommend the use of sands or gravel with less than 5 percent by weight passing the #200 sieve and less than 50 percent passing the #40 sieve. C.3.e. Excavation Dewatering Although not commonly encountered in our borings, we recommend removing groundwater from the utility excavations if present, and removing any water that seeps into excavations from sidewalls or the adjacent sitework. We understand most deep utility construction and trenching will be in areas with predominantly clayey soils. Sumps and pumps will generally be suitable for short-term water removal under such conditions. C.3.f. Corrosion Potential Based on our experience, the soils encountered by the borings are corrosive to metallic conduits, but only marginally corrosive to concrete. We recommend specifying non-corrosive materials or providing corrosion protection, unless project planning chooses to perform additional tests to demonstrate the soils are not corrosive. City of Lakeville Project B1907127 October 4, 2019 Page 23 We recommend providing corrosion protection for ductile iron pipe in the clayey soils throughout the project given the overall results of our corrosivity analysis and laboratory tests. Type I cement may still be used for curb if the curb is bedded on imported materials such as crushed Class 5 limestone or reclaimed aggregate. D. Procedures D.1. Penetration Test Borings We drilled the penetration test borings with a truck-mounted core and auger drill equipped with hollow- stem auger. We performed the borings in general accordance with ASTM D6151 taking penetration test samples at 2 1/2- or 5-foot intervals in general accordance to ASTM D1586. The boring logs show the actual sample intervals and corresponding depths. We also collected bulk samples at selected locations for laboratory testing. D.2. Exploration Logs D.2.a. Log of Boring Sheets The Appendix includes Log of Boring sheets for our penetration test borings. The logs identify and describe the penetrated geologic materials, and present the results of penetration resistance tests performed. The logs also present the results of laboratory tests performed on penetration test samples, and groundwater measurements. We inferred strata boundaries from changes in the penetration test samples and the auger cuttings. Because we did not perform continuous sampling, the strata boundary depths are only approximate. The boundary depths likely vary away from the boring locations, and the boundaries themselves may occur as gradual rather than abrupt transitions. D.2.b. Geologic Origins We assigned geologic origins to the materials shown on the logs and referenced within this report, based on: (1) a review of the background information and reference documents cited above, (2) visual classification of the various geologic material samples retrieved during the course of our subsurface exploration, (3) penetration resistance testing performed for the project, (4) laboratory test results, and (5) available common knowledge of the geologic processes and environments that have impacted the site and surrounding area in the past. City of Lakeville Project B1907127 October 4, 2019 Page 24 D.3. Material Classification and Testing D.3.a. Visual and Manual Classification We visually and manually classified the geologic materials encountered based on ASTM D2488. When we performed laboratory classification tests, we used the results to classify the geologic materials in accordance with ASTM D2487. The Appendix includes a chart explaining the classification system we used. D.3.b. Laboratory Testing The exploration logs in the Appendix note the results of the laboratory tests performed on geologic material samples. We performed the tests in general accordance with ASTM or AASHTO procedures. D.4. Groundwater Measurements The drillers checked for groundwater while advancing the penetration test borings, and again after auger withdrawal. We then filled the boreholes as noted on the boring logs. E. Qualifications E.1. Variations in Subsurface Conditions E.1.a. Material Strata We developed our evaluation, analyses, and recommendations from a limited amount of site and subsurface information. It is not standard engineering practice to retrieve material samples from exploration locations continuously with depth. Therefore, we must infer strata boundaries and thicknesses to some extent. Strata boundaries may also be gradual transitions, and project planning should expect the strata to vary in depth, elevation, and thickness away from the exploration locations. Variations in subsurface conditions present between exploration locations may not be revealed until performing additional exploration work, or starting construction. If future activity for this project reveals any such variations, you should notify us so that we may reevaluate our recommendations. Such variations could increase construction costs, and we recommend including a contingency to accommodate them. City of Lakeville Project B1907127 October 4, 2019 Page 25 E.1.b. Groundwater Levels We made groundwater measurements under the conditions reported herein and shown on the exploration logs, and interpreted in the text of this report. Note that the observation periods were relatively short, and project planning can expect groundwater levels to fluctuate in response to rainfall, flooding, irrigation, seasonal freezing and thawing, surface drainage modifications, and other seasonal and annual factors. E.2. Continuity of Professional Responsibility E.2.a. Plan Review We based this report on a limited amount of information, and we made a number of assumptions to help us develop our recommendations. We should be retained to review the geotechnical aspects of the designs and specifications. This review will allow us to evaluate whether we anticipated the design correctly, if any design changes affect the validity of our recommendations, and if the design and specifications correctly interpret and implement our recommendations. E.2.b. Construction Observations and Testing We recommend retaining us to perform the required observations and testing during construction as part of the ongoing geotechnical evaluation. This will allow us to correlate the subsurface conditions exposed during construction with those encountered by the borings and provide professional continuity from the design phase to the construction phase. If we do not perform observations and testing during construction, it becomes the responsibility of others to validate the assumption made during the preparation of this report and to accept the construction-related geotechnical engineer-of-record responsibilities. E.3. Use of Report This report is for the exclusive use of the addressed parties. Without written approval, we assume no responsibility to other parties regarding this report. Our evaluation, analyses, and recommendations may not be appropriate for other parties or projects. E.4. Standard of Care In performing its services, Braun Intertec used that degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised under similar circumstances by reputable members of its profession currently practicing in the same locality. No warranty, express or implied, is made. Appendix Elev./ Depth ft 1001.1 1.0 998.1 4.0 996.1 6.0 WaterLevelDescription of Materials (Soil-ASTM D2488 or 2487; Rock-USACE EM 1110-1-2908) PAVEMENT, 5 inches of bituminous over 7 inches of aggregate base FILL: POORLY GRADED SAND (SP), fine to medium-grained Sand, with Gravel, with Clayey Sand, brown, moist Lean Clay layer at 3 feet FILL: SANDY LEAN CLAY (CL), trace Gravel, gray, moist END OF BORING Boring then backfilled with auger cuttings 5 10 15 20 25 30 SampleBlows (N-Value) Recovery 2-2-2 (4) 7" 4-5-5 (10) 18" qₚ tsf MC % 8 Tests or Remarks Water not observed immediately after withdrawal of auger. LOG OF BORING See Descriptive Terminology sheet for explanation of abbreviations Project Number B1907127 Geotechnical Evaluation City of Lakeville 2020 Street Reconstruction Lakeville, Minnesota BORING:ST-1 LOCATION: See attached sketch NORTHING:185118 EASTING:499771 DRILLER:C. McClain LOGGED BY:M. Rajaei START DATE:07/11/19 END DATE:07/11/19 SURFACE ELEVATION:1002.1 ft RIG:7514 METHOD:3 1/4" HSA SURFACING:Bituminous WEATHER:Clear B1907127 Braun Intertec Corporation ST-1 page 1 of 1 Elev./ Depth ft 983.6 1.0 977.6 7.0 972.6 12.0 970.1 14.5 WaterLevelDescription of Materials (Soil-ASTM D2488 or 2487; Rock-USACE EM 1110-1-2908) PAVEMENT, 8 inches of bituminous over 4 inches of aggregate base LEAN CLAY (CL), trace Gravel, slightly organic, with Organic Clay, gray to black, moist (BURIED TOPSOIL) ORGANIC CLAY (OL), dark gray, moist (SWAMP DEPOSIT) FAT CLAY (CH), white, wet, very soft (MARL) END OF BORING Boring then backfilled with auger cuttings 5 10 15 20 25 30 SampleBlows (N-Value) Recovery 2-3-4 (7) 10" 3-4-5 (9) 14" 3-1-2 (3) 16" 1-2-2 (4) 8" 1-1-1 (2) 18" 1-3 (3) 14" qₚ tsf MC % 18 Tests or Remarks OC=3.0% Resistivity=720 ohm-cm Water observed at 13.0 feet while drilling. LOG OF BORING See Descriptive Terminology sheet for explanation of abbreviations Project Number B1907127 Geotechnical Evaluation City of Lakeville 2020 Street Reconstruction Lakeville, Minnesota BORING:ST-2 LOCATION: See attached sketch NORTHING:184942 EASTING:500749 DRILLER:C. McClain LOGGED BY:M. Rajaei START DATE:07/11/19 END DATE:07/11/19 SURFACE ELEVATION:984.6 ft RIG:7514 METHOD:3 1/4" HSA SURFACING:Bituminous WEATHER:Clear B1907127 Braun Intertec Corporation ST-2 page 1 of 1 Elev./ Depth ft 990.2 0.8 985.0 6.0 WaterLevelDescription of Materials (Soil-ASTM D2488 or 2487; Rock-USACE EM 1110-1-2908) PAVEMENT, 7 inches of bituminous over 3 inches of aggregate base FILL: CLAYEY SAND (SC), with Gravel, brown, moist Trace Sandy Lean Clay at 5 feet END OF BORING Boring then backfilled with auger cuttings 5 10 15 20 25 30 SampleBlows (N-Value) Recovery 2-4-3 (7) 8" 3-4-4 (8) 12" qₚ tsf MC % 8 Tests or Remarks Auger chatter at 2 feet Water not observed immediately after withdrawal of auger. LOG OF BORING See Descriptive Terminology sheet for explanation of abbreviations Project Number B1907127 Geotechnical Evaluation City of Lakeville 2020 Street Reconstruction Lakeville, Minnesota BORING:ST-3 LOCATION: See attached sketch NORTHING:184997 EASTING:501656 DRILLER:C. McClain LOGGED BY:M. Rajaei START DATE:07/11/19 END DATE:07/11/19 SURFACE ELEVATION:991.0 ft RIG:7514 METHOD:3 1/4" HSA SURFACING:Bituminous WEATHER:Clear B1907127 Braun Intertec Corporation ST-3 page 1 of 1 Elev./ Depth ft 986.7 1.1 983.8 4.0 980.8 7.0 978.8 9.0 976.8 11.0 WaterLevelDescription of Materials (Soil-ASTM D2488 or 2487; Rock-USACE EM 1110-1-2908) PAVEMENT, 9 inches of bituminous over 4 inches of aggregate base FILL: SILTY SAND (SM), fine to medium- grained Sand, trace Gravel, brown, moist Trace bituminous at 2 feet FILL: CLAYEY SAND (SC), trace Gravel, gray, moist LEAN CLAY (CL), slightly organic, trace roots, trace wood fragments, gray and black, moist (BURIED TOPSOIL) LEAN CLAY (CL), gray, moist, stiff (GLACIAL TILL) END OF BORING Boring then backfilled with auger cuttings 5 10 15 20 25 30 SampleBlows (N-Value) Recovery 2-9-11 (20) 9" 3-5-4 (9) 2" 7-3-5 (8) 16" 2-4-5 (9) 16" qₚ tsf MC % 26 Tests or Remarks Auger chatter at 2 feet Resistivity=820 ohm-cm OC=5.0% Water not observed immediately after withdrawal of auger. LOG OF BORING See Descriptive Terminology sheet for explanation of abbreviations Project Number B1907127 Geotechnical Evaluation City of Lakeville 2020 Street Reconstruction Lakeville, Minnesota BORING:ST-4 LOCATION: See attached sketch NORTHING:185364 EASTING:501534 DRILLER:C. McClain LOGGED BY:M. Rajaei START DATE:07/11/19 END DATE:07/11/19 SURFACE ELEVATION:987.8 ft RIG:7514 METHOD:3 1/4" HSA SURFACING:Bituminous WEATHER:Clear B1907127 Braun Intertec Corporation ST-4 page 1 of 1 Elev./ Depth ft 990.6 1.2 987.8 4.0 985.8 6.0 WaterLevelDescription of Materials (Soil-ASTM D2488 or 2487; Rock-USACE EM 1110-1-2908) PAVEMENT, 6 inches of bituminous over 8 inches of aggregate base SILTY SAND (SM), fine-grained Sand, trace Gravel, brown, moist, medium dense (GLACIAL OUTWASH) POORLY GRADED SAND with SILT (SP-SM), fine to medium-grained Sand, trace Gravel, brown, moist, medium dense (GLACIAL OUTWASH) Silty Sand layer at 5 feet Clayey Sand layer at 5 1/2 feet END OF BORING Boring then backfilled with auger cuttings 5 10 15 20 25 30 SampleBlows (N-Value) Recovery 3-6-7 (13) 12" 4-5-10 (15) 16" qₚ tsf MC %Tests or Remarks Water not observed immediately after withdrawal of auger. LOG OF BORING See Descriptive Terminology sheet for explanation of abbreviations Project Number B1907127 Geotechnical Evaluation City of Lakeville 2020 Street Reconstruction Lakeville, Minnesota BORING:ST-5 LOCATION: See attached sketch NORTHING:185468 EASTING:503265 DRILLER:C. McClain LOGGED BY:M. Rajaei START DATE:07/16/19 END DATE:07/16/19 SURFACE ELEVATION:991.8 ft RIG:7514 METHOD:3 1/4" HSA SURFACING:Bituminous WEATHER:Clear B1907127 Braun Intertec Corporation ST-5 page 1 of 1 Elev./ Depth ft 997.4 1.0 994.4 4.0 991.4 7.0 987.4 11.0 WaterLevelDescription of Materials (Soil-ASTM D2488 or 2487; Rock-USACE EM 1110-1-2908) PAVEMENT, 6 inches of bituminous over 6 inches of aggregate base FILL: SILTY SAND (SM), fine to medium- grained Sand, trace Gravel, dark brown, moist SILTY SAND (SM), fine to medium-grained Sand, with Gravel, brown, moist, medium dense (GLACIAL OUTWASH) POORLY GRADED SAND (SP), fine to medium-grained Sand, with Gravel, brown, moist, loose to medium dense (GLACIAL OUTWASH) Clayey Sand lenses at 9 feet END OF BORING Boring then backfilled with auger cuttings 5 10 15 20 25 30 SampleBlows (N-Value) Recovery 4-7-7 (14) 13" 4-4-6 (10) 16" 3-3-3 (6) 7" 7-7-8 (15) 14" qₚ tsf MC %Tests or Remarks Auger chatter up to 2 feet Water not observed immediately after withdrawal of auger. LOG OF BORING See Descriptive Terminology sheet for explanation of abbreviations Project Number B1907127 Geotechnical Evaluation City of Lakeville 2020 Street Reconstruction Lakeville, Minnesota BORING:ST-6 LOCATION: See attached sketch NORTHING:185011 EASTING:504983 DRILLER:C. McClain LOGGED BY:M. Rajaei START DATE:07/16/19 END DATE:07/16/19 SURFACE ELEVATION:998.4 ft RIG:7514 METHOD:3 1/4" HSA SURFACING:Bituminous WEATHER:Clear B1907127 Braun Intertec Corporation ST-6 page 1 of 1 Elev./ Depth ft 1015.5 1.3 1012.8 4.0 1010.8 6.0 WaterLevelDescription of Materials (Soil-ASTM D2488 or 2487; Rock-USACE EM 1110-1-2908) PAVEMENT, 9 inches of bituminous over 6 inches of aggregate base CLAYEY SAND (SC), trace Gravel, brown, moist, medium (GLACIAL TILL) SANDY LEAN CLAY (CL), trace Gravel, gray, moist, stiff (GLACIAL TILL) END OF BORING Boring then backfilled with auger cuttings 5 10 15 20 25 30 SampleBlows (N-Value) Recovery 1-2-3 (5) 6" 4-4-6 (10) 16" qₚ tsf MC % 13 12 Tests or Remarks Water not observed immediately after withdrawal of auger. LOG OF BORING See Descriptive Terminology sheet for explanation of abbreviations Project Number B1907127 Geotechnical Evaluation City of Lakeville 2020 Street Reconstruction Lakeville, Minnesota BORING:ST-7 LOCATION: See attached sketch NORTHING:184458 EASTING:506505 DRILLER:C. McClain LOGGED BY:M. Rajaei START DATE:07/16/19 END DATE:07/16/19 SURFACE ELEVATION:1016.8 ft RIG:7514 METHOD:3 1/4" HSA SURFACING:Bituminous WEATHER:Clear B1907127 Braun Intertec Corporation ST-7 page 1 of 1 Elev./ Depth ft 1010.7 1.4 1006.1 6.0 WaterLevelDescription of Materials (Soil-ASTM D2488 or 2487; Rock-USACE EM 1110-1-2908) PAVEMENT, 5 inches of bituminous over 12 inches of aggregate base FILL: CLAYEY SAND (SC), trace Gravel, brown, moist Trace wood fragments at 2 feet END OF BORING Boring then backfilled with auger cuttings 5 10 15 20 25 30 SampleBlows (N-Value) Recovery 1-2-2 (4) 8" 2-2-3 (5) 10" qₚ tsf MC % 15 Tests or Remarks Water not observed immediately after withdrawal of auger. LOG OF BORING See Descriptive Terminology sheet for explanation of abbreviations Project Number B1907127 Geotechnical Evaluation City of Lakeville 2020 Street Reconstruction Lakeville, Minnesota BORING:ST-9 LOCATION: Offset 6 feet northwest. See attached sketch. NORTHING:185513 EASTING:501835 DRILLER:C. McClain LOGGED BY:M. Rajaei START DATE:07/11/19 END DATE:07/11/19 SURFACE ELEVATION:1012.1 ft RIG:7514 METHOD:3 1/4" HSA SURFACING:Bituminous WEATHER:Clear B1907127 Braun Intertec Corporation ST-9 page 1 of 1 Elev./ Depth ft 1001.6 1.2 998.8 4.0 991.8 11.0 WaterLevelDescription of Materials (Soil-ASTM D2488 or 2487; Rock-USACE EM 1110-1-2908) PAVEMENT, 5 1/2 inches of bituminous over 9 inches of aggregate base FILL: POORLY GRADED SAND with SILT (SP- SM), fine to medium-grained Sand, with Gravel, brown, moist SILTY SAND (SM), fine-grained Sand, with Gravel, brown, moist, loose to medium dense (GLACIAL OUTWASH) END OF BORING Boring then backfilled with auger cuttings 5 10 15 20 25 30 SampleBlows (N-Value) Recovery 9-19-16 (35) 14" 4-4-4 (8) 16" 3-3-4 (7) 13" 7-9-12 (21) 4" qₚ tsf MC %Tests or Remarks Water not observed immediately after withdrawal of auger. LOG OF BORING See Descriptive Terminology sheet for explanation of abbreviations Project Number B1907127 Geotechnical Evaluation City of Lakeville 2020 Street Reconstruction Lakeville, Minnesota BORING:ST-10 LOCATION: See attached sketch NORTHING:184287 EASTING:499722 DRILLER:C. McClain LOGGED BY:M. Rajaei START DATE:07/12/19 END DATE:07/12/19 SURFACE ELEVATION:1002.8 ft RIG:7514 METHOD:3 1/4" HSA SURFACING:Bituminous WEATHER:Clear B1907127 Braun Intertec Corporation ST-10 page 1 of 1 Elev./ Depth ft 988.7 0.8 985.5 4.0 983.5 6.0 WaterLevelDescription of Materials (Soil-ASTM D2488 or 2487; Rock-USACE EM 1110-1-2908) PAVEMENT, 5 inches of bituminous over 4 inches of aggregate base FILL: CLAYEY SAND (SC), trace Gravel, trace bituminous, brown, moist FILL: POORLY GRADED SAND (SP), fine- grained Sand, with Gravel, brown, moist END OF BORING Boring then backfilled with auger cuttings 5 10 15 20 25 30 SampleBlows (N-Value) Recovery 3-6-4 (10) 3" 6-8-8 (16) 10" qₚ tsf MC %Tests or Remarks Auger chatter from 1 to 6 feet Water not observed immediately after withdrawal of auger. LOG OF BORING See Descriptive Terminology sheet for explanation of abbreviations Project Number B1907127 Geotechnical Evaluation City of Lakeville 2020 Street Reconstruction Lakeville, Minnesota BORING:ST-11 LOCATION: See attached sketch NORTHING:183484 EASTING:499790 DRILLER:C. McClain LOGGED BY:M. Rajaei START DATE:07/12/19 END DATE:07/12/19 SURFACE ELEVATION:989.5 ft RIG:7514 METHOD:3 1/4" HSA SURFACING:Bituminous WEATHER:Clear B1907127 Braun Intertec Corporation ST-11 page 1 of 1 Elev./ Depth ft 980.8 0.7 977.5 4.0 970.5 11.0 WaterLevelDescription of Materials (Soil-ASTM D2488 or 2487; Rock-USACE EM 1110-1-2908) PAVEMENT, 4 inches of bituminous over 4 inches of aggregate base FILL: CLAYEY SAND (SC), with Gravel, brown, moist POORLY GRADED SAND with SILT (SP-SM), fine-grained Sand, with Gravel, brown, moist, medium dense (GLACIAL OUTWASH) Becomes gray at 10 feet Wet layer at 10 feet END OF BORING Boring then backfilled with auger cuttings 5 10 15 20 25 30 SampleBlows (N-Value) Recovery 5-7-7 (14) 10" 9-6-5 (11) 4" 10-13-13 (26) 18" 8-13-13 (26) 10" qₚ tsf MC % 10 10 Tests or Remarks Auger chatter from 1 to 6 feet Water not observed immediately after withdrawal of auger. LOG OF BORING See Descriptive Terminology sheet for explanation of abbreviations Project Number B1907127 Geotechnical Evaluation City of Lakeville 2020 Street Reconstruction Lakeville, Minnesota BORING:ST-12 LOCATION: Offset 3 feet east. See attached sketch. NORTHING:183060 EASTING:500156 DRILLER:C. McClain LOGGED BY:M. Rajaei START DATE:07/12/19 END DATE:07/12/19 SURFACE ELEVATION:981.5 ft RIG:7514 METHOD:3 1/4" HSA SURFACING:Bituminous WEATHER:Clear B1907127 Braun Intertec Corporation ST-12 page 1 of 1 Elev./ Depth ft 995.0 0.8 989.8 6.0 WaterLevelDescription of Materials (Soil-ASTM D2488 or 2487; Rock-USACE EM 1110-1-2908) PAVEMENT, 4 inches of bituminous over 5 inches of aggregate base FILL: POORLY GRADED SAND with SILT (SP- SM), fine-grained Sand, little Gravel, brown, moist Trace Clayey Sand at 5 feet END OF BORING Boring then backfilled with auger cuttings 5 10 15 20 25 30 SampleBlows (N-Value) Recovery 4-8-7 (15) 14" 7-7-6 (13) 12" qₚ tsf MC %Tests or Remarks Water not observed immediately after withdrawal of auger. LOG OF BORING See Descriptive Terminology sheet for explanation of abbreviations Project Number B1907127 Geotechnical Evaluation City of Lakeville 2020 Street Reconstruction Lakeville, Minnesota BORING:ST-13 LOCATION: See attached sketch NORTHING:182217 EASTING:500197 DRILLER:C. McClain LOGGED BY:M. Rajaei START DATE:07/12/19 END DATE:07/12/19 SURFACE ELEVATION:995.8 ft RIG:7514 METHOD:3 1/4" HSA SURFACING:Bituminous WEATHER:Clear B1907127 Braun Intertec Corporation ST-13 page 1 of 1 Elev./ Depth ft 978.4 1.1 975.5 4.0 972.5 7.0 970.5 9.0 967.5 12.0 965.0 14.5 WaterLevelDescription of Materials (Soil-ASTM D2488 or 2487; Rock-USACE EM 1110-1-2908) PAVEMENT, 7 inches of bituminous over 6 inches of aggregate base FILL: POORLY GRADED SAND (SP), fine- grained Sand, trace Gravel, gray, moist Clayey Sand layer at 3 feet CLAYEY SAND (SC), slightly organic, trace wood fragments, gray, moist, medium (LACUSTRINE) FAT CLAY (CH), trace roots, gray, moist, soft (LACUSTRINE) FAT CLAY (CH), gray, moist, soft (LACUSTRINE) Poorly Graded Sand seam at 10 feet POORLY GRADED SAND (SP), fine to coarse- grained Sand, trace Gravel, gray, wet, loose (LACUSTRINE) END OF BORING Boring then backfilled with auger cuttings 5 10 15 20 25 30 SampleBlows (N-Value) Recovery 3-8-5 (13) 7" 5-5-2 (7) 15" 1-1-1 (2) 8" 1-1-1 (2) 6" 3-2-3 (5) 18" 1-5 (5) 18" qₚ tsf MC % 13 Tests or Remarks OC=2.0% Resistivity=1300 ohm-cm Water observed at 11.0 feet with 13.5 feet of tooling in the ground while drilling. Water observed at 2.0 feet immediately after withdrawal of auger. LOG OF BORING See Descriptive Terminology sheet for explanation of abbreviations Project Number B1907127 Geotechnical Evaluation City of Lakeville 2020 Street Reconstruction Lakeville, Minnesota BORING:ST-14 LOCATION: See attached sketch NORTHING:181637 EASTING:500494 DRILLER:C. McClain LOGGED BY:M. Rajaei START DATE:07/12/19 END DATE:07/12/19 SURFACE ELEVATION:979.5 ft RIG:7514 METHOD:3 1/4" HSA SURFACING:Bituminous WEATHER:Clear B1907127 Braun Intertec Corporation ST-14 page 1 of 1 Elev./ Depth ft 988.1 0.8 984.9 4.0 982.9 6.0 WaterLevelDescription of Materials (Soil-ASTM D2488 or 2487; Rock-USACE EM 1110-1-2908) PAVEMENT, 4 inches of bituminous over 5 inches of aggregate base FILL: CLAYEY SAND (SC), little Gravel, brown, moist SILTY SAND (SM), fine to medium-grained Sand, trace Gravel, reddish brown brown, moist, very stiff (GLACIAL TILL) END OF BORING Boring then backfilled with auger cuttings 5 10 15 20 25 30 SampleBlows (N-Value) Recovery 1-4-5 (9) 12" 3-10-8 (18) 18" qₚ tsf MC %Tests or Remarks Water not observed immediately after withdrawal of auger. LOG OF BORING See Descriptive Terminology sheet for explanation of abbreviations Project Number B1907127 Geotechnical Evaluation City of Lakeville 2020 Street Reconstruction Lakeville, Minnesota BORING:ST-15 LOCATION: See attached sketch NORTHING:181508 EASTING:502186 DRILLER:C. McClain LOGGED BY:M. Rajaei START DATE:07/12/19 END DATE:07/12/19 SURFACE ELEVATION:988.9 ft RIG:7514 METHOD:3 1/4" HSA SURFACING:Bituminous WEATHER:Clear B1907127 Braun Intertec Corporation ST-15 page 1 of 1 Elev./ Depth ft 995.9 0.8 989.7 7.0 987.7 9.0 985.7 11.0 WaterLevelDescription of Materials (Soil-ASTM D2488 or 2487; Rock-USACE EM 1110-1-2908) PAVEMENT, 4 inches of bituminous over 6 inches of aggregate base FILL: CLAYEY SAND (SC), trace Gravel, brown, moist POORLY GRADED SAND (SP), fine to medium-grained Sand, little Gravel, brown, moist, loose (GLACIAL TILL) LEAN CLAY (CL), contains lenses of Poorly Graded Sand, brown, moist, medium (GLACIAL TILL) END OF BORING Boring then backfilled with auger cuttings 5 10 15 20 25 30 SampleBlows (N-Value) Recovery 4-5-4 (9) 16" 3-4-2 (6) 14" 4-4-6 (10) 10" 4-4-4 (8) 8" qₚ tsf MC % 23 Tests or Remarks Resistivity=730 ohm-cm LL=24, PL=13, PI=11 Water not observed immediately after withdrawal of auger. LOG OF BORING See Descriptive Terminology sheet for explanation of abbreviations Project Number B1907127 Geotechnical Evaluation City of Lakeville 2020 Street Reconstruction Lakeville, Minnesota BORING:ST-16 LOCATION: See attached sketch NORTHING:181795 EASTING:502899 DRILLER:C. McClain LOGGED BY:M. Rajaei START DATE:07/12/19 END DATE:07/12/19 SURFACE ELEVATION:996.7 ft RIG:7514 METHOD:3 1/4" HSA SURFACING:Bituminous WEATHER:Clear B1907127 Braun Intertec Corporation ST-16 page 1 of 1 Elev./ Depth ft 996.9 1.0 991.9 6.0 WaterLevelDescription of Materials (Soil-ASTM D2488 or 2487; Rock-USACE EM 1110-1-2908) PAVEMENT, 6 inches of bituminous over 6 inches of aggregate base CLAYEY SAND (SC), fine to medium-grained Sand, little Gravel, brown, moist, medium to stiff (GLACIAL TILL) END OF BORING Boring then backfilled with auger cuttings 5 10 15 20 25 30 SampleBlows (N-Value) Recovery 4-5-7 (12) 10" 6-5-3 (8) 15" qₚ tsf MC %Tests or Remarks Water not observed immediately after withdrawal of auger. LOG OF BORING See Descriptive Terminology sheet for explanation of abbreviations Project Number B1907127 Geotechnical Evaluation City of Lakeville 2020 Street Reconstruction Lakeville, Minnesota BORING:ST-17 LOCATION: See attached sketch NORTHING:182685 EASTING:503289 DRILLER:C. McClain LOGGED BY:M. Rajaei START DATE:07/12/19 END DATE:07/12/19 SURFACE ELEVATION:997.9 ft RIG:7514 METHOD:3 1/4" HSA SURFACING:Bituminous WEATHER:Clear B1907127 Braun Intertec Corporation ST-17 page 1 of 1 Elev./ Depth ft 982.0 1.1 979.1 4.0 974.1 9.0 972.1 11.0 WaterLevelDescription of Materials (Soil-ASTM D2488 or 2487; Rock-USACE EM 1110-1-2908) PAVEMENT, 4 inches of bituminous over 9 inches of aggregate base FILL: POORLY GRADED SAND (SP), fine to medium-grained Sand, with Gravel, brown, moist Wet layer at 2 1/2 feet SANDY LEAN CLAY (CL), trace Gravel, slightly organic, gray, moist (SWAMP DEPOSIT) Black at 7 1/2 feet SILTY SAND (SM), fine to medium-grained Sand, with Gravel, gray, wet, very loose (GLACIAL OUTWASH) END OF BORING Boring then backfilled with auger cuttings 5 10 15 20 25 30 SampleBlows (N-Value) Recovery 2-6-4 (10) 10" 5-4-2 (6) 15" 1-2-5 (7) 10" 1-1-2 (3) 14" qₚ tsf MC % 8 20 Tests or Remarks Auger chatter at 1 foot Resistivity=3100 ohm-cm OC=4.0% Water observed at 10.0 feet while drilling. LOG OF BORING See Descriptive Terminology sheet for explanation of abbreviations Project Number B1907127 Geotechnical Evaluation City of Lakeville 2020 Street Reconstruction Lakeville, Minnesota BORING:ST-18 LOCATION: See attached sketch NORTHING:182936 EASTING:504032 DRILLER:C. McClain LOGGED BY:M. Rajaei START DATE:07/16/19 END DATE:07/16/19 SURFACE ELEVATION:983.1 ft RIG:7514 METHOD:3 1/4" HSA SURFACING:Bituminous WEATHER:Clear B1907127 Braun Intertec Corporation ST-18 page 1 of 1 Elev./ Depth ft 1009.6 0.8 1006.4 4.0 1004.4 6.0 WaterLevelDescription of Materials (Soil-ASTM D2488 or 2487; Rock-USACE EM 1110-1-2908) PAVEMENT, 4 inches of bituminous over 6 inches of aggregate base FILL: POORLY GRADED SAND with SILT (SP- SM), fine to medium-grained Sand, with Gravel, brown, moist FILL: SILTY SAND (SM), fine to medium- grained Sand, with Gravel, brown, moist END OF BORING Boring then backfilled with auger cuttings 5 10 15 20 25 30 SampleBlows (N-Value) Recovery 2-3-4 (7) 10" 3-3-3 (6) 16" qₚ tsf MC %Tests or Remarks Water not observed immediately after withdrawal of auger. LOG OF BORING See Descriptive Terminology sheet for explanation of abbreviations Project Number B1907127 Geotechnical Evaluation City of Lakeville 2020 Street Reconstruction Lakeville, Minnesota BORING:ST-19 LOCATION: See attached sketch NORTHING:181327 EASTING:503150 DRILLER:C. McClain LOGGED BY:M. Rajaei START DATE:07/16/19 END DATE:07/16/19 SURFACE ELEVATION:1010.4 ft RIG:7514 METHOD:3 1/4" HSA SURFACING:Bituminous WEATHER:Clear B1907127 Braun Intertec Corporation ST-19 page 1 of 1 Elev./ Depth ft 992.6 1.1 986.7 7.0 982.7 11.0 WaterLevelDescription of Materials (Soil-ASTM D2488 or 2487; Rock-USACE EM 1110-1-2908) PAVEMENT, 8 inches of bituminous over 5 inches of aggregate base FILL: POORLY GRADED SAND with SILT (SP- SM), fine to medium-grained Sand, trace Gravel, brown, moist Clayey Sand seam at 5 feet POORLY GRADED SAND with SILT (SP-SM), fine to medium-grained Sand, trace Gravel, brown, moist, medium dense (GLACIAL OUTWASH) Lean Clay layer at 10 feet END OF BORING Boring then backfilled with auger cuttings 5 10 15 20 25 30 SampleBlows (N-Value) Recovery 3-4-5 (9) 14" 4-3-3 (6) 16" 7-8-9 (17) 15" 4-4-9 (13) 17" qₚ tsf MC %Tests or Remarks Water not observed immediately after withdrawal of auger. LOG OF BORING See Descriptive Terminology sheet for explanation of abbreviations Project Number B1907127 Geotechnical Evaluation City of Lakeville 2020 Street Reconstruction Lakeville, Minnesota BORING:ST-20 LOCATION: See attached sketch NORTHING:179823 EASTING:499818 DRILLER:C. McClain LOGGED BY:M. Rajaei START DATE:07/18/19 END DATE:07/18/19 SURFACE ELEVATION:993.7 ft RIG:7514 METHOD:3 1/4" HSA SURFACING:Bituminous WEATHER:Clouds B1907127 Braun Intertec Corporation ST-20 page 1 of 1 Elev./ Depth ft 1006.3 1.2 1001.5 6.0 WaterLevelDescription of Materials (Soil-ASTM D2488 or 2487; Rock-USACE EM 1110-1-2908) PAVEMENT, 6 inches of bituminous over 8 inches of aggregate base FILL: CLAYEY SAND (SC), fine to medium- grained Sand, trace Gravel, brown, moist END OF BORING Boring then backfilled with auger cuttings 5 10 15 20 25 30 SampleBlows (N-Value) Recovery 3-4-6 (10) 16" 5-6-7 (13) 13" qₚ tsf MC %Tests or Remarks Water not observed immediately after withdrawal of auger. LOG OF BORING See Descriptive Terminology sheet for explanation of abbreviations Project Number B1907127 Geotechnical Evaluation City of Lakeville 2020 Street Reconstruction Lakeville, Minnesota BORING:ST-21 LOCATION: See attached sketch NORTHING:180619 EASTING:500131 DRILLER:C. McClain LOGGED BY:M. Rajaei START DATE:07/18/19 END DATE:07/18/19 SURFACE ELEVATION:1007.5 ft RIG:7514 METHOD:3 1/4" HSA SURFACING:Bituminous WEATHER:Clouds B1907127 Braun Intertec Corporation ST-21 page 1 of 1 Elev./ Depth ft 1002.1 1.0 992.1 11.0 WaterLevelDescription of Materials (Soil-ASTM D2488 or 2487; Rock-USACE EM 1110-1-2908) PAVEMENT, 6 inches of bituminous over 6 inches of aggregate base CLAYEY SAND (SC), fine to medium-grained Sand, trace Gravel, gray, moist, medium to stiff (GLACIAL TILL) Trace roots at 7 1/2 feet END OF BORING Boring then backfilled with auger cuttings 5 10 15 20 25 30 SampleBlows (N-Value) Recovery 3-4-6 (10) 12" 3-3-5 (8) 18" 3-2-3 (5) 15" 1-2-4 (6) 17" qₚ tsf MC %Tests or Remarks Resistivity=1200 ohm-cm Water not observed immediately after withdrawal of auger. LOG OF BORING See Descriptive Terminology sheet for explanation of abbreviations Project Number B1907127 Geotechnical Evaluation City of Lakeville 2020 Street Reconstruction Lakeville, Minnesota BORING:ST-22 LOCATION: See attached sketch NORTHING:180134 EASTING:500768 DRILLER:C. McClain LOGGED BY:M. Rajaei START DATE:07/18/19 END DATE:07/18/19 SURFACE ELEVATION:1003.1 ft RIG:7514 METHOD:3 1/4" HSA SURFACING:Bituminous WEATHER:Clouds B1907127 Braun Intertec Corporation ST-22 page 1 of 1 Elev./ Depth ft 987.7 1.2 982.9 6.0 WaterLevelDescription of Materials (Soil-ASTM D2488 or 2487; Rock-USACE EM 1110-1-2908) PAVEMENT, 8 inches of bituminous over 6 inches of aggregate base FILL: CLAYEY SAND (SC), fine to medium- grained Sand, trace Gravel, gray, moist END OF BORING Boring then backfilled with auger cuttings 5 10 15 20 25 30 SampleBlows (N-Value) Recovery 4-7-8 (15) 13" 3-4-5 (9) 16" qₚ tsf MC %Tests or Remarks Water not observed immediately after withdrawal of auger. LOG OF BORING See Descriptive Terminology sheet for explanation of abbreviations Project Number B1907127 Geotechnical Evaluation City of Lakeville 2020 Street Reconstruction Lakeville, Minnesota BORING:ST-23 LOCATION: Offset 6 feet west due to utilities. See attached sketch. NORTHING:180069 EASTING:501782 DRILLER:C. McClain LOGGED BY:M. Rajaei START DATE:07/18/19 END DATE:07/18/19 SURFACE ELEVATION:988.9 ft RIG:7514 METHOD:3 1/4" HSA SURFACING:Bituminous WEATHER:Clouds B1907127 Braun Intertec Corporation ST-23 page 1 of 1 Elev./ Depth ft 997.5 1.0 989.5 9.0 987.5 11.0 WaterLevelDescription of Materials (Soil-ASTM D2488 or 2487; Rock-USACE EM 1110-1-2908) PAVEMENT, 6 inches of bituminous over 6 inches of aggregate base FILL: CLAYEY SAND (SC), fine to medium- grained Sand, trace Gravel, gray, moist Wet layer at 5 feet Trace roots at 7 feet SANDY LEAN CLAY (CL), gray, moist, medium (GLACIAL TILL) END OF BORING Boring then backfilled with auger cuttings 5 10 15 20 25 30 SampleBlows (N-Value) Recovery 2-2-1 (3) 12" 2-2-2 (4) 16" 3-3-4 (7) 18" 3-4-4 (8) 18" qₚ tsf MC % 15 Tests or Remarks Resistivity=650 ohm-cm Water observed at 5.0 feet with 5.0 feet of tooling in the ground while drilling. Water not observed immediately after withdrawal of auger. LOG OF BORING See Descriptive Terminology sheet for explanation of abbreviations Project Number B1907127 Geotechnical Evaluation City of Lakeville 2020 Street Reconstruction Lakeville, Minnesota BORING:ST-24 LOCATION: See attached sketch NORTHING:179750 EASTING:501932 DRILLER:C. McClain LOGGED BY:M. Rajaei START DATE:07/18/19 END DATE:07/18/19 SURFACE ELEVATION:998.5 ft RIG:7514 METHOD:3 1/4" HSA SURFACING:Bituminous WEATHER:Clouds B1907127 Braun Intertec Corporation ST-24 page 1 of 1 Elev./ Depth ft 989.5 0.9 984.4 6.0 WaterLevelDescription of Materials (Soil-ASTM D2488 or 2487; Rock-USACE EM 1110-1-2908) PAVEMENT, 6 inches of bituminous over 5 inches of aggregate base FILL: SANDY LEAN CLAY (CL), trace Gravel, gray, moist END OF BORING Boring then backfilled with auger cuttings 5 10 15 20 25 30 SampleBlows (N-Value) Recovery 2-3-6 (9) 6" 2-2-3 (5) 8" qₚ tsf MC %Tests or Remarks Water not observed immediately after withdrawal of auger. LOG OF BORING See Descriptive Terminology sheet for explanation of abbreviations Project Number B1907127 Geotechnical Evaluation City of Lakeville 2020 Street Reconstruction Lakeville, Minnesota BORING:ST-25 LOCATION: See attached sketch NORTHING:180493 EASTING:502031 DRILLER:C. McClain LOGGED BY:M. Rajaei START DATE:07/18/19 END DATE:07/18/19 SURFACE ELEVATION:990.4 ft RIG:7514 METHOD:3 1/4" HSA SURFACING:Bituminous WEATHER:Clouds B1907127 Braun Intertec Corporation ST-25 page 1 of 1 Elev./ Depth ft 1009.5 0.8 1001.3 9.0 998.3 12.0 995.8 14.5 WaterLevelDescription of Materials (Soil-ASTM D2488 or 2487; Rock-USACE EM 1110-1-2908) PAVEMENT, 5 inches of bituminous over 4 inches of aggregate base FILL: CLAYEY SAND (SC), fine to medium- grained Sand, trace Gravel, gray, moist CLAYEY SAND (SC), gray, wet, very soft (GLACIAL TILL) Trace roots at 10 feet CLAYEY SAND (SC), fine to medium-grained Sand, trace Gravel, gray, moist, stiff to very stiff (GLACIAL TILL) END OF BORING Boring then backfilled with auger cuttings 5 10 15 20 25 30 SampleBlows (N-Value) Recovery 3-4-3 (7) 10" 3-6-9 (15) 15" 1-1-2 (3) 5" 1-1-2 (3) 17" 2-1-18 (19) 16" 3-3-6 (9) 16" qₚ tsf MC % 13 Tests or Remarks Resistivity=1400 ohm-cm Water not observed while drilling. Water not observed at end of drilling. LOG OF BORING See Descriptive Terminology sheet for explanation of abbreviations Project Number B1907127 Geotechnical Evaluation City of Lakeville 2020 Street Reconstruction Lakeville, Minnesota BORING:ST-26 LOCATION: See attached sketch NORTHING:180782 EASTING:502751 DRILLER:C. McClain LOGGED BY:M. Rajaei START DATE:07/18/19 END DATE:07/18/19 SURFACE ELEVATION:1010.3 ft RIG:7514 METHOD:3 1/4" HSA SURFACING:Bituminous WEATHER:Clouds B1907127 Braun Intertec Corporation ST-26 page 1 of 1 Elev./ Depth ft 1003.9 0.9 1000.8 4.0 998.8 6.0 WaterLevelDescription of Materials (Soil-ASTM D2488 or 2487; Rock-USACE EM 1110-1-2908) PAVEMENT, 5 inches of bituminous over 6 inches of aggregate base FILL: POORLY GRADED SAND (SP), fine to medium-grained Sand, trace Gravel, brown, moist FILL: CLAYEY SAND (SC), fine to medium- grained Sand, trace Gravel, brown, moist END OF BORING Boring then backfilled with auger cuttings 5 10 15 20 25 30 SampleBlows (N-Value) Recovery 2-3-3 (6) 10" 1-1-3 (4) 9" qₚ tsf MC %Tests or Remarks Water not observed immediately after withdrawal of auger. LOG OF BORING See Descriptive Terminology sheet for explanation of abbreviations Project Number B1907127 Geotechnical Evaluation City of Lakeville 2020 Street Reconstruction Lakeville, Minnesota BORING:ST-27 LOCATION: See attached sketch NORTHING:180898 EASTING:503145 DRILLER:C. McClain LOGGED BY:M. Rajaei START DATE:07/18/19 END DATE:07/18/19 SURFACE ELEVATION:1004.8 ft RIG:7514 METHOD:3 1/4" HSA SURFACING:Bituminous WEATHER:Clouds B1907127 Braun Intertec Corporation ST-27 page 1 of 1 Elev./ Depth ft 1017.1 0.9 1014.0 4.0 1011.0 7.0 1010.0 8.0 1007.0 11.0 WaterLevelDescription of Materials (Soil-ASTM D2488 or 2487; Rock-USACE EM 1110-1-2908) PAVEMENT, 4 inches of bituminous over 7 inches of aggregate base FILL: POORLY GRADED SAND with SILT (SP- SM), fine to medium-grained Sand, with Gravel, brown, moist POORLY GRADED SAND (SP), fine to medium-grained Sand, with Gravel, brown, moist, loose (GLACIAL OUTWASH) LEAN CLAY (CL), trace Gravel, brown, moist, very stiff (GLACIAL TILL) POORLY GRADED SAND with SILT (SP-SM), fine to medium-grained Sand, trace Gravel, brown, moist, medium dense (GLACIAL OUTWASH) END OF BORING Boring then backfilled with auger cuttings 5 10 15 20 25 30 SampleBlows (N-Value) Recovery 4-12-17 (29) 17" 8-10-10 (20) 7" 4-8-11 (19) 14" 28-2-10 (12) 3" qₚ tsf MC % 11 Tests or Remarks Water not observed immediately after withdrawal of auger. LOG OF BORING See Descriptive Terminology sheet for explanation of abbreviations Project Number B1907127 Geotechnical Evaluation City of Lakeville 2020 Street Reconstruction Lakeville, Minnesota BORING:ST-28 LOCATION: Hit mismarked sanitary sewer at 10 feet. See attached sketch NORTHING:181137 EASTING:503986 DRILLER:C. McClain LOGGED BY:M. Rajaei START DATE:07/17/19 END DATE:07/17/19 SURFACE ELEVATION:1018.0 ft RIG:7514 METHOD:3 1/4" HSA SURFACING:Bituminous WEATHER:Clouds B1907127 Braun Intertec Corporation ST-28 page 1 of 1 Elev./ Depth ft 1027.8 1.3 1025.1 4.0 1023.1 6.0 WaterLevelDescription of Materials (Soil-ASTM D2488 or 2487; Rock-USACE EM 1110-1-2908) PAVEMENT, 5 inches of bituminous over 11 inches of aggregate base FILL: CLAYEY SAND (SC), trace Gravel, trace wood fragments, brown and gray, moist FILL: SILTY, CLAYEY SAND (SC-SM), fine- grained Sand, trace Gravel, brown, moist END OF BORING Boring then backfilled with auger cuttings 5 10 15 20 25 30 SampleBlows (N-Value) Recovery 4-3-6 (9) 14" 2-2-2 (4) 7" qₚ tsf MC %Tests or Remarks Water not observed immediately after withdrawal of auger. LOG OF BORING See Descriptive Terminology sheet for explanation of abbreviations Project Number B1907127 Geotechnical Evaluation City of Lakeville 2020 Street Reconstruction Lakeville, Minnesota BORING:ST-29 LOCATION: See attached sketch NORTHING:180457 EASTING:504490 DRILLER:C. McClain LOGGED BY:M. Rajaei START DATE:07/17/19 END DATE:07/17/19 SURFACE ELEVATION:1029.1 ft RIG:7514 METHOD:3 1/4" HSA SURFACING:Bituminous WEATHER:Clouds B1907127 Braun Intertec Corporation ST-29 page 1 of 1 Elev./ Depth ft 1001.6 1.3 995.9 7.0 991.9 11.0 WaterLevelDescription of Materials (Soil-ASTM D2488 or 2487; Rock-USACE EM 1110-1-2908) PAVEMENT, 6 inches of bituminous over 10 inches of aggregate base FILL: CLAYEY SAND (SC), fine to medium- grained Sand, trace Gravel, gray, moist CLAYEY SAND (SC), fine to medium-grained Sand, trace Gravel, brown, moist, stiff (GLACIAL TILL) END OF BORING Boring then backfilled with auger cuttings 5 10 15 20 25 30 SampleBlows (N-Value) Recovery 4-6-7 (13) 3" 4-6-6 (12) 15" 3-4-5 (9) 12" 1-4-5 (9) 15" qₚ tsf MC %Tests or Remarks Water not observed immediately after withdrawal of auger. LOG OF BORING See Descriptive Terminology sheet for explanation of abbreviations Project Number B1907127 Geotechnical Evaluation City of Lakeville 2020 Street Reconstruction Lakeville, Minnesota BORING:ST-30 LOCATION: Offset 4 feet south due to storm sewer. See attached sketch NORTHING:180228 EASTING:502315 DRILLER:C. McClain LOGGED BY:M. Rajaei START DATE:07/18/19 END DATE:07/18/19 SURFACE ELEVATION:1002.9 ft RIG:7514 METHOD:3 1/4" HSA SURFACING:Bituminous WEATHER:Clouds B1907127 Braun Intertec Corporation ST-30 page 1 of 1 Elev./ Depth ft 1014.4 0.9 1009.3 6.0 WaterLevelDescription of Materials (Soil-ASTM D2488 or 2487; Rock-USACE EM 1110-1-2908) PAVEMENT, 6 inches of bituminous over 5 inches of aggregate base POORLY GRADED SAND with SILT (SP-SM), fine to medium-grained Sand, with Gravel, brown, moist, medium dense to loose (GLACIAL OUTWASH) END OF BORING Boring then backfilled with auger cuttings 5 10 15 20 25 30 SampleBlows (N-Value) Recovery 3-5-6 (11) 15" 3-2-3 (5) 10" qₚ tsf MC % 7 Tests or Remarks Auger chatter up to 2 1/2 feet Water not observed immediately after withdrawal of auger. LOG OF BORING See Descriptive Terminology sheet for explanation of abbreviations Project Number B1907127 Geotechnical Evaluation City of Lakeville 2020 Street Reconstruction Lakeville, Minnesota BORING:ST-31 LOCATION: See attached sketch NORTHING:180363 EASTING:502999 DRILLER:C. McClain LOGGED BY:M. Rajaei START DATE:07/16/19 END DATE:07/16/19 SURFACE ELEVATION:1015.3 ft RIG:7514 METHOD:3 1/4" HSA SURFACING:Bituminous WEATHER:Clear B1907127 Braun Intertec Corporation ST-31 page 1 of 1 Elev./ Depth ft 1029.6 1.2 1023.8 7.0 1019.8 11.0 WaterLevelDescription of Materials (Soil-ASTM D2488 or 2487; Rock-USACE EM 1110-1-2908) PAVEMENT, 4 inches of bituminous over 10 inches of aggregate base FILL: POORLY GRADED SAND with SILT (SP- SM), fine to medium-grained Sand, with Gravel, brown, moist POORLY GRADED SAND (SP), fine to medium-grained Sand, with Gravel, brown, moist, dense to medium dense (GLACIAL OUTWASH) END OF BORING Boring then backfilled with auger cuttings 5 10 15 20 25 30 SampleBlows (N-Value) Recovery 17-19-18 (37) 1" 17-5-5 (10) 16" 33-24-13 (37) 3" 9-8-9 (17) 12" qₚ tsf MC % 8 Tests or Remarks Resistivity=660 ohm-cm Water not observed immediately after withdrawal of auger. LOG OF BORING See Descriptive Terminology sheet for explanation of abbreviations Project Number B1907127 Geotechnical Evaluation City of Lakeville 2020 Street Reconstruction Lakeville, Minnesota BORING:ST-32 LOCATION: See attached sketch NORTHING:180501 EASTING:503747 DRILLER:C. McClain LOGGED BY:M. Rajaei START DATE:07/17/19 END DATE:07/17/19 SURFACE ELEVATION:1030.8 ft RIG:7514 METHOD:3 1/4" HSA SURFACING:Bituminous WEATHER:Clouds B1907127 Braun Intertec Corporation ST-32 page 1 of 1 Elev./ Depth ft 1031.6 1.0 1028.6 4.0 1026.6 6.0 WaterLevelDescription of Materials (Soil-ASTM D2488 or 2487; Rock-USACE EM 1110-1-2908) PAVEMENT, 5 inches of bituminous over 7 inches of aggregate base FILL: CLAYEY SAND (SC), fine to medium- grained Sand, with Gravel, gray, moist POORLY GRADED SAND (SP), fine to medium-grained Sand, with Gravel, brown, moist, medium dense (GLACIAL OUTWASH) Lean Clay lenses at 5 feet END OF BORING Boring then backfilled with auger cuttings 5 10 15 20 25 30 SampleBlows (N-Value) Recovery 3-8-13 (21) 14" 6-14-16 (30) 18" qₚ tsf MC %Tests or Remarks Water not observed immediately after withdrawal of auger. LOG OF BORING See Descriptive Terminology sheet for explanation of abbreviations Project Number B1907127 Geotechnical Evaluation City of Lakeville 2020 Street Reconstruction Lakeville, Minnesota BORING:ST-33 LOCATION: See attached sketch NORTHING:180761 EASTING:504213 DRILLER:C. McClain LOGGED BY:M. Rajaei START DATE:07/17/19 END DATE:07/17/19 SURFACE ELEVATION:1032.6 ft RIG:7514 METHOD:3 1/4" HSA SURFACING:Bituminous WEATHER:Clouds B1907127 Braun Intertec Corporation ST-33 page 1 of 1 Elev./ Depth ft 1015.9 1.0 1009.9 7.0 1005.9 11.0 WaterLevelDescription of Materials (Soil-ASTM D2488 or 2487; Rock-USACE EM 1110-1-2908) PAVEMENT, 5 inches of bituminous over 7 inches of aggregate base FILL: CLAYEY SAND (SC), fine to medium- grained Sand, trace Gravel, brown and gray, moist SILTY SAND (SM), fine to medium-grained Sand, with Gravel, brown, moist, medium dense (GLACIAL TILL) END OF BORING Boring then backfilled with auger cuttings 5 10 15 20 25 30 SampleBlows (N-Value) Recovery 3-4-3 (7) 14" 2-3-6 (9) 15" 12-11-14 (25) 18" 11-11-13 (24) 14" qₚ tsf MC % 7 Tests or Remarks Resistivity=730 ohm-cm P200=28% Water not observed immediately after withdrawal of auger. LOG OF BORING See Descriptive Terminology sheet for explanation of abbreviations Project Number B1907127 Geotechnical Evaluation City of Lakeville 2020 Street Reconstruction Lakeville, Minnesota BORING:ST-34 LOCATION: See attached sketch NORTHING:180088 EASTING:503488 DRILLER:C. McClain LOGGED BY:M. Rajaei START DATE:07/17/19 END DATE:07/17/19 SURFACE ELEVATION:1016.9 ft RIG:7514 METHOD:3 1/4" HSA SURFACING:Bituminous WEATHER:Clouds B1907127 Braun Intertec Corporation ST-34 page 1 of 1 Elev./ Depth ft 1027.9 0.9 1022.8 6.0 WaterLevelDescription of Materials (Soil-ASTM D2488 or 2487; Rock-USACE EM 1110-1-2908) PAVEMENT, 4 inches of bituminous over 7 inches of aggregate base FILL: POORLY GRADED SAND with SILT (SP- SM), fine to coarse-grained Sand, trace Gravel, brown, moist Clayey Sand lens at 5 feet END OF BORING Boring then backfilled with auger cuttings 5 10 15 20 25 30 SampleBlows (N-Value) Recovery 2-8-2 (10) 10" 2-2-2 (4) 13" qₚ tsf MC %Tests or Remarks Water not observed immediately after withdrawal of auger. LOG OF BORING See Descriptive Terminology sheet for explanation of abbreviations Project Number B1907127 Geotechnical Evaluation City of Lakeville 2020 Street Reconstruction Lakeville, Minnesota BORING:ST-35 LOCATION: See attached sketch NORTHING:179907 EASTING:502673 DRILLER:C. McClain LOGGED BY:M. Rajaei START DATE:07/18/19 END DATE:07/18/19 SURFACE ELEVATION:1028.8 ft RIG:7514 METHOD:3 1/4" HSA SURFACING:Bituminous WEATHER:Clouds B1907127 Braun Intertec Corporation ST-35 page 1 of 1 Elev./ Depth ft 1034.4 1.0 1031.4 4.0 1028.4 7.0 1026.4 9.0 1024.4 11.0 WaterLevelDescription of Materials (Soil-ASTM D2488 or 2487; Rock-USACE EM 1110-1-2908) PAVEMENT, 6 inches of bituminous over 6 inches of aggregate base FILL: POORLY GRADED SAND with SILT (SP- SM), fine to coarse-grained Sand, trace Gravel, brown, moist Wet Sand at 2 1/2 feet FILL: LEAN CLAY (CL), trace Gravel, gray, moist FILL: CLAYEY SAND (SC), fine to medium- grained Sand, trace Gravel, brown, moist SILTY SAND (SM), fine to medium-grained Sand, trace Gravel, brown, moist, loose (GLACIAL TILL) END OF BORING Boring then backfilled with auger cuttings 5 10 15 20 25 30 SampleBlows (N-Value) Recovery 3-6-6 (12) 12" 5-4-8 (12) 13" 2-3-2 (5) 15" 3-3-3 (6) 10" qₚ tsf MC % 6 9 Tests or Remarks P200=9% Resistivity=2500 ohm-cm P200=23% Water not observed with 2.5 feet of tooling in the ground while drilling. LOG OF BORING See Descriptive Terminology sheet for explanation of abbreviations Project Number B1907127 Geotechnical Evaluation City of Lakeville 2020 Street Reconstruction Lakeville, Minnesota BORING:ST-36 LOCATION: See attached sketch NORTHING:179433 EASTING:502539 DRILLER:C. McClain LOGGED BY:M. Rajaei START DATE:07/18/19 END DATE:07/18/19 SURFACE ELEVATION:1035.4 ft RIG:7514 METHOD:3 1/4" HSA SURFACING:Bituminous WEATHER:Clouds B1907127 Braun Intertec Corporation ST-36 page 1 of 1 Elev./ Depth ft 1023.2 1.1 1018.3 6.0 WaterLevelDescription of Materials (Soil-ASTM D2488 or 2487; Rock-USACE EM 1110-1-2908) PAVEMENT, 6 inches of bituminous over 7 inches of aggregate base FILL: POORLY GRADED SAND with SILT (SP- SM), fine to medium-grained Sand, with Gravel, brown, moist Clayey Sand layer at 2 1/2 feet Clayey Sand layer at 5 feet END OF BORING Boring then backfilled with auger cuttings 5 10 15 20 25 30 SampleBlows (N-Value) Recovery 5-9-14 (23) 7" 13-11-15 (26) 13" qₚ tsf MC %Tests or Remarks Water not observed immediately after withdrawal of auger. LOG OF BORING See Descriptive Terminology sheet for explanation of abbreviations Project Number B1907127 Geotechnical Evaluation City of Lakeville 2020 Street Reconstruction Lakeville, Minnesota BORING:ST-37 LOCATION: See attached sketch NORTHING:179157 EASTING:503352 DRILLER:C. McClain LOGGED BY:M. Rajaei START DATE:07/15/19 END DATE:07/15/19 SURFACE ELEVATION:1024.3 ft RIG:7514 METHOD:3 1/4" HSA SURFACING:Bituminous WEATHER:Clear B1907127 Braun Intertec Corporation ST-37 page 1 of 1 Elev./ Depth ft 1019.6 1.2 1016.8 4.0 1011.8 9.0 1009.8 11.0 WaterLevelDescription of Materials (Soil-ASTM D2488 or 2487; Rock-USACE EM 1110-1-2908) PAVEMENT, 5 inches of bituminous over 9 inches of aggregate base FILL: POORLY GRADED SAND with SILT (SP- SM), fine to medium-grained Sand, with Gravel, brown, moist FILL: CLAYEY SAND (SC), with Gravel, brown, moist Poorly Graded Sand layer at 7 1/2 feet LEAN CLAY (CL), brown, moist, medium (GLACIAL TILL) END OF BORING Boring then backfilled with auger cuttings 5 10 15 20 25 30 SampleBlows (N-Value) Recovery 8-15-17 (32) 15" 5-8-12 (20) 12" 16-9-6 (15) 2" 2-3-2 (5) 16" qₚ tsf MC % 10 28 Tests or Remarks Water not observed immediately after withdrawal of auger. LOG OF BORING See Descriptive Terminology sheet for explanation of abbreviations Project Number B1907127 Geotechnical Evaluation City of Lakeville 2020 Street Reconstruction Lakeville, Minnesota BORING:ST-38 LOCATION: See attached sketch NORTHING:179340 EASTING:504103 DRILLER:C. McClain LOGGED BY:M. Rajaei START DATE:07/15/19 END DATE:07/15/19 SURFACE ELEVATION:1020.8 ft RIG:7514 METHOD:3 1/4" HSA SURFACING:Bituminous WEATHER:Clear B1907127 Braun Intertec Corporation ST-38 page 1 of 1 Elev./ Depth ft 1053.1 1.1 1050.2 4.0 1048.2 6.0 WaterLevelDescription of Materials (Soil-ASTM D2488 or 2487; Rock-USACE EM 1110-1-2908) PAVEMENT, 4 inches of bituminous over 9 inches of aggregate base FILL: POORLY GRADED SAND (SP), fine to medium-grained Sand, trace Gravel, brown, moist FILL: POORLY GRADED SAND (SP-SM), fine to medium-grained Sand, with Gravel, brown, moist END OF BORING Boring then backfilled with auger cuttings 5 10 15 20 25 30 SampleBlows (N-Value) Recovery 4-12-15 (27) 14" 12-17-13 (30) 10" qₚ tsf MC %Tests or Remarks Water not observed immediately after withdrawal of auger. LOG OF BORING See Descriptive Terminology sheet for explanation of abbreviations Project Number B1907127 Geotechnical Evaluation City of Lakeville 2020 Street Reconstruction Lakeville, Minnesota BORING:ST-39 LOCATION: See attached sketch NORTHING:179452 EASTING:504833 DRILLER:C. McClain LOGGED BY:M. Rajaei START DATE:07/16/19 END DATE:07/16/19 SURFACE ELEVATION:1054.2 ft RIG:7514 METHOD:3 1/4" HSA SURFACING:Bituminous WEATHER:Clear B1907127 Braun Intertec Corporation ST-39 page 1 of 1 Elev./ Depth ft 1043.4 0.8 1039.2 5.0 1033.2 11.0 WaterLevelDescription of Materials (Soil-ASTM D2488 or 2487; Rock-USACE EM 1110-1-2908) PAVEMENT, 4 inches of bituminous over 5 inches of aggregate base POORLY GRADED SAND (SP), fine to medium-grained Sand, trace Gravel, brown, moist, loose (GLACIAL OUTWASH) Wet layer at 3 1/2 feet SANDY LEAN CLAY (CL), trace Gravel, gray, moist, medium to very stiff (GLACIAL TILL) END OF BORING Boring then backfilled with auger cuttings 5 10 15 20 25 30 SampleBlows (N-Value) Recovery 2-3-2 (5) 10" 4-12-11 (23) 10" 7-3-3 (6) 6" 11-12-8 (20) 1" qₚ tsf MC % 11 Tests or Remarks Resistivity=1400 ohm-cm Auger chatter at 7 feet Water not observed immediately after withdrawal of auger. LOG OF BORING See Descriptive Terminology sheet for explanation of abbreviations Project Number B1907127 Geotechnical Evaluation City of Lakeville 2020 Street Reconstruction Lakeville, Minnesota BORING:ST-40 LOCATION: See attached sketch NORTHING:179425 EASTING:505600 DRILLER:C. McClain LOGGED BY:M. Rajaei START DATE:07/15/19 END DATE:07/15/19 SURFACE ELEVATION:1044.2 ft RIG:7514 METHOD:3 1/4" HSA SURFACING:Bituminous WEATHER:Clear B1907127 Braun Intertec Corporation ST-40 page 1 of 1 Elev./ Depth ft 1019.1 1.0 1016.1 4.0 1014.1 6.0 WaterLevelDescription of Materials (Soil-ASTM D2488 or 2487; Rock-USACE EM 1110-1-2908) PAVEMENT, 4 inches of bituminous over 8 inches of aggregate base FILL: SILTY SAND (SM), fine to medium- grained Sand, with Gravel, brown, moist CLAYEY SAND (SC), fine to medium-grained Sand, with Gravel, brown, moist, medium dense (GLACIAL TILL) END OF BORING Boring then backfilled with auger cuttings 5 10 15 20 25 30 SampleBlows (N-Value) Recovery 4-5-5 (10) 14" 6-6-10 (16) 18" qₚ tsf MC %Tests or Remarks Water not observed immediately after withdrawal of auger. LOG OF BORING See Descriptive Terminology sheet for explanation of abbreviations Project Number B1907127 Geotechnical Evaluation City of Lakeville 2020 Street Reconstruction Lakeville, Minnesota BORING:ST-41 LOCATION: See attached sketch NORTHING:180131 EASTING:503031 DRILLER:C. McClain LOGGED BY:M. Rajaei START DATE:07/16/19 END DATE:07/16/19 SURFACE ELEVATION:1020.1 ft RIG:7514 METHOD:3 1/4" HSA SURFACING:Bituminous WEATHER:Clear B1907127 Braun Intertec Corporation ST-41 page 1 of 1 Elev./ Depth ft 1019.3 0.9 1013.2 7.0 1009.2 11.0 WaterLevelDescription of Materials (Soil-ASTM D2488 or 2487; Rock-USACE EM 1110-1-2908) PAVEMENT, 5 inches of bituminous over 6 inches of aggregate base FILL: SILTY SAND (SM), fine to medium- grained Sand, with Gravel, brown, moist CLAYEY SAND (SC), fine to medium-grained Sand, with Gravel, brown, moist, loose to medium dense (GLACIAL TILL) END OF BORING Boring then backfilled with auger cuttings 5 10 15 20 25 30 SampleBlows (N-Value) Recovery 5-10-11 (21) 14" 25-19-10 (29) 8" 4-4-4 (8) 7" 2-8-7 (15) 12" qₚ tsf MC % 10 Tests or Remarks Auger chatter from 3 to 5 feet Auger chatter from 5 to 7 1/2 feet Resistivity=4200 ohm-cm Water not observed immediately after withdrawal of auger. LOG OF BORING See Descriptive Terminology sheet for explanation of abbreviations Project Number B1907127 Geotechnical Evaluation City of Lakeville 2020 Street Reconstruction Lakeville, Minnesota BORING:ST-42 LOCATION: See attached sketch NORTHING:179530 EASTING:503321 DRILLER:C. McClain LOGGED BY:M. Rajaei START DATE:07/16/19 END DATE:07/16/19 SURFACE ELEVATION:1020.2 ft RIG:7514 METHOD:3 1/4" HSA SURFACING:Bituminous WEATHER:Clear B1907127 Braun Intertec Corporation ST-42 page 1 of 1 Elev./ Depth ft 1015.1 0.8 1011.9 4.0 1009.9 6.0 WaterLevelDescription of Materials (Soil-ASTM D2488 or 2487; Rock-USACE EM 1110-1-2908) PAVEMENT, 4 inches of bituminous over 6 inches of aggregate base FILL: SILTY SAND (SM), fine to medium- grained Sand, with Gravel, gray, moist POORLY GRADED SAND (SP), fine to coarse- grained Sand, with Gravel, brown, moist, loose (GLACIAL OUTWASH) END OF BORING Boring then backfilled with auger cuttings 5 10 15 20 25 30 SampleBlows (N-Value) Recovery 2-11-12 (23) 13" 8-7-21 (28) 10" qₚ tsf MC %Tests or Remarks Water not observed immediately after withdrawal of auger. LOG OF BORING See Descriptive Terminology sheet for explanation of abbreviations Project Number B1907127 Geotechnical Evaluation City of Lakeville 2020 Street Reconstruction Lakeville, Minnesota BORING:ST-43 LOCATION: See attached sketch NORTHING:179737 EASTING:503793 DRILLER:C. McClain LOGGED BY:M. Rajaei START DATE:07/16/19 END DATE:07/16/19 SURFACE ELEVATION:1015.9 ft RIG:7514 METHOD:3 1/4" HSA SURFACING:Bituminous WEATHER:Clear B1907127 Braun Intertec Corporation ST-43 page 1 of 1 Elev./ Depth ft 1033.2 1.2 1027.4 7.0 1025.4 9.0 1023.4 11.0 WaterLevelDescription of Materials (Soil-ASTM D2488 or 2487; Rock-USACE EM 1110-1-2908) PAVEMENT, 4 inches of bituminous over 10 inches of aggregate base FILL: SILTY SAND (SM), fine to medium- grained Sand, with Gravel, brown, moist LEAN CLAY (CL), trace Gravel, brown, moist, medium (GLACIAL TILL) POORLY GRADED SAND (SP), fine to medium-grained Sand, with Gravel, brown, moist, loose (GLACIAL OUTWASH) Lean Clay seam at 10 feet END OF BORING Boring then backfilled with auger cuttings 5 10 15 20 25 30 SampleBlows (N-Value) Recovery 3-7-8 (15) 14" 5-4-3 (7) 14" 4-3-4 (7) 13" 5-5-4 (9) 8" qₚ tsf MC % 22 Tests or Remarks Resistivity=2400 ohm-cm LL=26, PL=15, PI=11 Water not observed immediately after withdrawal of auger. LOG OF BORING See Descriptive Terminology sheet for explanation of abbreviations Project Number B1907127 Geotechnical Evaluation City of Lakeville 2020 Street Reconstruction Lakeville, Minnesota BORING:ST-44 LOCATION: See attached sketch NORTHING:180346 EASTING:504042 DRILLER:C. McClain LOGGED BY:M. Rajaei START DATE:07/17/19 END DATE:07/17/19 SURFACE ELEVATION:1034.4 ft RIG:7514 METHOD:3 1/4" HSA SURFACING:Bituminous WEATHER:Clouds B1907127 Braun Intertec Corporation ST-44 page 1 of 1 Elev./ Depth ft 1028.6 0.8 1023.4 6.0 WaterLevelDescription of Materials (Soil-ASTM D2488 or 2487; Rock-USACE EM 1110-1-2908) PAVEMENT, 3 inches of bituminous over 7 inches of aggregate base FILL: SILTY SAND (SM), fine to medium- grained Sand, with Gravel, brown, moist END OF BORING Boring then backfilled with auger cuttings 5 10 15 20 25 30 SampleBlows (N-Value) Recovery 9-14-12 (26) 14" 7-6-4 (10) 13" qₚ tsf MC % 5 Tests or Remarks P200=15% Water not observed immediately after withdrawal of auger. LOG OF BORING See Descriptive Terminology sheet for explanation of abbreviations Project Number B1907127 Geotechnical Evaluation City of Lakeville 2020 Street Reconstruction Lakeville, Minnesota BORING:ST-45 LOCATION: See attached sketch NORTHING:180846 EASTING:503781 DRILLER:C. McClain LOGGED BY:M. Rajaei START DATE:07/17/19 END DATE:07/17/19 SURFACE ELEVATION:1029.4 ft RIG:7514 METHOD:3 1/4" HSA SURFACING:Bituminous WEATHER:Clouds B1907127 Braun Intertec Corporation ST-45 page 1 of 1 Elev./ Depth ft 1003.8 0.9 997.7 7.0 993.7 11.0 WaterLevelDescription of Materials (Soil-ASTM D2488 or 2487; Rock-USACE EM 1110-1-2908) PAVEMENT, 5 inches of bituminous over 6 inches of aggregate base FILL: CLAYEY SAND (SC), little Gravel, gray, moist FILL: CLAYEY SAND (SC), trace Gravel, gray, moist Sand lenses at 8 feet Brown at 10 feet END OF BORING Boring then backfilled with auger cuttings 5 10 15 20 25 30 SampleBlows (N-Value) Recovery 2-6-3 (9) 9" 3-2-2 (4) 11" 14-15-8 (23) 16" 7-9-8 (17) 4" qₚ tsf MC % 9 Tests or Remarks Resistivity=1300 ohm-cm Water not observed immediately after withdrawal of auger. LOG OF BORING See Descriptive Terminology sheet for explanation of abbreviations Project Number B1907127 Geotechnical Evaluation City of Lakeville 2020 Street Reconstruction Lakeville, Minnesota BORING:ST-46 LOCATION: See attached sketch NORTHING:181049 EASTING:504762 DRILLER:C. McClain LOGGED BY:M. Rajaei START DATE:07/15/19 END DATE:07/15/19 SURFACE ELEVATION:1004.7 ft RIG:7514 METHOD:3 1/4" HSA SURFACING:Bituminous WEATHER:Clear B1907127 Braun Intertec Corporation ST-46 page 1 of 1 Elev./ Depth ft 1002.1 1.3 997.4 6.0 WaterLevelDescription of Materials (Soil-ASTM D2488 or 2487; Rock-USACE EM 1110-1-2908) PAVEMENT, 4 inches of bituminous over 11 inches of aggregate base CLAYEY SAND (SC), with Gravel, brown, moist, loose to medium dense (GLACIAL TILL) END OF BORING Boring then backfilled with auger cuttings 5 10 15 20 25 30 SampleBlows (N-Value) Recovery 1-5-5 (10) 14" 22-19-5 (24) 2" qₚ tsf MC %Tests or Remarks Auger chatter below 1 foot Water not observed immediately after withdrawal of auger. LOG OF BORING See Descriptive Terminology sheet for explanation of abbreviations Project Number B1907127 Geotechnical Evaluation City of Lakeville 2020 Street Reconstruction Lakeville, Minnesota BORING:ST-47 LOCATION: See attached sketch NORTHING:180467 EASTING:504938 DRILLER:C. McClain LOGGED BY:M. Rajaei START DATE:07/15/19 END DATE:07/15/19 SURFACE ELEVATION:1003.4 ft RIG:7514 METHOD:3 1/4" HSA SURFACING:Bituminous WEATHER:Clear B1907127 Braun Intertec Corporation ST-47 page 1 of 1 Elev./ Depth ft 1044.5 1.3 1038.8 7.0 1034.8 11.0 WaterLevelDescription of Materials (Soil-ASTM D2488 or 2487; Rock-USACE EM 1110-1-2908) PAVEMENT, 4 inches of bituminous over 11 inches of aggregate base CLAYEY SAND (SC), little Gravel, brown, moist, stiff to very stiff (GLACIAL TILL) Poorly Graded Sand lenses at 5 feet SILTY SAND (SM), fine-grained Sand, with Gravel, brown, moist, very dense (GLACIAL TILL) END OF BORING Boring then backfilled with auger cuttings 5 10 15 20 25 30 SampleBlows (N-Value) Recovery 3-6-9 (15) 13" 6-7-11 (18) 15" 14-50/4" (REF) 7" 50/5" (REF) 0" qₚ tsf MC % 8 Tests or Remarks Auger chatter below 1 foot Water not observed immediately after withdrawal of auger. Auger met refusal at 11 feet. LOG OF BORING See Descriptive Terminology sheet for explanation of abbreviations Project Number B1907127 Geotechnical Evaluation City of Lakeville 2020 Street Reconstruction Lakeville, Minnesota BORING:ST-48 LOCATION: See attached sketch NORTHING:179834 EASTING:504897 DRILLER:C. McClain LOGGED BY:M. Rajaei START DATE:07/15/19 END DATE:07/15/19 SURFACE ELEVATION:1045.8 ft RIG:7514 METHOD:3 1/4" HSA SURFACING:Bituminous WEATHER:Clear B1907127 Braun Intertec Corporation ST-48 page 1 of 1 Elev./ Depth ft 1037.8 0.9 1032.7 6.0 WaterLevelDescription of Materials (Soil-ASTM D2488 or 2487; Rock-USACE EM 1110-1-2908) PAVEMENT, 4 inches of bituminous over 7 inches of aggregate base FILL: CLAYEY SAND (SC), trace Gravel, gray, moist END OF BORING Boring then backfilled with auger cuttings 5 10 15 20 25 30 SampleBlows (N-Value) Recovery 2-7-11 (18) 8" 5-5-4 (9) 8" qₚ tsf MC % 9 Tests or Remarks Water not observed immediately after withdrawal of auger. LOG OF BORING See Descriptive Terminology sheet for explanation of abbreviations Project Number B1907127 Geotechnical Evaluation City of Lakeville 2020 Street Reconstruction Lakeville, Minnesota BORING:ST-49 LOCATION: See attached sketch NORTHING:180399 EASTING:505216 DRILLER:C. McClain LOGGED BY:M. Rajaei START DATE:07/15/19 END DATE:07/15/19 SURFACE ELEVATION:1038.7 ft RIG:7514 METHOD:3 1/4" HSA SURFACING:Bituminous WEATHER:Clear B1907127 Braun Intertec Corporation ST-49 page 1 of 1 Elev./ Depth ft 1058.5 1.0 1052.5 7.0 1048.5 11.0 WaterLevelDescription of Materials (Soil-ASTM D2488 or 2487; Rock-USACE EM 1110-1-2908) PAVEMENT, 5 inches of bituminous over 7 inches of aggregate base FILL: CLAYEY SAND (SC), trace Gravel, brown, moist Poorly Graded Sand layer at 2 1/2 feet CLAYEY SAND (SC), trace Gravel, brown, moist, very stiff (GLACIAL TILL) Lean Clay layer at 9 feet Silty Sand layer at 11 feet END OF BORING Boring then backfilled with auger cuttings 5 10 15 20 25 30 SampleBlows (N-Value) Recovery 3-3-2 (5) 9" 7-5-4 (9) 16" 9-13-14 (27) 5" 6-6-14 (20) 18" qₚ tsf MC %Tests or Remarks Resistivity=1400 ohm-cm Water not observed immediately after withdrawal of auger. LOG OF BORING See Descriptive Terminology sheet for explanation of abbreviations Project Number B1907127 Geotechnical Evaluation City of Lakeville 2020 Street Reconstruction Lakeville, Minnesota BORING:ST-50 LOCATION: See attached sketch NORTHING:179748 EASTING:505374 DRILLER:C. McClain LOGGED BY:M. Rajaei START DATE:07/15/19 END DATE:07/15/19 SURFACE ELEVATION:1059.5 ft RIG:7514 METHOD:3 1/4" HSA SURFACING:Bituminous WEATHER:Clear B1907127 Braun Intertec Corporation ST-50 page 1 of 1 Elev./ Depth ft 1035.0 1.1 1032.1 4.0 1030.1 6.0 WaterLevelDescription of Materials (Soil-ASTM D2488 or 2487; Rock-USACE EM 1110-1-2908) PAVEMENT, 5 inches of bituminous over 8 inches of aggregate base FILL: SANDY LEAN CLAY (CL), trace Gravel, brown, moist Poorly Graded Sand layer at 2 1/2 feet FILL: CLAYEY SAND (SC), trace Gravel, gray, moist END OF BORING Boring then backfilled with auger cuttings 5 10 15 20 25 30 SampleBlows (N-Value) Recovery 2-5-4 (9) 7" 3-5-6 (11) 2" qₚ tsf MC %Tests or Remarks Water not observed immediately after withdrawal of auger. LOG OF BORING See Descriptive Terminology sheet for explanation of abbreviations Project Number B1907127 Geotechnical Evaluation City of Lakeville 2020 Street Reconstruction Lakeville, Minnesota BORING:ST-51 LOCATION: See attached sketch NORTHING:179828 EASTING:505963 DRILLER:C. McClain LOGGED BY:M. Rajaei START DATE:07/15/19 END DATE:07/15/19 SURFACE ELEVATION:1036.1 ft RIG:7514 METHOD:3 1/4" HSA SURFACING:Bituminous WEATHER:Clear B1907127 Braun Intertec Corporation ST-51 page 1 of 1 Elev./ Depth ft 1026.5 0.9 1023.4 4.0 1016.4 11.0 WaterLevelDescription of Materials (Soil-ASTM D2488 or 2487; Rock-USACE EM 1110-1-2908) PAVEMENT, 4 inches of bituminous over 7 inches of aggregate base POORLY GRADED SAND (SP), fine to medium-grained Sand, trace Gravel, brown, moist, medium dense (GLACIAL OUTWASH) SILTY SAND (SM), fine to medium-grained Sand, with Gravel, brown, moist, medium dense (GLACIAL OUTWASH) END OF BORING Boring then backfilled with auger cuttings 5 10 15 20 25 30 SampleBlows (N-Value) Recovery 7-10-12 (22) 14" 10-11-11 (22) 15" 7-8-8 (16) 16" 12-5-9 (14) 3" qₚ tsf MC %Tests or Remarks Auger chatter from 5 to 8 feet Water not observed immediately after withdrawal of auger. LOG OF BORING See Descriptive Terminology sheet for explanation of abbreviations Project Number B1907127 Geotechnical Evaluation City of Lakeville 2020 Street Reconstruction Lakeville, Minnesota BORING:ST-52 LOCATION: See attached sketch NORTHING:179676 EASTING:504155 DRILLER:C. McClain LOGGED BY:M. Rajaei START DATE:07/16/19 END DATE:07/16/19 SURFACE ELEVATION:1027.4 ft RIG:7514 METHOD:3 1/4" HSA SURFACING:Bituminous WEATHER:Clear B1907127 Braun Intertec Corporation ST-52 page 1 of 1 Elev./ Depth ft 1027.7 1.2 1022.9 6.0 WaterLevelDescription of Materials (Soil-ASTM D2488 or 2487; Rock-USACE EM 1110-1-2908) PAVEMENT, 4 inches of bituminous over 10 inches of aggregate base FILL: POORLY GRADED SAND with SILT (SP- SM), fine to medium-grained Sand, with Gravel, brown, moist Clayey Sand layer at 3 feet Clayey Sand layer at 5 feet END OF BORING Boring then backfilled with auger cuttings 5 10 15 20 25 30 SampleBlows (N-Value) Recovery 5-7-5 (12) 15" 7-7-4 (11) 8" qₚ tsf MC %Tests or Remarks Water not observed immediately after withdrawal of auger. LOG OF BORING See Descriptive Terminology sheet for explanation of abbreviations Project Number B1907127 Geotechnical Evaluation City of Lakeville 2020 Street Reconstruction Lakeville, Minnesota BORING:ST-53 LOCATION: See attached sketch NORTHING:179190 EASTING:504542 DRILLER:C. McClain LOGGED BY:M. Rajaei START DATE:07/15/19 END DATE:07/15/19 SURFACE ELEVATION:1028.9 ft RIG:7514 METHOD:3 1/4" HSA SURFACING:Bituminous WEATHER:Clear B1907127 Braun Intertec Corporation ST-53 page 1 of 1 Elev./ Depth ft 1025.1 1.1 1017.2 9.0 1015.2 11.0 WaterLevelDescription of Materials (Soil-ASTM D2488 or 2487; Rock-USACE EM 1110-1-2908) PAVEMENT, 5 inches of bituminous over 8 inches of aggregate base FILL: POORLY GRADED SAND with SILT (SP- SM), fine to medium-grained Sand, trace Gravel, brown, moist Layer of brown Sandy Lean Clay at 7 1/2 feet POORLY GRADED SAND with SILT (SP-SM), with Gravel, brown, moist, dense (GLACIAL OUTWASH) END OF BORING Boring then backfilled with auger cuttings 5 10 15 20 25 30 SampleBlows (N-Value) Recovery 6-11-8 (19) 13" 6-5-5 (10) 18" 5-5-5 (10) 14" 9-16-10 (26) 3" qₚ tsf MC %Tests or Remarks Resistivity=3300 ohm-cm Water not observed immediately after withdrawal of auger. LOG OF BORING See Descriptive Terminology sheet for explanation of abbreviations Project Number B1907127 Geotechnical Evaluation City of Lakeville 2020 Street Reconstruction Lakeville, Minnesota BORING:ST-54 LOCATION: See attached sketch NORTHING:167202 EASTING:507580 DRILLER:C. McClain LOGGED BY:M. Rajaei START DATE:07/10/19 END DATE:07/10/19 SURFACE ELEVATION:1026.2 ft RIG:7514 METHOD:3 1/4" HSA SURFACING:Bituminous WEATHER:Clear B1907127 Braun Intertec Corporation ST-54 page 1 of 1 Elev./ Depth ft 1022.9 1.0 1017.9 6.0 WaterLevelDescription of Materials (Soil-ASTM D2488 or 2487; Rock-USACE EM 1110-1-2908) PAVEMENT, 5 inches of concrete over 7 inches of aggregate base FILL: POORLY GRADED SAND with SILT (SP- SM), fine to medium-grained Sand, with Gravel, brown, moist END OF BORING Boring then backfilled with auger cuttings 5 10 15 20 25 30 SampleBlows (N-Value) Recovery 8-20-14 (34) 7" 8-11-13 (24) 14" qₚ tsf MC %Tests or Remarks Auger chatter at 2 feet Water not observed immediately after withdrawal of auger. LOG OF BORING See Descriptive Terminology sheet for explanation of abbreviations Project Number B1907127 Geotechnical Evaluation City of Lakeville 2020 Street Reconstruction Lakeville, Minnesota BORING:ST-55 LOCATION: See attached sketch NORTHING:166396 EASTING:507578 DRILLER:C. McClain LOGGED BY:M. Rajaei START DATE:07/10/19 END DATE:07/10/19 SURFACE ELEVATION:1023.9 ft RIG:7514 METHOD:3 1/4" HSA SURFACING:Bituminous WEATHER:Clear B1907127 Braun Intertec Corporation ST-55 page 1 of 1 Elev./ Depth ft 1016.1 0.9 1010.0 7.0 1006.0 11.0 WaterLevelDescription of Materials (Soil-ASTM D2488 or 2487; Rock-USACE EM 1110-1-2908) PAVEMENT, 4 inches of bituminous over 7 inches of aggregate base FILL: POORLY GRADED SAND with SILT (SP- SM), fine to medium-grained Sand, with Gravel, brown, moist Trace Sandy Lean Clay at 5 feet POORLY GRADED SAND (SP), fine to medium-grained Sand, with Gravel, brown, moist, medium dense (GLACIAL OUTWASH) END OF BORING Boring then backfilled with auger cuttings 5 10 15 20 25 30 SampleBlows (N-Value) Recovery 5-15-9 (24) 9" 8-5-6 (11) 13" 6-11-10 (21) 13" 7-10-10 (20) 14" qₚ tsf MC % 3 Tests or Remarks Constant auger chatter from 1 to 11 feet Water not observed immediately after withdrawal of auger. LOG OF BORING See Descriptive Terminology sheet for explanation of abbreviations Project Number B1907127 Geotechnical Evaluation City of Lakeville 2020 Street Reconstruction Lakeville, Minnesota BORING:ST-56 LOCATION: See attached sketch NORTHING:166579 EASTING:508132 DRILLER:C. McClain LOGGED BY:M. Rajaei START DATE:07/11/19 END DATE:07/11/19 SURFACE ELEVATION:1017.0 ft RIG:7514 METHOD:3 1/4" HSA SURFACING:Bituminous WEATHER:Clear B1907127 Braun Intertec Corporation ST-56 page 1 of 1 Elev./ Depth ft 1014.7 1.0 1009.7 6.0 WaterLevelDescription of Materials (Soil-ASTM D2488 or 2487; Rock-USACE EM 1110-1-2908) PAVEMENT, 5 inches of bituminous over 7 inches of aggregate base FILL: POORLY GRADED SAND with SILT (SP- SM), fine to medium-grained Sand, with Gravel, brown, moist With Clay lumps at 5 feet END OF BORING Boring then backfilled with auger cuttings 5 10 15 20 25 30 SampleBlows (N-Value) Recovery 3-8-7 (15) 13" 5-4-3 (7) 16" qₚ tsf MC % 4 Tests or Remarks Water not observed immediately after withdrawal of auger. LOG OF BORING See Descriptive Terminology sheet for explanation of abbreviations Project Number B1907127 Geotechnical Evaluation City of Lakeville 2020 Street Reconstruction Lakeville, Minnesota BORING:ST-57 LOCATION: See attached sketch NORTHING:167015 EASTING:508509 DRILLER:C. McClain LOGGED BY:M. Rajaei START DATE:07/10/19 END DATE:07/10/19 SURFACE ELEVATION:1015.7 ft RIG:7514 METHOD:3 1/4" HSA SURFACING:Bituminous WEATHER:Clear B1907127 Braun Intertec Corporation ST-57 page 1 of 1 Elev./ Depth ft 1016.0 1.0 1013.0 4.0 1010.0 7.0 1006.0 11.0 WaterLevelDescription of Materials (Soil-ASTM D2488 or 2487; Rock-USACE EM 1110-1-2908) PAVEMENT, 5 inches of bituminous over 7 inches of aggregate base FILL: POORLY GRADED SAND with SILT (SP- SM), fine to medium-grained Sand, trace Gravel, brown, moist FILL: LEAN CLAY (CL), trace Gravel, brown, moist, mixed with Poorly Graded Sand with Silt LEAN CLAY (CL), trace Gravel, brown, moist, medium to stiff (ALLUVIUM) END OF BORING Boring then backfilled with auger cuttings 5 10 15 20 25 30 SampleBlows (N-Value) Recovery 4-9-6 (15) 11" 4-5-4 (9) 10" 2-5-5 (10) 14" 2-3-4 (7) 18" qₚ tsf MC % 29 Tests or Remarks Resistivity=2900 ohm-cm LL=38, PL=22, PI=16 Water not observed immediately after withdrawal of auger. LOG OF BORING See Descriptive Terminology sheet for explanation of abbreviations Project Number B1907127 Geotechnical Evaluation City of Lakeville 2020 Street Reconstruction Lakeville, Minnesota BORING:ST-58 LOCATION: See attached sketch NORTHING:167570 EASTING:508125 DRILLER:C. McClain LOGGED BY:M. Rajaei START DATE:07/10/19 END DATE:07/10/19 SURFACE ELEVATION:1017.0 ft RIG:7514 METHOD:3 1/4" HSA SURFACING:Bituminous WEATHER:Clear B1907127 Braun Intertec Corporation ST-58 page 1 of 1 Elev./ Depth ft 1023.8 1.0 1018.8 6.0 WaterLevelDescription of Materials (Soil-ASTM D2488 or 2487; Rock-USACE EM 1110-1-2908) PAVEMENT, 5 inches of bituminous over 7 inches of aggregate base FILL: POORLY GRADED SAND with SILT (SP- SM), fine to medium-grained Sand, with Gravel, brown, moist Trace Lean Clay at 3 feet END OF BORING Boring then backfilled with auger cuttings 5 10 15 20 25 30 SampleBlows (N-Value) Recovery 5-8-7 (15) 14" 11-13-14 (27) 13" qₚ tsf MC %Tests or Remarks Water not observed immediately after withdrawal of auger. LOG OF BORING See Descriptive Terminology sheet for explanation of abbreviations Project Number B1907127 Geotechnical Evaluation City of Lakeville 2020 Street Reconstruction Lakeville, Minnesota BORING:ST-59 LOCATION: See attached sketch NORTHING:167207 EASTING:507867 DRILLER:C. McClain LOGGED BY:M. Rajaei START DATE:07/11/19 END DATE:07/11/19 SURFACE ELEVATION:1024.8 ft RIG:7514 METHOD:3 1/4" HSA SURFACING:Bituminous WEATHER:Clear B1907127 Braun Intertec Corporation ST-59 page 1 of 1 Elev./ Depth ft 1015.0 1.0 1005.0 11.0 WaterLevelDescription of Materials (Soil-ASTM D2488 or 2487; Rock-USACE EM 1110-1-2908) PAVEMENT, 5 inches of bituminous over 7 inches of aggregate base FILL: POORLY GRADED SAND with SILT (SP- SM), fine to medium-grained Sand, with Gravel, brown, moist Trace Sandy Lean Clay at 5 feet Trace Sandy Lean Clay at 7 feet Wet seam at 10 feet END OF BORING Boring then backfilled with auger cuttings 5 10 15 20 25 30 SampleBlows (N-Value) Recovery 5-23-21 (44) 15" 7-5-12 (17) 15" 8-10-7 (17) 8" 3-6-4 (10) 3" qₚ tsf MC % 9 Tests or Remarks Constant auger chatter below 1 foot Water not observed immediately after withdrawal of auger. LOG OF BORING See Descriptive Terminology sheet for explanation of abbreviations Project Number B1907127 Geotechnical Evaluation City of Lakeville 2020 Street Reconstruction Lakeville, Minnesota BORING:ST-60 LOCATION: See attached sketch NORTHING:166984 EASTING:508299 DRILLER:C. McClain LOGGED BY:M. Rajaei START DATE:07/11/19 END DATE:07/11/19 SURFACE ELEVATION:1016.0 ft RIG:7514 METHOD:3 1/4" HSA SURFACING:Bituminous WEATHER:Clear B1907127 Braun Intertec Corporation ST-60 page 1 of 1 Elev./ Depth ft 1024.1 1.0 1019.1 6.0 WaterLevelDescription of Materials (Soil-ASTM D2488 or 2487; Rock-USACE EM 1110-1-2908) PAVEMENT, 5 inches of bituminous over 7 inches of aggregate base FILL: POORLY GRADED SAND with SILT (SP- SM), fine to medium-grained Sand, with Gravel, trace Lean Clay, brown, moist END OF BORING Boring then backfilled with auger cuttings 5 10 15 20 25 30 SampleBlows (N-Value) Recovery 3-8-9 (17) 12" 7-7-7 (14) 15" qₚ tsf MC %Tests or Remarks Auger chatter below 1 foot Water not observed immediately after withdrawal of auger. LOG OF BORING See Descriptive Terminology sheet for explanation of abbreviations Project Number B1907127 Geotechnical Evaluation City of Lakeville 2020 Street Reconstruction Lakeville, Minnesota BORING:ST-61 LOCATION: See attached sketch NORTHING:166657 EASTING:507902 DRILLER:C. McClain LOGGED BY:M. Rajaei START DATE:07/11/19 END DATE:07/11/19 SURFACE ELEVATION:1025.1 ft RIG:7514 METHOD:3 1/4" HSA SURFACING:Bituminous WEATHER:Clear B1907127 Braun Intertec Corporation ST-61 page 1 of 1 Elev./ Depth ft 1020.2 0.9 1012.1 9.0 1010.1 11.0 WaterLevelDescription of Materials (Soil-ASTM D2488 or 2487; Rock-USACE EM 1110-1-2908) PAVEMENT, 4 inches of bituminous over 7 inches of aggregate base FILL: POORLY GRADED SAND with SILT (SP- SM), fine to medium-grained Sand, with Gravel, brown, moist POORLY GRADED SAND with SILT (SP-SM), fine to medium-grained Sand, with Gravel, brown, moist, very loose (GLACIAL OUTWASH) Trace Lean Clay at 10 feet END OF BORING Boring then backfilled with auger cuttings 5 10 15 20 25 30 SampleBlows (N-Value) Recovery 5-14-10 (24) 14" 10-8-5 (13) 15" 4-5-3 (8) 2" 2-1-2 (3) 10" qₚ tsf MC % 5 Tests or Remarks Water not observed immediately after withdrawal of auger. LOG OF BORING See Descriptive Terminology sheet for explanation of abbreviations Project Number B1907127 Geotechnical Evaluation City of Lakeville 2020 Street Reconstruction Lakeville, Minnesota BORING:ST-62 LOCATION: See attached sketch NORTHING:167434 EASTING:508797 DRILLER:C. McClain LOGGED BY:M. Rajaei START DATE:07/10/19 END DATE:07/10/19 SURFACE ELEVATION:1021.1 ft RIG:7514 METHOD:3 1/4" HSA SURFACING:Bituminous WEATHER:Clear B1907127 Braun Intertec Corporation ST-62 page 1 of 1 Elev./ Depth ft 1015.0 0.9 1009.9 6.0 WaterLevelDescription of Materials (Soil-ASTM D2488 or 2487; Rock-USACE EM 1110-1-2908) PAVEMENT, 4 inches of bituminous over 7 inches of aggregate base FILL: POORLY GRADED SAND with SILT (SP- SM), fine to medium-grained Sand, with Gravel, brown, moist With Clay lumps at 5 feet END OF BORING Boring then backfilled with auger cuttings 5 10 15 20 25 30 SampleBlows (N-Value) Recovery 9-14-11 (25) 15" 6-6-7 (13) 15" qₚ tsf MC %Tests or Remarks Water not observed immediately after withdrawal of auger. LOG OF BORING See Descriptive Terminology sheet for explanation of abbreviations Project Number B1907127 Geotechnical Evaluation City of Lakeville 2020 Street Reconstruction Lakeville, Minnesota BORING:ST-63 LOCATION: See attached sketch NORTHING:167276 EASTING:509625 DRILLER:C. McClain LOGGED BY:M. Rajaei START DATE:07/10/19 END DATE:07/10/19 SURFACE ELEVATION:1015.9 ft RIG:7514 METHOD:3 1/4" HSA SURFACING:Bituminous WEATHER:Clear B1907127 Braun Intertec Corporation ST-63 page 1 of 1 Elev./ Depth ft 1014.0 0.9 1007.9 7.0 1005.9 9.0 1003.9 11.0 WaterLevelDescription of Materials (Soil-ASTM D2488 or 2487; Rock-USACE EM 1110-1-2908) PAVEMENT, 5 inches of bituminous over 6 inches of aggregate base FILL: SILTY SAND (SM), fine to medium- grained Sand, trace Gravel, brown, moist With Clay lumps and Gravel at 5 feet FILL: LEAN CLAY (CL), little Gravel, brown, moist, mixed with Poorly Graded Sand with Silt POORLY GRADED SAND with SILT (SP-SM), with Gravel, brown, moist, medium dense (GLACIAL OUTWASH) END OF BORING Boring then backfilled with auger cuttings 5 10 15 20 25 30 SampleBlows (N-Value) Recovery 2-4-4 (8) 13" 5-4-4 (8) 15" 6-6-4 (10) 18" 6-10-7 (17) 16" qₚ tsf MC % 8 9 Tests or Remarks P200=18% Resistivity=4000 ohm-cm Water not observed immediately after withdrawal of auger. LOG OF BORING See Descriptive Terminology sheet for explanation of abbreviations Project Number B1907127 Geotechnical Evaluation City of Lakeville 2020 Street Reconstruction Lakeville, Minnesota BORING:ST-64 LOCATION: See attached sketch NORTHING:166334 EASTING:508512 DRILLER:C. McClain LOGGED BY:M. Rajaei START DATE:07/10/19 END DATE:07/10/19 SURFACE ELEVATION:1014.9 ft RIG:7514 METHOD:3 1/4" HSA SURFACING:Bituminous WEATHER:Clear B1907127 Braun Intertec Corporation ST-64 page 1 of 1 Elev./ Depth ft 1009.4 0.9 1006.3 4.0 1004.3 6.0 WaterLevelDescription of Materials (Soil-ASTM D2488 or 2487; Rock-USACE EM 1110-1-2908) PAVEMENT, 4 inches of bituminous over 7 inches of aggregate base FILL: POORLY GRADED SAND with SILT (SP- SM), with Gravel, brown, moist, mixed with Lean Clay POORLY GRADED SAND (SP), fine to medium-grained Sand, with Gravel, brown, moist, medium dense (GLACIAL OUTWASH) END OF BORING Boring then backfilled with auger cuttings 5 10 15 20 25 30 SampleBlows (N-Value) Recovery 2-7-9 (16) 15" 11-11-8 (19) 12" qₚ tsf MC % 7 Tests or Remarks Water not observed immediately after withdrawal of auger. LOG OF BORING See Descriptive Terminology sheet for explanation of abbreviations Project Number B1907127 Geotechnical Evaluation City of Lakeville 2020 Street Reconstruction Lakeville, Minnesota BORING:ST-65 LOCATION: See attached sketch NORTHING:166800 EASTING:509002 DRILLER:C. McClain LOGGED BY:M. Rajaei START DATE:07/10/19 END DATE:07/10/19 SURFACE ELEVATION:1010.3 ft RIG:7514 METHOD:3 1/4" HSA SURFACING:Bituminous WEATHER:Clear B1907127 Braun Intertec Corporation ST-65 page 1 of 1 Elev./ Depth ft 1012.9 1.0 1004.9 9.0 1002.9 11.0 WaterLevelDescription of Materials (Soil-ASTM D2488 or 2487; Rock-USACE EM 1110-1-2908) PAVEMENT, 4 inches of bituminous over 8 inches of aggregate base FILL: POORLY GRADED SAND with SILT (SP- SM), fine to medium-grained Sand, with Gravel, trace Clayey Sand, brown, moist POORLY GRADED SAND with SILT (SP-SM), fine to medium-grained Sand, with Gravel, brown, moist, medium dense (GLACIAL OUTWASH) END OF BORING Boring then backfilled with auger cuttings 5 10 15 20 25 30 SampleBlows (N-Value) Recovery 6-16-12 (28) 14" 8-7-6 (13) 14" 2-2-2 (4) 4" 2-5-6 (11) 5" qₚ tsf MC %Tests or Remarks Water not observed immediately after withdrawal of auger. LOG OF BORING See Descriptive Terminology sheet for explanation of abbreviations Project Number B1907127 Geotechnical Evaluation City of Lakeville 2020 Street Reconstruction Lakeville, Minnesota BORING:ST-66 LOCATION: See attached sketch NORTHING:166372 EASTING:509631 DRILLER:C. McClain LOGGED BY:M. Rajaei START DATE:07/10/19 END DATE:07/10/19 SURFACE ELEVATION:1013.9 ft RIG:7514 METHOD:3 1/4" HSA SURFACING:Bituminous WEATHER:Clear B1907127 Braun Intertec Corporation ST-66 page 1 of 1 Elev./ Depth ft 1012.6 1.0 1009.6 4.0 1007.6 6.0 WaterLevelDescription of Materials (Soil-ASTM D2488 or 2487; Rock-USACE EM 1110-1-2908) PAVEMENT FILL: POORLY GRADED SAND (SP), fine to medium-grained Sand, trace Gravel, brown, moist FILL: CLAYEY SAND (SC), trace Gravel, brown, moist, mixed with Poorly Graded Sand END OF BORING Boring then backfilled with auger cuttings 5 10 15 20 25 30 SampleBlows (N-Value) Recovery 3-8-11 (19) 12" 6-7-8 (15) 15" qₚ tsf MC %Tests or Remarks Pavement thickness not measured, 1 foot assumed Auger chatter at 2 1/2 feet Water not observed immediately after withdrawal of auger. LOG OF BORING See Descriptive Terminology sheet for explanation of abbreviations Project Number B1907127 Geotechnical Evaluation City of Lakeville 2020 Street Reconstruction Lakeville, Minnesota BORING:ST-67 LOCATION: Offset 6 feet east. See attached sketch.. NORTHING:166432 EASTING:508992 DRILLER:C. McClain LOGGED BY:M. Rajaei START DATE:07/10/19 END DATE:07/10/19 SURFACE ELEVATION:1013.6 ft RIG:7514 METHOD:3 1/4" HSA SURFACING:Bituminous WEATHER:Clear B1907127 Braun Intertec Corporation ST-67 page 1 of 1 Descriptive Terminology of Soil Based on Standards ASTM D2487/2488 (Unified Soil Classification System) Group Symbol Group NameB Cu ≥ 4 and 1 ≤ Cc ≤ 3D GW Well-graded gravelE Cu < 4 and/or (Cc < 1 or Cc > 3)D GP Poorly graded gravelE Fines classify as ML or MH GM Silty gravelE F G Fines Classify as CL or CH GC Clayey gravelE F G Cu ≥ 6 and 1 ≤ Cc ≤ 3D SW Well-graded sandI Cu < 6 and/or (Cc < 1 or Cc > 3)D SP Poorly graded sandI Fines classify as ML or MH SM Silty sandF G I Fines classify as CL or CH SC Clayey sandF G I CL Lean clayK L M PI < 4 or plots below "A" lineJ ML SiltK L M Organic OL CH Fat clayK L M MH Elastic siltK L M Organic OH PT Peat Highly Organic Soils Silts and Clays (Liquid limit less than 50) Silts and Clays (Liquid limit 50 or more) Primarily organic matter, dark in color, and organic odor Inorganic Inorganic PI > 7 and plots on or above "A" lineJ PI plots on or above "A" line PI plots below "A" line Criteria for Assigning Group Symbols and Group Names Using Laboratory TestsA Soil Classification Coarse-grained Soils (more than 50% retained on No. 200 sieve)Fine-grained Soils (50% or more passes the No. 200 sieve) Sands (50% or more coarse fraction passes No. 4 sieve) Clean Gravels (Less than 5% finesC) Gravels with Fines (More than 12% finesC) Clean Sands (Less than 5% finesH) Sands with Fines (More than 12% finesH) Gravels (More than 50% of coarse fraction retained on No. 4 sieve) Liquid Limit −oven dried Liquid Limit −not dried <0.75 Organic clay K L M N Organic silt K L M O Liquid Limit −oven dried Liquid Limit −not dried <0.75 Organic clay K L M P Organic silt K L M Q Particle Size Identification Boulders.............. over 12" Cobbles................ 3" to 12" Gravel Coarse............. 3/4" to 3" (19.00 mm to 75.00 mm) Fine................. No. 4 to 3/4" (4.75 mm to 19.00 mm) Sand Coarse.............. No. 10 to No. 4 (2.00 mm to 4.75 mm) Medium........... No. 40 to No. 10 (0.425 mm to 2.00 mm) Fine.................. No. 200 to No. 40 (0.075 mm to 0.425 mm) Silt........................ No. 200 (0.075 mm) to .005 mm Clay...................... < .005 mm Relative ProportionsL, M trace............................. 0 to 5% little.............................. 6 to 14% with.............................. ≥ 15% Inclusion Thicknesses lens............................... 0 to 1/8" seam............................. 1/8" to 1" layer.............................. over 1" Apparent Relative Density of Cohesionless Soils Very loose ..................... 0 to 4 BPF Loose ............................ 5 to 10 BPF Medium dense.............. 11 to 30 BPF Dense............................ 31 to 50 BPF Very dense.................... over 50 BPF A.Based on the material passing the 3-inch (75-mm) sieve. B.If field sample contained cobbles or boulders, or both, add "with cobbles or boulders, or both" to group name. C. Gravels with 5 to 12% fines require dual symbols: GW-GM well-graded gravel with silt GW-GC well-graded gravel with clay GP-GM poorly graded gravel with silt GP-GC poorly graded gravel with clay D.Cu = D60 / D10 Cc = 𝐷30 2 / (𝐷10 𝑥𝐷60) E.If soil contains ≥ 15% sand, add "with sand" to group name. F.If fines classify as CL-ML, use dual symbol GC-GM or SC-SM. G. If fines are organic, add "with organic fines" to group name. H. Sands with 5 to 12%fines require dual symbols: SW-SM well-graded sand with silt SW-SC well-graded sand with clay SP-SM poorly graded sand with silt SP-SC poorly graded sand with clay I.If soil contains ≥ 15% gravel, add "with gravel" to group name. J. If Atterberg limits plot in hatched area, soil is CL-ML, silty clay. K.If soil contains 15 to < 30% plus No. 200, add "with sand" or "with gravel", whichever is predominant. L. If soil contains ≥ 30% plus No. 200, predominantly sand, add “sandy” to group name. M. If soil contains ≥ 30% plus No. 200 predominantly gravel, add “gravelly” to group name. N. PI ≥ 4 and plots on or above “A” line. O. PI < 4 or plots below “A” line. P. PI plots on or above “A” line. Q.PI plots below “A” line. Laboratory Tests DD Dry density,pcf OC Organic content, %LL Liquid limit WD Wet density, pcf qp Pocket penetrometer strength, tsf PL Plastic limit P200 % Passing #200 sieve MC Moisture content, %PI Plasticity index qU Unconfined compression test, tsf Consistency of Blows Approximate Unconfined Cohesive Soils Per Foot Compressive Strength Very soft................... 0 to 1 BPF................... < 0.25 tsf Soft........................... 2 to 4 BPF................... 0.25 to 0.5 tsf Medium.................... 5 to 8 BPF .................. 0.5 to 1 tsf Stiff........................... 9 to 15 BPF................. 1 to 2 tsf Very Stiff................... 16 to 30 BPF............... 2 to 4 tsf Hard.......................... over 30 BPF................ > 4 tsf Drilling Notes: Blows/N-value: Blows indicate the driving resistance recorded for each 6-inch interval. The reported N-value is the blows per foot recorded by summing the second and third interval in accordance with the Standard Penetration Test, ASTM D1586. Partial Penetration:If the sampler could not be driven through a full 6-inch interval, the number of blows for that partial penetration is shown as #/x" (i.e. 50/2"). The N-value is reported as "REF" indicating refusal. Recovery: Indicates the inches of sample recovered from the sampled interval. For a standard penetration test, full recovery is 18", and is 24" for a thinwall/shelby tube sample. WOH: Indicates the sampler penetrated soil under weight of hammer and rods alone; driving not required. WOR: Indicates the sampler penetrated soil under weight of rods alone; hammer weight and driving not required. Water Level: Indicates the water level measured by the drillers either while drilling ( ), at the end of drilling ( ), or at some time after drilling ( ). Moisture Content: Dry:Absence of moisture, dusty, dry to the touch. Moist: Damp but no visible water. Wet: Visible free water, usually soil is below water table. 3/2019 2020 Street Reconstruction Project Feasibility Report City of Lakeville Project No. 20-02 WSB Project No. 013281-000 APPENDIX E Neighborhood Meeting Comments Comment No.Resident Name Resident Address Phone Date Received Comment 1 Beth Tatge 20366 Kensington Court 612-282-4336 6/27/2019 The stormwater pond along 205th & Kensington is green all the time. 2 Ted Anderson 16980 Judicial Road 952-221-1108 6/27/2019 Please add a walkway on 172nd St. 3 Pat Kilbride 17869 179th Trial W 952-221-9304 6/27/2019 The storm sewer at the southeast corner of 179th Trail W and Kingsway Path backs up during heavy rains. During a recent rainfall, it backed up about a third of the way to our driveway all the way across 179th Trail W. Thanks for a well thought out presentation! 4 Dick Nubson 17160 Judicial Road 952-937-8694 6/27/2019 Is it possible to mark the roads with walking lanes/biking lanes on both sides? Look at the road project with Crystal Lane where they used rain gardens on peoples private land. Curbs were rolled down to make the road run off go to the rain gardens. At the beach park on Orchard Lake it would be nice to have signs added to the road "no parking with boat trailers". Please organize the garbage collection to one day per week. 5 N/A N/A N/A 6/27/2019 Please give us a safe trail to walk, run bike along 172nd. We are scared right now. - The children of lovely west Lakeville 6 Wayne Pankow 17767 Keystone Avenue 952-994-5209 6/27/2019 In addition to any door hangers for info I would like to be notified as soon as any locate tickets are posted regarding my property. This includes any locates for design purposes. (just don't really trust the door hangers). Please tell me how I can subscribe to the locates. 7 Jerry Anderson 11522 172nd Street W 952-435-5819 6/27/2019 We have no road frontage. We want to know if we will be assessed. We have 5 acers off the road. The ponds could they possibly put in a second culvert across 172nd. The water comes up high every year. 8 Rachel Todorovich 11766 177th Street W 612-718-1625 6/27/2019 You mentioned you will not be adding sidewalks, widening, etc. This should also mean that street lines will not be added to places that they don't already exist. No lines on 177th Street W as you mentioned with speed bumps, they only make people go faster. 9 Gerold Johnson 12290 175th Street W 651-500-6809 6/27/2019 I have a pond on my property that runs right up to 175th St. The pond is collecting most of the runoff water from the east and west along the street, flooding the street and expanding into my yard. Can this runoff be addressed and could something be done to improve the water quality of the pond? 10 Maureen Johnson 16755 Langley Avenue 952-201-5682 6/27/2019 Hydrant at Langley & Upper 167th is 5 ft into our property. Will we lose trees? How much land? 11 Robert Swan 16675 Lakeview Court 952-892-3679 6/27/2019 172nd St desperately needs a trail or on-street path. Where Lakeview Ct intersects with 168th, the water ( = ice) spreads across Lakeview and 168th and it is treacherous. Needs new engineering. The need to pay part of this is only a good investment if you do a good job with quality asphalt. The current streets should never have deteriorated as they have. 12 Marlin Birkholz & Linda Paat 17618 Kettering Trail 612-242-9647 6/27/2019 We have a pond and it is on one lot (our house on the other part, pond area is not buildable). Will we only be assessed once? We have an inlet and an outlet on the pond, it gets really bad after a good rain. Water seems to drain a lot slower now as in the past. Will they be cleaned out? 13 Diana & Bob Flury 17515 Kodiak Avenue 952-435-3719 6/27/2019 Water run-off pools at the intersection of Kodiak Ave and 175th, near the water hydrant. Will the city consider either a single garbage hauler for the area; or require the haulers to coordinate their schedules so there is fewer trucks. 14 Roselyn Wilson 11538 172nd Street W N/A 6/27/2019 Surface water follows curbing to stub and water drains onto my property and increases water accumulation on my land. Kodiak, stub on east side of road, most northern stub. 15 Tom Rent N/A N/A 6/27/2019 The curb in front of 17540 Kodiak Ave, next to the sewer, has drooped and water pools there. 16 Susan Dale 17753 Ketchikan Trail 952-892-9373 6/27/2019 Ketchikan Trail and 179th St - when leaving Ketchikan Trail and taking a left onto 179th St, there is a large dip in the road. It would be nice to have it leveled out. 17 Jim Ondov 20165 Kensington Way 952-469-3062 6/27/2019 Are you going to do anything with the draining into the holding pond at the bottom of our property? It is green all summer long. 18 Lonna Schwirtz 17485 Judicial Road 608-798-2713 6/27/2019 Our driveway is very steep; any chance the grade of the road will change (be lifted higher, not lower). If the road is lowered we will have driveway issues. Comment Cards/Letters June 27, 2019 Neighborhood Meeting 2020 Street Reconstruction Project Feasibility Report City of Lakeville Project No. 20-02 WSB Project No. 013281-000 APPENDIX F 2020 Pond Maintenance Memo 701 XENIA AVENUE S | SUITE 300 | MINNEAPOLIS, MN | 55416 | 763.541.4800 | WSBENG.COMOctober 8, 2019 Mr. Alex Jordan, PE City of Lakeville 20195 Holyoke Avenue Lakeville MN 55044 Re: 2020 Pond Review Memoranda City of Lakeville WSB Project No. 013281-000 Dear Mr. Jordan, At the request of the City, WSB recently completed inspections and pond review memos for the following ponds: 2125-NE003, 2125-NE001, 2111-SW001, 2102-SW001, 2102-SW002, and 2102-SW003. The memos are attached to this letter. The memos identify possible maintenance and/or improvement options related to each pond and include a recommendation for the City to consider. The following table summarizes the recommendations and costs for each pond. Summary of Recommended Pond Improvement Projects Pond Recommended Action Construction Cost Estimate* Possible Construction Year 2125-NE003 Excavate 550 CY $60,600 2020 2125-NE001 Excavate 490 CY $61,392 2020 2111-SW001 Excavate 510 CY $62,220 2020 2102-SW001 2102-SW002 2102-SW003 Excavate 100 CY $28,452 2020 Total $212,664 *Cost estimates do not include indirect costs. I would be more than happy to discuss each of these ponds in more detail if you have any questions or comments regarding the information presented within. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. Jake Newhall, PE Project Manager K:\013281-000\WR\013281-000_Pond Maintenance Memo_Final_092519.docx Memorandum To: Mr. Alex Jordan, PE, Assistant City Engineer City of Lakeville From: Stephanie Hatten, PE Jake Newhall, PE Date: October 8, 2019 Re: 2020 Pond Maintenance City of Lakeville, MN WSB Project No. 013281-000 Pond 2125-NE003 Pond 2125-NE003 was inspected on July 24, 2019. The pond is located along 205th St W on the southeast corner of Kensington Way and Kensington Boulevard. The pond is shown in the National Wetland Inventory (NWI) and in historic photos dating back to 1953 (Appendix A). Refer to Appendix B for the bathymetric survey results, drainage area map and as-built plan. Table 1: Pond 2125-NE003 Summary Direct Drainage Area 25.29 acres Impervious Surface 40% Pond Area 0.27 acres Current Average Depth 3.1 feet Current Wet Volume 0.88 acre-feet Outlet 27-inch (E) Inlet Diameter 30-inch (N), 24-inch (W ) SWAMP Score 41 Inspection Observations The pond is surrounded by small trees and brush. Access to the pond could occur from the trail along 205th St W and would include minimal tree removal from this side. During inspection, the pond was completely covered with green algae on the surface. Sediment Sampling Two sediment samples were taken from Pond 2125-NE003. Both samples tested as Management Level 1. Management Level 1 indicates that the sediment is non-regulated and is suitable for reuse or disposal without special considerations. Refer to Appendix C for sediment testing results. Water Quality Analysis Several options were evaluated to perform maintenance and improve water quality performance for each pond in the memo. These options are listed below, along with the estimated annual total phosphorous (TP) reduction, annual total suspended solids (TSS) reduction, and the life cycle cost benefit information. The following table provides maintenance options for Pond 2125-NE003. City of Lakeville October 8, 2019 Page 2 K:\013281-000\WR\013281-000_Pond Maintenance Memo_Final_092519.docx Table 2: Pond 2125-NE003 Maintenance Options *Assumes 25 years for the BMP life cycle at an annual maintenance cost of $2,000. Recommendations We recommend Option 2 to remove the accumulated sediment meeting the intent of the original pond design. Option Description Volume to Excavate (cy) Estimated Construction Cost Life Cycle TP Cost Benefit ($/lb) * TP Removal Efficiency (%) Annual TP Reduction (lbs/yr) TSS Removal Efficiency (%) Annual TSS Reduction (tons/yr) 1 (Existing) 3.1’ average depth N/A N/A N/A 42.4 10.7 72.2 5,695.1 2 Excavate to as-built volume and 4.5’average depth 550 $60,600 $4,040 44.6 11.3 74.1 5,838.3 3 Excavate to meet NURP pond sizing of 2.5” from drainage area and average depth 7.8’ 2,025 $113,700 $3,032 48.1 12.2 77.0 6,072.9 City of Lakeville October 8, 2019 Page 3 K:\013281-000\WR\013281-000_Pond Maintenance Memo_Final_092519.docx Pond 2125-NE001 Pond 2125-NE001 was inspected on July 24, 2019. The pond is located adjacent to Lake Marion just north of Kensington Way. The pond is the primary treatment for backyard and roadway drainage before being discharged into a large NWI wetland complex and ultimately Lake Marion. Historic photos dating back to 1953 are provided (Appendix A). Refer to Appendix B for the bathymetric survey results, drainage area map, and as-built plan. Table 3: Pond 2125-NE001 Summary Direct Drainage Area 9.09 acres Impervious Surface 37% Pond Area 0.14 acres Current Average Depth 3.2 feet Current Wet Volume 0.48 acre-feet Outlet 18-inch (NW ) Inlet Diameter 12-inch (S) SWAMP Score 66 Inspection Observations The pond is surrounded by small trees and brush. Access to the pond could occur through the storm sewer easement along Kensington Way. During inspection, the pond was completely covered with green algae on the surface. Sediment Sampling Two sediment samples were taken from Pond 2125-NE001. One sample tested as Management Level 1 and one tested as Management Level 3. The Management Level 3 sample was located near the inlet to the pond. Management Level 3 indicates that the sediment is regulated material that is not suitable for reuse and requires special disposal. Refer to Appendix C for sediment testing results. Water Quality Analysis Several options were evaluated to perform maintenance and improve water quality performance for each pond in the memo. These options are listed below, along with the estimated annual total phosphorous (TP) reduction, annual total suspended solids (TSS) reduction, and the life cycle cost benefit information. The following table provides maintenance options for Pond 2125-NE001. City of Lakeville October 8, 2019 Page 4 K:\013281-000\WR\013281-000_Pond Maintenance Memo_Final_092519.docx Table 4: Pond 2125-NE001 Maintenance Options *Assumes 25 years for the BMP life cycle at an annual maintenance cost of $2,000. Recommendations We recommend Option 2 to remove the accumulated sediment to meet the designed pond size based on the as-built drawings. In this case, the as-built pond volume was very similar to the NURP pond sizing requirements. This includes removal of the contaminated material. Option Description Volume to Excavate (cy) Estimated Construction Cost Life Cycle TP Cost Benefit ($/lb) * TP Removal Efficiency (%) Annual TP Reduction (lbs/yr) TSS Removal Efficiency (%) Annual TSS Reduction (tons/yr) 1 (Existing) 3.2’ average depth N/A N/A N/A 48.0 4.0 77.6 2,021.7 2 Excavate to as-built volume & average depth of 5.7’ 490 $61,392 $8,185 51.0 4.3 80.0 2,085.4 3 Excavate to meet NURP pond sizing of 2.5” from drainage area & average depth of 5.3’ 400 $57,612 $11,522 50.5 4.2 79.6 2,075.3 City of Lakeville October 8, 2019 Page 5 K:\013281-000\WR\013281-000_Pond Maintenance Memo_Final_092519.docx Pond 2111-SW001 Pond 2111-SW001 was inspected on July 24, 2019. The pond is located between Landmark Court and Lancaster Court just north of Layton Path. The pond is shown in the National Wetland Inventory (NWI) and in historic photos dating back to 1953 (Appendix A). Pond 2111-SW001 is the primary treatment for backyard and roadway drainage before being discharged into a large NWI wetland complex and ultimately Orchard Lake. Historic photos dating back to 1953 are provided (Appendix A). Refer to Appendix B for the bathymetric survey results, drainage area map, and as-built plan. Table 5: Pond 2111-SW001 Summary Direct Drainage Area 21.15 acres Impervious Surface 30% Pond Area 0.23 acres Current Average Depth 2.5 feet Current Wet Volume 0.62 acre-feet Outlet 18-inch (NE) Inlet Diameter 15-inch (SE), 12-inch (E), 15- inch (W) SWAMP Score 53 Inspection Observations The pond is fairly open with some treed spaces around the pond. Access to the pond could be gained from Layton Path with minimal tree removal. Sediment Sampling Two sediment samples were taken from Pond 2111-SW001. One sample tested as Management Level 1 and one tested as Management Level 3. The Management Level 3 sample was located near the SE inlet to the pond. Management Level 3 indicates that the sediment is regulated material that is not suitable for reuse and requires special disposal. Refer to Appendix C for sediment testing results. Water Quality Analysis Several options were evaluated to perform maintenance and improve water quality performance for each pond in the memo. These options are listed below, along with the estimated annual total phosphorous (TP) reduction, annual total suspended solids (TSS) reduction, and the life cycle cost benefit information. The following table provides options for Pond 2111-SW001. City of Lakeville October 8, 2019 Page 6 K:\013281-000\WR\013281-000_Pond Maintenance Memo_Final_092519.docx Table 6: Pond 2111-SW001 Maintenance Options *Assumes 25 years for the BMP life cycle at an annual maintenance cost of $2,000. Recommendations We recommend Option 2 removing the accumulated sediment to meet the designed as-built volume. This includes removal of the contaminated material. Option Description Volume to Excavate (cy) Estimated Construction Cost Life Cycle TP Cost Benefit ($/lb) * TP Removal Efficiency (%) Annual TP Reduction (lbs/yr) TSS Removal Efficiency (%) Annual TSS Reduction (tons/yr) 1 (Existing) 2.5’ average depth N/A N/A N/A 44.7 5.8 72.9 2,985.2 2 Excavate to as-built volume 510 $62,220 $8,296 46.9 6.1 74.8 3,059.7 3 Excavate to meet NURP pond sizing of 2.5” from drainage area 880 $77,772 $7,777 48.1 6.2 75.7 3,098.4 City of Lakeville October 8, 2019 Page 7 K:\013281-000\WR\013281-000_Pond Maintenance Memo_Final_092519.docx Ponds 2102-SW001, 2102-SW002, and 2102-SW003 Ponds 2102-SW001, 2102-SW002 and 2102-SW003 were inspected on July 24, 2019. All three ponds are in series with 2102-SW001 being the first taking runoff from residential backyards and Judicial Road. The ponds are located in the northwest area of Orchard Lake, just south of Judicial Road. Refer to Appendix B for the bathymetric survey results and drainage area map. Table 7: Pond 2102-SW001 Summary Direct Drainage Area 4.11 acres Impervious Surface 30.2% Pond Area 0.026 acres Current Average Depth 0.21 feet Current Wet Volume 0.008 acre-feet Outlet Diameter 12-inch (SW) Inlet Diameter 2 18-inch (NE) SWAMP Score 3 Table 8: Pond 2102-SW002 Summary Direct Drainage Area 0.67 acres Impervious Surface 17.9% Pond Area 0.067 acres Current Average Depth 0.74 feet Current Wet Volume 0.068 acre-feet Outlet Diameter 12-inch (SW) Inlet Diameter 12-inch (NE) SWAMP Score 100 Table 9: Pond 2102-SW003 Summary Direct Drainage Area 1.12 acres Impervious Surface 18.8% Pond Area 0.041 acres Current Average Depth 1.1 feet Current Wet Volume 0.055 acre-feet Outlet Diameter 12-inch (E) Inlet Diameter 12-inch (NE) SWAMP Score 100 Inspection Observations All three ponds are located on private property within a public drainage easement. Pond 2102- SW001 is located at 16870 Judicial Road. Pond 2102-SW002 is located at 16890 Judicial Road. Pond 2102-SW003 is located at 16910 Judicial Road. Access to the ponds for any maintenance would need to occur off of the bend at Judicial Road. Sediment Sampling Two sediment samples were taken from each pond. All samples tested as Management Level 1 except for Sample 1 from Pond 2102-SW001, which tested as Management Level 2. Management Level 2 indicates that the sediment is regulated material that is suitable only for industrial reuse. This sample is located near the inlet for Pond 2102-SW001. Refer to Appendix C for sediment testing results. City of Lakeville October 8, 2019 Page 8 K:\013281-000\WR\013281-000_Pond Maintenance Memo_Final_092519.docx Water Quality Analysis A water quality analysis was used to estimate the existing TP and TSS annual reductions for Ponds 2102-SW001, 2102-SW002 and 2102-SW003 as shown in Table 10. Each pond was looked at individually first and assumed that the ponds were not in series. Table 10: Pond 2102-SW Series Existing Stormwater Treatment *Assumes removal efficiency based on direct drainage to pond only. Table 11 shows a maintenance option to clean out the required NURP volume from Pond 001 in the series. This includes removal of the noted contaminated material and assumes the pond footprint would remain the same. City staff has also expressed the need to replace the outlet from Pond 003 into Orchard Lake as well as the connecting storm sewer between the three ponds. Table 11: Pond 2102-SW Series Maintenance Option *Assumes 25 years for the BMP life cycle at an annual maintenance cost of $2,000. Recommendations We recommend dredging Pond 2102-SW001 to meet the maximum treatment for the entire drainage area to the pond series and to remove the accumulated sediment and improve TP and TSS removal efficiencies. Meeting NURP requirements by excavating Pond 001 alone is not feasible. Additional material could be removed from Ponds 002 and 003 while the contractor is onsite, however this is not recommended. Pond TP Removal Efficiency (%) Annual TP Reduction (lbs/yr) TSS Removal Efficiency (%) Annual TSS Reduction (lbs/yr) Pond 2102- SW001* 28.4 1.0 61.2 645.1 Pond 2102- SW002* 55.8 0.2 84.4 104.0 Pond 2102- SW003* 49.2 0.3 78.1 167.3 Total Treatment for Pond Series 49.7 2.2 79.7 1109.6 Description Volume to Excavate (cy) Estimated Construction Cost Life Cycle TP Cost Benefit ($/lb) * TP Removal Efficiency (%) Annual TP Reduction (lbs/yr) TSS Removal Efficiency (%) Annual TSS Reduction (lbs/yr) Excavate Pond 001 to maximize treatment for entire pond series drainage area & average depth of 2’. 100 $28,452 $11,380 52.8 2.3 82.2 1144.8 City of Lakeville October 8, 2019 Page 9 K:\013281-000\WR\013281-000_Pond Maintenance Memo_Final_092519.docx APPENDIX A – HISTORIC IMAGERY K:\013281-000\WR\013281-000_Pond Maintenance Memo_Final_092519.docx APPENDIX B – FIGURES K:\013281-000\WR\013281-000_Pond Maintenance Memo_Final_092519.docx APPENDIX C – SEDIMENT SAMPLING City of Lakeville September 25, 2019 Page 9 K:\013281-000\WR\013281-000_Pond Maintenance Memo_Final_092519.docx APPENDIX A – HISTORIC IMAGERY K:\013281-000\WR\013281-000_Pond Maintenance Memo_Final_092519.docx APPENDIX B – FIGURES Orchard 1.41.8 1.1 0.9 0.8 J U D I C I A L R D 1 6 8 T H S T W 0.5' 0.2' 0.3'0.5' 0.5' 0.2'0.3' 0.5' 1.3 2.5 2.6 1.3 1 Max Depth Min Depth Surveyed Depth "Storm Sewer ¯Figure 1 - Ponds 2102SW001, 002, & 003 Pond Maps City of Lakeville, MN Document Path: K:\013281-000\GIS\Working\Pond Maps\Figure 1.mxd Date Saved: 9/25/2019 2:21:39 PM1 inch = 40 f eet 0 40Feet Pond 001 Area: 0.03 acPond 002 Area: 0.07 acPond 003 Area: 0.04 ac Pond 001 Pond 002 Pond 003 Orchard LIONS CT JUDICIAL RD 1 68TH ST W ¯Figure 2 - Ponds 2102SW001, 002 & 003 Drainage Areas City of Lakeville, MN Document Path: K:\013281-000\GIS\Working\Drainage Maps\Figure 2.mxd Date Saved: 9/25/2019 2:37:07 PM1 inch = 80 f eet 0 50Feet Po nd 001 Drainage Area: 4.10 ac. 30.2% ImperviousPond 002 Drainage Area: 0.67 ac. 17.9% ImperviousPond 003 Drainage Area: 1.12 ac. 18.8% Impervious "Storm Sewer Project Location Drainage Area Pond 001 Pond 002 Pond 003 4.1' 3.3'0.8' 2.6' 3.8' 1.4' 4' 1.9' 1.9' 1.8' 5' 5' 3.5' 4.7' 0.4' LAYTON PATH LANCASTER CTLANDMARKCTMax Depth: 5.0' Min Depth: 0' Surveyed Depths "Storm Sew er ¯Figure 3 - Pond 2111SW001 Pond Maps City of Lakeville, MN Document Path: K:\013281-000\GIS\Working\Pond Maps\Figure 7.mxd Date Saved: 8/22/2019 2:38:06 PM1 inch = 40 f eet 0 40Feet Pond Area: 0.23 ac. Orchard LANCASTERCT175TH ST W JUDICIAL RDLAYTONPATHLANDMARKCT1004 9 8 4 10061002100899498697897498898210181016 1014 10101000100099899699499010101004100210029989969 9 49921000 9 9 8 988 994992990 998 988990986 1016101410101018 1012 1006998982978 986 984 9989969 8 6980978100610021 0 00 996990988 978976101210109929909 9 2990 9 8 0978 1012 9969929801010100810069961008 10069969909889 8 2 994984982 9 9 8 988 9861 010 100410041000 99698810201012101010101010100610061006 1004100210009 9 6 996996 9 9 4 996 9 9 4992 9 9 4 9 9 0 990 992 990990 988980 980 9809 8 09789 7 8 978¯Figure 4 - Pond 2111SW001 Drainage Areas City of Lakeville, MN Document Path: K:\013281-000\GIS\Working\Drainage Maps\Figure 8.mxd Date Saved: 8/22/2019 3:15:42 PM1 inch = 180 feet 0 150Feet Total Drainage Area: 21.14 ac.22.6% Impervious "Storm Sewer Project Location Drainage Area 3.9' 4.7' 3.8' 3.4' 5.6'4.1'2.1' 5.8' 6.6' 6.2'6' 5.3' K E N S I NGTON WAY Max Depth: 6.8' Min Depth: 0' Surveyed Depths "Storm Sew er ¯Figure 5 - Pond 2125NE001 Pond Maps City of Lakeville, MN Document Path: K:\013281-000\GIS\Working\Pond Maps\Figure 9.mxd Date Saved: 8/22/2019 2:42:27 PM1 inch = 60 f eet 0 50Feet Po nd Area: 0.14 ac. 202ND ST W K E N S I N G T O N W A Y 2 0 3 R D ST W 1 0 2 4 1022 1014 1012 1008 1000 996 1 0 2 610201016 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 2998 990 1018100610049 9 2 994 986 9 8 0 102210181 0 1 21010 10021000998996101410041032102810261024990 988 986 103010281026 1 0 2 498298010261024 984 982 1026 1024 1024 1022 10201018101810169849 8 2 1020 1016994 9 8 4 982 980 1030 1028 10241010980 1028 10301 0301028 1024102410241024 1024 10241022 1022 1 0 1 8 1020 1016 994990 1 0 2 8 ¯Figure 6 - Pond 2125NE001 Drainage Areas City of Lakeville, MN Document Path: K:\013281-000\GIS\Working\Drainage Maps\Figure 10.mxd Date Saved: 8/22/2019 3:25:01 PM1 inch = 100 feet 0 100Feet Total Drainage Area: 9.09 ac.37.0% Impervious "Storm Sewer Project Location Drainage Area KENSINGTON BLVD2 0 5 T H S T W K E N S I N G T O N W A Y 7.3' 5.9' 3.3' 4.9'3' 0.9' 0.9' 5.2' 2.4' 2.8' 1.8' 5.5' 3.3' 1.6' 6.2'7.5' 6.8' Max Depth: 7.5' Min Depth: 0' Surveyed Depths "Storm Sew er ¯Figure 7 - Pond 2125NE003 Pond Maps City of Lakeville, MN Document Path: K:\013281-000\GIS\Working\Pond Maps\Figure 11.mxd Date Saved: 8/22/2019 2:26:50 PM1 inch = 30 f eet 0 30Feet Po nd Area: 0.27 ac. KENSINGTON BLVD203RDSTW 2 0 4 T H S T W 2 0 2 N D S T W K E N S I N G T O N W A Y 2 0 5 T H S T WKENSINGTON CTKENSFIELD TRLJUPITER WAYJUP I T E R C T 102010169 9 4 9 9 0 9 8 6 101010041 0 0 81002101010081004 1 0 3 0 1012 102410221020102610181034 1 0 3 2 1 0 3 0 1022 10241022 1 0 3 6 1028 1 0 2 410 1810161 0 1 4 1 0 1 210241020 1020 1018 1 0 1 81010103610341034103210341032103010321028 1 0 2 8 1 0 2 610261024 1022102010201018 101810161014101210101008 1030102810281 0 2 61026 102410181016101210101012101010009989969 9 2 1 0 1 41006998 98810161006 1 0 2 010281026 1 0 2 01026102610221 0 1 6 1014 10121032103410321020 1 0 1 8 1 0 1 8 1 0 1 6 101610081036 1034 1032 1032 10301032 10281030102410241 0 2 2 1018101010321 0 3 4 1 0 3 0 10321 0 3 0 1 0 3 2 10321030 1030 10301 0 2 8 1 0 2 8 1028102810281028 1024102410221024 1022 1024 1024 1024 1 0 1 8 1018102010201020 10201018 10181016 1018101810181 0 1 4 1 0 1 21014 10121010 1010 1008 1 0 0 2 1 0 2 8 10 1 8 10 12 990 ¯Figure 8 - Pond 2125NE003 Drainage Areas City of Lakeville, MN Document Path: K:\013281-000\GIS\Working\Drainage Maps\Figure 12.mxd Date Saved: 8/22/2019 1:48:08 PM1 inch = 150 feet 0 150Feet Total Drainage Area: 25.27 ac.39.8% Impervious "Storm Sewer Project Location Drainage Area K:\013281-000\WR\013281-000_Pond Maintenance Memo_Final_092519.docx APPENDIX C – SEDIMENT SAMPLING Summary of Stormwater Pond Sediment Testing Results Project Name: Lakeville Sediment (Project number: 013281) Sample Date:7/24/2019 Residential SRV Industrial SRV Chemical Reporting Limit* mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg 2111SW001-1 2111SW001-2 2125NE001-1 2125NE001-2 Noncarcinogenic PAHs mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Acenaphthene 0.128 1,200 5,260 0.0510 0.0246 0.442 0.0041 Acenaphthylene 0.128 na na 0.0333 0.0203 0.169 0.0034 Anthracene 0.128 7,880 45,400 0.0098 0.0060 0.768 0.00099 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 0.128 na na 0.718 0.291 5.13 0.0017 Fluoranthene 0.128 1,080 6,800 2.07 0.787 12.2 0.0017 Fluorene 0.128 850 4,120 0.0665 0.0216 0.495 0.0027 2-Methylnaphthalene 0.128 100 369 0.0117 0.0072 0.118 0.0012 Naphthalene 0.128 10 28 0.0380 0.0232 0.193 0.0039 Phenanthrene 0.128 na na 1.19 0.427 7.38 0.0022 Pyrene 0.128 890 5,800 1.41 0.545 11.2 0.0016 Carcinogenic PAHs/ B[a]P Equivalents Reporting Limit* mg/kg Potency Equiv. Factor (PEF) Site Conc. mg/kg BaP Equiv. Conc. mg/kg Site Conc. mg/kg BaP Equiv. Conc. mg/kg Site Conc. mg/kg BaP Equiv. Conc. mg/kg Site Conc. mg/kg BaP Equiv. Conc. mg/kg Benzo(a)anthracene 0.128 0.10 0.326 0.033 0.104 0.010 4.74 0.474 0.0015 <0.000 Benzofluoranthenes (Total)0.385 0.10 2.11 0.211 0.819 0.082 12 1.200 0.0032 <0.000 Benzo(j)flouranthene NA 0.10 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 Benzo(k)fluoranthene NA 0.10 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 Benzo(a)pyrene 0.128 1.00 0.684 0.684 0.266 0.266 5.02 5.020 0.0012 <0.001 Chrysene 0.128 0.01 1.21 0.012 0.473 0.005 7.22 0.072 0.0019 <0.000 Dibenz(a,h)acridine 0.128 0.10 0.0602 J 0.006 0.0254 <0.003 0.292 J 0.029 0.0042 <0.000 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 0.128 0.56 0.172 0.096 0.0670 J 0.038 1.23 0.689 0.0016 <0.001 7H-Dibenzo(c,g)carbazole 0.128 1.00 0.0168 <0.017 0.0103 <0.010 0.0853 <0.085 0.0017 <0.002 Dibenzo(a,e)pyrene 0.128 1.00 0.411 0.411 0.167 0.167 2.44 2.440 0.0017 <0.002 Dibenzo(a,h)pyrene 0.128 10.00 0.201 2.010 0.0853 0.853 1.21 12.100 0.0027 <0.027 Dibenzo(a,i)pyrene 0.128 10.00 0.0352 J 0.352 0.0202 <0.202 0.285 J 2.850 0.0034 <0.034 Dibenzo(a,l)pyrene 0.128 10.00 0.0295 <0.295 0.0180 <0.180 0.150 <1.500 0.0030 <0.030 7,12-Dimethylbenz(a)anthracene 0.128 34.00 0.0470 <1.598 0.0287 <0.976 0.238 <8.092 0.0048 <0.163 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 0.128 0.10 0.615 0.062 0.241 0.024 3.88 0.388 0.0014 <0.000 3-Methylcholanthrene 0.128 3.00 0.0188 J 0.056 0.0088 <0.026 0.0729 <0.219 0.0015 <0.005 5-Methylchrysene 0.128 1.00 0.0334 J 0.033 0.0118 J 0.012 0.439 J 0.439 0.00090 <0.001 Total B[a]P Equivalents 2 3 5.876 1.650 35.597 0.266 BOLD - Not-Bold (<) - (J) - SRV - PAHs - polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons B[a]P - benzo[a]pyrene conc. - concentraion Analyze conc. exceeds Residential SRV & Industrial SRV (special management required) J B[a]P Equivalent - Each contaminant sample concentration is multiplied by it's Potency Equivalency Factor (PEF) to obtain a B[a]P equivalent concentration. All B[a]P equivalent concentrations are summed to calculate the total B[a]P equivalent concentration. For nondetect data, use the procedures outlined in Appendix B of "Managing Stormwater Sediment BMP Guidance For Municipalities". Analyte Detected above lab Reporting Limit (RL) Analyte not detected above lab Method Detection Limit (MDL) Analyte reported as esimated between the lab MDL and RL Soil Reference Value Analyze conc. exceeds Residential SRV (suitable for industrial reuse) < < < < < < < < J Sample Locations <J Sample Locations J < << < < J J < J < << < < wq-strm4-79 Minnesota Pollution Control Agency • 520 Lafayette Rd. N., St. Paul, MN 55155-4194 • 651-296-6300 • 800-657-3864 or use your preferred relay service • Info.pca@state.mn.us May 2017 2125NE003-1 2125NE003-2 212SW001-1 212SW001-2 212SW002-1 212SW002-2 212SW003-1 212SW003-2 mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg 0.0046 0.0039 0.0426 0.0100 0.0046 0.0044 0.0046 0.0039 0.0038 0.0033 0.0351 0.0082 0.0068 0.0036 0.0038 0.0032 0.0073 0.00096 0.23 0.0024 0.0056 0.0031 0.0038 0.0033 0.112 0.0016 0.591 0.0101 0.0134 0.0092 0.0159 0.0086 0.271 0.0017 2.6 0.0253 0.0515 0.0269 0.0305 0.015 0.0052 0.0026 0.0285 0.0067 0.0031 0.0037 0.0031 0.0048 0.0014 0.0011 0.0124 0.0029 0.0013 0.0022 0.0027 0.0055 0.0044 0.0037 0.0401 0.0094 0.0043 0.0041 0.0044 0.0036 0.0806 0.0021 1.4 0.0113 0.0147 0.0120 0.0069 0.0131 0.204 0.0015 1.88 0.0188 0.0393 0.0211 0.0258 0.0139 Site Conc. mg/kg BaP Equiv. Conc. mg/kg Site Conc. mg/kg BaP Equiv. Conc. mg/kg Site Conc. mg/kg BaP Equiv. Conc. mg/kg Site Conc. mg/kg BaP Equiv. Conc. mg/kg Site Conc. mg/kg BaP Equiv. Conc. mg/kg Site Conc. mg/kg BaP Equiv. Conc. mg/kg Site Conc. mg/kg BaP Equiv. Conc. mg/kg Site Conc. mg/kg BaP Equiv. Conc. mg/kg 0.0572 0.006 0.0015 <0.000 0.854 0.085 0.0081 J 0.001 0.0196 0.002 0.0109 J 0.001 0.0252 0.003 0.0076 J 0.001 0.28 0.028 0.0031 <0.000 1.68 0.168 0.0250 J 0.003 0.0367 J 0.004 0.0216 J 0.002 0.0946 0.009 0.0174 J 0.002 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0.0954 0.095 0.0011 <0.001 0.738 0.738 0.0101 J 0.010 0.0157 0.016 0.0095 J 0.010 0.0228 0.023 0.0083 J 0.008 0.16 0.002 0.0018 <0.000 1.06 0.011 0.0140 J 0.000 0.024 0.000 0.0171 0.000 0.0497 0.000 0.0121 J 0.000 0.0048 <0.000 0.0041 <0.000 0.0439 <0.004 0.0103 <0.001 0.0048 <0.000 0.0045 <0.000 0.0048 <0.000 0.0040 <0.000 0.0225 0.013 0.0015 <0.001 0.16 0.090 0.0038 <0.002 0.0040 J 0.002 0.0017 <0.001 0.0064 J 0.004 0.0015 <0.001 0.0019 <0.002 0.0016 <0.002 0.0178 <0.000 0.0042 <0.004 0.0019 <0.002 0.0018 <0.002 0.0019 <0.002 0.0016 <0.002 0.0538 0.054 0.0016 <0.002 0.0174 <0.017 0.0041 <0.004 0.0071 J 0.007 0.0018 <0.002 0.0076 J 0.008 0.0040 J 0.004 0.0258 0.258 0.0026 <0.026 0.137 1.370 0.0067 <0.067 0.0036 J 0.036 0.0029 <0.029 0.0035 J 0.035 0.0026 <0.026 0.0064 J 0.064 0.0032 <0.032 0.0348 <0.348 0.0081 <0.081 0.0038 <0.038 0.0036 <0.036 0.0038 <0.038 0.0032 <0.032 0.0034 <0.034 0.0029 <0.029 0.0312 <0.312 0.0073 <0.073 0.0034 <0.034 0.0032 <0.032 0.0034 <0.034 0.0028 <0.028 0.0054 <0.184 0.0046 <0.156 0.0496 <1.686 0.0116 <0.394 0.0054 <0.184 0.0051 <0.173 0.0054 <0.184 0.0045 <0.153 0.091 0.009 0.0014 <0.000 0.505 0.051 0.0080 J 0.001 0.0111 J 0.001 0.0063 J 0.001 0.0151 0.002 0.0056 J 0.001 0.0017 <0.005 0.0014 <0.004 0.0152 <0.046 0.0035 <0.011 0.0016 <0.005 0.0016 <0.005 0.0017 <0.005 0.0014 <0.004 0.0177 0.018 0.00087 <0.001 0.0094 <0.009 0.0022 <0.002 0.0042 J 0.004 0.00096 <0.001 0.0030 J 0.003 0.0024 J 0.002 0.771 0.255 2.820 0.654 0.335 0.295 0.349 0.264 Sample Locations << << J < < J J < J < << < < Sample Locations Sample Locations Sample Locations <<<<<< <<J <<< <J J J J J J J J J <<<J <J <<<J J J <<<<<< J J J J wq-strm4-79 Minnesota Pollution Control Agency • 520 Lafayette Rd. N., St. Paul, MN 55155-4194 • 651-296-6300 • 800-657-3864 or use your preferred relay service • Info.pca@state.mn.us May 2017