HomeMy WebLinkAboutLA109118 , . PERMIT City Of LakeVille Permit Type: Electrical 20195 Holyoke Ave Permit Number: LA109118 Lakeville,MN 55044 (952)985-4440 * L R 1 QJ 9 1 1 8 * www.ci.lakeville.mn.us Date Issued: 12/OS/2008 Site Address: 8755 Upper 208th St W Lot: 000 Block: 078 Addition: Section 29 Twn 114 Range 20 PID: 22-02900-051-78 Use: Comm Ed Bldg/see Nancy * Z z — � Z q � � — (� 5 1 — 7 8 * Description: Sub Type: CommerciaUIndustrial Addn/Rmdl Work Type: Alter/Remodel Description: Wire Power Pole Comments: Fee Summary: Description Amount Revenue Code Electrical Commercial (Minimum) $39.50 1000-4167 Surcharge(.50) $0.50 1000-2127 Total: $40.00 Contractor: - Appl;�ant - Owner: Helm Electric Holyoke Professional LLC 21596 Vernon Avenue 6440 Flying Cloud Dr Ste 203 Lakeville MN 55044 Eden Prairie MN 55344 (952)461-2460 I HEREBY AGREE THAT THIS WORK WILL BE PERFORMED ACCORDING TO: (1)THE APPROVED PLANS& SPECIFICATIONS; (2)THE APPLICABLE CITY ORDINANCES&CODES;AND(3)THE MN STATE BUILDING CODE. Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature � Z � } ELECTRICAL PERMiT APPLICATION �5��_ CTTY OF LAKEVII,LE Pern►it Number BUILDING INSPECTIONS DEPAR'TMENT _ 20195 HOLYOKE A VENLTE � %'-I�'e=�erv�d�y�1 :,: ; ; � '; LAKEVILLE,MN 55044 � ' 952-985-4440 Da;]R�eceived www.cilakeville.mn.us '� _�—_.__. DAT'E 12/4/08 YOUR E-MAII,ADDRESS helmdaue�a integraoniine.com STTE ADDRESS 8755 UPPER 208 TH ST TENANT COMM EU BLDG SUTtE NO. THE APPLIANT IS: ❑RESIDENT OWNER �CONTRACTOR ❑ARCHITECT/ENGINEER NAME RESIDENT OWNER �DRESS CTTY STATE ZII' DAYTIME PHONE#WHERE YOU CAN BE REACHED COMPANY NAME HELM ELECTRIC INC LICENSE#CA00832 ADDRESS 21596 VERIdON AVE CONTRACTOR CITY LAKEVIL.LE STATE MN ZIP 55044 OFFICE PHONE#952 461 2460 FAJ�#952 461 3057 CONTACT NAME DAVE OR RICK MARTINSON PHONE 612 599 9804 ❑SINGLE FA14ffLY ❑MUI,TI-FAMILX ❑S WINIlVID�TG POOL ❑TWO FAMII,Y ❑COMMERCIAI.IINDUSTRIAL �UNDEFINED PERNIIT TYPE �TOWNEIOUSE ❑MANUFACTURED HOME ❑SPRINKLER/ALARM ❑Meter Bank ❑(Contractor Only) ❑STGN ❑Single Meter ❑INSTIT[JTIONAL TYPE OF WORK ��W ❑��1TION �ALTER/REMODEL ❑MAINT'ENANCE/REPAIR ❑TENANF FINISH ❑DEMOLITION Only Licensed Electric$I Contractors can do work in a Townhouse that has meter bank instead of�ingle meters attached to the units. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WORK:INSTALL NEW POWER POLE SEE NANCY RESIDENTL4L FEES: New Construotion$85.00(84.50+.50 surcharge) Repairs or Remodel$40.00(39.SQ+.50 surcharge) COMMERICAL FEES: JOB COST: �69S.OQ Example: $12,000 Job Cost 1-1/2%of contract cost up to$1�,000 and $10,000.00 x 1.5% _ $150.00 i°1e of cost above$1d,000 plus surcharge. + $ 2,OOO.QO x 1% - 20.00 (Surcharge=Conuact Cost x.0005} + $12,000 x.0405 - 6.00 TOTAL = 40.00 TOTAL = $17b.OQ Minimum of 540.(Id(39.50+,50 stucharge) I hereb�apply for an electricat petmit and I acknowledge that the information above is complete and accurate;that the work will be in conforn�ance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Lakeville and with the Minnesota Building Codes;that I understand this is not a permit but only an application for a perniit and work is not to start without a permit;that the work will be in accordance with the approved ptan in the case of all work which requires review aud appmvai of plans. NAME OF APPLICANT(Please Print)DAVE 'FINS N Date 12/4/08 SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT: PLEASE NOTE:SEPr1RATE PERMITS ARE REt21JIRED FOR A1VY BUILDING,MECHANICAL&PLi7MBTNG WOI2K FOR 4FFICE USE 41�LY: TYPE OF WORK INSPECTIONS NEW FIRE ACCEPTANCE ADDITION TEST ALTER/REMODEL ROUGH-IN SERVICfi TRENCH FINAL PERMIT FEE PERMIT FEE; $ SURCHARGE: $ OTHER: $ TOTAL: $ PERMIT ISSUED BY: ��' � DATE: l�-f �' "�' � COMMENTS: (oilo1r�007)