HomeMy WebLinkAbout19-148CITY OF LAKEVILLE RESOLUTION NO. 19-148 RESOLUTION AMENDING THE 2019 GENERAL FUND, COMMUNICATIONS FUND, BUILDING FUND AND ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES FUND BUDGETS BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Lakeville, Minnesota that the 2019 General Fund budget, the 2019 Communications Fund budget, the 2019 Building Fund budget and the 2019 Environmental Resources Fund Budget are hereby amended for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2019 as per Exhibit A, B, C and D, as attached hereto. ADOPTED by the Lakeville City Council this 2nd day of December 2019 Douglas rAnderson, Mayor Charlene Friedges, City Clerk CITY OF LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA General Fund Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances For the Year Ending December 31, 2019 Exhibit A 2019 GENERAL FUND BUDGET 2019 2019 2019 2019 YTD 12/2/2019 Final Adopted Amended Adjust Amended Budget Budget Res. No. 19-### Budget Notes Revenues General property taxes $ 21,327,427 $ 21,327,427 $ - $ 21,327,427 Licenses and permits 2,390,498 2,415,498 33,000 2,448,498 (6) Intergovernmental 989,590 989,590 42,547 1,032,137 (1)(9) Charges for services 2,734,249 2,734,249 31,400 2,765,649 (10) Court fines 346,000 346,000 - 346,000 Investment income 120,000 120,000 - 120,000 Miscellaneous 47,163 79,720 4,562 84,282 (9) Total revenues Expenditures 27,954,927 28,012,484 1111509 28,123,993 General government Mayor and Council 113,250 113,250 7,882 121,132 (2) Committees and Commissions 68,218 90,770 27,000 117,770 (3) City administration 477,506 477,506 10,790 488,296 (4)(5) City Clerk 148,586 148,586 - 148,586 Legal counsel 81,000 81,000 15,000 96,000 (7) Planning 580,515 580,515 - 580,515 Community and econ. development 375,237 375,237 - 375,237 Inspections 1,273,544 1,298,544 33,000 1,331,544 (6) General government facilities 607,324 607,324 - 607,324 Finance 804,429 804,429 804,429 Information systems 788,545 788,545 788,545 Human resources 527,997 527,997 - 527,997 Insurance 285,000 285,000 150,727 435,727 (8) Public safety Police 11,628,288 11,588,288 (27,000) 11,561,288 (3) Fire 2,034,937 2,044,942 19,747 2,064,689 (1) Public works Engineering 881,757 881,757 - 881,757 Operations and Maintenance 573,870 573,870 - 573,870 Streets 3,288,617 3,288,617 10,929 3,299,546 (11) Parks and recreation Parks 2,744,963 2,744,963 - 2,744,963 Recreation 745,137 745,137 745,137 Heritage Center 138,674 138,674 - 138,674 Arts Center 550,049 550,049 68,757 618,806 (9)(10)(12) Other 79,466 79,466 - 79,466 Total expenditures 28,796,909 28,814,466 316,832 29,131,298 Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures (841,982) (801,982) (205,323) (1,007,305) Other financing sources (uses) Transfer from other funds 766,482 766,482 766,482 Transfer to other funds (630,000) (1,225,000) (1,225,000) Total other financing sources (uses) 136,482 (458,518) (458,518) (2)(4)(5)(7) Net change in fund balance (705,500) (1,260,500) (205,323) (1,465,823) (8)(11)(12) Fund balance, January 1 14,970,310 14,970,310 621,904 15,592,214 (13) Fund balance, December 31 $ 14,264,810 $ 13,709,810 $ 416,581 $ 14,126,391 Exhibit A (1) Amend Fire Relief Association contribution resulting from increase in state aid. Expenditures: Other Charges and Services 19,747 Revenues: Intergovernmental 19,747 (2) Amend Mayor and Council budget for the addition of the Metro Cities Dues. Expenditures: Other Charges and Services 7,882 Revenues: Use of Fund Balance 7,882 (3) Amend Pan-O-Prog overtime for Police Department coverage that was originally anticipated to be reduced. Expenditures: Personnel Services - Committees and Commissions 27,000 Personnel Services - Police (27,000) (4) Amend City Administration budget for Envision Lakeville Webpage. Expenditures: Other Charges and Services 7,000 Revenues: Use of Fund Balance 7,000 (5) Amend City Administration budget for maintenance of the downtown flower pots. Expenditures: Other Charges and Services 3,790 Revenues: Use of Fund Balance 3,790 Exhibit A (6) Amend the Inspections Department budget to account for the contractual roofing inspections expense and the offsetting building permit revenues. Expenditures: Other Charges and Services 33,000 Revenues: Permits - Building 33,000 (7) Amend legal services for increase in expenditures. Expenditures: Other Charges and Services 15,000 Revenues: Use of Fund Balance 15,000 (8) Amend the insurance expense for the General Funds full share of the 2019 insurance premiums. Expenditures: Other Charges and Services - Liability Insurance 150,727 Revenues: Use of Fund Balance 150,727 (9) Amend Arts Center budget for the Arts Grant and related expenditures. Expenditures: Personnel Services 16,800 Commodities 562 Other Charges and Services 10,000 Revenue: Intergovernmental - Grants 22,800 Miscellaneous - Donations 4,562 Exhibit A (10) Amend Arts Center for pottery and painting class popularity, delayed fiber connectivity project costs and projector replacement. Expenditures: Expenditures: Capital Outlay Personnel Services 8,250 Commodities 6,500 Other Charges and Services 11,400 Capital Outlay 5,250 Revenues: Charges for Services 31,400 (11) Amend Streets Department for computer stands requested in the 2020 Equipment Fund request. Expenditures: Capital Outlay 10,929 Revenues: Use of Fund Balance 10,929 (12) Amend Arts Center budget for repairs to the gutters at Arts Center that were damaged by a wind storm. Expenditures: Other Charges and Services 9,995 Revenue: Use of Fund Balance 9,995 (13) Amend the budgeted (estimated) January 1, 2019 Fund Balance to reflect the actual January 1 Fund Balance. Actual Fund Balance, January 1, 2019 15,592,214 Budgeted Fund Balance, January 1, 2019 14,970,310 Increase Fund Balance, January 1, 2019 621,904 Total Expenses 15,263,992 Revenues 111,509 Use of FB Reserves 205,323 Total Funding 316,832 2019 COMMUNICATIONS FUND BUDGET Exhibit B 2019 2019 2019 12/2/2019 Final Adopted Adjust Amended Budget Res. No. 19-### Budged es Revenues Franchise fees $ 687,840 $ - $ 687,840 P.E.G. fees 57,948 - 57,948 Intergovernmental 516 91,258 91,774 (2) Charges for services - - - Investment income 2,058 - 2,058 Total Revenues 748,362 91,258 839,620 Expenditures Personnel services 461,880 - 461,880 Commodities 14,900 - 14,900 Other charges and services 310,530 66,937 377,467 (2)(3) Capital outlay 59,500 - 59,500 Total Expenditures 846,810 66,937 913,747 Other financing sources/(uses) Transfer from Enterprise Funds 140,242 - 140,242 Transfer to General Fund (80,866) - (80,866) Total Transfers 59,376 - 59,376 Net Change in Fund Balance (39,072) 24,321 (14,751) Fund Balance, January 1 498,704 432,087 930,791 (1) Fund Balance, December 31 $ 459,632 $ 456,408 $ 916,040 (1) Adjust the budgeted (estimated) January 1, 2019 Fund Balance to reflect the actual January 1 Fund Balance Actual Fund Balance, January 1, 2019 Budgeted Fund Balance, January 1, 2019 Increase Fund Balance, January 1, 2019 (2) Amend the 2019 adopted budget for Dakota County's share of the fiber project Exhibit B 930,791 498,704 432,087 and revised cost estimates. Expenditures: Other Charges and Services - Fiber Project 59,937 Revenues Intergovernmental 91,258 Increase Fund Balance (31,321) (3) Amend the 2019 adopted budget for the cost of the public dashboard on the Envision Lakeville webpage. Expenditures: Other Charges and Services - Envision Lakeville 7,000 Revenues Use of Fund Balance 7,000 Total Expenses 66.937 Revenues 91,258 Use of FB Reserves (24,321) Total Funding 66,937 Exhibit C 2019 B UILDING FUND B UDGET 2019 2019 2019 YTD 12/2/2019 Final Amended Adjust Amended Budat Res. 19-### Budget Notes Revenues Charges for services - Antenna Rental $ 421,761 $ - $ 421,761 Investment income 24,735 - 24,735 Donations/Other 7,380 11,245 18,625 (1) Total revenues 453,876 11,245 465,121 Expenditures - Capital outlay General government 88,435 - 88,435 Public safety Police 140,935 62,488 203,423 (2) Fire 15,300 - 15,300 Public works 246,325 - 246,325 Parks and recreation 101,530 11,245 112,775 (1) Total expenditures 592,525 73,733 666,258 Net change in fund balance (138,649) (62,488) (201,137) (2) Fund balance, January 1 1,198,111 119,411 1,317,522 (3) Fund balance, December 31 $ 1,059,462 $ 1,116,385 Exhibit C (1) Amend the Arts Center budget for Liquor donations received for the Art Walk project. Expenditures: Capital Outlay - Arts Center 11,245 Revenues - Donations 11,245 (2) Amend the Police budget for the building display project that was proposed to start in the later part of 2018, but was delayed to 2019. The amendment is for the appropriated funds from 2018. Expenditures: Capital Outlay - Police Station 62,488 Use of Fund Balance 62,488 (3) Amend the budgeted (estimated) January 1, 2019 Fund Balance to reflect the actual January 1 Actual Fund Balance, January 1, 2019 1,317,522 Budgeted Fund Balance, January 1, 2019 1,198,111 Increase Fund Balance, January 1, 2019 119,411 Total Expenses 73,733 Revenues 11,245 Use of FB Reserves 62,488 Total Funding 73,733 Exhibit D 2019 ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES FUND BUDGET 2019 2019 2019 12/2/2019 Final Adopted Adjust Amended B i gg Res. No. 19-### Budge Notes Revenues Total Revenues Operating Expenses Personnel services Commodities Other charges and services Total Expenditures Non-operatin¢ revenue Intergovernmental Investment income Total Transfers Contributed capital Transfers from other funds Transfers to other funds Depreciation Total transfers and depreciation (net) 1,636,903 - 1,636,903 444,935 45,635 490,570 34,248 - 34,248 1,161,000 60,000 1,221,000 1,640,183 105,635 1,745,818 120,292 - 120,292 3,140 - 3,140 123,432 - 123,432 24,525 - 24,525 (224,626) - (224,626) (16,240) - (16,240) (216,341) - (216,341) Change in net position (96,189) (105,635) (201,824) Net position, January 1 831,205 330,078 1,161,283 Net position, December 31 $ 735,016 $ 224,443 $ 959,459 (2) (3) (1) Exhibit D (1) Adjust the budgeted (estimated) January 1, 2019 Net position to reflect the actual January 1 Net position Actual Net position, January 1, 2019 1,161,283 Budgeted Net position, January 1, 2019 831,205 Increase Net position, January 1, 2019 330,078 (2) Amend the 2019 adopted budget for the new Forestry Technician position that was approved by Council during 2018 but was not yet reflected in the Environmental Resources budget. The start date of the new employee was mid- May 2019, therefore the 2019 costs reflect only a partial year of the position. Expenditures: Personnel services 45,635 Use of net position 45,635 (3) Amend the 2019 adopted budget for the emergency Kenyon Ave Culvert replacement that occurred during 2019. Expenditures: Other Charges and Services -Kenyon Ave Culvert Replacement 60,000 Revenues Use of net position 60,000 Change in Expenses 105,635 Change in Revenues - Change in net position (105,635)