HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-06-20CITY OF LAKEVILLE
January6, 2020
Mayor Anderson called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City
Hall. After a moment of silence, the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag was given.
Members Present: Mayor Anderson, Council Members Volk, Wheeler, Hellier and Lee
Staff Present: Justin Miller, City Administrator; Elliott Knetsch, City Attorney, John
Kornmann, Deputy Police Chief, Paul Oehme, Public Works Director; David Olson,
Community & Economic Development Director; Jerilyn Erickson, Finance Director; John
Hennen, Parks & Recreation Director; Daryl Morey, Planning Director; Charlene Friedges,
City Clerk
3. Citizen Comments: None
4. Additional Agenda Information: Mr. Miller provided updated information for consent
agenda item 6h.
5. Presentations/Introductions
Paul Oehme presented the Public Works quarterly report.
6. Consent Agenda
Motion was made by Lee, seconded by Wheeler, to approve the following:
a. Check register review
b. Minutes of the December 16, 2019 City Council meeting
c. Minutes of the December 16, 2019 special City Council meeting
d. Appointment of the Sun Thisweek as the official legal newspaper for 2020
e. Resolution No. 20-01 appointing depositories
f. Resolution No. 20-02 authorizing purchase and disposal of vehicles and equipment
g. Ordinance No. 1022 amending Title 11 of the Lakeville City Code concerning storm
h. Conditional use permit amendment for The Moments of Lakeville, findings of fact,
Resolution No. 20-03 vacating a public drainage and utility easement, and Site
Improvement Performance Agreement (as amended)
City Council Meeting Minutes, January 6, 2020
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L Professional Services Agreement with Northland Securities, Inc. for municipal advisory
j. Contract amendment with Payment Service Network, Inc. for expansion of online
payment portals
k. Resolution No. 20-04 issuing a negative declaration of need for an environmental
impact statement and Record of Decision for the Cedar Hills residential development
Voice vote was taken on the motion. Ayes - unanimous
7. Old School Addition
Bill Holmgren of Independent School District 194 requested approval of planning actions
that would allow the former district office building and parking lot located at 8670 210th
Street W. to be split off from the parent parcel and sold.
Planning Director Daryl Morey presented the preliminary and final plat of Old School
Addition. The plat includes one lot for the office building and parking lot and two outlots
to be deeded to the City. The remainder of the parent parcel that includes the two schools
and their recreational fields will remain unplatted and owned by the school district. Outlot
A includes the two existing skating rinks, the warming house and a storage building that
will be shared by the city and school district. Outlot B covers the South Creek tributary and
floodway. The rezoning of Lot 1 to Office/Residential Transition District will bring the
office building and parking lot into compliance with the 2040 land use plan. Portions of
the public drainage and utility easement are being vacated because the outlots will be
deeded to the City, and the easements are no longer needed.
A property acquisition resolution allows the school district to convey Outlots A and B to
the city. This includes a parking lot access easement agreement to allow access to the
skating rinks, warming house and storage building from the driveway connection at 210th
Street W. The school district will retain an existing easement for its fiber optic line.
Motion was made by Hellier, seconded by Volk, to approve the following:
• Resolution No. 20-05 approving preliminary and final plat of Old School Addition
• Resolution No. 20-06 vacating a public drainage and utility easement
• Resolution No. 20-07 approving acquisition of property and parking access easement
• Findings of fact and Ordinance No. 1023 rezoning property to Office/Residential
Transition District
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes - Volk, Anderson, Wheeler, Hellier, Lee
City Council Meeting Minutes, January 6, 2020
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8. Acting Mayor Appointment
Motion was made by Lee, seconded by Wheeler, to appoint Councilmember Hellier as the
Acting Mayor for 2020.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes - Anderson, Wheeler, Hellier, Lee, Volk
9. Unfinished business: None
10. New business: None
11. Announcements: Next regular Council meeting, Tuesday, January 21, 2020
City Council Retreat, Saturday, January 11, 2020
The meeting adjourned at 6:57 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Charlene Friedges, City Clerk'
Douglas P. Anderson, Mayor