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October 17, 2019
Chair Kaluza called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City
Hall. The pledge of allegiance to the flag was given.
Members Present: Chair Pat Kaluza, Vice Chair Scott Einck, Brooks Lillehei, Jason
Swenson, Karl Drotning, Jenna Majorowicz, Jeff Witte
Members Absent: Ex-officio Mike Lamm
Others Present: Daryl Morey, Planning Director; Frank Dempsey, Associate Planner;
Penny Brevig, Recording Secretary
3. Approval of the Meeting Minutes
The September 19, 2019 Planning Commission meeting minutes were approved as
4. Announcements
Mr. Morey stated that a revised The Moments of Lakeville planning report dated
October 17, 2019 was distributed to the Planning Commission at tonight’s meeting.
5. Moments of Lakeville
Chair Kaluza opened the public hearing to consider the application of Elizabeth
Wright, Waite Holdings, LLC and TMSC of Lakeville, LLC for the following, located
south of 162nd Street (CSAH 46) and east of Kenyon Avenue: A. An amendment to
Sections 11-72-7, 11-73-7, 11-74-7, and 11-75-7 of the Zoning Ordinance, and B. A
conditional use permit to allow the connection of principal buildings across a property
line for interior pedestrian and vehicle use in the C-3 District and to allow a six-foot tall
chain link fence in the required front yard in the C-3, General Commercial District.
Patrick Sarver, with the Civil Site Group Inc., Amit Sela and Elizabeth Wright were in
attendance at tonight’s meeting to answer any questions that the Planning
Commission may have.
Associate Planner Frank Dempsey presented the planning report. Mr. Dempsey
briefly explained the history of this property. He stated that the proposed expansion
of The Moments of Lakeville memory care facility, which included the combination of
Lots 1 and 2, Kenyon Retail, was approved by the City Council at their April 15, 2019
meeting. The Moments representatives have subsequently determined that
combining the two lots will not be possible so now the applicant is requesting approval
of a Zoning Ordinance amendment and conditional use permit to allow the connection
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, October 17, 2018 Page 2
of principal buildings across a property line for interior pedestrian and vehicle use in
the C-3 District, as well as a conditional use permit for a fence in the required front
yard in the C-3 District.
The connection of two separate buildings on two separate lots by an enclosed
pedestrian walkway is not currently allowed by the Zoning Ordinance. According to
the applicant, the lots cannot be combined into a single parcel due to private financial
institution requirements even though the memory care facility is owned and managed
by the same group.
A draft ordinance amendment to allow connection of principal buildings across a
property line as a conditional use was prepared by The Planning Company (TPC), the
City’s planning consultant, which would apply to properties within the C-2, C-3, C-
CBD, and O-P Districts.
Mr. Dempsey stated that a revised planning report was distributed at tonight’s meeting
which includes the performance standards for the connection of principal buildings
across a property line by conditional use permit, which was inadvertently left out of the
original planning report and which Mr. Dempsey briefly reviewed, along with four
additional stipulations having to do with the building connection.
Mr. Dempsey reviewed the previously approved fencing for both lots and the proposed
CUP for the current fencing request, which is outlined in detail in the October 17, 2019
revised planning report. He also indicated that all stipulations of CUP 19-11 shall
remain in full force and effect except as amended by the proposed CUP which includes
3b, c and g.
Mr. Dempsey stated that Planning Department staff recommends approval of the
Zoning Ordinance amendment and conditional use permit for the building connection
across a property line and for the fencing on The Moments of Lakeville lots, subject to
the eight stipulations listed in the October 17, 2019 revised planning report, and
adoption of the Findings of Fact dated October 17, 2019.
Chair Kaluza opened the hearing to the public for comment.
There were no comments from the audience.
Motion was made by Drotning, seconded by Lillehei to close the public hearing
at 6:10 p.m.
Voice vote was taken on the motion. Ayes - unanimous
Chair Kaluza asked for comments from the Planning Commission. Discussion points
• Commissioner Witte asked if the solid fence height variance that was approved
in 2017 was being withdrawn and if the headlight issue related to that variance
was resolved. Mr. Sela indicated that there were challenges with meeting wind
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, October 17, 2018 Page 3
load requirements for the proposed solid fence and that is why they are now
proposing the black vinyl chain link fence. They will be installing special window
levelers in an attempt to solve the issue with headlights shining through the
• Commissioner Witte asked if the applicant owns more land to the east of their
building and if so, what do they plan to do with the land. Mr. Sela stated that
they are proposing to install a beautiful English garden in this location, including
a small accessory building with toilets and mechanical equipment. There will
be class 5 walkways through the garden.
• Commission Drotning commented that it seems that The Moments of Lakeville
has been developed on the fly with changes that keep coming back through the
Planning Commission. He hopes the development team will be more efficient
with their ideas and plans so they don’t have to keep coming back to the
Planning Commission. Mr. Sela expressed his appreciation for all the support
the City has given them.
• Commissioner Drotning has been and still is concerned with the parking
requirements for this project. He asked that the parking requirements for
residential care facilities be reviewed as part of the next Zoning Ordinance
update. Mr. Sela assured him that there will be enough parking for the existing
building and proposed expansion.
Motion was made by Swenson, seconded by Einck to recommend to City Council
approval of a Zoning Ordinance amendment and conditional use permit for The
Moments of Lakeville to allow the connection of two principal buildings across a
property line and a six-foot tall chain link fence in the required front yard in the C-3
District, and adoption of the Findings of Fact dated October 17, 2019, subject to the
following eight stipulations listed in the October 17, 2019 revised planning report:
1. The proposed fence on Lot 1 and the existing chain-link fence on Lot 2 requires
issuance of a fence permit by the City prior to installing the new fence on Lot 1. All
fences shall be constructed of black vinyl coated chain link and shall meet Zoning
Ordinance requirements. Screening slats or other non-durable screen material
shall not be installed on the chain-link fence.
2. The black nylon mesh screening material on the existing fence on Lot 2 shall be
removed prior to the issuance of a permit for the new fence on Lot 1. If screening
is desired by the property owner, English Ivy or comparable vegetative screening
shall be planted to grow on the chain-link fence along 162nd Street.
3. The 12-foot tall solid privacy fence approved by variance on November 20, 2017
shall expire.
4. The Zoning Lot designation that combined Lot 1 and Lot 2 shall be rescinded by
Planning Department staff.
5. Plans showing exterior building materials of the connection that are consistent with
the exterior materials of the principal buildings must be submitted with the building
permit application for the new principal building and connection.
6. The property owner shall submit an agreement meeting the requirements of the
proposed Zoning Ordinance amendment for review by the City Attorney prior to
City Council consideration of the conditional use permit. The agreement shall be
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, October 17, 2018 Page 4
recorded prior to the issuance of a building permit for the new principal building
and connection.
7. The City Engineer shall review and approve the grading and storm water
management design for the structure connecting the principal buildings prior to
issuance of a building permit for the new principal building and connection.
8. The structure connecting the principal buildings shall comply with Building Code
Ayes: Swenson, Majorowicz, Lillehei, Kaluza, Einck, Witte, Drotning
Nays: 0
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:21 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Penny Brevig, Recording Secretary