HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 06.k Date: October 21, 2019 Item No. RESOLUTION APPROVING FEASIBILITY REPORT AND CALLING A PUBLIC HEARING FOR 170TH STREET IMPROVEMENTS Proposed Action Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to approve a resolution approving the engineering feasibility report and calling a public hearing for 170th Street Improvements, City Project 20-04. Overview The City Council authorized City staff to prepare a feasibility report for the 170th Street Improvements project on September 3, 2019. The feasibility report has been completed. Based on information in the Feasibility Report, the estimated cost for the 170th Street Improvements project is $2,618,206. Recommended funding sources are Water Operating Fund, Trail Improvement Fund, Sanitary Sewer Operating Fund, City issuance of debt which is repaid with property tax levies, and special assessments to benefitting property owners (consistent with the City’s Special Assessment Policy for Roadway Rehabilitation). Primary Issues to Consider • Citizen Comments • Project Financing Supporting Information • Project Location Map • Feasibility Report dated October 21, 2019 Financial Impact: $2,618,206 Budgeted: Y☒ N☐ Source: Multiple Sources Related Documents: Lakeville 5-year Capital Improvement Plan (2020-2024) Envision Lakeville Community Values: Design that Connects the Community Report Completed by: Alex Jordan, Assistant City Engineer Primary Issues to Consider • Citizen Comments A neighborhood meeting was held on September 30, 2019; there was no significant opposition to the project. Multiple questions and comments were shared with City staff. The primary topics were related to: individual construction impacts; existing localized drainage concerns; speed awareness/traffic calming measures, construction traffic and overall project scope. • Project Financing  The City’s cost-share for roadway and storm sewer improvements, including storm sewer repair/replacement, will be financed from the issuance of G.O. Improvement Bonds. The City’s share of debt will be financed with taxes, which are repaid with property tax levies.  Public watermain improvements, including the replacement of watermain will be financed from the Water Operating Fund.  Public sanitary sewer improvements, including inflow and infiltration best management practices, will be financed from the Sanitary Sewer Operating Fund.  Trail rehabilitation will be financed from the Trail Improvement Fund.  A summary of project funding sources is included in the table below. Anticipated Funding Source Amount GO Improvement bonds- Taxes 1,330,434$ GO Improvement bonds- Special Assessments 37,762 Water Operating Fund 737,862 Sanitary Sewer Operating Fund 3,661 Trail Improvement Fund 508,487 2,618,206$ CITY OF LAKEVILLE RESOLUTION NO. 19-__ RESOLUTION APPROVING FEASIBILITY REPORT AND CALLING PUBLIC HEARING FOR 170TH STREET IMPROVEMENTS FLAGSTAFF AVENUE TO COUNTY STATE AID HIGHWAY 31 (PILOT KNOB ROAD) WHEREAS, on October 21, 2019, the City Council received the feasibility report for the proposed 170th Street Improvements between Flagstaff Avenue and County State Aid Highway (CSAH) 31 (Pilot Knob Road), City Project 20-04. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Lakeville: 1. The Feasibility Report for Project 20-04 is hereby approved. 2. A public hearing is hereby called for November 18, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. at the Council Chambers of the City Hall and the Clerk shall give mailed and published notice of such hearing and improvement as required by law. ADOPTED by the Lakeville City Council this 21st day of October 2019. ______________________________ Douglas P. Anderson, Mayor _________________________________ Charlene Friedges, City Clerk Fieldst onePark North CreekGreenway Qu ail M ea dowsConservation Area GreenridgePark QuailMeadow sParkIndependencePark EastCommunityParkDodd TrailPark FONTINA PATH F I N LANDAVE166T H ST W EXPERT CTFIELDCRESTAVE173RD ST W F A I R H A V E N C T FALKIRK CIRF E R N A N D O C T ENVOYW AY EUROPAAVEE X C E LS IO R C IR 163RD CT WEVENTIDE WAYLOWER169THS T W EXCELSIOR CT 1 66 T H S T W F L O U N D E R C T EVENTIDEWAYFINCHAVE FOREST ST N OR TH CR E E K D R FIRESTONE PATH FIRMANCTFLORIN AVEFRAZERPATH 169T H ST W FARADAY CT17 5TH S T W F IR E L IG HTWAYFIELDCREST CT FLAIR CIRCOUNTRYVIEWTRL FIN E S S E W A Y F A R C R Y W A Y ELM CRE E K LND O D D LN FISHER C T EN FIELD WAYFAIRHAVENAVE169TH ST WEVENFALL AVEFAIRFAXAVEF AIR G R E E N A V E FLORIDACTF A R I F AXAVEFIRE STONECIR DODDLNFAIRHILLCTE N FI E LDCTFLINT AVEFORBES CT168THSTW1 7 5 T H S T WFIRESTONECT 16 2ND S T W FLOUNDER AVEFAR ADAYLN 1 6 2 N D S T W FALKIRK TRL 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DR 173RD ST W COUNTRY VIEW TRL 176T H S T W 1 7 7 T H S T W E VE LETH C T EVELETH AVEEUREKA AVEEUREKA AVE175TH ST W EXETER AVEETHELTON AVEEUCLID AVEEXIRA AVE1 77 T H S T W EVENFALL AVEEXLEY AVE17 7T H S T W NORTH CREEK DR DODD BLVD PILOT KNOB RD9 31 Project A rea 0 500 1,000250Feet C P 2 0 -0 4170th S t r e e t I m p ro v e m e n t s Feasibility Report 170TH Street Improvement Project City Project No. 20-04 FEASIBILITY REPORT 170TH STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT CITY PROJECT NO. 20-04 OCTOBER 21, 2019 Feasibility Report 170TH Street Improvement Project City Project No. 20-04 Feasibility Report 170TH Street Improvement Project City Project No. 20-04 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ..................................................................................................1  2. STREET AND UTILITY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ....................................................2  2.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................2  2.1.1 Authorization ...............................................................................................2  2.1.2 Scope ............................................................................................................2  2.1.3 Data Available ..............................................................................................2  2.2 General Background ................................................................................................3  2.2.1 Project Location ...........................................................................................3  2.3 Existing Conditions .................................................................................................3  2.3.1 Roadway Surface ..........................................................................................3  2.3.2 Storm Sewer .................................................................................................5  2.3.3 Water Main ..................................................................................................5  2.3.4 Sanitary Sewer ..............................................................................................5  2.3.5 Wetlands ......................................................................................................5  2.4 Proposed Improvements ..........................................................................................6  2.4.1 Roadway Surface ..........................................................................................6  2.4.2 Storm Sewer .................................................................................................6  2.4.3 Water Main Improvements .........................................................................7  2.4.4 Sanitary Sewer Improvements .....................................................................7  2.4.5 Street Sign Replacement ...............................................................................7  2.4.6 Mailbox Impacts ..........................................................................................7  2.4.7 Permits/Approvals .......................................................................................7  2.4.8 Construction Access/Staging .......................................................................8  2.4.9 Public Involvement ......................................................................................8  3. FINANCING .......................................................................................................................9  3.1 Opinion of Cost .......................................................................................................9  3.2 Funding ....................................................................................................................9  4. PROJECT SCHEDULE .....................................................................................................11  5. FEASIBILITY AND RECOMMENDATION ..................................................................12  Feasibility Report 170TH Street Improvement Project City Project No. 20-04 TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) Appendix A Figure 1: Location Map Appendix B Opinion of Probable Cost Appendix C Assessment Map ID Preliminary Assessment Roll Appendix D 2019 Geotechnical Report – Log of Test Borings Feasibility Report 170TH Street Improvement Project City Project No. 20-04 Page 1 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The 170th Street Improvement Project, City Project No. 20-04, was initiated based on the City’s Pavement Management Program and the adopted 5-year Capital Improvement Plan. The 170th Street Reconstruction Project includes that portion of 170th Street from Flagstaff Avenue to Pilot Knob Road (CSAH 31), totaling approximately 5,290 feet (1.0 mile). The 170th Street Improvement Project includes roadway reclamation improvements based on the current roadway conditions. Reclamation of the existing bituminous pavement and aggregate base, and roadway rehabilitation consisting of subgrade correction and new bituminous pavement is recommended for the entire length of the project. Rehabilitating portions of public utility infrastructure in need of maintenance with programmed roadway improvements minimizes life-cycle costs, maintains the integrity and function of public utility systems and minimizes construction and schedule impacts. Proposed utility improvements include the following:  Repair or replacement of damaged or deficient storm sewer structures  Replacement of existing water main  Preventative maintenance of existing sanitary sewer structures Completing trail improvements with programmed roadway improvements reduces construction and schedule impacts, achieves construction efficiencies and economies of scale, and preserves public park assets. Proposed trail improvements include trail reclamation, and trail rehabilitation consisting of subgrade correction and new bituminous pavement, along both sides of 170th Street. The total estimated project cost for the 170th Street Improvement Project is $2,618,206 and includes a 10% contingency and 28% indirect costs for legal, engineering, administrative, and financing costs. The project is proposed to be funded through special assessments to benefitting property owners and City funds. The project is proposed to be substantially completed in 2020, including restoration. The project is feasible, necessary, and cost-effective from an engineering standpoint and should be constructed as proposed herein. Feasibility Report 170TH Street Improvement Project City Project No. 20-04 Page 2 2. STREET AND UTILITY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 2.1 Introduction 2.1.1 Authorization On September 3, 2019, the Lakeville City Council authorized the preparation of an engineering feasibility report for the 170th Street Improvement Project. This project is included in the City’s adopted 5-year Capital Improvement Plan and designated as City Project No. 20-04. 2.1.2 Scope This report investigates the feasibility of proposed roadway improvements identified through the City’s Pavement Management Program and programmed for 2020 construction in the adopted 5-year Capital Improvement Plan. The 170th Street Improvement Project was initially considered because of poor existing surface conditions that severely impact the ride quality of the roadway. The average Overall Condition Index (OCI) value for 170th Street is 25 using an OCI scale of 0 to 100 (with zero representing a failing street section and 100 representing a new street section free of deficiencies). Improvements outlined within this report include bituminous roadway and trail pavement reclamation, spot curb and gutter repairs, watermain replacement and minor utility repairs and maintenance. 2.1.3 Data Available Information and materials used in the preparation of this report include the following:  Record Plans  Water Main Repair Records  Dakota County Topography Maps  Field Observations of the Area  Geotechnical Evaluation Report, Braun Intertec, dated October 2019  Land Survey, Alliant Engineering, Inc., dated October 2019  Televising Reports for the Sanitary Sewer System  City of Lakeville Special Assessment Policy Relating to the Rehabilitation of Roadways Feasibility Report 170TH Street Improvement Project City Project No. 20-04 Page 3 2.2 General Background 2.2.1 Project Location 170th Street, from Flagstaff Avenue to Pilot Knob Road (CSAH 31) is proposed to be reconstructed as a part of the 170th Street Reconstruction Project. The project area is shown in the figure contained within Appendix A of this report. 2.3 Existing Conditions 2.3.1 Roadway Surface 170th Street is classified as a major collector roadway in the City’s Comprehensive Transportation Plan and is constructed as an urban two-lane roadway with turn lanes at the intersections of Flagstaff Avenue and Pilot Knob Road. 170th Street includes dedicated westbound right and left turn lanes at Flagstaff Avenue, and a dedicated eastbound turn lane and share thru-left turn lane at Pilot Knob Road, and right-turn lanes into North Trail Elementary School. The entire length of the project area is urbanized, with concrete curb and gutter and storm sewer to collect runoff from the roadway and provide drainage for the street. The segment of 170th Street within the project limits was last reconstructed in 1996. Within the project limits, 170th Street is aging and experiencing various severities of distresses including: alligator, transverse and longitudinal cracking, potholes and rutting. The City’s Public Works Department completes patching of the potholes on a yearly basis to maintain the drivable surface of the roadway. The majority of the curb and gutter is in fair condition with instances of cracking and settlements resulting in drainage issues. The project area contains trees, landscaping, irrigation systems and a variety of other private improvements beyond the edge of the roadway within City right-of-way. Along the north and south sides of 170th Street there are existing 8-foot wide bituminous trails. The bituminous trail along the south side and segments along the north side of 170th Street were constructed in 1996 as a part of the last 170th Street reconstruction project. The trail along the northeast portion of 170th Street, from Fieldcrest Avenue to Pilot Knob Road, was constructed with residential development construction in the early 2000’s. Generally, existing pedestrian ramps do not meet the current Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) design standards. Feasibility Report 170TH Street Improvement Project City Project No. 20-04 Page 4 The photos below illustrate the pavement distresses along 170th Street. Feasibility Report 170TH Street Improvement Project City Project No. 20-04 Page 5 Geotechnical soil borings were completed during the fall of 2019, to determine the existing street section. A copy of the geotechnical soil boring logs may be found in Appendix D of this report. 2.3.2 Storm Sewer Storm sewer facilities within the 170th Street Reconstruction Project area are comprised of concrete curb and gutter and the public storm sewer system. Runoff collected along 170th Street is conveyed via storm sewer either to North Creek south of 170th Street or stormwater management basins along the project area. Historically, the existing curb and gutter and storm sewer system along 170th Street have functioned adequately with isolated segments of settling resulting in drainage issues. Due to the flat profile of the roadway, the centerline crown has continued to wear away over time. The lack of roadway crown has caused isolated drainage issues and has contributed to the pavement deterioration along the roadway due to standing water. 2.3.3 Water Main The existing water main located within the 170th Street Reconstruction Project is 12-inch cast iron pipe (CIP) and was installed in the early 1970’s. Maintenance records indicate there have been at least two (2) recorded water main breaks along 170th Street since the watermain was installed. 2.3.4 Sanitary Sewer The sanitary sewer located within the 170th Street Reconstruction Project is primarily located in local streets perpendicular to 170th Street and consists of 8-inch and 10-inch polyvinylchloride pipe (PVC) that was installed in the 1990’s. In the fall of 2019, the City’s Public Works Department televised the sanitary sewer and inspected all of the sanitary sewer manholes. No repairs were identified with the inspection. 2.3.5 Wetlands No wetland impacts are anticipated with the proposed improvement project. Feasibility Report 170TH Street Improvement Project City Project No. 20-04 Page 6 2.4 Proposed Improvements 2.4.1 Roadway Surface Surface improvements proposed with the 170th Street Reconstruction Project include the full-depth reclamation of the roadway with isolated subgrade corrections as necessary, full-depth reclamation of the bituminous trails and spot curb and gutter replacement. Reclamation is the process by which the existing deteriorating roadway surface is reused as aggregate roadway base for the new street or trail section. The street grades are proposed to closely match the existing grades so as to minimize construction impacts to adjacent properties. Minor changes in street grade will occur in isolated locations to improve roadway drainage. 170th Street will be reclaimed and reconstructed such that the street section will better resist rutting and fatigue. It is proposed that 170th Street consist of the following minimum section: 5-inches of bituminous wear course and 9-inches of reclaimed aggregate base over an acceptable subgrade. 170th Street will be reconstructed to match the existing roadway width, which generally measures 36-feet (from face of curb to face of curb). A Special Assessment to one benefitting property along the corridor is proposed to fund 40% of the roadway surface improvements adjacent to that property identified for the project, with the remaining 60% funded using City Street and Utility Funds. The remainder of the project will be funded using City Street, Utility and Park Funds. 2.4.2 Storm Sewer Reconstruction of 170th Street provides the opportunity to improve drainage conditions by repairing and replacing existing storm sewer facilities. Potential drainage improvements to be evaluated with final design of the project include: replace existing drainage structures, adjusting frame ring and castings, and minor ditch grading. A Special Assessment to one benefitting property is proposed to fund 40% of the storm sewer improvements identified for the project adjacent to the property with the remaining 60% funded using City Street and Utility Funds. Feasibility Report 170TH Street Improvement Project City Project No. 20-04 Page 7 2.4.3 Water Main Improvements The existing water main is approaching end of life and has experienced at least two recorded water main breaks within the project area and is susceptible to increased breaks due to the age and condition of the pipe. The reconstruction of 170th Street provides the opportunity to replace the water main with PVC pipe and improve the overall system. City Utility Funds are proposed to fund the water main improvement costs. 2.4.4 Sanitary Sewer Improvements No repairs were identified with the sanitary sewer inspection, the only proposed modifications are to adjust manhole frame ring and castings. Inflow and infiltration enhancements will be made to the infrastructure with this project. City Utility Funds are proposed to fund the sanitary sewer improvement costs. 2.4.5 Street Sign Replacement All existing street signs within the project will be replaced with new street signs that meet the Federal Highway Administration’s (FHWA) requirements for retro-reflectivity. A Special Assessment to one benefitting property is proposed to fund 40% of the street sign improvements identified for the project adjacent to the property with the remaining 60% funded using City Street Funds. 2.4.6 Mailbox Impacts No mailboxes are located within the 170th Street right-of-way; all mailboxes are located within the side streets for each property. Therefore, no impacts to mail delivery are anticipated. 2.4.7 Permits/Approvals A National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit for construction activity will be required due to more than one (1) acre being disturbed by construction activities associated with the project. A Department of Health (DOH) Permit for watermain installation is required. Feasibility Report 170TH Street Improvement Project City Project No. 20-04 Page 8 2.4.8 Construction Access/Staging The contractor will be responsible for providing access to all properties throughout the project. Adequately signed detours will be identified to direct traffic around the construction zones and notify users of the increased truck and construction activity. Construction will take place under traffic. Construction will likely begin in June of 2020 to minimize impacts to school traffic. Detailed construction phasing plans will be developed with final design of the project. 2.4.9 Public Involvement A public information meeting was held for the project to present the proposed improvements to property owners within the proposed project area. The neighborhood meeting was held on September 30, 2019 and included information regarding the proposed improvements, impacts, schedule and funding associated with the project. The intent of the meeting was to provide information to property owners regarding the roadway improvements and utility improvements and solicit comments from the property owners. The primary concerns that were shared at the meeting included: high speeds, construction truck hauling, roadway weight restrictions, and poor pavement conditions. Feasibility Report 170TH Street Improvement Project City Project No. 20-04 Page 9 3. FINANCING 3.1 Opinion of Cost Detailed opinions of cost for the project can be found in Appendix B of this report. The opinions of cost incorporate estimated 2020 construction costs and include a 10% contingency factor. Indirect costs are projected at 28% of the construction cost and include engineering, legal, financing, and administrative costs. Table 2 below provides a summary of the opinions of probable cost for the 170th Street Reconstruction Project. Table 2 – 170th Street Reconstruction Project Summary of Cost Schedule Amount Schedule A – Street Improvements $1,175,258 Schedule B – Storm Sewer Improvements $192,938 Schedule C – Water Main Improvements $737,862 Schedule D – Sanitary Sewer Improvements $3,661 Schedule E – Trail Improvements $508,487 TOTAL $2,618,206 3.2 Funding Financing for the 170th Street Reconstruction Project will come from City Funds and Special Assessments. Special Assessments to benefitting properties include one parcel as it has direct driveway access to 170th Street. The assessment is proposed to fund 40% of the street and storm sewer improvements adjacent to that parcel with the remaining 60% funded using City Funds. The assessment for this project was calculated on a per residential equivalent unit (REU) basis consistent with the City’s Assessment Policy. Feasibility Report 170TH Street Improvement Project City Project No. 20-04 Page 10 The total assessable frontage for the 170th Street Reconstruction Project is 733.94 linear feet (6.9% of the total project length). The special assessment was calculated as follows: Street Estimated Surface and Storm Sewer Improvement Costs Prorated for Assessable Frontage (6.9%) Assessable Costs (40%) Residential Equivalent Units (REU) Estimated Assessment Amount per REU 170th Street $1,368,196 $94,406 $37,762 7 $5,394.57 The funding level anticipated through the levy of Special Assessments to benefitting property owners for street improvements is $37,762 with the following proposed assessments: Residential Equivalent Unit Assessment Rate… ........................................ $5,394.57 per REU The proposed assessment roll is included in Appendix C of this report, along with an Assessment Map ID highlighting the benefitting property and the assessment calculations for the benefitting property owner. Table 3 – 170th Street Improvement Project Funding Summary Funding Source Amount GO Improvement bonds - Taxes $1,330,434 GO Improvement bonds – Special Assessments $37,762 City Sanitary Sewer Operating Fund $3,661 City Water Operating Fund $737,862 City Trail Improvement Fund $508,487 TOTAL $2,618,206 Feasibility Report 170TH Street Improvement Project City Project No. 20-04 Page 11 4. PROJECT SCHEDULE The proposed project schedule for the 170th Street Reconstruction Project is as follows: Order Feasibility Report .................................................................................. September 3, 2019 Accept Feasibility Report/Order Public Hearing ........................................... October 21, 2019 Public Hearing/Order Project/Authorize Ad for Bids .............................. November 18, 2019 Open Bids/Compute Assessments ................................................................. February 20, 2020 Declare Costs/Set Assessment Hearing ................................................................ March 2, 2020 Assessment Hearing/Award Contract .................................................................... April 6, 2020 Begin Construction* ...................................................................................................... June 2020 Final Completion… ............................................................................................. November 2020 Certify Assessments to County .......................................................................... December 2020 * The project start date will be coordinated such that construction activity will commence after the 2019-2020 school year. Feasibility Report 170TH Street Improvement Project City Project No. 20-04 Page 12 5. FEASIBILITY AND RECOMMENDATION The 170th Street Reconstruction Project includes roadway reclamation, subgrade correction as necessary, trail reclamation, spot curb and gutter repairs, watermain replacement, and minor utility repairs. The total estimated cost for the 170th Street Reconstruction Project including roadway, storm sewer, water main, sanitary sewer, and trail improvements is $2,618,206. Proposed funding for the project is provided through a combination of Special Assessments and City Funds. This project is feasible, necessary, and cost-effective from an engineering standpoint. The project feasibility is subject to financial review by the City. Based on the information contained in this report, it is recommended to proceed with the improvements as outlined in this report.     Feasibility Report 170TH Street Reconstruction Project City Project No. 20-04 APPENDIX A Figure 1: Location Map     Feasibility Report 170TH Street Reconstruction Project City Project No. 20-04 APPENDIX B Opinion of Probable Cost DATE:10/21/2019 ITEM  DESCRIPTION UNIT UNIT COST QUANTITY PRICE 1 MOBILIZATION LS $125,000.00 1 $125,000.00 2 CLEARING TREE $500.00 10 $5,000.00 3 GRUBBING TREE $500.00 10 $5,000.00 4 SAWING CONCRETE PAVEMENT (FULL DEPTH) LF $4.75 115 $546.25 5 SAWING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT (FULL DEPTH) LF $2.50 680 $1,700.00 6 REMOVE CURB & GUTTER LF $7.00 2125 $14,875.00 7 CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER DESIGN B618  LF $30.00 2125 $63,750.00 8 7" CONCRETE VALLEY GUTTER LF $45.00 45 $2,025.00 9 7" CONCRETE DRIVEWAY SY $80.00 35 $2,800.00 10 REMOVE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT SY $15.00 540 $8,100.00 11 SELECT GRANULAR EMBANKMENT ‐ SUBGRADE CORRECTION CY $20.00 770 $15,400.00 12 EXCAVATION ‐ SUBGRADE CORRECTION CY $15.00 770 $11,550.00 13 COMMON LABORERS HOUR $55.00 30 $1,650.00 14 STREET SWEEPER W/ PICKUP BROOM HOUR $150.00 50 $7,500.00 15 WATER MGAL $50.00 200 $10,000.00 16 FULL DEPTH RECLAMATION SY $2.00 22980 $45,960.00 17 FINISH GRADING ‐ STREET SY $1.00 23515 $23,515.00 18 SALVAGE AND RESPREAD RECLAIMED MATERIAL CY $11.00 220 $2,420.00 19 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR TACK COAT GAL $1.00 2355 $2,355.00 20 TYPE SP 9.5 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (3,C) TON $60.00 6642 $398,520.00 21 IRRIGATION SYSTEM REPAIR EACH $500.00 5 $2,500.00 22 INVISIBLE FENCE REPAIR EACH $500.00 5 $2,500.00 23 TRAFFIC CONTROL LS $25,000.00 1 $25,000.00 24 EROSION CONTROL SUPERVISOR LS $5,000.00 1 $5,000.00 25 STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION EACH $200.00 41 $8,200.00 26 CULVERT END CONTROL EACH $150.00 2 $300.00 27 SILT FENCE, TYPE MS LF $4.00 1550 $6,200.00 28 FLOTATION SILT CURTAIN ‐ TYPE MOVING WATER LF $20.00 20 $400.00 29 TOPSOIL BORROW CY $35.00 200 $7,000.00 30 FERTILIZER TYPE 3 LB $0.50 1500 $750.00 31 SEEDING  AC $100.00 5 $500.00 32 SEEDING MIXTURE 25‐131 LB $3.00 1100 $3,300.00 33 HYDRAULIC BONDED FIBER MATRIX LB $1.00 12500 $12,500.00 34 4" SOLID LINE ‐ LATEX LF $0.20 1180 $236.00 35 4" BROKEN LINE _ LATEX LF $0.50 2379 $1,189.50 36 12" SOLID LINE ‐ LATEX LF $2.00 220 $440.00 37 4" DOUBLE SOLID LINE ‐ LATEX LF $0.40 2384 $953.60 38 CROSSWALK BLOCKS ‐ LATEX SF $1.50 410 $615.00 39 PAVEMENT MESSAGE ‐ LATEX SF $50.00 189 $9,450.00 $834,700.35 $83,470.04 $918,170.39 40 ADJUST FRAME & RING CASTING EACH $600.00 37 $22,200.00 41 REMOVE DRAINAGE STRUCTURE EACH $400.00 8 $3,200.00 42 REMOVE PIPE APRON EACH $150.00 1 $150.00 43 FILL SUMP DRAINAGE STRUCTURE EACH $600.00 9 $5,400.00 44 CONST DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN 48" ROUND EACH $4,000.00 3 $12,000.00 45 CONST DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN SPECIAL‐ 2'x3' EACH $2,000.00 4 $8,000.00 46 CONST DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN SPECIAL 1 EACH $18,000.00 1 $18,000.00 47 CONST DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN SPECIAL 2 EACH $14,000.00 1 $14,000.00 48 28" RC PIPE APRON AND SHEET PILING AND  HEADWALL EACH $5,000.00 1 $5,000.00 49 RANDOM RIPRAP CLASS III CY $150.00 14 $2,100.00 50 RECONSTRUCT DRAINAGE DITCH SY $20.00 356 $7,120.00 51 REGRADE EXISTING DRAINAGE DITCH SY $10.00 23 $230.00 52 REMOVE SEWER PIPE (STORM) LF $20.00 278 $5,560.00 CITY OF LAKEVILLE  170TH ST IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ESTIMATE CITY PROJECT 20‐04 SUBTOTAL SCHEDULE A: STREETS 10% CONTINGENCY TOTAL SCHEDULE A: STREETS SCHEDULE B: STORM SEWER SCHEDULE A: STREETS City of Lakeville, MN 1  Engineer's Estimate DATE:10/21/2019 ITEM  DESCRIPTION UNIT UNIT COST QUANTITY PRICE CITY OF LAKEVILLE  170TH ST IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ESTIMATE CITY PROJECT 20‐04 53 12" RC PIPE SEWER CLASS V LF $60.00 204 $12,240.00 54 15" RC PIPE SEWER CLASS V LF $65.00 42 $2,730.00 55 18" RC PIPE SEWER CLASS V LF $75.00 24 $1,800.00 56 SALVAGE CONCRETE PIPE STORM SEWER LF $50.00 24 $1,200.00 57 INSTALL CONCRETE PIPE STORM SEWER LF $50.00 24 $1,200.00 58 RC PIPE‐ARCH SEWER CL IIA LF $300.00 8 $2,400.00 59 REMOVE AND REPLACE TOP SLAB EACH $700.00 2 $1,400.00 60 CONNECT INTO EXISTING DRAINAGE STRUCTURE EACH $400.00 2 $800.00 61 DRAIN TILE LF $20.00 10 $200.00 62 TRASH GUARD FOR 36" PIPE APRON EACH $800.00 1 $800.00 63 REPAIR DRAINAGE STRUCTURE EACH $200.00 19 $3,800.00 64 CONNECT TO EXISTING STORM SEWER EACH $400.00 13 $5,200.00 65 CONNECT TO EXISTING  DRAIN TILE EACH $300.00 1 $300.00 $137,030.00 $13,703.00 $150,733.00 66 REMOVE DIP WATERMAIN LF $12.00 415 $4,980.00 67 ABANDON EXISTING WATERMAIN LF $8.00 5165 $41,320.00 68 4" INSULATION SY $45.00 12 $540.00 69 BORE WM LF $400.00 70 $28,000.00 70 CONNECT TO EXISTING WATERMAIN EACH $1,500.00 12 $18,000.00 71 8" GATE VALVE & BOX EACH $2,000.00 7 $14,000.00 72 12" GATE VALVE & BOX EACH $3,000.00 2 $6,000.00 73 6" WATERMAIN DUCTILE IRON CL 52 LF $45.00 15 $675.00 74 8" PVC C‐900 WATERMAIN LF $40.00 745 $29,800.00 75 12" PVC C‐900 WATERMAIN LF $55.00 6110 $336,050.00 76 DUCTILE IRON FITTINGS LB $11.00 3885 $42,735.00 77 ADJUST VALVE BOX EACH $450.00 2 $900.00 78 REMOVE HYDRANT EACH $750.00 1 $750.00 79 REMOVE GATE VALVE EACH $300.00 1 $300.00 $524,050.00 $52,405.00 $576,455.00 80 ADJUST FRAME AND RING CASTING WITH INFI‐SHIELD (SANITARY) EACH $650.00 4 $2,600.00 $2,600.00 $260.00 $2,860.00 81 REMOVE BITUMINOUS TRAIL SF $2.00 40000 $80,000.00 82 RECLAIM BITUMINOUS TRAIL FULL DEPTH SF $3.00 39500 $118,500.00 83 REMOVE CONCRETE WALK SF $2.00 1910 $3,820.00 84 TYPE SP 9.5 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (2,B) TON $60.00 1592 $95,520.00 85 5" CONCRETE WALK SF $7.75 125 $968.75 86 SAWING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT (FULL DEPTH) LF $3.00 680 $2,040.00 87 SAWING CONCRETE PAVEMENT (FULL DEPTH) LF $4.50 145 $652.50 88 CONCRETE PEDESTRIAN CURB RAMP SF $14.00 2820 $39,480.00 89 TRUNCATED DOMES SF $45.00 448 $20,160.00 $361,141.25 $36,114.13 $397,255.38 $2,045,473.76 $572,732.65 $2,618,206.41 28% INDIRECT COST TOTAL TOTAL ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST 10% CONTINGENCY CONSTRUCTION SUBTOTAL: SUBTOTAL SCHEDULE D: SANITARY SEWER 10% CONTINGENCY TOTAL SCHEDULE D: SANITARY SEWER SCHEDULE E: TRAIL SUBTOTAL SCHEDULE E: TRAIL SUBTOTAL SCHEDULE B: STORM SEWER 10% CONTINGENCY TOTAL SCHEDULE C: WATERMAIN TOTAL SCHEDULE E: TRAIL 10% CONTINGENCY TOTAL SCHEDULE B: STORM SEWER SCHEDULE C: WATERMAIN SUBTOTAL SCHEDULE C: WATERMAIN SCHEDULE D: SANITARY SEWER City of Lakeville, MN 2  Engineer's Estimate     Feasibility Report 170TH Street Reconstruction Project City Project No. 20-04 APPENDIX C Assessment Map ID Preliminary Assessment Roll 1FLAGSTAFF AVE170TH ST W 173RD ST WEXPERT CT173RDSTW EVENTIDE WAYDODD BLVDFARRAGO TRF L AGSTAFFWAYWFAIRHAVEN AVENORTH CREEK DR 16 9T H S T W 1 66T H S T W EVENTIDEWAY FIRESTONEPATHFIRMANCTFALKIRK TRL FARADAY CTFIELDCREST CT ENFI ELDWAYFAIRHILL AVE 169TH ST W ENDEAVORLNFIRESTONECIR FIR E SID E L N FAIRHILLCTE N FIE L D CTFALCONAVEFIRESTON E C T FARADAYLN F A L L B R OO K D R FIELDCRESTAVEF A LL BROOK C TFAIRMEADOW WAYELM CREEK CTE V ENING TERRACE ELMCREEKLNEVERESTPATH F I RT REEP L FESTAL AVEEUCLID AVEETHELTON AVEPILOTKNOBRDENCHANTEDCTENGLISHPATHDODD LNENFIELD PAT H FINC H P A T H FAIRMONT AVEFIRESTONEWAY170th Street Reconstruction Project Parcel Assessment 0 400 800200 Feet Project Location Assessment Parcels ² Project Name:170th Street Reconstruction ProjectDate: 10/21/2019City Project No.20-04Project Location:BUSINESS NAMEUSE DESCRIPTION1222650001010 INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DIST 192 ATTN: ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 20655 FLAGSTAFF AVE FARMINGTON MN 55024 5580 170TH ST W NORTH TRAIL ELEMENTARY RESIDENTIAL 7 5,394.57$ 37,762.00$ MAP ID PID170th Street Reconstruction ProjectSF RES. EQUIV. UNITSPROPOSED ASSESSMENTZIP CODE PROPERTY ADDRESSFEE OWNER ADDRESS CITY/STATEUNIT ASSESSMENT RATEFEE OWNER170th Street: Flagstaff Avenue to Pilot Knob Road (CSAH 31)FEE OWNER ADDRESS (CONT.)     Feasibility Report 170TH Street Reconstruction Project City Project No. 20-04 APPENDIX D 2019 Geotechnical Report – Log of Test Boring !( !( Fieldcrest CtFirestonePathFirestoneCirFlagstaffAveFirtreePl170thStW FieldcrestAveFirestoneWayST-2 ST-1 o 0 12060 Feet 11001 Hampshire Avenue S Minneapolis, MN 55438 952.995.2000 braunintertec.com Project No: B1908307 CMF 8/1/2019 NL 8/28/2019 Soil Boring Location Sketch B1908307_Bores Drawing No: !(Denotes Location of Standard Penetration Test Boring Figure 1Sheet: 1 of 4F:\2019\B1908307\GIS\B1908307_Bores.mxdDrawing Information Project Information Drawn By: Drawn Drawn: Checked By: Last Modified: 1 2 3 4 1 inch = 120 feet 170th Street West Reconstruction Project Flagstaff Avenue to Pilot Knob Road Lakeville, Minnesota Geotechnical Evaluation !( !(!(rhavenCtF a i r h i l l Av eFairhavenAveFairmontAveFairmeadowWay 170th S t W Fe sta l Ave ST-5 ST-4 ST-3 o 0 12060 Feet 11001 Hampshire Avenue S Minneapolis, MN 55438 952.995.2000 braunintertec.com Project No: B1908307 CMF 8/1/2019 NL 8/28/2019 Soil Boring Location Sketch B1908307_Bores Drawing No: !(Denotes Location of Standard Penetration Test Boring Figure 1Sheet: 2 of 4F:\2019\B1908307\GIS\B1908307_Bores.mxdDrawing Information Project Information Drawn By: Drawn Drawn: Checked By: Last Modified: 1 2 3 4 1 inch = 120 feet 170th Street West Reconstruction Project Flagstaff Avenue to Pilot Knob Road Lakeville, Minnesota Geotechnical Evaluation !( !(!(Eventide Way169th S t EventideWayFairhillLaFairhillAve170th S t W 169th S t Everest Path Eve ning Te r F a i r h i l l A ve ST-7 ST-6ST-5 o 0 12060 Feet 11001 Hampshire Avenue S Minneapolis, MN 55438 952.995.2000 braunintertec.com Project No: B1908307 CMF 8/1/2019 NL 8/28/2019 Soil Boring Location Sketch B1908307_Bores Drawing No: !(Denotes Location of Standard Penetration Test Boring Figure 1Sheet: 3 of 4F:\2019\B1908307\GIS\B1908307_Bores.mxdDrawing Information Project Information Drawn By: Drawn Drawn: Checked By: Last Modified: 1 2 3 4 1 inch = 120 feet 170th Street West Reconstruction Project Flagstaff Avenue to Pilot Knob Road Lakeville, Minnesota Geotechnical Evaluation !( !( !(EnfieldWayEn fi e l d Ct 169th S t PilotKnobRdEnfi e l d P a th 170th S t W ")31 ST-10 ST-9 ST-8 o 0 12060 Feet 11001 Hampshire Avenue S Minneapolis, MN 55438 952.995.2000 braunintertec.com Project No: B1908307 CMF 8/1/2019 NL 8/28/2019 Soil Boring Location Sketch B1908307_Bores Drawing No: !(Denotes Location of Standard Penetration Test Boring Figure 1Sheet: 4 of 4F:\2019\B1908307\GIS\B1908307_Bores.mxdDrawing Information Project Information Drawn By: Drawn Drawn: Checked By: Last Modified: 1 2 3 4 1 inch = 120 feet 170th Street West Reconstruction Project Flagstaff Avenue to Pilot Knob Road Lakeville, Minnesota Geotechnical Evaluation (OHY 'HSWK IW      :DWHU/HYHO'HVFULSWLRQRI0DWHULDOV 6RLO$670'RU5RFN86$&((0  3$9(0(17LQFKHVRIELWXPLQRXVRYHU LQFKHVRIDJJUHJDWHEDVH ),//3225/<*5$'('6$1' 63 ILQHWR PHGLXPJUDLQHG6DQGZLWK*UDYHOFRQWDLQV 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