HomeMy WebLinkAboutLA175563 PERMIT City of Lakeville Permit Type: Building 20195 Holyoke Ave Permit Number: LA175563 Lakeville,MN 55044 (952)985-4440 * L Fl 1 7 5 5 6 3 * www.ci.lakeville.mn.us Date Issued• 11/14/2019 Site Address: 5895 176th St W Lot: 001 Block: 075 Addition: Section 11 Twn 114 Range 20 PID: 22-01100-75-010 Use: * 2z — (� 1 1 (� PJ - 75 — (� 1QJ �k Description: Sub Type: Mobile Home Install Construction Type: V-B Work Type: New Description: Census Code: - Occupancy: IRC-] Zoning: RSMH Square Feet: 0 Comments' NEW INSTALL 2020 SCHULT 28 X 56 DW MOBILE HOME. Fee Summary: Description Amount Revenue Code Mobile Home Installation $90.00 ]000-4151 Surcharge- $1.00 $1.00 1000.2127 Total: $91.00 Contractor: - Applicant - Owner: Woodlund Homes Country View Lmtd Ptnshp 5184 Fallbrook Ct 1500 Mcandrews Rd W Ste ]00 Wyoming MN 55092 Burnsville MN 55337 (651)462-4601 I HEREBY AGREE THAT THIS WORK WILL BE PERFORMED ACCORDING TO: (1)THE APPROVED PLANS& SPECIFICATIONS;(2)THE APPLICABLE CITY ORDINANCES&CODES;AND(3)THE MN STATE BUILDING CODE. ;�� t ApplicanbPermitee: Signature Issued By: Signature 11- �3-I� LrVI MANUFACTURED HOME PERMIT � officeUseOnl APPLICATION Permit Nu be� �� '� I,— CITY OF LAKEVILLE ' / , ' � BUILDING INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT Received By - 20195 HOLYOKE AVENUE � - �v1 " � i. � LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 Date Received 952-985-4440 �. �v�v�a�.lakcvillcmn.goc ee Total REQUIRED FOR APPLICATION: Q Completed Park Manager Approval Form � Manufacturer's approved installation manual ❑ Separate Electrical Permit GENERAL INFORMATION H MEOWNERS NA� COUNTY . L ` �,�`�� �E LOCATION/ADDR��� � . CITY ` � ...�- , MAN FACTURED HOME BRAND DEL `� SERIAL NUMBER OF HOME DATE OF MANUFACTURE �� 1.� ��I�S HUD or STATE LABEL(S)NUMBER(S)(If home was anufactured prior to July 1, 9972, no label number required.) Is the home located in a park? Na of Park ❑ No ❑ Yes `j SUPPORT SYSTEM Support System Seal Foundation Type: ❑ Ground Frost Depth ❑ Basement ❑ Crawlspace w/frost ❑ Engineered ❑ Other Approval Alternate Soil Bearing Capacity Method of verification SYSTEM ITEMS (Utility WOrk): (Enter completed by, if installer state installer, if homeowner state homeowner, if other give name of person, company name, license number ifknown.) Se r: � � � - -J _ t��- lb W r: - "I �- 41 S: � �i -- �l��-���'�� I �trical: (By licensed,elec a contra or or.homeowner) (Park installation requires electrical contractor.) � �'����re2a� �' 1'�l�" ��0 ANCHORING SYSTEM Anchor System Seal Number: ANC� �UFACTURER'S NAME MODEL-PART/PRODUCT NO. � Soil Anchors est Probe Torque Value (in Ibs.) Concrete Anchors: Other anchor system: �No �Yes � No � Yes INSTALLER INFORMATION 1 hereby certify that the Support System and Anchoring System on the Manufactured Home listed will be completed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and the Minnesota State Buildin Code. MN REGISTRATION NUMBER INSTALLER COMPA Y NAME LICENSED/REGISTERED INSTALLERSSIGNATURE: MI- - p `" Email Address: Phone Number: OFFICE USE ONLY MANUFACTURED HOME PERMIT APPLICATION USE AND OCCUPANCY: �-�'�`% BUILDING CODE `> CONSTRUCTION TYPE y � � IRC DWELLING TYPE �y���� ZONING REQUIRED INSPECTIONS: �FOOTI NG �TIE-DOWNS AND BLOCKING �BUILDING FINAL(copy of Systems Test Affidavit) PERMIT FEE: ,., � PERMIT FEE: $ �� SURCHARGE: $ � �� TOTAL: $ 0.00 � ��� �— BUILDING INSPECTOR:,�(e1��r�--- ' ,<i;-^�=��r-��-- DATE: 1�� '�I',i��:r'� COMMENTS: ��i��� ,��, ���� `, �t��,� �-.���� lf ��-st�� �' G�! �����, i� �l-���y��� MANUFACTURED HOME PARK °�°`��°°��� MANAGER APPROVAL -� CITY OF LAKEYII.d.E Received By BUi[.UIIvG INSPECTlONS DEPARTMF�IT 20145 HOLYOt�AVF�'UE �R�a� LAl�VII.LE,MN 55044 �.. 952-985-4440 w�vw.labeviillemn.gnv REQUIRED FOR APPLICATION: park Manager approval form with stte plaa un reverse. Manufgctnrer's apprnved installation manual. Applicatiom m�st be made 24 houra before instail�tion of home and reqnest for inepection. This form must be conepleted a�d signed by the Park Manager. This completed form �S required at the time o.f aPPlication for all building permits. � JOB STTE ADDRESS:� , MANUFACTURED HOME PARK: INSTALLER INFQIt14�ATTQN: NAME O WN R CONTitACTOR DUING WORK: PHONE: ' "' CONTR STATE LICEN #: — � � � STREET ADDRFSS' 1�1AI\TUFACTURED HOME iNFORMAI'iUN: MANUI�ACTURER: ��(111 S'Y YEAR HONI�WAS MANUF.:t� YEAR OF SEAL: s�t(/I� SERIAL#:��. � DIMENSIONS OF HOME: �S� Y i� DA�ENSIONS OF LOT:;, x � �d AgE'THERE ANY R M ADDTTIONS,PORCHES,DECKS OR ACCESSORY BUII.DINC3S7 YES Nn_�._ iF�ES,STAT'E TYPE AND SIZE: I HEREBY AGREE THE INFORMATION ABOVE I5 CO AND ACCURATE. I HAVE PERSONALLY IriSPEC1'ED THE SITE AND THE HOUSE FAD FOR WITH ALL CITY ORDINANCES AND TI� MII�3NESOTA STATE BUILDIIVG CODE. �� �3���0 l� pARK MANAGER'S SIGNATURE: DATE: SITE PLAN MUST BE SHOWN ON REVERSE SIDE. IN LUDE ALL ADDTTIONS,ACCESSORY BiTII.DING5, DISTANCES FROM LOT LINES,EEISEMENTS AND ADJOTNING HOMES. OI�'FICE U5E APPROVF.l�BY: _ DATE COMIvi�NT5 __ — ___..._ — ' _� — (REVISED 1?J28/2017) , v c�' `L,�� .�� �..,�2.�5 —----� �-- �` � � � � �� � � � � � � � � . � 4 � � � .-" � ., n' �'�� h Z-l✓ �o Cto�� G� � F�tt -��a� �f��. �� �l 2n� +o Vn«�� ��.-..� . . o , a _ . .e \'�-� -�- r��1., _� ''- __ _ _ __ ____ _ - - ---- - __, _ - _ _ . . . _ __ _ _ ___- - , �q i; sg i ;�.I , f c, , . � . �,. 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S � - i � ❑ C G� _-Q- �1 �__r ❑ ❑ � , � . � � � , � , � � , , , ;D; 1 1 � r � - I ' � ''--D � �-,. i i T ,,, , �:__-- _ i i-- --� I L. .�__riiri i i . � p�.�` .r G;_a r .-E i i i � ; ; ❑ i� �� - �J i � � t� � , � � I � -- ; ,. , 1 , i ' -------------------- � � `--------------------------�------------- - - ; -- ---- ---- -- ---------- � r------. 1 � ,,� - � _`-?-__ ._.f�._. j_, � -� �'.'. -` �-'--'_– � ��_= ---- —_--- :� : savrce e�raiweE icctNo .;�' � E.�'EICCTRICRL UROP II / i /1 DI•prvERlxi ING RtOa � 3� �i•✓l Olicl T'90'f�h�S 1'�✓� � /ci�+� � �ate: - '� f-: �i) 1�.- �f�l . �-'I . .'f. "1H's.!= F i iN ��I F I '.li-� '--: � ������� �I P i v,�n� �,o� � c-� � ���" ��� , � �r , iLL LOCNTIONS NFE MPRpkINi1TE � . . � HLL�NCf KMIILNIIOM 559 S0.�I.Of CFiM'.Y4CC NSP rQil: I�(fpp.9pf10M M1914 9pq 27.-8. --, 4M71Lfl11011 IS B�SCO 0+N�50.IN.0�Y[NI fpR CKR7 AA S0.!i. )19 50.IN.�KNT IEpIIACD IS IBEtiiIOI 10 I!(pV[Nf�t ROGQ MICIM�11(1p(.� r CNN45PIKC PoKa NIM iu'pNYCO vaPOR f[iPFOCR rNrtR10..d[91CN �i5 vFN(S�EEOCO!52`..�. ix.CN[w i.(lMWrlp�MAr eE[0!67MI[IED UP IO i IR'MI�EP� hNT 11Fi1 9C YIMIN J fl.Of fNO�CONEP ]BO S0.IM.1(Nlllflild IMIRLCO hIM11U 10 CpPC191iC fqf Pqp71R�lON IM!65ClH�IQ[MKCS BiMO RRICS � R E V 1 S I 0 M 5 BY r pNTE j----" �"G C N C R P L N O�E 5.�._.�.._��I�G IlilC MORL KK S0.ff. SCHULT MH28 i roonw s�as v+xr s�o a xn ffar;�c w+ctn n�a vax Lws � 2019 NHSHINGTON-368818 f 559 Id�EN�0 IxS�RtRrIGM+WR tGi woe[a rOCil�.t SII:�F, ' P( �� ��� RNlt 0[5C9IP7ION IqRt ND. ; 954 28x56 3BR-ZBR R5628-PRTRIO7R5 CLAYTOId H01� BUILDIN(3 GROUP ;99 1 /Z BEAM SpAC!N o�«� o�«.��� o�,c��M�co �E��. SSM 10�30�2019 10�30i2019 21-PS-99 ���� � $�����t�►���•c���=�� ���X �Subje t tv Field I��p�etion ,Uf � 1 !� � —. Inspector Date C1 Jab Site Copy ity Copy i �j �� ���'�L�) ���',r�:� ��Cf�`C�sl:�.,��l�l� t -— — =r -_`_� — -� -- __ —.. �—_._.._.__�,_ _... . .._ .... .. . ._.. ... .. . . ..__ . . .. . _. . ..._. . _ . ____ ..__. ..----._ _.. � ' TABLE 5.POINT LOAD ON fOOTINGS AT MARRIAGE LINE OPENINGS(LBS) I � 20 ft Max.Home Width � � � Roof Live Maximum Opening in Marriage Line(ft) I Load(PSF) 4 8 12 14 16 18 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 i i 20 1000 1600 2200 2500 2800 3100 3400 4000 4600 5200 5800 6400 7000 7600 � --- _ _ -- --- --- ---- - - --- ---__ --- -- ---__ ---- ----- 30 2000 2800 3600 4000 4400 4800 5200 6000 6800 7600 8400 9200 10000 30800 I 40 2400 3400 4400 4900 5400 5900 6400 7400 8400 9400 10400 11400 12400 13400 I �I - - --- - - - -- -- - -- ----- i 60 3200 4600 6000 6700 7400 8100 8800 10200 11600 13000 14400 15800 17200 18600 ' 80 4000 5800 7600 8500 9400 10300 11200 13000 14800 16600 18400 20200 22000 23800 ! ; 100 4800 7000 9200 10300 11400 12500 13600 15800 18000 20200 22400 24600 26800 29000 ( , ---- _-- ---- - -- -- ------ -- -_ _ _ - _- _- - -- -__ _ __ _. _ - -- ' 120 5600 8200 10800 12100 13400 14700 16000 18600 21200 23800 26400 29000 31600 34200 ' � TABLE Sa.POINT LOAD ON FOOTINGS AT MARRIAGE UNE OPENINGS(LBS) i 24 ft Double Section/36 ft Triple Section Max.Home Width Roof Live Maximum Opening in Marriage Line�ft) ' I ! load(PSF) 4 8 12 14 16 18 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 i I 20 1120 1840 2560 2920 3280 3640 4000 4720 5440 6160 6880 7600 8320 9040 ; I ------- - -- -- - - -- -- - -- ---- --_ --- ! ; 30 2320 3280 4240 4720 5200 5680 6160 7120 8080 9040 10000 10960 11920 12880 � i 40 2800 4000 5200 5800 6400 7000 7600 8800 10000 11200 12400 13600 14800 16000 � ; � �-- ---- -- - -- ---- --- - --- ----- -_- --- — - -- � i 60 3760 5440 7120 7960 8800 9640 10480 12160 13840 15520 17200 18880 20560 22240 j I 80 4720 6880 9040 10120 11200 12280 13360 15520 17680 19840 22000 24160 26320 28480 I i - -- - -- --- ---- -- -- ----- ' i 100 5680 8320 10960 12280 13600 14920 16240 18880 21520 _24160 26800 29440 32080 34720 i I 120 6640 9760 12880 14440 16000 17560 19120 22240 25360 28480 31600 34720 37840 40960 , j I TABLE Sb.POINT LOAD ON FOOTINGS AT MARRIAGE LINE OPENIN65(LBS) � i 28 h Double Sectfon/42 ft Triple Section Max.Home Width ; Roof L(ve Maximum Opening in Marriage line(ft) � � Load(PSF) 4 8 12 14 16 18 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 20 1240 2080 2920 3340 3760 4180 4600 5440 6280 7120 7960 8800 9640 10480 i -- --_ __-_._ --- - --- - -- -- -- ____ � i 30 2640 3760 4680 5440 6000 6560 v7120 8240 9360 10480 11600 12720 13840 14960 i - --- - -- --- -- __ ---;� - - --- --- . _- __ __- - __- � 40 3200 4600 6000 6700 7400 8100 8800 10200 11600 13000 14400 15800 17200 18600 � i ___ _ - -- -- -___ _ _---- --- -- i 60 4320 6280 8240 9220 10200 11180 12160 14120 16080 18040 20000 21960 23920 25880 � 80 5440 7960 10480 11740 13000 14260 15520 18040 20560 23080 25600 28120 30640 33160 i -- - ----- -- - - -- i � _300 6560 9640 12720 14260 15800 17340 18880 21960 25040 28120 31200 34280 37360 40440 120 7680 11320 14960 16780 18600 20420 22240 25880 29520 33160 36800 40440 44080 47720 i 1�ji11!!!;i/j, I �.�G tN tij,�'=r, I , \\`�� .��.•R�p�•.e�':��` ; N � :5 C/ ' � � � I � ., ; ` a s i j - ' A(;RICU� UR ¢ i ... . ' : ' � r���i� � ; _ , � ':,/L ��►rn%=Ar� ���; A I � �p �.,�{[, ! ��'i��''•U� "i �"��',SG��`'` i ,�I�• -.... ••N���� � i '��,,��TEN����� i � I � -- --------- --- -------- --- - ------ __ ------------ -----------� 22 r- - -- -- -���3=..:----rp.:�� � o , i �f F N��`,��,,]� :���:�,���j��'�f�� , ;� i ,_ _ __--- _ _ _ � _ _ __ — _. ___ — - -- — __ � - TABLE 6b.LOAD ON fRAME PIER FOOTINGS FOR HOMES NOT REQUIRING PERIMETER BLOCKING EXCEPT AT OPENINGS(LBS) Roof Load 2one and Max.Home Width(12"Max.Sidewall Eave Overhang) �I South(20 ps� Middle(30 ps� North(40 psf) I Pier Spacing 30/20 ft 12/24 ft 14/28/42 ft 16/32/48 ft 30/20 ft 12/24 ft 14/28/42 ft 16/32/48 ft 10/20 ft 12/24 ft 14/28/42 ft 16/32/48 ft j '� Upto 4' 2300 2624 2948 3191 2540 2904 3268 3541 2780 3184 3588 3891 � i >4'to 6' 3250 3736 4222 4587 3610 4156 4702 5112 3970 4576 5182 5637 ! >6'to 8' 4200 4848 5496 5757 4680 5408 6136 6682 5160 5968 6776 7382 j I� - _ __ _ _- - - _ - .___ _ . _ _ _ - - --___-- __ i ; >8'to 10' S150 5960 6770 7378 5750 6660 7570 8253 6350 7360 8370 9128 , ' j TABLE 6t.LOAD ON FRAME PIER FOOTINGS POR HOMES NOT REQUIRING PERIMEfER BLOCKING EXCEPT AT OPENINGS(LBS) i Roof Load Zone and Max.Home Width(24"Max.Sidewall Eave Overhang) ' South(20 psf) Middle(30 psfl North(40 psf) i � Pier Spacing 20 ft 24 ft 28/42 ft 32/48 ft 20 ft 24 ft 28/42 ft 32/48 ft 20 ft 24 ft 28/42 ft 32/48 ft � Upto 4' 2420 2744 3068 3311 2700 3064 3428 3701 2980 3384 3788 4091 i >4'to 6' 3430 3916 4402 4767 3850 4396 4942 5352 4270 4876 5482 5937 I i >6'to 8' 4440 5088 5736 6222 5000 5728 6456 7002 5560 6368 7176 7782 � i >8'to 10' S450 6260 7070 7678 6150 7060 7970 8653 6850 7860 8870 9628 � � Calculate Loads j Use Table 6d to determine the loads on supports below openings in the sidewall when perimeter blocking is not required. Find the row with the appropriate opening span. Then,find the column i � with the a ro riate floor width.The number in the intersectin cell is the load. I TABLE 6d.LOAD ON PIER fOOTINGS AT OPENINGS ALONG THE SIDEWALL(LBS) ! Roof Load 2one and Max.Home Width(24"Max.Sidewall Eave Overhang) i South(20 psfj South(20 psfj � Pier Spacfng 30/20 ft 12/24 ft 14/28/42 R 16/32/48 ft 18 R Pier Spacing 10/20 ft 12/24 ft 14/28/42 ft 16/32/48 ft 18 ft Upto 3' 1025 1100 1175 1244 1306 >5'to 6' 1400 1520 1640 1750 1850 � � __ _ -- ------ ____- --- _-_ --- --- -- ---- ---- ' >3'to 4' 1150 1240 1330 1413 1488 >6'to 8' 1650 1800 1950 2088 2213 � ___- ._ -- __-- -- ---- --- _ __ -- - -- -- - -- - --- - --- _ _. � >4'to 5' 1275 1380 1485 1581 1669 >8'to 10' 1900 2080 2260 2425 2575 ; Middle(30 psf) Middle(30 psf) i Pier Spacing SO/20 ft 12/24 ft 14/28/42 ft 16/32/48 ft 18 ft Pier Spacing SO/20 ft 12/24 ft 14/28/42 ft 16/32/48 ft 18 ft ; I j Upto 3' 1200 1300 1400 1492 1575 >5'to 6' 1680 1840 2000 2147 2280 � I -- __- _-_ _ --- - ------ ---- ___-- ----- - --- - _ _ _ ! >3'to 4 1360 _1480 1600 ll10 1810 >6'to 8 2000 2200 2400 2583 2750 � - - -- - - - - - - - --- --- __ _ _ � >4'to 5' 1520 1660 1800 1928 2045 >8'to 10' 2320 2560 2800 3020 3220 i � North(40 ps� North�40 ps� � Pier Spacing 10/20 ft 12/24 ft 14/28/42 ft 16/32/48 ft 18 ft Pier Spacing 10/20 ft 12/24 ft 14/28/42 ft 16/32/48 ft 18 ft I i � ��� Up to 3' 1375 1500 1625 1740 1844 >5'to 6' 1960 2160 2360 2543 2710 �i >3'to 4' 1570 1720 1870 2008 2133 >6'to 8' 2350 2600 2850 3079 3288 i _ _ - - - - . --- - _— - - - -- _- ----- -- - --- -- � >4'to 5' 1765 1940 2115 2275 2421 >8'to 10' 2740 3040 3340 3615 3865 � , �- - ,- - � ` �. er���ZC����f`�-.r- /m��sic_. �_Y1 ��A�.��I.��I� ,.l�l�'�°� ��.�;i.���Y°3-ic .�0).��u���;, � _� _ _ _ _�_.'_'__ __ _. � _ _� _. _ _ . _ _ �._—. � __ __ . ', . i ;il�� -;� . — _ I �� "'E ' " `'- STEP 3. DESIGN FRAME AND PERIMETER.����!� 'fi�`.�.pt�es ' With Perimeter Blocking) �+``` �''°'y��'�� ��; ;�- ,`�"' •,` �,�G,"� G; , o. ' DETERMINE LOCATIONS t� � ��'"d r ���,�,f � :,__�, , I �,m S� ' Depending on design and location, some homes require regula���p2� f��S� W-� , � ,� ; ports along all of the sidewalls and marriage walls in additien to• me"'st�pp�1��f7eqwred,�� • perimeter support locations will be identified by labels attached�ilong th�-�t#m of th� �f s�'�`.t i'. Spacing frame supports. ; ' sidewalis and marriagewalls and noted on the Data Plate.A�ier suppoYk i;vitl''�f�equt��d at:�' There must be a support � , � � � , � o � � I _ . .�� . ; � ��� �`ti------ _._ _ _ _------___..J ,. _- -___ _ _ Z s —__ _ ._ __ _ ----- —____ _ � A 25 `i�'�� '�'o �p� '' .����e� fi,i��'fl�'-��F���'!G�,� `t:�f��.•��, � ar �-. �., r.. , � , . � �_',�`� �,�;��:' e�e� � i f,�:t��` � ; � �. --_._ __ _ ----- ---------- — — __ _ _ -._ .__ -- -- . � -- - � - - _ � . _ � ' ���a�u �"�J'��� �r'�`� ��'�; r�� � 'a�'�� 1 �� �� � ��1'�E� „���,9�+��`��i' �1 `���� . �r'.Y�r�';�'�'�y,-(. .,,�f', � � I� 1 b I .�.�I C,.. �...�%�� '�J�F�'�i��"�'�ico2;: .�����w��F�k'�b� N.��i z. rj�.oi..�s�".�HNy�i lfw,,.��:7f y��i 4�pf' ��.; ���,si; ��. !� � � . �N . i .,�,,,' . �� �. ' � . . a,�-I� ThoY�.��'a; �� e�o.,� ` I I � _� _._. .1 � .-- . .... ..._ __�. _._ __ . . . . __ . , ,, '._ __' — .. ' —_._ '; STEP 5. SIZE FOOTINGS � ' Once the load on the footing and the soil bearing capacity are known, calculate the size � � of each footing as follows: ( 1. From Table 9 determine if the pier is to be of single stack blocks(8 inch x16 i inch)or double stack blocks(16 inch x 16 inch). � ' 2. Locate the group of columns in Table 10 with the soil bearing capacity deter- i mined in Prepare the Site,STEP 5. DETERMINE SOIL BEARING CAPACITY � i AND FROST LINE(p. 17). Use the next lowest value if the exact value does I � not appear. � 3. Find the row corresponding to the pier capacity required by Tables 5, 6 or 7. � Then, read across the table to determine the minimum required footing area for � i the corresponding pier capacity and soil bearing capacity. � 4. The required footing size and pier capacity may be changed by selecting differ- I ent support spacing. i , TABLE 9. PIER CONFIGURATION Pier Con- Maximum load(Ibs) � � "e I ' Height Configuration Without With u�`��y� � i, figuration � � � � Mortar Mortar � ( �� ��a a Y a � � Sin le Single stack blocks with long side rtF�� � y °� �, Stack L e s s t h a n 3 6 i n* p e r p e n d i c u l a r t o f r a m e I-b e a m o r 6,5 0 0 ; 7,6 8 0 �,;c'�,' y �y��0 parallel to perimeter rail (rim joist) �e�,��'�y Double � ' Stack 67"Max. Double,interlocked blocks 13,000 15,360 I ; _. ! Triple i Stack 67"Max. Triple,interlocked blocks 19,500 23,034 Re forced �08"Max." Double,interlocked blocks NA 39,500 �� 'Single stack piers may be constructed up to 54"max. height only when installed as pe- I rimeter and marriage line support piers. � � "Cross reference maximum allowable pier height with maximum floor height listed in ! ' frame tiedown charts. If maximum height listed in frame tiedown charts is exceeded then ' � designs must be provided by a registered professional engineer or registered architect. � � i ; I I .�`�''pVIN������,� ! ; `��� G,,.••p•l.�,.k�'��•,�� I `� . .� � � 'i : :;• � G�••; '� i .. • � � i ♦ • , ' = • �IGREC E _ i � I � = s � �' ; : �: ���� � � ; �- �.� ti.� , ' '����� •�����9 A�•• �`�` � ���i''���ti��������'�� �---- -------------- ---- --------- ------------------------------- I 31 - ---- _ - _--_. _ .,_. -- ii",1�� ,�1LF:� -:c�);ol`���';;1�=�;� � -; -� �- - - __ - ___- — — -- _--------- ------------ ----------------------, ; TABLE 10. FOOTING DIMENSIONS Note: Pier Soil Bearing Capacity(PSF) Round To calculate a square or rectan- i Capacity Re uired Footin Area square inches Footer qular footer: Ibs 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 4000 Diameter ; li i000 iaa_ _ lzs _ izs__ 1za iza i2e Length (in)x Width (in)=Area ' 1200 173 128 128 128 128 128 I -- _ _ - --__ � 1400 202 134 128 128 128 128 � Example: i 1600 230 154 128 128 128 128 ! isoo z59 1�3 130 lzs lzs 12s 16 in x 20 in=320 sq. inches ' I 2000 288 192 144 128 128 128 i � --_.__ _ _ __ _ _ _ I zzoo 3v zii Zss sza izs 12a To calculate a round footer: ' ____ _ _— -- � 2400 346 230 173 138 128 128 2600 374 250 187 150 128 128 � ; Zsoo ao3 z69 zoz i61 i3a i28 3.14 x .25 x Diameter(in)x Di- �, 300o a32 28s 216 173 la4 1ts ameter(in)=Area i I 3100 446 298 223 179 149 128 � __ _ ---- , ; 3200 461 307 230 184 154 128 Example: For a 22°diameter I � 3300 475 317 238 190 158 128 fOOtlllg � - _ __ --- _ � 3400 490 326 245 196 163 128 I 3500 504 336 252 202 168 128 3.14 x .25 x 22 in x 22 in =380 � � -- - -- --- -- � _ 3600 __ 518 346_ 259 207 173 130 1 sq. inches � 3700 _ 533 355 266 213 178 133 � 3800 547 365 274 219 182 137 8 ' ? 3900 562 374 281 225 187 140 ( ii 4000 576 384 288 230 192 144 i ; 4300 590 394 295 236 197 148 n ' i 4200 605 403 302 242 202 151 � ' i -- ----- _ - � 4300 619 413 310 248 206 155 � i - - - -- - --- - h ' i 4400 634 422 317 253 211 158 � i 4500 648 432 324 259 216 162 i � 4600 662 442 331 265 221 166 I 4700 677 451 338 271 226 169 , _ ------ , ! 4800 691 461 346 276 230 173 i 4900 706 470 353 282 235 176 j 5000 720 480 360 288 240 180 5200 749 499 374 300 250 187 � -- -- - - - -- - - I 5400 778 518 389 311 259 194 ; 5600 806 538 403 323 269 202 5800 835 557. 418 334 278 209 � i 6000 864 576 432 346 288 216 I 6200 893 595 446 357 298 223 I 6400 , 922 +614 ' 461 369 307 230 � -- �-- ---- - 6600 ' 950 634 475 380 317 238 i - -- ---�--- _ _ __ _ -- - � j 6800 r 979 653 490 392 326 245 � 700 1008 672, 504 403 336 252 �1�����il�j��, i 7200 1037 91 ,,S18 415 346 259 �\�� 'N A w r.'� ' -- - . � 7400 3066 710 33 426 355 266 � G .• .�r;4e �; I � 7600 1094 730 5 438 365 274 ��� ;'� (Z�� F/1/C.� �/j i ; 8500 --- - 1224 .._. 816--- 612- ` 490 408 _ . .._ 306 4 '` •:�� / ,y �" i '� 9000 1296 864 648 518 432 324 : : ���CU� UR , P ':, --- - _ __ __ _ _ _ - - - � - : r�� �' iE ; 9500 1368 912 684 7 456 342 ;,, � � - -- -- --_ n • 10000 1440 960 720 57 _ 480 360 .. ; � ----- -- � . i 10500 1512 1008 756 605 504 378 � � •�'."YU ���C� {1,,�;�/��►`� i i 11000 1584 1056 792 634 528 396 h ��v'�'.;e(J� .' �C1J�.o�1�t ;, ; 11500 1656 1104 828 662 2 414 �/�� Gj�� � 12000 1728 1152 864 691 576' 432 ��/�OF TEN���'' ' ---- --- - - ---- i 12500 1800 1200 900 720 600 450 ��1i��(l=.i��, I -- --- -_ _ _— - _ I 13000 1872 1248 936 749 624 I -- ----- -- -- - - _ ---- - � 13500 1944 1296 972 778 648 486 ; ; � I ':; 14000 2016 1344 1008 806 672 504'� J � , � ----- - -- - - - - __ ; 14500 2088 1392 1044 835 696 522 � ' 15000 2160 1440 1080 864 720 540 � i I _ --- __—__ _ - � I 15500 2232 1488 1116 893 744 558 16000 2304 1536 1152 922 768 576 ' i li..__.... . ... ......_ __...._.__- ___...... _.--__..... . _.__.._.._... _._._-_'__'_ '__..'._ ._._'___'_ _'_..........__.'__'_"_ ..___ _...____-__---.._._._._ _..'_.___--_-____._.____J --- - 32 '.�' •� �,.+.....�._..__�..., v.� �.��v .�.�_..�"' _ „��. �.. - _ _..-�'" �' _ �i.� -__ ._'._"��a..a.�..._..r__�__ '_ ' _ � .1 � ��� � � • W � o SEP 22 2008 _, � �� Y T � �Q�� a ; a F��� .� Faundat�pon System Q � 1 :, � lns�a!'lation ln s l�ar Wind 2one i, , � ��� '; By '�"le Do .� . ��'"'� u� ,� ,�N c�� . v, � � , L :� a t3R '� �� � � nc �i � Easy fn�sqatian � +� o i o W ' • Stabipzs�pi�tex and nfapor�l trame tte ��, �g� �F� I���`� �' + a r e a e t re q u i r e d i n m o�t r e t-e p s � 2 2• 4 ��i p����'��' • tronpltudirt�t stabflis�t�an is easit g ad�ed � a � ' wlth Tte Do�m'�I,SD s�ut kit. � �. . �ti . �' � Heevy peltiaNzed ao�(n�*un�tilcet a�a�. � :j ya. �� � HEQUIREM�N3S :i • In8te11 in eu�y iype of SOii, k � �' -�_�'� � 48�175-275 Ibs.)or better. � • Ma�dmum verbcal projection at sk4ewall -: ., ,� is 9'.Hipher wratis may be used when the � design{oads ar�adjusie�accord�qgly. . ' • AAa�fin raH spacing must be 75.5'-�9.�" � , � • Add�iona!vert+cal anchor ties that are �� � - �� u�it�e fo a home`s desiprr may be requk�d • ,� -a by the tiortie�u�[►aec Tt+ess laa6ioris �U � . .,Y�t1'� � .,m,. . � ma�Y lndude sh�'tMals,marr�ape I�e tidge � � . r� ; beam SuppOrt p�ls,and[In7 pia�es. 1he r���''���� �� � ; / .� lat9�d'ir�[ �n j cwnponeat.of the Xi2 s repf�s end irame tles.Check maul�;fi�s ��� �1 . set up�equi�ame�s. ; • Nlaximum pier heipht is 4$", ` � Systems must be p�ed��rerdy as - � � �.no rr�re#�an�from end of hame. � . � �maY eeded#or r�oofi , .� slapes oreaier than�(i degrees,(43]"9n�2" ' �r � ��)see�4. X72 Ground f�ystern ' .,��,::_::r � . i • Two systems des�ned to uaor�in co WI�i P.HC1101� ��n� ���rl*15tri6!!�1 �.neov�er (Ona 8#x+ut forWMd Zone I ; • Wirid Zones[i&1U re�i�s sidewall ancf�nrs. rwn 5rnrr��nr w�nd Zonss l����f) �u.s� ss �� ��,���. N�N� a :X12 componerrts exceed HUD code 928a 3U7p'A+�cahor�np equipment expoaed to w�tt►er�ng shal!hava a J; restst�►►'ce to w�ierdeterloradnn atleast equlwalent fo that prov�ded bya coating afzlnc on sfee/afnot � ►ess than o.30 oUr,Qes vers�re foot ot surtace coatfng....• � � , ; � . . . _.._ .. . � � � . � • • • � � �r . j. � � � ! l i SD-SU # 7 9/22/8 Xi2 F ""°°��'., t� i oundation System WZ-I,II & III � , - .�: -°. � �� T�lu �-Q t�l� �' � �t'`�`� �' � ` Y -� _ � � SEP 22 2008 � Insta[la#ion of La#eral System �, � � 1. Identiiy the number of systems to be used on tl�e home usinp the ch�rt ab4ve. 4 Fea�,u�a„�a rn , •2. tden�fy Ehe foc�tion where the tateral systems wil)be insfalled. �" � 3. C1ear ail orpanic matt�and debris from the ped site. �'� � 4. Place pad c�rtered under beam w�h the lateral strut bractcet towards the inslde of the home. � 5. Press o�drlve pan lirto�roynd un�l tevel and fiush witl�p�epared sur�ace. B. Bui[d pier acoonding to State�l.flcai or Home fiAanufacturers g�idefines.(�lgur+s�� 7. .Att�cn the end af aie smau�tube#o the inside a pan usi�g ubac 8 nuts pravided 8. Att�ch the f�a�end oi�ie larqer tubs�O ttte oppasite!-beam using the"J�bolt nuer the top af the i-bsam with the nut 8 washer prov�de�. (��ura 2) 9. Insiail a mi�n�n af iour(#t2 x f"tek saeu�s)self-ta{�ir�Q scr+�ws irrro t�ialss pr�vided'm the laberal stnd sti fhat tbe iwo htbes at�a oot�ed tog�her,(Figu� �) . i,'!✓4"rubos J� Nt�t d�wushar ��� _ l�fer�t 5trure � 11� � fS:rq��4 R Q p �t:�,�,+: ... ' ;�... `_'__ . a:kS...���:i'�"�` � !-1IZ"'�irbie ,��� '�`�'�`:�' Y, c,,y i. -� �A•..•�•°:�: ,; (fJFp's»d �g �� r:i:. �3 2'$: �y'i.u�',•� :iJY.�'+�.+�.:-��. t�' ��.i���!�',�'i �, � v'nVj �..LI`�:�.�. [ (A�:�{4i11! „�C�. � . �)1.�...p`P'6 pr':.i •1�i. � � r��•�X� T+��'y11 'w',-i .;'.'a x:� �''� :d'° .)f;°�= /� + . .+`4�`9a��.Y�SJ iOR� .nj^�•AAtS�N�'` �'!. �,,i 6 ;�.ss'`�'� ���F $ t�:L����'�Y1`hP � vr �eia L t�7`�A f��= � �j . � . . . ... �C�IIIOIIH� .�`�-f��r. �� � �`/► ' Frgurrs 2 � Xi2 Lateral $#abilizatton Pier P�acemeet . � AiM�10f' � '� � � � 1 � 1 �w�� t � ��Bf 1 ( t PI�p9t11@II� � 1 - i � �� 1 � 1:J"_� 1 . i �0% • , � t 1 � Siag1�Sa�tion Home-WZ 1�11 Donilo Sa�tion Hnme•1MZ 1 d�N ?tipie So�ion Ham-WI i 8�li 0-7�Box 2 X12 Systems 0-76'Box 2��Sys#ems 0-76'Box 2 Xi2 ems Over T6'Box 3 Xi2 Sy�tems Over 76'Box 3 xn�mQ_-----���Q.�. .��v�,�--- ...._ .__.__.. _ �....—.�..__.:....»._,�.._._._,..., Si�1e SaHon Haa�-WZ ai Dodbk�ec��Home-WZ! � � D-64'Bmc 2%i2 SYsterr�s 0-54'Sooc 2 Xi2 S;ysGen����� �� Over 84'Bax 3 Xi2 Systems Ovar 64'Box 3 X�2 Sysbems ' 3 Xf2 ��WHI����,�W p�/w/1rp�7ryy , i�ii p 0/�if/fRE�11�/�f Q�di���� Ot M�01AB M��� . ND1E: QS�ram repre�ts sa�le�ctior�up to 16'widih,doubie sac0o �p b 32'wklih, • and trl�ple section fiomes up to 48'wfOth. •�+-*-M�--• . , � __.- _. _.. � i +v � . �� t.._. � . , - - t a , ' s • � • � . • .. i / / I a � . � • r ' f l 1 _ � 2 ,4, 9" ° c � � � �1/i '� 'O � � A Y � � �' ��M � �SEP 22 20U8a 4 � Q ° � Instattation of Longitudtnai Stru#s � ��„ m Lon�it�idir�!stab11fzation can be cambined e�namicaily witt�the%i2 Lateral Sysbem.Combi�ing LSQ st�ts wi� � th�pad for i�e iaterat system saves brr�e and matedaf cos�s. Wh�anmbin�ng tfi�e�terai and toRg�tudinaf$ystems, uss t�e pfacsmer�di�tions for the Iatera!system. I�alla�on o1 Lon�itudinal Stn�t� ��m8 .1. identity ths mqn�r oi systems t�be usecl on the �nd � �,,,.. �- � - � h�me using the chart belaw �. .�--`` .� , �.-:�. - -�,�� 2. Gearali organic rnatterand debr�s from##re pad site. �� S. Place u-[Ho�tho�h hates provtded. AttaGh lock � � h; � ;-° :�� washers on u-l�att,on the fop side af pan ��� �, -� . _{�" ' �l� ,�`�;;;�.�' 4. Pr�ess�r dr�►e pan�to Qround until fevel and nush -� .-- .,;� � with f�epared surtace. "'''�= 5. Bulld pler ac,coMing to State,loral or Home .- � ' . Manufacturers guldel�es. a 8. Ins#a11 freme bracket clamps ta 1-beam an to ��d ,���,��� �t. ��� ��''='� side cff bl � �' �� o�isr.Do not htsn nuts at this�me, t� �.�,�� 7. Insert u-bolt throuph mamt brack�,at�ch w�h nut �:���:_:�� oe auld bqft.�o�t0�#ipittet�1t thls�me. R,,�, . .0 8. Insert strut f�the trame brackeR alamp,at�ch with r,,. ���.� ��r�. n�t and bo�.Do nat tt�h#en at this�me. ...z7�t"t' Y,: � Lyt :; �-� ��:� , �-;� °$� ` 9. Pull t�e frame b�acket damp wltb the fastened shut 4_.�::e...s.:� f�uL�MA���v���Vii/R��V14 � 1fl.T�phtie�a(I ntns and boit�on the s#n�s and beam clamps. . Xi2 Lonpit�tina� P�s� Piacement � . � Xlz�ystem ' � � i ' ��i����t �� � 1 I � , � � � � � � � � A � � � � � 1 flse OIIB Strut�pet e�dj r ' i 0 � FOt 1�IL I e � � e � � Sj11QI8 S8C�t4fl Double Sec�Wn • Tripie Secti�n Up t�iS'Nomlaal Up to 32' Nominal uR ta 9$' Nominat Ihte fiRro S6u1�(per end) For W�t 1!611t �Ihen p�er with LSD strt�fs fs used vrtl�as lonp�ftudina!stab���fion,System�s my�� as even/y spaceri as posstble, no more than i0'trom the end ot�e home. _.. ._ ..__.. ... . � .. . _. _, . ..._ __. _ ...... .� . , . � _ + � F � - r � ♦ • I • • � I i.F 1' � � � � .� �. , o - ' �' � ► 1 _ _ . _ . � 3 v �' [ e . � � � Y � � � �� �� � � - Mumber of XiZ Systerns Re�uired for Roof Pitches Higi�er than 20 degrees �D�u� ��d��I Wind Z�ne II Wind Zone i�l F�e�tj 5h2 ;;��:: 7:12 '�Y:" S12 F�:' 7:12 � _ � r . ,�'; x12 ��° 7:12 �:�+f2 _, � 2 r'"�� Z._ � 2 r �:�f 2 4'.�`` 2 '� I' a Kf,,� - � 2 2 � �= 3 :.�. �40 � Z t 2 �. _ 2_ - 2 Y 3� 3 �'�.".'."��.'� 4x 2 �-;�:=_= F 3 � 'x � � g � � a �,� � P', 44 ,� E.a: :::--'$ � $ 2�.r 3� ��� _ ..,.s'�.,, r. 8 - . � 2 ' � 3 � 2 i= ,t= 3 ,� �. g �' $ F g ��,. ''8� 2 r'" `' 3 c � �r 3 � 3 3 ` � 3 i � � `�� �,: 3 FS � � 3 ��g �L_. .. � � � ,4� y� *--- - � r 3s 3 �_�� ,;.. 3 ,��:' 3 �3�� �� q - W 3 ,.: g ��; 3 �.�� 3 > 3 � <;� 4 •;� . � .__ � ` - 9 g g_'�.` .c.:' 3 -$ S t " q • '" 3 ; � a 3 k .�r- g � � - g F t� ; 4 �.� �= � a0 3�;: � g _e3.. 3 f Y `�� 3 � y-' 8 €��.&�� 4 A>�� � , 6'l w 3 �`-���, g � � : g ,.. .; 3 ,:5�.� � t q :-�3 4 '`"'�'._ �_ � "' '� �#;�: S t �-:;' � =;��g 4 �' , 4 .�-_ X: 8 y•t.$ - 4 � �� •3 r 4 �4���: 4 ¢� �•r 4 �� . 3 .�! 4 � *! � 3 t q ; .:, q -, : 5 .'� : �.'. 70 w 3 �f�1 4 � .: �r 9 � # ' 4 � 9 }- P . F � 5 s���- r�: � 4 � 4 • 4 � _ � � ,,,, . s _ ��t 4 �.�. .,, ...� � � , .'�.: a :: � , . f a �:� . �. f , _ , r`' � `;���- �. � � 4 - q 5 ,�,.�� ��� 4 a:.;�'.- d ► { �r- _`° 4 4 �:- - 10 4 `���::� ' - A � ' .- : �`. �� � ��;5:' i=:';4� 4 %:�_�:'x �4 �=;::rs:' S -- :=;�`^� xt�6rou�d systam �'`�°'� � Part#58306 �� Inc�udes:5'StRrt,pad&hafdware. �O � — � , '� � L�onpnudintl St�llkMtt�HMdwa�+e Kit • '::�:� :`�°�a Part�i8) .;; : ����`y�,��!���"�� tncludes:2 I-Q�ot btaClcBts&2 U•bott5 `:,;���:��,;7',-�'•,�t,:t�.'- f„. wi1�ali nuts and botls. OrounA 8�tam :"'�'•�''.°�;:;; :��-'.i�� ��E...:�„ ���``��.' . � Strut�for i.onpita�in�i Stabilitaiion � .. *3 Part No. 3trut L�ng#h Pier Heig�tt U�'fo: 'S o �o 39330-30 30" 2 8loeks or 18' � � 5933tJ-39 39" 3 Biocks or 24' �� � l.oapiludi�l 59330-4�4 a4" 4 Bbcics or 32` Stebitttatioa 59330-53 53" 5 Blocks o�40" - NarAware Kit 59330-65 65" 8 Blodcs or 48' o,,���_� o„����� Fart�58331 : � sr �� � . + . + , ' � . . . , , � � � � . � . •' + t � � �E�I►� sa ,�' � � g'�'SEP 22 200� a '� Q � � ��